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kitwilsonsass · 22 days ago
speaking of some other guys
did they really run bald guy vignettes for like a month straight just to job him out twice and disappear again?
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eurovision-revisited · 1 year ago
Birmingham 1998 Wrap Up
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It's here! Modern Eurovision. Televoting! Voting drama! Fans in the audience! Dry ice and pyro! Vamping for two minutes on live TV while the winner gets changed! What a show, what a production. Even though the UK had already hit full snark when it came to Eurovision (as demonstrated by Ulrika), the BBC can still pull out all the stops when it comes to staging the event. Lots of lights, flags, intriguing postcards and an almost perfectly run show despite the anticipated technical meltdown. Bravo.
Italy had chosen a really interesting year to pull out of Eurovision - perhaps wisely waiting another 13 years to let all the changes settle down. The national finals are all over the place, but generally not of bad quality. It's a chance to try out new things and try to find a new formula. By the end of Eurovision 1998 what the formula might be is even more unclear, other than whatever Ireland had been doing in the mid 1990s - that wasn't it. In the end a brave internal selection won and gave Eurovision perhaps its most iconic winner up to that point.
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It's the last time with an orchestra - much to the sadness of many. Showing the way things were going seven countries didn't use the orchestra at all in 1998, with two of those sending conductors anyway! There were some heated disputes behind the scenes with some delegations threatening last minute withdrawals, but these were ironed out. On the night you couldn't see the chaos that had been going on with the exception of Dana International's div-a-ttitude prior to receiving the trophy.
It's the first time with the on-screen watermark through each performance for the benefit of televoters across Europe. Who's performing? It's there on screen, even if you missed the postcard and title card at the start. Plus a full recap in performance order before the interval.
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Was it a classic in terms of the songs? Well no. That's to be expected during a time of great upheaval. There's still the temptation to stick to what is know rather than take risks. And for those that did take risks, well they didn't always come off. The 2022 ESC Radio/songfestival.be had only six 1998 songs in the top 500 and none of those are in the top 100. One of those (Eu Cred) appears to be have made it into the top 500 as part of a campaign. It previously had only been 1305th. The glory years of the 1990s were past now and the brave new world of popularity and commercialisation were ahead.
The big question was could Israel, the IBA and Jerusalem build on the promising start provided in Birmingham. Where is this whole thing going..?
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gaelic · 11 months ago
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2023-10-24 India, Rajasthan, Jodhpur
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masculinesapphics · 1 year ago
i should tell yall about a fucking moment that happened to me at California adventure yesterday ok so there were these rude group of people that DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT PERSONAL SPACE bro they way i was fucking livid bc they didn’t learn about personal space anyways so i told them respectfully and kindly “ hi so im sorry but we have a big party and i just wanted to say this space is reserved” this girl goes “ well you see we tried to beat everyone by trying to get a space but it was too late and so now we have to stay here” with a fucking attitude i was livid twice as more keep in mind we were watching world of colors the holiday special and like bro there were a bunch of other places to sit like bro the way this girl threw an a fucking ttitude ahhhh like for that I’m just gonna block your view because of your stupid ass attitude to which i did bc fuck that stupid attitude
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goodgirlasian · 2 years ago
S exy
A ttitude
D angerous
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multifandomfrj · 7 months ago
w ow o Kay f ine. h ave a n a ttitude w ith m e t hen. i h ate t his k nife i s pit o n y ou!
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alternianative · 3 years ago
🐱 ❌ 😱 For Deimos?
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[ 🐱 ] does your muse have pets? did they have pets as a child? how do they feel about animals?
ye☆h ☆ctually i g☉t like 5 gerbils. they're named j☆nus, n☉v☆, n☆dir, zenith, ☆nd umbr☆. the first f☉ur ☆re mut☆ted ☆s hell but they're pretty ne☆t. i trained em t☉ d☉ tricks n stuff. g☉t 'em when the g☉vernment took volunteers t☉ d☉ s☉me cle☆n up ☉f ☉ld ships th☆t were bein dec☉mmissi☉ned - s☉meh☉w they were livin ☉n 'em?
but ☆nyw☆ys
i like ☆nim☆ls m☉re th☆n people but ☉nly ☆ little m☉re.
[ ❌ ] is there something your muse struggles with that they might never overcome? what is it? why do they have so much trouble with it?
☉k☆y ☆side fr☉m the ☉bvi☉us
i guess i struggle with ☆n ☆ttitude pr☉blem
i just think its fuckin stupid th☆t i g☉tt☆ suddenly bend ☉ver ☆ny time s☉me☉ne higher bl☉☉ded th☆n me's in the r☉☉m y'kn☉w?
like wh☆t's s☉ speci☆l ab☉ut th☆t? i ☆in't m☉re speci☆l ☉n ☆cc☉unt ☆ bein' te☆l
=> Deimos quiets down for a second, looking off screen, then rolls his eyes
f☉rget i s☆id ☆nythin' ☆bout th☆t, s☉me☉ne thinks i'm bein stupid.
[ 😱 ] does your muse have any specific fears? where did those fears come from?
i d☉n't w☆nn☆ t☆lk ab☉ut it th☆nks
=> the invisible narrator will, though. Deimos has a deep fear of not having control over his life. he can't really articulate where this fear comes from, but the fact that so much of his life is dominated by forces he can't control is a big part of it. he also fears doctors, due to an incident when he was younger involving the loss of his right foot at around the ankle.
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ase-trollplays · 3 years ago
-- capriciousThespian [CT] began trolling sultrySiren [SS] --
-- capriciousThespian [CT] began trolling sultrySiren [SS] --
CT: Good evening, Maeron. How are you doing tonight?
SS: Ju§t wonderful, @ctu@lly. ;] I’m gl@d it’§ you tonight. Comedy i§ §o dr@ining.
SS: @nd he better be telling the truth @bout being done h@r@§§ing Thiomi or I’m bre@king both of your leg§.
SS: C@n’t §t@lk her if you c@n’t w@lk. ;]c
CT: Yes, he’s being honest. Like you, I pity the woman he’s spontaneously fallen for. I give him two weeks before he makes her regret it.
SS: Re@lly? Two week§?
CT: You’re right. That’s putting too much faith in him. Make it two nights.
SS: I give him two hour§.
SS: So wh@t’§ on your mind? You’re not §omeone who chit ch@t§ @nd t@lk§ ju§t for the §@ke of t@lking. I know you h@te th@t.
CT: I thought you might be pleased to know that I’ve also got someone new in my life, since you’re always nagging me to make friends.
SS: Oohhhh?? ;0 @lright, §pill. Who i§ it?
CT: Her name is Sefalo. She’s a violet and unusually chipper and friendly, if a touch naïve.
CT: Well, more than a touch, actually.
CT: We’ve been in contact for roughly a perigee and a half now, and it seems like she has no intention of leaving.
SS: You did the impo§§ible. You found @ troll th@t’§ immune to your dour, @nti§oci@l @ttitude. I never im@gined you @§ the type to befriend @ little r@y of moon§hine, but th@t’§ §o cute! x]
CT: Yes, yes, I’m an insufferable prick. How does anyone ever tolerate me?
SS: @lcohol @nd @n iron will.
SS: @ll joking @§ide, I’m §o h@ppy for you. It’§ @bout time you exp@nded your little §oci@l circle.
SS: Doe§ §he know @bout Comedy?
CT: Yes. He made it a point to introduce himself to her and lay on the charm and flattery. Knowing him, he was trying to work his way into a quadrant with her, likely out of jealousy.
CT: However, ever since he “found a new muse,” he’s more or less started ignoring her.
SS: Th@t mu§t h@ve been confu§ing for her @t fir§t §eeing you @ct completely different th@n you did when you fir§t met her.
CT: Actually, she knew immediately that he wasn’t me, much to our surprise. She was actually quite upset at him for pretending to be me, though once he explained everything, she calmed down.
SS: The f@ct th@t §he picked up on th@t §o quickly i§ impre§§ive. Even I h@d trouble telling you two @p@rt in the beginning. For §omeone so n@ïve, §he’§ incredibly perceptive.
CT: In that one single instance, yes. I wish that perception wasn’t situational or she might not have gotten herself into so much trouble.
SS: §he’§ in trouble? Wh@t’§ wrong?
CT: it’s nothing. I shouldn’t have even said that.
SS: Well you did, §o tell me wh@t’§ going on.
CT: You won’t believe me. I barely believe it.
SS: Ju§t tell me!
CT: Against my multiple warnings, she made a deal with an eldritch horrorterror squid, and now it’s gradually possessing her and ruining her mind.
SS: W@it, there’§ more th@n one horrorterror on @lterni@??
CT: Apparently.
SS: How i§ th@t even po§§ible?! Why h@§n’t the empre§§’§ pet terror killed it or driven it @w@y or §omething?
CT: Who fucking knows or cares. All I care about is that it’s slowly destroying my friend, and I can’t help her.
SS: There h@§ to be §omething you two c@n do.
CT: I doubt it. The only thing I can see working is killing it, and I’m neither foolish nor naïve enough to think I or anyone else can kill a horrorterror.
CT: The worst part is I can’t tell her any of this.
SS: Why would you h@ve to tell her? §he know§ wh@t §he did @nd wh@t’§ h@ppening to her. Being po§§e§§ed @nd mindfucked i§n’t ex@ctly ignor@ble.
CT: It makes her forget. Every time that thing takes over her, she has no memory of it happening. She’s completely oblivious to it.
SS: @nd you c@n’t tell her wh@t’§ h@ppening bec@u§e...
CT: I tried. It took over her and told me in no uncertain terms that if I attempt to stop it, it’ll kill her. Just to add insult to injury, it’ll make her think I’m the one that did it in her final thoughts.
CT: It’s always present in her mind, seeing and hearing everything she does at all times. I don’t know what’s safe to say and what isn’t. I don’t want her to be killed because of me. She doesn’t deserve that.
CT: I hate this. I fucking hate this. My friend is in danger, and I’m completely powerless to to anything about it. I just have to watch and let it happen otherwise she’ll die.
CT: I feel so helpless. It’s maddening!
SS: You re@lly c@re @bout her.
CT: Of course I do. I’m not heartless.
CT: She’s the closest friend I’ve had since Thiomi. I desperately don’t want to lose her.
SS: §onj@, @re you p@le for her?
CT: I don’t know. I know she’s pale for me.
SS: You’re cle@rly protective of her if you’re thi§ up§et. Do you feel more @t e@§e or h@ppy when §he’§ @round?
CT: Yes, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I’m pale. It’s natural to feel better when friends are around and to not want them to get hurt.
SS: You’ve never been th@t w@y with me. ;/
CT: I don’t need to be. You’re more than capable of taking care of yourself. Sefalo isn’t. Just look at this mess she’s gotten herself into. She needs someone to look out for her and try to keep her safe.
SS: ;]c
CT: I’m pale for her, aren’t I
SS: §ound§ like it to me, which me@n§ you’ve fin@lly moved on from Thiomi. Congr@tul@tion§, I’m proud of you.
SS: I §@y we celebr@te! W@nt to meet @t Phon’§ j@zz club?
CT: That’s your kismesis, right?
SS: Ex-ki§me§i§, @ctu@lly. We §t@rted getting @long too well and our riv@lry fizzled out, §o now we’re ju§t friend§.
CT: I see. Well, I’m sure you’ll make some unlucky troll very miserable again some night.
SS: Oh, I know. I’m @ c@tch, @fter @ll. ;] Wh@t mort@l c@n re§i§t @ godde§§~
CT: What is a goddess to a non-believer?
SS: §hu§h. Ju§t meet me @t the club, dork. You remember how to get there, right?
CT: Yes, yes. I’ll see you soon.
SS: You better, or I’m coming to get you. XP
-- sultrySiren [SS] gave up trolling capriciousThespian [CT] --
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just-more-trolls · 3 years ago
~=Breaking the Cycle=~
tw: physical and emotional abuse and the subsequent aftermath of it all
@ll I remember is cl@ws flying, @nd @ lot of scre@ming over something mund@ne.
Celest took my keybo@rd without @sking for like..the third time. I told her to cut her shit out and @sk for it like a norm@l fucking person.
“Finyan. Canyan I borrow your shit-ass keyboard you barely use?” she asked.
I remember my reply too. “C@n you stop being @n-”nyan” insuffer@ble cunt for three seconds?”
I don’t h@ve th@t keybo@rd @nymore. She sm@shed it in h@lf @g@inst the floor where I w@s st@nding. If I didn’t step @side it would’ve broke across my he@d inste@d. We @rgued sure but l@tely it st@rted r@mping up. She cut deep. It went from c@lling me dumb or the things that I liked stupid, to insulting my @ppe@r@nce, the friends I kept or shit I w@s @ctually insecure @bout in w@ys th@t I @ctu@lly couldn’t shrug off. If I tried insulting her b@ck it resulted in cl@w-open sl@pping or some sort of serious bodily harm. I lost some good clothes to those cl@ws. Kismesissitude isn’t suppose to be like this..is it?
I remember she tried to push me into the oce@n off the sm@ll cliff we were sitting on when I took her to Keyser’s to h@ng out, knowing fully well I couldn’t swim @nd w@s de@thly @fr@id of the w@ter. I tried confronting her @bout it @fter but she pl@yed like she didn’t know.
The other night she broke my keybo@rd w@s the last straw though. She broke my p@tience and I left @ pretty deep sc@r on her chest trying to gouge her he@rt out. She fought me off @nd r@n, never being seen @g@in.
That night something @woke in me. There is @ viscer@l, fer@l part of me that w@nts to hunt her down still. To t@ke that bloodpumper and..I don’t know. E@t it? Put it in @ j@r? Th@t’d be pretty fucked up..h@ving @ he@rt of your ex-kismesis up on @ shelf..
But she won. She definitely h@d th@t ‘if I c@n’t have you no one c@n’ @ttitude and broke me of ever h@ving he@lthy pitches.
The last sentence was heavily, freshly lined out to where it could barely be read, a new sentence scribbled down in fresh ink.
~Cv~ Nuh uh.. Fuck that bitch.. No one past or present will dictate how I’m going to be living MY life..!
~Cv~ I don’t know why I’m writing in an existing entry. Maybe for past me. But I’m going to try and make this better for the both of us. I’m far from perfect and it’s not going to be easy but I’m not letting some cat bitch ruin anything in my future..
~Cv~ You may not have someone to talk to about this, past me. But I’ll be the moirail for both of us I suppose.. We can get through this..
Kani closed the old journal with a somewhat shaky exhale, tucking it away into a drawer on her night-stand.
“I should write in that more.. Be cool if in the future some descendant or whatever finds it like I found mine..”
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stevenstudios · 4 years ago
The Sims 4 Animation Pack Download: Attitude Sassy Pack
I love some me some sassy attitude check!
• 5 EA Modified animations  
• Attitude/Sassy Themes  
• The Sims 4 Animations  
• Realistic Expressions based on the game.  
• Perfect Loop without errors.
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alfactz-forlaughs · 3 years ago
I would hate to be called "smart" Because most s.m.a.r. t people think they are the shit 💩💩💩 (S)-o (M)-uch (A)-ttitude (R)-eminding (T)-hey.. Are complete shit 💩💩💩 I bring the
In shitting sm🅕artz
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joooyleee · 4 years ago
This Birthday wish is just for you,
And I hope it comes true:
B e yourself, we love and appreciate you
I magine and achieve all you can be
R elax this day and celebrate another year
T ake time to look after you, you are so dear
H umor, never lose your sense of humor
D etermination you do have that great quality
A ttitude, yours is positive and felt by others
Y esterday is gone, tomorrow is not here, live today and enjoy the year.
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baeskuukzky · 4 years ago
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Attitudes To Fashion
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ducnde-blog1 · 8 years ago
#see rinna#someone else finds me sexy#i don't need your passive aggressive attitude
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❝ she just hasn’t heard you speak yet. ❞
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gazaardoll-and-gardenias · 5 years ago
***  / 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑙𝑙   𝑜𝑢𝑡**   your   url   with   song   titles   and   𝑡𝑎𝑔   10 (   or    more   )  people  ** !!**
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Tagged by @hyakusenki
Gekidou - UVERworld
Andromeda - Gorillaz
Zombie - Damaris (Cover)
Arboles - Rubio
Attitude to life - Galneryus
Russian roulette - Red Velvet
Dos - We Are The Grand
One shot, two shot - BoA
Libélula - Renee Mooi
Luz de piedra de luna - javiera Mena
Amor - BoA
New rules - Dua Lipa
Dionysus - BTS
Girl crush - Mamamoo
Alma ciega - The Chamanas
Raw -Scarlett Rose
Delicate - Taylor Swift
Epocas - CLUBZ
No valió la pena - The Chamanas
Inteligencia dormida - Pedropiedra
Algo en ti - Ves tal vez
Starry Night - Mamamoo
Tagging @rozenmelodie-rp @stellararrow @studyinscarletx @thewildfl0wer @blxckmasquerade @noctismare @lotuschest @sweethorizon-stories
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prussianfaggot · 4 years ago
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Hello everybody! I made this ask in relation to latest hetafandom incidents. I absolutly agree with you! I DON’T SUPPORT FCKIN FASCISTS AND ALT-RIGHTS! Because of them negative attitudes toward homosexyality person. ONLY NAZIS RESPECT GAY RIGHTS! Prussia and I stand with you guys. I am proud of my homo orientation. I am proud of beeing nazi-homo. AVE
Trump is a dumbass btw. The truly hero is Ernst Roem.
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