lietuvens · 1 year
fuckkk in 9 days i take a one way flight 2 berlin 2 perform (at a small party) 2 hang around 2 work (in a bar) and i feel sooo terrified like scared on a whole new international ms worldwide way.. 
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spookykestrel · 1 year
2. What’s their biggest regret?
16. How would others describe them?
17. How would they describe themself?
[for oc ask game :D]
Hiiiiiiiiiiii ty for sending this <3 <3 <3
Same story I’m answering for my beloved Chely and Kara
2. This is kind of funny given the context of the story (everyone’s gonna die woo <3). Chely’s would be wanting to have been more assertive and self-advocating. Also Chely would have liked working at a painting studio or somewhere similar. Kara’s biggest regret is never doing anything worthwhile and meaningful.
16. Without knowing them, people find them a little weird and are probably a little judgemental, especially their boring next door neighbors. Once people get to know them, they still think they’re weird but like in an affectionate way yk? People tend to think Chely is shyer and Kara is crazier than either of them are.
17. Neither of them would spend too much time categorizing or thinking about themselves. If asked to describe themselves, Chely would say they’re good at knitting and Kara would say he’s got the top score at their favorite game at an arcade.
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privately-andre · 2 years
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bunicate · 6 months
Big brother lucifer doting on his baby sis in a different way, by ruining her innocence and spoiling her with her first orgasm, playing with her in a way he never has before: from the inside. And then getting her addicted to his cock in the forthcoming days, weeks and months where she asks if she can play with his cock whenever they're alone :3
aaaak I rlly want to expand on dis especially bcuz it’s fun 2 explore it while belphie is jus fuming in the background. I wud like 2 think that the start of your relationship with luci rlly was innocent at first. he dotes, a lot, brushes your hair, ties your shoe laces, tells u to take your time to chew your food . he’s rlly just a dad who’s big brother shaped !
I fink it’s only natural tht the affection wud become smthn sooo much more sensual. after he beds his little sister the first time, it’s only after he realizes he might’ve made a msitake, and luci doesn’t make mistakes ! he’s forced to deal with the repercussions of his actions when you beg him for some playtime. when you crawl in between his legs jus asking your big bro for some milkies at the most inappropriate moments. it’s enough to make him blush. i dnt think lucifer is able to actually say no to you. no matter how wrong and dirty u may be . guilt eats him up sometimes bcuz he practically he trained you to be cock addicted
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putrikaguya · 5 months
Come back to Japan! Part 2
Jadi perjalanan kedua kali ke Jepang ini kemarin mendarat di Narita. Salah satu pengalaman baru lagi liat Narita karna sebelumnya aku stop nya di Haneda. Ga banyak yang aku inget di Narita karna buru-buru gitu dan udah ditungguin sama pihak travelnya. Pas first time ketemu guide kita gileeee asik banget sih orangnya, beda banget sama yang di chat kemarin karna ternyata emang beda orang. Aku langsung ngerasa klik sama orang ini, extrovert banget soalnya.
Kami nginep 3 malam di asakusabashi dan hotelnya deket banget sama stasiun. Beda banget sama waktu backpackeran yang lumayan jauh karna pake airbnb dan enaknya pake travel tuh kita selalu pake eskalator / lift setiap di stasiun pas bawa koper jadi ga cape samsek. Kalo pas masih backpacker kan namanya kita buta platform jadi seringnya angkat2 koper naik turun tangga. Cuma karna trauma angkat2 koper itu jadi kemarin aku dan suami malah bawa koper kabin doang.
Hari kedua di Tokyo kita langsung ke DisneySea huwaaaaa.. Seru banget aku sampai nangis waktu ada festival spring didadahin Mickey Minnie. Eh malemnya nangis lagi waktu ada festival kembang api yang lengkap ada coco dll nya. Kayak mimpi rasanya. Nanti videonya aku share secara terpisah...
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Hari ketiga kita diajak liat sakura ke Yoyogi Park. Jadi sebenernya pas ke sana masih spring, tapi beberapa hari sebelum ke sana hujan dan angin besar, makanya banyak sakura rontok. Pokoknya jadi agak jarang liat sakura. Nah di Yoyogi Park ini katanya beberapa pohon masih ada yang berbunga, dan bener aja kita ketemu aaaak so happy🌸🌸🌸
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Siangnya tentu aja jalan jalan ke Shibuya dan Harajuku. Tidak lupa mampir ke Don Quixote tapi cuma mau liat2 aja dulu soalnya mikirnya hari terakhir nanti ada Don Quixote lagi kok di Osaka. Udah aku catetin apa yang mau aku beli, salah satunya earbone shokz karna harganya beda 500ribuan sama di sini.
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Hari selanjutnya pindah ke Osaka naik Shinkansen perjalanan ditempuh waktu sekitar 2 jam. Sebelum naik kereta aku beli bekel dulu yang canggih banget ini monmaap cuma ditarik benang box nya langsung manasin sendiri selama 5 menit, pantes harganya beda sama bento lainnya. Jujur aku takjub makanan aja bisa dipikirin sampe kayak gini, jadi angetnya ngikutin kapan kita laper dan bisa di makan di tengah perjalanan.
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Sampai Osaka kita langsung ke Universal. Jujur aku terharu bisa balik lagi ke sini cuma bedanya dulu aku cuma sampai luar aja alias ga masuk ke dalem karna temen2ku ga suka main. Sekarang sampe dalam jadi terharu lagi. Yang paling epic tu pas masuk ke Mario sih karna dari kecil mainin game nya dan bagus banget tempatnya dari yang lain. Tapi harpot juga baguss huwaaaa...
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Hari berikutnya lagi kita cuss ke Kyoto. FYI Kyoto kayak paling luvv gt buatku dari kota lainnya. Ga tau kenapa tapi Kyoto kayak lebih tenang aja buat aku di sana. Kebanyakan juga pemandangan alamnya bagus dan banyak yang lebih murah juga makanan minumannya. Kita pergi ke Fushimi Inari dan Arashihama, turis banget sih emang wkwk tapi tetep happy. Ada lagi satu lagi yang bikin happy, ketemu sakura yang masih bagus banget di sana 😭💕
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Karna aku udah ga bisa upload foto lagi jadi nanti lanjut di part 3 yaa 🥰
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ask-the-antags · 10 days
I taser Byakuya, well attempt too, I accidently taser Nagito as he's currently used us his good luck
What the- AAAAK-
*he said getting tazed to his surprise, as he usually has good luck*
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frickingnerd · 24 days
V-chaaaan!!! My precious beautiful cutie patootie <333
I just saw your list of prompts and I have to say that i absolutely love them! And I wanted to aaaaks if your wouldn't mind if I steal take inspiration from them to write some in the future? They are so cute and funny that i will love to do it!
Breath if yes, recite the bible in japanese if no :D
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and I have a hard time making prompts that arent too angst or silly
also, i know my request are close but you always have a free pass to send a request if you want <33 its like the golden ticket in the Willy Wonka movie haha
omg i didn't know i had mutual privileges over at your blog! i feel honored now hehe 🥰
and you're absolutely free to use the prompts! :D
i honestly just put them together because those are ideas i like to do & hoped that more people would request the stuff i like to write for! but i also would very much like to read those prompts by you hehe
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missdrummond · 29 days
Album 77 initial reaction final part
Accidentally looked at the comments and saw something about buckles and a crying emoji, so I'm just going to make the prediction that Jules is converting to Christianity. Why? I don't know her last one, emphasized her being agnostic and I just want to make a wild prediction because it will feel nice if I'm right.
If I'm right though I REALLY hope they pull it off well and full consider the ramifications including how it will impact her falling out with Bridget. Who as of yet hasn't been brought up again. Also they better not pull a Eugene&Katrina arc again because I do NOT have the patience for that.
Mature themes! Oh, no Pamela was in the last episode they can't actually.... Mature themes. Not intensity of a few scenes. Mature themes. Let's go I guess
intro music was cool
wow, we haven't had underage drink since like what? Pokenberry Fall RFD?
this better be a good Connie episode, the last one was right on the edge.
da what???? What is happening?
And a VERY odd picnic specifically
You've been gone for like 3 months at the most Buck chill
"Picnics in the rain are fun" -Kelly and also me whenever Picnics are mentioned or it is raining
Score! Jillian & Connie!
Yo! Are they going to give that kid his comeuppance? I thought they were going to drop it.
Jillian being actually a pessimist is such an interesting concept in my head
What's with AiO and Giraffes? Actually that might just be Kathy
Connie is doing great switching mode!
Is AiO making the characters refer to it as "special water" just to get by censorship or what because it sounds so awkward and they didn't do this back in the 90s.
This whole scene is good awkward
Jillian switching is so fun to hear
Yeah, Jules this situation isn't safe. The drinking is one thing but on top of that the refusal accommodate and refrain for a single practice. Disrespect
Why is every date Kathy writes a picnic?
Jules! Not cool
Why are they in Madagascar again?
THIS! This is fantastic character writing! Everything here is so consistent with previous characterizations and just aaaak
Ok but you couldn't have talked about this before you got to the zoo or like afterwards? You just left that poor zookeeper hanging? Zookeepers have busy schedules and one made time to give you a backstage experience and you just left! Disrespect
Wait! I have to wait months for the next part 😭.
It's fine. I've waited though worse but oy! That was a good episode. Way better than Jules converting that would have been way too fast. I would be surprised if that was the end goal for this arc but she wasn't ready yet.
Also this was absolutely realistic for how their relationship would go down. Neither Buck nor Jules were mature enough to survive a long term relationship and honestly I'm glad they wrote just all of this storyline it's really well crafted.
That being said I also had a nebulous feeling of corny soap opera that I can't pin down if it's me being embarrassed for caring or an actual writing problem
Alright back to Chris
Chris wrap up was fine
Also yeah it was Kathy because who else could it be?
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saetoshis · 4 months
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brennacedria · 1 year
I need to complain leave feedback on the new post headers on web, but my brain isn't working. All it's doing is kind of mentally pointing at an offending post and going AAAAK at it, and I can't use that on the feedback form. There was a a really detailed, fairly unemotional post yesterday going over everything wrong with it that I was going to copy/paste the relevant parts of, but I can't find it now. :(
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tidaklagisendu · 1 year
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Akhirnya pada tahap ini. Terimakasih untuk kesungguhannya. Aaaak suka ❤️
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rafikautia · 2 years
Merindu Piko
Aku memikirkan bagaimana kabar Piko? Beberapa hari ini ia terkena flu Entah aku harus bagaimana Semoga Allah menjaga Piko
Kemarin aku sangat senang Karena saat aku hendak keluar rumah, ia mendekatiku dan gerak tubuhnya ingin mengajakku bermain Aku memintanya menunggu "Piko, tunggu aku ya, aku mau jajan dulu" kataku, Waktu pun berlalu dan aku pun sampai di depan rumah Piko masih tiduran santai dan bangkit saat aku datang Aaaak! Beginikah rasanya diharapkan oleh sesuatu? Aku sangat bahagia! Terima kasih Allah terlah mengirimkan Piko untukku
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alexcaninnit · 2 years
Draw Levi and Donnie’s signature tortal tap ??
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ardinashulhah · 2 years
Cireng Isi Hikmah
Tubuh sedang selektif sekali dengan makanan yang masuk. Kemarin sudah bekal strawberry, kentang rebus, dan satu biskuit, bisa-bisanya aku tetap tergoda membeli jajanan di sana. Ada cireng isi keju! Aaaak, segala peracian memang menggiurkan. Sudah lah aci goreng aku tambah pula dengan sedikit saus sambal. Alamak, nikmat di lidah! Malamnya baru terasa di perut. Tertolak itu semua. Rasanya sungguh tak mengenakan, akhirnya nanges lah saya ini T.T ckckck.
"Makanannya dijaga ya..", perintah sederhana melalui pesan WhatsApp yang tak diindahkan ini ternyata berakibat fatal. Mungkin penolakan tubuhku pada cireng bukan murni karena kandungan yang ada tapi juga tentang ketidaktaatan padanya yang kontan Allah ingatkan melalui rasa tak nyaman. :')
Astaghfirullahwaatubuilaih. Huhu.
Jika manusia tidak sedang tunduk pada Allah, maka ia sedang tunduk pada hal selain-Nya, pada nafsu yang ada dalam dirinya sendiri misalnya. T.T
Padahal bahagia itu bukan semata memuaskan jasadiyah dan nafsu hayawaniyah saja, tapi juga memperhatikan bagian dari manusia yang lebih penting dari itu semua, yakni aqliyah dan natiqahnya. Wallahualam.
Ardina. Bandung, 14 Februari 2023.
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its-me-ku · 1 month
Like can we please split her PLEEAASE?!?!?! >~<
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lyricsssdotin · 2 months
ILL.I.AM Lyrics
Singer:BadshahAlbum:ONE (Original Never Ends) Mere shehar tu aaAake mujhe milAake mujhe dekhMain maaru kaise chillKitniyon ke tode maine dilMain kya karun meri jaan I’m Ill (x2) Aaya Badshah slow-moChevy 64 low proMain first class tu so soJalne wale dekhe mujhe bolein “Oh No!” Ghabraao nahi khudko sambhaloKuch socho koi jugat nikaaloMain akela mujhe rok nahi sakteKancho mein jitna bhi dam hai…
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