#meant to direct rhis to everybody
lovingempress · 5 years
An Ode to Fanfiction Writers
I’m often silent
I don’t know what to say on the things that mean something
Every alert lights up my day
Your writing fills me, often so full I burst with emotions, or even just gnawing at the scraps you toss like crumbs to koi
Sometimes I am glutted off your ideas and creativity,
Filled to the brim with the evoked emotions
Others I feed off of various bits and pieces
Though they are small and few, in words and feelings,
They add to me, ever hungry for more and peck-peck-pecking at rice grains scattered
Those small bits, shed from your mind like the hair on your head, buoy me through my days
Your writing adds Life to my World, Color has Meaning, Joy-Sadness-Comfort-Sorrow-Vengefulness-Complicated things that wring me tight and soft Fluff that holds me close...
Sing me, again, these bedtime stories, your hymns and chaotic madness, your soft lullabies that hold us close as if a babe to thy chest
Bring me comfort, bring me pain, evoke outrage, induce flight- FanFiction Writers, you become everything to me
@writer-and-artist27, @akaluan, @wolfsrainrules, @north-peach, @alkhale, @writing-frenzy, @silenceia, @cooliogirl101, @athanatosora, @araceil, @kegareki, @cyb-by-lang, @cywscross, @owlsofstarlight, @blackkatmagic, @surfacage, @hweianime @bluethursday @luki-fanfic @feynites @metronomeihear @ladyhallen @thefringeperson @alleycat4eva @esamastation @kyogre-blue @abalisk @exocara @secret-engima @hraap @tsume-yuki @acernor @aerialflight @adelmortescryche @simkjrs @seitosokusha @sanjuno @sakhyu @reighost @wingbladeweaver1357 @klonoadreams @dosbysilverqueen @chaosgreymistchild @mullk6 @hi-pot-and-news and so much more...
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Merry Christmas y’all, Happy Holiday season, and have a great New Year!
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seven-for-president · 8 years
Super-Special fanfiction about Seven x MC
I reached 100 followers this week, so to celebrate I wanted to write a fanfiction, which I never did before but hey
So here are some Infos about the univers this Plays in: everyone gets a bracelet on his 6th birthday, on it thers a number which is the distance to that persons soul mate.
The last few steps
You didn´t believe in fate, there was far more than just fate to believe in. You didn´t belive in Gods either, what good did thex ever done to you? But the People nowadays didn´t believe in gods and high-beeing like they used to. All they believe in the number on their wrist. A number that can bind you to a complete stranger for the rest of your life. It was a number which failed to enchance you like it did with so many others already. Your Name war MC, nobody cared for where you came from, so why mention it? But it was a small town, near the ocean. Not many tourists found their way out here and this was the reason everybody wanted to leave this place. in this world  happiness could only be found with your destinied Partner. That one Person will change your live and make it truly complete. In this world People didn´t buy fancy cars or expensive clothes with their Money, they travelled. Why? To minimize the number on your wrist of Course. It has become the meaning of life for those People. You weren´t one of those. This very number meant nothing more than a wrong calculation you made. This ridiculous high number stopped bothering you when your parents died. They died because of that number, you see they were not meant to be together, but love doesn´t care about numbers. They always told you that so you never felt the Need to minimize it to Zero. Still, it was there on your wrist and always in the back of your mind, as if it was Standing next to you with a hand on your shoulder. But happy times came to an end when your mom found her significant other. You didn´t hate her for going with him, it was like a  force hitting you and knotting you together with this Person. She wanted to take you with her, finding you own Partner and become happy. But you stayed with your dad instead. One day in April, he didn´t came home from work. He worked for some security-stuff but he never told you about it because of “Top-scecret Information”. The day he died you found a note inside your lunchbox which he made for you. “My dear Little MC, please don´t hate me for leaving, your mommy already left and now I have to say goodbye too. I can´t live with the thought of her being with another man, even if it is truly her fate. Please go to her, so you can be happy with her and expirience what finding a Soul mate is like. I hope you have the live you always wanted, with the right man by your side. Tell your Mom I love her and that I want her to be happy.” You didn´t even cry, you knew he was gonna do it for a Long time now. So you phoned your Mom, to tell her all about it. But the line was dead and nobody answerd your calls. Since that day you didn´t try calling again and rejected every incoming call. She wanted to visit and came to your house, but you moved a Long time ago and changed your last Name and phone number. Some People might say that this life of yours was crap, but you couldn´t be more happy. No Responses, no one nagging you. You still went to School of Course. You even were at the top of your class. The compan your dad worked for send checks every month so there was no Need for you to work your ass of. Why would you live be shitty when you enjoyed it to the fullest. Since your dad commited suicide you stopped believing thst this number could ever make you happy. And you were fine with this. Sure, you hadn´t had much friends and weren´t interessted in travelling but what would Change one Person? And even if it did Change your whole life, or worse personality, it wasn´t a gift from gods but an evil curse from the demons. Fate was a cruel Thing in your eyes and soon it proved that to you again. “  Hey MC! Wanna hang out in the mall later?” Resa was your best friend since your first day here.and the only reason you got around the world a Little. Resa took you with her on trips and wa desperate to find a Soul mate.Oh, and she was sure it was some celebrity. “You just want to look at the Tourists don´t you?” The only reason tourists were so interessting was that they were not from here. After this one Girl found her Zero, the Person she was meant to be with, who was a Tourist coming here for diving and sailing, a lot of People used their free time to stalk those Outsiders while looking longingly at their bracelets. “Course I want, what else should I be doing?” “Your homework?” “When I marry a celebrity, why would I have to work ? So, no School needed for me.” You loved her but in this Moments you could slap her. Hard. “3 o´clock at the Pier?” “Sure, see you later then.” The doorbell rang and you opened the door for a man in a black suit and shades. “Hello, are you MC, the daughter of (dad´s Name)?” He looked at you throgh the dark glas and obviously suffered from the heat. Was he here to take back the checks? Would you have to pay it allback in the end? “I am, what do you wnat from me? If you want to see may dad, he died.” “I know that. I worked together with him at the ageny and now you have to do me a favour. In return you´ll Keep receiving the checks and we´ll make sure to help you find your Special someone.”  Who ever said you wanted that? The Person, not the Money. You would gladly accept that. “I´d rather apreciate it if you could free me from this Thing instead. But I know that´s impossible so please help my friend Resa finding the Person she´s looking for.” “Of Course, so here´s the Thing you have to do. There will be a man arriving here with the 3.15 PM ship. His hair is as red as fire so you can´t miss him. Take him to this house andgive him this. That´s all.” This was a small envelope he gave you. He said he worked with yourda so you knew it was better to not ask any questions and just do as asked. “Yes, I can do that. Is there anything more?” “No, there isn´t. You´re a good Girl for not asking questions, your dad raised you very well.” He put another envelope on the table and turned to the door. “Here´s some extra Money, I know you can Need it.” Without another word he left and shut the door quietly.You took the envelope and looked how much cash he left you. It was enough to live half a year from it. It may was suprising that you didn´r scream or cry in joy. But you had the Feeling your dad took part of your emotions with him. That was life for you and giving someone a letter for so much Money was a Piece of cake. It was the only Logical Thing to do for you in that Moment. Your meetingtime with Resa came closer and you got finished to leave the house. The envelope was left in the cupboard, save is save. You arrived at 2.54PM, punctuality was amajor Thing for you, and waited for Resa who arrived late as always. you like the Routine your life had by rhis Point. Always Meeting with Resa, always waiting for her and gazing at the arriving People while Hearing Sound of disapproval from Resa who looked at her bracelet the whole time. But today was different, today you had a Job to do….. you heard the horn of the ship and the crowed got more exited by each passing second. “Do you think I will meet him today? Will I finally find my one and only Partner for life?” “Who knows?” before she could say anytihng else the passengers started to step onto the land and each pair of eyes was directed on their wrists. Exept yours, they were searching for fire-head-boy, as you named him. He was one of the last ones to Exit the ship and Mr. MIB was right, his hair loked like it could set the whole world on fire any Moment. Someone screamed, “ MC, your number!!” You looked down, and fell in shock. The number which was usually higher than a Million was now 7….6…..5……4……..3 “Resa, why does it get down so fast?” “That´s because you have found him.” “I never asked to find anyone! Make it stop Resa!” Judging by the number, your Special someone took his last few steps towards you. The Counter hit Zero in your heart raced in fear.You looked up, afraid of who stood there. Afraid this Person wanted to take you away and turn your life upside down. “Hi! I am the Defender of Justice 707! So you´re the Zero in my Name. Nice to meet you, what´s your Name?” The Boys hair couldset the world on fire, so you thought. But he was a cruel one and the only world that was set on fire, wa yours. It was a fire that couldn´t  be put out by anyone, only by death.
Soooo….. this was suprisingly more fun than I thougth. As I said this is my very first fanfic so don´t be to harsh on me, kay? If you liked it then leave a comment, like or reblog, rhat would make me very happy. Maybe I can do this more from now on but we´ll see ^^
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