#about suvan
dragscore · 4 years
suvan and cecil: 3, 10, 15, 19, 21
3. Describe their relationship dynamic.
a terrifying cold bougie man meets a beautiful sex worker masquerading for a fake date for a shitty lord and they become the most powerful couple ever.
alternatively: lady who is full of warmth and does a lot for others despite her own health shows cold man how to also be warm while cold man tries to show her she can do things for herself-
theyre wild tho cause cecil is very cold and self serving but has a secret warm heart while suvan is kind of the opposite? they can easily get the other to act for themselves or for others
10. What are their love languages?
family bonding, food, relaxing together. stuff like that. theyre very subtle but i feel like with suvan she has issues realizing shes like, ROMANTICALLY interested rather than just interested in him because hes got a different point of view and she likes his sass. but for her getting the person she cares about involved with her family of sorts is important since she and everyone else is so paranoid and hidden away. she likes getting him involved with her friends and he tries to get her involved with his own circle when shes around. i can see them making food together (mainly sweets?) and talking about anything and everything and getting icing on each other lmfao. but they loooove just lying on top of each other like lazy cats at the end of the day. its very easy to just pull suvan over and make her rest, esp if shes not having a good health day but she insists on staying active.
15. Describe your favorite moment of that ship!
im very gay abt the like, way theyd meet? cause itd be at a party and angelos just talking cecil up and annoying him while hes got suvan with him like as his date. but eventually wants to chase skirts and just leaves suvan with cecil like “whatever get your feedin from this guy hes boring as hell” and they both just break the ice and realize they really like talking to each other. im sure there was lots of dancing and joking and stuff and ugh its just very. cute and intimate and funny to me
19. Talk about a headcanon you’ve never talked about before.
okay so. i dropped one earlier but this one i like a lot. i like to imagine uhm. suvan def gets sick easily and does NOT like people noticing, but you can see it in her eyes. i feel like its very easy to tell how she feels looking in her eyes, if youre observant anyway. and so i like to think he holds her face in his hands and gets really close and makes her think shell get a kiss but instead hes like “come with me youre getting a hot bath and im getting you into bed” vvcxncncxv
21. What’s a really significant moment in their relationship?
i feel like either when she trusts him coming over to her hideout/shelter, or when she’s able to figure out her feelings and properly talk to him about it. i feel like shes extremely hard to reach when that comes about but honestly just the biggest thing is her opening up and letting him in
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orymsbich · 3 years
Critical roll campaign 3 episode 7 "notes"
Oooo tooth brush
Travis "I LOVES IT"
Sam:You vibratte me all night long
Robbie: ?!?!!?????
I thinks it's otters
They throw them around the stage??
So it's cirque du Soleil
I love how these gymnasts have to roll still
Matt speaks so fast
Rip that one otter
Dorian after that performance
.......that was shit
Dorian everytime someone recommends him to do something because he's rich
*Nose bridge grab* "oh"
Oh a little fib
I will literally never get over Liam phantomiming for orym doing everything cuz he's small
His lil jump down from holding himself up on the railing so he can see the seats
Stefan suvan?????
Sneaking back stage
Matt rollplaying someone with a broken ass
That's his secret he's always at advantage
*Matt talking about Liam*
You see a guy wearing a hood inside witch is
.... Really cool!
All Imogen messages are accompanied by banjo playing
"Kill a puppy"
Anytime Fern says anything Matt asks for a deception check
...... Were did we hear about it???
Fcg is asking the real acting questions
They're just bothering everyone
"A small child like one boryom"
I want Dorian to ask me about my opinions
Dorian and laudna I love this
Ashton: I'm gonna try to break the table
Steals the dress
This ain't my first day rolling around
The rejected names list on Sam's water
Dorian: We got to find the bone zone
Omg there gonna split up
Fgc and Fearne is what I need omg
Is Dorian going to princess Carry orym
Marisha: Do you think walls feel fear?
Matt "I'm in danger!"
Sam "We broke the forth wall"
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serenitysnow6 · 5 years
Forever Love
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In honor of Valentine’s Day I’m bringing you excerpts from some of my books. The theme is Forever Love. I’ve said it before but I will say it again. I’m a romantic and I do believe in the concept of soul-mates. I think there is one or two people out there for all of us. This soul-mate is our forever love no matter how man times we reincarnate this is the person or persons we will always find and fall in love with.
That relationship might not always be healthy. It might not always work out that first try, but it is our love. It is up to us to decide if we act on that love or move on to something or someone we feel is better for us or even safe.
Me, I’m a solitary woman. I’ve jaded and touched by betrayal making me gun shy, but I haven’t given up on real love. I guess though my vision of love is something true and unconnected with sex. I’m not saying sex is out, just that my heart and my head has to be touched not my G-spot.
Enough about me. This week I’ve selected five of my books for this meme.
First up is Jasmia and Ace from Assassin’s Kiss. I love Ace and she was once willing to kill Jasmia if she became a problem, but not so much now.
Then, there’s Montana and Dylan. You have to love two alpha women trying to navigate the road of love.
After that it’s to the world of magic and nymphs where love is eternal. Avery and Michaela are two of my favorites from this series but I love the whole series because it’s built on the premise of reincarnation and soul-mates.
Then, it’s back to the world of assassins for Tatiana and Alexi—a mate pair caught up in a fight for love and life.
Finally, it’s look at Caroline and Lucky. I love Lucky and I’m working out a few new books with these two for when I finish the fourth Assassin’s Core romance.
Photo by Suvan Chowdhury from Pexels
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yogipress · 5 years
The Hanuman Chalisa – Translated and Explained
Love is the nirvana of the buddha and the samadhi of the yogi. It is the miraculous power of Hanuman, devotee of the hermit king, Rama.
A poem of love and devotion, dedicated to the mighty hero and monkey-god, Hanuman and to his Guru and God: Rama. The poem is replete with praises for his supernatural prowess, his incredulous strength and intelligence, his childlike charm and cunning, and above all for his love and desire to serve Rama, the hermit king of Ayodhya.
This ancient poem, consists of 43 verses, describing a part of the lives of Sri Rama (the perfect indwelling spirit) and Hanumana (prana or the life force) son of the wind god, his devoted disciple and servant.He serves not out of necessity, but from choice, from love. For prana finds its fulfilment only in the perfection of the indwelling spirit. While we spend our lifetime pursuing illusions upon illusions, intoxicated by our own selves as well as the world around us, our prana grows weaker and weaker. But mighty Hanuman, growing from strength to strength, remains exclusively in service of the perfect Rama.
The poem speaks of three types of beings, their places in the world and their relationships with each other.
The three being: humans, demons and between the two are all the others, called the monkeys. All three types have divine and unlimited potential, with the monkeys having the most difficult access to this potential. Humans are those who follow dharma or righteousness i.e. strive to rise above the instinctive nature and succeed, in howsoever small measures. Demons, those who strive for the same and succeed in greater measure than the humans, which gives them superhuman skills. But the ensuing power intoxicates them and instead of freeing them, buries them deeper in the pursuits of the primal brain.
In between we have the monkeys, also a metaphor for the restless mind. A mind that can never rest on anything, like a monkey jumping from branch to branch. It is far easier to capture their attention and domesticate them than the humans or the demons. This limitation lies not in their bodies, but in their forever distracted minds.
Ancient India has always laid more emphasis on the mind than on the body. From this research and years of dedication were born the paths of yoga and vedanta. Recently the west has started to devote a lot of research to the mind, through neuroscience, psychiatry and psychology among other fields.
Ancient epics, myths, legends, poems and stories, explain the mind and its mysteries in a deep and profound manner. They are often woven into the everyday tapestry of social life, so much so that they have naturally lived in peoples hearts and minds since the past thousands of years and are often considered folklore.
One such text is the Hanuman Chalisa, dedicated to the very popular monkey god, Hanuman.
Being a text of devotion and love, it is often dismissed by the more rational as a story about magical impossible people, creatures and events. But it so much more than that. The poem speaks eloquently about the unconditional love of a disciple for his teacher, of a devotee for his god.
The science of yoga devised four paths towards enlightenment, for the different character traits that humans possess. Devotion which is one of them, is said to be the fastest and safest path. Often we admire someone who we see as perfect. They may possess qualities and virtues we would like to have and that admiration naturally blossoms into love and devotion.
The poem starts with a prayer to the sacred dust that lies at the feet of such an enlightened being: Rama – Hanuman’s god and guru. So pure and virtuous is Rama, that even the dust at his feet, says Hanuman, has the potency to clear the disturbed mind, turning it into a perfect mirror reflecting only the divine.
It is said that the very intelligent and perceptive monkey Hanuman recognises Rama’s divinity the moment he sets eyes on him in the forest. Rama, known as purushottam or the perfect man is the very personification of dharma (righteousness). Hanuman recognising this, surrenders his entire life to his service in that very instant, his heart overflowing with love.
Unmatched in strength, and full of divine attributes himself, Hanuman fights Rama’s battles, leaps across the ocean, carries a mountain of sacred healing herbs from the Himalayas to the south of the country, and above all, locates Rama’s estranged wife Sita, to whom he becomes Rama's messenger. These are just some of his feats. Highly popular in his native country, there are thousands of temples dedicated to him across the length and breadth of the country and far beyond, in Thailand, Indonesia, Burma etc.
In this poem, the path of love or Bhakti Yoga is glorified over all other paths towards enlightenment. All other paths require the perfection of techniques and many hours and years spent in practise. But love requires no such thing. It is sufficient unto itself and comes naturally to every being. True love is unconditional love, expecting nothing in return. So great is the power of Hanuman’s love that it outlives even the avatar’s themselves. While avatars born like Rama and Krishna, must return to their heavenly abodes once their work on earth is done, Hanuman is a chiranjeevi or immortal.
Legend says that he can still be seen attending spiritual gatherings where the name of Rama is sung. A special place is always reserved for him. For nothing outlives love as all else faces decay and must perish. But love being the very nature and source of the cosmos is eternal. It needs no nurturing, nor sustenance, instead it nurtures and sustains, asking for nothing in return.
Being desireless is what gives Hanuman his magical powers and strength. All human action, is geared toward the satisfying of desire, whether done consciously or unconsciously. Desire, a tenacious mistress remains forever dissatisfied, forever demanding, thus consuming life relentlessly.
Yet there is another path few are able to see. That of sublimating desire. Where nothing else but love is desired. It is the mighty hero’s path. Only for him or her who has conquered the senses and gone beyond their intoxication. For love is sufficient unto itself and needs no other sustenance. It is the nirvana of the buddha and the samadhi of the yogi. It is the miraculous power of Hanuman, devotee of the hermit king, Rama.
Hanuman Chalisa TRANSLATION
Shri guru charan saroj-raj nija manu mukura sudhaari
Baranau Raghubara Vimala Jasu jo dayala phala chari
Bowing to my Guru’s lotus feet I pray that my heart be cleansed, so it may reflect the glories of Rama;
I hear that just hearing of his life, one is bestowed with the four eternal fruits, so difficult to attain: Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha;
Buddhi-heen tanu janikay sumirow pavanakumara
Bala-buddhi vidya dehoo mohee harahu klesa mikaara
I Meditate on You, O son of Pavan, Ignorant as I am;
Bestow upon me your light strength and knowledge. So all my afflictions may be liberated;
Jai Hanuman gyan gun sagar
Jai Kapish tihun lok ujagar
Victory to you dear Hanuman, ocean of mercy and compassion;
Victory to you who illuminates all three worlds and is divine amongst monkeys;
Ram doot atulit bala dhama
Anjani-putra Pavan-sut nama
Messenger of Rama, you possess incomparable power;
Son of Anjana and of the wind God;
Mahabir Bikram Bajrangi
Kumati nivar sumati ke sangi
Great hero, stronger than a thunderbolt;
Companion of only the pure minded , please rid my mind too of falsehood;
Kanchan varan viraj subesa
Kanan kundal kunchit kesa
Your golden body shines bright;
Always beautifully dressed you are, adorned with jewels and curly locks;
Hath vajra aur dhvaja viraje
Kaandhe moonj janehu sajai
Holding a thunderbolt and a flag;
your shoulder adorned with the sacred thread;
Sankar-suvan Kesari nandan
Tej prataap maha jag bandan
Manifesting the Great Lord Shiva himself, you are the son of King Kesari;
Who in this world doesn’t revere the strong and the brave? O embodiment of both;
Vidyavaan guni ati chatur
Ram kaj karibe ko aatur
Highly learned, skilled in all Vidyas & full of virtue;
always ready to serve your Lord, Rama;
Prabhu charitra sunibe ko rasiya
Ram Lakhan Sita man basiya
You enjoy nothing more than listening to stories about Rama;
The Lord who dwells in your heart along with Lakshman and Sita;
Sukshma roop dhari Siyahi dikhava
Vikat roop dhari Lank jarava
With equal ease you transform from the tiniest to massive forms;
In front of Sita you appeared minute & humble, later becoming a fearsome giant you burnt Lanka to ash;
Bhima roop dhari asur sanghare
Ramachandra ke kaj sanvare
As a fearsome giant you slayed demons;
removing them from your Lord Rama’s way;
Laye Sanjivan Lakhan jiyaye
Shri Raghuvir harashi ur Laye
You saved Lakshman, bringing the rare Sanjeevani from far away mountains;
Overflowing with Joy, Sri Rama embraced you to his own heart;
Raghupati kinhi bahut badai
Tum mam priye Bharathi sam bhai
Rama sings praises of you; embracing you he says;
‘You are as dear to me as my own brother Bharat’;
Sahas badan tumharo jasa gaave
Asa kahi Shripati kanth lagaave
Even the Thousand Headed Seshnag Sings Your Glory;
Said Rama, taking you in his Embrace;
Sankadhik Brahmaadi muneesa
Narad-Sarad sahita Aheesa
Sanak, Brahma and other sages;
Narada, and Devi Saraswati along with the lord of serpents;
Jam Kubera Digpaal jahan te
Kavi kovid kahi sake kahan te
Yama, Kubera and all other guardians of the directions;
Poets as well as scholars find not the words to sing your praise;
Tum upkar Sugrivahin keenha
Ram milaye rajpad deenha
Eternally grateful to you is Sugriva;
You introduced him to Ram who got him back his kingdom, making him King again;
Tumharo mantra Vibhishan maana
Lankeshwar bhaye sub jag jana
Vibishana surrendered himself to you;
And you made him Lord of Lanka while the world looked on.
Yug sahastra jojan par Bhanu
Leelyo tahi madhur phal janu
Flying towards the Sun, thousands of miles away;
You almost swallowed it whole, thinking it to be a Sweet Fruit;
Prabhu mudrika meli mukh mahee
Jaladhi langhi gaye achraj nahee
Carrying Lord Sri Rama's Ring in your Mouth;
You Leapt across the Ocean. Full of wonder are you;
Durgam kaj jagath ke jete
Sugam anugraha tumhre tete
All things difficult in samsara
Are Rendered Easy by your Grace
Ram dwaare tum rakhvare
Hoat no agya bin paisare
Guardian of Rama’s kingdom;
Who can enter without your blessings?;
Sub sukh lahae tumhari sarna
Tum rakshak kahu ko darna
All joys are mine, in your protection;
With you as guardian what is there to fear?;
Aapan tej samharo aapai
Teenhon lok hank te kanpai
Who but you, can contain your glory?;
Which makes all three worlds tremble as you roar;
Bhoot pisaach nikat nahin aavai
Mahabir jab naam sunavae
No ghosts nor evil comes near;
Hearing your name o great hero;
Nase rog harae sap peera
Japat nirantar Hanumat Beera
What pain, what disease can remain?;
When I continuously utter your name?;
Sankat se Hanuman chudavae
Man, kram, vachan dhyan jo lavai
With my mind, heart and speech fixed on Hanuman;
what problems could I ever have?;
Sap par Ram tapasvee raja
Tin ke kaj sakal tum saja
When my mind is engrossed in Rama, King of yogis;
What problems can I not solve?;
Aur manorath jo koi lavai
Sohi amit jeevan phal pavai
As I bring my chariot mind to the Lords feet;
The immortal fruit of life, I obtain;
Chaaron jug partap tumhara
Hai persidh jagat ujiyara
The 4 yugas are full of your glory;
Your greatness illumines the world;
Sadhu sant ke tum rakhware
Asur nikandan Ram dulhare
Beloved of Sri Rams, o destroyer of demons;
All sages and saints take refuge in you;
Ashta-sidhi nav nidhi ke dhata
As bar deen Janki mata
Mother Sita’s boon grants upon you;
The title of bestower of all eight powers, and all nine treasures;
Ram rasayan tumhare pasa
Sada raho Raghupati ke dasa
Knower of Rama’s sweet gentleness;
You remain always his loving servant;
Tumhare bhajan Ram ko pavai
Janam janam ke dukh bisraavai
Remembering you one attains Rama;
And sorrows of all lifetimes, not just this one, are liberated;
Ant-kaal Raghuvir-pur jayee
Jahan janam Hari-bhakt kahayee
With this devoted heart of mine, known as his servant;
I enter Sri Ramas kingdom;
Aur devta chit na dharehi
Hanumat se hi sarve sukh karehi
Just through this one sadhana of your remembrance;
All delights and happiness come my way;
Sankat kate mite sab peera
Jo sumirai Hanumat Balbeera
What are pains, and what are sorrows to him?;
Whose heart is immersed in you?;
Jai Jai Jai Hanuman Gosain
Kripa karahu gurudev ki nyahin
Victory to Hanuman, master of the senses;
Bestow your kindness as supreme Guru;
Jo sat bar path kare koi
Chhutehi bandhi maha sukh hoyi
With unbroken remembrance of you in my heart;
What can bind me? All is liberation;
Jo yeh padhe Hanuman Chalisa
Hoye siddhi sakhi Gaureesa
Gauri’s husband himself, the great Shiva is witness to my devotion unto you;
Which bestows only  liberation;
Tulsidas sada Hari chera
Keeja Nath hriday mein dera
The author Tulsidas, your eternal disciple;
Prays that you live forever in his own heart; 
Pavan tanay sankat harana mangala murati roop
Ram Lakhana Sita sahita hriday basahu soor bhoop
Please dwell eternally in my heart too, son of Pavan and destroyer of difficulties;
Along with Sri Rama Lakshman and Sita.
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lcgendsx · 6 years
Characters & Updates ; 
Summer Schuester ; 
twenty six educational assistant for special education students (freshmen-senior years) face -- sarah bolger ship -- suvan (summer & evan)
Andrea Wolff ; 
twenty six last year of schooling for trauma surgery  face -- phoebe tonkin ship -- jandi (andi & jack)
Elena Davis ; 
thirty music producer (slowly working towards her own label) face -- lauren german ship -- n/a
Isabella Smythe-Anderson ; 
twenty six third year (out of 6) into her masters of social work  face -- victoria pedretti ship -- n/a
Jessie Puckerman ; 
twenty five art consultant face -- eliza taylor ship -- kessie (jessie & king)
Katie Lopez-Pierce ; 
twenty six dance instructor for children (ages from 4-14) face -- amber heard ship -- coopatie (katie & cooper)
Kylie Puckerman ; 
twenty eight model face -- ashley benson ship -- n/a
Samantha Jones ;
twenty nine paralegal  face -- logan browning ship -- n/a
Everett Karofsky-Hummel ; 
thirty owns his own car garage face -- michael trevino ship -- severett (everett & sarah)
Drizzle Hudson ; 
twenty three second year of psychology face -- haley lu richardson ship -- drody (drizzle & cody)
Rebecca Roswell ; 
thirty one police officer face -- kate siegal ship -- flebecca (rebecca & fletcher) --- ??
Skye Vosler ; 
twenty one first year of creative writing face -- natalia dyer ship -- skyrad (skye & brad)
Madisyn Oakland ; 
twenty nine entrepreneur  face -- elizabeth lail ship -- n/a
Savannah Evans ; 
thirty one stay-at-home mom (previous stripper) face -- blake lively ship -- n/a
Harleen Anderson ; 
twenty three third year of journalism & minor in sociology face -- lili reinhart ship -- angleen (harleen & angel)
Next Gen Muses ; 
Aurora Lopez-Pierce ; 
twenty two part-time sales associate face -- carlson young ship -- darora (aurora & damon)
Jo Wolff ; 
twenty song writer (still iffy about schooling) face -- danielle campbell ship -- jomine (jo & jasmine)
Clay Davis ; 
twenty  first year of psychology face -- matthew daddario ship -- clangela (clay & angela)
Juliet Davis ; 
twenty second year of english  face -- willa fizgerald ship -- n/a
Nicky Jones ; 
twenty two bartender / second year of pre-law face -- alisha boe ship -- n/a
Colton Gibbins ;
twenty six graphic designer face -- jack falahee ship -- n/a
Jonah Puckerman ; 
twenty five bar owner face -- luke mitchell ship -- jophie (jonah & sophie)
Emma Puckerman ; 
twenty five bar owner / manager (co-owner with twin) face -- claire holt  ship -- n/a
Zoey Karofsky-Hummel ; 
twenty seven stay-at-home mom / occasional mechanic  face -- hayden panettiere  ship -- z-squared (zoey & zach)
Scott Karofsky-Hummel ; 
twenty four manager of everett’s car shop face -- chace crawford ship -- scautumn (scott & autumn)
Joy Roswell ; 
twenty six photographer face -- laura vandervoort ship -- moy (joy & manpreet)
Josie Abrams ; 
twenty one ballet instructor face -- halston sage ship -- n/a
Emily Clark ; 
twenty five poet / struggling (haven’t published yet) face -- penelope mitchell ship -- etlas (emily & atlas)
Cassandra Smythe-Anderson ;
twenty one first year of an art major face -- hailee steinfeld ship -- n/a
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wordsfromafangirl · 6 years
i just had this to add about the whole Doc Holliday being toxic rant... if you think about it Doc is a man of action. He plans and thinks ahead. We know he can track a scene like a blood hound or Sherlock fucking Holmes, but I do think there is a difference between him and Xavier Dolls. 
Xavier has a sacrifice bone in his body. That probably comes with the military training he had through BBD. Sure, according to his BBD buddy that rolled into town putting staples in Jeremy’s leg, Dolls had strength. Dolls had the ability to think without hesitation of laying his life down, sacrificing for those he loved. He would and DID lay down his life for the fight. 
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However, Doc works like the opposite. You know he’ll help you as long as the deal benefits him too, but he would never sacrifice his life to do so. This is probably something that also pissed off Wyatt, hence you get someone like Robert Suvane who I’d venture to say had the same sacrifice bone as Dolls. Doc Holliday is indeed selfish because he wants to live for the fight, he doesn’t want to lay down his life for it. He never directly communicates how he feels so how are you truly supposed to know what’s going on. 
Surely, he will take heed of Dolls’ advice about how, “it doesn’t take the threat of damnation for me to fight for the right side.” I think it’s something like that. However, I don’t think we’d ever see a sacrifice from Doc Holliday like we did through Xavier Dolls. The only person that could put a sacrificial bone in Doc’s body is his daughter Alice. 
I don’t want anyone to think that I’m implying Xavier Dolls gave up, because it might seem that way. Since I’m saying things like, “Doc wanted to live to fight.” I think that’s the difference though, Xavier would be willing to lay down his life in a battle in order to make sure the ones (Wynonna, Waverly, Doc, Nicole and Jeremy) could win the war. Doc Holliday would do no such thing. He was and is a criminal outlaw, not a soldier, not a superhero, he is a con man through and through who was being tracked by the US Marshals for centuries. 
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To me this is the reason why Doc and Dolls song and dance (in the AU episode) made so much sense. Dolls was a Marshal still trying to pin down Doc Holliday like his predecessor, Bass Reeves. Ironically, you strip away the AU episode and Dolls was the one Marshal who pardoned Doc of his crimes in the past. That didn’t mean the outlaw was going to stop being the way he is. Dolls always saw it this way, “I don’t trust you, but I need to use you. If you do anything so much as sneeze the wrong way, Doc, I might end you.” 
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Doc would just shrug because that’s how it has been his entire life. Sometimes, like I mentioned before, he could get those people to fall insanely in love with him and he might even love some of them back, but does he ever acknowledge that? Nope, because why give himself to someone when he is sick? Why put them through that torture? OH, but I don’t have to be sick anymore, look Wyatt, I’m better. Of course, you don’t like I made that deal. Kate is still looking for him. Centuries later she finds him mortal again, and he hates it, so guess what baby? Let me give you immortality again. 
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It begs the question, what good things Doc did in order for these people to continue to love and care about him? Wyatt shunned him but later on you find out from Constance that he did go looking for Doc just like Kate had been doing. So,..it makes you wonder how and why do these people so easily forgive Doc? It makes me think of Supernatural again. The idea of the boys round and round sacrificing themselves and their souls for each other. Doc thinks Wyatt would be happy to have him back in the fight, but no he’s disgusted that Doc his given his soul over to “the devil.” It really does say a lot that Wynonna and Wyatt had the same reactions, like whoa boy, Doc, we liked you the way you were, wtf? 
Nonetheless, at some point either Doc becomes “just useful to them” or it is more than that and they forgive him because they love him. And that is probably the basic foundation of it all. 
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dragscore · 3 years
hi this is a suvan one shot. it’s kinda messy and i started it months ago and stuff but w/e im tryna actually post my written stuff now (shows a part of my soul ppl dont see anymore-)
anywho this is. VERY dark uh. it has a lot to do w/ csa (suvan is a victim of it) cause her boss/abuser is discussing it with her. please be careful of that when you read ;w;
the shade always comes at the worst time.
Being the favorite of the Rondeletian lord wasn’t exactly the best thing.
Being his one sided friend wasn’t really great, either.
Sure, the stability was sort of nice, but Suvan didn’t see him as a means of comfort in any way.
 No, there’s no way you’d see him like that, especially if you knew what he was like. He hid his violent, petulant tendencies well. Angelo came off as a smooth talking gentleman, smart and calculated, who offered good battle strategy to his allies. The only real reason some people put up with him and his shit was because he was a wonderful person to have on your side in times of war or intimidation. It just made sense. 
 Angelo was. At the core of it, smart. Disturbingly smart. Knew how to manipulate and knew how to cover things up. No one outside her personal circle knew what really happened to the former rulers of the land, much less their children. He came off as battle born and suave - until you got closer and he started talking carelessly about others. Showing how little he cared for other people.
Angelo was smart, but at the core of it, he did the things he did because he didn’t give a damn. He was packed with the knowledge he could do just about anything if he could twist words well enough.
 Being in his presence was a normal occurrence, and Suvan herself was good at hiding her own reservations when it came to him. But good lord, it was a bad time to let him know something bothered her. He wasn’t a comfort, the only person he’d do that for was himself.
 Suvan listened to him getting things ready for their bath. She was used to that, at least. Why wouldn’t she? They’d been in countless sexual situations before - a bath together was pretty tame if anything. She’d half expect him to take it somewhere else, but he was more interested in talking to her.
It wasn’t going to be pleasant.
“Do you want the lavender or the rose?” He asked, going through little bottles of oils.
She bit her tongue. Should she leave it up to him? Say she didn’t care?
No, no, he’d be offended if she didn’t care.
“I trust your decision,” she said, leaning her head on top of her knees.
“Clary sage it is then.”
Yep, he had his own decision.
 He was quick to prepare their bath, making sure the water was still warm, before he got in behind her and pulled her to lean against him. Suvan was so used to this kind of closeness with someone she viscerally disliked that it barely phased her. Angelo just did what he liked, her discomfort with his advances didn’t exactly matter - and Suvan had been good at tempering herself with pushy people like that.
“Tell me all about what’s troubling you, my little amethyst.”
 She let herself settle in, good at performing this comfortable act. It wasn’t too hard though - her mind and body were separated most of the time, and she could lean against this chauvinistic dumbass like he were any of her close friends. And she did. She tilted her head back, moving her hands up out of the water to rest them on top of her knees.
“Forgive me if it’s against anything you had in mind, my lord.”
“We’re friends here, you don’t need to be so proper,” he said in a more soft tone, as he ran his hands through her hair. She swallowed, trying to ignore the red flag screaming at her.
“I’m not exactly sure how to approach it without offending you,” she said. “Stop me if it does.”
“I will.” And he wasn’t lying.
“I… Would appreciate it if you stop telling people what happened with my father.”
There was a painful, burning silence, before he finally spoke up.
“The part where he fucked you or the part where you killed him?”
 Suvan had to fight flinching instinctively - gritting her teeth. Couldn’t let it show in her body language, but the way he so bluntly asked really threw her for a loop. She took a deep breath.
“Maybe both. I wouldn’t exactly get in trouble since you’re the reason I’m not doing time for the second thing.”
 Thank god, that made him laugh. Angelo was quick to press a kiss to the top of her head. Even in private he was intent on acting intimate with her - like he cared more about her beyond her services. Sometimes she wondered if he had an attachment because they had been ‘friends’ so long, but Angelo didn’t exactly care for people. It would be silly to assume he ever had an inkling of love for anyone that wasn't himself. 
 She knew that much when he killed Ardghal. She remembered thinking they’d be safe to question his decisions and talking to him on an equal level when things started getting bad, and then Ardy got called in for a private dinner and never came back. She still wished she took the fall. Or something. It wouldn’t have been better, but things were much less stable without him.
 It was a stupid idea now to be telling him this. Suvan knew if she overstepped some boundary he wasn’t telling her about, he could very well break her neck in this position. Or just push her forward and drown her in the tub. Use his claws to dig deep and let her bleed out in the tub. Maybe that last option. 
 She could see it now - framing her death as a suicide. Oh, my favorite little amethyst killed herself after I went to sleep. I thought she was still in bed until I woke up and saw she went missing. I don’t want to think about the sight I saw when I opened the bathroom door. Oh, if I only asked her what was wrong, she always had so much on her mind…
“So, you’re telling me you don’t want people to know your dad took your virginity.”
 She opened her mouth, ready to assert that, no, he did not take her virginity. 
 She really had to fight it. Suvan wanted nothing more than to pretend it didn’t count because she didn’t want any of it. She didn’t have the best coping mechanisms, but the one thing that made her feel better was that at least in her eyes, she could define her own virginity. And he didn’t take it. 
 She’d chalk that up to Angelo being the culprit instead. Angelo could be as vile and dehumanizing to her as he wanted, but in her eyes, it was better he be the ‘first’ than her own father. Angelo was worlds better and she just wanted to shut it out of her mind and-
She closed her eyes. Goddamn, she needed a cigarette.
“I’m… Admittedly, having a hard time agreeing to that, but yes. It’s my own trauma that shouldn’t come out. I’d rather strangers not know it.”
“Really? I see it as your defining moment.”
“Excuse-” She had to fight the boiling rage in her chest - defining?
“Lots of horrible things happen to us, you know? So what if he took it, I know you pretend it was me, but he still did. And what does it matter? Virginity’s a social construct. You may as well apply it to other things you do for the first time. Losing your seafood virginity when you try lobster. It’s idiotic.”
 The callousness in which he approached his answer was, well, deafening. She swallowed, trying to think of how to respond. He clearly didn’t care what it meant, but...
“It… means something to me.”
“But you shouldn’t be ashamed.”
“I’m not ash-”
“Like I said, it’s happened to all of us. You managed to survive and you took back control. Just like I did. There’s goods in that situation, and you shouldn’t be so viciously disgusted when I speak of it as your finest moment.”
 Suvan couldn’t believe what he just said. She closed her eyes tighter, ignoring his hands in her hair. Sure, she could see from some point of view that he was… trying? To make her feel better, but this...
“When it happened with my uncle, you know what I did? I tried to make use of it.”
“How do you make use-” She stopped herself, taking a deep breath. “How do you make use of that kind of thing?”
 It was much easier talking about this with her back to him. She had a feeling if he was observant enough with her, he’d notice this was getting difficult. She was far too afraid of pissing him off for good reason. And she wasn’t sure if he’d take kindly to her not liking his ‘comforting words’.
 Not to mention - ugh, she felt so vulnerable. She didn’t like talking about this. The only reason any of her friends at the safe house knew was because it was still fresh when they all met. Hephestis and Dionysus seeing her when the memories were still regularly hitting her. She remembered blurting it out one day and the boys both giving her this absolutely shocked look. The tension in the room going haywire when it came out.
And she was an adult now. It had been forever since then. She had better means of… Forgetting.
“Well, I for one let him keep doing it until I was able to manipulate him into going into battle for me.” He softened his voice to the point she’d have to focus on his every word. “I was very young and knew I could control him if I let him in just enough. Children just know that, if they’re crafty enough. He foolishly tried to impress the object of his desires and promised whatever he gained to me. And when he died doing his job, my father tearfully handed off his weapons and his earnings to me.”
He paused, swishing his tail, lifting it out of the water to reach for a wine glass he brought into the room with him.
“Petulant means of using him, but as a child I just thought if I was nice to him, he’d give me money and he’d give me the things of his I liked. I could have used him for far more, I’m sure. But when someone dares to treat me like I don’t know they see me as a piece of meat, what am I to do? Just let them?”
He laughed, before taking a sip. He offered the glass to her, and Suvan stared at it for a moment. She shook her head. She didn’t exactly like alcohol, anyway.
“I would have preferred my first time with someone that wasn’t family. I was supposed to trust him. Of course I would. I understand that much. But in my mind, it angered me. I wanted him to hurt, and that was the best way of doing it. You know that one dagger I keep on my person? It was his. And it always feels so gratifying being able to use it. Because he died for nothing and I reaped the rewards.”
 He suddenly shifted their position, moving Suvan around to look at him. There was a peculiar smile on his face, one that was torn between arrogance and- ugh, gentleness? She couldn’t tell, but she knew it was his attempt at looking disarming. She’d seen it before. She took a deep breath, turning so she could sit at the opposite end, staring back at him. Great.
“I won’t say it doesn’t still hurt. There was a time my uncle was even more trustworthy than my father. And then one day he starts using me. And it put all of the years he was so kind and sweet to me into a different perspective. It still disturbs me. But I tricked him and I feel better for it.”
 Angelo paused, taking another sip. Suvan couldn’t believe she was hearing him drop something… So private. He took a moment to get his words out, thinking on what to say. She was actually shocked he was taking his time here.
Then again, she was sure he was just thinking of a way to butter her up and stop talking about it.
“You want to say it was me, but why not treat it that way?”
“I didn’t get anything I wanted out of it.”
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely sure.”
“By all means, there must be something, if it took you so long to finally mutilate the man!” He laughed, leaning against the side of the tub. “If there was anything else I got from my situation, I at least was well fed. You know it’s a whole lot more potent when you get it that way.”
Her stomach lurched. Suvan had to really brace herself.
 All things aside - if Angelo weren’t such a piece of shit, and Suvan were… better adjusted, she’d seriously try to convince him this wasn’t an okay way of looking at it. Suvan wasn’t a mental health specialist or anything (gods, no), but she knew this wasn’t… Okay. Maybe. The way he was rationalizing what happened to him. 
 It just sounded like he was finding ways to ignore how fucked up it was that it happened to him. Sort of like how she was. But she didn’t want to find good in it.
“That’s the most I could ever get out of it, that maybe there was a capacity to care there. You can view it that way. Your father fed you. That’s hard to come by here.”
“I would have rather he fed me food than his fucking-” She closed her eyes again, teeth grinding as she fought the awful urge to slap Angelo and get out of there.
“Dick, amethyst. You mean dick.”
“Yes, I-” She took another breath. “I’m sorry, I-”
“You’re fine. Anyway, it’s not all bad. Were you fed the way you were supposed to be?”
“O-Off love?” She needed to stop stuttering.
“Lust. Love. Whatever.”
“I… Yes, but-”
“Let me guess,” he said, leaning closer. “He tried to feed off your familial love with gifts and promises to keep you safe, like any dad would do for their only daughter, right?”
Please shut up.
“R-” Deep breath. “Right.”
“And then it just wasn’t enough. Familial love only goes so far until you’re starving.” He reached over, gently touching at her hair. “You said your mother wasn’t around too often either?”
“She was busy.”
“Of course he would set his sights on you that way.”
Another disgusting lurch in her stomach.
“He’s not getting his fill of lust from his wife, who was probably getting her fill somewhere else,” - Suvan did not want to consider that - “He gets it instead from you. He probably thought you would give it up to him after being so nice.”
“Angelo-” She flinched, and all he did was make a little noise, touching her cheek with his fingertips.
“Shh, it’s rationalization. It helps, doesn’t it?”
No. “A little.” NO.
“Did you ever get your fill?”
She didn’t want to be asked that. She didn’t want to think about it. She just focused on the scent in the waters, keeping her eyes closed. If she just didn’t see anything, it’d be okay.
“I-” Her voice caught in her throat. Just say it already. “I don’t recall ever starving as a child.”
 There was this disgusting feeling in her that surged from head to toe. A disgusting sensation not unlike an inescapable sludge pouring over her. Like mud, trapping her. Trying to bury her under as she realized she just said that. She didn’t want to. She didn’t want to say that - she could feel Angelo holding her face so sweetly in his hands, as he willed these words out of her.
It was unlike anything she’d felt in so long, that shame and disgust.
“I’d say you got something out of it,” he said in that softer tone again. A friend calmly and sweetly speaking words of affirmation to another. The same sensation that felt out of place in this discussion. “I got that out of it too. I’m trying to level with you, amethyst.”
“If he just kept it at love and left lust out of the equation, I wouldn’t have been like this.”
“What, better than you were as a child? Suvan, sweetheart, I’ve seen the pictures. You look so much stronger and healthier than you did then. Even back to when we first met. Would you rather be trapped with someone using you in an emotional affair than be here, comfortable in my bathtub, enjoying the luxury of running water and central heating?”
I’d prefer it if I didn’t have to hide anything and I wasn’t in this goddamn place.
“I’d prefer it if it just didn’t happen.”
“I think you wouldn’t be you without it. Disaster begets miracle. You survived and you’re most definitely better for it. Just say it, you got something out of that. Besides-”
He brushed her hair to the side, ignoring her subtle flinch.
“Let me ask you this - did you love him until it got worse?”
“I-” She swallowed, looking at him. “S-Sure, I- Of course, I just-”
“What happened when he first did it to you?”
“I-” She shook her head. No no no. No. “It just happened. It happened and that’s all I remember.”
“Did he ever use the seduction spell?”
Stop stop stop-
“Y-Yes. Once I started trying to avoid him.”
“You know the rules of it, right? How it works?”
Stop stop stop-
“Uhm, y-yes?”
“Tell me about it.”
“I-I, uhm- h-he’s the one that-” She couldn’t focus on his hands on her face at this point, starting to feel small again. “He taught me, I- don’t know if-”
“That’s a nice positive. You have all the skills you need for your job because of him.”
That’s not nice THAT’S NOT NICE AT ALL-
“I-It only really works if you know there’s something the object of desire likes, uhm- You can do it randomly on someone and it can work, but if they’re asexual or just not into you...”
She really couldn’t feel anything at that point. It was more comforting to stay in that position - tunnel vision was better than hearing her own words.
“Seduction spell works especially well disregarding everything but orientation, that much you can’t fight past, if the user is skilled. But you’re right. So consider this-”
Please for the love of god do not say it.
“There’s something you liked in it, right? The feeding, maybe the fact you liked a feeling- Oh, Suvan, you’re shaking.” He took her hands in his. “Maybe I should have used lavender.”
 Suvan closed her eyes - she didn’t want to think about that rationalization. It would just make her spiral again, and she didn’t want to do that. Didn’t want to think about it. The seduction spell worked if you were particularly apt at it, like Angelo. It was a normal ability cubi had - she was a child and- She didn’t like any of it. She didn’t want to think about- No, just stop.
“You enjoy sex, don’t you?”
She could only nod.
“Maybe it was that. Maybe you liked-” She couldn’t hear much, just her own head pounding. She only tuned back in after she tried to center herself with deep breaths. “I figured out for myself I liked something there, but I’ve spent years rationalizing it and taking it back.”
She just tried to focus on his hands, cupping her face. It was almost pleasant.
“I can’t do that so easily,” she said, softly.
“Oh, of course you can. You’re so much stronger than you think. So what if you liked something there? View it this way - the bastard used you for his needs, and you used him for yours. Much more important ones. And when he thought he could keep control of you, you ended it. It’s okay if you liked it, sex feels good, doesn’t it?”
Fuck, her head was swimming.
“Like being fed something particularly sweet and unhealthy, and sure, you like it, but it’s not going to be something you do again, right?”
“I wouldn’t c-compare this to that.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” he said - it wasn’t an apology. It was more his mocking response, as he got closer to her, smiling. “I don’t judge you if you ever found something in there you enjoyed. Maybe you aren’t aware of it. But unless he was good at using his spell, which we will never know, maybe you did.”
 She didn’t want that in her head. She spent so long trying to stifle that whole story down inside her. Unneeded debris in the mess of her mind. Suvan wanted nothing to do with the memory of what her father did. She didn’t want to think about how she did feel good at time- God, the feeling that hit her just then. 
 She couldn’t think about it. It would just make her sick. She already hated feeling vulnerable. The fact she was naked in this bath with him made it worse. 
 And Angelo wasn’t going to care, he’d just keep playing with her hair and holding her face like he was her goddamn lover. Like he was making it better. 
 She tried to temper herself with the image of her father’s face, wrenched in terror when she held onto him, brandishing a knife. The planning, the meticulous organization as she waited to end it right there. She couldn’t remember what the breaking point was. It was blurry then. It wasn’t her mother leaving, after seeing firsthand and not doing a damn thing about it. It wasn’t when he stopped tricking her into it. But she eventually snapped and had it all together, and cut his dick and his hands off. 
 The noises he made when she pressed the blade against him - she remembered it was particularly difficult to do. Her father was stronger, so his thrashing threw her off a few times. She got cut once or twice. Even having him tied down was hard. She thought using the seduction spell would work, but even with him under the influence, it was still a lot of trouble.
But it was satisfying once she could start cutting at it. Very satisfying. 
She took another centering breath.
“Enjoying it would just make him feel better about what he did.”
“Do you think he felt guilt for it?” He smiled. “Do you think anyone feels guilt for that kind of act? Adults eating their own young?”
“He probably did until Mom left.”
“It doesn’t matter what he thinks. Who cares? He’s dead. And your mother is hopefully dead, too. Those feelings stay in people like that from the start. He knew what he was doing. And your own comfort didn’t matter. It’s okay if you liked it. There’s no blame here.”
“I don’t want to say I did.”
“But you technically did.”
She just wanted to go.
She took another breath. She really needed that cigarette.
“I’ll leave it at this. I talk about it because you’re strong. Who doesn’t think that sort of story sounds amazing? A girl taken advantage of by someone she cared for, then turning on him and cutting his cock off like it was nothing?”
“I don’t feel strong, Angelo.”
“Well, I think you are. If you hear it, just ignore me. That’s all I’ll say. Do you want me to leave you here alone? I’m feeling awfully tired and have business with Zeus later tomorrow.”
The slightest mention of Hephestis - even if it was the version of himself that had to cater to Angelo’s fragile ego - made her feel a little better. Especially the fact Angelo was ready to leave now.
“You can,” she breathed. Thank goodness.
“Same time tomorrow? I could possibly ask him to get you if the travel is difficult.”
“I’ll walk.”
“Suit yourself. I’ll be getting ready for bed. You can leave the wine in here, someone will tend to the mess.”
 Angelo got out of the tub after patting her head. She listened to him towel himself off, his footsteps the only sound in the room. She just needed a moment. She just needed some time in the water. She could hear him get near to the door, so she looked up at him.
“But yes, amethyst-” he said, as they met eyes, “keep that in mind. I won’t stop, but you at least understand my point of view here. I’ll be expecting you in your usual pristine shape.”
 He left, shutting the door behind him after those parting words. Suvan just sat in the tub, staring at the water, watching the ripples start to calm down. She closed her eyes and leaned back, lying in the water for a moment. It was nice and wide, big enough for her to comfortably lie in.
 Her skin felt tight. Her hands were shaky. Head pounding. Getting her head underwater to listen to the water fill in her ears made it a little less awful, but she knew this feeling was going to persist.
That walk home was going to be rough. She could barely focus on the moment at hand.
 Sinking into the water and staring at the ceiling, all she could do was spend the next few moments working her hardest to pull all the feeling underwater. Drag it to the deep, with stones in their hands. Suvan would not let it get to her. Suvan would not let it persist. She was best at this, taking all the urges and the feelings and stifling them deep below. 
 Nothing to show she was living in constant dread, nothing to show she needed help. Suvan spent the last fifteen plus years learning how to compartmentalize everything. Stuff all the feelings into a pretty little box. Repress it all so no one had a means of thinking she needed anything.
It was easier this way.
 The blonde slowly sat up out of the water. She didn’t want that thought in her head. Suvan wanted to say she felt nothing from it. Just disgust. Just rage. Desire to rip and tear at the person hurting her. Anger felt easier to describe, it felt less complex. There was less to take in, less issue to explain. Less reason to sit down with someone and put down the reasons she didn’t like people tugging at her hair, why she didn’t like heavy, noticeable makeup. 
 She didn’t want to be pitied. Maybe it was better that Angelo didn’t. But she didn’t want to acknowledge there was anything there. The issue was done with. She killed her father and she found comfort thinking of those last moments. 
It should have been over with, at this point.
 Sure, it happened. Okay. Her father did that to her. But Suvan didn’t want to say that she still felt anything. It was more comforting to feel nothing. So he had no claim over her whatsoever. No hurt, no fear, no sickness. Nothing. 
 She took a deep breath, reached over to pull up the stopper, and stood up. Ignoring the subtle chill as she went over to dry herself off, taking extra time to get the water out of her hair. She picked up her clothing, neatly folded, and got herself dressed. 
 Suvan took her time, and took even more time brushing her hair. Running the brush through several times, slowly, working to get herself to a more adjustable level. She didn’t want anyone to question what was wrong with her. She just wanted to go to bed and forget what they talked about.
 She left the room after, and saw Angelo already getting himself settled in bed. Reading a book by the lamp. She said nothing to him as she got to the door-
“By the way-”
“Yes?” She looked back, managing to keep her most neutral expression.
“This conversation was fine. But if you ever question the way I treat you again, we’re going to have problems.”
There it was.
“I’ll let it slide, but I don’t like thinking my first gem doesn’t trust me. You need to have some faith in me.”
Yes, faith. Sure.
“Do I make myself clear?”
She bit back all the vitriol she could throw at him, taking a deep, even breath.
“Good. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
 Suvan felt the tension in the room lift, and she hastily left. Marching down the hall to make her way out of the building. She couldn’t stand being there any longer. She knew it was a stupid idea to call him out...
The walk back sort of helped her get her thoughts together.
 Emphasis on sort of. She was more focused on not slipping - taking careful steps from Angelo’s palace. She was in one of her pairs of high heels and one of her more flowy, thin dresses. Suvan insisted she could handle the cold, but honestly, she just didn’t want to admit that its bitter chill hurt. She lived a few years alone, out on the streets after she killed her father, so she should be able to handle this. It just felt… Limiting, to admit it did bother her.
 If Suvan could handle it at fifteen, she could handle it at thirty-two. Ignore that she’d gotten sick several times. No one was going to get her to stop dressing comfortably. And the walk wasn’t so bad. She had half a mind to take her heels off, though - they were leaving a horrible ache in her arches and she had to bite the inside of her cheek to fight it. The last time she did that, she was sick for a week. It was hard to act self sufficient if everyone knew she was sick. 
She just wanted to do her part. That was it.
 But ugh - the heels clicking against the icy ground was louder than she liked for it to be. It was safe, but definitely later than normal. She didn’t want to be too paranoid, but at this time of night, she didn’t want to take any chances.
 Using her tail to cover her tracks, remembering to warm it up later, she made it to the safe shelter that was tucked away deep in the slums. A mostly put together homeless shelter that she’d been staying at since she was barely eighteen. She got taken in there after she started her second job at the brothel - one of her old ‘coworkers’ offering a place to stay since it wasn’t safe just staying with Angelo. Not when he was so turbulent.
 Taking even more careful steps, she made it around the perimeter of the building, taking note of some of the roofing beginning to chip away. She’d have to tell Revali about that later. It was a nice place to stay - with years of repairs and fortifying, it was safer than when it was basically a shitshack, falling apart with every blizzard that came through. But then Revali came along and started putting his carpenter skills to work - and then she helped the Nectovelius kids settle in, who were all more than happy to find ways to make it safer. 
 Things were flimsy at times - she recalled them having a power surge recently, but it was better than before. Revali even figured out how to ‘steal’ water from the palace, finding a way to get them connected to the same plumbing system. Not to mention they had efficient heating and power supply. Food was tight and things were scary at times, but at least there were people in the shelter who knew how to fix it. And Suvan herself was very good at keeping a good income flow.
 She chewed on her lip, as she stopped to look at the cellar door that would lead her through the main entrance. Buried by bramble, covered in snow. Safe and out of the way. She started for it, but then she heard a voice-
“Ah-” She stammered, looking to her side.
 There he was. Stupid impossibly lanky and tall Revali. The incubus sighed, adjusting his hat as he crossed over, giving her a stern look.
“I swear, I was just getting off wor-”
“It is almost dawn, Suvan. Hephestis and I were about to set out to look for y- why aren’t you wearing the coat I got you?!”
 The incubus closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. He reached over, pinching her ear. She squealed, trying to smack his hands away. It didn’t really work - he pretty much towered over her, and he was stronger anyway. No idea how, but he was. He just grumbled to himself, eyes narrowing.
“Your ears are red.”
“For the love of the gods, if you guys keep saying that to me-”
“You’re shaking like a leaf.”
“You’re blind.”
 No, nope, we weren’t going to do this. Suvan didn’t want anyone to realize she was cold, or in a weird mood. Anything like that. The events of that night needed to go away, she wasn’t going to give it another thought. She just got grumpy, trying to push him away.
“Come on, I need to lock up anyway. Hep is gonna kill your stupid ass.”
 Revali was insisting on pushing her into the building as he opened the cellar door. Using his height to get her shoved in there, as he shut it behind them and locked it up. With how bad his paranoia was, it was a requirement to let him be the one to lock up everything. If anyone left the building without him knowing, it set off his anxiety and he’d spend the next two hours double checking locks and waiting on the person to come back. 
 “I don’t get it, normally you guys figure I’ll be staying-”
“Zeus has time with Angelo tomorrow. Hep told me you’d be coming back early tonight. You weren’t back early. I’ve been out there for the past few hours just waiting.”
“You were out there?!”
“What, do you want me to just forget about it and let you stand out there and die?”
“Rev, I can handle the cold-”
“You’re over thirty, you aren’t a stupid teenager- Hephestis!”
 He called out, dragging her to the kitchen. Suvan grumbled, closing her eyes. Yeah, she was gonna get mother-henned anyway. With all that happened that night, she really wasn’t in the mood to fool around. She could feel her skin tightening remembering what Angelo said to her, and all she wanted was to crawl into bed and sleep.
 There stood Hephestis, already adjusting his stupidly puffy jacket. He was working on getting the hood over his head before he looked over, blinking a few times in stunned silence.
“Wait, did you just get her yourself?!”
“She finally got home.”
“Oh gods-” Hephestis hastily got the jacket off and rushed over, practically throwing it over her.
“No, no, you don’t get to fight off us helping you,” he said, his voice quiet but stern. He and Revali were practically dragging her further into the kitchen. “Perse made soup tonight but I’m giving you warm tea first. Where were you?! You never get home that late- For fuck’s sake, your ears are red!”
“I know they’re-”
 Hephestis was quick to shut her up, taking a little cup of tea and putting it to her lips. He was clearly in a state. Revali himself was just as antsy, checking her for anything. Both boys were tending to her, and she just sighed, taking it. Hephestis making her sip tea to warm up, and Revali looking over her arms and legs for bruises or anything.
“I don’t see anything, but it could be internal,” he muttered, pinching her arm.
“Rev, I didn’t get hurt.”
“But you said that when your arm was sprained after-”
“I said that and then realized it hurt.”
“You’re still stupid!” The incubus bundled her up in Hep’s jacket, then rushed to the pot sitting on the stove. “Can you eat at all?” 
“She better. Perse made enough to tide us over the weekend,” Hephestis commented, as he sat Suvan down. “Seriously, you need to talk. What happened? You look fucking terrified.”
… He could see?
 Suvan swallowed-  trying to hide that this fact bothered her. She was really good at covering up her emotions, hiding when things got to her. But she hadn’t realized it was showing so clearly - that… Wasn’t okay. Was it that shocking? Suvan just… Didn’t want to think about what was said, but…
“Wait, she looks terrified?” Rev bent down, hands planted on the table as he stared at her, eyes narrowing.
“Guys, I’m…”
She paused.
 No… There wasn’t anything productive in digging up the past. Hephestis knew, Revali knew. It didn’t matter. It was all said and done. She killed him and it didn’t matter. Bringing up Angelo would just upset Hephestis anyway. And Revali wasn’t very good at discussing Angelo without getting antsy. She chewed on her lip, willingly letting some of her anxiety show through.
 Suvan handled the past like this - it was over with. She handled it like a big girl. No one else could tell her how to handle it but her. Her father was dead. Past the point of rotting. She let him bleed out and it was over with. No ghosts to deal with. There was so much more… Crucial things going on. Sure, it was important to discuss her trauma, but Suvan knew she could handle it. She did before, right?
… But, she trusted them. It’d be worse to hold it back. She sighed, running her hand through her hair.
“Okay.” She took another deep breath. “I had a not so great talk with Angelo, uhm-”
“What did he say.” Hephestis was sitting down properly now, eyes narrowed. “I swear-” He took a deep breath, closing his eyes. 
“It…” She blinked a few times, realizing just how awful it felt to talk about. “Uh, it was just about my… dad.”
“Why the hell would he bring that up?” Revali asked, looking over. “That’s none of his business.”
“He brags. Zeus has heard it. He introduces me to some people as uhm.” She paused. “You know. Oh, that’s my favorite partner, she’s tougher than you think. She cut her dad’s dick off after-” She stopped.
“You… Were trying to tell him to stop?” Hephestis asked, trying to keep his breathing level. Rev came over with a warm bowl of soup, set it down, then took a moment to put his hand on his shoulder and rub it affectionately. “I didn’t think you’d…”
“It was getting too much. I didn’t want to hear about it.”
 Revali sat down, one arm around Hep to keep him grounded, and his other being used to push the soup over to her. Then motioned for her to lay her non-dominant hand on the surface so he could put his hand on top of hers.
“He didn’t… Hurt you, there’s nothing we need to take care of, is there?” God, she felt awful. Hep cared so much about the people he lived with that he could at least somewhat ignore his basic trigger just to make sure she was okay. 
“I’m fine. We talked about it during a bath. I just…” She sighed. “Wanted him to stop, but he ended our talk by basically telling me he wouldn’t.”
“Of course he did,” Rev muttered. “He only cares about himself.”
“He…” She looked at her food for a moment, wondering if she’d be able to eat it. She needed to. She didn’t like wasting food. “He asked me some things about it that I wanted to forget.”
“You… Never did get that deep when talking about it,” Revali said. “It’s not like you’re supposed to, anyway. It’s your trauma. He shouldn’t be flaunting it like that.”
“I just haven’t thought about it in so long that way. He tried to make it ‘better’, he tried to make it ‘better’ and just made it… Worse. Brought up some new complexes I didn’t want to have, so…”
“Suvan, you’re not…” Revali hunched over the table some, making himself smaller to look at her clearer. “You’re not trying to blame yourself or anything again, are you?”
“F-Fuck no,” she started to laugh nervously, then picked up her spoon to pick at her soup. “It’s… Different.”
“Suvan, you know whatever feeling you get, you can always talk to me or anyone else about it,” Hephestis said, taking a deep breath. “Even Zeus. He doesn’t mind it. I know you like to be self-sufficient, but you know we’re all handling things together. Even you need help, we're all here for you.”
“Th… Thank you,” she breathed. Sure, she could get help, but this was a situation she should have been done with. There was a difference between knowing how to handle it, and actually needing to ask for help. “He…” She swallowed. “Just… He asked about. How things happened, and…”
“Tasteful,” Revali grumbled. “He really asked you about the play by play? We can’t just be told your dad did that and be done with it?”
“Exactly,” Suvan said. “He asked about some details and… Made me admit he wasn’t…” She started picking at her food, stomach twisting. “Bad. To me. That… He wasn’t. Violent. Or. Anything, uhm.”
 Hephestis was quick to realize she wasn’t going to be able to get it out. He narrowed his eyes, pulling her bowl away. Revali was just as perceptive, squeezing her hand.
“Suvan, this isn’t something you should detail if it hurts to say,” Revali said. “You’re… Strong, but you don’t need to be strong enough to tell us everything.”
“It just matters that you trust us enough to let us know you aren’t okay,” Hep added.
“I… Wish I could say it,” she breathed. “It’s just… Making me have to ignore a lot of bad feelings. He tried to make it better by saying I should have… Enjoyed it and saw it as using him, and, I-”
 That was it. She couldn't do it. She shut her mouth and stared at the table. The boys stayed quiet, but Revali kept affectionately rubbing her hand. 
“He…” Hephestis swallowed. “Has no right to make you try and rationalize it that way. Not when he- No. That’s not up to him to tell you how to feel about what happened.”
“He wanted me to be proud that I killed him. Like,” Suvan paused. “I… Sure. I’m glad I did. He didn’t deserve to live, but… I wish I didn’t have to. I wish I didn’t have to kill my goddamn dad to make him stop it. He just told me I was stronger for it. I should suck it up.”
“Just because you handle your trauma and it teaches you something for the future doesn’t mean you’re stronger for it,” Revali said. “You just built up a new defense. You’re only stronger if you can continue on despite that hurt. Knowing that people can… Be that way, it’s just new armor, I guess. You aren’t strong because your dad did that to you, you’re strong because you didn’t let it get to you and you can still live in spite of it.”
 Revali was- well, while blunt, he was good at offering a sweet word or two. He took a deep breath, running his thumb over the back of her hand.
“I assume you might not be very hungry,” he said, softly. 
“I… Want to eat, I shouldn’t let it go to waste.”
“These kinds of things are hard to stomach- no… pun intended,” he muttered, “so it’s okay. We shouldn’t force you to eat if you can’t. You had some tea anyway. We can pack it away and let Perse know.”
 She sat there for a moment, chewing on her lip. She really didn’t like skipping meals - you could say she almost had food anxiety, but it was more just the fact she didn’t want to waste anything. That or find herself without a lot of energy later on. It was better to eat and stay hydrated when she could, especially with her work. Some days she’d be stuck at the brothel, using up so much energy with no down time, that it made the rest of the day a goddamn slog to get through. She worked off a lot of calories with that work - that and just the running around all day to follow Angelo.
Ugh… But she had no appetite. It left, and honestly, she just wanted rest.
“I… I’ll pass.”
“Goddamn, this must be bad,” Hephestis said, smiling a little. “I’m… Sorry he said that to you. If you start getting any feelings again…”
“I won’t.”
“Ignoring that, please come to one of us,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Or even Dion. He’s a little awkward about this stuff, but you know he’d want to help too.”
“I… Know that what happened wasn’t my fault. Any kid in my place would have done what they could to get out. I just… Don’t want Angelo to ‘make it better’. All it does is make me doubt my feelings in the moment and make it feel less… Horrible.”
“Well, no matter what he says, everything that happened is just as… bad as you remember. I guess, if that comforts you. Nothing could ever make it any less horrible, when it comes to what he did,” Revali said. “I guess Angelo said something that made it seem like it was less… Severe than you know it was.”
“... Yeah. That was it. I don’t want to think about it. I could barely focus when he brought it up.”
 Hephestis nodded, standing up now. He took it upon himself to go ahead and store Suvan’s food, then came back over with the tea kettle, refilling her cup.
“When you’re done here, you can come with us to our room. We were gonna settle for bed before we realized you hadn’t come back.”
“I’m,” she took another deep breath, reaching for the tea cup. “I’m sorry I worried you guys. I spent a lot of time thinking after my talk and lost track of time.”
“You said you guys had a bath, right?” Revali asked, using his free arm to pull Hep over, comfortably resting his arm over his shoulders. “You do smell of somethin’ earthy.”
“He thought a bath would calm me, he had salts and oils and all that. I… Guess it worked. When he left, anyway. I stayed there a while to get my thoughts together.”
“Warm water’s nice,” Hep muttered. “I need to check the heater later and figure out why we’re running out so fast. Winter’s looking like pure hell right now.”
“Yeah, then we can have Suvan over for fun earthy bathtime to talk about her trauma,” Revali joked, smiling at her. Then he frowned, eyebrows furrowed. “Wait, was that tasteful? I-”
“No, that was fine,” Suvan laughed. “I’d vastly prefer sharing a bath with you guys. At least then I wouldn’t feel like one of you might snap my neck if I say something wrong.”
 There was a pregnant pause. Both boys gave her a look. One of horror, another of what had to be rage boiling up. But they both looked at each other - Hep took a deep breath, and looked back.
“Maybe there will be neck snapping. You keep letting yourself freeze and I might do it myself,” he joked. “Seriously, your nose is fuckin’ red. Is that tea even helping?”
“Uhm, of course it is!” She pouted, feeling a lot lighter now that they were just joking at this point. “Cinnamon apple tea is perfect for these kinds of chills. I just…”
“Might be getting a cold?” Revali commented.
“I’ll literally kick you in the teeth.”
“Eh, if you can reach. Even your high heels won’t get you up here.”
“Don’t test her,” Hep laughed, “she’s feral. She might just grab your hair and yank you down to do it that way.”
“Well, now she will since you gave her the idea!”
 All three of them laughed - it was so cozy to listen to the boys jokingly fight. She was glad to see Hephestis having something so calm and sweet for himself. She knew he had a lot of trouble before, trying to keep a good relationship, and this one was definitely so much easier on his nerves. Revali was so carefree, even in this situation. He just offered a good word, and had a good joke to top it all off.
 She smiled, content as she listened to the boys’ laughter, watching them comfortably snuggle into each other. Suvan wasn’t really good at that kind of thing, but it made her happy to see them both so comfortable. Both of them needed that normal intimacy. There was no feeding even happening, but honestly, there was enough affection between them to feed a single cubi for a year.
“Hey, there’s that smile,” Rev said, grinning. “Wasn’t sure if we’d see it again.”
“You know you were going to,” she laughed again. “I… it’s just sensitive, is all. But you guys make me feel a lot safer. Thanks.”
“Do you wanna go back to bed with us?” Revali piped up, propping his head up on his hands. “I don’t think you’ll be doing so well sleeping alone. And we could warm ya up better.”
“Rev, that sounds weird,” Hep commented. “I’m not having a threesome with someone that’s basically my sister.”
“But you’ll have one with Dion participating,” Rev said, staring at him with shifty eyes. “If you’re saying you don’t like women for some reason-”
“No, I just feel weird if she participates anyway, I was raised to think it’d be normal sharing people with Dionysus. It’s weird sharing with my sis-”
“What about Perse-”
“Actually, I’m very opposed to that for the same reason,” Suvan laughed, quickly cutting off this really weird conversation.
“Whatever, I don’t even mean like that.” Revali leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. Well jeez, he made a big fuss about nothing then. “I just think it’d be warmer with other people.”
 She smiled, leaning against the table. Suvan didn’t like to impose when it came to other people in the shelter. Especially these two. She still felt a great sense of guilt after putting them all through so much hell when she brought Seisyllt over and they found out he was just trying to kill Hephestis and his siblings. Definitely not related to Angelo, but related to the lives those three led. Suvan didn’t want to impose anymore. Didn’t want to feel like she was doing that when she was still trying to make up for it.
But this was… Well. Preferred. She didn’t want to be alone. Revali was right.
“I could do that,” she said, nodding. “I suppose it would be nicer to share a bed with someone.”
“Good!” Revali stood up, almost knocking his chair to the ground. “I’m pretty tall so I can be the biggest spoon.”
“I was more picturing it like we just crowd around her,” Hep said, looking up.
“Nope, I wanna spoon.”
“Suvan, what do you think? Rev clearly has lost his last braincell standing out in the cold.”
“We can spoon.”
 Revali nodded, smiling smugly. Hep rolled his eyes, fighting a smile himself as he got up to put everything away. Suvan got up from the table and came over to Revali, comfortably linking her arm with his. She guessed any outsider would assume they were some kind of threesome, but she didn’t exactly care. It was pretty much encouraged here.
 Once Hephestis came over, she was eager to link her other arm with his, and the boys started leading her back to their room. They used to have their own rooms, but once they got together, both were more into the idea of sharing a space. So their room was nice and cozy, with two mattresses pushed together as a makeshift double bed. 
 They continued chatting softly about the weather. Both boys lamenting having to check that water heater soon. But the tension wasn’t so bad. Just idle words to fill the silence. 
“You know, I thought you’d be more into the idea of being in a sandwich cuddle,” Hephestis said once they got to the door. “You’d be way warmer.”
“I like being spooned,” Suvan said, shrugging. “Feels safe.”
“A sandwich is pretty safe, but all right.” Hep laughed, leading her and Revali into the room.
 It was pretty clean, for once. Revali was kind of a mess behind closed doors, leaving his clothes everywhere. The only real clutter seemed to be where Hephestis kept his clothes, and she realized it had to be because he was rushing to get dressed to look for her. She chewed on her lip, sitting on the edge of their bed while both boys got dressed down to what they’d be sleeping in.
 She at least got Hep’s coat off and kicked her high heels off, then got situated on the bed. Both boys got settled with her, both in various states of undress. Revali had to be the… least dressed, his underwear never left much to the imagination. 
“But hey,” Hep said, brushing his hair out of his face. “Seriously. I know this is a discussion that you can barely go into, but if you ever need to tell us you’re feeling this way again, we’re not going to do that.”
“I… Can try. It’s still hard to talk or even think about,” she breathed. “For now I’d rather just sleep. I’m exhausted from earlier and feel like I might take all of tomorrow off after that.”
“Good, you rarely stay the entire day,” Rev grumbled, pulling Hephestis against him. The incubus shrugged, happily reaching for Suvan to pull her over too. “I’m also just too anxious for you to be leaving, considering how long it took for you to come back.”
“I’m really sorry, Rev,” Suvan said, adjusting herself so she was comfortable in this three way spooning session. “If I could let you know, I would have.”
 He mumbled, shoving his face in Hep’s hair while Hep himself just happily nuzzled Suvan in turn, both boys trying to wrap their arms around each other for maximum warmth. It helped that Hep was the middle spoon - he sorta naturally latched onto people in bed, and Revali was just so lanky, he pretty much reached everywhere.
It didn’t take too long for Suvan to fall asleep, feeling safe with her friends, but both boys stayed awake. 
“I’ve… heard about this before,” Hep mumbled, looking back. “Zeus mentioned something about Angelo being especially chatty about it. I can’t believe she really tried to talk to him about it today.”
“Leave it to Angelo to say that shit,” Rev muttered, moving to play with Hep’s hair. “I’m just glad she’s safe. I don’t think I would have been okay if she didn’t come back sooner.”
“Y-Yeah. I. Yeah.” Hep nodded. It was no secret she was just as much family as his siblings, as Revali. Hephestis didn’t want to think about it.
“Do you wanna do something after you’re done with your plans for tomorrow? We can all sit together and play something if that makes you feel better,” Rev said. “You seem anxious.”
“Mm. I… Sure. We can figure something out for tomorrow. The waiting didn’t do me very good.”
“Oh babe,” Rev laughed a little, kissing the side of his head. “She’s gonna be okay. We’re gonna be okay. Just rest and I’ll keep her stupid ass here. Maybe we can have Suvan involve us in one of her self care hours.”
“That’d be… Cool, actually.” Hep nodded, taking a deep breath. “I guess I just need to be sure she isn’t going to ask him anything like that again. I…”
“You’re scared Angelo will flip his lid like with the friend you guys had.”
“We can talk about it tomorrow, then. Just rest. I’ll figure it all out while Zeus handles his own thing.”
“Hmm. Okay. I’ll try. I love you.”
“Love ya too, babes.”
 Both of the boys happily fell to sleep - Revali drifting to sleep last so he knew Hep was asleep for sure. Both of them tangled tightly around each other and their best friend, who was curled up in her own spot. Tomorrow will be much better.
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bishop-legacy · 7 years
For Oris!! :D
Aaaw Su~ Thank you for asking about her!
Full Name: Oris Suvan
Gender and Sexuality: Female/Bisexual
Pronouns: She/Her
Ethnicity/Species: Nautolan
Birthplace and Birthdate: Nar Shaddaa, Unknown
Guilty Pleasures: Reading
Phobias: Heights, Sinking, the Dark
What They Would Be Famous For: Marrying Cinadrin
What They Would Get Arrested For: Prostitution
OC You Ship Them With: Your baby Cinadrin
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Sable
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Non-Fiction
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: The girl gets with the guy in order to have a happy ending
Talents and/or Powers: Sculpting(funny enough)Why Someone Might Love Them: She’s sweet and kind
Why Someone Might Hate Them: She’s an escort which in most minds means ‘whore’
How They Change: She starts to stand up for herself once someone(*cough* Cinadrin*cough*) teaches her that she’s more than just a commodity to be traded for money to the highest bidder.
Why You Love Them: I love her because shes just a sweetie pie who wants to do something other than what she is doing now
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juudgeblog · 6 years
4th GNLU Moot on Securities and Investment Law 2018 [September 6-9, 2018], Register by July 16, 2018
About Gujarat National Law University
Gujarat National Law University (GNLU) is a university established by the Government of Gujarat under the Gujarat National Law University Act, 2003. GNLU aims to advance and disseminate the learning and knowledge of law and enhance their role in national development, to instil in students and the research scholars a sense of responsibility to serve the society by developing skills in advocacy, legal services, legislation drafting, parliamentary practices and law reforms. It also strives to make law and legal processes a more efficient instrument of social development and promote inter-disciplinary study of law in relation to management, technology, international cooperation and development. The University provides a platform for the holistic development of a student on various fronts – academics, personality, ethics, sports, leadership, with a sense of responsibility and obligation as a harbinger of change in the society.
Since its inception, the University has been holding in-house Moot Court competitions regularly, after which meritorious students are selected to participate in national and international Moot Court Competitions. With a view to foster research in different streams of law and to encourage analysis pertaining to the practical implications of law, the University organises various academic events, including two moot court competitions – the GNLU International Moot Court Competition (GIMC) and the GNLU Moot on Securities and Investment Law (GNLUMSIL).
After launching GIMC and ensuring its success as a leading moot court competition on International Trade Law, the University has established a platform for discourse on Securities and Investment Law in the form of GNLUMSIL, which presents new interpretative challenges and opens up avenues for young professionals.
The Indian financial sector has become increasingly globalized and interwoven with the world markets, which has posed significant challenges to India’s regulation. These markets are vital to the growth, development and strength of an economy and are central to financial risk management. The GNLU Moot on Securities and Investment Law was conceived as a by-product of this globalization of markets, and was envisaged as a platform for law students to present and hone their advocacy skills.
Since its inception in 2015, GNLUMSIL has garnered praise for filling a void in the Indian mooting arena by providing an opportunity for research and student advocacy in the field of Securities and Investment law, thus serving as a stepping stone into this practice. In a short span, the moot came to establish itself as a platform for brilliant minds to parley and learn more about the subject, witnessing 26, 30 and 44 teams vie for the top spot in the first, second and third editions respectively. With its focus on such a niche area of law, GNLUMSIL hunts for and brings in the best legal minds on the subject to judge the moot, making it an exhilarating experience for the participants.
The 3rd edition of GNLUMSIL was successfully organized in collaboration with the Bombay Stock Exchange- Investors’ Protection Fund, Finsec Law Advisors, Suvan Law Advisors, Lex Witness, and SCC Online and witnessed enthusiastic participation from 44 teams from across the country. The 3rd edition saw GNLUMSIL up the ante and successfully display its progress in terms of both legal and academic standards by affording higher levels of distinction in terms of the prizes awarded, the standard of adjudication and partnership with distinguished individuals belonging to the legal fraternity. The competition saw brilliant performances from 44 teams from various universities and colleges across India.
4th GNLU Moot on Securities and Investment Law 2018
GNLUMSIL 2018 provides the participants with an opportunity to develop key understanding of SEBI Rules and Regulations, other ancillary rules and regulations and apply the same. With a brilliant set of judges, the participants are further encouraged by their experience and are provided with feedback on how to improve their research as well as mooting skills. Given the growing interest of young professionals and students across the country in the field of Indian capital markets and our goal of facilitating the discourse around the subject, Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar cordially invites you to the 4th edition of GNLUMSIL, scheduled to be held from September 6-9, 2018.
GNLU promises to make GNLUMSIL 2018 one of the most sought-after mooting events in the Indian mooting calendar, and a progressive step towards building a prolific knowledge base in this niche area of law. The Organising Committee strives to make GNLUMSIL a comfortable and fruitful experience for the participating teams by providing excellent hospitality and offers access to various facilities offered by GNLU including our world-class library which houses resources and materials on various fields of law and access to various online legal research databases like Manupatra, Westlaw and SCC Online.
The Winners and Runners-up of the 4th edition along with other prizes will receive cash prizes of INR 50,000 and INR 25,000 respectively. Cash prizes and other awards will also be handed out to the Best Orator (Final Rounds), the Best Orator (Preliminary Rounds), the Best Memorial and the Best Researcher.
Venue: Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
Important Dates
Last day for provisional registration: June 1, 2018.
Last day for registration and completion of all formalities: July 16, 2018.
Last day to apply for clarifications regarding the Moot Problem: June 30, 2018.
Clarifications, if any, to be published: July 10, 2018.
Last day for submitting the soft copy of the Written Submission: August 15, 2018.
Last day for submitting the hard copy of the Written Submission: August 21, 2018.
Dr. Girish R., Faculty Convener at [email protected], +91-8128650806.
Ms. Aarathi M Krishna (Student Convenor) at [email protected], +91-8129779344;
M s. Sanskriti Sanghi (Student Convenor) at [email protected], +91-9650688996;
Ms. Smrithi Bhaskar (Logistics Coordinator) at [email protected], +91-9444844984;
Ms. Surabhi Saboo (Communications Coordinator) at [email protected], +91-7574840646.
Important Links
The Revised Official Schedule of the Competition is available here.
The Registration Form for the moot is available here.
The Moot Problem is available here.
The Rules of the Competition are available here.
For more information, please visit our official website, https://www.gnlu.ac.in/gmsil/home or our Facebook page .
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4th GNLU Moot on Securities and Investment Law 2018 [September 6-9, 2018], Register by July 16, 2018 syndicated from https://namechangersmumbai.wordpress.com/
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loyallogic · 6 years
4th GNLU Moot on Securities and Investment Law 2018 [September 6-9, 2018], Register by July 16, 2018
About Gujarat National Law University
Gujarat National Law University (GNLU) is a university established by the Government of Gujarat under the Gujarat National Law University Act, 2003. GNLU aims to advance and disseminate the learning and knowledge of law and enhance their role in national development, to instil in students and the research scholars a sense of responsibility to serve the society by developing skills in advocacy, legal services, legislation drafting, parliamentary practices and law reforms. It also strives to make law and legal processes a more efficient instrument of social development and promote inter-disciplinary study of law in relation to management, technology, international cooperation and development. The University provides a platform for the holistic development of a student on various fronts – academics, personality, ethics, sports, leadership, with a sense of responsibility and obligation as a harbinger of change in the society.
Since its inception, the University has been holding in-house Moot Court competitions regularly, after which meritorious students are selected to participate in national and international Moot Court Competitions. With a view to foster research in different streams of law and to encourage analysis pertaining to the practical implications of law, the University organises various academic events, including two moot court competitions – the GNLU International Moot Court Competition (GIMC) and the GNLU Moot on Securities and Investment Law (GNLUMSIL).
After launching GIMC and ensuring its success as a leading moot court competition on International Trade Law, the University has established a platform for discourse on Securities and Investment Law in the form of GNLUMSIL, which presents new interpretative challenges and opens up avenues for young professionals.
The Indian financial sector has become increasingly globalized and interwoven with the world markets, which has posed significant challenges to India’s regulation. These markets are vital to the growth, development and strength of an economy and are central to financial risk management. The GNLU Moot on Securities and Investment Law was conceived as a by-product of this globalization of markets, and was envisaged as a platform for law students to present and hone their advocacy skills.
Since its inception in 2015, GNLUMSIL has garnered praise for filling a void in the Indian mooting arena by providing an opportunity for research and student advocacy in the field of Securities and Investment law, thus serving as a stepping stone into this practice. In a short span, the moot came to establish itself as a platform for brilliant minds to parley and learn more about the subject, witnessing 26, 30 and 44 teams vie for the top spot in the first, second and third editions respectively. With its focus on such a niche area of law, GNLUMSIL hunts for and brings in the best legal minds on the subject to judge the moot, making it an exhilarating experience for the participants.
The 3rd edition of GNLUMSIL was successfully organized in collaboration with the Bombay Stock Exchange- Investors’ Protection Fund, Finsec Law Advisors, Suvan Law Advisors, Lex Witness, and SCC Online and witnessed enthusiastic participation from 44 teams from across the country. The 3rd edition saw GNLUMSIL up the ante and successfully display its progress in terms of both legal and academic standards by affording higher levels of distinction in terms of the prizes awarded, the standard of adjudication and partnership with distinguished individuals belonging to the legal fraternity. The competition saw brilliant performances from 44 teams from various universities and colleges across India.
4th GNLU Moot on Securities and Investment Law 2018
GNLUMSIL 2018 provides the participants with an opportunity to develop key understanding of SEBI Rules and Regulations, other ancillary rules and regulations and apply the same. With a brilliant set of judges, the participants are further encouraged by their experience and are provided with feedback on how to improve their research as well as mooting skills. Given the growing interest of young professionals and students across the country in the field of Indian capital markets and our goal of facilitating the discourse around the subject, Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar cordially invites you to the 4th edition of GNLUMSIL, scheduled to be held from September 6-9, 2018.
GNLU promises to make GNLUMSIL 2018 one of the most sought-after mooting events in the Indian mooting calendar, and a progressive step towards building a prolific knowledge base in this niche area of law. The Organising Committee strives to make GNLUMSIL a comfortable and fruitful experience for the participating teams by providing excellent hospitality and offers access to various facilities offered by GNLU including our world-class library which houses resources and materials on various fields of law and access to various online legal research databases like Manupatra, Westlaw and SCC Online.
The Winners and Runners-up of the 4th edition along with other prizes will receive cash prizes of INR 50,000 and INR 25,000 respectively. Cash prizes and other awards will also be handed out to the Best Orator (Final Rounds), the Best Orator (Preliminary Rounds), the Best Memorial and the Best Researcher.
Venue: Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
Important Dates
Last day for provisional registration: June 1, 2018.
Last day for registration and completion of all formalities: July 16, 2018.
Last day to apply for clarifications regarding the Moot Problem: June 30, 2018.
Clarifications, if any, to be published: July 10, 2018.
Last day for submitting the soft copy of the Written Submission: August 15, 2018.
Last day for submitting the hard copy of the Written Submission: August 21, 2018.
Dr. Girish R., Faculty Convener at [email protected], +91-8128650806.
Ms. Aarathi M Krishna (Student Convenor) at [email protected], +91-8129779344;
M s. Sanskriti Sanghi (Student Convenor) at [email protected], +91-9650688996;
Ms. Smrithi Bhaskar (Logistics Coordinator) at [email protected], +91-9444844984;
Ms. Surabhi Saboo (Communications Coordinator) at [email protected], +91-7574840646.
Important Links
The Revised Official Schedule of the Competition is available here.
The Registration Form for the moot is available here.
The Moot Problem is available here.
The Rules of the Competition are available here.
For more information, please visit our official website, https://www.gnlu.ac.in/gmsil/home or our Facebook page .
The post 4th GNLU Moot on Securities and Investment Law 2018 [September 6-9, 2018], Register by July 16, 2018 appeared first on iPleaders.
4th GNLU Moot on Securities and Investment Law 2018 [September 6-9, 2018], Register by July 16, 2018 published first on https://namechangers.tumblr.com/
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shippersark · 4 years
Ek Duje Ke Vaaste 2 19th August 2020 Written Episode Update
Ek Duje Ke Vaaste 2 19th August 2020 Written Episode Update #EkDujeKeVaaste #EDKV2 #SuVan
Shravan fumes knowing Kanchan’s plan to feed him mushrooms, which he is allergic to. He then scolds Bunty for informing Kanchan about his mushroom allergy. Kanchan drags Suman to balcony asking to check whether Shravan will really go on a date. Shravan with Bunty stops his bike and waves at them. Suman says happy dating. Kanchan asks if he is going a date with Bunty. Shravan says he will drop…
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tellytantra · 4 years
Anish sped his bike across the lanes that housed the armyquarters which looked so in contrast to the high rises and the bungalows thatdotted the city landscape. He had been in this section after a while and ittook a moment for him to recollect Suman’s door number, but he was able to soon spot it. He hurriedly knocked at the door or rather banged on the door. Suman was quite surprised as it was her weekly day off and it was just dawn break,and somebody was banging on her door as if his or her life depended on it. She pulled her cloak over her silk night suit and opened the door and was left very surprised when he saw Anish at the door. It had been at least 6 months of more since he had visited her, owing to a newborn at his place. Taking care of a little one for parents can be quite challenging and Suman knew that so it was very unlikely that he would have left his little one in the wee hours of the morning and come here unless and until he was the harbinger of some bad news.Bad news!! She could feel her feet turning cold as Anish looked at her sleep laden eyes, a slight realization of probably why he was here. It was quite difficult to break the news to his best friend and Suman looked at him expectantly as he shuffled his feet. Finally, unable to bear the silence she charged at him holding his shirt collar begging him to spill the beans when he had blurted “It’s about Shravan”. The name had made Suman feel dizzy and as she swayed on her feet and  Anish caught her and said “Not now Suman, you need to be strong, you need to be near him. There was ambush on his fleet and there are quite a few army personnel dead and Shravan has been heavily injured and in the ICU. I have come here to take you to him”. Suman was no more listening, as she was on her way to her room to change. Anish had to wait less than five minutes before Suman barged out and both set out on his bike. Suman had always enjoyed the view that the campus had in offering with tall gulmohar trees in full bloom splaying the path   in patterns of red, green and orange with bogonvillas lining up the streets were always a sight to behold. Today everything was different as she cursed the time if took for them to traverse this path to the hospital as the colors were now just a splash of black and white for her. She did not know how she held onto the seat of the bike as her nerves seemed to give away and a feeling of continuous giddiness engulfed her. She hated hospitals as a young child, the pungent odour of medicines mixed with iodine and the various mix match of colourful liquids that lay decorated on the shelves of the pharmacy. With time she had gotten used to these lacklustre cold walls of the hospital and the awful odour that it emanates as she had to come here often whenever anybody they had known would turnup here. Some of them would be lucky enough and some of them would not be so lucky. Today she was having similar feelings of nausea attack her as she took slow steps behind Anish as they headed towards the ICU. Second floor, to the right and the first room ICU2 was what the reception had informed them as they climbed the stairs. Climbing the stairs had never been so difficult before as each feet seemed laden with iron as she tried catching her breath with every step. Anish ran back to hold her when it seemed to him that she was about to passout. They were finally able to peek from the small glass pane of the window to have a look at Shravan with multiple pipes going to in and out of his body. His entire body seemed covered in a white sheet even his head feet and hands. The only solace was the beeps on the monitor signalling that he was still breathing. They had to step away from the window to allow the doctors and nurses as they buzzed in and out carrying various boxed in their hand. Suman could not stand anymore as she sank into a chair nearby burying her head in her hands as the past flashed in front of her eyes.Their fights, their love, their moments, their careers, their egos, their hurt,their longing. She had loved him like there was no tomorrow and he had probably done the same and she had hated him with vengeance and she hoped Shravan did the same yet he had come to her and she had turned her back before he left for the patrol as if he had known this could perhaps be his last chance to turn the clock towards their love. How would she now tell him that in togetherness or apart, in fire or in snow, in life or in death she could never stop loving him and probably the same was for him. She had seen it in his eyes the longing, the love the earning for her when he had come to meet her two days back throwing his ego out of the window looking broken and vulnerable but she had held on to her ego and turned her back. She so wished she could turn the clock and run into the confines of his arm seeping in the warmth of his embrace. Now she was left cold and bereft in one corner of the hospital corridors on a cold iron chair.Anish walked up to the doctor and he informed him that Shravan had a lot of blood loss and multiple fractures so its going to be extremely critical for the next 48hours before he could say anything. His pulse rate was better, but his breathing is till feeble. He walked back towards Suman but she was nowhere to be seen. Suman had felt claustrophobic as she sat in the hospital corridors and it had been apparent when she looked at the doctor’s grim face talking to Anish that things were not looking good. She had run away from there scared that her throat would clog up, not trusting her lungs to take in air anymore.She kept running till she reached the outer fringes of the hospital and walked to the tree where Shravan had kissed her the first time. She could hold it no more and let her emotions free as her body racked up in sobs as she embraced the tree with both hands desperately to feel any remnants of Shravan that it might have stored within itself. She held the bark tightly as the tears flowed uninhibited drenching her shirt as she clung tighter to the bark rubbing her face and head on it. She did not know how long she had been there crying her heart out when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see Anish looking at her worried and she flung herself on him crying again as she said in between her sobs andhiccups “He had come Anish, he had come to me and I had turned my back…tell me how will I turn the clock” . Her nails dug into Anish’s back as he realized what she was going through. Although in the armed forces they were taught to be brave but at the end of the day they were all human and losing somebody dear was not easy. For Suman , Shravan was her life and Anish knew that that was an irrevocable truth admits their fights and misunderstandings. He patted Suman’s head and back and shushed her and whispered slowly “He is a fighter , don’t worry he will be fine”. He did not know whether it was to himself or to Suman but he also wished that he could turn the clock and make both his friends feel a little better. He looked up towards the skies and prayed which he rarely did ,for these kind souls to give them one, just one more chance to mend everything,to turn the clock just once. Sambag
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postolo · 6 years
SLS NOIDA organises Seminar on Concept of Regulator and the Corporate World
A Seminar on Concept of Regulator and the Corporate World was organised by Symbiosis Law School NOIDA on September 03, 2018. Mr. Sumit, Founding Partner, Regstreet Law Advisors delivered the Seminar.
About the Resource Person: Mr. Sumit is founding partner of Regstreet Law Advisors (formerly known as Suvan Law Advisors). He advises listed companies, commodity and stock exchanges and other market intermediaries on regulatory issues, including on insider trading, fraud, takeover, listing requirements, governance issues etc. He also advises on fund structures and regulatory requirements for obtaining registration with the regulators such as SEBI, IBBI and IRDAI. Sumit appears before various judicial foras including representing insurance regulator IRDAI at the Securities Appellate Tribunal (SAT). He also regularly provides inputs on policy issues to the regulator as well as government, including as a committee member of industry bodies such as FICCI and CII.
Mr. Sumit has previously worked with India’s securities and commodities regulator during 2007 to 2016. During his stint, he has worked with various verticals viz. Integrated Surveillance, Legal Affairs and Regulatory Policy, Commodities Derivatives and Enforcement’s Litigation. At SEBI, he has been part of Chief Justice N. K. Sodhi Committee on Insider Trading, investigation team for IPO Scam (Roopalben Panchal Scam) and surveillance inquiries of Satyam Scam. He also played a key role in formulating norms for tackling frauds and unfair trade practices, disclosures in public issues, merger of Forward Markets Commission (FMC) with SEBI, and challenge to SEBI’s power to seek telephone Call Data Records. He was also part of the team that formulated Guidelines for Rejection of Offer Documents, SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and assisted Ministry of Finance with Securities Laws (Amendment) Act, 2014.
Mr. Sumit is also an author of India’s first and only comprehensive commentary book on SEBI Act, which dwelled on each provision of the Act and also projected possible future amendments. Sumit speaks on capital markets & securities laws at various academic and professional institutes including NISM, BSE, ICSI & Government Law College, Mumbai. He also regularly features as a regulatory law expert in leading financial newspapers and electronic media.
The post SLS NOIDA organises Seminar on Concept of Regulator and the Corporate World appeared first on SCC Blog.
SLS NOIDA organises Seminar on Concept of Regulator and the Corporate World published first on https://sanantoniolegal.tumblr.com/
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ameliaislandnet · 6 years
….Well, for most of us.  Before I explain, I want to wish everyone a happy 4th of July.  We live in the best country in the world and I feel honored to live here, enjoying freedom, standard of living and privileges much of the world cannot imagine.
Earlier today, I had a conversation, I think,  with a friend in a local coffee shop.  While civil on my side, they made every effort to insult each and every person in local government, state government, the POTUS and everyone in between.  I didn’t agree, so the hostility neared “saliva spitting” levels, vocal enough to make the next table leave the shop.  Voters don’t have it right, those elected to represent us don’t have it right and everyone not agreeing with this person (coffee shop acquaintance) must be criminal…or patently stupid.  Those were his words or the equivalent, not mine.
After 15 minutes of trying to exert civility, I finally left, but the holiday seemed such an odd day for this conversation!  I hope we all remember “WE” live in the same country and “WE” have a government elected to represent all of us.  Whether or not we agree politically, recognizing our system and respecting the country is something I feel should be universally accepted/expected.  Yes, the media is becoming polarized and, depending on your political view, I could probably tell you which major station you choose to hear.  I say “HEAR” because I’m as guilty as the next person and simply turn off the things I begin to see as biased.  The key is in recognizing both sides of biased reporting.  We should all make a conscious effort to just be “Americans”.  I hope we all begin to recognize the importance of seeing our country as “OUR” country with an inclusive “OUR”.
Happy 4th of July, 2018.  May you all enjoy today and celebrate the freedoms we have in the greatest country in the world.  I’m thinking about The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and it’s wording….”I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”  We all, I think, still live in the same country and a quiet talk over coffee shouldn’t turn into something impossible for people with different political views.
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com
Photo by Suvan Chowdhury on Pexels.com
  Happy 4th of July ....Well, for most of us.  Before I explain, I want to wish everyone a happy 4th of July.  
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The assembly was conducted by Suvan Kumar Shee and Aayush Sundaresam. Topic: Colours of Life. Prayer: Esha Sai L. Thought for the day was said by Anusha Srivastava. The news was analyzed by Nishka Mula and Preksha Bollini.
Suvan Kumar Shee and Aayush Sundaresam informed the assembly about the significance of the colour ‘yellow’.
Results of the CCA- “I Am a Proud Indian” Fancy dress competition were announced.
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Hanuman Chalisa Lyrics in English (with Meaning)
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Shri Guru Charan Saroja-Raj Nija Manu Mukuru Sudhaari Baranau Rahubhara Bimala Jasu Jo Dayaku Phala Chari Budhee-Heen Tanu Jaanikay Sumirau Pavana Kumar Bala-Budhee Bidya Dehoo Mohee Harahu Kalesa Vikaar (Using the dust from the Lotus-like feet of the divine Guru, I clean my mirror-like mind, And describe the pure glory of Lord Rama of the Raghu dynasty – the allocator of the four types of outcomes – Dharma (Righteousness), Artha(Material wealth), Kama(Pleasure) and Moksha (Freedom from rebirth), Recognizing my ignorance, I remember you oh Lord Hanuman – the Son of Pavan (the God of Wind), Please bless me with strength, knowledge and wisdom and cure me of any diseases and scars.)
Jai Hanuman Gyan Gun Saagar Jai Kapis Tihun Lok Ujaagar (Victory to you, oh Lord Hanuman, the ocean of Knowledge and wisdom, Victory to you, oh King of Monkeys, whose brightness illuminates all the three worlds.)
Ram Doot Atulit Bal Dhaama Anjani-Putra Pavan Sut Naama (You are the messenger of Lord Rama and the storehouse of infinite strength, You are the son of Anjana Devi, and are also referred to by the name Pavansut (the son of the Wind God, Pavan)
Mahabir Bikram Bajrangi Kumati Nivar Sumati Ke Sangi (You display great bravery, you are the doer of great deeds, and you possess a body as strong as a diamond, You cure one of destructive thoughts and your presence accompanies positive ideas.)
Kanchan Baran Biraj Subesa Kanan Kundal Kunchit Kesa (Your skin has a golden shade and you are dressed in impressive clothes, An ear-ring adorns your ears and you possess long and wavy hair.)
Hath Bajra Aur Dhvaja Virajae Kaandhe Moonj Janeu Sajae (A mace as powerful as a thunderbolt and a flag rest in your hands, Your shoulders are decorated by a sacred thread made from Munja grass.)
Sankar Suvan Kesri Nandan Tej Prataap Maha Jag Bandan (You are the incarnate form of Lord Shiva, you are the son of King Kesari, Your great glory is worshipped by the entire world.)
Vidyavaan Guni Ati Chaatur Ram Kaj Karibe Ko Aatur (You possess great knowledge, admirable qualities and the highest wisdom, You always attend to Lord Rama’s work with great enthusiasm.)
Prabu Charitra Sunibe-Ko Rasiya Ram Lakhan Sita Man Basiya (You are elated when you hear about the great glory of Lord Rama, You have a special place in the hearts of Lord Rama, his brother Lakshmana and his wife Sita.)
Sukshma Roop Dhari Siyahi Dikhava Bikat Roop Dhari Lank Jarava (Assuming a small form, you paid a visit to Mother Sita, Then transforming into a large form, you set Lanka on fire.)
Bheem Roop Dhari Asur Sanhare Ramachandra Ke Kaaj Sanvare (Assuming a terrifying form, you destroyed demons, And easily managed all the work of Lord Rama, a descendant of the Chandra dynasty.)
Laye Sanjivan Lakhan Jiyaye Shri Raghuvir Harashi Ur Laye (You brought the Sanjeevani herb to reanimate Lakshmana, And Shri Ram – the brave warrior of the Raghu clan – filled with joy and relief, embraced you.)
Raghupati Kinhi Bahut Badhai Tum Mam Priye Bharat-Hi-Sam Bhai (Lord Rama praised you relentlessly, And declared that you were as dear to him as his brother Bharata.)
Sahas Badan Tumharo Jas Gaavae Asa Kahi Shripati Kanth Lagaavae (May Seshnag sing your praises with all its thousand heads, Saying this, Lord Rama – an incarnation of the consort of Goddess Lakshmi – hugged you.)
Sankadhik Brahmaadi Muneesa Narad-Sarad Sahit Aheesa (Sage Sanaka, Lord Brahma and many other sages, Sage Narada, Goddess Saraswati along with Adisesha.)
Jam Kuber Digpaal Jahan Te Kavi Kovid Kahi Sake Kahan Te (Lord Yama, Lord Kubera (God of Treasures), The Dikpalas of the world (Guardians of different directions), Even poets and singers cannot do justice to the description of your glory.)
Tum Upkaar Sugreevahin Keenha Ram Milaye Raajpad Deenha (You did a favor to King Sugreev, You introduced him to Lord Rama and consequently helped him reacquire his kingdom.)
Tumharo Mantra Vibheeshan Maana Lankeshwar Bhaye Sab Jag Jaana (You suggestion was accepted by Vibheeshan – the brother of Ravana, As a result he succeeded his brother to become the King of Lanka as is known by the entire world.)
Jug Sahastra Jojan Par Bhanu Leelyo Tahi Madhur Phal Janu (The Sun which stands thousands of Yojanas (a unit of distance) away, Was swallowed by you with the assumption that it was a sweet fruit in the sky.)
Prabhu Mudrika Meli Mukh Mahee Jaladhi Langhi Gaye Achraj Nahee (Carrying Lord Rama’s ring in your mouth, You jumped over the ocean to reach Lanka in an unsurprising display of your power.)
Durgam Kaaj Jagath Ke Jete Sugam Anugraha Tumhare Tete (Whatever complex tasks exist in this world, Become easy with your grace.)
Ram Dwaare Tum Rakhvare Hot Na Aagya Binu Paisare (You secure and guard the door that leads to Lord Rama, And no one can pass through it without your permission.)
Sub Sukh Lahae Tumhari Sar Na Tum Rakshak Kaahu Ko Dar Naa (All happiness comes to those who seek your refuge, Those who are protected by you have nothing to fear.)
Aapan Tej Samhaaro Aapae Teenhon Lok Hank Te Kanpae (Only you can control your impeccable energy, Before which all the three worlds shiver in fear.)
Bhoot Pisaach Nikat Nahin Aavae Mahabir Jab Naam Sunavae (Ghosts and evil spirits do not come close, Whenever someone calls out your name.)
Nasae Rog Harae Sab Peera Japat Nirantar Hanumat Beera (All diseases are destroyed and all pain is dissolved, When a devotee relentlessly repeats the name of the brave Lord Hanuman.)
Sankat Te Hanuman Chudavae Man Kram Vachan Dhyan Jo Lavae (Lord Hanuman protects from all kinds of troubles… …those who meditate upon his form with their mind, actions and words.)
Sab Par Ram Tapasvee Raaja Tin Ke Kaj Sakal Tum Saaja (Lord Ram is the king of all, even the sages and saints, And all his work was taken care of by you, oh Lord Hanuman.)
Aur Manorath Jo Koi Lavae Sohi Amit Jeevan Phal Pavae (Whoever expresses their mind’s desires to you, oh Lord Hanuman, Is able to acquire infinite fruits for all the efforts in his life.)
Charon Jug Partap Tumhaara Hai Parsidh Jagat Ujiyaara (Your glory is spread throughout the four eras of time, And your fame lights up the entire world.)
Sadhu Sant Ke Tum Rakhwaare Asur Nikandan Ram Dulaare (You are the protector of saints and sages, You are the destroyer of demons and a loved one of Lord Rama.)
Ashta Sidhhi Nav Nidhi Ke Daata As Var Deen Janki Maata (You are the allocator of the eight forms of supernatural powers and nine types of treasures, You were blessed with those capabilities by Mother Janaki i.e. Sita – Lord Rama’s wife.)
Ram Rasayan Tumhare Paasa Sada Raho Raghupati Ke Daasa (You hold the keys to the devotion and prayer of Lord Rama, May you always be in service to him.)
Tumhare Bhajan Ram Ko Paavae Janam-Janam Ke Dukh Bisraavae (Songs sung in your praise please Lord Rama, And he removes all the pains of multiple lifetimes.)
Anth-Kaal Raghubar Pur Jayee Jahan Janma Hari-Bhakt Kahayee (Singing to you helps one find refuge in Lord Rama’s abode at the end of his life, And taking birth in that place, one is identified as a devotee of Hari (Lord Rama).)
Aur Devta Chit Na Dharayee Hanumath Se Hi Sarba Sukh Karayee (Even if one does not worship other Gods, He can acquire all happiness just by serving Lord Hanuman.)
Sankat Katae Mitae Sab Peera Jo Sumirae Hanumat Balbeera (Difficulties disappear and all pain is dissolved, For whosoever meditates on Lord Hanuman – the strong and brave one.)
Jai Jai Jai Hanuman Gosaai Kripa Karahu Gurudev Ki Naai (Victory, victory, victory to you, oh Lord Hanuman, Please show me your mercy, just like a teacher (guru) does.)
Jo Sat Baar Path Kar Koi Chutahi Bandhi Maha Sukh Hoi (Whosoever recites this prayer a hundred times, Is freed of all shackles and is blessed with great happiness.)
Jo Yah Padhe Hanuman Chalisa Hoye Siddhi Saakhi Gaureesa (Whoever reads this Hanuman Chalisa, Will attain perfection – the Husband of Goddess Gauri (Lord Shiva) is witness to this)
Tulasidas Sadaa Hari Chera Keejae Nath Hriday Mahan Dera (Tulsidas who is forever a devotee of Hari (Lord Rama), Pleads you to take residence in his heart.)
Pavan Tanay Sankat Haran Mangala Murati Roop Ram Lakhana Sita Sahita Hridaya Basahu Sur Bhoop (Oh Lord Hanuman – the Son of Pavan (the God of Wind) and the Remover of difficulties, Who has a form which is highly auspicious and divine, Along with Lord Rama, Lakshmana and Mother Sita, Please take residence in my heart.)
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