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La N39ra más alta del mundo
Mme Abomah, conocida como la Giganta del Amazonas y la Giganta Africana. Alguna vez fue la dama más alta del mundo a fines del siglo XIX y principios del XX. Abomah era una celebridad internacional conocida como la Giganta del Amazonas y la Giganta Africana. A principios de 1900, viajó por todo el mundo como la mujer más alta del mundo. Ella fue catalogada como de 7'4 "/ 7'6" de altura. Su verdadero nombre pudo haber sido Ella Grigsby. Un anuncio en el periódico también la llama “Ella Abomah”. Cuando aún era adolescente y bella, Abomah comenzó a trabajar para Elihu y Harriet Williams. Se especula que, dado que Grigsby era el nombre del propietario de esclavos de sus padres, ella se mostró reacia a usarlo y, por lo tanto, adoptó el apellido de su empleador. Sin embargo, en muchas fuentes, se la conoce simplemente como "Abomah
Abomah afirmó que ninguno de sus otros hermanos era inusualmente grande y que varios promotores de vodevil y circo la habían contactado para firmar un contrato y hacer una gira como giganta, pero siempre se negó. Sin embargo, mientras trabajaba como cocinera en su Carolina del Sur natal, aceptó ser contratada por Frank C. Bostock para una gira por las Islas Británicas en 1896.
En sus propias palabras Mme. Abomah dice: “Nací cerca de Cross Hill en el condado de Laurens. Ninguna de mis hermanas o hermanos es inusualmente grande. Durante años, cada vez que un hombre del espectáculo me veía, quería que firmara un contrato, pero nunca pude decidirme a dejar Columbia. Finalmente, en el otoño de 1896, mientras cocinaba para una familia prominente en Columbia, el Gerente F.C. Bostock consiguió que me inscribiera en una gira”. (1915)
Bostock la renombró Mme. Abomah (Abomey era la entonces capital de Dahomey, ahora conocida como Benin), y la presentó como una princesa guerrera africana. Fue anunciada como una amazona de Dahomey; una de las guardaespaldas de la vida real que protegió al gobernante.
Se dice que Abomah y su manager llevaron su acto a Europa porque el racismo en Europa no era tan pronunciado como en los Estados Unidos y el público allí sería más receptivo a una mujer negra muy alta, fuerte y hermosa. En el transcurso de su carrera de 30 años, Abomah realizó una gira no solo por Gran Bretaña sino por la mayor parte de Europa continental, Australia y Nueva Zelanda, América del Sur y Cuba.
Según su panfleto biográfico, que vendía en sus espectáculos, Abomah apareció en 1900 en Liverpool con Reynold's Waxworks and Exhibition; 1901 y 1902 en la Alhambra, Blackpool; 1903 con Reynold's y luego de gira por Australia; temporadas 1904-08, de gira por Nueva Zelanda; 1909, gira sudamericana; 1910-11, gira europea; 1912-13, Fábrica de cera de Reynold; 1914, recorriendo salones de variedades ingleses; 1917 Dreamland en Coney Island y Cuba; 1918 con Barnum y Bailey. En 1920 estuvo en Dreamland and the World's Museum y en 1921 nuevamente en el World's Museum de Filadelfia cuando se anunció que navegaría hacia París para un compromiso de tres meses.
En Nueva Zelanda, Abomah tenía un guardarropa muy caro y extenso. Ella también tenía un asistente, lo que invocaba un sentido de realeza.
Gran Bretaña declaró la guerra a Alemania en agosto de 1914. Abomah canceló sus giras y regresó a los Estados Unidos en marzo de 1915 evitando por poco los ataques a Londres de los zepelines alemanes en abril. Trabajó para Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey y en Coney Island. Su carrera continuó hasta la década de 1920, y luego aparentemente desapareció de la historia.
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Ella Williams, (born 1865) also known by her stage name 'Mme Abomah', was an American performer. She was a woman of extraordinary height and strength who became an international celebrity in the late 1800s.
Born in South Carolina in 1865 to parents who were former slaves, Williams grew to be over eight feet tall after contracting malaria when she was around 14 years old. Abomah and her manager decided to take her act to Europe because racism was less pronounced there compared to the United States, and they knew that audiences in Europe would be more accepting of a tall, strong, and beautiful Black woman.
Abomah cancelled her tours and returned to the US when Britain declared war on Germany in August 1914.
#Ella Williams#b. 1865#Mme Abomah#American performer#woman#late 1800's#celebrity#South Carolina#other lives#vintage photograph
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Ella Williams (Mme Abomah) was once the world`s tallest lady in the late 1800`s and early 1900`s. She was reputed to be 7ft 6inch giantess. Though she was born in South Carolina in USA, her show manager claimed she was born In Dahomey (now Republic of Benin).
Born in South Carolina in Oct. of 1865, Ella Grigsby narrowly missed being born a slave as the 13th Amendment to the U.S Constitution was ratified only 10 months previous. Ella came to work for Elihu and Harriet Williams when as a teenager. Because Grigsby was the family name of her parent's slave holders, Ella took the Williams surname as her own.
Abomah claimed none of her other siblings were unusually large and she had been contacted by various vaudeville and circus promoters to sign a contract and tour as a giantess, but always refused. However, while working as a cook in her native South Carolina, she agreed to be hired by Frank C. Bostock for a tour of the British Isles in 1896.
The "tour" that Frank Bostock signed Ella up for was a tour of the British Isles. Bostock understood that Ella's act would not go over well in her native country. Racism in Europe was not as pronounced as in the States so Miss Williams was ultimately to find greater success on foreign soil.
Bostock at the time mixed a little fact with fiction in promoting his act. He gave Williams the stage name Abomah, a name which came from Abomey, the capital of the Kingdom of Dahomey (now Benin). He further promoted Abomah as being a member of one of the legendary Dahomey Amazons, the all-female fighting force that existed around the time.
“One of King Dahomey’s Amazons who has been brought over to England for show purposes is a giantess indeed. Her height is eight feet, and she is both broad and muscular,” he used to say, according to the American press.
Abomah’s manager knew that in Europe, his strong and beautiful African Giantess would definitely be given massive audience. Over the course of her 30 year career Abomah was to tour not only Britain but most of continental Europe, Australia and New Zealand, South America, and Cuba.
Abomah also had very expensive and extensive clothing, making the Amazon Giantess always appear elegant and royal.
When Britain declared war on Germany in August 1914, Abomah cancelled her tours and came back to the US in March 1915. She worked for Ringling Brothers, Barnum & Bailey and at Coney Island. Abomah was still doing shows in the 1920’s before she left the scene.
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Ella Williams, conhecida como "Mme Abomah", foi uma artista extraordinária que desafiou as convenções sociais, demonstrando uma resiliência extraordinária. Nascida em 1865 na Carolina do Sul, filha de pais ex-escravos, a sua vida mudou radicalmente aos 14 anos, quando, após um episódio de malária, passou por um impressionante surto de crescimento que a levou a mais de 2,4 metros de altura. A sua estatura e carisma tornaram-na famosa internacionalmente.
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Ella Williams who prefers to be call by her showbiz name Mme Abomah was once the world`s tallest hot and beautiful lady in the late 1800`s and early 1900`s. She was reputed to be 7ft 6inch giantess. Though she was born in South Carolina in USA, her show managers claims she was born In Dahomey (now Republic of Benin).
In her own words Mme Abomah says "I was born near Cross Hill in Laurens county. None of my sisters or brothers are unusually large. For years every time a show man saw me he would want me to sign a contract, but I never could make up my mind to leave Columbia. Finally in the fall of 1896 while I was cooking for a prominent family in Columbia, Manager F.C. Bostock got me to sign up for a tour." - 1915
Born in South Carolina in Oct. of 1865, Ella Grigsby narrowly missed being born a slave as the 13th Amendment to the U.S Constitution was ratified only 10 months previous. Ella came to work for Elihu and Harriet Williams when as a teenager. Perhaps because Grigsby was the family name of her parent's slave holders Ella took the Williams surname as her own. The "tour" that Frank Bostock signed Ella up for was a tour of the British Isles. Bostock understood that Ella's act would not go over well in her native country because at that time another Ella - Ella Ewing - a white giantess from Missouri was touring. Racism in Europe was not as pronounced as in the States so Miss Williams was ultimately to find greater success on foreign soil.
Like so many performers of her time Abomah's manager mixed a little fact with fiction in promoting his ward.Her stage name came from Abomey, the capital of the Kingdom of Dahomey (now Benin). Abomah was initially promoted as being one of the legendary Dahomey Amazons, which was a real, all female fighting force that existed right up to the time the giantess began touring. "One of King Dahomey's Amazons who has been brought over to England for show purposes is a giantess indeed. Her height is eight feet, and she is both broad and muscular." ---- American press, June 1900
Below is a vivid fact mixed with fiction story on Lady Abomah:
An African Giantess Abomah, a superb specimen of the African negress, who enjoys the distinction of being the tallest woman living, is black as ebony, and endowed with great physical strength, combined with a symmetrically molded figure, is now on her way to Liverpool. She was formerly one of the attendants and body guard of the barbaric King of Dahomey, whose Amazonian warriors have been famous alike for their prowess and cruelty. Trained for her bloodthirsty calling from early childhood, she was inured to hardship and pain. Her stature increasing out of proportion to her years, she became a particular favorite of the monarch, and led his army. This extraordinary woman stands over eight feet in height, and can easily support the weight of a man on her outstretched hand. The dusky beauty, having recently evinced a strong desire to travel, and particularly to visit England, will no doubt soon pay a visit to some of our principal cities. - London Tit-Bits ( 7 Sept 1900)
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Quelques portraits de Ella Williams alias madame Abomah la géante africaine, la plus grande femme du monde du début 20eme siècle
Nouvel article publié sur 2tout2rien: https://www.2tout2rien.fr/quelques-portraits-de-ella-williams-alias-madame-abomah-la-plus-grande-femme-du-monde-de-la-fin-de-19eme-debut-20eme-siecle/
Quelques portraits de Ella Williams alias madame Abomah la géante africaine, la plus grande femme du monde du début 20eme siècle
#19eme siecle#20eme siecle#Abomah#Abomey#années 1890#années 1900#années 1910#années 1920#Benin#Dahomey#Ella Williams#esclave#hauteur#record du monde#taille#USA#vintage#people
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Madame Abomah, billed as a "giantess" is another of the real vaudeville characters in my new book, Ada, coming out next week. In the first years of the 20th Century Madame Abomah (Ella Williams from South Carolina) performed as a singer in Australia. She appeared at Kreitmeyer's Waxworks in Bourke St, Melbourne and in country towns everywhere. She is said to have delayed going home because she was terrified of sea travel and knew she'd have to stay drunk from Sydney to San Francisco. Miss Williams was the first child of her family to be born after slavery was outlawed. She looks very dignified in every surviving photo and there is something deliciously defiant in the effect of wearing an aigret ostrich plume to make her appear even taller. More on Ada - http://bit.ly/2fo2c5K or kazcooke.com.au #madamabomah #abomah #giantess #vaudeville #performer #travellingshow #musichall #australianhistory #adabook #aigret #ostrichfeather #sequins #emancipation
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"Madame Abomah" traveled the world in the late 19th Century as the world's tallest woman
Madam Abomah. Born sometime around 1862, she traveled all over the world as the tallest woman in the world. She was billed as being 7'6? tall, but evidence suggested she was more in the 6'10 range. More photos: t.co/jY2fW3lVma pic.twitter.com
— History Lovers Club (@historylvrsclub) December 16, 2018
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Portraits of MME Abomah “the African Giantess”, the Tallest Lady in the World https://ift.tt/2M11RGL
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#Repost from @thedayafter2016 with @regram.app ... Not so long ago: Ella Grigsby Williams was born Oct. 1865 in Laurence County, SC. She grew to be between 7 1/2 to 8 feet tall, although the reality was that she was probably closer to just under 7ft. She was working as a cook in her native South Carolina when she was hired by Frank C. Bostock for a tour of the British Isles in 1896. Bostock was known as “The Animal King”; he specialized in presenting menageries of African wildlife. He renamed Ella, making her into Mme. Abomah (Abomey being the then-capital of Dahomey, now known as Benin), giving her out to be an African warrior princess. She was billed as a Dahomey Amazon, a real life caste of female bodyguards who protected the tribal chieftain. Over the course of her 30 year career she was to tour not only Britain but most of continental Europe, Australia and New Zealand, South America, Cuba and of course the US, where she worked in Coney Island and with the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus. It’s said that Abomah and her manager took her act to Europe because racism was not as pronounced there and the audiences were more receptive to a very tall, strong, beautiful black woman. In New Zealand, Abomah had very expensive and extensive wardrobe. Having an attendant invoked a sense of royalty. When Britain declared war on Germany in Aug 1914, Abomah cancelled her tours returning to the US in March of 1915. Her career continued into the 1920’s, and then she disappears from history. She was known as the Amazon Giantess and the African Giantess and was something of an international celebrity. Abomah was at one time considered the tallest woman in the world. #ellagrigsbywilliams #ellawilliams #abomah #dahomey #amazon #amazongiantess #africangiantess #tallestwomanintheworld #notsolongago #nsla
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Mme Abomah was known as the Amazon Giantess and the African Giantess. She was something of an international celebrity and traveled all over the world in the early 1900’s, as the tallest woman in the world: Australia, New Zealand, South America, France, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, England, Scotland and Ireland. She was billed as being 7’6″ tall, but photographic evidence suggests she was more in the 6’10” – 6’11” range. A good number of photos still exist of her towering elegantly over other people.
Several sources say her real name was Ella Grigsby; a newspaper advertisement also calls her “Ella Abomah.” While still in her teens, Abomah went to work for Elihu and Harriet Williams. It is speculated that since Grigsby was the name of her parents’ slaveholder, she was reluctant to use it, and so adopted her employer’s last name. In nearly all sources, she’s known simply as “Abomah.” Abomah claimed none of her other siblings were unusually large and she had been contacted by various vaudeville and circus promoters to sign a contract and tour as a giantess, but always refused. However, while working as a cook in her native South Carolina, she agreed to be hired by Frank C. Bostock for a tour of the British Isles in 1896.
In her own words Mme. Abomah says “I was born near Cross Hill in Laurens county. None of my sisters or brothers are unusually large. For years every time a show man saw me he would want me to sign a contract, but I never could make up my mind to leave Columbia. Finally in the fall of 1896 while I was cooking for a prominent family in Columbia, Manager F.C. Bostock got me to sign up for a tour.” (1915)
Bostock was known as “The Animal King”; he specialized in presenting menageries of African wildlife. He renamed Ella, making her into Mme. Abomah (Abomey being the then-capital of Dahomey, now known as Benin), giving her out to be an African warrior princess. She was billed as a Dahomey Amazon, a real life caste of female bodyguards who protected the ruler.
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Mme Abomah - The African Giantess
#MmeAbomah was once the world`s tallest, hot and beautiful lady in the late 1800s and early 1900`s. #AfricanGiantess
Ella Williams who prefers to be called by her showbiz name Mme Abomah was once the world`s tallest hot and beautiful lady in the late 1800s and early 1900`s. She was reputed to be a 7ft 6inch (2,3m) giant. Though she was born in South Carolina in the USA, her show managers claim she was born In Dahomey (now the Republic of Benin). In her own words, Mme Abomah says: “I was born near Cross Hill…
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Madame Abomah (born 1862?) was known as 'The Amazon Giantess' and 'The African Giantess'. She has traveled all over the world as the tallest Woman in the world: Australia, New Zealand, South America, France, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Britain and Ireland. She was billed as being 7'6" tall. Her surname was Grigsby, and originally came from Laurence County, South Carolina
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Ella Williams an African-American woman who toured the world under her stage name “Madame Abomah” (also billed as “The African Giantess”) in 1911 # African-American woman#vintagetoday#1911
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