thelastlivingme · 6 months
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When you’ve been so many different people it’s hard to know which is real…
In the end I think they all are.
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the-last-living-ocs · 11 months
The same scene, two year’s difference…
October 2021/ November 2023
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Accalyn being truly broken like this genuinely makes me wanna cry also hh
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theocinfodumpblog · 2 years
Let me introduce you to my OC Anthony (with a small side piece about his connections)
Commander Anthony Easton is the first officer onboard Luna, the starship tasked with the human race’s first peaceful mission into the wider galaxy.
He is (as of 2273) 30 years old, 6’2”, English pale with naturally black hair. He has a love for 20th and early 21st century history, particularly in the ways of transport and music. He loves driving (but he doesn’t get to do much on the ship) as well as being an avid reader and endlessly curious about the species and worlds they encounter. He grew up in the south(ish) of England, just north of London, and spent a lot of time in London as a young adult. He is bestowed with the ‘tism (autistic) and asexual panromantic.
He has a somewhat sketchy background, telling people he was in the military to explain his proficiency with guns and generally not talking about the years before he joined the United Earth Space Fleet (UESF). His resting expression is pretty much a full on scowl and his stature and build make him generally quite intimidating at first glance (when he’s not trying really hard not to be, which tbh he usually is). Despite this, he is a generally kind and gentle person, and very well liked amongst the crew, though his instinct to protect others can turn him to violence quite easily.
His three closest relationships aboard Luna are with Franz (the Captain, who liberated him from a life behind bars), Accalyn (his closest friend, an infamous figure in Earth’s recent history, having waged war on the human race, but he’s mostly chill now) and Corvyn (his partner, the CMO aboard Luna and Accalyn’s unfortunate nephew). They all have a bucketload of trauma, with Corvyn possibly having it the ‘worst’. Anthony has his own trauma but doesn’t talk about it much. He’s an excellent listener though.
Anyway, I love them all, and I hope you like Anthony :) lmk if you have any more questions!
Omg Anthony is cool :0
I think my only question is what is United Earth Space Fleet(UESF)?
Also, he's just like me - the ‘tism and ace
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Lil blinky animation for my boi accy because I found the animation tool on procreate and finally actually made something that works!!
This is the first time I've ever made a looping animation that actually works properly and looks good and even though it's simple I am so pleased with myself for it :D
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Aight this picrew is super cute so I wanna share some of the OCs I've made in it (and I'm tagging @imaginarymen because picrew fun)
Caitlin and Corvyn
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Jemille and (new lad) Eivyn
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And an Accy, ofc
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thelastlivingme · 2 years
Hey what if you talked about your ocs to me? Idk them but I just wanted to ask and read whatever you'd like to share. Have a good day!
!! Thank you for asking!!
I,, have so many OCs that there is absolutely no chance I can write them all here. It would be an hour’s read minimum,,
So, I’ll tell you a little about a few of them :)
Firstly, Accalyn. He belongs to an alien species known as Leveans. He’s 5’4” and in LUNA present time (i.e. the year 2273) he’s 46 y/o. He’s best known by others in the universe as the guy that declared war on Earth and held his own, alone, for 17 years, before ending it along with himself. Nowadays he’s a government secret (as it would probably cause mass panic if people knew he wasn’t dead) held onboard the Luna starship, as it was the only place willing to have him around. He is both a war criminal and also a little ragdoll character that i hold tightly and shake and he flops around in my brain (he’s depressed, somewhat pathetic and constantly tired and I love him). He is also somewhat of a comfort OC for me, somehow, idk why I try not to read into it.
And we move on to Franz. Now, Franz is human, the Captain of the starship Luna, and it’s been his dream to explore space peacefully since he was a really young child. He’s 48 now and only just been able to, but he’s achieved other dreams in the meantime, like marrying his husband and converting his family estate into a university. He has PTSD from watching his parents get murdered. He was in his mid-twenties and along with dealing with the pain of grief he had to sit helpless as Earth descended into war, with Accalyn aided by one of his parents’ inventions. He’s an inventor and physicist and created a lot of the technology now used on Earth and on Luna.
Finally, Kathryn, because I don’t talk about her nearly often enough. She’s not part of the LUNA present time, but a character from the pre-story set during (and a little bit after) the war. She’s 24 and human. She had a degree in electrical engineering, but moved to London when she was 21 to start her own vehicle workshop because she found that to be the most fun. She dreamed of being able to build spaceships one day, though she knew the war would have to end first as any ships taking off were simply pulled back to Earth again. She loved going to the independent bars and pubs around Central London, and just watching people going about their days, imagining where they were going and who they were and just inventing little stories for them. Once the war ended she started making plans to expand her workshop and build a spaceship, though they were never completed.
And that’s where I think I’ll stop, although I would welcome any follow-up questions ofc!
Thank you so much for asking about them! And,, I’m so sorry it’s taken so long to answer, I got so excited about it that I thought a lot about what to write and then didn’t actually write anything! I hope you found it interesting!!
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the-last-living-ocs · 3 months
Never done one of these things before but idk just thought it'd be fun.
Featuring my best boy Accalyn, one of his AU versions, him as a child and him between the ages of 32-45 :))
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thelastlivingme · 5 months
Oooo for Accalyn!
8: Would your OC consider themself evil?
9: Would you consider your OC evil?
OOOOOO now this is an interesting one...
I'm gonna answer 9 first because it's easier. No, I don't consider Accalyn evil. I don't really think of anyone in my world as evil, because I don't tend to think of real people as evil and I try to write characters with enough complexity that "evil" would be boiling it down. That being said, he definitely does evil things. He just also does a lot of good, it's just not seen. And at heart, he's not a selfish or mean person. So no, I don't consider Accalyn evil.
Now... Would Accalyn consider himself evil? I'm certain it's something that's been in his head. He knows that there are many people who think of him as evil, and he's definitely leaned into that reputation at times. I think there's only one thing he did that he would consider truly evil though, and that's what he did to Warriner (that's a long story but it was the only time during the war when he properly gave in to his sadistic appetite and allowed himself to be directly vengeful and cruel) which is probably the only time that his actual goal went completely out of his head. Everything else he sees as... not exactly justified but necessary. And he really did try very hard not to do things that weren't necessary (though his definition of that changed over time as he got more "comfortable" in his role). I think he'd probably have considered himself evil if he'd been his younger self looking on what he would do. But his boundaries changed over the course of the war, and lines were crossed that made it all a bit confused. I think, deep down, he doesn't think that he's evil, but he is afraid that he might be.
Thanks for the ask!!! Really enjoyed this one :D
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theocinfodumpblog · 2 years
You’re getting more infodump from meeee aaaaahahahahhaa i am so sorry
Corvyn time!
So, Corvyn is Luna’s Acting Chief Medical Officer (the actual chief is on leave atm). He’s 5’3”, a Levean (one of my original species for this world). He has a hidden obsession with hurt/comfort and long-form romance stories with happy endings, which he shares with his partner, Anthony (i already told you about him haha).
Corvyn is the nephew of Accalyn (aforementioned war criminal and all-around terrifying guy) and tried for a long time to keep this under wraps for obvious reasons. While Corvyn is very much against hurting people even when it’s ‘necessary’, him and Accalyn share a volatile personality, with Accalyn being too drawn towards anger in regards to seemingly hopeless causes, and Corvyn finding it incredibly difficult to settle into a relationship and as a consequence having many totally meaningless ones.
I won’t go into Corvyn’s trauma too much because you’d need a lot of tw for it, but I will say that he has been majorly traumatised (like,, marked moments of significance that affected him incredibly deeply) 3 times and the symptoms of it persist throughout his life. He has abandonment issues and therefore doesn’t let himself get into anything deeply with anyone, in case they leave him. He’s willing to try with Anthony because he reasons that Anthony is well,, not gonna use him for physical reasons,, which is entirely accurate. I’m happy to say that he does get therapy eventually (at Anthony’s suggestion) and improves considerably.
He gets along well with Kei and Yarrin, both of whom share his love of romance stories, as well as the Engineer second-class, Lucas (or L.U.C.A.S), an android and second-in-command of engineering.
He studied medicine on Earth and uses human medical techniques as, due to a condition known as Kadyn’s, he has no Aet’a (the innate telekinetic ability of Leveans). Most of the time he was on Earth was spent in Berlin, and he speaks German fluently. He struggles with English but is making an effort to learn.
Ok that’s enough for now! Hope you like him :D
Hes so cool :0 omg
Omg hes the type of character that need a text of trigger warnings, my favourite!
Also his name is so pretty, love it
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the-last-living-ocs · 2 years
Character Songs Tag Game
I was tagged by @sherryicesky
Game Rules: Choose one of your characters and list songs that fit them.
Gonna do Corvyn for this because I haven’t talked about his as much as Accalyn or Anthony
Love’s Made A Fool Out Of Me by Jon Allen
No More “I Love You’s” by Annie Lennox
Wicked Game by Chris Isaak
I’m a Fool to Want You by Frank Sinatra
The Winner Takes It All (From “Mamma Mia!”) by Meryl Streep
I’m tagging @imaginarymen and @mochi-can-draw because I love y’alls OC’s and I wanna see what music you think of them by! Ofc anyone that wants to join in as well :D
Btw I highly recommend all of these songs they are so good but they are also very sad hh bear that in mind haha
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the-last-living-ocs · 2 years
I love drawing Accalyn when he was young and happy. It reminds me that he actually was happy once and gives me motivation to let him be happy again. Despite everything I think he deserves that.
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Also I found the outfit on Pinterest and immediately thought "Accalyn would look amazing in that" so... How could I resist?
I love being an artist XD
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the-last-living-ocs · 3 years
If anyone guessed Accalyn for that post about eating human, you were right. He wouldn't do it for food, there are better meats out there, but he'll do it just to be fucking scary.
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the-last-living-ocs · 2 years
For the OC relationships ask game: 50 for any characters you want!
50. Is there anything that scares them about their friendship/relationship?
Oooo this is an interesting one! I think I'll take the friendship between Anthony and Accalyn here because it's,,, funky,,,
Yes. They have both been using the other as a sounding board for various secrets and potentially incriminating information pretty much since they met. Both of them know things about the other that literally nobody else does. It scares them both, not because they think the other person might talk, but because they've each found someone who is as fucked up emotionally as they are. They both worry that their friendship is based on nothing more than that (which isn't true).
Thanks for the ask!!
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the-last-living-ocs · 3 years
A small bit of actual story for once:
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Accalyns eyes focused on the horizon. "There are mountains in the distance. Why are there mountains? There are none in the stories."
Aferyn blinked slowly at him, "Stories can be wrong. But in this case, there are mountains because you are not where you think you are."
His laugh was humourless. "Well? There's not a chance I'd see Gadtyn."
Aferyn smiled softly, almost sadly, and confirmed. "No. Not Gadtyn, but not Fjeryn either."
"There is another?"
"Of a kind." They raised their head a little, gazing beyond Accalyn and into the distance behind him. Then turned to face the mountains, then back to him. "Come, let me lead you to where you are supposed to be. Where you are needed most."
"Needed?" He exclaimed, "Have I not done enough?"
"Don't fear, the road you have travelled is in the past, and you can make, still, a kinder future."
They lifted their head and looked over towards the mountains, then closed their eyes. A soft and perfect harmony of song seemed to ring from them, clearer and more beautiful than anything he had heard before, and Accalyn found tears welling in his eyes. He looked up at them, and found himself staring only into a night sky, dark and smeared with clouds. A light rain was falling. The first pink strokes of a sunrise glowed softly behind the mountains in the distance.
"Earth." He whispered to himself, and smiled. For the first time in 20 years, he found he was at peace.
Aferyn is the eternal guardian of the Levean concept of an afterlife (Gadtyn, realm of creation; Fjeryn, realm of destruction). Neither is inherently good or bad, it just sort of depends on the kind of people you want to be around. Gadtyn is often home to artists, musicians, writers, those with great visions of kindness, the loving, the giving, the selfless, the ones that long to explore, the ones that search for knowledge, who seek to better themselves for others. Fjeryn is home to fighters, warriors, those that incited or died in battle, great leaders, the vengeful, the selfish, the ones that destroy, the ones that better themselves only. The original names "Alvea Fjeryn" and "Alvea Gadtyn" translate roughly to "Land of that which has lost (in the context of destruction)" and "Land of that which has created" respectively.
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the-last-living-ocs · 3 years
This hurt to draw honestly but I needed it. If I have to be sad, Accalyn gonna be sad too.
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the-last-living-ocs · 3 years
Fun fact!
Accalyn's War is noted to have begun with the murder of several important diplomats meeting in council with Levean representatives, but if you ask Accalyn the war began a few months earlier when some of the aforementioned diplomats made an offhanded threat to Levea which brought to light several underhanded attempts to destabilise the Vynnkri government and allow a 'peaceful' invasion disguised as aid. The first outward act of war, however, would be the murder of Weapons and Communications specialists' Katherina and Georg Nikola.
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