Muffin! I just thought of this and had to ask you.
Could Wanda from The Host take the one ring to Mordor? She’s the best non-hobbit candidate I could come up with
Follow up on the Wanda one ring ask: how about while sharing a body with Mel vs in her own body?
That's a good question.
As for Wanda in her own body, the issue is she wouldn't get far. She notes that her species can't survive long without a host in world's other than The Origin, their home planet, and even then, she noted that her body was very frail, easily destroyed by predators, and she couldn't move particularly quickly.
Without a host, Wanderer could not make it all the way to Mordor.
Now, in Melanie is a good question. On the one hand, Wanderer does have the temperament to put her in the ballpark. She's very brave and relatively individualistic for a soul, meaning she would take on the hard task of going to Mordor without buckling and generally is eager to comply with whatever she sees is best for people as a whole, so ridding the world of an evil corrupting force is something she'd have no quarrel with nor would she see a reason to use it herself when her wants shouldn't come before the good of society.
The trouble is Mel.
Mel wants to be a person again, she wants Jared to love her, she wants her brother safe, she wants the souls out, Melanie wants things deeply, has incredible willpower to see what she wants happen, and is also seventeen and very myopic. She's able to remain alive when Wanderer hijacks her body and on notable occasions even take it back for herself, she doesn't balk at driving Wanderer into the desert to potentially kill them both on the chance of seeing her brother and Jared again. What Mel is too seventeen to realize is that for all her good intentions it might be better not to have Wanderer find the encampment if it exists even if she had made a promise to her brother. She also never quite clues in that Jared is not perfect, she views him as the person who can always keep her safe, a miracle worker, when he is human and prone to mistakes and she can't always trust him.
I could see Melanie easily being tempted by the Ring, furious when Wanderer says "No, Melanie, Ring very bad", and tempted by the idea that the Ring could somehow make it so she could free her people and keep Wanderer around.
They could make Wanda an artificial body, send everyone else home, there wouldn't have to be violence but they could still win.
Melanie would fight Wanderer to the death for the chance to use the Ring and Wanda would either have to give it to someone else in fear that Mel will take her over or live in terror that Mel will overpower her in a moment of distraction.
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therealvinelle · 2 years
Have you or muffin read Luminosty, by Alicorn? (Link here http://luminous.elcenia.com/story.shtml )
It was my first twilight fic, and I still love it despite/because of how everything falls apart, which reminds me a bit of your/muffin’s fics
Obligatory ‘I’m a huge fan, your fics are awesome etc’
Obligatory thank you, I'm so happy to hear that!
As for Luminosity, afraid I never got around to it though I hear a lot about it. Appreciate the rec though!
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tanadrin · 2 years
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I hope there’s an afterlife so that whoever made this pot 2,000 years ago can brag that their cookware is so good it’s still usable literally millennia later. Something about this object being lost for centuries and then rediscovered, and being put (successfully) to its original purpose again is so pleasing to me.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 6 months
potato is love, potato is life- local hell woman gives potato to her angelic future wife
Charlie: “I don’t think I should be allowed to interact with women ever again.”
Husk: “Is this about Vaggie giggling over a fucking potato earlier-”
Husk: “Did you fucking give her the potato.”
Charlie: (slumping) “I was trying to be romantic-!”
Husk: “Did you call HER your potato.”
Charlie: “THE POTATO OF MY HEART! The tuber of my root sprout!”
Husk: “Oh fuck. Shit, that’s. That’s terrible. You really shouldn’t fucking talk to women anymore.”
Charlie: (sobbing) “I WAS TRYING!!! TO BE SWEET!!!!!”
Angel Dust: “-hey gays m’kay, real fucked up question for ya both but- anyone know why Vag G-string is makin’ soppy doe eyes at an uncooked tater tot?”
Husk: “It’s because she’s almost as much of fucking fail loser as her girlfriend, is why.”
Charlie: (sniffs) “She. You think she likes it…?”
Angel Dust: “Charlie chip, she’s starin’ at the damn thing like it’s her first born child.”
Charlie: “Oh…”
Charlie: “…”
Charlie: “Unholy shit…. I am so GOOD with women-”
Husk: “No. No you’re fucking not. It’s just her.”
Charlie: “Well she’s the only one who counts so that’s perfect!”
Angel Dust: “Oh please don’ tell me you gave her the potato-”
Husk: “NO-!”
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aulerean · 10 months
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mochiajclayne · 1 year
Kurama and Sukuna watching their respective vessels interact with their homosexual shounen rival and say silly goofy gay statements™️ like carrying burdens and dying together and/or not affording to die because the other will kill them if they die again.
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mybodychoseviolence · 2 months
when i stand my knees react like miette the cat please tell me you know what i’m talking about
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arctic-hands · 2 months
It's really fucking funny living in a blue state during marijuana decriminalization bc I now have multiple doctors encouraging me to take cannabis for my chronic pain ten years after an entire childhood of being told just smoking a joint once would ruin my entire life as I descend into drugged out debauchery
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sunshineram · 4 months
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everybody say hi to my beautiful baby mother of thousands, frank :) shes named off sneegs chocobo from the bdsmp :)
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externalconceit-1 · 1 month
"A trail of meat? No, my dear." The External makes a dismissive little 'go, go' gesture with her hand, as if shooing away an ill-mannered, uh, Vandal. "We're no longer living in the house with the livestock."
In the background, a surly, white rooster ruffles his feathers on the couch, then warbles, fixing one milky, blind eye on Shar.
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"I've no desire to live the Dark Ages again. Clean it up and plate your trap properly. Shoo!" 'Shoo shoo', goes that manicured hand. "Quick like a rabbit, Master Savage!"
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rottackk · 1 year
Sale on now!
Get Mother of Thousands succulent sprout starters today!!
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jade-gemstone · 8 months
I've decided to start a new stardew valley farm and I'm trying to marry Elliot but this man has such UNGODLY EXPENSIVE TASTES.
You're great Elliot, but please can you just like normal things so that I can romance you quickly.
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mandy-malady · 3 months
Whenever anyone visits me and I see my landlords truck pull in, I pass out old war helmets
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anokha-swad · 1 month
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imogenkol · 11 months
my dad and his cousin first have the gall to place a bet on whether or not I’m going to birth a child by the time I’m 30 (do not want kids. father knows this. cousin thinks we’re both wrong) and then has the audacity to tell me that I have nothing to do with it??? and that I’m not entitled to any of the cut? Both our bloodlines will end with me.
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masqueradeoftheguilty · 10 months
so i was thinking about that post i rb'd earlier re- characters not being the 'perfect victim' and lashing out and stuff
and i have a full draft post about it but. it struck me. why i dont like a lot of diluc's fanon characterisation
i think its bcs that. while him being angry, to the point of destruction, at the faceless fatui who got his father killed is seen as a good thing, he's almost constantly demonised about lashing out towards kaeya, when kaeya hurt him deeply, instead of just sitting back and keeping him emotions ""in check"" (heavy sarcasm)
and you can see it in how the fanon has just decided that diluc was trying to kill kaeya that night, despite the text only saying they fought and kaeya getting an injury, and how there's a running theme in ragbros fics about diluc having to apologise for his wrongful actions, with kaeya's actions either being brushed off or non-existant
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