#abominable peng
lejindaryikiki · 3 months
How will the Abominable characters react to your coming out?
Okay, she was obvious that you were queer. No questions asked, because she noticed your every move.
She is supportive of you. Very supportive.
Your #1 cheerleader.
I have a headcanon that she's secretly queer but unlike you, she doesn't have the guts to come out.
I mean, she may be courageous when it comes to doing something dangerous or so-so, but not in coming out.
Obviously, the first person to buy you your pride flag.
Headcanon first; he's queer too, like Yi. I have headcanoned him as a bisexual.
The second person whom you've came out too.
Doesn't have any problem with your sexuality/gender.
He's still your bestie.
Loves you for who you are.
Alongside Yi, he takes you to pride parade.
Doesn't know anything about it.
Takes time to learn about it.
But he still loves you.
A/N: I almost forgot it's pride month and here you have Abominable headcanons.
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Nobody told me there's a series spin off of Abominable...
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jotaeme9 · 1 year
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hey-hey-j · 1 month
it's a shame that Abominable isn't more widely talked about, because it is a perfectly nice little movie
I mean, yeah, it isn't anything particularly special, it's definitely derivative of movies before it and it doesn't do anything too noteworthy with its premise, but it's nice! It's certainly a very pretty movie, if nothing else. But I genuinely like Yi and her relationship with Everest, I like Jin, hell even Peng has his moments. The weakest aspect is definitely the movie's villain, which is also a shame, but eh, it doesn't really take away from my overall enjoyment of the movie.
also, the climax of this movie is genuinely really cool, I have a bit of a soft spot for magic being channeled through music and I think this movie is a really great underrated example
ALSO also this movie contains probably the FUNNIEST scene Dreamworks has animated since Merry Madagascar I cannot tell you how much I hollered the first time I watched this movie
anyway the last noteworthy thing I have to say about this movie is that Suzy Izzard is in it and I will forever associate her with Dr. Schadenfreude from my beloved underrated gem Igor, so. There's that too.
(I'm gonna be skipping tomorrow's movie since I'm doing a liveblog of the Spanish dub of Trolls Band Together but I'll be getting back to this project on Wednesday. Ciao ciao 😚)
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minijenn · 8 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: Abominable
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Wow I can't believe Dreamworks made their own version of Up but without the Dead Wife and Flying House and with a Yeti instead of a colorful bird
Anyway, this movie was kind of a mystery to me going in, because I swear to god I've never heard anyone ever talk about this, so I had no idea what to expect out of it. As for what I got, well... it was... actually pretty ok! So let's get into it.
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After the death of her father, teenager Yi has grown distant from her family and her friends, Jin and his younger cousin Peng. That is, until she happens upon an escaped yeti, eventually named Everest, after she decides to help the creature get back to his home on Mount Everest, roping Peng and Jin along for the trip. All the while, they're being chased by the wealthy collector Mr. Burnish and zoologist Dr. Zara, who are determined to recapture the yeti and put it on display.
So yeah, a pretty simple "get mysterious creature back to where they belong" plot that we've seen in plenty of other movies in the past. The movie does kind of fumble over more than a few cliches when it comes to that plot, and the characters, for the most part, are a bit too simple and one-note for my liking. The tone is also a little strange, with some weird humor mixed in with often heavy-handed attempts at whimsy and drama. The pacing is also kind of strange? I don't know how to explain it but something is... off about the way this film presents its story and I can't... seem to articulate why.
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As for the characters, like I said, they're all pretty simple. I feel like Yi is a little confusing and doesn't really have a clear character arc? Like she just decides to help Everest almost immediately after meeting him? Like literally just travel across China on a whim??? What? I get she's an impulsive teenager but still, bruh, that's just wacky. Peng is your typical hyperactive kid character, and he grated on the nerves a handful of times. Out of our main human trio, I think Jin is the best, he's a pretty funny character who goes through an actual arc, starting off as a tech-obsessed stick in the mud before learning to enjoy the journey alongside the others. Everest is also just... your typical cute creature cliche? He doesn't have a ton in the way of a personality and he has these powers that are kind of just... whatever the plot needs them to be? Like deus-ex-machina yeti fr fr out here.
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Our villians are... surprisingly interesting! We start off thinking Mr. Burnish is our greedy big bad capitalist when, surprise! Dr. Zara actually is instead and I love her cause she goes from zero to 100 so fast and yeah, she's a twist villian cliche but I don't care because she kind of a baddie there I said it.
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As for presentation, this movie is honestly gorgeous. Like seriously, it is so damn pretty to look at. The set pieces are so vibrant and colorful and the scale of them is awe-inspiring. The character designs felt kind of weird to me at first, burt I grew used to them as the film went along, and they're animated very nicely. There's a lot of scenes in this movie that were clearly just Dreamworks flexing, and you know what? I'm not gonna fault them for it. They're beautiful.
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Something else that's beautiful about this movie is its score. Yi plays the violin and that actually becomes a major plot point throughout the film and every time she picks that instrument up, we get some truly soulful, beautiful pieces. This soundtrack is nowhere near as memorable as something like HTTYD's but its still absolutely lovely in its own right, I think.
So yeah, Abominable was one of the more surprising movies of the Dreamworks watch. I kept forgetting I would even have to eventually watch it until now, but I think, for what it is, it's ok. I wouldn't call it great, but I wouldn't call it terrible either. It's a perfectly servicable film about a bunch of kids and a yeti going on a cross-country adventure. And sometimes, that's all ya need.
Overall Rating: 6/10
Verdict: Evil Unetical Scientists Can Be Hot Sometimes, Actually
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Previous Review (How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World)
Next Review (Trolls World Tour)
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Proof jin had developed feeling for yi (in the movie ) part 1
1. at the beginning of the movie we see how he notices yi when she walks by but doesn't say anything about it in till he sees her again back in the apartments ( so for a egotist like Jin to notice yi and actually look at her like fr hes the only one who looked at her out of his friends !!! It shows he takes a great deal to notice the little things about her and what she's doing like his comment when see her again by pointing out her smell showing that he takes notice of the little things involving her)
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2. When Jin and peng first encountered Everest Jin first reaction was to panic but most importantly protect himself yi and peng already showing how much he of course cares about other people epically yi since after Everest takes yi he and his cousin decided to follow them ( if Jin genuinely didn't care about yi he would have just ran away when he and peng first saw Everest but no he wanted to make sure yi was ok first and that's why he even followed in the first place despite being with his cousin that he still would have to take care of)
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3. When Jin finally catches up with yi and Everest his first reaction is to make sure yi was ok then break down by blaming her for all this despite if peng didn't hop on he wouldn't be there right????( this will be brought up again in a later point) Well it shows that he probably still would have joined yi because he really does want her to be safe and if he didn't care about her in the first place he wouldn't have followed her.
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4. After the silly blueberry scene jin and yi have fight were they both make comments that both shouldn't have said epically Jin's comment and we see how the both of them regret snapping at each other and we see in Jin expression he had immediate regret while yi's anger last only a littlebut turn into a regretful look ( and I think this is a big turning point in their pre strained relationship before the events of the movie and what leds to it mending and maybe just maybe something more??)
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( also can we talk about how in some interactions between them they srs act like a married couple like I think it's more prominent in the series but still like come on in this gif Jin him self said he was acting like his parents idk it just the way that yi and Jin are looking at peng and Everest that scream parents to me😭)
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5. After their 2 escape from from burnish and company Jin is separated from the others and this is when peng tells yi how Jin didn't only come only for peng but yi and overall reinforcing that Jin cares for yi but what I take from this is that Jin even before the events of the movie expressed that he cares about yi to peng / his family which normally in real life when you like someone alot you bring them up to your family alot in just pointing that out 🤭( know we can't really confirm everything that ping said in the scene is how Jin really feels since it's not from Jin himself but we can honestly assume so from my previous points)
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I'm going to do a part two ✌ to rap up the movie part of my points and these points aren't even the most biggest points in my analysis idk if anyone will even know about abominable but I got to get this of my mind (this is my second time making this post the first time tumbler glitched and it didn't post 😞 but hey 😁 I did it a second time showing how much I'm actually obsessed over this and just Abominable in general I think it's my special interest now)
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dangermousie · 2 years
If there ever was my personal bete noire in drama form, the horrifying abomination that is Romance of Twin Flower is it.
Even taken in isolation, the shrill, dumb, fake-cutesy trailer would set my teeth on edge. But this barftastic travesty is supposed to be an adaptation (!!!!) of Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir, in my not so humble opinion the best non-danmei web novel I’ve ever read - cynical, smart, dark and complicated tale about two ruthless smart individuals where romance of ANY kind doesn’t even kick off until the last third of the novel.
This is a rare novel where the hero is a believable period aristo politician, i.e., a monster who deliberately kills an unborn child, sacrifices one concubine to protect another, views his wives as chattel (but coldly uses himself as a chattel too), deposes princes as convenient etc etc and you don’t like him but you get what makes him tick, you get that it’s that or his whole clan going down. His arc was one of the best ones I’ve read because I hated him as I started (nicknamed him Trash Man in fact) and the wonder of it is that he is not a better kinder person at the end, but he’s opened his heart to the FL and you also get what makes him tick and you see his slow growth into considering one other person and it’s delightful. And the FL! The FL is amazing. Fully adult, cold as fuck, competent, self-sufficient and emotionally aloof (it takes her almost until the end of the novel to love ML.) These are two smart, ruthless forces of nature colliding.
And in that trailer, they are giggly brain-dead morons, with a girlish giggle (her) and cutesy face wrinkle (him.)
Honestly, Peng Xiao Ran is poison in terms of dramas - the sole good one she was in was GMP and everything since has been a horror. This is the last straw and after this I will avoid anything she is in, because you know it will be a trainwreck. I’ve only seen Ding Yuxi in Tiger/Rose where I like him, but not only is he utterly wrong for this role, the way it’s written nobody could save this. I might give him another chance in another drama, but he’s on thin ice.
This drama is my villain origin story.
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I've either been somewhat right or very very wrong, and I'm SO ready to find out which.
Okay so, imma write some last minute predictions for the special before I see any spoilers:
Mei V Azure fight (worried about why MK isn't there lol)
Subodhi gives them their cool Armor and or they have to forge it themselves
MK is revealed to have been some terrible eldritch abomination type thing pre-hatching from stone
Wukong DID know about MK the entire time.
MK (and maybe Macaque?) have to go into the broken scroll piece to mend the fracture from the inside (I'm thinking they'll have to reconsile the different parts of Wukong and his past)
Azure Lion betrays Yellowtusk and Peng in some way
Universe shatters more/the shattering that happens at the end of 4x10 is escalated
We are finally introduced to the underworld scroll group
Azure has a huge celestial Jade Emperor form
Everything is worse by the end of the special
More scary Monkey MK moments (light as a corrupting horror?)
"To pain" is mentioned at least once
I almost feel like something happens to Wukong or he doesn't get freed from the scroll by the end of the special
LBD jumpscare
The scroll piece selected at the very very beginning of 4x01 is expanded upon
Ne Zha's universal ring comes back (maybe even his flame tipped spear from 2x02 if that isn't retconned)
Past mistakes as a theme comes to the god damn forefront
AND THAT'S ALL I'LL WRITE FOR NOW. This might be a mistake, but if anyone wants to throw vague spoilers in my asks box or taunt me about the new specials, I'll welcome it! I won't be watching until the dub comes out (assuming the dub hasn't already come out sjsjsj), but I'm sooooo excited!
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ecofinisher · 1 year
Jin and Yi from Abominable screenshots -
Season 1
I apologize if I get the episodes wrong. I'm planning to watch the S1 sometime again.
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(Episode Toad-al Recall)
Jin and Peng stood up alone on the roof, while Yi came to help out her mother at the restaurant. Jin comes down to report and shows her the new part he wished from the magic toad. Yi told him, he was abusing the frog, but he denied her comment as it only was "one wish" During the chat, he helps her get down an ingredient from up top the shelf.
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(Chinese Nian Year 1 + 2)
Yi went to look for Jin to report, that Everest and Peng went missing after she was busy all day. Jin had been busy as well and was participating on the festival as one of the dragon dancers.
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Jin and Yi reach Shanghai's tallest building hoping to encounter the first creature they helped find a home and see, he's missing.
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Jin and Yi witness Everest and Peng on their home's roof being taken by a mysterious creature.
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(Chinese Nian Year 1 + 2)
By the end of Part 1, Jin and Yi witness Everest along with Peng being taken by a large creature, then ran downstairs to encounter Nai Nai asking them to deliver the food. Trying to find an excuse to not to, both figure out Nai Nai has been aware of the trio's deeds from the past days, shocking Yi.
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Burnish appears by their house door, who happened to know about the issue and offered them a ride. Throughout their wild ride, Jin gets nauseous and gives Yi the phone to follow the tracker in Everest's fur.
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Their car is stuck in the mud and Jin doesn't want to get his shoes dirty.
Picture, I don't remember their origin.
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I have a feeling, that it could be the episode "A Cabagge kinda day"
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Jin comforting Yi.
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I don't remember, what was up here, but it gives meme vibes 😂
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I remember it was around the 2-4 episodes, not far away from the start. Jin was being Jin and Yi was just 😐
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In front of the computer from Burnish's built base.
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geekcavepodcast · 2 years
Abominable and the Invisible City Trailer
Set in the world of DreamWorks Animation’s Abominable, Abominable and the Invisible City follows Everest the yeti, Yi, Jin, and Peng as they set out to help the magical creatures of their city and beyond.
Abominable and the Invisible City stars Alan Cumming, Chloe Bennet, Tenzing Trainor, Michelle Wong, Ethan Loh, Karen Huie, and Darin De Paul.
Abominable and the Invisible City hits Hulu on October 5, 2022.
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capncarrot · 2 years
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Abominable and the Invisible City - Peng vs. Peng
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lejindaryikiki · 7 months
Yi x Highly Sensitive and INFJ!reader x Jin
A/N: This is to all the highly sensitive people like me, and my fellow lovelies. This is based on a true story, which happened on discord. I'll be making a second part of this.
(gif not mine)
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Alright, tell you one thing. People are just crappy enough to not listen to your rants.
Like, you're the one who has to listen to them.
There was this one time when someone ranted on your school's study group and others (including you) had to console the person.
Because you're a highly sensitive person and an INFJ, it's in your blood.
But when you ranted out something on that very same group, some d*ckhead came out of nowhere and dissed on your face.
"That's because you're annoying, which is clearly evident from your messages in here." Like, as if I'm the annoying little monkey.
Because once you talked about your love for some fictional character, he had to hate you.
"This is a study group!" he says, "If you wanna talk something nonsense and spam gifs, do it in dms," he says.
D*ckhead with no friends you cursed.
Oh, a b*tch replied to you, saying lmao when you insulted him on the face. Why? You replied to her, threatening the guy and she thought you were threatening her, instead! You apologized cause you didn't wanna fight anymore.
And guess what? She created a ruckus!
She called you childish, she said how much of a rude person you are, she said how you cannot rant in here, because it's a f*cking study group. Ugh!
"I don't care, what's important are my studies," like yeah, b*tch, your studies matter but the way you just talked to an hsp doesn't, you're just showing off how studious you are.
Also, you stopped the fight you had to.
And... she apologized after she saw your apology you didn't feel forgiving because of the way she behaved to you.
Yeah, your Guardian angels came to the rescue. Yi consoled you and told the girl that you were an hsp (highly sensitive person) and you can't stand arguments.
Jin also confronted the girl and the mouth breather guy (in the dms) and told them how their behaviour was unbelievably rude and how their actions affected you.
The girl soon told that she was stressed, and you understood that.
The girl apologized you, the guy didn't.
So, you blocked him and silently left the study group. Nobody noticed.
Yi and Jin noticed.
Since they were your neighbours, also friends, they comforted you.
And they knew how to do that, while nobody else could.
It takes time for you to heal when someone insults or argues with you, but you're still trying.
Yi and Jin know that you hate noises and crowds, so they take you to somewhere peaceful.
And you forget what happened.
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otakunoculture · 2 years
DreamWorks' Abominable and the Invisible City Truly Shines When...
@DreamWorks Animation #Abominable and the Invisible City finds its legs mid-way through its initial 10 episode run, and we take a look at what's good about it! #cgi #animation #cartoon
Available on Peacock, Hulu and Family Channel (Canada) Spoiler Alert Although Abominable and the Invisible City started off very weakly, the build up to what Yi, Jin, and Peng must protect takes on similar vibes as Lilo and Stitch TV series. But instead of finding each experiment their forever home, what this trio must do is to keep the magical creatures safe from others like Burnish. But at the…
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Abominable 2019
After discovering a yeti on the roof of her apartment building, teenage yi and her two friends jin and peng embark on an epic quest to reunite the magical creature with his family. but to do so, they must stay one step ahead of a wealthy financier and a determined zoologist who want to capture the beast for thier own gain
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hazel-makes-things · 3 years
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♫ Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try...
to fix you ♫
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originofkaen · 3 years
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Maybe why I loved abominable. Gave me Bolin and. Mako vibes. Lol… my oc I think not Yi but in movie wise yah lol to fit trio xD. Or maybe Korra is Yi . Naga is the yeti xD…..
Anyways. Thought of day after saw photo of movie after few years now lol.. I’m like wait a min-
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