#aayla had so much try in her
theadventurek9 · 2 months
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Oh buddy boy
I've had a lot of talks with various people about Ryker's current state with his ability to learn and focus during his current teenagehood.
His drive to work has plummeted. Anything that's not tug or chase type play he doesn't really want to do it. I chose the bad path of trying to keep working on things, working on trying to keep things easy and fun but it still has stressed him out.
Food refusal is becoming more common, signs of stress with any training scenario, and overall harm to our relationship. What I thought was slow moving with training isn't slow enough for him. I've been taking things so much slower with him than I did Aayla. Yet it hasn't been enough. I think I've been getting more frustrated with him and while I try and not let that affect my training, I know it does. He is so very sensitive.
So we are going to be taking a break from anything beyond the essentials of continuing LLW, ability to disengage from dogs, and husbandry needs. He has been thoroughly enjoying our agility class so we will keep doing that but that is it. No more obedience for now, no more tricks or anything like that. Just structured play, maintaining good dog skills and letting him mentally mature a bit more.
I need to focus on Aayla for nationals and need to reset myself anyways. I need to get a better relationship with Ryker and let go of my dreams and goals for right now. Maybe he won't be a great sport dog and that will be okay. He is a great family member and gets along so well with everyone.
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fanfic-obsessed · 5 months
Well...That Esclated Quickly
Here is another idea that came to me during my walk to work.  I want you to know, though it goes in a humorous direction it really is not a full fix-it. 
When Order 66 went live, some of the chips did not activate. There is no rhyme nor reason as to which chips activate and which did not. Not a huge amount compared to the whole, but some. Enough that a few hundred Jedi and a Few thousand Clones regroup in the aftermath. 
While you can fill in most of the blanks the following are included in my idea
Obi Wan Kenobi and a company’s worth of 212th clones, including Cody: Obi Wan was still shot off the cliff, to the horrified eyes of the still free clones. The still free clones don't have enough numbers to take on their brethren who appear to have gone insane, but do have enough to steal one of the midsized transport ships, one capable of hyperspace flight.  They reluctantly allow Obi Wan to go to Coruscant on his own, with the rationale that one person can sneak to the surface much easier than a whole company, while the clones establish a regroup point.  From there Obi Wan goes on the Mustafar, which ends as it did in canon. Obi Wan brings Padme to the transport ship where she still dies of complications of her pregnancy
Fox, Hound, a dozen other members of the CG, and the Younglings: Fox and the few members of the CG that were unaffected by O66 raced to beat the 501st to the Temple. They made it just a few minutes before their enslaved brothers. Just barely in time to evacuate the children in the creche with the help (and insistent sacrifice) of the adult Jedi.  While there were a few Creche Masters evacuated with the children, it was now basically just Fox and his CG functionally in charge of baby Jedi ranging from Babies to Pre teens. They connect with remains of the 212th before the events of Mustafar. 
Yoda, who did still have to kill his commander in order to escape, but was able to bring a few clones with him.  They still end up being collected by Bail Organa.
Ahsoka, Rex, Jesse and  a portion of the maintenance team for their battalion: They do not meet up with the rest for quite some time (at least three years). Rex’s chip did activate but he was able to get Ahsoka the message about Fives. After Rex is freed they find Jesse and the other free clones (soft shells all) looking on in horror at their controlled brethren. With the help of the maintenance team they are able to escape from the ship without freeing Maul or crashing into the moon.  By the time they are able to look past the immediate situation, the Temple is already burning and it has been announced that the Jedi are traitors. These 25 or so go to ground in Mandalorian space and try to figure out how to free the clones from the chips (beyond surgery which really does not work with the numbers they have to deal with). They do not realize anyone else has survived. 
Aayla survived, due to one of the clones (not Bly) pushing her out of the way and sacrificing his life for her. Bly’s chip does work. She escapes with two dozen free clones and six chipped clones tied up in the back (Including Bly, even the clones agree they cannot save everyone and hopefully it means that they can figure out what is going wrong).
Shaak Ti, 10 Veteran clones, 40 ‘Shinies’, 300 child and teenage cadets, three junior Kaminoan Scientists (not Nala Se) none of which knew about the chip or Order 66, and Omega.  Shaak Ti had been working with a few Kaminoan Scientists to see the clones as sentients in their own right and the reactions of the clones under the chip's control horrified a few of those scientists.  Between them and Omega, who had been paying attention and used this as a chance to escape the lab (the Bad Batch being off planet at the time) they were able to evacuate anyone not under the control of the chip. 
All of these people (Barring Ahsoka and Co) converge on the ship that had been stolen by the free 212th clones. Had less children survived (about a third of the living Jedi are children under the age of 11, plus the cadets) they all would likely have split into small groups and made their own way through the galaxy. But there was just no way to break into small enough groups to be safe AND still make sure the children (and to some extent the Shinies) were taken care of.  They were also too large a group to go anywhere in the Republic, or even anywhere in Mandalorian space (There were an awful lot of uninhabited planets in the galaxy but most were uninhabited for a reason). Thus there was only one thing they could do.
Take over the Hutt Empire.
To be fair the take over part did start out accidentally. The actual goal was to find a place to lay low in the Hutt Empire, possibly the only place Palpatine’s Empire could not reach quite yet(at least until Palpatine solidified his rule). 
So they found a planet within the Hutt Empire to lay low on, While Bail Organa left to begin planting the seeds for the rebellion (No Leia as the twins were not being split up). As much as I want it to be Tattoine, it just has too small a population to not have a couple of thousand people (Most of whom hide their very distinctive faces) showing not be noticeable. So they choose a planet with a higher population. 
This is where the trouble began. All of our adults are deeply traumatized, trained warriors who are not used to sitting by, universally feeling useless. They are facing an insurmountable task, still mostly directionless, and deeply angry at life.  
It starts with the local Hutt’s minions trying to shake down some newcomers, who were not looking for a target to vent their spleen but found one just the same. It does not end well for the minions. Nor the next six attempts, with different groups of Clones and Jedi each time.  No one has told Command yet, but they look at each other and ‘shit we can’t keep drawing attention to ourselves but we can’t leave either’
The solution (Commander Cody himself would like to reiterate this was not the correct solution)? Take out the Hutt. Then they realize that taking out the Hutt has just drawn more attention to this city as the other Hutts for the planet try to figure out who took out this one.
The next Solution? Take out the rest of the Hutts on the planet. 
They have now drawn even more attention to the planet from yet more Hutts. This is the one thing that is critical they do not have. 
The next Solution? Try three to make this plan work (Commander Cody reminds you that trying the same thing over and over again, hoping for different results, is the definition of insanity) and take out the Hutts looking for answers. 
By the time that these small groups have admitted to Command (Obi Wan, Cody, Yoda, Shaak Ti, Fox) what is going on, a few months later, they have accidentally taken over the Hutt Empire.
The Hutt Empire that is still nominally allied with Palpatine’s Empire. The Hutt Empire that has to stay allied to Palpatine’s Empire if they do not want to draw the attention of the entire Imperial Forces to the largest concentration of living Jedi and free Clones in the galaxy.  The Hutt Empire that no longer has any active Hutts. 
In this the human centric leaning of Palpatine’s Empire is actually helpful.  They very rarely wanted to deal with other species, so it was easy to appoint someone unknown but human to deal with the com calls and visits. It does mean that they have to make up a Hutt that they essentially have to play ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’ with, a couple of times a year when a representative insists on meeting with the Hutt in charge. 
Also the fact that Palpatine’s Empire is more interested in enslaving their own citizens for free as opposed to buying them from the Hutts means that they can shut down the slave trade within Hutt Space (over time).  Fox both loves and hates running a criminal empire. 
It should be noted that, even with Bly and the five other chipped clones, no one actually knows what is going on until Rex and Co find their way back to them.  We are going with the thought that a level 5 atomic scan is a ludicrously high level of scanning. Like sitting on a Nuclear Reactor to get an X-Ray kind of ludicrous, so not only does no one think to do that level of scanning to see what is wrong, but they do not even have that kind of equipment readily available.  The reports about Fives from Rex never made it to any kind of centralized repository, there is no way to know why most clones suddenly started to kill Jedi. Bly and Co spend the three years before Rex shows up in a makeshift brig, they can function almost normally until a Jedi is brought up or in the room with them. 
Bail laughs his ass off when he is told, through several intermediaries and coded messages, that the Jedi and the Clones accidentally took over a criminal empire.  Then he starts funneling the Path and the people his rebellion are rescuing into Hutt Space to find the Jedi. 
Three years in Rex, Ahsoka, the clones with them (now having grown to nearly another thousand) arrive with the news that they can disable the chips from a distance of about a large cruiser. 
That is how the Hutt Empire became freedom fighters.
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twinterrors29 · 2 years
after Anakin comes to the Temple, he stays 'nine' for two whole years because he doesn't know his own birthday, and Obi-Wan never questions when he Padawan gives his current age
and his belief in this fact means that physically, he stays nine years old for those two whole years
then one day Aayla jokes about how big he must have gotten while she was away on her six-month mission to the Outer Rim
and Anakin literally sprouts up overnight, jumping ahead those two years in age
Obi-Wan had been starting to tear his hair out about how his padawan was so small, and no amount of nutrition and care seemed to help with that
then swoop! in one night, he's back on track, and even a little ahead!
while he's sitting in the Halls of Healing with Obi-Wan and Bant crying over his sudden growth spurt, he pulls out the chart for height/weight distributions at different ages for the wrong species
realizes, huh, he doesn't weigh as much as he should, does he?
and Densifies overnight
he thought it might make some of the cool acrobatic lightsaber techniques more difficult, but with a little help from the Force, he keeps up with Aayla and his Master just fine!
Obi-Wan is used to using the Force to cheat at picking up his Padawan, and assumes the heavier weight is related to his sudden growth spurt
in fact, it's not until years later that anyone else notices this issue
Captain Rex made the mistake of trying to pick up his General after he was electrocuted to unconsciousness (again) and nearly threw out his back before face planting on the ground
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grievedeeply · 1 year
I saw you want requests after playing Survivor
One shot of Cal running across fem reader that he knew when he was a padiwan (assumed dead)? And realizing why he was always so flustered and agitated by her 🤭🤭
this is so cute i loooove these reunion prompts i'm getting!!
fem!reader (no pronouns used) | tws/tags: death, sorta in depth order 66, use of y/n
they never left — cal kestis
you remembered the day clear in your mind as though it had happened yesterday. the purge. the clones tore through your master as though they were never even there. their last words to you ring true in your mind even ten years later, "run," and you did. you ran, using the force to reach into places they couldn't. you snuck past those who used to be your friends. you thought they cared for you. why had they all had a sudden change of heart? whatever the reason was, you knew you couldn't dwell. it wouldn't do you any good to be miserable.. even if that's all you wanted to do, sometimes.
over the years, you hid your abilities and tucked away your lightsaber for good. you swore to never use the force ever again. your family was gone. the order was gone, your master was gone.. and you couldn't reach out into the force to attempt to sense anyone. it was too risky.
cal. was he gone, too? he was another padawan under the tutelage of jedi master jaro tapal, a kind but intimidating lasat who you had met a few times. but cal.. cal was warm. he was inviting, he was friendly. he was everything an introverted child like yourself needed in a friend. the two of you quickly became rule breakers, sneaking out past curfews and past the temple guards who— looking back on it now— definitely saw you. you snuck out so often to spend time together, knowing that the likelihood of being assigned together on a mission was slim to none, it was the next best thing. maybe even better. at least there wasn't a risk of death, now.
you managed to get on each others nerves often, too. disagreeing and arguing and avoiding each other until you both forgot what happened. though, as you grew older, cal found himself getting more and more.. flustered.. when you were around. his face was constantly red, his palms were sweaty, his chest so tight it practically hurt to breath, and it irritated him. you irritated him. was it your fault? he didn't know. it only happened around you, so it had to be your fault, so he tried to avoid you.
it wasn't as though he treated you poorly. he could never do that. his heart and soul were too kind, too gentle. he didn't have a mean bone in his body.. but he wished you would just go away sometimes, to get that sinking feeling in his stomach to fade as it always did when you left.
now, cal knows what that feeling was. it was the beginnings of a crush. attachment and relationships were forbidden in the order. attachment made you selfish. it lead to jealousy, anger and resentment. a path to the dark side of the force. but now.. the jedi order was no more. it was destroyed years ago, but you hadn't lived to see it.
he heard your name. whispered in hushed voices by people on every planet he visited. your name, and the names of plenty of other jedi. plo koon, aayla secura.. anakin skywalker. but he focused on solely on you. you were killed alongside your master during the purge. you died, and he wasn't there to protect you. he reached into the force over and over, desperately trying to find a trace of you throughout it as time went on, but he found nothing. your death was confirmed, and there was nothing he could do about it.
you were glad word of your death spread fast. it was much easier to hide, and you had to move less often. your life proved more relaxed.. or as relaxed as it could be. despite your supposed death, your world would never be safe as long as you were force sensitive.
this time, kohbo was the world of choice. it was a nice, relatively backwater world in the outer rim. imperial presence, but as long as you kept your head down, you would fit in well. people from all sorts of backgrounds flocked to it. it wasn't like you would be out of place, and that fact was a relief. you'd stick to yourself as you always did, and everything would be well.
you stood, back pressed against the cold stone of the wall as you stared up towards the landing platform. a ship, a S-161 'stinger' XL, sat on the dock. you'd heard that it'd crashed out in the gorge a little ways away from rambler's reach. whoever piloted it knew greez in some way or another, and he'd managed to fix it, along with someone else you didn't know the name of. you didn't much care for their name, anyway. keeping your head down, staying out of trouble, that was the main goal.
until turgle fell off of the platform, screaming as he hurtled towards the ground. before you could even think, you reached out your hand and looked deep into the force, watching as he floated to the ground. his eyes were still closed and he yelped as you caught him, but other than that, he looked confused until his eyes landed on you, your hand extended out in his direction. he might be clumsy, but he wasn't exactly stupid.
you cringed, awkwardly sinking in on yourself as you turned around, ready to go back to your ship and leave koboh and everyone else on this planet behind.. until you heard turgle's voice call out your name.
"you," you heard him come up behind you, out of breath and looking red in the face, "you saved me!" he exclaimed, "with your.. your force magic." he said, eyes wide in disbelief. he stared you down, and you pursed your lips as you stared right back at him. "you're a jedi, aren't you?" he spoke up again, and all you could do was roll your eyes. "ha, of course not. you're just seeing things." you insisted to him with a simple shrug of your shoulders, turning on your heel to leave once again. by now, greez was hot on turgle's tail, his expression wide eyed and excited.
"oh, come on! i saw you," he retorted, "you saved me from imminent death.. and i am in your debt." he told you with a nod of his head, and you sighed. "you don't owe me anything, okay? just keep this quiet and we're even." you responded, and he nodded once again, eagerly. he stood there for a few moments until you raised your eyebrows, waiting for him to leave. finally taking the hint, he skipped away from you and into the cantina.
you let out a groan. turgle could barely be trusted. he would blabber about you eventually, and you didn't want to be around when he did. this place wasn't safe anymore. once more, you turned to leave, but heard the sound of greez clearing his throat. you weren't out of the woods, yet.
you shut your eyes, but glanced over your shoulder at him. his arms were crossed over his chest, but he wore a smile.
"there's someone i think you should meet, kid."
you furrowed your brow. you couldn't exactly say no, could you?
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greez led you into the cantina through the back entrance, clambering up the steps through heavy breaths. who could he possibly want you to meet? a million questions ran through your mind as you came out into the main area of the cantina, and he gestured for you to take a seat next to him at the bar. you did so after a moment's hesitation, and you sat there, hunched over in your seat, feeling completely exposed. still, no one looked at you any differently as they did before.
"what am i doing here?" you asked, letting your elbow rest uncomfortably against the bar. greez spared you a glance, but kept at his drink. "someone i want you to meet, s'all." he reassured you, finally turning his chair to face you. you blinked a few times. his words did nothing to reassure you, for all you knew, he could be turning you in to the raiders or even the empire. you sighed, but decided to keep your mouth shut.
you watched the door as people entered and exited, waving goodbye to moran as he left for the night. over the few months you'd been staying on koboh, he was the only one you spoke to regularly. he came off as prickly, but the truth was, he was a sad, lonely man who needed a friend. even if making connections, getting attached, wad a bad idea.. moran was there for you when you needed someone, even if he didn't know it. he returned your wave with a smile, and the door slid shut behind him.
"it's been hours, who am i waiting for?" you spoke up again for the first time since you'd arrived. "any minute now," he reassured you, a knowing grin spread across his lips. what was he even talking abou-
the door slid open.. red hair. you froze in your seat, your hands suddenly felt sweaty and your heart fell into your stomach. the boy you once knew was now a man, but you would recognize his face anywhere. cal. he was alive. you practically jumped out of your seat and rushed into him without thinking, arms wrapped around his midsection in a tight hug. "cal.." you muttered his name under your breath, finally finding your voice as you pulled away to get a better look at him.
he had matured, grown into his features. he carried a newly fashioned saber on his belt, and on his shoulders was a cute BD unit. his cheeks were covered in freckles, his eyes still that same beautiful green, splattered with specks of blue.
"i thought.. i thought you were-" cal said, his voice barely a whisper. "i'm sorry," you told him, "i.. wish i knew you were alive." you continued after a pause, still taking in his new look. he looked.. handsome.
"i tried to find you," he swallowed, "through the force."
that feeling was back. the feeling from ten years ago. his palms were sweaty, and his heart pounded against his ribcage. a crush that never faded, that only grew once he saw how you'd grown. you were incredible then.. but now? you were stunning. his breath hitched in his throat, but he lifted his hand to your face. "i.. i'm so glad you're okay." he whispered to you, and you nodded, a small smile on your lips.
"okay, kids. break it up. you can.. make out later, or whatever." greez cut into the moment, his grating voice ringing unpleasantly in cal's ears. he chuckled awkwardly under his breath but took a few steps away from you. still, his eyes never left your face.
"we aren't.. we weren't-" you said, cheeks flushed in embarrassment at his suggestion. "uhuh.. whatever." he responded, eyes flickering back and forth between the two of you, and you felt as though he saw right through you. for a man as strange as he was, he read people incredibly well. "figured you'd get along. glad i was right." he continued before you had the chance to dig yourself further into the hole in your mind you were forming.
"i'll leave you two alone," he laughed, glancing knowingly between you and cal, a smirk on his face. still, he stayed true to his word and climbed out of his chair, walking out of the front entrance with a skip in his step.
you watched as he left, only turning back to cal once the door closed behind him. your mouth felt dry, and you licked your lips. "you.. um, you have a new lightsaber?" you asked, glancing down at the weapon hanging from his hip. he nodded, "my.. my first one, i lost it during the purge." you didn't reply to his words verbally, but sat your hand on his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.
"and who's this?" you asked, a smile on your features as you glanced at the BD unit. "oh," cal said, matching your expression even though it seemed as though he forgot the droid was there at all. "this is BD-1," he told you, and you directed your grin at him, "you've been taking care of cal while i've been gone?" you teased, but the droid replied in completely serious beeps, much to his dismay.
"how long have you been here?" cal asked you after a pause, and you glanced around at your surroundings. the cantina needed some work.. and a deep cleaning. you turned your attention back to him, but a sigh fell from your lips. "a couple of months now." his gaze was soft as he stared into your eyes, and he took your hands into his own, grounding himself into this moment. "i heard you were dead, y/n." he muttered. "i.. i know." you spoke, your heart aching at the thought of him mourning for you. "the force.. i couldn't.. i couldn't feel you." he told you, and you said nothing in response, averting your gaze to his hands in your own.
this.. this moment reminded you of your childhood, running around the gardens of the temple with your hands entwined, completely ignoring your assigned training to play for awhile. except now, cal's hands were rough, and so were yours.
"i cut myself off from the force." you explained to him, "i had to hide. i've been hiding.. up until today." you could hear his breathing through the silence of the empty cantina, and he didn't say anything else. instead, he dropped your hands and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest.
"i love you." cal whispered into your neck, and you swore your breathing stopped. "what?" your arms fell to your sides, but he didn't pull away. "i love you." he repeated himself, pulling away to look into your eyes. his face was red, but the expression he wore was serious. "how could you.. how could you say that?" you asked, brows furrowed. his hands gripped your shoulders, and he let out a breathless chuckle.
"i've known it for years. when we were kids.. i had the biggest crush on you, and it bothered me. it bothered me how flustered i'd get around you even when you did.. absolutely nothing but smile." he explained, a growing smile forming across his face. "and irritated me. so i stayed away from you, thinking you were the one who bothered me all along." he said.
"but now the order doesn't exist anymore. the code is gone. but my.. my feelings for you- they never left." cal's voice fell to a whisper, "and seeing you now, it just makes me realize it all.. all over again." he took in a deep breath, but kept his eyes trained on your face. "so.."
"cal," you shut your eyes, shaking your head, "you actually felt that way that entire time when i thought you just started hating me for no reason?" you sighed, his lack of response telling you everything you needed to know.
you took a step closer to him, pressing your lips to his for a few seconds before pulling away. to cal, it wasn't nearly long enough. he leaned after your lips, eyes already completely closed as he'd relaxed into your touch. "i love you too. i always have." you told him, the feeling of his lips burned into your memory. they were chapped and dry.. but they fit against yours perfectly.
he grinned, and kissed you again.
tags: @starwalkerwriting @war-in-time
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feybarn · 5 months
Thanks for all the prompts you guys sent. I'm definitely not going to be able to hit them all at once. But I'm going to try to get to at least one or two a day...
Up first with @everfascinated's prompt.
It's Monday and I'm really feeling it lol Can Obi-Wan relax with your fav Jedi/Mando/clone? I'm working for the weekend, someone needs to just sit and read or have a nice day with people they love
Some Obi-Wan & Quinlan.
Obi-Wan glared at his interloper, currently looming over him and holding Obi-Wan’s datapad over his head. “What are you doing?”
“You are going to give me an ulcer,” Quinlan said. “Literally. An ulcer. I can feel it growing right now.” He pressed his free hand against his stomach and let out an exaggerated groan. “I never thought you were capable of such cruelty.”
Obi-Wan wasn’t amused. In the slightest. “I need to finish the report for my latest mission, Quin.”
“You need to take a break before you break down. This may come as a surprise to you, but things like fatigue and stress do affect you the same way they do the rest of us.”
Obi-Wan sighed. “Quin. My datapad. Give it to me.”
Quinlan scoffed, turned off the datapad, and stuck it in his belt. “Not a chance.” 
Obi-Wan had somehow forgotten just how supremely irritating Quinlan could be. How he’d managed to forget that was something of a mystery, because Quinlan was… Quinlan. Apparently the back to back missions he and Anakin had been sent on the last year were getting to him. He didn’t know why he was being ‘specifically requested’ so often, but he’d really prefer it stop happening. “What do you want, Quin?”
“I want you to relax. For an evening. That’s it.”
The thought filled Obi-Wan with longing. As it was… “I can’t.” He had already received a message requesting that he and Anakin prepare for another mission in three days, there was too much to do in the next three days to relax. Mace had been apologetic, but the request for Obi-Wan had come straight from the Senate.
Beyond that, he’d agreed to teach several hand to hand courses for the senior padawans—which was less hand to hand and more how to fight dirty—had several meetings with Senators from former missions, and a meeting with the council.
“You can, actually,” Quinlan said. “Aayla is inviting Anakin to join her and a few other padawans for a night in the holo-room for the night. Star gazing, supposedly, but we both know that’s just code for gossip. That means the two of us are free for the night.”
“I’m not going cantina hopping, Quinlan.”
Quinlan rolled his eyes. “Give me some credit, Obi-Wan. I know when you’re in a cantina hopping mood. I have deigned to suffer this evening, all for your sake, and we’re going to do something you consider relaxing.”
Obi-Wan crossed his arms over his chest, because this was sure to be good. Quinlan didn’t know the first thing about relaxing in a way that didn’t include chaos.
Obi-Wan would be lying if he said he didn’t at times egg Quinlan on, but he simply was too drained to do so.
“In this theoretical situation where I give in, what, exactly, do you plan on us doing?”
Quinlan’s expression shifted into one of exaggerated long-suffering. “We are going to watch the prime-time recording of the Phantasma Opera.” He shuddered. “I borrowed the recording from Windu and stole some tea from Depa and…” He paused for obvious emphasis. “I raided Siri’s kitchen for the little sugary monstrosities that you like. I risked my life for this evening.”
“Siri’s going to kill you,” Obi-Wan said. His mouth watered at the thought of the Alderaanian Delights Siri hoarded. “How about this, you give me those Alderaanian Delights and I get back to work. You can consider your mission accomplished.”
“Nope,” Quinlan said easily. “It’s everything or nothing.”
Obi-Wan was too professional to pout, but it was Quinlan; Quinlan had seen him do worse. He pouted.
Quinlan was unfazed. “So, I’m stealing your datapad and setting up in your quarters. You can choose to join me or you can languish here in the archives.” Quinlan sauntered away.
Obi-Wan groaned and buried his face in his arms on the table.
He was so tired. 
Quinlan was such a pest, really. Obi-Wan didn’t know how he put up with him.
He forced himself out of the chair.
Quinlan was wrong; Obi-Wan didn’t need a break. But… well, Quinlan had clearly gone through a great deal of work—risking Siri’s wrath on top of it all—to give Obi-Wan a break. And he really had wanted to see the Phantasma Opera for quite some time.
He made it to his quarters to find Quinlan sprawled over his couch, Phantasma Opera queued up, tea steeping, and Alderaanian Delights in a box on his chest.
Obi-Wan forced Quinlan to move his legs before he sat down. “I need my datapad back.”
“Tomorrow,” Quinlan said. “I’m teaching your class on fighting dirty, already cleared it with the Masters—who were quite pleased to have an expert Shadow, by the way—so you have time then.”
Obi-Wan stared at his best friend, because tonight had been… appreciated for the intent behind it, but some part of Obi-Wan had been on edge trying to figure out what to do with the time he was losing. This… this was more than he had thought he could ask for. Some of his tension released. 
“Thanks Quinlan,” he said quietly. 
Quinlan smirked at him. “Don’t thank me too soon. I’m going to tell all of the padawans about the time you won a cantina fight because you freaked out the Duros smuggler by threatening to bite him.”
Obi-Wan laughed. “Have I told Aayla the story of the time we almost poisoned Yoda when we brought him the wrong type of frog as a life day present?”
“Not yet,” Quinlan said, a gleeful look entered his eyes. Mostly because the story was more hilarious than embarrassing, Master Yoda had been delighted by their ‘murder attempt’. “But you can tell her tomorrow at dinner.”
Obi-Wan thought about protesting, but with Quinlan taking on Obi-Wan’s classes, his whole day tomorrow was suddenly free; he could spare another evening with Quinlan.
He leaned back against the sofa and relaxed as the Opera started.
His tension faded away. For the first time in ages, Obi-Wan just… relaxed. 
Kark. Quinlan had been right; he was going to be absolutely insufferable.
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Recently became obsessed with cowboy au's again so I did what any reasonable person would do and made a silly Clone Wars au for pure self indulgence.
Please enjoy my silly little headcannons and maybe one day I'll actually write the thing (I've said this several times before...but one day!)
•Usually with modern au's I try to justify why Jango has so many damn kids but not this time. The man just does okay? Also he's not attracted to women so like..who knows! My favorite plot point is Jango just has a bunch of kids and no one knows why and they just have to accept that
•Jango/Myles supremacy. They're married, thank you. Silas is their third wheel that's just always sorta there.
•Good dad Jango! Always good dad Jango. I just love him okay? It's like a little treat for myself.
•Ages are like...semi...cannon? For the clones the alphas are all adults, as are the commanders. After that, Rex, Kix, Jesse and whoever else I deem to be in that like age range- are 18/19/20. Domino squad, are teenagers. Tup, Dogma, Wooley, Comet are like..ranging from preteen's to 8. Boba is the baby at 3 years old. Don't ask me about Omega or the bad batch please I haven't decided what I'm doing with them yet, probably gonna make them Arla's kiddos like the other modern au of mine. These are also like..just a general guidelines of ages I haven't really fleshed anything out.
•Boba LOVES animals. It's a good thing they live on a farm. He just..befriends all of the animals even the ones that he isn't supposed to (raccoons) Jango nearly had a heart attack. Boba was fine though, just a little grumpy that Jango took him away from the raccoon.
•It's a miracle Boba knows how to walk because he's just constantly being carried/demanding to be carried. If he has the option to be in someone's arms he will be. Spoiled little thing. Honestly all of the Fett kids are probably spoiled, but they like to tease Boba about it cause he's the baby.
•Real talk though, I think Boba is a little sweety. He just loves his aliit(family) so much and wants to spend all his time with them.
•Mando'a is a language because I said so. Mandalorians are still a culture. That's just my go to for all modern au's tbh.
•Jaster is the best grandpa EVER. He's the reason they're all spoiled. Auntie Zam ALSO spoils them rotten. Uncle Bossk does as well it's just a lot less. Hondo...is Hondo let's be honest here. They're spoiled sure but Jango would really like to know WHERE Hondo got everything from (he would not like the answer)
•I haven't figured out how or anything but Codywan IS happening. Same with Blyla (is that Aayla and Bly's ship name?? Gonna pretend it is-)
•In the vain of keeping ages semi cannon Fennec is 19 and a farmhand 👌. She's like..not legally adopted but she might as well be. Jango's baby girl right there. Boba follows her around like a puppy and it only annoys her a little. She's definitely the reason he knows bad words let's be honest.
•I'm leaning towards most face tattoos are just birthmarks. As far as names go those are just their names. No one ever said Jango was good at naming things. Isn't there a comic in legends where they have a pet eel and it's name is just eel?
•Everything I know about 3 year olds comes from the times I have babysat actually 3 year olds and google. So in that spirit, Boba does have a paci in the art depicted below simple because I wanted to draw a pacifier- but Jango is also trying to ween him off it so he doesn't mess up his teeth.
If you made it this far through the post- have some traditional art that may or may not get turned digital eventually! (There was one of Myles and Jango but I literally cannot decide on Myles hairstyle and couldn't erase it anymore for fear of ripping the paper so...)
This au has consumed me like..ugh I'm obsessed with it. There may or may not be a pinterest board just entirely dedicated to it. You don't understand how in love with this silly little au I am-
Join me next time (maybe-) for when I inevitably think of more headcannons for this au.
In order: Jango and Boba, Jango braiding Fennec's hair, and Cody!
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padme-amitabha · 10 months
I read your opinions on Ahsoka and while I like her I agree, I think her fandom is making me dislike her, the final straw for me was reading takes that Ahsoka was Anakin's child more than Luke ever was because he spend more time with her than with Luke despite Anakin ALWAYS aknowledged Luke as his son, I mean remember the iconic "I'm your father" scene? And how after that he always called Luke in his mind as "my son"? Anakin may had not raised Luke, but he always loved his son, ever since Padmé told him that she was pregnant he considered his baby a blessing and the happiest moment of his life, so no wonder those feelings resurfaced when he found out that Luke lived between ANH and ESB, I mean, he came to the Light for him! His baby boy. I even read a Youtube comment saying that when Anakin said Luke before dying "Tell your sister...you were right..." now it refered to Ahsoka when those words were for Leia! Yes, we know Leia sees Bail as her father and has zero connection with Anakin, but even so, those final words were for her. Canonically Anakin saw Ahsoka as much a younger sister, he always refered Luke as his son and Leia as Luke's sister and thus, his daughter. I dislike reading how people are trying to server Anakin from his family (from Padmé to now Luke and Leia) to place Ahsoka in the picture, guys, you can have both! (sorry for the rant)
I totally get it. My issue with her character mainly started from the fact that she is shoehorned into anything that involves the skywalkers. Imagine if she was in the movies, I would think her arc would be very redundant in the PT because we are closely following the Jedi masters and council as well as politicians as they are central to the plot and conflict. The fact that she wasn't in it establishes she is an afterthought. And I think she wouldn't have been so bad if she was a character with a standalone arc and story but now she's just everywhere and I disliked her introduction as Anakin's padawan because the PT establishes Anakin is quite young and flawed and its his journey we are exploring from little Ani to Darth Vader throughout the six films. He is allowed to be an innocent kid, brooding emotional teenager and also a hero. He is the Chosen One but not once is he a Gary Stu, in fact he goes through phases that annoys other characters like Obi Wan. He isn't overpowered either because we see him suffer two huge defeats in the films. He makes mistakes and the wrong choices and can be selfish at times, and other times he tries to be a good padawan and follow the rules and sometimes he disregards them, he lets others boss him around too, he is scared but wants to be a good father and husband etc etc. you get the idea. He's not perfect and that's the point and I think Hayden nails the repressed monk persona. The only reason Ahsoka was introduced was part of "fixing" Anakin's character and to make him more fun but it seems so unbelievable the council would assign someone like Anakin with an impressionable youngling (who is strangely rebellious despite having the same upbringing as the rest?). I just don't see Anakin as being a big brother to anyone or bantering with kids when he seemed understandably awkward and reserved. Also, Ahsoka's thick plot armor and her continuously inflated significance just confirms how much of a creator's pet she was and her whole character (especially when she's interacting with Anakin) feels very fanficy and the fact that she has almost zero flaws and she takes over the roles of every other important person in Anakin's life in the original story. I try not to pay attention to Filoni's pet because it just feels like pure wish fulfillment for him at this point. We could just have more of other cool female jedi like Shaak Ti, Depa, Aayla, or Yaddle as they were preexisting characters and weren't dependent on the Skywalkers for their arc - because I doubt Ahsoka would have been popular at all if she wasn't Anakin's padawan or acting like an Anakin wannabe (and getting away with it almost always while Anakin the CO was given no special treatment). At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if Ahsoka is revealed to be the new chosen one or she's some insanely overpowered demigod lol. And I mean I guess her fans like her for many reasons but she just feels like a Mary Sue to me like you know a character is doomed when a creator admits he's too attached to the character for anything drastic and openly shows favoritism. Let's be honest she is kind of a nepo baby and acts like one too in the SWU. I guess some people are just seeing her as one now but I always thought she would be a Mary Sue because even the emotional moments she has and the few hardships or "deep" moments she gets is just by interacting with the Skywalkers or just dealing with things everyone else is going through. So I don't really feel the emotional value if she tells Luke he is like her father when literally anyone else who knew him could have said that. At least characters like Boba don't rely on mentioning Anakin in everything they appear in. I don't think her arc would even be well developed if she was detached from the existing prequel characters so it's like she just reinforces the same emotions we should feel except she's supposed to be fun and badass so the audience and her fans would empathize with the events more.
Like do people even really like her screentime in Rebels except from her fight with Anakin? And that scene's so memorable because it's with Anakin, a much more realistic and developed character. It's really Anakin who carries the scene and the emotional impact. Replace Ahsoka with any other padawan and it seems like she has no inherent value. She only seems to shine in moments she is interacting with PT era characters due to the backstory and flashbacks and the rest of the time she's just a token strong female jedi character. What is Ahsoka when she is not breaking Jedi rules constantly like she's special or getting in Anakin's business or running into other characters and reminiscing about the past? I could watch a standalone show on Anakin, Padme, Obi Wan, Qui Gon, Yoda or even Dooku just in their solo adventures because they bring a slightly new perspective to the SWU and there's some room for individuality. I could be wrong maybe they explored some of her personal ambitions than being a Jedi and making Anakin proud but I'm really not interested when her role is just so interchangeable. Even Padme has an entire movie around her (TPM) where we see more about her. Despite being Anakin's love interest, we can see how she is a main character and can carry a film without any romance with Anakin. Same with Obi-Wan. He had an entire movie solving mysteries and plots while Anakin and Padme were romancing. That's why they should be the main prequel trio because its always been two force sensitives and a non-force sensitive member. Just like Han, Padme brings a new perspective and skills in the team.
I wouldn't be too bothered about such claims as they always existed. Ahsoka is closer to Anakin than Obi Wan, Padme, Leia and now more than Luke. It's sad and funny how far Filoni will bend space and time to make room for the OC. As far as I'm concerned, she doesn't exist.
This channel has some good videos on her and I highly recommend these: part 1 and part 2
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lamaenthel · 8 months
Bite Down On This
[read on ao3] [Febuwhump prompt: "Bite Down On This"]
Bly has to do the unthinkable to his General to save her life after a mortar strike wipes out their company.
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Characters: CC-5052|Bly, Aayla Secura, Quinlan Vos Wordcount: 868
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" …hear me? Bly? Bly, are you alive?"
Bly blinks, takes a deep breath, and almost passes out again. He's face-down in a pile of… something. Something that smells like copper, fire, and human shit. He pushes himself up, his head spinning, and vomits on top of the bisected abdomen of the clone trooper he landed on.
"Get up!" He's yanked sideways, dragged on his back away from the body. Bodies. They're everywhere, he can see that now. "Get it together trooper, I need you."
"Yes, General," Bly tries to say; it comes out more of a blurry, slurred yrrrs gurnnnll.
"Hold on, Blue. We're coming. I got him. See? You were worried for nothing." General Vos tugs him up and forces him to walk on nerveless legs.
"Bly?" His stomach flips at how weak she sounds. "Oh, Bly, I—ah!" She breaks off with a shriek of agony. His stomach flips again.
"We're here. We're here, Blue." General Vos lets go of Bly's cuirass and drops down beside her. "I'm so sorry, honey. This is going to hurt. Bite down on this and take a deep breath, okay?"
Bly focuses on not falling down. His brain is unscrambling, reassembling his memories like scattered puzzle pieces. Aayla was leading their small scouting company from the front, trying to keep up with her old Master's massive stride. Bly was bringing up the rear, avoiding Vos and the looks he kept throwing over his shoulder. There was a whistle over their heads, then…
Mortar! Spread out!
He was at the rear. She was at the front. He was thrown back. She…
"It's okay, Blue. I know, I'm sorry it hurts. I've got you." Vos tightens the tourniquet around her ruined leg, right above what used to be her knee. 
They had some sausages once on Dantooine, made from roba hogs by the locals. They were so grateful for the Republic's arrival. They donated crates upon crates of fresh meat, vegetables, and fragrant blue rice. They'd never eaten so well. Aayla helped them all find sticks to cook the sausages on over the bonfire—her skin glows like midnight in the firelight—and laughed like a bell when he burned his mouth. 
Bard had overcooked his sausage. The end had burst open and split apart in strips, just like Aayla's leg.
"Get down here, Commander." General Vos adjusts them so that Aayla is cradled in his lap, his tree-trunk legs sticking straight out. He puts a hand on her forehead and whispers something Bly can't hear. Her head falls to the side, lekku drooping limp and lifeless. "Take my lightsaber and cut above the tourniquet," Vos orders, tossing it to the dirt in front of him. 
Bly's legs give out. He falls hard onto his shebs, head spinning. "What?"
"You heard me, Commander." Aayla stirs to life in his arms. Vos scowls and closes his eyes. "Sleep," he orders her, loud enough for Bly to hear this time.
There's two sabers laying in the dirt in front of him. Bly unsteadily reaches for the one on the right, grabs a handful of dirt instead. 
"Now!" Vos growls at him. "Sleep." His voice turns gentle when it's directed at her. He's like a father to me. "Good girl. It'll be over soon."
Aayla is dripping sweat and drooling around the leather strap her Master shoved in her mouth. Her head tosses from side to side, struggling to stay awake. Her lekku come to life only to curl up in tight, distressed spirals.
"I…" Bly swallows down a second surge of vomit. They need a medic. Where's their medic? He suddenly remembers the paintjob of the trooper he woke up on.
"Do it!" The Kiffar General—both of them—shoots him a glare that could melt beskar. "I can't keep her unaware much longer, Commander, she's fighting too hard. Do it before she wakes up!"
"Wake up, Commander," she whispers, her lek curling lovingly around his wrist. She trails a graceful finger down his nose, tickles his lips, chases the touch with a delicate kiss. 
"Do it, now!"
Bly pushes the button, goes blind from the green light. He blinks away the spots, stares down at his Aayla's beautiful leg—she hooks it over his hip, uses it to pull him closer as she cries out his name—and stops. "I can't," he says hoarsely. "I can't hurt a Jedi." My Jedi.
"You want her to be awake and screaming while you cut her leg off?" Vos' fury is incandescent, burning like a corona. "Do it, you useless son of a bitch!"
Bly's double vision isn't helped by his tears. "I can't."
"If you don't I will fucking gut you." Vos means it, but he still can't bring himself to bring down the beam. "Do it now, or so help me—"
"Bly," Aayla whimpers around the strap. Her big, beautiful brown eyes flicker open.
"SLEEP." Vos mouths the command directly against her ear cone. Her eyes close, her head falls limply to the side. Vos' eyes meet Bly's, and his vision is finally steady enough to see that the Kiffar is crying. "Do it. Do it while she's asleep, I'm begging you." 
Bly swallows hard, nods, and brings down the blade.
Taglist: @starwarsficnetwork, @febuwhump, @soliloquy-of-nemo Divider: @saradika-graphics
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pandora15 · 1 year
okay i'm gonna rant a lot (like. a LOT) about the ahsoka series and most of it is like. pretty critical, so please skip if you love the series! (you're valid and there are things I did like about the show i'm just. frustrated and tired i guess)
i think i just really miss animated ahsoka and like. ahsoka having actual flaws y'know? and like being an actual character that I can relate to.
it bothers me SO much that she like. has no reverence or even respect for all the jedi who mentored her, to the point that she won't even mention them? instead she mentions anakin, who yes had a major role in her training, obviously, but he's also the source of a lot of her trauma. HE'S the one who stormed the temple and killed jedi. he's the one who spent years afterwards hunting down the rest and killing them — the same people who took ahsoka in when she was a child and raised her.
literally, anakin is the one who tried to kill HER in rebels.
but it's fine because "he's the only one who stood by her even when no one else would" right? and "he was a good master" because he left recordings for her and taught her to survive and —
like okay.
anakin and ahsoka's relationship is wonderful and important and I love their dynamic in TCW. seeing anakin be in a position of mentorship was really cool, and ahsoka's personality worked with his PERFECTLY.
but TCW also made it a point to see ahsoka be mentored by other jedi, and that was one of the things I loved most about it. we get to see ahsoka with plo koon, with aayla secura, with luminara unduli, with tera sinube, and it was amazing to see all these different jedi and how they're all wonderful and unique and AMAZING through the lens of ahsoka.
but now it's like. she doesn't even mention any of them? in rebels she did mention a few and I was happy to see that, but in the ahsoka series it's like. only anakin, the rest of the jedi don't even matter to her because "wow anakin was the only one who ever stood by me no one else did anything for me"
also damn i used to LOVE sabine. when I was watching rebels I was so in awe of her because she's so cool and interesting and intelligent and has that creative fun side to her as well? and the fact that tiya sircar is an american with bengali origins (just like me) made me feel like. really good about her and her character.
when natasha liu bordizzo was cast as sabine for ahsoka I was pretty disappointed — not because she wasn't asian because she absolutely is, but because to me, sabine was indian-coded. in rebels, her entire family (except for her father iirc) were all portrayed by indian voice actors. that could not have been a coincidence. it was something that I was grateful to see — that I can see interesting, intriguing characters in animation and in star wars that look like me.
but like, fine. I decided to look past it and try to be excited for the show.
but now I feel like sabine is like. a totally different character who she was in rebels. and I understand that the show tries to write off her change in personality as grief over what had happened to her family, but it just doesn't feel like a logical direction from where she is at the end of rebels to where she is at the beginning of ahsoka. maybe if the show decided to take more time to explain what happened during that time or even gave us some flashbacks to that time, i'd be more accepting of it but it doesn't. it just feels jarring to me.
more than that, sabine literally condemns the home galaxy to whatever thrawn will end up doing in his attempts to bring back the empire because she gave baylan the map. rebels sabine would never have done that. it's as though she completely forgot not only what kanan sacrificed when he died, but also ezra at the end of rebels.
and the fact that we don't see ezra finding out about what sabine did (and we likely never will) is INFURIATING to me. like????? this is such an important thing and he doesn't know about it?
and we think about the fact that sabine doing all of this for ezra is something that's like. so attachment-coded and such a central theme of star wars but then not really facing any consequences for doing that is like. hello????? it almost feels like the show is encouraging unhealthy attachment, which is extremely counter to what star wars and being a jedi is all about.
and to be clear, the concept of a character in their thirties who was previously considered non-force sensitive training to become a jedi but struggling to reach the force is definitely interesting. i feel like if it was done for a different character, I may have been more on board for it. the problem with it being sabine is that I feel like this arc is almost at the expense of the arc she had in rebels and it takes away from the aspects of her personality that I really enjoyed in rebels -- like her art??? her mandalorian identity????
i would've also been okay with her like. becoming someone like chirrut imwe — like being someone who believes in the force and the jedi way, and like seeking internal balance for herself, but her becoming force sensitive "because she trained and trained and really wanted it so badly for literal years" (even though rebels never showed us that she wanted to be a jedi, even when she was literally living with two of them and learned solely to use a lightsaber from kanan).
also no one tell chirrut imwe that he could've become force sensitive all this time, he just wasn't trying hard enough i guess. RIP.
okay another random topic change.
i'm eternally GRATEFUL that we didn't end up seeing ahsoka taking obi-wan's place on mustafar to fight anakin because that would've. i probably would've turned off my tv right then and there. (there was a leak about obi-wan's dead body being shown i'm assuming on mustafar but who knows. and genuinely i think that would've traumatized me. i'm not kidding.) i was so NERVOUS about this happening, and i'm really glad it didn't. here's hoping they don't do it in season 2 or whatever ends up coming next for ahsoka.
(ewan please stay away from the mando-verse shows i'm begging)
that being said, looking back at ahsoka's journey from start to where we are now, I just feel sad. I feel like we hit such a beautiful ending point to her arc at the end of rebels and now this show completely soured it for me. I have no idea how they're going to resolve it from here, and I'm getting this sinking feeling that we're never going to get to a beautiful ending point for her character now because we've gone way too far and there's no way to step it back.
I feel like sabine is like. a completely different character than who she was in rebels. literally, in my head, sabine from rebels is a different person. I think that's the only way I can make sense of this in my head. I can't connect the two together.
anyways, sorry for the long rant, now that it's been almost a week since the finale and I had time to reflect, I'm realizing that I'm not very happy about this series. there are things I did like (ie. ezra, huyang, baylan, shin, the music), but I feel like they really fumbled on the main two characters here and it's really unfortunate.
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intermundia · 8 months
@ anon with the lovely hospital AU, apologies for the delay i was chewing on this for a couple days haha there's a whole season of grey's anatomy primetime soap worthy material. i love how fully you've filled out the AU with characters and unspooled all the drama. i can see why it would be difficult to write, it does have a big scope of imagination there. thank you for sharing it with meeeeeee
for everyone 700 words of lovely obikin hospital AU worldbuilding, continued beneath the cut!!
Shmi is a renowned heart surgeon. Best there is in the country (not just the state thank you very much) and she did it all while her son was young. Her grandmother (Grandma Mira) and her two cousins (Peli Moto and Beru Whitesun ) both helped her out a ton. She is admired and Skywalker is a name very well known in medical circles.
She decided to became a heart surgeon when her own mother (insert name here) died from a heart issue that no one wanted to touch surgically. Anakin was 9 years old. Anakin has his mom up on a pedestal - she is perfect and smart, the best surgeon, the best mom, she’s done it all. Anakin feels the pressure to be just as good as his mom. People expect him to be just as brilliant and successful as his mother. He expects it from himself. Shmi just wants him to be happy. Anakin is ready to start his residency at 25. His mother is in line to be chief of surgery at the hospital she works at (Twin Suns Medical Center). Its considered the hospital to intern at if you want your specialty to be heart surgery. Anakin isn’t really sure what he wants to specialize in, and he doesn’t want people to say that he got it easy during his internship. So he goes to the next best thing (it’s actually the number one hospital overall in the country but to Anakin is second to the hospital where shmi works because Shmi works there). He goes to Jedi Coruscant General Hospital. Chief Executive officer (in charge of whole hospital) : Breha Organa Chief of Surgery : Bail Organa (general surgeon) Brain Surgeon (top brain guy in the country) : Obi-Wan Kenobi 4th year resident: Padme Amidala (Anakin’s assigned resident) Heart Surgeon: Mace Windu Trauma Surgeon: Shaak Ti Pediatric Surgeon: Plo Koon Neonatal Surgeon: Siri Tachi Plastic Surgeon: Quinlan Vos Orthopedic Surgeon: Qui-Gon Jinn Head of the hospital board: Mon Mothma Cancer surgeon: Jocosta Nu Eye Surgeon: Dooku Vascular Surgeon: Wolffe Yoda - retired chief of surgery and general surgeon Anakin’s cohort: Aayla, Ferus Olin, Rex, Jesse, Echo, Fives 4th Year Residents: Sabe, Clovis, Bly 5th year residents: Depa Billaba, Bultar Swan, Cody Anakin’s running late on his first day, in the parking lot he’s too distracted trying to make sure he has everything in his bag that he bumps into a red head and spills the red head’s hot tea all of his shirt. “shit. Fuck. Sorry. Sorry.” Keeps walking but turns around to walk backwards to meet the really pretty blue eyes of the definitely pissed off red head “I owe you. I’ll bring you a … a coffee? Was it coffee during lunch. Sorry!” Ferus Olin, a childhood nemesis makes his appearance. He’s assigned to be Padme’s intern (the woman who gave him back his engagement ring when he was 22 and 27. He hadn’t realized she was back in town and that maybe it was purposeful that he didn’t know). Its turning out to be a truly shit day and then the pretty red head from the parking lot makes his appearance and anakin wants to sink into the ground. But. The red head picks him to help him with a surgery. … Its pretty much a grey’s anatomy AU. Obi-Wan and anakin start hooking up pretty much immediately. Ferus Olin and Anakin make nice and turn out to be pretty decent friends. Then. Anakin realizes that Padme had kids, with him. The twins. And never told him. 🤯. That’s smoothed over. He’s a dad now. He loves it. Obi-Wan’a supportive. Their secret relationship is starting to not be so secret anymore. Then. obi-wan’s ex wife (Satine Kryze) pop in with a kid. obi-wan’s kid. Obi-Wan never told him that he’d been married or that he had a kid. They break up. Anakin thinks about quitting. Then about transferring. Then gets side tracked because Aunt Beru (his mom’s cousin) got married and her husband’s dad was in a bad car crash. Its all hands on deck to save his life. Shmi makes an appearance at the hospital and Obi-Wan realizes that Anakin is Shmi’s son 🤯 Owen’s dad makes it. Anakin and Obi-Wan make up. Their relationship is outted but everything works out. There’s other small and big dramas but thats pretty much it lol
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bh-52 · 2 years
Barriss talking to herself incorrect quotes.
Legends Barriss: I'm a Jedi, don't insult my Order with outlandish claims, or I'll relocate the shrapnel I'm surgically removing from your cerebral cortex into your spine.
Canon Barriss: I'm disillusioned with the Order and the Republic, not brain damaged, you goody two shoes nerd!
Legends Barriss: then why in the mass shadows of Malachor V did you frame my beloved Ahsoka for terrorism?
Canon Barriss: It was an accident, she wasn't even supposed to be in the room with Letta when I killed her.
Legends Barriss, spanking her Canon counterpart: Murdering that civilian in cold blood is one thing, but you don't mess with my wife! How dare you try to kill her in that warehouse?
Canon Barriss: At least she survived Order 66.
Legends Barriss: She was targeted by it anyway! If you hadn't caused her to leave the Order, her skills wouldn't have been so rusty when she fought Maul, and she would've been around to help Fives when he was on the run!
Canon Barriss: Speaking of that fight, what idiot sent her to fight Master Kenobi's arch nemesis, without another Jedi to support her?
Legends Barriss: It was Skywalker.
Canon Barriss: That explains so much.
Legends Barriss: Maybe if you hadn't turned to the dark side, we could've been there to help her.
Canon Barriss, with her eyes on the viewing end of a magnifying glass: Do I have Sith eyes? No! Why does everyone assume I've fallen to the dark side?
Legends Barriss: Terrorism and Force choking people to death aren't light side actions! And no, you don't have Sith eyes. But neither did Dooku or Ventress.
Canon Barriss, strips naked: the dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities, and big boobs.
Legends Barriss: Oh?
Canon Barriss: Just ask Ventress, Aayla, Aurra Sing, Phobos, Maris Brood, Vaylin, and Talon.
Legends Barriss: The dark side may be a pathway to many abilities, but those are considered unnatural.
Canon Barriss: Ouch.
Legends Barriss: Have you apologised to Ahsoka, or had a redemption arc yet?
Canon Barriss: Shut up.
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theadventurek9 · 9 months
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Goodbye 2023 and Hello 2024
We lived a full year in Utah and had so much happen and changed. Lots of snow exploration, new friends, no experiences and challenges. I got engaged to this wonderful man and we're trying to build a life together.
My training business has been open for a full year now, and is doing better than I thought, but somehow is still harder than I expected. I haven't gone under or bankrupt yet, I guess so overall it's good.
Rebel has been with us for almost a year and a half and is a typical teenage cat spending her time trying to get Aayla to play with her or getting mad at Aayla for no reason. She has waves of confidence and fear that we keep trying to work through.
Aayla has had a hell of a year. 16 new titles, taking the ASCA world by storm and really just excelling. We had an amazing time at our first nationals. She is a little more stiff than the previous year but is more sound than she was this time last year.
I think this year has the chance to be our last serious trial year. I will probably have Aayla retired from obedience and the ASCA agility we are doing when she turns 10. Then she can finish her RACH for Rally after that.
For goals I hope to be a better handler, work harder on my ring entry and between exercise routines, and change my marker for in the ring.
Then for my dreams I want Aayla to get her UDX with AKC before she retires. (8 legs to go!) Then just maybe she can get an OTCH. It's unlikely to be able to trial enough for it, but hell it is a dream.
Then after that for ASCA I hope that Aayla gets her UD and UDX this year. (UDX is only 5 2Qs for ASCA) and works towards that OTCH (I'm pretty sure she can get that OTCH before she retires). I'm also going to get her RMX, RTX and REMX this year. Then after that work to her RTCH. Then on top of that I want to get Aayla's GSDA-E, RSDA-N, RSDA-O and RSDA-E. (agility senior ACE titles). Then of course to go to ASCA Nationals this year, hopefully qualifying for Utility or Superdog Finals. (Superdog would require her to qualify in both open and utility 5 times and she only has 5 possible times to do that this year, so it is unlikely. BUT all 5 times will be at the place where we train)
Lots of things I want. Yet as always I try and remember those are just dreams and it's okay if we don't reach those dreams. They're not goals for us.
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year
About My OC: Lexa Edition
So I said a while ago I wanted to post some stuff about my OCs and I've decided to do it now, starting with my sweet girl Lexa.
If you don't know Lexa, she's from this fic here. Not really necessary to read before this, you could read either first. I'm focusing on her Padawan era right now since that's what we've seen of her story so far. I'll be updating things as I think of them and as her story progresses. Not really in any particular order, I tried to keep them chronological but that got too hard so things jump around a bit lol.
(I am learning to draw right now so I can eventually draw my OCs and you can see what they look like instead of just relying on my garbage descriptions)
About Lexa: 
Born on Ryloth in 38 BBY 
She has light purple skin with darker purple spots everywhere (think like Kit Fisto's spots in the CW show).
She's tall, like most Twi'leks are (like she's almost looking the clones in the eyes when they meet).
Has a traditional Twi’leki name so she shortened it to Lexa for the sake of everyone else
She likes to let people try and pronounce it. She thinks it’s hilarious when they fail horribly. 
Luminara Unduli was the Jedi that discovered her on Ryloth when she was two years old. 
Her parents always wanted the best for her so they let her go.
She doesn’t really remember them since she was so young when she was discovered. 
Baby Lexa was absolutely in awe of Aayla Secura when they first met and followed her around.
She’s two years older than Ahsoka so naturally they were close as younglings. 
Absolutely got up to shenanigans, mostly instigated by Lexa.
Also close with Barriss since Force healing is Lexa's jam.
Was absolutely raging when Ahsoka was being framed for the attack on the temple. She knows Ahsoka wouldn't do something like that.
Was heartbroken over Barriss and Ahsoka's decision to leave, but supported Ahsoka's decision cause she just wants what's best for her friend.
Plo Koon took Lexa on as his Padawan when she was 14, two years before the war started. 
This only brought Lexa and Ahsoka closer and Lexa became a sort of big sister to Ahsoka. 
Plo wouldn’t let Lexa join him on any missions or campaigns for the first few months of the war. (He's secretly glad after what happened with the Malevolence).
Papa Plo loves his Padawan though and absolutely bragged about her to his troops non stop.
Naturally they all know who she is by the time she finally gets to meet them and go on her first mission. 
Wolffe was a bit hesitant at first, after all a literal child is going to join them.
Definitely gets annoyed by her and her excitement upon first meeting.
But after five minutes of knowing her he decides he will shoot anyone and anything that causes her harm. 
She really wins him and the pack over after the battle when he lost his eye. I like to think it happened not long after Lexa joined, and of course she was ready to throw hands with Ventress for hurting him. 
This sweet baby did everything she could for him and he decided then that this is his child and he will protec and he will attac.
Lexa loves the clones as much as Plo and would fight anyone who speaks badly of them.
Wolffe had a full blown panic attack after their first battle because Papa Plo really let this little baby out on the battlefield with no protection but a lightsaber. Unacceptable. (Not that he doubts her skills but he’s heard far too many horror stories from Cody about jedi losing their lightsabers mid-fight.) 
He had armor made specially for her. She doesn’t wear all of it when she fights but she wears some protection to appease him. 
Wolffe painted the Wolf Pack symbol on it himself. 
Lexa definitely didn't cry when saw it. 
Really tries to think up a way to attach her saber to her hand permanently during a battle because he’s not about to have her lose it and put herself at risk. 
Puts up with the shenanigans she gets into with Boost and Sinker.
His trouble twins are already a pain in his ass and then add his pup in there and he's in for a long day.
Was not at all prepared for the first time Lexa and Ahsoka were together after a combined campaign with the 501st. 
Lexa has trouble sleeping sometimes and thus the cuddle piles are born. 
She overthinks a lot because of her perfectionist nature. 
Wolffe doesn't give compliments often but absolutely will compliment his little pup. 
Warthog was the one that coined the nickname as a joke since Lexa liked to follow Wolffe around in the beginning. 
It stuck and now everyone knows she's the Pack's little pup. 
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@rosechi @bobaprint @star-trekker-0013 @wolffegirlsunite @jedi-hawkins
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mythical-illustrator · 11 months
For the ship ask game...
Grace, Bly, and Aayla 👀 😏
Let me tell you I have been thinking about this for two days! Thots be happening
*this will have two endings, a Happy endings and a post order 66 ending* I'll put the sad one below a cut.
Grace - half twi'lek former night sister turned jedi x Bly- commander clone xAayla- Jedi knight
(can't have one without the other 😊)
So Grace and Aayla grew up in the temple together since they were brought in. Ayala trained under Quinlin Vos and Grace under Shaka-ti.
Grace definitely developed a crush on her childhood friend.
They've been friends which switched into keeping each other company as hormones kicked in. Definitely each other first's - trust and safety to explore.
Grace's crush got worse because her friend is competent and beautiful and shes dying but it's fine. She will be content with what she has.
Ayala also has a crush but it's slower to build, taking trust and suddenly it hits her she likes her friend more than she should.
Jedi are not able to form permanent attachment (despite doing so often ) they trust and care for each other.
Then the war happens. Aayla fell in love with Bly because competent abilities, and sunny disposition.
Bly screams the - you get them sweetie I'll hold your flower. Tell me if you need me to shoot something.
Grace being a healer gets moved around a lot- and eventually gets stationed with Aayla and Bly.
She calls Aayla out on her crush and wonders why the Jedi hasn't slept with the man yet. Aayla makes some stuff about authority and inappropriate nature and Jedi codes.
Grace calls bs so she goes to set them up- she has the entire battalions support -they're tired of the pining.
She starts spending time with Bly, trying to get to know him. She trains, spars, talks to him. She gets why her friend likes him so much
Now she's got a crush on two beautiful competent people and she's dying inside.
Bly loves Aayla and would never do anything without her and wishes her all the happiness.
He spies in Aayla and Grace sharing a kiss one night and decided he would back off. He loves her and wants her to be happy even if that isn't with him.
Ayala - who has accepted her crush on both people and content to have what she can without asking for more is confused about all the time Grace is spending with Bly and starts to feel jealous - of which person she doesn't know.
The battalion is now groaning because they've got three miserable pining commanders now.
This goes on for a while- so much getting close and pining and trying to back off the other. The other clones are miserable
The command squad is miserable because now Bly won't shut up about two twi'lek Jedis.
Eventually it will all come to a head- via Quinlin
Quinlin id visiting his Padawan between missions at the same time Grace has been stationed (he always thought the crush the two twi'leks had in each other was adorable but didn't want to interfere i.e he promised Shaka-ti he wouldn't)
He whiteness this massive cluster fuck that is these three and is in pain. He calls obi wan- to complain about it, gets no help on that front and decides he's got to do something about it.
Organizing stranding them somewhere, temporarily of course. Finds a nice little planet the troopers can take their shore leave on. It's got beaches and lush landscapes and little huts.
Sends a message to the three of them- all marked with various urgency.
The three get there only to find everyone fine and I'n health and a letter from Quinlin telling them they should all just bone now.
Que blushing, explanations, clearing up Blys misunderstanding of Jedi rule of attachment. Grace explains poly relationships, crushes are revealed. Bly gets to watch two beautiful women make out then their eyes to him. He'll die happy now thank you
Bly gets to catch up on years of exploration and experience with two women showing him how they like to be touches
They spend the entire shore leave in that Hut.
Everyone is happy - only they're worse now. You thought these fools were love-sick before. Oh no, there complements and subtly flirting and looks across the room.
They create a force bond with each other, Bly can't feel them but they can feel him and support him emotionally as much as they can when times get hard.
Sparing is foreplay. I will not take any questions on that.
This will be the happy ending -
The war ends, Palps is discovered just in time, chips are removed. Bly gets two women cuddling him during his recovery, spoiling him with affection.
the Jedi who have grown to love their clones and the clones who love their Jedi start working towards going back to their peace keeping ways.
The three of them start going out together, helping villages negotiate peace talks, supply healing and care. Repairing the reputation the two have in the galaxy as a whole.
They never actually get married but emotionally they are as tied together as a clone and his Jedi ever can be. Aayla will one day take on a Padawan, and Grace will adopt a small company of baby clones to train as the next Clone / Jedi team.
Below is Cannon compliant ending
Oder 66 ending
Order 66 goes out when they are together but opposite sides of the scouting mission.
Bly turns his blaster on Aayla without hesitation and kills her. Grace feels it in the force just as the men turn in her.
She escapes, after killing so many men. She rushed to where she last felt Aalya and Bly, wondering what was wrong, what happened. Why why why !.
She gets there only for Bly to turn his blaster on her. He gets her across the chest as she turns to flee- injuring her greatly but she does escape.
She has to fake her death to do so, injuring herself further, and blowing up a few ships to sell it. But the clones think she died in a fiery explosion.
Grace steals a ship and escapes, hearing Obi wan's message. She flees to her birth planet Domthir to try and wait for the strange mess out.
Eventually Blys chip wears off, and he remembers what he did, he takes his blaster to himself.
Grace, trapped in Domthir feels him go. And it breaks her. She gives back into her night sister roots. Falls but is empty, she feels nothing.
She wanders the waste land of Domthir like a wraith, a witch that will kill anything she comes across. Even the surviving zabraks and other night sisters stay out of her way.
She wanders, waiting till she can be reunited with her loves, always muttering to herself
Why why why .
She will wander there till a surviving Jedi Padawan lands on Domthir many years in the future where he will eventually help put her out of her misery.
Thank you for the ask- i hurt myself.
But I love this ship now not gonna lie. Got to do some drawings of them now.
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@anxiouspineapple99 @sev-on-kamino @dangraccoon @523rdrebel @clonemedickix @secondaryrealm @multi-fan-dom-madness @wizardofrozz @starrylothcat
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soclonely · 2 years
Star Wars Secret Santa: Building Traditions
Happy holidays ! I hope you enjoy your gift! This is for you @hrtiu
Pairing: Bly x Aayla
Theme: simple holiday traditions and soft thoughts together!
Thanks to @lilhawkeye3 for running @starwarsfandomfests. You are so amazing and I love you very much!
Building Traditions
“Bly, darling I love you. But did we really have to go for the one piece matching pajamas?” Aayla laughs, examining herself in the bathroom mirror. “Its comfortable, don't get me wrong. But..”
“But what?”
“But I feel absolutely ridiculous.” She sighs, shaking her head. “What's the point of it?” Aayla makes her way out to the living room and sits down, taking the warm mug of cocoa Bly’s made for her. “Thank you.” She smiles, inhaling. “Extra chocolate?” she asks hopefully.
“And cinnamon.” Bly chuckles, landing on the couch next to her. “I know how much you like your cinnamon.” He takes a sip from his own mug and sets it down, turning to face Aayla. “I can’t believe you don’t like the matching pj thing! I made sure to get the softest set they had. And it's our tradition!”
“Tradition?” Aayla laughs. “Bly! It is our first Life Day together. We don't have any traditions yet!” She sets her mug down onto the table, and wraps her arms around him. “You silly man, trying to make traditions without me.” She kisses Bly right on the tip of his nose and smiles. “What am I going to do with you?”
Bly grins, pulling her into a tight hug. “Well sorry I can’t help myself!” He chuckles, sighing deeply. “I am just so excited to share my first holiday with the woman I love. I am just getting a bit carried away with taking it all in and exploring all there is to do and celebrate.”
“That's an understatement. You dragged me all over Coruscant yesterday to look at holiday lights. And if that wasn’t enough, you tried getting me to jump on a transport ship with you to check out lights on another planet!” 
“I thought it would be romantic!”
Aayla sighs, sitting back up. “Bly, is everything okay?” She asks softly. “I have loved everything we have done so far, but it seems like you are piling a lot of expectations into this holiday.”
The commander is silent for a minute. “Well, it’s just the first Life Day I am spending with someone other than my brothers and I just want to make it special, like they always did.” He looks up at Aayla and chuckles. “I know it’s a bit lame to say but.. I miss it. The chaos, the stupid traditions we clones made together.It always made it feel super special.”
“Oh Bly,” Aayla smiles softly, taking his hand in hers. “You could have just told me that from the start, instead of trying to find things yourself.” She plants another small kiss on his forehead. “Would you feel better if we invited a few of the men from the 327th over with us to stay for a night or two?”
“Force no!” Bly jumps in immediately, shaking his head. “No, I think I would prefer to spend it with just you this year.” He wraps his arms around her once more, leaning back into the soft cushions of the couch. “But, maybe we can take a look at some of the traditions we have and mix a few of my old traditions with our new ones.”
Aayla snuggles into him, rolling her eyes.“We don’t have any traditions.And the pjs do not count!” She tilts her head up to him and smiles sleepily. “We will have them some day though.We have plenty of time to find some of our own. But until then, i would love to learn about some of the traditions you and your brother share.”
“Alright then.” Bly chuckles. “I think I would like that very much. We have many Life Days to share. And besides,” he closes his eyes and sighs, the corners of his mouth slowly turn up. “It will be easier to make traditions when there are kids involved.”’
“Don’t you dare go there right now, commander.” Aayla yawns sternly, shaking her head. 
“Yes, General.” he chuckles, saluting her.
“Happy Life Day, Bly”
“You too, cyare.”
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minniethemoocherda · 2 years
Sins of the Past: Family Reunion
Summery:  A collection of drabbles set in my modern au where the Bad Batch raise Omega after rescuing her from the abusive hands of their mother. In this chapter, Omega gets a surprise guest at her soccer tournament.  
A/N: Oh wow last weeks episodes?!!?? I hope they reunite with Echo soon! And guess who is finally back on their old posting schedule haha! Xxxxxxxx
Omega hunched over her knees, struggling to catch her breath. She glanced up at the board at the end of the pitch which told her that there was only two minutes left in the game.
It was currently three all. Omega had scored two of the goals for her team so far with Numa having scored the third. If they scored one more, not only would they win the match, but it would mean that their elementary got to the chance to complete in the state soccer championships.
Omega took a quick peak up at the stands as the ball was kicked out of play.
In the front row sat the bad batch, each wearing a t-shirt with a letter from her name on it, even though Wrecker had gone to the restroom at some point so now they spelled OMGAE instead. Her eyes still rung from their cheers when she had scored.
The rest of her half- brothers and their partners were there too. Bly and Aayla had brought along pom poms in Numa's favourite colour teal. Dogma helped to hold up a sign for Katooni with Hondo who had recently been indoctrinated into the rest of the Fett family. Omega had missed that exact moment so she wasn't exactly sure what had happened but apparently it had started off a bit awkwardly as it turned out Rex had once had Hondo arrested. She was glad everyone seemed to be getting along now.
Mrs Organa blew the whistle as Kanan kicked the ball from the other side of the pitch in his position ad goalkeeper.
It soared across the field, landing besides  Omega's feet. She pushed the ball further up the pitch, darting from side to side to escape the other side's attacks.
Suddenly she found herself in the box, not more than a metre from the goal. Unfortunately there were three defenders blacking the path in front of her.
They were playing against a other elementary school so logically she knew that these other kids shouldn't have been older than her. But with their burly builds and tall statues, Omega wouldn't have been surprised if they it turned out that these kids were actually at least thirteen.
She could see the goal between their mass of bodies. Scoring a goal from her position wouldn't just be hard it would near impossible. Still she had to try. Plus if she scored a hat-trick, then she would basically be guaranteed that she would win man of the match.
Then out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a flash of distinctive green hair. Her feet moving before she'd even properly thought about it, Omega had kicked the ball to her right, landing perfectly in front of Hera.
Hera gave a quick nod of thanks before slamming the tip of her foot onto the ball. With the defenders so focused on Omega, they had left their right side wide open, so the ball curved smoothly around them. Their goalie made a mad dive, but the ball sailed past him into the net just as Mrs Omega blew the last whistle.
Omega could barley hear her own screams of joy as the screams of her brothers as they raced onto the pitch.
Wrecker lifted her high above his head so that she floated at top a sea of brothers both half and full all cheering her name.
"Congratulations!" Hunter shouted.
"But I didn't score the final goal!" She shouted back.
Wrecker finally let her down, giving Numa and Hera the opportunity to sit on each of his shoulders much to their delight.
Omega weaved through the sea of people to Hunter, who pulled her into a hug.
"Doesn't matter. There wouldn't have been a final goal without you."
Omega smiled against his cheek.
"Yeah that was a great game kid!"
Omega startled, recognising that distinctive voice. She pulled away from Hunter's side and turned her head in the voices direction to see Jango standing at the side of the bleachers.
She had told her father about the match but she hadn't expected him to actually show up.
Her half brothers clearly hadn't expected him to show up either, judging by the way that the cheers abruptly cut to silence at the sound of Jango's voice.
Omega was also now just realising that she wasn't sure how much Hunter had told the rest of their brothers about Jango being back.
Her family stood there in stunned silence, staring at the man that none of them had seen in nearly a decade when Dogma spoke up.
"Oh no. You do not get to show up now!" He cried, standing in a protective stance in front of Katooni and Hondo. "Not after I dedicated my entire life trying to be what I thought you wanted so that you would come home! Only to finally reappear when I give in to being myself!"
Out of all her brother's, Dogma was the one Omega had interacted with the least. But even she could tell that this burst of scared anger was out of character.
"Shut up!"
It was then that Dogma, along with the rest of them finally seemed to notice Boba at Jango's side.
"Who the fuck is this?" Asked Dogma, even though the family resemblance was blindingly obvious.
"Hey! Don't talk like that in front of my son!" Jango reprimanded.
Dogma blinked.
"Your son?"
Then Dogma, ex-police officer and stickler for the rules, punched Jango in the face.
Everything descended into chaos.
"Kick his ass honey!" Hondo cheered as Dogma's punch dissolved into a full blown fist fight. Boba, who must have taken offence at someone attacking his Dad, kicked Dogma in the shin. Omega wasn't about to let someone hurt her brother so she kicked him back. In retaliation Boba grabbed her hair and yanked. She screamed as clumps of of blonde curls were ripped from her head. She could hear Hunter shouting at Boba to let go, until Crosshair who had no qualms about fighting a child, shoved him away. Which only made Jango mad for someone hurting his son, so he tried to tackle Crosshair whilst still fighting Dogma. Omega massaged the side of her head as the rest of the batch tried to defend their brother. At the same time Rex grabbed Dogma, ignoring the chants of FIGHT from the triplets. She watched from where she was being held in Echo's tight grip as Cody and Obi-Wan, who had been trying to calm everyone down, until a wild elbow from Jango clipped Cody on the side of the head, so Obi-Wan took the opportunity to remind everyone why he was a black belt and threw his father in law over his shoulder.
Everyone froze.
Mrs Organa stood by the side of the bleachers armed with the ball in one hand and her whistle in the other. They all knew that she would need neither to defeat them all.
"I don't care what your issues are. But they will be dealt with off the football pitch and away from the children." She ordered.
Omega watched as Jango slowly picked himself up off the ground.
"It's alright, we were just leaving." He said, tugging a protesting Boba towards his motorbike.
"See you around kid." He shouted over his shoulder to Omega before speeding off.
Omega wished she could once again be lost in a sea of people as all her half-brother turned to stare at her.
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