#about asthar
countarganan · 2 years
🍻 (to all of your five muses!)
🍻 Does your muse drink? Are they the type to just get a buzz or are they going to get completely plastered and wake up after New Year’s?
None of them get completely plastered, but Arganan will get pretty close to that if he has the chance to.
Therius stays completely sober because he's a lightweight when it comes to drinks, if he tries any.
Asthar doesn't get drunk or tipsy easily, so he can down a couple drinks and still fight well if needed.
Calista does drink a little bit, but maybe like two glasses of wine but that's it. Same goes for Zesha.
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rukafais · 7 months
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"Should memories be lost, Should oceans be clouded, Will you bring me fervor? Will you die with me?" -The Syzygy of Io and Europa
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hope-and-roll · 1 year
Maureen O'Sullivan
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"I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve." — J.R.R. Tolkien
"The loneliest moment in someone's life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly." — F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Maureen Eileen O'Sullivan, épouse Hollister  - Née le 29 août 2010  - Originals - Irlandaise - Sang-Mêlé - Hétérosexuelle  - Poudlard, Gryffondor - Fabricante de baguettes magiques  - Duda Brandão.
~ Fille d'Allistair O'Sullivan et Eileen Laegaire ~ Petite soeur de Connor O'Sullivan  ~ Tante de Jaya Asthar  ~ Mère de Saoirse Hollister 
* Amie, puis petite-amie, puis épouse d'Andrew Hollister * Amie d'Ainsley Andersen, April Woods et Esther Parks   * Ancienne amie (première année), puis déteste Jodie Dixon  Playlist :  Maureen :  Chip - The mackenzies You're on your own, kid - Taylor Swift  Colors - Halsey Andrew à Maureen :  Silence - Marshmello Give your heart a break - Demi Lovato Mercy - Shawn Mendes Maureen à Andrew : Sorry - Halsey Maureen & Connor :  What about us - P!nk
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iincantatorum · 3 years
@countarganan Royal Hunting Party
Eros, therius, asthar (blunt idealists- says it like it is), geist(spends time scaring off potential enemies)
Eros has not been at the royal hunt for mainly two reasons: he was not a royal vizier and the hunting party constituted of mainly that group- and another reason being is that the whole idea threw him off. He had cousins who were skillful and viziers themselves who tried to change his mind about it a few times, but he knew why he didn’t like it, or even the fighting arena. It reminded him of his father, the Chief Warlord of Anatolia- General Ares. He knew that the other was on a campaign trail across Transylvania right now, so it’s been months since he last saw him. He had to focus on why he was here now and not think so much of the father he was frightened by. 
There was Therius with him, his companion that was the voice of reason and had the time to help him. To him he will be thankful, but there will be more people to add to the list. While he himself did not engage in weaponry use, he was interested in seeing how the others dealt with the strong arrows and bows he crafted himself. While watching, he noticed Asthar staring back at him and he politely waved.
“Good afternoon, hope I wasn’t disturbing you? How is the hunt going?” He asked the Vizier, noticing a bag of pelts. 
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Asthar nodded in understanding. “I see…”
As Phoenix went into detail about her mother and fathers reactions to said imaginary friend, however, he raised a brow. “This is going to keep sounding stranger, I know, but…what if she realized this…friend of yours was real? What if she’s had an experience similar to yours? And that’s why she believed you more? Is it a supernatural hereditary thing?”
Maybe it only happened with the women. Maybe it skipped generations. Who knows?
He was right, that did sound stranger. As far as Phoenix knew about her family, nothing like this had ever occurred before. Her mother always said that she was special, like she was one in a million. The red-head had her doubts, but it wasn’t entirely impossible. She shared this with Asthar.
“I...don’t know...” she then said, with a shrug of her shoulders, “I never talked with my mom about my imaginary friend when I grew older...To be honest, I don’t even remember when I stopped talking to her...it...whatever it was.” A sigh left her, lips pursing in thought. She reached into her back pocket, pulling out her cell phone and her father’s number - he was more likely to answer a call than her mother was, given her mother didn’t really like technology that much. 
After 3 rings, she heard her father greet her. “Hi, Daddy,” she spoke, her face lighting up a bit at the sound of his voice. “I just called to ask where you guys are right now - is the carnival on the road again?” Phoenix parted ways with the circus a few weeks prior upon them taking their latest break from travelling - an occurrence that happened twice within the year. At her father’s response, Phoenix’s brows raised, surprise catching her features. 
“Oh, you are? That’s...that’s great - I’m here, too...Yeah, I’m - I’m staying at a motel...Yeah, that’s the one. You just checked in an hour ago? Is Mom with you, too?...Well, that’s - that actually works, because...uhm...I actually need to talk to you guys about something. But I can’t over the phone. If you’re not busy now....Okay, great. I’ll see you soon then. Oh and, uh...I’m gonna bring a friend along.” Her gaze flickered to Asthar, shoulders shrugging apologetically for not asking him first. “I’ll explain when I see you. Love you, too - bye.” The call ended and another sigh escaped her. She shifted her attention back to Asthar.
“....Wanna go meet my parents?” 
( @countarganan )
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@countarganan continued from [x]
The ginger haired woman maintained a stoic expression as she spoke with him, though she couldn’t really deny about the nervousness and apprehensions that struck her over the, admittedly, crazy idea she proposed to him. 
“I’m not gonna lie, I kinda feel the same way...But you said it yourself, you haven’t fed in a while and it’s affecting you, right?” She also remembered him telling her how he didn’t feel like himself when he fed, along with the worries he had over it as well, which drew some regret for even bringing up the idea to offer herself, not wanting to cause him more trouble than he perhaps already had with the “curse” as he called it.
“I-I know we haven’t know each other for very long - it may not even work if it’s all based on intimacy, right? But, I mean...if you need to...isn’t it worth a shot, if it means getting your strength back?” She didn’t want to sound like she was pressuring him, which was how it was starting to feel to her. She contemplated on just telling him to forget about the whole thing and walk away, escaping from the inevitable awkwardness this must have been creating. 
She took a step closer to him, her hand reaching out to gently grab his arm, the other grazing against his opposite hand. In her eyes, pushing past the anxiousness that clouded her green hues was a look of reassurance, just as her touch was as well. She realized the potential danger in this, oh boy was she ever aware of it, but it was just like Phoenix to put aside her own feeling’s to help someone if she could. If he was a vampire, she’d let him drink from her if it meant she was helping him - but he wasn’t a vampire and his situation wasn’t as simple as him biting her neck to drink her blood. Did she believe with certainty that she would be alright? No, not entirely. But...
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“I trust you, Asthar.”
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chaoticneutralmess · 6 years
Saraydrel Autumnblade - LFC
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NAME: Saraydrel Autumnblade
CLASS: Paladin of Belore
AGE: Young Adult/Teenager
RACE: Sin’dorei ((Alliance affiliation suggests Quel’dorei))
GENDER: Female
HAIR: Long, straight crimson hair. Flows freely, and tucked behind the ears except for a lock of hair in front of each ear.
EYES: Gold, closer to bronze
HEIGHT: 5′8 / 173 cm
BUILD: Thin and lithe, but surprisingly strong.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Very dark skinned compared to most Sin’dorei. The golden eyes also make her stick out. She’s also missing a leg and arm, although the leg is naturally replaced with a prosthetic of lightforged make.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: A garnet hangs off of a golden necklace, but this is typically tucked under her shirt. Two red and gold studs on either ear and a golden bracer with the sigil of the Legion of the Dawn is usually on her existing arm.
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PROFESSION: Sergeant of the Legion of the Dawn, Paladin of Belore
INCOME SOURCE: Working for the Legion of the Dawn
HOBBIES: Singing, drinking, dancing, card games, and reading.
LANGUAGES: Fluent: Thalassian, Common, Orcish, Sign Language Passable: Taur-ahe, Darnassian, Draenei, Pandaren
FEARS: Failure, Void, Fel, her own death, not being enough
PARENTS:  Lady Traecelia Swordbreak-Autumnblade (Deceased, Disowned) | Lord Valdor Autumnblade (Assumed dead)
SIBLINGS: Lord Asthar Swordbreak (Deceased)
OTHER RELATIVES: All dead or assumed dead
PETS: Ginger and Felix
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extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close-minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
reckless / cautious / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
empathetic / unemphatic / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
SMOKING: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Both the Swordbreak and Autumnblades were esteemed military families amongst the Quel’dorei, but there was a scandal with her mother, Traicelia, that resulted in the conception of her half-brother, Asthar, and eventually, her mother disowning her. The majority of both families were wiped out with the fall of Quel’thalas, but Saraydrel still lives. The death of her mother and half-brother was unrelated to the fall, but the murderer is unknown.
Saraydrel was a thief/prostitute for many years before just going into dancing and singing for a livelihood.  Spent most of her time in the Row.
Became a mercenary working out of Booty Bay for a few years, but did stay on land for the most part.
Trained as an ox and serpent monk during the events of Pandaria and Draenor.
Ran around the Broken Isles/Shore, helping mop up demons and heal survivors. Completely neutral during this time.
Murdered a grand Magistrix from Silvermoon (and later joined the Alliance), is wanted dead or alive by Quel’thalas. It is assumed to be a political assassination.
Fought in the War of Thorns and the Battle for Lordaeron.  At the Battle of Lordaeron, she pulled both Alliance and Horde from the blight.
Has been seen fairly often in Boralus lately.
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Looking for: Friends / Family / Enemies / Work Partners / Relationships
Will not RP: Horror, ERP, that’s about it (If it gets a little dark, that’s fine, but I’m talking, like, torture or worse)
Contact: Tumblr ( @chaoticneutralmess , @palamonk ) | Discord (cryptid artist#6688) | In-game ( Swordbreak-WyrmrestAccord, Saraydrel-WyrmrestAccord)
Available Times: Just about every day, 2:30-8:00 PM server (weekdays) for in-game, and just about all the time otherwise
Other: I am very distractable in real life and have an inability to focus, so any RP done over discord or tumblr is likely not going to be done as quickly as an in-game one might be. Tumblr and Discord are the most assured ways I’ll actually get in touch with you, though, as I’m not always on either character listed. I’m also not a big para or multi-para roleplayer, so the most you’ll get out of me is about…three sentences. It’s really dependent on how talkative Sara is.
I’m open to cross-rp!
I (mostly) stole the lovely @stirling-stormsworn‘s LFC template! I changed a little bit around, but not much.
All art is drawn by me! My art blog is @krystal-klear-art
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[ MISTAKE ]:     a letter which is sent to the recipient by mistake, and which may contain sensitive information about the recipient.
Re: Chairman Rose MIA
It's come to my attention recently that Chairman Rose has gone missing from prison. According to the guards working at the time of his disappearance, it's likely due to a Pokemon teleporting him out. Whether it's one of his own or someone else's is unknown.
I would like to request Asthar to look into the matter, and also bring in Looker. Rose is...I wouldn't put it past him to work with a criminal organization to get what he wants and put himself back in the good eye of the public. And even if he was taken from prison from someone else, who is it? Rose knows a lot about the wishing stars and such thanks to Prof. Magnolia's research, so if he ends up in the wrong hands...
Please let me know ASAP if anything can be done to find him. Him being out of prison could be dangerous. -Leon
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westwingeastwing · 6 years
RULES  .  tag 20 followers you would like to get to know better  !
TAGGED BY  @ofheroismandsacrifice
TAGGING  . @ribbedxgloves, @elysiahellfire, @billiejeannooneslover, AND EVERYONE ELSE THAT WANTS TO DO IT BECAUSE I CAN’T THINK OF 17 OTHER PEOPLE
NICKNAME  . Mystical or Myst. GENDER  . Female STAR SIGN  . Aries HEIGHT  . 5′3 SEXUALITY  . ?????? (yes, that’s my seuxuality XD) HOGWARTS HOUSE  . Ravenclaw FAVORITE ANIMALS  . Cats.  AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP  . 7-8 hours, and I am blessed I can get that amount of time in XD DOGS OR CATS  . CATS NUMBER OF BLANKETS . 2, because though it’s summer, IT’S ALSO COLD AT NIGHT. O_O WHERE I AM FROM  . CANADA! DREAM TRIP  . Japan. I wanna go to Japan for a week one day. 
WHEN I CREATED THIS ACCOUNT  .About...2 years ago? 3? Something like that.
WHY I CREATED THIS ACCOUNT  . There was a dire lack of ‘The Last Story’ RP accounts and I REALLY wanted to RP more than just Count Arganan and General Asthar, so I started this blog for that reason. I’ve put this blog on and off hiatus a lot, but I still find Zesha fun to RP.
FOLLOWERS  . Too lazy to count right now XD
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siverwrites · 6 years
Greatly delayed ramble but my last post got me thinking about The Last Story again. I touched on it when I was finishing the game, but I really do appreciate how Therius was handled.
Spoilers cause old game but people come late to the party
Therius! I saw him and immediately thought he was going to be a problem. Possibly evil even. Then it started seeming clearer that he wasn’t going to be a bad guy, but I expected trouble to still come about from tensions between him as a knight and Zael the mercenary. I was completely prepared for this.
Then when Asthar died as predicted and Zael got blamed which I knew was going to happen as soon as that scene started playing out. Oh here we go--things coming to a boil and... oh... Therius is... he’s on my side? Asthar trusted Zael and he trusts Asthar? Oh... oh... Trust and loyalty working out and not turning to anger and rage and pain and fighting my character. Look at that!
Then it just became a don’t you die too situation.
And they still got a duel, but it was a friendly one!
Reminds me of my experience with Steiner (FFIX). The first time I played I was so prepared to hate him and I did a complete 180 and really enjoyed his character,
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countarganan · 3 months
Arganan is probably the only muse of mine that really enjoys fine dining. Fancy dinners and stuff like that.
None of the rest of my muses on this blog do. Zesha doesn't care, Therius and Asthar travel too much to really get involved in the fine dining scene, and it bothers Calista to an extent because it reminds her that she has to be royalty and act in a specific manner to fit in.
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industrialpegasus · 3 years
Summary: While Atem is off exploring the castle with some of his fellow finalists, Pegasus is freaking out over the possible return of his beloved Cecilia while reflecting on all the finalists of his tournament.
What. The. Heck.
Pegasus hadn’t expected a complete look-alike of his beloved Cecilia to show up at all, let alone as a finalist in his own tournament! 
At least all the other finalists (save for Azami) didn’t seem super suspicious, which was good, but...Cecilia?
How was she...alive?
It should be impossible. He shook his head lightly as he walked down the corridor to speak with Croquet in his main office. He had to focus on this tournament. He took a deep breath, focusing on the finalists that recently arrived.
Tahirah Zakiyaa. First tournament, hm? She could be a wildcard. She also just seemed like the nicest of the entire bunch. If one had to point out who was the most honest and nice immediately, Pegasus would probably think of her first.
Azami Yukimura. There was poison in her gaze and Pegasus didn’t like it, as well as how she treated her assistant Noa as is already. It was like she wanted to murder all of her rivals at first glance, in his opinion, and that wasn’t sportsmanlike. 
Lavinia, and her husband Felix. A husband and wife pair as finalists wasn’t what Pegasus expected, but he also had a feeling those two might try to get to the finale for the sake of battling each other.
Asthar. Pegasus hadn’t really had the chance to watch this man’s duels on the island, but he’d seen the aftermath when he won. He looked tough, confident with his skills. Seemed like a contender for the finals, in Pegasus’ opinion, but one could never be fully sure with such a tough compettiion like this.
Lucius Arganan. Somewhat infamous for his life-restoring-focused deck, but it wasnt’ a bad strategy. Even though he’d initially lost one star chip with his first duel against Asthar on the island, he was fairly quick to make up for it and get the rest of his star chips. 
Atem. Pegasus knew he’d be hard to beat. He wasn’t known as the King of Games for nothing.
And then there was Cyndia Crawford, the woman who looked exactly like Cecilia. Pegasus hadn’t seen her duel at all on the island as far as he noticed (then again he was keeping track of so many duelists at a time), so it made him wonder...when was she dueling? Who had she beaten to get here?
Either way, he’d have to keep an eye on her. Who was she, really? Why did she look so much like...her? And who exactly was that doctor of hers by her side, anyway? There were too many questions surrounding her for sure.
“Excuse me?”
Pegasus paused, before turning. The voice was unfamiliar, but the face wasn’t. It was Noa, the assistant that initially came with Azami. He looked...uncertain.
“Noa, is it?” Pegasus asked. Noa didn’t say a thing, so Pegasus continued, keeping up a general host persona as needed. “Is there something you need?”
He nodded. “It’s about...Azami.” He swallowed, before looking him in the eye. “A-and I think she might put you in danger.”
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calamitaswrath · 6 years
How about the Gang from The Last Story for this Character-Ask-Thingy? Or would that to much? In that case, pick some randomly, I don't mind
Send me a character & I’ll answer the following about them!
Doing all is fine by me, so yeah!
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: Him showing sympathy and compassion towards Jirall, even if the guy is an unrelenting dickworst quality: He’s a bit too much of a straightfoward fantasy/JRPG protagonistship them with: Dagran, but Calista is good, too.brotp them with: The entire rest of the main cast, reallyneeds to stay away from: …Knighthood, I suppose?misc. thoughts: The way he acts in sidequests and other side activities is more intriguing and interesting than he is during the main story; I’d also say that he’d have a lot of potential for Smash Bros., but at this point he honestly has a snowball’s chance in hell of showing up there
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: The way she actually takes up leadership of Lazulis Island is pretty goodworst quality: Her romance with Zael is really too big of a part of her character, although I feel she has it better than Fiora from what I remembership them with: Ehhbrotp them with: The rest of the gang minus Zaelneeds to stay away from: Her uncle and Jirallmisc. thoughts: In retrospect, the game really goes on for way too long about how Zael just doesn’t understand her for the longest time, and how she herself is so great (although I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt on this, since it has been a while since I last played and my perspective probably changed since then)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: He’s a pretty well-handled antagonist, and his turns are both well-handled and writtenworst quality: That said, if we’re talking on less of a meta level, he’s really shitty in communicating his intentions with the rest of the gangship them with: Zael and maybe, maybe, Miraniabrotp them with: Lowell and Syrenneneeds to stay away from: General Astharmisc. thoughts: I really wish there was a way to play as him for more of New Game +, since his power of the Outsider is really interesting to use; and back when the online mode for the game was actually still active, he was one of the characters I used the most
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: She’s just all around a really fun character? Cheerful, strong (both physically and in the others senses), funnily written, has a good amount of depth to herworst quality: Her default outfit, which really makes me appreciate how much you can customize outfits in the gameship them with: Lowell or Miraniabrotp them with: Dagran and Zaelneeds to stay away from: Needlessly large amounts of alcoholmisc. thoughts: I’d honestly like to see her in a FE game, or at least a character a lot like her. Though come to think of it, she’d better not have her default outfit for that
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: That short part where you play him is rather fun! worst quality: His depths are honestly a bit more understated than those of the other charactersship them with: Syrenne, kindabrotp them with: Dagran and Syrenneneeds to stay away from: Women, though admittedly only if he’s out to do his thingmisc. thoughts: Can’t really think of any
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: His character arc over the course of the game is just really well done!worst quality: Can’t really think of any particular onesship them with: Not really anyonebrotp them with: Zael, Miranianeeds to stay away from: Other magic eye-stones that he could usemisc. thoughts: All things considered, I feel like he could have made for a better protagonist than Zael
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | ACTUAL LOVE OF MY LIFE, THE ONE TRUE WIFE hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: Being so soft-spoken and caring while at the same being extremely out there with how her mind works, but not in the way of her being portrayed as stupid in any formworst quality: The story really doesn’t give her more than about five minutes of actual character developmentship them with:  Me :^) … yeah okay, also Syrenne and Dagran.brotp them with:  Yurickneeds to stay away from: Large quantities of food that have not yet been paid formisc. thoughts: I’ll admit that at this point, my love/perception of her is in equal parts because of what is actually there in the game about her to begin with, and what decided is definitely true about her (like her being a good bit taller than she actually is in-game, to go over just one superficial aspect). But hey, maybe one day when I’ll get around to it I’ll turn this perception I have into a character of her own for my own story. She also helped me realize what my “type” is, and like I already said about Sumia, there’s three characters in total that I’d ever go all “My wife!!” over - and she’s the “main” and original one for that.
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generalxasthar · 6 years
Asthar and kids.
Asthar really likes kids. He thinks they’re adorable.
But he also goes genuinely Papa Bear when there’s a threat to these kids, too.
If he sees kids in danger, even if they’re NOT his kids or children he knows well, he’s gonna step in there and try to help them if he can. This also applies to teenagers, even the ones that insist that they can handle things on their own, because they’re still kids in Asthar’s opinion and he will honestly try to help them if they need help. 
This extends to the point where I also headcanon Therius being Asthar’s godson in both the “Charmed I’m Sure” and “Paper Trails and Whiskey” verses, too, especially since Therius is canonically younger than Asthar. Asthar treats Therius like a son in both verses, and even if Therius is a young adult, Asthar still thinks of him as his own kid and looks out for him. 
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iincantatorum · 6 years
Brent, any thoughts on Asthar and you working with him?
“How do I form opinions on someone I just met?” Brent scratched the back of his head as he tried to think of something he can say about the incubi but it bothered him how little feeling he was getting out of it, other than pure curiosity. Granted, it was still early in him meeting Asthar that it might take some time to realize.
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spdcadetsandcrew · 7 years
If Charlie had kids..
For every relationship she had.
@tuggeriisms @meisterkirisaki @pinkpompomsandkatanas @generalxasthar @youbetterlistenupbub XD
Charlie and Sky: They’d totally have a boy named after Sky’s dad, which would of course make Sky cry, though he’d deny it.
Sky: I didn’t cry.
Bridge: You totally cried.
Sky: I did not!
Charlie: I think it’s sweet.
Sky: Fine. *grumbles*
Charlie and Bridge: London Clayton, keeping with the bridge theme
Bridge: London! Did you know that London is one of the oldest cities in Europe and was founded in...*rambles*
Charlie: *grins*
Charlie and Wolverine/Logan: Logan Anubis
Logan: You are not naming my kid Anubis.
Charlie: He’s my kid too, and we’re naming him Logan Anubis. It’s not my fault my commander is named Anubis.
Logan: I thought that was your dog’s name.
Charlie: It is. I named the dog after the commander too. He wasn’t thrilled.
Logan: *grumbles*
Charlie and Kamiizumi: Edea Clara
Kamiizumi: That’s very sweet Charlie, but aren’t I bit old for you?
Charlie: Not old, experienced. *wiggles eyebrows*
Kamiizumi: *groans*
Charlie and Sylvan: Sophie Sydney
Sylvan: *sputters*
Charlie: What?
Sylvan: Don’t you think it’s a little too soon for that?
Charlie: What about Kuroyanagi Gordon for a boy?
Kuroyanagi: .....
Charlie and Asthar: Lazuli Asthar
Asthar: That’s very kind of you, but what is it with you and older men?
Charlie: I have a thing for strong warriors, what can I say? That, and soft, squishy things.
Asthar. Those are complete opposites.
Charlie: I know. I have varied tastes.
Asthar: ....
Charlie and Munk: Kat “Zee”
Munk: *smirks*
Charlie: You can smirk, but quit strutting down the hallway.
Munk: Imagine if we’d had a boy.
Charlie: Oi.
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