#aang in the gaang comes closest but like. yeah
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Zuko + receiving unconditional love
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something that makes sokka extremely adhd relatable is that he's constantly looking for his Thing, the one Thing he's good at or useful for that makes up for any failings or flaws or ways he just can't measure up to others. at the beginning of the show he defines himself by being the oldest boy in the village & best warrior, but then he gets his ass kicked by zuko and suki and sees aang's raw power and he can't exactly think fighting is his special skill anymore. but he still thinks he has to be defined by fighting ('man of the house' daddy issues) so he calls himself the guy with the boomerang bc that's turned out to be his most useful and versatile and unique weapon, the one that other people can't outclass him at (after all, it's his most successful attack in his fight with zuko). when he loses it in "avatar day" he explicitly says it's like losing a key part of his identity and the moment katara goes "hey you're good at solving mysteries" he's like "yeah! i'm a detective! that's my new thing! and gets a new set of objects to signify it ("i believe in the power of stuff"). but detective sokka doesn't last bc throughout the entire episode he and katara are pretty equally matched in detective skills and he gets his boomerang back anyway. failed experiment.
and throughout all of this, he's figured out that people find his insistance on getting them fed & his grumpy comments funny and so he begins defining himself as the meat and sarcasm guy, and when he's a tough spot in "bitter work", bargaining with the universe to get him help, he offers that up as all he's got to give. it's obviously a Joke that he immediately asks for meat after telling the universe he'll give it up but it's also pretty indicative of how much he clings to these identities. it's all he's got (he thinks), of COURSE he can't actually give it up. they stuck that boy in a hole for 22 minutes and it revealed so much about how he sees himself.
at some point (likely around "the library" when he takes initiative to come up with a fire nation invasion plan) he also becomes the plan guy, the idea guy, and the gaang find themselves looking to him for leadership. this is perhaps the closest to fully encompassing sokka that any of his "[blank] guy" labels get, since coming up with plans involves planning when and how to fight (boomerang guy) & how to get everyone fed (meat), and people not following his plans is a major source of frustration (sarcasm).
this all culminates in "sokka's master", where the show finally names the underlying insecurity driving this quest - that he's a nonbender. katara being the last waterbender meant she was in danger and that keeping her safe was top priority, and even though hakoda and kya wouldn't have played favorites sokka probably felt a little like the unfavorite child for not being special like her. he lacks an ability, and believes his life has less value bc of it. almost like somebody with a disability and internalized ableism
(interesting, one of the people who most consistently mocks sokka for being a nonbender is toph, early on. toph has a lot of internalized ableism herself, a fear of vulnerability bc she doesn't want to perceived as weak like her parents thought she was. her bending is her disability aid, the thing that allows her to be stronger than people think, so she dismisses a nonbender until she learns better.)
piandao's response to sokka's lack of self-worth is not to train him to be great at one thing, but to introduce him to a variety of different arts, show him that his value lies not in having any one skill but in his capacity to learn and grow. there's no single thing that makes him worthy. it isn't even the combination of all of them that makes him worthy. he simply is worthy.
and i don't know if this is a unique narrative in fiction or anything but it really means a lot to me that sokka doesn't have One Thing that "makes up" for him not being a bender. he's of course extremely skilled and prodigious at many things he does in the show but there's no one savant talent that "justifies" him being in the group and i feel like so many disability narratives - especially for kids - go that route and i really appreciate that atla doesn't and simply says people are valuable because they are valuable, not because of their special abilities
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nono-bunny · 11 months
"The Fortuneteller" is such an interesting episode to me because like? Aunt Wu is never wrong in the end, kinda like how in "Jet" Sokka's instincts are always right as well- the show tries to play it off in the end by saying "sometimes they're right and sometimes they're not", but throughout the whole episode his instincts led him to eventually save an entire town! If they never ran into Jet, he WOULD have destroyed that town, not to mention how Jet does eventually change through his experiences with the Gaang, but! This isn't about Jet rn
Aunt Wu not seeing anything about romance for Aang while she DOES see it for Katara is strange to me if we're to assume he's the man she's ought to marry, because like? Wouldnt their fates be intertwined? Which is why it's a good thing I fully don't believe she WAS talking about Aang, and this episode unintentionally serves the anti-Kataang narrative so well its not even funny (well, okay, it's a little funny, seeing Aang get subtly rejected over and over is very healing). Even if we take out the fact that I believe she was talking about Zuko because, c'mon, he's a fantastic bender who already loves Katara a bunch by the end of the show (platonic? romantic? nevertheless they share an incredible bond)... The Avatar isn't the only "great bender" in the world by a long shot, and I'd argue Aang doesn't even qualify because of his poor work ethic and lack of interest in bettering himself, like- Aang is acknowledged by more ATLA fans than just me to be the weakest bender in the group (until he enters the Avatar state, at which point, he's just the weakest Avatar because he has no control of it) and? Yeah being born with the Avatar Spirit is never gonna be enough to become a great bender by itself, which is something even all the other Avatars aside from Aang seem to recognize, y'know?
I forget who it was, but I saw a post saying that in a better written show, this episode that has such a big focus on unreciprocated feelings would be when Aang recognizes his situation for what it is, recognizes seeing his own lack of interest in Meng when looking at Katara and her lack of interest in him, and have him start to accept that and move on, but... Aang ALWAYS shows himself to either be incapable of understanding or just straight up ignoring Katara's nonverbal cues, not to mention how he goes on to ignore her express vocalization of her discomfort with him, so.
This episode also has Bryke use Sokka as a mouthpiece to give a very incel-y feeling pick up artist lesson and? Yeah, what could I have possibly expected? For Sokka to show some consistency? He fr never takes his own "advice" here, it's so weird! He's always been very forthright about his feelings, so him teach Aang to play coy is so ooc for him unless the point they want to end up making is "love makes fools of us all", which. Doubtful
It's yet another episode with a morality lesson about "Destiny", but fr this one feels so weak when compared to Zuko's whole thing later on about CHOOSING his destiny, where we actually see him do it when he defies and upends his harmful legacy in favor of peace, because here? Here everything plays out as foretold, with a "you control destiny" messaging tacked on at the end- the cloud bending was cool, but I hate the implication that Aang legit goes on to twist and bend Katara to a shape he sees fit, right by his side forevermore, but... Yeah, that's fully what he does, so? Thanks a lot, I guess, Aunt Wu! Look what you did! He was the closest he ever comes to giving up in this episode, some tough love would've done the trick!!! But noooo, god forbid Aang has to face and acknowledge any sort of REAL rejection, Katara simply... Doesn't yet understand that her ultimate role in life is to end up as his trophy wife, that's all! God, fuck comics and LOK Katara!!!
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captain-azoren · 2 years
I want someone to tell me what "non-evil" thing Azula was supposed to do when Aang was going into the Avatar State that wouldn't have been incredibly incompetent or out of character or made no sense in general.
How would you have written Azula in a way that makes her less evil but keeps the story the same? Just make her smirk less?
I see a lot of talk about Azula's agency and the choices she makes, but if she's trying to win, why would anyone expect her to anything differently?
And before anyone starts, this is not making excuses, this is trying to understand where the character is coming from.
Azula sees Iroh as a traitor and a disgrace. She legitimately hates him. Of course she's going to do a lethal sneak attack on him. Zuko betrayed her, their family and their nation. He also hates her. Azula had no reason to like him, so why is it so hard to fathom she wants him dead by the end of the series?
Azula isn't going to feel remorse because she believes she is the good guy, or at least that the Fire Nation winning is for the greater good. And newsflash, so does the vast majority of the FN. If any other loyal soldier in the FN had to make those choices, they likely would have done the same.
Nearly every single FN soldier had been trying to kill these kids. That includes Zuko. Zuko was literally RIGHT THERE fighting Aang and Katara in the crystal catacombs, but he doesn't get called evil or heartless all because he was too incompetent to strike a killing blow on Aang while he was powering up and then later expressed regret.
Except Zuko only regretted betraying Iroh. Need I remind people Zuko hires a damn ASSASSIN to kill a 12 year old in the next season? If you think Azula coming the closest to killing Aang somehow puts her at a higher grade of evil than 99% of the villains who attacked the Gaang, you have moral myopia and are full of shit.
Azula isn't going to bat an eye at killing Aang because Aang being a child is secondary to Aang being the single greatest threat to her goal. You cannot reasonably expect her, within the circumstances, to politely ask Aang to surrender. You cannot expect her to just lay down and accept defeat when her level of skill, her tactical cunning, and her upbringing under Ozai all point her towards shooting Aang in the back.
Why shouldn't she try to kill Zuko and Katara? She's the enemy and he's a traitor. She hates them and she's pissed. This isn't some moral event horizon.
Azula hates Ursa because she felt neglected and that Zuko getting more attention was unfair. It might be a misunderstanding, but as a child it isn't Azula's responsibility to sort things out.
Azula has arguably the least agency due to her age and having the most oversight by a powerful adult, so yeah I'm not letting that go.
I'm not saying Azula isn't bad. She has a pretty unpleasant personality and dies some shitty stuff. But it's only some, and on the whole she isn't even particularly bad compared to the other villains in the franchise. Is the smirking bad? It is only if you consider having nasty thoughts to be a crime. A bad sign, but just a sign.
But that's all it really ever boiled down to, isn't it? That damn smile of Azula's that shows you just how much she enjoys hurting people. Well the fact is, no matter how much Azula seems to enjoy her actions, no matter how little remorse she shows, it doesn't make her actions any worse than if she had a cold, emotionless or angry frown. It makes her unpleasant, yes, but ultimately you have to judge people on their actions and less on their thoughts and feelings.
No matter how conflicted Zuko was, he still stole that girl's horse when he could have kept walking, hard as it was. No matter how jolly or enlightened Iroh was, he still waged war for decades.
If you expect me to forgive Zuko and Iroh for all their wrongdoings just because they turned things around, then I'm going to hold Azula to that same standard and say that, smirk or no smirk, her actions are, not excusable, but forgivable.
And yes, I do sincerely believe that Azula caused less harm to the world than Zuko and Iroh in the months she was actually active. I understand that conquering BSS was bad and burning down the EK would have been an actual atrocity, but I also understand that conquering BSS was something the FN as a whole was aiming for and burning the land have zero objections by any of the FN military.
Azula also suggests it to keep Zuko from saying something stupid and to get on Ozai's good side. I do not believe she suggested burning the land because she sadistically wanted to kill thousands of people. Azula probably thought it was a brilliant tactic for stampings out the last few rebellions for good.
Is it bad? Yes, it's very fucking bad, because Azula doesn't understand the sheer gravity of what she's saying or the devastation of Ozai's escalation. But that's true for everyone in that room but Zuko. It isn't JUST Azula, it's the whole damn Nation.
You know what Azula does that's just plain mean? Destroying a sand castle. Taunting Zuko about Ozai going to kill him is pretty cruel. Azula probably could have found a nicer way to get Ty Lee on her team.
But don't give me any bullshit about Zuko being Azula's abuse victim. It was a toxic rivalry. And I guarantee you if Zuko had gotten the upper hand on Azula sooner he would have done what he could to humiliate her, because he hates her out if envy, not just because she's mean.
And why should Azula be nice to Zuko, who is always belligerent and angry towards her for being better? That is how she sees him, in her eyes Zuko is the bad sibling who needs to be humiliated and taught a lesson because he's stubborn and entitled and spoiled by their mother who loved him even when he failed, unlike their father who gave attention when it was deserved and earned.
Yes, that's a fucked up way of seeing things, but that's how Azula sees it, that's what she believes is right, and you shouldn't expect her to know otherwise because she IS 14 and has no exposure to anything else.
Azula DOES regret some things, she regrets always having to use fear to control people, but as the series itself spells things out, it's literally all she knows, it's all that she thinks she's even capable of from her failed attempts at being normal in the Beach.
Azula doesn't think she has a choice,band if you don't think you have a choice, then THERE IS NO CHOICE. There is NO opportunity or chsnce to change without guidance, and what so many dumb casuals and antis just don't GET is that Azula really doesn't know right from wrong. That these supposed second chances she's getting to change her ways are utterly pointless if she lacks the wisdom to see them as choices.
None of us are excusing Azula, because that would defeat the purpose of wanting her to finally understand for herself what she did wrong and to get better, but we can't blame her for everything either.
Just because what she did wasn't right doesn't put her beyond forgiveness. The right thing to do would be to trying and actually guide her and help her, not just throw second chances at her and be shocked when she makes another bad decision.
This is a hard pill to swallow for some of you, but a victim is a victim, and no matter how bad or abusive they are, a victim NEEDS HELP. So get over your hangup and do something useful, and if you can't do that, then stay out of the way and let someone else help.
I'm sick of people trying to convince me to forsake a kid, no matter how cruel or messed up she is. Stop telling me to give up hope, stop telling me to keep fighting to save that one little kernel of goodness buried deep down.
I've been doing this shit since I was a teenager, both for myself and for actual people who made bad choices. Even if Azula laughed at Zuko's pain or was willing to kill, she deserves to heal from her abuse as much as she needs to right her wrongs. Fuck anyone who thinks it's okay for her to suffer.
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theowritesfiction · 2 years
'The Warriors of Kyoshi'
I know a lot is always said about Aang's childish naiveté and the way he sees the world and just wants to have fun, but often I feel the fact that Katara and Sokka are also very young, and this is their first time away from the South Pole, gets overshadowed by Aang's antics. Katara is immediately forced into this parent role for the group, but it never really gets addressed how much of a burden it really is. Seeing her suspicious of the EK food was a great little touch, like... this is a culture shock to her.
Suki! I honestly still can't believe that this was the only Book 1 appearance for Suki, and she would only be in two Book 2 episodes. It really feels like a crime. Especially because Book 1 badly needed more female characters among the main cast. Katara is pretty much the only regular. Suki having more regular appearances in Book 1 would have corrected this issue so well - missed opportunity.
Okay, so... time to address the airbender in the room. Aang is my least favorite character among the main cast, but for the first 3 episodes, I couldn't quite remember why. This episode reminded me. I really like Aang when he acts with wisdom above his age. Paradoxically, I like him the least when he acts HIS age. Why? Because, let's be real, 12 is about the most annoying age possible.
I'm going to give Aang 20 Jerk Points for this chapter. I was tempted to give him something for penguin sledding earlier, but I gave him a pass, but now with the elephant koi, the pattern is clearly repeating. The animals aren't there for you to ride, Aang. Leave them alone. Also, Aang trying to show off to a totally disinterested Katara, then Katara asking him to help her carry heavy supplies, and Aang just... refuses? I'm sorry, but... major dick move. 20 points are well earned, sorry, not sorry.
Ah, Sokka's sexism episode, I guess that's another elephant in the room. It's not pretty with Katara and it's not pretty with Suki. But you know what? Sokka got humiliated pretty hard, and he had the balls to come back, get on his knees and beg for forgiveness. That takes a lot of courage and humility. No jerk points for my man Sokka <3  
Interesting aside - Suki and her warriors were actually ready to feed the Gaang to the unagi, which is... closest to anyone coming to get killed? Makes me wonder if they've done that before, because... uh, they didn't actually seem uncomfortable? Eh, just makes Suki even more of a badass.
Alright, finally, Zuko burning down the village, I mean... what can you do, firebending is kind of hard to focus from spreading around, he didn't intentionally burn the village down to terrorize the people. He just didn't care? But I guess I can't ignore the outcome. 10 Jerk Points to Zuko.
Wait, did Aang get more Jerk Points than Zuko, even though Zuko burned down a village? Yeah, that's right, bucko. Jerk Points aren't about me trying to judge characters by some abstract objective morality. Jerk Points is all about who annoys me more.
Zhao - 50 Aang, Zuko - 20 Iroh - 5
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fuckyouozai · 1 year
Man now I can’t stop thinking about Bumi being the first of the Gaang kids are born because Aang and Katara have one conversation about how Yes it would be Nice to have a family (aang wasn’t certain at first because the grief of his people is so heavy and he’s scared of projecting that onto a little baby airbender). And a few months later, i keep thinking it’s AT zuko and Mai’s big official fire nation royalty wedding, katara is like AANG. UHHHHh
They probably are like oh shoot should we speedrun getting married. Should we tell everyone we got married in secret. [aang voice] should I make you a betrothal necklace [katara voice] I already have a necklace should I make YOU one. Aang explains air nomads actually didn’t have a marriage ceremony anyway so they can always tell that to gran-gran see if she’ll accept that excuse
They keep it a secret and sokka and suki are like👀 until we get a classic misunderstanding moment where katara takes her brother outside and is like sokka…..aang and I are…. And he’s like oh NO I KNEW this would happen. You guys I know things feel different now that we’re all grown up but I KNOW you two were made for each other- and she has to go we’re not breaking up! We’re! Gonna have a baby!
And sokka naturally freaks tf out he’s Sooooooo happy!! He’s gonna be an uncle!! Katara thought he might also be put off by the fact they’re not married but sokka drinks respect woman juice every morning and is like marriage is a patriarchal institution of ownership over women’s bodies anyway! And suki is like yeah! What he said! Or sokka is like WAIT!!! YOU CANT GET MARRIED!!! And aang is like [oh no] why not?? And sokka’s like. I’m the firstborn!! You’re not allowed to get married before me!!! And katara is like BOO then why don’t you ask suki already! And sokka can sulk
I would want them to travel back to the southern water tribe for a marriage ceremony except by that time it’s been a few months and katara is starting to show but fortunately big bulky South Pole parkas can help with that! But then idk. Papa hakoda walks in on her getting ready or something and [sees tummy]. But he’s just so proud and happy for them!!! He loves aang so much!!!
Then they can go on a journey to some of the air temples with sokka and suki and talk about cleaning them up and maybe restoring one so they can have a part time home there. Southern air temple seems most obvious cuz it’s closest to the water tribe, but I also think aang may find that difficult because of all the memories. Plus there’s something a little beautiful about leaving gyatso there untouched as a monument to the strength and power of the monks
Eastern and northern are too messed up, so maybe western air temple is where it’s at. I imagine zuko would offer to help rebuild since it’s relatively close to the fire nation, but that’s aang’s call of course. Anyway naturally katara goes into surprise labor early and aang and suki help her thru it while sokka just holds her hand and pats her forehead lmao. Baby Bumi! I still don’t know why he’s named after Bumi it seems so silly. If anything give us baby kuzon to memorialize the reconnection of the nations and end of the war (extra points if he’s an airbender but I do kind of like first baby being a nonbender)
Anyway the point is. 22yo aang and 23yo katara roll up to the fire nation with a baby strapped to aang’s chest and are like HELLO and zuko and Mai are like :O
Bumi just gets to be surrounded by all his uncles and aunties and absolutely spoiled by all of them until Izumi eventually comes along 3-4 years later. At which point katara and aang pop out Kya
I stick to what I said, I like sokka and suki never having kids. Not for lack of trying! It just doesn’t happen for them and that’s ok. They continue to be the cool uncle and auntie. Tho if sokka becomes chief and has no kids, it would fall to katara or her children afterwards, tho if you consider that sokka is explicitly identified as a peasant rather than a prince or anything it’s very possible that hakoda was in fact Chosen by the village vs inheriting it. So that’s not an issue. The southern water tribe chooses Democracy lol
It would be funny if Mai and zuko only had one kid tho. Or maybe Izumi and then 15 years later a baby sister, like Mai and tomtom. Meanwhile Lin and suyin are within 2 years of each other and both about kya’s age. I like to think there’s a fairly big gap between all 3 kataang kids. Maybe 5-6 years between Bumi & Kya and 4-5 years between Kya & tenzin. That feels about right based on that one pic of them. (Perhaps that is not a Fairly Big gap but my siblings and I are all 2 years apart like clockwork)
I’m not gonna think about next gen cuz frankly I don’t care but I guess the order would be bumi, Izumi, Kya, lin, suyin, tenzin, potential 2nd maiko baby. Maybe maiko was really resistant to a 2nd baby due to the whole heir and a spare situation. On the other hand, I’ve always thought of zuko having a big family. 5 maiko kids would be great except that I can’t do that to poor Mai. And I do like the idea of aang and katara having the most kids out of the whole group. 2nd maiko baby can be Lu ten actually yes that’s perfect. Zuko asks his uncle for his blessing and Iroh is the best uncle on earth to this little baby with his late son’s name. So good!
Wait I take that back. Izumi and Lu ten TWINS!!!!!!! Izumi is 20 minutes older which is why she becomes fire lord. Also Lu ten is simply not interested. Also also eventual shift to constitutional monarchy where the fire nation royal family is much like UK royal family, except less evil LOL. Yeah Izumi and Lu Ten as twins who are just a few years younger than Bumi is really good that’s what I’m going with. Those playdates are so insane
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Hello! Could i request a Sokka imagine where the reader is Tophs older sister who tries to leave her home when Toph join the Gaang? The MC is an outcast in her family, even by Toph. Toph doesnt want her to join because she claims she cant bend so shed be useless, this makes Sokka defend her and she joins along. The real reason shes an outcast in her family tho, is because shes a fire bender, and she has to hide her secret, only reavling the truth by accident after protecting Sokka in battle.
i absolutely loved this concept and i finally managed to finish this fic, i am so sorry for the long ass wait, but i'm starting to catch up on some old requests. hope you like it!
Secrets (Sokka x Fem!Reader)
Warnings: none i think
Genre: Fluff i guess
Fandom: Avatar The Last Airbender
Summary: See request
Word Count: 1938
Reader uses she/her pronouns
Being home was too much for (Y/N). She felt like she was invisible in her own family. The Beifongs had taken her in when she was little, but when they found out that she was a firebender, things changed completely.
When Toph was little, they were quite close, but then her parents managed to break them apart. They'd tell Toph that she was dangerous but also that she was useless because she couldn't bend.
So during the last few years, she felt like an outcast. She would go to the ring most of the time and analyze the movements of the fighters, trying to train herself. She eventually managed to improve her firebending, which had an unique style based on earthbending, but she still had a lot to learn.
She stopped going to the ring once she realized that Toph was the Blind Bandit, she didn't want to run into her outside of the house, but kept practicing on her own.
But suddenly one day the Avatar came to her home. He was looking for an earthbender teacher and she immediately knew that the person he was interested in was Toph. Dinner was a little awkward, but once everyone was ready for bed, things seemed much calmer.
(Y/N) was outside the house, enjoying the fresh air of the night when suddenly, she heard her sister talking.
''Even though I was born blind, I've never had a problem seeing. I see with earthbending. It's kind of like seeing with my feet, '' she said. ''I feel the vibrations in the earth, and I can see where everything is-- you, that tree, even those ants. And also my sister around here somewhere,'' she chuckled at her words. Even though they didn't have the best relationship, it was nice hearing Toph call her her sister. It made her feel a bit normal, even if back at the house she was still an outcast.
She stopped paying attention to the two kids and lost herself in her thoughts, but she got out of her trance when she heard an unfamiliar voice. (Y/N) went running back to the house and desperately called her parents.
''What's the meaning of this?'' Asked her father, clearly annoyed at the noise.
''Toph and the Avatar! Someone took them!''
Everyone went outside, following her, and they realized that the captors had left a note.
''If you want to see your daughter again, bring 500 gold pieces to the arena,'' read the girl from the Water Tribe. ''And it's signed 'Xin Fu and The Boulder.'''
''Master Yu, I need you to help me get my daughter back.''
''We're going with you,'' said the waterbender.
''I wanna go, too,'' said (Y/N). She was looking at her father as the words left her mouth.
''No, you can't come, (Y/N), you-.''
''I don't care. I know you've broken the relationship between me and Toph, but she's still my sister and I want to go.''
''You're not a bender, (Y/N), it would only be for the worse.''
''You know I can help,'' she muttered, knowing that her father knew what she meant.
There was a small pause while they shared a look. ''Fine, you can come, but don't try to do anything you might regret.'' He walked away from her and soon they all headed towards the arena.
Once Toph was free, her father finally saw what she was capable of. The way back to the house was awkward, to say the least.
After the conversation that Toph had with her father, there was a bigger tension in the house than usual.
A few moments later, (Y/N) heard some noise close to her room, and when she opened the door a little, she realized that her sister was escaping. She considered the idea of staying home, of being the only Beifong daughter and she couldn't think of something worse.
So as fast as she could, she changed her clothes to something more comfortable and ran quietly outside.
"Wait, guys! Please!" Said (Y/N) while running towards the group. "I wanna come too," she told them. "Please?"
She could see how Aang, Katara and Sokka all started nodding with smiles on their faces, but whem she looked at Toph, her expression was completely different.
"You can't," said the girl.
"What? Why not?"
"Yeah, Toph, what's the problem?" Asked Katara.
"Look, (Y/N), I don't mean to offend you but why would you even come with us?"
"Because I don't belong here, and you know it."
"You're not a bender, you would only be a liability to us."
"Hey! Don't be like that, Toph!" Exclaimed Sokka.
(Y/N) already had some tears on her eyes but quickly got rid of them. She didn't want the others to see her cry.
Sokka got down from Appa and stood next to (Y/N). "(Y/N) is coming with us, okay? Now let's go, we don't want to waste any time." He grabbed the girl by the arm and helped her get on top of Appa.
During their whole journey away from the Beifongs' house, Sokka and (Y/N) talked a lot.
He liked having someone like him around, it made him feel like he wasn't so alone; and she liked feeling like someone cared a little bit about her.
The days went by and (Y/N) could finally tell that she'd found her new family. Even her relationship with her sister had improved significantly since they'd both left home.
Still, no one knew that she was actually a firebender. She hated lying to everyone but she also didn't know how to tell them; in her head, she thought that they wouldn't want her to be with them anymore, she was afraid.
"Hey, (Y/N)," she heard someone say. She looked up and saw Sokka standing next to her. He took a seat by her side. "What are you thinking about?"
"Hi, Sokka. It's nothing, really," she tried to sound convincing but knew that she'd failed. Out of everyone in the group, Sokka was the one she was closest to. She even had a little crush on him, and the fact that she was lying to him was destroying her.
"You always say that but I never believe you."
"I already told you, Sokka, I can't talk about it." She looked at him and he gave her a sympathetic look.
"You can tell me anything, (Y/N). And I promise I won't tell your secret to anyone else."
"No, I can't. You'd hate me if I told you, trust me."
"What? I could never hate you!" He exclaimed and she smiled a little. (Y/N) knew he believed what he was saying, but would it still be true even if he found out what she really was?
Sokka took one of the maps he'd taken from the library, trying to decipher it while still enjoying (Y/N)'s company.
"Waterbending bomb!" Katara yelled from afar, and then everyone saw her get into the water, splashing everyone.
"Sure, 5.000-year-old maps from the spirit library. Just splash some water on 'em," complained Sokka.
(Y/N) couldn't help but giggle a bit at his reaction.
They had to figure out a way to finally get to Ba Sing Se, and The Serpent's Pass seemed to be the only way, but that was until they met a couple that told them about the ferries.
However, the plan was a total failure, so the only option they had left was the dangerous Serpent's Pass.
It wasn't easy, but they eventually made it to the great city of Ba Sing Se. But there was something waiting for them there: a drill with the Fire Nation insignia on it.
It was obvious who was behind that, the Fire Nation princess herself, along with her two friends. Luckily, Sokka came up with a plan, they were going to take the drill down from the inside.
"Okay, we're gonna go with Toph and then we'll get inside of it, okay?" Sokka said.
They all nodded and got ready to go, but the earthbender suddenly stopped for a second.
"(Y/N), I think that you should stay here."
"What?" She was confused. They had been getting along a lot better lately, but that comment took her by surprise.
"You could get hurt, it's not safe. Plus, well, you can't bend and you know that."
"Toph, I can take care of myself, okay? I told you a million times before!"
"I know, but-."
"She's coming with us," interrupted Sokka. "She is one of us and we won't leave anyone behind, okay? And she's not helpless, Toph."
The little girl tried to say something, but the young boy didn't let her.
When they finally reached the drill, Toph stayed outside, and the rest of them went inside.
"I need a plan of this machine. Some schematics that show what the inside looks like. Then we can find its weak points."
"Where are we gonna get something like that?" Asked Aang.
"Maybe we should break something, then some engineer would have to come to fix it," suggested (Y/N).
"Good idea," said Sokka, and he got on with it.
Once they had the map, they knew what they'd have to do, but it wasn't going to be easy.
Aang and Katara had to cut through the braces of the structure, but they turned out to be a lot thicker than they thought. They luckily realized they didn't have to cut all the way through them, instead it was enough with just cutting a little to weaken them.
All of them were focused on the braces, so the only one that noticed the three Fire Nation girls was (Y/N). She realized Azula was about to blast some fire towards Sokka, and she quickly pushed him away and instinctively threw some fire at her, too.
Everyone was shocked, even the three girls that were trying to fight them, but there was no time for explanations.
Katara, Sokka and (Y/N) escaped through the pipeline and even though the battle wasn't over, as soon as they were out of the drill Sokka started interrogating (Y/N).
"You were a firebender this whole time? Why didn't you say anything? And why doesn't Toph know? I mean, she's your sister and- Wait," he made a pause, suddenly realising something. "That was your secret, right?"
She nodded slightly, and looked away to try and hide her blushing face.
"(Y/N), how could you think we would ever hate you for that? That I would hate you?" She could see the hurt in his face, and she hated herself for it.
"The Fire Nation is the enemy, so I guess I figured you wouldn't want me in your team anymore if you found out where I'm really from."
"(Y/N), you can't change where you come from, and we would never hate you for that," said Katara in a sweet voice, still using her bending against Ty Lee.
Sokka wrapped his arms against (Y/N), which took her by surprise, but she quickly wrapped hers around his waist. "Thank you for protecting me back there. And once again, I could never hate you, okay?" They pulled away just a little to look at each other and then he kissed her forehead.
They knew they were still in the middle of a battle and that Katara was just a few meters away from them, but right there in that moment, it didn't matter. It was only (Y/N) and Sokka, wrapped around eachothers' arms, finally starting to realize their feelings for one another.
@talas-starlight @just-a-belgian-girl @sorrythatspussynal @siriuslyslyslytherin
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passable-talent · 4 years
Hello! I am so sorry to request zuko, I know you've had a lot of him but could you do a fic where zuko and the reader meet in the tea shop when they get a job there and they grow really close and start to fall for eachother but the reader ends up joining team avatar just as zuko teams up with azula and the reader is angry and confused with him and doesn't know how to feel when zuko shows up to join the gaang after all they heard about him and Mai and him betraying them and iroh in ba sing se
also I really love the days of Lee just after Zuko’s illness, I wish we could’ve seen more of that side of him. When he was just happy and had so much of his heart to give, before Azula came back and ruined it :/
roe, about five hundred words down and not even halfway through the request: I guess I’m staying up late tonight
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After hearing your friends raving of a new tea shop in the upper ring, you agreed to a trip there. You were so damn busy with your schooling, you were training to be in the Dai Li after all, but you could afford to take an afternoon off to sit with some old friends.
You were never much of one to take part in conversation, merely sitting back to listen. You had sat in the chair closest to the wall, leaning back with your feet propped up on someone else’s chair as you sipped tea and listened, eyes drifting all around the shop. The owner and waiter seemed very nice, and the tea was delicious, though the scar of the young waiter interested you. You knew very little about the fire nation, but you did know that an attack by a firebender on an earth kingdom citizen would not be tolerated. Even a fire nation citizen was not above the law of the Earth King!
After that evening, you decided to learn a bit more about the staff of the Jasmine Dragon. You became a regular customer, bringing your texts up to the shop, and sipping tea while you studied. You learned the name of the waiter, Lee, and that the owner was his uncle, called Mushi. They were kind, and soon enough Lee could recite your order before you could even ask it. Your friendship began slowly- from his small smile when you walked in the door, to inviting him to sit with you when he had a moment to rest.
One night, Mushi dropped a tea pot and made a noise of distress when it shattered. You left your textbooks on your table and went to help clean it up, feeling as though it was the right thing to do, especially since the shop was packed and Lee had other things he could be doing.
“I’ll fix it for you, if you like,” you told Mushi, “I’m an earth bender. But it won’t look the same, though.” Mushi gave you a bright smile, insisting that you didn’t need put the effort in, but you gathered your schoolbag and dumped the pieces into it anyway.
That night, you stayed up a bit too late with the candlelight and reassembled the pot. It was a slow process, and just as you expected, the cracks were still visible. The earthbending, you suspected, reshuffled the porcelain back into the clay it was original formed from, and so the pot didn’t look nearly as nice. But it did hold water, and stood up to heat, and Wushi thanked you profusely when you gave it back to him the next day.
A week or so passed, and Mushi invited you to stay past the hours of the shop to have tea with him and his nephew personally. You accepted, eager to talk with them, and learn more about them. Mushi spoke of Lee, and how proud he was of ‘the man Lee was becoming’, and was happy to listen to your discussion of your schoolwork. It seemed, though, that he had an ulterior motive, as before the night was up he offered you a job.
“I’ve got the money to pay you a small salary,” he said, “and Lee could use the help, since we’re getting so popular.” You accepted, gratefully, and started work after your morning lecture, helping with the lunch rush.
It happened so fast, that you could barely process it all.
You friendship with Lee grew until the two of you would flick water at each other while wiping down tables. You would take your breaks together, throw up your feet in a back room, and complain about one unruly customer or another. You’d tell him stories about your training, and he’d tell you stories about his travels with his uncle before coming to Ba Sing Se. Your favorite moments were when Mushi would shove Lee and you out the door, insisting that he could close up shop alone, and that the two of you should get some fresh air.
You shouldn’t say that you fell in love with him, but the spring months of 100 AG were lovely.
Everything changed one afternoon when you came into work and found it empty. You were worried, and dared to wander up and into Mushi’s apartment, finding it empty as well. Just as you were about to leave you ran into Mushi, who asked your help, explaining that he needed to hurry, and he’d give you information along the way. You agreed, and somehow, ended up at the house of the avatar.
The day went so fast, so ridiculously fast, as you bonded with Toph and Sokka, and grew more and more worried for the fate of Lee- or was it Zuko? This whole time, you’d been flicking water at the banished Fire Prince? You’d been taking dating advice from General Iroh, the Dragon of the West?
It was a lot to take in. Even more to take in was the  treachery of the organization you were readying to join, and suddenly you couldn’t do it, you couldn’t stay in Ba Sing Se knowing everything that had been hidden from you. So you vowed, at first, to join Iroh and Zuko on their journies away from Ba Sing Se and the fire nation.
Then Zuko betrayed Iroh.
It was something you never could have predicted. This boy, who gently tended to a wound on your arm when you’d brushed against a scalding teapot, who’d held your hand on walks around the upper ring, who’d laughed with his uncle and smiled and had seemed so undeniably good-
This boy had betrayed Iroh and condemned him to prison.
You were angry and hurt, because not only had be betrayed Iroh, but he’d betrayed you. His masquerade, you could forgive, as he was a banished prince, after all. But he sided with the Dai Li, who’d lied to you, and attacked the avatar who’d come to rescue him, and nearly turned his bending on you upon the instruction of his sister.
You were so angry.
So you left with Katara. You helped her escape and reunite with the others, allowing you and Toph to navigate the five of you to safety.
You assisted them as best you could through the spring and summer. You learned stronger forms of earthbending from Toph alongside Aang, and offered your input on his training as well. You helped fight Combustion Man. You fought beside Hakoda on the Day of Black Sun- even facing down firebenders with heartfelt ferocity, remembering how it had felt the first time firebending was turned to you, back in the catacombs of Ba Sing Se. As months passed, more and more anger settled in the pit of your stomach, even as Aang told you to let it go, but he didn’t much help as he told you all the things that Zuko had done before you met him.
None of it made sense. Not to you. It felt like two different people- the boy who laughed with you, and the boy who turned against you.
It made even less sense when Zuko reappeared.
You’d like to say that when you saw him, all you felt was rage, but that wasn’t true. You were happy to see him again, because the lightness of his tone, forced as it may have been, reminded you of the Lee you’d known. But anger corrupted even those feelings as you stalked forward, interrupting his words, watching his expression as he recognized you.
“Y/N?” He asked, surprised.
“Yeah,” you said, and then you raised your hand. You wanted to smack him, but you realized you’d raised your right hand, and if you dealt the blow, you’d hit his scar.
And that felt cruel.
So you exhaled your anger and turned from him, letting your eyes slide to Katara, and then Aang.
“You guys decide this. I’ll have no part in it.”
And you left his sight.
have this meme because that was a really angsty ending
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edit: | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8 |
-🦌 Roe
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slythergirlimagines · 4 years
Life Changing Adventures with Zuko
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Summary: Zuko and the Reader get into some trouble when they meet a witch who switches their bodies. The Gaang tries to help them switch back. Pretty much fluff, not much angst! (GIF is not mine, but I absolutely love it!) Words: 5,659   Request: Yes Masterlist
****Also, would you guys be interested in me making a masterlist of all my fics? Let me know!
                    Life Changing Adventures with Zuko
  You should have never come here. That’s what you’re thinking as you and Zuko climb up the incredibly tall, dangerous mountain to see what’s in the mysterious cave.
  “I don’t like this.” You say, crossing your arms in an effort to preserve some sort of body heat. Of course, Zuko didn’t have to worry about the cold and he seemed no more bothered with this excursion than he would be anything else.
  Zuko glances back at you, black fringe hanging in his amber eyes.
  “Just calm down, we’re nearly there.” He says, and continues his climb up the winding, steep path.
    You roll your eyes, but hurry to match his pace. You definitely don’t want to fall behind in this place, but Zuko’s long legs are growing increasingly hard to keep up with.
  You can feel it in the air that something’s not quite right. There’s an undercurrent of something undefinable. Like magic. It hums all around you, and gives you goosebumps.
   Up ahead, the wind whips through Zuko’s raven hair. It also blows his tunic tight against his body, and you can just make out the contours of his muscles.
  Mentally, you slap yourself. Why do you care about Zuko’s muscles? He had chased you and your friends for months, and he had been responsible for a myriad of bad things that had happened to you. You had forgiven him, but you guys fought all the time. Your bickering often drove your friends crazy, and had been nonstop since he arrived. 
   “Life changing adventures with Zuko.” Toph had once called the personal journeys your friends had taken with him. You and Toph were the only people who hadn’t had one, and you certainly hoped today wasn’t your day.
   Zuko stops and cocks his head, listening. You slowly approach him, taking care to keep silent. If Zuko was concerned then you should definitely be concerned as well. Your eyes dart around, but you don’t see or hear anything out of the ordinary.
  The sun is starting to set, and it’s making this damn mountain even colder than before. The trees cast long shadows over the path, and it all feels foreboding. Subconsciously, you gravitate closer to Zuko.
  “Remind me what we’re doing here, again?” You ask. You’re trying your hardest not to show any fear, but everything in your body is telling you to leave.
   Zuko squints and stares in the direction of the cave.
   “Aang asked us to check it out.” He says in his low rasp. This however is partially untrue.
  Aang had asked you to go check it out, not Zuko. Aang claimed that something felt wrong up here, but he was currently trying to the closest village from being occupied by Fire Nation troops and didn’t have time to check. You weren’t a bender, but you were a capable warrior, and Aang trusted your abilities.
   Zuko, on the other hand, had volunteered the moment you agreed to go. He claimed that it was because he couldn’t have Fire Nation soldiers recognize him, but his hastiness made you suspicious. He was always doing that, hovering around you during missions and tasks. It got on your nerves how little he trusted in your ability to defend yourself.
   “I don’t think we should be here.” You reiterate. “It just feels....”
   “I know. I feel it too.” Zuko says. He turns to you and offers a large hand. Sighing, you take it and allow him to lead you closer to the cave.
   Zuko stops behind a tall tree, and peeks his head around to observe. The tree is hardly wide enough to conceal his broad shoulders, but at least you are in the shadows. You notice that you are still holding his hand, and drop it before he can read too much into it.
   In an effort to look busy, you squint into the dark, trying to make out any sort of object that could be important. Without Aang here it is virtually impossible to know what you need to find.
   Zuko seems to be following the same train of thought as you, and scans the area with his eyes. The light is almost dark enough to conceal his scar. Your fingers twitch with some foreign urge to trace over it. You ball your hands into fists. Maybe you just want to punch him in the face.
  “I don’t see anything.” Zuko mumbles, still watchful.
   “Me neither. I say we go back to camp and tell Aang that there’s nothing up here.” The wind has picked up since you got here, and you’re teeth are chattering.
   Zuko notices your shivering for the first time, and rolls his eyes. He flexes his fingers, and you can tell what he’s about to do from the look on his face. You can’t have him firebend here.
   “Don’t.” You say harsher than necessary.
  “You can’t give that away, especially if someone’s here.” You hastily add. You don’t know why you’re suddenly so concerned about sparing his feelings.
    “Yeah...you’re right.” Zuko says, but there’s a strange look in his eyes that you don’t quite understand.
    Suddenly, the cave bursts into life and a bright light pours through it. The hairs on your arms prickle as the hum around you intensifies. You can practically taste whatever it is in the air.
   “We need to get closer, see what’s going on.” Zuko says, “Maybe this is what Aang meant.”
   You swallow loudly, but nod your consent. Hesitantly, you trail behind him, nearing the cave. The light illuminates the wideness of its mouth, and its seemingly never ending depth. Anything could be in there, but what could be of any importance to you?
   However bad you think the idea is, you know you have to go inside. Something is waiting for you in this cave, and you have to face it.
   You look to Zuko to see if he’s come to a similar conclusion, and you find the same grim expression on his face. Locking eyes, you nod at each other, and start the trek inside.
   Zuko lights his fists on fire, and the flames dance around his knuckles in beautiful patterns. Even though you wish he wouldn’t bend, it’s Zuko’s flames that you focus on to keep yourself from becoming panicked. For the first time, you’re truly glad he’s there with you.
   So focused are you on Zuko’s flame, that you don’t notice that someone is sneaking up on you. You hear the sound of their footsteps too late, and then everything goes dark.
  You wake up to a pounding in your head. Groaning, you move to lift a hand to your injury, but find that they are bound to something. That something just so happens to be a warm, angry firebender.
  “Y/n?” He asks, and you can’t help but notice that his usually crabby voice is laced with concern.
   “Ugh.” You groan in response. The back of your head is exploding with pain.
   “Are you alright?” He questions lowly.
   “Head hurts.” You mumble.
    You feel Zuko moving behind you, and assume he’s nodding.
   “You got hit pretty hard.” He whispers. You’re appreciative of the fact that he has lowered his voice. “Good thing your head is so hard.” 
    And there it is. You decide to be the bigger person and ignore him.
   “Hit with what?” You ask.
    “Magic, dear.” Says a wheezing voice. All of a sudden, light fills up the cave again, and you squeeze your eyes shut against it.
    Your head pounds viciously in response to the brightness, and you groan again.
   “Sorry about that.” The voice says again, and this time you can tell that it belongs to a woman. An old one by the sound of it.
    You hear shuffling near you, and then something is pressed to your lips.
   “Drink this, it’ll make you feel better.” She says.
    You shake your head, but she pressed the vial through your lips anyways, and forces your head back.
   “Leave her alone!” Zuko snaps.
   “Don’t worry firebender, I haven’t forgotten you.” The old woman says.
    The sweet liquid slides down your throat, and instantly your pain fades. You open your eyes to a wizened woman with a shock of bright white hair. Her eyes are crazed, and instantly you have a bad feeling about her. She winks at you and then moves away, one of her legs dragging behind her.
    You briefly take stock of you surroundings. The room is made of stone, so clearly you haven’t left the cave. That at least would make it easier if you escaped. The room is cluttered with vials, plants, and random torn pages. On one of the make shift tables you see a large cauldron and a mortar and pestle.
    “You’re a witch.” Your voice is flat.
     The old woman let’s out a shrieking cackle.
   “If that’s what you want to call it! Now I think it’s time you answer a few of my questions.” She says, crossing her arms.
    “We don’t owe you anything!” Zuko says through clenched teeth. You can feel his anger heating his body from where your backs touch.
   “No?” She says coyly. “You came to my cave to attack me!” She squeals, one eye twitching.
    “We didn’t come to attack you.” You say, trying to maintain the peace. Maybe she could be reasoned with. You feel Zuko tense behind you, and you know he’s preparing for a fight.
    “Then why were you sneaking into my cave, with this one on fire?” She says nodding in Zuko’s direction.
    This is the tricky part, figuring out how much to tell her. She clearly isn’t a fan of the Fire Nation, due to her reaction with Zuko, but maybe that isn’t true. Maybe she knows who Zuko is, and is a Fire Nation sympathizer.
    “Well?” She questions.
    “We’re traveling with the Avatar, and he sent us up here to check this place out while he went to help the nearby village.” You blurt. It comes out of nowhere, and it was definitely not what you meant to say at all.
    Horrified, you gasp. Zuko tenses begins you.
   “What did you do to her?” He demands.
   “Just a little truth potion.” She hums. “Can’t hurt to know the people around you are honest.”
     You clamp your mouth, biting into your lip hard enough to draw blood.
    “We’re not your enemy.” Zuko says. “You don’t need to restrain us. Or trick us into telling the truth.”
     You watch as the old woman paces back and forth.
    “I am Kara.” She says finally. “Years ago, I made a deal with Fire Nation to protect my people. I would provide them with some magical assistance, if they would spare my village.”
    “You’re helping them?” You cry out.
    “Don’t judge me too harshly girl.” The woman snaps. “I did what I could for my people, just as you try to do.”
    “The Avatar will free you’re village.” Zuko says. “You will be able to prosper without Fire Nation soldiers breathing down your neck. Let us go, and we will be able to help him.”
    Something in his voice makes your heart stutter. Maybe it’s the sincerity in his voice, or the hard edge of determination. You have got to stop thinking about Zuko that way.
    Kara laughs and shakes her head.
    “No one will be able to defeat them. Not even the Avatar.” She shakes her head, sadly.
    “We have! Many times before.” You say. You don’t like Kara talking badly about Aang. He has almost mastered all of the elements, and you know he has what it takes to defeat Ozai. You all have done so much good for people already. 
    Kara just shakes her head again, and resumes pacing.
   “I’m sorry.” She says finally. “I wish your friend well, but I can’t let you leave without knowing you aren’t a threat to the Fire Nation. If they know that I didn’t do anything I could to help them, they will hurt the people I love.”
    Kara begins muttering under her breath, and you tense up. You hate being completely vulnerable and open to an attack. Zuko must be on the same page, for you can feel him struggling against the bonds.
    “Heat them up.” You whisper as quietly as you can. “Burn them.”
    Kara starts going around and picking out various objects from her jars.
   “I can’t. Your hands are too close, I’ll burn you.” He says.
   “You’ll have to. It’s the only way we’re getting out of here!” You snap.
   “No.” He says, hotly.
    “I’m not going to hurt you, y/n!” He growls.
    To your dismay, your arguing has caught the attention of Kara. She has a bright gleam in her eyes as she’s watching you two.
    “I see.” She says. Then she starts laughing hysterically, wiping tears from her eyes.
    “I know just what to do! But first, young lady, just how much does this boy mean to you?”
    The truth spills from your lips again without your control.
    “A lot.” You say, and then you’re whole face turns red. You’re mortified, but at least Zuko can’t see your face.
   Kara giggle with glee and then nods to herself
 “Oh yes, just the thing.” She comes over to you both, and plucks hairs from your heads.
   “Hey!” You and Zuko both protest.
  She sets the hairs in a bowl, and then starts talking to herself again, this time loudly enough for you to hear. She’s speaking in a foreign language of some sort, and hastily you begin to tug on your bonds again.
   “Zuko, just do it!” You say.
     In a surprisingly fast move, Zuko manages to wrench his wrists away from yours and singe the ropes without burning you. He is up and shooting flames at Kara in an instant.
    The bowl catches on fire, but it’s a pink fire, something magical and not from Zuko.
    “You’re too late!” She cackles gleefully. Then she disappears in a plume of smoke, and you and Zuko are left alone in the cave.
   You  are both on high alert as you make your way back to camp. Every noise makes you jumpy, as you wait for Kara’s spell to start working. You make it out of the woods without so much as a scratch. Though it looks like you’ve avoided her wrath, something feels off.
   “You’re too late.” She had said. Chills race up and down your spine.
   Zuko keeps lighting and extinguishing his fists. You think maybe he’s trying to make sure he can still bend. Possible scenarios play over and over in your head. There were thousands of things she could do to sabotage you and Zuko. She could take away his bending, paralyze you, or turn you into bugs. The possibilities are endless, and yet nothing has happened.
   The Gaang is waiting up for you when you finally arrive back at camp. You tell them about the witch and her curse. Sokka rolls his eyes and seems unconcerned.
   “She’s just a crackpot you guys. Obviously nothing will happen.”
   Toph seconds his notion, but Aang and Katara look wary. Katara makes you and Zuko repeat the story until you’re blue in the face, but she can’t figure it out any more than you can.
  You are too embarrassed from your admission to talk to Zuko, or even bicker with him like you normally would. You quickly excuse yourself to go to sleep, and spend the rest of the evening hiding in your tent.
   You fall into a restless sleep that night. You dream of the horrible things you considered happening to you. In one dream you’re a frog, in the other you’re pinned to the ground unable to move.
   You’re utterly exhausted when you’re woken up by you’re own screaming.
  You sit up in your tent immediately. You knew you heard yourself scream, but it hadn’t come from your mouth. Seconds later, you burst into your tent.
  Your clone stops and look at you, with wide eyes.
  “Y/n?” Your voice asks you.
   “Yes?” You say, but it isn’t your voice that comes out when you speak. Instead, it’s Zuko’s rasp that forms the words.
   All of a sudden the pieces of the puzzle start clicking together.
   “Oh no.” You say horrified, and look down at your body.
   You have muscles now, and you feel stronger, bigger. You reach a hand up and grab a handful of short, ebony locks. Your other hand traces your features, and you feel the rough scar under the pads of your fingers.
   “This can’t be real.” You say in Zuko’s voice. “This can’t be happening.”
   “It’s happening.” Zuko says.
   It’s weird to see yourself objectively like this. You have this horrible out of body feeling, and it’s making your head spin. Anxiety hits you, and you start breathing heavy. You’re going to pass out.
    “Calm down!” Zuko says, rushing over to you. He wraps his arms around you, himself? Ugh it’s too confusing.
  “If you don’t calm down, you’re going to burn this tent down and hurt yourself!” He says. He awkwardly starts rubbing your back. “Breathe with me.” He instructs.
   Slowly, you start to calm down. Zuko lets his, your?, hands linger for a moment longer, before he pulls away and puts some distance between you.
    “What are we going to do?” You ask. Zuko makes a face at how weak his voice sounds.
    “I don’t know.” He says. His mannerisms look so weird on your body. You can tell that it’s him, just by the way he holds himself. You wonder if he’s experiencing the same thing watching you in his body.
  “We need to go back to the cave, demand that Kara gives us our bodies back.” You say.
   Zuko rolls your eyes.
  “I’m sure that will go over well.” He says.
  “Don’t make me sound all crabby.” You snap at him.
  “Don’t make me sound all girly and pathetic!” He retorts.
  “Oh Zuko,” he mocks “what are we going to do? Save me Zuko, I care a lot about you!”
  “You’re so annoying!” You shout, embarrassed that he remembered your confession.
   “Can we not fight this early in the morning!” Sokka says, throwing open your tent.
  “Oh.” He says, looking between the two of you.
  You realize in embarrassment that you and Zuko are awfully close together, and you are in Zuko’s body in your sleeping bag. It has to look like Zuko slept in your tent.
   “Sokka, we can explain.” You say.
   Sokka hurriedly shakes his head, raising his hands.
   “No, no. Please don’t.” He says.
   “Sokka listen, the witch really did curse us.” Zuko says. “She made us switch bodies.”
    Sokka looks between the two of you and then bursts into laughter.
    “Ok well I have to say that’s the first time I’ve hear that excuse.” He says, wiping tears from the corners of his blue eyes.
   “We’re serious!” You snap at him.
    Sokka sobers up, looking between you two again.
   “You really did perfect your impressions of one another.” Sokka says, suddenly sounding a bit more unsure.
    “Ugh!” You snap, and push out of the tent in a huff. You need to find Toph. She could prove you weren’t lying.
     It’s cold outside your tent, and to your horror you find that you’re not wearing a shirt.
    “Zuko!” You screech. “Why the hell aren’t you wearing a shirt!”
   “I’m a firebender, y/n. I get hot!” He defends.
   “Get me a shirt!” You snap. Zuko rolls his eyes at your dramatics, but leads you to his tent and throws a tunic at you.
    It smells like him when you pull it over your head. You try not to obviously inhale, but it’s the first time you’ve really noticed how Zuko smells. It’s not the first time you’ve noticed his muscles, but now you have a first hand look. His abs are hard and defined, and you blush quickly finishing dressing.
    “Are you done starting at me?” Zuko asks.
    “I’m sorry, it’s just weird!” You tell him.
  Sokka’s jaw is nearly touching the ground as he watches your exchange.
   “No way.” He says, finally believing you.
  “Yeah, Sokka.” You say.
  Toph confirms your story, and everyone sits in dumbfounded silence. Even you and Zuko don’t have much more to say.
  “Well you have to go talk to Kara.” Katara says helpfully. “We’ll have to make her change you back.”
   “Wow that’s helpful. Thank you Katara, why didn’t we think of that.” Zuko says.
  “Y/n!” Katara says, hurt.
  “Zuko.” You and Zuko both correct her.
  “Whatever.” She mutters, angrily.
  “Katara’s right.” Says Aang. “We’ll all go. Maybe if I can convince her that I can help, she’ll change you back.”
   There seems to be no better plan than this. Sokka and Toph stay behind at the campsite, while the rest of you start the hike up the mountain.
   The breeze isn’t so bad now that you’re in Zuko’s body. He’s right when he says that he doesn’t get cold. He, on the other hand, is openly shivering in your body. You almost feel a little bad, but you remember him telling you it wasn’t that bad last night, and think better of it.
   “How do you survive like this?” He moans when you come to a stop. “It’s so cold all the time.”
   You smirk at his dramatics.
  “That’s what you get.”
   “For what!” He questions, and you can feel the fight brewing.
   “Oh I don’t know, maybe ‘You’re so dramatic y/n.’” You mock. “’It’s not that cold, y/n. Calm down, y/n’”
“I wasn’t telling you to calm down because you were cold.” He snaps. “I was trying to tell you to stop panicking!” He throws his hands up and stomps ahead.
   It’s a little embarrassing, and you think back to every tantrum you’ve thrown. Maybe this is a somewhat positive experience. You’re definitely learning about the annoying things you do.
   You and Zuko bicker all the way up the mountain. Though it’s not unusual for you all, but you can tell it’s driving Aang and Katara crazy.
   “Can you all please knock it off!” Katara yells, eventually. All three of you jump, and she crosses her arms. “I am sick and tired of hearing you all argue. That’s all you do every day! Can’t you all come to some sort of truce?”
   You and Zuko both narrow your eyes at each other.
 “No!” You say at the same time.
  You make it up the mountain alive, but barely. Everyone’s tempers are running high by the time you break through the trees.
  “Alright,” Zuko says. “We need to be careful. She knocked y/n out with one blow. She’ll do it again if we aren’t careful.”
   You’re about to protest the way he makes your ambush sound, but Aang mediates before your get riled up.
   “Just let it go.” He tells you.
   You all enter the cave quietly, heads constantly scanning the area as Zuko leads you down to the belly of the cave. You recognize the room when you get to it. The evidence of Kara is everywhere, still littered around the floor.
   “She isn’t here?” Zuko says.
    “Great observation.” You retort.
   “Guys, guys!” Aang snaps. “Enough. Let’s look through the books around here. There’s got to be something that tells us how to fix this.”
   The four of you spend what feels like hours combing through the books and pages around the room.
    “There’s nothing here!” Zuko cries, slamming a book onto the table.
    “That’s because it’s a spell of my own invention.” Kara’s wheezy voice says.
    You all jump into defensive stances, ready to attack. Kara holds up a wrinkled hand, but otherwise looks unbothered.
    “Please.” She says passively. “I’m not here to hurt you.”
    “Change back my friends!” Aang demands. “It’s me you have a problem with.”
   “Ah the Avatar.” Kara smiles. “You really are here.”
    “Yes. And I promise I will free your village. But first you must free my friends.” He says.
   “I’m afraid I can’t do that.” She says, eyes glittering again.
    “Why not?” Katara challenges.
    “I can’t change them back, because they must do it themselves.” She smiles.
   “What do you mean?” You ask, broad furrowing. There’s a light protesting from Zuko’s scar at the movement.
    “Save my village and I’ll tell you.” She says. “And you better do it fast, because in three days this will become permanent.”
   Freeing the village from Fire Nation troops is going to be a bigger struggle than you anticipated, you realize as you and Zuko stroll down the streets. You currently have a hood pulled way over your head to hide your identity. There seemed to be hundred of them, and there were only six of you.
   “We’re never going to be able to pull this off.” You mutter under your breath. “I’m going to be you forever.”
   “How do you think I feel?” Zuko laments. “I’m losing my bending, my honor, everything.”
    “Well we wouldn’t be in this mess if I had just gone up there alone.” You snap as you approach the center of the village. 
    “Right, if you had gone alone you would’ve been killed!” He snaps back.
    “Why do you assume I’m so incapable of taking care of myself?!” You’re infuriated now. “I took care of myself for years before I ever met you!”
    “Don’t see how!” He growls. “All you ever do is get yourself in trouble, and someone always has to be there to help!”
    “Excuse me?!” You roar. “How dare you?!”
    The Fire Nation soldiers are slowly starting to gather around you, curious about the fight.
   “How dare I?” Zuko ramps up the volume. “How dare you?” He points a finger at your chest.
   So far, your distraction seems to be working. Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Toph are all getting into position. You just have to keep up the fighting a little longer.
   “You’re always babying me, and acting like I need a keeper! I’m not a child, and you don’t have to take it upon yourself to be my caretaker! I’m just fine on my own!” You yell, channeling his body’s natural penchant for rage.
    “Somebody has to!” Zuko snaps back, and over exaggerates putting his hand on his hip. “You never do it yourself. You’re always doing reckless things for other people, and your not as equipped to throw yourself in danger like everyone else!”
    Suddenly this fight feels a bit too real, and you find yourself getting actually offended. How dare he insinuate that your lack of bending meant you weren’t a good fighter!
   “What so I’m not allowed to care about my friends and do things to protect them?” You screech. “I’m sorry I don’t have all your talents, my lord. Next time I’ll make sure I get your permission first before I try and help somebody out!”
    “You always take everything I say out of context!” He snaps.
     “Hey guys?” Aang says, garnering the attention of the crowd. “I think that’s good enough, thanks.”
     Then all chaos breaks loose. Katara, Aang, and Toph start the fight with their bending. The Fire Nation soldiers, though caught unaware, do not take long to start fighting back. You wish that you knew how to utilize Zuko’s firebending, but you settle on using his physical strength instead.
   Most of the defense moves you know are geared towards you being smaller than your opponent. Not all of them work now that you’re Zuko’s size, and you find yourself struggling more than usual in your fights.
   Zuko seems to be having a similar issue learning how to fight in your body. You notice he has a habit of getting into bending stances out of pure habit. You notice that he’s getting cornered, when you go to help him.
   Together, you fight pretty well, instructing each other on moves as you go. Sokka’s boomerang flies about, knocking out opponents left and right. Your benders are doing well too, and soon enough, you’ve defeated the Fire Nation soldiers.
   You’re sore, body aching from exertion, but the happy villagers make it feel worth it.
   “Thank you, Avatar!” Someone yells after Aang explains who you all are.
    Your eyes find Kara’s in the crowd. It was time you got your body back.
   “Hey!” You yell as she walks away.
    “Y/n?” You hear Zuko call behind you as you take off, pushing through the crowd.
    “Hey! Stop!” You yell at Kara. “You owe us an explanation!”
      Zuko catches up to you, and you both chase after her. Finally, Kara stops in the woods, away from all the people.
     “I thought you’d want some privacy!” She cackles. “I saw your little distraction out there. Seemed pretty real.” You and Zuko shuffle and avoid eye contact, as the rest of the Gaang catches up with you.
  “We saved your village!” Aang says, “Now tell us how to fix this.” He waves a hand at you and Zuko.
   Kara’s eyes sparkle as she looks at all of you.
  “As I said, I can’t change you back. You have to do it yourselves.” She sings.
  “How?” Zuko grounds out through his, your, clenched jaw.
   “All you have to do is kiss!” She says gleefully clapping her hands together.
   Everyone is silent as you all take in this information.
   “There has to be another way.” Zuko says. There’s a desperate edge to his voice that hurts your feelings. Is the thought of kissing you so awful that he wouldn’t do it even to get his body back?
    Rolling your eyes, you stroll over and kiss Zuko’s, your, cheek. It’s a weird experience for sure, knowing that you’re kissing both Zuko and yourself.
   “Not that kind of kiss.” Kara says, smiling like a maniac. “A real one!”
   The color drains from Zuko’s face, and the rest of your friends remain silent. You can feel their eyes watching your every move. 
  Zuko’s disgust is plain, and even though it hurts, you just want your body back and to forget this every happened.
   “Zuko, I know you’re absolutely disgusted, but I’d like my body back before I’m you forever.” You say annoyed. “You can wash out your mouth and vomit when you have your own body back.”
   You can hear the muted hurt in your own voice, and it’s kind of embarrassing that you know everyone else can hear it too.
   “I’m afraid it’s the only way.” Kara adds.
   “If it helps just think about the fact that you’re kissing yourself, not me.” You say. More than ever you want this experience to be over, so you can go mourn your hurt feelings somewhere in private.
    Zuko sighs, and then approaches you.
  “Fine.” He says.
  Awkwardly, you both fidget, unsure how to initiate the kiss. It doesn’t help that literally everyone, including Momo and Appa, are looking at you.
   “Some privacy?” You ask them.
   “Oh yeah sure.” They all mumble, whistling and looking away. The second you turn back to Zuko you can feel their eyes on you. Some friends.
   “Let’s just get it over-” you get cut off by Zuko pressing his lips to yours.
    Instantly, you feel the switch happening. You feel yourself being pulled and re-anchored into your own body. Your limbs feel normal again, and then you really start to feel the kiss.
   Zuko pulls you closer to his warm, muscular body. Everything is exploding around you, and all you want to do is be even closer to him. You bring your arms up and settle them on his broad shoulders. Your hands wind themselves around his neck, and you play with the ends of his hair.
   Zuko’s large hands are also doing their fair share of exploring. One rests on your hips while the other tangles itself in your hair, and both pull you closer. His tongue opens your lips and you let him in, a moan escaping from you. It feels right, kissing Zuko like this. Like it is something that was always meant to happen.
   Somebody clears their throat and breaks up your moment. Slowly, you and Zuko part. You’re thrilled to realize it’s his swollen lips and amber eyes that you see when you pull away.
   “Well that was something!” Kara squeals in delight.
    Heat pools into your cheeks, as you asses your friends’ expressions. Aang looks embarrassed, Katara has heart eyes, and Toph and Sokka both look disgusted.
   “It worked.” You say breathlessly. Already you have the intense desire to kiss Zuko again, but suddenly you’re insecure. What if he hated it? He had seemed so disgusted before.
   “Yeah it did.” Zuko says, and then he smiles at you, eyes crinkling at the corners. “Some privacy?” He asks everyone, tightening his grip on you. Butterflies explode in your stomach as he does, and you’ve never felt so fluttery before.
   Your friends make themselves scarce, telling you they’ll be at camp. Kara scrambles off too, cackling all the while, and then you are alone.
  Your heart is pounding, and you’re really unsure how to tell Zuko how you feel. What if he doesn’t feel the same?
   Suddenly, Zuko presses his lips to yours again, and it feels like he’s devouring you. He’s passionate and fiery, and every press of his tongue against yours makes you feel like you’re on fire. Your body is buzzing when he finally pulls away to catch his breath.
   “I didn’t mean what I said during our fight.” He says, leaning his forehead against yours and wrapping his arms around your waist. “I don’t think you’re incapable or less than because you aren’t a bender. I think you’re one of the most talented people I know, and I also know that you can take care of yourself.” He says taking a deep breath.
   Zuko takes a step back, and removed an arm to put a finger under your chin. He lift your chin so you’re looking into his eyes.
   “I worry about you. All the time.” He says. “I’m so scared that you’ll get hurt and I won’t be there to protect you. My number one instinct is to protect you. That’s why I always ‘hover’ and volunteer to go on missions with you. If something happened to you....”
   “I feel the same way about you, you know.” You say smiling. “I couldn’t stand the thought of you getting hurt either. And I don’t necessarily hate it when you’re around.” You tease him. “Or when you kiss me.”
   Zuko laughs, a deep happy laugh. It’s one of the first times you’ve ever seen him look so buoyant. You take the opportunity to kiss him this time, and he sighs happily into your mouth.
    “What are we going to do now?” You ask him.
    “Probably get back to our friends.” He says, grabbing your hand in his as you start making your way to your camp site.
    “You know, Zuko, Toph’s right.” You say. “You really do take people on life changing adventures!”
A/n: Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed this! I’ve been working on my requests so hopefully I’ll have a few more stories out for you guys over the weekend. I’m going to be adding some things to my ‘Fanfic prompts’ post, so be sure to check it out if you want to request something! (also I’m fine with people requesting things that aren’t on that list if you have something specific for me to write!) Have a good weekend, and you can find all my other writing under the tag slythergirlimagines. I think I tagged everyone who asked to be tagged in my atla stuff, but if I missed you please let me know and I’ll correct it!!
Taglist: @galacticamidala​ @a-random-queer-kid​ @taeeemin​ @realimbo​ @samsmultifandomblogs​
@fire1ordzuzu​ @shortmexicangirl​
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sokkastyles · 4 years
I was talking about this to my cousin, and I feel like there's this misconception in fandom (especially for this who don't ship) that zuko and katara yell at each other a lot even as friends. Post TSR, I can't think of a single moment where either of them have lost their temper at the other?
Yeah, honestly, when people say that all they would do is yell at each other I just have to laugh because that’s literally the opposite of what we see of them on screen.
I mean, we’ve seen them argue, but never without any reason, and they actually manage to work it out in a healthy way and their relationship becomes stronger as a result. And that’s actually a sign of a healthy couple. If you’re afraid to disagree with your significant other or you can’t resolve fights in a healthy way then that isn’t a good thing. Obviously you don’t want to argue all the time, but no��relationship is going to be always without conflict. The key is in whether you’re able to resolve it, and I’d argue that Zuko and Katara actually provide one of the best examples of that.
And the anti discourse around this annoys me in particular for two reasons. One, people insist that a strong female character has to be tempered, and because Katara is a character who does get angry and lose her temper and feels things very strongly, people feel like she needs a man to hold her back. Which she does not.
As for Zuko, because he’s an abuse victim people act like he’s too damaged to have a healthy relationship and he would just not be able to control himself emotionally, which is also false because he had like, a whole arc of learning to control his temper and changing himself and getting rid of toxic behaviors. Like, that happened in the show.
The one scene I can think of after “The Southern Raiders” where Zuko loses his temper at Katara is in “The Ember Island Players.”
This kinda turned into a meta about that episode so whoops.
Zuko complains about his portrayal in the play and Katara teases him, and he shouts at her but it’s without any of the volatile nature of some of the ways he took his anger out on others before.
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He doesn’t seem like he’s really angry at her, and look at her face. Look at how much fun she’s having! Katara, the girl who worried about being seen as too serious. Look at how natural she is with him. It comes across more as good-natured ribbing (dare I say...flirting?) on both their ends, even though both of them are upset about their portrayals. Katara isn’t fazed by his dramatic reaction and he’s immediately forced to eat his words. Which I think is an important aspect of Zuko’s arc of learning to control his temper and realizing that he doesn’t need to take everything personally. He’s forced to live with his own embarrassment, which fits with the theme of learning humility. We’ve seen him do the same thing several times after joining the gaang, where he initially gets angry but then makes a conscious effort not to overreact. Which isn’t always easy, but he’s trying.
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And part of it is also that he feels safe with her, despite his long face. He knows that she’s not really being mean. Katara can be mean even to people she loves, but she’s transparent with her emotions. 
Contrast that with the way Zuko was with Mai, who he could never figure out. Mai always encouraged Zuko not to show his emotions and he predictably exploded because he was feeling things and he didn’t know what she was feeling or what she wanted from him.
This episode is actually another really good example of how well Zuko and Katara do get along and are able to resolve conflict even in a situation where both of them are upset and dealing with their own individual issues. Even though she made fun of him for it before, Katara is empathetic when she realizes what is really behind his anger, which is that he misses Iroh and feels guilty about the way he treated him.
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And it shows how well she knows him. She knows that he can sometimes do hurtful things that he regrets later, but she also knows that he loves Iroh. She knows this because this mirrors her relationship with Zuko. I mean, the relationships literally echo each other in this episode. She’s been in Iroh’s position, he hurt her and then sought her forgiveness (and she was also there when he betrayed Iroh. She is in a position both to understand and know that his regret is sincere and to reassure him that he can get Iroh’s forgiveness, as she also forgave him. That’s why she’s the one to comfort him outside Iroh’s tent a few episodes later.
It’s also kinda funny that they are so close in this scene because the scene right before this one is the zutara crystal caves parody. They go from moving away from each other, embarrassed at the idea of being a couple, to very close in a matter of minutes. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
This is also right after Aang walks out in a huff, because of the whole stage zutara thing. Like? I wasn’t supposed to ship them here?
Aang and Katara argue this entire episode, and when Katara tries to comfort him about his anger at his portrayal in the play, he takes it out on her.
Katara: Relax, Aang. They're not accurate portrayals. It's not like I'm a preachy crybaby who can't resist giving overemotional speeches about hope all the time. [Everyone looks at her.] What?
Aang: [Turns around and sits down. Sarcastically.] Yeah, that's not you at all.
I remember having a really visceral bad reaction to the way Katara is treated in this episode that I couldn’t really articulate, and at the time I didn’t realize how much it had to do with shipping because I had no idea what the fandom was like when I was watching the show. I described it to a friend as Katara being treated like “the girl” of the group. Even though there are two other girls present, Toph is one of the boys, and Suki is in an established relationship with Sokka so she’s not a threat. But Katara is Aang’s love interest, and their relationship status is uncertain, so she’s treated like a source of conflict for Aang. I was able to pick up on this even though I didn’t feel particularly negatively towards the Kataang relationship at the time, but in hindsight this treatment of Katara is so tied with Kataang that it’s hard to avoid negative associations with the ship itself.
Katara spends a lot of time this episode trying to comfort Aang, who spends most of the episode angry at her for things she didn’t do and can’t help. She also has to deal with seeing a version of herself onscreen that is racist and misogynistic, but who is there to comfort her? Aang, Sokka, and Zuko all get upset about their portrayals, and are allowed to vent and be comforted, but Katara is punished for it and then told that she is like that, and mocked. She has to comfort Zuko, too, but at least she gets to mock him as well and give him a little bit of what she has to put up with. And he’s not the one who yells at her while she’s trying to comfort him, that would be Aang.
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If this episode was supposed to be anti zutara and pro kataang, it certainly did a poor job indeed. Even in this scene where they all look at her and fall silent when she says she’s not a sappy crybaby, and it’s supposed to be a joke because “haha, women are irrational, amirite?,” and then Aang responds sarcastically, the blocking clearly places Aang and Katara in opposition to each other, with Aang facing away from her and Zuko between them and the closest person in the group to Katara. The intent was obviously to make the audience worry for Aang that Katara won’t reciprocate, but it actually makes Katara and Zuko look like the more appealing relationship if you are looking at it from Katara’s perspective.
And then Katara and Zuko spend the rest of the finale getting closer while Katara and Aang argue and then wordlessly play kissy face in the last two seconds of the show.
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loversamongus · 4 years
In the Dark | Zuko x reader
summary: just a modern!gaang trying to make the best of a rainy day and you ending up in the same hiding spot as Zuko, what could be better?
a/n: this is so long for no reason and was written for no reason but I like it and I hope you do too. Also I didn’t proofread this well so please forgive any typos.
words: 2.5k
fic taglist: @spiritvines @protect-remus @emeraldpotato
The middle of August was supposed to be devoted to making happy memories before classes started again. The middle of August was supposed to be about steamy hot beach days at Ember Island, jumping over waves and burying Sokka in the sand. The middle of August was supposed to have all-nighters just playing video games or staying up with the girls talking about everything and nothing at the same time. The middle of August was supposed to be fucking awesome. But instead, it’s thunderstorm after thunderstorm after hurricane after thunderstorm. 
The six of you were in various corners of the living room. Sokka and Suki sat around the coffee table, taking turns nibbling on a plate of nachos. Toph was perched sideways on the old, barely-holding-up armchair so that her head rested on one armrest while her feet hung off the other. Aang’s face was scrunched up in concentration as he braided Katara’s hair, who kneeled in front of the tv. You and Zuko took opposite ends on the couch, your legs sprawled on Zuko’s lap as he mindlessly flipped through the channels.
“Wait, no go back,” you nudged Zuko with your foot.
“No, I’m not watching Dance Moms.”
“Yeah,” Sokka chimed in with a stuffed mouth. “It makes him mad that Maddie can dance better than him.”
A pillow flew across the room until it collided with Sokka’s head. Before you could so much as let out a snort at your friend’s misfortune, thunder crashed outside and the windows rattled as wind and rain pelted against the glass. And the lamp in the corner of the living room flickered. And the tv froze.
“Oh no,” Katara whined.
“If we lose power again, I’ll scream,” you threatened. Sadly, the universe doesn’t bow down to the threats of a poor college student and soon the unmistakable pop of electricity shutting off was heard by all. The room was suddenly shrouded in darkness for the third time in ten days.
“GIVE ME THAT PILLOW” you yelled as, in the dark, Sokka and Suki both scrambled on the floor to fulfill your request.
“Huh, can’t say I notice a difference,” Toph smirked.
You felt a pillow being shoved in your direction and, snatching it gratefully, you shoved it in your face to release all your frustration with a single, drawn out, muffled screech.
“Now what are we gonna do?” you heard Aang say glumly. 
You felt Zuko shift underneath your legs and you quickly adjusted yourself into an upright position. “If you even THINK about suggesting to think about our place in the universe, I will lock you outside for you scream at the skies, I don’t care.”
Suddenly, you felt a pair of hands patting around the couch and as they got closer to your legs, you reached out to grab them. “What are you doing?” you asked.
Suki’s voice answered. “I’m sensing some hostility.” Rolling your eyes, you hoisted Suki up so that she could sit in between you and Zuko on the couch. Overcome with annoyance and misery over the present situation, you laid your head on her shoulder and her fingers began to soothingly weave through your hair. “Anyone got any ideas?” she asked.
“I know!” Aang exclaimed rather too cheerfully for your taste. “We could play hide and go seek in the dark!”
Zuko scoffed. Everyone else seemed to weigh the option out in their minds. And that was the thing. It was the only option at the moment. They could join in on a seemingly juvenile game. Or sit in the living room and stare at each other until they were so bored that the only thing left to do was to go to sleep. Already you began warming up to the idea. And if worse comes to worst, at least you could scare Sokka a few times for shits and giggles.
“All right. Let’s do it!” You and Suki stood up from the couch as your mind began listing off all the places you could possibly hide. Behind the tv, under the bed, in the linen closet, the cabinet under the sink, in the dryer...
“No, I’m not playing a dumb preschool game,” Zuko interrupted your list. 
“Yeah... I dunno,” added Sokka.
“Why is it called hide and go seek ‘in the dark’? What difference does it make? Hide and seek is hide and seek,” Toph asked.
You chose to ignore the other two downers and exclaimed, “Because it’s spookier! And harder to find people! You know, because you can’t see them as well!”
“Yeah, can’t imagine what that must be like.”
“I think it’ll be fun!” Katara laughed.
Zuko stood up from the couch and you couldn’t tell for certain but you felt his presence draw further away from the group. “You guys go ahead. I’ll be in my room.”
“No!” you cried as you stuck out your arms in an attempt to find him, your eyes still not having adjusted to the dark room. “We’re all playing. We’re all going to HAVE FUN.”
“If I play, will you stop quoting Dance Moms?”
Your hands finally found his in the dark and you gave them a squeeze. “Yes, I promise.”
His hands relaxed in yours and then with a sigh, he spoke again. “All right. Sokka’s it first.”
And then the mad dash for hiding spots began. As you ran away from the living room, you heard Sokka miserably plop down on the couch, no doubt complaining that he had to be the seeker first before beginning the countdown from 30.
Your first thought was laying in the bathtub with the curtains drawn so you felt along the wall to find the bathroom door. But as soon as your hand grabbed hold of the doorknob, you felt someone else smack into you.
“Sorry!” Katara whispered, moving past you into the bathroom. You couldn’t even argue over the hiding spot because you were too busy rubbing the back of your head. You were sure it was Katara’s chin that slammed into it. Retreating from the bathroom, you struggled through the throbbing of your head to think of another hiding spot.
“Shit,” you muttered. With Sokka almost done counting, you knew you weren’t going to make it to the laundry room to hide in the dryer in time. As you heard him near the ten second mark, you finally decided the best possible hiding spot was the closest room to the bathroom: Zuko’s room.
Tiptoeing as fast as you could, you scuttled into Zuko’s room. Your eyes were able to make out the door of his closet that was left slightly ajar. With Sokka’s countdown almost complete, you knew it would have to do. You took one step over the threshold of the closet before dropping your knees to the ground. Only your knees didn’t hit the hardwood floor like you had expected.
“WATCH IT,” someone whisper-yelled as they freed their hand from under the weight of your knees. It was somehow even darker so you reached out your hands again to act as your eyes. A rough patch of skin and a mop of hair brushed your fingertips.
“Get out of here! This is my hiding spot!”
“You were just complaining about playing this game and now you have dibs on hiding spots like a toddler?!”
“I was here first!”
“Oh my god, you are a toddler!”
“4....3....2....1..... READY OR NOT HERE I COME.”
Suddenly, you felt arms stretch out to reach behind you and you heard to click of the closet door being closed. Those arms wrapped around your waist next and pulled you down into a corner on the floor. Now leaning against his chest, you heart raced, and your head throbbed a bit harder from the sudden movement, but Zuko sat completely still. You could barely hear him breathe.
You heard Sokka’s footsteps come down the hallway and you tried to calm your breathing so he wouldn’t hear. The footsteps paused for a moment outside of Zuko’s room but then picked up again and continued into the house. You felt it safe to move the few inches of space the closet allowed away from Zuko’s chest.
“You didn’t have to pull me down so hard,” you whispered, your hands moving to your temples to massage the headache.
“Sorry,” he said. “I didn’t want you to get caught.”
“Me? What about you? We’re in this together now.”
“Yeah, but you’re the one who actually wanted to play this game. Couldn’t let you get caught first.”
“Don’t act like you’re not enjoying this.”
“Anything is better than the fit you’d throw if you lost to Sokka in the first round.”
The both of you tried to stifle your laughter as best you could in order to not make too much noise. In the distance you could hear Sokka complaining about not liking this game anymore because the dark house is spooky. It only made you want to laugh harder but keeping down the giggles only managed to make your head pound more.
“What’s the matter?” Zuko questioned.
“Katara and I collided heads. Now I have a headache.”
Zuko was silent for a moment but you heard him shift besides you. Something fell off a hanger and landed in you lap. “What are you doing?”
“Wait here,” he said as a teeny bit of light came into the closet. Zuko had opened the door. Zuko was leaving the hiding spot.
“Where are you going?!”
He shushed you harshly in response and then he was gone. You knew he wouldn’t hear it but you let out an annoyed scoffed anyways. Really. To be shushed like that. How rude.
A couple of minutes go by and the boredom starts to set in. Who knew Sokka would be such a terrible seeker. In the darkness, you start feeling around Zuko’s closet for anything interesting— anything the slightest bit amusing to keep you occupied. A thought popped up that this scenario wouldn’t be half as boring if Zuko just stayed where he was, but no, he just had to leave. And after manhandling you and shushing you! Definitely rude. Your hand fished in one of the pockets of his coats and you heard the crinkle of a wrapper.
“Aha!” you quietly exclaimed as you pulled out a small wrapped Jolly Rancher. “He is a toddler!”
Just then, the closet door swung back open, nealy making you jump out of your skin, and a tall silhouette stepped inside.
“It’s just me!” Zuko whispered, and crouching down, he resumed his place beside you. “I went to the kitchen and got you some aspirin for your head. And some water.”
“You did that without getting caught?” you asked while taking the aspirin and glass of water gratefully. Sokka really is a terrible seeker, you confirmed in your thoughts. You popped the two pills in your mouth and followed that up with a chug of water. While doing so, you heard something hit the floor.
“What was that?” It definitely wasn’t Sokka or anyone else because it sounded like it came from inside the closet.
“I got tired of sitting in the dark,” Zuko quietly explained. “So I grabbed one of the candles from your room, too.” Suddenly, a small flame erupted and lit the candle placed in the middle of the closet floor. “And the lighter from the kitchen.”
“Well, that’s probably a fire hazard.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Did you want to sit in the dark for the third time this week?”
“Zuko, we’re playing hide and seek!”
“Okay, fine. I’ll blow it out!”
“No, wait!” You grabbed onto his shoulder before he could bend down to blow out the candle. You considered just how miserable the past couple days have been with the constant downpours and losing electricity, events preventing you and your friends from having any kind of fun before the summer ended. The days have been so dark and gray lately that you had almost forgotten what light even looked like. What’s a small candle flame? You’ll just make sure no more of Zuko’s shirts fall off the hanger and onto the candle.
“If you were able to do all that without Sokka finding you, he probably wouldn’t notice light from coming under the door, right?” you asked, and Zuko settled back against the wall beside you again. You didn’t know how long you’d be stuck in this hiding spot so, deciding to make yourself comfortable, you rested your head on Zuko’s shoulder. 
“This summer was supposed to be fun,” you said quietly. “Having bonfires on Ember Island. But we’re sitting on the floor of your closet with an evergreen scented candle.”
“Could be worse,” he answered. “You could be stuck in here with Sokka.”
“And you could be stuck in here with Azula... or Jet!”
“You could be stuck with Momo.”
“But I love Momo.”
“Yeah, but would you want to be stuck inside a closet with Momo?”
You giggled a little before settling down again. Zuko wrapped one arm around you. With all the frustration the weather of the past week has wrought, the flickering evergreen candle and Zuko’s light embrace was enough to comfort you just a bit. It does not, however, help take away the fact that this is not at all how you expected the summer to go.
“I just wanted us to have a really memorable summer before you graduated. You know, spend time together,” you said. “This weather ruined it.”
Zuko hummed and reached with his free hand to grab hold of yours. His thumb gently ran back and forth over your knuckles. “I wouldn’t say it ruined it.”
“You wouldn’t rather be sitting in the sun on Ember Island?”
“I’m happy just being here with you.”
“Says the guy that tried to kick me out of this hiding spot at first.”
“Hey, I pulled you down here, didn’t I?”
You smiled again and nestled further into his shoulder. In the back of your mind, you wondered why it’s taking Sokka so long to find everyone. After all, hiding in a bedroom closet isn’t one of the most unique spots. And with the light of the candle, it’s sure to be a dead giveaway. Nonetheless, you let yourself relax. You felt Zuko kiss the top of your head, making you remember that your headache had finally subsided.
Just as your eyes were about to close, you heard the door fly open again.
“GOTCHA!” Sokka yelled seemingly at the tops of his lungs. You sat up quickly and threw the Jolly Rancher you had found earlier at his head.
“GO AWAY,” you yelled. You felt Zuko chuckled as you leaned back against him.
“I’m never playing hide and seek with you people again,” Sokka muttered as he ambled away and out of the room. Back and resting comfortably with Zuko, you thought to yourself that maybe losing power and staying in isn’t so bad after all.
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yuueee · 4 years
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song: bruno mars & b.o.b. - nothin’ on you slowed
word count: 2,456
request: Hello, if you're talking requests for atla. May I request a sokka x reader in which she works under Piandao and during Sokka's Master episode they meet and become close? Maybe they meet again during the finale or the Gaang asks her to accompany them on the rest of their journey?
author’s note: I am so sorry for taking forever to post something! I rewrote this and like 2 other fics almost 3 different times because I didn’t like how they were turning out so I hope this was okay🥺. thank u for requesting and I hope y’all enjoy!
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“You want me to do what now?” you asked the boy in front of you incredulously, attempting to wiggle your shoulders out of his hands’ grip. He straight up lied to your face and expected you to just get over that? It had nothing to do with his water tribe heritage of course - being that you hated the fire nation’s outlook on the other countries and this pointless war as much as Piandao did. You just didn’t understand why he felt the need to lie to you about it!
During the meager amount of time you had to spend with him, you two had an immediate - albeit odd connection. He was able to get you out of your shell of composure in a way that Piandao and Fat were never successful in. On the contrary you aided him heavily in training and kept him motivated - although it often sounded more like insults.
“I know you’re upset but I promise I can explain everything later. But I really think you should join us in defeating the fire lord!” he reassured, his blue eyes seemingly sparkling in excitement. Shrugging out of his grasp and turning towards Piandao, you hoped that he would add in some useful input.
“But what use will I be if Master Piandao hasn’t even finished training me yet?” you asked, balling your fists in frustration. Your master simply shook his head and gave you a smile.
“{First-Name},” he spoke gently as to not further anger you, and leaned down to your height. “You are beyond my training at this point. Your destiny now lies in helping the avatar defeat the fire lord and besides - it’s what he would have wanted.” you couldn’t argue with that. Having trained you since around the age of twelve, he hadn’t heard you talk this much in all of the three years he had known you. Even after only knowing Sokka for about two days - he trusted you with him. He could see the positive effect you had on eacho other just from observing your interactions.
He’d be lying if he said that he hadn’t been worried about you ever since your father and his closest friends’ passing. You had went from a bubbly and joyous child to emotionally repressed and largely untalkative. Although he had still not seen you smile since before your fathers death - the outwardly expressed anger and frustration at Sokka’s idiocy was atleast something.
“I trust that you’ll be in good hands.” he said sternly, giving Sokka a pointed look.
“It’s settled then! You’re joining team avatar!”
While you weren’t quite sure why Sokka was so adamant on you joining him and his friends, you were somewhat happy to be leaving Shu Jing - which was new. Other than the weather being insufferably humid the majority of the year, your home in Piandao’s castle was bearable. In the past you hadn’t minded the repetitive nature of your days - but things were different now. You felt that you owed it to your father to join the fight against the country that took his life. And if this was the route you were forced to take, then so be it.
Surprisingly, as annoying as he was Sokka was the one you remained closest with in the group - but Toph was a close second. Though you didn’t talk with him that often, Aang was always kind and making sure that you felt included in the group - which wasn’t exactly necessary but appreciated none the less. Katara on the other hand was having some difficulty warming up to you - which you understood, so you didn’t speak to her unless necessary, which wasn’t often.
Although you had indeed become slightly more emotive and open, it was normally limited to sarcastic quips when Sokka said something stupid or asking Katara if she needed any help with groceries or cooking dinner - which she actually appreciated. Overall though, you still spent the majority of your time with Sokka. While he was still annoying and enjoyed teasing flirting with you every chance he could get, you’d be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t somewhat enjoying it - you’d never admit to that though.
One of the first times you got to be alone together was when you both were trying to escape Toph and Katara’s arguing.
“I’m going to head back out to the market,” he said, getting up off of the ground. “I’ll see you guys later.”
“Wait, can I go with you?” you questioned somewhat awkwardly, getting out of your seat and sprinting some to catch up with him.
“Of course!” he grinned in return, slowing down some so you could walk at the same pace. His smile made your chest feel warm, slightly catching you off guard.
“So, is Piandao your dad or something?” he asked gently, trying not to press too much. Though it was a sensitive topic, you felt oddly comfortable with Sokka - even though you had only known him for several weeks. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” he responded to your silence, ceasing walking and looking at you sincerely. You shook your head in return and kept walking.
“No, it’s fine.” he nodded and followed apprehensively. “Piandao is kind of like my uncle I guess? He and my Dad were friends when they were both in the fire nation army. And you know how Piandao eventually deserted the army?”
“Yeah, I recall him saying that.” he gave you a concerned glance, but you kept your gaze trained on the ground in front of you. While your expression was obviously pained, it still seemed restrained in a way as if you had practiced holding back your feelings for years. It was at this point he realized he’d never seen you smile, not even when when you were making fun of him.
“Well, my Dad also attempted to leave - but he wasn’t as skilled as Piandao was.” there was a beat of silence before you felt his hand envelope your own, rubbing the back of it with his thumb. Normally if someone did this you would’ve snatched your hand away - but you didn’t want to. His hand felt nice, warm and comforting.
“I’m really sorry about your Dad, and it was really brave of him to try and leave the army.” he gave you a look of concern and understanding, leading you to remember him mentioning
“Um, thanks.”
The rest of your afternoon at the market was spent making conversation about your childhoods and the messenger hawk he had just bought. The entire time he never let go of your hand. You assumed he was just doing it out of friendly comfort - but then again who platonically holds hands? You only stopped when you both returned to the small campsite and greeted the others.
You didn’t mean to snatch your hand away, but at the same time you thought your heart was going to jump out of your chest if you didn’t let go. But it didn’t seem to bother Sokka though, not at all. So maybe it was just platonic? But this wasn’t the only situation in where he left you utterly flustered and confused.
When the five of you were seated around the campfire listening to Katara’s story, you could see Sokka inching towards you out of the corner of your eye. Everyone else seemed rather uncomfortable, and while it was a quite unnerving story if you were scared you weren’t showing it. As the story went on, he would jump closer which each detail - until he was eventually leaning on your shoulder with his arms wrapped around your waist, shaking in fear like a small child.
When she finished her story, Katara and Aang just stared in awe as you didn’t shove him off. You just rolled your eyes and mumbled something about him being an idiot. They noticed a change between you both after that day. You almost seemed closer in a sort of way? You still scolded him for saying and doing stupid things - but you no longer pushed him away. He was quite touchy and handsy with you, never in a disrespectful way though. It’s just when he got excited he’d sometimes pick up you up for a few seconds before placing you back on the ground. Whilst you didn’t really return his affections, you weren’t rejecting him either. But the two of you were forced to confront this rising attraction all to soon, the day of the invasion.
You had a moment alone before you had to go your separate ways. After staring down at your feet for what seemed like a few minutes, you gained the courage to speak.
“Don’t, uh die.” you finally said aloud, meeting his gaze. Before you could say anything else he doubled over in laughter, clutching his stomach to get a hold of himself. “Sokka I’m being serious!” you said in frustration, seconds away from turning around and getting back into the submarine. Once he calmed down, he placed both of his hands on your shoulders and gained a serious expression.
“I’m sorry for laughing. But we’re gonna get out of this alive. Okay?” he finished his sentence with a smirk, tilting his head to the side. You nodded, feeling somewhat disappointed for some reason. But what were you expecting? You were just friends, and you didn’t like him like that anyway... right? Your thoughts cut off when you felt a pair of lips peck your cheek and his hands leave your shoulder to interlock with one of your own. “Come back to me okay?” he said sincerely, his eyes filled with worry.
“I promise.”
After the failure at the fire nation capitol, the few weeks before the arrival of Sozin’s comet blurred by far too quickly for your liking. The anxiety concerning Aang’s final battle with the fire lord was a top concern on everyone’s mind, including your own. Things were a bit stagnant between you and Sokka. You couldn’t ignore your feelings but at the same time you were fighting a war - there wasn’t any time to put energy into a relationship.
However after you, Toph and Sokka took down the airships, you were forced to confront these feelings yet again.
After riding with Appa over Ba Sing Se to look at the fireworks, you two were aimlessly roaming around the upper ring - watching the festivities of those celebrating the end of the hundred year war.
“So,” he asked suddenly, looking at you with a smile and nudging your arm jokingly. Normally you would have shoved him back, but all you could do was look down at your fidgeting hands and hope he couldn’t hear how fast your heart was beating. “What do you plan on doing now?”
“Um, I’m honestly not sure.” you responded, looking up at him. “I guess I’ll go back to the fire nation? I still want to help, I just don’t really know where I guess.”
“I get what you mean. I mean you could always stay with me...”
“With you?” Sokka began sputtering and waving his hands around after realizing what he just insinuated.
“I mean not with me per say.” he rephrased, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. You actually felt a tinge of disappointment at his words. “I mean with team avatar, we aren’t exactly finished saving the world - and you’re a vital member of our team.” Instead of calling him an idiot like you would have in the past, you gave him a small smile - catching him completely off guard and causing him to blush.
“I’d like that.” He intertwined you’re fingers and ran his thumb over the back of your hand. Before you could speak again you were interrupted by the rest of your friends running towards you.
“We were wondering where the two of you ran off to!” Katara said slightly out of breath, leaning over.
“We were having a moment and you ruined it!” Sokka shouted at his sister, causing her to start complaining about how he shouldn’t have broken off from the group without telling them if he didn’t want to be followed. As they continued to bicker, you felt Toph shove your shoulder.
“It’s about time you two got together.”
“Shut up Toph.”
Several years into the future, you continued to aid team avatar in helping the the different nations recover from the wars aftermath. Surprisingly, you and Sokka’s relationship still had no title and stayed undefined. To everyone else’s was clear you were together - but you still hadn’t kissed or showed in public displays of affection as of late. To on onlooker it just looked like you both could’ve been close friends. But that would finally change when you and Toph went to visit Katara and Sokka in the southern water tribe.
After greeting Katara, you were almost knocked off of your feet by the force of Sokka hugging you and eventually picking you up so you were about a foot off the ground.
“I missed you so much!” he borderline squealed, rocking you back and forth a bit.
“I missed you too, but can you set me down for a minute? I have something to give you.”
“You do?” he asked, his eyes sparkling in excitement. Reaching behind you, you handed him a sword with slightly shaky hands. “Is this, for me?”
“Yes.” you replied quietly, looking down at your fidgeting hands - still not rid of the habit even at 17. “I felt really bad after you lost your space sword and I couldn’t find another meteor but I wanted to make you a new one to replace it anyways...” you continued to ramble on before you heard the sword drop onto the snow covered ground with a quiet *crunch*. “Hey! I get that it’s not your old one but that doesn’t mean I didn’t spend a lot of timmmph!” you were cut off when you felt his lips cover your own, his arms wrapping around your waist.
You didn’t kiss back at first out of shock, but eventually did so and cupped his cheeks with your gloved hands. Once you broke apart, he leaned his forehead on yours. “I love it.”
Later on that evening when everyone had turned in for the night, you found yourself tucked into Sokka’s chest as he snored softly - his head resting on top of yours and his arms protectively encircled around your waist. Though the journey had been long and exhausting, you were greatful for it. Maybe joining team avatar hadn’t been such a bad idea after all?
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 - @practicallylivesonline
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angularbean · 4 years
Snuggles Not Struggles - Zuko x Reader
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This is my first Zuko x Reader, I’m sorry if its bad! This gif isn’t mine but please enjoy! I got a bit carried away! Please request!
Word Count: 2489
You stared out at the sky where fluffy clouds were scattered within it, your (h/c) hair whipping around your face. Here you sat, with your knees tucked underneath your chin, on your third day of nonstop travel with the rest of the Gaang. The cool wind felt nice against your hot skin, but sitting on Appa for three days straight was starting to get to you. Everything started to get irritable. Katara and Sokka bickered for what it seemed like the millionth time that day for whatever reason, something about food or something which would make sense because Sokka always seemed to be hungry.
“Will you two just shut up!” Toph screamed, looking, or at least trying to, towards the sound of the bickering siblings. 
“Don’t tell us what to do!” Sokka retaliated as Katara ‘hmphed’ and nodded in agreement. 
You let out a sigh and looked over to your friends. Sokka and Katara sat in one of the corners of Appa’s saddle, shoving each other as they still continued to bicker despite Toph’s protest. Top sat in the corner next to them, outwardly groaning as she threw herself on her back and covering her face with her hands. Your eyes traveled to the corner next to you, where a certain banished prince sat. He rolled his eyes at the scene in front of him and rested his chin on his hand, looking out towards the trees below them as Appa finally descended closer to the ground. His hair flowed in the wind as his pale skin glistened in the sunlight. He looked so, in short, beautiful. 
It wasn’t a secret about how you felt about him. Everything about Zuko just made your heart flutter. From the first time you met him at Kyoshi island, to the time he tried to join the Gaang. You don’t know why he made your heart skip a beat. Maybe it was the way his black hair fluttered in the wind, or how his eyes shone like flecks of gold in the sunlight, or even how his voice always seemed to soothe you no matter how anxious you were. Okay, maybe you did know why you crushed on him but you would never admit it. You would never hear the end of it from Katara. She had caught you staring at him as he trained with Aang once, and she never let go. She would always give you knowing smirks or winks whenever you’re around Zuko. 
As you admired how Zuko looked in the golden sunlight the sunset produced, he turned and his golden eyes met your (h/c) ones. You felt your whole face flush and quickly turned away. He caught you staring, how embarrassing. Desperately, you covered your face with your hands to cover faint blush dusting your (s/c) cheeks. Next to you, Zuko’s face was dusted with the same blush. Unbeknownst to you, he had been admiring you just a few minutes before. 
“Look a village!�� Aang pointed, gaining the attention of everyone. “We can stop there for the night!” He continued which elicited cheers from everyone as he landed Appa near the entrance of the tiny village.
Sokka was the first one off of Appa, planting kisses on the grass. Everyone took the time to stretch their limbs. After three consecutive days of being on Appa, it really took a toll on your limbs. You stretched until you heard a satisfying pop, causing you to sigh in content. 
“Oh, ground! I never knew I’d miss you so much!” Sokka practically moaned, still kissing the grass.
“That’s how you get sick. Disgusting,” Katara stated as her face contorted in disgust which caused Sokka to glare at her. Sokka opened his mouth to deliver a snarky response but you quickly stopped it.
“Come on guys, no more fighting. Let’s find somewhere to stay,” You stated, trying to keep the peace. Zuko walked over to you and placed a hand on your shoulder closest to him.
“(Y/N)’s right. We should head in before the sunsets.” Zuko agreed, a trace of nervousness his voice. He quickly removed his hand and walked towards the village.
Sokka grinned at you and placed his hand on the same shoulder Zuko had.
“(Y/N)’s right. We should head in before the sunsets. Also, (Y/N), I’m in love with you but I’m too much of a baby to admit it. Let’s make out.” He mocked, deepening his voice as best he could, as he made kissing noises at you. 
You quickly shoved Sokka off of you as your blush deepened from the small contact you had with Zuko, which caused Katara to giggle. 
“Shut up.” You muttered as you headed towards the village with the rest of the Gaang in tow, who continued to tease you. 
Everyone decided to do some quick supply shopping before you all turned in for the night. Since the food had run out everyone decided to get some nonperishable food first, considering no one wanted Sokka to whine about there not being food. Sokka lead the group through the market, with Toph next to him, Katara and Aang chatting behind those two, which left you with Zuko. As you walked, there would be the occasional brushing hands together but neither of you stopped nor acted upon it. 
Sokka stopped to browse one of the stands, in turn, you decided to look around as well. Your eyes landed on a small stand run by a young woman, it was a little jewelry stand. You approached it as the lady made eye contact with you.
“Hello! Is there anything I can help you with? Is there something specific you’re looking for?” She asked.
“No thank you, I’m just browsing,” you answered as you offered her a smile.
“Let me know if you need anything!”
With that, she left you. Your eyes scanned through the jewelry; necklaces, bracelets, rings came in all sorts of assortments, sizes, and color. As you browsed, your eyes landed on a small necklace. The necklace itself was simple, the centerpiece was a small crystal held horizontally by small chains. Regardless of its simplicity, you loved it. You made a mental note to come back tomorrow morning as the sun began to finally set. You hoped it would be there tomorrow as you headed back to where your friends were.
Before the Gaang began their shopping trip, this wonderful elderly couple offered their shed to them. One thing they forgot to mention was the bed arrangement. As they entered the shed, they realized how spacious it was but the problem was that there was one four beds, each on a different wall of the shed. There was six of you. None of you thought to bring your sleeping bags with you and Appa was all the way back at the entrance so everyone fought for those four beds. 
Toph already called one of the beds and no one really wanted to fight her for it. For someone that small, she could really pack a punch. Everyone else had to decided who got what. Of course the only way to do it was playing elemental rock, paper, scissors. In the end, Sokka came out as the victor and earned a bed to himself. That left you, Katara, Aang, and Zuko. It seemed the obvious arrangement would be you and Katara then Aang and Zuko. However, it seemed Katara had different plans. Her lips spread into a condescending grin as she pulled Aang to one of the other beds.
“Goodnight (Y/N)!” She sang as she dragged the poor air bender behind her, who had an obvious blush coating his face. 
It was obvious what she was doing, and it frustrated you. How could she, you’d never forgive her! 
You and Zuko looked at each other in disbelief.
“Uh. We don’t have to share a bed if you don’t want to. I-I can sleep on the floor.” Zuko offered as he refused to make eye contact with you, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. This time, you didn’t miss the pink tinge of his cheeks.
“No!” you responded a little to quickly causing a feeling of embarrassment to rush through your veins. “I mean, n-no I-I don’t mind. The floor wouldn’t be too comfortable anyway.” Zuko gave you a small smile in response. 
You couldn’t believe how attractive this man was, especially in the light of the fire that you guys had started. He practically glowed. Maybe, you could forgive Katara, just this once. Zuko had already climbed into bed, facing the wall. Not wanting to seem weird for staring, you climbed in after, facing the fire that was a good couple of feet away from you. The bed was small to the point that your backs were touching which caused your heart to flutter. You tried to sleep for a good ten minutes but you couldn’t seem to. To be fair, you were sleeping next to your crush. Kind of a hard situation to just ignore. You tried shifting around a little bit by placing your leg over the side of the bed, but that proved to be very uncomfortable. There were’t very many positions you could sleep in since most of the space was compromised. 
No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t get comfortable. You tried shutting your eyes and forcing yourself to sleep but it never worked. Zuko didn’t seem to be able to sleep either, as he continuously shifted on his side of the bed. Eventually he just flipped over. His back was pressed against the wall as he faced you. That seemed to prove more comfortable for him as he stopped shifting. You could feel his warm breath on the back of your neck, causing you to tense up; creating goosebumps on the back of your neck. Your heart beat rang loudly in your ears and you silently hoped that he couldn’t hear it, but you doubt he couldn’t. Hell, you’re pretty sure Toph could hear it from the other side of the room. 
You let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding and shifted for the millionth time. Your body was close enough to the edge of the bed to the point you thought you were going to fall off, maybe you should just sleep on the floor. Maybe then you’d stop your heart from racing.
Suddenly, she felt arms wrap around her waist that pulled her back slightly.
“Is this okay?” A sleepy Zuko whispered in her ear. In that moment you were sure your ovaries exploded. And you thought his voice was attractive as it was, his sleep voice was even better. 
“Y-Yeah,” you chocked out after trying to get a coherent sentence out. You silently cursed at yourself for stuttering and tried to even out your breathing. 
You could still feel his even breath on your skin, so he had to be asleep. Everything felt unreal. Here you were, being spooned by the most attractive person you’ve ever met. There was no was you were going to be able to sleep. 
About half an hour passed and you still had no success in sleeping. You decided to shift your position one last time. You sat up a little, pushing up the thin blanket covering you, and pushed your self back into Zuko’s chest. While trying not to wake him up, you tried to mold yourself against him as you push your backside against him still trying to get comfortable. A soft grunt escaped Zuko’s lips as his hands gripped your waist, holding you in place. 
“Are you trying to turn me on?” Zuko grunted in your ear. “Stay still.”
Blood immediately rushed to your face as you struggled to formulate words. 
“I-I’m so-so s-sorry.” In which Zuko on hummed in response. Where did this come from, last time you checked this boy was awkward as hell. Yet here he was, spooning you while he rested his head on the crook of your neck. His surprisingly soft hair tickling you. Your heart was beating out of your chest and your mind was racing. You couldn’t believe this was happening and how nonchalant he was about it!
Your body seemed to give you mercy as you finally were able to fall asleep.
Sunlight immediately impeded your vision, causing you to squint your eyes. Your eyes were met with Zuko, sleeping peacefully his hair covering his face. Man, you could get used to this. His eyes fluttered open, gold ones meeting (e/c) ones. You couldn’t quite name the look in his eyes, maybe the best way to describe it was adoration. Zuko smiled softly as he raised one of his hands from the small of your back to brush a strand of hair out of your face. He opened his mouth to say something but he was instead interrupted by squealing. 
Startled, you pushed yourself away from Zuko, causing you to fall of the bed. You groaned in pain as you rubbed your back. Zuko immediately sat up and looked down at you.
“Are you okay?!”
As you headed back to Appa, you never heard the end of it. Katara talked off your ear, asking you a bunch of questions which you didn’t answer. Toph just teased you about the whole thing. You were sure the boys were doing the same exact thing to Zuko a few feet behind you. Ignoring everyone else, Zuko caught up to you gaining your attention.
“Hey so uh, I saw you looking at this yesterday and I thought it would look really pretty on you. Not that I was staring at you or anything I just happened to notice...” Zuko rambled. He gave you a cute little box that was topped off with a bow. You raised an eyebrow and opened it. You then realized that it was the necklace you were looking at. Grinning you threw yourself onto Zuko, pecking him on the lips; successfully shutting him up. 
“Zuko, I love it! You didn’t have to!” You smiled at him. “Can you put it on me?” You asked, handing him the necklace. He nodded and motioned you to turn around, which you did. His fingertips brushed your shoulders and the back of your neck as he clipped on the necklace, causing your skin to tingle. Once he was done you turned and faced him, the necklace resting in between your collarbones. 
“Beautiful.” Zuko stated as he wrapped his arms around you, pushing you flush against his chest. Both of you leaned in until there was little to no space left in between you. 
“Finally! I thought we were going to have to force them to kiss!”
“Sokka! Shut up! You’re ruining the moment!” Katara scolded, causing the two to start bickering.
Rolling your eyes, you closed the space, pressing your lips against Zuko’s as the siblings bickered in the background.
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Headcanon: uhm how the gaang treats yue or how they see yue shshhs
OKAY, so I decided to focus on the girls first because I went off (but are we really surprised? This is me we’re talking about). 
I focused on how they met Yue, what made them click, and how they treat/view. Consider this headcanon for Limerence as it is developing, not as an end-all-be-all.
If you want one of the boys (Aang, Sokka, Zuko) let me know cause I’ll post it ASAP rather than dwindling around~
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“Yue?” Katara would perk, before smiling, “She’s more than just a friend; she’s family, a sister.”
Katara, Aang and Sokka are the first ones to met Yue after she saves Aang. Immediate reaction - grateful.
Secondary reaction - worry. Katara’s blue eyes settled over Yue, and saw how frail she looked. Her clothes dirty and torn, hair a birds nest; she was skin and bones. Katara’s ‘must-take-care’ instincts blaring.
The same day they met, they bonded;
Yue was sitting in the river under the starry night as Katara helped wash her hair. She couldn’t help but notice the tiny scratches and bruises that littered Yue’s skin, superficial. But she could imagine how they stung.
“Why don’t you heal yourself, Yue? You’re a Waterbender.” Katara asked with her brows pinched, confused to see all of Yue’s injuries. But Yue let out an awkward giggle, shyly sinking further into the water, “I-I’m a terrible healer.”
“I can teach you if you want.” Katara perked, happy to show off her skills to teach another.
But she quickly noted Yue’s expression in the reflection of the water. Her eyes heavy, lip trembling. It was an expression filled with deep pain and sadness, and without another word, Katara found herself embracing Yue from behind.
From that point on, Katara took on the big sister role despite being the younger one by a few months.
Katara sometimes stares at Yue and has to smile, happy to be by her side and watch Yue grow. She wasn’t the girl crying in the river anymore; she was the impending Queen of a Nation.
She always stands up for Yue and encourages her to put her foot down whenever someone disrespects her. Even Katara’s frustrated at how nice Yue is.
Very protective, and will lowkey judge the people Yue is around. She knows Yue is a bit naive and doesn’t want someone to take advantage #SorrynotsorryZuko. 
A bit disappointed that Yue never Waterbended with her, despite asking her multiple times to train. She finally found another Waterbender, someone who was by her side full-time, and it proved fruitless.
The one time they did battle, Katara was about to go easy. She quickly realized never to doubt Yue’s fighting skills…but her healing could use some work.
Guilty for thinking Yue was a Firebender at first.
Was lowkey jealous at Yue’s and Aang’s relationship and how quickly they hit it off before realizing it is just Yue’s personality
Often bond in the hot springs with a nice face and hair mask, fantasizing about their future and wedding plans.
Katara’s go-to person to vent and shop with.
Will cook meals for Yue because Yue cannot cook to survive. Katara’s still baffled at how Yue managed to burn boiling water. Like seriously, how?
Often heals Yue’s bruises and scratches because she’s way too clumsy. Also stopped asking questions as to how she even gets hurt. A papercut from a teddy bear?
“Yue’s biggest strength is also her weakness, her heart.” Katara would softly speak, twirling her braid in her hands, “But that’s why we’re here. To make sure she’s okay and that she doesn’t live off sweets because that girl has a sugar addiction.”
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“She’s alright, I guess… kinda whiny, always needing attention, we call her Princess for a reason- but…” Toph would start before stepping forward. She would cross her arms before whispering, “She’s an amazing baker and gives the best hugs. BUT YOU DIDN’T HEAR THAT FROM ME.”
Toph and Suki met Yue a few days after the others, and the first thing she noticed was how damn light Yue was on her feet, another Airbender?
Yue was quick to greet Toph, voice chirpy and filled with life, and for a moment, Toph thought Yue was going to be an absolute chatterbox. Talking her ears off until they bled. Imagine her surprise how quiet Yue got after their greeting, standing off to the side as the others spoke.
Toph would study her movements, how she twirled her fingers, pulse racing…
Their moment of connection would come days after, Toph feeling the ground underneath her vibrate, just a touch. It was enough to wake her up from her slumber, feet embedded on the ground and searching for those light footsteps. Toph would begrudgingly follow, thinking it was Aang taking a late-night stroll before they suddenly stopped.
“The stars… they’re beautiful tonight. Want to experience them with me?” Yue would hum, taking Toph off guard.
“I’m blind-”
“You of all people should know there is more than one way to experience the world.”
Toph would snort, kicking the dirt under her feet, “Oh yeah? Explain colour to me.”
Toph could feel Yue walked towards her, bending over, a distinct pulling sound-making light, before standing upright. Yue’s hands gently reached for Toph’s, letting something dewy in nature fall into her palms.
“Green… it’s the grass and leaves, soft and tickles your toes. Filled with life. It’s not my favourite colour; I enjoy red much more. Red is the colour of the blaring sun against your skin. Like a festering burn, pulsing with strong vibrations.”
Yue’s wasn’t that bad after all.
Abnormally tolerate to Yue’s need for physical affection. Timed ‘hugs’ are a norm (don’t want to let Yue know how much Toph loves them, or else she’ll never hear the end of it).
Careful about her tone with Yue. Rarely raising it like how she would with Sokka or Katara because Toph could feel how Yue’s heart would race.
One of the few people Toph would willingly let touch her feet and pamper.
Toph listens to Yue’s rants about fashion or makeup because there was something about hearing her heart skip - she dares say it, it was cute.
Toph went from feeling indifferent to Yue to finding an odd sense of comfort in her presence. An Aang 2.0, but a lot more sensitive and a way better baker.
Views Yue as a best friend and typically calls her Princess because she is one.
Taught her that being feminine in nature doesn’t equal weak. You can be fabulous and kick ass.
Will unconsciously take a big sniff around Yue. She smells good, like baked goods.
“She may be a crybaby…but she has a good heart.”
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“She’s too cute!” Suki would laugh, smiling fondly at all the memories that seemingly flashed through her mind. “Yue is like a kitten. She’s cute and shy, but she has that curious spirit inside. A mischievousness that you’ll never expect to see.”
Suki met Yue at the same time as Toph, but because Sokka introduced Yue to her with much glee, Suki immediately opened up.
Funny enough, unlike the rest who shared a bonding moment via a direct personal experience, Suki realized she loved Yue when seeing how she spent time with Sokka.
Suki was lounging on the sandy beaches in the Earth Nation, enjoying the sun kissing her skin with the waves crashing in the distance. Sokka proclaimed that he was a sandcastle master, and Suki watched with lowered sunglasses how Sokka and Yue spent precisely two hours building a monstrously of a sandcastle.
Seeing Yue and Sokka bickering and having fun like siblings struck a chord with Suki. She was going to love anyone who can make her boyfriend that happy.
Suki dusted herself off from the sand, coming behind Yue and placing her hands on her shoulders, “Want to come shopping tomorrow with me downtown?”
“Me?” Yue would gasp, her eyes wide.
Suki would smile, eagerly shaking her head, and she saw that happiness spread over Yue’s face, “I would love to!”
Girls night is a tradition between them, getting tipsy- drunk on wine and spoiling Yue with dresses.
Guilty of being the ‘devil on her shoulder.’ Suki can’t help it; she loves Yue’s eagerness to try new things and learn, but her shyness always got the better of her, and that’s where Suki comes in.
Half of their conversations go from sweet to sexual in under ten seconds.
Besides Aang and Sokka, Suki’s the closest to Yue, they’re practically sisters.
Like Katara loves hyping Yue and encouraging her to stand up for herself and seek happiness. Suki knows Yue always puts herself second; that’s why she pampers Yue whenever she can.
Love teasing Yue with Toph. It’s just too easy.
“She’s a girl’s best friend, the best shoulder to cry on, and the easiest to tease.” 
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royalblue-star · 4 years
opening up- sokka
Pairing: Platonic! Sokka x Earthbender!Reader Summary: The Gaang begins to question the reader about their personal life because she never talks about herself. Luckily Sokka is there for them when the memories are too much.
(Gif not mine)
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~ "So (Y/N), you never talk about your family," said Aang. 
This caught me by surprise. I thought that it had been some unsaid thing that I never talked about my family, and the Gaang never asked.  My head snapped towards Aang in mild shock.
"Your family. You never talk about them."
"Yeah, you're right, I don't." I looked back down at my journal, hoping that the subject would be dropped. But when I snuck a glance up from it, it was clear that that wasn't an option.
"So, talk about them." Said Toph offhandedly. I would've thought that she, out of all people, would understand not wanting to talk about parents, another wrong assumption on my part.
"Pass," I said, returning my gaze to my journal. I had started a lovely sketch of a fire lily that I really wanted to complete.
"Oh, come on (Y/N)!" exclaimed Toph. "You know everything about all of us! Even Zuko opened up to you!"
"What Toph means is," started Katara, glaring at the blind girl, "That we want to know more about you."
"You never talk about yourself. You're a complete mystery," added Zuko.
 I sighed, if no one was going to give up willingly, I’d just do it for them. "How about we don’t discuss them. That’s always an option? Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going on a walk."
I made my way away from our little makeshift camp and into the forest surrounding us. I had barely made it into the woods before tears started to pour down my face.
"Pull yourself together, (Y/N)," I coached. Unfortunately, my efforts of calming myself down failed.  Soon what was once only a few tears became a full-fledged ocean. Tears started to cloud my vision and stopped by the nearest tree. I had no idea how far I had wondered, but that wasn't important at the moment. 
I slid down to the base of the tree and pulled my knees into my chest. Quickly, the tears escalated into full-on sobs. I hadn't thought of my family for so long. Old memories and old wounds were starting to resurface.
I had almost succeeded in hiding my memories from remembrance. But Aang had to come in, all concerned for my well being, and ask me about my past. I get that they care and want to ensure that I'm okay, but they don't understand. I don’t want to remember. Not remembering helps me know I’m okay. But how could they know? I never gave them a chance. But would I want them to understand? How would they react if I told them? I don't want pity, and that's what I would get. Especially if they found me right now, sitting on the forest floor sobbing into my knees. 
"(Y/N)?" someone questioned from behind me. I froze, this couldn't be happening. Naturally, the Gaang sent someone after me. I should've expected it. They all care too much. And now Sokka stood behind me. Well, at least it was him. Sokka was like a brother to me, out of the whole Gaang, he was the one I was closest to. We had an odd bond, it was kind of like a mutual understanding of one another. We had found someone who was always there, whether that meant seeking advice, listening to rants, or just sitting in a comfortable silence. We understood each other and what that person needed, making it easy to talk about almost anything. 
"(Y/N) don't lie to me and tell me that you're okay or that you don't want to talk about whatever's going on. It's not okay to keep things bottled up like this. I don't care if you talk to me, Katara, or even Zuko! But let us be there for you, let us help you." 
He moved to sit next to me at the base of the tree. We made eye contact, and something inside of me broke. More tears came crashing down, and he instantly pulled me into him. 
"I'm sorry you have to see me like this." I managed to get out between sobs. He just rubbed my back said, "You don't need to apologize for anything."
It felt like hours that we sat there, me crying and Sokka holding me. Eventually, the tears stopped, and once they did, I realized I was going to have to open up to Sokka.
We sat in silence for a few minutes. I didn’t know how to begin, I had never talked to anyone about anything that had happened to me. 
"Are you ready to talk?" He asked quietly, releasing me from his grasp. I nodded. I guess I would just have to start from the beginning. "I don't talk about my family because I don't have one."
“What do you mean?” He asked. It’s like he could read my mind and knew I was just going to leave it at that. Curse him and his good friend instincts.
"I don't know who my mom is. It was always me, my dad, and my brother. The three of us used to work in the Earth Kingdom mine. It was oddly pleasant, working with them. We didn’t ever have much, but we got by. And I liked life with just the three of us. Of course, the second I showed signs of earth bending, I started lessons to improve my bending. I did still work in the mines, just not as frequently. 
"One day, I had an earth bending lesson, just like any other day, except that I really didn't want to go. I begged my dad to let me skip the lesson to spend time with him and my brother in the mines. He said no of course, and told me that training to be a proper earth bender was more important. Boy, was he wrong.
"The one day he didn't let me come and help out was the day the mines collapsed. I could've stopped it if I was there. Sure, I wasn't as strong of a bender as I am now, but I could've saved someone. Everyone who was in that mine died. The entrance collapsed first, leaving everyone trapped. Next went the ceiling and it-" I cut off quickly, trying to suppress a sob. 
"(Y/N).." Sokka started but I cut him off.
"As soon as I found out, no one in our village would help me. I wasn't the only one with such a loss, I know. So I left. I fled to a neighboring village and turned to lying and stealing as a way to survive. I would perform songs and dances for people in the streets and pickpocket them during the day. Sometimes I’d tell stories. At night I’d head out of the village and practice my bending. I'm not proud of what I’ve done, and I know for sure that my dad is disappointed in me, but I couldn't see another way. When I met you guys, you showed me that other way of life. 
"I never told you guys because I was embarrassed. All of you have someone that cares about you, and I have no one. I didn't want to become a charity case because I've been on my own for so long. I've done so much to hurt so many people."
"(Y/N)" Sokka said, this time cutting me off. 
"It doesn't matter who you were in the past. What matters is who you've become. And that girl is one of the strongest, kindest, funniest, and the most independent people I know. That girl is my best friend, and I wouldn't trade her for anything. And I think your dad would be more than proud to see who you've become."
"Thank you, Sokka," I said quietly, pulling him into a hug. 
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casualdadnomad · 4 years
hii 🥺 i love your modern gaang au and i raise you: what would everyones hobbies be? ive been trying to think but i’m curious to see what your ideas are :)
hello! cute yue icon! also i think this is the first time i’ve made an actual coherent post during daylight hours.
modern atla masterpost :)
i’ve talked about Suki and Ty Lee with Kyoshi color guard endlessly but I simply love it too much for my own good
i’m a color guard girl myself so when i figured out that guard was the closest thing i could equate to the Kyoshi warriors without them having to fight crime i got way too excited
not that they don’t fight crime! individually they all have very strong feelings about rectifying injustice so they do a lot of petitions, protests, and general raising awareness for important issues together
Aang is in band and no i’m not sorry
homie plays the trumpet. you saw how excited he was by those little moles when he was “putting together an orchestra” in the library episode!
he is a kid who is in band, as a opposed to a Band Kid, which he is not
Zuko and Azula’s dad used to make them play golf because that’s what rich mfers do
but they both hated it and now that he’s gone they decided to never golf again
however, Zuko dominates mini golf now when the gaang plays, and refuses to tell anyone how. “it’s just dumb luck i guess”
Zuko is a theater kid
he’s more of a behind the scene’s type. not cast, but crew
“i’m not about to get typecast as the fucking phantom of the opera”
Azula plays volleyball and is mega competitive
she takes out all her anger on that ball and is a spiker
despite being a sophomore she’s the best spiker on the team
she has a lot of anger
Sokka, a king, doesn’t really do much when it comes to school sanctioned activities
he has his graffitiing, which takes up a good amount of his time
he is however a poetry genius and decided to take up creative writing club which he enjoys so much
Katara has been ballet dancing since she was six
it was originally to help with her waterbending but she stuck with it and is now a pointe dancer 
she’s very good with rules and discipline
but she’s also good at pouring her emotions into dancing, which is what makes her truly great at it
she has a lot of emotions
Toph, once again, has rich ass parents who make her do bullshit like viola lessons
Toph discovered that as a 15 year old girl with terrifyingly awesome power, it’s easy to get your viola teacher to promise not to tell your mom you’ve been skipping lessons to go hang out with your friends or practice your bending
Mai works at hot topic but is also on the school’s archery team
yeah why do so many schools in the midwest have one of those
but she figured she can apply at least some Knife Logic and she was right, she’s very good at archery
plus it’s always good to be adding more weapons to your arsenal
Ty Lee, along with Kyoshi color guard, is a competitive gymnast
she learned chi blocking as a child because she was a nonbender, and her parents wanted her to have something special too so they taught her
not that she isn’t an airbender and just doesn’t realize it
yeah i believe that theory about her being an airbender 110% but that’s a post for another day
alright this was a LONG one but i hope it was everything u wanted! thanks for the ask! :)
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