#absolutely bouncing off the walls these fics are so fun!
dontbelasagnax · 1 year
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So excited to share my painting for this year's @codywanreversebang ! Team Bread (#8) has been such a wonderful group of authors to work with. Links to their fics will be added as they're posted throughout the week <3
"Joys Found and Made" by historical_allusions
"endings mean beginnings" by @inkformyblood [their ao3]
"sourdough: flour, water, and starting over" by @shortcuts-make-long-delays [their ao3]
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chaos-in-deepspace · 1 month
LADS Zayne: Dirty Shave | 18+
This fic took me a solid week and a half to write. It was so much fun though. This is dedicated to my little meow meow because I'm waiting patiently for him to finish writing an Omega Zayne fic. Based off Hidden Motive however I started writing this before the card released so really it's just MC shaving his face and then fucking him. It doesn't follow the plot of the card so you can read it without needing to see the original.
For an easier time reading this, I put it on AO3 as well! I prefer reading long fics on there in case tumblr refreshes while I'm trying to finish.
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♡(ᓀ‸ᓂ)♡ Pairings: Zayne x Reader ♡(ᓀ‸ᓂ)♡ Warnings: Overstimulation, Showers, Unsafe Sex, Creampie, Riding, Facial Shaving, Caught having sex on the phone, Teasing, Jealous Reader, AFAB Reader, Gender Neutral Reader, Penis in Vagina Sex, Oral Sex, Cunnilingus, Top Reader ♡(ᓀ‸ᓂ)♡ Synopsis: You and Zayne were just relaxing in the shower together when you felt the stubble on his face. An innocent request to shave his face results in you sitting on his lap, teasing him until he's desperate and needy. ♡(ᓀ‸ᓂ)♡ Word Count: 15k
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Disclaimer: This is an original fan work for “Love and Deepspace”. Do not repost on other platforms or plagiarize. All characters shown in this fic is 18+.
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Dirty Shave
The music seemed to gently caress your ears as you swayed to the beat, enjoying the acoustics that the shower so willingly provided. It bounced wonderfully off the walls of the shower at the resort you had found yourself in with your beloved Zayne.
The man whom you held in such high regard was currently rinsing out shampoo from his hair, his back turned to you as you hummed the melody and watched. The water dripped off those raven locks and you couldn’t help yourself as you leaned up against his back, relaxing into him. Zayne stopped for a moment, turning his head to look down at you.
“Having fun?” His voice echoed out in the warm shower and you let out another content hum as you looked up at him. You had no idea how, but under the lights in the bathroom he looked even more breathtaking than usual.
“Yup, just enjoying this. Think we can renovate the shower at your place to be this big?” you asked and looked up. The shower had a wonderful waterfall feature, meaning both of you were under the spray of the showerhead and weren’t left in the cold. It was one of the few reasons you two didn’t often shower together in the mornings. You two had certainly tried, but Zayne always felt guilty when it was his turn under the sprayer and you were left almost shivering. You honestly had never minded since it was the perfect time to admire his form outside of sexual contexts.
“I can certainly look into it once we’re back,” he said, turning around so he was facing you properly. You shouldn’t have been surprised with how easily he accepted that, he had always been one to go with your whims. If you asked him for something he would make it happen within a few weeks normally. Renovating an entire room in his house? Of course he’d readily agree if it meant he could hold you in his arms like this. That and you could see he was clearly enjoying the feature judging by how this was the third time you’d showered together since you guys had come to this town for his medical convention.
“Come here,” his hand reached for your hip, pulling you closer. You felt your heart speed up for a second at the proximity before your eyes followed his hands. After you were closer he trailed his hands upwards with a gentle glide on your body that had a small shiver wrack down your spine. He reached over and got some shampoo and put a generous dollop into his hands. He then was running those large hands in your hair, scrubbing away anything that might’ve been in there.
His hands worked deftly as he massaged your scalp, applying the right pressure right where you needed it. You were absolutely melting into his grasp, closing your eyes and just letting him do whatever he wanted. His hands always felt amazing and now was certainly no exception to the rule. You swore if he kept this up then you’d find yourself falling asleep standing in the shower. Zayne smiled to himself as he saw how your head leaned into his touch out of habit; you always leaned into his touch like a small kitten the moment you had become more comfortable around him.
He then went and dipped your head back, letting the suds of the soap run down into the drain as he worked his hands a little more, tangled in your locks and then the base of your scalp. He was working you thoroughly and you let out a small, happy moan at the attention. Your hands reached up to gently hold onto his forearms, fingers gently tracing over a few of the scars.
You could hear him chuckling as he then leaned in, pressing a kiss to your forehead. You finally opened your eyes, staring into his hazel ones that always seemed to drink you in. The way he looked at you sometimes made your heart stop, the absolute love and affection was more than you could ever hope to find in a partner. You were certain that the look you gave him was similar since you were utterly in love with the man and everything he did.
No words were spoken as he worked the conditioner through your hair in a similar way, instead you just placed your hands on his chest and leaned closer to him. As he rinsed you off for a second time he tilted your chin up for a kick, chaste kiss. You giggled against his lips, leaning forward to capture his mouth again and savoring the feeling of him. He took good care of himself thankfully, and his body was the physical embodiment of that. You couldn’t help but drag your fingers over his chest, feeling how the muscles tensed slightly from the sudden contact. Even his lips were soft and plush against your own as you tilted your head, deepening the kiss for just a moment longer.
“Something I can do for you?” You murmured against his lips as he placed his hands on your hips. You felt him swaying you to the beat of the music that still echoed in the shower. The moment was sweet and serene and you briefly wondered when you could have this every day. Your hands reached up to wrap around his shoulders as you allowed him to move you however he wished.
His forehead pressed against your own and he closed his eyes, “Just stay here with me, it’s all I need,” you felt yourself blushing at his words, but you wouldn’t deny him. Just as he could hardly say no to you, you were also whipped. He said the word and you’d come crawling to him and doing whatever it was he asked of you.
“I think I can handle that,” you smiled, your eyes also closing. For just a moment it was the two of you in your own little world, swaying to music with the gentle fall of water surrounding you. You smiled at the scene you two were surly creating, wondering which book you read that had this exact moment. The man you called your boyfriend, hopefully one day husband, was one of the most romantic men you had ever met.
Most people would never assume that the Dr. Li could be the romantic type, but moments like these always proved the world wrong. The way he held you like you would slip from his fingers if he so much as let up his grip made you feel so damn secure.
You reached up to cup his cheek, intent on bringing him down for another sweet kiss before you two left the shower. Then you felt it. The slight prickly feeling of stubble on Zayne’s face. The man was meticulous about shaving his face, and thankfully it didn’t grow very fast. He’d normally shave every other night to clean up anything that had attempted to grow, and it appeared that tonight was one such night.
The thought occurred to you in just a second as you opened your eyes. You watched as Zayne was leaning into your touch and it reminded you of a sweet and cuddly cat. You then cleared your throat and got his attention, those soft eyes peering down at you.
“Zayne…you have stubble,” you started and Zayne raised an eyebrow in question. He took the hand that was cupping his face and turned his head, kissing the palm of your hand as he spoke.
“I am a man,” he reminded you, “It’s only normal that I have stubble at the end of the day,” he pressed another kiss to your palm before letting your hand drop. You placed it on his chest and looked up at him. Despite how it had grown, it was barely noticeable unless you looked closely. You guessed in a sense Zayne was lucky in that regard since he seemed to dislike the hair anyway.
“Can I shave your face tonight?” you asked, wanting to reach up and touch his face again. Your fingers twitched against his chest as you looked up at him curiously. 
Zayne’s eyebrows furrowed as he seemed to think over the idea. Probably debating if it would be a good idea or not. He cleared his throat, “I don’t think that’s necessary, I’m capable of doing it myself,” he said and you frowned at his response.
“Just because you can do it yourself doesn’t mean you have to,” You reminded him, “I can wash my own hair, but it’s way more enjoyable when you do it,” besides you really wanted to try it not, being able to move his face around without any complaints from him seemed intriguing.
Zayne nodded, “That’s true, but the situation is a bit…different,” he began and you clearly weren’t entertained by his excuses, “Razors are sharp and dangerous. If you don’t know how to use it correctly it can lead to cuts which can later evolve into possible infection,” it was almost like he forgot you were a hunter and knew all the dangers of untreated cuts, as well as how sharp objects could actually harm someone if you weren’t careful.
“I know how to use a razor, Zayne,” you huffed, “I’ve shaved my legs before, you know,” you reasoned with him, now batting your eyelashes.
“Using a safety razor and using a straight razor are very different,” he attempted once more to reason with you, but alas it was going nowhere. You had an idea in your mind and you wanted to follow through with it. You knew it would only be a matter of time before he gave in…besides you weren’t totally clueless on how to use a straight razor. 
You had seen it lying around in his bathroom, watched him shave his face, and once upon a time was really bored and decided to shave a single arm with it to see how it was done. You hadn’t even cut yourself when you did it. It wasn’t even that hard to use since the blade was so sharp; you were confident you could shave his face without nicking him.
“I still don’t think it’s a good idea,” he said and you could see it, you could physically see his resolve melting under your gaze. You decided to finish him by sticking out your lip into a small pout and that was really all it took. He sighed, shaking his head and looking down at you.
“Alright, fine…” he began, “but only the sides and chin. I’ll handle the detail work,” he said and honestly that was fine by you. The thought of shaving his upper lip was perhaps out of your comfort zone. If you cut his perfect lips you’d probably cry for a week. Not to mention if you saw him flinching whenever you kissed him you might as well dig your own grave and toss yourself in.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, giggling, “Thank you, babe,” you coo as you swayed a little with him. He sighed, shaking his head as he reached behind him to turn off the shower. The stream of water died down as soon as he did so and the steam from how hot you had kept the water managed to keep you warm for the time being.
“I’m happy you seem so excited, but first we need to get out of the shower,” he reminded you with a gentle smile directed at you. He began walking you backwards and out of the shower, one hand never leaving your hip as you went along with him. It was clear you had no intention of leaving his embrace anytime soon; his arms were your safe space at the end of the day.
In response to your clinginess you felt Zayne’s hands cupping under your thighs. Your grip around him tightened as he lifted you with ease, walking you over to the towels and grabbing a few of the fluffy white ones the resort had. He worked one of them around your body then sat you down on the counter. You watched with interest as he then grabbed one and loosely wrapped it around his own waist, his eyes glancing up at your obvious staring.
“Are you enjoying yourself?” he asked as he grabbed another white towel from nearby and brought it over to you. You were about to say a smartass comment when the towel was thrown over your face. You let out a small, unamused noise as he worked the towel over your hair, soaking up a bulk of the water from your shower.
When he moved the towel off to reveal your face he leaned in, cupping your cheek and dragging you in for a proper kiss. Despite how much you wanted to get back at him you found yourself melting against him, closing your eyes and enjoying how he led the kiss.
His hands weaved through your hair, his tongue gently prodding at your mouth and you easily opened up, allowing his tongue to press against your own before it began exploring. You moaned at the taste of him, the subtle taste of chocolate macaroons lingered on him from your dessert after dinner and it made him only more decadent than normal. Your hands gripping his shoulders as you let out a gentle moan into his mouth. You didn’t know when he got so good at kissing you; you still recalled your first kiss and how uncertain he had been. Now he dove in and took your breath away every single time, lips pressing against your own perfectly with that tongue that knew exactly how to get you worked up.
You were disappointed when he finally let off, leaning back with his thumb swiping your lower lip to clean off the small trail of saliva. Your heart was thrumming in your chest as you frowned for a moment, “Why’d you stop?” you didn’t mean for it to come out almost whiny, but it did get a smirk out of Zayne. You were about five seconds from grabbing the back of his head and dragging him back down to continue making out with you when he decided to speak up.
“Shaving should be done right after a shower,” he stated simply, “Unless you wanted to skip that over,” the way he leaned against you, pressing himself against your thigh had you swallowing the lump in your throat. You could feel his cock pressed against you, only slightly hard which was unsurprising judging by how he always seemed to pop a boner the moment tongue was involved. So that was his angle, trying to distract you so you’d drop your quest in shaving his face.
Too bad you weren’t a complete dumbass.
Instead of replying you just grabbed one of the many towels he brought over and tossed one around his neck and used it to pull him down. He let out a small surprised gasp as he quickly grabbed the edge of the counter on either side of your thighs. You took the towel and put it over his head and began drying his hair with a hum.
“You’re so right, Dr. Li, we should probably hurry up here so we can make sure your face is nice and smooth for your conferences tomorrow morning,” you said and watched the small glimmer of mischief in his eyes dim a little bit as he realized his plan was failing horribly. You held back the smirk that threatened to give away that you had caught him red handed.
You two work together toweling off and making yourself relatively dry. You chuckle as Zayne once again picks you up and places you down on the ground. It felt like ice with how cold the tile was on your bare feet and you noticed how amused Zayne was at your small flinch. You shot a small frown his way to let him know how unamused you were at this. If he had just kept holding you then you’d be content, but apparently that wasn’t an option at this time.
He grabbed the silk robes the resort provided and handed you the smaller size, helping you wrap it around your body and tie the knot in the front. You were very entertained with how he seemed to secure yours so well, covering everything you had as though he had never seen you naked in his life. You then watched as he put his own on and noticed how it was so loose around him. The chest was wide open on it, it barely covered his nipples. He was trying to be enticing whether he knew it or not.
He rummaged around the bathroom and grabbed a few things you’d need for shaving his face, “That’s not as much as I was expecting,” you comment as you see the shaving cream, razor, a bowl of water, and aftershave in his hands. Not to mention two small hand towels that he had draped over his forearm.
“I normally need less than this, however I assume it would be more comfortable for you to shave my face on the couch rather than balancing on the counter,” he said, his tone was calm and neutral, but you could tell he was teasing you about your height. It wasn’t your fault that the man decided to be born overly tall and broad. Besides, at least with your height you had the perfect vantage point to squishing your head in his chest anytime you hugged him.
“Well then come on, mister,” you said and grabbed some of the things from his hands, but noticed how he kept the straight razor. You two made your way to the large living space and you looked around. The couch had a perfect side table where you could set down all your supplies and still be able to reach them whenever you needed to.
���How’d you like to do this?” Zayne had leaned down so his breath ghosted right over your ear. An involuntary shiver went down your spine as your head whipped back at him. Zayne had his normal lack of expression on his face and if you didn’t know him so well you’d think he was innocent. Still you had learned to look in his eyes since they always told exactly what he was thinking. He definitely knew what he was doing, from kissing you in the bathroom to how he wore his robe, and even now. He was seducing you right now and it was working, but probably not in the way he was hoping.
“Sit on the couch, Dr. Li,” you instructed him, motioning with your head where you wanted him to sit. Zayne did as instructed, adjusting himself on the couch as he looked up at you. His eyes were now sharp as he took in your every movement and it was almost nerve wracking as you set the supplies down on the table next to him. Still you were schooling your expression and pretending you hadn’t noticed what he was doing, acting as though you weren’t currently turned on from his antics. As long as you kept your cool he would assume his hints didn’t work and it would be easier to tease him later on.
“It won’t be good for your back if you bend down for this,” Zayne commented as he realized the current angle you were at. A smile tugged at the corner of your lips and you had to force it down, wanting to seem like you held all the authority at the moment.
“And how do you suggest I do this then?” you begin, your voice almost a purr, “If I’m not mistaken I’m the one in charge here, aren’t I?” you could see the shift in his demeanor at that exact moment. How his posture seemed to straighten up a little and he looked at you with a small challenge in his eyes. He was normally submissive for you, a perfect boy, but that was only after all the teasing was over. You had to work to get him into that state, and honestly you adored every second of it.
“What are you then?” he asked, “The Chief Surgeon?” oh so that’s how he wanted to play it for the evening? If so, you’d happily indulge him as you tilted your head and smirked. You did notice how he deliberately didn’t give you a solution though, but in the back of your mind you had a feeling you knew what he wanted to suggest.
“That’s correct, and tonight you’re my dear patient,” you went to cup his chin and forced his head up to look at you, “And the operation will begin very shortly. I’ll need to begin preparations and I would very much like it if my patient was compliant during this part.” you watched how he squirmed at your words.
It was teasing, sure, but you knew deep down he loved this way more than he was willing to admit. He thought he had been coy about it in the past, but it was clear as day he had a thing for medical roleplay. What amused you was the fact that he really preferred it when you were the one in charge and he was just a bystander. It was honestly cute how willingly he gave away his power and let you do whatever you wanted to him.
“Of course, I’d be an idiot to not follow a Dr’s orders,” oh that was a jab and you knew it. Especially with how your smirk fell into a frown at the same time Zayne’s own lips twitched in a knowing look. You huffed as you grabbed hold of the shaving cream and got some on your hands then wet them in the bowl of water he had grabbed. As you worked it into a lather in your own hands you turned to your ‘patient’. You were now standing between his legs as you peered down at the man.
“Tilt your head back a little bit,” you said, watching as he did just as you asked without any smart remarks. Your hands went to cup his cheeks, working the lather into his skin. Your hands massaging his cheeks and just enjoying the fact that you got to touch him all over his face for once without him complaining.
Your thumb swiped right underneath his bottom lip as you looked between his mouth to his eyes. He seemed to almost be waiting for you to give in and kiss him, but you held back. There was too much shaving cream at the moment and you were fairly certain it would taste horrible. Instead you opted to grab hold of the towel next to you and began wiping your hands off.
Once they were clean you grabbed hold of the straight razor. You could feel Zayne tense from your stance between his legs; it was adorable how he both trusted you to do this, but was also terrified of you having such a sharp object close to his neck. You did see what he was talking about earlier with the angle not being the best, and you decided to quickly fix the situation at hand.
You used your knees to make Zayne put his legs together and then threw one of your own over his waist. You adjusted yourself on his lap, making sure to be more centered on his thighs rather than his crotch. You didn’t want to reward his bad behavior of teasing you by sitting directly on it, and from this angle you’d be able to see the effect you had on him.
“So this is your solution?” he finally said as you adjusted the razor once more in your hand, opening it up to reveal the glint of the sharp blade in the light. His eyes went between your position on his lap then over to the dangerous object in your hands.
You looked at him with a questioning gaze, “Are you going to lie and tell me this isn’t what you had in mind when you commented about how this wouldn’t be good for my back if I had to bend?” your voice was almost mocking and he looked at you with narrowed eyes. “If I’m not mistaken, you never pass up an opportunity to have me using you as a chair,” the innuendo was there, but you wondered if he’d even notice with how his eyes were transfixed on the razor you held.
“I was thinking you could come behind the couch and lay my head back, or perhaps pull up a chair,” he said calmly and you rolled your eyes. The way his eyes shifted slightly was the only indicator you needed to tell he was lying. After knowing him for so long you knew his tells; generally you didn’t press him about these things, but in situations like this you didn’t mind calling him out.
“I’m sure you were thinking that, weren’t you?” you said, tone still mocking, “However I am the Chief Surgeon, Mr. Li. You have to understand that my methods might be unorthodox, however they yield good results,” you mentally gave yourself a pat on the back for being able to say that without needing to stutter or think over your wording. All those hours of watching horrible medical dramas were finally paying off it would seem.
“I’m just surprised you haven’t received any malpractice suits for how you treat your patients,” he said as you finally grabbed hold of his chin. You moved his face to the side to get a good angle and looked at him with an entertained gaze.
“I have very good lawyers, sir,” you began and slowly brought the razor up to his face, “Now for this part I need you to be absolutely still, and no smart remarks,” it was clear he wanted to say something more, but he was tense under you as the razor finally met his skin.
It was a simple swipe, getting the small bit of stubble off as well as a lump of the shaving cream. The towel you had previously used for your hand was now resting on his shoulder for you to wipe the razor clean on. You used one hand to stretch the skin and did another swipe, following by a third in quick succession. Being a hunter did mean you had to have a lot of skills with weapons, and in your mind you were thinking of the razor like you would a dagger, applying just the right amount of pressure to get rid of the hair without cutting into someone.
You wiped the razor clean again and smirked, running your thumb over the now shaved part of his cheek, “There we go, so far so good,” you cooed, looking at Zayne. He seemed to have relaxed a lot after the first swipe, realizing that you weren’t about to filet his face with the razor.
“I’m curious, have you ever shaved someone’s face before,” he said as you adjusted your angle once more, letting the razor glide gently across his cheek. His eyes met yours briefly as he asked this, seeing how concentrated you were, however, your body was also completely relaxed.
“Would you be surprised if I said this was my first time performing this procedure on a patient?” you teased, a playful smile on your lips as you quickly swiped another section and finished that side of his cheek.
“You’re doing an outstanding job so far, so I thought you might be experienced at least with the tool,” he was implying something, but like hell you’d rise to the bait. Did he know you played with his razor before…no there was no way he would’ve figured that one out. Playing dumb seemed to be the best solution as you took in a deep, calming breath.
“Sir, I need to remind you to be still for me,” you said as your gaze met his. You noticed a subtle glint of something in his eyes and you forced down the smirk threatening to break your professional demeanor. He was definitely starting to get off with the powerplay that was happening and you wondered how much you could tease him while doing this.
“Understood, I won’t move,” he said as he glanced at you then turned his gaze elsewhere. It was enough for you to relax as you moved his head so you could begin on the other side of his face. For a moment he was being good, letting you move his face however you needed him. His eyes were closed as you worked the razor on him and shaved his face so it would be smooth once again.
When you were wiping the razor clean for the umpteenth time he deemed it necessary to open his mouth, “Is this your exclusive service?” He tried teasing you, but it was clear what the brat was currently doing. Obviously defying what you had just said to see the reaction he could get from you.
“Mr Li…” you began, your voice soft and gentle. The grip on his chin right now was anything but as you looked down at him with a sneer, “Don’t,” you moved his face more to the side, “Move,” you finished as you pressed the razor against his skin.
You had to wait a second as you saw a shiver going down Zayne’s spin and you smirked. His breath had hitched at the tone of your voice you had used and you licked your lips at his reaction. Thankfully he was now looking away from you, probably trying to process his own thoughts, and didn’t catch the lustful gaze you had as your eyes raked up and down his body.
You watched as his cock literally twitched, the movement not subtle in the slightest when the only thing separating you was the silky robe. He clearly was hard underneath it, but from the looks of it he was trying to pretend it wasn’t happening.
Going back to work in cleaning him off, you work on his chin. Your face was now close to him as you made sure you got everything and he was clearly trying to avoid looking at you. You were currently leaning a little more into him, but not touching where he clearly needed some stimulation. You then felt your body shifting a little as he tried to adjust without actually touching you.
You let him, noticing how he was trying to adjust so you couldn’t see how obvious his erection was. You decided to keep stern and cleared your throat, “You’re moving again,” it was hard keeping your tone cold as you said this. He froze, his eyes darting to you like a child who was caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
He cleared his throat, “My apologies,” he murmured as he looked away from you again. He went back to being still, but you just stared at him for a moment, wondering exactly what was going through his head. You knew he was getting all hot and bothered, but normally he wasn’t trying to hide it from you. Then it dawned on you as a grin grew on your face.
One thing that never got tiring was how Zayne got turned on so easily when it came to you. You knew that before you had gotten together he hadn’t slept with anyone, and the poor man had seldom even touched himself. That meant at the start he was getting hard just by staring at you for a little too long. It was a cute quirk of his, at least you thought so.
Zayne however didn’t think it was all that amusing and often had to hide his erection because they would happen at the worst times. He also sucked at noticing when you were trying to get him hard on purpose, even in the most obvious of settings like this one. You were literally sitting on his lap, using a stern voice, and playing into his medical kink slightly…and the man probably was thinking he shouldn’t be getting this hot and bothered right now.
Or perhaps it was due to the fact that he didn’t want to accidentally grind into you while you had a razor to his neck…it could be either or. All you knew for a fact was how cute he looked right now with the most subtle blush on his cheeks as he tried his hardest to pretend like he wasn’t bricked up just by you sitting on his thighs and shaving his face.
You couldn’t help yourself, adjusting yourself to find a better angle and making sure to grind your ass along his length. You watched his throat bob as he held back a moan, getting a nice reaction out of him from the most subtle stimulation. You did it again, allowing it to be a little less subtle as Zayne’s hands went to clamp down on your thighs, making you stop. His eyes frantically found your own as he went to open his mouth to say something, but you beat him to it.
“Zayne?” you asked, leaning your body back enough to get a good look at him. He went back to avoiding your gaze, looking off to the side with flushed cheeks that you were tempted to pinch, “What’s going on? Did I hurt you?” you said next, your hand reaching up to cup his cheek and running your thumb over the smooth skin.
“I…no you didn’t,” his voice came out a little hoarse from his aroused state, his own hand grabbing yours and holding it against his face. He finally looked at you and you noticed how far gone he already was. If the twitch of his cock underneath your ass wasn’t telling enough, the way his pupils seemed to swallow a lot of the hazel in his eyes was your sign that he was losing his composure.
“Then why did you move? I’m almost done,” you said, leaning back in, “Just tip your head back and be a good boy for a little longer,” you breath now fanning over his cheek. A shiver went down his spine as he did so, leaning his head back as you worked the razor against it. After the cheek was finished you began in the underside of his neck which was probably the easiest part.
You slowly finished dragging the razor and then wiped it on the towel, “There we go…” you trailed off as you looked around. You sat up on your knees and leaned over Zayne to grab the towel next to him, your chest brushing against his face. The hands he had kept on your thighs squeezing as you grabbed what you needed.
You soon sat yourself back down, this time your ass now directly over his straining erection. He let out a sharp exhale of breath at the sensation and stared at you. He knew very well that you could feel him at this point, and with how you shifted on his lap to get comfortable he was groaning against you, attempting not to roll his own hips into you.
“Babe, you need to be good, we’re not done yet,” you scolded as you took the towel in your hand and began wiping off any excess cream on his face. You could see with the way his eyes narrowed that he had a small pout on his face, not that he’d ever admit to such a childish thing. It did have you smirking as you finished up and grabbed the next item on the list.
“What else needs to be done,” his fingers were twitching along your plush thighs, the robe you wore didn’t do much as it had ridden up to reveal most of your skin. Even the opening of your robe had fallen open to show some of your chest, the cool air of it making you shiver as you looked Zayne up and down. He wasn’t faring any better really with how he never even bothered tying his robe properly. The slightest shift could unravel the entire thing.
You took the tube of aftershave in hand and applied some to your hand, “Aftershave, of course,” you smirked as you adjusted once more. He gasped out a moan, closing his eyes as your ass continued teasing his hardened length. You held back your own noises as you felt some wetness on your thigh from how his cock was leaking through the silk robes. Your hands made contact with his jaw and cheeks as you caressed his face and smoothed the after shave onto him.
“You seem distracted, Zayne,” you comment as you shift again. Every subtle movement sent a spike of arousal through Zayne as he tried focusing on your hands instead. The way they trailed so delicately over his face and the slightest sting from the aftershave balm you were applying. Your thigh brushed more onto his leaking erection as you felt just how wet he was getting and you relished in knowing it was all because of you.
He grit his teeth and took in a deep breath, attempting to calm himself down, “I’m not distracted in the slightest,” he said. He knew you could feel him with your movements, it was kind of hard not to. Zayne was well endowed and even in a pair of baggier pants it could be seen when he got riled up. Sitting directly on top of it with nothing more than two flimsy silk robes meant you could feel every single vein along his shaft.
“You sure?” you teased, adjusting once more and hearing him unable to hold back a moan which made you chuckle. It’s like it finally clicked in his mind that this entire time you have purposefully been teasing him. He was too adorable for words sometimes, especially with how he always gave you the benefit of the doubt. Seeing that mental click in his brain as he looked at you with his eyes widened had you rewarding him with another drag of your hips against him.
Your hands went back to gingerly rub in the aftershave and he was looking at you with knowing eyes, almost calculating your next move, “You’ve been teasing me this entire time,” it was a statement rather than a question.
“How nice of you to finally notice, my love,” you said, pinching his cheeks slightly. You leaned in, capturing his lips in a quick kiss while holding him in place, “Don’t forget you were the one teasing me in the bathroom earlier. Kissing me like that, making my head spin, and then saying we needed to hurry up and shave. You tried distracting me earlier, didn’t you?” you said, now obviously rutting onto him and using more pressure.
The grasp he had on your thighs now moved over to your hips, squeezing the skin there as he helped you along with grinding on him, “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he groaned out, rolling his hips into your ass and closing his eyes. His mouth was opened as you leaned in, your grip on him changing from holding onto his cheeks to one hand on his bare chest and the other on the nape of his neck dragging him closer.
You let out a groan of your own into his mouth, feeling how his cock was sliding perfectly against you with every thrust upwards. You knew you’d be soaking through this robe in no time as your tongue played against the roof of Zayne’s mouth, drinking him in and making sure his head was spinning just like he had done to yours earlier.
After a moment of kissing him you leaned away, making sure to lick his lip first teasingly. He was already panting as he looked at you, his hips still rolling up. You sat up and placed yourself back on his thigh and you could hear the pitiful whine that left him. His rosy cheeks only grew darker after he realized the noise that left him, but he opted to pretend like it didn’t happen.
He was about to say something when he noticed where your eyes were trailing to. You could see the clear outline of his cock through the robes, the member standing proudly and creating a large bump. The most intriguing part was where there was a very obvious wet mark where the head of it would go. You had felt it earlier, sure, but now you could see a bead of precum that was on top of it that shined slightly.
You licked your lips and grasped his dick then thumbed over the head of it through the robes, feeling the precum seeping through the material, “Fuck Zayne, you’re already so wet,” you said as you teased his cock. Zayne’s hips bucked up into your touch as he sought out more friction, his head rolling back at finally feeling something wrapped around him. Hearing those filthy words leaving your mouth was doing something to him as he felt his entire body getting hotter.
“Fuck Zayne, you look so good like this…” your free hand went to the tie of your robe, quickly undoing it and letting the material fall and pool around your hips and thighs. Zayne’s eyes were now on your body, trailing up and down before he landed on your face. He seemed to have melted the moment his eyes met your own.
He made a good attempt at steeling himself, “You look breathtaking right now, darling,” he sat up and used his grip on you to pull you closer. His lips collided with yours as he deepened the kiss, he never could get enough of your taste as he groaned at the sensation of your hand never leaving his hardening length. His hands now on your bare skin as he cupped under your ass and lifted you enough to drag the rest of the robes away, discarding them to the ground.
When you parted you began peppering kisses all along his jaw and neck, “I think I’m going to ride you tonight, Zayne,” your hand left his cock and trailed up to his robe tie now, playing with the silken material before slowly undoing the sloppy knot. Zayne’s breath hitched at your words, the mental image of your cunt wrapped around his cock while you bounced on his lap was more than he could handle. As the robe left his body to expose him you could see just how hard his cock had gotten; the head of it was red and dribbling with pre over the rest of the shaft.
“Please don’t forget,” he swallowed, “I’m on call tonight,” he threw his head back as your hand went to wrap around his length without any barriers between you. You tugged on his cock, letting your hand glide easily over him as you teased him and listened to the pretty noises leaving his mouth. His warning came far too late with how fucked out he already was; you found the entire situation amusing as you rose an eyebrow to look down at him.
“They’re just phone calls,” you dismissed it easily with your grip tightening and making him whimper, “You can answer them while I’m riding you. You just have to not moan like a whore into your phone and it’ll be fine, right?” it was impossible for Zayne not to be vocal while you were on him. He normally was so good at masking his emotions and expressions, but when it came to you he became an open book. You could read him so easily and draw out emotions he thought were long gone.
His breath caught in his throat; with either anxiety or arousal was to be seen. You riding him while he took a work call was surely going to end horribly and he knew it, but he couldn’t help the way his body reacted to your words. His cock twitched in your grasp and you could see another bead forming on the tip which your thumb swiped over and used to slicken up your hold on him.
“That wouldn’t be a good-ah,” he groaned with how your pace picked up in stroking him; his words lost on his tongue as he stared up at you. His hips jerked up into your touch in a feeble attempt to fuck your closed fist and get more stimulation.
Of course this reaction didn’t go unnoticed by you as you looked at Zayne with a smirk, “Really babe, you’re leaking everywhere and you’re trying to tell me this isn’t something you want?” You took your hand away and licked your thumb, never breaking eye contact with him. You watched the turmoil in his eyes as he observed your pink tongue licking at the precum that had dribbled out.
“I…ah!” his words died again as you went to stroke his length faster, your grip tighter than before. Your chuckle echoed in the room as you tilted your head to the side, waiting for him to continue, “Don’t think…mhm,” he was losing his own wits at the moment, opting to just let you do whatever you wanted. He knew it was a losing battle, the way you felt was always too good for him to simply pass up.
It was only when you lifted up and began hovering over his cock, positioning it at your entrance that he stopped you. His grip tightening as he looked at you, “You know you can’t take my length without preparation,” his tone was near scolding as he looked at you. For the first time since he made out with you in the shower, the stern Zayne came out and looked at you with hard eyes.
You let out a small and annoyed whine, “You’re on call for consultations and meetings, Dr. Li,” you began with a pout in hopes he’d just give it up, “Do we really have the time for all that?” you just wanted to feel his length stretching you out already. With all the teasing and cute reactions you had gotten from Zayne, it had also left you feeling wet and needy for the man. You just happened to have better self control at times…or perhaps your need to make him whimper overrode your own need to fuck him.
Zayne’s grip didn’t lessen at all, “We always have time to prepare you,” now it was your turn to blush. He said it with such finality you had to groan a little bit.
“Alright, fine, have it your way,” you guessed this would be fine, at least now you had a chance to walk tomorrow. Zayne was huge in every sense of the way, and normally even with preparation if you took his entire length you sometimes wouldn’t be walking straight for a day or two. He always tried to stop you from taking all of him anytime you two fucked, but the moment your pussy was wrapped around him all of his sensability went out the door. You loved feeling all of him every single time you fucked him, which is why you preferred being on top. It was teasing whenever he was on top and he only fucked you with part of his length.
“I just have no idea why you’re so fascinated with being put in a wheelchair,” you gasped at his words and then looked away. A small smile was now working its way onto your lips though at the horribly made joke. He wasn’t wrong about needing a wheelchair part. If you fucked him without prep that might actually end up happening. Last time it had happened you ended up calling out of work because you literally couldn’t walk without an obvious limp.
“Come here,” he said, lifting you up until you were now balanced on your knees. He dragged you closer to him as he adjusted himself in his spot, leaning his head back onto the couch. You then realized the position he had grabbed you in, your cunt now right in his face, almost dripping onto his chest, “Just like that,” he murmured, tugging your thighs apart so he'd have easier access.
The moment his tongue licked up your folds for the first time you knew you were going to be putty in this man’s hands. The amount of times he had eaten you out is immeasurable at this point. He had your body down to a science and he was more than happy to use it in situations like these.
You groaned as he lapped at your wet cunt, his mouth forming a small suction around your clit as he worked to get a good taste of you. One hand coming up to prod a finger into your entrance which made you gasp. Your hips rolled into his face as he slipped it inside, crooking it into your pussy as he began leisurely pumping into you. Despite how you knew he had things to do he seemed intent on taking his time to do this correctly.
You groaned, noticing how he was going too slow, his tongue simply playing with your clit as his single finger fucked up into you. He was doing this on purpose now, you knew you were wet enough for a second and probably third finger inside of you. His eyes glanced up at you in that moment, taking you in and you could see the look in his eyes that told you he was planning on keeping up with this pace and bringing you to a slow orgasm tonight.
With a small, annoyed groan your hand went to his hair, tugging harshly to get his attention, “Zayne,” your voice came out low and threatening, “Don’t tease me unless you want me to edge you for the next few hours,” if he wanted to be slow with eating your cunt, then you’d happily just sit on his cock and warm him for a few hours, moving the moment he began relaxing to get him riled up again. You had done it several times in the past when he decided it would be fun to be a cheeky bastard. Normally by the end of the second hour he was so fucked out he could barely think and begging you to just move already.
You could see the hesitation in his eyes for a moment and feel him taking in a sharp breath at your words. Zayne is admittedly a slut when it comes to your whims, and something you noticed about him is that he enjoyed being edged. He also knew that now wasn’t the time. Not when there was a possibility of getting a work call at any moment. While you doubted anyone would be calling him at this time anyway, there was still a chance.
Zayne let out a low moan, his tongue now working properly on your pussy, lapping at your juices and you could hear the smacking noises of his lips against you. He slipped a second finger inside, quickly scissoring into you and working you open for his cock. Your head was thrown back as he finally began giving you what you wanted. The slow build up was sometimes nice, but you were far too needy at the moment and his cock was the only thing on your mind.
The grip in his hair stayed consistent as Zayne began getting lost with the taste of you, your juices dripping down his chin as his free hand gripped your ass to drag you closer to him. He was groaning and you could see how he tried rolling his ups up into nothing as he worked on bringing you to the brink. You rewarded him with a loud moan that echoed off the walls of the room, looking down at him with a smile.
“Fuck,” you groaned out, now rolling your hips into his face as you felt yourself getting closer, “Such a good boy,” your breathing became labored and Zayne could definitely feel how your cunt pulsed around his fingers. You were getting closer by the second as you looked down at the man. He looked utterly disheveled at the moment, his eyes closed as he got lapped at your pussy like a starved man.
You ground your hips against his mouth a few more times before letting out a cry, your cunt tightening around his digits as you came. The tension in you snapping as you rode his face, feeling how he was angling his fingers to graze against that sensitive spot inside you as he worked you through it. Your juices now trailing down onto his chest, and the noises in the room were nothing but your panting and the loud slurping noises of Zayne drinking you in.
By the time you came down your thighs were almost shaking. You loosened your hold on Zayne’s hair and moved away for a moment. His chin was shiny and wet as Zayne brought his fingers up to his mouth, licking off the rest of your essence. He groaned at your taste, his eyes never leaving yours and a shiver went down your spine as you adjusted yourself back into his lap. You grabbed the back of his head, dragging him close until you were crashing your lips against his.
You could taste yourself so clearly on his tongue and Zayne melted into your lips right away. His tongue playing with your own as he groaned, clearly already fucked out and he hadn’t even cum yet. He was so content though as you explored his mouth, moaning as the taste until you were pulling away with a gentle nip on his lower lip.
“I think you might’ve enjoyed yourself more than I did,” you said, your voice coming out a little labored still as you went to wipe away some of the slick on his chin. Your eyes trailed down between your bodies and you could see a small pool of his pre cum on his abs, his cock head red from how turned on he was at the moment.
Zayne looked down to see the mess he had made on himself then back up at you, “I always enjoy making you feel good,” he said as he cupped your ass, his eyes were needy and filled with longing that it caught you off guard, “If you want to use me, you have my permission,” his cock twitched once again and you smiled. You leaned in quickly, capturing him in a quick kiss and nuzzling his nose with your own. He was so vulnerable with you now and days, and words like this always set your heart speeding.
“Did you want me to use you, pretty boy? Ride you and use your cock until I cum again?” you asked, your voice coming out gently as you press your lips against his skin. Your mouth trailing kisses along his neck, leaving a few small nips in your wake. He could wear one of his turtle necks tomorrow for all you cared, you just wanted to see him littered in marks right now. You were sucking harshly at the junction between his neck and collarbone and managed to leave a pretty red mark there that you kissed gently as you rose up.
Zayne could clearly see what you were doing but at this point he didn’t care, all rationality was lost, “Yes, please,” his voice quivered as he admitted his desires. It sent a shiver down your spine as you went in to suck another nice red mark on his collarbone and let off, looking at him with a lascivious gaze.
You grasped his cock in your hand, pumping it then placing the head right at your entrance. You could feel the bluntness of it and shivered, knowing the stretch would probably sting only a little bit since he had worked you opened. One day you swore your pussy would become accustomed to his size, molded to it. Still the intimacy between you two was still relatively new, only going on for a handful of months. You hadn’t fucked him in two weeks before this due to conflicting schedules and you were dying to feel him again. Zayne’s eyes didn’t leave yours as he watched as you slowly began taking his cock into you.
Zayne grasped the back of your neck, dragging you to his lips as he began kissing you. It was sloppy and hurried as his hips bucked up into you as he tried getting you to take more of him. His cock slid more into you and managed to hit your sweet spot and you took in a sharp inhale of breath. It was clear how much he wanted to feel your pussy clenched around his length as you smirked against his mouth. You let out a moan yourself, feeling how his cock was almost nestled all the way inside of you. You wondered briefly if it would be a good idea to take all of him tonight. Two weeks wasn’t that long ago, you could probably take it this time around.
You braced your arms on his chest as you sat up to get a good view of him. You didn’t even have a chance to begin moving when you saw Zayne’s arm coming up to cover his face. He let out a loud groan while he rolled his hips up into you. You could feel his cock twitching and then the warmth filling you up. Your eyes widened as you realized he was coming just from having you sitting on his cock. He had been more worked up than you originally thought, and it sent jolts of pleasure through you as he continued bucking up into you to ride it out.
His thrusts were shallow while he let out pretty moans that were muffled as he tried biting into his own arm out of embarrassment. That clearly wouldn’t do as you grasped his arm suddenly and moved it away from his face, pinning it to the couch above you. His eyes were wide as he stared at you, jaw hanging open as he let out a whiny moan.
“Don’t hide yourself, sweetheart. I wanna see you,” you rolled your hips into him as you helped him through his orgasm. His freehand went to grasp your ass and squeezed it harder than he intended as he tried moving you along his cock. He was almost shaking from how good it must’ve felt and as he slowly started to come down he looked down between your bodies.
He could see some of his release coming out of you, dripping onto his lap and coating his cock in the substance. The creamy mixture of your joined fluids was almost too much for him as his cock gave a final spurt into you.
“Did it feel that good to be buried in my pussy that you came instantly?” You asked as you brought your hand to his still wet chin. You made him look at you and he could see the mischievous glint in your eyes as he tried looking away. You chuckled, dragging him in for another kiss and grabbing his discarded robe next to you to wipe away some of the mess on his chin. He was panting into your mouth as you bit down hard on his lip.
Instead of leaving marks in your wake you were content with just leaving sweet kisses all over his face as he caught his breath. He was clearly enjoying himself with how his eyes closed and he relaxed into your touches. After a few more moments he was finally able to speak, “I’m sorry,” he murmured, his eyes opened to look at you. The embarrassment at coming the moment his cock was put into you was clearly there, but you found it more adorable if anything.
“Don’t be sorry,” you said gently, cupping his cheek. You watched as he leaned into your touch and smiled, “Besides, I’m not done with you just yet, Zayne,” you said and his eyes shot over to you. You felt his cock move inside of you and you smirked, “Looks like you’re not done either,”
His cock might’ve been softening inside of you right now, but you were intent on keeping him inside of you as long as possible. Before Zayne could protest you began rolling your hips onto his sensitive cock; a gasp left his mouth as he watched the way you were moving. Zayne had always been so easy to overstimulate, and the time it took for him to get hard again was always so fast it sometimes surprised you.
His grip tightened as he watched you lift off his dick slightly then roll back down, taking his softening length back into you. He hissed and closed his eyes, “W-wait…” he groaned, needing a minute before you properly began fucking him. You let out a hum, your hand on his chest as you pushed him back so he was pressed into the couch. You leaned up onto him with your hips still moving at a slow and agonizing pace for him.
“Wait? Zayne, you’re in call dear, we don’t have time to wait,” you teased him. You could see the cogs in his head turning at that and he bit his lower lip as he attempted to control himself, closing his eyes as he tried to not focus on the uncomfortable feeling of his sensitive cock being squeezed by you.
“Please…” he whimpered out and you chuckled at how breathy his voice was at the moment. You cupped his chin, forcing him to look at you. His cock was slowly starting to harden again, but it still felt too sensitive to be wrapped so tightly inside your pussy.
“Please what?” you cooed, your thumb pressing on his bottom lip. He tried to say something, but words were lost to him as he felt you squeezing around him, instead a small gasp left him as his hips moved up into you. You clicked your tongue and shook your head, “Remember earlier when I was shaving your face?” he was silent again and you applied more pressure to his lip, “Zayne, use your words,”
“Yes,” he said, swallowing thickly as he looked up at you, his adam's apple moving with the motion. His eyes were starting to get a little wet from the overstimulation and you groaned at the sight of him.
“You said you’d stay still,” you reminded him and he nodded in response, “Can you stay still for me again?” you cocked your head to the side and waited for him.
“I can…but why?” he said; as soon as the words left he realized what you had implied. Instead of placing your hands on him you put them on the couch behind him. You used it as leverage and raised a singular brow while smirking down at him. The way you seemed locked on meant only one thing.
You began riding him in earnest, your ass bouncing on his lap as you used the couch as leverage to help you. Your loud moans started filling the room as you felt his thick cock stretching you out. You still hadn’t even taken all of him yet but you were already feeling like you were getting close as you pressed your chest against him. Every single vein of his dick felt heavenly as you threw your head back to let out loud moans that allowed him to know just how good he was making you feel. He did say you could use him as your own personal toy if you really wanted to, so you were simply taking advantage of the offer.
Despite how he said he would sit still he couldn’t help as he began kissing your chest. They were bouncing right in front of him and he groaned, the wet smacking noises of his lips against your chest joined in with your moans. You felt his warm mouth latch onto one of your nipples making you keen, pressing your chest closer to  his face.
“Fuck, Zayne, just like that,” you groaned, not bothering to scold him for being disobedient when he was making you feel so damn good. He was managing to keep his hips from fucking up into you at the moment so that would have to be good enough. Zayne moaned against your chest, his tongue laving over your hardened bud before popping off and kissing between your chest. Zayne swore if you allowed him he would stay like this, just kissing and sucking at your chest. He was starting to leave marks all over your skin without remorse, loving how the red seemed to bloom like roses on your skin.
You clench tightly around him as he presses gentle kisses against your skin and you feel your pace faltering a little bit. You were getting so damn close to coming already just from how he stretched you out so perfectly. You bit your lip as you tried picking up the speed to help reach your orgasm sooner, angling so your clit hit his pelvis with every stroke.
You felt his cock twitching again and you were so close to the cusp of getting to cum, and you were certain he was almost there as well. Then it was absolutely ruined the moment you heard a familiar ring tone coming from the side table next to you. You both paused, your cunt halfway on his cock as you both slowly looked over at his phone. It was flashing with the caller ID of one of the doctor’s you recognized from the convention. 
The blonde female’s name popped up and you turned back to Zayne. It was nearly ten at night currently, and you didn’t know why the fuck someone would be calling. You could see the look in Zayne’s eyes as he truly debated if he was going to answer it. He did say he was on call for things regarding the conventions, meetings, and even emergency patient consultations. Still, at this time of night unless it was a patient or a coworker, did anyone really have a right to be calling him? If it was that important they could’ve sent him an email about the events of the convention rather than calling him at a time where most people should be asleep.
Zayne looked back at you, “I have to…answer this…” he sounded defeated as he looked back at his phone. You let out a sigh, reaching over and grabbing his phone. His hand was already out for you to place the device in his palm. He looked at the phone then back at you, “I’m…” he was about to apologize but you shook your head with a small smile. Even if you felt a little bubble of rage inside of you, you quelled it. You knew how important his job was. Hell if your Hunter’s watch went off you’d probably be jumping off his dick and grabbing your guns.
“Just answer it,” you said, knowing that in two rings it would go to voicemail. He finally swiped up on the phone and put it against his ear.
You could hear the female doctor’s voice on the other line who seemed surprised that Zayne had actually answered at this time. You frowned at how peppy the woman sounded and you could only barely hear her at the moment. Your eyes narrowed at the device and Zayne began giving short replies to the woman and attempted to keep his breathing even.
“Yes, tomorrow at eleven,” you heard Zayne murmur into the receiver followed by a, “Before the meeting?” and now your eyes were widened. You could tell that this phone call clearly wasn’t an important one, which you had suspected. That woman was from a different hospital, however she had met with Zayne at a previous doctor’s seminar about two months back. When you two had been walking around the convention center earlier today she had seemed overly friendly with him, going so far as to touch his arm while speaking. You had almost broken her hand at that since Zayne had tensed up the moment the woman had touched him.
It didn’t sit right with you, especially judging by how Zayne was speaking to her while balls deep in you. You made a motion for Zayne to put it on speaker and at first he shook his head, but one glare from you and he was moving the phone away from his ear and clicking the button so you could hear the conversation. You gave him a smile in response for listening to you.
“Yes, since the panel tomorrow was a little bit later in the evening I was wondering if you’d like to perhaps grab some coffee before it. I heard you have a sweet tooth and I know a place close to the convention center that has amazing milk tea,” the peppy woman on the other end began saying and you looked between the phone then over to Zayne. She was calling at ten so she could…ask him out on a coffee date for tomorrow morning? She…she had seen you two together. Sure PDA wasn’t something you guys partook in at events like this. You were certain that Zayne had made sure to introduce you as his partner though to everyone who had asked, including her. She knew he was a taken man.
“Thank you for the offer, but I’ll have to decline,” Zayne began but the other doctor seemed very persistent when she was speaking to him. Her voice even dropped to be a little more…seductive perhaps?
“Are you certain? They also have some items for breakfast we could try. I heard their cinnamon rolls were to die for, and I think they make fresh macaroons every morning,” how did this bitch find out she could tempt him with macarons? Who fucking told her? Greyson was at this convention too, wasn’t he? You swore up and down that if he had told this woman about Zayne’s preferences in food you were going to give him an earful tomorrow when Zayne wasn’t looking.
You gave Zayne the look as he seemed to think over the offer for a brief moment. You absolutely would not be having him thinking about going to breakfast with someone who was clearly trying to get into his pants. You decide to squeeze yourself around him and Zayne let out a small gasp at the sudden stimulation that he hadn’t been expecting.
His wide eyes looked at you, shaking his head as if pleading for you to not do this. You smirked though, clearly satisfied with how he reacted to just a little bit of teasing. Your hands left the back of the couch so you could rest them on his chest, your fingers going around his nipples, but not touching them; a small warning for him to tread carefully and probably end the phone call the moment he could.
“Zayne, is everything alright?” hearing this woman calling him by his first name instead of Dr. Li sent a spike of hot rage through you. You thought to yourself that perhaps you weren’t an overly jealous person, but that solidified that you could be downright nasty when someone was trying to hit on Zayne. Especially since the man didn’t seem to think anything of it, probably assuming it was just a casual conversation and she wasn’t flirting with him. Even you had to be extremely forward before he realized you were actually trying to flirt with him.
You looked at Zayne with a loving smile, your hand trailing up his chest and into his hair for a brief moment. He looked at you confused before letting out the loudest moan as you slammed down fully on his cock, taking all of him suddenly. You could feel the sting going through you as his cock slammed into your cervix, but you managed to school your expression as you had priorities.
The other end of the receiver was silent for a moment as there was no way the noise of you dropping down on his cock, and then his moan could’ve been mistaken for anything else. You knew damn well that you were caught having sex during a phone call, but honestly you didn’t care. You weren’t about to sit idly while someone flirted with your boyfriend while you were sitting on his dick.
“He’s busy right now,” you stated bluntly, “And he’s going to be similarly busy tomorrow morning as well,” your voice was clipped. The woman began stammering out a reply as she processed what was going on, but you had grabbed the phone and hung up on her. You tossed the device somewhere on the couch where it was out of sight and out of mind. You didn’t care who else tried calling him tonight, you refused to let him answer another call…and honestly probably after he fell asleep tonight you were going to block that other doctor’s number from his phone.
Zayne looked at you with both shock and something else hidden beneath the depths of those gorgeous eyes of his. He licked his lips and furrowed his brows as he cleared his throat, “You didn’t have to do that,” he said, his cheeks very red now. He always was a stickler for keeping up his reputation, but at the moment you really didn't give a damn. If that woman wanted to spread rumors about Zayne getting laid over the phone, she’d have to admit she was flirting with the man in the first place. Besides, it might send a message to everyone else that he was very much taken.
“Well she did see us together at the convention center,” you began as you rose up on his cock. He groaned at the feeling of your slick walls gliding on him, “So she knew you were a taken man yet she still wanted to try and get you to go on a date with her,” you slowly descended back down on his dick until it was fully nestled into you. You leaned forward and pressed kisses behind his ear as you whispered, “Honestly if she tries that shit again I’ll fuck you right in front of her next time so she can see what a needy mess you become for me and me only,”
Zayne wasn’t prepared as you began bouncing on his cock quickly, accentuating every roll of your hips when he bottomed out. He had his head thrown back as he groaned loudly into the room, not prepared for you to go so fast again. His dick was twitching like crazy and you knew he was getting close and you were thrilled at the thought of him filling you up again. His neck was on full display and you began sucking a mark right on his jaw line where he wouldn’t be able to hide it unless he wore a scarf up to his damn mouth.
You squeezed his cock so perfectly, and the way that your body looked above him did things to Zayne he had never thought possible before meeting you. His eyes never leaving your face or chest, depending on which one came into view as you fucked yourself on him. It was like you were using his body as a toy, an instrument for your own pleasure. The sweat pearled on your skin and slid down the valley of your breasts and he leaned in, licking the salty mess and groaned.
“I’m close,” it was a warning from Zayne; to help you decide if you wanted to slow down and prolong your own pleasure, or to let him tumble over that perfect edge and paint your insides. With how your pace didn’t falter he decided it was the later, “Ah ah ah,” his panting against your chest made you chuckle. Your hand threaded into his hair and pressed him closer.
“Baby, play with my chest again. Want to feel that mouth of yours,” you groaned and he didn’t hesitate. His tongue quickling found one of your nipples and bit down around it. You jerked your hips on him and he knew he was done for.
He hid his moans into your chest, playing with your nipple as he came inside of you. The warmth spread over you and you bucked your hips, rolling them against his perfectly as he came inside of you. You were moaning alongside him, the noises mingling perfectly together as you settled on his lap and just ground yourself on his cock to help him through his second orgasm.
You felt him bucking up into you again, his body moving on his own. His hand twitched on your ass and then grabbed a fistful of it and tried dragging you closer and you chuckled. You watched him pop off your breast with a wet noise and he looked up at you panting.
His head was fuzzy and he couldn’t think of something to say, but it looked like he didn’t have to. For the second time that night he watched as you began riding his sensitive cock right after his orgasm. This time he let out a sharp gasp. His hands were on your hips in a weak attempt to hold you down, but as a hunter you managed to have a little more strength than him, especially after he had just come and was still blissed out from it.
“Zayne, lemme cum too, fuck I’m so close lemme ride you for a little longer,” your voice was so melodic as you said this, your hips not letting up in the slightest as you literally used him as a dildo at the moment. There wasn’t much he could do but help you work through your pleasure, so that’s what he did. He sat up and you felt his cock moving in you, dragging against your sweet spot as he managed to get a new angle inside of you without even trying.
He placed one of his hands into your hair and dragged your head closer to him as he began leaving wet kisses all over your neck and collarbone. His other hand was going between your bodies and pressing down on your clit before rubbing in the way he knew made you go crazy. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to last long with how you felt around him, and he knew if he came again before you did he would be too fucked out for the rest of the evening to do anything.
The added stimulation had you gasping, pussy squeezing so perfectly around him that he was whimpering. His cock never had a chance to get soft as it was still hard inside of you. “F-fuck Zayne, mhn ah so so fucking clo-close babe,” you said as he groaned against your neck and left a red mark in a place you also wouldn’t be able to hide, essentially giving you a matching hicky. 
You wanted to say something witty about how fucked out he was that he didn’t care if people saw the results of your romps, but your head was swimming right now as you let out a series of sweet moans. Zayne’s hips rolled in time with your own and you felt how he twitched inside of you, “Z-Zayne,” you whined, “C-can you cum again, sweetheart?” you gasped out as you felt his teeth grazing that soft spot between your ear and neck.
The way you felt his cock moving inside of you was enough to let you know he could. His refractory period had always been so damn short and one day you swore you’d explore just how fast and many times you could make him cum in an hour. Right now though you just wanted to cum yourself as you worked your hips perfectly on him and chased your high.
It didn’t take much, not with how his hand was working your clit and his cock abused your g-spot every time you impaled yourself on him. Your pussy clenched tightly like a vice around him and your thighs quivered as you cried out. You came hard, your juices flowing on his cock and it was enough to send him into his third orgasm of the night.
The combination of your tight pussy and the overstimulation had him spilling inside of you, filling you to the breaking point as his release flowed down out since you couldn’t contain it all inside. He was whimpering as you rode out your high, closing your eyes and holding his shoulder so tightly you were certain there would be bruising. His whines went perfectly with your own panting as you finally found yourself coming down to earth, sliding down on his cock weakly.
Zayne’s head was still nestled in the crook of your neck and you worked on shrugging him off. When he finally looked back at you his eyes were glassy and you leaned forward to press a kiss to his lips. He went on autopilot, accepting your affections as he opened his mouth. It was lazy as you made out with him, tongue pressing against his own in a slow and sloppy kiss. Neither of you cared at the moment though, just savoring the moment of being like this.
Your chest was heaving as you parted, pressing your forehead against his own and closing your eyes. You were both sweaty and absolute messes, making your previous shower absolutely useless in hindsight. You chuckled at the thought, your hands running through his hair and playing with it as you smiled against him.
“What’s so funny?” his voice was husky and quiet as he asked this and you opened your eyes to stare at him.
“We made a mess right after our shower,” you commented and he let out a huff. He was clearly coming back to his senses as you just sat there instead of moving and overstimulating him again. His hands now laid on your thighs again, giving them a small squeeze.
“Who’s fault is that?” he murmured, making you laugh again and pressing a kiss against his forehead.
“You’re the one who got hard from me shaving your face,” you remind him calmly, “Didn’t know you had a kink for sharp objects being pressed against you,”
“I do not have that kink,” he grumbled, but his argument was invalid after you felt him twitch inside of you. You let out another laugh and leaned back a little to cup his face.
“You sure about that?” The way his eyes avoided you was all you needed for an answer. You shook your head and decided to rest against his chest for a little longer. He wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer and placed his chin on top of your head. The moment was serene as you basked in the afterglow.
Instead of giving you an answer he just cleared his throat, “We need to clean up,” now it was your turn to groan at his words. He always was so anal about doing things properly with aftercare when all you ever wanted to do was cuddle with him and fall asleep. Of course if you fucked him to the point where he couldn’t think properly you would take the mantle, but it seemed today he was still well enough to have common sense…you’d fuck him senseless next time.
“Just a little longer,” you tried convincing him by using a whinier voice than normal. You looked up at him through your eyelashes in a silent form of begging, hoping he’d just let you have your way like he normally would in situations that didn’t involve your actual health.
Zayne shook his head, “If I give into you now then you’ll just fall asleep, and I can’t have that,” okay well he might’ve been accurate in that assessment, but it didn’t mean you were about to give up on your goal of cuddling with him right now.
“Counter argument…I cock warm you and we go to sleep like this right here on the couch,” You tried to reason, but clearly Zayne was not about to let you do that.
“That’s not good for your health,” he watched as you groaned, “We need to clean up, you need to use the restroom, and after that we can lay down in a proper bed and go to sleep,” he made an attempt to reason but you were still pouting at the thought.
“Aren’t you tired?” you mumbled, “You came three times,” you reminded him as your hand trailed over his chest gently. You tried looking innocent despite the fact that you had been riding this man and overstimulating him for around an hour at this point.
“I’m still fully capable of standing…” he said and you watched the corners of his mouth twitch, “Besides, you’ve done worse in the past,” you gasped and looked at him with an open mouth. Okay just because you’ve fucked him to the point of crying in the past and had him shooting blanks meant nothing.
You then smirked, “I mean…I can make you cum like four more times and then we’ll see if that statement pans out,” you chuckled at the thought. You wouldn’t mind wrapping your mouth around him and making him cum a few more times if it meant he’d be tired enough to not bother with getting off this couch. You just wanted to relax into him despite how tired you were and how your muscles ached. You knew damn well that you wouldn’t be able to ride him much longer if you tried, you already ached between your legs. It might’ve also been the reason you didn��t want to get off his dick at the moment, you knew that sore feeling would only fester the moment you did.
“Nope, not tonight, I have to do things tomorrow,” he said and he went to lift you up, but watched the small flinch the moment he slid you up on his cock. It seemed the real reason you wanted to couchrot finally clicked in his brain, “You took all of me…” he finally muttered as he looked down at you.
“Was I...not supposed to?” you asked and it was clear as day that you were guilty. Just like how he had things to do tomorrow, you did as well. Mainly accompanying him since you had insisted on joining him for a convention as his plus one. You had a full day of walking around a convention center.
He sighed and shook his head, “While I might be able to walk right now…can you?” he asked and you looked away and bit your lip.
“I mean…with a limp I could,” okay maybe slamming down on his cock during that phone call wasn’t your best decision, but you were feeling a little jealous and needed the bitch to know he was yours. You tended to make stupid decisions when it came to your jealousy. It didn’t happen often since most people understood they shouldn’t be flirting with a taken man, but when it did you never made smart decisions.
You let out a hiss as he finally lifted you off his dick and you could see the trail of your combined releases coming out of you and onto his lap. You’d have to clean this couch before it stained or else you’d be getting a nice little bill from the resort when you guys left. You could feel the ache so clearly now and it was written all over your face.
Zayne stood up with you still in his arms, making you lock your legs around his waist as he began carrying you into the bathroom. Your arms wrapped around him as you leaned closer to him, placing your chin on his shoulder as you let him carry you.
“Shouldn’t I be the one taking care of you right now?” you murmured, letting out a small yawn afterwards as you nuzzled into him.
“Your argument would be more valid if you could walk,” he said with an amused huff. The bathroom was now cool, a stark contrast to how warm the living room had been after your session. The air was significantly less thick and not smelling of sex which you weren’t sure if you loved or hated right now.
“Again, I can walk…just not well,” you stated as he placed you down on the counter. You leaned your back against the cool mirror as you watched him walk to the shower and turn it on again. You were certain this time around the shower would be quick and almost clinical as he took care of your needs, “Seriously this should be reversed,”
“You’ve already taken care of me, snowflake, now it’s my turn,” the sound of the nickname made you flush and you looked away for a brief moment. Zayne seemed amused by your reaction as he made his way back to you. His hands now on the back of your thighs as he got ready to pick you back up, “Do you think you’ll be okay for tomorrow? I can go out and buy some heating pads. I already have pain relievers in my bag,” he commented as he placed a kiss on the corner of your mouth.
“I don’t think I need a wheelchair if that’s what you're asking…” you then smirked, “Although if you wanted to wheel me around in one tomorrow I won’t say no.” it would send a pretty good message to that one doctor…
“If you’re in that much pain tomorrow then you’ll be on bed rest,” he warned and you let out a groan.
“You know, Zayne,” you said as you pulled him closer to kiss him quickly, “It’s a good thing I love you,”
The way he looked at you was filled with so much affection it made your breath get caught in your throat. Even though he seldom was able to say the words himself you could tell in the way his eyes looked into your own that he loved you with every fiber of his being, “The feeling is mutual,” he leaned in again for a soft and sweet kiss that would always make you melt like snow. You smiled into it, allowing him to care for you once more for the night.
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Aight it's here. It's finished. @anxiousgoddest I know you were excited for it so here is it. The fic. It's done. Also @zayne-li helped me a lot with coming up with some ideas for this so a big thank you!
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chaossturns · 3 months
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⋆⑅˚₊ — synopsis: you and the triplets visit Las Vegas for the weekend but when you guys go out to party, the tension rises between you and matt
⋆⑅˚₊ — pairing: dom!matt x poc!reader
⋆⑅˚₊ — warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, backshots, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap up tf), oral (fem!receiving), slight choking, use of pet names, spanking, and overstimulation
a/n: the smut was a bit rushed only bc this intro was long as fuck , but this fic has me going insane. also come here to join the taglist !!
⋆⑅˚₊ — word count: 2.4k (longest one yet)
not proofread
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Warm summer air drifted around your body, goosebumps jumping across your skin as the wind blew. Chattering bouncing off the building walls, echoing out into the air.
“How much longer do we have to wait?” Chris whines, becoming impatient with the line of people waiting to enter the club. “Dude, shut up we don’t have long.” Matt says, rolling his eyes at Chris’s behavior.
It was currently 10:30 pm, the heat was absolutely excessive at this time of night. You had gotten invited by Matt to go on this quick trip, but he practically had to beg you to come.
 “C'mon please.” He said, putting his hand in a praying position. “We’ll have fun. Nick will be there which means you won’t be as bored.” He continued. Matt had a point, but you still weren’t budging.
“Matt, are you serious right now?” You ask, a small laugh dropping for your lips. “I’m dead serious.” He says, looking down at you with a small pout on his face. “We can go out and do the things you want, just come with please.” He said one last time, hoping you will finally agree with his continuous begging.
You thought about it, the gears clicking in your head. But you don’t know why Matt wanted you to go so bad. “Okay fine Matt, I’ll go.” You say, making Matt smile ear to ear as those words left your lips. “You won’t regret it.” He says, walking back towards his room.
You were dressed in a dazzling, sparkly dress. The gems glistening underneath the shining lights upon the building, your heels doing the same. Matt was taking in the view of you, examining how your dress had a snug fit around your curves. He watched as you engaged in a conversation with Nick, your smile peaking out as he cracked a joke.
You feel eyes burning in the side of your face, turning your attention on Matt as his eyes effortlessly scaled your body. Your teeth nibble on your bottom lip as his eyesight fixes on you, causing him to drop his head and continue his chat with Chris.
“Girl, hello.” Nick says, waving his hand in front of your face. Your cheeks burn in embarrassment from being caught staring at your friend's brother. “Yeah, sorry I was jus–.” You start to say. “Mhm yeah I saw, you have to make a move before someone scoops him up.” Nick says. He knew you always found his brother utterly handsome, but you weren't sure if it was initially fine for the feelings to be up in the air.
After Nick finishes his sentence, you’re next up in line. The security does the normal ID check and lets you pass. The sound of Lil Baby’s voice rang throughout the club like a bell, men and women’s bodies buzzing with energy. You feel Nick’s hand grasp onto your wrist, breaking you out of your trance.
“Let's go get a drink bitch!” He yells, making sure you were able to hear him over the blaring music. He drags you to the bar, ordering four shots of vodka for the both of you. Nick downs his two in an instant, leading you to clutch the shot glasses and do the same. Your face scrunches up in disgust, reminding you how much you hated vodka.
As you and Nick were still congregated by the bar, the song “Throw Sum Mo” by Rae Sremmurd ft. Nicki Minaj & Young Thug began to play. You squeal, wrapping your hand around Nick's bicep and hauling him towards the dance floor.
Ass fat (uh, bust it), yeah I know, you just got cash (mm, bust it)
Blow sum mo’ (word), blow sum mo’ (bust it), blow sum mo’
The more you spend it, (yeah, bust it), the faster it go (yeah, go)
Bad bitches (bust it), on the floor (uh huh)
You and Nick are now in the middle of the floor, singing Nicki’s lyrics under as you point and look at Nick.
It’s rainin’ hundreds (bust it), throw sum mo’ (okay)
Throw sum mo’ (yeah, bust it), throw sum mo’ (word)
Throw sum mo’ (yeah), throw sum mo’
Nick now pulls out his phone, turning the flash on and recording you.
“HI, BYE HATER, I FLOOD THE CLUB WITH PAPER.” You yell, maintaining eye contact with the camera as you continue to rap along. “SHORTY GOT A ASS, SOME FOR NOW AND SOME FOR LATER.” You continue, turning your back towards the camera, and bending over while shaking your ass.
“YES,” He screams, “FUCK IT UP BITCH!” He says, playfully smacking your ass as it recoils. After a few more seconds you stand up straight, resuming your rapping with Nick. He comes closer to you, reaching in to ask you a question. “I’m going back to the bar, do you want anything to drink?” He says. “Yes please, can you get me a vodka lemonade?” You ask, your throat now needing a drink to replenish its dryness. He nods, marching his way to the lit up counter.
You stay where you are, slightly swaying your hips to the song as you wait for Nick. Pulling your phone you go to your camera, making sure your makeup is still intact. By the time you finish Nick comes up against you, passing you the cold drink. “Thank you babe!” You exclaim, giving him an air kiss. He smiles, persistently taking sips from his drink.
The music changes, Flo Milli’s voice filling the room as her song “Never Lose Me” plays.
Never had a bitch like me in your life
And you ain’t never had a bitch like me in your life, uh
Never had a bitch like me in your life
You ain’t never had a bitch like me in your life (yeah)
Nick’s arm extends up, holding your hand in his as you spin and drop down while shaking your ass. You come back up, singing along to the song as you feel a presence behind you. Without checking who it is, you begin to grind on the person's body. Nick, who was turned, faces you with his eyes immediately widening. This makes you toss your head up, getting a view on who was behind you.
The familiar face of Matt was staring down at you, a sly smirk resting on his lips. You try to move away from him, but his arms which are wrapped around your waist prohibit you from doing so. “Don’t stop ma, continue dancing.” He says, leaning down and placing a small kiss on your neck. Your grip on the cup becomes tight, becoming all flustered from being this close to Matt.
Your eyes flicker to Nick’s, confused on what to do in this situation. Nick see’s the unsure on your face, deciding to remove himself from the current predicament and leave you and Matt alone. Matt spins you around, placing your chin between his fingers as his thumb caresses the side of your cheek.
“You looked so good out there. It had me going absolutely crazy.” He says, the smell of alcohol present in his mouth. He grabs your cup and takes a plentiful amount from his mouth, using his pointer finger to open your mouth, and letting the liquor fall from his mouth into yours. You reluctantly swallow, prolonging your eye contact with Matt’s blue orbs that are swirling with lust and desire.
Your body became rather hot and bothered, not knowing if it was from the people surrounding you or the current tension between you and Matt. His lips find his way to yours, closing the gap between each other entirely. It was like the room went totally silent, his mouth smoothly mushed with yours, and moved in such passion. Your hand finds its way to his cheek, squeezing onto it for dear life. Matt’s tongue invades your mouth, dancing around with yours as you fight for dominance.
“We should take this to the room.” You say between kisses, the makeout session becoming to steamy for the public eye. Matt simply nods his head, calling an uber, and pulling you out the club to the outdoors.
As you waited Matt placed you in front of him, his fingers brushing your hip as he planted soft kisses along your bare shoulder. You shudder underneath his touch, your legs rubbing together to get some friction. Just before Matt spoke up, the uber had pulled up, and you immediately made your way to the car. Music quietly played in the background, the traffic not being too much of a hassle at this time of night. Matt’s hand crept between your thighs, fumbling with the lacey fabric of your panties. Your legs squeeze shut, arousal beginning to build up.
“Matt, cut it out.” You say into his ear, knowing the hotel is only a block from where you are. “I can’t mama, I need you so bad.” He says, his fingers itching closer to your clit. This time your hand meets his, removing it from below your dress. Luckily after you did this the uber park outside your hotel, leaving Matt to hastily get out and practically yank you out the car.
“Impatient are we?” You tease him, your heel clacking on the hotel lobby floors. While reaching the elevator Matt repeatedly presses the up button, the need of being inside you overtaking his mind. A bell dings, the doors to the elevator automatically opening. Matt steps in first and clicks the 16th floor button, the doors shutting shortly after. He turns to you, pinning your arms above your head as he attacks your plush lips.
He uses his free hand to grasp your thighs, wrapping them around his torso. The hardness of his dick is perfectly aligned with your heat, making you rub against him. A low moan leaves your mouth, Matt’s tongue clashing with yours. The sound of the bell occurs again, causing his grip on your arms to loosen and wrap them around his neck. He carries you to the room, earning a click from the door as the keycard connects.
When you enter the room a chilling air rushing over your body, making you shiver as Matt kicks the door shut. He plops you onto the bed, your boobs jumping from the sudden action. Matt gets down on his knees and pries your legs open, revealing the wetness soaked into your panties.
“Who made you this wet hm?” Matt asks, the feeling of his lips tracing kisses from your calf to your inner thighs. “You Matt.” You whimper out, his lips now pressing against your core. You feel his arms enclose around your pelvis, the warmth of his tongue swiping against your folds giving you a sense of relief. His mouth is working wonders upon you, the point of his nose grazing your sensitive bud.
The sound of your pussy being sucked and slurped bounced off the hotel room walls, your hand drifting down to Matt’s soft locs, clutching onto them with a harsh grip. A groan emits from his throat, your body feening for more as the vibrations flood every inch of your body. Constant whines drop from your lips, grinding your lower half onto Matt’s face.
“Oh fuck.” You say, releasing uneven breaths as Matt continues his tortuous licks. He drags his fingers down to your clit, his muscle entering your soaked hole. A drawn-out moan pours out of you, the pleasure from his fingers working on your clit and his tongue dipping in out of you driving you over the edge.
“M’close Matt.” a series of broken moans being put out into the air. “C’mon, give it to me baby.” He says, his words being slightly muffled due to how buried he is in your pussy. He drags a few more laps before your cum leaks onto his tongue. Matt licks up the rest of your juices before coming up, his hands reaching to undo your dress latched around your neck. Your boobs are now free, the cold air flowing in the air causing your nipples to become hard.
Matt stands up straight pulling his black tee over his head and unzipping the zip of his shorts, the material of the shorts rubbing together as they fall to the floor. His hard dick was protruding through his black boxers, aching to be released from their restraints.
“Face down, ass up for me mama.” He says in a sultry voice, watching as you comply with his request. You hear his feet shuffle behind you, the palm of his hand sending a strident slap to your ass. You yelp out, the stinging sensation piercing into your skin. Matt rubs the spot he slapped, trying to reduce the pain level.
You crane your neck to see Matt pump himself in his hand, sending you a slick smile before his tip reaches your entrance. He slips in easily, your slick making it effortless as he starts to plunge thoroughly. A pornographic moan leaves your throat, your fingers gripping onto the lush comforter beneath you. Matt was stretching you out in the most perfect way ever, your walls pulsating around his length.
Matt thrusts his hips into yours at a surreal pace, the hotel bed letting out quiet squeaks. Low moans could be heard from behind you, his fingernails digging into your skin.
“Fuck mama, you’re so tight.” Matt grunts, diving deeper into your drenched cunt. From this position he was reaching angles that seemed entirely impossible to get to. “you’re s-so deep.” you whimper out, the way his dick is brushing against your walls makes your eyes roll to the back of your head.
He quickens the speed of his strokes and puts one his legs on the bed, creating an ungodly pressure to form in your lower abdomen. “It’s too, mm, much Matt” your body slowly inching away from him. “Nope, take it.” He grits out, pulling your body closer as he trails his fingers down to toy with your clit.
“Shit Matt!” You exclaim, tears clouding your vision as Matt rubs you clit at an animalistic level. His name left your throat a thousand times, the pleasure becoming unbearable. He removes his fingers from your bud, attaching them to your neck, and gently presses them down on your neck.
An extraordinary amount of relief flushes over your body as you came, earning an ear piercing moan echoing through the air. Matt was still continuing his work inside you, the sensation becoming overwhelming.
You felt your insides suffocate his dick, feeling his dick twitch as his strokes come to stop. The warmth of Matt’s cum on your back spreads throughout your body, a moan following after. You fall on the bed, heavy breaths leaving your mouth.
“So, do you regret coming to Vegas, baby?” Matt asks, pressing a small smack to your ass as he retreats to the bathroom.
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tags: @mattscoquette @mattslolita @luverboychris @l0ver-i @sturnsslut @bigbeefybitch @rileysturniolo @itsnotmariahh @summerssover @mattssluttygf @hoesformatt @sturniyolo69 @luvs4matt @immattsslut
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shiggyscumrag · 1 month
HEY HEY !! Just read your Logan fic and I NEED MORE , your writing is amazing. Please could we get some pain kink/masochist Logan with a slightly dom reader , fem or gn idm!!!
(Specifcally thinking of the scene where he puts the cigar out on his hand.)
HEYYY POOKIE!!!! 💋💋 thank you so much you’re too sweet 🫶🏻 I am in LOVE with this request so I will indulge you lol. I did not proofread this so I apologize for any warnings I might miss and for any mistakes/misspellings!!
Synopsis: Logan was having so much fun teasing and edging you all night long, while you were growing more frustrated by the minute. Deciding you aren’t waiting any longer, you hop on top and show him just how you want it. Maybe some pain will make him remember who’s in charge.
Warnings: choking, biting, hickies, edging, top reader with sub Logan, hair pulling, Logan using his claws on you, freaky shiz
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One hand circling at your clit and the other wrapped around your throat. Tears rolled down the apple of your cheeks as his cock pushed in and out of you at an absolutely brutal pace. Your legs over his shoulder stretched as far as they could possibly go. Panting to keep up you were getting close again. He knew that, yet Logan just loved the flush on your face and the tears in the corner of your eyes too much to stop. Then he did. Pulling both his hands away and stalling his hips still deep inside you.
“How much longer are you gonna make me wait!” You whine out hands starting to trail down to your clit. Hoping to find some relief since he’s enjoying his games a little too much.
“No, no, now you know better than to try that.” He grumbles in a raspy manner wrapping his hands around your wrists pinning them above your head. Face to face he plants a kiss to each cheek and then your jaw slowly working his way down your neck. He places a gentle kiss on each collar bone, you start arching up your chest to meet his hot lips. Kissing down in between your tits he starts moving farther tickling the skin on your stomach with his beard. Coming back up right before he could place a kiss on your clit he laughs.
“How bad do you want it?” He has to be joking right? You’ve been begging to cum for an HOUR! Retracting his claws only an inch or two he drags them across your outer thighs, the cold metal making you shiver.
“Real fucking bad.” You tease letting your voice lower into a deeper octave feigning a whimper, your legs snake around his waist bringing him even closer. Smirking he leans farther down to kiss you slightly loosening his grip on your wrists. Perfect.
Using your body strength you flip him onto his back now holding his hands above his head. Grinding down on his dick he groans in confusion.
“What the hell? This is hot, but-” interrupting him your other hands covers his mouth. He tried to move his hands but you hold steady so he doesn’t put up a fight. Stilling he gives into your little game.
“I want to cum. So hold on hot stuff.” Not giving him any warning you slip him in with no hands. Moaning loud his hands instinctively went to grab your hips. Holding strong you let out a laugh beginning to ride him.
“Not tonight baby. You had your chance to fuck me. I’m in charge now pretty boy.” You lean down whispering into his ear. Placing a kiss right behind his ear you continue to bounce on his cock. Biting down hard on his pressure point has him moaning loudly right in your ear. You taste a little metallic in your mouth. You can feel him twitch in you and it had your walls fluttering around him. Looking down at him you see his claws starting to poke out again, and an idea popped up in your pretty little mind.
“Use your claws on me.” You almost laughed at how his tightly shut eyes opened so wide so quickly. It was inhumanly fast. No pun intended.
“What?” He asks almost like you’re fucking crazy. Maybe he’s a little right.
“Scratch down my back like I do yours. Just be a little more gentle than me.” Pulling your hand off his wrist he sits up his chest meeting yours. He chuckles under his breath at your comment, his hands finding the small of your back squeezing slightly. You jumped a little when you felt his cold claws start to apply pressure on the top of your shoulders. Looking longingly into Logan’s eyes you don’t hold back the moan that breaks from your throat when you feel him start dragging his claws down your back. The pressure breaking your skin lightly, marks forming in their wake. Halfway down your head falls back and you feel really close. The sting and sudden burn has your vision blurring in the best way possible.
“Fuck you’re so sexy.” He’s grinning wide with a scrunch in his brow. Biting your lip you look back down at him, your legs growing tired but you’re determined to make him cum with no help. Maximum effort as Wade would say. Your left hand finds his throat squeezing hard and pulling him into a sloppy hot kiss while the other grips his shoulder. You start to bounce faster curving your pelvis into his. He starts to pull away moaning but you hold onto his bottom lip, biting him playfully before letting go.
“Holy shit- I’m gonna cum!” He grunts out. Holding back a very obvious whine. It came out a little bit at the end. He was gonna be the death of you.
You almost cum from those words alone. Moaning, coming out more like a bratty whine, you take your hand away from his throat to rub your clit. The hand on his shoulder moving to the base of his neck, pulling on his hair deliciously. Head falling back Logan’s hands crush your waist forming a bruising grip. Just from the pure pleasure consuming him. Finding the perfect rhythm you can feel the final stroke before you cum all over his cock. Milking him you can feel him fill you up no more then a few seconds later. The shudder that runs through his body has your body heating up and your lips curl into a smile.
“Logan! Oh fuck- fuck that feels so good!” You’re now shaking as you slow your pace. Still riding out your high his hands make their way to your hips guiding you.
“God, you ride me so pretty princess. Made me feel so good.” Kissing your neck he starts to give you a hickey. Moaning his name again you feel satisfied.
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I’ll write more masochist and or sadist Logan in the future bc I enjoyed writing this but I’m not completely satisfied with it.
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leclercstars · 9 months
Love the Rockstar fics so far, something kinda related, do you think you could do something where the reader has boobs on the smaller side and is a bit insecure about them and her bf is rambling how much he loves them and doesn’t care about the size?
Love your account btw
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bali blues. 🌊
Lando Norris x Reader
Warnings: not many it’s mostly fluff tbh, some cursing, mentions of sexual scenarios.
*full disclosure this one was a little hard to write since I have like need a breast reduction sized boobs but i tried my best!*
“Honey, i’m home!” you giggled as you bounced through the door of your apartment. Shopping bags lined every inch of your arms as you stepped into your bedroom where Lando was impatiently waiting.
“Finally!” he beamed at you.
You two had been planning your first couples trip to Bali for months now, and you had just gone on a massive shopping spree in search of the perfect swimsuits to flaunt around in.
“Please try them on for me I have been waiting ages for this moment!” Lando was bouncing excitedly, eyes wide as he waited for you to strip down.
“Okay okay! Don’t sound so desperate!” you laughed at him.
You turned and faced the wall to take off your clothes, slipping into the first suit, a high cut one piece that accentuated your toned figure.
You turned back around- doing a cutesy little spin to show off for Lando.
“You are PERFECT, y/n.” his jaw was damn near to the floor.
“Need to see the next one immediately.”
You blushed and went to strip down- but in the middle of taking the suit off Lando interrupted.
“Why aren’t you facing me? You know how I love admiring every inch of what’s mine,” he said.
You cringed. Suddenly everything felt very hot, and there was an awkward tension hanging in the room.
“You know i’m insecure about them,” you whispered.
“About what?” Lando’s innocent confusion was charming- but it certainly wasn’t helping you in the moment.
“My tits!” you yelled at the wall.
You were barely an A-cup, and ever since you started dating Lando you had noticed all the comments online about the way you were built. Flat, boyish, a whole host of other jabs making fun of your lack of womanly curves. Lando had never made you feel like he didn’t like your figure- and he damn near worshipped your tits during sex despite their size- but it felt so much different when you were just changing in front of him.
“Baby, please look at me.” he said in a gentle tone. His eyes softened as you turned towards him- the swimsuit now around your ankles- as you crossed your hands over your bare chest.
He placed you gently on his lap- and it was like he was baring into your soul. He moved your hands away from your boobs- gently and cautiously- as you now sat fully exposed on top of him.
“You are absolutely perfect in every way- and I especially love your tits. The way they look perfect in every outfit you wear- god especially those tiny going out tops- and how they fit so wonderfully in the palms of my hands. I love how they look during sex, after you get out of the shower, or when you’re just lying around the apartment naked. You look like a goddess every time I lay eyes on you.”
He was melting your insecurities away with each word that trickled out of his lips.
“What do they call it? The Itty Bitty Titty Committee? I’m the president of the fan club” he grinned at you.
You laughed sheepishly at his remark, and nuzzled your head into his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around your waist. Bali won’t be so bad after all.
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zarvasace · 3 months
I've been going through your ao3 bc I've n been having a hankering for Four/ colors content
Hyrule's fic where he has the loftwing tattoo is ouch in the good ways. Boy had it ROUGH and if I found out that happened to my bestie I would also puke so I get you, Sky.
And the one where Red and Vio grow up in a cult and Red is the perfect little cult angel so they'll be allowed to LEAVE and they haven't seen the sun for 16 years like my heart. Those poor boys. They just want to see their brothers and Red was too young to even remember them ;-;
I picture that Red and Vio found a nice house with a big garden and they spend all day relaxing in the sun and hanging out and nothing else happens to them and they're happy and also Red helps Zelda and the knights find and put a stop to the cult cause Red has alllll the information about them now.
Well I certainly have my fair share of Four and FS boys content. XD I've actually been meaning to add on a bit to the cult one, so here's a fun little epilogue! ~1k words, some CWs for implied religious trauma, some cursing, and moderate angst.
(said cult-themed fic is here! It's a whump fill and imo one of the more intense ones so.)
Green wipes his hands off on a towel and heads to the doorway to poke his head into the living room. “Hey, Vio.”
“Sorry!” Vio says, startling. The book in his hands jumps as he shuts it too fast. He looks up at Green, then blinks and settles. “Sorry,” he says again, this time apologizing for apologizing. 
Green takes a second to bite his tongue—he harbors an eternal, ice-cold hatred for the people who'd somehow managed to get it into Vio’s head that reading was something to apologize for—then shrugs in what he hopes is a nonchalant way. “I just wanted to ask if you had a preference between tomato sauce or cheese sauce for dinner. Blue and Red should be back soon.”
Vio slowly reopens his book to the page he'd been reading. “Um, I think Red likes cheese better.”
“Okay, well, what about you?” 
“I don't really have a preference.”
“Cheese, then,” Green says, just as the door to their little house swings open. 
Green’s little question had startled Vio, but Red's loud, enthusiastic greeting very much does not. 
“Viooooo! Guess what I have!” Red bounces in, wearing something a lot like what he'd worn that first day. It's red and yellow and reminds Green of festival robes. The thin fabric accentuates the way he dances in and presents a set of ominous-looking black iron keys to Vio in both hands. 
Those keys mean absolutely nothing to Green, but Vio raises his eyebrows. “You really did it, then.”
“Did you doubt me?” Red smiles. 
“Can we melt those down?” 
“Oh, I definitely plan on it.” 
Blue follows Red into the house, closing the door behind them both. He wears Vio’s old grayed cloak with the heavy leather mantle, though now there’s a splatter of blood across the side. Where Red is clearly very pleased with what they've done, Green can see Blue’s anger simmering beneath the surface. 
In a flailing of angry movement, Blue rips off the hood and tears the mantle off his shoulders. He bundles it all up and dropkicks the thing into the wall with a shout. 
“Woah, Blue,” Green says, stepping in but not touching him yet. “You okay?” 
“I'm fine!” Blue snaps. He throws his hands into the air. “I’m just dandy! I'm totally not traumatized at all! And I bet you aren't either!” He gestures to Red and Vio, who watch him warily. “We're all really well-adjusted members of society! Nobody treated me like shit while they thought I was you! Nobody at all!”
Green drops his towel and grabs Blue’s arms to stop him from throwing a punch at the wall. He's done it before. “Calm down!”
“Why should I?” Blue keeps shouting, but Green can see the shine in his eyes. “They kept saying, oh, they're good people, just misled, just take care of some of the leaders and everyone will be fine, but you know who gave a damn about me? About Vio? When we staged that—that—”
“Blue!” Green shakes him, hoping to snap him out of it, but all he does is shake the tears out. 
Blue is more prone to punching out his feelings than crying about them. The tears that fall down his face are out of the ordinary for him. He looks at Green like he did every time he became despondent: like he hopes desperately that Green can fix the world. His rage is quickly giving way to full-out sobbing, and it's a bit startling. This hasn't happened in years. 
Green has gotten good at dealing with Blue’s moods, but Vio and Red very much have not. Red has moved to stand half in front of Vio, as if to protect him, and Vio’s eyes have gone calculating. Then Red leans back to whisper something, never taking his eyes off of Blue and Green, and Vio responds, too quietly to hear. 
Blue starts to push away from Green, red in the face, but Vio is right there, hands raised as if he doesn't know what to do with them. 
“Um,” Vio says, “I'm sorry.”
“No, I'm sorry!” Blue interrupts, his voice breaking. “I didn't mean to—to get mad—and we didn't find you—and I had no idea—” 
Red taps Vio on the shoulder and whispers loudly. “Ask if he wants a hug.”
A short, wet laugh interrupts Blue’s tears, and he shakes his head as if to say it isn't necessary. 
Vio’s face goes tight in a wince, and Green starts to move to interrupt, but then Vio raises his arms and wraps them around Blue, and Blue’s sobs go quiet almost instantly. After a few seconds, they readjust so Blue can hold Vio back. Vio definitely isn't crying, but he does hide his face behind his bangs and Blue’s neck. 
Red looks like he's about to cry, too, so Green nudges him. 
“Want to help me make some sauce for pasta?” 
“Really?” Red says, looking up. “Yeah. I do.”
“Come on.” 
Red drops the keys he holds on top of Vio’s discarded cloak, then follows Green into the kitchen. He's a little subdued, but still enthusiastic. By the time Red burns his half of the sauce (surprising no one), Blue and Vio have shifted to speaking quietly on the old couch. 
It's going to be a long road of healing, even considering how far the four of them have come so far. But now they know that the cult isn't going to come after Red and Vio, or kidnap anyone else, for that matter, since they got the princess and knights involved. But Vio has begun to keep his books in plain sight, and Red curses a little more every day. Red goes outside into the sun most days, and drags Vio with him every so often. They moved to a nice little house, and visit their father at least once a week. Blue has been happy, and so has Green. 
It's a long road, yes, and doubtlessly it's an uphill one. But they're on it together. 
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tennessoui · 4 months
how about director's commentary on the wine party au?? :) i love when they're absolute assholes :D
i am always willing to talk wine party au, i hope everyone knows that about me <3
one thing i love about wine party au is that they really are just. assholes. i would not like either of them if i met them in real life i think, but they just bounce off of each other so well!! obi-wan is hooked, anakin is hooked. they're fucking amongst empty wine bottles and anakin has the nerve to say this feels like every post-party hook up he's ever had, only it's empty wine glasses instead of empty solo cups. obi-wan is so offended that he really does almost kick anakin out this time. for real.
but also what i love about the wine party au is that they're genuinely teaching each other things and growing together. obi-wan has decided to teach anakin literally everything he could need to know about being in sophisticated society (almost as if he expects anakin to stick around these crowds for a long time, padmé the psychologist points out, which obi-wan heartily ignores)
and anakin teaches him like. how fun wine can be again. like. new realms of creativity. they get into a fight that's so bad one time and one of them (obi-wan) throws a glass full of red wine at anakin (just the wine not the actual glass lmao) and it hits the white wall behind him so anakin is like perfect let's paint the splashes in and create a mural. your place needed a bit of personality that wasn't in shades of beige and white.
like genuinely im obsessed with their relationship
[send me a fic/au i've written and ask for director's cut commentary]
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elli3luvs · 1 year
I had this random fic idea where reader and ellie go to a spiritual/metaphysical shop. ellie finds it so cute how the reader is so excited about buying books and crystals. the crystal reader really wants is a little pricey so she decides not to buy it but ellie goes back for it 🫶😭 (sorry for this horrible explanation but if ur looking for ideas i thought this was a cute one)
a/n: thank you for requesting!! i did this in headcanons i hope that's okay <333 i absolutely love going into the crystal shop that's near me even though i have no clue what anything really is haha so this was fun to write!
ellie would have zero clue what you were talking about when you mentioned a "crystal shop"
she was like ???
but anything for you! so she loaded you up in her car, buckled you in, turned on the loudest music ever, and drove through the city to get you to where you wanted
she really enjoyed the vibe of the store, the plants and incense burning was 100% up her alley
ellie took a couple interior design notes as she walked around
you were bouncing off the walls excitedly touching the crystals that were out and then pointing at the ones that were on display
"this is rose quartz, it's the crystal for love!"
ellie would furrow her brows and say, "you don't need that, though. im right here."
you just roll your eyes, "but it's pink?"
ellie just crosses her arms knowing she can't win if its pink
you looked around some more but a stone caught your eye
it was behind a glass display so it was more expensive
it was a hunk of lapis lazuli and it was gorgeous, the light caught it perfectly showing how it sparkled
you were staring at it for a full minute before you turned to get ellie's attention (who was looking through the sapphic love spell book btw)
"ellie look at pretty that is."
she is also intrigued by it, "woah... how much is it? that would look good on our mantel."
you tried not to get giddy at how domestic that sounded while you looked for the price tag behind the glass
when your eyes met the number your blood went cold
"holy hell, it's 2,500."
the two of you gawked for a bit at the absurd price until you decided to take your smaller stones to the register
bye bye to the stunning lapis lazuli... until you met in a different life
well that's what you thought
until you came home a week later to the exact crystal sitting on your mantel with a proud ellie staring at it, hands on her hips
"whaddya think?!" she exclaims, eyes twinkling
you punch her shoulder but it wasn't even hard enough to make her budge, "i think you are insane!! that was a horrible financial choice."
she laughs, "money is fleeting but a huge chunk of.... lapel lachuli? now that... that is forever."
ellie didn't even know the name of the crystal but all she knew was you looked at it a little too much
that's all she needed to know
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house-of-kolchek · 2 years
Hi !! I’ve been reading a bunch of your fics cause im hyper fixated on Jason Kolcheck rn. And I was wondering if you could do a Jason Kolcheck x reader fic where Jason has a breeding kink😵‍💫I would really appreciate if you did it cause my birthdays next week so it would be like a birthday present anyways, thats my request/idea. Thanks, love your fics❤️🤭
Hello!! Happy belated birthday dear!
I'm so sorry I was late with this - I was trying to get it finished by the end of the week but life got in the way a little bit. I hope you enjoy this!!
Put a Baby in Me, Darlin' (18+)
Jason Kolchek x Reader
Warnings? JasonhasabreedingkinkJasonhasabreedingkinkJasonhasabreedingkinkJasonhasa-
Word Count: 2k
When Jason looked at you, he looked hungry. 
Which didn’t bode particularly well considering you were in the middle of a child's birthday party.
But no. You weren’t one to back down from a challenge.
You smirked at the man, sending him a wink before turning your attention back to the group of girls - all under the age of ten. You grinned, bowing your head and allowing one of the girls - Charlotte, who sported adorably mismatched pigtails - to place a too-small plastic tiara on your head. 
“My, my, what an honor to be granted the title of representative,” you gushed, your voice taking on an exaggerated posh accent. Charlotte giggled, returning your bow before rushing back to her friends, all sprawled across the lawn looking eagerly at your form. In their eyes, you could clearly see they didn’t understand even half your words, but they still faced you with the glimmer of absolute fascination.
“Repentive!!” One of the girls shrieked, erupting into laughter at the hilarity of the word. 
So maybe they were paying more attention than you gave credit for. 
“Alas!” you announced, your voice nearly cracking with your accent. “My first act as representative-” the girls giggled, erupting a soft pang in your heart “-will be to declare candy as every meal!”
The chorus of excited shrieking drew all the party’s attention to you, as a swarm of girls tackled you into a pile. Your tiara flew across the lawn, your hair tangling into the grass as you wrapped your arms around as many of them as you could manage. Fighting back grunts as elbows and knees poked into your gut, you couldn’t help the laughter escaping your lips as the group began chanting “Candy! Candy!” on repeat. 
“Alright, girls!” Another, much more adult voice cut through the chants. “Get off aunt (Name)!”
You noted the amusement in her tone as Jason’s sister, Amanda, entered your field of view. Pulling the crowd of kiddos off you, she gave a playful roll of her eyes, waiting for you to stand again.
“Candy Queen,” you mouthed, drawing a snort from her.
“I’m calling you when Barb’s bouncing off the walls at 1am you know,” she threatened, and you offered her a mild shrug, reaching down to ruffle the hair of the accused. 
As Amanda guided the children along to the recently unveiled pinata, a warm pair of hands wrapped around your waist. You stiffened for only a second, before Jason’s husky voice whispered against the shell of your ear. 
“Y’know, you’re really good with them,” he remarked with a dangerous glint to his tone. His palms swept under your shirt, warm against the skin of your stomach.
“Are you seriously trying to turn me on in the middle of your niece’s birthday party?”
“Is it workin’?” He chuckled as you slapped his wrists away, turning to press a brief kiss against the curve of his jaw. 
“No,” you teased, pinching at the collar of his shirt as you stepped away from him. “But I’m having fun getting you all riled up.”
His mouth fell open, a retort on his lips, as you made your way back over to the group of adults. You graciously accepted as one of Jason’s cousins offered you the opportunity to hold their newborn. With a flare of mischief, you glanced back over to your husband, quirking a brow at the intense stare he faced you with. The tips of his ears turned red, and just to rile him up further, you leaned to press a kiss against the baby’s little forehead.
It wasn’t like he kept it hidden. You saw the hungry way he looked at you any time you were around children. You’d heard him whisper “puttin’ a baby in you” at least more than twice in the bedroom. Hell, the first time you’d told him he could come inside you, it took him exactly two seconds to do just that.
And you were far from against it. You were good with kids, and you loved them. Especially in recent months, you’d found yourself fascinating about your own little bundle of joy. Your heart and your pussy swelled at the thought of a little one - hopefully sporting Jason’s deep brown eyes and your hair - staring back up at you with one of those toothless smiles you adored so much. 
And so, as the party drew to an end, and you bent down to kiss your niece goodnight, you took a new pleasure in the way Jason’s gaze bored into your back. You took your time offering goodbyes, teasing him relentlessly as you hovered by the front door. 
The drive home was rather uneventful, instead filled by a warm tension in the air. Jason drove quickly, his breaths heavier than usual. And yes, when you glanced down, you didn’t fail to notice the tightness against the front of his pants. 
Yeah. This was gonna be fun.
You followed Jason’s retreating figure, letting your gaze sweep up and down his body as he entered your home. His gaze stayed firmly cemented to the floor, that familiar quirk in his brows as he held his tongue. To hazard a guess, he almost looked embarrassed. 
Why? You weren’t quite sure. So, with a slight pang of sympathy, and less than slight ache in settling in your lower stomach, you finally gave him what he wanted.
“Alright handsome. You gonna put a baby in me or what?”
And Jason choked.
His gaze snapped to you, his pupils growing wide as you stepped closer, leaning in to brush your fingers across his chest. He mouthed quiet words, his adam's apple bobbing as you watched him go through the five stages of grief within two seconds. He’d been caught, until he started to realize that you liked it.
“I think I would make a pretty good mommy, don’t you?” you drawled, grinning wickedly as his arms tensed, his hands curling into tight fists. With a flash in his eyes, and another heavy gulp, Jason’s voice dropped an octave.
“You’re playin’ a dangerous game there, sweetheart,” he warned, and you brightened at the challenge. Curling both your hands into his shirt, you stood on your toes, your lips just barely brushing against his with each word you uttered. 
“Oh, I don’t play games… daddy.”
And in the next second, Jason scooped you into his arms, winding your legs around his waist and surging forward until your back hit the door. His lips collided with yours in a messy kiss, his tongue already prodding at your bottom lip. You gasped against his lips, wrapping your arms tight around his neck as you arched into his chest. His worn baseball cap hit the ground with a soft thump, and your hands flew into his hair, raking your fingers through the soft strands. 
With his hips pinning you against the wall, Jason leaned back enough to yank your shirt over your head. Dipping his head back down, he pressed hot kisses against the column of your throat. His fingers dug into your hips, holding you up enough so he could rut against your core, growing firmer with each thrust. 
“Bed,” you breathed out between gasps. Jason nodded against your skin, slipping his hands across your back as he walked you across the hall and into your room. Depositing you on the bed, he paused to strip his own shirt off, before covering you with the warmth from his skin as he continued to attack your neck and jaw with kisses. 
You keened as he bit into your neck, sucking hard enough to leave an angry purple mark just under the skin. Moving his mouth downwards, he turned his attention to your covered breasts, running his tongue along the curves in a searing line.
“I can’t wait to see these all swollen up,” he groaned, covering each breast with his hands and squeezing once, before he reached under your back to unclip your bra. His words sent a stream of heat to your core, and you rutted against him as his lips latched on to one of your nipples. 
“I bet you can’t,” you sighed out, drawing a deep grumble from his throat as you tugged on his hair. “But I bet this’ll drive you even crazier.” Latching your fingers around his, you dragged his free hand down, resting his palm across your abdomen. Jason’s lips fell from your skin, his eyes squinting shut as his hips bucked against yours.
“Fuck, the things you do to me,” he hissed, pressing one more hot kiss against your stomach before fumbling with the button of his jeans. With a flash in his eyes, he jerked his chin towards you, a sly grin tugging at the corners of his lips. “Strip.”
In an instant, your hands were at the waist of your pants, tugging them down with your panties in one swipe. Jason - ever the impatient man - helped yank the garment off your ankles, his hands gripping each of your knees to spread your legs. With a shuddering sigh, he let one hand cup the warmth between your legs, tracing a finger along your folds and groaning at the slick.
“Fuck, Darlin.’ Think you can take it without any prep?” he husked, his gaze fixated on your core as one hand absentmindedly stroked himself. 
Well, if you didn’t before, you sure as hell did now.
All it took was your nod, and Jason was leaning over you again, lining himself up before easing into you. You hissed out a long gust of air at the stretch, one arm reaching behind your head to dig your fingers into the sheets. 
“‘m gonna fill you up so good,” he grumbled, cupping the backs of your legs and pressing them back to your chest. Hovering over you, he set a rapid pace, drilling into you in a way that felt almost feral. 
Jason leaned over you, a bead of sweat dripping from his forehead against the valley between your breasts before he dipped down, his tongue running rapidly along your skin to lap it up. You groaned, rolling your hips against him, the friction against your clit adding to that delicious ache in your core. 
“What are you gonna do?” you hissed, your throat catching on the words as Jason gave a particularly hard snap of his hips. His lips seared against the skin of your collar as he groaned, his fingers digging into your sides.
“‘m gonna put a fuckin’ baby in you,” he chanted, his pace growing sloppy. The words sent heat straight to your core, and your nails dug in against his shoulders as you bucked your hips up to meet his.
“Say it again,” you ordered.
And he did.
Again, and again he chanted, his voice breaking and rising in pitch. The clipped sounds in the back of your throat met his as you yanked his head down, attacking his lips with tongue and teeth as the coil in you finally snapped.
Jason was soon to follow you, falling over the edge with a drawn out, shaky gasp. He fell across your trembling form, reaching to brush one of the many messy strands of hair away from your eyes. With a sheepish grin, he pressed a final, soft kiss to your shoulder, before heaving himself back to a seated position.
You groaned, your head falling back into the pillows as he angled your hips back. Pulling out, he watched, completely entranced as his release leaked from you. His finger traced under your entrance, swiping it all up and pushing back into you. You whined at the overstimulation, your thighs clamping shut, inadvertently pinning his hand in place as a makeshift-plug. Meeting your eyes, Jason’s grin grew, a mischievous glimmer forming in his eyes.
“Hey so what do you think of the name Simon?”
@yellowroses-world @buttermykolchek @kawaiiwitch224 @kassiekolchek22 @yeslieutenant @lorebite @tangytastyflatboard @meadows-of-light @boristhepineapple @thedreamingfish99 @shinydixon @crazymissy22
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thebrawlerina · 3 months
Hiii- me again :P (i message so freqently because i just honestly adore your writing) I was wondering if you could do the headcanon thing for Rico- i don't think you did already becasue when i cheacked i didn't find anything but i might be wrong
:DDD You have no idea how happy I am getting all these asks. Keep them coming! (If you can. No pressure there.)
To celebrate this new blog, let's open with some
Rico HC's
When Starr Park opened with only a western theme, Rico played the role of a 'Bounty Hunter'. He was essentially the security of the park who would have some themed events with Colt and Shelly.
Once the Park decided to include other themes, an Arcade place was added to the mix. Rico found that he loved that places vibe more than the western style and eventually made his way into being part of that scene instead.
That wasn't the only reason for his drastic remodel. Rico loved interacting with kids, but found that his Bounty hunter persona and looks sometimes scared kids which made him sad. When he became a part of the Arcade theme, he requested to have a new body built to fit better and appear friendlier to kids.
Even though Rico sort of left his security job when he switched roles, he still keeps a vigilant eye out for wrong doers in his area.
Even though Rico has a pretty monotone and bland voice, he can actually be pretty emotional and dramatic. Though sometimes people think he's being sarcastic because of his voice, when if he means everything he's saying.
He met Piper after mourning the loss of his lover (the vending machine lol). Well, he actually knew of her beforehand but that was the first time they properly interacted outside of work related duties and brawls. Rico was soon smitten and asked her out on a date. To his surprise, she actually said yes.
Rico is absolutely the type to do grand gestures of love to Piper (or whoever his lover is in the case of other fics). That doesnt mean that he doesn't like the cute subtle things too. But he is a dramatic lover and he will get a boquet and chocolates every chance he gets.
Rico has a program that lets him easily calculate angles to bounce things in real time, and he can activate it outside of battles too. This leads him to doing all sorts of dumb and mundane trickshots, like bouncing some trash off the wall before it goes in the trash can or tossing a coin and making it spin before it goes in a jar.
This program was actually meant to be used so he could be a thrower like Barley. But he picked up a gun and found that way more fun than lobbing stuff. Also the higher-ups were worried about the similarities between him and Barley so they let it be.
Actually he likes doing trick shots a lot. He'd make a youtube account for it, but many others agree that him doing it would be cheating because of said program.
While nothing could top Arcade games in his mind, Rico is actually decent in more slow paced strategy games. Brock tends to just brute force his way through those games and 8-BIT cant be bothered to sit down and play it.
He and Colt used to be really good friends due to their initial roles. One could even say they were best friends. But over time, the two of them started drifting apart and Rico started hanging out with Brock more. They're still friends but definitely not as close as they were before.
Rico and Brock vibe really well with each other. Brock can easily tell what the robot is feeling with his subtle cues, and Rico is good at getting Brock to challenge himself and be better.
8-BIT and Rico like to talk shop about all things video-game related even when outside of work. Rico marvels at the fact that, because of 8-BITs short temper, he's actually the calmer one in this situation.
Rico is completely smitten by Piper. She is his queen, his goddess, and he's grateful everyday that she said yes to him. He'd like to put a ring on her but it waiting for the 'perfect opportunity'. But hes got big things planned.
Rico regards the Starr Park security trio as his successors of sorts and feels an odd parental feeling towards all of them, even if their AI's are made to have them be technically around the same age.
Rico sees Barley and Darryl as like friends who also see each other as family. Barley is the older one and Darryl is the younger one. This unfortunately means that he is the middle one, which Darryl sometimes likes to poke fun of.
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sentientcave · 1 month
Oh hey it's Wednesday again! You know what that means!
I've been bouncing around from project to project a lot lately so have a little Fic Flight of a few thangs
You Only Live Twice
Sadie was already creeping down the shadowed path strip of grass between the building and the outer wall, shoes in hand. She felt the Russian’s presence at her back, the intake of breath indicating that he intended to scold her for getting ahead of him. “I imagine they’ll have men at the gate already,” she said, cutting him off. “I’ll pretend I think they’re the real security and blather on about what’s going on upstairs, and you pick them off once I have them in the open. I assume you’re a good shot?” “I don’t like that. You could be killed.” Why the man cared all that much if she were killed, she didn’t know. Something to figure out later, once they were out of there. At the moment he was useful, and that was all that mattered. “I doubt it. They would have just blown the place to bits if they wanted everyone dead. They’re looking for high-profile hostages.” He tugged her further into the shadows, his big hand not leaving her waist even once he had her pressed against the wall. “You’re right, but—” “If you’re not a good shot, now would be the time to tell me,” she hissed back. “We don’t have time to stand around and think about it. I can probably only take on one myself, if I have to fight hand to hand.” She looked past him, down to where the lights from the gate station glared out into the darkness. “Are you ready?” He sighed, resigned. “Da. Make it a good performance, umnyashka. I will follow.”
Your morning passes in a steady trickle of numbers and signed reports. You get up and stretch halfway through the morning, water your plants, get back to work. The second half of the morning flies by, and Brandon is back in your doorway again before you know it. It was a vain hope to think you would be able to slip out and get lunch without tagging along with him. Or it would have been, if the elevator didn’t open to reveal Simon ‘Perfect Timing’ Riley, holding a brown paper bag of takeout. “Forgot t’pack you a lunch, pretty boy,” he rumbles, stepping out and pulling you to the side. “Figured you could show me your office.” Brandon opens and closes his mouth like a fish, taking in the full expanse of Simon. Simon gives him a sly look out of the corner of his eye, and tugs you a step closer by the tie. “No kiss, love?” he asks playfully. You short circuit, face heating up so much that you’re sure Simon can feel it when he cups your jaw and tips your face up, and fucking kisses you. He’s not shy about it either, his tongue lapping at the seam of your lips, head tilted so your noses don’t squish together. “This is your boyfriend?” Brandon asks, interrupting the absolutely bizarre moment. “Hm?” Simon pulls away and looks at Brandon properly, like he’s just noticed him there. “Who’s your friend, Rip?” “Um. This is Brandon. Brandon, this is Simon. Yeah. My um. Boyfriend.” You look back at Simon. “You didn’t have to bring me lunch.” “Maybe I wanted to. You gonna say no to a curry?” “No. Come on, lets go sit in my office.” You shrug at Brandon. “Rain cheque, eh?” “See you around, Bradley,” Simon adds, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
Field Trip
He looks serious for a moment, before the grin flickers back on. “Aw, weel, it wasnae as much fun as I might make it look. I had things ta keep livin’ fer.” “Like volunteering to help out with a school trip?” you ask mildly. “Of course. Few things matter more’n education, ye ken. Want tae make sure Finn doesnae wander off like Ah would’ve at his age.” His knee bumps into yours as he gets comfortable in the seat, and he makes no move to remove it. “Ah didnae have such a bonnie teacher, mind. Might’ve paid a bit more attention in class.” You tilt your knees toward the aisle, humming noncommittally. As far as you’re aware, Mr. Mactavish was SAS— An officer, and no slouch in regards to intelligence. Acting like an over eager puppy probably gets him further than behaving like a serious soldier, but you don’t really buy it. “I’m sure you did just fine in school, Mr. Mactavish.” “Ye can call me Johnny, ye ken. We’re no’ strangers by now, are we Sweetpea?” “Mr. Mactavish—” “Ah, come on bonnie, Ah’m no’ on a last name basis with anyone else here. Even the kids call me Soap.” “Are you ever going to tell us what that means?” Mrs. Kingsley asks, leaning across the aisle with a smile. “Ah cannae, Barb, ye cheeky thing, an’ ye know it. Classified.” Johnny taps the side of his nose and winks. He takes the opportunity to lean across you, one hand on your thigh and one arm braced against the barrier between your seat and the door. “How’s yer grandkids gettin’ on? No’ in school themselves yet, are they?”
She chanted his name, pressing her lips to his ear. He growled in response, barely missing a stroke as he transferred his weight to one arm, the other grabbing her by the throat, putting just a little pressure there. “Shut it, birdie, you’re gonna make me come.” “Yes, yes please,” she whispered, cunt clamping down on him like a vice. “Want you to. Please, Simon—” “Fuckin’ christ, Morgan,” he grunted. “Never fuckin’ shut up, do you?” She grinned, tipping her chin up to give him better access to her throat. “No. You’ll have to make me.” He groaned, dropping his forehead to her shoulder, giving her a few more grinding thrusts as deeply inside her as he could get, and came hard. Morgan could feel every pulse and twitch as he stuffed her full, the sensation almost enough to send her over the edge too. She whined, wrapping he legs around him tightly so he couldn’t pull out. “S’your own fault, birdie,” Simon grumbled, letting his full weight come down on top of her to keep her from moving her hips any more. “Gimme a minute. I’ll take care of you.” She sighed, stroking a hand through his hair and pressing a kiss to the side of his head. “I know you will. We’ll take care of each other.”
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scramble-crossing · 8 months
2 3 10 12 13 for the ask game!
2. A headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like! Ok this is hard to answer because I forget what's canon and what's intricately-woven-into-my-brain headcanon but I'll say the "Kariya was an Angel" theory! I never disliked it, but I never liked it more than the simpler explanation of "Oh he's just been around the block a couple of times, that's why he knows more than the average Reaper but still couldn't pick out Joshua as the Composer-that stuff's above his paygrade." Even now it's not "canon to me" level of headcanon, but I can see the appeal and really I appreciate anything that inspires people to look a littler closer at characters like Kariya or Uzuki. Also it's really good when played for comedy. His ass is showing up at the Angel convention, stealing as many appetizers as he can, and bouncing before anyone can point out that he got fired 30 years ago for skipping meetings to go play Tin Pin with random Wall Reapers.
3. A character that fandom has helped you appreciate It's too easy to say Coco so Beat! It's embarrassing to admit but I kinda had a bone to pick with him when I was first getting into the series for sorta "replacing Sho" in neo. I didn't think he was as interesting (and to be fair he really isn't in neo until you take his relation to Rindo's arc into consideration; he works wonderfully as a back for Rindo to hide behind even if his own story was very much concluded by the end of the first game. Then there's also his dynamic with Neku, which is very very good, but he didn't need to be a player character for that. Anyways). Beat analysis posting made me actually pay attention to him while replaying the games and realize how much I'd missed skimming over him in W2 (the poor guy's really gotta try to compete with fan darling Joshua and Sho, aka the loudest fucking man alive, for screen time). His stint as a Reaper is incredibly fascinating. I forget who, but I always distinctly remember someone talking about Beat getting prepped to try and deaden his heart and become as brutal and merciless as a Reaper is supposed to be before ultimately choosing kindness in both his siding with Neku and sparing Kariya and Uzuki in W3 and man.....yeah. He's just such a good guy. He's easily in the top 10 favs now, if not the top 5
10. A blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter Well....yknow....
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There are a LOT of others and I'm too shy to tag but goldensunset (incredible analysis) playtwewy (fav fics ever) sho-minamimoto (awesome art + sho headcanons) dj-of-the-coven (made me love beat) purplelea (also incredible analysis) bitternami (very kind and wow I read a fic of yours once and it blew me away...I will remember to find it and leave a comment soon) leonvilasi (always leaves fun and interesting comments in my notes) off the top of my head and a whole bunch of people who aren't as active in the twewy fandom anymore or whose art I love and the people I always see leaving funny tags in my notes you're all awesome <3
12. Compliment someone else in your fandom AUGH HELL ON EARTH!!! dandelion2302 I absolutely adore the way you draw Sho your art is amazing.................
13. Your favorite type of fandom event (gift exchange, ship week, secret santa, prompt meme, etc) Yknow I've never actually done any fandom events before twewy! I had a blast during the twewybang and while I probably won't participate again for a while (I'd rather finish the fic I wrote for the 23 one first) it was a wonderful first experience with this sort of thing :]
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soccerpunching · 1 year
Hissatsu Technique Headcanons #2
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Absolute Leader of the Pitch
Position: Attacking Midfielder
*Anybody can use any of these in their fics or wherever as long as I'm credited. This is just something I do for fun. TWs/CWs are tagged.
Name: Lights Out
Thank you so much for helping me name this one!!
Dribble/Steal Hissatsu
Description: Kidou gives an opponent a knowing smirk as he stops in front of them. He snaps his fingers confidently and the light disappears within the few meters around them. With confusion comes panic for the player under his spell and he takes this as an opportunity to disappear from their eyes as two giant yellowgreen orbs with vertical slits take his place. The orbs emitted a sickly glow as the slits turn wider and wider until a mouth with bared fangs appear under them. The eyes turn playful as the opponent feel their knees tremble at the slowly approaching predator, fangs dripping off some fluid and heaves a touch breathy. As they make a move to run, the predator--now they can clearly see as a black cat-- slams them on the ground and stretches its mouth to show a set of sharp teeth that attacks the screaming player.
Weakness: Anticipating the attack before he starts it
Inspiration: Kidou likes making his favorite animals his hissatsu (he likes penguins who are cute with a scary side so i know he likes cats).
Effective on: One to four opponents
Name: Knife Darts
Dribble/Steal Hissatsu
Description: Either an opponent approaches him or he approaches the one with the ball. As soon as Kidou is only a small distance from the other player, he crosses his arms over his chest to show knives that appeared between his fingers. The startled opponent slows down and feels a wall behind them. The monochromatic wall that looks like a target with a red dot at the center corners them and Kidou throws the knives in one fell swoop. His opponent instinctively guard using their forearms, covering their own line of sight. As the knives fly, the player feels the gravity shift from something that's attracting their weight to their feet to now the wall behind them. Sounds of knives hitting just a centimeter from their sides brings them back to the match where they realize they're now laying on their back against the ground and Kidou has just run pass them.
Weakness: Multiple opponents
Inspiration: He used to watch a lot of illusionists after a long week of study and training when he was younger. This move, along with Illusion Ball, is very dear to him since they made him not think of the expectations of being a Kidou during a time when he had to get used to it.
Effective on: One opponent
Name: Koutei Penguin: It's Feeding Time
Shoot Hissatsu
Description: He stands face-to-face with the goalkeeper, kicks the ball straight upwards, and whistles. He shouts Koutei Penguin in a low tone and quickly afterwards enters a giant and angry emperor penguin that came out of the ground behind him, only its head and a portion of its upper body for everyone to see. As the ball drops and bounces to Kidou's level, he kicks it on the side, making it spin very fast until it turns into a fish that then points towards the goal. With an apathetic stare, he points at the goalie and whispers behind him, "It's feeding time." The fish shoots where he pointed and the penguin screams as it opens its mouth to chase its food. The goalkeeper is forced to watch what looks like long sharp pink spines inside what usually seems like a tamed creature. The nightmare-inducing sight usually leads the keeper to retreat and let the ball hit the net to save themself from the horror.
Weakness: A strong-willed goalkeeper who can go head-to-head with that abomination (/pos) and has the strength to push it back.
Inspiration: Well. Let's just say he was angry in a match once and it reminded him of what a penguin's mouth looks like and wanted to be generous; so, he shared the beautiful knowledge. Please do not search that unless you can take it.
Note: Those things are not teeth!! They just look like teeth but their papillae. They're not sharp either, their growths of some sort. I understand nothing about penguins but I know Kidou loves them dearly.
Related Kidou Headcanons:
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In a story I concocted in my mind, Lights Out is a move inspired by a black cat he adopted named Hecate that he brings with him wherever country he goes. Hecate is a master hunter of every unwanted little creature in his current home or outside of it. She likes showing them to Kidou first before she eats them in front of him to his digust and fascination (Kidou allows this because she gets in a sour mood when she couldn't do it at least a day). The main Kidou mansion and all of their vacation homes never stay filthy but Hecate always finds her prey.
It's Feeding Time is a technique Kidou only uses on people he doesn't like and was created in the middle of a frustrating match with a condescending goalkeeper. He has never and will never use that on Endou and Tachimukai unless they requested themselves. Genda personally asked to try it (he was also frightened the first few times) and was able to catch it after many attempts. The name ended up sounding ridiculous because he came up with it in the fly (and fuming).
Notes from Lore/Fritz:
Knife Darts is originally a move I created for Gouenji under the name Flaming Knives (yes, it could sound lamer) because I wanted a non-shoot hissatsu for him. I got him something else that fits him better. I gave this one to Kidou as a callback for his magician theme for Illusion Ball. I think he should have more magician-themed ones.
Lights Out is a mix of the magician theme and his love of animals and I'm really in love with it. Did Kidou transform into a cat using the move? Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy?
I always wonder how the audience in the stands or at home see a hissatsu technique. Let's just assume they can magically see Lights Out in the dark and never ask me about it /lh.
You're probably thinking that Knife Darts should have been the move I made a poll about and honestly I was planning to but the wait period is driving me insane so I didn't bother ashashadhas. But if any of you have some ideas for a better name, I'm all ears.
I have ones for other characters here too: Hissatsu Techniques Headcanon Masterlist. Or explore the tag #hissatsu imagined by lore
Tell me if I forget any TW/CW!
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tickle-bugs · 1 year
Thank you so much for offering to write a fic for me for my exam! You are the absolute sweetest 🥺😭 I couldn’t think of another beetlejuice prompt, but if it’s not too much trouble, could I suggest a wicked prompt maybe? This is semi based off a true story! I’m a dancer, and we are working on a showcase. At the end I have to do like a flirty wave type thing and for the life of me I can not figure it out so my instructor said to wiggle my fingers like I’m tickling somebody. That gave me a prompt idea. Maybe Glinda is teaching Elphaba how to flirt with boys and teaching her to do a flirty wave and she tells Elphaba to wiggle her fingers like she is tickling someone. Elphaba can say something like “that’s hard to imagine. Why don’t I practice instead?” And then she tickles Glinda. Maybe if it’s not too much trouble Glinda can tickle Elphaba back after. Sorry for the long prompt. Anything Glinda and Elphaba would be perfect or anything Beetlejuice! I’d be happy to read any stories from you. Your stories bring me so much joy.
Good luck once again! Hope you enjoy this <3 This prompt was so cute and so was the story!!!
Strange Exhilaration
“Are you ready, my pupil, for your most important lesson yet?” Glinda twirls excitedly. 
“Are you going to throw more glitter at me?” Elphaba shakes some glitter out of her skirt. 
“Would you please cease the seriosity? It’s time for the art…of the goodbye.” Glinda flourishes and silver sparkles puff into the air around her. 
“The goodbye is the crème de la crème of flirtations. It cements you in the mind of a potential target.” Glinda paces, each of her gestures throwing a bit more shimmer into the air.
“Target?” Elphaba murmurs, curbing the urge to sneeze. 
“It’s about captivation, adoration, and, of course, exhilaration. Observe.” Glinda strikes a slinky, sultry pose against the wall, both casual and elegant at the same time. She turns, slowly, never breaking eye contact until the moment she strides away. 
“Wow.” Elphaba prays that Glinda doesn’t notice how breathless she suddenly is. 
“You try, Elphie.” Glinda pulls her up to her feet. Elphaba mutters to herself a little, observing the wall as if she were to scale it, rather than lean against it. 
At first, she just plants herself flat against the wall and stays there, like a startled animal. Then she starts to lean, slowly and with a horrifying amount of eye contact, as if she’s trying to snap her back in half. 
“Oookay. How about we start with something simple, like…a wave?” Glinda sweeps her away from the wall and gives her shoulders a squeeze. 
“You don’t have to patronize me. I’m terrible at this.” Elphaba sighs deeply. 
“The wave is the most important part. It’s the goodbye that keeps on giving. Now, show me what you’ve got.” Glinda nods firmly. Elphaba waves a bit awkwardly, but it is a human wave. She takes that as a win. 
“A side-to-side wave says ‘let’s be paramours who don’t…amour’. Try keeping your hand still and just moving your fingers.” Glinda tenderly adjusts Elphaba’s hand. Elphaba twitches her fingers as if she’s cramping. 
“Much better! This time, try to fully wiggle all of your fingers. Ooh! Like you’re tickling someone!” Glinda bounces on her toes with a blinding smile. 
“Like I’m what?” Elphaba squints. 
“Oh, Elphie.” Glinda takes her hands with gentle, well-meaning pity. 
“It’s not something I do.” 
“Yes, well…neither is fun, but we’re working on that.” Glinda pats Elphaba’s hands. 
“It’s hard to imagine.” Elphaba’s eyes glint with mischief. “Perhaps I should practice instead?”
“Excellent idea! Wait—“ Glinda narrows her eyes in suspicion, but it’s too late. Elphaba goes right for her ribs with a triumphant cackle. She squeals and keels over onto her bed in a pile of ruffles. 
“Y-You tricked—“
“I would never.” Elphaba deadpans, giving Glinda’s waist a squeeze. 
Glinda snorts. Elphaba grins wickedly.
“Elphaba, if you have even an ounce of mercy in your soul—“
Elphaba cuts off her theatrics with nibbling pinches, ones that make Glinda’s bubbly giggles bloom into full peals of sweet laughter. Glinda’s whole face scrunches as she tries to fight it, but another well-timed squeeze coaxes a second snort from her with ease. Glinda whines into her hands, fully folding into Elphaba’s side. 
“Galinda Upland snorts? This is priceless.” Elphaba snickers, releasing Glinda with a final poke. 
“No one will ever believe you.” Glinda wipes her eyes and fans her face. Elphaba chuckles and fans her too. 
“Now, I believe revenge is in order.” Glinda cracks her knuckles. 
“Hm?” Elphaba blinks, startled. 
“Oh, did you not hear? Let me assist.” Glinda primly clears her throat. Elphaba goes to bolt, but Glinda pulls her back and immediately acquaints her with the deadliness of acrylic nails. 
“I said, revenge is in order,” Glinda yells over Elphaba’s laughter, grinning brighter than the sun. Elphaba crunches into a ball but Glinda tsks at her, poking at the back of her ribs until she uncurls.  
“Take notes on this demonstration, Elphie. This is precisely how I want you to wave.” Glinda skitters her fingers over Elphaba’s stomach, nearly knocking their foreheads together. 
“Galinda! T-Tickles!” 
“That’s the point, silly.” Glinda laughs, hovering her fingers just above Elphaba’s knees—a death sentence. She yelps and grabs Glinda’s hands.
“Truce?” She gasps, still giggling, and laces their fingers together. 
“That can be arranged.” Glinda winks, fondly wiggling her thumb over Elphaba’s palm. Elphaba squeals and pulls away. 
“What was—“
“Nothing.” Elphaba stares at the floor. 
“You’re a terrible liar.” Glinda slowly pulls Elphaba’s hand into her lap. She scritches over the lines in her palms, gentle but vicious. Elphaba’s face burns dark green and she hides in her free hand. Frantic giggles leak out between her fingers. She kicks her feet and shivers. 
“I can’t believe your hands are tickly,” Glinda squeaks in sheer joy, skittering her nails across Elphaba’s palm. Elphaba makes an embarrassed little wailing noise and attempts to implode. 
Glinda finds an awful spot where the heel of her hand meets her wrist. With one finger, she unravels Elphaba at the seams. She shrieks and flops backwards on the bed, praying that it’ll swallow her whole. Instead, Glinda coos at her. Great. 
“If you keep this up—“ Glinda gestures to the mass of still-snickering Elphaba— “You’ll win any heart you desire.”
“Cruel and unusual,” Elphaba wheezes tiredly, blinking up at Glinda with a wobbly smile. Glinda unravels the last bits of Elphaba’s braid, letting her hair splay around her in a halo. 
“I mean it. You’re beautiful, Elphaba.” Glinda rests her palm on Elphaba’s stomach. She gives it a fond pat. 
“And you are…blonde.” Elphaba snickers preemptively, rocketed into giggles by Glinda’s well-practiced dramatic gasp. Those giggles mature when Glinda vibrates a claw into her stomach, delightfully wicked, and sends them tumbling into another round of familiar nonsense. 
“Maybe next time I should tickle you during lessons. Laugh once for yes and twice for no.”
“Glinda!” Elphaba grabs her wrist for something to hold onto. 
“Ga-linda. Clearly we have our work cut out for us.”
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practically-an-x-man · 9 months
Steel Christmas
Gift for @vexic929 (Merry Christmas!) Characters: Berrie Thawne (Vexic's OC), Quinn (my OC) Word Count: 1.4k Content Warnings: gen fic, mentions of piercings and needles, swearing, absolute batshit assortments of pronouns
"Your dad's gonna kill me for this..." Quinn drawled, lifting one hand off her crutch to push open the door. She winced as she did it - it was solid wood, too heavy for the light shove she gave it, and they winced at the twinge in their back. Berrie noticed and darted ahead, ducking under Quinn's arm to push the door open. They shot him a brief, grateful glance.
"What, for letting me have a needle jabbed into my face?" Berrie fired back, bouncing eagerly on her toes at the thought, "I've been through worse. And weirder."
"Yeah, but being the adult that condones you getting a needle jabbed into your face..." Quinn pointed out, once again shouldering her crutches and working her way into the piercing shop.
"Ooh, they do tattoos too! Maybe I should get a tattoo instead..."
Quinn scoffed.
"Absolutely not. Then your father might actually kill me." they muttered, recognizing the note of truth in the words. Berrie's father - or... pseudo-father, or however the hell that worked - was about the scariest person she'd ever met, and that was a tough bar to reach. Quinn glanced at the artwork along the walls, then back down at Berrie. "Have your friend do a stick 'n poke on you if you want one so bad. That's how I got my first ones."
"So you're fine with me getting a tattoo, but not if you have to pay for it?"
"I don't care what the hell you do with your body unless I have to be responsible for it." Quinn said, "I'm not signing off on a fifteen-year-old's tattoo. Especially when said fifteen-year-old's father could literally pull my heart out of my chest if he wanted to."
"But you'll sign off on a fifteen-year-old's new piercing."
"Sure. Pick your poison," she replied, waving a hand towards the diagrams pasted up on the far wall, "Anything outside the bikini zone."
"What if I want to get a belly button piercing?"
"What if I want to get shark bites?"
"I pity your dentist, but fine."
"What if I want to get a smiley?"
"I said bikini zone, not scuba zone," Quinn asked, sarcasm dripping like oil off the words, "I was thinking more like a helix or something, but if you really want a needle jabbed into your gums, go right ahead."
"Hm... the daith looks cool." Berrie decided, continuing to shift on her feet, "But eyebrow piercings look cool too."
They glanced over at Quinn, surveying her own array of piercings. She seemed to have half the chart in her ears, not to mention their nose ring and double-set of eyebrow piercings in their right brow. When she caught Berrie's eyes on her, she lifted that same eyebrow, and Berrie watched that silver barbell creep along with it in fascination.
"How bad did they hurt?"
"Ah, I'm a terrible metric for pain, kid." Quinn muttered, leaning back a little on their crutches, "Compared to the shit I've got going on, my tattoos might as well've been licked on by kittens. N' piercings are even easier."
"Hm. I know how that feels."
"Do you?"
Berrie nodded.
"Well, hallelujah," Quinn scoffed with the same biting sarcasm, "The youth of the nation, everyone. Fuckin' healthcare, I swear."
"I don't think I count as 'the youth of the nation'," Berrie pointed out, grinning up at the older person. He liked Quinn. She was fun. More fun than most of the adults they found themself around. "Technically I was made in a lab."
"And I fell off a goddamn Ukrainian high-rise," she shot back without missing a beat, "Story doesn't matter. They'll treat us like shit either way."
"So, daith or eyebrow?" Quinn asked, tilting their head back to the diagrams in the back of the studio, "Or both?"
"Sure, why not?"
Without another moment of hesitation, they tapped the call bell on the front desk and watched as a heavily-tattooed artist hustled out from the back of the shop. He approached the desk, offering the two of them a brief nod in greeting.
"Hey, folks, what are we looking for today?"
"A daith and an eyebrow for the kid," Quinn said, faintly nudging Berrie with her elbow, "And, uh... what's the heal time look like for a labret?"
"Six months, give or take," the artist responded, "And you can't smoke while it's healing."
"Damn." she muttered, "Ah, well, probably past time I quit anyway. I'll get the labret."
"You got ID, kid?" he said, turning to Berrie. Quinn waved a hand.
"Ah, she still needs to test for 'er drivers license. I've got it. I'm his aunt." she said, pulling out her wallet and presenting the man with an ID. Berrie couldn't tell if it was a real ID or not - it looked real, but they remembered Quinn saying she was legally dead once or twice, so it was more than likely a fake. If so, it was an awfully good fake.
The artist pored over it for a few moments, his eyes flicking from Quinn to Berrie to the ID in quick succession. He finally nodded, but fixed Berrie with a hard look.
"Do your parents know about this?"
"Of course they do," Berrie lied, "My dad was just too busy to take me himself. And he thought that Qui- uh, Aunt Q, would know better about where to go, since she's already got a bunch of piercings."
"Hm. Alright." he agreed, his dark eyes flicking back to Quinn, "Ten quid surcharge for minors. And you'll have to sign a liability form."
"That's fine." Quinn agreed, fishing through their wallet for a cluster of bills. She glanced down at Berrie for a moment, "Merry Christmas, kid."
"Thanks. You too."
Quinn scrawled their signature on a series of release forms - one for herself, one for Berrie - flipping the pen dexterously between their fingers as the artist looked them over.
"Says here you got no medical conditions," he said, firing a not-quite-subtle glance down Quinn's crutches and brace. She lifted her eyebrows disdainfully at him.
"Nothing that's gonna cause a problem with stickin' a needle in my lip."
The artist huffed, not exactly believing them, but finally scooped up the waivers and waved a hand towards the other end of the studio.
"Come on back, then. Who wants to go first?"
"Me!" Berrie blurted, before Quinn could get a single word out.
"Hm. Brave kid."
It wasn't Berrie's first piercing. Neither was it Quinn's. And so the whole process went by shockingly fast - iodine to needle to jewelry before they knew it - and neither of them so much as winced. Soon they were back on the street, making their way back to Quinn's car and the wrath of Eobard that surely awaited them.
"What'dya think?" Quinn asked, "Looks pretty badass to me."
"Oh, totally!" Berrie agreed, resisting the urge to touch the new studs. They still ached a bit, and he had to fight hard not to aggravate his eyebrow piercing by pulling too many facial expressions, but she was sure she'd just doubled- no, tripled - their level of badassery.
"My boyfriend's gonna be so pissed," Quinn mumbled, sounding a little amused at the thought. They ran their tongue gently along their bottom lip, causing the new metal barbell in their lip to wiggle.
"He doesn't like your piercings?"
"Fuck no," she laughed, tossing her head, "He loves my piercings. But he's gonna be bloody annoyed that he can't kiss me for six months."
"There are other places to kiss..." Berrie mumbled, not realizing Quinn had heard her until their eyebrows jumped up their forehead.
"Damn, kid! Hope you don't talk like that in front of your father," she chuckled, "Actually, you know what, I kinda do. That'd be a sight."
The car was parked at the side of the street, but Quinn brushed right past it and down the sidewalk. Berrie paused for a moment, vaguely confused, then jogged to catch up.
"Where are you going? The car's back there."
"Well, you're gonna want some jewelry for those new piercings, aren't you?" Quinn replied, pausing to look over at him, "How do you feel about emeralds?"
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prismatoxic · 2 months
Chilbru is an interesting ship. I hadn't thought about those two. What made you get into that one? (I want to see if it resonates w me cuz I like the idea)
tbh i got into it while working on me and devot's collab fic imposter syndrome, which is a chilaios fic, but is the first time i meaningfully wrote chilchuck and kabru interacting and realized they'd bounce off of each other in a really fun way
i think they're very different people, but they could absolutely be swayed to work closely together and could find common ground and mutual respect if pressed. and imposter syndrome is very much pressing, which is how i got to explore it in the first place
here's one of the parts of chapter 1 that i enjoyed a lot (under the cut bc it's spoilers for both our fic and late dungeon meshi, as this fic is canon divergence with the climax of the manga)
"It's appreciated," Kabru says as he steps away, heading for the shelves along the nearby wall. "Now we just need to get in contact with the captain."
"You're going to write a letter now?" Chilchuck asks, turning to watch as Kabru stops in front of a shelf and reaches for something. When he turns back around, it's not writing tools in his hand, but rather one of the little fairies the Canaries had used back in the dungeon. Chilchuck stares.
"I told you that he instructed me to do what I could," Kabru says, returning to the bed and sitting down with some space between him and Laios. "He gave me this when he did. If anything changed, I was to report to him as soon as possible." He adjusts his hold on the creature, gripping it in a loose fist, and Chilchuck notes with some discomfort that it seems like an animate object, but not a living one. Magic, then, he supposes.
"So he'll answer this?" Chilchuck asks cautiously. "Do you know how to use it?"
"Barely, but it should go through," Kabru assures. He hesitates, then, and takes a deep breath. "I misled you before. He's not even going to relay this to the other Canaries, unless something's changed. There's practically no chance we'll get any more support from this than just the captain."
"Wh—" Chilchuck crosses his arms again, staring at Kabru, brows furrowed. He wants to be angry, but mostly, he just feels surprised. "You lied to me, but now you're telling me the truth? Did you have a change of heart?"
"I wanted to ensure that you'd have enough faith in this plan to stick with it," Kabru explains somberly. "Even if you don't trust the Canaries, a full force is better than just one man. I just... underestimated your resolve, I think. I'm sorry."
Chilchuck frowns at him. "Why do you even need me, though? To keep Laios docile? I'd have done that no matter what your plan was, he's my friend."
"You're close to Marcille and Falin," Kabru says, and Laios's tail wags a little in Chilchuck's periphery. "You're the only one who can try to get through to either of them. Marcille is a better bet, but either way, I can't do this without you. On top of that, if we want to enlist the aid of people like Toshiro or the Tansu's party, I'd be better off having a familiar face by my side."
Chilchuck is pretty sure Kabru and Shuro have a better rapport with each other now than he does with Shuro, but he doesn't say that. What he does say is, "I'll help, but I can't promise I'll be of much use to you."
Kabru leans forward a little, bracing his free hand on one knee. "You'll be invaluable, I promise. And that's why I need you to trust me. For better or for worse, we're in this together."
They watch each other for a long moment, and finally Chilchuck nods. "Alright. Let's try to get in contact with the captain."
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