#a3 dilemma
mydictionary-yume · 5 months
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I have plenty of lines to say to you But somehow, the words just won’t come out Instead, I just watch the quiet waves of the sea
Yayyy baby's first mermaid art :3
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a3songtournament · 1 year
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Natsu no Dilemma vs Sunflowers
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pardi-real · 9 months
I really love these kinda "If characters from __ series went to karaoke" videos
But especially Akuneko since the cast are mostly rising stars (except the Villa butlers' cracked VAs). Man, that Lamli & Ammon's song is super good like wth
Songs on the list:
6️⃣ Totemo sutekina rokugatsu deshita - Haruki Ishiya (Bastien) Source: song by Eight ft. Hatsune Miku
💊 Overdose - Kazuki Ura (Nac) Source: song by natori
♥️ Gimme Your Love - Shogo Sakata (Fennesz) Source: Remote ☆ Host
🏖️ Natsu no dilemma - Eguchi Takuya (Hanamaru) Source: A3!
🌸 Hanabira mau yoru ni - Yuuki Inoue (Lamli), Tomohito Takatsuka (Ammon), + Shuta Morishima Source: STATION IDOL LATCH!
🥞 Tameiki Kafeteria - Atsushi Tamaru (Berrien) Source: Glico x Tsukipro
🎻 Kanade - Yoshitaka Yamaya (Lato) Source: Ishuukan friends/one week friends anime
💫 Hoshi to eien - Tomohito Takatsuka (Ammon) Source: original song
♨️ Crimson Soul - Shinichiro Kamio (Boschi) Source: Ensemble Stars!
🕺RANCHiKi - Hinata Tadokoro (Miyaji) + Shun Horie, Toshiyuki Toyonaga Source: Fabulous Night
☂️ Hikari tatsu ame - Soma Saito (Yuhan) Source: original song
🌌 Kaji shou sou chronicle - Kazuki Furuta (Flure) + Takao Mitsutomi, Shuta Morishima Source: Dance and Music for KAMI (kamigami keshin)
🚶Daimei no nai kyou - Taito Ban (Haures) Source: song by HIRAIDAI
🍾 Party o tomenaide - Ryuichi Kijima (Lucas) Source: Hypnosis Mic
🧑‍🎤 Still… - Ryota Suzuki (Lono) Source: CARNELIAN BLOOD
🧑‍💼 Romeo - Nobunaga Shimazaki (Teddy) + Koki Uchiyama Source: HoneyWorks
That kamigami keshin, featuring teniwoha, R sound design, etc?? Illust by Akiakane??? That's so cool man. I feel so disoriented with so many music multi media projects I've never heard before in this list :| (Remote ☆ Host, STATION IDOL LATCH!, Fabulous Night, CARNELIAN BLOOD, kamigami keshin)
Btw let me know if you find any mistakes here thanks.
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asordinaryppl · 27 days
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 15: PAINFUL RE:BAKE - Episode 8: Easy To Understand Taste
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Keiku: Mornin’.
Female classmate A: It’s sooo not morning.
Female classmate B: We’re literally on lunch break.
Female classmate A: Where did you crash yesterday?
Keiku: At this guy’s.
Classmate A: At my place.
Classmate B: Why’d you leave Keiku behind, man?
Classmate A: I did try to wake him up.
Female classmate B: How about you stay over at mine today~? My parents won’t say anything.
Keiku: Girls are a pain to deal with.
Female classmate B: How mean!
Classmate B: I mean, a lot of things could go wrong if you stayed at a girl’s place.
Keiku: …
Classmate A: Where are you going?
Keiku: To get somethin’ sweet.
Kureha: … Hmmm… I wouldn’t say no to pudding… But I was kind of craving a donut… But this is the last of both… 
Girl A: Ah, Kureha-kun’s in a dilemma.
Girl B: He’s been at it for a while.
Girl A: Cutie~ He’s so lovable.
Keiku: (Lovable, eh?)
[Keiku takes the donut and pudding]
Keiku: ——
Kureha: Wha?
Clerk: The pudding and donut will be 300 yen. Thank you.
Kureha: Hold on a second– I was just about to pick. You taking both of them is so…
Keiku: I’ll give you the pudding.
Kureha: Huh?
Keiku: … Your hair reminds me of cheesecake.
Kureha: Wait, let me pay you back–
Keiku: No need.
[Keiku walks away]
Kureha: — Thanks!
Keiku: (Puddings and donuts got about the same sweetness in ‘em, so it doesn’t really matter.)
Female classmate A: … Honestly, Keiku-kun’s pretty cool, but he’s kinda scary.
Classmate B: That psycho that you can never tell what he's thinking?
Female classmate A: Yeah.
Female classmate B: BTW, what’s with that burn on his face? Some accident? Or a battle scar?
Classmate A: Ahh, he was born with it, seems like.
Female classmate B: That so?
Female classmate A: That kinda thing can be fixed, can’t it?
Classmate A: Don’t think he’s interested in that.
Classmate B: You’re practically an expert. Ask him some more stuff, Beast Meister.
Classmate A: Sure thing. I’ll make sure to tame him with sweets, too.
Keiku: …
Keiku: (... Like I thought, anything that’s not pain or sweet food is hard to understand.)
Keiku: (I could just go in there and beat these guys to a pulp.)
Keiku: (If I hit them real hard, my hands will tingle, and they’ll look scared shitless. Yup, that’s easy to understand.)
Keiku: (But that guy’s house is one of the few places I can crash at night, and I don’t think there’s any need for pain today. Just sweets.)
Keiku: …
Keiku: … I want cheesecake.
[Camera clicking]
Towa: How about these?
Ibuki: Woah, we can’t use any of these! One more.
Towa: Whaaaat? These are no good too?
Ibuki: Hurryyy.
Towa: They all look the same to me though…
[Camera clicking]
Towa: How’s this?
Ibuki: … Hmmm, well, sure.
Towa: Whew…
Ibuki: The cheesecake here is really good. Let’s dig in.
Towa: After all these pictures and videos, I can finally eat… Hm?
Towa: Wow, this is super tasty!
Ibuki: IKR?
Towa: This is the best I’ve ever eaten! The cheese has a rich yet refreshing taste, how is this even–!
Towa: I think I’ll take some to-go for my aunt… Tokyo is crazy…
Ibuki: So, what are we gonna do about the remaining two we gotta recruit?
Towa: I’d like our other two members to be able to do action scenes.
Ibuki: Mhm mhm?
Towa: Like MANKAI Company’s Autumn Troupe!
Ibuki: Enough with ManPany. Having lots of different charas would be good, though.
Ibuki: If we try to recruit through TikTak, we’ll find people in no time. Wanna try?
Towa: Hmmm… Members of a theater company will have a long-term relationship, and we’d need to be able to talk about all sorts of things, so compatibility would be key.
Towa: So, I’d like to be able to scout people I can look at with my own two eyes.
Ibuki: I see. I’ll leave that to you, then.
Towa: Still, you shouldn’t take it too easy…
Clerk A: Next person in line, please move to this register.
Clerk A: The cake set will be 970 yen. How would you like to pay?
Towa: With ONIGIRI Pay–
Clerk B: Are you sure you’d like 20 pieces of cheesecakes?
Keiku: Yes, I am.
Clerk B: Your total is 8400 yen. That’s the exact change, thank you.
Towa: ——
Keiku: … What?
Towa: Ah, I’m sorry–
Clerk B: Thank you very much.
[Keiku walks away]
Towa: …
Ibuki: Whatcha looking at?
Towa: He kinda… caught my eye for some reason.
Keiku: Mmm… Nomnomnom…
Passerby A: Uh, are those cheesecakes?
Passerby B: First time I see someone eat cheesecake while walking…
Juza: …
Keiku: ?
Keiku: I don’t got time for a fight right–
Juza: Where… did you get those cheesecakes from.
Keiku: Uh? That café over there.
Juza: … “Fromage Maison”... So the gift I got the other day was from there too.
Juza: Thanks a bunch.
Keiku: … ——
Keiku: What’s your name?
Juza: Juza Hyodo.
Keiku: … Guess it's not you. Nomnom…
Juza: … You make it look delicious.
Keiku: Huh?
Keiku: (I make it look delicious…? With my face…?)
Keiku: …
previous episode | masterpost | next episode
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sloanesallow · 8 days
*Yodels exuberantly* I must know the answers to questions A3, K2, and Z4
Lobe you! 🦀
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A3: what abilities do they have that they've worked for?
Even though she was technically born with it, her magic (and ancient magic, for that matter) did not manifest until her 16th birthday. Sloane wasn't a natural at wielding either, and it took a lot of practice and training to be able to wield it properly. The one natural talent that she has that she's worked to improve is her aptitude for plants and healing. Sloane has the greenest thumb and has spent a lot of time learning as much as she can about the healing properties of plants. Her hard work pays off when in her adult life, she is a well-respected researcher, and a traveling healer.
K2: have they ever thought about homicide?
Prior to Hogwarts, no. Even with some of the life experiences she's had, or witnessed, she never considered resorting to violence or murder. Given all the...adventures she has at Hogwarts, and the threats to her life and magic, it's been a moral dilemma for her, one she's fairly ashamed of.
Z4: what's their dream pet?
Sloane grew up on a family farm/homestead, so she was lucky enough to be a little girl with a lot of animals she could dote on, including horses. Though she always got into trouble for bringing the barn cats inside the cottage, but eventually her Papa stopped putting them back outside. Once she's at Hogwarts and she learns about magical beasts, she falls in love with Nifflers as they are the most cat-like creatures (to her, okay). When she rescues a particularly mischievous one in the Highlands, she names it Peter and he becomes her beloved companion.
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heimat-hanf-hort · 6 months
Hydration Harmony: Meistern effektiver Bewässerungspraktiken für blühende Cannabispflanzen
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Begib dich auf eine Reise, um die Geheimnisse optimaler Bewässerungspraktiken für deine Cannabispflanzen zu entdecken. Von der Vermeidung von Überbewässerungsfallen bis hin zur Gewährleistung, dass deine Pflanzen genau die richtige Menge an Feuchtigkeit erhalten, ist dieser Leitfaden dein Schlüssel zur Kultivierung einer grünen Oase.
Die Navigation durch die Cannabis-Oase: Enthüllung effektiver Bewässerungspraktiken
Einleitung: Die entscheidende Rolle von Wasser im Cannabisanbau Entdecke die grundlegende Bedeutung von Wasser im Cannabisanbau und wie das Meistern von Bewässerungspraktiken deine Ernte beeinflussen kann.
Hydratationsgrundlagen: Die ABCs der Cannabibewässerung
Kapitel 1:
Die richtige Menge - Eine Balanceakte Das Verständnis des Durstes der Cannabis-Pflanze: Wie viel ist zu viel? Erforsche die feine Balance zwischen der Bewässerung deiner Pflanzen und der Vermeidung der Gefahren von Überbewässerung. Entdecke die deutlichen Anzeichen für beide Extreme. Expertenmeinung: Dr. Sarah Green, Hortikulturistin - "Kontinuität ist der Schlüssel. Cannabispflanzen, wie Goldlöckchen, bevorzugen nicht zu viel Wasser, nicht zu wenig, sondern genau richtig."
Fallstudien: Geschichten aus den Bewässerungsschlachten der Cannabispflanzen
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Kapitel 2:
Erfahrungen aus dem echten Leben - Triumphe und Schwierigkeiten Fallstudie 1: Die Gefahren der Überbewässerung Begib dich auf eine Reise mit einem Züchter, der auf die harte Tour die Konsequenzen von Überbewässerung erfahren hat. Erfahre, wie diese Erfahrung zukünftige Bewässerungspraktiken geprägt hat. Fallstudie 2: Das Dürre-Dilemma Erkunde eine von Dürre gestresste Cannabispflanze und die unternommenen Schritte, um sie wiederzubeleben. Lerne aus realen Erfahrungen, um ähnliche Herausforderungen zu vermeiden.
Gegenargumente: Aufklärung über Bewässerungsmythen
Kapitel 3:
Herausforderung gängiger Missverständnisse Gegenargument 1: Sollte man Cannabis täglich gießen? Gehe auf den verbreiteten Glauben ein, dass tägliches Gießen notwendig ist. Erkunde alternative Ansätze, die gesündere Wurzelsysteme fördern. Gegenargument-Experte: Prof. James Anderson, Bodenwissenschaftler - "Die Bewässerungsfrequenz hängt von verschiedenen Faktoren ab, einschließlich Bodentyp, Topfgröße und Umgebungsbedingungen. Es gibt kein Einheitsrezept."
Die Gestaltung einer Hydratationsroutine: Praktische Tipps für Cannabis-Züchter
Kapitel 4:
Deinen Cannabis-Dschungel pflegen - Eine Bewässerungsroutine Tipp 1: Die richtige Bodenmischung auswählen Verstehe, wie die Bodenbeschaffenheit die Wasserretention und Drainage beeinflusst. Passe deine Bodenmischung an, um ein Umfeld für eine gesunde Wurzelentwicklung zu schaffen. Tipp 2: Timing ist alles Erforsche die Bedeutung der Bewässerung zu bestimmten Tageszeiten, um die Absorption zu maximieren und den Wasserverlust zu minimieren.
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Die Kultivierung eines Cannabis-Edens durch Wasserkunde Der letzte Tropfen: Züchter mit Bewässerungskompetenz stärken Wenn wir unsere Erkundung effektiver Bewässerungspraktiken abschließen, stelle dir deinen Cannabisgarten als harmonische Oase vor. Nutze die Kraft des Wassers, um deine Anbaureise zu verbessern.
Beliebte Fragen und Antworten:
F1: Kann ich Leitungswasser für meine Cannabispflanzen verwenden?
A1: Ja, Leitungswasser ist im Allgemeinen für Cannabispflanzen geeignet, aber es ist wichtig, den pH-Wert des Wassers zu überprüfen und Chlor zu entfernen, das für nützliche Mikroben im Boden schädlich sein kann.
F2: Wie oft sollte ich meine Cannabispflanzen während der Blütephase gießen?
A2: Die Häufigkeit der Bewässerung während der Blütephase variiert je nach Faktoren wie Topfgröße, Umgebungsbedingungen und Pflanzengröße. Überwache die Bodenfeuchtigkeit und passe sie entsprechend an.
F3: Was sind Anzeichen für Überbewässerung bei Cannabispflanzen? A3: Anzeichen für Überbewässerung sind Welken trotz feuchtem Boden, Vergilbung der Blätter und ein dauerhaft feuchtes Wachstumsmedium. Stelle sicher, dass eine ordnungsgemäße Entwässerung erfolgt und lass den Boden zwischen den Bewässerungen trocknen.
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Having severe design block for one of my assignments and I would love nothing more than to ignore it until it passes but i need to have something to show for on Tuesday and it also most definitely will not a) go away on its own if i ignore it b) nor will it disappear by Monday. Anyway I started on another assignment because i sorely needed 2 ignore the aforementioned design block but I drafted it on a scrap piece of A3 and now I've made too much progress that I'm reluctant to start over again and do a proper job on a proper piece of paper in my journal like i was meant to in the first place because I feel like I'll botch it instead. Dilemmas of a modern woman
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godza · 1 year
giving a3 songs to enstars units.
fine gets to bloom... and bouquet. i wanted to pick a summer troupe song since watarus already there but no song fit their vibe. tenma could do rainbow circus but fine could not do natsu no dilemma
trickstar gets sorachika and my dictionary. the basic songs.
ryuseitai gets natsutte party party and nyanbare nya nya nya nya nyansei because i think its funny. and fukutsu no chant. rakuen oasis possibly.
alkaloid gets sick sick sick and mizuiro canvas
switch needs to do family activation. tsumugi is ritsu of course. i want to hear him do the voice. they also get gamers high because i think thats funny.
valkyrie gets eternal theatre (duh) and the contract (mika is mark and shu is lucifer)
ok ive run out of steam. undead could have one billion songs and thats tiring. i could give them spring songs since adonis is already there but again the vibes dont fit. and half of winter songs are knights btw. im tired.
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deehellcat · 2 years
Tony Stark Bingo Round 6 BLACKOUT
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I managed to fill another card in @tonystarkbingo! mostly fic, but a few arts too.
Master list--
S1, 'get it over with'—chapter 5, when god gave us mirrors he had no idea https://archiveofourown.org/works/41035203/chapters/103069041
S2, dopplegangers/evil twins—chapter 3, when god gave us mirrors he had no idea https://archiveofourown.org/works/41035203/chapters/102962205
S3, photoshoot—The Cobra Effect https://archiveofourown.org/works/43185558
S4, psychological torture—Depuis Longtemps (For A Long Time) https://archiveofourown.org/works/43028337
S5, dark fic—Carve Out This Soul Made Of Stone, chapter 2. https://archiveofourown.org/works/43217403/chapters/108623091
T1, intimacy without sex—Can I Be Close To You? https://archiveofourown.org/works/43890159
T2, anticipation—chapter 4, when god gave us mirrors he had no idea https://archiveofourown.org/works/41035203/chapters/103013886
T3, didn’t know they were dating—The Hedgehogs’ Dilemma https://archiveofourown.org/works/43430097
T4, carnival—Exactly How To Fill Those Shoes https://archiveofourown.org/works/44860684  
T5, abducted—through hell and back, no longer alone https://archiveofourown.org/works/44461891
A1, Rhodey—so I can wear it on my sleeve https://archiveofourown.org/works/43617718
A2, Adopted prompt 'Howard Stark' (replacing 'Strucker')—Carve Out This Soul Made Of Stone, chapter 1. https://archiveofourown.org/works/43217403/chapters/108622833
A3, free space—chapter 1, when god gave us mirrors he had no idea https://archiveofourown.org/works/41035203
A4, cuddling—one of many clockwork gears https://archiveofourown.org/works/43212858
A5, dark alleys—I’ve Got A Dark Alley and A Semi-Bad Idea https://archiveofourown.org/works/42771483
R1, exaggeration/white lies—chapter 2, when god gave us mirrors he had no idea https://archiveofourown.org/works/41035203/chapters/102894105
R2, shipwrecked—The Treasures Few Have Ever Seen https://archiveofourown.org/works/44658835  
R3, fantasy au—art, prince Tony https://at.tumblr.com/deehellcat/im-far-from-being-a-great-artist-but-i-just-have/dimw2gywz7jj
R4, journalist—We Don’t Need Roads https://archiveofourown.org/works/43578588
R5, last times/farewells— as the map, and the patterns of your skin
K1, steampunk au—art, steampunk Iron Man https://at.tumblr.com/deehellcat/i-got-a-wild-hair-yesterday-and-felt-more-like/9pjq6neuctpy
K2, bold—The Perfect Blend https://archiveofourown.org/works/44136273
K3, day in the life—Never Sat in the Trap  https://archiveofourown.org/works/45323803
K4, MIT Years—Too Well Tangled in My Soul https://archiveofourown.org/works/44631103
K5, small au’s—cross stitch of Tony in his suit, from Earth-57289, the Rhodes Labs verse https://at.tumblr.com/deehellcat/ever-since-deandraws-did-a-chibi-tony-on/w4va9k9d3hu3
No, I don't know why out of 25 total links ONE decided it wanted to be formatted differently and will not relent. whatever. lol
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ippenx · 1 year
A3! Act 2 Thoughts (3) | Reread
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Hahaha, psyching Tenma up for the rockets.
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… Tenmareact?
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Gosh, Misumi is just … so precious … must protect him … and he’s so happy to have friends!
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This is great out of context tbh.
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He’s got 150 of these lol. Kazu … buddy … a word?
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Muku maybe don’t … learn from that … Misumi, not you too!
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Okay I laughed.
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I totally forgot Kazunari asked everyone if they have girlfriends and then invited them to a mixer.
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I wonder what he had to put up with for this to be a standard issue public announcement ….
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We love breaking gender norms.
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Oh Yuki of course they weren’t, you’re not a stereotype to them :)
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If this were a dating sim, the other guys could pack up and go home now. Clearly no one will ever love anyone as much as Misumi loves you if he sees you as a triangle.
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Misumi recognizing Yuzo, interesting.
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Yup, Yuzo is nothing compared to the hack. They can take the criticism!
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*kisses him on the forehead*
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I'm watching the EN version with Kazu's voice muted btw, and I miss Tomorun’s voice so much …
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Sakyo? Loool hahaha not even close.
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Still not even close but good try.
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You sorry liar you.
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Sir, we see your ankles once every two years, I don’t think you are one to lecture about fanservice.
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I am not a Misumi stan, I can’t, I don’t have the money.
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*more crying*
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FINALLY Sakyo’s secrets begin to unfold … haha … Sakyo sitting in on OG Summer troupe stuff cute.
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He looks so smiley and untraumatized here, I was so utterly and completely fooled.
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*holds him right to my chest* Omi I am so so so so so sorry you deserve the world.
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Oh, the dilemma. I forgot about all this too.
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Next: Act 2 Part 4 →
← Previous: Act 2 Part 2
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icharchivist · 2 years
god this Lyria icon i’ve been using for a while is really too cute, i’ve been wanting to switch back to Hisoka (a3!Hisoka my love my sweetheart so we’re clear) but everytime i put in the icons i want to put i’m just “:( but Lyria” this is so sad. A F in the chat for me in the most difficult time of my life (having an icon dilemma)
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a3songtournament · 1 year
A3! Character Song Tournament
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Here are the brackets for our second set of tournaments - the character songs! The winner of the individual troupe bracket will then face off against each other to determine an ultimate winner.
Which song do you think will win?
FINAL | April 30th, 1:35PM CST
Petenshi no Yuutsu vs Kiteretsu Poemer [poll link]
3RD PLACE | April 30th, 1:35PM CST
MINORITY vs Living The Dream [poll link]
Rest of the bracket under the cut!
SPRING TROUPE, ROUND 1 | April 17th, 1:00PM CST
Akaikami no Cherry Blossom vs My dictionary [poll link]
SICK SICK SICK vs Hatsukoi X [poll link]
Dandelion no Akubi vs The storyteller [poll link]
Gamer's High vs Real Luck [poll link]
Citron no Tadashii Nihongo Koza? vs A-I-U-E-Ookina Citron JAPAN [poll link]
Petenshi no Yuutsu vs SEEDS [poll link]
SUMMER TROUPE, ROUND 1 | April 18th, 1:00PM CST
Natsu no Dilemma vs Sunflowers [poll link]
MINORITY vs Tailor Tailor! [poll link]
Itsuka Oujisama ni… vs Kimi Dake no Prince [poll link]
Ichi Ni Sankaku vs Sankaku Atsume [poll link]
Summertime Love vs Be Greedy Diver! [poll link]
Seiten no Sinker vs Yuukei no Catchball [poll link]
AUTUMN TROUPE, ROUND 1 | April 19th, 1:00PM CST
Super Ultra Easy Mode vs Re:Portrait [poll link]
LONER vs MIRAILIGHT [poll link]
Living The Dream vs Make My Dream [poll link]
Finder Goshi no Kizuna vs Lone Wolves [poll link]
Ame no Monologue vs Rojiura wa Itsumo Niwakaame [poll link]
Gaki Atsukai vs Teenager [poll link]
WINTER TROUPE, ROUND 1 | April 20th, 1:00PM CST
Keyword vs CROSS LINES [poll link]
Beyond The Wall vs Train Myself [poll link]
Träumerei to Kuhaku vs Nachtmusik to Hakugetsu [poll link]
Kiteretsu Poemer vs Emotion [poll link]
Gekkoujou no Aria vs Yoake no Junsui [poll link]
DEFRAGMENTATION vs For Your Journey ~The Bar's Secret~ [poll link]
SPRING TROUPE, ROUND 2 | April 21st, 1:00PM CST
My dictionary vs SICK SICK SICK vs The storyteller [poll link]
Real Luck vs A-I-U-E-Ookina Citron JAPAN vs Petenshi no Yuutsu [poll link]
SUMMER TROUPE, ROUND 2 | April 22nd, 1:00PM CST
Sunflowers vs MINORITY vs Kimi Dake no Prince [poll link]
Sankaku Atsume vs Summertime Love vs Seiten no Sinker [poll link]
AUTUMN TROUPE, ROUND 2 | April 23rd, 1:00PM CST
Super Ultra Easy Mode vs MIRAILIGHT vs Living the Dream [poll link]
Lone Wolves vs Ame no Monologue vs Gaki Atsukai [poll link]
WINTER TROUPE, ROUND 2 | April 24th, 1:00PM CST
CROSS LINES vs Beyond the Wall vs Nachtmusik to Hakugetsu [poll link]
Kiteretsu Poemer vs Gekkoujou no Aria vs For Your Journey ~The Bar's Secret~ [poll link]
SICK SICK SICK vs Petenshi no Yuutsu [poll link]
MINORITY vs Seiten no Sinker [poll link]
Living The Dream vs Lone Wolves [poll link]
Beyond the Wall vs Kiteretsu Poemer [poll link]
SEMIFINALS | April 29th, 1:00PM CST
Petenshi no Yuutsu vs MINORITY [poll link]
Living The Dream vs Kiteretsu Poemer [poll link]
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2023 Darcy Lewis Bingo Masterpost
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Thanks to the weekly prompts, I got a lot of fills this year in the Darcy Bingo. I also stretched some muscles, writing drabbles and creating moodboards.
List of fills under the cut
A1: Coffee shop AU - Gen - Bucky/Steve - No archive warnings apply - 1111 - Of family, Hanukkah, and idiot ex-boyfriends
R1: The Twin dilemma - Teen - Clark Kent/Darcy Lewis - No archive warnings apply - 1344 - Superman was a bit of a perv, who knew?"
C1: Running the Candy Cane 5K - Teen - N/A - No archive warnings apply - 500 - Running the Candy Cane 5K [Drabble Sequence]
Y1: "On a Dark and Stormy Night" - Teen - Clark Kent/Darcy Lewis - No archive warnings apply - 547 - the secret to life and success are the love of a good man (chapter 2: check you for injuries)
D2: New Girl in Town - Gen - Gen - No archive warnings apply - 0 - A Paris Internship [Moodboard]
A2: AU: AirBnB Mixup - Mature - Bucky Barnes/Darcy Lewis - no archive warnings apply - 1729 - Autumn in Vermont (Chapter 1: A MixUp at the Rental House)
R2: Opposites attract - Mature - Bucky/Darcy - No archive warnings apply - 827 - Autumn in Vermont (Chapter 3: Bucky and Stella?)
C2: Malibu - Gen - Jane Foster & Darcy Lewis - No archive warnings apply - 600 - Steve's an Army man
Y2: Watching Scary Movies Together and the Lights Go Out - Gen - Clark Kent/Darcy Lewis - No archive warnings apply - 585 - an excuse for cuddling
D3: Omegaverse: Courting - Mature - Bucky/Darcy - No archive warnings apply - 1059 - Alphas and Omegas and Heats, Oh My! (Chapter 1)
A3: "When I needed a friendly face, you were there" - Explicit - Clark Kent/Darcy Lewis; past Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne; future Clark Kent/Darcy Lewis/Bruce Wayne - No archive warnings apply - 1547 - I’d know that breathing anywhere on this planet R
3: FREE - Explicit - Darcy Lewis/Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Darcy Lewis, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Darcy Lewis/Bruce Wayne - No archive warnings apply - 3214 - just another night (just another night with you)
C3: SHIELD Agent Darcy - mature - Nathan Ford/Darcy Lewis - No archive warnings apply - 899 - Of red wine, broken hearts, and Paris
Y3: Groundhog Day Loop - Gen - none - No archive warnings apply - 200 - Stuck in A Time Loop [Drabble}
D4: Neighbor AU - Teen - Jane Foster & Darcy Lewis - No archive warnings apply - 643 - her neighbor in dress whites
A4: A Long Autumn Walk - Mature - Bucky/Darcy - No archive warnings apply - 1442 - Autumn in Vermont (Chapter 2: An Accidental Kiss.... )
R4: Aphrodisiacs - Mature - Clark Kent/Darcy Lewis, Darcy Lewis & Bruce Wayne - No archive warnings apply - 2257 - I’m going to barely poison your boyfriend
C4: Emergency Room - Teen - Darcy & Clint; Bucky & Steve - No archive warnings apply - 1601 - “So, come here often?”
Y4: Mutual pining - Gen - Scott Lang/Darcy Lewis - no archive warnings apply - 200 - Longing [Double Drabble
D5: Found a Puppy - Gen - tony/bucky - No archive warnings apply - 1691 - A Kitten for a Sergeant
A5: Exes - mature - darcy/bucky - No archive warnings apply - 1642 - well, this is awkward
R5: Omegaverse: Nesting - mature - Darcy/bucky - No archive warnings apply - 967 - Alphas and Omegas and Heats, Oh My! (Chapter 2)
C5: Kidnapped AU - Teen - Clark Kent/Darcy Lewsi - No archive warnings apply - 1638 - this isn’t your usual style, dude
Y5: Amnesia AU - Gen - one-sided Darcy/Tony - No archive warnings apply - 200 - part-time Soulmate; full-time problem
Adopted (June 2023 Party): Coney Island - Gen - Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers - no archive warnings apply - 0 - Coney Island [Moodboard]
0 notes
dugo838 · 5 months
Exploring Titfees: Guest Posting, FAQs, and Conclusion
In the realm of guest posting, the term "titfees" has emerged as a keyword of interest. This article delves into the concept of titfees, providing insights, articles, and a comprehensive conclusion, along with addressing frequently asked questions (FAQ#coffeeaddicts) surrounding this topic.
Understanding Titfees:
Titfees, a portmanteau of "title" and "fees," refers to the practice of charging fees for the privilege of having a specific title or anchor text within a guest post. It's a controversial practice in the world of content marketing and SEO, as it blurs the lines between genuine content creation and paid promotion.
Articles on Titfees:
"The Ethical Dilemma of Titfees in Guest Posting": This article explores the ethical considerations surrounding titfees, discussing whether it compromises the integrity of content and undermines the credibility of guest posting.
"Impact of Titfees on SEO Strategies": This piece delves into the SEO implications of titfees, analyzing how search engines perceive and rank content that involves paid placement of titles or anchor texts within guest posts.
"Transparency in Guest Posting: Disclosure of Titfees": This article advocates for transparency in guest posting practices, arguing that disclosing titfees is essential for maintaining trust and transparency between publishers, writers, and readers.
Titfees have sparked debates within the guest posting community, raising questions about ethics, SEO practices, and transparency. While some view titfees as a legitimate marketing strategy, others criticize it as manipulative and deceptive.
Ultimately, the decision to engage in titfees rests with individual publishers, writers, and brands. However, it's crucial to consider the long-term implications of such practices on credibility, reputation, and audience trust. Transparency and honesty should be prioritized to maintain the integrity of guest posting and uphold ethical standards in content marketing.
Q1: Are titfees ethical?
A1: The ethics of titfees are subjective and depend on individual perspectives. Some argue that titfees compromise the authenticity of content, while others view it as a legitimate marketing strategy.
Q2: How do titfees affect SEO?
A2: Titfees can impact SEO by influencing the way search engines perceive and rank content. While paid placements may initially boost visibility, they could also lead to penalties if perceived as manipulative or deceptive.
Q3: Should titfees be disclosed?
A3: Transparency is crucial in guest posting. Disclosing titfees helps maintain trust and integrity among publishers, writers, and readers, fostering transparency in content marketing practices.
Q4: Are there alternatives to titfees?
A4: Yes, there are alternative strategies for guest posting, such as focusing on high-quality content, building genuine relationships with publishers, and earning organic placements through merit and relevance.
In conclusion, titfees present both opportunities and challenges in the realm of guest posting. It's essential for stakeholders to navigate this landscape with integrity, transparency, and a commitment to ethical content marketing practices.
Read More: titfees
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How to Get Refund If Sent Money to the Wrong Person on Cash App?
Sending money online has become increasingly convenient with the rise of digital payment platforms like Cash App. However, what happens if you accidentally send money to the wrong person on Cash App? In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the steps you can take to rectify the situation and recover your funds. Whether you've mistakenly entered the wrong recipient or encountered a fraudulent transaction, we'll guide you through this common dilemma.
Understanding the Situation:
It's not uncommon for users to make mistakes when sending money through a Cash App. With just a few taps on your smartphone, funds can be transferred instantly. However, this convenience can also lead to errors, such as selecting the wrong contact or entering an incorrect amount.
What Happens If You Accidentally Send Money to the Wrong Person on Cash App?
If you've sent money to wrong person on Cash App, the first step is to remain calm and assess the situation. Depending on the circumstances, there are several possible outcomes:
Recipient Acknowledges the Mistake: Sometimes, the recipient may realise they've received funds in error and willingly return them to you. If this happens, request a refund through the Cash App by following the appropriate steps outlined in the app.
Recipient Unresponsive or Uncooperative: If the recipient does not respond or refuses to return the funds, you may need to take additional measures to recover your money. This can include contacting Cash App support and providing them with transaction details.
Fraudulent Transactions: If you suspect the recipient is engaging in fraud, such as refusing to return the funds or making unauthorised transactions, it's crucial to report the incident to Cash App immediately. They have dedicated support teams to handle such cases and may be able to assist you in recovering your funds.
Steps to Take If You Sent Money to the Wrong Person on Cash App:
Double-check Transaction Details: Before further action, review the transaction details within the Cash App to confirm that you've sent money to the wrong person.
Contact the Recipient: Reach out to the recipient directly and explain the situation. Politely request that they return the funds to you, providing any necessary instructions.
Request a Refund: If the recipient is cooperative, you can request a refund through the Cash App by initiating a refund request within the app. Provide transaction details, including the amount sent and the recipient's information.
Contact Cash App Support: If you cannot resolve the issue with the recipient or suspect fraudulent activity, contact Cash App support immediately. Please provide them with as much information as possible, including transaction details and relevant screenshots.
Monitor Your Account: Throughout the process, monitor your Cash App account closely for any unauthorised transactions or suspicious activity. Report any discrepancies to Cash App support promptly.
Q1: What should I do if I realise I've sent money to the wrong person on Cash App?
A1: Act quickly if your Cash App money sent to wrong person. Contact the recipient, request a refund, or contact Cash App support for assistance.
Q2: Can I cancel a Cash App payment if it was sent to the wrong person?
A2: Cash App payments are typically instant and cannot be canceled once initiated. However, you can request a refund from the recipient or contact Cash App support for help.
Q3: Will Cash App reimburse me if I send money to the wrong person?
A3: Cash App can assist you in recovering your funds, especially in fraudulent activity or unauthorised transactions. Contact their support team for further guidance.
Accidentally sending money to the wrong account on Cash App can be a stressful experience, but it's essential to remain calm and take appropriate action. By following the steps outlined in this guide and reaching out to Cash App support if needed, you can increase the chances of successfully recovering your funds. Remember to double-check transaction details and monitor your account for any suspicious activity.
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