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opelman · 2 years ago
Renault RS 01
Renault RS 01 by Laurent Quérité Via Flickr: Roscar 360 Endurance Roscar GT Challenge AB Sport Auto Franck DEZOTEUX / Henri DEZOTEUX / Simon DEZOTEUX Circuit Paul Ricard Le Castellet Var France IMG_7540
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jotgeorgius · 7 months ago
Der Sinn des Lebens ist leben.
Zuerst einmal muss man sich gewahr sein, dass die zweifelnden Gedanken, die einen umtreiben, andere auch haben. Ich lese so oft von Menschen, die verzagen, oder sich gar in Todeswünschen verlieren. Nicht wenige betäuben ihren weltlichen Schmerz mit Alkohol oder anderen Betäubungsmitteln. Die Dosis macht bekanntlich das Gift! In Maßen angewendet, können diese Substanzen beschwingend und gar fördernd wirken. Weil dieser "Kick" einen jedoch süchtig macht, nimmt man das fälschlicherweise auch zur Selbstmedikation. Mir geht es hier jedoch nicht um Kritik an Drogen, sondern darum wie ich mit weltlichen Schmerz umgehe. Würde ich über eine App Fragen beantworten, oder direkt zu einem Therapeuten rennen, würden diese mir sicher attestieren, dass ich dabei wäre depressiv zu werden. Viele Menschen haben jedoch verlernt mit sich selbst im Reinen zu sein bzw. in sich hineinzuhören. Was klingt wie ein Kalenderspruch, ist durchaus zutreffend. So wie man Trauer zulassen muss, sollte man auch lernen sich an kleinen Dingen zu erfreuen. Vielleicht sollte man manchmal auch einfach nichts machen, sich ein schönes Plätzchen suchen und einfach nur schauen. Ich habe das Glück einen großen Garten zu haben und mir bereitet es Freude wenn die Bienen und Hummeln da herumschwirren und eine freche Amsel 50 cm neben mir nach Würmern sucht, weil ich gerade das Beet bearbeitet habe. Extrem niedlich sind auch Igel, die einem in der Nacht fast vor die Füße laufen, dich bemerken, um dann wie Sonic the Hedgehog in die Nacht zu entschwinden.
Gerade in der heutigen Zeit hadern die Menschen mit alles und jedem. Durch diese Unsicherheit und utopisches Anspruchsdenken, lenken sich die Leute ab und werden aktiv. Sie kanalisieren ihren inneren Unruhezustand und machen irgendwas, dem sie dann Sinn verleihen. Das kann politisches oder soziales Engagement sein, ich meine aber vorrangig Sport, Erscheinungsbild oder Beruf - Selbstoptimierung. Wir tun das, in dem Wissen, dass wir alle irgendwann sterben. Wir bauen Häuser, Autos, entwickeln Technik weiter, hegen und pflegen Infrastruktur und das alles in dem Wissen, dass wir vergänglich sind. Der Gedanke an den eigenen Tod kann einen durchaus in die Verzweiflung treiben. Gleichzeitig kann er aber auch ein Ansporn sein, den Tag so zu nutzen, dass man sich abends sagt, heute war ein guter Tag. In unserer Wohlstandsgesellschaft mit Vollkasko-Mentalität, denken wir in zu großen Zyklen. Ich bin davor auch nicht gefeit. Man bekommt den Rentenbescheid und denkt bereits darüber nach, wie man da aussieht und wie sich alles um einen herum verändert hat. Eigentlich ist diese Herangehensweise falsch. Der Rentenbescheid dient als Köder, den man an einer Angel vor den Leuten herzieht, damit sie jeden morgen aufstehen - was sie auch unbedingt sollten - aber nicht für die Rente, sondern für sich selber. Jeder Tag kann nicht nur für ältere Menschen der letzte sein, auch wenn wir uns gern in diese Gedanken flüchten. Jeden Tag kann irgendwas passieren, dass uns für immer das weltliche Licht ausknipst. Man sollte auch nicht versuchen das Leben zu begreifen, in der Hoffnung jemals eine finale Antwort zu finden. Alleine aber der Versuch kann einen zu geistlicher Höchstform antreiben. Nur übertreiben sollte man es nicht damit (Erinnerung an mich). Wenn also jemand da draußen sich fragt, wofür das alles - ich tue das oft - sollte die Person wissen, dass sie nicht alleine mit solchen Gedanken ist. Wir sollten wieder lernen das Leben mehr zu schätzen, denn es ist wertvoll und kann schnell vorbei sein, ohne dass man selber aktiv etwas dafür getan hat. Anfang des Jahres hatte ich eine sehr düstere Phase, obwohl es mir gesundheitlich blendend ging. Es waren viele dunkle Gedanken, die sich zu einem Dämon formierten, der lächelnd seine Hand nach mir ausstreckte. Er flüsterte in mein Ohr, dass der Tod doch eigentlich etwas heilsames sei, da man dem weltlichen Schmerz so sehr schnell entkommen könnte. Der Tod ist ein Fakt, er wird kommen, doch er sollte das Jetzt nicht beeinflussen. Er sorgt nur dafür, dass du keinerlei Risiko mehr eingehst, weil du einfach noch nicht sterben willst. Verbildlicht ist das ein Leben in der Gummizelle. Man ist sicher, aber isoliert. Hilfreich kann es auch sein, daran zu denken, wie Menschen vor uns Auswege aus den ausweglosesten Situationen fanden. Woher ich das weiß? Nun ja, wäre dem nicht so, hätte ich diesen Text nicht schreiben können.
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racingimmersionarts · 2 months ago
Porsche TURBO BEAST on Nürburgring Nordschleife
For a long time it was a dream of mine to drive along the Nordschleife in a turbo charged sports luxury car of the 80s. Have a nice day, if you haven't had one yet, because that's what matters.
In the next Videos i turn most OFF and Drifting will become more of a focus. It's a driver technique that I would like to master. Its the most impressive fun i had since years in a game. This G29 motorcycle was second-hand and so was my PC, both together for less than €500. So I can live my dream and don't have to crash my car on the beautiful Nordschleife. The truth is, I don't have a car, not even a driver's license :)
The suspension and differential setting in this video corresponds to the standard version of this RUF CTR Yellowbird in rFactor2.
Traction Control is set = low (1). ABS is set = 2 Ingame Stability Control is set = 1. Auto Clutch = OFF Auto Blip = OFF
The Car in this Video: The Ruf CTR made its first public appearance in April 1987 at the World's Fastest Cars competition organized by the US car magazine Road & Track, where it was nicknamed the “Yellowbird”. There, with a top speed of 339 km/h, it was faster than the competition consisting of the Porsche 959, Lamborghini Countach 5000S, Isdera Imperator 108i, Ferrari Testarossa, Ferrari GTO, AMG-Mercedes and a tuned RS-Porsche and has since been described as the fastest production car in the world.
The Racetrack in this Video: The Nürburgring Nordschleife is the most famous racetrack in the World, known for its challenging layout and scenic route through the Eiffel Mountains. Opened in 1927, it measures approximately 20.8 kilometers (12.9 miles) and features over 150 corners, making it a popular venue for motorsport events, car testing, and public driving sessions.
The Racing-Simulaton (Game) in this Video: rFactor 2 is special due to its highly realistic simulation of vehicle dynamics, advanced tire modeling, and robust physics engine, which provide an immersive racing experience. Its focus on realism, combined with features like online multiplayer and customizable setups, makes it a preferred choice for serious sim racers looking for an authentic motorsport experience.
A Porsche Turbo roars around the Nürburgring Nordschleife, expertly navigating the twisty, challenging track, its powerful engine delivering exhilarating speed while precise handling keeps it glued or not :D to the asphalt, showcasing the ultimate blend of performance and engineering.
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nicosundlaurasreise · 5 months ago
Tag 3
Wir schliefen mehr als gut. Was auch daran legen kann, dass wir keine Nachbarn hatten. Abends fragte ich Nico noch, ob wir einen Wecker stellen sollten, aber er verneinte. Gott sei Dank habe ich es trotzdem gemacht, sonst hätten wir bestimmt bis 12-13 Uhr geschlafen. Gestern Abend hatten wir noch gesagt, dass wir eine Nacht hier verlängern möchte, das ging aber natürlich nur, wenn wir dies vorher mit der Rezeption absprechen. Aber das hat zum Glück geklappt. Danach ging ich erstmal duschen! Das war ein schönes Gefühl, nachdem die letzten Tage relativ feucht waren. Schade das die Dusche erst nach 10 Minuten warm wurde. Was machen Leute so lange unter der Dusche? Ich stand da nackt einfach blöd vor.
Anschließend, was nicht wirklich klug war, ging es zum Sport. Nico war laufen und danach im Fitness Studio des Parks und ich war ein paar Minuten auf dem Laufband und war hinterher 15 Minuten schwimmen. Das Wasser war super angenehm, bestimmt 28-29 grad.
Danach arbeiteten wir ein paar Stündchen, bis es dann ab ging zum Public Viewing, Ungarn gegen Deutschland. Zuerst wurden wir an einen Platz gesetzt, an dem man absolut nichts sehen konnte von der Spiegelung, aber wir durften uns irgendwann umsetzen. Tja, leider hat Ungarn verloren. Im Restaurant roch es unglaublich lecker. Das Weizen war aber eher eine 5,5-6/10. Aber wir hatten was zum grillen geholt und abends um 20:30 Uhr gabs dann frische Cevapcici, mit Salat, Brot und tzatziki und Champignons mit Knoblauch vom Grill. Dann ging es auch wieder ins Bett. Nichts spannendes. Papa und Mama waren so lieb und haben uns viel Arbeit von der Firma abgenommen. ❤️
Vor dem Public Viewing kam ein Auto an, etwas größer als ein normaler pkw. Es stiegen 2 erwachsene und 3 Kinder aus. Wo die alle hingepasst haben? Die hatten so eine Art ausziehbares Dach am Auto. Waren aber leider alles andere als gesprächig. Der Mann wirkte fast sauer mit seinen drei Kindern da zu sein.
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enibas22 · 1 year ago
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Tom Wlaschiha feiert Geburtstag. © imago images/APress
Fünf spannende Fakten zum 50. Geburtstag
20.06.2023, 06:25 UHR
Tom Wlaschiha feiert seinen 50. Geburtstag. Fünf spannende Fakten über den Superstar aus "Game of Thrones" und "Stranger Things".
Tom Wlaschiha ist einer der gefragtesten deutschen Schauspieler auf dem internationalen Markt. Geboren in der DDR, ging er nach dem Mauerfall für ein Jahr in die USA. Von 1992 bis 1996 studierte er Schauspiel in Leipzig. Und weil es in Deutschland mit den Rollen nur mäßig lief, suchte er sich irgendwann auch eine Agentur in London. Von da an ging es steil bergauf. Zuletzt war er sogar im Netflix-Hit "Stranger Things 4" zu sehen. Am 20. Juni feiert Wlaschiha, der auf eine erstaunliche Karriere zurückblickt, seinen 50. Geburtstag. Fünf Fakten über seinen inspirierenden Weg.
Der große Durchbruch
Lange hangelte sich Tom Wlaschiha von Nebenrolle zu Nebenrolle in deutschen Fernsehfilmen und Serien wie "Tatort" und "Alarm für Cobra 11". Bekanntheit erlangte er, internationale noch dazu, 2012 in der HBO-Hitserie "Game of Thrones". In der zweiten Staffel mimte er in einer Gastrolle Jaqen H'ghar. Danach legte er eine Pause ein. Ab der fünften Staffel zählte seine Figur, auch bekannt als Mann ohne Gesicht, zur Hauptbesetzung.
Er wollte nicht immer Schauspieler werden
Blickt man auf Tom Wlaschihas Filmografie, gerät man schnell ins Staunen. Der 50-Jährige konnte in den vergangenen 28 Jahren zahlreiche Projekte an Land ziehen. Dabei war es nicht immer sein Ziel, ein vielseitiger Schauspieler zu werden.
"Das ist mir eher so passiert, das mit dem Schauspielen", erklärte er 2022 in einem Interview mit der Nachrichtenagentur spot on news. Schon immer habe er sich eine "künstlerische" Karriere vorgestellt. Zunächst zog es ihn aber eher zur Musik: "Dann dachte ich aber, dass das sehr einsam werden könnte, wenn man jeden Tag viele Stunden alleine mit seinem Instrument üben muss." Schlussendlich fand er dann zum Theater und so geriet das Ganze ins Rollen.
Ein Sprachen-Genie?
Wlaschiha ist in der DDR aufgewachsen. Genauer gesagt wurde er in Dohna, Sachsen, groß. Für Kinder und Jugendliche war es dort damals üblich, Russisch als Fremdsprache zu lernen. Dass er die Sprache fließend beherrscht, bewies er 2022 in der vierten Staffel von "Stranger Things", in der er den russischen Gefängniswärter Dmitri Antonov spielte. Zudem spricht er neben Deutsch auch fließend Englisch.
Dieses Hobby hat er für sich entdeckt
Schauspieler zu sein, kann sehr anstrengend sein. In seiner Freizeit holt Wlaschiha deshalb gerne viel Erholungsschlaf nach. Aber auch Sport gehört zu seinem Alltag. "Ich habe in der Pandemie tatsächlich Fahrradfahren für mich wiederentdeckt, und habe teils weite Touren gemacht, bin zwei Wochen durch die Alpen geradelt", erwähnte er im Gespräch mit spot on news. Lange Touren seien zwar schwierig mit seinem Kalender zu vereinbaren, dennoch scheint er das Auspowern auf zwei Rädern sehr zu genießen.
Wlaschiha ist Oldtimer-Fan
Erst vor wenigen Tagen beendete Wlaschiha das Oldtimer-Rennen Mille Miglia in Italien. Er und sein Team fuhren fünf Tage lang in einem Alfa Romeo Sportiva 2000 von Brescia nach Rom. Das Auto stammt aus dem Jahr 1954 und nur vier von diesem Model seien laut seinem Instagram-Post hergestellt worden. Am 18. Juni schloss er den Wettkampf erfolgreich ab und teilte mehrere Aufnahmen von der Reise.
link: https://www.gala.de/amp/stars/news/tom-wlaschiha--fuenf-spannende-fakten-zum-50--geburtstag-23717652.html
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Tom Wlaschiha: Der Serienstar feiert Geburtstag. (Quelle: Frederic Kern via imago images)
Tom Wlaschiha celebrates his 50th birthday. Five exciting facts about the superstar from “Game of Thrones” and “Stranger Things”.
Tom Wlaschiha is one of the most sought-after German actors on the international market. Born in the GDR, he went to the USA for a year after the fall of the Wall. From 1992 to 1996 he studied acting in Leipzig. And because things weren’t going well with the roles in Germany, at some point he also looked for an agency in London. From then on it went steeply uphill. Most recently, he was even seen in the Netflix hit “Stranger Things 4”. Wlaschiha, who can look back on an amazing career, celebrates his 50th birthday on June 20th. Five facts about his inspirational path.
The big breakthrough
For a long time, Tom Wlaschiha moved from supporting role to supporting role in German television films and series such as “Tatort” and “Alarm for Cobra 11”. He gained notoriety, internationally at that, in 2012 in the HBO hit series “Game of Thrones”. In the second season, he guest starred as Jaqen H’ghar. After that he took a break. From the fifth season, his character, also known as Faceless Man, was one of the main cast.
He didn’t always want to be an actor
If you look at Tom Wlaschiha’s filmography, you will quickly be amazed. The 50-year-old has landed numerous projects over the past 28 years. It wasn’t always his goal to become a versatile actor.
“That’s more what happened to me, with acting,” he explained in a 2022 interview with the news agency spot on news. He had always imagined an “artistic” career. At first, however, he was more drawn to music: “But then I thought that it could get very lonely if you have to practice alone with your instrument for many hours every day.” Eventually he found his way to the theater and that’s how the whole thing got rolling.
A language genius?
Wlaschiha grew up in the GDR. More precisely, he grew up in Dohna, Saxony. At that time, it was common for children and young people there to learn Russian as a foreign language. He proved that he is fluent in the language in 2022 in the fourth season of “Stranger Things”, in which he played the Russian prison guard Dmitri Antonov. In addition to German, he also speaks fluent English.
He discovered this hobby for himself
Being an actor can be very exhausting. In his free time, Wlaschiha likes to catch up on a lot of restful sleep. But sport is also part of his everyday life. “I actually rediscovered cycling for myself during the pandemic and did some long tours, cycled through the Alps for two weeks,” he mentioned in an interview with spot on news. Although long tours are difficult to fit into his calendar, he seems to really enjoy working out on two wheels.
Wlaschiha is a classic car fan
Just a few days ago, Wlaschiha finished the Mille Miglia vintage car race in Italy. He and his team drove from Brescia to Rome for five days in an Alfa Romeo Sportiva 2000. The car dates from 1954 and only four of this model were made, according to his Instagram post. On June 18th he successfully completed the competition and shared several footage from the trip.
link: https://gettotext.com/tom-wlaschiha-the-actor-discovered-this-hobby-for-himself/
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interest-articles · 8 months ago
The 2024 Africa Twin: A True Adventure Machine
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Honda's iconic Africa Twin receives significant updates for 2024, enhancing its performance and versatility for adventure riders.
The Africa Twin has long been synonymous with adventure riding, capturing the spirit of exploration and offering riders the confidence to venture further. With the release of the 2024 models, Honda has taken this legendary motorcycle to new heights. The standard Africa Twin and Adventure Sports versions have undergone significant updates, making them more specialized and capable than ever before.
From enhanced off-road performance to improved on-road handling, the Africa Twin lineup offers a wide range of options for riders seeking thrilling adventures on any terrain.
Since its in 1988, the Africa Twin has been a symbol of "True Adventure" in the ADV riding world. Inspired by the NXR750 and NXR800 factory racers that dominated the Dakar Rally in the late 1980s, the Africa Twin created a new market and became a global hit. After a hiatus, the Africa Twin made a triumphant return in 2016 with the CRF1000L, and has since garnered a dedicated following of adventure enthusiasts.
A Legacy of Adventure
The Africa Twin's history is steeped in adventure and off-road prowess. The original XRV650, introduced in Europe in 1988, was based on the NXR750 and NXR800 racers that conquered the Dakar Rally. It quickly gained popularity and evolved into the XRV750 in 1990, selling over 73,000 units before being discontinued in 2001.
In 2016, Honda revived the Africa Twin with the CRF1000L, offering it in both European and American markets. The following year, the Adventure Sports version joined the lineup, catering to riders seeking a more touring-focused experience. The Africa Twin has since become a staple in the adventure riding community, known for its rugged durability and versatility.
What's New for 2024
The 2024 Africa Twin models receive a host of updates and refinements, enhancing their performance and capabilities. Adventure Sports versions now feature a 19-inch front wheel and shorter suspension travel, optimizing on-road handling and maneuverability. Tubeless tires, previously exclusive to Adventure Sports versions, are now fitted on the standard versions as well, providing convenient repair options without removing the wheel.
The 1,084cc twin-cylinder engine generates stronger power and torque in the low- to mid-rpm range, thanks to a higher compression ratio and updated ECU settings. The Dual Clutch Transmission (DCT) has also been improved for smoother engagement at low speeds. Both standard and Adventure Sports versions receive updated electronic settings, a redesigned intake/exhaust layout, and revised styling, making them even more capable and appealing to adventure riders.
Design and Styling
The design of the 2024 Africa Twin models has been refined to enhance their performance and aesthetics. The standard Africa Twin features a slim, compact shape with a redesigned front fairing and rear seat, improving its off-road capabilities. The Adventure Sports versions receive a new front fairing that optimizes aerodynamics and wind protection, as well as a thicker and more comfortable seat.
The Adventure Sports versions also come with a smaller 19-inch front wheel and reduced suspension travel, lowering the bike's center of gravity and improving on-road handling. Both versions maintain the Africa Twin's iconic look while incorporating modern design elements.
Electronic Technology
The 2024 Africa Twin models are equipped with advanced electronic technology to enhance the riding experience. Throttle-by-wire and a six-axis Bosch IMU provide precise control and enable features such as cornering ABS and traction control. The Africa Twin's 6.5-inch TFT LCD touch panel display offers customizable screen arrangements and is compatible with Apple CarPlay® and Android Auto™, allowing riders to connect their smartphones for navigation and communication purposes.
The Adventure Sports versions also feature three-stage cornering lighting for optimal illumination during different types of corners. With these technological advancements, the Africa Twin offers riders a seamless and connected riding experience.
Engine and Drivetrain
All versions of the 2024 Africa Twin are powered by a 1,084cc water-cooled, parallel-twin engine that delivers strong power and torque. The engine has undergone improvements, including a higher compression ratio, optimized ECU settings, and an updated muffler design. These enhancements result in increased performance and improved driveability across the rev range.
The Africa Twin is available with either a six-speed manual transmission or Honda's innovative Dual Clutch Transmission (DCT). The DCT version offers seamless gear changes and can be operated in automatic or manual mode, providing riders with the flexibility to choose their preferred shifting style.
Chassis and Suspension
The Africa Twin's chassis and suspension have been designed to handle a wide range of terrains and riding conditions. The steel semi-double-cradle frame provides optimal rigidity and flexibility for challenging situations, while the aluminum swingarm ensures rigidity and lightness. The standard Africa Twin models feature fully adjustable front and rear suspension, with long-travel Showa forks and a Pro-Link® rear suspension system.
The Adventure Sports versions are equipped with Showa Electronically Equipped Ride Adjustment (EERA™), which adjusts damping based on bike speed, stance, and fork behavior. This high-tech suspension system allows riders to customize their suspension settings for different riding scenarios, ensuring optimal comfort and performance.
Brakes and Safety Features
The 2024 Africa Twin models are equipped with advanced braking systems and safety features to provide riders with confidence and control. Dual front 310mm petal-style floating rotors and radial-mount four-piston calipers deliver consistent stopping power, while the rear rotor features a petal design for efficient braking. The ABS system is designed to adapt to different riding conditions, with separate modes for on-road and off-road performance.
The system utilizes information from the IMU to detect rear-wheel lift and adjust braking pressure accordingly. Riders can also switch off the rear ABS for more precise off-road braking. Additionally, Honda Selectable Torque Control (HSTC) helps optimize acceleration performance by providing smooth slide control and wheelie control.
Accessories and Customization
Honda offers a wide range of accessories for the Africa Twin, allowing riders to customize their motorcycles to suit their preferences and riding style. From aluminum luggage to higher and lower seats, there are options to enhance comfort, storage, and functionality. Honda also offers accessory packs, such as the Rally Pack, Adventure Pack, Urban Pack, and Travel Pack, which provide a combination of accessories tailored to specific riding needs.
Whether riders are looking for added protection, increased storage capacity, or improved touring capabilities, the Africa Twin's accessories allow for endless customization possibilities.
The 2024 Africa Twin lineup represents the pinnacle of adventure riding, combining Honda's rich heritage with cutting-edge technology and performance. With updates and refinements across the board, these motorcycles offer unparalleled versatility and capability on any terrain. Whether riders are tackling off-road trails, exploring remote landscapes, or cruising on scenic highways, the Africa Twin delivers an exhilarating and unforgettable riding experience.
With its legendary status and the latest advancements, the Africa Twin continues to inspire riders to push their boundaries and embark on new adventures.
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hirocimacruiser · 2 years ago
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Keep your speed down. Don't forget your seatbelt. to people. to society. to earth. TOYOTA
Commitment to running.
Chaser Tourer.
Photo: 2.5 Tourer V Body color is dark green MI.O. <6N2>. Optional vehicle.
A hot heart, a strong skeleton, and strong, supple legs. The high performance they bring
It gives you the pleasure of driving and a sense of superiority that goes beyond the boundaries of luxury cars.
A new chaser tourer for adults who know the deep and deep relationship with cars.
Main specifications Length/4,750mm Width/1,750mm Height/1,390mm 2500EFI Twin Cam 24 Twin Turbo (Maximum Output: Net 280PS/6,200rpm, Maximum Torque: 370kg-m/4,800rp.m.) Main Equipment 205/55R16 89V steel radial with aluminum wheels (front) & 225/50R16 92V steel radial with aluminum wheels (rear) Colored rear spoiler (with LED high mount stop lamp) ●4-wheel ABS sports seats ●TRC ●Leather-wrapped tourer Dedicated 4-spoke steering wheel & driver's seat SRS airbag Cassette integrated AM/FM radio with multi-electronic tuner + CD player + 6 speakers
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vividracing · 1 year ago
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/top-8-best-modifications-for-the-chevrolet-c8-corvette/
Top 8 Best Modifications For The Chevrolet C8 Corvette
For model year 2020, Chevrolet had initially aimed to produce 40,000 C8 Corvettes but with chip shortages and other constraints, they managed just over 20,000 units. Despite this, the C8’s flew off the lots faster than a set of New Balance 605’s on Macy’s Father’s Day Sale… except they were everything but ‘On Sale’. 
The Chevy Corvette has held its position as the quintessential American sports car since its debut in 1953, minus its 1983 skip year. While the C8 represents a significant departure from previous Corvette designs, it maintains one consistent aspect—delivering impressive performance at a relatively accessible MSRP.
In the world of C8 modifications, we’re delving into must-have enhancements that won’t break the bank if you’re one of the unfortunate souls that paid Mclaren prices for your Chevrolet. These Top 8 modifications are easily accessible and sure to make sure you stand out from the other vettes at your local Cars & Coffee.
1. Wilwood Drilled & Slotted Brake Kit and Pads
Chevrolet’s OE options for the Corvette braking system have always been plentiful and designed to be direct swaps designed to fit all trim levels with minor modification. However, the secondhand asking price has been the Achilles Heal of the OEM upgrades since the C5. Luckily, Wilwood recognized this and offers a very impressive OEM+ upgrade.
Despite its impressive stopping power, the factory brake pads tend to produce a substantial amount of dust, particularly noticeable on non-black wheeled C8 Corvettes. While it is not a major performance concern, aesthetically, you can do much better for that level of performance. 
The Willwood SX6R  Front Brake kit features directional staggered vane 15” rotors and a 6 piston Caliper that bolts up to the factory spindle and doesn’t compromise the factory ABS system.
Featured Product: Wilwood SX6R Big Brake Dynamic Front Brake Kit SRP Drilled & Drilled Rotor Red Caliper Chevrolet Corvette C8 2020+
Part Number: #140-17004-DR
2. Auto Addict LED Sequential Taillights
When the C7 dropped, the room was split in terms of Chevrolet’s lighting decisions. While the circular tails had become a sort of Corvette key identifying feature, the C7 would feature U-shaped runners that many would describe as Ferrari inspired. 
Chevrolet unapologetically continued this trend into the C8, but with the extreme body lines and sweeping side scoops, the U’s took more of a C shape, and our friends at Auto Addict decided to enhance that third dimension, smoke them out, and fix them “in sequence”.
Featured Product: Auto Addict USA Euro Smoke Style LED Taillights Amber Sequential Pair Corvette C8 2020-2024
Part Number: #AA_CORVT_TL_EUR_C8
3. Vorsteiner VPX-101 Wheel 20×9 | 21×12
With the C8, Chevrolet took a couple of setps backwards with the wheel design, making them appear to be more of an afterthought than a deliberate part of the design. We were spoiled with C6 and C7 factory wheel options, so much so that when the C8 was revealed, the wheels were noted for lacking any depth, appeared too small, and ultimately looked budget. 
Vorsteiner VPX-101 wheels are the answer to the C8’s aesthetic shortcomings. Available in your choice of finishes, the VPX 101 utilizes T6-6061 aerospace grade aluminum that is TUV rated for safety. This means, you get a 1-Piece Forged Monoblock that not only increases your diameter and mechanical grip for hard launches, but also lowers the C8’s unsprung weight for the corners. 
Featured Product: Vorsteiner VPX-101 Forged Monoblock Wheel Set 20×9 | 21×12 Liquid Smoke Chevrolet Corvette C8 2020+
Part Number: #VOR-VPX-101-Corvette
4. Eventuri Air Intake
The factory C8 intake is impressive, but is designed more around comfort and emissions, meaning it could be better. This Eventuri system boasts double Venturi Housings, offering the largest internal intake volume in the market, supporting power outputs exceeding 800hp. Due to OEM trunk panel limitations, Eventuri reimagined the OE intake system, crafting it from clear Polycarbonate to display the carbon intake when the trunk is open. By expanding the intake volume, high-powered builds can maximize performance gains of up to +18whp & +17lb ft. of torque! It also looks incredible. 
Featured Product: Eventuri Black Carbon Intake System Chevrolet C8 Corvette Coupe
Part Number: #140-17004-DR
5. Borla ATAK Catback Exhaust
Getting optimal performance from your Corvette is essential. Upgrading your exhaust system not only enhances the car’s sound but can also unleash additional power. Among mid-engine, high-performance vehicles, the C8 Corvette tends to lean towards a less aggressive sound. However, we knew shortly after GM announced the C8, our friends at Borla would be firing up the welders and starting on adapting their ultra-aggressive ATAK cat-back for the C8 platform. While it won’t be as aggressive as Matt Field’s Borla Exhaust C6 or the upcoming C8 Formula Drift Cars, Borla can proudly claim to have one of the most aggressive muffler systems in existence for the C8 Corvette and Vivid Racing can proudly state that we have them in stock. 
Featured Product: Borla ATAK Cat Back Exhaust System
Part Number: #140839
6. ProCharger
Woah woah woah! Everything up to this point has been relatively bolt-on, relatively relatable, and relatively mild. We can’t just jump straight into forced induction, right? Wrong. The 6..2L LT’s, while different in terms of injection strategy are no different than the tried and true LS’s in that they LOVE boost… and so does ProCharger! The mid-engine setup of the C8 Corvette provides excellent weight distribution, yet it posed complexities for various typical aftermarket performance enhancements frequently seen in Corvettes, notably supercharger additions. The unique layout of the LT2 engine presented a challenge, one that ProCharger took on willingly. After extensive research and development, they’ve devised a comprehensive DIY C8 blower kit, allowing you to inject a substantial surge of boosted power into your LT2-powered C8 Corvette!
7. RCS ST Aero Kit
Like many, while I was stoked for the release of the C8, I was not too impressed with the Aero from factory. After seeing Chip Foose’s rendition of the C8, I knew I could never look at it the same way again. That was, until RCS released their C8 Aero Kit. Unlike a majority of what’s available on the market, RSC didn’t just stop at the front lip. Their C8 Kit, known for it’s premium quality and lack of fiberglass components, is a comprehensive full carbon fiber aero kit that features a front splitter, high wing spoiler, side skirts, rear diffuser, hatch vents, Engine intake side vents, mirror covers, front intake vents, and B-pillar covers all finished in a gloss carbon fiber to complete the C8’s supercar look and feel.
Featured Product: RCS ST Aero Kit C8 Corvette 2020-2023
Part Number: #RSCVETST
8. Headers
As the factory Engine Control Unit (ECU) remains locked, tuning a C8 to optimize gains from bolt-on upgrades is hardly repeatable. Additionally, where in previous generations of Corvette the catalytic converters have been the killer of gains, the C8’s factory high flow cats are barely a hindrance at all. And, while a few companies have risen to the challenge, Kooks has released their highly anticipated 3” Collector, 1-7/8” primary Super Street Series Headers that works in harmony with the factory systems, but helps evacuate and scavenge the exhaust gasses GM missed. While known for the work in the American Muscle world, I’m kind of hearing a more exotic tone accompanying Kooks exhausts recently, which could mean they have something in development for future C8 trims.
Featured Product: Kooks 3″ 1-7/8 Super Street Series Headers
Part Number: #21801400
There are dozens of other great ways to modify your C8 Corvette. Let our performance specialists help you decide what’s right for you by calling 1-480-966-3040 or emailing [email protected].
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florianatopfblume · 1 year ago
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Wettesingen - das Dorf, das die Welt nicht immer, aber immer öfter, oder vielleicht nur ab und zu braucht! 🏘️
Wettesingen, ein kleines Dorf im schönen, von Vulkanhügeln umringten Märchenland Nordhessen, das so klein ist, dass es auf fast keiner Karte so wirklich gleich auf Anhieb zu finden ist.
Aber das ist noch nicht alles, was Wettesingen so besonders macht. 🤔
Das Dorf hat zwei Landesstraßen und einige Nebenstraßen, aber die Einwohner haben es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, den Verkehr selbst zu regeln. Sie stehen einfach in der Mitte der Straße und winken den Autos zu, wann sie fahren dürfen und wann nicht. 🚗 Sie grüßen also nicht einfach nur, so wie das nebenan in Oberlistingen Usus ist, egal, ob man sich dort kennt, oder nicht.
Aber Wettesingen hat noch mehr zu bieten!
Die Einwohner haben eine Genossenschaft gegründet, die ein eigenes Nahwärmenetz betreibt. Außerdem hat das Dorf auch ein Glasfaser-Internet, das schneller ist als das Internet in vielen Großstädten. 💻 - Ok, manchmal, wenn es nicht aussetzt.
Und wenn Sie denken, dass Wettesingen nicht noch skurriler werden kann, dann haben Sie sich geirrt. Das Dorf hat auch eine eigene Sprache - Wettesingenerisch. Diese Sprache ist eine Mischung aus Deutsch, Niederländisch, Nordhessisch und einer Prise Fantasie. 🗣️
Aber das ist noch nicht alles!
Wettesingen hat auch eine Kirmes mit Fahnenschwenkerei, die jedes Jahr Anfang September, glaube ich, stattfindet. Außerdem gibt es einen super gepflegten Fußballplatz, auf dem Udo F. und David B., als Platz- und Kabinen-Team und Allrounder die Sportsparten des Ortes unterstützen. ⚽
Heimat- und Geschichtsverein, Grillhütte, Feuerwehr, Landfrauen, Posaunenchor, Gospelchor, ev. Gemeindehaus, große Fest-, Sport- und Gemeinschaftshalle und ein echtes Rittergut, sowie Räumlichkeiten in und um die „Alte Schule“, runden die Feierlichkeiten rund ums Jahr ab.
Für Senioren gibts das Alte Rathaus, das ab und zu mal als Gaststätte geöffnet hat und den gepflegten Friedhof mit gemütlichen Sitzgelegenheiten und für die Kleinsten gibts einen Kindergarten und einen halben und einen funktionierenden Spielplatz. Wer will darf auch in die ev. Kirche gehen, falls sie geöffnet ist, denn mit den Öffnungszeiten haben wir es auch da nicht so genau geregelt wie in Rest-Deutschland das so üblich ist.
Trotz all dieser skurrilen Eigenheiten ist Wettesingen ein wunderbarer Ort, von Wäldern, pestizidfreien Feldern und Wiesen umgebenen, gleich im Grenzbereich zu Warburgs Hansestadt Warburg im schönen Ostwestfalen.
Die Einwohner sind stets bemüht - und das auch noch oft freundlich und meist sogar herzlich - um alles und jeden und das Dorf hat dadurch eine unglaubliche und mehrere spezielle Gemeinschaften.
Wenn Sie jemals die Chance haben, Wettesingen zu besuchen, sollten Sie es eventuell - und wenn möglich vielleicht zumindest einmal in ihrem Leben - auf jeden Fall tun, denn sonst wäre Wettesingen zumindest um eine Attraktion ärmer:
Dir als Tourist sehr freudig bewegt einen Gruß als Stopp und Go von der Strassenmitte aus zuzuwinken!
🏡 🛑 👋🏾👋🏾👋🏾 🚘 👋🏾 👋🏾👋🏾🛑🏡
#Wettesingen #Nordhessen #Dorfleben #Genossenschaft #Nahwärmenetz #Glasfaser #Internet #Wettesingerisch #Kirmes #Fahnenschwenker #fahnenschwenkerin #fahnenschwenkerei #Fußballplatz #Gemeinschaft #dollesdorf #Kleinaberfein #energiegenossenschaftwettesingen
©️®️CWG, 18.06.2023🌳🐩🐓🐩🌳
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opelman · 2 years ago
Renault RS 01 by Laurent Quérité Via Flickr: Roscar 360 Endurance Roscar GT Challenge AB Sport Auto Franck DEZOTEUX / Henri DEZOTEUX / Simon DEZOTEUX Circuit Paul Ricard Le Castellet Var France IMG_8231
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lakesidecherycars · 8 days ago
Why the Chery Tiggo 7 is Perfect for Australian Roads and Lifestyles
Australia’s vast and varied landscapes demand a vehicle that can handle both urban streets and rugged country roads with ease. In recent years, the Chery Tiggo 7 has gained attention for its unique blend of practicality, comfort, and performance, making it a strong contender for Aussie drivers. Here, we’ll explore why the Chery Tiggo 7 is ideally suited for Australian roads and lifestyles, covering aspects like fuel efficiency, spacious design, technology, and its ability to adapt to the country's diverse terrains.
Engineered for Efficiency and Power
One of the key concerns for Australian drivers, especially those frequently covering long distances, is fuel efficiency. The Chery Tiggo 7 delivers with its efficient 1.5-litre turbocharged engine, which strikes a balance between power and fuel economy. Unlike larger engines that consume significant fuel, this smaller, turbocharged engine provides ample horsepower while helping drivers save at the pump. This makes it perfect for urban commutes, weekend getaways, or the iconic coastal road trips Australians enjoy.
In addition, the Tiggo 7 is equipped with advanced transmission options that enhance driving efficiency. The dual-clutch automatic transmission provides smoother gear shifts, improving overall fuel economy while giving the vehicle a sportier feel. For Australians seeking versatility in city and country driving, this blend of efficiency and power is ideal.
Ample Space and Comfort for the Whole Family
Australians are known for their love of the outdoors and family adventures, and the Chery Tiggo 7’s spacious interior caters to this perfectly. With generous seating space for five passengers and ample legroom, everyone can enjoy a comfortable journey. Additionally, the Tiggo 7 boasts a sizable boot capacity of up to 475 litres, providing more than enough space for camping gear, sports equipment, or beach essentials. When the rear seats are folded down, the storage space expands further, accommodating even larger items.
Interior comfort is also a priority for the Tiggo 7, which comes with supportive, ergonomic seats and premium materials, adding a touch of luxury to every drive. The dual-zone climate control system lets passengers customise their ideal temperature, making it comfortable for everyone in both scorching summer heat and cooler winter mornings.
Advanced Safety Features for Australian Roads
Safety is paramount on Australian roads, especially with unpredictable weather conditions and a mix of road types. The Chery Tiggo 7 prioritises driver and passenger safety through a host of advanced safety features designed to prevent accidents and protect passengers.
Some of these features include an Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) with Electronic Brake-force Distribution (EBD), which helps drivers maintain control when braking on various road surfaces. The Tiggo 7 also offers stability control and traction control systems, essential for handling the country’s dirt roads, gravel paths, and wet highways. Additionally, its electronic parking brake and hill-start assist make tackling steep terrain and uneven surfaces a breeze.
Beyond these essentials, the Tiggo 7 includes a comprehensive airbag system, rear-view camera, and parking sensors, adding extra layers of safety. For families or solo travellers alike, these features offer peace of mind on every journey.
Infotainment and Technology Features Designed for Modern Life
A good road trip is all about the journey, and the Chery Tiggo 7’s infotainment system ensures that drivers and passengers stay connected and entertained. The Tiggo 7 features a modern 10.25-inch touchscreen infotainment display, compatible with both Apple CarPlay and Android Auto. This means you can easily access your music, navigation apps, and even make hands-free calls, keeping your focus on the road.
The advanced voice control feature is another valuable addition, letting you control various functions without taking your hands off the wheel. Whether you’re setting up a playlist, checking directions, or adjusting the temperature, the Chery Tiggo 7’s tech-savvy interior offers convenience and safety in one package.
Moreover, the Tiggo 7’s surround-view camera provides a clear, 360-degree view of the vehicle’s surroundings, a handy feature when parking in tight city spots or navigating off-road trails. Combined with driver-assistance features like lane departure warning and blind-spot monitoring, these tech upgrades make driving safer and more enjoyable for Australian motorists.
Built to Handle Australia’s Varied Terrains
Australia is a land of diverse terrains, from sandy beaches and mountainous trails to sprawling deserts and bustling urban centres. The Chery Tiggo 7 is built to handle it all. Its robust suspension system is designed to absorb shocks, offering a smooth ride on both highways and rougher paths. The vehicle’s high ground clearance makes it well-suited for navigating unsealed roads and unexpected obstacles, while the all-wheel-drive (AWD) option enhances traction in challenging conditions.
For city dwellers, the Tiggo 7’s compact size and tight turning radius make it easy to manoeuvre through narrow streets and crowded car parks. Its dynamic steering and braking response further enhance control, which is essential for urban driving. Meanwhile, those who frequently head out on weekend adventures will appreciate its capability on rougher tracks, ensuring you’re ready for any destination.
Affordability and Value for Money
While the Chery Tiggo 7 competes with high-end SUVs, it remains an affordable option without sacrificing quality. This value-for-money proposition is appealing to budget-conscious Australians who seek a reliable, feature-packed vehicle that doesn’t break the bank. Given its competitive price and strong feature set, the Tiggo 7 stands out in a market where value for money is a crucial factor.
Additionally, the Chery Tiggo 7 is backed by Chery’s warranty and service plan, helping to reduce ownership costs over the long term. For Australian drivers concerned about ongoing maintenance expenses, this added assurance can be a deciding factor.
Eco-Conscious Design for the Australian Market
Finally, as more Australians prioritise eco-friendly choices, the Chery Tiggo 7 meets the demand with its fuel-efficient engine and lower emissions. While it’s not a fully electric vehicle, its impressive fuel economy and reduced carbon footprint are steps in the right direction, appealing to eco-conscious drivers who still need the convenience of a traditional SUV.
In conclusion, the Chery Tiggo 7 is more than just a car; it’s a versatile, reliable, and stylish SUV built to meet the unique demands of Australian roads and lifestyles. From efficient performance and family-friendly comfort to advanced safety and tech-savvy features, the Tiggo 7 checks all the boxes for today’s drivers. Whether you’re navigating city streets or heading off-road, the Chery Tiggo 7 is ready to take on any adventure.
To learn more about the Chery Tiggo 7 and to see how it fits into your lifestyle, visit our website, https://www.lakesidecherycarolinesprings.com.au/tiggo-7-pro/and explore the latest features, specifications, and pricing options. Start your journey with the Chery Tiggo 7 today!
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atplblog · 9 days ago
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Product Description Ab Roller wheel with 4 elbow supports - realizing the core of your dreams without the pain of countless sit-ups! Innovative automatic rebound abdominal wheel is a builder of overall strength and one of the simplest and fastest proven exercise equipment for your abdominal muscles, hip flexors, shoulders, and various back muscles. Enjoy the thrill of thickening your abdominal wall and achieving sculpted abs in less time. Innovative Ab roller with 4 elbow supports is suitable for beginners, professionals, women, men, and the elderly. When you purchase ab roller with elbow support you get a knee pad, elbow support, non-slip and noise-reducing wider wheels, and a steel body. Ab roller wheel is a great exercise tool that helps strengthen your abdominal muscles, improve core stability, enhance balance, and increase flexibility. Build the strong core you desire by using the ab roller wheel automatic rebound with elbow support from. Every repetition of the exercise adjusts and strengthens your abdominal muscles, shoulders, arms, and back. It even makes the muscles in the lower abs that are hard to reach healthier without the need for hundreds of sit-ups or planks. Our abdominal exercise roller uses auto-rebound technology, a thickened silent spring for smoother rebound. Ab roller with 4 elbow supports offers enough challenge for everyone, whether you're a beginner or an advanced athlete. You can effectively shape your abdominal muscles in the comfort of your living room, so put on some background music and get started! The new automatic rebound ab wheel roller offers a full-body workout in a single session. Its multi-angle side-slide feature allows you to precisely and accurately train different parts of your abdominal and body muscles, making them stretch and work more effectively, always ready to sculpt your abs and strengthen your core. 2023 New Upgraded 4 Elbow Support - Compared with the traditional abdominal wheel, our 2-in-1 Abdominal Exercise and Flat Support Machine with 4 foam pads provide more support points, so as to maintain stability during exercise and preventing sports injuries. Perfect for beginners and core training! Automatic Rebound for Smooth Fitness Routines - The thickened spring enhances rebound force, with a maximum rebound distance of 2M, which feature ensures the beginners safe and easy exercise, protecting your muscles. Widen and Silent Roller -130mm ultra wide dual wheel design to maintain stability during movement. The interior of the roller is equipped with a soundproof cabin design to reduce the noise generated by the roller during movement. The high-strength stainless steel shaft of the belly wheel can withstand a maximum weight of 600LBS. 3 Adjustable Lengths - Adjustable length design suitable for exercisers of different heights to exercise in the best posture, with a large screen timer for easy recording of exercise time. Our Ab roller wheel is designed to exercise your entire core, allowing for scientifically targeted muscle activation.
1 Min to Complete Installation - You simply insert the grip into the arm support tube, affix the 4 foam pads, and you're ready to your fitness training! You will receive: abdominal wheel *1, timer *1, thick knee pad *1, thick foam pads*4. If you have any questions, please contact us promptly. [ad_2]
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lorenzlund · 16 days ago
Bitte benutzen sie unser Hy-äne (G-ay-)Spray für die Hände gegen mögliche Infektionen!!
Göthe als Dichter in Bad Pyrmont 1801!
Am Wochenende in Bad Pyrmont machte ich Bekanntschaft mit erstmals sogar Paul aus Delaware in den Usa!
*Paul als Bierlokal-Besitzer für Patienten wie Urlauber früherem noch (u.a. 'Benediktiner') hatte er unzählige Angestellte. Mr. Paul Ryan & family. (Paul als Mann lebt auch er länger schon so nicht mehr auch!)
Frank, Anne.
Freundinnen neu gewonnene in den letzten Jahren, unter selbst Frauen. Als nur noch weiterem Beispiel dafür auch. Dass es auch diese Form von Freundschaften gänzlich neu entstandenen mit anderen, leicht ungewöhnlichen, jederzeit sehr wohl so auch geben kann, auch bei uns. (Selbst zu schon verstorbenen Personen!!) Ich fand u.a. Kisten mit haufenweise früheren Medikamenten, welche ihm gehört haben mussten. Paul war in seinen letzten Lebensjahren ganz offenkundig selber auch schwer erkrankt. Und dennoch muss er zu Lebzeiten anderen gern sein Lachen gezeigt haben! Seine Fotos bewiesen das ganz klar der Nachwelt hinterlassenen!
'Immer wieder besitze ich dabei das Gefühl beide Trommelfelle flatterten beständig stark dabei, gerade so wie bei stärkerem Windgang, schlügen merklich hin und her, vor allem bei sehr aprupt ausgeführten Bewegungen durch mich, selbst bei von uns gemachten Sprüngen und während des Sports, es bestünde die Gefahr, dass beide sich irgendwann sogar ganz lösten' (ich)
'der Bi-hinder(n)(-dten)-as'S-port und Werkstatt, anstelle oder statt zu vielens sogar vielleicht auch eigenen Herumwerkens, (an auch sich)!!
*jmd. effektiv an etw. hindern, es vorhaben. Bi-sexualität, die. Es gibt sie sowohl bei Männern wie Frauen, oder kann sie geben. Eine doppelseitige Veranlagung haben, sie selber auch besitzen. Nach sowohl vorne wie auch hinten neigend.
Oder zum gleichem Geschlecht. (Als Zusatzvariante).
Demenz bei Behinderten. 'Bekommen oder entfalten normalerweise nur Männer'. 'de gents'/mens. (Exclusively!!)
Wenn der Wahnsinn Methode besitzt !! Beim Mann!
Am Hintern kleben wollen (anderer, wiederholt auch selber!) W-dran! In Form einer wiederholt begangenen Sünde oder Sünden. engl.: sin, sins.
der Weg!ab damit!! sick-I-ater oder auch: P-sych-i-ater, als Beruf, selbstgewähltem, auch eigenem. Oder Psychiat-rie. Also besser nie auch!!
'Weswegen genau sind auch sie heute bei uns, oder kamen auch sie eigens hierher, zu uns, nach Bad Pyrmont?? Schildern sie kurz!'
'In Frankreich meldet sich der 'as'S-Hau!-spieler Depardieu bei Gericht krank! (Vorwurf der Belästigung).
die Film-Schauspieler, nationale wie weltweiten.
Ball-I-wood(s). 'H', einzelnes (für rechte Seite).
'Von Winden (direkt) verweht!!'
Einzig der Staat Arizona (Usa) und vielleicht noch New Mexico verfügen über auch eigene Scorpions, so wie Afrika es tut oder immer schon auch tat, als Wüstenbewohner.
Einzig der Staat Arizona/Usa (und vielleicht zusätzlich auch noch New Mexico) verfügen über auch eigene Scorpions, wie Afrika es auch tut.
*Rudolphs Henker. Hintern des oder vom Klaus (auch: 'Kläuschen' aus der früheren sogar noch deutschen Gartenkolonie). von etwas sehr schnell auch 'jabsen' oder extrem nach Luft schnappen (es direkt müssen!) der Mick oder auch Mickey (Schweden/bei sogar jüngeren oder neueren Band-Mitgliedern).
'Winds of change'
'3 Werke von uns schließen!' (Cavallo *heutige Betriebsratchefin bei VW) 'Dabei wollten wir am heutigen Tag doch eigentlich nur eine satte Lohnerhöhung erreichen für uns von 7 %!' ('Jetzt das!!!') '10 Prozent Gehalt weniger! Stattdessen - für alle die welche bleiben!!' 'Dies ist ein (geradezu einzigartiges!) Sterben auf Raten!!' Stavros (Christidis). Angeblich ebenfalls Betriebsrat heutiger. 'Cavallo nahm Blume aber genauso in die Pflicht, als sogar heutigem Konzernchef!!'
'VW reaktiviert besser über Nacht schnell frühere der bisherigen alten Benzin-Modelle, auch der eigenen, legt sie neu auf, wie Porsche es auch tun sollte!!' 'E-Autos will länger keiner sich kaufen, weder im In- wie im Ausland wollen das Kunden so länger noch überhaupt auch! Das Herum-Fahren in ihnen ermüdet uns generell zu stark! Wie das stundenlange Abwarten erst aufs neuerliche Aufladen an Steckdosen per Hand - auch! Ganz anders beim Benziner!' (der angebliche sogar Scholz zum selben Thema am heutigen Nachmittag erneut. An andere höflich weiter gegebene Ratschläge. Roland Schulz als früherem noch auch 'Klassendickem' (90er). Der berühmte vielleicht sogar zeitgleiche immer auch'Klassen-Clown'. Zum letzterem, dem gemeinsamen Clown, für quasi alle, neigte er selber jedoch kaum, oder tat es selber nur gelegentlich. Rahn Wirtschaftsschulen/Nienbg./Weser. Klassenkameraden frühere von uns.) Donald's einzigartiger (Karten)-Trump(f). Todesstrafe und Deportation, (als Versprechen!!)! (die sogar Hannoversche Allgemeine, erst heute morgen wieder auch)
'Ukraine soll mehr Windkraft erhalten aus Deutschland' (*eine der noch weiteren Schlagzeilen der HAZ von erst heute morgen wieder auch. Mittelteil.)
'Niemand kann sich mehr wirklich sicher fühlen hier!!' (Cavallo zu VW-Angestellten) 'Wer hat Schuld an auch der Krise bei VW???' ('Landes-Politik in der Diskussion'/HAZ)
0 notes
racingimmersionarts · 2 months ago
Spongy BMW M5 - Nürburgring Nordschleife
Spongy BMW M5 - Nürburgring Nordschleife
This Channel is just for fun and show people what they can do at home for low budget, because for a long time it was a dream of mine to drive along the Nordschleife in a spongy luxury car :)
In the next Videos i turn most OFF. Drifting will become more of a focus. It's a technique that I would like to master. Its the most impressive fun i had since years in a game. This G29 motorcycle was second-hand and so was my PC, both together for less than €500. So I can live my dream and don't have to crash my car on the beautiful Nordschleife. The truth is, I don't have a car, not even a driver's license :D
The suspension and differential setting in this video corresponds to the standard version of this BMW M5 in rFactor2.
Traction Control is set = 1. ABS is set = 3 Ingame Stability Control (not the same as ESP) is set = 2. Auto Clutch = ON Auto Blip = ON
The BMW M5 is a high-performance luxury sports sedan that is part of BMW's M (Motorsport) division, known for marrying practicality with exhilarating performance. Launched in 1984, the M5 has undergone multiple generations, each optimizing power, handling, and technology.
The Nürburgring Nordschleife is a famous racetrack in Germany, known for its challenging layout and scenic route through the Eiffel Mountains. Opened in 1927, it measures approximately 20.8 kilometers (12.9 miles) and features over 150 corners, making it a popular venue for motorsport events, car testing, and public driving sessions.
rFactor 2 is special due to its highly realistic simulation of vehicle dynamics, advanced tire modeling, and robust physics engine, which provide an immersive racing experience. Its focus on realism, combined with features like online multiplayer and customizable setups, makes it a preferred choice for serious sim racers looking for an authentic motorsport experience.
#nordschleife #nürburgring #greenhell #simracing #rfactor2
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fplmotors · 24 days ago
Tata Harrier: A Fusion of Power, Style, and Technology
The Tata Harrier is a robust SUV that combines power, sleek design, and advanced technology, making it a top choice for adventure seekers and city dwellers alike.
Stylish Exterior
The Tata Harrier sports a bold and aggressive stance, as seen in its dynamic front grille, sharp LED headlights, and streamlined body. The distinctive "Impact Design 2.0" gives it a modern edge, with features like dual-tone roof options and 18-inch diamond-cut alloy wheels enhancing its presence on the road.
Luxurious Interiors
Inside, the Harrier offers a premium experience with plush leather seats, a panoramic sunroof, and spacious cabin ergonomics designed for comfort. The 8.8-inch touchscreen infotainment system integrated with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto ensures seamless connectivity, while the JBL sound system delivers an immersive audio experience.
Power-Packed Performance
Powered by the Kryotec 2.0L Turbocharged Diesel engine, the Tata Harrier produces 170 PS of power and 350 Nm of torque. Its automatic and manual transmission options allow smooth driving in various terrains, complemented by features like Terrain Response Modes (Normal, Rough, Wet) for off-road capabilities.
Safety First
tata harrier on road price in chennai prioritizes safety with features like 6 airbags, ABS with EBD, hill-hold and descent control, and ESP (Electronic Stability Program). The Harrier's high-strength steel construction and advanced driver assistance systems provide peace of mind for passengers.
Advanced Technology
With an intelligent rain-sensing wiper, rear parking sensors with camera, and cruise control, the Harrier is packed with innovations that enhance the driving experience. The SUV also features a push-button start/stop function and keyless entry, adding convenience to your journey.
On-Road Price and Variants
The tata harrier on road price in chennai is available in multiple variants, with prices starting from ₹15 lakhs (on-road price in Chennai) for the base model and going up to ₹22 lakhs for the fully loaded variant.
In conclusion, the Tata Harrier is not just an SUV; it is a statement of strength, style, and sophistication, making it a standout choice in the mid-size SUV market. Whether you're tackling urban streets or venturing into rugged terrains, the Harrier promises to deliver an unmatched driving experience.
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sagarmanglorian · 30 days ago
Get Your Dream Ride with a Two Wheeler Loan from Bajaj Auto Credit Limited
Owning a bike is not just about convenience; for many, it’s a symbol of freedom and passion. Whether you’re dreaming of the performance-driven Duke 200 BS6 or the reliable Pulsar 220 BS6, getting your hands on one of these powerful machines has never been easier, thanks to a two wheeler loan from Bajaj Auto Credit Limited. As a trusted name in bike financing, Bajaj Auto Credit Limited offers tailor-made loan solutions that allow bike enthusiasts to ride their dream bikes without worrying about upfront costs.
Why a Two Wheeler Loan is the Perfect Solution
A two wheeler loan is a great way to make your dream of owning a high-performance bike a reality. Instead of emptying your savings or waiting years to save enough, you can opt for a 2 wheeler loan from Bajaj Auto Credit Limited, which offers affordable EMIs and flexible repayment options. Whether you’re a commuter or an adventure enthusiast, the loan process is streamlined and convenient, ensuring quick approval so you can hit the road in no time.
Bajaj Auto Credit Limited understands the unique needs of bike enthusiasts and ensures that the financing process is seamless. Whether you're looking for an ABS bike for added safety or a sports bike like the Duke 200 BS6 or Pulsar 220 BS6, their loan offerings cater to every need.
Top Features of a Two Wheeler Loan from Bajaj Auto Credit Limited
Flexible Loan Tenure: Depending on your financial situation, you can choose a repayment plan that suits your budget. Bajaj Auto Credit Limited offers flexibility in terms of loan tenure, helping you spread the cost over time.
Low Interest Rates: One of the biggest concerns when applying for a loan is the interest rate. With Bajaj Auto Credit Limited, you can rest assured that you’ll receive a competitive rate, making it easier to manage your monthly payments.
Quick Approval Process: With a simple application process and minimal documentation, getting a two wheeler loan has never been easier. Bajaj Auto Credit Limited ensures that you don’t have to wait long to get your loan approved, so you can ride away on your dream bike quickly.
Minimal Down Payment: Buying a high-end bike like the Duke 200 BS6 or Pulsar 220 BS6 doesn’t require a hefty down payment. With Bajaj Auto Credit Limited, you can finance most of your purchase and keep your savings intact.
Choose the Bike That Suits You Best
If you’re a thrill-seeker, the Duke 200 BS6 is the perfect choice with its cutting-edge technology and lightweight design, offering both speed and performance. It’s one of the most popular choices among bike enthusiasts due to its sleek look and BS6-compliant engine.
For those looking for a more classic option with power and reliability, the Pulsar 220 BS6 delivers everything you need for long rides and daily commuting. Both bikes come with ABS, ensuring enhanced safety on the road, making them perfect for both new riders and seasoned bikers.
Financing your dream bike is simple with Bajaj Auto Credit Limited. Their two wheeler loan options make it easier for you to own high-performance bikes like the Duke 200 BS6 or Pulsar 220 BS6 without breaking the bank. With flexible repayment terms, competitive interest rates, and a quick approval process, Bajaj Auto Credit Limited is the ideal choice for bike enthusiasts who want to ride in style. Don’t wait—apply for your 2 wheeler loan today and experience the freedom of the open road!
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