#abuse implied -
altschmerzes · 2 days
Can I get a 🌤️ for mediafic? I know the upcoming chapter is out of your hands atm, but it is one of my go-to comfort fics (not coincidentally because there's SUCH good comfort happening!) and I've read it so many times.
yesss you got it!!!
here's a piece of dialogue (and the surrounding stuff XD) that is beloved to me, though i can't recall if i've shared it before so sorry if it's a repeat! this is when roy is talking to sharon after jamie's returned to training and roy is. not processing this all very well. -
“This would have been a horrific thing to see happen to any stranger on the street, and it would be completely normal and expected for seeing that to upset and even traumatize you. But it wasn’t a stranger on the street. You witnessed a terrible, violent attack on someone you care for.” Sharon pauses there like she’s waiting for him to sign off on the descriptor. The fact that she stops and waits, looking at him expectantly, is what makes Roy say it. The question implied in her expression, and is that how you would describe him - as someone you care for? strikes him hard in the chest. He finds it revolting. Not the idea that he does care for Jamie, but the idea that he might say that he doesn’t, that there’s any kind of doubt about that at all. It flips his stomach and turns his hands to stone. “Someone I love.” The correction is out before he can stop it. Or, not before he can stop it. That would imply that he had tried to, that he would have tried to stop it, and he wouldn’t. It’s the first time he’s said such a thing directly, in his own voice, with his own words, and it stings coming out. Like it’s the sort of thing Roy just doesn’t know how to say. Like it’s the sort of thing he should have said a long time ago. Now, the only thing that he can imagine in the world that would have been harder than saying that would have been not saying it. He swallows hard, clearing his throat to dislodge the lump that’s risen suddenly in it. Roy’s voice is hoarse, saying, “He is my… He is my family. This happened to my family.”
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cupcakeshakesnake · 8 months
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Inspired by this and the fandom headcanon that Susie's home life isn't... that great
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traumasurvivors · 6 months
Children deserve patience.
I remember all the times growing up that I’d get in trouble for something I said or did, and I’d get in more trouble when I asked for an explanation. I was told I was “talking back” or being a “smart ass” when I literally was just trying to understand.
I also find that I’d get punished for being emotional. Even if I didn’t handle them in the right way, that was an opportunity to teach me how to handle them better. Instead I got in trouble and it just taught me to suppress my emotions. And honestly? Adults have bad days and difficulty handling their emotions. But somehow as a child, I was punished for not being perfect.
I think, for my parents at least, they’d get upset and ask why I was disrespecting them or doing something to them. And I think that’s the problem. They took my actions to mean I was maliciously trying to upset them when that was never the case. Instead of sitting back and trying to figure out why a child might be doing what they’re doing, they took it personally and that’s what made them so angry. If you think someone is intentionally trying to upset you, it’s going to likely upset you. And that wasn’t a fair assumption to make.
Children deserve patience and the benefit of the doubt.
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thank you for hanging out with me today
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beetlelegs2003 · 9 months
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Heather and “The Hum”
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traumatoonz · 7 months
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I was doodling and it turned into this 🥹🤲🏽 babies ! ! !
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angelbvn · 1 year
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chaosomniac · 9 months
Friendly Shadow's scars
Autodale fandom, did you know the Friendly Shadow has barbwire marks on both arms? pictured here:
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they're not just textures, they pinch his metal inwards, likely originally smooth since he's meant to have Handyman arms
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it's never explained... maybe Hive used to hold him with barbwire, because it's metal and Handyman arms are strong? barbwire seems like a recurring motif in Dead Sound's art
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defectivegembrain · 6 months
Troy Barnes with a high school girlfriend who was also in the popular crowd and everyone thinks they're sleeping together but they just talk and cuddle and she doesn't necessarily understand exactly what's going on but she feels safe with him and would never tell anyone how sensitive he really is and it's the closest thing he has to someone really knowing him until Abed but he still won't cry in front of her he never cries since he was a kid and Nana Barnes told him boys don't cry
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the concerningly skinny boy from your apartment complex thats always with his brother on the roof
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crimeronan · 7 months
my mom called to say happy birthday and talk about my impending trip home to visit and then was like "so..... about your dad....." and then informed me that she and my sister have been discussing the logistics of how to have the most painless interaction with him possible. she was like "if there was a 100% chance he'd never find out, we both think you shouldn't see him at all. but...." and i was like yeah, no, i can't feasibly keep this trip secret. especially if i'm seeing his relatives.
and Then she explained that my siblings have worked out the Exact Logistics of how i can see him One (1) Time, with a set time limit, and then escape and not worry about him at all.
and then she was like well. obviously they're both coming with you too. they love to gossip about your dad's weird shit it'll be an adventure for the three of you!!
i..... didn't even tell any of them i've been stressed about seeing him. (although i DID tell them i didn't want to.)
she ended all of this with a laugh like "god, it really Shouldn't be this difficult," which is True, this is an insane game to have to play, but also. get you a family that cheerfully schemes like this. i'm feeling less stressed about my dad than i have in Weeks.
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marblebagcollective · 3 months
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there-will-be-a-way · 2 hours
05. September - Bathtub Girl
A lot of different triggers that I need to process and document.
I had very graphic nightmares last night. It started with me having to get married to my sister - which was so wrong. Then I dreamed of him. Being kept in a small, dark room. Being abused and something about the bathtub girl too.
Then, later today, I accompanied my roommate to the hospital. On our way there, during the bus ride, we had a conversation that reminded me of the bathtub girl too. I felt like crying. I was so close to having a full blown PTSD panic attack in the bus but managed to keep my calm. It made it feel like what I remember is real. At least it affects me.
Then later in the evening I watched a movie with my other roommate. Something about it triggered me too. The way the wallpaper looked in this hotel room. The dead people that were shown in the bathtub. I felt like I got so close to remembering the missing puzzle pieces. I felt scared I would have one of these bad movie like flashbacks that make me scream and cry in fear. I had to repeat to myself, I am safe. It is 2024. I am with R. and he is a safe person to be around. I am in his room. It is 2024. I am safe.
Then I went outside to smoke my last cigarette of the day and when I looked at the stars in the darkness, I was suddenly on that street again. In front of his house and I saw her face again. For a second. I saw it so clearly. When I went to my room again, I had to chant I am safe. I am safe. It is 2024. I am safe.
I'm scared to go to bed tonight. Scared of sleeping, scared of the dark. Scared of having nightmares, of having flashbacks. Scared of the missing puzzle pieces and of seeing her again. Of all of my memories, I fear her the most. I fear what he did to her, what he was capable of. I fear what he forced me to watch. And that he is still out there, that she is still out there and no one knows what was done to her. That no one ever found her.
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seven-meds · 1 year
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All those times
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traumatizedjaguar · 2 years
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Make me write!! 10 sentences for you!!
“You can hold her hand,” Arabella says from her spot at Satine’s bedside, Satine’s newly casted arm held gently in Arabella’s own hand. “You aren’t going to hurt her.” Nini glances down at Satine’s other hand lying atop the covers, bruised knuckles and chipped pale pink polish and IV disappearing into the back of her hand, and all Nini can think is yes, I will. She takes a step away from the bed, arms crossed. “She’s freaking me out,” Nini covers. “I’m not used to seeing her so still.” She can’t stand to look at Satine’s bruised and battered face, at the monitors and wires attached to her, tries to focus on other things instead, like the steady rise and fall of Satine's chest, or the foot she’s managed to kick free from underneath the blankets. Satine’s sock is all twisted and Nini wants to fix it for her, balls her hands into fists instead.
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