zee-the-zebra · 2 years
📚📽🥲 for the music meme
📚- Song I could write a term paper on.
Fun fact! I’ve written an essay on the SIU album before. So let’s keep the Maretu train going. I’d write another one on Pink. While it may come off as your standard villain song, it actually reads more like a normal person going down a dark path. I’d write the essay on my personal interpretation which I think is a commentary on desensitization from media and the drawbacks of trying to play hero.
🎥- Song that gives me a very specific mental image.
This remix of Abnormailty Dancing Girl by Guchiry. It combines the original vocals and the vocals of the Utatane Piko cover. Picture, if you will, two characters who appear to be nothing alike. One is tsukumogami with a sharp tongue and a god complex. The other is a fox girl who is anxiety incarnate. But one thing they both desire is to be acknowledged for what they’ve accomplished. And the are both willing to be self destructive, albeit in very different ways, to succeed.
🥲- A song that made me cry.
Searching for Your Love by Kikuo. The first time I listened, I sobbed. It just embodies that child-like desire for someone to hold you and tell you everything is okay. That the world isn’t terrible in their arms. While I’ve never been neglected by my family, I’ve retreated into a personal world to escape many times. And I know the feeling of just wanting someone there for me.
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rozieramati · 3 years
thinking of you thinking of me
there’s a glitch in my system an abnormailty in my actions  because  i’m thinking of you  thinking of me
engraved with  the sharpness of black ink  i’m thinking of you  thinking of me
her name is rosie 
rosie her hair smells like roses rosie smells of roses and beautiful things things thinking things thinking of me she loves luiz bonfa she’s wearing a skirt in the sunlight  dancing around the room of my mind soft giggles and noticable breaths  she is the warm caress of desire the whisper that quickens a pulse  rosie  her name is rosie  oh how i crave her  rosie  need her  rosie  rosie  rosie  
i’m thinking of you  thinking of me
- rozie
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olives-and-lilies · 3 years
Olive personal post. Body image talk? Kinda? Feel free to scroll.
So I have a condition where I have discolorations all along my chest and arms, little spots mainly, a couple of larger ones right over my sternum, or where my skin has high wear/contact. It’s not like vitiligo, which will stay in one spot, it likes to fade and grow and pop up only to disappear in a few years. I’m mid-twenties and I’ve gone through about three different “mappings” of where they materialize (I am really not fond of some of this rounds spots but the meds are just TEDIOUS so I am waiting it out). The few times friends or lovers have noticed, I explain that it’s kinda like human lichen, where it doesn’t hurt me, and just vibes. I’m sure it does something but I’ve never bothered to really look into it. This has led to the nickname “Druid” amongst friends, and add that to existing miscellaneous knowledge in my repertoire, it fits too well really…
Point being though, I was complaining a bit to my mother about it. And while I love my scars and most the other abnormailties I’ve accumulated, my spots were bugging me because it’s sunny and warm and they are rather obvious in this current mapping. She said something really profound though, and it really resonated with me. My skin is creating it’s own art, it’s literally decorating me. Just like the scars are my stories, and tattoos my art gallery on display, they’re the street art of my skin. Spray painted on the outside of the gallery, as much a part of myself as the ink and scars and freckles and lines.
I don’t know if this silly little revelation will help anyone else with their image, but it was a huge comfort to me to change to that point of view, ya know? So I figured I would share.
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thegaitguys · 6 years
What does a pedograph of a person with hallux limitus look like?
Take a good look at the pedographs above. Can you figure out which side has the hallux limitus from the pictures?  You would think that with hallux limitus there would be increased printing over the distal phalanx of great toe and possibly over the distal metatarsal as seen in the print of the right foot. This would make sense as if you have limited motion here and the pressure will be more forward. However, often times Hallux limitus is painful and the patient develops a compensation to NOT load the joint, as we see on the print of the left foot. We see the lack of printing under the first metatarsal head and increased printing laterally in the foot from avoidance of that joint. Also notice a slight increased printing in the right heel teardrop (hash marks are more filled in) and slight widening of it anteriorly. He has a right sided leg length discrepancy and we would normally expect an increased amount of pronation on the longer leg side, however because of the weight shift to the left we are seeing increased pronation on the right. Now, with this valgus moment of the right foot do you understand why the printing is so heavy under the first metatarsal and distal phalanx. Note also the increased printing at the distal phalanx of toes number two, three and five on the right hand side in an attempt to stabilize as his center of gravity shifts to the right.
And now you know!
Dr Ivo, one of The Gait Guys
#halluxlimitis, #gaitanalysis, #pedograph, #leglengthdiscrepancy, #LLD
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shitpost-tom · 6 years
The following are notes from Dr. [REDACTED] from the dates ##/##/#### to ##/##/####. Unauthorized personnel found in possession of these papers will be terminated on the spot.
- 2003-1 -
Subject requested a repeat of experiment involving 2003-4. Request authorized, as to test 2003-4 out of ‘abnormality’ form. These tests will be performed semiweekly.
2003-1 seems to be gaining strength, and is able to control wings. Flight testing pending.
Subject was scheduled for full x-ray to observe extent of appendages, however due to extreme headache, 2003-1 was unable to comply. Will be rescheduled once a solution can be found. Testing being carried out currently.
Expirments are scheduled to be resumed on ##/##/#### as subject still has minor trouble adapting to new legs.
Extensive research on 2003-1’s past has shown that radiation found in subject’s blood was caused by a “nuclear-powered satellite” accident, and subject was said to have had superhuman abilities for a short period after the accident.
- Auido Log Attachment -
Dr. [REDACTED]: During a background check, we have discovered that you became ‘irradiated’ for a short period of time. Can you confirm this?
2003-1: Yes.
Dr. [REDACTED]: Can you recount the tale?
2003-1: How could I forget? It was storming outside, and I guess something got into our dish, so I got on top of the roof and free’d it-
Dr. [REDACTED]: And what was stuck in the dish?
2003-1: A twig I believe. It caused the signal to the TV to cut out.
Dr. [REDACTED]: Thank you. Please go on.
2003-1: My next door neighbor was on his roof as well, and-
Dr. [REDACTED]: What’s your neighbor’s name?
2003-1: Eduardo. Anyways, he was on his roof as well. He had a radioactive satellite, and was boasting on how he got channels from space.
Dr. [REDACTED]: Any idea how he came in possession of the satellite?
2003-1: No, it didn’t matter anyways. He hit the base of the satellite and caused it to.. Do something, I’m not sure what. All I remember is next thing I knew, I was off the roof, and then I was back in my bed. I woke up with superpowers.
Dr. [REDACTED]: Are you aware you are still are irradiated?
2003-1: What? I thought I lost my powers. My neighbor and I both did when a monster attacked.
Dr. [REDACTED]: Can you tell me more about this?
2003-1: Well, I was going tom but you keep interrupting me.
Dr. [REDACTED]: My apologies, go on.
2003-1: Well, as I was GOING to say.. I woke up with superpowers and spent most of the day playing around with them. I took a break to go home and make a a costume, because every good superhero needs one. The new’s ended up coming on, and was telling how someone was destroying buildings. Turned out my neighbor gained powers as well. Long story short, I fought with my neighbor. I think we were going to make up when a monster came along and tried to hit Eduardo. I got hit instead and lost my powers, and he lost his from blasting the thing back to hell where it came from.
Dr. [REDACTED]: I see. What did this quote unquote “monster” look like?
2003-1: Like a monster. It was big, purple, had one eye, two horns, a tail, all the fixings you know. 
Dr. [REDACTED]: Thank you for telling us this, Mr [REDACTED]
-Auido Log Attachment End -
Expirments are in progress for ‘activating’ said radiation, however it is up for debate wether or not it will be used on subject.
Will undergo Stage Two preparations on above date.
- 2003-2 -
Social expirment scheduled, and depending on results main subject will undergo Stage Two preparations immediently.
Subject seems to have adverse affects to any other nutrients provided than the previously mentioned approved.
Research on 2003-2’s past may provide insight on why these ‘abnormalities’ have occurred, although there is debate on wether or not the information is accurate. Said information implied subject earlier had been transformed into a ‘vampire’, a so-called fictional being.
Subject still is having trouble adapting to lack of arms.
Recovery going well, and subject has gained strength.
- 2003-3/2008-6 -
Expirment 2008 is already in Stage Two, however as this subject is the only one involved in a separate expirment, abnormailties are expected.
Nanites bonded with subject excellently, however the ‘serum’ of expirment 2003 seem to affect them unexpectedly. Nanites connected to subject’s back cybernetic plates form wings instead of ANY and ALL previously programmed. Subject seemed… pleasantly surprised. Investigation is underway if cybernetics have been tampered with.
Nano-wings are able to be removed for additional procedure, however since cybernetic plates are attached to nerve 2003-3/2008-6 will not comply until boon is met.
As this is subject’s first act of rebellion, there is a high chance it will be granted.
Details of this are NOT AUTHORIZED.
Other changes are described in the file for expirment 2008, NOT AUTHORIZED for under level 8.
- 2003-4 -
Subject noted to be less aggressive after expirment with 2003-1, however shortly after expirment ended, subject refused to comply with doctors who required testing out of ‘abnormal’ form.
Subject stated to “…[not] like [the] form either, but we can’t always get what we want! …”
- Audio Log Attachment -
Dr. [REDACTED]: Subject 2003-4, could you step out of your form for testing.
Dr [REDACTED]: Come again?
Inaudible growls
Dr [REDACTED]: You need to speak up and be more clear, 2003-4.
2003-4: I said, for the last time my name is Tom, and no. I am not coming out.
Dr. [REDACTED]: I am not authorized to call you by that name, subject.
2003-4: Does it look like I care? Shove it up there if you’re too stuck up to call me by my damn name.
Dr. [REDACTED]: I would advise not getting lippy at the moment.
2003-4: I wOuLd AdViSe NoT gEtTiNg LiPpY aT tHe MoMeNt.
Subject is seen making mocking gestures. 
Dr. [REDACTED]: The testers do not like having to test you in that form, so if you could-
2003-4: I don’t exactly like it either, but we can’t exactly get what we want all the time, now can we? So lay off me, man. I am not coming out, suck it.
Dr. [REDACTED]: I see some persuading is needed then.
2003-4: Your meaning of ‘persuasion’ is guns. I am not playing along with this.
Subject refuses to speak afterwards.
-Audio Log Attachment End -
2003-4 did allow a blood test from ‘normal’ form, only the third from the beginning of the test. It was noted that blood seemed more similar to blood from ‘abnormal’ form than from the beginning of expirment 2003.
Appearance also mirrored this.
Subject will be included in another expirment altogether, to gather information on ‘abnormal’ form.
Details unauthorised.
Expirments including 2003-1 are scheduled to continue.
Request for experiments to also include subjects 2003-2 and 2003-4 pending.
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chaorelance · 3 years
‘suppress 4 different abnormailties’
*glancing at line of unescaping or unsuppressable friends*
about that.
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Parental Panic and Slashers
Roddey Reid has reviewed rhetoric from the popular and academic press, congresspeople and NGOs to document a panic which arose in the 1980s and '90s around the supposed "dissintegration of the family." The "family" he argues is really a symbolic device, employed by proponents of neoliberal and neoconservative idealis, to define hetersexual whiteness as an imperiled dominant despearately in need of defense. "In the mouths of the defenders of the New Consensus," he writes, "'family' and 'health' are the kinder and gentler codewords of ’80s and ’90s social conservatism replacing the stern 'law and order' slogan that punctuated speeches by George Wallace and Richard Nixon in the ’60s and ’70s." Threats to the family, and the oft-eulogized family values, come from all directions: racialized others, queer sexualities and gender identities, poverty and substance abuse. "In this paranoid universe of dying family households, nothing is settled, once and for all: the frontier between the normal and the pathological remains shifting and porous enough such that threats to 'family' may erupt anytime, anywhere."
Carol Clover dives deeper into the American psyche of the period, evaluating the semantic elements of slasher films and settling on the "Final Girl" as the site of identification and traumatization of the 'family' memeber(s) in the audience. She defines Final Girls as the last characters standing in the face of excssively othered male killers whose violence they escape or permanently end through an act of oedipal patricide. Where the killers in slasher films are typcially "large, sometimes overweight, and often masked. In short, they must be recognizably, but only marginally so..." and often sexually stunted or feminized through cross-dressing, doting mothers or other feminizing tendenecies. Final Girls, by contrast, are tomboyish and virginal outliers among their more sexually active coutnerparts who are inevitably mowed down. The Final Girl's masculine vigilance and eventually turn to phallic weaponry to dispatch killers make them a foil to the gender-bending of the killer. By queering the gender roles on both sides, the slasher presents a constant threat to the 'family' and its 'values.' There is sex, but never reproduction. There are houses, but never homes. Men are not manly nor are women womanly. Their intercourse does not produce offspring, but violence and death.
Gender confusion is the threat the heart of Wes Craven's A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984), making it typical of the slashers of the period in its 'assault on family values.' Its killer, Fredy Kreuger, is the ghost of a sexual deviant who was killed by his neighbors for abducting, molesting and murdering children. The dark history of the idyllic Elm Street is repressed by the parental figures in the film, which in a truly Freudian turn, causes Freddy to appear to their children in dreams. As Freddy begins killing off the sexually active teens in the neighborhood, Final Girl Nancy turns into a truly manic masculine figure in her attempts to fight him off. She doesn't sleep, we rarely see her eat, she descends into an obsession rivaling the most outrageous doomsday prepper. And when she finally succeeds at destroying Freddy it is by literally forcing him out of her dreams and into her bed, re-enacting the sexual trauma that began the cycle of violence. Neither Nancy or Freddy is a son or daughter to be proud of, but their struggle illuminates the anxiety around abnormailty within the 'family' that epitomized the panic of the period.
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johnerigo-blog · 5 years
ABNORMAILTY - launches new single, "Monarch Alpha"
ABNORMAILTY – launches new single, “Monarch Alpha”
ABNORMAILTY – launches new single, “Monarch Alpha”
  On May 10th, Abnormality will release their third full-length, Sociopathic Constructs, via Metal Blade Records. For a preview of Sociopathic Constructs, the new single, “Monarch Alpha”, can be heard at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BGSMrWjWqk
The previous…
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New Abnormaility Full Album Stream
New Abnormaility Full Album Stream
Massachusetts-based extreme metal outfit Abnormality will be releasing their upcoming sophomore full-length, Mechanisms of Omniscience, on April 29th worldwide via Metal Blade Records! Marrying the ceaseless brutality coming out of New York and New England to the hyper-blasting intensity endemic to Quebecois death…
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Hothfest 2016 lineup and interview with Jamie
Hothfest 2016 lineup and interview with Jamie
Hothfest- 2016 Maximum Capacity Chicopee, MA 01013 01/09/2016-01/10/2016
  Metal Festivals happen every year all over the world, these festivals are one of the greatest shows metal heads end up going to. Getting a chance to see metal bands from all over at the same venue, be it an open air stadium, or other concert halls. Many metal heads like myself have great memories from going to big…
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stephaniemanzee · 11 years
Abnormality- Taste of Despair (Contaminating the Hive Mind- 2012)
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ciaobelatarr-blog · 12 years
Abnormality - A Chaos Reserved
new stuff from Abnormality, digging it thus far
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diminished-metalblog · 12 years
Abnormality: The Collective Calm in Mortal Oblivion
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shitpost-tom · 6 years
this’ll get a bit long-
(Read more brought to you by: -Mod C)
so, along with semiweekly injections, and monthly blood tests that come with being in the lab-
‘growing pains’
which is an LARGE understatement (living hell is more accurate to say)
before the wings even grow in, ‘preparations’ must be made to the body-
hollow bones for light-weight - easier to fly
lungs must change shape, leaving them all struggling to breathe-
the bones , muscles and nerves develop underneath the skin, and this is especially painful for Matt, and he loses the use of his hands early on in the ‘procedures’. And yet- he can still feel the pain in them.
With Edd, the wings grew in fleshy and pink to match the beaten down skin tone of his back. He was too weak with the new muscles and bones shifting , so he lay there, stiff, only with the new flesh reaching out for something unknown-
there’s not enough room in his cell to support his full wingspan, and instead they reach upwards, scraping against the white role, leaving a trail of red in their wake.
And then come the feathers-
they grow out like needles piercing the already sore skin from the inside. The open wounds dye the ends of them brown with the stains of dried blood- (too dramatic , i know)
all while his feet adapt to the ‘serum’ (as the scientists vaguely call it) by changing shape too, slowly but surely- to resemble the talons of large bird of prey. Along with how weak he is, it will take a while for him to be able to walk.
And the headaches-
now he’s sensitive to magnetic fields like many birds are, and the scientific equipment all around him doesn’t help his case.
As mentioned earlier, Matt loses the use of his hands early on. They’re numb, but through the static he can feel the ache that comes with enlongating bone.
His shoulders started to ‘move into place’ shortly after. Arms twisted, and joints seemed to fuse together. The skeleton of the wings developed first, afterwards the skin slowly developed. It was weak, and ripped easily the first few months.
Legs twisted, grew more into a hand-like shape, suitable instead for the limbs he lost.
Now Matt was a special case, his ‘serum’ having unknown side-effects that proved to be VERY interesting.
The first was his sight, which he slowly began toose during the procedures. Subject also gained sensitivity to light, which then his cell lights were permanently turned off, and hook attachment to the walls were added for easier movements.
During monthly check-ups, subject’s teeth were also noticed to have sharped.
Other unforeseen effects include- hoarseness of the voice, and malnutrition from current sustenance given, a replacement is currently being found.
He’s too weak for further testing.
Tord, still covered in burns up and down his right side, did not react to the ‘serum’ as the scientists hoped.
The ‘preparations’ took place, however, his wing did not grow, and instead of adding doses as they did with Tom, they used Tord as a subject for another expirement altogether.
Nanotechnology, prosthetics- with his right arm needing to be amutated anyway, and his right eye had been scorched badly, he was the perfect candidate.
First came the metal backing, and attaching the nerve. The first procedure, to his back, the subject was allowed to be put under. This is to be the base for the wing attachments so later on they can be removed and repaired, if need be. The metal backing- ingrained into his spine- controls the wing attachments with signals directly from his brain.
The next procedures, for eye and arm replacement, subject was to be awake. No resistance- strange behaviour, but welcome. Even in installing a new eye, he acted as he was familiar with the procedure.
The arm and wing attachments are made of nanites, which when expertly used, can change shape to adapt. He is meant to be a weapon, just as all subjects except Tom.
Attachments went successful. Subject currently in controlled coma.
It didn’t take long for the scientists to find out about Tom’s ‘abnormality’.
It was after a single blood test that they realised why their ‘serum’ didn’t work.
So they increased injections.
His wings grew in such a short period of time, that they’re underdeveloped. The bone itself grew outwards first, and the nerves then intwined themselves following the muscles and then a covering of tough purple skin. All in a couple of hours.
He’s more ‘adjusted’ to this kinda of pain after years of ‘experiences’, but this wasn’t what the scientists found the most interesting.
it was his reaction to the other subjects as their experiments went on.
the scientists had seen it before, but now the form was changed by their ‘serum’ to accomodate for the wings- more long and lizard-like in appearance.
the wings that couldn’t even lift him off the ground.
They were underdeveloped as mentioned earlier, and he hated them.
Even after he ‘shifted’ back, his form kept the deadly-sharp claws, and he began to claw at his wings, but do to the ‘nature’ of his ‘abnormailty’, they grew back each time, leaving the tough purple-scales wherever they healed.
To further experiment his ‘abnormality’, they moved him to a larger cell, one with the top open to the rest of the world.
He cannot fly out.
No One Is Leaving.
(hope you like- continue if you want! credit to sunni for some ideas!)
I think I shall continue this/refine it. -Mod C
The following is a write up of an experiment waiting for approval. No unauthorized personnel past this point. 
Experiment: 2003 Authorization: Pending approval Status: Ongoing Estimated Finish Date: N/A Number of Subjects: [Data Expunged]  Authorization Level: 7
~ Test Subject #1 Beyond This Point ~
Subject Number: 2003-1 Subject Name: Edd [Data Expunged] Sex: Male Date Subjected: 06/06/[Data Expunged] Current Chamber: Flr2002-Hl11-Dr07 Previous Chamber(s): N/A Level: Unknown due to current status Status: Presumably alive, but immobile Testing Status: Tight Restrictions Current Symptoms: Weakness in the Muscles, Fatigue, Sensitivity to Magnetic Fields. Observations: Test Subject 2003-1 does not move from the middle of his chamber, the most active reactions being recorded being muscle twitches and head swivels. His wings are too large for his chamber, because of this he is being planned to be moved to a bigger chamber once the changes have stopped. 2003-1 appears to be too weak to move. Attempts to bring back his strength are underway. Too many electronic devices have shown to annoy the subject and give him headaches. Abnormalities: N/A Testing Done So Far: Standard testing has been done, along with special testing for the observed sensitivity to magnetic fields. Date of Release / Date to be Released: No plans of letting the subject out has been made.
~ Test Subject #2 Beyond This Point ~
Subject Number: 2003-2 Subject Name: Matt [Data Expunged] Sex: Male Date Subjected: ##/##/##### Current Chamber: Flr####-Hl##-Dr## Previous Chamber(s): N/A Level: Presumed to be Safe Status: Alive and Healthy Testing Status: Postponed until further notice Current Symptoms: Sight Loss, Sensitivity to Light, Hoarseness of Voice, Malnutrition (being worked on), Difficult Movements, Weakness, Fatigue. Observations: Test Subject 2003-2 has a peculiar case, as his arms have taken on the duty of becoming wings. At first the wings appear to have been frail. Ongoing growth has seemingly lead to bat-like qualities. Upon further inspections, sharp teeth have been found to have taken the place of his old ones. Due to light sensitivity, lights are not allowed in the subjects room anymore. “Hooks” have been added to the room for easier movement, seeing as the subjects feet have become hand-like. Research is currently being put into finding the proper nutrients to feed the subject, as his bodily needs have shifted. Testing has been halted until the subjects strength has come back.  Abnormalities: Arms have grown into his arms, and food tastes have been changed. Testing Done So Far: Standard Testing has been carries out, with extensive research into finding new food supplements. Date of Release / Date to be Released: No plans of letting the subject out has been made.
~ Test Subject #3 Beyond This Point ~
Subject Number: 2003-3 / 2008-6 Subject Name: Tord [Data Expunged] Sex: Male Date Subjected: ##/##/#### Current Chamber: Flr1989-Hl09-Dr06 Previous Chamber(s): N/A Level: Safe Status: In a controlled Comatose state. Testing Status: Unavailable For Testing. Current Symptoms: Unable to be Observed. Observations: The entirety of subject 2003-3/2008-6 left side has been scorched, stopping the growth of wings. In stead, he has been subjected to testing with nano-bots. Testing with the bots are unavailable due to his current state. During the procedures, the subject did not struggle, and acted as if he was used to it. Abnormalities: N/A Testing Done So Far: Prior to being enlisted in Experiment 2008, standard testing along with special testing as to discover the reasoning behind the lack of wing-growth. No testing has been conducted afterwards. Date of Release / Date to be Released: No plans of letting the subject out has been made.
~ Test Subject #4 Beyond This Point ~
Subject Number: 2003-4 Subject Name: Tom [Data Expunged] Sex: Male Date Subjected: ##/##/#### Current Chamber: Flr0000-Hl20-Dr16 Previous Chamber(s): Flr2004-Hl19-Dr27 Level: Unsafe Status: Contained and Alive Testing Status: Ongoing with Caution Current Symptoms: Changes in “form” have been observed. Observations: After the normal dosage had failed to make any changes occur, testing has shown that Subject 2003-4 has a very interesting “Abnormality.” Subject 2003-4 has been proved to be possessed, and possesses demon-abilities that dramatically change testing. The wings on the subject grew very quickly due to the abnormality, and are under-developed. Changes in form have been recorded, such as a more lizard-like appearance to his other “form”, and sharp claws to his “regular” one. Due to being under-developed, the subject cannot fly. Testing with other subjects must be done with extreme caution, as hostility towards others has been shown. Subject appears to dislike the wings, but despite attempts to remove them, they come back. Some have said to observe the wings growing back a little bit normally each time, but this is still up for debate. Abnormalities: Subject 2003-4 appears to have abnormal black eyes, and is possessed. Demonic abilities have been recorded, such as: Fire breath, regeneration, increased strength, levitation of items, etc. Subject also appears to be weak to salt, holy water, crosses, and other demon-be-gones. Testing Done So far: Standard testing along with [REDACTED] Date of Release / Date to be Released: No plans of letting the subject out has been made.
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shitpost-tom · 6 years
The following are notes from Dr. [REDACTED] for Experiment 2003, regarding the status of the subjects. Unauthorized personnel caught looking through these notes shall be shot on sight. If found, return to Dr. [REDACTED]
2003-1 Subject adapting slowly, but progress has been made. Subject is able to walk for longer periods of time.
investigation ongoing for the identity of staff who injected 2003-1 with ‘serum’ without authorisation underway.
muscle twitches have been more frequent, not injuries thus far excluding subject.
still labelled safe regardless of frequent lashings of wings and tail-like appendage.
new blood tests have found slight radiation, which seems inactive. 2003-1 is unaware, further investigations will decide if this is to be used in expirements forwards. this may help subject regain strength.
2003-2 Recovery plan in affect, subject was relucanf at first, but has stated it is preferable then ‘incident’ mentioned in previous files.
it is noted that 2003-2 has avoided any medical team that enters the subject’s cell- and seems to be hiding.
this could imply subject is scared of staff, however it was pointed out that 2003-2 may not be scared of staff, but instead subject’s actions.
staff mentioned is to conduct a social expirment introducing 2003-3 into main subject’s environment.
social expirment approval pending.
2003-3 no notable changes to subject
metal implants have been prepared for Stage Two of testing, which has been authorised for 2003-3 and is to be carried out as soon as possible-
Pending on authorisation of Social Expirement with 2003-2
subject has shown an incredible understanding to technologies used, and has suggested ‘improvements’ to initial design.
said ‘improvements’ caught eyes of staff, and they attempted to get the designs approved, but were denied.
testing still being carried out on why ‘serum’ didn’t work on subject.
2003-4 Increasingly hostile, it is rare to see subject out of ‘abnormality’ form. due to testing, this must indicate high levels of stress and flared up emotional response.
wings seem to have grown out, logically subject’s wings should be able to support, subject must not realise this yet.
test approved
2003-4 and 2003-1 moved to large closed-off location.
main subject acted aggressively at first, circling 2003-1, the subject which was still having trouble adapting.
not long after that however, 2003-4 seemed to recognise 2003-1, and was able to ‘transform’ out of ‘abnormality’ form for duration of expirment.
results include the following
main subject implied to have been forced into ‘abnormailty’ form, more research required
the introduction of 2003-1 caused levels of stress in 2003-4 to go down, and even amidst situation, the two were laughing, and experiencing other bursts of emotion.
main subject offered to support 2003-1 in ‘abnormailty’ form, implying it can also be a voluntary response.
subject 2003-4 is now authorised for Stage Two of testing.
2001-1 was compensated with ‘favourite drink’ for complying with experiment.
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