#tnv character intros
bebewrites · 5 years
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the night veil → a-z aesthetics → v: vega burchett
CHARACTER INTRO: Vega Burchett. Everly’s best friend, distant cousin. Decided she wanted to be Everly’s guard and worked at it until she was the best and only option. Fury form is a lioness. Skilled warrior. Adopts all animals as pets. Wears daggers under dresses. Loves a good party. Disaster gay. Excerpt under the cut!
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The bedroom door rattled, clicked, and swung open. Vega strolled in, her messy golden braid catching in the light. She always managed to make messy look fierce, like she’d just come from battle. Her cousin had taken it upon herself to become Everly’s personal guard long before Elisora had been plagued with the curse. She was perhaps the only person who could get away with barging into a princess’s bedroom the morning after the Clearing.
“It’s past noon,” Vega said.
The afternoon after the Clearing. 
Everly burrowed into the pillows and pulled the covers over her head. “Is everyone back?”
Fear stiffened her spine. Everly peered up at her. “Who?”
“Really?” she asked, curiously arching a brow. She made herself sit up. “And do you think we should help him? Are those fresh biscuits? And Emi’s spiced apple jam?”
Vega’s lips twitched into a smile as she offered Everly the tray of food. “Emi had to beat everyone out of the kitchens just to save you those.”
“Spirits bless that woman,” Everly said, savoring the smell even though she wasn’t hungry.
“Finian is currently dealing with the Silas situation, but whether we help him or not is entirely up to you, Your Highness.”
“Hmm, indeed.” She’d have to think on that. “How much damage did we receive?”
Vega’s expression turned serious. “The castle received minimal damage, but… morale is fairly low. Seems it was a rough night for everyone.”
Everly sighed and dragged herself out of bed, her head giving a walloping throb. She shuffled into her dressing chambers, Vega following behind. “So, formal rather than informal?” 
She wanted to wear something soft. She wanted to crawl back into bed.
“They could use a queen.”
“We don’t have any of those,” Everly said, selecting a gown from the back of the closet where she had stowed all of the formal clothes that no longer had any use. It was a blue dress overlaid with sheer fabric and embroidered with flowers. Once she’d worn it to a banquet she couldn’t remember anything about. “A princess will have to do.”
Vega’s voice turned soft in a way that struck Everly with guilt. “You know a princess is always more than enough.”
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bebewrites · 5 years
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character intro: arden val’doren
“It’s kind of beautiful,” Arden said as she gazed through the window. “You know, if you ignore the ruins and abandoned villages and block out the dark, swirling tendrils of the Night Veil in the background.”
Arden. The one thing Asher did not think to factor into his scheming, and the one that probably should have come first before anything else. How long she’d been spying on their midnight meetings, he hadn’t asked. He’d been surprised and also not surprised in the slightest when she’d stumbled out from behind a pile of supplies in the back of the caravan after they’d made it safely through the Deadlands.
“You can stop glaring at me, Ash. It’s not going to change my being here,” she said sharply. 
He hadn’t realized he was doing it. “But it makes me feel better.”
“I want to save mother just as much as you do,” she said, crossing her arms. Then she glared at him. “You were just going to leave me there. To sit and do nothing and watch her die.”
Asher had felt the same, which was indeed why he had taken matters into his own hands.
“How would you feel if Andrik had snuck off on a secret mission to save mother and all of Anveria without you?”
Asher cut her a pointed glance. “Andrik? Our brother Andrik? That would require him to take precious time away from deciding which asscheek he prefers to put weight on while practicing how to sit on the throne.”
more about my girl Arden under the cut :)
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some fun facts about Arden Val’Doren!
She’s Asher’s half-sister (same mom, different dads) and she’s mixed race. At nineteen years old, she’s the youngest of the three royal siblings. (Andrik is the oldest and the crown prince.)
(Asher’s father died shortly after he was born. His mother spearheaded relief efforts for fury attacks along the Anveria/Elismare border and the king wanted to work with her. A couple years later they got married.)
Arden and Asher share a passion for adventure and knowledge. Where Asher is able to apply this directly to his everyday life, Arden takes to books. As a princess, she has a different set of responsibilities than Asher, although she has always longed to go with him.
She’s bisexual, but she’s never told anyone. Asher and Arden are closer to each other than they are with their older brother, so Asher figures it out. But he hasn’t told her and she doesn’t know he knows. She really wants to tell him, and he just wants her to be comfortable enough to say it if/when she’s ready or never at all.
Magic has been banned for almost a century at the beginning of TNV, but because of Arden’s fierce love of books and learning absolutely everything and especially things she’s not supposed to know, she ends up knowing more about magic and its history than most of the people left in Elismare.
She’s a huge animal lover! When she’s not researching the cure or how to break the curse, she spends time in the stables and attempting to win over Vega’s teacup dragon, Zazz. (This is how she + Vega initially bond. Vega is immediately smitten.)
She isn’t supposed to be on Asher’s secret mission to Elismare. She overhears his plan and sneaks into his caravan. He has no idea she’s there until they’re all screaming and trying to get across the Deadlands before the Night Veil reappears at dawn.
As two women who snuck off to fight in a war, Everly and Vega are super impressed by this later on.
She desperately wants to learn how to fight, at least to defend herself. Anveria isn’t as progressive as Elismare, and as a princess, her father refuses to allow it and gives her lots of guards when she needs them instead. Asher’s taught her a couple tricks and even gifts her a dagger under the guise of it being an “ornamental artifact”  he received from some exotic foreign kingdom she’s pretty sure he made up. She begs Everly and Vega to teach her, so Everly conveniently delegates to Vega.
Cue Vega teaching Arden swords and archery:  Arden: is this how you hold it? Vega: *has to put her arms around Arden to reposition* Vega: *sweats* Everly: *smirks in the distance*
I think that’s it for now! 
(zendaya images are from her new lancôme commercial, hopefully this passes for image credit 😅)
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bebewrites · 5 years
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the night veil → a-z aesthetics → l - Landon
Character Introduction: Landon Ramonez. Member of the Anverian Royal Guard. Asher’s best friend and reluctant adventure buddy. (Read: always pulling Asher’s ass out of trouble.) He grew up in a small Anverian village along the borderlands that was completely destroyed by furies and then dedicated his time to becoming a soldier/guard so he could protect people. He is largely considered the Grumpy Boi of the group and loathes magic. (It’s just a little bit ironic that he’s then bound by an evil enchantment to a castle filled with people who turn into furies.) While he doesn’t usually make a great first impression because he’s always in Protecc Mode, he’s extremely loyal and actually a Very Good Boy.
Asher: The only way we’re going to get through this is if we work together, but we don’t know how or why any of this happened. We can’t help if we don’t have all the information.
Everly: *dramatic sigh* I know. I know I need to tell you, it’s just. We’ve done—I’ve done—awful things.
Arden: You’ve been kind to us. Asher’s alive thanks to your healer. We’ve been treated like guests. We appreciate what you’ve done, and we promise not to judge you.
Landon: *scoffs from other side of room*
Asher: Landon will probably judge you.
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bebewrites · 5 years
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the night veil → a-z aesthetics → A - Asher
Asher Hartridge was in a world of trouble. His plan had gone extremely well. It had worked spectacularly, really, which made it all so much worse.
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bebewrites · 5 years
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genre: fantasy/romance themes: mlm, ptsd, disabilities, fluff, slow burn, abundant pining camp nano goal: 15k outline inspired by: this post
“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” -Audrey Hepburn
Prince Zander Ashdane is struggling to adjust to his new post-war life, which includes a lot of rejecting potential suitors—much to his parents' profound dismay—and trying to prove to everyone that there's much more to him than his skill with a blade and his new title of war hero (which he despises). The truth is that he's fallen desperately for someone beneath his social standing: the handsome son of the castle groundskeeper, who he's fairly certain leaves flowers and other trinkets in his room for him to find each day. To get his parents off his back, Zan turns to his friends to help him remind the world that there's more to his kingdom than the ability and size of their army. There's lingering concern for a little post-war retaliation, but Zan is determined to throw a festival to ring in the beginning of summer, lift morale, and celebrate all his kingdom has to offer, including their knack for agriculture, a talented team of alchemists, and their famed academy for healers. And if it means he'll have the opportunity to work closely alongside his secret crush, then maybe that's just a happy coincidence.
“You know,” she says. “Maybe you just need to remind the rest of the world who you are. That there’s more to Zander Ashdane and the kingdom of Orioth than your superior defensive strategies.”
“Huh.” He kind of likes the sound of that. “And how do you propose I go about that exactly?”
“You’re more than just a war hero. I’m sure you can figure it out,” she responds with a wink and bursts into a peel of laughter. It’s infectious, and before he knows it, he’s laughing too.
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bebewrites · 3 years
Hello! Please use this as an excuse to ramble about literally any part of your WIPS you want! Be it characters or scenes or world building…anything at all! Is there something you haven’t shared yet? Or maybe something you think hasn’t gotten enough interest? Tell me!
oh jeeze, i'm so bad at these lol. but thanks so much, anon! lemme see. there's TNV, my main fantasy wip. it's really the only one i ever post about here.
i've also got one i did a wip intro for and then never really posted about called Inflorescence, which is about a prince who has returned home fresh from winning a war. his parents want him to marry for advantageous political reasons, but he keeps rejecting all the suitors because he has feelings for the son of the castle grounds keeper who leaves flowers and things in his room everyday. inspired by this post.
i've got a sci-fi wip i never post about called these mortal infinities, about a guy who goes to a space academy, has adventures in space, stumbles upon & fights in a massive intergalactic war in space, returns home when that war gets a little too close to earth, but then wakes in the hospital and is a cadet at the academy again and none of it has happened. that's when the story starts.
and i guess the last one i'll mention is my ode to autumn, my small mountain college town secretly full of supernatural creatures wip that i mentioned yesterday! it's about a college student who's had a protective charm on her all her life without realizing it. the charm breaks and she...is a werewolf. lol. and finds her pack and other cute found family stuff. her best friend is a witch who doesn't know it. one of her friends is essentially a zombie. there are vampires and supernatural hunters and other various creatures, etc, etc.
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