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nickysfacts · 11 months ago
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All hail the Jewish Heartthrob of Darkness!
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druidicentropy · 11 months ago
A one-winged demon named Abezethibou inhabits the Red Sea, schemes against all the winds beneath the sky, and opposes Moses.
Excerpts from The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology:
Abezethibou claims in the Ament of Solomon that he was once seated in the first heaven, known as Amelouth. He was there when Moses was brought before the Egyptian pharaoh and was called upon to support the Egyptian magicians in their attempt to discredit Moses. Abezethibou claims credit for inciting the Egyptians to pursue the Israelites during their exodus and for turning the pharaoh against Egypt. Abezethibou is trapped with the pillar of air when the Red Sea splits and falls in on the Egyptians. The demon Ephippas then comes to take him to King Solomon. Solomon gives Ephippas and Abezethibou the command to hold the pillar aloft until the end of time after tying them to it—possibly a reference to the Milky Way.
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silvcrignis · 1 year ago
Abez mostly appears as “Kai” in God form. It’s their original form & features (yes the blue hair is natural)“Jade” came later when their powers increased & that face & body is THEIRS no matter how hard their father tried to strip that agency from them. They’re not at all ashamed of what happened to them, they KNOW it wasn’t their fault & they’re ANGRY. Not sad, not looking for reconciliation or even an apology, no matter how sincere or remorseful (though they know their father & that there will never be one anyway). They want retribution. The Fog is their personal realm, a project they grew very attached to but if anyone said/says “I know a way to get at Prince Maggot but you have come with me to help”??? Abez is going on an extended vacation & they might take a few of their best “kids” with them.
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godivaghoul · 2 years ago
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funeraleee · 1 year ago
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New song dropped “Abezethibou”😭
Lmk what you think👋🦇✝️
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seewetter · 7 months ago
Mythic Creatures by Region & Culture
Part 9: Africa
Here is the overview of global creatures.
Cross-Cultural (across multiple but not all cultures)
Amadlozi of the Nguni people in South Africa; Anansi is Akan (which includes the Agona, Akuapem, Akwamu, Akyem, Anyi, Ashanti (!!!!!!!), Baoulé, Bono, Chakosi, Fante, Kwahu, Sefwi, Wassa, Ahanta, and Nzema) also found in African American lore; Asanbosam is Akan (which includes the Agona, Akuapem, Akwamu, Akyem, Anyi, Ashanti (!!!!!!!), Baoulé, Bono, Chakosi, Fante, Kwahu, Sefwi, Wassa, Ahanta, and Nzema) also found in Jamaican slave lore; Death; Jengu various peoples in Cameroon; Madam Koi Koi; Mami Wata; Mazomba; Mbombo; Mbuti Mythic Creatures; Mbwiri; Nandi Bear; Ninki Nanka; Nyami Nyami; Obambou; Obia also name for a creature in Latin American folklore (Garifuna of Bay Islands, Honduras); Ogun; Oshun; Shetani; Somali myth; Werehyena; Yumboes Wolof; Zār; Zuhri
allegedly African
Aegipan; Amphisbaena, in Greek myth, Perseus flies over Libya with head of Medusa…blood creates Amphisbaene; Catoblepas; Cerastes; Crocotta; Dingonek East Africa 1907-1918; Ethiopian pegasus; Forest Bull; Gold-digging ant; Griffon; Hypnalis; Leontophone; Lycaon; Macrobian; Pard; Pygmies; Rompo; Scitalis; Seps; Struthopodes maybe??; Syrbotae; Tarand; Theow; Wild Man, Wild Woman ; Wild Men, Wild Women; Yale
Anansi; Asanbosam; Obayifo
Aido Hwedo, also in Haiti
Canary Islands (Guanches)
Guayota; Maxios; Tibicena; Witches of Anaga
Abada; Bunzi; Eloko ; Biloko; Jengu also known in Cameroon, called Bisimi with the Bakongo; Mfinda; Nkisi; Nkondi; Simbi
in the Quran, an Aksumite (Ethiopian) siege is averted by birds dropping stones: Ababil; Buda (Ethiopia & Eritrea, were-hyena & evil eye); Ethiopian superstition; Holawaka (Oromo, Ethiopia);
Ibo loa also Haiti
Nkomi & Bakalai, Gabon
Abonsam, also Gold Coast; Adze, possessing "vampire" who stalks prey as firefly among the Ewe of Togo and Ghana
Gold Coast
Abonsam, also in Ghana
Kalenjin, Kenya
Kalenjin Mythic Creatures
Lugbara (Congo to Sudan)
Adroanzi, "angels", benevolent children of the god Androa, but if you turn around to look at them you die
Kalanoro; Vazimba; Yateveo (Plant) alleged
Agogwe sighted by 2 Europeans in 1926-1927 but existed prior as a word & creature in indigenous oral traditions
Hira; Zin Kibaru
Sotho, South Africa
Kammapa; Monyohe
South African Folktales Grootslang
Jok (among Acholi of Uganda and South Sudan); Lukwata (Baganda of Uganda);
West Africa
Adze, possessing "vampire" who stalks prey as firefly among the Ewe of Togo and Ghana; Ekpo Nka-Owo (Ibibio, Southern Nigeria); Wereleopard; Zin;
Amafufunyana (possession, schizophrenia); Uhlakanyana
Abiku; Egbere; Emere; Shango; Yemọja
Ilomba among the Lozi people
Zimbabwe Bird
Inkanyamba; Isitwalangcengce; Lightning Bird; Tikoloshe; Uhlakanyana; Umamba; Usiququmadevu; Zulu religion
Ancient Egypt
Aani; Abezethibou, Testament of Solomon, acted during Book of Moses in Egypt; Abtu; Abyzou; Akhekh; Ammit; Anubis; Apophis; Ba (personality); Bennu; Griffon; Hieracosphinx; Isfet; Medjed; Mehen_Board_Game_Snake_God_Egypt; Meretseger; Nemty; Serpopard; Set animal; Sphinx; Taweret; Teka-her; Unut_Egypt_Rabbit-Snake-Lion_Goddess; Uraeus; Wadjet
allegedly Ancient Egyptian
Cynocephali; Phoenix
Notify me if there are mistakes or if any of these creatures, beings or figures should not be used in art or fiction. (Note that every artist & writer should consider whether use of these figures is appropriate whether someone has complained or not).
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maxwhl · 5 months ago
Behemoth – Demônio da indulgência
Ronwe – Demônio do conhecimento linguístico
Urobach – da ordem inferior de demônios
causador de discórdia e querelas
Beelzebub – Senhor das Moscas
Mammon – Príncipe dos Tentadores
Satan – Príncipe das ilusões
Belzebuth – Chefe do falso deus
Pytho – Príncipe dos espíritos do engano
Beliel – Príncipe da iniqüidade
Merihim – Príncipe dos espíritos da peste
Abbadon – Príncipe da guerra
Astaroth – Príncipe dos acusadores e inquisidores
Lúcifer – Imperador
Belzebu – Príncipe
Astarot – Grão-Duque
Lucifage Rofocale – Primeiro Ministro
Satanchia – Grande General
Agaliarept – Também General
Feurety – Tenente Comandante
Sargantanas – Major
Nebiros – Marechal de Campo
Beelzebuth – Supremo Chefe
Satanás – Ocupa o segundo lugar como príncipe das trevas.
Eurynomous – Príncipe da morte
Moloch – Príncipe da terra das lágrimas
Plutão – Príncipe do fogo
Baal – Comandante dos exércitos do inferno
Lúcifer – Distribui justiça
Asmodeus – Jogos de azar
Baalberith – Ministro de pactos e tratados
Prosérpina – Príncipe dos espíritos demoníacos
Astaroth – Príncipe e tesoureiro do inferno
Nergal – Chefe da polícia secreta
Outros: Chamos, Melchom, Behamoth, Dagon, Adramalek
Belzebuth – orgulho
Leviatã – fé
Asmodeus – luxo
Balberith – blasfêmia e assassinato
Astaroth – vaidade e preguiça
Verrine – impaciência
Gresil – impureza
Sonnillon – ódio
Carreau – impiedade
Carnivean – obscenidade
Oeillet – riquezas e riquezas
Rosier – amor
Verrier – desobediência
Belial – arrogância
Olivier – crueldade e ganância
Juvart – possessão demoníaca
Lúcifer – orgulho
Mamon – avareza
Asmodeus – luxúria
Satanás – raiva
Belzebu – gula
Leviatã – inveja
Belphegor – preguiça
Baal-beryth – mestre de rituais e pactos
Dumah – comandante dos demônios da geena
Meririm – príncipe do ar
Rahab – príncipe dos oceanos
Sariel – Príncipe da lua
Mephistoholes – o destruidor
Lucifer Rofocale – primeiro-ministro e controla a riqueza
Adramaleck – Príncipe do Fogo
Carniveau – Demônio da Possessão
Python – Príncipe dos espíritos mentirosos
Mammon – Príncipe dos tentadores, avareza e ganância
Rimmon – Príncipe dos raios e tempestades
Leviatã – A Dragão do Caos
Barbelo – Desconhecida
Proserpina – Destruidora
Astarte – Rainha dos espíritos dos mortos
Agrat-bat-mahlaht – Uma das esposas de Satanás e demônio das prostitutas
Eisheth Zenunim – O mesmo que acima
Lilith – a esposa favorita de Satanás
Naamah – demônio da sedução
Satanás – Rei
Unsere – (f) Fertilidade e Feitiçaria
Delepitore – (f) Demônia da Iluminação da Feitiçaria
Satanchia – Grand General (Guerra)
Agaliarept – Assistente do Grande General (Guerra)
Lucifage – Alto Comando (Controle)
Flereous – Elemental do Fogo
Lúcifer – Elemental do Ar
Leviatã – Elemental da Água
Belial – Elemental da Terra
Beelzebuth – Senhor dos insetos
Belphegore – Mestre de Armadura e Armamento
Mesphito – Guardião do livro da morte
Amducious – O destruidor
Asmodeus – Demônio da luxúria
Sonnielion – (f) Demônia do ódio
Abbadon – Conselheiro
Amon – Demônio da dominação
Mammon – Demônio da Avareza
Rosier – Demônio do amor
Ashtaroth – (f) Sacerdotisa da amizade
Eurynomous – Demônio da Morte
Verrine – Demônio da Saúde
Verrier – (f) Demônia de plantas e fitoterapia
Ronwe – Demônio do Conhecimento
Babeal – Guardião dos Túmulos
Abaddon (mitologia cristã)
Abalam(mitologia cristã)
Abel (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Abezethibou (Testamento de Salomão)
Abraxas/Abracas (Gnosticismo)
Abrisene (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Abyzou (mitologia judaica)
Adonin (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Adrameleque (mitologia assíria, demonologia cristã)
Aesma Daeva (zoroastrismo)
Agaliarept (mitologia judaica)
Agrat bat Mahlat (mitologia judaica)
Agares (mitologia cristã)
Agiel(mitologia judaica)
Ahriman/Angra Mainyu (zoroastrismo)
Aim/Haborym(mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia)
Aka Manah/Akem Manah/Akoman/Akvan (zoroastrismo)
Akira (mitologia bigottia)
Ala(Mitologia eslava)
Alal (mitologia caldeia)
Alastor (mitologia cristã)
Alloces/Allocer (mitologia cristã)
Allu (mitologia acadiana)
Alus Mabus (mitologia miliciana)
Amaymon (mitologia cristã)
Amdusias (mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia)
Amy/Amousias(mitologia cristã)
Anameleque (mitologia assíria)
Andhaka (Mitologia hindu)
Andras (mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia)
Andrealfo (mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia)
Andromálio (mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia)
Anticristo(mitologia cristã)
Anzu (mitologia mesopotâmica)
Armaros (mitologia judaica)
Armoupieel (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Aariel (mitologia cristã, Ars Theurgia)
Arconte (gnosticismo)
Asague (mitologia suméria)
Asacu (mitologia acádia)
Asb'el (mitologia judaica)
Asthaphaios (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Asura (mitologia hindu)
Athoth (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Azazel / Azaz'el (mitologia judaica)
Azi Dahaka/Dahak (zoroastrismo)
Baal/Bael (mitologia cristã)
Balam (mitologia cristã)
Barão (mitologia católica)[2]
Balberith (mitologia judaica)
Bali Raj (mitologia hindu)
Banshee (mitologia irlandesa)
Baphomet (folclore cristão)
Barbas (mitologia cristã)
Barbatos (mitologia cristã)
Bathin/Mathim/Bathym/Marthim(demonologia cristã)
Beball (mitologia cristã)
Belzebu (mitologia judaica, demonologia cristã)
Behemoth (mitologia judaica)
Belias/Belial/Beliel (mitologia judaica, mitologia cristã)[1]
Beleth (mitologia cristã)
Belphegor(mitologia cristã)
Berith/Beherit(mitologia fenícia, mitologia cristã)
Bhoot/Bhūta (Sanskrit)
Bifrons (mitologia cristã)
Boruta (mitologia eslava)
Botis (mitologia cristã)
Buer(mitologia cristã)
Bukavac (demonologia eslava)
Bune (mitologia cristã)
Buta Kala (mitologia indonésia)
Bushyasta (zoroastrismo)
Cain (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Carabia / Decarabia (mitologia cristã)
Carmelo (mitologia cristã)
Charún (mitologia etrusca)
Chemosh (moabita)
Cimejes / Kimaris / Cimeries (mitologia cristã)
Corson (mitologia cristã)
Crocell / Procell (mitologia cristã)
Culsu (mitologia etrusca)[3]
Cérbero (mitologia grega)
Daeva (mitologia zoroastra)
Dagon (mitologia semita)[4]
Dajjal (mitologia islâmica)[5]
Dantalion (mitologia cristã)[6]
Danjal (mitologia judaica)
Davy Jones (folclore nâutico)[7]
Decarabia (mitologia cristã)
Demiurgo (Gnosticismo)
Demogorgon (mitologia cristã)[6]
Drekavac (mitologia cristã)
Eisheth (mitologia judaica)
Eligos (mitologia cristã)
Eloaiou (gnóstica-cristã)
Équidna (mitologia grega)
Focalor (mitologia cristã)
Foras/Forcas/Forras/ (mitologia cristã)
Forneus (mitologia cristã)
Furcas/Forcas (mitologia cristã)
Furfur (mitologia cristã)
Gosfe (mitología japonesa)
Gader'el (mitologia judaica)
Gaki (mitologia japonesa)
Gamigin (mitologia cristã)
Ghoul (Árabe e outras mitologias)
Glasya-Labolas/Caacrinolaas/Caassimolar/Classyalabolas/Glassia-labolis (demonologia cristã).
Gords- Demônio dos mil dedos (Demonologia popular)
Górgona (mitologia grega)
Gremory/Gomory (demonologia cristã)
Grigori (mitologia judaica)
Gualichu (mitologia mapuche)
Guayota (Guanche)
Haagenti (mitologia cristã)
Halphas/Malthus (mitologia cristã)
Hantu Raya (mitologia indonésia)
Harmas (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Haures/Flauros/Flavros/Hauras/Havres (mitologia cristã)
Ipos/Ipes (mitologia cristã)
Jinn (mitologia islâmica)
Jikininki (mitologia japonesa)
Kabandha/Kabhanda (Hinduismo)
Kali (Hinduismo)
Kalila-Oumbri (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Karen (mitologia nórdica)
Kasadya (mitologia judaica)
Kokabiel (mitologia judaica)
Kroni (mitologia Ayyavazhi)
Kermani (mitologia nórdica)
Legião (mitologia cristã)
Lechies (mitologia eslava)
Leyak (mitologia indonésia)
Lempo (mitologia finlandesa)
Leonam (mitologia nórdica)
Leraje/Leraie (mitologia cristã)
Leviatã (mitologia judaica, mitologia cristã)
Lili/Lilin/Lilim (mitologia judaica)
Lilith (mitologia acádia, mitolofia suméria e folclore judaico)
Lúcifer (mitologia cristã)
Malphas (mitologia cristã)
Mammon (mitologia cristã)
Mara (mitologia budista)
Maricha (mitologia hindu)[8]
Matin (mitologia das baleias)
Marax/Morax/Foraii (mitologia cristã)
Marchosias (mitologia cristã)
Masih ad-Dajjal/Ad-Dajjal/Dajjal (escatologia islâmica)[9]
Mastema (mitologia judaica)
Medusa (mitologia grega)
Melceir-Adonein (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Mephistopheles (folclore cristão, folclore alemão)
Merihem (mitologia cristã e judaica)
Minotauro (mitologia grega)
Moloch (mitologia cristã)
Murmur (mitologia cristã)
Morfeu (mitologia grega)
Naamah (mitologia judaica)
Naberius/Cerbere/Naberus (mitologia cristã)
Orias/Oriax (mitologia cristã)
Orobas (mitologia cristã)
Ose (mitologia cristã)
Ördög (mitologia húngara)
O Tokata
Paimon (mitologia cristã)
Pazuzu (mitologia babilônica)
Pelesit (mitologia indonésia)
Petruco (mitologia filipina)
Phenex (mitologia cristã)
Penemue (mitologia cristã e judaica)
Pithius (mitologia cristã)
Pocong (mitologia indonésia)
Procrusto (mitologia grega)
Pruflas (mitologia cristã)
Puloman (Hindu demonology)
Quimera (Mitologia Grega)
Rahab (folclore judaico)
Raum (mitologia cristã)
Ronove (mitologia cristã)
Rusalka (mitologia eslava)
Rakshasa (hinduísmo)
Rangda (hinduísmo)
Ravan (hinduísmo)
Sabbede (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Sabnock (mitologia cristã)
Saclas (gnóstica-cristã);[1] Lúcifer
Saleos (mitologia cristã)
Salpsan (mitologia cristã) - filho de Satã, de acordo com Evangelho de Bartolomeu.
Samael (demonologia judaica);[1] Lúcifer
Seir (mitologia cristã)
Semyaz (demonologia judaica)
Shax/Chax (mitologia cristã)
Shedim (folclore judaico)
Sithis (mitologia nórdica)
Sitri (mitologia cristã)
Sthenno (mitologia grega)
Stolas/Solas (mitologia cristã)
Súcubo (mitologia cristã, suméria)
Surgat (mitologia cristã)
Tannin (mitologia judaica)
Ukobach (mitologia cristã)
Valac (mitologia cristã)
Valefary/Malaphar/Malephar (mitologia cristã
Vapula (mitologia cristã)
Vassago (mitologia cristã)
Vepar (mitologia cristã)
Vine (mitologia cristã)
Wendigo (Algonquin)
Xaphan (mitologia cristã)
Yabel (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Yaldabaoth (gnóstica-cristã);[1] Lúcifer
Yao (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Yobel (gnóstica-cristã)[1]
Zagan (mitologia cristã)
Zepar (mitologia cristã)
Ziminiar (mitologia cristã)
Zozo (Ouija)
Zulu Bangu (mitologia africana)
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theloremaniac · 11 months ago
Fun Fact: If you count Yahweh and El as the same person and do the same with Baal and Beelzebub, Jesus and Beelzebub are paternal half siblings.
This could also work in the Hellaverse because in her debut episode Bee’s sigil is Baal’s which is probably referencing that in real life lore Baal became demonised as Beelzebub.
Bonus Fun Fact: Baal actually has daughters (Pidray,Tallay and Arsay) and Beelzebub has a son (Abezethibou)
So not only is Jesus an uncle but Vortex is a future stepfather.
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ask-underfazverse · 1 year ago
Another demon kneels down. "Is this better?"-🩶
He smiles. "I'm Abezethibou, it's a pleasure to meet you. Lucifer has said many wonderful things."-🩶
A large 15 foot demon crawls out of a hell portal, holding something. He's a demon that has never been seen in Hell before. He collapses on the ground, and he holds the thing in his arms protectively. He's about 15 feet tall, covered his scars and open wounds, there are two large gashes on his back, his horns are too round to be normal and seem to be broken, and despite being muscular he seems very malnourished. Embedded in his back are holy arrows, spears, and swords that seem foreign. They're not weapons that the angels here in this universe use...
Malak jumps back, he was also wounded. The sound of howl like sounds can be heard but it sounds like no animal or mortal.. they were coming closer. Malak opens a portal back to his realm, and attempts to drag the wounded demon quickly into it. The sounds we’re getting closer and closer, and they eventually made it out.
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theepsizet · 3 years ago
OK but imagine the demons of Hell singing “I’ve Got a Dream”
Like (using some demons that i’ve mentioned a few times on this blog):
Devil: Hookhand
Azazel: Big Nose
Alastor: Tor (mentioned in lyrics)
Dumah: Gunther (mentioned in lyrics)
Abezethibou: Ulf (mentioned in lyrics)
Agrat Bat Mahlat, Naamah, & Eisheth: Brusier, Killer, & Fang (mentioned in lyrics)
Abbadon: Vladimir
King Dice: Eugene
Lilith: Rapunzel, probably
also tagging @angie-serpant @camodielsart for opinions
[[[EDIT: Here’s the video below]]]
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bonusdragons · 6 years ago
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February 19, 2019:
Red Secondary, Tundra, Thylacine.
Abezethibou of LilBlueSapling’s Infectionist Assembly!
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hacksawslackjaw · 7 years ago
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Babies hah
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secondoftheeleven · 10 months ago
the lesbian and her secrets.. she just has so many weird little pieces on her boss form it's likeeee what fuckin string are we supposed to follow that she is spinning the speeiderrr.. *megamind voice*, blackswan, bloodmoon dynasty, grim reaper, whatever bs with her Abezethibou reference... (does this mean she will be or is connected with Ei? we'll never fucking know) and who even knows if we're supposed to make weird connections with her and Maria from bloodborne
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sorry maybe it’s just me but when arle’s boss leaks were slowly releasing her boss splash art did not do her justice imo
like not that it doesn’t bang still but her actual model fucks harder i think
her face just seems a little soft(?) in the splash art imo and i think the attack move they chose for it was strange
again i love arle but she is wayyy more intimidating when she is on the ground so the air attack for the art pose just doesn’t fit her aura
on another note about that attack i don’t understand it(?) not how it works but why they designed it that way because it doesn’t look like it symbolizes anything in particular that resonates with her character (it sort of looks like a butterfly/moth so idk ig signora mention pt 3 or maybe columbina inspired with them kinda being wings)
i could just be missing the lore behind it but tartaglia has the narwhale and scaramouche has the insta kill you have to disable similar to raiden and both of those actually connect to their character/lore
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silvcrignis · 1 year ago
@lettherebemonsters liked this post for an Abezethibou (Entity form) starter
“Is Birdie here or with Annalisse? I have something for her! I have something for you too, but I honestly don’t remember if it’s still your half right now. Been a little busy… Hallows Eve party preparations & all that… We’re getting a special guest for that whole month & the fucking party on the day of... I’ll tell you who’s throwing the party but you can’t tell anyone else. Except maybe Trickerster. Mastermind is in another time out so no talking to him right now about anything!”
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“Also. I might have more hay. You need more hay too right?”
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godivaghoul · 2 years ago
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◆◆Abezethibou the fallen angel -redraw
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bloopybloocurse · 6 years ago
So I thought that it's finally that I make a homestuck human instead of just- trolls, ya know?
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