#abandon meg cabot
theacedragon · 9 months
Oooh I Wanna write fanfiction so bad but the only fandom I wanna write for has 3 works and I’ve never met anyone who’s heard of the series
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perfectquote · 2 months
The term "forgive and forget" doesn't make sense to me. Forgiving does allow us to stop dwelling on an issue, which isn't always healthy. But if we forget, we don't learn from our mistakes.
Abandon by Meg Cabot
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perfectfeelings · 4 months
The term "forgive and forget" doesn't make sense to me. Forgiving does allow us to stop dwelling on an issue, which isn't always healthy. But if we forget, we don't learn from our mistakes.
Abandon by Meg Cabot
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quotefeeling · 6 months
The term "forgive and forget" doesn't make sense to me. Forgiving does allow us to stop dwelling on an issue, which isn't always healthy. But if we forget, we don't learn from our mistakes.
Abandon by Meg Cabot
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thoughtkick · 1 year
The term "forgive and forget" doesn't make sense to me. Forgiving does allow us to stop dwelling on an issue, which isn't always healthy. But if we forget, we don't learn from our mistakes.
Abandon by Meg Cabot
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thehopefulquotes · 1 year
The term "forgive and forget" doesn't make sense to me. Forgiving does allow us to stop dwelling on an issue, which isn't always healthy. But if we forget, we don't learn from our mistakes.
Abandon by Meg Cabot
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surqrised · 1 year
The term "forgive and forget" doesn't make sense to me. Forgiving does allow us to stop dwelling on an issue, which isn't always healthy. But if we forget, we don't learn from our mistakes.
Abandon by Meg Cabot
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Title: Abandon
Author: Meg Cabot
Series or standalone: series
Publication year: 2011
Genres: fiction, fantasy, romance, paranormal, supernatural, retelling
Blurb: Though she tries returning to the life she knew before the accident, Pierce can't help but feel at once a part of this world, and apart from it, yet she's never alone...because someone is always watching her. Escape from the realm of the dead is impossible when someone there wants you back, but now, she's moved to a new town. Maybe she can stop feeling so afraid...only she can't, because even here, he finds her. That's how desperately he wants her back. She knows he's no guardian angel, and his dark world isn't exactly Heaven, yet she can't stay away...especially since he always appears when she least expects it, but exactly when she needs him most. If she lets herself fall any further, she may just find herself back in the one place she most fears: the Underworld.
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mistyycowoa · 3 days
Guys I'm so proud of myself I managed to read 304 pages in 3 school days and that's like 2-3 hours a day because there's not much time at school when I can read and I apparently can't read at home so
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reblogthiscrapkay · 1 year
The Persephone Project: "Abandon" by Meg Cabot
I don't seek out these retellings anymore but they do happen to find me.
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The way I found this one was that a copy of it was lying on a desk in my best friend's library. Apparently his niece had pulled it out, read the back, and just left it there. It was his wife's and she told me she literally couldn't remember it and that she didn't even know that it was a Persephone retelling. I didn't quite get it either until I got to the bottom of the book description "The myth of Persephone . . . darkly reimagined." Having read it now, I guess? The prologue retells the original myth in a pretty flat way from the main character's (Pierce is her name by the way) perspective and implies that that she has had a similar albeit way worse experience than Persephone. The book starts with her having moved with her mom to a Floridian island that her mom is from two years after Pierce drowned/froze in a pool and had a near death experience. Her mom (Deb) is really into birds and birds come up a lot even though that's not really a Demeter thing specifically. Through flashbacks we find out that Pierce met a guy in a cemetery when she was seven who brought a bird back to life and then later saw the same guy during her NDE. She went to a place that sounds like a slightly modernized Underworld lead by him. After she talked to him about where she was, he brought her to his room, gave her a huge diamond necklace that is supposed to alert her to danger, and then she ran out to escape, waking up from death. After her NDE her former best friend killed herself after getting messed with by a teacher at their school and Pierce set herself up at bait to try to bring him to justice but Underworld guy saved her, destroying the teacher's arm and leading to her getting the blame and kicked out of school. In the present, she encounters the guy, now revealed to be named John Hayden, in the cemetery again and they argue about how he keeps messing up her life. He takes back and tosses her necklace. All this backstory is functionally the first half of the book. The next day Pierce starts her senior year of high school in the alternative program with her cousin whose dad just got out of prison after sixteen years (he seems fine but we never find out what his crime was). Pierce ends up roped into some school tradition called Coffin Night that the popular kids are into where they're going to build and hide a coffin at her house. In the Author's Note it is mentioned that this is apparently based on a real thing. She also meets with the cemetery sexton who found her necklace and he explains that John is a keeper of A Underworld that their island is on top of. John is also being tortured by the Furies because I guess that's part of his job. He's one of many death deities and the sexton is part of a death deity fan club basically (can I join) and he also explains that the diamond necklace is the Persephone Diamond (not a thing) and curses people. However, apparently it won't curse her since by John giving it to her it's basically a repeat of Hades giving it to Persephone. The sexton ships them hard and Pierce is salty about it for a few hours until John comes around her house and they end up making out. Unless I'm missing something, this is their fifth encounter in total (at seven, NDE, creepy teacher, start of book, now).
Tragedy strikes again however at the eleventh hour of this book when it turns out that Pierce's counselor was found dead in the cemetery the next morning. Pierce figures out that it was a Fury who did it and that Fury was . . . her grandmother. Was this set up at all? Not really. Why would a Fury kill the counselor? Apparently she thought it was Pierce. Why would killing Pierce make any sense when it would just mean she would be sent to John forever? Apparently that would make him happy and the Furies want him to be happy because it's more fun to torture a happy person than one who's already broody. *shrugs* Either way, John takes Pierce to the Underworld for safety but not by killing her and the book ends with them there. It's been literally three days. Also this is the first book of three. Keeping in mind that it's a YA book from 2011 so that does imply a certain quality level, I do have to say that the choice for how the story is told is not my favorite. The whole first half of the book keeps flashing back to the main character's traumatic past until you finally get the whole story. It's honestly kind of harder to invest this way. I also felt really detached from the characters, especially Pierce and John who I'm supposed to be rooting for. Pierce is supposed to be super caring but is also disengaged and unfocused and privileged as hell. There's nothing really to like or dislike about her. John, in spite of being the love interest, appears relatively little and feels like just a brooding guy. Aside from the wonky structure and characterization, how's the myth itself? I don't know how I feel about it since mostly just the basic idea is present. I definitely liked it better when it was confirmed that John isn't actually Hades. They also say that the Coffin Night thing ties into John's death, but that will clearly be explained in a later book. I think the premise of our Persephone figure having a NDE is actually pretty cool, but I really didn't feel connected to her as a character and I don't know if it's because of the way the story is told or the characterization itself. I've read The Princess Diaries; I recall that Meg Cabot can do characterization. As with some of the other "different time period" adaptions, I kind of wish it leaned into the myth harder. I kept trying to figure out if the side characters were supposed to be based off anyone else in Greek mythology, but I don't think they were outside of her parents who were obviously Zeus and Demeter. The necklace thing was also silly as a plot device to me. Just have John be more present in her life. Hell, this story might be better if it started at her NDE and the whole thing with her friend and the creepy teacher was the main crux of the book. It would definitely help shape a reader attachment to Pierce and give more time for her and John's relationship to develop.
Would I recommend it? No. I'm not even into reading the two other books. But it was interesting.
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jakeowen · 7 months
can’t believe that streaming services are dying before we even got a princess diaries series. has it been long enough that we can finally admit the movie was great but they never should’ve abandoned meg cabot’s canon
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perfectquote · 2 years
The term "forgive and forget" doesn't make sense to me. Forgiving does allow us to stop dwelling on an issue, which isn't always healthy. But if we forget, we don't learn from our mistakes.
Abandon by Meg Cabot
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violetfairydust · 5 months
Five Fandoms, Five Ships
Tagged by @nixie-deangel <3
Get to know the blogger, via five different ships from five different fandoms!
Sterek - Stiles and Derek - Teen Wolf
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2. Everlark - Kartniss and Peeta - The Hunger Games
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3 Malec - Magnus and Alec - The Shadowhunter Chronicles (couldn't find a gif I liked)
4 Francy - Frank and Nancy - The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew
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5 Pierce and John - Abandon by Meg Cabot (I don't know if they have a ship name and they don't have an adaptation but they should! Check out the books, they're awesome!)
I gently tag: @dear-massacre @thebejeweledwatercat @eevylynn
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ss10009 · 1 year
Mediator Fic Masterlist
I'm just a girl who's way too dedicated to Jesse/Suze. My fics for Meg Cabot's The Mediator series:
One Shots
Rating: G Jesse/Suze. Mildly angsty, second person, Jesse-centric one-shot where I give him daddy issues Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35899405
Multi-Chapter Fics
Rating: T Jesse/Suze. Post-Remembrance multi-chapter case fic. Suze's work at the newly opened Carmel Pediatric Center leads her and Jesse to their toughest challenge yet. (Note: I'm working on a heavily updated version of this to post to AO3) Read on Fanfic.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11807980/1/Hush
Rating: T (but honestly could probably be G) Jesse/Suze. Post-Twilight multi-chapter case fic featuring a dead Kelly Prescott and a Paul Slater who's exploring what it's like to not be a total dick all the time. This fic is technically abandoned. (The completed story exists on my hard drive but didn't get posted because I wound up reworking the main plot points into Hush.) Read on Fanfic.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11767186/1/Rapport
The Miss Simon "Universe"
I posted what I thought was a shamelessly smutty one-shot years back that I wound up making a sequel to. Please don't ask why.
Miss Simon
Rating: E Jesse/Suze. Shameless post-Remembrance teacher roleplay smut. (Shoutout to Miss Boyd.) Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5927656
A Novel Idea
Rating: E Jesse/Suze. More shameless post-Remembrance smut. Suze explores vintage sources to try and figure out more of Jesse's fantasies. Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44853799
Upcoming Fic
Posting this is basically cursing myself to writer's block but here goes nothing.
Mini sequel to Hush. Rowdy ghosts try to interrupt Suze's well-earned break. Roughly 70% done. Need to finish the edit for Hush and upload in its entirety to AO3 first though.
Larger sequel to Hush/Exposure. Jesse family drama PTSD exploration fun time. Roughly 1% done.
Fissure / title tbd
Post-Remembrance. Alternate timelines/alternate universes. Suze and Jesse have to do some dimension hopping to fix A Very Bad Thing that happens in their timeline. The first set of chapters is done!
Losing Control / title tbd
Potential sequel for A Novel Idea. Because I'm a bad person. This will probably be finished/uploaded sometime in February 2030.
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hayatheauthor · 1 year
Hi there. This Ask is a bit confusing, so please bear with me. Basically, I’m a pantser whose current method of writing is not working for them. This is because I struggle to decide where to go next and to remember details. However, I can barely write outlines before becoming drained, my fear being that I will abandon my WIP altogether if I plan scenes/characters in detail before I write them instead of afterwards. Am I worrying over nothing here? (You can be honest.)
I do think you should try outlining first before looking for something else. From what you said it sounds like you've made up your mind about the outcome so you don't want to outline. You should instead try making a vague outline for your WIP and then see where that takes you.
Book outlines don't always have to have every aspect figured out, you can make a bulleted list of the events you want to occur in your book then use that as a reference when you feel stuck.
Also consider researching fellow panster authors and their writing methods. There a lot of authors you can look at like Neil Gaiman, Meg Cabot, Stephen King, and George R. R. Martin.
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deakyjoe · 2 years
About Me:
Name: EJ
Age: 19 (painfully gen z)
Pronouns: she/her
Location: UK (Bri’ish innit)
Sexual orientation: bisexual
Occupation: student, studying for BA in film studies (1st year)
MBTI: INTJ (architect)
Likes: reading, writing, watching stuff, Marvel (especially Spider-Man), Star Wars (especially The Mandalorian), horror (especially Saw), music, musicals (especially Beetlejuice)
Current main interests (constantly changing): Pedro Pascal (+ filmography), Leigh Whannell (+ filmography), Saw, The Mandalorian, The Last of Us, Call of Duty, Heath Ledger (always), Star Wars
Current read: Haunting Adeline by H. D. Carlton (ebook), Ghost Radio by Leopoldo Gout (audiobook)
Current watch: The Mandalorian (weekly), Beyond Paradise (weekly), Narcos, Young Dracula (rewatch), Louis Theroux Documentaries, 911: Lone Star (weekly), Gogglebox (weekly)
Favourite films: Tangled, 10 Things I Hate About You, Jaws, Saw, Jurassic Park, The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, Get Out, Top Gun, Prospect, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Brokeback Mountain, A Knight’s Tale, Knight & Day, The Social Network, Bohemian Rhapsody, The Princess Bride, American Psycho, Clueless, Legally Blonde, Jennifer’s Body, Some Like It Hot, Little Miss Sunshine, The Martian, Final Destination, The Batman, Heathers, Mamma Mia
Favourite shows: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Mandalorian, Friends, Criminal Minds, Sex Education, Stranger Things, The Big Bang Theory, Ghosts, Doctor Who, Merlin, Fleabag, Miranda, 911, 911: Lone Star, I Am Not Okay With This, Bones, The Mentalist, Death in Paradise, Narcos
Favourite actors (changes regularly): Pedro Pascal, Paul Dano, Heath Ledger, Leigh Whannell, Nicolas Cage, Jake Gyllenhaal, Viola Davis, Keke Palmer, Lupita Nyong’o, Lucy Liu, Gemma Chan, Joe Mazzello, Rami Malek, Stanley Tucci, Samuel L. Jackson, Willem Dafoe, Keanu Reeves, Queen Latifah, Angela Bassett, Jane Lynch, Tracie Thoms
Favourite YouTube channels (a lot of movie commentators): Aaron and Jo, Dylan Is In Trouble, MacDoesIt, Pretty Much It, Trin Lovell
Favourite music artists: Mook, Queen, ABBA, Olly Murs, P!nk, The Beach Boys, Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons, Elvis Presley
Favourite books: Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco, Forget Me Not by Karissa Kinword, The Martian by Andy Weir, From Lukov with Love by Mariana Zapata, The Mindf*ck Series by S. T. Abby, Abandon by Meg Cabot, Aristotle & Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman, If We Were Villains by M. L. Rio, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V. E. Schwab, Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber, Twilight by Stephanie Meyer
This is just some generic information about me. Always feel free to ask questions if you want to know more :)
Uhhhh what else do you want to know?
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