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sara-roz Ā· 1 month ago
@dreamybear14 @keepcalmholderon @sugarsugarunes @abbeyfangirl @skepwith @pandomech @bbmilkie @lets-play-our-game @timeageusveryquickly @rickycat @rymsh3526 @girlandcrazy @bakka-no @plantparrel @stupidlyunhinged @baenling @sonofrobotdevil @volpalope @gravityjunior @acitywithoutwalls @dodgydoodler @dragon-girls-stuff @oogilaboogila @indigoartistqueen @jockoppressor @monkiesimp @gamersvendetta @okayans @sepiamestus @kenaserenity @instarstruckhell @outlawed-to-the-stars @otpcruiseliner @certified-furrytrash @eclipsette @vivcifi @kryptickryptid97 @fruitshow @deer-intelligence @belhoneygold @nullzero0 @scarletymoon @swimmingbirdrunningrock @nogurtyogurt @trashpandawithangerissues @brose1229 @cheesecattheneutral @thebritishdragon @las--nevadas @robin-2dogs
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From Gaza Strip i extend my heartfelt congratulations to America and its people on the inauguration of President Donald Trump, hoping this moment marks the beginning of a new era of peace and prosperity for the world.
A few minutes to the beginning of a new era. I hope that peace will prevail throughout the world.
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feymaid Ā· 5 years ago
tell me about ur dragon age ocs... like origin bebes to start pls... šŸ„ŗšŸ¤ šŸ’•šŸ’—šŸ„ŗ
Omg!! OKAy so I have like 4 wardens but I am still in the process of developing some of them so some descriptions might vary..
Ā Uliama Aeudcan~Ā 
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- Princess Uli thought the WORLD of her older brother Trian. She would have done anything he said without question and always pictured being his right-hand woman when he ruled. The thing is, Trian was ruthless and reckless and would have made a terrible king. But she was so blinded by her love for him that she didnā€™t even see it. Thatā€™s one of the hardest things for her to come to terms with. While she was competitive with her brothers, she also felt comfortable in her position, it was more devotion to her father and Trian that drove her. She had a very cold and stoic relationship with Bhelen because she didnā€™t see him as someone whoā€™d ever make a name for himself in the family. A part of her was frustrated at him for not making more of an effort to be better, and that certainly backfired. If Uli had been made Queen or Orzammar at the beginning of Origins, she would have been as bad if not worse than Trian. Uli's strengths come from her willingness to change. She is at her core, a justice-seeking person who gets the job done and she grows a LOT during her journey against the archdemon. She romances Zevran~
Ā Dakila Tabris~Ā 
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- Dakila is a calm and collected soul. They are typically mellow and gentle, thinking more on the logical side. As a child, Dakila was pretty high-energy and would get into all sorts of trouble. Then one day they tried to pick-pocket a guard and were caught. While Dakila ran away from them, they guard send their hounds after them. The attack blinded Dakila in one eye and left them with an intense fear of animals and an even bigger distrust of humans. They decided to be a rule-follower and have stuck with the tradition of their people. They did NOT want to leave with Duncan at all and they were forced to leave the alienage by the right of conscription. They are very soft spoken and quiet most of the time with a sadness in the air around them. They romanced Morrigan~
Ā Marie Surana~Ā 
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(lol sorry for the TERRIBLE quality on this one I couldnā€™t find the original)Ā 
- Marie was born to Orlesian elven servants of the Empress and was originally sent to the Orlesian circle when she was around 3 years old when her magic sparked and scared the kitchen staff. My own personal headcanon is that in Orlais, many elves are killed as children so that they donā€™t have to desegregate the humans with the elves even in the Circle (since Orlais isn't kind to elves). But since her parents came forward to a noblewoman in their company for help, Marie was spared. She lived at the Oresian Circle until she turned 10. The Ferelden first enchanter visited and gathered a handful of children there since crowding had began to cause problems and Marie showed promise. She was transferred to the Ferelden Circle, where elves were far more commonly accepted as mages. Marie grew up as a child often thinking that she had a divine role to play. While in the Orlesian Circle, she mostly kept to herself while reading wild fantasy stories and picturing herself as the heroine. Although she was bullied, she would often exaggerate the tales to the First Enchanters so that it would fuel her own fantasies of having a ā€œtragic backstory.ā€ Moving to Ferelden was at first thrilling to her but she was quickly disappointed with the difference in culture (the aesthetic ya kno?). Her own sorrows became a coping mechanism in a grand fantastical tale she believed was playing out for her. She is an idealist, believing herself to be a tragic heroine who's story hasn't played out yet. She romances Alistair~Ā 
Ā Sylvester Cousland~Ā 
(he has no good art cus he's still new here)Ā 
- The frat boy king of Thedas. Marries Anora for the clout. šŸ¤Ŗ
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glamfellens Ā· 4 years ago
Peak content lad, hope u have a nice new year :)
aye cheers lad, happy new year!!!Ā 
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mlmalistair Ā· 5 years ago
ur blog makes me so happy... šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’•šŸ„ŗ mlm ali is so good šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ
he really is huh šŸ„ŗ he doesnā€™t have much content but i cherish what we haveĀ šŸ˜Œ
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galaxywhale-moved Ā· 5 years ago
(biiitchofcambridge) tell me about ur multiple warden au!!!!!
Thank you for asking!! The two main wardens are Frankie Brosca and Shayla Tabris.
Frankie is the leader, she feels she owes the Wardens (and Duncan) everything for her first real chance to do something with her life and sheā€™s devastated when theyā€™re lost. She and Alistair connect over that (which leads to their growing relationship where they both fall in love) and sheā€™s determined to prove herself worthy of the wardens.
In comparison, Shayla was conscripted and feels it was the choice of be a warden or die. Sheā€™d have run before the Joining if given enough time and a proper chance to think about it. Sheā€™s resentful of Duncan and the wardens and donā€™t get on, especially when they all go and die on her and leave her with even more responsibility she never wanted in the first place. Sheā€™s not a fan in particular of Alistair - he represents everything she hates, men, humans, wardens, nobles and heā€™s so frustratingly optimistic. She romances Zevran and he helps her process her anger and let go of the unproductive anger while holding onto her passion for justice and change.Ā 
Frankie and Shayla donā€™tĀ get on, they have completely conflicting views and have to learn to get along.Ā Ā 
Thereā€™s also Thaddeus Amell - heā€™s not a warden till near the end of the game/story. He just kind of... follows them, and they keep him much like they do with Dog lmao. Tadā€™s my himbo OC, heā€™s a giant dumbass with a heart of gold and I love him. He romances Morrigan, who originally tries to insult him much like she does Alistair but it backfires because heā€™s pretty much like huh yeah youā€™re right haha. Heā€™s hot, so she guesses he can join her in her tent as embarassing as she finds that and then oh no feelings.Ā 
Other than that, everything is pretty much following canon except thereā€™s 3 of them after the circle! Frankie ends up Warden Commander with Alistair, Shayla and Zevran take off to do their own thing, and Tad finds Morrigan and they raise their 3 (maybe 2 idk) children together <3
It also features Magdelaine Cousland and Tia Surana as minor background characters. Maggie escapes Castle Cousland and starts heading to Denerim. She encounters Tia. who managed to escape from the Circle, and both of them travel together from then - and then they fall in love, and also end up as a Cousland x Surana x Anora thing <3 Love my lesbian queens.Ā 
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dalishious Ā· 5 years ago
hey!! so Iā€™ve bought the ultimate edition of Dragon Age: Origins and I was wondering in what order should I play the DLCā€™s? and completely unrelated but WHY do people complain about Morrigan being so hard to please/sheā€™s cruel? I threatened the Revered Mother to get the key to Stenā€™s cage and alistair was like -13. I have done virtually nothing to morrigan and she gives me +2 every convo. what the fuck dragon age fandom!!!!
I usually do The Stone Prisoner sometime after Redcliffe, which is usually the first of the main plot pieces I go to, because it just feels organically placed there, IDK. You can do that one at any point, but I recommend taking Shale with you to the Deep Roads, so you might want to do it before going to Orzammar.
I recommend waiting until you recruit Wynne to do Return to Ostagar and bring her along, as she is one of the chattier companions in that DLC.Ā 
Wardenā€™s Keep is pretty small and feels like any other side quest in the base game, so you can do that one any time you like, really?
I recommend completing Awakening before doing Witch Hunt for some extra skills and a little extra dialogue. (Awakening and Witch Hunt are campaigns that take place after the base game, so you need to complete the base game first. Or well, you donā€™t need to, you could always do Awakening with an Orlesian warden, but if itā€™s your first time I definitely recommend going through the base game and then doing it with your warden from that. I mean, if you choose for them to survive.)
Lelianaā€™s Song is a campaign that exists in its own little world, and anytime you just feel like doing it, you can do it. You will gain some special armour for the base game from completing it though, so if you want that for your base game playthrough, then you should do it and complete that side quest to get it. :P
The Darkspawn Chronicles is an AU where you play as the darkspawn and kill all the protagonists of the base game; it also exists in its own little world. Like Lelianaā€™s Song, you can get special gear for the base game from it, but FYI, this DLC is hard.
The Golems of Amgarrak is extremely hard; that was its selling point. Iā€™ve only done it like, twice. Like Awakening and Witch Hunt, itā€™s a campaign that takes place after the base game.
Morrigan isnā€™t at all that hard to get along with once you get a handle of her personality and what to expect from her, really. Fans just donā€™t like her because ā€œsheā€™s a bitchā€ (see: a female character that doesnā€™t bend to the PCā€™s every whim and wish and has her own goals and agendas.) Like, there are valid things to dislike about her character, but IMO thatā€™s not one of them.
(Also re: specifically your incident about getting the key to Stenā€™s cage - Alistair wants you to persuade the Mother for Stenā€™s key, or pick it yourself and thereā€™s no approval change for anyone. Also if you recruit Leliana before this from the tavern, she can help with the Mother.)
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raymurata Ā· 5 years ago
ahhh love ur blog!! sorry, just wanted to pop by and say that šŸ’•
Oh Maker! I missed this message before =OĀ 
Thank you soooo much, love!
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abbeyfangirl Ā· 6 years ago
dragon age inquisition
okay so Iā€™ve only just started playing DAI and Iā€™ve been binging the fandom content. So, as a newbie, this is the conclusions Iā€™ve drawn so far.
Cullen: blushing crackhead who has a heart of gold?? also styles his hair (jealous of it tbh).Ā 
Varric: little man syndrome and he writes smut? Relatable. cool earrings, too.
Cole: Blackwall and Varricā€™s son. Poetic stupid-hat dood.
Blackwall: Emo dad?? Conquerer of All-Beards?
Josephine: smart as a literal WHIP and like, sheā€™s a girl worth fighting for tbh (not that I need to)
Cassandra: B. D. E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like, idk how she fits her balls in those pants, my dude.
Iron Bull: HORNy thot with big man tiddies.
Krem: Bullā€™s son whoā€™s haircut Iā€™m HIGHKEYĀ jealous of.
Leliana: quiet stabby bonch with gingery hair lols.
Sera: who I aspire to be as a bi girl oh ma lordy lord. literally the funniest? also: BREECHES
Solas: the nerd who will cut off my hand if I romance him? idk why he does that but I wonā€™t b suckin hisĀ magic staff.
Vivienne: the coolestĀ bone structure lady who takes care of geriatrics?
thatā€™s it?? for now?? iā€™m still in the Hinterlands tryinā€™ to close rifts so blegh.
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hawkephobe-justice Ā· 5 years ago
THE HOT TAKES omg. Love ur blog!!!!!!
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teyrnacousland Ā· 6 years ago
ok Iā€™m so sorry Iā€™m liking all ur content but ITS SO GOOD! sorrysorrysorry
Absolutely no need to be sorry, to you or anyone else whoā€™s done this! I love knowing that people think my trash heap of a blog is worth digging through!Ā 
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merrilldidnothingwrong Ā· 6 years ago
hi ur blog is a+ and im loving it!!
aw thank you so much! its so much more fun now that its growing!! šŸ’–šŸ’–
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ghostwise Ā· 6 years ago
omg!! just found ur blog and I already love it!! ahhh!!
Thank you! Iā€™m a little taken aback by the influx of activity today. Youā€™re so kind!
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mahalzevran Ā· 6 years ago
hoi so I saw the ā€œgive me a characterā€ meme and the character I choose is: Solas/Cullen. I know they both have a lot of discourse and I wanna see what you think (Iā€™m new !)
Oh boy, ok. Iā€™m gonna put this under a read more so read at your own risk okey :)
How I feel about this character: I think heā€™s a prettyĀ good and complex character. I have kindĀ of a love/hate relationship with him bc I did romance him and I can relate to him in a lot of things. But at the same timeĀ he says a lot of shit lol.ļ»æ
All the people I ship romantically with this character:Ā Anyone but Cole and Sera
My non-romantic OTP for this character:Ā Cole
My unpopular opinion about this character:Ā Iā€™ve seen people talk about hisĀ ā€œgotcha!ā€ with Dorian and Vivienne and him getting praised for it. But to me itā€™s really yikes because a white man telling poc about oppression? With Dorian, itā€™s mostly looking at it from a real world perspective. Heā€™s an Indian-coded man and Solas has to talk to him about slavery? With Vivienne thereā€™s more in world application. Thereā€™s colorism in Thedas and sheā€™s lived in the Circle. So Solas reallyĀ shouldnā€™t be lecturing her on oppressionĀ anyway. I guess itā€™s more of a problem with the writing but Iā€™ve seen people praise Solas for it.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: They shouldā€™ve had him become more respectful about the Inquisitorā€™s culture over time, especially when youā€™re lavellan, cadash, or adaar. And him being regretful about destroying the world shouldnā€™t be based on your approval either. He spent at least a year with the Inquisition. He should be able to come to the conclusion himself that these people are real.
How I feel about this character:Ā I donā€™t like him lol
All the people I ship romantically with this character:Ā Definitely not Amell/Surana and Alistair
My non-romantic OTP for this character:Ā I think heā€™s prettyĀ good friends with Cassandra right? They hold similar values
My unpopular opinion about this character: I donā€™t really have one? I donā€™t care for him much to really form and opinion thatā€™sĀ ā€œunpopularā€ because the opinions I have of him areĀ mostlyĀ in line with people that donā€™t like him. So hereā€™s an opinion thatā€™s less about him and moreso that concerns him. I think people shouldnā€™t be so quick to judge others that like him. Iā€™ve seen people who like Cullen that donā€™t excuse his flaws if that makes sense idk. I also mean this in a general sense. Liking a problematic character isnā€™t intrinsically bad (I mean I like SolasĀ and he wants to destroy the world soĀ :3). Iā€™m just so tired of everything at this point. Itā€™s kinda deep but not that deep. Itā€™s one of those times whereĀ ā€œitā€™s just fictionā€ applies. Like I really donā€™t care for Cullen and I have friends who like him. So idk, discourse abt that seems pointless.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:Ā Better written redemption arc
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biiitchofcambridge Ā· 8 years ago
This is the Official DonnaJane54 Tumblr
My side blog is @abbeyfangirl
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dalishious Ā· 6 years ago
ok so this has been driving me bonkers but: Fenris as a Templar? Would he have to take lyrium? Would he be allowed bcc I know Templarā€™s usually are just human cis men. I donā€™t like the order at all, but isnā€™t Fenris religious? Do you think heā€™d be a good Templar? Idk, just a thought!! šŸ’•
There are no official rules against non-humans joining the templars, itā€™s just that the racist system prevents it from actually happening.
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I donā€™t think that Fenris would be a good templar, no, and the big reason being that the problem Fenris has with mages comes from severe trauma, and I think that it would be to the detriment of both himself and mages for him to be in that position. (Also, thereā€™s only one (1) templar I can think of that I would consider to be good, and thatā€™s Barris. And Evangline by the end of Asunder I guess, although for most of the book she wouldnā€™t be. Thrask would almost be on that list too if not for his racist comments about Feynriel.)
As for the lyrium, hmm, no, I donā€™t think he would. Because his abilities come from the lyrium branded on his skin, so if they do, why not the standard abilities Templars have?
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sushigirlfriend Ā· 8 years ago
dibidus replied to your post ā€œnotkatniss: abbeyfangirl: notkatniss: me searching for a new tv...ā€
idk sense8 is extra but i liked it
someone else told me it has a lot of racial stereotypes. i havenā€™t seen not one episode so idk if i should watch...
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