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reivarg · 1 year ago
« Avez-vous déjà tué votre meilleur ami ? » (Battle Royale)
Note au lecteur : Avant d'entrer dans la présentation de ce film, je tenais à préciser qu'il a été à sa sortie interdit au moins de seize ans lors de sa sortie dans l'Hexagone, en effet Battle est un film d'horreur japonais, mais il ne s'agit pas d'un film d'horreur typique, car non ! Ce n'est pas de ce type de film où les pulsions interdites sont censurées. Non, ici les pulsions des personnages se développent à cause de leur égoïsme. Dans ce film, nous sommes confrontés à un monde cruel, révélant dans la noirceur des âmes.
« Japon, début du 21ᵉ siècle, le chômage et la délinquance explosent. Pour rétablir l'ordre, le gouvernement désigne au hasard une classe de trente lycéens chaque année et les soumet à une loi : Battle Royale. »
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Battle Royale est donc un film sorti au début du nouveau millénaire, en 2000 pour être précise. Produit par Kinji Fukasaku (1930-2003) aux studios Toei Animation, il est issu du roman éponyme de Kōshun Takami paru en 1999. Ce film est avant d'être un film d'horreur, une dystopie — communément nommé un film d'anticipation — si cela est plus clair pour vous, mais aussi d'action. Ce film est à mes yeux un film d'horreur du cinéma japonais plutôt bon, même si certaines scènes sont grotesques.
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Venons-en désormais au scénario de film : dans un Japon ayant subi sans aucun doute une crise économique sans précédent entraînant une augmentation du chômage de 15% -soit un million de personnes sans emploi – accompagné d'une rébellion de quatre-vingt mille élèves qui ne se rendirent pas à l'école en raison de la perte de confiance en soi des adultes entraînant la peur des jeunes. Pour rétablir l'ordre chez les jeunes, le gouvernement vota la « loi B • R » — abréviation du terme Battle Royale – donnant son nom au « jeu » auquel les élèves sélectionnés une fois par an participeront. La classe est par ailleurs choisie parmi toutes les classes de Terminale du Japon — dans le film, il s'agit des élèves de la Terminale du lycée de Shiroiwa, il s'agit d'un lycée bien évidemment inventé —.
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Jusque-là, rien ne semble encore trop étrange, mais passons maintenant aux règles énoncées dans les articles de la « loi B • R ».
Le but du jeu qu'est Battle Royale est de former une nation saine de corps et d'esprit et s'applique à toute la population sans aucune distinction.
Durant le temps de jeu étalé sur trois jours, les participants devront se battre dans la joie et la bonne humeur, s'amusant avec combattivité et appréciant leur chance immense de pouvoir participer à un tel jeu. Le refus de participation est interdit et toute tentative d'entraver le jeu sera puni.
Il est également à noter que les participants sont exempts de toute punition judiciaire et se voient donc autorisés à tuer, provoquer des incendies, se servir d'armes de toute nature — poisons et matières médicamenteuses comprises —.
La seule chose intéressante est que le gagnant aura sa vie future entièrement financée par l'État japonais et, sera considéré comme un citoyen modèle, exemple à suivre pour former la nation saine de corps et d'esprit.
Battle Royale est donc un survival où quarante-deux jeunes vont devoir s'entretuer dans la joie et la bonne humeur comme le dit la présentatrice des règles du jeu.
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Dans les quarante-deux personnages, certains prennent plus d'importance que d'autres.
Prenons par exemple les deux personnages les plus âgés, Kawada Shōgo et Kiriyama Kazuo qui créent un manichéisme trop important dans le film.
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Kawada Shōgo, gagnant d'une édition précédente de Battle Royale et engagé volontaire, porte des vêtements assez clairs, à gauche sur l'image ci-dessus, est contre le jeu. Il est de ce fait le symbole du bien. Il se révèlera d'ailleurs être plutôt sympathique alors que Kiriyama Kazuo, à droite sur l'image, possède des habits noirs et a toute l'allure du méchant. Ce dernier est par ailleurs une vraie machine à tuer et s'est inscrit à Battle Royale pour le plaisir de tuer des gens.
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Nous avons par ailleurs le personnage de Souma Mitsuko qui se révèlera être la fille la plus sanguinaire, mais aussi l'une des plus machiavéliques de l'intrigue, prête à tout pour survivre au jeu.
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Viennent ensuite Nanahara Shūya et Nakagawa Noriko – image ci-dessus – deux amis qui resteront ensemble durant le film et seront rejoints par Kawada.
Pour conclure cet article, passons à la partie de la critique réalisée selon mon point de vue sur le film, donc des plus subjectives.
J'ai été, la première fois que j'ai visionné ce long métrage, agréablement surprise. J'avais en effet déjà regardé des films d'horreurs japonais et coréens du même genre et je les avais trouvés complètement tirés par les cheveux, ce qui est moins le cas pour Battle Royale : le film a un scénario qui tient la route.
Le film aborde comme thème principal le passage de l'adolescence à l'âge adulte et reste assez réaliste dans la société actuelle. Lorsque nous sommes enfants, nous sommes tous (à quelques exceptions près) amis pour la vie, puis lorsque nous grandissons, nous cherchons à devenir les meilleurs, élimant les plus faibles qui ne tiendront pas selon le système élitiste demandant toujours plus de sacrifices dans lequel nous nous trouvons. J'espère toutefois que personne ici n'a jamais tué un de ses amis pour rester supérieur à lui.
De plus, le thème du passage à l'âge adulte est également montré par la relation entre les adultes et les enfants. Les adultes cherchent à museler leurs enfants afin qu'ils pensent de la même manière qu'eux.
J'ai personnellement vécu cette situation, ayant été élevée par mes grands-parents, ma grand-mère en particulier qui, jusqu'à sa mort, trouva toujours quelque chose à me reprocher et ne fut jamais satisfaite de moi pour toute une liste de raisons que je n'énoncerai pas ici.
Passons maintenant au jeu d'acteur qui n'est pas mauvais, mais n'est pas parfait non plus, surtout dans les scènes de morts où tout est un petit peu surjoué — remercions tout particulièrement le côté épique demandé par le kabuki – et où il y a un peu too much de sang, certainement dû au petit budget du film.
Certains acteurs comme Tarō Yamamoto – acteur de Kawada – et Masanobu Andō – acteur de Kazuo Kiriyama – jouent particulièrement bien et ont des personnages intéressants, bien que très clichés, mais cela est malheureusement loin d'être le cas pour tous qui ont pour la plupart des personnages plats dont on ne sait pas grand-chose. Nous n'avons donc que quelques informations sur le personnage de Kawada, Kazuo et Nanahara Shūya mais cela ne leur donne malheureusement pas plus de profondeur.
Il est toutefois à noter que le film ne disposait que d'un petit budget et que par conséquence, il ne pouvait pas faire des miracles.
Attaquons-nous aux dialogues qui sont parfois étranges, cela en particulier dans la version française du film, entraînant des moments grotesques et grandiloquents, provoquant des fous-rire pour certains.
Pour conclure cette critique... Disons que le film peut être sympathique lorsqu'on le regarde quand nous sommes des adolescents, mais aujourd'hui, à vingt-cinq ans, j'ai beaucoup plus de mal à le trouver intéressant.
C'est donc un film pour les adolescents en rébellion. Je ne comprends par ailleurs pas sa classification comme film d'horreur et l'interdiction au moins de seize ans à sa sortie dans les salles.
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lovedaisy02 · 1 year ago
JJK makes me laugh sometimes.
They all go, "let's all attack now yeah, no plan just attack. Oh shit that didn't work, we're going to die. "
You should die, you're all a bunch of idiots.
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rainbowgod666 · 1 year ago
Bill: yooooooo a new eldritch horror that looks fairly normal eh? Hows it going here? Is king ok- i mean we have the same VA so I worry about hi
Collie: nah hes actually alright. Here everything is going swimmingly... also uuuuhhh why did alex-
Bill: rip off belos' arm to eat it? Yeah he pulled a kirby and now he can become a better and stronger goop monster than that bigoted bitch. Not the weirdest thing that he did tbf
Collie: considering that hes basically two people representing two sides of himself... yeah...
Collie:... you have to talk about-
Bill: yes i do.
How would bill cipher react to the collector?
What if Philip introduces them to each other
(I’m going with Shadow Collector since you mentioned Philip introducing him.)
Those two would have the most messed up fun of any two entities ever. I mean, they’re both eternal beings with nearly limitless power that have been locked away/trapped (and for good reason, too) and are incredibly fond of playing “games.” Those two would be like peas in a pod! Two siblings creating chaos across the multiverse.
Philip will be in horror of what he’s done.
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pumpmans · 2 years ago
that Blur Bomber TheBLUE BOMBER tyat bitch. Wellllll Well im Gonna kill that BLUE Guy im goong to ATTACK HIM with my METAL BLADES im going to.Well im going to get him. WELL Dr. Albert Wily.DrWily he made me. To KillHe made me to get rhat BLUE BOMBER that MEGA MAN He wants To Get me Well. Well I'll get Him i will attack that blue robot GET THAT MEGA MAN i will Defeat mega Man in abattle in The War. My METAL bladesBaldes well My Metal Blades are sharp as Fuck and Dr. Albert Wily he made me to Kill that Blue Bomber and Well. That's a child
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sonicasura · 1 month ago
For Transformers Prime I don't exactly know how the main cast would come across the Hidden Village. My best idea is one of the Transformers getting seprated during abattle and accidently triggering a Gate Card and falling into a section of the village
It's a three part process. First being with Cliffjumper as before the unconscious bot would be taken to the Nemesis, an exploring Rabeeder and Tricloid save him. He's taken back to the village for repairs before being left in a safe spot to be recovered by the team.
The second encounter happens during Scrapheap with Optimus and Arcee. Both begin to lose consciousness from the severe cold. OP manages to get a glimpse of an Aquos Hynoid and Aquos Manion before he loses consciousness. The two wake up in the cave covered in thick blankets made from shed Pyrus Bakugan fur/feathers alongside a powerful fire lit by Pyrus Serpenoid venom.
After both these peculiar incidents, Optimus believes they aren't the only extraterrestrial visitors on Earth. Something solidified by the third incident with Bulkhead and Miko. A simple mission to an hidden Autobot Energon cache goes awry when the former triggers a Gate Card.
He protects Miko from the sudden fall as both land in the underground hot spring of the village's Pyrus section. No one really got hurt except for the harsh dents on the green wrecker's frame, more like sopping wet by the large wave Bulkhead stirred up. Luckily the Bakugan there had experience with hyperactive humans like Miko.
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shiominato · 9 months ago
im sorry i just heard serph’s victory cry when he wins abattle in berserk mode and started crying
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gludgenbell · 2 years ago
how often do you dream? Do you have any vivid or story-worthy ones to share?
I dream often, sometimes they're vivid and I'm myself enough to pull details of what's happening, prepare yourself the story I'm telling is corny
A while ago I had a dream where I was a princess(? I had a flower crown and wore a dress but it was medieval fantasy-esq) and there was this knight guy
We grew up together, never stopped wearing white but eh I guess when you find your color you've found it
He fought a war, I was a witness to many abattle and I remember at some point I was the knight, and I was very angry and it was very dark
And I had a very big sword
But nevertheless we were together
We were not old when I woke up
I think we were somewhere in our 30s, I think he wanted a family, I think we were married
Consistently, I wore a flower crown
We were in a meadow when it ended, he was looking at me and I think I was sad
We kissed wasn't that romantic 🤧 but that's besides the pointJWKSKD
he was reminiscing, but I couldn't really hear him
I did tap him and tell him I had to go, and that we weren't going to see each other again
I fell asleep in his lap and woke up in my bed to my school alarm 😒 JWKSMF
I think about it often, haven't turned it into anything like all my other dreams
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secretpathseditions · 5 years ago
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How to ‘win out’ against nature... Are our farmers really going down the right path? #nature #farmers #giants #abattle #climatechange #toobigtowork #waytogo https://www.instagram.com/p/CC3gUbHB6YR/?igshid=mk9u4c7xnq3v
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krikidilly · 2 years ago
wait wait wait. the ghosts can have pokemon battles with the twins?
Whenever the twins aren't busy battling in the normal subway, they're eager to challenge anyone who ask! Otherwise, theres the employees who offer battles, and they are usually all ready for a challenge.
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centerofreality · 4 years ago
A personal life goal is to buy them:
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And buy these:
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tagedeszorns · 2 years ago
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The Lord Commander Primus - Eidolon. Again.
I like drawing him at an angle where his severed neck and the strange resonance-sacs are visible. I have a thing for his throat and the alterations Fabius did to it. For reasons unknown I find the idea of a guy able to kill by shouting very sexy.
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imgonnaketchumall · 3 years ago
I wrote something for @champofpallet now I got something cute to write in my Rowdy Boys verse featuring @frostbittxntrainer-returned
Ash had been in the Viridian Pokemon center for one hour. So far, it seems as if his travels were not going as planned. He started off with the wrong pokemon, he almost got attacked by spearrow, and then some dumb girl fished him out a lake! Frustrated, he put his pen to paper to write.
Dear Reddy
I just started my journey today. Today was my first day as a real trainer!! But I woke up late cause I couldn't sleep last night, and so Mama made me watch Professor Oaks dumb video instead of a super cool battle on tv.
When I woke up, the sun was already shining and my alarm clock was broken. Mama called me to get up, and it turns out I was already LATE. I didn't have time to put on clothes so I ran straight to the lab in just my pajamas. When I got there, ALL THE POKEMON WAS GONE.
Professor Oak said all the trainers had already gotten their pokemon and that there were NONE left. I asked him what about me??? But he just chucked and said that early bird catches the pokemon. He said he had ONE but it was for him and for special reasons. Out of the ball was a little yellow pokemon, a Pikachu! Only he's not as nice as your pikachu.
My pikachu is not nice at all. He doesn't like his pokeball so he kept hitting it back at me. When I went out to see Mama goodbye, Gary was out there and he was spinning his pokeball on his finger. That JERKFACE (don't tell Mama I said that okay?) GOT THE POKEMON I WANTED. I wanted the squirtle! HE KNEW IT. But HE got the squirtle and started laughing at me! Said I was a pathedic looser who would just make Pallet ashamed! I HATE HIM.
Then he took off in a CAR with lots and lots of GIRLS. Hes so dumb Red, I hate him. I hope his car gets eatten by a snorlax. Or a machop. And I hope all his dumb spikes fall down and he never ever wins any badges.
When he left, I was going to leave too but mama made me change my clothes and then told me all that stuff about remembering to stay clean and stuff. She told me to change my underwear every day but NOW I DONT HAVE TO.
I took the rubber gloves mama had given me for laundry and the rope and tied it to pikachu who just got all mad at me. When I tried to catch a pidgy Pikachu LAUGHED at me and ate a apple. Then when I tried to catch a spearrow, Pikachu and me almost got attacked by it! We had to run and it started to rain and it was all muddy and so he tried to protect me! But the spearrows were really really mean so I protected him and we went diving off in the river and then some really ugly dumb girl with red hair fished us out.
Her hair looks like carrots, Red. IT WAS THE COLOR OF CARROTS. Then I borrowed her bike and took pikachu so he could get better at the pokemon center.
He seems to like me a little better now that he feels better. I really want Pikachu to like me. I want him to like me like your pikachu likes you. I want another friend...so then I will have ONE friend.
Garys not my friend no more. I think i wrote about that in my last letter I sent to you. We stopped being friends when he started laughing at me in school and then a week ago we went fishing and he said tying with me was just as bad as being a loser.
He's worser than Green ever ever is. Why couldn't he be nice like Daisy?
Pikachu is starting to fall asleep now. Its lights out at the pokemon center and when he's not being mean to me, he is actually kind of cute.
I know you won't reply to this letter. Red. Its okay. Mama and I don't know where you are right now, but it's okay. I hope one day when you come back (I don't like the word if) we can have abattle. Hopefully ill have a really good team then.
Um. Mama misses you. I miss you too but I know youre out there being a really strong trainer and I hope one day I will be just as strong as you, if not stronger!!!
I got the picture of you and me, and me and daddy in the bottom of my bag. I like to think that I will be as strong as both of you. I hope you don't mind but I took one of your pokemon toys too, because Flame couldnt come because hes retired. (Gary ripped the flame off his tail during a fight one time. Mama says it was a accident but i dont think so.) Its a stuffed one. Its one I always took when we were little. I know its baby to take toys on your journey but I had to. If pikachu doesn't like me, then who else would I talk to?
Did you know Professor Oak bet I wouldn't ever make it to Viridian City??
There carrot girl is at the door and she just screamed at me that I broke her bike. Nurse Joy says I should sleep because Im a growning boy.
I know its baby but I kinda miss Mama right now. She used to keep the gengars and haunters away.
I love you Reddy.
Ash fold the notebook paper up and tucks it in to the envelope. He closes the envelope and write in big letters the word RED. He has no address, nor any indications of where the older may be. Searching in his bag, Ash picks out a funny pokemon stamp of a charizard making a funny face.
Placing the envelope in the mail slot, Ash looks over at his sleeping pokemon. He knows the letter won't ever be read. But he hopes that one day maybe the wind will drift it in the right direction.
written because acacia made me have early training feels.
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laws-hat-headcanons · 5 years ago
Blood, rain, pulse - sabo
Hi Anon! Thanks for the ask, hope you like it!!
SWP - Sabo - Blood, Rain, Pulse
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Blood: How did they react the first time their S/O got badly injured?
. If it happens during abattle Sabo loses all sense of self preservation in order to make sure his partner doesn't get hurt any more.
. He will take on as many enemies as he needs to to protect his S/O
. And when the fighting is over he is there by their side, trying to comfort them even though he can see how much pain their in. See the blood leaking from their wound even through the blur of his tears.
. He will have to be forced out of the operating room while the doctors tend to his S/O. Sabo will pace outside the door for hours, anxious and full of self loathing for not being able to protect one of the people he cares about most.
. When he is finally able to see his partner again he refuses to be sent on any more missions, refuses to leave them until he knows they'll pull through.
Rain: What are they like when they're sad or upset?
. Quiet.
. It's a stark contrast to how Sabo usually is so it's really easy to pick up on.
. When Sabo is sad he tends to close in on himself.
. He'll shut himself away is his room, refusing to speak to anyone - even Koala. And when she comes to badger him and try and cheer him up Sabo is very clear when he tells her he wants to be left alone.
. There isnt much that can get Sabo out of a funk like this. He just has to wait it out, let it run its course until he feels his rebellious spirit return.
. Then he has to go and make it up to everyone because hes been an insufferable asshole.
. It doesn't happen often though so he is forgiven fairly quickly. Everyone has days like that after all.
Pulse: What is the worst pain they have ever felt?
. Physically it would be the scarring he received from the Celetial Dragon on the day he lost his memory.
. Though in fairness he doesn't remeber the incident itself that well, only the intense throbbing pain that accompanied the healing skin.
. But his worst pain was the day he got his memories back.
. The day he remembered his brothers, but lost one in the same second.
. Sabo will never forget that heart twisting moment, where he couldn't breathe, couldn't speak, couldn't do anything but hear Aces name echo around his head.
. He still feels that pain too. Whenever a childhood memory resurfaces and he remembers.
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ichika27 · 5 years ago
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun ep 8
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Finally! That time of the week again~
There’s a severe lack of screenshots despite there a lot of things happening this episode cause as usual, tumblr would give me errors if I posted too much :P
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Abattle between Iruma’s friends! Clara who wants to know what Iruma and Ameri are talking about and also wants to get Iruma back vs Asmodeus who wants to let Iruma do his thing, whatever it might be (even though deep inside, he sorta feels the same way as Clara).
I couldn’t take screenshots but the battle is Asmodeus taking in anything Clara would dish out.
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Meanwhile, as last week, Ameri asking Iruma what his dream is but the poor boy lived his life doing what others wanted that he never even thought of what he would want in the long run.
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So Ameri gives him an advice: why not try raising his rank and aim for at least Rank 2? He has her full support if he chooses that option!
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Clara also has a problem because of the above incident. Not knowing why Iruma is hanging out with Ameri, Clara gets jealous and worries that Iruma would be taken away. She ended up asking Sabnock for advice in which he says that she should seduce Iruma. (She also took his advice to tail Iruma in last week’s episode. Is this gonna be an actual thing? lol)
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Clara takes the advice and joins a Seduction Studies class and here’s their beautiful and seductive teacher, Raim-sensei! (I like her design - full of hearts. Like even her eyes are heart-shaped)
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Sensei has the ability to see people’s sex appeal and gauges the girl’s in class with just one look and gives them the appropriate textbook based on it.
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And apparently, Clara is just 2% - even lower than a baby’s!
So Baby-chan Clara gets a special textbook in which she looks to for her next move to seduce Iruma.
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After that are scenes wherein Clara does her best. The above is her trying to do a seductive pose.
Nothing worked of course and she goes home disheartened.
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We get to meet her family who gets worried about her. We even gets a musical number to introduce everyone!
And with a kiss from her loved ones, she becomes happy again - and gets an idea. Why doesn’t she give Iruma a kiss? It’s simple but since it’s Clara well...
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After another day of failure, Clara sits alone in frustration until Iruma arrives to talk to her and cheer her up. it works although Iruma still has no idea what was happening.
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Clara has decided to take this seriously!
I wasn’t able to take a pic of Iruma feeling his heart beat and getting confused. Could this be the start of something? Hmmm....
And despite not understanding things, Iruma knew Clara did her best today and decided he’d do the same and tell Asmodeus that he plans to go up the ranks! Finally, he has a clear goal in mind! (Asmodeus is proud and happy, but that’s no surprise).
Next week they’re playing dodge ball. Can’t wait!
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madeinapinch · 2 years ago
How To End The Battle Over Homework Forever
How To End The Battle Over Homework Forever
the battle over homework30n/aadhd homework battles20n/abattle over homework20n/aharris cooper the battle over homework20n/ahomework battles20n/a META: Stop the tantrums and tears of frustration for your child. Conquer the homework battle at home with these prevention and handling tips. (EDIT) At some point or other, it’s going to happen: the battle over homework. Kids will throw tantrums, lie…
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emotionalsupportdman · 3 years ago
i need edmonton to win because i predicted aBattle of Alberta round 2
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