#abigail lambert
eyelied2you · 1 year
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Abby Lambert posting
I really like her a lot. I wanted to draw some of her outfits, plus a version of her if she was thrown into the Cycle too
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Abigail "Abby" Lambert
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She's a beautiful woman in a suit-
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queenofcats17 · 1 year
I got a request from the user Cccc on AO3 asking for a chapter where the better timeline Bendy folks end up in the Dreams Come to Life timeline and meet Ink Bendy.
The employees of Joey Drew Studios were accustomed to strangeness. It was the nature of Joey Drew and his studio to be surrounded by one form of weirdness or another. Their creations coming to life, themselves being briefly transformed. All sorts of magic and mystery and mischief.
They were not, however, accustomed to alternate dimensions.
And yet, that was where they had found themselves.
One moment, they had all been in their normal places in the studio and the next things were....different. It was still the studio, but there was something...strange about it.
Sammy was up almost as soon as he felt it happen. He knew Joey had pulled some BS and he was going to give him a piece of his mind. The fact that the hallway outside his office looked different only strengthened his resolve. He was used to the studio changing form around him, as the amount of magic that saturated the studio made it prone to shifting and twisting, but Sammy found it annoying every time.
“Can’t wait to hear what he’s done this time,” he grumbled, setting determinedly off in the direction of Joey’s office. Only to run straight into Abby Lambert as he turned the corner.
Both of them were sent sprawling back, landing on the ground on their butts. Sammy was about to snap at whoever he’d collided with but bit his tongue when he saw it was Abby.
“...Sorry,” he said after a moment. “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
Abby looked up, clearly very startled by his genuine apology. She looked different too. More...tired. More disheveled. Much less put together than he was used to seeing her.
“Who are you and what have you done with Sammy Lawrence?” She demanded, getting to her feet.
“What are you talking about?” Sammy frowned, doing the same. “Am I not allowed to apologize when I make a mistake?”
“You never apologize,” Abby shot back.
Sammy made an annoyed growling sound. “Well if you don’t want to accept my apology then fine. I have places I need to be.” He brushed past her, continuing toward Joey’s office.
As he made his way through the studio, he noticed more strange things. Employees he didn’t recognize talking about things he didn’t understand. There was a distinct lack of magical miasma in the air, something that made him feel even more anxious than he already did. Everything felt...ordinary. Things hadn’t felt ordinary in the studio for a long time.
He could hear hushed voices on the other side of the door as he approached.
“Joey?” He called out, hand on the doorknob. “Are you there? We need to talk about something.”
“Ah, uh, just a minute!” Joey replied, sounding more than a little panicked. He opened the door a moment later, just a crack, looking just as panicked as he had sounded.
“Ah, hello, Sammy.” Joey forced a smile. “What, uh, what can I do for you?”
Through the crack in the door behind Joey, Sammy could see Susie, Henry, Norman, Wally, and Tom all crowded around Joey’s desk. They also looked to be some form of shaken or afraid.
“Does something seem...wrong to you?” Sammy asked, deliberately lowering his voice. “Like this isn’t our studio?” He wasn’t sure how Joey would respond to this question, since Abby seemed to know a different version of him.
Thankfully, Joey visibly relaxed, opening the door fully. “Oh thank God. I thought I was going to have to pretend to be whoever this world’s version of me is.”
“So, this isn’t our world?” Sammy felt fear beginning to claw at his ribs. Yes, he’d had a feeling this was a possibility, but to have it confirmed...
“It...doesn’t seem to be.” Joey gently pulled him in, closing the door behind them.
“How did this happen?!” Sammy demanded, attempting to cover his fear with anger.
“Your guess is as good as ours,” Henry said. He was leaning on Joey’s desk. He just looked...tired. Resigned. Sammy couldn’t help but wonder if Henry had also run into employees that knew a different him.
“It’s not Drew’s fault for once,” Tom added. “I was talking with him and Stein when it...” He paused, shaking his head and trying to compose himself. “When it happened.”
“My guess is it was something on this side,” Norman said. “Something this Drew did.”
“So how...How do we get back?” Sammy asked. He was starting to shake as the fear returned.
Susie was almost immediately at his side, putting a hand on his shoulder. “We’re...not sure,” she admitted. “But we’ll figure something out.”
Sammy could tell she was saying this not just for his benefit, but for her own. She had to believe they would get out of this. Sammy didn’t have to heart to tell her there was no guarantee of that.
“We were gonna go lookin’ for weird stuff,” Wally piped up. “But, y’know, everybody knows different versions of us so people might think it’s...weird?”
“Fuck them,” Sammy scoffed. “They already think we’re strange, don’t they? Why try to act normal now? Let’s go look for whatever weird shit brought us here.”
There was a moment of silence before the collective employees began to laugh.
“What? What’s so funny?!” Sammy demanded, his face going a bit red.
“It’s just a very “you” way of looking at things,” Joey said, slapping Sammy’s shoulder.
“Leave it to you to cut through all the bullshit,” Henry agreed with a chuckle.
“It’s a good thing,” Susie assured Sammy, squeezing his arm. “I think we were all getting too in our heads.”
“Let’s get going.” Tom started to head toward the door, clearly trying to hide his own laughter.
The group made their way out of Joey’s office, all still giggling a bit. Together, they made their way through the studio, down to the lower levels where Tom thought his other self might have installed the Ink Machine.
“How do you know this studio even has one?” Sammy asked as they made their way through the darkened corridors.
“There were correspondences with GENT in the other me’s desk,” Joey supplied.
“And blueprints for the machine,” Tom added. “So it has to be here.”
“Feels spooky down here...” Wally shivered, moving closer to the others as he glanced nervously around the corridors. They were in the lower levels of the studio now, where it didn’t seem many people ventured.
“Good. It means we won’t be bothered,” Tom said.
“Hey, guys?” The group turned toward Henry, who stood in front of a door. “I think I found something.”
The door stood out from everything else in the studio, large and seemingly made of iron. There was a little window in the upper portion with iron bars in it, and a heavy iron bar above a keyhole keeping it shut.
“Well, that doesn’t look ominous at all,” Susie laughed nervously.
“Looks too small to be housing the Ink Machine,” Norman murmured, sidling over to size up the door and the room beyond. “But something strange is definitely here.”
“Should we go in?” Joey asked, looking around at the group.
“It seems worth checking out.” Sammy folded his arms protectively around himself.
“Even if it isn’t the ink machine, it might tell us something about this place,” Tom agreed.
Joey pulled out a ring of keys from his pocket that he’d presumably taken from his other self’s desk and started trying each one until he finally found the correct one. His hands were shaking, although he tried to hide it. Henry put a hand on his shoulder, rubbing circles with his thumb.
“Thank you,” Joey whispered before fitting the key into the lock and pulling back the iron bar.
The room inside was small but dark. They could vaguely make out a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling, as well as the shape of a table in the middle of the room.
“Wonder what the other Drew’s using this place for,” Norman said, looking around.
“It can’t be anything good,” Tom remarked darkly.
Suddenly, something moved in the corner, causing several of the group members to scream and move away, including Joey. Tom, Norman, Susie, and Henry stayed where they were, though, determined to meet whatever resided in the room head-on.
They were all both surprised and horrified when what emerged from the shadows was...a deformed Bendy. It was tall and thin, its proportions human and skeletal. It limped toward them, eyes covered with dripping ink and a wide smile on its face.
“What is that?” Sammy gasped.
“And why’s it bein’ kept in here?” Wally frowned.
Henry stepped forward, meeting the strange Bendy and cradling its head in his hands, even if he had to get on his toes a bit to do so.
“Oh, Ben...” He whispered, running his thumb over the cheek area of the creature. “What has he done to you?”
The strange Bendy tilted its head to the side, reaching out to hold Henry’s face in its hands as well. It gently turned Henry’s face before letting go and turning its attention to the rest of the group. It made a noise that almost sounded questioning, taking a step toward them.
Sammy instinctively took a step back.
The strange Bendy stopped at this, stepping back.
“It doesn’t seem dangerous,” Tom said, stepping up to the strange Bendy.
“Why is he keeping it in here?” Joey stepped inside as well, turning on the light to look around better.
With the light on, they saw just how small and bare the room truly was. There was the table in the center of the room, and very little else. A bookshelf sat in the corner, with a few notebooks on the shelves. There was a puddle of ink in the corner where they’d seen movement. That seemed to be where the Ink Demon had been.
“How can he keep it in a place like this?” Susie’s brow furrowed.
“This’d be kind of a shitty place to even keep an animal.” Wally’s brow was also furrowed, although it was harder to see under the shadow of his hat.
The strange Bendy just watched as they crowded in, standing politely to the side.
“If you’ll excuse my language,” Norman said. “I think this other Drew’s a bit of a bastard.”
“That seems about right.” Tom had gone over to the bookshelf, beginning to thumb through some of the notebooks.
Sammy still didn’t want to be near the strange Bendy, so he stayed to the side.
“We have to take him with us when we leave,” Henry said. He was still near the creature, standing near it with an almost paternal protectiveness.
“You don’t think that’d mess with the universes or anything?” Wally asked.
“We can’t leave him.” Henry’s voice left no room for argument.
“Alright, we’ll take him with us,” Joey assured him, touching Henry’s shoulder. “But we need to figure out how to get home first.”
“You getting anything from those notebooks, Connor?” Norman glanced over at Tom, who was still flipping through the notebooks.
“Mm.” Tom had already been frowning when they’d entered, but now his frown had deepened. Whatever he was seeing, he obviously didn’t like it. “I’m getting something alright.”
“Any clues on how to get us home?” Joey asked hopefully.
“I’m not sure,” Tom admitted, closing the notebook. “But it’s a start.”
“I guess it’s going to take some time to get back, huh?” Susie sighed.
“I guess so.” Joey looked visibly disappointed, although he tried to hide it, forcing a smile. “But we will get home! I promise!”
The group wasn’t sure if they believed him. But they very much wanted to.
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lexi0507 · 2 years
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axel0715 · 2 months
A very interesting movie
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tangerinesgirl · 2 months
Pull Some Strings
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Fem!Reader x Frank/Adam Barrett (Abigail)
Word count: 1.1k
Rating: 18+, explicit
Warnings: smut, denied orgasm, GodComplex!Frank, JOI, degradion, Frank swearing a lot (as usual), pet names, vaguely non con if you squint bc mind control
Summary: You've been flirting with Frank the entire evening. He tests his new vampire powers and turns you into his puppet. Things get freaky.
Notes: this seems too good to not have been done before, I did have a search beforehand so I'm sorry if it does exist! We need more Frank smut ASAP! Also, reader has nipple piercings in this and there's use of Y/N.
You jump awake with a burning hot pain in your neck. You reach to touch the wound but you find nothing there. Memories start to play in your mind, how Frank willingly accepted the offer to be turned into a monster, while you sat on the floor helpless. You were heartbroken that he could turn into a traitor like that, after the two of you fighting so hard together, but the other part of you couldn't keep your eyes off him, seeing him covered in blood, moaning as Lambert gave him his new life. You watch in horror as he stakes Lambert through the heart, you try to grab the shelf behind you to get up, but Frank stamps on your arm, breaking it instantly. You scream as he pulls your hair, exposing your neck to him.
Frank whispers in your ear, "I'm going to make you my puppet, and we're going to have a little fun". You whimper as he pecks a little kiss on the side of your mouth, and dives his teeth into your neck. You can feel yourself getting colder, your body twitching as you loose consciousness.
"Y/N....you are mine"
The sound of Frank's voice lures you back awake. You're in a bedroom somewhere, but you can tell you're still in this god forsaken house. "Oh good you're awake". You look around the room instinctively trying to find the source of the voice.
"What's going on?"
"Keep up sweetheart, did you not pay attention to what happened to Sammy? Or were you too busy trying to get me to fuck your brains out?"
Your mind jumps back to how you flirted playfully with Frank the whole evening. The car ride where you were zipping your hoodie down to make your breasts pop out. When you brushed past him to open the door. The way you would look at his lips, and chew the bottom of yours every time he gave the crew orders. You found him very attractive, and the dominance was a huge turn on for you.
You sit next to him at the bar in the house, "You know, I'm very much into the hot boss scenario". Your hand brushes against his as you reach for your drink. In a split second, Frank pins your hand to the counter and grabs your neck with the other one, "You're really going to flirt with me when we have bigger fucking problems right now?"
Everyone in the group stares at you as you go bright red from embarrassment. You decide to roll with it, liking how agitated Frank is getting at your advances. Afterall you've nothing to loose, no one will know your true name after this. You moan loudly with a "oh yes, harder daddy". Frank lets you go in disgust. He spits out a "fucking whore" under his breath. You hear him and giggle, "only for you" and blow him a kiss as he walks away.
Your mind snaps back to reality. "I know how you like being told what to do, and I'm curious to see if this actually fucking worked first time... So...Frank says, take off your hoodie". You immediately unzip your hoodie without a moment's thought, "What the fuck?"
"Frank says undo your bra". You do as he says, part of you is very much into him finally reciprocating what you've been putting down the whole evening, even in these circumstances.
"Frank says play with your nipples". You moan as you grab your breasts and tug gently on your nipples.
"Wait I can feel something cold...do you have piercings? That's fucking hot... Frank says undo your belt". The belt clinks to the floor, you can somehow tell that Frank is doing the same, wherever he is.
"Frank says undo your buttons". You unzip your jeans, and dip your hand in further, you can feel the wetness growing in your underwear as you try and find some kind of friction.
"Frank says stop. Frank didn't say to do that now, did he?"
You shake your head.
"Use your words"
"No what?"
"No sir"
"Good girl. Now. Frank says to circle your fucking clit. Slowly"
You moan softly, it's painful for you not to do anything else right now.
"Frank says stop"
The slow orders are making you impatient, you need more of a release, "please".
"Please what?"
"I need more"
"Then you fucking wait"
You can feel Frank playing with his cock, it pains you that you can't see, but you can feel him growing hard, the pre cum on his hands. You can even hear his subtle moans as he palms himself.
"Frank says dip your index finger into your pussy".
You sigh in relief as your hand finally enters you.
"Frank says insert another finger"
You fuck yourself open, Frank can hear the sound of your wetness and swears under his breath.
"You sound fucking soaked, the sound of my voice gets you this wet huh? Now...play with your clit".
You start to do so and Frank laughs, "Frank didn't say "Frank says" now did he?"
You cry out in agitation, "Frank please".
"Nah ah, what do you call me?"
"Sorry, sir"
"That's better baby. Frank says touch your clit"
You can feel yourself getting closer, Frank can too. "I'm going to cum Fr-sir, please can I cum?".
"Frank says stop"
"No!" You whimper as you pull your hands out of you. Denying you of your orgasm makes Frank's come quicker, the power over you as well as being a newly turned vampire makes him feel like a God. He takes off his shirt as he starts to cum on his chest. You can feel the hot liquid on your chest too. Your hands feel around but there's nothing there. You're really pissed off, but still very much aroused. Frank moans as he continues to empty himself on his chest, it seems to last forever. As he finally comes to a stop, he lets out one last big moan. "Do you want to taste?"
Part of you wants to give him the silent treatment for the way he just used you, but you say "yes sir" like the good puppet you are.
Frank takes a finger of his cum off his chest and wipes it on his lips. He licks it up with his tongue. You can feel the taste slowly seeping into your mouth, you bite your lip and swirl your tongue around, lapping up every invisible drop. It's salty, with a hint of iron, but oddly creamy at the same time.
"I think that was a pretty successful test, wouldn't you say, Y/N?"
You finally find your backbone after Frank and his stupid voice turned it into mush, "Fuck you".
"Oh I will, right after I kill me a vampire"
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@witchy-weve-monbebe okay but imagine a what if scenario where Frank, Joey, Peter and Sammy (I lowkey forgot what their actual names are 💀) escape and take Abigail with them
Frank 100% hated the fact that there was no money involved. That they all got screwed with and fuck it if he isn’t gonna stick it to Lazar and just take his kid. What does it matter at this point? (Let’s ignore that Lambert was there and called Lazar back)
Joey just wants to protect the girl despite her being a vampire and also because it’s another excuse to avoid going back to her son (not because she wants to but it’s like in the movie: she’s afraid she’s gonna be a shit mom)
Sammy of course joins for the ride just to see how it would play out and convinces Peter to join her in watching it all fall apart
Abigail is definitely an unwilling participant in terms to being a “hostage” but her attempts at killing them lower in intensity the more she spends time with them
(Also I think it’s be lowkey funny that Frank is the only one to really have beef with a 12 year old the more time they all spend together)
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blackwolfstabs · 2 months
ABIGAIL | Werewolf AU HCs (requested by @simpingforclaudette)
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Frank is definitely an alpha and sees himself as the pack leader, not only in being the primary in affiliation with Lambert, but as a former detective, he can't handle not being in control.
he's used to being on his own, which is why he's the most aggressive. he hasn't had to "teamwork" with anyone, so when he can't do things his way, he possesses aggressive, almost feral, behavior.
he HATES commands or simulating any kind of domestic-dog affiliations.
he's constantly scratching and grooming himself, due to stress. it's hard for him to sit still.
he will challenge ANYONE for dominance and will even go to killing to prove himself as an alpha.
guard-dog material but snobbish, so he picks and chooses who he defends.
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Peter looks like an alpha, but he doesn't have any controlling tendencies or desires.
he'd take being a lone wolf over being in a pack, because he doesn't like taking directions. he likes to do whatever he wants.
he looks to Frank as the alpha and Rickles as the deputy of the pack.
he's desperate to imprint on someone and sees himself as more of a domestic dog than a wild animal. in other words, he thinks he's a lapdog.
When he was younger, he would hunt for fun, because he enjoyed the thrill of it.
he's the most skittish of the pack, choosing to flee from a vampire, cat, enemy before fight. however, his fear makes him highly aggressive when cornered.
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Sammy is very much the puppy of the pack. she has the most energy and expresses it through her feelings, which makes her appear to be the most dramatic.
she's a follower and sees Joey as the female alpha. if asked, she'd say Joey is the pack leader, rather than Frank, and will lick her as a sign of respect.
she's the only one in the pack that wears a collar.
she has the best hearing of the pack, which leaves her to be moderately observant and curious. yes, she's a star for the iconic head-tilt that German Shepherds are commonly known for haha.
she's a very vocal wolf. she barks, howls, whines, etc. the most.
as impulsive, young, and careless as she seems, she has the most control over phasing.
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Dean is a lone wolf, but he doesn't know a stranger. He lives primarily as a scavenger, eating off of scraps left behind by other predators or werewolves.
he's a full-blooded omega, friendly, chill, and very submissive; however, he's very good at problem-solving. he's the escape-artist of the pack.
he will do anything for a bribe: treats, money, bones, toys, etc.
he will chase anything that moves, especially small animals, but often runs into everything while doing it.
he knows no boundaries, so he doesn't hesitate to get into the business of other wolves when they're eating, grooming, sleeping, etc. they get mad and snap at him, but he keeps coming back.
he's the only one of the pack that likes water/will swim.
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Rickles was born to be in a pack. coming from a military background, he's the most reliable for protection, even if he doesn't get along with everyone.
he's the best hunter of the pack, with a good sense of direction.
he possesses strong alpha energy but will acknowledge Frank as the pack leader. however, like Sammy, he does value Joey as the female alpha and shows great respect for her.
he's the calmest in stressful situations and is the first to keep the others in line, possessing a strong herding instinct. he will bite the scruffs of the others, when they're acting too out-of-line or as a protective gesture, the way a pup would be grabbed when correcting behavior or placement.
he hates being blindsided or being in a submissive position.
he's the most spontaneous phaser and often uses markings on trees and howling as a form of communication.
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Joey is the female alpha of the pack by nature, even though Sammy & Rickles already see her as one.
she's the most reserved of the pack and the best tracker, having the best sense of smell.
due to her being a mother and a medic, she's very gentle.
she's very mouthy, even though she's well out of puppyhood. she uses her jaws like hands and chews on many different things, especially when she's feeling stressed or anxious.
she knows many commands the way a domestic dog would, however she only does them for Abigail. her "shake" symbolizes their pinky-promise.
she's the most agile of the pack, able to move quick and efficiently, very much like one would expect of a Border Collie or Belgian Shepherd.
these lowkey turned out to be more like normal wolf headcanons, instead of werewolf ones, because i didn't add any werewolf lore but oh well. i hope you like them anyways! if not, i'm sorry 🩶🩶🩶
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Can I request Frank x reader where both of them are dating but they don’t know the other took the Abigail job, so they are shocked (but hide it) to see the other on the job
The job
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Warnings: none!
They were in their bed asleep while he’s getting ready for the Abigail mission. He had made sure the night before not to tell them where he was off to, because he didn’t want them to follow him. He wasn’t afraid of them finding out what kind of job he did, but he was afraid for them to be seeing Lazar again
When he left; they woke up, and noticed he was missing from their bed. They also remembered that they needed to take care of the same kid to get money. They really needed to pay their rent this month, and they had recently gotten out of their position of being an officer
They get out of their bed, and went over to put their outfit on. Frank had already gotten Abigail, and was heading over towards the place to keep her ransom at. They got a call from Lambert telling them to meet at the place too, since Abigail was there
When they got there, they noticed the other two cars that were there already. They get out of their rented white van, and wonder why they bothered to begin with to rent it. They had their mask tucked safely into their pocket as they entered. The rest of the crew seemed in distress to see the door opening. “Relax it’s just your other teammate” Lambert said as they had now entered the place
Frank was in shock, but didn’t express it. First rule: don’t get personal. “Perfect timing, I just got the crew to give up their phones” he gestured his hand to give them a phone to him. “I don’t have a phone. It’s too expensive” they lied, and only Frank knew it was a lie. Lambert nods his head as he walks off now
The rest of the crew walked off to explore the place, except for Frank. They just now noticed him, and was in shock. They did show it however, since no one else was in sight to their shocked face. “What the fuck are you doing?” He asked in shock. “I also have my secrets of what I’m doing. I thought you’d judge me since I used to be a cop” they explained, which makes him pull them in for a kiss
They quickly pulled apart; “I think it’s sexy. I would’ve told you had I known.” “Oh well! At least we both got a pleasant surprise” they admitted, which makes him smile
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thatchubbypillow · 2 months
Tonight I was watching Abigail with my bf (it's my third time btw, first two were in cinema) and I came up with a really stupid idea of counting how many fucks each main character said🤬🤬🤬
※This might not be 100% accurate tho
As you may expect, Frank said the most fucks in the movie, a total of 140 fucks, including variations like motherfucker...
Sammy's fucks count was around 30 which put her in the second place...
Joey follows Sammy, used around 20 fucks in the movie, ranking third
Rickles and Dean each gave about 8 fucks which I believe would've been more if they lived longer...
And at last, Peter only contributed 5 fucks, the least among the gang
Didn't count Abigail and Lambert but definitely not much, maybe less than 10 in total?🤔And in the script I saw 224 fucks through search so I'm probably missing a few😅Anyways...I had fun listening to Dan saying fuck for 140x3 times!
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shawsfinalgirl · 7 days
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WARNINGS: swearing, NSFW/non descriptive sex (not super explicit but still)
PAIRING: peter/terrence lacroix x lottie morgan (original character written by me <33)
SUMMARY: after months of radio silence and working operations along, a quiet night in a bar brings lottie and peter closer in a way they’d been yearning for.
NOTES: hi guys!! finally got around to finishing this one shot and shoutout to all my peter lovers bc there is a SEVERE lack of peter content </3 shoutout to @5thelement & @endofradio for the inspo bc abigail has been rotting my brain omfg
feel free to comment & reblog bc i love chatting w u guys so much <33
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the crew was back in new york, a familiar setting for lottie as she sat in the corner of the bar, legs crossed against the material of the leather booth. the chains on her bracelet jingled quietly as she took a long sip of her drink, placing it back down. empty. she sighed, leaning back to the counter to order another before a hand came to rest on her shoulder. she swung around, ready for a long night of ice against her knuckles before the figure caught her hand and laughed. 
“jesus, what is wrong with you? sneaking up on me like that…”
the girl sighed, hand shoving his chest as his fingers brushed against her forearm.
“sorry, lot. was around the neighborhood so i figured i’d find you here.”
“are you calling me an alcoholic?”
lottie laughed quietly, grabbing her drink from the bar as the pair slid into the quiet booth in the corner. they quietly sipped their drinks, legs pressed against one another’s as they spoke.
“so, what’s lambert had you up to?”
“thought you knew better than to ask questions, big boy.”
she didn’t miss the way peter swallowed at the nickname, thumb tracing the skin on her hand as he looked down at her.
“just wondering why you never called me back.”
lottie laughed incredulously at this, running a hand through her hair as she cocked her head to the side.
“been busy. figured you were too with all the shit lambert’s been throwing at us.”
the man sighed, throwing back the rest of the drink before setting it down.
“never too busy for you.”
lottie went silent at this admission. sure, they were close. there was always some unspoken sort of bond between them, kissed they shared in quiet motel rooms where no one was watching.
“i’m sorry, y’know. i should’ve called.”
“you don’t have to apologize to me. for anything.”
she knew he was talking about more than just her radio silence. the fact that they still hadn’t spoken about the last time they saw each other. when they’d fallen asleep on a roof top waiting to get a picture of their latest suspect. when she woke with her head against his chest, his jacket draped across the two of them. she looked up at him, and pressed a kiss against his cheek like it was the most natural thing in the world.
it wasn’t long before the two of them had finished their drinks, a comfortable silence falling over them. her knee knocked against his, his hand coming to trace circles on the skin of her thigh. she hummed, hand resting over his before she spoke.
“come home with me.”
“is that a question or a demand?”
lottie stood up, pulling down the hem of her skirt as she pulled the man from his seat with a small smile on her face.
“you know the answer.”
he followed her out of the bar, hand in hers as she the pair walked back to her apartment. she laughed to herself, the image of the pair an unlikely sight to anyone watching. peter towered over her, but followed behind her like a lost puppy. exactly how she wanted him. she fought back the tremble in her hands as she buzzed into her apartment, the two quickly finding their way into the elevator as they entered.
it happened in a blur, a clash of teeth and tongue as peter pressed her against the wall of the elevator. her hands slid into his hair, the length longer from months of long jobs and time on the road. his arms wrapped around her middle, warm hands beneath the material of her shirt. he hiked her leg over his hip, skirt riding up as she threw her head back. she silently thanked god she lived on the tenth floor. the ding of the door bell finally snapped the two out of their trance, lottie pulling away from him with a smile. she wiped the traces of her lipstick from his face, a smile on her lips as she dragged him toward her door.
they made their way into her apartment, throwing her bag down as she slid the leather jacket off peter’s shoulders. he helped her with her own, hands sliding beneath the shirt material of her skirt. her hands rested on his chest, nails digging into the soft fabric of his shirt. she knew he couldn’t wait as he caged her against her door, lips against her neck. he pressed kisses there, nipping and sucking at the skin. she threw her head back, knocking against the door as he trailed lower and lower. he reached her collarbone when she felt her head spinning, pulling his hair softly to get his attention. she could’ve sworn the groan that elicited from him was enough to make her blood boil. she pulled him up, hands on the broad planes of his shoulders as he looked down at her.
“take me to bed, hm?”
his forehead rested against her own, hand cupping her cheek as he spoke.
“i’d like that baby.”
he made quick work of picking her up with ease, legs locked around his waist as she leant down to press her lips against his own. he was quick in his movements, but nearly stumbled into a picture frame on the wall when she tugged on the strands of his hair once more. much to her pleasure, they’d finally stumbled to her room as he softly set her against the bed sheets. she slid her shirt over her head, watching shamelessly as he pulled his shirt over his head and onto the floor.
she felt her skin warm at the sight of his tattooed chest, skin littered with delicate ink patterns as the muscles in his chest and biceps rippled with his every movement. he leaned down, caging her with his arms as she pulled him down against her. her nails made indentations in his back as his hips canted down against her own.
“you feel so good…”
he trailed off, pressing kisses against the soft skin of her chest as she pushed herself against him. the cross hanging from his neck catching her eye as she caught it in her mouth for a brief moment, the taste of cold metal as she watched the pupils in his eyes dilate at the scene in front of him. she took the opportunity to flip their position, hands bracing herself against his chest while she arched against him. his hands wrapped around her, holding her in place, his hands coming up to trace the tattoo that decorated her spine. he’d always loved it, recalling the times where they had to get dressed for black tie operations and he swore she wore those backless dresses just to torture him.
“terrence…. fuck…”
lottie trailed off, head tipping back as her pace slowed quickly. he nearly forgot where he was at the sound of his name rolling off her tongue. he could get used to this. seeing her above him like this, skin glistening and chest heaving with every breath.
“missed you so much.”
she spoke, leaning down to press her lips against his, as she nearly groaned as he tangled his fingers in the black strands of her hair.
“missed you more, baby…. don’t want you to go.”
he groaned, pressed his lips against her neck as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders.
“m’not going anywhere, handsome.”
she promised, smiling at the feeling of him nuzzled against her neck. it wasn’t often they had moments like this, where they could be with each other like this. where he could hold her and not have to think about if he’d wake up next to her tomorrow morning. her breathing slowed, chest against his as he cupped her face with his hands.
“you okay?”
he spoke quietly, lips capturing her own in a soft, slow kiss. she pulled back, nose brushing against as she smiled.
“i’m fucking amazing.”
lottie laughed, head falling against his shoulder as he rolled her off from atop of him. his arms slid around her waist, pulling her against his chest while he kissed her shoulder, her collarbone. she tilted her head back to look at him, kissing his jaw softly. her hands ran over his stubble, skin heating at the feeling of his fingertips running along her spine.
“how long are you here for?”
she spoke, hands coming to toy with the delicate metal that rested against his chest.
“as long as you want me.”
lottie smiled at his words, something she’d always thought was too good to be true, especially coming from a man like him.
“you’d better hope lambert doesn’t call you, cause i’m throwing that phone out the window if he wakes me up before 8 again.”
“i’ll keep on silent, don’t worry.”
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eyelied2you · 1 year
Art show
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I wanted to redraw that one part of the museum scene in Ferris Bueller's Day Off with this trio.
Also, shout out to Abby Lambert, guys. Love her 🫶
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themosleyreview · 2 months
The Mosley Review: Abigail
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Oh what a time the horror genre is having this early into the year! We just had an awesome take on demonic possession and now, the team behind the great current Scream sequels and the outstanding Ready or Not, deliver yet another insanely fun horror film. I can't think of the last time we had a good vampire film that was straight forward and not about the depression of living forever or some boring slog of a teen romance. This film from the beginning throws you right into the story and sets up the players pretty quickly while leaving enough mystery to keep you on the edge of your seat. Time management and speed are always the key elements when it comes to the horror thrillers and this film excels at that. Not only do the thrills keep coming, but the violence on display is actually story driven and inventive at times. The cast alone is what makes or breaks these type of films and they truly make this film because you care about each one in a unique way.
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Alisha Weir was outstanding and intense as Abigail. There are so many layers to her performance that many would not be able to achieve at her at age. There is a level of regalness, experience and that deep seated joy in the hunt for her food. What I loved is that she actually retained her humanity in many moments and was honest. Melissa Barrera was awesome as Joey and I loved the compassion in her voice and her steadfast strength in the film. She may be one of the smartest and untrusting people in the room, but she was also the most balanced. The chemistry between her and Abigail was the heart of the film and was fascinating to see their plot unfold. Dan Stevens was great and unflinching as Frank. I loved that he was the most aggressive and sometimes cunning of the group with his more controlling nature. Kathryn Newton is always a joy to see on screen and as Sammy, she was the classic young and spunky character that enjoyed the thrill of the heist. Kevin Durand is one of those actors that you love to see and he can capture your heart with his charm. As Peter, he may have been the big brute of the group, but he had a heart of gold and it shines in his chemistry with Sammy. William Catlett was cool and active as Rickles. He had the right ideas about the situation they were in, but acted a little too late. He was the strong silent type, but I think him and Joey would've made a great team. The late Angus Cloud was good as Dean and even though I sometimes had a hard time understanding him with the mumbling of his lines, he still had charm and was hilarious in some great scenes. Giancarlo Esposito continues to be a powerhouse on screen and as Lambert, he may not be in the film alot, but his presence is felt in the set up of the story and throughout the film.
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The score by Brian Tyler was excellent and nails the thrilling pace of the film and underscores the intense moments of violence. When it comes to the violence, the gore in this film was absolutely satisfying and the build up to each kill or gross out visual was well done. The sound and effects team really know how to make each bite impactful and each pop look and sound so powerful. Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett of Radio Silence truly love the horror genre and have made yet another glorious horror thriller that re-invigorates the vampire genre in such a fun way. They follow the rules they set up in the beginning and do not waver. This is definitely one of my favorite films of the year and I can't wait to watch this again. Let me know what you thought of the film or my review in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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queenofcats17 · 2 years
The Ink Demonth 9
Today is Space
“I just need some space, Joey.”
They were standing in Henry’s work area as Henry packed up his workstation, Henry with his back to Joey and Joey standing in the hallway.
“I’m not quitting,” Henry added as he looked back at Joey. “I just...need some time to think. About this job and us.”
Joey’s gaze was firmly on the floor, staring down at the floorboards with his hands in fists at his sides. “I understand,” he said, tone flat.
“Do you really understand or are you just trying to get me to leave?” Henry asked, turning fully to face his friend.
“I understand,” Joey repeated through gritted teeth.
A part of him wanted desperately to plead with Henry, to beg him to stay. He knew that, despite what Henry was saying, this was essentially his resignation letter. And it was that reason that made him hold his tongue, anger overwhelming his fear and sadness.
Henry didn’t deserve his pleas. After everything they’d been through to get this studio off the ground, Henry was just walking away. Just like his parents and Esther, Henry didn’t believe in him either.
So, he remained silent, continuing to stare at the floor and will the tears welling up in his eyes to stay there until Henry was gone.
Henry let out a long exhale, picking up the cardboard box full of his things. “I’ll talk to you later, Joey, alright?” 
Then he walked out.
An hour later, Joey was in his office, sobbing as Abby awkwardly sat across from him.
She’d come in to ask him about maybe hiring some more people to replace Henry while he was gone and had found...this. And now she didn’t know how to leave. Sure, she could have just gotten up and walked out, but it didn’t feel right to just leave Joey like this. Thus, she had remained.
“I just don’t know what I did wrong!” Joey said through sobs.
Abby rested her cheek on her hand as she leaned on Joey’s desk. “Uh-huh.” She tried not to sound too judgemental. As far as she was concerned, though, this was his damn fault.
“What do you think it was, Abby?” Joey suddenly asked, looking up at her.
Abby visibly hesitated, inhaling through her teeth. “Do you want my actual opinion or do you just want a yes man to tell you what you want to hear?”
“I want your honest opinion, of course!” Joey looked rather offended at the suggestion that he’d just want a mindless yes man.
“But do you? Do you really?” Abby persisted. “Because sometimes you say you want someone’s honest opinion and then you get angry because it wasn’t what you wanted to hear.”
“I want to hear what you have to say!” Joey insisted, his tears turning to anger.
“Alright.” Abby shifted so she was sitting up properly in her chair. “Honestly, I’m surprised Henry hasn’t tried to get out of here sooner. You’ve been pretty overbearing.”
“Overbearing?!” Joey sputtered.
“Yes, overbearing,” Abby repeated. “You’re a control freak and a perfectionist.”
“I am not!” Joey got to his feet, hands resting on the table as he stared down at Abby. He looked both distraught and betrayed, which had been what Abby had been expecting.
“Yes, you are.” Abby folded her arms. “You’re constantly hovering over everyone and will scrap everything if it’s not absolutely perfect.”
Joey’s face went red and Abby knew she’d hit on something that he couldn’t deny.
“I just want our cartoons to be the best they can be,” he said.
“And I’m sure it has nothing to do with your need to prove everyone who doubted you wrong,” Abby dryly remarked before shifting to a gentler tone of voice. “Look, all I’m saying is that it’s a lot of pressure to be putting on someone. And you don’t listen when people try to give you criticism.” She leaned over the desk to put her hand on Joey’s. “You’re my friend, Joey, and I love you, but you can be really hard to work with.”
Joey was very silent, staring at Abby’s hand on his. 
“...Thank you, Abby,” he finally said. “I...will think about what you told me.”
Abby didn’t think he actually would, but she wanted to believe it. So, she withdrew her hand and left the office, allowing Joey to reflect.
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endofradio · 5 days
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WARNINGS: a bit of gore, sylvie gets her ass beat by frank, also this deserves a warning just for being an emotional rollercoaster of a oneshot, also some blood vomiting’s gonna be happening here
NOTES: i’ve been on a bit of a writing spree. anyways, i’ve written multiple drafts of the future vampire frank scene for my fragments of fear fic, but i think this one might just be the main one. look, i am VERY indecisive. i am not responsible for any emotional damage this brings.
ALSO!!! sylvie will be referred to by “ava” in this oneshot. that was the alias given to her by lambert (i’ll have to mention that in her character bio that i posted on here i think i forgot to do that LMAO).
to make the reading experience a little more immersive or whatever, i occasionally included some gifs that visually represent the vibes of this oneshot i guess. i might start doing that when i post oneshots n stuff on here 😁
SUMMARY: the only surviving rat pack members, frank, sylvie, and joey stumble upon lambert in their mission to take down abigail. unfortunately, frank gives in to his lust for power and allows for lambert, who is now a vampire, to turn him. everything goes downhill from there.
WORD COUNT: 4,614 (jesus christ idk what’s possessing me)
TAGS: @shawsfinalgirl @blackwolfstabs @reclaimedbythesea @creelmalfoylaufeyson69 @atcarpenter
likes, reblogs, and comments all appreciated!
“What the fuck…?” Frank narrowed his eyes as he carefully took a step forward. He, Sylvie, and Joey had reached the storage room, only to find a man standing there with his back turned. Frank and Joey both recognized the man instantly — it had to be Lambert.
“Okay, what the fuck is happening, motherfucker?” Frank hissed, tightly gripping the wooden stake that was in his hand. The man turned around, and that was when Frank and Joey’s suspicions were confirmed. It was, in fact, Lambert. Even worse, Lambert was clearly now a vampire, too. His eyes were a piercing blue, and instead of teeth… he had fangs.
“Woah, what the fuck!” Frank exclaimed, quickly backing away. “What the fuck— he’s one of them!”
Joey pointed her gun at Lambert. “You set us up, didn’t you?” She asked, her dark eyes narrowing. “Take one step towards us, and I will shoot you.”
Lambert was unfazed by Joey’s threat, the smirk he momentarily had now fading. “That gun’s not going to do anything, I’m afraid. You can try, though, if you’re really that stupid.”
“Gladly.” Joey hissed. She fired her gun at Lambert, a bullet flying towards his forehead. To her dismay, he didn’t react. He wiped the blood from the “wound” to reveal that it had already healed.
“See?” Lambert smirked. “I told you that nothing would happen.”
“What the… hell…?” Joey attempted to shoot at Lambert a second time, but once again… nothing happened. Realizing he was at an advantage, Lambert took a step towards Joey, reaching to grab her by the neck and pinning her against the nearest wall. She looked at Frank with an expression that read, “do something!”
Noticing Joey’s worried expression, Sylvie looked up at Frank. “The stake,” she harshly whispered, “use it!”
However, Frank didn’t do anything. In fact, he ignored Sylvie, his gaze fixated on Lambert. Lambert took notice of the stake that was in his hand, his smirk growing. “I’ll make an offer.”
Frank raised an eyebrow, continuing to keep a firm grip on the stake. “The fuck do you mean?” He bitterly asked. “What kind of fuckin’ offer?”
“I know you well, Frank. You’d just love to kill that girl, wouldn’t you?”
Frank scoffed. “No fuckin’ shit!” He hissed.
“Trust me, I want her dead just as much as you do.”
Frank took a step closer towards Lambert. “The fuck are you tryin’ to say?”
“Don’t… listen to him…” Joey choked, trying to pull Lambert’s hand away from her neck. “Just… use the stake…” Frank only continued to keep his gaze locked on Lambert. As angry as he was at Lambert’s act of treason, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of curiosity at this “offer” he was willing to propose.
“We could kill her together, Frank.” Lambert continued, his smirk growing. “You and I both know you’ve always had a… particular thirst for power.”
Frank’s grip on the stake loosened ever so slightly. Lambert was correct — hell, his lust for power was exactly what turned him on to the world of criminals in the first place.
“You could join us, Frank. You could be powerful. You could have the entire world in your hands. You could be… immortal. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
Goddamnit, Lambert had a point. His offer was tempting, and Frank was finding it difficult to resist it. Immortality, power… he would love to feel like a god. He used to feel weak. He was considered the family disappointment, always wanting a chance to prove himself to them.
However, he had promised Sylvie that nothing would happen to either of them. A pang of guilt came to the surface for a moment… but Frank quickly tried to push it down, replacing his guilt with coldness and apathy. This was his life, not hers. He could do whatever the hell he wanted.
“Don’t do it.” Sylvie whispered. Frank could hear the hurt in her voice, and it brought back the guilt for just a moment. Just ignore her. Don’t let her get in your way.
Frank allowed the stake to drop to the floor, a small smirk tugging at his lips. “Fuck it. Bite me.”
Sylvie froze. He promised, he fucking promised that nothing would happen. How could I be so fucking stupid?
She had placed her trust in Frank, only for it to be broken. She wanted to be angry, but she couldn’t bring herself to be. I should’ve known. I should’ve fucking known.
Once Lambert released Joey from his grip, Sylvie ran towards her, helping her to her feet. “Are you okay?” She gently asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. Joey slowly nodded.
“Yeah, don’t worry about me.”
“What are we supposed to…?” Sylvie’s voice trailed off, and she looked up to see Lambert slowly approaching Frank. She swallowed nervously. “We… we have to get out of here.”
“We can’t.” Joey sighed. “All the doors are locked.”
“Fuck.” Sylvie muttered. “I forgot about that.”
Sylvie’s head snapped back up again when she heard painful screaming, and her eyes widened as she saw Lambert sinking his teeth into Frank’s flesh, pinning him against the wall. Panic was beginning to set in for Sylvie. She looked back down at Joey, who was still laying on the floor. “What the fuck are we supposed to do?”
Joey nodded towards the stake that was still on the floor. “We’re going to have to kill them.” She answered. “Grab the stake, Ava.”
Sylvie nervously glanced at the stake, then at Lambert and Frank. She slowly walked over to the stake, shakily picking it up before making her way towards Lambert, pointing the stake right at him. His back was turned to her, surely he wouldn’t notice… right?
Well, she was wrong.
Lambert released his fangs from Frank’s neck, watching with a satisfied grin as he slowly slid down against the wall. “Good, good…” He murmured. Frank’s skin was pale and clammy now, his eyes appearing almost vacant. He was right about to sink his fangs into his wrist to feed Frank his blood, when he suddenly realized that Sylvie was right behind him. Quickly, he turned around, grabbing her and throwing her against the wall with ease as though she was just a toy.
Sylvie tried to scramble to her feet, her ears buzzing as she felt her head throbbing with pain. “Fuck…” She muttered, reaching for the stake yet again. Lambert noticed her attempt, kicking the stake away from her before turning his attention back to Frank. All Sylvie could do right now was watch in horror as Lambert bit into his wrist, hovering it above Frank as the blood dripped down into his mouth like water dripping from a faucet.
Stop feeling upset, Sylvie. You didn’t lose him. He betrayed you and that’s his own fault.
Even when Sylvie tried to make herself feel mad at Frank… she couldn’t summon any anger. She used to hate him — where had all that animosity gone?
Jesus, she couldn’t believe what she was witnessing. She wished this was all just a nightmare. “This… this isn’t real… right?” She asked, turning to look at Joey.
“Trust me, I wish it wasn’t.” She answered.
Sylvie glanced at Frank again, noticing how he was just sitting there against the wall with almost a blissful look on his face, blood dripping down his mouth. The sight was horrific.
Then, that almost peaceful expression turned into one of horror. He started to jolt and twitch, blood forcing its way out of his closed mouth, trickling down his neck and onto his tank top.
“What the fuck is happening to him?” Sylvie asked, slowly stumbling to her feet.
“I think it’s part of the transformation.” Joey answered, grimacing.
Lambert took a few steps back, and within moments, a violent torrent of blood started to spew from Frank’s mouth, spraying onto the floor. The whole time, his eyes were widened in shock as the dark crimson fluid continued to spray all over the floor. He staggered to his feet, and no matter how hard he tried to force the blood down, it just kept coming up. Sylvie forced herself not to look; the sight was too horrifying for her to handle.
The violent episode lasted for a few more seconds before Frank collapsed onto the floor, breathing heavily. “Fuck…” He muttered. He started to weakly groan, before slowly stumbling to his feet. He noticed the stake on the floor, and a sly grin curled at his lips. He picked it up, and when Lambert wasn’t looking, he swiftly drove it right through his chest. In response, Lambert let out an alarmed wheeze.
Knowing what was going to happen next, Sylvie and Joey both curled up onto the floor, shielding themselves from the bloody explosion of viscera that followed. Once it was over, Sylvie quickly grabbed Joey’s arm. “We have to run, Joey.” She hissed. “Now.”
Before Joey could protest, Sylvie forcefully pulled her to her feet, attempting to make a run for it. They were stopped within seconds.
“Where do you two think you’re goin’?”
Frank was standing right in front of the pair, and he looked like a fucking demon, all covered in blood. Beneath his glasses, his eyes were a vibrant shade of blue. When he smiled, he revealed a sharp set of fangs. Sylvie just wanted to cry. Why was this happening?
Frank’s piercing gaze landed on Sylvie, and he feigned a look of disappointment. “Aw, are you tryin’ to run away from me, now?” He asked, his tone dripping with false offense. Adrenaline was rushing through Frank’s veins right now. He didn’t care about anything, at least in the current moment. In his current state, Sylvie was no longer the woman he had secretly been trying to fight his feelings for. He just saw her and Joey as prey.
Sylvie took a couple steps backward, her heart pounding. “You fucking… liar…” She sneered. As angry as she tried to sound, there was an underlying sense of vulnerability.
Frank persisted with his little façade of disappointment and offense. “Y’know, that hurts, you callin’ me a liar…”
“You… you promised…” Sylvie’s voice was beginning to break, her eyes welling up with tears. Once again, she had been betrayed. Somebody always seemed to end up hurting her in one way or another, and here it was happening… again.
“Promised what?” Frank scoffed. “I never promise shit to anybody.”
“You said that nothing would happen. You fucking told me that.”
Frank let out a sarcastic laugh. “Oh, did I? Well, you can forget about that.”
He took a step towards Sylvie, towering above her. She took another step back, her eyes slowly widening in fear. “Get the… fuck away from me…”
Frank could smell her fear, and for some reason… he loved it. “Look at you, all scared…” He murmured. Meanwhile, Joey was retrieving the stake, slowly advancing towards Frank. “It’s kinda cute, actually…”
“Get the fuck away from her!” Joey yelled. She was about to attack Frank with the stake, when he suddenly managed to take it from her. He grabbed her with one hand, using the other to drive the stake through Joey’s shoulder. She let out a scream of pain as she felt the stake going through her.
The sight caused Sylvie to finally feel a rush of anger. Right when she saw Frank release Joey, causing her to plummet to the ground, she was suddenly ready to kick his ass… or at least try.
“You fucking asshole…” She growled, angrily taking a step towards Frank. She was about to take a swing at him, but he managed to dodge her. He picked her up and easily flipped her over him. With all the force he used, she landed a few feet away from him face-first onto the floor with a painful thud. In all honesty, it was a surprise that Frank hadn’t broken her spine.
Sylvie weakly lifted her head up from the floor, noticing how wet her nostrils felt. She reached to wipe them, only to see blood on her hand. She let out a painful cough as she looked up to see Frank standing in front of her, his gaze cold. Slowly, Sylvie staggered to her feet, blood dripping from her nose. She could taste the metallic flavor, and it was making her stomach turn.
“Don’t fuck with me.” Frank sneered. “Y’know, you should probably run, unless you’d rather prefer to continue tryin’ to be a dumbass.”
Sylvie couldn’t believe it. Frank had just completely… snapped. He was an entirely different person, and it terrified her.
However, Sylvie still felt some spark of determination. Maybe she was being stupid, but at this point… she was just angry. She let out a frustrated scream and started to take out her rage on Frank, punching him in the chest over and over again. Surprisingly, he allowed her to do it, casually standing there.
“Doesn’t it feel good,” he nonchalantly asked, “taking out your rage?”
Sylvie continued to punch Frank in the chest until all she could do was cry. “You bastard…” She whimpered. “You fucking bastard…”
Frank rolled his eyes. “Boo-fuckin’-hoo.” He grabbed Sylvie by the neck, holding her up above him as a demented grin formed on his face. Joey, meanwhile, was struggling to pull the stake out of her shoulder as she sat down.
“You’re pathetic.” Frank chuckled as he looked up at Sylvie, taking note of her bloody nose and bruised-up face. “I’m a hell of a lot more powerful than you, yet you’re still determined to kick my ass. It’s both admirable and idiotic.”
Sylvie squirmed and writhed in Frank’s grip, feeling the air being choked out of her. “Let me go…” She gasped, grabbing onto Frank’s hand. “Let me go…”
Instead of just simply dropping her as he had done with Joey, Frank threw Sylvie against the wall, watching coldly as she collided with it and fell to the ground, wheezing in pain.
“Ava, you need to run.” Joey ordered, letting out a sharp hiss of pain as she finally pulled the stake out of her shoulder. “It’s okay. I can handle him.”
Frank turned around to look down at Joey, before looking back at Sylvie. “I would say she’s right, but… y’know what? It would be less fun that way.”
Sylvie coughed painfully as she tried to get to her feet. She was beginning to feel increasingly hopeless, realizing she was at a severe disadvantage right now. She didn’t stand a chance against Frank.
“Less fun?” She repeated. “The fuck are you… talking about?”
When Sylvie looked at Frank, he looked like an entirely different person. It wasn’t him, yet it was. In a way, it was like he was possessed.
“You only continue to entertain me, Ava.”
Frank then sensed Joey slowly creeping up behind him again, and that was when Sylvie made a desperate run for it. She hurried out of the storage room, trying not to stumble over as she ran. Once she reached the main floor of the mansion, she realized she had to think fast. All the exit doors were locked, so she had no chance of escaping through them.
Sylvie’s eyes landed on one of the windows that were near the front door. Perfect. Looking behind her for a moment to make sure that the coast was clear, she approached the door, deciding she’d try to open it.
It didn’t work.
“What the…?” Sylvie continued to try and open up the window, but to no avail. She was starting to panic again. Looks like I’m just going to have to break the window.
Frantically, Sylvie rushed to the dining room, pulling out one of the chairs away from the table. Slowly, she lifted it and began to make her way towards the window. Taking a deep, shaky breath, Sylvie tossed the chair at the window, watching as the glass loudly shattered everywhere.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Sylvie tried to climb out of the window as fast as she could, making sure not to cut herself on the shards of glass. Once she was out of the mansion, she began her escape into the nearby forest, occasionally looking behind her until she could only see trees.
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The more Sylvie ran, the more she could feel her strength depleting. She was gasping for breath, and all it took was a stray tree branch sticking up from the forest floor for her to finally collapse. Her shoe landed on it, and she tumbled over, screaming in pain as she felt the branch go through her ankle. “FUCK!”
Sylvie grabbed the branch and struggled with it, trying her hardest to pull it out of her, watching as blood seeped from the deep wound and onto the grass. Once she finally managed to free herself, she let out another shriek of pain. The wound was only bleeding even more now. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…” She whispered, panicking. Jesus, she had never felt so afraid in her life.
How am I supposed to get help? I don’t know where the hell I am.
Sylvie was feeling significantly weaker, almost as though she was slowly beginning to teeter on the edge of consciousness. She was in so much pain. Her chest hurt, her body hurt… and her goddamn ankle was killing her now. She tried to stand up to continue moving, only to stumble forward and fall again. Her heart was pounding in her chest. This is it, isn’t it?
Now she knew what it felt like to be hunted down like a helpless animal. She felt like there was nothing she could do now except surrender, considering she was already much too weak to continue running. The forest was eerily quiet, and the only sound she could hear was her labored breathing.
As Sylvie weakly laid there, she began to replay various moments from her life, some of them involving Frank. If she could go back and change things, she would… but there was nothing she could do. She was going to die alone, wasn’t she? That was her very worst fear. She was going to die alone with the knowledge that she had lived a life of regret, and there was no going back.
Sylvie continued to lay there, closing her eyes as she hoped that some animal would find her and feast on her, put her out of her misery. She couldn’t believe it, but honestly she was wishing that Frank would just fucking kill her already.
Then, she heard faint footsteps, branches cracking with each step. Sylvie didn’t even bother to look up. She had completely given up by this point.
Then, the footsteps paused. When Frank saw Sylvie laying there all motionless, he was… confused. Seeing how frail and beat-up she looked… it made him feel that damn pang of guilt again. She looked dead, yet she wasn’t. His eyes wandered to her ankle, taking notice of the fresh wound there. It was flowing with blood, and the sight was making his mouth water ever so slightly.
Trying to shove down the guilt that briefly came over him, Frank slowly made his way towards Sylvie. Once he was right in front of her, he paused to look down at her.
“Tryin’ to play dead, are we?” He asked, his gaze emotionless. “Nice try. Get up.”
At the sound of Frank’s voice, Sylvie felt her heart start to race again. Still, she didn’t move.
“I said… get up!” Frank snarled. He roughly grabbed Sylvie by her arm, trying to pull her to her feet. She only fell down to the ground again.
“Don’t piss me off.”
Sylvie slowly opened her eyes, weakly lifting up her head to see Frank standing in front of her, his expression full of annoyance. “I… I can’t…” She croaked.
Feeling a rush of impatience and irritation, Frank grabbed Sylvie again. In an act of impulse, he threw her against the nearest tree, silently cursing himself for acting in such a manner. He watched as Sylvie simply just slid down, not even attempting to defend herself. For some reason, that bothered him even more.
“Why the fuck aren’t you tryin’ to fight?” Frank snarled, walking towards her. “C’mon, I know you’re capable of it. You tried to take a swing at me not that long ago…”
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Sylvie tried to force herself to stand up again, before letting out a painful gasp and collapsing to the ground again. She let out a cough, droplets of blood spraying onto the grass underneath her. Frank simply stood there and watched her struggle, his mind switching between feeling genuine pity, and then cold, emotionless apathy.
“Kill me…” Sylvie weakly whispered. “Please… just… do it…”
Sylvie was completely surrendering to him, and the sight was… mildly alarming. To see her broken down and reduced to such a weak and vulnerable state… it was actually making Frank feel… well, he didn’t know what he was feeling, but it was almost similar to… concern. He was trying to suppress that feeling as much as he could, and it was getting increasingly difficult. All he could do right now was continue to snap at her. He was at war with his own confused mind.
“I fucking trusted you, Frank.” Sylvie whimpered.
Frank let out a scoff, rolling his eyes. “Trusted me? How could you be so fuckin’ stupid? Look at where that got you. It’s pathetic.”
“You’re… you’re right…” Sylvie swallowed.
“You should’ve known from the start, Sylvie. I’m the very last person you should trust.”
Sylvie could see her vision was starting to turn cloudy, and she blinked her eyes, only to see that everything was getting cloudier and cloudier. Time seemed to be slowing down, too. The words that Frank spoke were starting to sound like barely-intelligible gibberish.
“Why won’t you… kill me?” She weakly spluttered, wiping some blood from her mouth.
“Maybe because the sight of you all weak and in pain is more fun.” Of course, Frank was bullshitting. He didn’t know why he was refusing to put Sylvie out of her misery. Maybe lying to himself would help.
“Fuck you…” Sylvie murmured. “You piece of shit…” She could barely keep her eyes open right now. She was fighting to stay awake.
You piece of shit. Those words… stung. He didn’t know why. Why was he genuinely hurt by Sylvie insulting him this time? She had done it numerous times, and he found it amusing. Now… he was hurt. Maybe it was the fact he had truly fucked up.
Then, Sylvie’s eyes slowly closed, and her head lolled to one side. As Frank took another step closer to her, he could see how weak and exhausted she was, how hurt she was.
“Hey. Wake up.” There was a combination of irritation and a sense of urgency in his voice. Frank could tell Sylvie wasn’t just “playing dead” this time — something was genuinely wrong.
“What the fuck? Wake the fuck up!” Frank grabbed Sylvie by the shoulders, giving her a rough shake. Nothing happened. “You fuckin’… goddamnit!” He let out a frustrated yell, pacing around like a caged tiger. He looked at Sylvie again, noticing how she continued to remain motionless.
Frank wasn’t thinking clearly anymore. Somehow thinking it would wake her up, he grabbed Sylvie and slammed her against the tree again. “Why won’t you wake up?” He hissed, grabbing her again. He actually felt somewhat of a flicker of hope when her eyes weakly fluttered open, looking at him with a vacant stare.
“Stay awake, goddamnit.”
Sylvie let out another painful cough, blankly looking into Frank’s icy blue eyes. “It… hurts…”
Hearing how weak and frail Sylvie sounded when she spoke… Frank hated it. He was suddenly missing her insults, her snark… this wasn’t like her at all.
As the smell of the blood from Sylvie’s wounded ankle was getting stronger, Frank was finding it even more difficult to control his bloodthirst. His fangs were aching with the urge to just bite her already.
That was when he realized something.
Sylvie was clearly struggling to hang on, and Frank realized that if she were to die… he actually wouldn’t be able to handle it. He didn’t want her to die. He couldn’t leave her here. Why was this bothering him so much? He wasn’t supposed to give a shit about her. He used to see her as simply just a source of entertainment, nothing else.
Then, Frank remembered — he had been developing feelings for Sylvie, and feelings that certainly weren’t platonic.
If he turned her into a vampire, she wouldn’t be able to die. Nothing would be able to happen to her. She’d be just like him. He could see her fighting the urge to pass out every couple of seconds, and that was when he knew he had to fucking do something. In that moment, Frank had his mind made up. He had to keep Sylvie alive. For him.
That was when Frank leaned down, tilting Sylvie’s head back just a little to expose her neck. Then, he sank his fangs into her flesh. Maybe Sylvie did have some fight left in her, because she almost instantly started to squirm and struggle. To prevent her from escaping, Frank held onto her for dear life. Once he felt the metallic taste of her blood overwhelming his mouth, it was an experience similar to a drug high. He couldn’t get enough of it.
Sylvie tried to scream and fight, but the only sounds that came out of her were weak gasps. She dug her nails in Frank’s back, trying her hardest to pull him off of her, but there was no use. “Stop… please…”
Frank knew he was probably starting to drain a little too much blood, but he just couldn’t stop. The flavor was intoxicating. He was hooked. He kept draining Sylvie until the taste of her blood was ingrained into his mind.
Sylvie continued to gasp and wheeze, still trying to get Frank to stop, but she was getting even weaker. The more blood he consumed, the more lightheaded she began to feel. Once she started to go limp, that was when Frank snapped back to reality. He pulled away from Sylvie’s neck, her blood streaming down from his mouth. His eyes widened when he saw how deep the bite wound was, and how ghastly her skin looked. She was still alive and conscious, but only desperately hanging on.
“Fuck.” Frank hissed, looking down to see what he had done. He was starting to fucking panic — his plan had backfired, hadn’t it?
He could slowly feel his vampire form starting to go dormant, his fangs shifting back into teeth as reality began to sink in more and more.
He had to fucking help her.
Taking a shaky breath, Frank easily scooped up Sylvie into his arms, and made a run for it. As he dashed through the forest, he realized he had to get her the hell out of here as soon as possible. Never in his life did he think he’d end up doing something like this, but he couldn’t just leave her here in this bleak forest to die.
Maybe he was falling for her, and the realization was scaring him. No. I’m just gonna take her back to my apartment, nurse her back to health, and then let her go home when she’s better. That’s all.
That was all… right?
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tangerinesgirl · 1 month
Hi! Can i request vampire Frank smut where he and the reader had been flirting the entire night, and at the end he is a vampire and has killed all the others(including lambert and abigail) and the reader is the only human left, hut since Frank took a liking to her ,he ends up asking him to stay with him and they end up fucking to "satisfy the flirting" plssssss (ur an awesome writer btwww)
Fuck Around, Find Out
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Reader x Frank (Abigail)
Word count: 1.3k
Rating: 18+, nsfw, explicit
Warnings: flirting, smut, choking, violence, language, technically p in v but no explicit reader body parts mentioned, Frank being feral, rough sex, some hints of enemies to lovers
Notes: tysm for the kind words! 💕 Sammy uses they/them pronouns for reader once, but otherwise reader has no specific gender, so everyone can enjoy this fic! Some use of Y/N.
You freak out. Everyone freaks out. You've all just put a death sentence on each others heads by kidnapping a freaking vampire. Did Lambert know? How could he do this to us? Lots of thought are going through your head. You snap out of it and see Frank choking and threatening Peter. The whole operation has gone to shit.
Frank drops Peter as he admits defeat. Frank has clearly lost the plot too, you decide you have to be the calm voice in the commotion and maintain composure.
"If you put your hand around my neck, you'll lose it", you snap at Frank, letting him know his actions were completely out of order.
"Oh yeah?", he swaggers over to you, putting the back of his palm on your cheek, stroking it. "And...what about putting my hand around a different body part?"
A click. Frank looks down, your gun pointing directly at his crotch. "I don't know. Try it. Fuck around. Find out."
Frank is clearly impressed, he tries to hide it but you can see the glint in his eyes. You squint as you smile at him sarcastically. He backs away, with his arms held up in surrender. You holster your gun in the dip at the back of your jeans. Frank swipes a hand through his hair, either in exasperation or to try and maintain a calm appearance somehow. As he does so he gives you a subtle wink, and gives each member of the crew a plan to take down the ballerina vampire.
Frank, Sammy and Peter essentially tumble down the stairs after their encounter with Abigail. You and Joey look at each other as if to say "we told them so", and start working on the casualties.
You walk over to Frank, "You know this is the second time I've saved your life tonight".
"I wouldn't count a pencil to the hand as a fucking life saving event."
"Hey lead poisoning can be very fatal."
"You know there's not actually any lead in-"
You pull the stake out of his leg in one swift motion, Frank cursing every deity under the sun. You quickly bandage his leg up to use as a tourniquet, it's not great but it'll do for now, at least it's stopped the bleeding. Frank looks at you with gratitude, but is too self-righteous to say anything. You look at him and can't help feeling more attracted to Frank seeing him disheveled like this. You quickly snap out of it and start tending to Peter's wounds.
As you're working, you can't help but see Frank in the reflection of a bookcase looking directly at your ass. You smile to yourself and turn around, "Hey we're supposed to keep grab ass to a minimum, remember?" Frank smiles and looks you up and down, clearly thinking unholy thoughts. Your body shivers as he does, goosebumps appearing on your skin.
Sammy chirps in, "Yeah, they're right. You were fully checking them out, you weren't even subtle dude."
Frank barks at Sammy, "I think the rules have gone out the fucking window now. And maybe you should mind your own fucking business and flirt with Peter some more."
"Sammy is flirting with me?" Peter is dumbfounded, but low-key delighted.
Frank rolls his eyes. You swear if he rolls them anymore tonight, they may as well turn into marbles.
You back away from Frank, slipping on Lambert and Abigail's blood, the warmth seeping through your jeans, you try to find purchase with your feet to try and stand up. Frank is clearly relishing in his new found life, this is what he's always wanted afterall. Pure unadulterated power. He feels his new fangs with his teeth, moaning, you feel awkward yet somehow aroused watching him, maybe you should leave and give him a moment. He snaps out of his daydream as you start to stand up. Frank tilts his head, curious, looking at you like a wild animal and smirks. "Like what you see?"
You don't say anything. "Come on Y/N, we had such a good thing going earlier. I can tell what an impression we made on each other...what I made on you."
He grabs your shirt and pulls you closer to him, he takes a deep sniff of you. "I can fucking smell it on you." You recoil as you can smell Frank's blood on his breath, but it's also somehow...hypnotising. Primal. "I mean you've clearly got me going, I've got you going, we have chemistry... We just need to get it out of our system. Don't you agree?"
You think over the events of the night, you can't help but feel somehow more attracted to him? Even if it is totally wrong, after seeing him stab a guy quite literally in the back. But seeing Frank just being given eternal life and the power he's always hungered for... and he's choosing you?
You nod slightly.
"I'm going to need you to use your words."
"Yes sir."
Frank wastes no more time and crashes his lips into you like a man starved. You try to grip on to his face or his hair, but you can't find purchase as the blood makes your hands slip. The metallic taste invades your taste buds as Frank kisses deeper, pushing you against the wall. Frank's hands roam your body, his hands slide down the back of your jeans, grabbing your ass as you grind into him.
You unbutton and remove your jeans and underwear and start to undo Frank's zipper and pull down his pants. You can't help but widen your eyes at the size of him, and he notices, this will only fuel his cockiness even more. His lips smash back into you, he can barely keep himself off you as he moans into the kiss. Frank briefly snaps out of it as he feels your hand on his member, positioning him at your entrance. Frank lifts up your legs to wrap around his waist, and pushes himself into you.
The air escapes your lungs as he thrusts inside you in one push, your back slamming against the wall. The size of him hurts at first, but he fills you up oh so good. Of course Frank is bigger than average, he clearly knows, it's all in his attitude. Frank thrusts into you, moaning every time he does. He puts his hand on the wall behind you to try and push into you deeper, but the wall swallows his hand up, leaving a huge hole in the brickwork. Frank still needs to know the limits of his new vampire strength.
Frank gets agitated and aggressively picks you up, him still inside you. He swipes his arm to remove all the items off a nearby desk and lays you on top of it. He grabs your legs to forcefully move you to the edge of the table as he continues to fuck into you. You can feel the table buckling underneath you. You try to tell Frank when-
The desk collapses on the floor, you still on top of it. Luckily Frank's hands were still underneath you, cushioning most of your fall. Frank doesn't care in the slightest, the only thing that matters in the world right now is fucking you. He continues to pound into you. You swear he growls in your ear at one point. You can feel yourself starting to clench around him as you reach your peak. Frank notices and puts a hand around your neck, squeezing slightly. This is exactly what you needed to send yourself over the edge, you cum around him, hard. Your legs wrapping around his waist, your walls squeezing him tight.
Frank lets out a gutteral moan as he arches his back as he cums inside you. The warm liquid starting to seep out of you. He feels amazing, all of his senses heightened. He comes down from his high and takes himself out of you. He dips two fingers into the pool forming underneath you. He runs his fingers along his fangs and licks them clean. He mumbles an "oh yeah" under his breath. Frank looks at you, spread out on the floor, the room a complete mess. It really is a sight to behold. He bites his lip, "I think I might just keep you".
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