#abigail frank fanfiction
stardancerluv · 4 months
When the Predator Becomes the Prey
Part 4
Summary: Remembering the beginning.
Notes/Warnings: Language, Implied sex, implied illegal behavior. (Be safe) Shifted the pov to reader…wanted to give a different view of him & her. A little longer of a chapter! Thank you for reading. Enjoy!
❤️s, feedback, comments & reblogs are appreciated.
Your heart was still racing from riding Nicky at the dinner table. Still breathless gripping the white porcelain edge of the pedestal sink you eyed your reflection. Your hair was in complete disarray, your cheeks were flushed and you were certain, he had left bruises on your hips from where he held you in place. He had channeled in his anger into his passion that you brought out of him just as you had channeled your angst over the entire situation.
“Doll, the take-out is getting cold.” Nicky’s voice came through the door. “Don’t stay in there all night.”
You pressed your lips together and grimaced. “I’ll be right out.” You called back.
You had not meant to make him so angry but now, now you felt much better. Worry had been prickling at you. Stepping back, you eyed the gentle swell. Becoming a mother had not ever been on your personal to-do list. But the attraction between you had been stronger then anything you had ever felt. Your body and had eagerly taken his seed as you had responded to that easy smirk, touch or kisses.
You had always thought he was bad news. He still was but was on the other side of life. There was a razor’s edge to him that you were certain, would lead to your death. It still could. Damn, maybe it was pregnancy brain or the chemistry you had between the two of you, but you’d happily die on that razor edge for him.
You splashed some cool water on your face and turning you headed back out. He had placed your fork back beside your plate.
His fingers wrapped around your wrist as you walked by. His thumb easily caressing you.
“Are you better?”
His were warm, the anger was gone but the determination he had in most situations was there in the sky blue.
You nodded.
“Let me hear you say it.”
“I am better Nicky. I am sorry I doubted you, I mean us.” You quickly spoke over the you.
“Good. Now don’t fucking let those insecurities win again.”
“I won’t.”
You snapped awake. Glancing, around you spotted, What to Expect When Expecting was open and sitting on the coffee table and a blanket was draped over you.
“Nick? Nicky?”
Looking around you spotted light pouring from under the door of his room. He took care of things in there, he prepared and he finished things there as well. You never went in there.
Pulling the blanket aside, you went over. You knocked softly. “Nicky?”
You heard some shuffling on the other side, you backed up.
“Hey there sleepy head.” He gave you a half smile.
You smiled, feeling as he looked you up and down. “Are you ok?”
“Yup.” You nodded. “Just woke up.”
“I’m almost done in here.”
“Ok! You said brightly. “I was thinking of taking a bath.”
His eyes lit up. “Want me to join you?”
You were warmed by the thought. “Could be nice.”
“Alright, why don’t you get it started and I will he there shortly.”
You sat on the rim of the tub watching the water begin to rise. Taking a the cork out of glass bottle, with a smile you happily sniffed at the rose-hip oil before pouring some into the water.
Carefully you pulled your now wrinkled dress off and with your panties; you tossed them into the hamper. Opening your vanity, grabbing a hair tie and put your hair up.
Holding onto the rim and your tummy with careful moves; sighing you immersed yourself into the water. Relief filled you. This felt so good.
You were glad, Nicky was in a better mood. You had not meant to upset him. You remembered when you had first saw him.
You eyed your reflection in the backroom and twirled.
“Hi girlie, look at you.” Stacy snapped her gum and came up behind her. She smiled at your reflection. “You look hot.”
You nudged her away. “I am not.”
“You are the boys out there will love you.”
You rose an eyebrow. “All the better for tips.”
“We’ll see.”
“Go get em, girl.”
You forced a smile and went over to the double doors. Taking a quick breath you went out there.
The clinking of glasses, the hum of conversation broken up by some shrill laughs filled the air.
You saw some prospects but you hesitated, continuing to move among the tables. Before you realized it, you had walked towards the back. That’s when you saw him.
A lone man, you caught sight of him before he saw you.
“Hello there handsome, is there anything I can get you?”
With a breath, you managed your best smile. Though, your nervousness made your heart skip a few beats.
Then he looked up from his phone. Your heart picked up speed, he was so handsome. The most attractive man you ever laid your eyes on.
Hair fantastically slicked back, a glint of chain laid on under his button down shirt and their was a twinkle in his dark eyes.
He slipped his phone away, his lips curled into a smirk. “Give me a twirl baby?”
Annoyance prickled you. Your smile tightened on your face. “I’m not for sale.”
“Am I trying to buy you? No. Now give me a twirl.” His voice was sharp.
You rolled your eyes. “Fine.” Pressing your lips together, you twirled.
“Very nice.”
He leaned toward you, his lips curled into a smirk.
“Look, I got some important guys coming in. Wanna be the girl for our table tonight, and I’ll treat you right?”
You put a hand on your hip. “I’m not sure I can do that.”
You nervously glance around.
“Go tell your boss, Adam is asking for you.” He sat back and smirked.
“Oh alright.” You muttered under your breath and fluttered off.
Your heart was thumping in your chest as you made your way back to Tommy’s office. You took a breath and knocked.
Opening the door, you peaked around it. You smiled despite how your stomach lurched at the sight of him. He always reminded you on a toad perched on a rock waiting to snatch a fly out of the air. Not once he had raised his voice to you, but he still grossed you out.
“Yes, sugar?”
You swallowed, you came more into his office. You blinked at the the swirls of cigar smoke in the small room.
“Some guy named Adam asked if I could be the girl for his table tonight.”
“Adam, huh?” He sat back in his seat, making it creak and groan under him. “Have you met him before?”
You shook your head. “No sir.”
“He’s a pretty big deal, one of our steady clients; Lambert thinks he’s a good man.”
“Ok.” You didn’t know what else to say, you didn’t know exactly what that meant.
“Be your usual sweet self. If he asks for anything unusual tell me.”
Tommy moved forward practically bracing himself against his large desk. “Blow, girls who are not ours.” The rest of his words were garbled in his big lips.
You nodded. Stacy had told you interesting things went down there but the pay was good. This would be your introduction to it, you guessed.
“Now you be a good girl because if he complains about you, I won’t be happy.”
“Yes, sir.”
As you made your way back; you don’t know why but your heart kind of sank when you saw one of the girls practically curled up to his side, making doe eyes and playing with his chain.
He became more erect, practically separating himself from her as you drew closer. He ran his fingers through his slicked back hair.
Why should he even care, you wondered. You guessed people acted differently in these kind of establishments. You’d just roll with it.
“What did he say doll?”
“Excellent. Now go and get me a neat whiskey.”
“Yes, sir.”
One of the corners of his mouth twitched up at your words.
“Room enough in there for me?” His voice broke into your memory.
You gasped and smiled. “Of course.”
You easily scooted towards the brushed nickel bathtub fixtures. Idly you remembered how growing up having a tub like this would have been something from a dream or a catalog.
A smile curled your lips as you felt his hands take a hold of you and you were soon resting against him.
His chin rested on the top of your head.
“What had you so far away?”
Rarely, did he concern himself too much about you and your day dreams. He had enough on his mind, making sure things were taken care or getting done. He also knew you were pretty self sufficient.
“Remembering, when we first met.”
“Oh.” He chuckled. “You were the prettiest piece of ass I had ever seen. I needed someway to get to know you better.”
“Is that so?” You countered. “Jenna, was practically hanging off of you when I got back from speaking with Tommy.”
“Well, I had to ignite your jealousy.”
“Oh? And what made you think that would do it?”
You could see him smirking without even a glance back at him.
“The way you were towards me before I asked you to be the girl for my table.”
“I could have thought you were just like every other asshole that came into that place.”
He chuckled. “But I wasn’t.”
You moved easily in the water. Turning and seeing him like he was then; made your heart skip. Arms on the rim of the tub, silver chain glistening against his chest hair and pearls of water that clung to him after getting into the tub and his ice like blue eyes hooded in his confidence of the memory and himself.
“You certainly weren’t.” You kissed his jaw.
His phone chirped to life as he oiled his hand gun.
Found the pack. Meeting at noon tomorrow. Warehouse on Lexington and Park. He read Lambert’s message.
He put the rag and gun down, and wiped his hands on his slacks.
Good. He typed back.
Getting up, he came out of his room. Not finding you in the living room, he went to check the bedroom. You were deep into your closet.
“Planning on going somewhere?” He leaned against the door frame.
You jumped. He smiled.
“I am trying to find something to wear to the ultrasound.”
“That’s tomorrow?” He took off his glasses and wiped away a smudge he spotted.
“Yes, I told you over breakfast.”
“Oh right. Was distracted waiting for Lambert’s call.” He admitted.
You made a face and turned back to your clothes.
“When is the appointment?”
“Twelve-Thirty.” You continued shifting through the colorful fabrics.
“I’ll try and make it.”
That’s when you turned, and took a step towards him. “We will find out what we’re having.”
He stepped closer. “Are we sure we want to find out?”
He couldn’t read your expression and that annoyed him.
“We agreed that we did.”
“I will try.”
He eyed his wrist watch. Ten of twelve. It was a clear day, the sun was bright and there was not a cloud to be seen. His uber was a block away from his destination.
With a small pile of clothes laid at your feet, you decided finally on a cami and hoodie and some leggings. Satisfied, you zipped up the light hoodie.
The jell for the ultrasound always left you cold. Despite having a good breakfast, you felt ill. Nicky had tried to sweeten you up by ordering in your favorite breakfast. You were upset that he would not be there.
He walked in. He didn’t like being this exposed. The pay off was worth it, he reminded himself.
A laugh bounced off the walls.
“I knew that you’d be the first to arrive.” The voice echoed.
Turning, he saw Lambert walking over to him and he nodded.
Shrugging, he glanced down at his watch. Five of Twelve.
“Mrs. Barrett.” You said to the receptionist looked up at you.
“Oh! You’re early.”
You glanced at the big clock behind the woman. Twelve - Fifteen.
“I was told that’s best.”
“It is. Most don’t.”
You smiled and shrugged.
@the1redrose @blurpleuni-squid
31 notes · View notes
endofradio · 3 months
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WARNINGS: NSFW (but like… it’s 🌽 with feeling. they start smashing towards the end 💀)
NOTES: this is a draft of a scene i’ve got planned for a future fic! i’ll probably be posting more drafts along the way because this is fun tbh. also, this scene takes place in frank’s apartment.
SUMMARY: frustrated by the fact sylvie seems to be questioning his reasons for saving her life, frank decides to tell her — and show her — how he really feels about her.
WORD COUNT: 4,032 (yeah it’s long)
TAGS: @reclaimedbythesea @creelmalfoylaufeyson69 @blackwolfstabs @shawsfinalgirl @atcarpenter
likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated! helps keep me motivated <3
“Why are you being so nice to me?” Sylvie asked the question carefully, a sense of confusion flickering in her gaze. “Why did you choose to save my life? You… you tried to kill me, and now…”
As she looked up at Frank, she could see him look away from her for a moment. When he looked back at her, his already-cold gaze had hardened. “Well, I suppose I had a change of heart, huh?” He shot back, a bitter smile curling at his lips. “Sure, maybe I hurt you, and I am a piece of shit, but… did you really think I was gonna let you just fuckin’ die like that?” He was getting closer to her now, practically staring into her goddamn soul.
Sylvie swallowed nervously, taking a couple steps backward. “You tried. To fucking. Kill me.” She repeated, stopping at every couple of words to let them sink in. “You could’ve just let me die, but you didn’t. Why?”
Why? That question repeated over and over again in Frank’s mind. He could feel the wall he had built around himself slowly crumbling. He couldn’t be vulnerable. Vulnerability was a weakness. Yet, this woman standing in front of him was fucking breaking him. There was a much deeper reason he had chosen to save her besides “having a change of heart,” but of course he wasn’t going to fucking admit that, not yet. Trying to mask his emotional turmoil was only proving to be becoming significantly more difficult for him right now.
So, Frank just shook his head and let out a bitter chuckle. “You really don’t fuckin’ get it, do you?” He snidely asked, taking a step closer towards Sylvie. He let out a bitter scoff. “God, you really are a stubborn little brat, aren’t you?” Yeah, he was being an asshole right now, but it was just a front. He was desperately trying to hold back from just fucking saying it.
“What is there to get?” Sylvie questioned, narrowing her eyes at Frank. As for her, she was experiencing her own tumultuous whirlwind of emotions and thoughts.
“What is there to— oh, Jesus. If only you fuckin’ knew what goes on inside my goddamn head.” Frank knew he wouldn’t be able to hold back for much longer. Jesus Christ, he needed her to understand. When he looked at Sylvie, she seemed only more confused, and it was pissing him off. He continued to walk towards her as she backed away from him, until her back was nearly pressed against the kitchen counter. He could tell she was getting nervous. Afraid, even. The idea was almost physically painful to Frank.
“You have no clue, no fuckin’ clue what you put me through.” Frank hissed, his eyes narrowing. “Wouldn’t you just love to know?”
“Yeah, I would like to know.” Sylvie answered, her voice dropping to a near-whisper. Frank picked up on the way her breathing was quickening, how her heart rate was accelerating ever so slightly… why was she so afraid? Yeah, perhaps he knew he was scaring her, but he couldn’t help it. He was a jackass. She was occasionally avoiding eye contact with him, her eyes darting in different directions. Frank couldn’t handle it.
Maybe a little too roughly, he reached to grab Sylvie’s chin, tilting it so she was looking directly at him. “You truly, truly piss me off sometimes, you know that?” He asked, his voice lowering. “You make me confused. One second, I wanna just… I don’t know, snap at you. Taunt you. Get under your skin as I usually do.”
Frank paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in. Then, he continued.
“But then, I…” His eyes briefly flickered down to Sylvie’s lips. Shit. He looked back into her eyes, suddenly feeling as though he couldn’t speak. “I… wanna kiss you until you can’t. Fuckin’. Breathe. Until all you can think about is me. Until you forget your own goddamn name. Until…” Frank tried to shake the thoughts out of his head, but they were just spilling out of his mouth. Now, all he could think about was kissing her, tasting her. Snap out of it already!
He looked away from her for a moment, tightly shutting his eyes. Even then, the thoughts only persisted, getting stronger with each second. He just wanted to have his hands all over her.
Frank tightened his grip on Sylvie’s chin just a little, and when he looked at her… god, the way she was looking at him, with her soft, brown eyes all wide, and… was that a tear glistening in her left eye? Why did she look beautiful like this? Fucking hell, he was fighting demons.
“How do you feel about me?” He then harshly asked. “Don’t lie, either. I’ll know if you are.”
Sylvie drew in a deep, unsteady breath. How the hell was she supposed to answer that question? It wasn’t an easy one. She didn’t know how to phrase what she was feeling, what she was thinking. She didn’t know what the fuck to say.
“Answer me.” Frank hissed through gritted teeth. Part of him felt guilty for acting like this, but he just couldn’t help it. He was just… frustrated.
“I don’t… I don’t know…” Sylvie weakly whispered. “I mean, I… I feel like you…”
“Like I what?”
“Like you only want to use me.”
Frank rolled his eyes and stepped away from Sylvie, taking a deep breath. He began to pace around the kitchen like a caged animal, running his hands through his hair. He knew he was an asshole, but for some reason he couldn’t handle Sylvie thinking of him as that much of an asshole. He had tried to push down his feelings for her, tried to seem like he didn’t care. Now, Sylvie was truly under the impression that Frank didn’t give a shit about her, and for some reason… he didn’t like that.
“You seriously fuckin’ think that?” He asked, before approaching Sylvie again. He placed both hands on either side of the kitchen counter, trapping her. “I mean, sure. Maybe I am a heartless bastard, but… fuck. You’re so goddamn oblivious.”
“What…?” Sylvie’s eyes were glazing over with tears even more. Fuck. “What are you… trying to say?”
Frank could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his breathing getting faster. He was desperately clinging onto the self-control that he did have.
“You drive me fuckin’ crazy. I hope you realize that.” He whispered, a sardonic half-smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “You make me feel like I’m about to lose my goddamn mind. You’re… you’re like a fuckin’ parasite.”
Sylvie could feel her breath getting caught in her throat. Wait… so did he feel the same way she did? She thought he didn’t, she thought her feelings were completely one-sided. He had drained her of so much blood and could’ve just left her to die, but… he didn’t. All her life, Sylvie had never experienced even just a little bit of compassion that was directed at her. Of course she was in denial. Coming from someone like Frank, it was even more difficult to comprehend.
Frank got even closer to Sylvie, their faces now inches apart from each other. He could feel her warm breath and the fiery tension that was crackling in the air.
“What am I… to you?” Sylvie quietly asked.
That question just about did it for Frank. As irritation built up within him along with a flaming desire, he swiftly reached to grab her face, claiming Sylvie’s lips in a kiss that was full of both frustration and passion. She was caught off-guard by the suddenness of the kiss, her eyes widening for a moment as her breath hitched. Then, she slowly relaxed into it, her eyes gently fluttering shut.
The kiss was slow at first, but as Frank felt his self-control slipping further, it became more intense. He moved a hand away from Sylvie’s face to grab at her waist, suddenly feeling a surge of possessiveness. He felt her reaching to touch his face, and that really sent him over the edge. Frank frantically began to place kisses along Sylvie’s jawline, down her neck… and then he swiftly lifted her up, placing her on top of the kitchen counter. That was when he realized just how small she really was in comparison to him — he was nearly a foot taller than her.
Frank’s lips met Sylvie’s again, and his hands were practically all over her as he urgently deepened the kiss. He could feel her slowly melting into him and letting go, and it was only adding fuel to the fire. The way she wrapped her arms around his neck, combing her fingers through his hair… it was the kind of thing Frank only thought he could dream about. This was different from the first and only other time they had done something like this — there was passion, genuine passion. Frank’s mind started to wander to that particular moment. He could just hear Sylvie quietly whimpering his real name, how good it sounded. He couldn’t get the image out of his head of the way Sylvie had looked underneath him with her cheeks all flushed… and the way she looked when she had been on top of him— alright, Frank. That’s enough. That can all happen again later.
“Why do you let me… do this…?” Frank quietly asked in between kisses. “Y’know I’m not… good for you…”
Sylvie’s heart was beating out of her chest. She just wanted to say those three words that she’d been trying to hold back from saying… but she couldn’t. Part of her was scared to, still afraid that Frank didn’t really feel the same way and only felt lust for her, nothing else. She had lived a miserable life of rejection.
“I… I know…” She whispered, her breath shaking.
“You just can’t… pull away, huh? You’re just… wrapped around my finger… aren’t you?”
“M… mhm…”
Frank smirked a little against Sylvie’s lips. “That’s what I thought… you’ve got me wrapped around yours, too.”
He started roughly kissing her again. He just couldn’t keep his hands or his mouth off of her — she was like a drug to him. He pushed Sylvie’s shirt up just a little, just so he could feel her skin, and the sensation of Frank’s cold hand on her bare waist was sending chills down her spine, and her breath hitched just a bit.
“You remember that… one time we slept together?” Frank murmured, his kisses now trailing down to Sylvie’s neck again, specifically the side where the scarred-over bite wound was — the one he had inflicted. The realization gave him another surge of possessiveness. The scar was a reminder — a reminder of how Sylvie belonged to him.
“I didn’t want that to end.” Frank quietly continued, his hands continuing to gently caress her body. “I was… disappointed… when I woke up and… and you weren’t there.”
“Really…?” Sylvie asked. As she felt Frank kissing her neck, she shivered just a bit. She couldn’t believe how good he was able to make her feel.
“I wanted that moment… to last forever…” Frank continued, murmuring against her neck. Slowly, his hand began to travel up Sylvie’s skirt, his fingers gently grazing her thigh. As he felt a sudden wave of desire come over him, Frank left a gentle bite on her neck. “You felt… so good…” His voice had started to get rougher, huskier.
Frank heard a small gasp from Sylvie, and he quickly moved his head away from her neck to look down at her. Quickly, he kissed her again, his hands roaming back to her waist and grabbing at it desperately.
Before Sylvie could even say anything, Frank lifted her up off of the kitchen counter. Being in his arms like this, so high above ground… it was making Sylvie’s heart race even more, perhaps from a combination of anxiety and also desire. With his newly-obtained abilities, Frank could easily pick up on any emotion Sylvie was feeling. If she was afraid, he could practically smell it — right now, he could. He looked up at her, brushing a dark strand of hair away from her face. On the other hand, he could also sense the desire she was feeling. It was only encouraging him.
“You’re afraid, aren’t you?”
Sylvie slowly nodded. “Afraid of heights, I guess.” She answered quietly. “You’re just… really tall.”
“No one’s ever done this to you before, huh?” Frank asked, a small smirk forming on his face. Sylvie shook her head in response. All of this that she had experienced with Frank — genuine passionate kissing, sex that made her actually feel something… she had never experienced it with anybody before, and to think it was her former worst enemy making her feel all of these things…
“Well, you’re not gonna fall.” Frank quietly spoke, before taking her lips in another deep kiss as he carried her off towards his bedroom.
Once they got to the bedroom, things became progressively more heated. They were on the bed within moments, Sylvie quickly straddling him as they roughly kissed once again. As they did, Sylvie felt Frank shift underneath her as he moved to unbutton his pants, before she heard the sound of him unzipping them. Moving his hands back to her body, Frank began to slowly move them down Sylvie’s slender form, before slipping a hand under her black lace skirt, sliding his hand slowly up her thigh, pausing once he had reached her panties. He let his hand linger there for a moment, before hooking his fingers around the waistband. With a slow, gradual movement, he pulled the material down to her legs. Sylvie finished the job for him, breaking the kiss and freeing herself of the fabric, tossing it on the floor. She adjusted her position, hovering above Frank’s undone pants just a little. She looked down for a moment before her gaze met Frank’s again.
By now, his hands had wandered to her hips, keeping a firm grip on them. He looked into her eyes, his own having darkened with desire. “Don’t keep me waitin’…” He whispered roughly, pulling Sylvie closer against him as he claimed her mouth in what was close to probably being the hundredth kiss of the night so far. He truly was just that desperate for her, especially right now.
Just as Sylvie was about to take things further, there was the sudden sound of thunder outside. Frank broke the kiss for a moment to smirk against her lips, looking up at her.
“Ever fucked to a thunderstorm?” He slyly asked. “It’s quite nice, really — makes it all the more… intense.”
Sylvie chuckled sheepishly. “No, I… I haven’t.”
“Well… would you like to know what it’s… like?”
Sylvie slowly nodded, and that was when Frank pulled her into yet another hungry kiss. She slowly lowered herself a little more, and with a single motion, rocked her hips just a little, gently brushing against Frank but not enough to completely take him in. The sensation was enough to cause her to quietly gasp against his lips.
As Frank’s tongue slipped into her mouth, Sylvie felt him suddenly press his hips upwards into her, and she let out another gasp. He gripped her hips again and slowly began to guide her into a gentle rhythm, thunder continuing to crackle outside.
Then, those three words slipped from Sylvie’s mouth. “I… I love you…” She quietly murmured against Frank’s lips.
The admission hit Frank full-force like a goddamn semi-truck. Part of him wanted to deny it, but the way she said it was so vulnerable.
“Say it… say it again.” Frank pleaded. “So I… know it’s… real.”
“I’m in… love with you… Adam…”
The way she said his name… goddamnit. It was making his stomach do somersaults. How the hell was he supposed to control himself now?
“You’re… you’re serious…” He murmured. Frank honestly hadn’t expected Sylvie to actually be in love with him. In his mind, he hadn’t done anything to deserve it. Hell, he didn’t even think he was capable of being loved by anybody. Choosing to save her was the only act of compassion he had ever displayed towards her, and part of him still wanted to question why he had done it.
“Love” normally meant nothing to Frank, but now that he had heard Sylvie say those words, he just wanted to hear them over and over and over again. He wanted to say he was in love with her too — because he most likely was — but that one emotionless, cold side of him couldn’t bring himself to admit it. The idea of actually loving somebody was terrifying to Frank — he only knew how to discard somebody and move on to the next. He had abandoned his family without a care in the world to dabble in the criminal life. How was he capable of being in love? He wasn’t a nice person. He wasn’t a good person. Yet, for some reason, he was now suddenly obsessed with the idea of Sylvie being in love with him.
“Why…?” Frank quietly asked. “You’re too… good for me.”
Sylvie reached to gently cup Frank’s face with her hands. “I don’t… care…” She whispered in response. “I can’t… stay away from you…”
“You’re the… only person… who’s made me feel this way.”
Frank’s eyes widened at Sylvie’s words. “You’ve never…?” He couldn’t grasp the idea that he might’ve just been the only person Sylvie had ever loved.
Sylvie shook her head. “No…”
“We’re just a couple of fuck-ups, aren’t we?” Frank chuckled sardonically, planting another kiss to Sylvie’s lips. “You used to tell me to go fuck myself, y’know… now you love me?”
“Change of heart, I guess.” Sylvie responded half-mockingly, before wrapping her legs around Frank’s waist, trying to be even more physically close to him.
As the thunder outside intensified, Frank felt a sudden jolt of pleasure hit him, and he leaned back a bit, his head resting against the headboard of the bed, his eyes fluttering shut as his grip on Sylvie’s hips tightened even further. Sylvie took the opportunity to unzip Frank’s jacket, sliding it over his shoulders to reveal the white tank top he wore underneath. Then, she leaned forward and began to place feverish kisses along his neck and jawline, just as he had previously done to her. In response, he breathed a sigh of pleasure, giving Sylvie a sudden rush of confidence.
The sensation of Frank gently matching her rhythm underneath her caused Sylvie to feel a sudden shockwave of pleasure shoot throughout her body, and she threw her head back, gently closing her eyes in ecstasy as she let a quiet moan fall from her lips.
Following a sudden crash of thunder, Frank abruptly snapped his hips upwards, grabbing Sylvie’s hips impossibly tighter and pulling her further down onto him. She let out a yelp at the feeling, trying to keep herself stable by gripping onto the headboard with one hand, her other firmly placed on Frank’s chest. “Oh my god…” She whimpered as Frank guided her into a more urgent rhythm, the bed quietly creaking. “I… oh, Jesus…”
Sylvie’s breathing was slowly turning into panting, and she didn’t know how much longer she could continue at this point. Gasping and whimpering, she was slowly unraveling before Frank’s eyes.
Frank was desperately fighting the urge to just flip them over and show Sylvie just how much she really drove him insane. As he opened his eyes, he looked up at her with a wide-eyed gaze of adoration. The way her lips were parted, her eyes closed. Frank didn’t think he had ever seen something so beautiful, until now. It was an image he never wanted to get out of his head, and the sounds she made — they were heavenly.
That was when Frank decided he couldn’t take it anymore, and he quickly pushed Sylvie down onto the bed, quickly climbing on top of her as though he was a predator trying to capture its prey. Sylvie let out a slight gasp of surprise, and seeing the predatory gaze in Frank’s eyes was making her feel something… was it desire?
Without any hesitation, Frank quickly grabbed Sylvie’s chin, tilting it upwards as he began to hungrily kiss her. With his other hand, he firmly grabbed at her, pulling her as close to him as he could as he started deeply rocking his hips against hers. The whole time, he kept a tight grip on her waist, almost as though she’d disappear from him if he let go. Sylvie was so small, so fragile — Frank realized how easy it would be to just manhandle her.
“I love you…” Sylvie whispered against his lips. Now that she had said it once, she couldn’t stop saying it. “I can’t… I can’t get enough of you...”
Sylvie’s vulnerability was ripping Frank to shreds. She really did mean what she was saying, and he couldn’t believe it. Even though he was a piece of shit and had done nothing to earn anything from her, she still loved him. Honestly, he felt… bad for her. There were probably so many people who would be better for her, yet she chose him.
Frank’s kisses wandered down to Sylvie’s jawline, neck, collarbone… he was kissing her all over. Desperate to feel more of her skin against his lips, he quickly pulled her shirt over her head, admiring her body before trailing kisses down her chest. “Why me…?” He murmured against her skin.
“I’ve never… loved somebody before…” Sylvie quietly answered.
“Me neither…” Until Sylvie, but of course he couldn’t bring himself to admit that just yet. Deciding to be a little humorous, Frank smirked against her chest. “You just have a thing for jackasses, huh?”
He wasn’t entirely wrong, either. Sylvie was more drawn to the wrong type of guy — she only knew cruelty, not love.
“Do you… love me?” Sylvie then asked.
The question caught Frank by slight surprise. His eyes met hers, and then he pulled her impossibly closer to him as he continued to slowly move his hips.
Just say it, goddamnit. It’s not that hard.
The way Sylvie was looking into his eyes wasn’t helping. She looked so hopeful. Jesus, how fucking hurt was she to the point she wanted him to love her… out of all people?
Swallowing, he nodded, suddenly at a loss for words. Frank loved her, but in a way he didn’t understand. It was too complicated to explain.
At Frank’s nod, Sylvie pulled him into another kiss, and that was enough to pull Frank out of his inner turmoil, even if just for a little while. He groaned quietly into the kiss, furrowing his brows as he felt his desire for her take hold. His pace gradually became more urgent, and he buried his face in the crook of Sylvie’s neck. She arched her back a bit, nails digging into his back through his tank top as she held onto him. Judging by her gentle whimpers and gasps, Frank could tell she was getting closer to the edge… and he was determined to get her there.
“Mine…” He murmured against her neck, leaving a trail of small bites and desperate kisses once again. “Only mine… only… mine…”
Frank knew he couldn’t hold much longer, either. His movements became more desperate, his nails digging into her hips. He suddenly realized he needed to see Sylvie coming undone on top of him, and he quickly flipped them over again, desperately pulling Sylvie onto him.
Sylvie was just about seeing stars at this point, feeling that familiar tension building up within her abdomen. “I can’t…” She whined. “I… oh my god…”
There was another crack of thunder as the storm grew more intense, and Sylvie frantically kissed Frank to muffle her moans as they both finally let go, continuing to slowly move together as they rode out their intense, shared high, the storm outside only adding to it all.
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The nanny
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Warnings: gore and angst
They stood in front of Abigail, despite finding out she’s a vampire and has tried to kill them. They didn’t want Frank to kill her, which made Frank feel betrayed. They held a steak close to them as they looked angrily at him. Frank couldn’t tolerate all the other’s in the group, but them
They kept to themselves while everyone was getting close to each other. They knew it would be risky to get close to anyone here, but they got close to him. They didn’t open up yet, because they were afraid that it would bite them in their ass if they did. He didn’t mind though. He knew they were listening, and he thought it was nice to be heard by someone who actually listened
But now he stood in front of them with bloody fangs ready to tear them apart if they didn’t get out of the way. They held their composure together like this wasn’t their first time doing this. “Really? You didn’t give a fuck about her, and now all of the sudden you do? You really can’t make up your mind, huh?” He starts as he realizes there obviously wasn’t something he knew
He didn’t actually know if they wanted to hurt Abigail in the first place. They stood quiet and on guard. He approached them, which makes them attack quickly. He grabs their wrists, and grins. He breaks their wrists, which makes them hide their pain. “They work for my dad. That’s why” Abigail says with pain in her voice, which makes Frank look at her
They switched to their other hand, and then stabbed him in his shoulder. He now shoves them across the room, and then takes it out of his shoulder blade. He looks back at them, and now was extremely pissed off. His only focus on them now as they get back up despite the pain they’re in. They looked at him, and despite being pissed off, was quite impressed with their pain tolerance
“Backstabber” he says angrily, which makes them smirk. “What’s with the stupid smirk?” He asked with annoyance. “You know you could join me. You could have all of this. Fuck I’d let you break some rules if you’d just be by my side throughout this”
They knew better than to fall for that trick, but a part of them wanted to believe him. But it was hard to when he was still a complete stranger towards them still. He approaches them, and they stepped back immediately. “I’d pay you more than her dad does” he adds, but it wasn’t about the money for them, and he quickly figured that out
They wanted to stab him, but find themselves not motioning their non broken wrist to stab. Abigail looks distraught at the scene before her. It was her turn to feel betrayed by them. But she hadn’t given up on them yet, since she knew how strong they truly were. “Drop it” he orders, and they listen
Abigail watches in horror, and her given up on them was on thin ice. “Do you want to know why I picked up this job?” They started, which makes him shocked to hear them speak. “Why?” He responds with curiosity in his blue eyes. “Because I do enjoy my second job more than my first one. I was financially fine, but the thrill of this was what I needed. I was never apart of Abigail’s games because her father saw me as just the nanny who got paid to watch over his daughter when he couldn’t” they explained truthfully
“It helped me get my stress out, so I couldn’t be afraid. But I’m afraid now, even if I don’t show it. Lazar fucking scares me, so that’s also why I have such a tough facade” they added as he moves closer towards them. There was no turning back now. The truth was out, and they felt weaker than ever before
“What if I let you kill him? I kill the kid, deal?” He says once he’s close towards them. “Please” he begs, and it felt a little weird seeing him this condition. But a part of them knew it was staged, but they still let him get close to them. The twos foreheads are practically touching as they find their hands in his own
The two’s foreheads press together, and they felt a sense of fear of themselves with how not in control they were. Abigail cries out their name, still unable to get up from his recent attack. They had tears leaving their eyes as the two let go of each other. “The pain will be over soon. I promise” he turns to face Abigail now, and went over to attack her
Blood drips off of him. Blood covered them as Abigail was crying. He turns to face them in shock at the steak that’s been stabbed into his heart. Before he could say anything, he exploded. More blood covers them and Abigail. They go over towards her, and helped her up. She was finally completely healed; she held onto them as they looked at the mess
They sobbed now, and felt defeated regardless of killing him. They noticed a bite mark on their shoulder, and wondered when he snuck that. He attacked them when they attacked him again. They looked at it in horror. “Shit” they cursed as she looks at it too. “Please tell me I’ll be fine” they looked at her now. “Do you want the truth?” They didn’t need to hear the rest to know that they were going to turn at given moment
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munsonownsmyass · 9 months
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Frank Castle x OFC! Abigail Miller
Summary: Abby inherits a bakery after her grandmother. She's not too keen about moving, this is all a very big change, but maybe this place isn't too bad. Maybe she might even find something to stay for?
Notes: This chapter is mostly to set the scene. There will be much more Frank in the next one 😉
Also, thank you to my lovely Ericca @e-dubbc11 for reading this through.
Words: 2.3 K
Masterlist - part 2
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Abby had never really thought that she’d own a bakery. There had always been a love for baking, and she remembered all the times she had baked with her grandmother, but owning a bakery in Bar Harbor, Maine? It would certainly take some time getting used to this.
When her grandmother died, she left Abby her bakery. Along with the deed to the shop and a key to Nana’s house, there had been a small note.
“Life is too short, Abby. Make it sweet.”
It had come as a shock when she passed. Abby always felt that she had a special connection to her grandmother that the others didn’t, spending almost every summer since she was a kid in Bar Harbor, playing in the bakery, stealing frosting. Her grandmother always pretended she didn’t notice, but Abby knew she did.
When the other kids would play outside, fishing or play soccer, she would immerse herself in decorating cakes, taking joy in watching as the bread would rise, hearing that sweet crunchy sound that only comes from a whole tower of baked bread fresh out of the oven.
Her grandmother always encouraged her to bake. Asking if she'd help her in the kitchen during the holidays or ask for her help in the store. Maybe she secretly hoped to fuel Abby's love for baking, planning for her to take over the shop all along.
The thought makes Abby smile. Of course, that’s what this was. Her grandmother never did anything half assed, so why would she do it with her legacy? And now she was here at last. Well, almost. It had been 40 minutes, and she was still standing outside the shop, staring in through the window.
It was hard to go in there, knowing Nana wouldn’t be on the other side of the counter. Could Abby even make this place as great as she did? With Nana, everyone always felt welcome. Like they were family. Like this little space was a home away from home.
You know that feeling when you step into a store, no matter what kind, and instantly feel like you belong? That you could spend hours there, looking at every little detail, taking in every smell, flavor and sound? Yeah, Nana’s bakery was that kind of place. She was everyone’s grandmother.
“Are you alright, dear?”
Abby turns to see a sweet, older woman smiling beside her. She seems so familiar somehow, but it’s been years since Abby’s been here, so it's hard to remember everyone.
“Oh, yeah. I just… I’m trying to muster up some courage to go in.” Abby answers nervously, knowing how odd it must sound.
The realization dawns on the older woman and she instantly smiles, pulling Abby into a big hug. “Oh, Abby! I haven’t seen you in years. How are you?”
Some might feel weird about hugging a stranger, but she wasn’t really, was she? Abby hugs her back, not feeling alone for the first time since she arrived.
“I’m so sorry. I… I don’t really remember you.” She admits, a slight blush creeping up her cheeks.
“Oh, don’t worry, dear. I’m Mildred. I was your Nana’s neighbor.”
A smile slowly creeps up Abby’s face as she remembers Mildred. She was this sweet lady that would always stop by Nan’s house, especially after grandpa passed away. She had been there for Nana, always funny and the life of the party. Exactly the type of person Abby could only hope to be when she got older.
“Well, I guess I’m your neighbor now. Nana, she... She left me both the shop and the house.” The sadness hits her out of nowhere. She also had to go into Nana’s house. The last few days, as everything got finalized, she had bounced between the lawyer’s office and the motel. It hadn’t really dawned on her yet that she actually had to go through Nana’s things too.
Abby sighs heavily, happy that her parents and sister will be here in a few days, so she wouldn’t do the clean up alone. It would be hard for all of them, but thinking about her dad going through his mother’s stuff is enough to make Abby sad. A lifetime of stuff and memories, just waiting to get sorted.
It was probably good that Abby would be there too, to stop them from throwing out the important stuff. The books definitely needed to stay, especially the cooking books. Every page filled with Nana’s own notes.
See, this was probably why it was Abby who got the shop. Nana raised 4 boys, none of them even picking up a utensil unless it was for the grill. Never understood the joy of creating something, 'except for a mess'. Nana's words, not Abby's.
Abby is brought back to the present by Mildred softly taking her hand. Rubbing soothing circles on the back of Abby’s hand, Mildred gives her a soft smile. “I know it’s a lot. Come on, I’ll go with you.”
Abby looks down at the key in her hand, exhaling softly. With a final reassuring nod from Mildred, she opens the door and walks in, thankful she didn’t have to do this alone.
Looking around, she notices that not much has changed since she last was there. The same cake stands Nana got for Christmas when Abby was 8. Her favorite apron on the counter. Abby walks closer, fingers touching the worn fabric. How old was this thing even?
Feeling a single tear escape, Abby quickly wipe it away, looking at the rest of the store. Mildred turns on the light, the warm glow falling on the displays and the small tables in front. This place had always felt like home to Abby. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad? With a little cleaning and a little remodeling, it would be an amazing place.
The rest of the day Abby and Mildred cleans up in the bakery, removing a months’ worth of dust. As they unbox some new gear and put everything in order, they fall into a rhythm. The years of helping her grandmother is still there, like muscle memory.
Almost done, Abby turns to ask Mildred a question, but finds her smiling softly. Abby puts down the old order book, suddenly a bit shy. “What?”
“You just… remind me so much of Mary.” Mildred’s bottom lip quivers as tears fill her eyes. Abby had been holding back her tears all day, but hearing those words from Mildred makes her lose the fight. As the tears pour down her cheeks, Mildred takes Abby into her embrace.
They stay like that for a while, taking comfort in each other’s arms. No number of hugs could make them forget about Nana, but at least they have each other now.
The first week flies by in the blink of an eye. Abby is at the shop every day, trying to get the place ready for the big relaunch. All the walls get a fresh coat of paint. Nana had always loved natural colors, nothing to bright or bold. But it was time for a change. The shelves might keep their white color, but the walls were now beautiful teal.
As a true friend, Mildred was still team Nana and thought the color was too much. But eventually she admitted it wasn’t too bad. The same with the new tables for the little café corner. Red leather on the chairs, black tabletops. It was beautiful.
On the opposite side of the entrance, in the best Friends style, was a big orange couch, a little coffee table and a single chair. The space looked inviting, hopefully making people wanna stay for some coffee and cakes. And just to add a little bit of herself, Abby added some shelves with books. And lots of plants.
When Abby puts down the last pot of flowers on one of the small tables, she looks around. Bright and inviting, the colors making the place vibrant. The place had come alive again, felt like her space now.
But Nana’s spirit wasn’t gone. Far from it. Near the couch, she had made an entire wall with pictures. Nana on the opening day of the bakery, Abby herself on a small stool piping frosting on a cupcake, Nana in the window of the shop with a big smile as always. All of them were there. Nana, her father and his brothers, all the grandkids. An homage to the incredible life that Nana lived. Gone, but definitely not forgotten.
The next few weeks were a blur, so full of people. Some just stopped by to give their condolences to Abby. Most wanted to talk about Nana, share stories from the times they shared with her and how they missed her. Some seemed like they only came to see what had happened to the little bakery, a few muttered words about the colors being “a tad too much”.
But most were just there to stare at Abby. She wasn’t exactly new to town, but many hadn’t seen her in years and Abby could barely recognize them. But they were all kind, they really were. Offering advice, help and even wanting to get her involved in the community.
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One thing Abby had always loved were slow mornings. Just time to enjoy her tea, looking at the sun rising, letting the sunlight soak into her pores. The ride from the house to the town was so beautiful, the nature more amazing than what she was used to from back home.
On her short walk from the parking lot to the shop, people actually waved to her, and the birds are chirping. Maybe she was too quick to judge this place? It wouldn’t be so bad.
She stops in front of the bakery, slowly pulling out her key, ready to start a new day.
“Mary always opened at 8.30.”
Startled, Abby looks to the side. She looks directly into a chest, having to look up to see his eyes. He's tall and broad, so broad. His hair is a little long and his beard a bit on the unruly side too. He honestly looks a bit intimidating. The way his dark eyes looks into hers, his jaw clenched as he looks impatient.
“I’m so sorry, I…” Abby tries softly, shaking her head before looking at the stranger again. “I was told that 9 was fine. Sorry.”
He just tilts his head slightly, looking at her. With a raised eyebrow, he gestures towards the door. Abby just nods, quickly opening the door and letting him in. As she scrambles to get the apron on and starting up the register, he just stands there, looking at her. She checks in with the worker that showed up early to start the baking, making sure everything is on track.
The entire time Abby can feel his eyes on her, almost burning into her skin. Whether its curiosity or annoyance, she doesn’t know. When everything is finally up and running, she looks up at him with a timid smile.
“So, what can I do for you?”
He steps closer to the counter, hands in his pockets. Abby can’t help but feel small compared to him, as he towers over her.
“This place still make that loaf with the corn crumble on top?” He asks, his deep voice causing Abby to lose all ability to speak for a moment.
“Ehm, yeah. I do. I mean, we do. Yes.” Abby blushes, feeling stupid. Why so flustered? It's just a guy. A handsome guy, but still. He breaks into a small smile.
“So… that’s a yes then?” he teases, and it only makes Abby blush even more. She just nods and when he asks for one, she quickly bags one for him.
“Anything else you’d like?”
“Chocolate chip cookies.”
He’s a man of few words, it seems. Abby just takes a bag and places on the counter, giving him the total. When he hands her the money, their fingers touch for just a second.
She looks into his eyes, beautiful brown like the tastiest chocolate. Abby hates to admit it, but there is something about that rugged man. He could use a haircut and a shave, but still…
Abby bites her lip, looking away as she takes the money and put them into the register. Brushing a strain of hair behind her ear, she feels herself get flustered as she looks up at him.
“Have a great day.”
He gives her a quick smile, barely there, before he turns towards the door. On his way out, Mildred meets him in the door. “Morning Frank. What brought you to town?”
He just lifts up the bags and walks out of the store. Abby can’t help but look at him as he walks away. “Who is he?”
“That, honey, is Frank Castle. We don’t really know much about him. Moved here a couple of years ago, keeps to himself. Rarely comes to town.” She shrugs a little, pouring herself a cup of coffee. “He was in the army, I believe. Marines, maybe. Now he works for Hammond Lumber Company.”
Abby looks out of the window, catching a glimpse of Frank before he disappears around the corner. He sure does have a great ass. Clearing her throat, turning her focus back to Mildred, she tries to look uninterested. “Lumber Company… So he’s a lumberjack?”
“Yes. And honey, I'm telling you. I might be an old woman, but you should see him chop wood. Even makes me break a sweat.” She giggles like a schoolgirl, playfully nudging Abby’s shoulder. Abby just smiles softly as she pours herself some tea.
She tries to straighten up a bit, getting ready for her customers to arrive. Keep her mind distracted. But her thoughts keep drifting back to the man from before. Frank Castle. Huh.
She couldn’t help but wonder if she would bump into him again.
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Tagging: @e-dubbc11 @itwasthereaminuteago @theradioactivespidergwen @chvoswxtch @boliv-jenta @murdock-and-the-sea @mattmurdocksscars @lucy-sky @darlingshane @pedrito-friskito
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andydrysdalerogers · 1 year
Sliding Into Home - A Frank Adler AU
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Pairing: MLB!Frank Adler x Abigail Hernandez (OFC)
After a trade from Boston to Los Angeles, first baseman Frank Adler would seem to have it all. Money, women, an amazing niece, yes Frank should have it all. Except for one thing. One thing that left after a mistake five years ago. Los Angeles should be the chance to start over. Except she is supposed to be in Boston. Not his new medical director.
* A Frank Adler AU x Major League Baseball Story**
Warning: ANGST (i can't stress this enough), second chances, cheating, eventual smut, slow burn, drug use, abandonment issues, betrayal, domestic violence (i may have missed some), flashbacks
AN: This is my new series I'm starting next week! I hope you all will like this one. Tagging my usual tag list but please let me know if you would like to be added or removed!
Taglist: @patzammit @firephotogrl74 @texmexdarling @slutforchrisjamalevans @jennmurawski13-writes @tinkerbelle67 @before-we-get-started @bunnyforhim
Master List and Preview below:
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Frank was looking at a Los Angeles icon, Dodger Stadium.  It was his new home, his new team and hopefully his new life.  He asked a security guard where to go and was met at the door by an assistant.  She was a shameless flirt, commenting on Frank’s forearms and his tattoos, cooing about how good of a player he is.  There was zero chance of Frank being interested.  His Friday Night adventures were reserved for road trips only. His one-night stands worked out just fine, in his opinion.  
As he was guided into the conference room, Frank was met with the president of operations, Nick Stanton. “Mr. Stanton.” 
“Frank! Good to see you again.” He shakes hands with Frank. “We’re waiting for everyone so can I offer you a drink?” He gestures to Frank to sit at the table. 
“Just a cola, thanks.” Frank took the seat next to the head of the table.  
“How was the move?” 
“Smoother than I thought it would be. Mary, my niece, threw a couple of tantrums but between me and my nanny, we managed to get her here.”  
“Oh yeah, Scott, he’s great. He was willing to move with us, which is great since Mary seems to only listen to him.” Frank chuckles. “Who would listen to your uncle/pseudo father?” 
“I remember that story,” Nick replies. “You are brave to take on a baby right after bring drafted.”  
Frank shrugged. “Its not that big of a deal. You would do anything for family, especially Mary.”  
More voices float towards the conference room and Frank stands as he sees his agent and lawyer walk in and shake his hand. Then the general manager for the Dodgers comes in, making small talk with Frank.  
“Ok, I think we are just missing the team doctor and our legal team,” Nick tells everyone. “Its not Natasha, she’s busy with another client.  She’s sending in their new associate.”  
Frank just nods as the GM goes over the training schedule and when he would meet the team.  The conference room door opens and Frank turns to see and his stomach drops. He feels himself become clammy and pale. Because this shouldn’t be happening.  
He looks at the brunette that walked in.  
she’s definitely not supposed to be here.  
What the FUCK! 
Abby Hernandez, his ex-girlfriend, love of his life, walked into the room.  
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It Doesn't Stay In Vegas
The Future is West
Are You Sure We Aren’t Going Crazy
You Were Enough; You Are Everything
Fastballs and Fiancés
You Left Me
Take Your Niece to Work Day
Don't You Know How to Spell Assume?
Wanna Feel Safe Again
Maybe I should Have Ducked?
When It All Falls Apart
WTF Just Happened!
D N A: Diane Nicole Adler
Not Just a Pretty Face
It's A Ruff Life
Status: All Star
Since When is Ice Cream Evil
On the Hunt for Mike Weiss
The Next Adventure
A Bump in the Road
Unexpected Surprises
For Reasons Unknown...
Evidence, Emotions, Whatever
Trial By Fire
The One With the World Series
Oh Captain! My Captain!
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rayjenkins · 3 months
everyone else looked at Frank from Abigail (2024) and wanted him to dom y/n but I looked at him gasping and moaning while Lambert fed him his blood and went what if Lambert chained him to a wall actually
Lambert/Frank, canon divergence (Lambert doesn't turn Frank, he decides to make him his thrall). sexy blood stuff in this chapter but no actual smut, that will probably change later on.
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yougetoneshot · 4 months
Abigail (2024)
One Shot for now with potential to become something more.
Summary: Abigail being nearly drained by Adam has unexpected consequences as he begins reconstituting. Lazar sees the regeneration as an opportunity.
Characters: Lazar, Abigail, and Adam Barrett/Frank. 2 new characters.
Warnings: Gore and torture
Lazar stood over his daughter and looked at the carnage around him with an indiscernible expression. The walls were covered in blood with shards of glass and broken handrails scattered along the sanguine stained floor. He could sense the lingering presence of another vampire in the room as his eyes landed on specific pieces of viscera on the tile.
“I did warn you turning Lambert was a bad idea.” He finally spoke, calm but critical.
“It was the only way to get Barrett here. I knew Lambert would turn him but I didn’t think he’d be so strong..” Abigail’s voice was hushed as she hung her head in shame. She wanted her father’s attention but not like this- not as a failure.
“Did he do that to you?” Lazar pointed to the still healing bite marks on Abigail’s neck.
“Yes.” She hid the mark with her hand. “But I got him.”
“Not quite.” Lazar’s eyes drifted over to a spot behind Abigail and her gaze followed. A mass of bloody flesh was regenerating into a functioning hand. Abigail looked back to her father in confusion.
“What is happening?”
“Your blood is special. You are my direct descendent which makes you the second most powerful vampire on Earth.” Lazar looked down at her. “And you let him take that blood.”
“I underestimated him. I admit that. But I can handle this.” Abigail tried to appeal to Lazar but he shook his head.
“No, I will be taking over from here. I very much want to meet the man that nearly killed you.” Lazar remained expressionless as he stood over the reforming body of Adam Barrett.
Abigail looked up at her father with knitted brows, unsure if his expression was one of admiration or anger. Lazar was always unreadable even to those closest to him. She hoped he was angry. At least that would mean he still cared. “What are you going to do?”
“Rip him apart.”
Adam Barrett inhaled sharply as his eyes opened to see the familiar ceiling of the mansion he’d been trying to escape for the past 24 hours. He struggled to remember anything more than the need to get out of that house until his eyes landed on her- Abigail. A flood of memories rushed back as he scrambled to sit up. His hand reached out to the ground to push himself up and that’s when he felt it- his insides not quite fully formed sliding down his also not completely regenerated torso. His eyes looked down to watch them trying to spill out the open cavity in his stomach as he covered the opening with his other partially formed hand. Waves of pain paralyzed him as he became a spectator to the violent healing process. This wasn’t what he had expected from being a vampire- the pain was unbearable. He could feel every single restitching of his organs, bones, and flesh as his body reconstituted. Every second was pure agony that he finally was able to express once his vocal cords finished reforming. A horrified scream escaped his lips followed by a string of raspy curses.
“This is the man who almost took you from me?” Lazar looked down at his daughter and she frowned angrily.
“He just got lucky!” She whined and stomped her foot irritably.
Adam finally peeled his eyes away from the horror of watching his body repair itself only to be met with an even more horrifying image- Lazar looking at him with an intensity that he knew did not mean anything good.
“I can explain-“ Adam coughed up blood and howled again in pain.
“There’s no need.” Lazar knelt down by Adam and took his almost fully healed left arm into his hands. Adam looked at Lazar and shook his head pleadingly. Lazar smiled a wicked toothy grin before snapping and twisting the arm off Adam’s body. New waves of pain hit him as his voice cracked while pleading desperately.
“I can be useful to you!” He struggled to get the words out through the pain. Adam looked over to Abigail and bit back his pride as the words spilled out of him through gritted teeth. “Please. I’ll do anything you want.”
“Then die.” She hissed.
“Abigail-“ Adam felt Lazar’s hand grab his throat and lift him off the ground and into the air. His organs rolled around inside his body struggling to find their place as he was tossed across the room into a pillar. He felt a few ribs snap and wheezed painfully.
The doors to the manor opened as Lazar and Abigail turned to see Mina standing in the doorway. “Lazar, Victor called. The latest subject didn’t survive. He needs a new one.”
Lazar looked to Adam on the floor before over at his daughter who shook her head. “Not him.”
“He’s strong.” Lazar countered.
“So am I-“
“No!” His voice lowered to a growl that filled the room and caused all the lights to flicker for a moment. Abigail winced and looked down as her father took a breath to calm himself. “When the procedure has been perfected then you will be first in line. Until then, we use subjects that are disposable.”
“And what if it is successful? He doesn’t deserve it!”
“But you do. When it’s ready.” Lazar cupped his daughter’s face gently. “You look tired. Let’s go home.” He moved to put his hand on her shoulder and escort her towards the door. As he passed by Mina he gestured to Adam trying to crawl away on his side, his left arm and leg still not reformed enough to help him move away. “Take him to Victor.”
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queenofcats17 · 2 years
I got a request from the user Cccc on AO3 asking for a chapter where the better timeline Bendy folks end up in the Dreams Come to Life timeline and meet Ink Bendy.
The employees of Joey Drew Studios were accustomed to strangeness. It was the nature of Joey Drew and his studio to be surrounded by one form of weirdness or another. Their creations coming to life, themselves being briefly transformed. All sorts of magic and mystery and mischief.
They were not, however, accustomed to alternate dimensions.
And yet, that was where they had found themselves.
One moment, they had all been in their normal places in the studio and the next things were....different. It was still the studio, but there was something...strange about it.
Sammy was up almost as soon as he felt it happen. He knew Joey had pulled some BS and he was going to give him a piece of his mind. The fact that the hallway outside his office looked different only strengthened his resolve. He was used to the studio changing form around him, as the amount of magic that saturated the studio made it prone to shifting and twisting, but Sammy found it annoying every time.
“Can’t wait to hear what he’s done this time,” he grumbled, setting determinedly off in the direction of Joey’s office. Only to run straight into Abby Lambert as he turned the corner.
Both of them were sent sprawling back, landing on the ground on their butts. Sammy was about to snap at whoever he’d collided with but bit his tongue when he saw it was Abby.
“...Sorry,” he said after a moment. “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
Abby looked up, clearly very startled by his genuine apology. She looked different too. More...tired. More disheveled. Much less put together than he was used to seeing her.
“Who are you and what have you done with Sammy Lawrence?” She demanded, getting to her feet.
“What are you talking about?” Sammy frowned, doing the same. “Am I not allowed to apologize when I make a mistake?”
“You never apologize,” Abby shot back.
Sammy made an annoyed growling sound. “Well if you don’t want to accept my apology then fine. I have places I need to be.” He brushed past her, continuing toward Joey’s office.
As he made his way through the studio, he noticed more strange things. Employees he didn’t recognize talking about things he didn’t understand. There was a distinct lack of magical miasma in the air, something that made him feel even more anxious than he already did. Everything felt...ordinary. Things hadn’t felt ordinary in the studio for a long time.
He could hear hushed voices on the other side of the door as he approached.
“Joey?” He called out, hand on the doorknob. “Are you there? We need to talk about something.”
“Ah, uh, just a minute!” Joey replied, sounding more than a little panicked. He opened the door a moment later, just a crack, looking just as panicked as he had sounded.
“Ah, hello, Sammy.” Joey forced a smile. “What, uh, what can I do for you?”
Through the crack in the door behind Joey, Sammy could see Susie, Henry, Norman, Wally, and Tom all crowded around Joey’s desk. They also looked to be some form of shaken or afraid.
“Does something seem...wrong to you?” Sammy asked, deliberately lowering his voice. “Like this isn’t our studio?” He wasn’t sure how Joey would respond to this question, since Abby seemed to know a different version of him.
Thankfully, Joey visibly relaxed, opening the door fully. “Oh thank God. I thought I was going to have to pretend to be whoever this world’s version of me is.”
“So, this isn’t our world?” Sammy felt fear beginning to claw at his ribs. Yes, he’d had a feeling this was a possibility, but to have it confirmed...
“It...doesn’t seem to be.” Joey gently pulled him in, closing the door behind them.
“How did this happen?!” Sammy demanded, attempting to cover his fear with anger.
“Your guess is as good as ours,” Henry said. He was leaning on Joey’s desk. He just looked...tired. Resigned. Sammy couldn’t help but wonder if Henry had also run into employees that knew a different him.
“It’s not Drew’s fault for once,” Tom added. “I was talking with him and Stein when it...” He paused, shaking his head and trying to compose himself. “When it happened.”
“My guess is it was something on this side,” Norman said. “Something this Drew did.”
“So how...How do we get back?” Sammy asked. He was starting to shake as the fear returned.
Susie was almost immediately at his side, putting a hand on his shoulder. “We’re...not sure,” she admitted. “But we’ll figure something out.”
Sammy could tell she was saying this not just for his benefit, but for her own. She had to believe they would get out of this. Sammy didn’t have to heart to tell her there was no guarantee of that.
“We were gonna go lookin’ for weird stuff,” Wally piped up. “But, y’know, everybody knows different versions of us so people might think it’s...weird?”
“Fuck them,” Sammy scoffed. “They already think we’re strange, don’t they? Why try to act normal now? Let’s go look for whatever weird shit brought us here.”
There was a moment of silence before the collective employees began to laugh.
“What? What’s so funny?!” Sammy demanded, his face going a bit red.
“It’s just a very “you” way of looking at things,” Joey said, slapping Sammy’s shoulder.
“Leave it to you to cut through all the bullshit,” Henry agreed with a chuckle.
“It’s a good thing,” Susie assured Sammy, squeezing his arm. “I think we were all getting too in our heads.”
“Let’s get going.” Tom started to head toward the door, clearly trying to hide his own laughter.
The group made their way out of Joey’s office, all still giggling a bit. Together, they made their way through the studio, down to the lower levels where Tom thought his other self might have installed the Ink Machine.
“How do you know this studio even has one?” Sammy asked as they made their way through the darkened corridors.
“There were correspondences with GENT in the other me’s desk,” Joey supplied.
“And blueprints for the machine,” Tom added. “So it has to be here.”
“Feels spooky down here...” Wally shivered, moving closer to the others as he glanced nervously around the corridors. They were in the lower levels of the studio now, where it didn’t seem many people ventured.
“Good. It means we won’t be bothered,” Tom said.
“Hey, guys?” The group turned toward Henry, who stood in front of a door. “I think I found something.”
The door stood out from everything else in the studio, large and seemingly made of iron. There was a little window in the upper portion with iron bars in it, and a heavy iron bar above a keyhole keeping it shut.
“Well, that doesn’t look ominous at all,” Susie laughed nervously.
“Looks too small to be housing the Ink Machine,” Norman murmured, sidling over to size up the door and the room beyond. “But something strange is definitely here.”
“Should we go in?” Joey asked, looking around at the group.
“It seems worth checking out.” Sammy folded his arms protectively around himself.
“Even if it isn’t the ink machine, it might tell us something about this place,” Tom agreed.
Joey pulled out a ring of keys from his pocket that he’d presumably taken from his other self’s desk and started trying each one until he finally found the correct one. His hands were shaking, although he tried to hide it. Henry put a hand on his shoulder, rubbing circles with his thumb.
“Thank you,” Joey whispered before fitting the key into the lock and pulling back the iron bar.
The room inside was small but dark. They could vaguely make out a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling, as well as the shape of a table in the middle of the room.
“Wonder what the other Drew’s using this place for,” Norman said, looking around.
“It can’t be anything good,” Tom remarked darkly.
Suddenly, something moved in the corner, causing several of the group members to scream and move away, including Joey. Tom, Norman, Susie, and Henry stayed where they were, though, determined to meet whatever resided in the room head-on.
They were all both surprised and horrified when what emerged from the shadows was...a deformed Bendy. It was tall and thin, its proportions human and skeletal. It limped toward them, eyes covered with dripping ink and a wide smile on its face.
“What is that?” Sammy gasped.
“And why’s it bein’ kept in here?” Wally frowned.
Henry stepped forward, meeting the strange Bendy and cradling its head in his hands, even if he had to get on his toes a bit to do so.
“Oh, Ben...” He whispered, running his thumb over the cheek area of the creature. “What has he done to you?”
The strange Bendy tilted its head to the side, reaching out to hold Henry’s face in its hands as well. It gently turned Henry’s face before letting go and turning its attention to the rest of the group. It made a noise that almost sounded questioning, taking a step toward them.
Sammy instinctively took a step back.
The strange Bendy stopped at this, stepping back.
“It doesn’t seem dangerous,” Tom said, stepping up to the strange Bendy.
“Why is he keeping it in here?” Joey stepped inside as well, turning on the light to look around better.
With the light on, they saw just how small and bare the room truly was. There was the table in the center of the room, and very little else. A bookshelf sat in the corner, with a few notebooks on the shelves. There was a puddle of ink in the corner where they’d seen movement. That seemed to be where the Ink Demon had been.
“How can he keep it in a place like this?” Susie’s brow furrowed.
“This’d be kind of a shitty place to even keep an animal.” Wally’s brow was also furrowed, although it was harder to see under the shadow of his hat.
The strange Bendy just watched as they crowded in, standing politely to the side.
“If you’ll excuse my language,” Norman said. “I think this other Drew’s a bit of a bastard.”
“That seems about right.” Tom had gone over to the bookshelf, beginning to thumb through some of the notebooks.
Sammy still didn’t want to be near the strange Bendy, so he stayed to the side.
“We have to take him with us when we leave,” Henry said. He was still near the creature, standing near it with an almost paternal protectiveness.
“You don’t think that’d mess with the universes or anything?” Wally asked.
“We can’t leave him.” Henry’s voice left no room for argument.
“Alright, we’ll take him with us,” Joey assured him, touching Henry’s shoulder. “But we need to figure out how to get home first.”
“You getting anything from those notebooks, Connor?” Norman glanced over at Tom, who was still flipping through the notebooks.
“Mm.” Tom had already been frowning when they’d entered, but now his frown had deepened. Whatever he was seeing, he obviously didn’t like it. “I’m getting something alright.”
“Any clues on how to get us home?” Joey asked hopefully.
“I’m not sure,” Tom admitted, closing the notebook. “But it’s a start.”
“I guess it’s going to take some time to get back, huh?” Susie sighed.
“I guess so.” Joey looked visibly disappointed, although he tried to hide it, forcing a smile. “But we will get home! I promise!”
The group wasn’t sure if they believed him. But they very much wanted to.
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loljustignoreth4t · 5 months
i really hope people start writing absolutely DISGUSTING fanfiction for Frank from Abigail (2024)
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Resurrected Repartee: A Hallowed Shapes AU Chapter 21 - Gender Fluidity Part 1
These are alternative scenes and/or snippets of a developing relationship between my OC and Loki from my original fiction, Hallowed Shapes, for any shippers out there.
Basic Concept: Terra Barloc is a member of Damage Control, an organization that cleans up super messes, and frankly, all of them are kind of tired of cliches and super bulls***t. She has abilities to see “life energy” as she calls it, in the forms of symbols, and through lies and facades. That means shape-shifting and tricking her can be well, tricky. Plus, she’s addicted to caffeine, painkillers don’t have much of an affect on her, and she can’t get drunk.
What happens the first time when she meets Loki, Prince of Asgard? Well, he was invading Earth and…She tackled him, insulted him, and uh, it’s best just to read. Let’s just say these two have issues, massive issues.
So getting them into a romance, is going to be a bit of an adventure.
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Loki picked up the phone at the apartment, yawning slightly as he checked the time. Worry plagued him. Terra had called earlier, saying she would be home late from Damage Control, but now it was later than expected. “Terra Barloc’s and Loki Friggason’s residence, this is Loki speaking.”
It was enjoyable to say that. He hoped one day they could change the last names to something else, something shared, but they needed to figure out what. A deep voice answered from the other end, but somehow it was familiar...And gave him shivers? Odd, only Terra’s did that lately, and that was when they were having more intimate moments.
“Uh, Loki? Sorry about this, but there was an incident at work? Um, it turns out there is some magic that can work on me, and...Ah screw it, this is Terra and I was turned into a guy.”
There was multiple sounds of laughter and giggles from the other end with presumably Terra...Terry (?) shouting at her/his coworkers to “shut it”. Meanwhile, Loki’s mind began thinking of all sorts of scenarios, blushing as he did so, a smile breaking across his face as he held his chin. But then again, Terra might not like that, and he wouldn’t want to push anything.
“Damn it, why is it Damage Control keeps getting all the crazy shit?” she/he muttered under their breath. “Look, my current license doesn’t match my appearance and my clothes...Don’t fit me. Can you please pick me up and, I’m sorry, can I please wear some of yours for the time being? The spell’s apparently supposed to wear off in forty-eight hours and until then, I’m on sick leave.”
...Terra, as a male...Wearing his clothes, and all to himself? At home? Loki felt a vein in his forehead twitch as he struggled to keep his voice steady. Unfortunately, it came out slightly squeaky instead, “Yes, I’ll be right over.”
“Are you okay?”
“Just fine. See you soon.”
Thinking as he gathered the clothes, he pondered what Terra would even look like as a male. Normally gender didn’t matter to him when it came to partners, and evidently it didn’t matter much to Terra either. Both had shown interests in both. Yet, there was a curiosity in him to see what she would be like. And...Would she be interested in his female form?
Smirking a little, he thought of all kinds of possibilities they could test out in forty-eight hours, and in multiple sexualities...That is, if Terra was up for it of course. Until then, imagination would have to do. Plus, he could always learn the spell later if she was interested.
Driving up to the Flatiron, he saw Abigail Dunton waiting, her cheeks flushed as she waved at him, Frank Johnson by her side. Terra was part of a trio with them, always hanging out. He wondered why they hadn’t been “genderbent”. Knowing Terra, she likely had done something to take the brunt of the spell. Stepping out, he sighed.
“How’d it happen?”
“Mishandling of magical object by tourist. Tera shielded them and us. Spell caught her,” Frank stated factually.
Loki liked the man, even if the fondness wasn’t mutual. Most of Damage Control didn’t like him for understandable reasons. After all, his initial invasion of Earth did harm or kill quite a few of their members either during the attack, or in the aftermath of the cleanup. Even Terra had been greatly wounded, which often made Loki feel like it was a miracle she even cared for him at all.
Abigail nodded. She seemed to like him better, but that was likely because she could see some of Terra’s more fond memories of Loki than others could. “She’s...He’s in his office. Apparently Terr doesn’t really care about the whole pronoun thing and is okay with either one. We found uh, some pants that kind of fit, but they’re falling off since they’re Lenny’s and the belt barely helps. He doesn’t exactly have a shirt that fits well either. According to his measurements, yours might fit him best.”
Huh, so they were almost the same size? His puzzlement must have shown, because Frank shook his head, “He’s still shorter than you, and a bit squishier, but the muscle’s still there from running around and lifting stuff all the time.”
Abigail flushed, coughing into her hand, “I never thought Terr could have abs. I mean, I knew they were there since we share locker rooms, but...I think they’re more pronounced now that she’s a guy. It’s weird.”
The radio turned on and Frank answered, “This is Monstro.”
“Yeah, this is Perspective.” Ah, Terra. “I don’t have to go to the bathroom yet, but I might have to soon and I have no idea how to use this. How…?”
Abigail burst into laughter.
Loki snorted, holding out his hand for the radio. Reluctantly, Frank handed it over, and the former spoke, “I’m heading to your office, dear. I can help you.”
Terra started stuttering and the radio turned off. Both Abigail and Frank were gaping at him as he handed the device back to the latter. He winked at them, carrying the clothes and humming a bit. He hoped his lover would enjoy wearing his colors, and he couldn’t wait to see what the other version of them looked like.
This is NOT a canon scene from my fanfiction, but if it was, it would likely take place in Hallowed Shapes: Friday, somewhere between in Chapter 5: Stitches and Chapter 8: Boogeyman. 
Originally, one of my Beta Readers really liked the idea of shipping Loki with my OC even though they’re not canon in my fanfiction, Hallowed Shapes.
We’re friends and while I didn’t get it at first, I’m not against anyone shipping said character with other fictional characters as long as everything’s consensual and/or healthy relationship-wise. Heck, I’m a little supportive because Loki’s literally gender-fluid and both characters are LGBT (neither are straight) even if I don’t directly ship them.
So, that being said, I wrote these alternative scenes of my story for their birthday.
Thank you, and please have a nice day!
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arctimon · 3 years
“Brand” Loyalty (To Callaghan)
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So everyone knows who this is at this point.  Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.
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And everyone knows who this is.  Robert Callaghan, dean of SFIT.
And as I’ve talked about before, a possible version of the man above him (at least for the Big Hero 6 universe). Now, some of you may remember that I introduced another Marvel character in Chapter 7 of Continuity II: The Sequel (”Job Security”) as Wasabi’s potential new employer:
His recollection of the clothing store got pushed to the side as another person showed up on the screen.  Her hair was short and bright green, a pair of sunglasses hanging over her eyes.  Her black and green jacket had the color turned up, partially hiding her neck.  She looked like she meant business, and Wasabi wasn't going to be the one to get on her bad side.
���I'm going to be frank with you, Mr. Calloway...”
She took off her glasses, and he was met with a pair of green eyes that seemed to stare into his soul.
“I get a lot of people who think that they're the best.  They come into the government thinking that they're all high and mighty.  And then they get here and they wimp out in six months. I'm not looking for a person who wants a job, Mr. Calloway.  I'm looking for someone who wants a career.” Wasabi was too afraid to even blink.
“So are you the former or the latter?” He didn't respond.
“Am I wasting my time here, Mr. Calloway?
That person, if you’re paying attention is none other than Abigail Brand, who is the director of S.W.O.R.D.
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S.W.O.R.D., just like S.H.I.E.L.D., is a secret government organization that deals with- Well, I’ll let her explain it.
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Yes, Hank.  The government loves acronyms.  So do certain fanfiction writers to need to spell out things like M.O.R.B.I.U.S. and S.P.I.D.E.R.
Me.  I’m talking about me. So S.W.O.R.D. handles things not covered on Earth.  Like space. And other worlds.
You know where I’m going with this?
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Operation Silent Sparrow.  The project done between Krei Tech and the government. And who did they have piloting the aircraft and going into this “other world”?
Oh, that’s right.
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It’s a woman whose name is goddamn Abigail. I would also like to note that Abigail Brand is 5′8″ in the comics, and Abigail Callaghan is...
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Also 5′8″. (She may be 5′9″ because you can’t really decipher whether it’s an 8 or a 9 in the tiny font, but shut up I’m on a roll here.  XD)
I already introduced Brand into the fold, but now my conspiracy theory brain is going again.
If Robert Callaghan is this universe’s Nick Fury...
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Is Abigail this universe’s Abigail Brand?
One last thing.
When Brand was introduced in the 2004 Astounding X-Men comic run, there’s a panel in issue #8 that shows her working out and doing push-ups.  It shows her arms...and the two tattoos that are on her arms that even the Wiki says the significance of which haven’t been explained yet.
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“Anna”. And “Grace”. Grace.
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Excuse me!?
I wonder how close Grace and Abigail were as friends. Or better yet...Robert and Grace.
You know, the decision to make Grace Granville dean of SFIT seems to make a lot more sense now.
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stardancerluv · 5 months
When the Predator Becomes the Prey
Part One of ?
Notes/Warning: 18+ consensual act of implied sex, language, sexy fantasy, drinking, mentions of a possible kidnapping, mentions of pregnancy, sexist, domineering
I wanted to explore more of the Frank character. I gave him a real name. Yes, they say Adam in the film but I want that to be his deep cover name. So “reader” calls him Nick, Nicky. Also I plan on using alot of flashbacks..to flesh him out.
He is horrible, rotten person…but well..in the tradition of Roman Sionis…and more recently Gator Tillman (though he 🫣😬 not as bad as these Roman & Frank!). Here is a short take on “Frank” you could say its AU…so please don’t come after me.
Comments, ❤️, reblogs and any feedback is welcome!!!
The amber liquid sloshed in his glass. He twisted the cap back onto the bottle and took a swig. A bitterness filled him, he had been a well respected detective.
It had not taken long for him to discover the darker sides of his nature. It was very easy for him enter the world of the criminal.
“Can’t sleep?“ He felt as your arms wrapped around him. It did help somewhat.
He made an incoherent sound of agreement.
“You don’t have to take the job.”
The silence grew heavy before he took another swig. He glanced at you over his shoulder.
“I have to. If we want to disappear for good.”
You nodded.
He chewed his bottom lip.
“You’re still a good man.”
“A man who is about to become a fucking father who may or may not be weighing the options of kidnapping of some fucking twelve year old.”
“It was a good man who faced with unbelievable horror took me with him?”
He chuckled.
“It’s because you’re a cute piece of ass.”
You smacked him.
Placing the glass down, he shifted turning to you. In the muted, neon light that bled through the curtains; he could still make out your beauty. He remembered the first time he laid his eyes on you.
Glasses clinked, peels of laughter genuine and fake filled the air as men, women dark and brooding planned deeds that were unsavory. He was deep undercover. He relished the freedom it gave him. He had always been the law. Now he was above it. He was in the big leagues now.
Surveying the crowd, the ones he was meeting were not there. Taking a table in a corner, he would able to watch everything. He fiddled with his phone.
“Hello there handsome, is there anything I can get you?” A sweet voice, he didn’t recognize asked.
Glancing up, he saw your legs first. You had a curves he liked. The rest of you, damn. He bit the inside of his cheek. You had fresh face. Not worn or plastered like the other girls.
“Give me a twirl baby?” He pocketed his phone.
“I’m not for sale.” The smile left your eyes.
“Am I trying to buy you? No. Now give me a twirl.”
You rolled your eyes. “Fine.” The skirt flared just a bit and he liked even more what he saw.
He nodded. “Very nice.” He leaned forward, the soft scent of your perfume was pleasing like the rest of you. His lips curled into a smirk. Look, I got some important guys coming in. Wanna be the girl for our table tonight, and I’ll treat you right?”
You put a hand on your hip. He wanted it to be his, give you a squeeze. See the sounds you’d like. “I’m not sure I can do that.”
Your nervous glance around was endearing. Most of the girls would have been fuck the rules and happily accept his proposition.
“Go tell your boss, Adam is asking for you.” He sat back and smirked.
“Oh, alright.” You fluttered off.
Damn he wanted you already bouncing in his lap or kneeling between his legs. He didn’t want to wait.
“Are you getting sentimental, Nicky or are you committing my face to memory?”
He chuckled being brought back to the bedroom, the two of you shared. That night was a lifetime ago.
You had laid back down, the memory made him want you and now. He easily moved so he was between your legs.
He saw some hesitation flicker in your eyes.
“What? You don’t want me anymore since I knocked you up?”
You shook your head. “Just worried.
“Did the doctor say anything?” He blinked.
“No, he said it might actually be good for me.”
He smirked. “Then why are you worried.” He palmed himself.
“Because you’re rough.”
“I won’t be.”
He braced himself and leaned in close. His nose nuzzled your cheek. Your soft scent from you showering, lingered. You were good enough to eat.
“Don’t worry about that baby. I want to see the fruits of my seed.”
Your hand came up and caressed his cheek.
“Then, I’m all yours.”
“I knew you couldn’t say no.”
Her legs deliciously opened further for him. Easily, he took himself out of his sweats. He slid his tip between the petal softness of her folds.
“You want me just as badly.”
“Look at you. How could I not?”
“Well, here I come baby?”
He glanced around as he sat in the coffee shop. Lambert had yet to arrive.
He ordered himself an expresso and whipped cream. He stirred it before taking a sip.
You came shimmying up to him. Your short sparkly dress left little to his imagination. He knew what it barely hid. He was perched, at the high top table they chose.
“Nicky, come and dance with me.”
You tugged on his hand. It amused him. Compared to him, everything was so delicate and small. You were like a daisy compared the storm that he was.
“I’ll just sit here and watch you baby.”
A soft pout formed on your full lips.
“Now, don’t be pouting. We both know what happens when you do.”
“Then come dance with me.”
He grimaced, glancing around before he slid off.
“Just this one time.”
You wrapped your arms around his throat, he placed his hands in on your hips. Finding the rhythm and he began to move easily with you. You were easily the hottest woman on this dance floor and you were all his. The lights, twinkled and danced. The music ebbed and flowed and for the first time in his life, he relished dancing the night away.
The bell on the door of the coffee shop chimed bringing him back to his expresso. He took a sip. Perfect, he mused.
Looking towards the door, he caught as Lambert cut a path over to him.
“So what have you decided Adam?”
He adjusted his glasses. “Cutting to quick, I see.”
The man nodded.
“What’s the exposure?”
“If you all do it right? None. You snatch her and then babysit her, twenty four hours tops.”
He pressed his lips together. “Alright. But I pick the muscle. I don’t want some psychotic ape losing his cool.”
Lambert nodded. “Fine. You have two weeks.”
“Two weeks?” Impatience rose in him. He took a sip of the expresso to hid his disgust over the idea of waiting.
A bored look came over Lambert. “The subject is overseas. They are expected back in a week and a half. After that, you and the pack will be given the needed materials.”
He adjusted his glasses and nodded. “I just don’t like waiting.”
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endofradio · 2 months
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WARNINGS: NSFW (*extremely loud cheering and applause*)
NOTES: the frank simps are gonna love this one… anyways this chapter’s gonna be a bit unique in the sense i’m gonna be doing some perspective switching. there’ll be some flashback scenes that’ll be italicized to distinguish them from the main scene.
also i couldn’t find a gif to use for this chapter so i just used a random frank one.
TAGS: @reclaimedbythesea @creelmalfoylaufeyson69 @blackwolfstabs @atcarpenter @evildarliing @maggotmommys @maggotssmichael @xashleyo03x @witchy-weve-monbebe
if you’d like to be added to my taglist, feel free to shoot me a message or send an ask to my inbox! the support means a lot :)
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“If you take one step closer…”
Adam took another step towards the jail cell, leaning against the wall. “Then what?” He asked, staring at Sylvie with that signature cocky smirk that pissed her off to no end. “What are you gonna do about it? You’re stuck in there, y’know.”
Sylvie narrowed her eyes at the man, her expression full of irritation. “Fuck you…” was all she could respond with.
Adam toyed with the ID badge that was around his neck. “Look, I know you really wanna get out of here…”
Sylvie rolled her eyes, letting out a scoff. “No shit.” She grumbled. “Being stuck in a jail cell was the very last thing on my mind, y’know.”
Adam chuckled. “You got yourself into this mess. You realize that, right? You were the one driving around drunk off your ass. I just happened to be there when it happened.”
“What were you doing at that party, anyway?” Sylvie asked, her eyes narrowing further. “There was nothing to investigate. It was just a typical college party.”
Adam shrugged. “That would be confidential information.” He muttered. “I don’t have to tell you anything, anyway.”
He looked back at Sylvie. “Tell you what…”
Sylvie raised an eyebrow. “What?”
“I’ll let you out early if you give me a little kiss.”
Sylvie let out a scoff. “Fuck off.”
“Just one quick, little kiss. Could be your ticket to freedom. Nobody’s watching, if you’re worried about that.”
“You have a fucking wife.”
“She doesn’t have to know. She doesn’t know about half the shit I’m up to, anyway… like going to strip clubs with the other lieutenants.” Adam let out a mischievous chuckle. “Besides… you’re prettier than her, anyway.”
Sylvie didn’t answer, her silence combined with her annoyed stare being enough of a response.
“Aw, c’mon. It’s not like I’m askin’ you to fuck me. Though, I wouldn’t exactly be opposed to that idea, either…”
“I’m not fucking kissing you, you creep.”
Adam moved away from the wall. “Your loss, then.”
As annoyed as Sylvie was, she wasn’t bothering to back away from the man.
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Sylvie reached for Frank’s glasses, taking them off of his face and placing them on the bedside table. As soon as she did that, he captured her lips in another rough kiss, pulling her impossibly closer to him, his hand firmly gripping her hip. Hell, this was like a dream come true for him.
And then, it happened.
Both of them quietly gasped against each other’s lips, and Sylvie quickly wrapped an arm around Frank’s neck. Slowly, he began to take her right then and there, and as she looked up at him, Sylvie could see his eyes darkening with desire.
She couldn’t believe this was happening. This was the man she was supposed to hate, yet here she was, underneath him. All the memories started to hit her like a truck.
Sylvie felt Frank’s lips touch her neck again, and she tightly shut her eyes as she tried to suppress a whimper. Each time he rocked his hips against hers, Sylvie felt herself drowning — drowning in a sea of ecstasy. She actually didn’t want him to stop.
She felt Frank nip at her neck, and that sent another jolt of pleasure through her. She tried so hard not to make a sound, but the smallest of a whimper left her lips.
She had never felt anything during sex… until now. With him. Why?
All the other times had just simply been poor decisions fueled by intoxication — one-night stands that never made her feel anything except for regret, emptiness, and shame. She didn’t even feel anything for the men she hooked up with. The majority of the time, she never even saw them again.
But… no. This… this was different. Five years later, Frank ended up back in her life again. Was this meant to happen? Fate, perhaps?
Sylvie wanted to hate Frank, but it seemed that especially now, she couldn’t bring herself to. It was like he had gotten under her skin, and she couldn’t get him out. Why was she feeling this way? He wasn’t any good for her. He wasn’t a good person.
Why do I become attached to what isn’t right for me?
But… this, all of this… it felt so good.
“I’ve dreamed of havin’ you at my mercy.” Frank quietly whispered against Sylvie’s neck. The words sent feverish chills down her spine. “It’s nice to have you not being a smart-ass for a change…”
Sylvie wanted to tell him to shut up, but she couldn’t. All she could manage was another quiet gasp as Frank continued to nip at the sensitive skin on her neck. She was fighting an internal battle with her own mind. He was putting her under a spell at this very moment, and she couldn’t break out of it, even if she tried.
Frank pulled away from Sylvie’s neck, grabbing her face with his hand and moving it so she was looking directly at him. He looked down at her and noticed how her face was flushed, her lips were parted, and her eyes were flickering with desire. It stroked his ego even further to know that he was the one responsible for it. Yeah, he had been attracted to her before, but he was even more attracted to her now.
“I’ve spent the past five years thinking about you.”
“But… how? We… only knew each other for… a few months.”
“You’re still driving me fuckin’ insane. You always have. The way you look, the way you talk, the way you act… y’know what would be nice?”
Frank leaned in closer than he already was, his lips brushing against hers. “You whispering my name… like a prayer to God. Over and over again. I would kill just to hear that…”
Am I dying? Am I dead? Is this what it feels like to die?
Sylvie couldn’t take it anymore. He was genuinely killing her. Every word that came out of his mouth was dangerous. Fatal.
Frank’s pace increased just a little, and even that was just about sending her into overdrive. There was almost a primal look in his eyes now as he looked at her, and then he pulled her into another deep kiss, unable to get enough of her taste. It was like a drug that he was hooked on. He wanted more, more, more.
“You’re liking this, aren’t you?” Frank quietly asked against Sylvie’s lips. “I think I know how you really feel about me. You need my attention, my touch.”
Yes. She needed to feel wanted. Desired.
“Let me…” Sylvie then whispered.
Frank rolled the two of them over so that way Sylvie was now on top of him, her legs wrapping around his waist.
And then, she lowered herself onto him.
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“What’s your deal with me?”
Adam shrugged, leaning against the wall. “What do you mean by that?” He asked, his voice dripping with mock innocence.
“Why you just won’t leave me alone.”
Adam let out a small chuckle as he looked at Sylvie, noticing how she was looking at him with that irritated expression that he honestly loved seeing. “It’s because it’s fun.”
“Fun?” Sylvie repeated, narrowing her eyes at him. “The fuck do you mean fun?”
“It’s just the way you get,” Adam answered casually, walking towards the cell door until he was standing right in front of it. “I don’t know if anyone’s told you this, but ‘angry’ is a good look on you. Maybe that’s why I like getting on your nerves so much… you look good when you’re pissed at me.”
Ignoring Adam’s words, Sylvie instead chose to focus on the fact he was standing right in front of her, the only thing separating them being the cell door. “You’re… close.” She commented.
Adam smirked, taking out a key from his pocket and waving it in front of her. “I could get closer…” He whispered, almost teasingly.
Sylvie found herself genuinely considering it. Did she dare let him in? Her eyes darted to the chair in the corner of the cell before meeting Adam’s gaze again.
“Fine.” She muttered. “Just… keep your distance.”
Sylvie went to sit on the bed, watching nervously as Adam unlocked the door, closing it behind him as he slowly stepped inside. He walked over to the chair and sat down on it, staring directly at Sylvie.
“Let me ask you something.”
Sylvie tilted her head as she looked at the man. “Like… what?” She questioned.
“How does it feel to be alone?”
Sylvie sighed. “Not good.”
“I suppose we have that in common.”
“You’re alone, too?”
Adam nodded. “Very much so.”
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With each roll of her hips, Sylvie felt the heat gradually pooling in her abdomen starting to grow in intensity. She was gasping for breath at this point, the ecstasy making her feel dizzy.
As she looked down at him, Sylvie watched Frank’s eyes flutter closed as he tried to bite back a noise, but he couldn’t, a small groan escaping his lips. In all honesty, seeing Frank at her mercy now was somewhat satisfying. It was as though the two of them were both trying to have control over each other. In Sylvie’s case, it was a form of revenge against Frank. Instead of him having power over her, she now had power over him… and it felt great.
“I thought you said to be quiet,” Sylvie whispered, her voice slightly teasing.
Frank’s eyes blinked open, and he looked up at Sylvie, his eyes narrowing. “You bitch.” He muttered, a small smirk tugging at his lips. “You’re the one who’s fuckin’ doing this shit to me.”
Then, he unexpectedly pulled her further down onto him, claiming her lips in yet another heated kiss. In reaction, Sylvie let out a stifled yelp against his lips. Frank tightened his grip on her writhing body, his brows furrowing as he fought to maintain what was left of his self-control. His hips met hers with every movement, his muscles tensing up.
“You’re strugglin’ to be quiet yourself, sweetheart.”
Frank then sat up, pulling Sylvie closer to him as he started to lavish her neck with kisses and bites again. She was firmly gripping onto his shoulders, her nails starting to dig into his skin as her pace started to quicken. As she tilted her head back, Frank’s name — his real name — slipped from her lips in a whisper.
Frank could’ve sworn his heart stopped for a second when he heard Sylvie say his name like that. He needed to hear it again and again until he could vividly hear her sweet little voice in his head.
“Say it again.” He murmured, his voice bordering on pleading. “And again…”
Sylvie was almost on the verge of tears from the pleasure she was experiencing. It was nothing like she had felt before. It was almost too much for her to handle at this point, evident in the way she was beginning to tremble in Frank’s arms. “A… Adam…”
She was whispering his name like she was quietly calling out to God, each repetition sounding more desperate than the last. Both of them knew that she was close, just about teetering on the edge. So was Frank, but he was barely hanging on, waiting to witness Sylvie reach the end first — he needed to see it, knowing it would probably be the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life.
Sylvie pushed Frank back down on the bed, her knuckles just about turning white as she gripped the bedsheets. The heat in her abdomen was getting stronger and stronger, and she felt like a coil that was mere seconds away from snapping.
Her hips started to stutter as she got closer and closer, her eyes fluttering closed as her breath hitched. “Oh my God…” She gasped. “Oh my… God…”
Frank let out another quiet groan, and then another…
And then, Sylvie finally snapped. When her climax came over her, it was the most intense thing she had experienced in her life. Her head was pounding, she felt dizzier than before, and her body began to tremble even more. Her entire body felt heavy, and she felt like she couldn’t support herself anymore. She shut her eyes even tighter, letting out a strangled yelp as she felt her release completely possess her.
Frank rolled the two of them over again, finishing himself off, muffling his own sounds by burrowing his face in the crook of Sylvie’s neck. When it was all over, Frank just lay there on top of her, both of them struggling to catch their breaths. He eventually lifted his head to look at her, noticing how she looked completely wrecked, and it was all because of him.
“You’re shaking.”
Sylvie looked up at Frank, her eyes wide as the reality of what had just happened sunk in. She didn’t even know what to say. Nothing felt real to her right now.
“I… am…?” She quietly asked, her voice unsteady.
Frank slowly nodded, a shit-eating grin slowly forming on his face. “That good, huh?”
Sylvie tried to fight back a small smile, but she couldn’t resist. “Shut up…” She muttered. “It’s just…”
“Just what?” Frank asked, shifting to lie down next to her.
“No one’s… ever…” Sylvie’s voice trailed off as she tried to steady her breathing. “No one’s… ever… made me feel like… this…”
She took a deep breath, her eyes wandering up towards the ceiling. She then looked back at Frank, noticing the stupid cocky grin on his face. “What’s the look for?” She asked.
“So, was I right?”
“Right about what?”
“You lying about hating my guts.”
Sylvie sighed. “Yeah… maybe. Maybe I was lying.”
“That’s three things you’ve lied about. Well, technically four, because you said you never lie… which was a lie in itself.”
Sylvie rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I know…”
“You’re an awful liar.”
“And you have quite the ego.”
Sylvie tried to sit up as if she was considering leaving the bed, but Frank pulled her down against his chest. “You’re not goin’ anywhere.”
“Go to sleep.”
Sylvie fell asleep before Frank, and when she did, he couldn’t help but find it strangely… endearing.
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hopevalley · 3 years
Season 8, Episode 11: Changing Times
Well, as it turns out, my second Covid vaccine kicked me down hard. After sleeping for quite a long time, though, I’m tired of sleeping and ready to try and get this write-up done.
Surprisingly, or...perhaps not so surprisingly, I don’t think I have that much to say about last night’s episode. I think we’re just too close to the finale for me to feel “safe” in guessing/hoping for anything in particular.
Let’s hit up the plot points like before:
The Triangle
Carson & Faith
Rosemary’s Purpose
School District Problems
Jesse’s Disappearance 
The Triangle
I’m probably one of the few people who liked Nathan who felt like the whole beginning scene was super weird and uncomfortable. Homegirl held his hand for one second in the last episode and now she’s going to warm his serge by the fire (while he just stands there awkwardly??? He could have done that himself while she got him some tea or something idk) and then dress him???
I think we’re meant to see that as her going back to...I don’t know...old habits die hard or something? But she was barely married for any time at all and it’s been three years since Jack died. No way would she be so far into those old habits that she’d fall back into them with Nathan lmao.
Like, it’d be a REALLY GOOD PLOT for a character who had been married for years and lost a spouse (cough Abigail cough) but considering the circumstances it felt like a cheesy fanfiction! I wanted to like it, but I just felt weird about it. Tonal whiplash out the wazoo.
Especially when we had to watch Lucas drive by and see Nathan’s horse at Elizabeth’s house. 
Lucas sadly watching Elizabeth talk to Nathan was also awkward, but at least it gave him the courage he needed to break things off with her.
You’d think I’d have a lot to say about the triangle, but I’m saving all of that for some kind of...post-season discussion. Who is she going to pick? Nathan seems like the most logical writing choice, but it could yet be Lucas. I genuinely don’t care who she chooses so long as she picks someone.
Carson & Faith
I like to hate on these two a lot, so you might be surprised to know that I’m enjoying their storyline. I’ve criticized this series over and over for never bothering to portray realistic relationships and one thing I can say about Faith and Carson this season is that things actually feel...plausible.
I also appreciate how they try to tie Carson into the town a bit more: he talks to Henry and Minnie and even Lucas trying to figure things out! It makes perfect sense to me; how do you choose between someone you care about/the potential life you could make with them, and a career that you’re really and truly passionate about?
This is the most interesting Carson has been since Season 5.
Anyway, the pudding scene was genuinely funny, and a great way to break up the stress that I’m sure we were all feeling about his impending proposal. Faith’s reaction to thinking he might propose was...pretty telling. I really wish they hadn’t saved so many dangling plotlines to solve in the final episode, though. I was hoping Faith and Carson’s storyline would be fully figured out in the penultimate episode so that we could let him go (or whatever) in the season finale. It just seems to me like it would be a good, smooth ending for them.
Also, for what it’s worth, they tried doing this kind of plot with Frank in Season 5, but it was rushed and pulled out of thin air; he’d never shown an inclination toward pastoring toward dying children in the past and it was clear that they just needed to write him off the show. With Carson, this sort of plotline works VERY well; he was a surgeon, and he was passionate about it, but that passion took a hit when his wife needed surgery and she died on the table under his hands. He’s had some time to move on from that and process his feelings, so it makes sense that he’d find that passion again. I just wanted to point this out because it’s interesting how well it works for Carson and how...well, not-well it worked with Frank. I really felt like with Frank, it was just a storyline that could have been given to anyone with the same success rate, whereas with Carson they took a look at the character and what we already know of him, and built the storyline specifically for him. That’s good writing, babes!
Anyway, Carson trying to propose in the vague hope that Faith will come with him, even knowing she doesn’t want to leave Hope Valley, is pretty manipulative and awful, but it really goes a long way toward making his character feel like an actual person. Like yeah, he does actually want the best of both worlds. Do you blame him?
Rosemary’s Purpose
I know a lot of people are really into this storyline but I found it boring. The only good part was when Lee called the other desk in his office “hers.” Everything else just felt like a bit too much to come to the conclusion that she should run a paper. We already had her “advice” column in the paper and it was...amusing while it lasted, but eh. I just don’t see good storylines coming for her from this angle, especially when they went the route of her finding out she wants to start the paper back up to share information with the town. Are we really going to trust Rosemary’s integrity when it comes to writing news stories, especially when MOST of the time the things she’ll be allowed to write about are, you know, who grew the biggest cabbage? It makes me dread the potential for Round Two of Nosy Rosie.
I dunno. I used to really like Rosemary but this season’s been pretty rough on her character. Good for you for wanting to find your passion career, but most of us work so that we can eat, not for a fun way to pass the time and stay busy. :/
School District Problems
Mr. Landis is right and Elizabeth is an idiot. Sure the school board is being assholes for no reason (as if they’d care if one blind child was sitting in a classroom in one western town lol), but Elizabeth’s really going to dismiss his concerns about how she can juggle the added work necessary to teach Angela while also keeping up with everyone else?
It sucks that Angela will get left out, but Elizabeth should be working with Mr. Landis to come up with a plan to teach Angela without sacrificing the education of her other students. Better yet, she could rely on her friends for advice. Like Rosemary.
Still no apology there...
Anyway, a projected 100 new kids? That’s outlandish. The only way that will happen is if they open a factory in Hope Valley, and even then it could take years. I MEAN, WHERE IS THE HOUSING GOING TO BE FOR ALL THE ADULTS THAT WOULD GIVE YOU A HUNDRED NEW STUDENTS LOL. I think we have to assume the plotlines are connected.
I also find it hard to believe the board would care about Elizabeth being certified to teach Angela. Where else is she going to get an education? It’s 1918 in the middle of almost nowhere???
This show drives me nuts with its attempt to be a “Frontier Show” while also shying away from the characters actually being stranded/cut off from society at large. You still had unlicensed teachers teaching in western towns in this time period because nobody cared!!!
ANYWAY, if Union City was like 3 miles away I could see them trying to combine schools. But it isn’t. So.
I dunno. I hate this plotline. I feel like they stole it from a better show (Road to Avonlea, where the bigger school was just a few miles away and it made sense to consider combining the schools for a better education system for the students as one-room schoolhouse teaching was proven to be less effective) but didn’t bother to consider any of the logistics of the storyline.
Maybe it’s my passion for education and history that makes me hate it, though. I know too much to find this storyline believable. I should also mention that I haven’t enjoyed Elizabeth’s role as teacher for a very long time. (I think they suck at writing Elizabeth as a teacher.)
I’m just not interested in wherever this is going to go because I can’t imagine it’ll have a lasting impact.
The only good thing I can say about the whole plotline is that I REALLY LIKED HOW BILL CAME OUT OF IT. I think he’s the only person who knows how to speak to Elizabeth. She struggles with blunt honesty at first, but ultimately tends to appreciate it, and that’s pretty much what she always gets with Bill. Also, the scene where he shuts her down didn’t make her look stupid, either (just worried/anxious), so I could appreciate it.
Jesse’s Disappearance
I couldn’t care less about this plotline if I tried. Jesse’s gone missing in the mountains before (was it last season? I don’t even remember because I didn’t give a damn about it then either) so this felt like a multi-reused plotline...for the same character, no less.
It’s also poorly implemented. Why doesn’t anyone else care about Jesse? Why is Clara pouring her heart out to Lee while her friends are failing to support her in the slightest? Why should any of us care when we know he’ll be fine?
It just feels so forced for the sake of drama, and it’s made 10x worse because there’s too much else going on at the same time.
Also, how convenient that they have to tell us how hard-working and dedicated Jesse is to his work to force this plot to even make sense... C’mon, he has never been a particularly dedicated to work. They just needed to explain why he would have left the car so that he could be “missing.”
Boring. I also don’t care that much about their “stolen” money.
The only good thing in all of this is seeing how soothing of a voice Lee actually has. 
The best parts of the episode:
Henry calling Florence “Flo” GOT ME. It was so surprisingly cute???
I love Bill, and he really came out of this episode looking great! Finally, it seems they’re done writing him as a grouchy old man who hates everyone! In this season (and particularly in this episode), he is allowed to be capable, smart, helpful, loyal, and in possession of a great deal of integrity. I couldn’t believe that guy tried to bribe the judge in town right off the bat lmao...but the way Bill handled it felt very in character—very reminiscent of him from S3 or 4. He never shuts things down immediately, preferring instead to get more information to use against his, erm...opponent. Should he need it, of course. I was really happy to see him written well in this episode.
Fiona’s backstory! Finally, we get some FIONA LORE. Neat.
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munsonownsmyass · 8 months
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Frank Castle x OFC! Abigail Miller
Summary: After his first visit, Frank comes to town more often. As the days go by, him and Abby get closer.
Notes: Still just some good ol' pining for this one folks. It's a slowburn, I'm sorry 😆
But we get way more Frank in this one and some not so pure thoughts. But really... who could have pure thoughts around Frank Castle? 🥵
There's also a little nod to Matt Murdock in here 🤭
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Words: 3.3K
Part 1 - Masterlist - Part 3
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Two weeks. It had been exactly two weeks since Abby had last seen Frank. Some days she caught herself looking at the door, hoping he would walk through.
Which in itself is really silly. First of all, Mildred said he rarely comes to town, always keeping to himself. Secondly, she had barely talked to him. So why did she think about him?
Well, she had to admit his eyes were kinda pretty. Okay, they were downright beautiful. And thinking about it, his lips were kinda plump and… really kissable.
God, was she really thirsting over a man she barely knew? It really had been too long since she had gotten laid. And how old was he anyway? Definitely older than her, but the beard probably made him look older than he actually was. Abby shakes her head, finishing putting some freshly baked muffins in the display.
Thankfully it’s a slow day, so Abby has lots of time to do some much-needed chores around the store. Browse for new recipes, put the delivered goods in the cooler or storage. Just as she puts the empty boxes away in the backroom, she hears the bell from the door.
“I’ll be there in a sec” she yells cheerfully. When Abby re-enters the store, she sees him. Frank Castle. Well, you know what they say. Speak of the devil and all that. Without thinking, she instantly smooths down the folds of her apron, before she walks towards him.
“Mr. Castle, what can I do for you today?”
“I wanted some more bread. And maybe some cookies too.”
“You came to the right place then.” she smiles softly, hoping he takes no offence by the playful tone to her voice. She walks towards the counter, gesturing to the selection she has, waiting for his order. When he walks closer, she is reminded of just how tall he is. And broad. God, he is broad.
She forces a smile, looking up at Frank with an innocent face, like she didn’t just think about him. “So what tickles your fancy?”
He doesn’t answer, just looks at her with an intense gaze. His eyes trailing down her body and up again, where they once again meet hers. Abby suddenly feels shy, strangely exposed under his gaze.
“Do you have more of that corn loaf?” He asks, his deep voice calm and soft.
Surprised, Abby’s lips quirk up into a smile. Figures he would be a man of habits. “The same bread again, Mr. Castle? You don’t want to try something new?”
“Just call me Frank.”
A sudden warm feeling washes over her at the prospect of getting to know Frank better. It’s not much, but it’s a start.
“I do have one left.” Abby says softly, as she walks to the bread and put it in a bag. As she types the order into the register, Frank just looks at her, studying her quietly. Once she had added the cookies, she looks at him again. Not wanting him to go yet, but still not wanting to push too much, she gestures towards the coffee machine.
“You want a cup of coffee before you go?”
“No.” He says a bit too hard. He frowns quickly before his face turns softer. “No, thank you.”
It’s strange, as if he’s been alone for so long that he’s forgotten how to interact with people. Abby doesn't mind, though, but the thought makes her sad, makes her wonder why he keeps to himself.
He lingers for a moment, looking to the display, before his eyes find hers again. “You don’t have any red velvet cupcakes?”
 “No, but I can make you some.” Abby smiles softly, suddenly eyeing an opportunity. “If you leave your number, I can call you when they’re done?“
Frank nods softly, taking one of the notepads on the counter. As he scribbles down his number, Abby notices how small the ballpen is in his hand, how small the notepad is against the other. God, his hands are huge. Just like the rest of him. Before she can stop herself, Abby looks him up and down, before scolding herself. Down girl. She doesn’t even know him yet. And even if she did, she wouldn’t know what to do, hopeless around men. Truth be told, she’d never had a serious relationship, always been a little shy. Or she just never found the right one. But… Doesn’t hurt to look, does it?
She forces herself to look away, biting her lip in shame.
Frank hands her the block, before he puts his hands back into the pocket of his coat. Silence falls between them. Abby fidgets with the block, while Frank looks at her. He opens his mouth, as if he’s gonna say something, but no words come out. He looks away, nods and turns towards the door.
“Have a nice day, Frank.”
He gives her a quick wave and leaves the store. Abby looks after him until he reaches his car, wondering what he wanted to say. She looks at the block in her hand, smiling, before she returns to her chores.
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The next day, Abby and Mildred are sitting in the couch area, when Mildred spots something outside.
“Well, will you look at that? Frank is in town again. Twice in one month.” She takes a sip of her coffee, her eyes following him as he walks towards the shop. “Don’t think that has ever happened before.”
“Actually…” Abby starts softly, biting her bottom lip. Mildred looks at her, scotching closer. “He was here yesterday.”
Mildred looks at Abby softly, raising her brow, as a shit eating grin spreads on her face. “Hmm… I wonder what’s suddenly causing him to visit more.”
She nudges Abby’s shoulder playfully, before she puts her cup down, walking towards the back room.
“What are you doing?” Abby asks, confused.
“Leaving you alone with him.” Mildred blinks, before she disappears behind the kitchen door, just in time for Frank to enter the shop. Abby turns to face him, a blush slowly creeping up her cheeks. Frank walks towards her slowly, a faint smile on his lips.
Huh. A smile. Would you look at that? Abby can’t help but imagine how he would look with a full-on smile, how it would light up his face.
“I was wondering if my cakes were ready. Was heading to town anyways, so…”
“Oh, yeah. I… I was just about to call you, actually.” She smiles softly, fighting the urge to smile too much. Mildred couldn’t be right, could she?
Abby gets up to get his cakes, already packed up nicely in a little box. As she hands him the box, he has a faint smile on his face, his features softening ever so slightly. Looking softer, he’s not that intimidating. Sure, the hair was a little long, and that beard could use a little trim, too. But it really wasn’t that bad.
As he walks to the door, Abby softly wishes him a good day, even though he never reciprocates. Frank stops in the door, looking out into the street, before he looks back at her. His brown eyes are soft, as they look into her green ones.
“Have a nice day” he says quickly, before lowering his gaze and walking out the store.
Once outside, he looks through the window, but when he sees Abby watching, he blushes and looks away. As Frank walks to his car, Mildred comes out of the backroom, practically snickering. She puts her arm around Abby, a wide smile on her face.
“That is something I never thought I would see. You got more than 5 words out of him. He must like you.”
She gives Abby a little squeeze, before she returns to her coffee, already talking about the county fair, even though it’s still a month away. But Abby’s mind is still on Frank. He couldn’t possibly like her, could he?
She shakes her head, walking over to Mildred, trying not to smile too much.
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The next few weeks flew by. Frank had come into the shop 3 more times. Once to pick up more cookies and twice for… Well, Abby wasn’t sure. He said he just wanted coffee, but the coffee couldn’t be that good, could it?
He was still very quiet, not talking much at all. A few sentences here and there, but one thing she noticed was his voice. He sounded warmer, more comfortable. Even his body language changes. He looks more relaxed, the tension gone from his shoulders, as he sits on the couch, enjoying a coffee while looking at the small bookshelves.
One day he casually mentioned he was reading Moby Dick as he was browsing through her collection of classics. It was nice to know they had that in common.
Sometimes they don’t even talk at all, just relax in each other’s company. Every so often, Abby would look up as she’s finishing up a cake, only to find Frank’s eyes already on her. And for every sweet smile she gave him, he would give one in return.
The bell to the shop rings. When Abby looks up, she is in shock for a second. Frank is there and in his hand is a bouquet of Gerber Daisies. Smiling widely, surprised by his gesture, she takes the flowers from him. “What is this for?”
“The shop's three-month anniversary.” His voice soft and… nervous? No, she must be mistaken. “It’s from my garden.” He continues softly, looking at her. Abby is one big smile, as she finds an empty vase and pour some water in. Once the flowers are in, she puts it right on the counter.
He couldn’t have picked a better flower, the Gerber Daisy being one of her favorites. She had always loved colors and could remember how her dad would always bring her mother a bouquet every Friday, filled with Gerber Daisies in all the colors the florist had.
“It… It reminded me of you.” He says softly, a gentleness to his voice that almost makes her heart ache.
“How so?” Abby asks softly, almost certain her face was flushed red at this point.
“You’re colorful.” He huffs softly, before looking down at his hands. With a shrug of his shoulders, he looks up into her eyes again. But before he can say anything, they’re interrupted by Mr. Peterson, the guy who owned the flower shop next door.
“Hello Miss Miller. Here with your flowers.”
When he sees Frank, he instantly smiles wider. “Mr. Castle, it’s such a pleasure you’ve been coming to town more.”
Frank nods and smiles, before he walks to the door in a hurry. Mr. Peterson just shrugs it off, before he begins replacing the flowers around the shop.
Abby looks down at the Daisies, gently taking one of the petals between her fingertips. So he thinks about her, huh? A warm feeling runs through her, her heart beating faster. Abby wondered what he was about to say, when they got interrupted? God, she wishes she knew.
Still caressing the soft petal, she barely hears when Mr. Peterson speaks to her. “I’m sorry, Mr. Peterson. What?”
“Just said I was done, Dear. Have a good day.” He looks at her hand, before shooting her a knowing smile. He snickers softly as he leaves the store. Great, now that’ll be all over town. But somehow, she really doesn’t care. She turns to the flowers again and then notices something on the counter. A wallet.
Confused, she picks it up and looks for an ID. A huge grin spreads as she reads the name. Francis Cast-… Castiglione? Italian? And a Francis, huh? Curious, she reads the rest. His address, birthday and… Wait… His birthday was only a few days away. Should she…? No, that would be crazy, wouldn’t it? He would probably hate it if she did anything.
If he wanted to celebrate his birthday, he would say so, right? But maybe he didn’t say anything because-
Before she can finish the thought, some customers walk in. As she helps them pick out some cakes, Frank comes back. He sees his wallet and gestures to Abby that he found it, before leaving again.
A week later, Abby is sitting in her car, heading down a small forest road. This was probably crazy, but she really wanted to do something nice for Frank.
The last few months they had gotten closer and dared she think, had become friends? And friends didn’t let another friend be alone on their birthday.
Finally, after 4 wrong turns and 50 checks to many with the GPS, Abby finally pulls into the driveway. As she looks around, she is at a loss for words. The cabin is beautiful, taken straight out of a travel magazine. Beautiful wood and stones, perfectly matched, looking gorgeous against the green of the woods. Near the treeline, there are huge stacks of lumber.
The whole place is really quiet, peaceful. She gets why Frank loves it up here.
From a small gap in the trees, Frank emerges, followed by two pitbulls. When he sees Abby, he drops his axe on a log and walks towards her car, a frown on his face.
Shit. Maybe this was a bad idea. As he strides towards her car, she braces herself. Ready to be scolded, told to fuck off. She slowly exits the car, smiling gently at Frank.
“What are you doing here?”
She can’t quite decipher his expression. A mixture of anger and shock is painted on his face. Maybe even panic. Abby gets it. She’s probably the first one up here in years, maybe ever. “Sorry, I… It’s your birthday, so I wanted to-”
“How do you know?” He demands, looking into her eyes, confusion written all over his face.
“I… I looked in your wallet. To see who left it.” She bites her lip, looking at the ground like a scolded child. When she looks back up into his eyes, his expression has softened.
“Sorry, I… I never have visitors.”
“And now I see why.” Abby smiles nervously, gesturing towards his intimidating posture. Frank instantly relaxes.
A small wine comes from behind him, and they both look at the dogs, sitting nicely, waiting to be called over. Frank whistles and the dogs rush to Abby, almost knocking her over. She’s always loved dogs, grew up with them and had actually been thinking about adopting one after she moved out here.
“Easy boy.” Frank says softly to the eager dark one. God, his deep rich voice always makes her heart flutter.
“They’re cute. What’s their names?” Abby asks curiously, her eyes never leaving the dogs. Always been a dog person, maybe even liking them more than humans. Dogs are honest, their emotions and intentions always clear. She liked that.
“This guy is Max.” He points to the dark grey Pitbull, before turning to the red one. “And this little boy is… Red.”
Frank shuffles slightly, scratching the back of his head, as he looks down at the two of them. “Max I rescued, and Red I got at a shelter. Named after someone I knew years ago.”
He smiles softly as he pats squats down and pat the young Pitbull’s head. Abby couldn’t help but wonder who this person was. Must’ve have meant something to Frank. Abby stands again, brushing the dirt and dog hairs of her fingers. Suddenly nervous, she smoothed down her dress, before gesturing towards her car. “I actually brought you something.”
Abby excitedly opens the door, pulling out the cake and a present. Her smile falls slightly, when she sees his face. Abby was expecting him to be surprised, but she never would have expected this.
He looks overwhelmed, like he can’t believe what is happening. Abby’s heart clenches at the thought. How long had it been since anyone had done anything like this for him?
He gestures for her to follow, leading her to the backyard. While he goes inside to get plates, Abby sits down in a lounge chair. She didn’t know what she expected his place to look like, but it wasn’t quite this. New stylish furniture that complimented the wood of the cabin. It was all very clean and minimalistic, but still somehow had soul. She looks towards the terrace door, dying to know what it looks like on the inside. Maybe next time.
Frank comes back with a tray, holding plates, cups and a teapot. But that’s not what has caught Abby’s attention.
While inside, Frank has taken his jacket off and holy fuck. Abby had never seen arms as his, suddenly feeling her throat dry up. Toned muscular arms, flexed, so thick. And God, the shirt. Until now, she had only seen him with a jacket or sweatshirt on, never really knowing what kind of body was underneath. But now, as his tight t-shirt clings to him slightly damp skin, nothing is left to imagination. A broad, muscular chest. Nipples perked in the cool afternoon air. Abs dancing under the thin fabric. She bites her lip, wondering what he would look like without it, sweat dripping down his chest as he chops wood?
It takes every ounce of willpower for Abby to look away, before she gets caught. Her head now filled with images she wouldn’t forget anytime soon, she clears her throat, pushing the cake towards Frank.
“I… I-“ she coughs, stumbling over her words. Damn, how could he affect her so much without even doing anything. “I didn’t know what flavor you liked, so I made carrot cake.”
“Well, lucky for you I love cream cheese frosting.” A wide smile plays on his handsome features. Just when she didn’t think he could be any prettier, he smiles.
Frank carves them both a piece and then they eat in silence, looking out over his grounds. A big field of grass surrounded by trees. To one side, there’s a big greenhouse filled with plants and raised beds with herbs. To the other side there’s bushes with berries.
All over the yard there’s flowers, making it a colorful space. But closest to her, in many pots on the terrace, there’s Gerber Daisies. Just like the ones he gave her, in all colors of the rainbow. “This place is really wonderful, Frank.”
He just smiles and mutters a quiet thank you through a mouthful of cake. Abby giggles softly, the sight of Frank with his mouth full priceless, his cheeks filled out like a chipmunk. “So, I take it the cake was a hit?”
“Best damn cake I’ve had in years, sweetheart.”
She’s so damn easy. One ‘sweetheart’ leaves his lips and she’s a puddle. But to be fair, that voice of his is something else.
Abby gently pushes the present towards him. Frank tears the paper away, smiling when he sees the book. Okay, sure, maybe she should have gotten him something else. But she didn’t know him well enough, and he did seem to love books.
“Looking at what books you eyed at the shop, I thought that you might enjoy ‘The Call of the Wild’.”
“I love it, thank you.” Frank smiles softly, opening the book, inspecting the pages. Suddenly captivated by the way his fingers gently dance over the pages, Abby can’t help but wish she was that book. To have his fingers dance over her skin like that. She swallows a huge lump, looking at his hands. How could such a big book look small in his hands?
After a moment's silence, he looks into her eyes, suddenly looking a little nervous. “Abby, you’re going to the county fair, right?”
Slightly surprised by his question, she tells him how Mildred coerced her into helping set up. “But my evening is free. Why?”
“Maybe… You’d wanna go with me?”
Abby isn’t sure he heard him right. But the way he smiles, she knows it’s true. She can’t hold back her smile, as she happily agrees.
She was already tripping. Did he just ask her on a date? As she looks up into his beautiful chocolate eyes, a soft smile on his face, her heart flutters. Saturday couldn’t come fast enough.
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Tagging: @e-dubbc11 @itwasthereaminuteago @chvoswxtch @theradioactivespidergwen @danzer8705 @lucy-sky @yanna-banana @murdock-and-the-sea @mattmurdocksscars @boliv-jenta @darlingshane @pedrito-friskito
And some no pressure tags 🙈: @anna-hawk @feelmyskinonyourskin @chellestrash @chelseasdagger @loveroftoomanyfandoms
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andydrysdalerogers · 10 months
Sliding Into Home ~ Finale
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Pairing: MLB!Frank Adler x Abigail Hernandez (OFC)
After a trade from Boston to Los Angeles, first baseman Frank Adler would seem to have it all. Money, women, an amazing niece, yes Frank should have it all. Except for one thing. One thing that left after a mistake five years ago. Los Angeles should be the chance to start over. Except she is supposed to be in Boston. Not his new medical director.
* A Frank Adler AU x Major League Baseball Story**
Warning: ANGST (i can't stress this enough), second chances, cheating, S~M~U~T!!, slow burn, drug use, abandonment issues, betrayal, domestic violence (i may have missed some), flashbacks
Dividers by me!
A/N: So this is it folks! This is the end. There isn't anymore. I hate to say goodbye but maybe we will revisit in one shots!
Thank you for following me on this journey!
Also, there is a spotify playlist for this one. Click here!
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
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Previous: Oh Captain, My Captain!
Sliding Into Home Master List Main Masterlist
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Four Years Later... 
The playoffs this year have been exhausting. Frank was used to it but now, he had one more reason to be home.  The world series would start next week for the Dodgers.  It was their second bid in four years and Frank felt like this was their time.  Johnny was pitching better than ever and the team that Dave and Todd had put together was golden.   
As he drove home in his beloved Camero, he thought back on how he ended up here.  
The trial for Mike Weiss was long and exhaustive. Mike faught to the bitter end, continuing to claim that he only kidnapped Mary to speak to her, get to know her, since Frank and Abby had forbade him from coming close to his family.  The law was on their side, as Diane provided testimoney of Mike’s obsession in destroying the Adlers from way back to when Frank and Abby first started their relationship.  It had been a 20 year obsession that had catipulted him delusions.  
Unfortunately, Mike never saw a day of his sentence.  Frank was disappointed in how Mike ended up taking his own life from an accidental overdose after finding out the guilty verdict. They had given him one week to set up his affairs. Frank didn’t want the man to die but Mike couldn’t live with the idea of going in sober and clean.  The “friend” that found him said he wanted one more party before he went inside.  Was it accidental?  No one will ever really know beside the man who had been Frank’s best friend for 15 years.  
Diane was a better story.  After staying for for treatment for a year, Diane was sober and in her right mind.  She had visited with Frank and Mary once, before moving to Maine with her boyfriend.  She told Frank that she would never contest custody and hoped to maintain an “auntie” sort of relationship with Mary.  Abby couldn’t bring herself to face her again.  She had gotten her answers and forgave her former friend.  But she set down the law: her future children would not have a relationship with their aunt. Frank respected her decision. 
Bobby Fuller was banned by the league after their investigation into him found his drug use and his collaboration in helping Mike.  At the insistence of Frank, the district attorney did not press charges against him. Frank decided losing his passion, his career was punishment enough.  they never spoke again.  
A year after the loss of the world Series, Johnny decided to propose to Katie, at Christmas, on Dodger Field.  Frank had been right that he would propose, all be it, a year later than he thought.  But Katie had a surprise for him after she said yes.  She was pregnant, with twins.  Sam and David Storm joined the family at the beginning of June the following year.  
Susie had made an honest man out of Marco in the summer after the first world series.  They bought a house in the same neighborhood as Frank and Abby.  Susie was honored after her discovery of a new star in the sky.  Marco still worked as security for the Adlers, especially after Abby decided to resign as medical director for the Dodgers.  She went to take over as  Chief of Staff at USC.  The hours changed so security for the children had to be updated as well.  
Scott and Steve married after dating for three years.  Frank stood as his best man and signed their marriage certificate.  Luckily, the Adler property had a small house in the back that Scott turned into a home for them.  Scott stayed on as the nanny, not wanting to separate from his godchildren.  Steve was so understanding and was happy to be honored as the kid’s second godfather.  
Frank smiled as he drove down the familiar street.  The leaves were starting to turn and the air in California finally started to have a chill in the mornings.  He was looking forward to an early morning coffee with his Cricket on the balcony before the kids woke up.  Mary was still working on her science project, a fully functioning telescope from scratch.  The now 14-year-old was in college level science, a brain box just like her mothers.  Susie loved having a prodigy to work with.  She still went to a normal school but twice a week, Susie would take her to her college classes as her guardian and professor.  
Turning into the driveway, Frank groaned at the toys all over the yard. “Dammit Mary,” he muttered.  She had just a few responsibilities at the house, and one was to make sure all of the toys were put away for the night.  He looked at his watch.  It was just past eight.  He grabbed his bag and headed into the house.  
“Hello, hello!” He called out.  
A streak of dark curls rushed at him.  He crouched down and caught three-year-old Lorelei in his arms.  
“Hi princess,”he said as he hugged and kissed his daughter.  
“Daddy, you were ever and ever,” she pouted.  
“I know princess, but I’ll be home for a few days.  Uncle Johnny and Auntie Katie are coming over tomorrow.”  
“Yay!!!” She hung on to his neck as he stood up to see his Mary walking over. “Hey Nugget.”  
“Hey dad!” Mary hugged him hard. “That was an awesome play yesterday.”  
“Thanks.  But you’re in trouble.” Mary looked at him confused. “The toys?”  
“Oh, cr-,” she stopped, “crazy,” she said, looking at her sister. “I’ll take care of it right now.”  She darted out the door, Dodger on her heels after getting a pat from Frank.  
“Hey Frankie.”  
Frank turned to see his girl, his Cricket walking over to him, holding their eight-week-old son, Anthony, in her arms.  “Hi Cricket.”  He put Rory down and took his son in his arms. “Hey little man.” He kissed his forehead and was rewarded with a sleepy yawn and a blink of his ocean blues.  “He’s bigger.”  
“Went for his checkup yesterday,” Abby said. “He’s at 12 pounds now, growing like a weed.”  
Anthony had been born four weeks early and was just under six pounds when he was born, but healthy.  He had an appetite like his dad, which Abby complained about at the 3 AM feedings.  
“I’ve missed you guys.” Frank pulled Abby close and kissed her softly.  
“We missed you.”  Abby took his hand and guided him to the counter. “I thought you would be earlier, and I made dinner.”  
“Sorry baby, the flight got delayed on the tarmac and I had no signal.” Frank sighed.  “Whatcha make?” 
“Lasagna.” Frank groaned as Abby's lasagna was second to none. Abby smiled. “I’ll cut you a piece.”  
“You’re the best Cricket.  I should marry you.”  
“Already did Frankie. Best decision ever.”  
“Without a doubt.” 
Later that night, as the house settled for the night, Abby laid Tony in his bassinet. She smoothed his blanket before kissing him goodnight.  Frank leaned over and kissed him as well.  “Sweet dreams, pal. Love you son.”  
Abby could never get over how sweet it was to watch Frank with all his kids. He helped with Mary’s homework, read stories to Rory and cuddled with Tony when Abby wanted to take a shower.  This man, this man that she met 20 years ago, was everything she ever dreamed of.  As they climbed into bed, Abby lay on Frank’s chest.  “You’re thinking really loud, Cricket.  What’s on your mind?” 
Abby chewed her lip for a moment before asking, “Are you happy Frankie?” 
“The happiest I’ve ever been.  Why do you ask?” 
“I dunno.  Lots of changes.” 
Frank sat up and pulled his wife onto his lap.  “Cricket, winning you back, having our family, it's like beating the throw and sliding into home.  It’s a high that I am so happy I get to live with you.”  
Abby melted at his sweet words. “I love you so much Frankie.”  
“And I love you, Cricket forever and ever.” He kissed her softly.  “Need some help getting to sleep?” He smirked.  
“Always.” Abby giggled as Frank flipped her onto her back, pulled the blanket over them and they sighed.  
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