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keliv1 · 10 months ago
1º Congresso Internacional de Resíduos Sólidos
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Em mais um trabalho como ghostwriter remoto, cobri três palestras, sendo Painel 1 – Recuperação de Resíduos; Painel 5 – Cidades Inteligentes e a Palestra Magna, que deixo a íntegra sem edição aqui (na imagem ilustrativa, é o primeiro print).
Rumos da PNRS e incentivo à reciclagem norteiam Palestra Magna do 1º Congresso Internacional de Resíduos Sólidos
Em formato híbrido e com transmissão em plataforma exclusiva, evento reúne especialistas para traçar estratégias na gestão de resíduos sólidos no Brasil e no mundo
“Sabemos das dificuldades em implantar a agenda de gerenciamento de resíduos. Entender a realidade de estados e municípios, fortalecendo as pessoas por meio da qualificação, calculando a remuneração justa por esses resíduos, além da implantação de correta taxas e tarifas, são os desafios que temos de superar desde já”.Com essas palavras, Eduardo Rocha Dias Santos,  diretor do departamento de gestão de resíduos da Secretaria Nacional de Meio Ambiente Urbano e Qualidade Ambiental, do Ministério do Meio Ambiente e Mudança do Clima (MMA), iniciou a Palestra Magna do 1º Congresso Internacional de Resíduos Sólidos, na manhã de 7 de maio.
Promovido pela Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental (ABES) em formato híbrido, na sede da Fundação Escola de Sociologia e Política de São Paulo (FESPSP), em São Paulo, e em plataforma exclusiva, o evento é uma parceria da ABES e a FESPSP, reunindo o 16º Seminário Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos e o IV Simpósio Internacional de Resíduos de Saúde, e segue até 09/05.
A Palestra Magna teve como tema ���A Política Nacional De Resíduos Sólidos e seus pilares – Economia Circular, Reciclagem e Logística Reversa, incluindo a Lei de Incentivo à Reciclagem”, com moderação feita por Elcires Pimenta Freire, coordenador do Congresso (FESPSP). Ele enfatizou as agendas de governos e poder público sejam voltadas para o fim dos lixões: “Deveria ser uma meta do governo federal, inclusive. Não é possível pensar em Economia Circular, nas próprias leis que estão sendo implantadas e nesse cenário de crise climática tão pujante sem pensar no fim dos lixões”, frisou Pimenta Freire. 
A Lei 12.305/2010, que delimita a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS), tem em seu escopo as diretrizes para gestão dos resíduos sólidos, como o fim dos lixões. Eduardo Santos destacou a comissão criada pelo MMA para regulamentar a Lei de Incentivo à Reciclagem (14.260/21), que garante a dedução do Imposto de Renda de até 1% às empresas ou pessoas físicas comprometidas em projetos de reciclagem.
Mesmo após 14 anos de PNRS, o gestor apontou que no país há 1,572 lixões, 598 aterros controlados e 626 aterros sanitários em funcionamento, segundo índices do Sistema Nacional de Informações sobre Saneamento (SNIS), publicados em 2023. “O resíduo não é de apenas uma parte; transita por vários lugares, por isso é importante trabalhar em conjunto entre estados e municípios para melhor gestão nesse processo. Estamos fazendo consultas públicas, discutindo portarias e diretrizes para monitorar e melhorar essa demanda. Aliás, a nossa meta é dobrar a capacidade logística ainda em 2024”, reforçou em sua fala.
O compromisso global do metano, novos sistemas e tecnologias de Logística Reversa, além da já mencionada interação com os estados e regulação regional são outros pontos de discussão do MMA, que Santos trouxe para a conversa. “Nossos números apontam que somente 30% das empresas são aderentes à Logística Reversa. Ou seja, 70% não está aderente e precisamos investir em fiscalização e incentivos para adesão de 100% da cadeia. Ambicionamos também a promoção de uma Política Nacional de Economia Circular e estamos buscando cooperações técnicas fora do Brasil para tornar ainda mais pertinente no Brasil o tema. Também queremos trabalhar com os resíduos orgânicos, para que esse resíduo volte ao ciclo”, concluiu, reforçando que a pasta também está em diálogo para a qualificação de cooperativas para a compostagem, bem como o fomento de um pagamento por serviços ambientais na área de resíduos.
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groriatrevi10xx · 1 year ago
"Blancanieves y el Chico/Snow White and the Boy"
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Abel: You really are a dwarf, are you sure you didn't escape from Santa's workshop?...
Apple: Go to hell!...
G: No sé qué me hizo dibujarlos... xD/I don't know what made me draw them... xD
Pero creo que actuarían así en sus primeros encuentros.../But I think they would act like this in their first meetings...
Viven en el mismo Hogar, por lo que se llevarán muy mal, al final se querrán mucho lo prometo, además mi Abe está disfrutando esto... ✨/They live in the same Home, so they will be getting along very badly, in the end they will love each other a lot I promise, plus my Abe is enjoying this... ✨
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turtle-trash · 1 year ago
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realized i never posted these. L and near are animals in the first two bc drawing humans is hard (also drawing them as shrimpcats is kinda fun)
[id prefer if you refer to near w she/her on this!! ^^"]
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r3starttt · 6 months ago
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✶ . ࣪ ׅ ELLABS '
- series | unfinished | 3 chapters
- blurb | modern - famous au | hc's
- blurb. hc's | modern au | ellabs having a subway crush on each other
- hc's | ellie and Abby being roomates
- drabble | modern au | ellabs working as florists
CAFÉ | 01 | 02
- drabble | modern au | fighting over you
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✶ . ࣪ ׅ ELLIE | ABBY | DINA '
- sfw. fluff. comfort | hc’s
- sfw. fluff. outbreak | how would it be to age together
- sfw. modern au | hc’s | how would they dress
- sfw. modern au | hc's
- nsfw | a list with Twitter links that give the vibe
- nsfw | drabbles inspired on Twitter links
- suggestive. nsfw. making out | hc’s
- sfw. fluff. modern au | hc's on how they would be mom's
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( masterlist )
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st4rrbcy · 8 months ago
being obsessed with nevermore has me posting ab it on here, And on my priv twt acc.. get me out of this insanity
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and i dreamt ab annabel and lenore ffs😭 why was i cursed with fangirlism
(ignore my dn and username i didn't feel like cropping it🤺)
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year ago
Storm's End (4)
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Niece!Strong!Reader
Summary: your mother sends you to Storm’s End to rally Lord Borros Baratheon for your side, but your uncle arrived there before you
Warnings: Cursing, use of the word bastard, angst, heavy, canon level incest, thoughts about dying, fear of commiting s*icide, mentions of bedding, and more, dark fic, Aemond is unhinged, rape, non-con, minors engaging in sexual activities, mentions of a minor in a pleasure house, maiming, blood, violence, and other very dark things. 
Notes: Sorry for the delay, I really had to put some mind into how I wanted it to end,a dn how to get there
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You did not appreciate the maid’s sad gazes, not their pity when they saw the bruises and horrible dark marks your uncle had left in you, but you had to get bathed, he had ordered it so
The water was boiling, you liked it that way, but you were so weak the maids had to help you in the bathtub
They washed you clean without a word, they put oils in the water without even consulting you, they worked on the command of Aemond for sure, he knew what he liked and how he wanted it.
You felt so weak, tired.
But the maids with scowls in their faces finished washing your hair, and they helped you out of the tub, with a towel waiting for you. Sadly, a cold breeze hit you from the open window, you still had a foot in the boiling water, and soon…
It all happened slowly, seconds that felt like long minutes
The floor started to pull you down, you felt heavy, like you couldn’t move your own limbs, you started to feel dizzy, you tried to fight it, you did, but your eyesight began to tunnel, your head heavier than you ever felt it
You lost consciousness, dropping to the ground like a lifeless doll, your head smashing against the stone floor. The maids couldn’t grab you in time, your skin with oils that made it slippery
“Call the maester!”, the older one screamed at the youngest one, and she ran to fulfill the order.
You tried to focus your eyesight at the maester that requested it, moving his boney finger in front of your face
Aemond was looking the scene, nibbling the nail of his thumb, if you even managed to see him, you would think he was concerned
The Maester sighed
“When was the last time you ate, little princess?”, he asked gently, you didn't answer, you just looked down at the sheets covering you… today was going to be the third day
“She is not sick?”, asked Aemond, recuperating his dimmed composure. the old man shook his head, looking at your deplorable state with concern
“Not before, but she did hit her head pretty rough”, he mumbled, he then turned your attention to you, “eat, princess, PLEASE”, he begged you, and you barely nodded, “drink tea, and water, even some wine if you can stomach it, it will be good for you, and I want you to stay abed for at least three days, to rest that head”, you barely nodded, you couldn’t find the words, your throat was dry as the deserts of Dorne
“Not eating?”, Aemond hissed as soon as the old man left, “the maids brought you food to break your fast, I want everything gone by the time I get back, or else I’m going to shove it down your throat”, he said dangerously, pointing at the table with food, and left you there
You were starving, so you manage to stand from the bed, and walk slowly to the table
You nibbled on some bread with cheese.
You were starving, you tried not to think in your current predicament so you could stomach it
You ate some grapes, that little fruit always makes you feel better. You drank some delicious orange juice from oranges from Dorne… everything slowly, and you even dared to eat a small lemon cake. They were delicious, even though you preferred things with cream and chocolate in them. 
But as you looked towards the sea, towards Dragonstone… you whimpered again
You just had water and sips of wine, you were hydrated again, so the waterworks started back again stronger than ever
You wanted to go home
You wanted to see your family, your brothers, your mom, you whimpered again, hiding your sobs with your hand
The door opened and you jumped in your seat, thinking it could be Aemond, but it was Alicent.
You were supposed to stand up and bow to her, but she was no longer Queen, she was a usurper and a traitor
“I heard you had an… inconvenience this morning”, she said, that fake, small smile appearing on her lips again, you said nothing, you only looked back at her, tears still falling from your eyes
“When can I go home?”, you asked her
“This is why I came here, I need you to write a letter to your mother”
“Why?”, you asked, sniffing
“She is summoning swords”, she said, “calling armies, and armadas…”, she said, like she was to blame
“You usurped her throne”, you said, and you could tell she stopped herself from snapping
“This could escalate to a war”, she said, “We could stop it”
“Yes you could”, you said bitterly
“Write to your mother”
“And what should I write?”
“Beg her to consider to bend the knee”
“But she is the heir”, you whined
“Aegon is the male heir”, she said, “that is the way things should be”
“If I do this and she hesitates….”, more tears fell down your eyes, “you are going to kill them”, she panicked
“No sweet girl…”
“Please… I want to go home”, you cried, “I won’t say anything, I promise… I’ll say Aemond rescued me from death, I won’t say a word please I just want to go to my mother”
You lost it, you started crying so hard you dry heaved, you couldn’t think rationally, 
When you came back to your senses, you were on the bed on your side, a parchment and ink on the table.
You sat and write
Your Grace
I write to you with a heavy but relieveD heart.
I got caught in a stoRm that night, luckily my uncle Aemond was following close behind and sAved me from the unforgiving waves of Shipwreck Bay, after he took me to the Red Keep to reCuperate, where they hAd tended to my wound and my needs
But they are hesitant on letting me Return to You, as they claimed you are preparing for war
I know you wouldn’t place me in danger, my loving mother, I would love to return to you, pleaSe consider the terms that will be extended to you
I love you and I miss you
You ever faithful and loving daughter
You wanted to go home, so so much, you were not brave, you had never been a brave girl, but, now, in the balance, you couldn’t ask your mother to relinquish the whole seven kingdoms for you, so you hoped she got the hidden message you tried to hide 
What else could they do to you?
Trick your family into thinking they will make them surrender, wait until they think they can be safe and be left to live in Dragonstone, and then… get killed by betrayal
You were already on the belly on the best, the only and best thing you could do was to protect your family from within as much as you could
It was too late for you
You left the letter over the table, and you were suddenly exhausted, you walked back to the bed and layed in it, hugging the pillow, imagining it was your mother, or your brother Luke
You woke up alarmed, as a thunderous sound dragged you back.
You jumped on the bed as you saw Aemond grabbed a chair and smashed it against the wall
You shrieked 
“Dracarys?”, he snarled, as he saw you were awake he ran towards you and tried to scramble away from you but he grabbed you by the neck, “do you take us for fools?”, he squeezed and you wheezed, you grabbed his wrist pleading him to release you
“You want your whore of a mother and your deviant father to come and kill us all don’t you?”, he asked, “well, they are going to have to think again, if they even show their fucking faces I’ll kill them myself while you watch”
“No”, your eyesight began to tunnel, but he kept you there pressed to the bed as he removed his pants just a little, raising your nightdress up
“I have to admit, this turns me on”, he growled, “Because in all scenarios, you still end up full off my cock and my seed, and with my bastard in your belly” 
“No it doesn’t”, you cried when he entered you roughly, you should be accustomed by now, but now the fact that he was restricting your airways that you probably felt thing more differently, you were certainly equally scared 
“Your mother surrenders… f-uck!”, he snapped his hips sharply, “and you stay here as collateral”, thrust, “or she tries to fight”, thrust, “and I kill them all”
You didn’t answer, you couldn’t your head felt heavy, as the contrary to your body, that was floating 
“You are squeezing me so tight right now”, he purred, “I thought you were this sweet little thing but no, you get off on violence too”
He released you, so you could keep breathing and you took a sharp sign
“I just want to go home”, you cried, he chuckled darkly 
“Well, get it through your head, you are never going home”
“Because I don’t want you to” he said simply
“What if I’m with your child?”, he stilled inside you, looking down at you, “would you let me go then?”, he released you, looking at you like you had slapped him
“Why…would I?”, he asked slowly
“You only care to ruin me” I say, “If I’m already with your child, it is done, isn’t it?”, you asked, “And my mother and my family gets to see it, what you did to me, that I’m pregnant with your bastard right in front of them”, he kept looking at you
“And you don’t care that someday, I might come and burn the castle to the ground?”, he asked, “and you in it”, you looked back at him
“I’d rather have one more week to live at my family’s side, than fifty years here with you all”, you said sadly. He frowned, he tried to thrust into you again, but, couldn’t he cursed, now more angry than before, but he took himself off of you
He was going to punch you, when felt his hand move too quickly
But his fist landed by your face against the mattress
“You are going to stay here, for everyone at court to see just how much like your mother you are, having bastards”, he grabbed you and turned you around, you were face down on the mattress. 
He grabbed you by the back of the neck to push your face against the soft surface, he spread your legs and entered you again.
You didn’t whine, you didn't do anything, you stopped fighting it, you just let him have you
You don’t remember how the night ended
The next thing you remember is having been woken up the next morning by a maid, indicating to you that the Queen was here. She was standing by the door, her eyes anywhere but the bed in disarray with blood stains, and your dress
“I saw Aemond just leaving”, she said, you found it strange that he had spend the night with you, “he told me what you tried to write in that latter”, you only looked at her, “but I will give you another chance” 
You only stood up, walked to the same table, and wrote
That Aemond saved you, that you were alright, that the only thing you wanted was to see them again, safe, and sound, and alive, while, not in those words, but you did 
You let the letter there, and then you only looked back at her and went back to the bed
You still felt your head very heavy, last night against pushing your face against the mattress hadn't helped 
“Aemond would like you to change your rooms”, she said, you only looked at her, and then sank into the bed, not minding her presence 
She only sighed, and you heard her walking away. You heard her voice speaking to the guard outside, and the guard then stepped into the room, he stood in the corner, watching you, you only frowned, but paid no mind to him
You did pay attention however, when in the afternoon, two master blacksmiths entered, and to your amazement, secured thick metal bars on the inside of the window.
Aemond was afraid you would jump 
No, because that would mean he cared, he only probably found it problematic because you were the only thing that prevented your mother for burning down the palace and everyone on it
. . .
“I can’t do this Daemon”, Rhaenyra said, “I can’t storm the capital while they have her, we would be going in blind, they could kill her” 
“If they wanted her dead, they would have killed her by now, they know awaking your wrath might also work in their benefit”
“What if we bend the knee?”, she said, “I never wanted this, not truly…”
“No”, he said, “we will not give the Iron Throne to those HIghtowers, Usurpers and cunts!”, he said cursed. “Who are probably harming your child, your only daughter, as we speak”
“But they saved her, they wouldn’t hurt her, right?”, asked Luke, his big eyed wide with hope, Jace sighed, Rhaenyra tried to smile at his son childish optimism, but Daemon didn’t find it endearing as his wife
“Aemond wanted to marry her Luke”, said Jace, “and mom wouldn’t let him, and he found her in Storm’s End, he chased and killed her dragon, he probably is…”
“Don’t say it”, begged Rhaenyra 
Jacaerys grabbed his younger brother, and dragged him outside, throwing him unceremoniously
“Jace, I'm sorry!”, he was apologizing and he didn’t even know why, he only knew he had awakened his brother’s wrath
“Aemond took our sister, do you know what he is probably doing to her!?”, he snapped, Lucerys’ eyes filled with tears, but shook his head, “he is probably raping her, every day and night”
“No…”, he whined, “why would he do that? she never did anything to him!”
“Because our uncle is sick and twisted, and had always hated us”, he growled, “that’s why”
“But she is good.. and kind…”
“Even better”, he said bitterly, “he is going to break her”
“This is all my fault, for what I did to him”, he said, his big eyes shiny with unshed tears, “This is all my fault Jace”, he said with a knot on his throat, “I need to fix this” 
“Do nothing”, he threatened, “let the adults handle this”
But he couldn’t, not when his sister was being hurt because of him.
So he went to his room, he grabbed a piece of parchment and ink.
And he wrote a letter to his uncle 
For them to meet, alone.
While his mother did sort of the same thing, asking a private meeting with her brother, the Dowager Queen, and the Lord of the main families of the seven Kingdoms. 
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taglist: @lightdragonrayne @immyowndefender @aemondswifeisme @twobluejeans @toodlesxcuddles @sassysaxsolo @thearchitectoflove @maidmerrymint @floralsightings @daughterofthemoons-stuff @glendarollitkatharinesanders @ruhjkie @starkjedi @baconturtle @aleemendoza2425-blog @ahristata @dlwlrmas-world @yentroucnagol @hiraethrhapsody @alwaysholymilkshake @marihoneywk @belladonna00 @strangersunghoon @anehkael @t0uch-starved-h0e @hkmultifandom @letmehavemyfictionalmen @belcalis9503 @daddydaemonswife @daemontargaryenwhore @bash1018
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spiraling-trap · 1 year ago
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wanted to make a dn oc then had the idea to take one of the many female characters in dn and make her my oc
so i stole the girl that light went on that one date with and made her my own. She’s inspired by the fact that i want to see light get played by a girl for once
more stuff ab her ⬇️
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she’s so good in the manga… in the anime they cut the scene where she just watches the bus jacking and light is like “well looks like our date is over because of that trauma and all” and she’s like “WYM? we’re still going!” like a crazy person
anyway i have a bit written up for her i think she pretends to be one of light’s friends bc she’s a bit obsessed with him but not romantically at all. obsessed in the way that she wants to be him and like steal his skin and wants what he has. but she’s jealous and kinda hates him too because he’s perfect and has it all/everything’s lined up for him unlike her (maybe she’s got no parents or uninvolved ones). idk. and she feels like no one else can see through light but her— she can see his people suit because she also wears a people suit #bpd #autism. so that makes her want to study him more. and to study him from up close she pretends to be a stupid girl with a crush on him because she knows that to light that makes him a moth to a flame
also she follows light to college so she sees all the Hideki Ryuga shit go down. maybe she starts investigating on her own when light literally disappears and doesn’t come to college anymore
ALSO i don’t know if it’s actually canon but i think she was also the girl that light saved from the motorcycle guys in the beginning. i imagine she was stalking light when that happened and doesn’t realize he saved her until later when the bus jacking happens and she realizes that the dangerous men from both scenarios died in the vicinity of light. so then she’s like Oh he has magic powers too now?! the bastard?! and eventually connects him with kira on her own
does any of this make sense outside of my brain
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keliv1 · 6 months ago
21º Silubesa: transição energética e matrizes sustentáveis brindam sessão no último dia do evento
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Cobri remotamente, mais uma vez, um evento da Abes, desta vez com a temática de transição energética. Confira a íntegra da matéria neste link e aqui, com mais links!
Soluções em gerar energia sem agredir o meio ambiente e abarcar seu acesso com participação da comunidade nortearam o painel ocorrido na manhã de sexta-feira
Como a transição energética pode ser a mola propulsora para a preservação de recursos, manutenção de sistemas e operações e, consequentemente, universalização de bens tão importantes para a vida, como a água, saneamento e luz, em tempos de crise climática e a ação danosa do homem?
Este questionamento e outros insights nortearam o Painel 8 do 21º Silubesa – Simpósio Luso-Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, que acontece alternadamente no Brasil e em Portugal a cada dois anos, uma parceria entre a ABES – Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, APRH – Associação Portuguesa dos Recursos Hídricos e APESB – Associação Portuguesa de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental.
Com o mote “Meio Ambiente e Transição Energética - Energia Limpa: construindo sustentabilidade”, o painel promovido na manhã de sexta-feira, 30 de agosto, último dia do evento, foi moderado por Vanessa Britto, Vice-Presidente da ABES Nacional, e contou com as presenças de José Carlos Pimenta Machado, Vice-Presidente da Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente (APA) e Luiz Carlos Sousa Silva,  Coordenador de Preservação de Mananciais e Segurança de Barragens da Companhia de Saneamento de Sergipe (DESO) e Vice-Presidente da Rede Brasil de Organismos de Bacias Hidrográficas (REBOB).
“Esse tema está em ascensão, e esse assunto não é só pertinente aqui no Brasil, mas também em Portugal. A transição energética é uma necessidade, uma realidade”, endossou Vanessa Britto, abrindo os trabalhos no painel.
José Carlos Pimenta Machado, em seguida, começou sua apresentação alertando sobre como a crise climática não é mais distante, mas uma demanda muito presente no dia a dia de todas as pessoas. E traçou um panorama de como a APA está atuando em inovações no setor hídrico, eólico e fotovoltaico para redução de emissões, em conformidade com o Acordo de Paris.
“Temos metas ambiciosas em nossos planos de energia e clima para 2030, que envolve desde redução de ruído até melhorias nos impactos nos transportes, na mobilidade, algo que considero ainda como o nosso calcanhar de Aquiles. Contudo, temos pontos que nos orgulhamos: somos o quarto país entre os Estados-membros da União Europeia com maior incorporação de Fontes de Energia Renovável (FER) em produção de eletricidade, libertando-se do uso de carvão”, frisou.
Além da energia, água, resíduos e descarbonização foram outros assuntos destacados por Machado, exemplificando algumas aplicabilidades, como a participação da comunidade do município de Guimarães, com a temática da água. “Falar de transição energética e de meio ambiente não pode ficar de fora o papel das cidades e dos cidadãos. É preciso a monitoração e sistemas de reporte, conscientização por meio de ações educativas com a população, incentivo à habitação e implantação de hortas comunitárias, além de adaptação, com bacias de retenção durante chuvas, e resiliência em tratar da circularidade da água, nas estiagens”, arrematou.
Após Machado, Luiz Carlos Sousa Silva fez sua exposição, enaltecendo o tema do Silubesa em um momento tão crucial que o planeta está passando: “Estamos vivendo uma crise climática proeminente, que pede uma mudança urgente da transição energética ante o uso de combustíveis fósseis. Estamos vendo queimadas, índices de poluição severos e se não houver essa mudança, todas as cadeias perdem: a econômica, a social, a política”, enfatizou.
Silva endossou que o Brasil, em sua extensão territorial comparada a de continentes, tem todo o potencial para a transição energética, com recursos como sol e vento em boa parte do ano. Para o gestor, essa mudança não pode partir apenas de um grupo empresarial ou da academia, mas de todas as pessoas. “A mudança mais difícil não é operacional, mas cultural. O Brasil dobrou sua frota de veículos, porém ainda as escolhas são para a gasolina e o diesel. As hidrelétricas ainda são geradas por meios agressivos ambientalmente falando. Talvez com barateamento da energia fotovoltaica ou mesmo a popularização da energia eólica podem ser alternativas ainda mais viáveis, tornando o Brasil um exemplo para outros países”, disse.
Também exemplificou as atividades da DESO em relação à questão climática, como a ação DESO +Verde, criada em 2019 e com ações conjuntas desde 2021. O objetivo e foco está no replantio de árvores, por meio de entregas de mudas em áreas de preservação permanente, bem como urbanas e rurais. Segundo a Companhia, foram realizadas parcerias com o Sergipe Parque Tecnológico (SergipeTec) e o Instituto Vida Ativa (2021), e 2023 foi atingida a marca de 100 mil mudas entregues.
 Após as exposições, os presentes puderam enviar perguntas aos palestrantes.
Em 2024, o 21º Silubesa ocorre em Recife, PE, de 28 a 30 de agosto de forma híbrida, com o objetivo em contribuir para o desenvolvimento da engenharia sanitária e ambiental, possibilitando a atualização técnico-científica, de profissionais e estudantes, em uma expertise entre os países de língua portuguesa. Com o tema central, “Água e Nosso Futuro”, as palestras ficarão disponíveis por 90 dias na plataforma do evento no menu Reveja.
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strayykids-hoe · 10 months ago
"My baby"
•°•°°~Bangchan FF~°°•°•
Warning: face sitting, fingering, fem!receiving, masturbation, pet names, baby, daddy, princess, Bangchan thinks he's all big and bad until he meets you, Mafia!reader, Mafia!Bangchan, Guns, Drugs, Alcohol, smoking, getting high, pregnant!reader, st@lking, k!dn@pping, murder, if I missed anything lmk.
It was a typical Friday night for you and the rest of your Mafia. You guys were in the basement of your mansion, drinking, getting high, and some of your friends were even starting to flirt with the unexpected guest Yeji invited.
Yeji has been your friend since middle school. You guys never fought or ever thought about leaving each other. Not even for a second. But you just didn't understand why she brought another guest though.
When you really start getting curious is when all the girls start crowding over him like he was showing his abs or something. When you went over to investigate, he was actually showing his abs.
He was very toned and honestly looked good. You git a good look at his face and he was very familiar to you. Then it clicks. He is Bangchan. The guy that everyone is simping for but are too scared to say it. But they still show it obviously.
That's not all you have heard about him. You heard that he is the scariest and most dangerous Mafia out there. He didn't look so scary to you right now. He had a baby face, with hazel brown eyes and the sweetest smile. You just wondered what he would be like in bed.
You went back to where you were standing just a minute ago, waiting for Yeji to get done with her boyfriend in the bathroom. After the girls quit crowding around Bangchan, he glanced up at you with a devilish grin as he winked. I guess he noticed you.
You start slightly blushing as you debate walking up to him. But he beat you to it. By the time you got the courage to go to him, he was already by you. You start getting horny as he looks at you with the dirtiest thoughts.
"Hey pretty lady." He says in the flirtiest voice. "There are plenty of other girls in here." You manage to say, trying to play hard to get. He simply replies with "I only see you though." And at that point your pussy is throbbing.
"I thought you were the scariest and most dangerous Mafia?" You ask. "I am. You don't believe it?" He says while you press your legs together to try and stop the feeling.
"Kind of hard to belive when you look and act like a pussy" which completely wasn't true, you were fully attracted to him and his bulkyness. "Where's a room we can use?" He asks pissed of now.
"Follow me." you said while winking at him and grabbing his hand. As you were leading him up the stairs you felt him let go of your hand to hold your waist. "So small" He tells you. "I wonder if that pussy is the same."
At that point, you were ready to lay him down and fuck him out of his mind. Everyone thought you would be a bottom, but you were for sure a top. Now bangchan just has to find that out on his own.
You took him to your room and as you opened the door, his grip tightens around yourwaist and you feel like you might cum that very second. You try your best not to though.
When you two got in the room, he locked the door and was already naked before you. But you were fine with that because he was just gonna help you to get your cloths off.
When he got the last peice of clothing off, your bra, he couldn't stop saying hiw beautiful you were as he led you to the bed. You decide to let him think he's in control for the first few minutes. Then you were going to completely dominate him.
He climbs on top of you, pinning you down on the bed. His kisses were soft and sweet. And for the first time, you actually liked being on bottom. But you weren't gonna tell him that obviously.
Eventually he starts rubbing your clit, making you moan because of all that built up tension that is now being released. You were excited to have sex again after 3 years.
"Channie" you breathed heavily "I'm close" You whine when he removes his hand. But then look down to see him lining up his dick with your pretty pussy. He couldn't wait to ruin you.
But just when he was gonna push in, you sit up while pressing your lips to his, making him lay on his side. While you press him onto his back, he realizes what was going on.
"Didn't know you were that type of girl." He says smirking. You roll your eyes sarcastically "I want to ride your face" you say flirtatious. Making him blush. "Hop on princess" he says pulling the back of your thighs towards his face encouraging you to sit.
When you do, he works his tongue just right over your clit and hole. Slathering them with saliva. You start moaning and he just can't get enough. He brought his hand up to your hole and inserted 2 fingers, making you moan load out of pleasure.
He is hitting all of the right spots at the right time. You feel your orgasm creeping up on you, and start thrusting hard against his mouth and tongue. You started moaning louder and clenching around his beautiful, muscular hand and that's when he knew you were close.
He continues to eat you out so good while you cum on his face. When you get off finally, his mouth is covered in your pure white cum. He lacks it off his lips and smiles at you.
While he's trying to catch his breath, his eyes closed and chest heaving, you line yourself up with his fat, pretty cock. Without warning, you sink down all the way receiving a loud, dirty moan from him.
"Feels so so good princess" is all he managed to say, while you fucked yourself good on his cock going up and down quick while you start getting close again. Then you remember.
At this point you really don't care and just want to chase your high with him. You didn't care if people heard you, or somebody walked in on you. You just cared about him and you.
"I'm close" He said huffing like a dog. "Me too" I manage to tell him. A few more thrusts and his only words were "I'm Cumming!" As he trys to lift you off of him. "No channie" "want your cum inside me" was all you said before both of you are Cumming together.
•°•°••~2 months later••°•°•
You found out you were pregnant about a week ago. You had bangchans number, but you never called or texted him. You were just scared of hiw he was gonna react if you told him you were pregnant with his child.
Eventually you had another party. But you stayed in your room, while Yeji was in charge of the party. You were thinking about how this si the room where it all happened. Where you got pregnant with bangchans child. You wanted to tell him, you really did. You just didn't know how.
Suddenly you got a knock on your door. "Come in!" You slightly yelled making sure the person on the other side could hear you. When that person came in, you were shocked to see Bangchan. Not only Bangchan, but he was holding flowers. Your favorite flowers. Lily of the valley.
"Channie" you say excited running up to him. But when he hugs you back, you then remember what news you have to tell him. You really didn't know how. So when you were sitting down with him on your pretty pink bed, you decided to be up forward about it.
"Channie?" You ask nervous. "Yes princess?" He said slightly squeezing your hand. "I'm pregnant." He paused for a moment, not really knowing what to say. "Is it mine?" He said with tears building up in his eyes. "Yes." You say nervous.
He hugs you with happy tears and you couldn't want anything more than him to be happy about the pregnancy. He kneels down in front of you, kisses your belly and whispers "My Baby"
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thealexchen · 4 months ago
hi again - i'm glad you answered my ask and i'd love to discuss more with you after this one, however i'd probably like to move to dms just for the sake of privacy! if you recognized me though that's honestly kind of awesome since i feel like you'd only be able to recognize me through my writing style on twitter as i only really talk on there :'D i'll talk ab one thing for now that i think i completely disagreed with as a whole, which was sean and daniel not discussing anything mexican - i think that for an assimilated immigrant family in the USA, the diaz family was actually a great and fairly accurate representation of one, especially in regards to the cultural aspect. they are a mexican-american family, specifically highlighting american. being raised in america, i don’t expect sean and daniel to know a lot about mexico. their dad is very proudly an immigrant, and he too is fully into american culture when sean and daniel talk ab how much he loves 4th of july and halloween (very ironic). i don't take it as a knock on mexican culture at all, its just that i think DN was more focused on details of the characters as a family and individuals, which is how they chose to decorate the home and it's inhabitants.
even then, it's shown in the game that their dad actually does try to share his culture with his children, at the very least with sean. in the one hour where we get to dig through sean's life, there are a ton of references to it. their dad takes them to lucha libre matches, makes tacos for them, talks about mexican-american music artists that he likes (which apparently sean dislikes), and loves baseball which is a very celebrated sport in mexico. i’d also argue that there isn't really a one size fits all with how much sean and daniel are allowed to talk about mexican culture. it’s all these little things that make the game feel more authentic in its representation. even if some children of immigrants haven’t experienced this themselves, i (and many others) certainly have. these tiny details, down to the chosen sport of choice for the dad, felt very intentional and researched.
regarding dia de muertos, i don’t really see why they would have needed to include it. it’s a very private family holiday that was turned into a public celebration for tourists because of western depictions of it, which is only really popular in big cities within mexico. i doubt sean and daniel would have gotten excited for it since they didn’t have anyone in their family that they knew and would have needed to honor who was dead (yet). halloween, on the other hand, is also heavily celebrated in mexico as well, and is completely different from dia de los muertos despite having similar themes. esteban loving halloween and being really excited for it seems in line with mexican customs.
i see a lot of my family in sean and daniel, especially in the way they were raised - sean being basically fluent in spanish while daniel only understands it when spoken to is a small detail that is very common in bilingual households. through contextual clues, daniel most likely understands a good amt of it because sean and his dad may have spoken it to him in passing conversations. there are small references like him laughing at the idea of some (most likely white) guy teaching the both of them spanish, to which sean promptly says to daniel in spanish that that guy is an idiot. daniel says he can’t speak spanish, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t understand any of it.
all this to say that i don’t think that DN did a bad job when balancing the racial abuse that the boys faced with racial representation. i think that in a story that critiques both systemic and individualized racism that bipoc face, it’s difficult to write sean and daniel expressing that culture when they aren’t at home, where they’d express much of that culture. however, when they did have the opportunity to showcase it, DN expressed it in a very natural way that felt realistic and understandable, at least to me :)
sorry that this was so long and only touched upon one small part of your argument, it was just something that i felt very strongly about and wanted to say 😅 ik im speaking ab this on anonymous, i just don’t really want my acc to be attached to this specifically but if you wanna talk about the critique as a whole, i’d love to - either way i just wanted to leave it off with this for now!
Oh yes, now I remember details like the Lucha Libre matches and bands- it’s been 5 years since I touched my copy of the game. I didn’t know baseball was a popular sport in Mexico and the cultural context around Dia de los Muertos (I know the same has happened to Cinco de Mayo), so thank you for educating me about that. And Sean making fun of the Spanish flyer in episode 1 with Daniel was definitely a really accurate siblings of color camaraderie moment, like a little inside joke they shared.
I think Daniel not speaking Spanish also had to do with the limitations of working with a white American actor. Alex and Gabe never spoke Mandarin or Vietnamese in True Colors, which I could forgive because Erika Mori and Han Soto aren’t fluent, but it’s something I would’ve liked because besides their last names, it’s easy to miss what ethnicity they’re supposed to be. In a landscape where Asians are constantly mistaken for different ethnicities or conflated as all the same, I was disappointed to see some gamers didn’t know/figure out Alex was Chinese (and Vietnamese, but you’d only know that from one interview with Felice Kuan and Giang “Wendy” Chen’s name only being in the credits).
And yes, if you’d like to keep chatting please feel free to send me a DM! I’ll try to answer when I can but I’ve been really busy recently. Thank you again for your continued respectful conversation and open-mindedness 🙏🏼 I appreciate your patience as I continue to re-examine my own biases.
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aslam-rp · 2 months ago
Plot... Cable Opertar se Affair ....
Play type ... Interfaith/ secret affair / cheating wife .
Characters of play ..
Zain Ali Khan .. 26 year ka handsome single lrka . Zain NE cable network ka buisness start kia huwa hai. Zain Kafi attractive handsome hai aur lrkian patane mein master hai ...
Nisha. . 25 year ki Hindu lrki. Educated hai aur haseen itni k Jo bhi dekhta hai Aahen bharta hai. Nisha raj ki wife hai aur shadi ko 2 saal huwe hn abhi Bacha nah hai . Nisha ki arrange marriage huwi Bina uski psnd pochy bus ghr walo NE shadi krwa di .
Raj .. Nisha k 30 year old hubby Jo 6 month se out of country hai...
Rekha ... 57 year ki aurat aur Nisha k saas . Jo Sara din Kisi na Kisi padosi k ghr guzarti hai ya apny Kisi reletive k ghr .
Story of play ... 
Back story ... Nisha aur raj ki shadi ko 2 saal ho gai hn . Lekn abhi tak koi bacha nh huwa . Nisha raj se Khush nh hoti kyn k raj na to rich hai aur na sex mein itna acha hai. 6 month phly raj 2 saal k liye out country Chala jata hai kaam pr aur Nisha apni saas k sath akeli rehti hai ....
Main story ...
Nisha ki cable kharab hai aur wo cable office call krti hai. Zain cable thek krny Aata hai us waqt Nisha ghr pr akeli Hoti hai . Zain Nisha ko daikh kr daikhta he Reh jata hai aur sochta hai Kuch bhi kr k isko patana hai . Aur phr Zain Nisha ko patye ga . Kse pataye ga ye scene wise batata hn .  
Scenes ..
Scene.1. Zain ka cable thek krny aana aur Nisha ko daikh kr us k liye pagal ho Jana. Wahan Nisha se thori SI bat cheet krna ..
Scene ...2 ... 3 din bad Zain phr Nisha ka cable kharab kr deta hai office se aur Nisha k cl krny pr us k ghr Aata hai . Zain cable thek krta hai aur thori Nisha ki tareef krta hai . Nisha ko Thora ajeeb feel hota hai . Zain number exchange kr leta hai ye keh kr k mam apki cable ko koi msla ho to mjy personal Bata dia kro mein for an thek kr dn ga . Nisha thnx bol kr number exchange kr leti hai
Scene ...3... Rat ko Zain Nisha ko sms krta hai k cable thek chal rhi hai aur phr chatting jari rakhta hai Nisha ki Kafi tarif krta hai . Nisha ko acha lgta hai aur feel krti hai k Zain us mein interested hai ...
Scene .4. Kuch din dono chatting krty hn phr aik din Nisha call krti hai k cable thek nh chal rhi . Zain aik artificial jewelry ka neklis leta hai Nisha k liye aur us k ghr jata hai . Zain ja kr Nisha k khob tarif krta hai aur gift deta hai . Nisha pochti hai ye kis liye to Zain kehta hai dosti ki starting gift se honi chyn aur Nisha Kuch soch kr smile deti hai aur gift ly kr kehti hai bus dosti he aur Kuch nh ..to Zain kehta hai ok .
Scene.5. Nisha gift ly kr kehti hai ab cable thek kro Zain cable thek krta hai aur jab Jane lgta hai to Nisha ko hug krny k liye kehta hai Nisha thory se inkar k bad man jati hai . Zain hug kr k kissing krny lgta hai Nisha manah krti hai but Zain kissing krta rehta hai Nisha hot hony lgti hai aur Zain ka sath bhi deti hai aur manah bhi krti hai . Dono aik dosry ki bahun mein hoty hn tabhi Nisha ki saas door bell bajati hai aur dono ka Maza toot jata hai . Zain Chala jata hai ...
Scene .6. kissing waly scene k bad dono ki chatting thori hot start ho jati hai. 5 din bad Nisha ki saas Kisi reletive k ghr 2 din k liye jati hai to Nisha akeli Hoti hai. Nisha Zain ko batati hai aur kehti hai movi daikhny chalty hn . Movi pr Zain bhot touching krta hai aur Nisha mza leti hai aur movi k bad Nisha ko ghr nah chorta Zain . Nisha ko apny room pr ly jata hai aur Nisha ko mana kr pori rat mazy leta hai
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postsofbabel · 11 days ago
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3 notes · View notes
horsesarecreatures · 11 months ago
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VaT Monarch, Cajun's Bridal Show, DN Rahat-Lukum, & AB Luxury
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maycat-19-142 · 2 years ago
Shoto todoroki x reader festival
A/n: you worked on the raid to save eri with the nighteye agency but you made up your classes because you did them at night earlier in the week.
⚠️: spoilers, fem reader' you are in the band on the clarinet. Kissing
Quirk- magic- basically anything Scarlett which can do you can do.
Non of the characters or quotes are mine they belong to the original creator that said don't steal my work ©️Maycat-19-142 2023
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"It feels like we haven't been here in forever" tyu said as you and the your classmates walked to the dorm building. "Wow this feels weird" you say adjusting you bay strap. You walked up to the blinding and opened the door for your class mates. They went it and you followed after they walked in
"There you are" mineta said as he ran up to your group "we we're all scared" the class said in a gamble of words of worry. "Here is a cake" sato said. One second later torū had you, tyu, and uraraka in a hug what was extremely tight, you were struggling to breathe this uraraka said "that bit tight i can't breathe"
Torū relaxed her arms around you. "Sorry" she mumbled "it is ok" you say patting he arm. You saw todoroki looking down st the floor. You slipped out of the mess and over to him "hey sho" you say
"Hello" he said "are you ok"
"I'm ok sho" you said as he pulled you in by th the waist and put his head on your shoulder "I was worried about you" he said as you put you arms around him "I'm going to bed rhe extra training starts tomorrow" he said before kissing you good night
"I love you" you said calmly before he said it back and walk to the Elevator to head to his dorm. You walked back over the the mess next to kirishima. Then iida jump in front of the group and yelled for them to stop. Iida then walked up to the group including you and yelled "do you have any idea how worried I was for you all if was horrible that if you died." Iida said shaking deku by the shoulders
"I'll go make some tea" momo said running to the kitchen. Sato tried to make dkeua dn kirishima eat some of the cake. Yiu said goodbye and good night to your classmates as you went to your dorm room to get some sleep.
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The next day it was announced that you had rhe school festive coming up. You sat in your seat as kirishima jumped up and objected out of safety but wa stood this was for everyone else.
"You must pick a organization and original program" aizawa said before passing out. Iida went to the front of rhe class to start a brainstorm section some of rhe things said out loud were. "Maid Cafe, mochi shop, arm wrestling, fun house, disco, hero quiz, frog song, petting zoo, soda stall" the soda was fro? Todoroki obviously "fight to the death, dark fest, twinkle extravaganza, a skit," yiu though in a "magic show"
So you had 20 options. A bunch got cute for beings to vague or inappropriate. The magic show was cut for being to vague. "Who said history presentation and study group" torū ask as iida and momo hid their faces.
Iida yelled "be quite" which did not work. Soon the ball went off. "We will pick by tonight" said kirishima.
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That night the other raid team members went to extra classes while yiu had finished them by not sleeping for a few nights. "Where is the raid team" ojiro asked as you walked from the elevator your hair tied up and you were waring pajamas pants and a sweater that was probably shoto's "they are working on extra classes" you said holding a cup of tea.
"What about you [lastname]" tokoyami asked
"I made up my classes already with midnight and mic" you said crossing your legs on the couch next to shoto. "So I was looking over the list and we have put stran on the other students so we should do something to lift there sprints." Iida said
"I agree" momo said "we are training to be heros she we must be aware of what we cause."
"So no food" iida said "what else could we do"
Sero said calmly "a zoo sounds smelly" yiu nodded in agreement
"a skit would be good" jiro said
Mina said "what about a dance party" at that todoroki stood up and walked to the computer with the list of ideas "a dance party would be fun"
He then pulled up a video of Rave and mineta said "I didn't expect that from todoroki, wait are you a raver"
"No I agree that it needs to be fun for the other courses. In order for that we should have some sort of entertainment, I got rhe idea from extra exam training" you mind pictured yiu stoic boyfriend and bakugou at and 80s themed dance party which made yiu laugh a bit.
"Interesting" iida said looking at the laptop with the video "singing an dancing."
Sero pipe in "we don't know how to dance and no one wants to see a crazy routine"
Mina yelled "I can teach yall"
"Hold on we need some amazing jams" mineta yelled. "Jiro can do that" torū said. Everyone's eye went to jiro and she looked shocked
"we can perform live" torū said as jiro said "music is just a hobby"
"Why not use to to make people smile" kota said as jiro looked shocked "after what yall said if I don't do it wouldn't be rocken."
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It was chosen to be a concert. now all was need was for roles to be picked. you walked out of the school building with mina and torū. you heard some of the gen ed kids talk about how the villain attacks and dorms were the hero classes fault. you just ignored them and kept walking to the 1-A dorms.
when you ot to the droms you and you class stated to talk about how you were going to do the concert. "we can do a club song" jiro said then she asked "does anyone play" everyone was silent till you said "I played the Clarinet in middle school."
jiro's head shot up and said "perfect"
then kaminari said "bakugou didn't you say do played the drum as a kid." bakugou looked pissed off and tried to walk away but the class asked to hear him play. so jiro got a drum set and got bakugou to play.
"bakugou has to be the drummer" mina said as the class looked in shock.
Bakugou turned and said "don't you get it we are trying to help the other classes but we caused the stress in the first place so we're just trying to make our selfs feel better"
"That is true did we think it thought" iid said to momo
"You didn't help us pick so you don't get a say" todoroki said to bakugou.
"If we're putting on a show we will have to kill them with the music" bakugou said in a oddly calm tone
"BAKUGOU" the a class cheered
"This is amazing" torū said jumping on jiro". "Yup" jiro said happily. "We'll do our best"
"Now we need the rest of the band" jiro said
"As a part of my classical education I learned how to play the piano" momo said
"Perfect" jiro said
Mina whined "I wanted the girls to get together for a dance number but I think we'll be ok with out momo and [yourname] and you'll be cute on stage"
"Base is my specialty so now we need gathers and vocals" jiro said
"So does that mean every one else will be dancing" ojiro asked
"I doubt this will be enough to get the Audience pumped up" iida said
"In the video I showed it ha-" todoroki was cut off by mina
"Special affects" mjna yelled.
"Yup" you said
"This is what we need" mina said showing a video of a rave "there are sparks and lights and streamers.
"We need and explosion of color" torū said
"We can have uraraka make todoroki and kirishima flout and have kirishima chop away at todorokis ice and have aoyama be a disco ba" mina said happily
"You want mwa to be a disco ball" aoyama said "well I was born do to this"
Then the other raid team members walked in to see the class talking about jobs "hey we're done making up classes" uraraka said looking exhausted
"I see" tyu said as yiu gave her the run down on the jobs
"Bakugou" Kirishima said "on the durms is a little odd"
"YOU GOT A PROBLEM" bakugou yelled at uraraka, tyu, and kirishima who all shock there heads
"Questions, who's singing" tyu asked jiro
"We haven't got that figured out yet" jiro said
"Don't it have to be you" uraraka asked
"I could do it" mineta said
"Just imagine the singing disco ball" aoyama said
"Guy I'm a good singer" Kirishima said
Jiro was handed a mic and sang an amazing piece with high and low notes that blew way you and your class. "Jiro that was amazing" you said as she finished the song
"Jiro is the singer" iida said
"Now guitars" jiro said as kaminari, mineta volunteered to play
"Don't try if you not going to kill it" Bakugou said as kaminari picked up and guitar and played a simple yet amazing song. Rhem tokoyami picked up a guitar and revealed he played for a while before getting stamped by the F cord.
Around 1:00am rhe roles were finalized with the dance, band, and affects teams. "Rest up team tomorrow we start the work iida said as everyone went to bed. You and shoto talk about your roles in rhe festival and you ended up falling asleep together in your dorm room.
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Over the next few weeks you worked on the song 'hero too' the main song of the show. You had just finished the 4 practice play though if the song when kirishima said eri was here. Ran out to see her she looked at yiu and said shyly "I recognize you with the [haircolor] hair"
"Hi eri I'm [yourname]" you said getting down to her level. She waved back as deku and togata took he on a school tour. The. Yiu continued working on the song
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Today was the day of the show. You got in to your band uniform. It was orange t-shirt with a jean mid lingth skirt that went to just over your knees. You were waiting for deku before going on stage. You and todoroki were standing together before the show started. As deku made it to the stage you ran out on stage before you ran out you kissed todoroki on the cheek. You grabbed your clarinet and the song started as bakugou yelled "our sound will kill you"
"Thanks for coming out today" jiro said as the song began. "We hope you enjoy" the beat dropped after a bit in the song. the gym it exploded with music and color. You moved one of your hands to make a bright amount of color with your quirk.
The first song ended as the next one started, yiu played 4 more songs or various levels of power. After the performance you went to the 1-B performance of there play.
After the shows and plays you helped move extra ice and equipment with your quirk making them float. After a while of cleaning up your got to explore the festival with shoto hand in hand
"Hey [nickname]" shoto asked
"Yes" you said Turing your head to him as you walked by the support course's work
"Let's get photos" he pointed to a photo booth. You agreed and stepped in. The fist few photos were simple and just hugs but for the last one he pulled you in for a kiss.
As you exited the booth yiu got the photos. Yiu looked at them and loved them. They were amazing. You saw shoto looking at them then pulling his phone out of it case and putting the photos in the case. He put the case back on and took your hand and continued walking around the festival
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This is part 4 of the series and I love it. This is the shortest of all the parts I think but I love it. Have a good day and night 🌙
Pixie out 🧚‍♀️
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13eyond13 · 2 years ago
See what's interesting about a poll for which DN character's most likely to have abs is that many of the fans would NOT want to vote for their faves as being shredded most times
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clarynewme · 5 months ago
hiii.... Here for future spouse appearance game
Mu initial are DN
02- december 2003 9:58 am
Jammu kashmir ,india
I'm into men
Thank you
Hi @itsme0212 😊 Thank you for being here💕
Your future spouse can have thin/small/bony arms hands/arms/shoulders/fingers/hips/butt; beautiful/attractive/balanced flexible legs/facial features/hair/forehead; angular/pouty features; strong/defined/structured feet/legs/pelvis/private parts/chest/back/abs; androgynous features (masculine and feminine); big legs/thighs/chest/back/tummy/abs/hair; average to tall height; strong bone structure and jawline; muddy tan complexion (for example Charles Barkley basketball player) with yellow/greyish/orange tones; could deal with health issues in their life; prominent chin; long/curly hair (could have this at some point in their life); birthmark/scar on belly/lower back/fingers/legs/ankles/calves; unique haircut/style; flirty smile/eyes; sharp/defined eyebrows; big forehead with wrinkles; nose hump; wear glasses; padded under eyes (for example Nick Jonas, NoahCentineo, etc); gummy smile; nose hump; prominent nose/abs/cheekbones/dimples; luscious lips; strong hips; freckles; etc.
Okay I think I am done😅 I hope you like this reading if you do leave feedback on my page🙏 And let me know if it resonates👌it helps improving my readings💜
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