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record123 · 1 year ago
NCCL Abfraction Composite Restorations from Dental Innovation Show on Vimeo.
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tooth abfraction
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christopher-isnt-lying · 2 years ago
Abfraction Lesions: what they are 
If you’ve started to notice some dents where the gums and teeth meet, there is a chance that abfraction lesions are forming.
You don’t have to panic, however. The dentist can look into this, getting you the right treatment plan. However, if you’re curious, here’s what we know about Abfraction lesions 
What they are
They’re losses on the structure of the teeth. They do happen gradually, with the first indentation forming near the front of where the tooth is, by the gumline.  Over time, this does get deeper. While they aren’t cavities, they’re known as what’s called non-carious cervical lesions, otherwise known as NCCL.  Because they do expose those softer parts of the teeth such as dentin, they create sensitivity, and they do often mimic cavity symptoms. Discovering this is happening is your first step to the management and treatment of this condition. 
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The Cause 
There is usually a cause for this, and this is force that’s put on the teeth when you’re grinding or chewing that’s there. However, there are other factors including biological, chemical, behavioral, and the like, all of which cause the abfractions to develop. 
For instance, abrasions and erosion also play a part in forming dental abfraction lesions. Erosion of the teeth occurs when you expose your teeth to acids, especially from drinks and foods, or even acid reflux. There are also abrasions that do happen due to abrasive types of toothpastes, or a bad brushing technique.  This combination creates gum recession, leaving the less mineralized, softer portions of the teeth involved including the cementum and the dentin.  These abrasive and acidic types of factors do initiate these abfractions, but oftentimes a lot of stress when you’re biting does develop and deepen this lesion with time. 
Treating Abfraction Lesions 
The proper treatment does depend on the severity of this, and also the sensitivity, along with the aesthetics that come with this. 
They start by filling in the lesion below where the gums are.  This is because it’s decayed and harder for you to clean.  If there is exposure to the nerve or pulp, there is a chance they might perform a root canal or also a cap to help with preventing this from getting worse.  Filling in this however restores the structure of the tooth and also reduces the sensitivity. 
There are usually composite or a tooth colored type of filling in order to cover these notices and improve the appearance of the smile. 
If the reason for your abfractions is tooth grinding, then usually they’ll prescribe you a mouthguard to wear as you sleep, or for when you’re playing sports.  You also may work on trying to reduce the stress so you’re not gritting your teeth.  
Orthodontics are another treatment for those abfractions, as they can take the pressure off of different areas that you’re dealing with damage. 
Also, while it will not cause the abfractions to go away, a desensitizing toothpaste that’s good for reducing the pain can help you with your minor abfractions. They also relieve the pain that comes with the sensitivity of the tooth, in order to bring about faster, better relief. 
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There are also risk factors that come with abfraction that you will want to be mindful of. If you’re wondering whether or not you might have these. Talk to your dentist, and if you notice the lesion beginning to form, have them help you right away with a proper treatment plan that’ll help you with getting the help that you need to take care of your teeth in the best ways that they can do so.
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ameerunsblog · 2 years ago
Oral Pathology Notes
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graywyvern · 2 years ago
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( via / via )
"November Night
Listen. . With faint dry sound, Like steps of passing ghosts, The leaves, frost-crisp'd, break from the trees And fall."
--Adelaide Crapsey
from ze archives 🌊🔉.
"Never write a poem about anything that ought to have a poem written about it, a wise man once told me." --Richard Hugo, The Triggering Town (1979)
Idea for a story: this Lovecraftian debacle: "Sad end to RWC[Chambers]'s days. No one in town liked him. He lost lots of his money in the 1929 stock crash. He stuck to himself and never had much to do with the town. After his death his wife published books that he had started until she died in 1938.
The house was left open with everything in place and local kids burning his papers to keep warm when drinking and making out in his abandon (sic) house. It was even used as a brothel from time to time. Half of the land is under water now because of a new dam and part (1/3) of the house has been pulled down and the rest remodeled by the church to from a rectory. His son is reported to have been in an asylum at one time. Maybe that is why nobody was there to take care of the place after his wife's passing.
There is a picture of the house... Looks kind of like a small U.S. White House.
...the reservoir did cover 200 of his 400 acres. Some say that he acted as if it didn’t bother him. I think that this was just stoic behavior. This was the land he wrote about in his five great novels of the revolutionary war. The drowned land, the Vlaie, the Kennyetto river, and Sir William Johnson’s beloved Summer House Point and Fish House all were covered. I think it took the heart out of him. He did not live too many more years after the water covered his land.
What is left of Broadinbin (sic) House is owned by the Catholic Church. About 1/3 of the house was pulled down when they rebuild it into housing for the clergy. The rest of the land is owned by a doctor. It was logged about 20 years ago. RWC’s 40,000 plantings going to make tooth picks, dog houses, and toilet paper." (More. And...)
--Abfraction 7-20-07
"He returned to an almost empty house. He appeared at Broadalbin off and on the next few years, then abandoned the place." Here's where you can find a pic. A vintage postcard.
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calocreek · 6 years ago
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Art fights yeahhhh!!  Look at all these excellent OCs!! 
(character credits - @wrenwhite, @twyrine, @catastrotaffy, @abfraction)
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dentistryzone1 · 5 years ago
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Easy to Understand #Abrasion. #Abfraction #Attrition #Erosion #dentistryzone https://www.instagram.com/p/B9oo3XEA_Vm/?igshid=fk7o35up1w5i
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fresnosmilemakeoversfan · 8 years ago
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REMEMBER TO SWITCH out your toothbrush every three months, or sooner if it starts to fray! #fresnosmilemakeovers #cosmeticdentist #invisalign #gumrecession #abfraction #toothbrushes #dentalhygiene
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heavenlydreamangelflyhigh · 3 years ago
dental abfractions are notches that form by the gum line, and gradually deepen over time.
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infographicjournal · 4 years ago
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The Dentist’s Guide to Tooth Erosion, Attrition, Abrasion, and Abfraction
Having trouble reading infographic here?
Check out the full size infographic at - https://infographicjournal.com/the-dentists-guide-to-tooth-erosion-attrition-abrasion-and-abfraction/
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record123 · 1 year ago
Non-Carious Cervical Lesions (Abfraction) from Dental Innovation Show on Vimeo.
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drristveroniquebousseau · 4 years ago
"Usure dentaires" se lèw pedi yon pati man dan li kapab pwent dan ou byen kolè dan san pa bezwen gen prezans bakteri, ladan yo nou jwen:
1️⃣"Attrition" se yon pwoblèm ke moun nan genyen nan frote danl yo ansanm ( grincement des dents, bruxisme) ki koz ke pwent dan yo arive fini rapid, le dan glise anpil fwa youn sou lot san rann kont le wap vale krache'w.
2️⃣"Abrasion kom Abfraction" menm fèt lèw abitye frote ou grate dan ak yon yon objè, ezanp: yon bwos dan ki dur anpil, yo tou 2 parèt nan kolè dan ( pati ki separe kowòn nan de rasin nan), men chak prezante yon fason diferan.
3️⃣"Erosion" se yon pèt rapid de yon pati nan dan pa yon prosesis chimik ki pemet pati nan dan fonn koz asid.
🦷Trètman : chak gen yon trètman spesifik
🦷Konsey: siw prezante youn nan pwoblèm sa yo, li nomal pouw gen anpil sansibilite ak lot pwoblèm anko, kidonk ale wè dantis ou, pouw rezoud pwoblèm sa.
Par @dr.ristveroniquebousseau
Pour tous les soins dentaires contactez-nous au: +50942430112
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Due to excessive wear and grinding, this patient suffered from moderate/severe attrition and abfraction (wear of the enamel on the facial and incisal surfaces) which not only causes a cosmetic concern, but was also causing extreme sensitivity to cold hot and cold. In this case, Dr.Robbins chose full-coverage crowns on #8 and #9 for the best results cosmetically and functionally. A night guard was also recommended, to protect the new restorations and prevent any further wear on the unrestored teeth. 📍1500 city west blvd suite 110 Houston, TX 77042 📞(832)830-8226 💻[email protected] #dentist #dental #houstondentist #houston #texas #cosmetics #cosmeticdentistry #smile #happy #dentaloffice #veneers #dentalimplants #hygienist #oralcare #dentalhygienist #beforeandafter #smilemakeover (at The Dentists At Houston Westchase) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwmM77kAT5U/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1o9c4orr4suhx
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dentistryzone1 · 5 years ago
By 👉🏻 @dr.lailarizvi ✅ “I hate my smile!“ These are words that I have heard over and over again. Regardless of how many times I hear it, it’s always heartbreaking. . It’s especially sad when someone has let years go by feeling this lack of confidence and low self esteem. Often the perfect smile is just one no anesthesia dental visit and a few fillings away. . These lesions are called abfractive or non carious lesions. They are not cavities and do not need to be ‘drilled out’. They are, however, holes in your teeth and can occur for various reasons. We need to have a conversation about why they are occurring and what is the consequence of not treating them. . There are reasons to fix these ‘holes’ other than cosmetics. The improvement in your smile?? That’s icing on the cake!!! Find out more about non carious lesions form your dentist! Or come and ask me if you are in Central Florida or like many of my patients, are willing to make the drive for someone that you can trust!! #trust #dentistry #hunterscreekmoms #orlandodentist #kissimmeedentist #smilemakeover #smile (à Lausanne, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBdDMxbAFXk/?igshid=1kj7n1brxbwhh
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fresnosmilemakeoversfan · 8 years ago
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BRUXISM is excessive teeth grinding or jaw clenching, and causes tooth wear and breakage, jaw disorders, and headaches! If you notice any of these side effects, come and see us! #fresnosmilemakeovers #bruxism #toothwear #abfraction #gumrecession #smile #invisalign #cosmeticdentist
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corruptedsilence · 2 years ago
‘ TRUTH ‘  +  You think you will ever be able to forgive Striker for what he did to you?
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" No. I wont forgive him. I want him to know what he did to me wasn't okay, and it won't ever be okay. I want him to suffer with the knowledge he hurt someone who was not just an advocate for his cause but would put my own title and life kn the line to stand with imps and other hellboen for their rights. And he hurt me. He took my kindness and spat at me. I want him to know that pain for the rest of his life.
I will be cordial with him if I must but I will never forgive him. He doesnt deserve forgiveness because he said sorry or he feels bad. I still have the nightmares. I have to deal with the empty hollow feeling and fear any partner will leave me to die. I want him to suffer knowing that. I want him to know what abfraction of how I feel is like.
So no. I will never forgive him. "
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