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paolodelfrate · 2 years ago
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@lillachan #abatemarco #calabria #summer2017 #wood #bw #bw_lover #bwphotography #bwood (presso Calabria,Italia) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClcU915K5eg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dukeofdogs · 1 year ago
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Gwent: The Witcher Card Game | The cards that could’ve been 77/?
Reynart de Bois-Fresnes (Jean Massimi), (Janko Lazarević)
Julia Abatemarco (Lorenzo Raganini), Tyr (Joshua Bermudez)
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gazeta24br · 2 years ago
Atire a primeira pedra quem nunca postou uma selfie parecendo um camarão de tão vermelho depois tomar um banho de mar que durou o dia todo? Ou uma história para contar daquela vez que não conseguiu dormir de tão ardido que ficou depois de passar horas lagarteando no sol? São situações que parecem engraçadas, mas que depois podem se tornar muito sérias, principalmente quando se repetem. A exposição ao sol sem proteção pode causar muitos problemas e é uma das principais causas do câncer da pele. Você sai de casa sem escovar os dentes? Então, porque sair sem passar protetor solar. Essa é uma das perguntas que precisamos nos fazer neste Dezembro Laranja, que chama a atenção para a prevenção da doença. Pensando nisso, Mário Abatemarco, farmacêutico, com mestrado e doutorado em microbiologia, professor de cosmetologia e tecnologia farmacêutica e especialista da Farmácia Artesanal, um dos maiores grupos de franquias de farmácias de manipulação do Brasil, preparou este jogo de sete erros para você saber tudo sobre como se proteger do sol e dos raios ultravioleta, manter a pele saudável, desacelerar os sinais da idade e se prevenir contra o câncer da pele. O câncer de pele é uma doença provocada pelo crescimento anormal e descontrolado das células que compõem a pele. Os casos vêm crescendo no Brasil e até o final de 2022, de acordo com estimativas do Instituto Nacional de Câncer (Inca), o Brasil deve registrar 185,6 mil novos casos de câncer de pele. Não preciso usar protetor solar em dias nublados, nem no inverno. O uso do protetor solar deve ser um hábito da rotina, como escovar os dentes. Precisa ser estimulado nas famílias e nas crianças, desde cedo. Isso independe do clima. O protetor solar deve ser usado nos dias quentes e frios. Não pode ser deixado de lado nos dias mais frios ou nublados. Nem deve ser usado somente no verão. “A exposição solar em doses contínuas, mesmo que não cause queimaduras, colabora para o envelhecimento precoce e aumenta as chances de a pessoa desenvolver o câncer da pele ao longo dos anos. Isso porque a incidência da radiação UVA, responsável pelo escurecimento e por causar outros danos à pele, como o envelhecimento precoce, continua alta, mesmo nos dias nublados, no verão ou no inverno. A falta do filtro solar diariamente também pode causar manchas na pele”, afirma Mário Abatemarco . Quando vou à praia, passo o protetor solar antes de sair de casa e depois esqueço Nos dias de muito sol, é preciso aplicar o protetor a cada 30 minutos ou sempre quando houver sudorese excessiva, na praia, piscina ou ao se exercitar ao ar livre. Se não estiver na água ou se exercitando, a reaplicação pode ser feita a cada quatro horas. Aplique sempre no corpo todo, sem se esquecer das orelhas e do pescoço. Protetor solar é tudo igual Existem no mercado muitos tipos de protetor solar. O ideal é encontrar aquele que seja adequado ao seu tipo de pele. De preferência personalizado para você, indicado por seu dermatologista. A escolha leva em consideração o tipo e o tom de pele, além de fatores como alergias a componentes da fórmula. Os filtros físicos são os que oferecem proteção por conta da camada opaca que é criada sobre a pele depois da aplicação. No caso do filtro químico, a proteção ocorre com a absorção dos raios UV. “Os protetores físicos proporcionam uma camada que é responsável por refletir as radiações UVA e UVB, impedindo que esses raios atravessem a pele. No caso dos protetores químicos, os componentes presentes nesse tipo de produto conseguem absorver a radiação solar, impedindo assim que esses raios causem danos a pele”, destaca o especialista da Farmácia Artesanal. A maior parte dos protetores solares encontrados no mercado possuem uma combinação de filtros solares físicos e químicos, sobretudo os de maior FPS. Posso usar o mesmo protetor no corpo e no rosto O ideal é que você use um protetor próprio para a pele do rosto. Cada região do corpo tem uma necessidade de proteção e de hidratação diferente.
O rosto, por exemplo, pede uma composição mais leve, que não sobrecarregue os poros. “É importante destacar que o uso do protetor solar não é apenas um cuidado estético, mas um cuidado com a saúde. Os casos de câncer de pele no Brasil não param de crescer e esse número continuará crescendo, caso a população não se previna da maneira correta”, esclarece o especialista da Farmácia Artesanal. Tomo sol todos os dias, em qualquer horário Embora seja recomendado tomar 10 minutos de sol todos os dias, o ideal é que sejam evitados os horários com menor incidência de radiação solar, ou seja, antes das 10h e depois das 16h. A exposição prolongada ao sol sem proteção é muito prejudicial, e os danos desta exposição serão acumulados na pele, podendo desencadear problemas como envelhecimento celular, melasmas, queratose, perda da elasticidade da pele e o surgimento de rugas, catarata e outras lesões nos olhos, além aumentar muito o risco do câncer da pele. Eu já uso uma camiseta com protetor UV, então não passo protetor solar O uso do protetor solar não deve ser deixado de lado, mesmo com as roupas com protetor UV. O especialista afirma que sozinha a roupa não consegue proteger a pele totalmente. A proteção feita com o uso de roupas e chapéus, é chamada de fotoproteção mecânica e é a forma mais comum de evitar os raios solares, mas, isso não é o suficiente, pois, esse tipo de proteção não é a mais eficiente contra a radiação ultravioleta (UV). “Elas protegem bem, no entanto, é fundamental manter o uso do filtro solar”, destaca. Segundo Mário, os tecidos com proteção UV são capazes de bloquear radiação, mas, mesmo assim, uma parte desses raios, mesmo que em menor quantidade, ainda atinge a pele. Não uso protetor, pois tenho a pele negra Todos precisam usar protetor solar, independentemente da cor da pele. Cada tipo de pele requer um cuidado especial, mas todas precisam de proteção. Busque o protetor ideal para o seu fototipo, mas jamais deixe de aplicar o protetor solar.
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egoschwank · 5 years ago
al things considered — when i post my masterpiece #770
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first posted on facebook november 19, 2019
miguel covarrubias -- "tehuantepec" (ca. 1943)
i paint flowers so they will not die" ... frida kahlo
"... included are preliminary drawings for 'mexico south: the isthmus of tehuantepec' (1946), a chronicle of daily life in the region of mexico that includes oaxaca and chiapas. the works show his interest in the traditional dress and customs of the people in the region" ... michael abatemarco [discussing images from the unpublished 3rd volume of miguel covarrubias' survey of the arts of south america]
"if you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for a moment” ... georgia o'keefe
"and you can paint me dead flowers every morning paint me dead flowers on my walls paint me dead flowers for my funeral and i won't forget to send tulips to twin falls" ... al janik
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it8bit · 6 years ago
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Super Mario Bros. 
Art by Nico Abatemarco
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calabria-mediterranea · 4 years ago
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The Riviera of the Citron, Calabria, Italy
Calabria’s northwestern coastline is commonly referred to as the Riviera of the Citron and its territory ranges from the town of Sangineto (north of Paola) to Tortora, which borders Basilicata, the neighboring region. The name of the area derives from the widespread cultivation of a specific variety of citron called the cedro liscio Diamante or the smooth Diamante citron.
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The Riviera of the Citron provides the perfect microclimate for the growth of this delicate plant. The sea furnishes warmth and a salty humidity, while the Pollino Mountains counter with cooler air to moderate the summer heat along the coast. Rivers descend from the mountains to meet the citron’s abundant water requirements. Not only acclimatized for Mediterranean plant life, this 80-kilometer stretch of territory also draws numerous tourists to its beautiful beaches, many quite dramatic, as well as its inland towns and villages. And what better way to characterize and promote a town or region of Italy than with a distinctive agricultural product?
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The citron (citrus medica, botanical name) is a large, fragrant citrus fruit with a thick rind. Its center pulp is quite small and the wide pith is edible and not bitter like other citruses. Traditionally, its principal culinary usage has been in candied form, such as found in fruitcakes or the Christmas panettone.
In Hebrew, the citron is called Etrog. Interestingly, this unique fruit plays an important part on Sukkot, the Jewish fall festival that commemorates the sheltering of the Israelis in the wilderness. Thus, it isn’t surprising that the citron was introduced to Italy by Jewish settlers. This would have been in the 3rd-century BC.
The Etrog of Calabria
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In the Old Testament, Leviticus 23:40 makes reference to the fruit of a beautiful tree, or Perì ‘etz adar in Hebrew: “On the first day you shall take the fruit of majestic trees, branches of palm trees, boughs of leafy trees, and willows of the brook; and you shall rejoice before the Lord your God for seven days.” (New Revised Standard Version) Talmudic tradition denotes the citron or Etrog as the fruit described in this verse. Thus, the citrus has been integral to Sukkot celebrations for a very, very long time.
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What this means for contemporary Calabria is that for two weeks every year, either in July or August depending on when Sukkot falls on the calendar, rabbis descend on Santa Maria del Cedro to select the most perfect specimens for their ceremonies. Some choose about 1,000, others as many as 20,000. Local farmers say that, amazingly, the fruit is always ready for the visit, even though the date varies from year to year.
The process is meticulous. The citrons must not be on a plant that has been grafted. The fruit must be healthy, of a nice conical shape, green in color and with the crown intact. Citrons sell for about 10 Euros apiece and inspectors usually examine between 10 and 100 individual pieces of fruit for each Etrog selected. Particularly beautiful and perfectly proportioned fruit can sell for hundreds of dollars.
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The Citron Museum
After the selection of the Etrog, the remaining fruit is left on the vine to mature and is then gathered for food products. Cedro candito or candied citron is the most common use. In addition to candied fruit, the citron has inspired a host of edible and very drinkable creations, such as marmalade, syrup, liquors, extracts and cookies. At the Citron Museum, in Santa Maria del Cedro, you can take the opportunity to try many of the products presented by the Consorzio del Cedro, the local consortium that promotes and develops the area’s precious commodity: extra virgin olive oil aromatized with citron; a citron extract mixed with water and sugar to make a decidedly pleasant beverage; a citron liquor; a liquor cream; and even a grappa.
The landscape of Santa Maria del Cedro also has several historical structures worth pausing over. The imposing Norman ruins in the Abatemarco section have origins in a Byzantine community. The walls of the church, Chiesa San Michele, are still intact next to the jumbled castle remains. Nearby, a large aqueduct of the same period speaks to the area’s long agricultural history.
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Written by Karen Haid
Follow us on Instagram: @calabria_mediterranea
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infocilento · 8 years ago
Torna dopo tre anni ad Abatemarco Giovivendo in Liberazione
Torna dopo tre anni ad Abatemarco Giovivendo in Liberazione
Appuntamento lunedì 24 aprile
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sinkagura · 5 years ago
2019 August
OPEN/START 19:00/19:30 ADV/DOOR ¥1500/¥2000 April Teenager Fortranz Back Muscle Power(名古屋) メール予約はこちら
OPEN/START 18:30/19:00 ADV/DOOR ¥1500/¥2000 Bell Dog SHORT'S なるとみ(odd Lazy) 風芽(spring Wind Colors) メール予約はこちら
8/09(FRI) Glassmouth(from Singapore) JAPAN TOUR / SINKAGURA pre
OPEN/START 18:30/19:00 ADV/DOOR ¥1500/¥2000 Glassmouth(Singapore) SAHAA LINK OF LINE Jackson Abatemarco(kokoro no me) メール予約はこちら
OPEN/START 18:30/19:00 ADV/DOOR ¥1500/¥2000 Forest Gump Landscape Ultradelux(USA/NY) Jackson Abatemarco(kokoro no me) Ami Hosokawa(THE BOO YOUNGS) メール予約はこちら
8/12(MON) KILLING TIME "I'm in bog"
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8/13(TUE) ちゃんとせぇ!/  SINKAGURA pre
OPEN/START 19:00/19:30 ADV/DOOR ¥1000/¥1500 まーくん(BAYSIDE BLOW) KOYUMI(MODERN KNOCK) Ami Hosokawa(THE BOO YOUNG) 風芽 メール予約はこちら
「クソッタレ イズ バック -地獄からの使者-」ACT.2 OPEN/START 18:00/18:30 ADV/DOOR ¥3000/¥3500 NICOLAS(ONE MAN) ■一般発売(Bチケット) 2019年06月30日(日)10:00~ 制限枚数:お一人様1IDにつき2枚まで 申込回数制限:1回 【入場順】 A(プレオーダー)→B(一般)→当日
8/18(SUN) SMASH SUMMER CIRCUIT 2019 / Smash up pre
OPEN/START 13:00/14:00 ADV/DOOR ¥3200/¥3700 Smash up Special Thanks SUNSHINE DUB THE CHINA WIFE MOTORS SKALAPPER LOOKLIKE 5exit vagarious vagavondage STUNNER E.G.F.C.SPLASH SOUTH BLOW Smash up "CLASSIC" メール予約はこちら
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8/19(MON) 月曜日は新神楽 / SINKAGURA pre
OPEN/START 18:30/19:00 ADV/DOOR ¥2,000/¥2,500
8/21(WED) ブロードキャストナイト ブロキャス2周年
ブロードキャストダイナー pre OPEN/START 18:00〜 ADV/DOOR 入場無料 ※弾き語り あおい(Left) さあちゃん(RIDGE) チャベス(GIZMO) UK(5exit) ※DJ 美味ちひろ(AT-FIELD) 326(Down the Rabbit-Hole) よしも(GIZMO) ※赤ワインボーイ あきひろ(AT-FIELD)
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8/24(SAT) キリキリチャンス vol.23 / キリキリ&SINKAGURA pre
Atomic Skipper 平成のあとがき Release Tour
OPEN/START 14:00/14:30 ADV/DOOR ¥20000/¥2500 Atomic Skipper Break the Line MODERN KNOCK マッドネスマンボウ The Last Growing Back CLIMB BAYSIDE BLOW Odd Lazy Ducks AAFTA CREW FOOD:あすあす メール予約はこちら
8/25(SUN) OVER TRiP 3rd DEMO Stella Release Tour / SINKAGURA pre
OPEN/START 18:30/19:00 ADV/DOOR ¥1500/¥2000 OVER TRiP Mosh Baby THE BOO YOUNGS うまお(from ヤングマンパワー) メール予約はこちら
8/26(MON) Ashes 1st EP Find me release tour / SINKAGURA pre
OPEN/START 19:00/19:30 ADV/DOOR ¥1500/¥2000 Ashes FUNNY AGE THE MY BABY IS A HEAD FUCK(Acoustic) メール予約はこちら
8/27(TUE)  Born to be Free / SINKAGURA pre
OPEN/START 18:30/19:00 ADV/DOOR ¥1,500/¥2,000
RIDGE Odd Lazy mäshü SHORT'S メール予約はこちら
8/28(WED) PUBG BAR vol.5 / SINKAGURA pre
OPEN 19:00 DOOR ¥10001drink 付き
8/29(THU) 懐メロナイト
OPEN/START 19:00/19:30 ADV&DOOR ¥2500(飲み放題) むぎたん キリキリ(キリキリチャンス) RACHI(ザ・パピュレイス) KOYUMI(MODERN KNOCK) sone(AnotherHometown)
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8/30(FRI) わかってるんだよ / Nonfiction Cartoons pre
OPEN/START 18:00/18:30 ADV/DOOR 1500/2000 Nonfiction Cartoons WEEKEND MEETING SILBERSTYLE Odd Lazy GIG MACK メール予約はこちら
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Music Bar SINKAGURA 〒542-0086 大阪府大阪市中央区西心斎橋2-9-36 カサドマートビル5F Tel/Fax : 06-6212-6225 Mail : [email protected]
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paolodelfrate · 7 years ago
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Preview fiume abatemarco @ileana-senshi
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jasonstuart · 2 years ago
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On Saturday Sept 3rd at 8pm I am performing a piece from my solo show I am working on called the THE LAST TRAIN TO HETEROSEXUALITY STOPS HERE AKA THE DATING GAME. I'm working with some really wonderful artists. Its hosted by my pal Wendy Hammers for here 20th anniversary show of her spoken work show's Tasty Words. The other wonderful stories are being told by Carole Ita White, Fiona Goodwin, Mark Schiff, Tony Abatemarco, David Kessler, Suzanne Oshry and some singing from  John Ciccolini! I gotta say I'm excited about telling my stories and using my stand up and acting about my life in a very personal way. I hope to see you all there! https://tastywords.com
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barhtolomewgeorge · 2 years ago
Wide Eyed in Wonder-at the Odyssey Theater
Wide Eyed in Wonder-at the Odyssey Theater
Tony Abatemarco is fabulous in WIDE EYED IN WONDER – Escapades and Serenades Along Love’s Trail of Longing. He brings poignant immediacy to a genre busting song set from and Ira Gershwin, Rodgers and Hart, Rodgers and Hammerstein, Cole Porter and Elvis Costello and Joni Mitchell. Tony lets his drama diva hit the high points of these musical gems.  Check with The Odyssey box office to get tickets…
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epacer · 3 years ago
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David Geist, Class of 1980
Je suis enchanté, happy to see you at cabaret
At the tail end of pianist David Geist’s rendition of George Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue” comes another familiar refrain. A sly grin spreads across his face as he wraps the jazz standard with a snippet from Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody,” concluding the instrumental take on the classic rock song with a sustained flourish that elicits shouts of “bravo” from the audience.
Geist’s take on Queen (by way of Gershwin) serves as a confluence between genres and generations. And that’s what the tall, wavy-haired Broadway veteran is all about these days. His performances reflect the musical traditions of the baby boomers (who grew up with the music of the silent generation), as well as Generation X.
And after a long hiatus, Geist is back with the Cabaret Upstairs at Osteria, at Osteria D’Assisi.
Welcome to the cabaret
On a recent evening, the air is redolent with the aroma of lobster tails and capellini in a rich, buttery broth flavored with rosemary, and Geist holds forth like a consummate host. He greets every patron who walks in and roves from table to table, chatting with the visitors before the show.
The easygoing start to the night doesn’t end when Geist, dressed casually in an open sport jacket and crisp white shirt, sits down at the snow-white baby grand piano amid the golden glow of yellow ochre walls. The rapport he’s established with the audience continues through the night, only now with musical accompaniment.
“What are you drinking, Linda?” he asks, while his fingers gently tap at the keys.
Linda holds up her drink. “Wine spritzer.”
He plays Billy Joel’s “Piano Man.” It’s not exactly a show tune or a jazz standard, but it fits with his eclectic take on cabaret music.
“I kind of think of myself as a preservationist, almost like a lineage holder,” explains Geist, who says he’s in his mid-50s. “I’m sort of the ambassador of the Great American Songbook here. But I feel like we’re in a cultural shift now. We have new classics, so I find my program is becoming much more varied. So I also see myself as a cultural and generational bridge at this point.”
Geist performed the Geist Cabaret at Pranzo for 12 years. That ended when the Sanbusco Market Center location closed for construction of the New Mexico School for the Arts. Since then, he’s freelanced, performing at venues around the country, teaching master classes at colleges and universities, and working as a vocal coach.
Geist performs his solo show on the first and third Thursday of every month. His Aug. 19 performance draws a full house.
“He’s got a variety of different songs, he’s talented, and he’s engaging with the crowd,” says Lino Pertusini, owner of Osteria. “There’s something for everybody. There’s something for people of different ages. It’s absolutely fun.”
Before the evening’s out, the rolling flourishes of his playing, which end with an emphatic raise of his hand in the air on more dramatic numbers, wring whoops and hollers from the crowd. He delves into a lineup that ranges from a stirring rendition of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Phantom of the Opera to a delicate, soulful take on “Memory” from Webber’s Cats, a song he says he learned directly from original Broadway cast performer Betty Buckley.
“People think of Broadway show tunes, and they think of people sitting around piano bars with drunks, trying to do their best Ethel Merman impression,” he says. “But there’s a group of people that take it as seriously as anything else. They give their lives over to it. Harold Prince and Stephen Sondheim, these guys really had an integrity about what they were doing.”
A natural showman, Geist takes it seriously, too, but he conveys that love and commitment best in front of an audience. And his playing is nothing if not impassioned.
Back in New York, long before Osteria, his playing was lost in the orchestra pits of the city’s musical theaters.
“I feel very appreciated here,” he once told the Huffington Post about being in New Mexico. “I felt removed in New York. Here I’m engaging with an audience.”
Music is lineage
Geist’s passion for the Great American Songbook is lifelong. His mother was a semi-professional stage actress, and his parents’ record collection was mostly original cast albums from Broadway shows.
“For me, all music sounded like a Broadway musical,” he says. “You’ve got your solos and duets, and you’ve got your overtures. If their record collection had been jazz, I might have become a jazz musician. I was so influenced by what they passed down to me. I think music really is a pass-down tradition. Music is lineage.”
A graduate of Berklee College of Music, Geist pursued his career in New York City in the 1980s, playing in and conducting orchestras on and off Broadway and playing audition and rehearsal piano. “I was really in the thick of it. I was totally in the trenches of being a real Broadway theater musician.”
He stuck with it until 2005 when, he says, he “hit the New York wall.”
“When you’re young, there’s nothing like being in New York, like, when you’re in your late 20s, early 30s. I just went there after college so it wasn’t like I had roots there. But you outgrow the pace of it. It’s too much to keep up with after a while.”
Geist ended up in Santa Fe after touring with friends from Albuquerque. His aunt had a second home here.
“I thought, ‘Let’s try a smaller town.’ It was a very targeted kind of decision. Santa Fe is still a very cultural center, with the opera and the chamber music. I had a pretty good feeling that my art would be well received here, and it has been. Santa Fe has a lot of second home owners and retirees. Maybe I sort of remind them of the lives they had back in those urban areas.”
Early in the evening, Geist introduces his original instrumental work, “A Little Romance.” It’s from Inside the Flame (2015), the second studio album of his own songs. He seems almost nervous about rolling it out, unsure, perhaps, how the audience is going to react. But he musters a sweet, diaphanous jazz number that can hold its own against Glenn Miller’s “Moonlight Serenade.” And as the lilting tune progresses, one can easily imagine Audrey Hepburn being romanced on the balcony of a Manhattan high-rise, Champagne in hand.
Mostly, though, he sticks to a program of recognizable classics: “Send in The Clowns,” “Summer Nights” from Grease, and Chicago’s “All That Jazz.”
He often plays to a local crowd. So, naturally, he changes up the lyrics to George and Ira Gershwin’s “Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off” to “give it a New Mexico twist.”
“You say ‘Cerrillos,’” he sings, pronouncing the L’s as a Y, “and I say ‘Cerrillos,’” pronouncing the L’s as L’s; “You say ‘Madrid,’” he croons, stressing the first syllable, “and I say ‘Madrid,’” stressing the second.
“Let’s call the whole thing off.”
Geist likens performing at the new venue as a sort of high school reunion. Fans from his Pranzo years are showing up, and he’s grateful for that, especially at a time when people are still nervous about crowds in public places.
“There’s a new variant out there. People are masking up again. I know people are a little skittish, and there’s a trust issue. But once people get upstairs and they feel safe, they’re loving it.” *Reposted article from Pasatiempo by Michael Abatemarco, September 3, 2021
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weirdpolis · 7 years ago
Ha, to Ci ułatwię ucieczkę od życ... ekhm, fandomową dywersję - ulubione relacje w Wiedźminie, bohaterowie, motywy, sceny, fanfiki? Wiesz, ogólnie fandomowa gadanina (tak pytam, bo to nadal fandom, na którego punkcie miałam kręćka ładne parę lat i jeszcze przed chwilą, nim mnie Huksiątko naszło, więc zawsze chętnie pospamuję z Tobą).
fandomowa gadanina… okej zaczniemy od tego: moja fascynacja wiedźminem zacz��ła się 15 lat temu… od filmu o Wiedźminie, a konkretnie od tej sceny w której rycerz zakonu Róży wyzywa Geralta na pojedynek rzucając mu rękawicę, a Nenneke na to: Coś ci upadło, synku. Podnieś to, tu nie wolno śmiecić. Tyle lat, nadal mnie śmieszy. Rodzice kupili mi pierwszy tom na Gwiazdkę, tyle że ojciec zamiast schować go pod choinkę, położył go na moim biurku - zanim mama się zorientowała byłam w połowie. Więc na Gwiazdkę dostałam drugi tom.
Wyznanie drugie: tamtego wieczora kiedy wróciłam z “okropnego polskiego filmu o Wiedźminie”, zaczęłam pisać swoją Epicką Powieść Fantasy, dlatego nie ukrywajmy, pierwszy draft to był czysty rip-off.
Wyznanie trzecie: nie grałam w gry. Jeszcze. Będzie to pierwsza rzecz, którą zrobię po dyplomie.
Ulubieni bohaterowie: Regis, Cahir, krasnoludy - każden jeden jest boski: Yarpen, Denis, Zoltan i jego chłopaki, Reynart, Coen (”-Gdzie są najlepsi szermierze na świecie? - Na cmentarzach”), Lambert (”Możesz już zdjąć opaskę z oczu”) i wiedźminy w ogólności - są tak uroczo nieporadni w wychowywaniu małej dziewczynki, Vysogota z Corovo - który jest niezwykle sprawny w wychowywaniu nastoletniej dziewczynki, ta szuja Avallac’h za bizona, Pukacz (”od dziecka marzyłem by zaszarżować na ludzi z wiedźminem na grzbiecie”), Crach an Craite i połowa Skellige, Szczury - w szczególności o zgrozo ten idiota Kayleigh i Reef i Iskra, Til Echrade i paru innych z oddziału Skellena, mistrz Esterhazy, Faoiltiarna, Borch Trzy Kawki i jego dziołszki, Kudkudak, nawet Dijkstra, niziołek Rusty.  Nenneke - zawsze boska, Yennefer z Vengerbergu :),Tissaia de Vries (jednym zaklęciem-puff!), Margarita Laux-Antile (apolityczna), Sheila de Tancarville, Assire var Anahid, królowa Maeve z Rivii, Angouleme, Julia “Słodka Trzpiotka” Abatemarco… matko, ale tego.
Ulubione relacje: Geralt-Yennefer, Geralt z córą, Yennefer z córą. Geralt z jego hanzą, a zwłaszcza przyjaźń z Regisem. Krasnoludy ilekroć się pojawiają ubarwiają wszystko na lepsze. Milva i Cahir - ship, który nie zdążył popłynąć.  Ciri i Vysogota z Corovo, jak również jej relacje z wiedźmakami. Esterad Thyssen i Zuleyka. Uwielbiam Kovir, chciałabym tam żyć. Albo w Mahakamie. Albo w Toussaint, w jednym z małych bajkowych zameczków.
Ot, i powiedziałam, teraz ty.
(rozbrajasz mnie z tymi wszystkimi zdrobnieniami na Armisiąnientunia :D )
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automaticvr · 5 years ago
Logan & Sons, the live-action division of bi-coastal creative content studio LOGAN, has signed the dynamic, award-winning duo Atanasio + Martinez to their roster of celebrated directors. The husband-and-wife team of Anthony Atanasio and Valerie Martinez adds technical precision with a human touch to create compelling spots that nimbly move between the daring and mesmerizing to the delicate and whimsically clever. Based in Los Angeles and London, Atanasio + Martinez’s work is marked by rich cinematic textures and intuitive pacing that infuse their campaigns for such clients as Nike, Audi, Budweiser, Hermes and Levi’s with the feeling of big-screen films. Their sensational spot for Nintendo, “School’s Out,” which combines acrobatic action with soaring views of Tokyo, won numerous accolades, including a pair of Clio and Addy awards, respectively. “We’re excited to bring such an accomplished directorial team to the Logan & Sons roster,” LOGAN executive producer Paul Abatemarco says. “Atanasio + Martinez have created some of the most ambitious and well-received campaigns in recent memory and add another creative powerhouse to our lineup.” Atanasio + Martinez’s global campaign for Etihad Airways starring Nicole Kidman received high acclaim particularly for its accompanying virtual reality film that gave viewers an immersive VR experience aboard the airline’s ultra-luxurious Airbus A380 jet alongside the Hollywood star. Kidman praised the duo’s “unique eye” in capturing the ambitious project. “Logan & Sons has always been a very unique company, and we were attracted to the vibrant and exciting work their directors produce,” said Atanasio + Martinez. “We love their enthusiasm for what they do, and the special way in which they listen to and support original ideas.” https://ift.tt/2vlYFNX Press Release https://ift.tt/3cwLLgK https://ift.tt/2PEE2TP https://ift.tt/37lI4GH https://ift.tt/2uvaHEb
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calidosomax · 5 years ago
Spud Webb - Grandeza inigualable .
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Un jugador sorprendente que rompió todos los estereotipos de que por tu estatura no puedes llegar al basketball profesional .
Spud Webb, nació en 1963 en Dallas, con 1.68 de estatura y 60 kilos de peso le costó hacerse espacio en el básquet, asistió a North Carolina y llego a la NBA en 1985, jugo para los Hawks, Kings, Timberwolves y Magic.
Sus números de canchas fueron modestos durante las 12 temporadas que compitió, en su carrera promedió 9.9 puntos y 5.3 asistencias por partido pero siempre será recordado como el jugador más bajo en ganar concurso de clavadas, su capacidad de salto y clavados pusieron al público de pie. Fue en 1988 que sorprendió al mundo, contra todo pronóstico venció al histórico Dominique Wilkins.
Probó que la estatura no lo es todo en el básquet.
Tras graduarse en el instituto, no se unió a ningún equipo de baloncesto universitario, principalmente debido a su baja estatura. Finalmente fue al Midland Junior College de Midland (Texas), donde lideró en 1982 el triunfo de su equipo en el título nacional del campeonato de junior colleges (instituciones de educación post-obligatoria estadounidenses).
Webb atrajo la atención de Tom Abatemarco, un ayudante de entrenador en la Universidad del Estado de Carolina del Norte, que organizó a Webb una entrevista con el jefe del equipo técnico, Jim Valvano, que le ofreció una beca. En sus dos años en North Carolina, Spud tuvo unos promedios por partido de 10,4 puntos y 5,7 asistencias.
Fue elegido en la cuarta ronda del draft de 1985 por los Detroit Pistons. Sus primeras seis temporadas en la NBA jugó en los Atlanta Hawks pero, estadísticamente hablando, sus mejores años fueron los que pasó en los Sacramento Kings de 1992 a 1995, periodo durante el cual fue titular, y a donde llegó traspasado a cambio de Travis Mays.1​ Después jugó una temporada repartida entre los Hawks y los Minnesota Timberwolves antes de terminar su carrera en Orlando Magic, donde se retiró del baloncesto en 1998. A lo largo de sus 12 temporadas promedió 9,9 puntos por partido.
Webb, el participante más bajo de la historia del concurso de mates de la NBA, fue el vencedor en la edición de 1986. Consiguió sorprender al vigente campeón y favorito, su compañero de equipo en los Atlanta Hawks Dominique Wilkins, que se había impuesto el año anterior a Michael Jordan en un duelo histórico. Según palabras del propio Webb, Wilkins nunca le había visto machacar el aro.
Durante el concursó Webb realizó virguerías tales como un mate a una mano tras pasarse el balón contra el tablero, un mate a una mano con giro en el aire de 360º
·         Veinte años después de ganarlo él mismo, Webb colaboró con el base de los New York Knicks Nate Robinson en la realización del mate que le dio la victoria en el concurso del año 2006. Webb pasó el balón a Robinson (175 cm), que saltó por encima de él, obteniendo la puntuación máxima de 50 puntos.
·         ”Spud” es una forma abreviada de "Sputnik", apodo que le puso su abuela cuando no era más que un bebé.
·         LeBron James considera a Spud Webb uno de sus “matadores” favoritos de todos los tiempos.
·         Fue el mejor lanzador de tiros libres de la NBA en 1995, con un 93,4% de efectividad (226 de 242).
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anomaliacontrasta-blog · 5 years ago
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Madeline Abatemarco. Edited Photo, 2014 Photographer: Irving Penn
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