#about syb
erriga · 2 months
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Hello pathologic community, guess who became a Bachelor today by defending a thesis about the brechtian influences in our fav plague game
Eng title: "The Theatre and a game about Plague. An analysis of the video game "Pathologic" in the context of Bertolt Brecht's theatrical theories"
If you're curious about my paper feel free to ask me! A jeśli umiesz czytać po polsku to mogę ci ją podesłać w pdfie lol
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direwombat · 1 month
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tagged most recently by @socially-awkward-skeleton and @simplegenius042 to share some wippy stuff (thank youuuuu~ i promise i'll start catching up on tags later this evening i know i am. behind orz) some werewolf au syb waking up from her nap after getting home from the hope county clinic after her incident at st. francis. this is. uh. a little gross, so trigger warning for a human (or. werewolf in human form/human unaware she's a werewolf) consuming raw meat.
It’s her stomach that draws her out of bed before she’s fully awake. The soft haze of sleep still clings to her vision, blurring the harsh edges of reality into gentle shadows and muted colors. Pale light from the waning moon streams in through the windows as she stumbles in a stupor out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. She stops in front of the refrigerator. Her fingers curl around the handle, flinging the door open.
She reaches inside not for the pitcher of water nor the bag of shredded cheddar, but rather the pound of ground beef sitting on the top shelf. The plastic wrap gives way as she tears into it. Her fingers dig into the soft, wet meat, curling her index and middle finger to spoon it into her mouth raw. It squishes against her palate and between her teeth, smooth and creamy. The flavor bursts on her tongue, sharp, metallic, but with an underlying sweetness that only seems to stoke her hunger, rather than sate it. 
A low, satisfied moan rumbles deep in her chest. She leans back against the counter and slides down to sit on the cool linoleum floor. Already, her hands are tacky with blood. Her tongue curls around her fingers as she sucks them clean, desperate to savor every last drop. 
It isn’t until she’s shoving her face into the styrofoam tray and licking the cellulose pad in an attempt to suck out more blood that she registers what she’s actually doing. She freezes and the empty tray falls to the ground as she stares aghast at her red-stained hands while her chest heaves with rough, ragged breaths.
and some of the viking au that's been coming together in bits and pieces. here's some syb (a frankish christian living in england and a prisoner of war) having a bad shroom trip because faith gave her a potion (bliss) that made her see visions of her and jacob (pagan, the one holding her hostage) where she is behaving in very. uh. un-christian ways.
[Sybille’s] head throbs and her stomach cramps, her guts threatening to turn her inside out. Tears burn her cheeks as they streak through the dirt and grime, and she stares up at the wicce who forced her to drink that vile potion. “Why do you show me these things?” she sobs. 
Faith dips a rag into a bowl of water and gently dabs the sweat from Sybille’s brow. 
“She shows you nothing,” murmurs the False King, “all she has done is open your mind to the Will of God.” He leans in close, piercing blue eyes staring into her very soul. “Tell me, what do you see?”
taglist (opt in/out)
@josephseedismyfather, @la-grosse-patate, @knakrack (tumblr was only letting me tag your retired oc blog, sorry), @florbelles, @statichvm,
@fourlittleseedlings, @wrathfulrook, @harmonyowl, @ivymarquis, @carlosoliveiraa
@cassietrn, @confidentandgood, @strafethesesinners, @trench-rot, @miyabilicious,
@g0dspeeed, @inafieldofdaisies, @josephslittledeputy, @aceghosts, @adelaidedrubman
@finding-comfort-in-rain, @voidika, @strangefable, and anyone else wanting to share a wip today!
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I just wanna give thanks to Brian Murphy for always having queer rep in his campaigns effortlessly. He never makes a big deal and has varied rep, including nonbinary characters who use they/them pronouns with no questions asked or even a big fuss. Murph always gives us such great npcs and i just love how effortlessly inclusive naddpod is
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rooolt · 11 months
Jaina/Morrigan political marriage of convenience to unite the dwarves and the giants after their recent conflict. Both of them being so stiff and awkward but also so polite and chivalrous. The sexual tension when they spar together. Mutual admiration of each other’s devotion to their people. Morrigan cracks a smile at an egg joke and their eyes meet shyly. Cue beauty and the beast “there’s something there that wasn’t there before”
YOU GET ME!!!!! Political arranged marriage was my exact thought like oh my godddddd. The thing about jaina bronzebeard is that her cool facade is only present for like 0.2 seconds and then you have a conversation with her out of combat and you realize she is wildly socially inept and I just think morrigan would find this endearing and I think in their quest to unite their people they both manage to let loose with each other. Like how Murph was talking about how he thought jaina might have a wife she’s distant with or an estranged ex, morrigan wouldn’t be that. Morrigan is confident enough in her own worth to know that if they want to have a relationship beyond politics, jaina needs to be present with her. ALSO, also they’re like the ultimate battle couple and they become feared across Bahumia. Both of them and their deeply complicated relationships with their family would find that within each other. They would find love for the other that goes beyond the love for their country. Come on this could be a love story for the ages AND THEYRE BOTH BUTCH!!!!!!! I’m swooning (also dwarf x giant,,,,,, need I say more)
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fang-revives · 2 months
Been thinking about her off and on all day (horrible failgirl and all around rat Jay White)
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katewalker · 8 months
RIP my 2024 backlog and future releases so far because I'm in a loop where I only wanna launch either FFXIV or Coral Island.
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busaikuknee · 7 months
talk to me about Katsuhiko Nakajima!
“average person has 3 deeply fraught interpersonal relationships” factoid actually just statistical error. katsuhiko nakajima, who has 10,000 deeply fraught interpersonal relationships, is an outlier and should not have been counted
i've tried drafting a more thorough response because i had a lot i initially wanted to talk about, but it's late and i've been in a very brainfog-heavy state lately. i'm just going to leave it at: i think part of the reason i like him so much is that i tend to be drawn to wrestlers who don't manage to really pull everything together—in-ring work, character work, that wrestling-specific genre of charisma—until later in their careers. obviously he's always been very good at Wrestling, but it hasn't been until the past few years that he's become a…holistic performer, i guess? and found what works for him character-wise. i don't know, i guess seeing people go through that growth makes me a little hopeful; may we all find our weird violent wolfman gimmick equivalents
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gggoldfinch · 6 months
Shoutout to the one (1) person who gets my vision. I love putting my brain to work for oc faceclaims
(grandparents: tilda björck, ???)
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(grandchildren: sigurd björck, matilda björck)
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sybilius · 2 years
thinking about my fic unsolicited musings, specifically thinking about Ch 3 of fuck all clue...
I think there is something that means a lot to me about the idea of someone...really taking the time to think through and speak carefully about some kind of break in a relationship. It’s like. The thinking is a love language, but one that is labor that mostly goes unspoken, right? If you have a conflict with someone you love, it is an act of love to sift through the details of that carefully, to consider their perspective and sort out as much as possible what your needs actually are. To look at the wreck without flinching or brushing it under the rug. It can take a really long time, and it's hard to know when exactly that work will come out or be recognized/realized. It might even amount to nothing.
It’s somewhere along the ethos of “say it as kind as you can manage, while acknowledging that might still cause conflict”. What hits me a lot about Ch3 of fuck all clue is that each of them have taken the time to do that, separately, and that chapter is like. The realization of it.
It’s also kind of the whole thing about Sighted Crows, though I feel in that case the conflict manages to be a lot more one-sided, like. Even though the conflict is knotted and the characters are utterly ill-equipped to understand it like...okay, yes, Angel Eyes is the one at fault.
It hits me a lot that even though yes, I feel like Shibata is the one that actually apologizes, yes also Kenta threw stones in response to that. Hard, and hurtfully. And this is all in the backdrop of like, a decade or so of unspoken stuff that they both participated in shoving under the rug (for whatever reasons they told themselves: it’s not reciprocated (Kenta) // I wouldn’t give him enough time/would be a shit partner anyways (Shibata).
Anyways long story short, that scene means a lot to me because that more than anything is the result of the thinking-labor. They don’t blow up or hurt each other precisely because both of them have been thinking a lot, and despite their dysfunction, doing their damndest not to hurt each other. So yes, as bleak and hurtful as all that realization is, there is still something there for them. And yes, as much as all the time one spends spinning wheels and occasionally venting to a friend about a lover, a loved one you have a problem with -- sometimes they meet you where you’re at, and that shit is worth it. It starts to make sense.
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fire-tempers-steel · 1 year
One of the big struggles with this canon divergence AU is that a number of things in canon like, barely make sense to begin with due to RGG melodrama logic, so coming up with a plausible alternative is like. Well how plausible does this need to be really when the origin is just a little stupid?
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silly-goofy-mood · 2 years
sad paladin milf brainrot 🥰
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direwombat · 2 months
oc smash or pass
*showing up to this a year late with a starbucks* hey guys...
tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton, @shallow-gravy, @strafethesesinners, @adelaidedrubman, @rhettsabbott, and @josephslittledeputy
and @carlosoliveiraa
Rules: pretty self explanatory. include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. the “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
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Height: 5’9"
Age: 35 (circa. 2018)
Gender: cis woman (but in the sense that she's just running on default settings and didn't bother to investigate other options.)
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: bisexual
propaganda under the cut
🐇 loyal. unwaveringly so. she will buckle down and stand with you through your lowest of lows and once you've weathered the storm, she will be there to lift you up and celebrate making it through.
🐇 bilingual! will teach you louisiana french to the best of her abilities if you're interested in learning. she starts with the swear words.
🐇 versatile and attentive in bed. she has her preferences, but is ultimately more interested in what brings her partner pleasure.
🐇 witty. she loves a good back-and-forth and banter is a good way to test your compatibility with her.
🐇 you'll never have to hire a handyman or mechanic ever again. she will take care of it for you (fix your plumbing, touch up the paint on your porch, change your oil/tires, etc). she's like a working dog and needs to feel useful. and that's on top of helping you do household chores.
🐇 while not necessarily spontaneous, she is down to go with the flow when it comes to a night out. all you gotta say is "hey, do you want to do/go to/see xyz?" and her response will almost always be "sure, lemme get my keys/jacket." get the right amount of booze in her too and you can convince her to engage in most shenanigans.
🐇 enjoys a good late night philosophical conversation or debate. preferably sitting outside under the stars in a white plastic chair and a beer in her hand.
💀 smokes like an industrial smokestack and reeks of tobacco. hope you like how nicotine tastes because that's all you're getting when you kiss her.
💀 infuriatingly stubborn and prone to self-destructive behavior. will work herself to the bone until she's passing out in order to keep herself distracted and will turn to the bottle when she starts to spiral.
💀 poor emotional communicator. refuses to be emotionally vulnerable and gets deeply uncomfortable when talking about her feelings (and her past).
💀 has night terrors and wakes up thrashing and screaming almost every night. assuming she sleeps at all. also she doesn't take any of her meds so it's going to keep happening.
💀 you will have to listen to her complain about food not being as good as it is in new orleans
💀 bootlicker (voluntarily joined the military and became a cop :/)
💀 claims to be non-religious but is undeniably culturally catholic.
taglist (opt in/out)
@g0dspeeed, @omen-speaker, @confidentandgood, @tommyarashikage, @cassietrn
@fourlittleseedlings, @purplehairsecretlair, @aceghosts, @finding-comfort-in-rain, @voidika,
@locustandwildhoney, @testyfestyenthusiast, @strangefable, @inafieldofdaisies, @alexxmason,
@deputyash, and anyone else wanting to do this!
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eldritch-spouse · 1 month
So if Sybastian turns into a piece of furniture or something and he gets sat on by his unsuspecting prey how long does/can he hold out just letting them get comfortable and be unsuspecting before he revels himself? Like does he change little by little until they notice or jump out all at once (or does it depend on him thinking with his dick instead of his head)
Very little time.
See, Sybastian is a pretty fine hunter, most of the time. The fact that he managed to grow to the size that he has in spite of being once imprisoned and malnourished is enough of a tell that Syb is resilient and resourceful. He's not perfect, hardly any mimic is, some details may escape him, or the coloration of something will feel off, but he's good enogh to fool enough people and net himself consistent meals.
Introducing you into the equation is where his performance starts going downhill. See, you excite Sybastian. He goes nuts just thinking about you being careless enough to sit anywhere that seems convenient and comfortable enough. He loves feeling you on him when he displays different shapes, loves "trapping" you, "catching" you, hunting you.
So, as soon as you sit on what looks like a pretty decent purple couch, you'll immediately feel some sort of ripple. That's Sybastian shivering from delight. From then on, it only gets worse, as he'll manifest his tongue to lick you, his teeth might pop out of odd places and his eyes will appear somewhere. It's only a matter of time until his hands join and the mimic manually keeps you seated, at his mercy.
That's not to say he won't sometimes just turn into something comfortable because he wants to cuddle his squishy little human, that can and will happen.
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Woodlawn House
Hi guys!!
I'm sharing Woodlawn House. This is the 14th building for my English Collection.
It is in fact an Irish house, built before Ireland became independent.
I had to make some modifications and had no images to copy interiors.
History of the house: The history of Woodlawn goes back before recorded history, with the pre-medieval Diarmuid and Gráinne mound, currently undated.
Originally known as Mota or sometimes Moote, the village was renamed by Lord Ashtown, apparently for the simple reason that his post often ended up in Moate instead of Mota.  The countryside was flat, boggy in places but largely well-suited to farming and was used for tillage up until the 1930s when it was put to pasture.
Forestry is more recent addition to the landscape, with Coilte owning large tracts of the old Woodlawn estate.
Woodlawn House itself is a three storey palladian style country house of about 30,000sq.ft. originally built around 1760 by Frederick Trench, the first Baron Ashtown.  It was extensively remodelled in 1860 by his son the second Baron Ashtown to plans drawn up by James F. Kempster, the local County Surveyor.  It was also the second Baron Ashtown who was responsible for the building of the railway station and ensuring that the railway line passed through the estate as it was being constructed.
The house was finally sold by the fourth Lord Ashtown to Frederick Le Poer Trench in 1947.  The current owner is engaged in planning a complete restoration of the house and estate. 
For more info: https://www.woodlawn-estate.com/
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This house fits a 50x50 lot (I think if you lose the woods and entrance it can fit a 50x40 too)
I furnished just the principal rooms, so you get an idea. The rest is unfurnished so you create the interiors to your taste!
Hope you like it.
You will need the usual CC I use:
all Felixandre cc
all The Jim,
Regal Sims
King Falcon railing
The Golden Sanctuary
Dndr recolors
Harrie cc
Lili's palace cc
Please enjoy, comment if you like it and share pictures with me if you use my creations!
Early access: 07/18/2024
Download: https://www.patreon.com/posts/106463811
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fang-revives · 6 months
(blows a kiss to the aether), to the artist behind Cara Noir. Heal well Tom Dawkins, we miss you Cara
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katewalker · 2 years
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something about the first one being about kate and the other one about dana
i’m going insane
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