#absolute movie of 2024 i tell ya
corvidrey · 8 months
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I love this silly little traumatized psycho
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athena-swords · 9 months
🎊 Gifts for our NEW YEAR 🎊
Disclaimer: people I am doing this in all seriousness and all and no it's not for entertainment purposes but ya collective readings so take what resonates
Pile 1. Pile2.
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Pile 3. Pile4.
Pile 1❄️❄️🤍
We keep this love in photographs, so if you wanna buy cameras or just capture moments please go ahead and buy it it will give you lots of joy pile 1 new year could be looking as just any new year coming but you know that things are gonna change and maybe the people you are close with now will have to move and you too to other places so cherish this moments.Are you all joining colleges??or like your graduation is being done anyway congrats wishing you absolutely the best .
Maybe you will take the road less taken which will have its own uncertainty but for sure it's gonna be so worth it ,okay first of all whatever type of exams or test you are planning for they gonna give you your desired or expected results and you could be seeing true faces of your close mates and if you feel that you get easily evil eye or affected by others energies don't worry your guides are there to protect you ,this year you could have on issue in financial matter you are being in open to receive energy I see a energetic shit around you and you actually coming into limelight (attention song being played)you definitely should check your solar return chart could bein fire asc sign ok
And I am seeing or more of sensing lot's of puppy love energy so ya talking stages could happen and you ending up liking someone all over just enjoy your "up in the poppy hills" movie vibe so here comes the end of a eventful year wishing you all the best guys take care 💓
Oracle cards: Give it sometime approx 3 to 4 months,the more you live the less you worry,luck is in your favour,My gurl is the prettiest,Be careful with the people you choose
Please comment on your 2024 wishes and reblog means alot
Pile 2❤️‍🩹🥀
Some of you could be getting married or just getting your"THE ONE" for you if you wanted to meet your soul tribe and have been manifesting some wholesome human bond well I am pleased to tell you , you're making some lifetime connections this year , lots of self care products buying specifically perfumes and scented products if 2023 has been the pain the upcoming one will heal all those wounds and the word hork you thought no one saw wanna check some parts of pile 1?? I would recommend there could be a message for you there
Look you need to stop procrastinating!!!like if we wand our desires to turn into reality we need to put some action okkk and studyyyyy like when you study just put your focus on it if need then gurl you have to read it again n ugh that's more tiring.being more organised and balance is always a gift for you this year and a quote for you is "sometimes rejection is protection in disguise"so just jio lol even if it's your lala world I just said a paradox bit don't come to me fantasy and reality just need a little balance and we are good with it.
If you love gloomy weather then congrats you could experience it alot this year.I think you tend to underestimate your intuition and when it turns out right you regret so this year all about working on this and believing ourselves more then others 💗💗
Oracle cards: make a priority list,oh lala it's a love story, it's a yes, please zindagi jiyo baba...,study remember it's "you reap what you sow".
Please comment on your 2024 wishes and reblog means alot
Pile 3📸🦋
My Roman Empire is..... Idk lol.So travels travels and lots of travels in the list 😸 are you planning to fulfill your bucket list or something kya pile 3 anyway you could start talking again with a dear one with whom you could have stopped interacting or cut ties.Having a reunion of some kind being on backpack this could be the highlight of your year sudden plans being made you shifting family dynamics being changed
You again starting to learn alottt like an instrument, occult knowledge,your ancestors, about the world human body and many moreee.Having watermelon with closed ones on a beach or family farm haa such a vibe and keeping your room clean so it does not look like a messy place
Honestly I don't want to touch this past but somewhere along the line if you started feeling that it's hard uk to be happy like genuinely feel so content of life and kinda just at the starting stage of depression well this year is gonna prove your fact so wrong love muah muah have my love ok💓💓
On a side note your Cooking is good please try more
Oracle cards: Are you pretending love,the fingers create magic , living life king size , friends are the bigger enemy.
Please comment on your 2024 wishes and reblog means alot
Pile 4🪴🦓
Headache ahh you could be having them a bit this year ya but but it's because of all the packed schedule you need to get done with which you will be doing for not overthinking about "this" situation of yours someone from past could come back now it's upto you what you will do with them (it seems romantic connection btw).
Do you put this "I don't care" attitude I see you gotta change this one as there will be things you have to be responsible for alot this year.Emotionally you could be working on yourself listening to podcasts and actually making opinions of yours not just blindly following whatever is being said .you confused about something?? honestly sameee sorry for this just that your biggest gift could be knowing yourself more and handling just how you show yourself to the world
Oracle cards: posh lifestyle,lose yourself a little bit, it's not worth it,it worth trying,you know the answer
Please comment on your 2024 wishes and reblog means alot
Wishing you all a very happy New year 🧿🧿🤍
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Pls message me my ishman fam i need someone to talk about them 🤌🤌
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wandasaura · 1 month
Wtf I didn’t think ppl actually genuinely sent anon hate anymore what fucking losers ummmmm
aura this is me sending love rn block out the haters babes you are so lovely talented amazing and cool and kind.
litrally saur cringe to send anon hate in 2024 maybe I’m just rlly desensitized to it, but it’s just some fucking loser being like “hehe gonna send mean shit without my face or personal details attached >:)” this means you’ve sent hate before and got absolutely flamed and now you’re too pussy to send it off anon, actual cretin. like do you know how little value you hold as a human being to find stimulation in that kind of shit. Seek therapy fr, touch grass idkkkkk
Sending so much love Aura I literally do not send communications like this I am PRIME lurker on this hellsite I just draw and read,, but I really wanted you to know that there are so many people here who are so grateful for your content and interactions. I can’t tell you what to do with these anons or how to respond but please please please don’t retain any of the feelings or messages any losers send, it’s always just better to delete it immediately. Four years ago I would take that message to heart but now it’s like ‘Oh, lol, delete’, ya know?
Random ass ppl do not get to tell you that kind of shit on your own blog! They don’t get to pretend like they matter enough to say shit like that! What they say has no value! Literally!
Love to ya, hon, thinking of you! 🫶 picking you up shaking you around in the sky idk putting you in my pocket we’re getting soft tacos later
Anon I’m snipping your clit off with a pair of scissors <3 ✂️
lol i’m genuinely fine, but it’s astonishing that emily osmet gave the preformance of a lifetime in a movie about cyber bullying and we still have people like this running amuck. anyways pls don’t put me in air jail, i quite like my feet being on the ground. AND SO NOT SNIP OFF MY CLIT WTF. i’m deeming your gremlin ass scissor anon
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agentnico · 7 months
Suncoast (2024) review
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Can we all just agree that Woody Harrelson is an absolutely wonderful human being! Honestly, whether he’s giving life lessons in coming of age stories or killing zombies in endlessly creative ways, he’s an absolute delight.
Plot: A teen living with her strong-willed mother must take her brother to a specialized facility. She strikes up an unlikely friendship with an eccentric activist at protests surrounding a landmark medical case.
I went into this weekend expecting to love the new Bob Marley movie, yet came out disliking that mess of a biopic and instead found charm in this little Sundance indie flick from Searchlight that has absolutely warmed my heart. You may be mistaken by the trailers to think this is a throwaway YA comedy, but it is in fact a coming of age drama that is grounded in realism and tackles some raw and emotional themes of grief and growing up. It is very much in vain of films like Edge of Seventeen, Little Miss Sunshine and Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, where it uses lighthearted humour to connect you with the characters, only to then still throw you in the deep end by tackling a depressing subject. With how the lead girl has to still try and live a normal life, go to school, try to make friends all the while still needing to look after her disabled brother and overbearing mother, it’s a difficult and dysfunctional situation, but one that is made very digestible for the casual viewer.
Nico Parker already showed off her potential dramatic chops in her limited appearance in The Last of Us series last year, however here she really manages to skilfully tackle the emotional challenges of her complex character. Exploring teenage escapades, she expresses a realistic sense of wonder, while balancing it with the emotional toll she faces from her brother's illness. Echoing that heavy toll, Laura Linney adds dramatic layers to her intense performance as a mother, grieving her son before he passes. Adding levity to the emotional tale, Woody Harrelson acts as a friendly face, coping with his own underlying trauma. Through delightful and relatable performances, the cast elevates each other, as they bring the director's experiences to the cinema.
Again, what really works in Suncoast’s favour is how real it feels. Yes, a few lines of dialogue here and there come off a bit too cheesy and tacky, but overall this is a very earnest depiction of teenage angst. You can really tell that director/writer Laura Chinn used experiences from her own childhood to respectfully honour the memory of her brother’s battle with cancer, hence why the result is so powerful. Honestly. Suncoast doesn’t break any new ground in the coming of age genre, but it is nevertheless a delightful surprise and a film that managed to really move me by the time the credits rolled. It’s one of those films you might miss, but you really shouldn’t.
Overall score: 7/10
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