rondeazy · 6 years
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My big sis @hellafamous11 is doing an event for womens history month on the 30th. If you care about the community and you care about #sanjose, you should be there. Her events dont disappoint. #squad #contentmatters #aasca #womenshistorymonth #hellafamous https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu4dHXHl9xC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=m8xvq432vki4
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chanmitaa · 5 years
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🔥🏐1st AASCA HONDURAS 2k19🏐🔥
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Astra Junica Umelen
Name: Astra Junica Umelen Nickname: Ash, your highness Age: 23 Birthday: unknown, but the king told the folk it was the 2nd of April Gender: Male Sexuality: Pansexual Species: Half Nymph, Half Human Appearance: just with milky blue eyes (Face-claim: Criedwolves)
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Height: 1,89 m Personality: Astra surprisingly has no interest in having power over others and doesn’t care for domineering attitudes at all. He prefers a more democratic approach and works hard to ensure that every voice and perspective is heard. His unshaken belief that all people are inherently good, perhaps simply misunderstood, lends itself to an incredibly resilient attitude in the face of hardship. However, Astra often takes his idealism too far, setting himself up for disappointment as, again and again, evil things happen in the world. At the same time, the man gives the benefit of the doubt too often, and so long as his principles and ideas are not being challenged, he’ll support others’ right to do what he thinks is right. Astra’s open mind combined with the ability to connect many far-flung dots into a single theme, makes it no wonder that his loved ones celebrated him as a poet while most strangers call him an airhead. When something captures the prince’s imagination and speaks to his beliefs, he goes all in, dedicating his time, energy, thoughts and emotions to the project. Even though his shyness keeps him from the podium, he is the first to lend a helping hand where it’s needed. However, only as long as he knows that what he is doing, is meaningful and gives him a sense of purpose and even courage him when it comes to accomplishing something he believes in. Meanwhile, Astra sometimes sees himself as selfish, but only because he wants to give so much more than he is able to. This becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, as he tries to push himself to commit to a chosen cause or person, forgetting to take care of the needs of others in his lives, and especially himself, even going so far as to neglect practical matters like day-to-day tasks including bathing, eating or sleeping. While putting all this effort into making others feel good, Astra often takes challenges and criticisms personally, rather than as an inspiration to reassess his positions. Avoiding conflict as much as possible, the prince will put a great deal of time and energy into trying to align his principles and the criticisms into a middle ground that satisfies everybody. Astra is also private, reserved and self-conscious. This makes him difficult to really get to know, and his need for these qualities contributes to the guilt he often feels for not giving more of himself to those he deeply cares about. Relationships: Xylia Faodonara – biological mother; 52 years old; human; farmer Esthan Leern – biological father; 232 years old; nymph Aasca Liluth Umelen – mother; 60 years old; human; queen Gorred Wynna Umelen – father; 58 years old; human; king Luthais Folwin Umelen – older brother; 29 years old; human; princ Arielle Olora Umelen – younger sister; 21 years old; human; princess Likes: the smell after it rained, growing flowers, fruity teas, bubble baths, so called “bad people” turning out to be actually kind/friendly, being read to, touching soft things, swimming, his hair being played with, not being judged for being blind, being hugged from behind by loved ones Dislikes: being told he looks good or bad, black tea, horse riding because he can’t see where he’s going, his biological parents, war, loud sounds, cold weather, being touched without being asked first, not being allowed to leave the castle’s ground, lying and being lied to, people disrespecting him/making fun of him, people disrespecting nature Hobbies: swimming, being read to, gardening, dancing, daydreaming Occupation: Prince of Islubia  Powers: can grow flowers and plants up to the height of 3 meters wherever he wants, can help plants to grow faster, he has very sharp senses besides his eyesight Housing: Castle Room: 👑 Virgin: Yes Position: Switch Turn-ons: unknown Turn-offs: unknown Other:
he’s blind
owns a white German shepherd named Nasir as seeing-eye dog even though he doesn’t really need him
is allergic to gold, it burns his skin if it touches the metal too long
has forbidden feelings for his brother but would never dare to act on them
knows he’s actual adopted
Backstory: Astra was the sixth child of a poor farmer’s wife and her affair. A bästard child like he was, definitely wasn’t something unusual in the village the small boy was born, after all, it was surrounded by a thick forest and therefore all kinds of attractive wood-creatures lived just next door, seducing both the married folk as well as the lonely ones. Normally, those mixed-humans were raised by their biological mother. However, Astra’s family hadn’t even enough money to feed themselves and their none bästard children, besides the baby boy’s eyes were a strange colour of milky green, an obvious sign that he was blind and therefore useless as another worker on the farm. His parents quickly decided to just put him in a basket and abandoned him on the river near the forest. They thought, if God would want the child to survive, he would help their son someway. It seemed like destiny really had planned greater things for Astra because to his luck, he was gently carried by the waves of the water quite far away from the small village he was born in, right into the arms of some reed. Near these plants, a maid, belonging to the king of the kingdom, was cleaning dirty clothes with the clear river water, humming some joyful tune while doing so. When hearing the lovely melody, little Astra began giggling and laughing, nearly immediately catching the attention of the maid. Said woman was always terrible at containing her curiosity and therefore quickly got up, abandoning the wet and dirty dresses, to look from where this childish laughter came from. After slightly pulling the reed out of the way, she found the young boy still giggling and laying in his little basket. Her heart of gold was too big to just leave the small child alone and to the dangerous creatures which would come for him to get an easy meal as soon as the sun would set. Finishing her duty, she took the basket with the baby in one hand while carrying the wet clothes in the other. Soon the whole castle knew about her found, the news even reached the king and queen themselves after some weeks. The sudden appearance of the baby seemed to be a sign of God himself for the royal couple, because not too long ago their only son and the future king got terribly ill and soon after him, his mother. The future of their kingdom was in danger if it wouldn’t have been for the homeless baby boy. Immediately, the king demanded that the maid should hand over the child, so he could raise him as his own flesh and blood, in the case of his biological son dying. The young woman was devastated, she really started to see the boy as her own child even though he was blind but of course, she knew, being a prince would give the small boy a brighter future than she ever could. Thus, Astra once again changed parents and was now raised as the son of a great king with a gigantic kingdom to rule over. Only a day later, the king announced that his wife had given birth to a new son and named the baby boy Astra. Already from the first day on with his new title, the blind boy got pampered by more than five young maidens who had to take motherly care of the new prince. Opposite the king’s expectations, neither his wife nor son died from their sickness and both recovered fairly well. The big question was now, what should they do with their more or less adopted child? The queen, not caring about some random kid now that her real son was alive and she was healthy enough to bear more children for her husband, wanted to just kill the baby and tell their people it was an accident, however, the king who learned to love the small boy like he was his own, disagreed with his wife and decided to just raise him like one of their own. Unwillingly the queen agreed, only being a mere woman, she had no right to speak against her husband’s words and just accepted the situation. However, the royal lady intended to never speak to Astra and just avoided him, obviously caring only for her biological son, who was also next in line for the throne. Said one, also didn’t really care too much for his new brother, seeing him as weak because of his disability to see, the two only ever interacted when they had classes together or when the older boy was forced to play with his younger brother by their father. Even though Astra was always quite the outsider, he never complained and actually grew very independent while learning to cope with his loose of sight and to use his other instincts more instead, gaining a very special skill, the human echolocation. Meanwhile, the queen gave birth to a daughter and started to ignore everyone besides her little baby girl. During this time, Astra and his older brother started bonding over the ignorance of their mother and instead started spending time together, growing inseparable even to this day on.
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2019box · 5 years
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Watching Nathan at Swimming AASCA. 
March 2019. 
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roizcriteriodigital · 6 years
El Nuevo Diario, lunes 26 febrero 2019
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Estados Unidos tomará nuevas medidas contra Venezuela
Precisamente, el vicepresidente estadounidense, Mike Pence, viajará a Colombia para participar en la conferencia del Grupo de Lima del lunes, donde tiene previsto reunirse con el presidente del Parlamento venezolano, ...
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ONU llama a resolver la crisis en Nicaragua
EE. UU. tomará nuevas medidas contra Venezuela
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Eurodiputado pide “casa por cárcel” para Miguel Mora
Presión internacional por los DD. HH. en Nicaragua
El objetivo es que la ONU adopte “una resolución para abordar la grave crisis de derechos humanos en Nicaragua”, en ...
Nicas ganan Torneo de Futbol AASCA
Esfuerzo. A 10 minutos de que terminara el partido final, Lincoln School de Costa Rica igualó el encuentro, debiendo recurrir ...
“Los bienes del fideicomiso ofrecidos a los inversionistas son activos valiosos”
Barney Vaughan. El presidente de Financia Capital explica que, a quienes invirtieron en esta empresa, les ofrece sustituir los bonos ...
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Gobierno y Alianza negociarán mediadores y garantes
Diálogo. Los mediadores y garantes son indispensables para el éxito de las negociaciones, afirma Mario Arana, presidente de AmCham, y ...
“Buena nota de Nicaragua en informe Gender Gap es una burla”
Delphine Lacombe. Socióloga e investigadora del Centro Nacional de Investigación Científica de la Universidad La Sorbona, de París, afirma que ...
Premios Óscar galardonan a “Green Book”
Cine. “Bohemian Rhapsody”, el largometraje sobre la vida de Freddie Mercury, fue la cinta que más premios se llevó este ...
Microfinanza pierde 100,000 clientes
Crisis. La caída del turismo ha golpeado a las micro-financieras en Nicaragua, mientras los proveedores de fondos interna-cionales les han cortado líneas de crédito debido al aumento del riesgo país.
Panamá impone bloqueos a transportistas de carga de Nicaragua y Honduras
Estas medidas surgen luego de que el Ejecutivo panameño evaluara la situación ...
Presentan voto razonado contra reforma fiscal
Inoportuna. La diputada Azucena Castillo afirma que el Gobierno pretende recaudar impuestos ...
Asamblea Nacional autoriza deuda de U$100 millones con banco de China, Taiwán
La ejecución del préstamo estará a cargo del Ministerio de Hacienda y ...
Green Book se lleva la gloria pero "Roma" ya es eterna
La 91 edición de los premios de la Academia repartió los triunfos ...
11:24 PM
El malentendido con Kepa, ¿señal de la pérdida de poder de Sarri en el Chelsea?
La actitud del arquero español Kepa Arrizabalaga, negándose a ser sustituido en ...
11 PM
Tercera parte de la saga "Cómo entrenar a tu dragón" acapara la taquilla norteamericana
La nueva película animada "Cómo entrenar a tu dragón 3" acaparó la ...
10:01 PM
Trump quiere cambiar la tradición del 4 de julio y dar un discurso
Cada año, decenas de miles de personas se reúnen en los enormes ...
9 PM
Los rostros detrás de la exposición “Líneas alternas”
Líneas alternas que llevan a un grupo de desconocidos, amantes del arte ...
8:32 PM
Iglesia católica dice que Honduras vive en una "escalada de odio y violencia"
La Iglesia católica dijo este domingo que la sociedad en Honduras vive ...
8 PM
C$ 32.48VENTA
C$ 33.35
C$ 33.30VENTA
11:40 AM
11:40 AM
-0.39DIESELLITROC$ 27.91
11:40 AM
-0.03GLP MGATANQUE 25 LBSC$ 275.25
11:40 AM
0.000.00QUEROSENOLITROC$ 29.95
11:40 AM
11:52 PM
-0.18OROONZA$ 1332.50
11:52 PM
-0.30CAFÉQUINTAL$ 100.00
11:52 PM
0.000.00AZÚCARQUINTAL$ 13.30
11:52 PM
Daniel Ortega confirma diálogo en Nicaragua
Monroy y la teoría de la conspiración de los reptilianos
Juicios a manifestantes son reprogramados en Managua
Ricardo Mayorga quema su último cartucho a los 45 años
¿Cómo vive el amor una feminista?
Veintiocho años de matrimonio y aquí seguimos
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Best experience ever, yet the most tiresome one. Oh God and it is all ending today and I don't want that to happen because it is just so perfect. Like, can I go to a school that is like that permanently? Just singing, and new friends, and concerts and music and just. WHY MUST IT END?! Why is this the last one? Why?! NOOOOOOOOOOOO. 
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sacoffeereview-blog · 12 years
SA Barista Comp Round Up
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What a weekend for coffee!
The South Australian Barista Competition was held over the weekend, returning to the Royal Adelaide Show.  To start off with I must say how pleased I am that the RAS came to their senses and got AASCA (AustralAsian Specialty Coffee Association – the governing body in all things coffee competitions in Australia) back this year for the comps AND placed them inside.  In previous years the competitions were held outside the Jubilee Pavilion in the food court.  Not only did this make it impossible to hear baristas as they went through their drinks, but added some harsh environmental factors for the baristas to deal with when pulling their shots.
Taking place inside the Jubilee Pavilion in an IKEA display kitchen the coffee geeks of SA were put through their places in order to determine who would be representing their state in Melbourne at the Australian Barista Championships in April (I think).  Friday we saw the SA Latte Art Competition and Cupping Competition.  Only two competitors stepped up to the challenge in the cupping, both being former SA Cupping winners, Brian Raslan from Cafe Bourgiourno and Johnny Pisanelli from From Scratch Patisserie (Johnny is a multiple time winner of the comp at state level, and two time winner at the National level), with Johnny walking away with the win.
Next up was the SA Latte Art Competition.  In an EXTREMELY close competition, with only 3 points separating third place and first, Bar Nine barista and former winner Daniel Freer walked away with the trophy, and a nice little spot on Channel 10 news that night.  A Fantastic result for Adelaide specialty coffee as not only were more people exposed to this fantastic art form at the show, but tens of thousands at home as well.  Here’s hoping that translates to more people hunting down their local specialty coffee store.
The following day the Brewer’s cup and Barista Competition were held.  Three competitors took the challenge in the first ever SA Brewer’s Cup Competition – Ian Callahan from Bar Nine, Hamish also from Bar Nine and Ramy from First Pour.  Ramy was visibly nervous but did a great job brewing with his V60.  Both Ian and Hamish used the talk of this year’s crop, the Panama Geisha (from separate farms).  Hamish had his single roasted by Auction Room in Melbourne, with Ian using 5 Senses.  It was a close battle between the two colleagues but in the end Ian walked away the winner.  I loved the ingenuity used by Ian with his brewing method.  The rules of the competition state that one cannot serve a cupping as their alternate brew – so Ian went through the motions of a cupping, however used a syringe to siphon out the brew and place it in cups to serve to the judges.  His logic – whilst cupping his coffee it consistently tasted the best when cupped so he wanted to deliver it in that form.  Fantastic work.  Ever the humble competitor Ian stated after the win that “The coffee won the comp’.  There is a reason why Ian is the foremost authority in coffee in Adelaide.
Finally the main attraction took place from 12:30 – the SA Barista’s Competition.  Contestants have 15 minutes to produce 4 espresso, 4 Cappuccino (sans chocolate) and 4 signature drinks to a panel of 4 Sensory Judges, 2 Technical Judges and a Head Judge.  First off the ranks was Mark Bowler, roaster for the Coffee Barun.  Mark pulled a beautiful routine with some of the finest looking shots of the day.  However he went 34 seconds over the allocated 15 minutes, resulting in harsh down scoring as a penalty.  Had he not gone over, I dare say Mark would have walked away with the win.
Next up saw Ben Allen from A Mother’s Milk take the stage.  I must say he did not look like a first time competitor while going through his routine.  Smooth and calm Ben put an amazing display of coffee making on show that impressed many.  He was followed by First Pour’s Head Barista Mike Wells – a competition veteran who has competed many times in the past few years, coming third and second in the last two comps respectively.  Mike’s routine quite simply blew me away.  I know that he has spent a lot of time with Veneziano’s head roaster (and Australian Barista Champion) Craig Simon over in Melbourne in training for the comp, and it showed.
Donald Wu was the second first time competitor for the day representing the patisserie Muratti.  Again, for a first time competitor Donald handled the pressure extremely well.  Finally Ilia Martini from Bar Nine presented his coffee as the last competitor of the day.  He was far more relaxed for this routine than last year where nerves got the best of him.  Ilia produced some great looking shots, and the coffee was sensational – I had the opportunity to sample his blend.
Ilia ended up taking out third place, with first timer Ben Allen coming second and Mike Wells finally winning the big one and capturing the SA Barista win.  Mike now begins his training for the National competition where he will compete in order to be the barista to represent Australia in the World Barista Championships to be held in Melbourne in May 2013.   
I sincerely hope that the other competitors of this year’s competition make the journey over to Melbourne to take part in the open heats.  Adelaide specialty coffee has grown leaps and bounds in the past two years and it is high time we show the rest of Australia that we have what it takes to be the best specialty coffee state in the country!
The following night at the after party at Pure Espresso down at the bay, Mike Wells once again took out another competition win, taking out the Latte Art Jamdown in front of a pack shop of Adelaide baristas and coffee nuts.  It was a great night and suggest all of you coffee  fiends find a way to head down to the next Jamdown wherever it may be in a few months time.
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storms-of-fate-blog · 14 years
To the AASCA technical judge girl from this week's barista competition
Couple of days ago, I went along to this becuase a good friend is competing. Not the barista part, but the coffee tasting part where he was placed 3rd last year, but moved up to 2nd this year. I'm very happy and proud that he is getting better, and perhaps we could be looking at major victories soon.
But I noticed you were standing next to the baristas when they were doing their best to make an impression on the drinking judges. Occasionally you'd check the big spoon thing with the ground in it after the coffee had be extracted. You were taking notes on, err the process in which the coffee was being made.
Believe me when my friend was sipping loudly through his tasting session I did not think about glancing in what I thought might be your general direction. But then again I don't need a 4th galance to make sure I remember the shoulder dark hair, the bright smile and I'm lost for words but something something Rachel Weisz dark eyes.
I think your name might be ... , well there are many girls there and you aren't the only girl judge either. The names are on the website of the competition it's not like I stalked or anything but I don't know which is which. Or You can be Rachel Weisz. I will go with that.
I think what you do is awesome, because I have no clue. But do you like other things? Do you like books? I have read about the, they are quiet good sometimes. Do you like music? I love the sound of some of those too. Do you like cars? I've got one, it's pretty old and noisy, but think of it as an old passenger aeroplane, when air travel was an occasion, and romatic. It is pretty practical, fits picnic baskets and coffee stuff, and it has an unique feature in that it has access to 5 billion square kilometers of open skies.
Do you like Bicycles? I do, and I have one too. I like them, they are efficient, simple, elegent and a sustainable mode of transport. It might use oil and grease here and there but most and the things I use are all bio degradable. There was also at once stage in history that the bike ride was romantic, and an occasion. It probably still is, this most noble of inventions.
Well I did smile at you, and you smiled back. I apreiciate that, and the fact you were super busy for the whole day. If you were looking for me a bit later, sorry I had to leave early and see my mother. Perhaps next time? You should remember me right? The guy that looks like an athlete?
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