#a-z writeblr challenge
the-golden-comet · 5 days
❄️✨Alpha-Write tag✨❄️
Thank you for the tag @drchenquill [x] ! Created by @agirlandherquill 💖 (doubling this as a writing share as well, from @rivenantiqnerd . Thank you as well for the tag! ✨)
Rules: for every letter of the alphabet, compose a sentence/short paragraph beginning with that letter
I want to make a story out of this, so here is a short-horror story: “A Breath in the Cold, Dreaded Evening Frost”
All of them, every single one, had vanished.
Before the final day, I took a deep breath.
“Call out to me,” I begged. No one responded.
Death lurked around every corner.
Everywhere the stench of decay and rot stung at my nostrils, only dampened by the snow.
“Fire….” I shivered. “…I need to make a fire.”
Going into the forest, I gathered a few twigs and leaves.
Hardly any kindling was left. The forest was quiet.
I took another deep breath.
“Just stay calm…” I whispered in a shaky rasp.
Knowing there was little hope left, my pulse caught in my throat. My fingers shook in the frost.
“Let me live….” I whimpered.
More whispers in the biting wind screeched like banshees in my ears.
“No one is left.”
“Only you have remained. And here you will die.”
“P-Please work….” I stuttered on my frostbitten lips, striking the kindling against the sparse twigs and hoping to ignite a blaze.
Quiet winds tousled my stiff hair. It was too quiet here.
Reality clutched at my heart. Nobody was left. All of them, every single one, had vanished.
Sobbing, I finally struck a spark from the flint. Embers smouldered a bright red as I nursed the flame.
Time is running out.
Under my hands, the fire died out. There was nothing left.
Very faintly, I drew my final breath. The final day.
Weeping, weary, I closed my eyes.
Xenon filled the air as a faint light grew. In the whispers of the wind, I heard it:
“You are next.”
Zero days remain.
Tagging (no pressure): @fortunatetragedy , @autism-purgatory , @cowboybrunch , @deanwax , @noblebs , @bookish-karina , @jev-urisk , @noxxytocin , @illarian-rambling , @willtheweaver , @aintgonnatakethis , @avaseofpeonies , @katenewmanwrites , @kaylinalexanderbooks , @fantasy-things-and-such , @far-cry-from-finality , @talesofsorrowandofruin , @theaistired , @i-hate-happy-endings , @ath3alin , @dyrewrites , +open tag!✨
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kaatiba · 2 years
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Legends of Mourra ✧ An Encyclopedia
↳The Elyoud are a race of giant, winged beings that reside upon Jabal Qaf, that mystical mountain that serves as a gateway between the realms of the Seen and the Unseen. They are said to be very beautiful, extraordinarily long-lived, and generally benevolent to humankind, though they tend to be fey in nature nevertheless. They are ruled by a queen, and she is always succeeded by a favoured daughter. In the Diaran Empire, they are regarded as demigods and venerated as such.
Rarely do the Elyoud leave their mountain for anything but battle against the djinn. Their preferred weapons are bow and spear, but they fight with the sword as well. All their weapons blaze with an unearthly fire that is fatal to the djinn. It is said any arrow fletched with a feather from the wing of an Elyoud will never miss its mark. Their mounts are the winged steeds the haizum, which are wild and will submit to no hand but theirs.
[Inspiration: Pari, Elioud, Nephilim, the Fair Folk]
original images via: Samuel Ridge, Possessed Photography, Duncan Sanchez on Unsplash
general writing taglist (open!): @lockejhaven​​
lofm taglist (open!): @muddshadow​​, @hyba​​, @jellybeanswriting​​, @treesandwords​
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ghost-town-story · 6 months
Hello! I know it's only the beginning of January but that means it's the perfect time to start prepping for what is probably my favorite event
*drum roll please*
What the heck is FebruarOC?
Originally started by notllorstel for artists on Tumblr (original post can be found here), FebruarOC is a character challenge taking place in February. Each day corresponds to a letter A-Z, and the goal is to do something for a character whose name starts with that letter (like a character intro, snippet featuring them, drawing them, etc.). If you don't have a character for a certain day, time to make one up and/or name that character you've been procrastinating naming :) Days 27 and 28 (and 29, for a leap year) are free spaces for whatever shenanigans or characters you'd like.
I’ve been doing FebruarOC for a few years now, and I’d love to see more people get involved in it, especially it's kinda died off in artblr. Hence why I'm nudging writeblr to hopefully generate some interest.
So, I hope to see some of y'all come February!
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whgmasterofceremonies · 6 months
Writeblr Hunger Games Round 21
It's happening! Get ready for the Ultimate Chosen One Challenge!
Reminder of the Basics: Writers submit their characters as potential candidates and then I put them in the Brant Steele Hunger Games Simulator and share the results. In the meantime, the writers can write and share stories (from giant text posts to just a couple of sentences) about their characters being in the Games!
Note: characters’ canonical powers, strengths, abilities, disabilities, and weaknesses will not be taken into account by the simulator. Every outcome is random and everyone has an equal chance for victory or disaster.
How we’ll do things this time: each writer who wants to participate can submit up to three original characters, preferably ones whom they assign "Chosen One" status to for any given reason, they would like to see fight in the Arena. Please reblog this post only or else send this blog an ask/message with your characters’ information.
In your submissions, please include your characters’:
Name (what you would like to see them repeated as over and over in the simulation)
A little bit of background as to why they're the Chosen One (just your favorite, fated by prophecy, turns out to be a hero...)
Rather than having a standard round with deaths, we will tweak the arena events to things like "Character X and Y are forced into an obstacle course. X wins but is injured" or "Character Z faces holograms of their worst fears. They surrender and leave the Arena" until one champion is left standing!
Submissions begin today
Writing prompts will be posted later this week
Submissions close Friday, December 22
Initial Reaping with list of characters is posted Saturday, December 23. Please let me know if I've misspelled anything, you'd like to make adjustments, etc.
Official Reaping will be posted probably next Wednesday, December 27
The Games begin the day after that, with one in-Arena day posted per real-world day
This is likely going to be a very short round, but let me know if you'd rather it be drawn out longer--or if you have any other questions!
Tagging those who were interested: @duskforged, @pen-of-roses, @waltzshouldbewriting, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @concealeddarkness13, @maple-writes, @ratracechronicler
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miyamiwu · 2 years
An Honest Guide to Tumblr for Twitter Refugees (Part 0)
So I had posted Part 1 first, covering basic technical aspects like configuring your Tumblr settings and customizing your Tumblr. And while I was writing my draft for Part 2, I realized that all these “How to use Tumblr” guides are pretty much useless if you don’t even know what the heck Tumblr is and why you should even use it… Thus, I’m just gonna go ahead and talk about that first.
So, what the heck is Tumblr?
I’ve mentioned this in Part 1: Tumblr is a blogging platform. The name “tumblr” comes from the word “tumblelog.” But this definition is just putting things simply.
I’d like to define Tumblr as your own personal corner in the internet. What it really is depends on how you use it. This blog where I’m posting this guide is a blog I use for the multiple fandoms I’m in. Here, I talk about the latest anime episodes, reblog gifs, and sometimes post theories and analyses. My dashboard, then, is full of users who are in the same fandoms as me, and the posts I see most often are those about anime and manga.
Fandom is just one Tumblr use-case. You can customize your Tumblr experience to however you want it to be.
If you’re a writer, you can join the writeblr community and post about your WIPs. You can also follow other writers and talk about their WIPs.
If you’re an artist, you can check out the #artists on tumblr tag and see what other artists are making.
If you’re a developer, you can try making your own Tumblr themes and even join coding challenges.
If you like science stuff, check out the #science side of tumblr.
And if you want to wax poetic about your latest hyperfixation, you can start an fyeah blog. You can go as wild as you want, and people won’t cringe and call you weird for it.
Great! So now I can start posting and joining the x/y/z communities on Tumblr, right?
Not yet. I mean, you can, of course; there’s no hard rule for it. But I advise against jumping right into things.
Someone posted about this before, but I couldn't find that post anymore, so I'll just say it again: Before starting anything here on Tumblr, it's best you spend a few days just lurking around.
Don't make an intro post, don't rush to advertise your blog, and don't start begging for followers yet (the number of followers don’t even matter here). Just lurk. Observe. See how the veteran Tumblr users are doing things and learn from them.
This has been said many times before, but please leave your Twitter habits out the door. Tumblr culture and etiquette is not something you can learn overnight, so it’s wise to just watch first.
Familiarize yourself with the Tumblr terminology. Like, what does “meta” mean? What are ask/tag games? What does it mean when a user says they’re “tracking tags”? There are many other terms, and although it’s not necessary to learn them, you’ll enjoy Tumblr more if you know what they are.
Oh, by the way, it’s called reblog, not retweet. God forbid you call them retweets. And no, adding content to a reblog is not the same as quote tweeting. (I’ll talk more about this in Part 2 or 3 of this guide.)
Why should I listen to you? I’m gonna treat this place like Twitter, fuck you
You don’t have to listen to me at all. But I’m telling you, if you treat this place like Twitter, you’re just inviting hate and ridicule upon yourself. As much as Tumblr users like to call this place hellsite and complain about how it’s always broken, we are oddly very defensive of it. We do not want it to become a Twitter 2.0.
Is Tumblr right for me?
As long as you’re not a brand always trying to sell us stuff or a celebrity only using the platform to promote their show/album/movie, then yes, you are welcome here.
To enjoy Tumblr, you have to treat it like a place where you just hang out and have fun and not just another platform to get sales or followers or to chase clout. That just doesn’t work here. There’s a reason why @/neil-gaiman is Tumblr’s most beloved celebrity, and that’s because he understands this.
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lookslikechill · 5 years
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Here’s a little overview of what I completed of the A-Z Writeblr Aesthetic Challenge with Daydream Walking before I made the decision to split Daydream Walking into two different wips: Between His Fingers(wip intro) and In The Year 4146(intro pending).  I originally posted each of these with three small excerpts, here I’ll highlight my favorite from each post along with a note of which WIP it now falls under!
A is for Anxiety ☇ In The Year 4146
Through the haze of alcohol, he had long before registered that his drunkenness made his horse, Malcolm, nervous and jumpy. His gait was short and fast, hooves clicking against the stone path in quick succession, though they were only at a walk.
B is for Breathe ☇ Between His Fingers
Fitzgerald stepped closed and spoke into his ear before Alistair had time to properly feel surprised.  He smelled of tobacco, coffee, and sharp, crisp cologne.  His breath was hot on his ear.  “Rosemary wouldn’t mind if I kissed you with this mouth, either,” he whispered, his voice sounding much more gravelly when he dropped it that low.
C is for Cold ☇ In The Year 4146
“Do you remember where you were before I married you?” Felicity demanded, like marriage wasn’t a two-person ordeal.
D is for Damage ☇ Between His Fingers
“You give me a lot of reasons to be concerned about you,” Miles said.
E is for Eyes ☇ In The Year 4146
Quince stumbled around the corner, visibly unsteady and flushed.  He clung to the wall with one hand, swaying.  They both paused, like time slowed.  Quince lazily swung his head around to look at Clay.  His eyes were half-lidded, bloodshot, pupils blown wide.
F is for Forest ☇ Between His Fingers
Snow.  Big, fluffy snowflakes falling slowly through the gray, foggy air among the trees with their bare branches and rough bark.
G is for Gore ☇ In The Year 4146
The first time Clay had been in this house, Olivia and Kaden Morgan were splattered all over the kitchen, dining room, and bathroom walls.  It was an absurd amount of gore, among the worst he had ever seen.
H is for Humor ☇ Between His Fingers
Fitzgerald laughed, loud and harsh.  His teeth were white and straight like piano keys.
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asinglenote7 · 4 years
L is for Lukas
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[ID: A purple themed moodboard. The upper left corner is a yellowed piece of paper, with the words “I don’t care, if it was by mistake, or some stroke of fate, I just thank God that I’ve found my soulmate. And, my love, you were worth the wait. -S Marie”. Below that is an image of purple and white seashells. Beside that is an image of a lavender rose. In the upper right corner, there is a picture of the purple aurora. Below that is a piece of lavender paper, which reads “In the morning, when everything is still hazy, what I look forward to the most, is rolling over into the warmth of your being, and inhaling your sent of heaven and lavender”. /end ID]
Lukas: The main character of Sacrifice! As mentioned in Aurora, he has aurora powers, and is the older brother to Erik. His full name is Lukas Song.
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iceybiwriter · 4 years
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bebewrites · 5 years
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the night veil → a-z aesthetics → A - Asher
Asher Hartridge was in a world of trouble. His plan had gone extremely well. It had worked spectacularly, really, which made it all so much worse.
[page · tag · pinterest · taglist]
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glittcrpeach · 5 years
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Sloom, a to z —- yearning.
      During the other three seasons, visitors came and went from Ramona’s sanctuary as a sojourn on their exhaustive journeys.  At least one a month if she had to favor a guess, they would pound on her door and slip into her space as though it temporarily belonged to them, striking nerves and fear into Ramona until her hands were set to constant shaking.  She hates the invasions.  The madness and paranoia that comes with hosting those who always find her no matter how well hidden she tries to be.  
     When winter comes, the visitors slow.  Snow piles up until the mountain has been swallowed whole, and the roads are far to clogged for anyone but the most determined traveler.  And every time, a tradition Ramona unwillingly keeps, the relief she finds in loneliness turns to yearning.  Her body tucked behind many layers as she peers through her cracked open gates and, at times, pretends that she can see figures coming closer through near endless flurries of snow.
find out more.
TAG LIST: @skeletongrrl​ / @penumbrics​ / @noloumna​ / @euphoriecs​ / @madsaialik​ /@tokyoghoulua​ / @irlstarchild​​ /@heavenlybursts​ / @empress-of-big-delusions​ / @nepeinthe​/ @omgbrekkerkaz​ / @ivonoris​ / @writinginslowmotion​ /@endymions​ / @isherwrites​ / @naavakaiho​ / @semblanche / @maskedlady ASK, DM, OR REPLY TBA.
psd & template by @saorisea​​.
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semblanche · 5 years
Me: please....... please i really still love this wip and i'm getting so much progress done on it, i don't want to move on to a new half idea yet, please just let me focus on the wip i've got and don't distract me
New wip idea, about to consume 98.6% of my thoughts:
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kaatiba · 2 years
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Legends of Mourra ✧ An Encyclopedia
↳ Djinn are beings of smokeless fire whose true forms are invisible in the mortal realm, and who range in nature from mischievous to malicious. They have societies, rulers, and genders, as well as shapeshifting abilities and magic. It is they who taught humanity magic.
They are generally attracted to impurity, despair, violence, and alcohol, which allows them to access, prey on, or influence humans. They are capable of possession but can be driven away and rebuffed by purity of body and state and by verses from the Book of Revelation, either recited or worn as a protective talisman. Efficacy depends on the strength of the djinn and the spiritual strength of the invoker.
Djinn can also be commanded and controlled, either by magic or by one who has the spiritual strength to master them, but they are inherently tricksters and will always try to harm or subvert both their masters and any commands given to them.
Their domain lies beyond Jabal Qaf, but they often slip into the mortal realm and cause trouble on the earthly plane through various access points. Their sworn enemies are the Elyoud.
[Inspiration: Islam]
original images via: Kevin Escate, Vladislav Nahorny,  Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash
general writing taglist (open!): @lockejhaven​
lofm taglist (open!): @muddshadow​, @hyba​, @jellybeanswriting​
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guardofcitadel · 5 years
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Burnt by A. R. Wood | writeblr A-Z Challenge : E - Ethereal
“Ethereal: the sound of Erland's voice reading and the echo of the wind in the leaves of the forest:”
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relevy · 5 years
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A to Z aesthetic challenge: The Hawthorn Throne
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elliswriting · 5 years
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Daisy Fraisier A to Z // Erme
ermeneutes [ˌhərməˈn(y)o͞odis] Pr. n: interpreter 
  “I’m the god of a lot of things,” they explained. “Travel. Language. Sports and contests. Shepherds, thieves.” They paused for a moment, almost smirking as they added, “Sex.” They seemed rather amused by the way the monitor picked up speed again. “The Guide. The Messenger. The Trickster.”   It all sounded so familiar, but I still couldn’t quite put my finger on it. It wasn’t something I’d studied in quite some time.   “Zeus gave me the name ‘Hermes,’ if that rings any bells.”
Ask to be added/removed/only tagged in certain posts/challenges/WIPs
General/WIPs Tag: @alessia-writes @jess---writes @kaigods @mastery-in-procrastination @abalonetea @the-real-rg @testblog0220737 @lookslikechill
Writeblr A-Z Challenge Tag: @kaycha1989 @confunderewrites @hannahs-creations @cvrmillas​ @phoenix-the-write-thing​
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lookslikechill · 5 years
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↳ H is for HUMOR
He was forced to swallow a laugh, but he could not keep the smallest, the tiniest, the itty-bittiest of smirks from sneaking onto his mouth.
Fitzgerald laughed, loud and harsh.  His teeth were white and straight like piano keys.
Clay chuckled. He discreetly located a hidden pocket on the inside of his robes. I am very authorized, he thought to himself.
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