#Kanisa Adhara
just-more-trolls · 2 years
Closed with @goddesstrolls​ Blog christening with more rp and also a mark to end the hiatus fr fr -------------------------------------------------------------
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> You paced up and down the sidewalk, tapping the fancy-as-shit envelop between your fingers as you contemplated what to do. > It had been a couple of weeks since the beatdown with Lloric. You were still feeling a little sore in places but nothing beats the slight nervousness in your bloodpusher. > Maybe you could ask Teagan again..? But he was probably going with his matesprit and you weren’t up for third-wheeling again.
> Would it be too soon..? Or too weird? It’s not like you really knew him even if he did patch you up after you and Lloric kicked each others’ asses. Plus you were..well..you.
> You paused to shake yourself off. The hell are you freaking out about?? What’s the worst Silans could say..no???
> Steeling yourself, you quit your pacing in front of Silans’ door before giving it a swift knock...now the worst part was the wait.
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stuckstucktrolls · 4 months
let's get a 📋 for teagan
Age: 14.5 sweeps
Height: 6'4
Weight: 225 lbs ish?
Carrying: SO many knives, a few books, hive made jerky of various types of meat, other snacks, a change of clothes, his long coat, trinkets from his quadrants, a sword, and random bits and bobs
Last thought of: starting a fight
Current Job: part time assistant to his moirail, and caretaker of a small East Alternian shrine inherited from his ancestor
Main Goal: honestly he's just vibing
Favorite Item: no favorite but he loves all the things his quads have given him, including his long coat, several of the knives and a necklace from his mate
Love Anyone?: Ozeric Valentine
Pale For?: Akhena Iurixs
Ashen With?: no one, not interested
Hate Anyone?: so many. Cazdor Csarre, Zerofe Trasin, Shuhei “Foxie” Fubuki, Shuska Tomson, Nikkoh Limnix, Vrayan Fennix, Kanisa Adhara, Baylyn Lutria, Victor Steine, Hydran Yepaki and Sibbyl Tarock
If you could do one thing right now, it would be: get cuddled up with several of his quads and take a quick nap
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rwizakakiza · 2 years
Tumaini Jipya, ndani ya YESU KRISTO
(13). Kuungama ni kukiri au kutangaza wazi dhambi zako kwa adhara (kanisa au mwana kanisa) anayesimama kumwakilisha MUNGU na kufutiwa dhambi.
Hapa lazima utofautishe kati ya TOBA na MAUNGAMO
TOBA ni hali ya majuto ndani inayoleta kugeuka na kuacha dhambi, na baada ya majuto hayo kinachofuata ni kukiri dhambi wazi mbele za MUNGU kupitia kanisa lake ambapo tendo hili huitwa Kuungama
Hivyo usiishie kwenye majuto (TOBA) tu, ila kiri dhambi zako wazi na kuwatangazia Msamaha wengine na MUNGU atakusamehe,
Ukiishia hapo kuna uwezekano wa kurudia kutenda dhambi.
Je nifanye nini hatua inayofuata?
AMUA KUACHA DHAMBI, unapojutia juu ya kosa au dhambi, kabla ya ungamo la dhambi, lazima ufanye MAAMUZI BINAFSI ya kuachana na dhambi na kutoirudia kuitenda, na hapo ndipo utakapopewa uwezo wa kuishinda dhambi.
Kipindi tulichonacho ni cha kufanya toba ya kweli, na kumuungamia MUNGU, kufanya maamuzi ya kuacha uovu, sio leo unaungama alafu unarudia dhambi, utakuwa hujafanya toba ya kweli.
Acha kuficha dhambi maana hautafanikiwa, Bali ziungame na kuziacha ndipo utakapofanikiwa na kupata rehema, Amina.
He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, But whoever confesses and turns away from his sins will find compassion and mercy.
Proverbs 28:13
Please SHARE and FOLLOW me
@2023 the greatest Glory for me.
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......Yea Kanisa has a fucking f-
A fur-
Girl got a gotdam grey wolf oc and no one can tell me otherwise
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askhsfantrolls-blog · 5 years
===> Kanisa: lean on the Chiara friend because you're Sad™ and Depressed™ ~just-more-trolls
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Wou7d you 71ke some choco7ates to make you fee7 better?
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Art by goddesstrolls
Name: Teagan Kejibi
Age: 12.5 sweeps
Birthday on Earth calenders: October 11 (i know the timeline is off :] )
Height: 6’3”
Lusus: Howlbeast
Symbol: tau (or is it?)
Bloodcaste: originally #a89300 hemoanon, NOT a mutant, changed it thru magic and is now cerulean #0038a8
Voice Claim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJkj3DgW8Y0
Face Claim: Kazunari Ninomiya
Ancestor: The Wanderer/Esoteric
Trolltag: fateExtricated
Strife specibus: bladekind, uses mostly throwing knives that he hides all over himself and a katana he kept from FLARP
Interests: Music (especially dubstep), history, literature and Old Eastern Alternian culture.
Likes: Food, reading, strifing with friends, troll equivalent of Monster Hunter, FLARP (played with his moirail), intelligent trolls as long as he doesn’t think he’s being manipulated.
Dislikes: Being told what to do, being reminded of his blood color, “foods” that neither taste good nor have much in the way of nutrition. Trolls who are “willfully ignorant”, foolish or try to manipulate him. To some extent, seadwellers.
<3 Ozeric Valentine (Bad Omens)
<> Akhena Iurixs (cannibros)
<3< poly, has several hate interests but no official kismesis
c3< not interested, auspice or auspicee
Hydran Yepaki (himbotrolls) pitch crush - bloodless bites
Kanisa Adhara (just-more-trolls) red crush, not acting on it
Nyride Aralin (themidnightgoddess) ex-matesprit
Lesric Omiune (vaporwave-trolls) hate crush and fellow cannibal
Phobos Mimass (galacticaphelion) hate crush, lives nearby, Teags likes to steal kills from Phobos’s traps and see how long he can keep from being caught himself.
Lucien DeWott (sillytrollsandfun) friend and hate crush, competes on more geeky interests like video games
Nikkoh Limnix (menacetrolls) friend and hate crush
Dapheo Leeces (emptytrolls) friend, music teacher, more black flirting (Hot for Teacher)
Korvaa Octina (venomous-rose) - ex-matesprit
Matrin (zombly) “weapons emporium” - ex-kismesis
Arndan Tengei (simplyfantrolls) - friend
Herali “Hera” Altair (goddesstrolls) - possible hatefriend
iT looks JusT a biT like This. Teagan capiTalizes T’s and J’s, buT oTherwise his words are lowercase. he uses proper puncTuaTion and tries To spell properly excepT in a few words like Jenerally or words like mix’T, sTop’T, crediTe’T (Those wiTh final unvoice’T consonanTs), where he replaces pasT Tense d or ed wiTh ‘T
Teagan is very opinionated when it comes to things he’s interested in or knowledgeable about, but is generally a quiet and withdrawn troll. He can come off as confident or even cocky when met one-on-one, and does fine when he’s traveling around the city nearest his hive, when most trolls around him don’t really pay him attention. But in social situations with more than about 5 other trolls, he gets more and more nervous. This is true whether or not he knows the other trolls or if they accept him being hemoanon. Most of his hobbies either keep him in his hive, or keep him out in the wilds where he’s less likely to meet other trolls. He does have a lowblood ability, but prefers not to use it.
Body type
Technically ectomorph. Thin but athletic from training in martial arts, dancing and a cheap but relatively healthy/balanced diet, even if he didn’t always have enough to eat when he was younger.
Random trivia
His long jacket was a gift from his moirail, Akhena Iurixs. It’s all black on the outside and the lining is in her blood color. It’s also probably the nicest piece of clothing he owns.
He still has makeup from his troll goth stage that helps cover if he blushes at least.
Selective mutism when tired or extremely emotional, good or bad. In the situation of slow build up, before getting to the point of being non-verbal, it gets harder for him to express himself verbally.
Can fall asleep almost anywhere, but only if he’s actually feeling tired. Nightmares don’t tend to affect him so much, but he still gets them without sopor.
Most likely to go grimdark.
Currently learning Alternian Sign Language
(cw scarring, branding) He has a brand of an ex-kismesis’s symbol on his lower left ribs, near his grubscars.
(NSFW) Opportunistic cannibal. If he kills another troll, or finds one near death, he’s as likely to bring them back to his hive to butcher as any other animal he might hunt. However, he doesn’t go out of his way to specifically hunt trolls.
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just-more-trolls · 1 year
>Surprise! Kani receives a text
‘I heard somebunny wanted to talk to me~?’
"~Cv~ Somebunny..?"
"~Cv~ Well that immediately narrowed down with who this might be quite a lot..ur floppy-ears aren't you ;P"
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just-more-trolls · 2 years
                                              -=Claws & Fangs=-
Closed w/ @goddesstrolls​
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> You’re still not sure what was leading you back towards the lowblood district of town as your boots crunched against the decaying sidewalk. You left your naginata at home and you still weren’t sure why about that either.
> Part of you was itching for a fight, your fingers twitching in your vest pockets.
> Part of you was also hoping a bunch of highblood-hating lowbies would come out the woodwork and put you out of your misery while you attempted to put up a fight.
> .....Yea tonight wasn’t the best of mental health nights.
> Soon enough though the street started looking familiar. You remembered you punched that asshole that turned you.
> You also remember you tried to make sure he wasn’t bloodied -too- bad..at least you thought you did.
> Now you just wanted to go punch him again.
> Instead of lingering around waiting for his stupid mug to show up again you just opted to keep going, meandering yourself deeper.
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just-more-trolls · 1 year
Date Time Date Time!
Closed w/ @stuckstucktrolls
Laid out in the park next to a lazy river going from one pond to another was a black-and-cobalt square plaid blanket. The centerpiece of the blanket was a small crockpot, still steaming from how well-insulated the ceramic was. Surrounding the pot was a couple of bowls, some grub-rolls, some grilled veg and a bottle of sparkling cherry juice because Kani herself wasn’t trusting herself to not down the bottle of the real thing.
Kani sat leaned up against the tree she set everything beside with a somewhat-cheap plastic wireless keyboard on her lap, periodically checking her palmhusk with growing anxiety. Did she give Akhena the right address? Of course she did..but what if..?
Or what if she decides to not show up and only agreed out of politeness??
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just-more-trolls · 1 year
Deify Kani, it's always a good time for Kani content
She'd be the Goddess of the Hunt but also of Change.
She'd be the patron deity of Shifters but hunters, monster or otherwise also tend to pray to her for a safe and bountiful hunt. Actual followers of her though worship through the acceptance of changes in their lives, ideally for the better.
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just-more-trolls · 1 year
Teagan drops by Kani's hive with some smoked meat from a recent hunt. "hey There. miss me? >;J"
Kani flashed a lopsided grin when she saw who was on the other side of her door.
"Would'ja get pissy if I said no~?" she asked with a playful chirp, stepping aside to let Teagan in.
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just-more-trolls · 1 year
Kani, have you ever had "territorial instincts" over anyone you're dating?
"~Cv~ Eehhhnn kinda? Like Teags n I have this p chill kismesissitude and I only just started dating Akhena..though I do feel kinda protective over her if that makes sense..?"
"~Cv~ I mean sometimes I do get a lil huffy over Teags' other kismesises with the exception of Vrayan but I knew what I was signin' up for when I wanted to date him.."
That was before you wolfed out though, Kani..
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just-more-trolls · 1 year
Kani, what's the most embarrassing thing you found yourself doing after shifting?
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"~Cv~ I dunno-..gods.."
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"~Cv~ Cleaning..myself just as the mailtroll was coming by with a parcel.."
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just-more-trolls · 1 year
You know
Big floppy ears, fluffy white tail, light blue blood
One horn looks like a crescent moon?
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"~Cv~ Oh-..You mean Vrayan??"
"~Cv~ .......Is that what she is?"
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"~Cv~ I haven't though..now that you mention it.."
"~Cv~ ...I don't think we even exchanged palmhusk numbers..? If she even has one??"
"~Cv~ Wonder what she's been up to.."
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just-more-trolls · 1 year
Kani Kani Kani Kani Kani
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"~Cv~ What what what what what.."
"~Cv~ You know if you say my name too many times I'm liable to change it~"
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just-more-trolls · 2 years
🧸 for Kani
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I assigned Kani "Keith" cuz she's the kinda girl to own these squishy fucks if their description matches the ppl she's close to in her life. Keith happens to be a woodworker which ofc reminds her of Therus lol
It's a 16 in her too. She's on the hunt for the biggest known size of squishmalloes tho :3c
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