#abalisk writes
ffs-abalisk · 7 months
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Cobalt in Blue - Chapter 4: Through the Feathers and Flames
Marco stop being so cute, dammit...
Not like that!
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cyb-by-lang · 1 month
Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I've been following CYB since 2018, when I was still in middle school! When I read Shell Game on FF.Net, also around that time, one of my favorite scenes was Kei's debriefing with Minato and the UA's faculty. The way it let them have a peek into her life (strict, hierarchical, and military childhood) so contrasting to theirs (and her content and loyalty with it even while working to make it better) lives rented free in my head for years before I stumbled upon you work again! It has always been a pleasure reading your stories (now I'm accompanying E(aE)D and it has been a journey, because I absolutelylove Batman), and I'm glad you publish them for us to appreciate your hard work!
Thank you so much for your kind words. It’s been a fair old while since writing that scene, but it was one where me and @ffs-abalisk had to strike a very delicate balance between the UA faculty and Minato’s concerns, most of which were basically incompatible. If not for the looming threat of the League of Villains (and the contract), none of those people would have wanted to be in the same room.
The kids of each group would’ve been fine going to a cat café though. They’re a chill bunch comparatively. XD
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writer-and-artist27 · 3 months
Got tagged by @windwardstar and @exmeowstic. In the same tag game too. Huh.
Thankie to you both. (o_ _)o Sorry for this being late.
Game: This picrew and the last song you listened to.
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Long story short, when work stress makes weekly dates a must and writing rage chapters once every other month, listening to haunting YOASOBI songs seems to happen.
Tagging: @partialdignity, @teddog, @abalisk, @tackypies, and whoever else wants to. This is just for fun.
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daeryn · 2 years
do you have any OP fanfic recs?
of course!! i mostly read (and write) oc fics, so hopefully that’s what ur into.
some of my favs are:
memoirs of a suicidal pirate by @alkhale
flight of the albatross by @ffs-abalisk
tell it to the marines by tsume_yuki
pars una by chibitami
counterfeit hearts by @sugiwa
one step behind by sagidraconis
burst your bubble by ayeeelien
as for non-oc fics…
beginning the next dream by riko jasmine
the fire and the sun by dezace
finally i get to choose what’s wrong (and what is right) by via_the_cryptid
the sky is falling (but you’re here with me so there’s no place i’d rather be) by vallmo_05
all of which are on ao3!!
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oddmawd · 1 year
Nine People Tag Game
Was tagged by @ffs-abalisk
Da Rules: Answer the topics below & tag nine people to do the same.
Tagging (if you want): @neon-gothicc @tiny-shadow @pinkcatminht @nya-vivi @wolfieizzyy @lycanthropemaul @otterlycosplay (i don't know a lot of people on here too well and feel nervous tagging people but i hope this is ok!)
Three Ships: 
i don't actually ship all that much and have very few OTPs
but i am forever a Zutara shipper, and i will never forgive the creators of ATLA for mocking that ship despite the amount of scenes they included that set it up
Zelink because i've been playing TOTK and they're super cute
oh and Sidlink too because i'm a trash multishipper and they are also cute get wrecked yona
Currently Listening To: lately i've had the most recent Sleep Token album on replay, it's good shit
Last Movie: the last thing i watched was Cult of Chucky (lmao it was terrible, Bride and the OG remain the best in the franchise)
Currently Reading: rereading some of my old work so i can write new additions to it, working my way through the One Piece manga again, also reading a random paranormal romance series BookTok decided to show me last week
Currently Watching/Playing: playing Tears of the Kingdom, almost done with it thankfully...watching the anime Dark Gathering, it's a good ongoing horror series
Currently Consuming: air mostly? some water?
Currently Craving: nothing, i have zero appetite because covid sucks and my taste buds don't work
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thebibliosphere · 5 years
Do you have any sage advice for aspiring romance writers? Like what tropes not to follow or perspectives? (For me, I’m big on the comedy and witty banter route, but I also know that’s not for everyone.)
Most tropes can be used really well and are enjoyable to both write and read, especially ones that prime your readers to expect certain anticipated outcomes. I, for example, am forever weak at the knees for things like “sarcastic assholes are actually big softies with a lot of heart underneath it all” and the forever undying “oh no there’s only one bed, whatever will we do” and I use them myself a fair bit for both comedic and romantic value.
But where a lot of people fall down is when they think the mere presence of the trope is in itself enough to convey chemistry, and it’s really not. If the author has built the chemistry up between the characters well, it can really pack a satisfying punch to have the trope follow through. If however the dynamic falls flat, well, you’re going to have a very lackluster pairing that relies too heavily on the trope to carry it and it just comes across as “eh”. It’s sort of a going through the motions, but not really enjoying it sort of thing.
For instance in the book I am currently reading, it is absolutely supposed to be an enemies to lovers story, but the two are so genuinely mismatched and their character traits so unlikable that their attraction at best feels like a poor life choice in the making, and at worst, just smacks of lazy writing. There’s no spark in their conflict, no reason to even want them to be together, just relentless friction being forced by the plot to make them like each other.
Also? Try to avoid describing people like clothes mannequins. It’s a very common thing I find in people who got their first writing experience from doing RPG type stuff and while it’s good for character building, it should not make it into your final drafting, as it can come across as very juvenile and immersion breaking if you’re just listing every single item of clothing the character is wearing like a laundry list. You can still pick out details to focus on, but you don’t need to describe every last stitch of clothing a person is wearing. (unless your character is extremely detail orientated and tends to notice details all the time, in which case it can be a good way to convey that and let you indulge in a little gratuitous describing) you can say things like “they were dressed for the weather/evening/occasion” which enables you to both convey things like seasonal atmosphere, climate, what sort of social setting they are either in or anticipating, and also what type of person the character might be based on how the express themselves through attire. For instance:
“She had dressed for the weather, and wore a broad brimmed sun hat and a bright yellow dress that made him think of sunflowers. Her dark mane of hair was pulled back into a thick braid that swung tantalizingly over her bronze-sun-kissed shoulder, and he wanted nothing more in that moment to unravel it and run his fingers through those thick tresses.”
What does this convey? That it is summer or at least set in a place with a warm climate. That the person being described likes bright colors and is perhaps disposed toward a sunny personality. That there are things about them that the describer finds physically attractive, but is currently unable to act on whether because they are in a social setting or because they are secretly pining.
or alternatively:
“in defiance of the weather she still persisted in wearing black. Her long sleeves pulled defensively down over her knuckles as she sat hunched on the grass with the others, her cheeks and nose turning ruddy under the intense glare of the afternoon sun, the very picture of misery. It shouldn’t have been as adorable as it was, but the scrunch of her nose and the downward turn of her pout made something flutter deep in the pit of his stomach. He wondered if she’d appreciate an ice cream, or if she’d just tip it over his head.”
What does this convey? That the weather is warm and that the person being described doesn’t appreciate this. That they are in a social setting our outing in a group. That there is some sort of existing tension between the pairing, possibly hostile, possibly masking some sort of attraction they’re in denial over. That at some point they will likely be forced to confront their feelings for each other, and it will likely be explosive but not necessarily volatile. And possibly involving ice cream.
Chemistry building is key to writing good romance, and a goodly amount of time should be spent developing characters as people and not cut out dolls. Find which dynamic works best for them as a pairing first, and then work out which literary tropes fit with that dynamic and how they help get your characters from A to B.
Are they snippy with each other but find out they have something remarkable in common? Does it make them have a grudging respect for each other? Do they admire them? Do they end up sharing a smirk over the table and instantly regret it? Why do they keep coming back to each other if they’re so ill suited, is there some sort of magnetic pull? Secret history? Is their annoyance actually masking real genuine attraction they’re afraid to let themselves feel? Why are they afraid? How do they overcome that? Slowly and haltingly or all at once by plunging head first into something as dangerous and reckless feeling as a kiss?
Or is their attraction genuinely spilling over from the start and they’re just dancing around each other not sure how to proceed because they’re both hopeless. Is it killing everyone in their general vicinity to watch these two (or more) idiots fumbling their way through their own emotions. Do their hands shake? Does their stomach do the swoopy thing whenever the other person smiles or walks into the room? Do they start doing ridiculous things like ordering coffees they hate but the other person likes just so they can imagine the taste of their mouth on their lips? Is it unbearable dragged out delicious slow burn torture? (I have a preference, if you couldn’t tell.)
As for tropes to avoid? Well, that’s up to your own preferences and the kinds of stories you want to both read and write. I personally tend to steer clear of “she was only 16/17/18 but wiser than her years, the Duke  could tell” sort of things, cause it just ignites a whole bunch of personal trauma for me, but thankfully that trope seems to be dying out along with the last of the old romances. Makes my job a lot easier I can tell you.
Either way, just play around with it. Find a dynamic that works well for you. And don’t worry about trying to appeal to everyone.Write the kind of things you would like to read and make you happy to create. I promise you there’s more of a market than you realize.
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tackyink · 3 years
I wish you would write a fic/ one shot where Saki meets Leith (Oc from Abalisk) and they end up sharing dumb stories about their crew (and captains)
Ooh, I love OC crossovers, but I would be hella nervous writing someone else's OC?? I mean, I know fanfiction is literally writing someone else's OCs, but my body would evict my soul if I knew the og author was reading. So yeah. Not brave enough for this.
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langwrites · 3 years
Game: Wip Titles
Rules: I post the titles of my wips (optional: y'all tell me which ones sound the most intriguing?)
Tagged by: @owlsofstarlight
Tagging: @ffs-abalisk, @mikkeneko, and whoever else writes stuff they’d like to point out.
Wip Titles:
Fanfiction (all at least partially based in Naruto):
Catch Your Breath (hiatus)
Ocean Stars Falling (hiatus) (crossover with One Piece)
Dig Two Graves (crossover with The Untamed)
it must be a thursday (crossover with Critical Role)
Literally everything from Terramir’s been on hold for more than a year, as @owlsofstarlight has recently reminded me.
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lovingempress · 5 years
An Ode to Fanfiction Writers
I’m often silent
I don’t know what to say on the things that mean something
Every alert lights up my day
Your writing fills me, often so full I burst with emotions, or even just gnawing at the scraps you toss like crumbs to koi
Sometimes I am glutted off your ideas and creativity,
Filled to the brim with the evoked emotions
Others I feed off of various bits and pieces
Though they are small and few, in words and feelings,
They add to me, ever hungry for more and peck-peck-pecking at rice grains scattered
Those small bits, shed from your mind like the hair on your head, buoy me through my days
Your writing adds Life to my World, Color has Meaning, Joy-Sadness-Comfort-Sorrow-Vengefulness-Complicated things that wring me tight and soft Fluff that holds me close...
Sing me, again, these bedtime stories, your hymns and chaotic madness, your soft lullabies that hold us close as if a babe to thy chest
Bring me comfort, bring me pain, evoke outrage, induce flight- FanFiction Writers, you become everything to me
@writer-and-artist27, @akaluan, @wolfsrainrules, @north-peach, @alkhale, @writing-frenzy, @silenceia, @cooliogirl101, @athanatosora, @araceil, @kegareki, @cyb-by-lang, @cywscross, @owlsofstarlight, @blackkatmagic, @surfacage, @hweianime @bluethursday @luki-fanfic @feynites @metronomeihear @ladyhallen @thefringeperson @alleycat4eva @esamastation @kyogre-blue @abalisk @exocara @secret-engima @hraap @tsume-yuki @acernor @aerialflight @adelmortescryche @simkjrs @seitosokusha @sanjuno @sakhyu @reighost @wingbladeweaver1357 @klonoadreams @dosbysilverqueen @chaosgreymistchild @mullk6 @hi-pot-and-news and so much more...
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Merry Christmas y’all, Happy Holiday season, and have a great New Year!
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ffs-abalisk · 3 months
Flight of the Albatross - Chapter 9 Snippet
It was about that moment that Slapjack slammed open the door to the kitchens, a wooden skewer clenched between his teeth in a grin so wide it stood out starkly against the dark curls of his beard. “Alright you crusty sea dogs, get in here! It’s lunch time!” he crowed, blinking at Leith for a moment before bursting into a good-natured guffaw. “Well, well, if it isn’t Spoons, rockin’ a new ‘do! Lookin’ good girlie!”
“Hmph! Well, at least someone around here knows how to give a compliment.” Leith said smugly, giving her newly trimmed hair a saucy little flip of her hand before jogging over to meet the cheery chef. “Hey Slaps, you can cook and you know how to sweet talk a girl. Let’s run away together and get married!”
Somewhere in the background, Ace sputtered.
Slapjack threw his head back and roared with full bellied laughter, slapping a firm hand on her shoulder that damn near rocked her on her ass. “Hell no!”
"Damn. Well, it was worth a shot," she sighed theatrically, allowing herself to be ushered in the dining room.
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cyb-by-lang · 5 years
So far, you're one of my favorite authors and I'd really like to know how to write well (≧∇≦)I can't seem to describe things/feelings/events all that clearly and I would appreciate it if you would leave a tip! Arigato *\(^o^)/*
Warning: This post is going to be a giant pain to read if you’re on mobile!
The easiest way to start describing things is to try to dig into the character’s perspective. “What would this particular person notice?” is the single biggest question when writing from a limited POV.
Kei, for example, likes riffing on other people/things when not focused on assessing threat levels. Also, it’s a lot of fun to utterly ruin language with extended metaphors that derail halfway through, because that’s how the character thinks. She notices details around her because almost everything is a simile to her, and there’s nothing she can’t gently mock.
Contrast, say, Hamlet. There’s a guy who’d literally pick up a dude’s skull while hanging out in a graveyard to wax philosophical about the guy it belonged to, while at the same time later managing to stab his almost-father-in-law by accident while trying to murder his uncle. He stops the entire play multiple times for a soliloquy, and that still jives with how much the plot itself calls him on not acting on his concrete knowledge.
There’s a joke on this site that Hamlet’s thoughtfulness is what ruins his life. Othello, over in another Shakespeare play, is destroyed by his impulsive nature. Swap their relative positions, and they thrive. But the way they think is demonstrated through what they point out in monologues and dialogue. 
But, if instead you are focusing on just getting the raw details out and plan to fuss with characters’ observational skills later, see below:
Per Beta:
Practice. Find what’s missing from your descriptions, then write shit intentionally focusing on that element until you do it naturally.
Then isolate the next element and repeat.
Also, there’s sharing your stuff and getting critique… but that’s scary.
But also: if you’re critical enough of your own writing you can get to where i am with minimal input from others.
Critique is the scariest part, tbh.
Per @abalisk
Telling yourself your bad at something is going to make you bad at something. You gotta fucking own it.
But also what does the POV character see? Taste? Smell? Feel? Describe the senses and draw from personal experience to help you paint a picture.
Like think of a forest and describe what defines a forest to you. The smell of pine and sweet odor of rotting leaves. The taste of cold air… obviously you don’t have to describe every scene like this but it can help set a mood
And the way you describe things only matures with time and practice. Reading other fics or books can help because you can study up on descriptive language, even as you are enjoying a story.
There really is no do or don’t in writing, just write what feels good and correct to you.
Side note: Going into too much detail about too many things is called “purple prose.” Using too few details is “beige prose.” Most writing exists comfortably between the two extremes, and it sounds like you’re worrying you’re on the latter end of the bell curve.
Another thing I do is roughly work out a scene, assigning dialogue to characters or whatever. Then I go back over it later (usually about a day after) and add in conversational details or character’s narration asides afterward.
“You seem to be adjusting well,” Ayame said.
“I’m used to grunt work like this,” Kei replied, hefting the second, equally-insensate demon(?) onto the oar.
“Are you sure you don’t mean ‘other humans’?” Ayame asked.
Kei shrugged. “Anyway, gambling ring busted. What’s next, Ayame-san?”
Bit scant on the details, eh? Let’s go back over that with more attention paid to how the characters think and act.
“You seem to be adjusting well,” Ayame said, as she dragged Kei’s most recent arrest into an alleyway. Her oar hovered nearby, and this particular apparition wasn’t strong enough to break plastic zip-ties during the trip back to the Spirit World. 
“I’m used to grunt work like this,” Kei replied, hefting the second, equally-insensate demon(?) onto the oar. Sure, they were a little denser than humans of the same size, but neither Kei nor Ayame paid much mind to that. “Teeth aside, I don’t think either of these two were really much of a threat to humans.”
“Are you sure you don’t mean ‘other humans’?”  Ayame asked.
Kei shrugged, then readjusted the drooping shoulder of the shirt. Urban camouflage was such a pain. “Anyway, gambling ring busted. What’s next, Ayame-san?”
I didn’t really go around and describe the entire landscape around them, because the focus was on character action. The environmental details were relegated to paragraphs without dialogue elsewhere.
But yeah! A couple different approaches you can take a stab at.
Have fun!
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writer-and-artist27 · 10 months
tag game: last line(s)
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
tagged by: @windwardstar.
Thankie, Osie (o_ _)oI'll be following your example in giving a paragraph from my Fate fic Passing Days because I wanna (and slowly trying to get back into more writing to get away from any unconscious grief from October).
Then… Mash took a small breath. Vy had already taken the first step in addressing things mentally through therapy with Chiron. So, for Mash… “My true feelings about Lancelot-san are… complicated.”
Tagging: @teddog, @partialdignity, and @abalisk. Only if you want to. :)
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windwardstar · 5 years
Influences and inspiration
Tagged by: @serenewrites @mayvinwrites @shinju-cliff
Rules: list things that have influenced or inspired your writing
- Tamora Pierce's Tortall and circle of magic books. They were my big "fantasy can be whatever you make of it" books when i was in middle school. They showed me it could be any kind of plot (medical mystery? Murder and arson? Friendship!)
- the hunchback of Notre dame: big inspiration for burning stones. Several characters were inspired by that movie. As well as the themes of justice and revolution.
- Sinbad legend of the seven seas: marina was totes inspiration for hadari. (Although didn't make the connection initially.)
- dragon age: inquisition - oslen and iyaan parraich as well as sun-kissed snow wouldn't exist without playing that game when i went to visit @langwrites and her asking me to fit oslen into the star verse
- @langwrites terramir. We've been best friends for .. I can't do math since high school and she absolutely has influenced my writing and characters and plot.
- generally wanting to flip the bird to conventional tropes and questioning why things can't be /better/.
- special mention also goes to: wanting to have magic incorporated into everyday life, stars, the number five, and a general love of world building that has made everything so complex it's dizzying.
Tagging: @langwrites @cyb-by-lang @writer-and-artist27 @abalisk @eadalla @ezzelbean And anyone else who wants to do this!!!
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rboooks · 5 years
Influences and Inspiration
Tagged by: @fanfiction-by-abalisk Thank you for the tag!
Rules: list things that have influenced or inspired your writing
Telenovelas- I grew up watching all kinds of telenovelas (Tv Spanish soap operas). The overdramatic angst and drama along with so many things happening at once from different POVs but tying together later on really affect my stories and I love throwing in crazy twists/misunderstandings that had me gasping as a kid.  
YA Books-  This genre is really broad and can have various themes in them which why I love them so much. Series could be about fighting corrupted governments, finding oneself, finding love, fantasy, realism, Characters that deal with similar problems I did and others I didn’t. These were the reading material that got me hooked onto reading. It’s actually from these types of books that inspire how my characters act. 
My family-  One thing I always strive for is making my characters seem real or natural. I tend to add dialogue that I heard someone in my large family say at one point. Be it from my parents, siblings or numerous cousins. Most of the time we’re so weird that it’s for humor but other times they throw some strong wisdom into the wind that I just have to quote. Spend a day with all of us together and you’ll see just how wildly random we can be.
My friends-  Before I started posting or writing I would tell my friends the verbal version of my fanfictions. They would all be patient with me and let me babble away for hours. After a while, I started writing in notebooks during classes and they would read them to give me feedback. Their support and validation drove me to keep trying. This includes the friends I made online. Without them, I wouldn’t try to improve. Practice makes perfect! 
 Anime/Manga-  Similar to the YA Books, anime and Manga is so broad it allowed me to experience new areas of life I never knew about. Since I’ve always liked these it overlaps in my writing a lot and I sneak in references to my favorite ones all the time. Naruto is one of the biggest parts of my life.
Fanfiction and Fanfiction Writers-  Durning the hardest times of my life Fanfiction was the thing that saved me. It allowed me to escape into worlds I already loved and could fall in love with all over again because other fans gave characters, scenes, and the storyline new twists. I can very much say that I adopt a lot of fandom ideas when I write. If it hadn’t been for my favorite writer @tsume-yuki who inspired me to start my own fics I would never have even attempted let alone post them.
Creative Writing Courses- I’ve always liked to tell stories. Back when my younger sister and I still shared a room I would make up bedtime stories for her on nights she couldn’t sleep. The storyline always came easily to me but writing them was hard because it didn’t have the emotion I put into my voice or properly present my thought process. Taking these courses in school, where I was taught how to organize and structure everything while helping with the visible saved my writing honestly.
TV Tropes- Listen. Tv tropes is a website you can get lost in. It’s so fascinating! It takes stories and breaks them down, then explains what the trope was and how it was used. I often find popular fics/shows with tv trope pages and it helps me learn how they were successfully able to apply it. I also learn of tropes that I didn’t need but could use. If you want to learn about stories building blocks get lost on this website about a story you love. 
Tumblr - There is a lot of interesting posts people make on here. Just finding things were people talk about everyday life is fascinating especially when people from other nations jump in to say  “We do that like this here!” or “we had similar stuff here but-”. Usually, when I see posts like these it sparks an urge to research the new information and I can spend hours reading academic studies on why words differentiate by area. This information falls into my world-building and makes my characters seem more real. Also, other writers post helpful tips on here all the time and I eat that stuff up.  
History/ Psychology/ Anthropology/ Sociology-  Humans as a whole fascinate me to no end. We’re so different from anything else on this planet sometimes even to each other and I love learning of why that is. I’ve taken multiple courses of these subjects in college and grew up watching documentaries on random subjects with my dad and siblings. We were the nerd family who would get excited to watch these on Saturday nights but now I know a lot of fun facts which help in world-building, character development and freaking people out. I was ten when I told my best friend five different ways to kill a man that cops had a hard time tracking. 
I tag anyone who wants to try this! 
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O-Riskua and O-Leith in Wa No Kuni
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Badasses Riskua and Leith (by the amazing authors Tsume-Yuki and Abalisk, respectively, as you should know, otherwise go read “Tell it to the Marines” and “Flight of the Albatross”!) in Wa No Kuni! (I can’t wait for canon Wa No Kuni arc, Oda is a genius!).
They are undercover, Leith plays the shamisen and throws sultry looks, Riskua sings and dances? People go crazy! When they overhear someone saying they are like ice and fire because of their colors they just look at each other and simultaneously start humming the Game of Thrones theme :D I loved the crossover story and I’m not so subtly politely asking for more? :DD
Again shout-out to the awesome writers and their super cool super hot and inspirational OCs! Thank you for writing and sharing! I especially love Leith’s snarky language full of references, and I love Riskua’s nosebleed quirk:D and her colors, I have a soft spot for red-haired bright eyed characters (she’s right up there with Lily Evans and the GoT- and X-Men red heads^^).
It took me ages to decide on the colors, maybe it’s a bit clashing but that’s because I love clashing colors and these two can wear anything. I’m sorry I didn’t clean it up and I got the scar wrong oops
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langwrites · 6 years
Tagged by: @writer-and-artist27
1. When you have writer’s block, what do you do to get rid of it and/or find inspiration?
Wander off into the Writing Woods and probably never find it again. I tend to be a pretty fickle writer sometimes.
2. How do you keep track of your ideas when they come to you?
A good writer with good habits would probably write them down. I daydream and forget things, funny as it may be.
3. What is one fan review that you got and absolutely loved?
Back when I was a slightly younger writer, I got this:
That was a truly excellent fight scene, maybe the best one you've written. It managed a number of reversals, each one believable, and both fighters felt the strain without feeling anywhere near to losing until it suddenly ended. I also liked that a lack of endurance, supposedly Minato's problem, ended up being the achilles heel that lost Kei the fight. All of the back and forth made sense and worked really well. On Kei's side, I liked that that advantage coming up again and again was that she was two minds working one body, allowing her to pay attention to multiple attacks at once. There were several times when that foiled Minato's planned misdirections and surprise attacks. Her ability to push Minato so far was also convincingly predicated on how well she knows him and his abilities. Minato's POV was most notable for how he never panicked or allowed himself to be driven off guard, even when he was genuinely surprised. Instead he methodically proceeded to pull out the next tool in his battle arsenal. It was interesting that what seemed to surprise him most (in a good way) was how in control Kei was the entire fight. Like there was a part of him that kept expecting Isobu to go berserk and preparing for that, but it never happened. Not that he was alone in worrying about that. There was no reason to stick her in a barrier after he collapse other than a lingering fear that now, surely, the tailed beast would make its move. Maybe that was the point of letting this become a spectacle. Minato is the Hokage. He could have ordered the area closed off; refused to let there be an audience. Instead he showed off both that Kei is an S-class threat and that Isobu won't rampage been under intense pressure. It'll be interesting to see how some of the older jounin, the ones Kei doesn't know so well, treat her after this. Oh yeah, and I guess Kakashi failed miserably to ask her out. Perhaps Genma should tell him to openly admire Kei's ass. Worked for his relationship!
It’s one of several examples of reviews that have kept me writing, as fickle as I can be.
4. If there’s a song you always go to when writing, what is it?
“Just One Yesterday” by Fall Out Boy worked for a really long time, somehow.
5. What’s one trope/cliché that you can’t get enough of?
Sleep Cute. Also Headbutt of Love. At least on the shipping end of things.
In terms of more general tropes... Silk Hiding Steel, Let’s Get Dangerous, Badass Bystander, and a whole mess of others about subverting expectations.
6. What’s one thing you’re proud of when it comes to your writing progress? (As in, when you compare your first work to your current work, what’s something you’re happy you improved on?)
Fight scenes, as much as I still hate to think about them.
7. How do you come up with chapter titles?
I generally find the most recent song I listened to that encompassed the mood of the chapter, sometimes regardless of the actual lyrics. Other times I just grab a song title and run.
8. What’s your ideal writing space?
Dunno. I tend to get most of my stuff done at the dining room table, regardless.
9. Any favorite OCs?
Well, there’s the Terramir Gang in all their glory, plus Keisuke Gekko from Catch Your Breath. I’ve thrown so much time and story space into their development that I constantly catch myself watching various media and envisioning how they’d handle the conflict du jour.
10. What would be a piece of advice you would want to impart on any aspiring writer?
It doesn’t matter what you write. Read extensively, find out what cool shit you like to see, and then just go for it. Write as much silly stuff as you can, even if you never show it to anyone.
But chances are that if you’ve made something you like, someone else will like it too.
My 10 Questions:
1. Does stuff glow without explanation?
2. Is there a plot point that hangs on trickery of language, like prophecies hinging on exact wording?
3. Is there are least one decent sibling relationship?
4. If your character looks up at the sky, do they see the same kind of sky we do here on Earth?
5. Do characters have favorite hangout spots that they get to actually visit?
6. Is someone an artisan? What is their greatest creation?
7. If there are multiple cultures featured in your works, what do you think an average person from one of them would like to think they’re known for?
8. Do any characters practice an in-universe religion?
9. Are there cars?
10. If there was one character you could hit with a baseball bat, who would it be?
Tagging: @ladynorbert, @owlsofstarlight, @abalisk, @fridays-neophyte, and whoever else.
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