#aaaaaa a aa a aa aa
transmunkustrap · 3 months
The Bottom of the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection Webpage
This is adorable
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rocknroll-stolemyass · 7 months
Ace Attorney characters answering the can you buy me pads text
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Part 2 here :)
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mikayesha · 1 year
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i enjoy
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2smolbeans · 1 month
Hello, if it's possible, may I request? How would the yandere demon brothers deal with an MC who is the opposite of their sins? (Lucifer with a humble MC, Mammon with a generous MC, Levi with a kind MC and so on). Will they try to corrupt the MC? Will they leave the MC as she is or will MC be corrupted either way?
MC can be fem or GN if you want!
yes ofc! Requests are open! Thank you for the ask! I tried my best ^^
I wrote this at 3am aha
Mc will be gender neutral and will be referred as to they or you and there will be religious themes!
Yandere Obey Me Brothers with an Angel Virtue Mc
Pride and Humility
Humility, to be humble and righteous.
Humility, to be obedient to the lord and to show respect of others including yourself.
Humility, to be meek, patient and kind.
Humility, the one that brings wisdom while pride brings disgrace.
Humility, a nice way to say that you're just a virtue signaling prude according to Lucifer Morningstar.
Lucifer found you extremely annoying at first glance. No really, the sight of you made him roll his eyes. With your white glowing wings, that halo over your head with the little eyes that stared at him, you were an eye sore. Everything about you reminded him of heaven and his pathetic creator who loved mankind. The very same mankind that would always end up in the pits of hell for their egregious sins. It reminded him of what he used to be- at least a little bit, you didn't amount to the beauty of his old angelic self- but it was somewhat close enough.
He hated the way your righteousness made you look better than him. It made his teeth grit when your patience, kindness, and suffering made you look more desirable to those around him. Have a backbone, have a voice, don't be such a pushover, especially when there are others who are willing to take advantage of your humility.
The two of you were polar opposites, two sides of a coin, and somehow he found himself befriending you. Was it for the sake of the exchange program? Probably.
So how would he deal with you? Lucifer is a man of control, a haughty demon with a lot of vanity in him. He wouldn't be desperate to trap you, he wouldn't go out of his way to irrationally win you over- though the thought of an angel like yourself swooning over him isn't unwanted.. He'd just keep a close eye on you while he focuses on himself like usual.
His high status as the Lucifer Morningstar is already something that makes him desirable, something an angel like you would naturally gravitate towards out of curiosity. Lucifer would talk to you, showing a bit of interest in his polar opposite, asking questions about heaven, while you asked questions in exchange. He'd show you respect, treating you with a bit of kindness that you can't find any reason to hate him besides of him being the first fallen angel to against god. He'll be there by your side as an all knowing guide, always conveniently around you like an omniscient presence.
When it comes to the other demons in hell who are eagerly waiting to claw and maim at you, he just smiles, allowing them to shoot their shot. But before they get their hands on you, he'll be there to put a performance for you.
You'll mistake him as this misunderstood fallen angel who boasted a bit too much, and he'll happily play into that role. He'll work hard into earning your trust, his honeyed educated words sweetening up your heart for him.
Lucifer Morningstar was an angel who just wanted things to be different. He's so kind, it's no wonder why he has a good reputation! You'd think.
While the thoughts that warn you about his cruelty and corruption would be on the sidelines screaming at you to run away from the cunning demon.
Will he try to corrupt you? Of course! I mean, it's bound to happen when you sympathize with him and question your lord. He'll just simply challenge your critical thinking skills, maybe say a few words about the cruelty of god, mention the unfairness of how restrictive the rules of angels are- oh, and how horrible god was during the old testament! Oh those poor children...
He won't use excessive force to make you fall, he wants to enjoy how you are now for as long as possible. Looking at you, is like looking at an old mirror. So kind, so innocent, so naive and stupid. It makes him feel a bit better looking at you when you're so.. Pure. Of course he'll imagine what it would be like when you do fall and eventually introduce yourself to sin and the pleasures of it. But most importantly, he wants to see you crumble. He can't wait to see you in shambles, crying for him when you're all confused and scared. He wants to see your humbleness fall into the irrational filth of sin below while he watches from above.
But for now, he won't really do much besides happily whisper thoughts into your ear while smiling at you as if you were a friend.
Poor angel.. If only you knew what he was thinking.
Greed and Charity
Greed destroys.
Guard against all greed.
The one that spurs the other sins.
The most selfish, unsatiable sin of them all.
Well is it wrong to think for yourself? Man, no one can do anything for themselves without it being a sin! Mammon finds the whole definition of greed to be overdramatic.
Meeting you for the first time was a show. He literally laughed at the sight of you to your face when you first stepped in hell. This was rich, what were YOU out of all beings doing in the exchange program? Mammon in the beginning would go out of his way to taunt you, snickering and comparing you to him.
Oh you aren't going to take that? More for him!
Why were you giving away those things? Do you really not care for what you have?
He found you a bit annoying. Especially whenever you would tell him to be more thoughtful. He found it more annoying when you would follow him around, believing you could 'help' him. Are you kidding me? Do you know who he is?
How would he deal with you? Simple. By bullying you. Mammon in the beginning would be a bit of a prick (Just like in the og game beginner lessons) groaning and complaining about you right in front of your face. Whining about how your charity was a show off, how easily manipulative and easy to take advantage of you were. But somehow, if you were to take this as a way of him slightly caring or being annoyed at your misfortunate, he'll have a change of heart..
"I see, so you care about me?"
"What the fuck- No!"
"You care about how others may use me, is that why you complain?"
"Please Mc, shut the fuck up"
"Mammon, can you let go?"
Suddenly, he's like a puppy, following you around. Maybe it was because you gave him the benefit of the doubt, saw something good in him, or praised him a little.. Whatever it was, Mammon was now inseparable from you. He'll make excuses to why, claiming that it would be a shame if his polar opposite were to die by some low life demon instead of his hands! You two were rivals! Even if you sigh and persist you weren't.
He'll always be there, asking of what you think of him, asking favors from you to the point of exhausting you. You were a charitable angel right?
Now would he try to corrupt you? Surprisingly no! If anything, he'll try to keep you as pure as possible as a charitable angel. Hating to admit it, but he likes you this way. Maybe it's because he's able to leech off your charity and kindness, but mostly because he's grown attached to you that he doesn't want anything bad happening to you. You really like being an angel, and for a selfish demon, he surprisingly doesn't want to take that away from you. I know, its contradictory of him, but you make him feel so warm and nice that he at least wants to do one thing for you.
He knows the pain of falling, he's been through it and it's nothing you can turn back from. He doesn't want to see his angel hurt, you're really the only thing that he has besides family.
Though he doesn't want to corrupt you, the thought of doing so is so tempting. You could be with him forever, you wouldn't be restricted by so many of those rules, you could have a high position in hell alongside of him! You'd be a fallen angel, a rare phenomenon, so you'd already be highly respected in hell! You'd get to experience so many things with him.. And y'know, sometimes he falls into that temptation. He finds himself trying to influence his sin onto you. Come on, take more, it won't hurt. Oh, why don't you just stop thinking for once and have a bit of fun? Trust him, he won't do anything necessarily bad.
Will he try to trap you or keep you imprisoned? Not really.. But he will absolutely have fun sending demons who try to mess with you into the pits of infernal hell.
Envy and Kindness
To feel longing, resentful, and pain from someone else's achievements or belongings.
Envy is one of the most painful sins to feel, and it's why when Leviathan first meets an angel who is the polar opposite of him, the first thing he feels is jealousy.
It must be so nice to be an angel, to not suffer and to be loved by others.
It must be so wonderful, being pure without having to worry about others stabbing your back.
You must be so proud, not ever knowing what it's like to feel shame in what you want or who you are.
Looking at you and knowing you, hurt Leviathan. You made him feel a variety of emotions. Pain, fear, anger, fondness, and limerence.
In the beginning, Leviathan would do his best to avoid you. The mere sight of you triggering him and leaving you in his mind for days. He hated you, and he made it clear. But he warmed up to you eventually, his hate for you simmering down whenever you showed him kindness. You were selfless, merciful, and compassionate due to your nature, and Leviathan couldn't help but eat that up. He'd self deprecate himself, he'd mope and lay in a dupe- but the moment you found him, you would pull him up, telling him what you found good about him.
You had an awful habit of looking for him, trying to talk to him. You'd always ask about his interests, listen to his stories of when he was active as an admiral, never failing to fill his heart up with that warm happy feeling. There was no doubt that you were his opposite, you were kind to those even who weren't deserving. And Leviathan.. Didn't like that. It would be selfish to keep your kindness all to himself.. But he couldn't help it. It hurt seeing those lowly demons get the same soft treatment he got. He knew they didn't appreciate as much as he did. You weren't something that he could just stand by and share with..
How would he deal with you? Well, Leviathan would try to isolate you as much as possible. Even if you protest or try to convince Leviathan otherwise to let you go, he won't budge.
It's why he considers corrupting you as an angel.. So that he could keep you by his side, but to also have you as a lower demon than himself..
I can see Leviathan being the type of obsessive demon that would rip off an angel's wings in order to keep them trapped forever with him.. Let's hope your able to sedate his envy so that it doesn't come to that.
To the poor demons that you have talked to with your kindness, I can personally see Leviathan ripping them to literal shreds out off fury whether you see or don't see out of anger.. And demons can't die. So do with that if you will.
The moment you catch Leviathan's eye, you will have to juggle yourself around him. Don't stare at anyone else. Don't outshine him, and don't ever compare him to anything else. Do those things, and Leviathan will be fine just wrapping his tail around you and happily snuggling his face against you!
Otherwise.. Good luck.
Lust and Chasity
To indulge in sexual pleasures with no love but rather twisted perversion.
To objectify people as sex objects.
Yeah they got it all wrong according to Asmodeus. Oh please, is it a crime to indulge in something so natural and pleasurable? So what if we're not married, or in a relationship? Why create something so good and then withhold it?
Asmodeus has his thoughts about the definition of his sin, and it's why when he meets an angel who is what opposes him, he's immediately clinging onto you. He'll ask you questions, and he'll laugh at your response. Degenerate? Objectifying? Filthy? Wow, so that's what he is? Gee, well isn't that interesting?
Lust can be healthy! Sure it has it's bad side.. But still! Whatever, he can hold off on the whole debate.
Asmodeus is naturally friendly, so his first impressions aren't as aggressive or scary as the other brothers. He comes off as more interested than anything when you first meet him. Asmodeus will treat you more as a friend, taking you out, gossiping to you while you just shake your head, finding you humorous with your fashion sense.
He finds you adorable! And he can't help but adore you!
Does he think about corrupting you? Absolutely. Asmodeus often fantasizes of how he'd corrupt a modest pure soul.. What face would you make? Would you get addicted to sin? Oh the possibilities were endless..
Asmodeus has seen them all crumble. The purer the are, the more degenerate they become. So he knows it's only a matter of time that his teasing, those small innuendos, his charm, his sweet honeyed temptations will eventually work on you! I mean especially if he keeps you locked up in his room! Maybe then he could prove that lust isn't such a bad sin..
Wrath and Patience
A strong feeling of vengeance, resentment, or hatred. Wrath is a restless sin, and it's something Satan is known for. When you first met him, he was amused, and not annoyed at all. It takes a lot of effort to be patient and calm, and he respects you for that.
He doesn't try to befriend you, but he does stalk you from a distance, for the sake of research of course. How do you do it? How do you just let go?
With wrath and patience, I can see an angel Mc of the opposite sin being the anchor that calms him down. And it's why Satan obsesses over them.
Will Satan try to corrupt an angel Mc who is the virtue of patience? Personally, I can see him doing it. For his twisted reasons, I can see Satan's justification of corrupting you being that "you were such a push over" or that "you just weren't meant to be an angel..".
If any demon does try to hurt you, Satan is the type to not show any mercy. Blood all over his hair, he'll spit on their breathing corpse out of spite. I can see him being protective over a patient angel. It takes a lot to endure difficult people and situations without giving up hope. So of course out of respect, he will do everything to make sure you don't have to deal with anything difficult.. Even if he does want you to fall.
Gluttony and Temperance
I'm not sure what to write for Beel.. But I see him as this gentle giant that won't have anything against a virtue of temperance. Now, I'm not calling him innocent or this cinnamon roll, Beelzebub the king of flies and one of the lords of hell for a reason.. But he won't do anything that is inherently evil.
I can see Beelzebub getting along with an Mc who is the opposite of him.
Will he try to corrupt an angel like you? No. He has crippling survivors guilt lol and doesn't want to hurt an angel. Humans.. Are a different story. But an angel who treats him well, the one who befriends him, the one who is the eye of his apple.. No, he doesn't want you to fall. He's happy keeping you as an angel, even if it's in his natural instinct to corrupt you as a demon.
Sloth and Diligence
Belphegor's first impression of you is.. Annoyance, but also he didn't care at the same time. Would you bother him? Are you going to change his life? No? Okay, cool.
But oh how wrong he was. As an angel of diligence, you kept judging the avatar of sloth. You even tried to get him to do something productive and he found it so tiring..
Now will he try to corrupt you? Honestly.. I'm not too sure. I can see it being yes as a way of sadism and to live eternally with you.. But also no because like his brother Beel, he wouldn't want you to suffer to that degree..
I could see the dynamic of Belphegor and a virtue Mc opposite of him being like:
"Get up! C'mon, it's just to get something!"
"5 more minutes.. Can we just cuddle all day?"
"5 minutes mean all day to you! Come onnn"
"Fine.. Only cause I like you.."
"Yay! I knew it! Haha! You do like me!"
"Haha.. Yeah yeah.. Fine.."
"Alright! Belph- hey what are you? Oh come on!"
"Mhnn.. Nice and soft.. ZzzzZzz..."
I can also see Belphegor with a virtue Mc preening their wings while Mc brushes his cow tail..
With how Belphegor would deal with a virtue Mc, I could see him trying to ignore Mc will drifting off to dreamland by usual. But only to be woken every time by their holy angelic presence or with Mc trying to interact with the other demons who either want to take manipulate, harm, or are interested in them.
A/N: These are my overall personal thoughts! If you have any thoughts or questions feel free! I wrote this at 4am so forgive me if the writing doesn't make sense or is a bit lack luster lol. But overall this was really fun to think about!
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imtoolazytoo · 3 months
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yourfallenang3l · 24 days
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The drawing will take a min so take this in the mean time !! ♡
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aroonescape · 2 years
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My full piece for @newtrialzine!!
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taroutann · 9 months
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Women,, ,, , ,,,, , , , 🩷
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waxsuyaaa · 6 months
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butchdykekondraki · 8 months
gritting teeth. heart mind and soul matching bracelets. collapses into dust
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funkbun · 1 year
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his name is slorby
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knightofleo · 3 months
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rocknroll-stolemyass · 7 months
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Ace Attorney Anime (S01E12): Turnabout Goodbye-Last Trial
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gaylabrat · 8 months
new year new me? multiple new mes! i have been cloned
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radioisntdead · 18 days
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thepollyjustice · 1 month
Hello Apollo!
Question about Mikeko, from one cat owner to another.
When you pick her up (if she even likes being picked up, that is), does she have a preferred way of being held? Do you carry her like a baby, holder against your shoulder, hold her upside down even? What does she prefer?
Oh don’t worry, I didn’t forget about your daily cat pic
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another one of Samara
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“Well.. first, Mikeko is energetic for a teen cat. She likes playing. (The feather toy with a bell is her favorite.) I don’t hold her that much, but when I do, it’s usually holding her on my chest with a hand supporting her.”
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“And.. nice cat. (Adorable…)”
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