#about maristela
randomestfandoms-ocs · 4 months
Maristella Carislo + 👰‍♀️
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drabbles-mc · 1 year
Not Yours Anymore
Steve Murphy x OC Mari Fernandez
For Day 24 of @narcosfandomdiscord's July Smut Challenge: exes having sex
Warnings: 18+, language, smut, hair pulling, alcohol, light angst, Steve being a lil bastard man
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: the way i craft up a new OC and immediately fall in love with her. trust that i WILL be looking for excuses to write more of her in the future sksksk
Narcos Taglist: @garbinge @sizzlingcloudmentality @panagiasikelia @616wilsons @hauntedforsst @mirabee @buckybarneshairpullingkink @boomclapxox @nessamc @supersanelyromantic @padbrookcottage @mysun-n-stars @raincoffeeandfandoms @justreblogginfics @ashlingnarcos @proceduralpassion @artemiseamoon @hausofmamadas @narcolini @cositapreciosa (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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There was a moment when Maristela thought that she was hearing things. It’d been so long since she’d gotten a good night’s sleep that she thought she might’ve finally lost it. She tossed and turned, her thick dark curls spreading across the pillow and getting dangerously close to getting in her mouth as she did so. She tried to force herself to just go back to sleep, enjoy what precious little bit of rest she was getting, when she realized that the knocking sound wasn’t stopping. Someone was actually at her door.
She didn’t have to check the time to know that it was too late for visitors. Grabbing her gun off her bedside table, she fumbled her way out of bed and made her way to the other end of her apartment. She was shaking her head the entire way, partly to wake herself up, partly because she was already annoyed with whoever it was, whatever the situation was about to be.
Standing up onto her tip-toes, she glanced through the peephole. When she saw who was on the other side, she sucked in a slow, deep breath. She was reaching for the deadbolt when the knocking picked up again. She almost turned around and left him stranded there off the principle of it.
There was one more forceful knock before she heard him speak up from the other side. “C’mon, Mari.”
Rolling her eyes, she pulled the door open. Steve froze up, fist raised and ready to start knocking again. Her eyes flicked from his hand to his face. “You wake up Señora Sanchez down the hall with that shit, I won’t stop her from beating you with her newspaper.”
Steve meant to have something witty to say in response to that. He was usually better at that, the bitterness that they tried to pass off as the same rough sarcasm everyone used with each other throughout the base. But after everything that had happened that day, and then to show up and see her standing in front of him the way she was, all of his thoughts came to a screeching halt.
Her hair was messy, frizzy from sleep. He knew that she’d been tossing and turning based off that alone. Despite the remnants of eyeliner that were smudged beneath her eyes, darkening her already dark circles, she looked more alert than he’d felt before she opened the door. He saw the way she clutched her gun tightly in her hand. Her finger wasn’t on the trigger, but it wasn’t far from it either.
He could’ve handled all of those details with some semblance of grace. Or at least, whatever he had that was as close to grace as he could get. But then he saw her standing there in one of his old t-shirts. One that had rips along the seam of the collar, one that he was fairly certain she’d told him to throw out on more than one occasion. And yet she clearly hadn’t gotten rid of it either.
When he had stood there staring at her long enough without saying anything, she prompted him. “What, Murphy?”
He snapped out of it at the sound of her voice, more specifically at the sound of her calling him by his last name as she stood there in his fucking clothes. “I don’t think you get to call me that when you’re still wearing my shit,” he said, gesturing to the shirt she was wearing.
Looking down at herself, she scoffed. “You left it behind—not your shit anymore.” She paused, again waiting for an answer, an explanation, that didn’t come. “So? Did you actually finally come to get your t-shirts back or…?”
He sighed, shaking his head. “Can I just,” he looked up and down the hallway, like he was starting to worry that your neighbor might come out of her apartment with a rolled up newspaper in her hand, “can I come in?”
She thought on it for a beat longer than she should have before finally stepping back, opening the door a little wider for him to step through. As he stepped past her, Mari could catch the scent of liquor, of cigarette smoke. One of those things was a constant with him, and one of them wasn’t. She put the locks back in place on the door, buying herself an extra couple of seconds, also giving him the same in case he suddenly felt like spitting out the reason he had shown up at her door in the middle of the night.
When she turned back around to face him again, the expression on his face had shifted. He still looked tired, still a little over it. But the edge in his features softened just slightly. Taking the few steps from the door to the center of her living room where Steve was standing, Mari raked her hand back through the mess of hair on top of her head. Steve couldn’t help but to notice the way the hem of his shirt crept slightly higher up her thighs as she did so. He also was too aware to miss the fact that it didn’t seem like she was wearing any shorts underneath it.
“Murphy,” she repeated, “what’s going on? Why…” she trailed off for a moment before deciding that the question didn’t need to be built out anymore. “Why?”
He shut his eyes for a moment, trying to fight the urge to snap back at her. An argument was so inviting. It was easy, and they were good at it. But he didn’t need a fight. “Please, Mari,” each word felt like a herculean effort as he tried to keep his tone in check, “can we drop the agent-officer bullshit for a minute? Please?”
That was the most she could ever remember hearing him say the word please. Stepping away, she went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass for each of them. The clatter of her gun against the counter felt deafening with how silent her apartment was.
“What happened?” she asked as she poured whiskey into both of them, a little more in hers than his.
He shook his head. “I feel like I’m losing my fuckin’ mind.”
She shrugged as she put the bottle away. “You probably are.”
“What the fu—”
“I’m sorry, did you come to your ex’s apartment in the middle of the night looking to be coddled?” she asked, the question as sarcastic as it was genuine. She had no idea what the fuck Steve would want from her at this point. He certainly hadn’t seemed like he wanted anything from her when he left her a few months before, throwing all her things that were at his apartment into a box and dropping it off like a care package.
“I don’t,” he shook his head as he walked into the kitchen, taking one of the glasses she’d poured for himself, “I don’t know. Who else was I gonna go to?”
“You and Peña in a spat or something?”
“He wouldn’t get it,” he mumbled out before taking a sip of the drink in his hand.
Mari shook her head. “I don’t think you get it.” She saw the incredulous look on his face and shrugged before downing more of her drink than she probably should have at once. “What? I still don’t know why you came banging on my door tonight.” She swirled the liquor around in the glass. “What do you want from me, Steve?”
His eyes dropped to the glass in his hand. “I don’t know.”
“Not to be a dick,” she took another sip of her drink, “but you remember that you left me, right? If you wanted middle of the night chats, maybe you shouldn’t have dumped me.”
The lack of fault in her statements stung, but still Steve said, “You still let me in.”
“Want me to kick you out?” she countered without hesitation.
“Quit,” she waved him off with her hand that wasn’t holding her glass, “fuckin’ saying my name like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like you give a shit about me still. Like you’re not just here because you didn’t wanna be alone and you’ve got nowhere else to go.”
“Where do you go when you feel like that?”
The question he asked was not the question he meant. What he meant was who do you go to when you feel like that, but she didn’t correct him. “Nowhere,” she replied honestly. “I buckle the fuck down and get through it. Because the last time I tried going to someone,” she motioned back and forth between them, “we ended up here.”
“Want me to go?”
She let out a deep sigh. “So I can feel extra shitty when you leave and go get in a fight with some guy at a bar somewhere? End up in jail, or the hospital?” She shook her head. “No. You can sleep on the couch.”
The lift in his eyebrows said that he wanted to make a comment about the couch, but he was smart enough to, just this once, keep his commentary to himself. “Thanks.”
“Yea.” She finished off her drink, grabbing her gun before going to leave the kitchen. “Wait here. You can borrow one of my shirts.”
“You left them!” she called back.
Steve had no better judgment left at that point, so he found himself following Mari back towards her room. He assumed that she could hear him behind her, but she didn’t say anything. He lingered in the doorway for a moment as she crossed the threshold. It looked pretty much the same as the last time he’d been there. He watched her as she crossed the room to her dresser. She crouched down, pulling open one of the bottom drawers where, he assumed, she kept whatever shirts he’d left behind.
His brain couldn’t take the time to process the weight of that when he saw the way his shirt rode up, revealing the black fabric and lace that made up her panties. He sucked in a quick breath, the sound much more obvious than he had bargained for. He knew that Maristela heard it, because she was shaking her head as she balled up one of his shirts in her hand and stood back up. She nudged the drawer shut with her foot before turning around.
Steve was completely inside her room now. He was looking around, as though that would make it seem like he hadn’t just been staring at her. She tossed the shirt to him. “Couch is out in the living room, in case you forgot.”
He chuckled, catching what she’d just thrown. “Right.”
She collapsed the distance between the two of them. Looking up at him, she said, “Goodnight, Murphy.”
Dropping his head back, Steve stared up at the ceiling for a moment before letting his eyes close. “Can you not, with that?”
Tilting his head back down, he looked at her. He leaned in, towering over her. “You know what.”
“If you wanted to stay on a first-name basis, maybe you shouldn’t have—”
He cut her off by pressing his lips against hers. He felt the way that she didn’t give in for a moment, the hesitation lasting just long enough to make him think that he was about to be on the receiving end of a palm to the face. He wouldn’t really be able to blame her for it. His body tensed up in return as he braced for it, but instead her palm landed against his chest as she finally let herself give into him.
Steve let the shirt she’d just handed him drop to the floor as he brought both his hands to her sides. They lingered for a moment before sliding down over her hips. He pushed the fabric of the t-shirt up, bunching it until the pads of his fingers were grazing across skin instead of cotton. His fingers splayed across her back, sliding down until they were slipping just beneath the waistband of her underwear.
She broke their kiss as he maneuvered her back towards her bed. “You’re still sleeping on the couch,” she said, her breath warm against his skin.
He kissed her again, rough and brief, teeth tugging at her bottom lip just slightly as he pulled away. “No one’s sleeping yet.”
Steve picked her up, all but tossing her onto the mattress. He peeled his shirt off over his head, tossing it aside before undoing his belt and pushing his jeans to the floor. He was down to just his boxers as he climbed up onto the bed, positioning himself over her, slotting one leg between hers. He kissed her, hand creeping up to cup the side of her face for a brief moment before his fingers wound their way back into her hair. He gripped onto her and pulled, earning a moan from her as her eyes shut, her body moving with the force he was giving. She arched her back, her core grinding against his thigh that was between her legs.
He only let go over her so that he could pull her underwear down her legs. Once they were low enough Mari kicked them off the rest of the way. Her legs were trembling with anticipation as his hand snaked up the inside of her thigh.
“Oh my god,” Steve’s words came out somewhere between a whisper and a moan as he trailed his fingers between her legs, feeling how wet she already was.
Mari tried not to think too much about the sound of Steve’s voice in that moment, tried not to let it sink its claws into her the way that it used to. Instead she gripped onto the waistband of his boxers and started to push them down. A distraction but also something that got them closer to the end goal.
Steve was quick to help her kicking out of his boxers and tossing them off the bed. He pulled her legs so that they were wrapped around his waist. His hand came back to the side of her face. He was about to pull her lips to his, thrust into her and lose himself, but she planted her palm flat against his chest. Her arm was stiff, keeping the barrier between them.
Confusion crossed Steve’s face. “What—”
She answered with her actions instead of her words. Shifting her hips and pushing against his chest, she easily maneuvered the two of them so that their positions were reversed. Steve was flat on his back beneath her, Mari left straddling his waist. He looked up at her, eyes a little wider than they had been. The smirk that was curling the edge of his mouth made Mari’s thoughts get fuzzy for a moment before she remembered the reality of it all.
His hands found purchase on her waist, gripping tight as he lined her up with him. Her palms were flat against his chest, fingertips setting into him just slightly as her eyes raked down his entire body until they reached the point where they were about to be connected. She felt the delicious dig of his grip as he pulled her, thrusting into her.
She would’ve hated how easily they found their rhythm again if it didn’t feel so good. Steve’s hands ran up her back, her fingers curling over the curves of his shoulders as her hips rolled against his. She could feel the tension in Steve’s muscles, the way he was fighting to have any semblance of self-control. His eyes roamed over her body and face. For as much as he was losing himself in the feel of her, all the sensations he thought he’d never get to experience again, he couldn’t help but to soak up the look of her too. The way her jaw was a little lax, the way her hair was starting to fall in front of her shoulders. Maybe he didn’t have the right to be looking at her like that anymore, but then again he didn’t have a right to be doing most of what he’d done already so he might as well go for broke.
Mari moved her hands from his shoulders. Steve watched as she brought them to the bottom hem of the shirt she was wearing. She was about to take it off, easily slip it off over her head and toss it aside with everything else. Before she could, Steve reached out and stopped her, grabbing tightly onto her wrists. She stilled as she looked down at him, traces of confusion lingering in her features along with everything else.
His voice came out low, raspy as he said, “Leave it on.”
She hated that he said it like that. Hated even more that it sent a jolt right to her core to hear it. She listened, though, relinquishing the fabric from her grip. She shook her head at Steve, leaning down to bring her lips to his in a kiss. Right before she did, she muttered out a quiet, “Motherfucker,” before locking her lips onto his.
Once she leaned down to kiss him, Steve wrapped his arms around her. He kept her close, feeling her hips move against his as her tongue slid along the inside of his bottom lip. In that moment the mess of everything was blotted out. It was just her pressed against him, all of the complications of it gone for the time being. Life outside the four walls of her bedroom didn’t exist and they were both better for it.
He could feel that she was getting close, the whines she let out, the intensity of her movements. Steve gripped onto her hair again, pulling her head back just enough so that he could get access to her neck, sinking his teeth into the sensitive skin there. He felt the way Mari’s nails dug into him in retaliation, but it only served to help pull him over the edge with her. His other hand glued itself to her hip as he came, pinning her as tightly to him as he could manage as he spilled into her.
She was breathless as she let herself collapse against him. All the tension in her muscles was gone. Her head dropped, forehead pressing against Steve’s shoulder close to where her nails had dug before. Both his hands drifted to her back, wandering over the fabric of the shirt she still had on.
After a few minutes of quiet between them, they each caught their breath. Mari carefully separated herself from Steve, flopping onto the mattress beside him. She was staring up at the ceiling and she could feel him looking over at her.
“You still have to sleep on the couch,” she said, draping her arm across her forehead.
He chuckled. “You sure?”
“Positive.” Her eyes shut, heart still racing faster than it should’ve been in her chest.
“Fine. Gonna keep the shirt you gave me, though.”
She shook her head as she watched him slip back into his boxers and grab the shirt from the floor. She huffed out a quiet laugh as he made his way back towards the door. “Night, Steve.”
He was glad she couldn’t see the small shift in his expression as he registered the words. “Night, Mari.”
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terrovaniadorm · 10 months
👁‍🗨 with Isamu and Lucia?
First impressions
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☁️"... Another god. What a surprise. He seems too busy for anyone to talk to with and i don't think neither of would see to eye to eye. I don't know much about him and gladly? I don't plan to learn more."
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🧺 "She looks lonely, i kinda get the solitary but i also feel bad for her. She doesn't give me the vibe of someone 'you should avoid' yknow? Like the blonde guy from Incremania that James keeps fighting with... Maybe that's just me. At least I've seen Maristela hang out with her. That's nice."
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sakuramidnight15 · 11 months
May i propose 👁️‍🗨️ for Chizuko about Keres or Lucia about Maristela?
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"Oh, Keres? We've hanged out a couple of times around the dorm the last I've entered, not to be mentioned they're pretty much cool despite their off setting weirdness which that's understanding for me."
These two probably might get along as red duo buddies (red riding hood- you get the vibe-)
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"...I'm pretty sure she's one of my dorm mates I can talk with, after all she's quite a peculiar one to me to speak with."
Pretty sure that these two are having a normal freshmen and senior talking which it's comfortable, lucky for Lucia.
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ocprompts · 2 years
OMG OKOKOK u dont have to answer this right away but ill tell u about sky now LOL
so here he isss
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he's 15 years old and basically his story is that he thought he was a normal kid [ well. as normal as you can be when u live in the middle of the forest by yourself for the majority of ur teenage years ] but that turned out to be Very Completely Wrong !
hes actually an angel and he only discovered that when his wings [ not visible in the pics but theyre there i promise lol ] sprouted and he nearly passed out from the pain lmao. anyways hes a very specific type of angel [ that i created <3 ] called an urban angel thats made to watch over urban areas like small cities n stuff and make sure nothing goes wrong so naturally his wings resemble those of a hawk. also because it's pretty.
hes best friends w maristela [ age 13 ] and her older sibling astrifer [ age 15 ] [ also sky and astrifer are sooo in love but neither of them are aware that its mutual LOL ] and their mother perihelion has basically unofficially adopted him since his parents literally Kicked Him Out Of Their House which is why he lives in the forest
oh yeah also his parents r like major lgbtphobes and they kicked sky out because hes trans so. yeah.
anyways sorry for putting so much text HAHA i luv talking abt my ocs ^_^
he's lovely !
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glassydiatom · 2 years
I know it's 3 in the morning as of writing this but hfughhd
Philippe coming home, the city he once defended and upheld in disarray because of his twin sister's rule... Ariana couldn't help but be so ashamed of herself, but quietly, as she defended her own actions by claiming it was for the benefit of magic users
But really it was for her. She sent their knight in shining armor to the seas while she took everything from them, and suddenly after he came back disaster struck echino mesa
Ariana perished first. And Philippe would've survived had he had enough time to cast his powerful spell, but alas she took succumbed to the same date as his twin
Philippes heroic spirit and drive still lives on in Maristela... And to Samson he can't help but feel so haunted by their similarities despite being alive about 1500 years apart
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roulettesys · 2 months
Name(s): Something to do with space/the stars/technology/maybe ending in the suffix -esse. Up to you otherwise. System Role: Up to you Species: Something to do with space, up to you otherwise. Gender(s): Up to you, get silly with it! Sexuality: Up to you Pronouns: Up to you, get silly with it! Kins*: Up to you, get silly with it! Sign Off*: Preferably emojis but up to you ultimately. Extra: I hope I did this right!!! Thank you so much if you take this on!! I look forward to it!!
Thank you for being the first request!! Especially since we've been having a hard night, this was a nice distraction :] I hope this helps you!
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Name(s): Vitesse, Maristela
System Role: little, adhd holder
Species: humanoid alien
Gender(s): stelnumic, astralgender
Sexuality: sapphic ace
Pronouns: orbit/orbits, stel/stellar, tech/techs, cos/cosmos
Kins: Space Core (Portal), Benny (The Lego Movie), Marvin the Martian (Looney Tunes), Peridot (Steven Universe)
Sign Off: 👽📺
Extra: Seemingly constantly hyperactive and curious about everything just beyond Earth's atmosphere, tech always makes orbits presence known! The only time stel seems to quiet down is when techs filled with a sense of homesickness for cosmos home planet.
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steelfyre · 4 months
closed starter ›› maristela hightower , @sepulchcrs
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❝ you were  right.  a  breath  of  fresh air was precisely what i needed. ❞   with responsibility heavy upon their shoulders, losing themself in the documents of law was no rarity but the queen's disposition following the wedding was a factor enhancing it. his soul felt more at ease now as he walked about the gardens alongside dear friend. trystane couldn't recall the last time they'd had a moment to simply enjoy the gardens, not that his mind was entirely removed to political worries, but focus was dedicated to trying.
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violetnatelley · 2 years
Changing of the Song [Part 3]: Chapter 43 - Of Songs, Maps & Symbols
A Marvel & Tolkien Crossover
Main Characters: Elros, Arwen, Illyria, Elrond
Also featuring: Andrea Barnard, Aegnor, Peter Parker, Boromir, Tazhin, Pippin, Maglor, Bilbo, Cirdan, Maeglin
Warnings: Physical Exercise
Other Tags: Oxford University, Light, Fana, The Ainur, Variags, Childhood, Choices, Games, Pawns
Anyways, they made their way through the rather ornate and large building, with Andrea’s eyes focusing on their goal whilst Elliot kept looking about alongside Aegnor and Peter.
At least he wasn’t the only one wary; he dreaded to think of who really came to make a shitty mess of Illyria and Maedhros’ place and what they would do in a public area like this.
Elliot also gulped down the fear he hid from himself as well.
If those people who infiltrated his workplace were behind this, then it meant that his own colleagues were at risk. Halle Warden would definitely be angry about this, no less pissed off at him for bunking off and probably connecting all the dots. For a woman like her: she was always a step ahead in deducing the truth.
What he would dread would be Adelina and Maristela’s safety.
Perhaps he shouldn’t think of it right now though. One problem at a time was something he had to push himself to consider.
(He could have sworn that was something Elrond once said to him, but his memories were still hazy.)
They finally arrived at what seemed to be a set of wooden doors halfway through a wide corridor. The place was darkly lit, but with the sun outside streaming through the tinted glass as Andrea knocked. His eyes wandered about, noticing the very few people looking at them before he stopped at the silver plaque at the bottom.
Professor of Linguistics
Elliot looked at Andrea, less confused but still uncertain as to why she went to someone like them all this way. They might be proficient in languages, but how would they possibly know how to figure out a language which didn’t exist at all in this universe?
Nevertheless, he really hoped this was worth it.
“Professor Porter.”
Once the door opened, there was no doubt that he expected a greying elderly man dressed in academic clothes and spectacles. Though instead of the grey hair, the man in front was almost bald, hair only lining the surrounding parts of his head whilst his grey beard was neatly trimmed. He was around Elliot’s height, albeit a little shorter than him but from this stance – Aegnor dwarfed them all.
Though the professor’s eyes were only towards Andrea, surprised by his expression. He then spoke in a wispy and yet wised tone: “Doctor Barnard, I was not expecting you.”
Andrea stood a little forward than them when she responded quickly, “I’m sorry to bother you, but we’re in a hurry but we’d like to just ask a few questions.” She quickly darted back to Aegnor before she added, “About Tolkien that is.”
The professor’s eyebrows furrowed before his face relaxed – though not without the intrigue in his eyes.
Elliot internally raised a brow at that. All he could assume was that this man knew what they meant…or that Andrea contacted him on the way here.
Nevertheless, once he eyed his watch, Professor Porter nodded. “Well, I do have a meeting in an hour.”
-Excerpt from Elros' PoV
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 6 months
Fun Fact: Maristela?
Maristela has a dog at school despite it being against the rules. All of the girls in the dorm regularly lie to Snape about it, and one time Daphne said that it's actually just Theo getting off on acting like a dog
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chaoticenxrgy · 4 years
closed: @scriptisarcanisx​
The old haunts don't sting as much as they used to and Emilio doesn't know if that's a blessing in disguise or just a sign that he's beginning to be numb to it all. Of course he doesn't have the privilege of losing himself as he mourns the relationship that made it feel like it was easier to breathe when every day felt like drowning. It only takes away his focus from helping his family out and at this point in his life, he's not allowed to do that. Though there are those late night moments, little pockets of time reserved just for him when he can just think back as to what happened, how he practically lost the love of his life, and why he let her go so easily. 
It aches in a way he tries to not think about.
After a shift he's given some free time due to a cancelled class and there's a masochistic part of Emilio that drags him towards the restaurant where they had their first date. The waitress looks at him in pity and he pays it no mind, sitting at the same booth, ordering the same thing as if he's still stuck. He's not; he has something to prove and the repetition helps him become immune to the constriction in his chest when he looks across the table and sees no one there. The meal is eaten in quick bites, his mind drifting, but not too far lest he thinks about a certain person and he has to put in the effort to keep her face away from his memories even if it's so ingrained in his heart that he doubts he'll ever forget.
Figuring that he could use this time to sleep, he heads home to the empty apartment and prepares himself for a night of restlessness once more. Fingers play with his keys as he watches the light of the elevator travel up towards his floor, barely hearing the ding as the doors open. Turning a corner, he has to pause, eyes focusing on the figure in the hallway near his unit. "Maristela?" It's surprising that his voice doesn't break. "Wait. What are you doing here?"
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wepon · 5 years
6,27 for akane... 5 verus.... 24 maristela and 25 tabeetha
6. What would get your OC to make themselves disappear?
i’m interpreting this as akane leaving and hiding. the most blunt method would be to confront her with evidence that her attempts to help not only aren’t working but are making things worse, ideally in a way that doesn’t put her on the defensive.another method would be ambushed with people having happy family times, like a take-your-parent-to-camp day.she has a fair number of weak spots if you know where to poke!
27. How does your OC deal with rejection?
is this specifically about romantic rejection? hmm. if so, getting embarrassed and huffy, then running away to hide and brood, i think. that’s the most likely result. she’s unfortunately a steamroller of a person so someone would have to be upfront.
5. Your OC is facing their worst enemy. Who/what is it?
death.propaganda.okay, realistic answer, kaikga. verus isn’t the type to have enemies but what he did pushed verus beyond his limit, plus led to stuff verus is still bitter about. it turned his whole life upside down.
24. Who does your OC hate most?
when she’s first ennobled? nobody. hate implies someone’s on your level. she might manage some contempt for members of her court who were useless or worse re: her efforts to bring back the ocean. however, she’s very much focused - some might say obsessed - with ruling her city, to the exclusion of any other duties as a noble. at some point her imperator and/or familia are going to push her to do literally anything else. and that? will make her hate them.
25. What does your OC love most, and what would they do to keep it?
you know, this is a really hard question to answer. at her core, she loves two things: fate, that turns the world and constellations; and truth, the concept that is the fundament of creation’s vision of itself. she thinks they’re the same thing! they’re not. which would she sacrifice for the other is…something i would play a game to find out.
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halobeared · 4 years
✶  (   kingdom killer tags .   )
#✦  °  •    s . kingdom killers  !   ┇ ❝  ——  what i am aches in me.#✦  °  •    ch . karine  !   ┇ ❝  ——  better a monster than an arrogant god.#✦  °  •    ch . indra  !   ┇ ❝  ——  let your light be your legacy.#✦  °  •    ch . gwydion  !   ┇ ❝  ——  until the world is quiet and the smells are peaceful.#✦  °  •    ch . vega  !   ┇ ❝  ——  every silence has consequences.#✦  °  •    ch . belenus  !   ┇ ❝  ——  at least being quiet is honest.#✦  °  •    ch . maristela  !   ┇ ❝  ——  some demon's mistress‚ or the demon herself.#✦  °  •    ch . tahlan  !   ┇ ❝  ——  i'm jealous  of those who fall asleep easy.#✦  °  •    ch . avital  !   ┇ ❝  ——  light does not always bring good.#✦  °  •    ch . ismeria  !   ┇ ❝  ——  half of her was made of stars.#✦  °  •    ch . seren  !   ┇ ❝  ——  something had to die so we could stay alive.#✦  °  •    ch . amadea  !   ┇ ❝  ——  we reveled in our unholiness.#✦  °  •    r . karine & indra  !   ┇ ❝  ——  is not the dragon the hero of his own story?#✦  °  •    r . karine & gwydion  !   ┇ ❝  ——  she is the death i don't like talking about.#✦  °  •    r . karine & vega  !   ┇ ❝  ——  how deep does the sadness run?#✦  °  •    r . karine & belenus  !   ┇ ❝  ——  you think you know death‚ but you don't.#✦  °  •    r . karine & maristela  !   ┇ ❝  ——  poison has always run on the blood of your veins.#✦  °  •    r . karine & tahlan  !   ┇ ❝  ——  we're all bad in someone's story.#✦  °  •    r . karine & avital  !   ┇ ❝  ——  we were chosen for the damned.#✦  °  •    r . karine & ismeria  !   ┇ ❝  ——  never wanting to be saved — just loved.#✦  °  •    r . karine & seren  !   ┇ ❝  ——  a woman is hurting from the moment of birth.#✦  °  •    r . karine & amadea  !   ┇ ❝  ——  she did not deserve this hurt.#✦  °  •    r . indra & gwydion  !   ┇  ❝  ——  just two bodies buzzing with the sadness of it all.#✦  °  •    r . indra & vega  !   ┇ ❝  ——  there is nothing but light when i see you.#✦  °  •    r . indra & maristela  !   ┇ ❝  ——  you no longer feel quite human.#✦  °  •    r . indra & avital  !   ┇ ❝  ——  a leftover rage i cannot undo.#✦  °  •    r . indra & ismeria  !   ┇ ❝  ——  i know that i have died before.#✦  °  •    r . gwydion & vega  !   ┇ ❝  ——  you won’t be the same person that walked in.#✦  °  •    r . gwydion & belenus  !   ┇ ❝  ——  nothing is crueler than memory.#✦  °  •    r . gwydion & maristela  !   ┇ ❝  ——  denying wounds came from the same source as her power.
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mushlandsandbeyond · 2 years
From Echino Mesa to Nuvola Rosa
Two young wizards talk to each other for the first time using stellar transmission, a practically defunct form of communication with magic-users.
Just Paste It version here: [Link]
= = =
Perched on the roof of his home, Maristela fixed his gaze on the flickering stars. It was the dead of night. Beneath him, the sea gently licked and lapped at the fine sand while fish and squids weaved through coral like needles creating a new dress shirt. Sea pickles formed a soft glow in the ocean and created a more welcoming ocean, one that was not a dark void whenever nighttime fell.
This would be his twentieth time practicing stellar transmission, a practically defunct form of communication with magic-users. He came across it while he was studying in Starfish Valley's library. The notion that he might be the only one who knows about this excited and motivated him to continue learning it.
This time he's more confident in his abilities. He stared at one of the stars in the sky in front of him, focusing it until it was one of the only things left in his vision, then tapped his knee to write his first word.
It was something he wrote last month, the first time he actually got it to work. There was no response, which was to be expected. Maristela didn't expect to get another response with this one, either, but it was fun regardle-
One of the stars adjacent to the one he was focusing on flashed and wrote back. Maristela jumped and lost sight of it for a brief second before he went back to concentrate, tapping rapidly,
[What do you mean? I'm saying hello.]
He waited...
[Oh! Well, hello there! I didn't know someone else used stellar transmission.]
Maristela's eyebrows furrowed and he huffed, slightly frustrated that he wasn't the only one who learned it. But hey, two is better than one! This other person seemed to be adept at communicating given the length of their response.
[I didn't know either! I shall introduce myself. My name is Maristela Aphros.]
There was a pause on the other side. He worried a little and tapped on his knee.
[sorry did you write aphros]
[Yes, why?]
Another delay.
[Wow! Your clan is super famous!]
[Oh really?]
[Yeah! I read about it when I was young, and then my mentor explained to me that the Cataclysm was real... So many wizards have chalked it up to be myth over the years, but it's mostly just the older wizards. Now that I think about it, it's hard to really read up on it, at least with the truth and not the mythcised version....
OK sorry! My name is Polaris Tang!]
Ah, great. Of course history only remembers the Cataclysm and not the other (and arguably cooler) facts of the Aphros clan.
[Polaris? That's a really nice name!]
[Thank you!
So, you're in Echino Mesa?]
[You know it. What about you?]
[I'm in Nuvola Rosa! Not to brag or anything, but I'm the apprentice of the Head Wizard!]
... Huh. Well, that explains a lot of things now. Maristela sank a little where he sat and felt like a little specimen waiting to be studied by someone in one of the most prominent cities of modern wizard culture.
[Wow, that's quite the position!]
[IKR! I'm going to become Head Wizard in only a few decades, it's kind of scary but I think I'll be a great leader! At least that's what Antony says. So, what about you? Are you also an apprentice?]
Better to be honest than lie about it.
[No. I just study by myself. Echino Mesa isn't what it was in its past haha]
[Oh, silly me. I forgot about that haha]
[Well Maristela, I have to go to bed. But we can talk tomorrow night, if you want!]
The young wizard smiled. 
[I’d love to. Goodnight, Polaris.]
[Goodnight Maristela!]
And with that, Maristela unfocused on the field of stars and he fell onto his back. His head was spinning like a wooden top and his vision blurred for a moment. He closed his eyes and managed to catch up in just a few minutes. The side effects were something he disregarded while studying, so this was another lesson in disguise.
He laughed and sat up, knowing he had made a friend from far away. This was just their little thing, so he will cherish it until the very end of their existence.
Maristela blinked and looked at the sea of colours before climbing back down. His soles made contact with the sand that gave way and he shuffled to the porch, where he cleaned up before entering the house quietly. He wrote down in his diary before passing out, dreaming of a faraway island floating hundreds of meters above the ocean.
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starsailorstories · 2 years
As it stands in the vol. 1 draft Lux really hammers in the whole “lux isn’t a name I don’t have a name” thing @ the kids which I think is important bc it shows how she’s kind of putting herself back in the role she thinks she was made for in response to her guilt about the wreck but then in vol. 2 we’ve got dr. Maristela Bleudot, a native Spanish speaker from LA who probably knows 6 women named Luz and has dated two of them, dropping in and getting that speech and being like “do I tell her or what”
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thedreamaet · 2 years
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       “what is it?” isaac asked his cousin, watching as the blonde fidgets with his father’s necklace that seem to hold the weight of the worlds around his neck. “was this the life the fates decided for me? for you? for our family?”  vasilios asked, brows furrowing together as isaac took a seat next to his older cousin, head resting against the wall behind them as arms raise up to rest against perched knees. “when have you and i ever cared about the fates? or for anything the gods have constructed?” he countered - not that vas responds to this at all. “was it when i drove my father’s axe into posiedon? and killed the god of sea? was this ⸺ is this my punishment? for killing a god?” a rhetorical question, inward sigh following as he tucks the medallion back underneath his shirt, eyes fluttering shut. “the sins of the father will be paid by his son.” isaac mused. “if that means my siblings will never experience the torment i do, then i will pay for every single one of ares’ sins until there is none left.” 
   “you’ll drive yourself mad if you continue thinking like that.” isaac pointed out, fingers drumming against perched knees. “we’re all a bit mad are we not? i killed poseidon, played the part in killing the allfather  ⸺  the men that rallied behind their causes, only a mad man can kill hundreds and feel no remorse for it.” there’s a sharp breath, the muscles in his jaw setting as isaac cants his head in thought. “but you and i are talking about it now are we not? which means somewhere  ⸺  there’s a part of you that feels the slightest guilt.” nodding his head in thought, the older god finally opens his eyes, icy hues boring into isaac’s bright green ones. “do you feel guilt?” 
   it was a tricky question. did he feel remorse? “any man who poses a threat to the ones i care about deserve every ounce of my wrath.” for a moment he wonders if isaac was lying but isaac’s expression never falters - voice never waivers. “has your mother heard you say that?” the question causes isaac’s shoulders to tense. “if it’s their lives against our families i will choose our family until my dying breath. if that makes me a monster..” the younger god trails off, hands raising in a shrug motion, lips pursed. “then paint me the monster. i may have not killed gods or  ⸺  had to endure a parent’s death or absence of a parent but i do know what fear feels like.”
  “fear? when have i ev⸺” isaac pushes himself up from the floor, adjusting his top. “we might not have the tether that, the others have with one another but i feel it. i felt it in olympus, i felt it in atlantis and when we brought benjamin back. it’s in your eyes, in the way you holster your axe behind a case that only i can open, the way you asked aunt ‘risa to help guide you with her meditation methods,” isaac pointed out as now it’s vas turn to stand up, facing isaac in the midst of his rambles. “my mother mentioned it once. the night we brought everyone back from olympus, they wrote it off as you being scared that your aunt ‘nona could be taken from you again, but that wasn’t it? was it? because you can very well kill anyone who poses a threat to her, can’t you? but how does the god slayer face his biggest enemy?” isaac asked, canting his head. “steady your tongue cousin.” vasilios warned, accusing finger pointed in isaac’s direction as isaac closes the distance between them - letting vas’ finger jut at his chest. 
   “how can you face an enemy you cannot see? how does the great vasilios maristela stop himself from falling victim to mahd wy’ry? how does he stop himself from becoming his father?” larger, calloused hands shove isaac with force that causes his cousin to stumble. “you know nothing!” vas shouted, finger still pointed as isaac narrows his gaze. “i know nothing? i have spent my entire life by your side. you can fool the others but me? i see right through you v’. when we came back from olympus, it got worse? didn’t it? this fear of yours? hasn’t it.”
   the silence that fills the air gives isaac the confirmation he needs. vasilios shakes his head, shoulders sagging in disappointment - at himself mostly, as he tries to find the right words. “she sung me to sleep, we would go on walks together, aunt ‘risa, mom and i, we would sit on the beach, let the waves touch our feet and train there. the sea  ⸺ the sea was ours. it’s always been ours. and when the world became to much, we would go to the sea, listen to the waves crash against the pier. she would tell me about her childhood  ⸺ before poseidon, before our aunts and uncles became soldiers, sometimes she would tell me about my father, despite the pain it brought her.” vas begins, brows furrowing as the memories play before him like a film strip. “despite the odds against her my mother made sure she gave me everything.” emotion lacing his words as he takes a breath to steady himself. “and yet, here i am, how can i ever repay her? for playing both roles? even when she came back  ⸺ i was her concern. not her own wellbeing, not the tether or my father  ⸺ me. even though it was me who sent her to her death - even if it was me that drove my father away - got our aunt and uncle killed. me.” 
   vasilios maristela might have looked like ares but here, in this moment, this guilt  ⸺ was all winnie. “and then i met her ⸺ she doesn’t know the horrors i’ve committed, she doesn’t know the parts in war i have played or the blood that stains my hands. all she sees is me. the world caves in and it’s her arms i seek  ⸺ and it’s my mother’s voice that i hear when i go over the edge. if i were to become afflicted and hurt the ones i loved most? spend lifetimes not hearing my mother’s singing or experience a life without my girlfriend’s touch? to live a life without their love? having to look at myself and know that it was me? the woman who brought me into this world and made me the man i am - if i take her life or take the life of the woman who has shown me what love outside of our chaotic family is? what your mother calls home? i found it in her and i  ⸺  i would never, i could never live with myself if something happened because of my hand.” the warm tears that once brim the corner of his eyes are now spilling over. 
  how could isaac begin to comfort the cousin who had become his best friend? his brother even? the man who had saved him countless times. vas - one of the few, maybe even one of the only people he looked up to  ⸺ needed him and he couldn’t give him the ounce of comfort his cousin so desperately needed. “vasilios  ⸺  you,��� isaac begins, hand resting at the back of vas’ neck, forehead coming to rest on his cousin’s forehead. “i can not promise that you will not suffer this affliction your father and hades had but i can promise you that you will never have to endure any hardships without me by your side.” he promised, leaning back to search vas’ eyes. “and if it ever comes to the moment where there are no other options, just know that i will ⸺” isaac takes a breath, steadying his own emotions. “i will be by your side through that as well. you will never be alone, i will be by your side until my dying breath. and whatever comes after this life, i will be by your side.. i give you my word.”
/ @intheirabsence​
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