#a year in the clouds of Jupiter
eclipse89 · 9 months
a year in astrophotography
since i do this every year on twitter i figured i'd do it here too, a thread of 2023 astrophoto highlights
starting with january: the first full moon of the year, the sun and the first look at the ZTF comet
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now into february, where i first attempted a composite moon; startrails, and DSO photography at 300mm. also a better look at that comet!
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in march i finally got a planetary camera, my first test was a three panel moon mosaic which worked out very well. also the worm moon, and the first glimpse of the milky way
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with april came much more moon practice; close-ups, wider shots and full mosaics
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in may i tried my first larger scale project, a 10 panel mosaic and composite of the flower moon, still one of my best shots to date along with more crater close-ups
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for june and july, an unexpected blood moon from the wildfires; and close-ups of Posidonius and Manilius
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august was a busy month, including:
my first moon shot at 600mm of the blue supermoon, the perseids meteor shower and the resulting startrail, and a proper attempt at a planetary shot of jupiter- very eventful!
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as the milky way started to set in september i took my first shots of it, also ended up getting a solar filter here; pleasantly surprised by all of these shots, all things I hadn't done before
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cressida-jayoungr · 1 year
Coeli's Picks: Fantasy & Sci-Fi, part 1
(Multiple movies listed left to right.)
One Dress a Day Challenge
Barbarella (1968) / Jane Fonda as Barbarella
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Sleepy Hollow (1999) / Christina RIcci as Katrina van Tassel
The Fountain (2006) / Rachel Weisz as Queen Isabella I
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Flash Gordon (1980) / Ornella Muti as Princess Aura
"She also wears red, black, pink, and silver outfits."
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Jupiter Ascending (2015) / Mila Kunis as Jupiter (left) and Gugu Mbatha-Raw as Famulus (right)
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Immortals (2011) / Isabel Lucas as Athena
"I don't know what is up with Zeus's enthusiasm for drapery cords there, but she looks great."
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Blade Runner (1982) / Sean Young as Rachael
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One Million Years B.C. (1966) / Raquel Welch as Loana
"The costume that almost killed her!"
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Mirror, Mirror (2012) / Julia Roberts as Queen Clementianna
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Death Becomes Her (1992) / Isabella Rossellini as Lisle von Rhuman
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) / Anna Popplewell as Susan Pevensie
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Star Trek (s3e21, "The Cloud Minders") / Diana Ewing as Droxine
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Frank Herbert's Dune (2000 miniseries) / Barbora Kodetova as Chani
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rin-may-1103 · 3 months
Badger Day Au (part two)
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"Fourteen?" Aquaman repeats, turning his chair to face Danny. "Fourteen what? Days, weeks, months?"
Flash hissed like he was in pain, "Please don't say it's been fourteen months!"
Danny trailed his eyes away from the ceiling, away from the bothersome crack, and toward the single window in the room. He could just barely make out the Cassiopeia constellation. Its distinct W shape winked and flickered, drawing up a memory from a few loops into this whole mess. Tucker had wanted to comfort him, seeing as Danny had just broken down crying over how frustrated he was with everything.
The Ghost of Cassiopeia. Also known as IC 63, about 550 light years away.
A giant cloud of dust and gas. A nebula. Its ethereal glow reminded people of spirits they would see in haunted houses or fields. So they called it the ghost of Cassiopeia.
But it wasn't a ghost, it's simply hydrogen that's been bombarded with ultraviolet radiation from the nearby star. A blue giant called Gamma Cassiopeiae. It's also known as the center of the constellation. The light from the blue giant makes the majority of the nebula glow a vivid red. The blue around the edges is just light reflected off the dust within.
Tucker had joked that Danny should try and see how far he could get before the loop restarted. See if he could even get past Jupiter. Danny had just snorted and brushed his suggestion off. What was the point when he should be spending his time trying to fix the loop?
About six years in, Danny had given up and tried.
Eight months he had spent flying. He got further and further out into the void, surrounded by darkness and the beautiful stars in the distance to guide him. He never managed to make it past Pluto before he was brought back.
"Years," Danny confessed, his eyes still trained on the faraway stars.
"YEARS!?!" Superman cried, standing up so fast his chair was sent flying into the wall. Danny glanced back up at the crack, watching as it grew just a little larger, plaster dust sprinkling down like freshly fallen snow.
Sighing, Danny sat up and stared at the group. How many times has he had this conversation? How many times was he going to explain what was happening? How many times was he going to wake up in his bed just to restart all over again?
"Years," Danny repeated, "Fourteen years. Like I said, I've tried everything."
They sat in silence for a moment, just digesting his situation. Batman was standing still, his fists clenched tightly. Superman looked faint like he would pass out. Flash looked devastated.
Wonder Woman leaned forward, her brows furled in confusion, "Were you cursed, young one?"
"No, I checked. You checked. Heck, even Zatanna and Constantine have checked. I'm not cursed." Danny grumbled, slumping down to rest his head on the table.
He wanted to go home. He wanted to just curl up and sleep for the next however long. Wanted to hug Jazz and cry about how unfair it all was. Wanted to curl into his mother's side and cling until she made it all better. Hide behind his father until he knew it was safe.
but he couldn't.
Something always happened when he tried. If he stayed home from the very beginning of the day, the league would call him over and over again, convinced he was needed for the case Batman had. They even sent Flash over a few times just to search the city to drag him to the meeting.
(He was happy they hadn't figured out his civilian identity yet, but man was it hard to watch as Flash stuck his face into every nook and cranny around town yelling his name. Danny's lost count of how many times the man got overshadowed.)
If he managed to convince them that he was in a loop, then they found it would be safer for him to stay up on the watchtower. where they could keep an eye on him while searching for a way to break it.
Or, if he managed to convince them he was sick or something and they left him alone, Vlad would start acting up. Jack would call him on the phone to cancel Maddie's meeting with him because Danny was 'sick'. If he convinces Maddie to go and stay home with his dad, then Jack somehow opens the portal long enough for one of his rogues to slip through.
It just never ends. Everything he's tried ends with him having to go ghost and fight. The calmest day he's managed to have ended with Box ghost blasting the portal doors open so he could give him a homemade lunch from his wife, which then led the ghost to find Jack's new weapon box and go ballistic because of his obsession.
after that, he gave up spending time with his parents and focused more on his friends and Jazz. This was equally disastrous.
so, his safest option was to go to the meeting and stay with the league.
Glancing up, Danny watched as the time slowly changed on the clock; six twenty-nine, tick, tick, tick, six thirty.
Sighing, Danny sat up and held his hand out, making eye contact with Batman. He might as well get the day going, no use in wallowing in self-pity. He's done that plenty already.
"I already figured out what the cult wanted to do, we just need to figure out where their next meeting is. I'll fill you guys in on the rest." Danny added, wiggling his fingers in the hope it would make Batman move faster.
Batman sighed and handed him the folder. Once Danny had the folder, Batman sat down to listen to his report intently.
Flipping the file open, Danny grabbed the first page and showed it to the group, ignoring how a copy showed up on the big screen behind Batman. (again, why use paper if he was just going to project it?)
"This is the result of the cult's last meeting, two weeks ago. as you can see, the ground has been scorched and the ritual circle permanently carved into the cement." Tossing the paper and ignoring it as Flash scrambled to catch it, Danny grabbed the next couple of pages.
Holding up the seventy missing person reports, Danny placed them on the table and separated them into four different piles. "After some digging, Batman was able to figure out the pattern between the missing people. This group," Danny pointed to the one on the left, "consists of organ donors who were anemic."
pointing to the pile on the right, Danny continued, "This group is made up of meta-humans who have powers related to the elements. they also all happen to have more than one piercing, though Batman didn't really figure out if that had an impact on whether they were chosen or not..."
Pointing to the northern pile, Danny separated the top seven pages. "while everyone in this pile has some relation to an ancient and powerful witch from the 1500s, these seven are the only ones who still share her 'family' name. I'm not sure exactly how this affects the cult's motives, Batman hadn't shared that with me in all the loops so far."
Danny glared at Batman in annoyance, he didn't care if there was a good reason or not. Without fail, in each loop that Danny's made it through where Batman makes the connection; he would refuse to tell Danny about it.
Rolling his eyes at Batman's unwavering apathy, Danny continued, "The last pile consists of people who have been dead at some point in their lives. whether it be just a few seconds or a few weeks."
passing the reports around, Danny pulled the next page from the file. "Flash and Constantine were able to connect the past locations of the cult gatherings. Constantine figured out there was a specific magic signature that he could follow, so he had Flash drag him around the world to map the locations."
tapping the table, Danny selected the world map. Glancing at the paper he had pulled out, Danny marked the places with a red dot. Then he marked the places Constantine found in blue. Looking up, Danny found the league staring at him.
"What?" Danny huffed, shoving the hologram away from him. Batman grabbed it and started to examine it.
"So, do we need Constantine for this?" Green Lantern asks, scratching his head.
Shrugging, Danny tossed the folder over to Wonder Woman. "You can call him if you want, but he won't get here until noon. He's in the house of mystery dealing with a pixie infestation."
"pixie infestation?" Superman asks, turning to look over to Zatanna. Zatanna reached into her jacket and handed him a pamphlet, not turning away from watching Danny with curious eyes.
"Anyway, like I was saying. the cult's been going around taking all these people and using them in their rituals."
"you said you knew what they were trying to do, what was it?" Batman asked with a noticeable frown.
Sighing, Danny pinched his nose. "they've been trying to summon Pariah Dark."
"The ghost king!?!?" Zatanna squawked, slamming her hands onto the table.
"yeah, that bastard," Danny grumbled, rubbing his face. The cult hadn't been successful for all fourteen years now, so Danny wasn't too worried about it. But still... If something, anything really, changed just the slightest; would they succeed? Would they drag Prariah out of his sarcophagus and let him lose on the living?
Danny's already had to face him once, he didn't know if he could do it again. The Fenton ecto-skeleton suit had been ruined last time, to the point dad hadn't even tried to fix it.
"Bastard?" Aquaman repeated, eyes narrowed, "You speak as if you've met him before."
"I have," Danny admitted, "and I will again if we don't do something about the cult." What if this is the loop the cult succeeded? what if it's the next one, or the one after that? could Danny even do anything to prevent it?
Zatara sat down with a heavy thump, her eyes widening in shock. Danny lifted his brow, wondering what was wrong with her. She hadn't acted like this any other time? what was different? had he said something he hadn't last time? hmm, something to think about later.
"back to the case," Danny shrugged, turning to gesture at the hologram of the world. "we were able to narrow down the cult's next location to about seven hundred places. I was able to check off about six hundred and thirty these last few loops. That leaves about seventy places they could be."
Danny used a yellow dot to select the seventy places he still needed to check.
"um," Flash started, nervously glancing between Danny and the globe. "you just highlighted the whole grand cannon and all of Alaska... and the Himalayas.... and the-"
"Yep," Danny cut in, "Like I said, I checked off all the others. These are the last seventy I still need to check. I haven't before because it's a lot of ground to cover. I was hoping I'd catch a break and find the cult before I had to check all those places, but nope. The fruitloops just had to make it difficult.
"oh," Flash winced, "do, do you want me to check them out?"
sighing, Danny leaned back in his chair, "I would love to have you check them out, but you need a magic user who knows what they're looking for to go with you. it's why we haven't found them yet, it's taking forever."
"Oh," was the only response he got.
"you know what we are looking for?" Zatara asks, finally getting over whatever had surprised her.
"yeah, it's hard to explain. I'll have to bring you or the others to a previous place and show you."
"hmm, alright. after the meeting, why don't you bring me so that at least one more person can help start looking, until, john is freed up at noon?" she suggests, tilting her head to the side.
"sounds good with me," Danny shrugged. it's not like it'll hurt to have her looking around, heck, they might even get lucky and she'll find them.
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katakaluptastrophy · 2 months
The ships … the ships were still full of people. I reached our hand out into space. I extended. I struggled. He said, I bit through the sun first. It’s human nature. That started things going.
Imagine being on those ships (and remember, not everyone in those ships was a nefarious trillionaire) zooming away from earth.
Maybe you've watched mushroom clouds blossoming across the face of the earth as you pulled away, the lines of communication fizzing out and going dead.
Watched...something...happen to the earth. Watched the sun flare and then flicker out.
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I sliced through Venus, Mercury, Mars … by that point a couple of the tugs had already launched through the Kuiper. I had to kill Jupiter and Saturn in a fucking hurry. I reached … they blinked away from me … all I could do was hope that they’d watched what I was doing and all died from fucking terror. You and I went full fucking Hungry Caterpillar. We took Uranus … Neptune … crunched down Pluto … found every satellite and craft, reached in, crunched up all the humans, moved on.
You try to make contact with the installations as you pass - the small city on Mars, the helium-3 capture facility at Jupiter, the mines on Saturn's moons, the skeleton crew constructing the shell on Uranus, the Kuiper platform. Maybe the comms are eerily quiet. Or perhaps, you make contact for just a moment, enough time to witness what happens when god doesn't kill people "clean".
As you speed away, the rings of the gas giants burst asunder and the planets seem to desaturate, the readings go haywire as their magnetic fields suddenly destabilise. And something, oh god, something seems to slip away from each one, some absolute acid trip of horror, like some kind of writhing, fleeing ghost.
The moment I found the fleet spinning up to enter FTL, it was too late … I could only grab one of them … and you and I held it in the palm of our hand. I was in there with them. All those frightened people. All those runaway rats.
And then something physically stops one of the ships. Alarms are going off, sparks are flying, lights are flickering, and there's a horrifying sense of presence (if John feeling Alecto's presence was unremitting screaming inside his head, what does the presence of the newly combined John and Alecto feel like? Because I don't think that invovles less eldritch psychic screaming, somehow).
And then you break free, and spin off into some kind of warp of time and space, with the knowledge that you are the last humans left alive in the universe and that something truly terrible lurks on the husk of the earth.
Imagine 5000 years of that tale being passed down through humanity (that's equivalent to the time that passed between the stone age and the present day), as civilisations rose and fell across planets and systems.
And then imagine, one day, being the ship that encountered something they'd never seen before. A ship, of an entirely unfamiliar design, bearing an unfamiliar symbol: a skull. The whole ship is covered in bones. Sleek, designed, inlaid bones. Human bones.
When they hail you, you see humans, but not like you've seen before. They're dressed in strange outfits: military uniforms and robes that look like something from a textbook of the most ancient history. They're carrying swords. Swords! Many of them seem starved and sickly, as if their bodies are consuming themselves. They speak of their empire and their god in strange, archaic words - an impossibly ancient language from the earth that was - of the resurrection of the dead, of the Lord over the River, of necromancy.
And you realise that however horrifying the tales of the earth's death in fire, there are things worse than death.
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aspaceinthecosmos · 8 months
Are you a Neptune enjoyer? well I've got some news that will ruin your day! (:
(yes, this news is a couple weeks old now, I had this sitting in my drafts and forgot about it)
We all know Neptune. the beautiful dark blue, windy planet, the farthest planet in our solar system, discovered by math, etc. etc.
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turns out, when voyager 2 imaged Neptune, the photos were processed in false color to better show the clouds in its atmosphere. While astronomers at the time all knew about this color change, throughout the 34 years since then, the sentiment got lost. Neptune was depicted as dark blue in everything from children's books to university books, and everyone took it as fact that Neptune was, in fact, that shade of blue. But it isn't.
In true color, Neptune is a much, much lighter blue, coming in at only a few shades darker than Uranus (cursed, i know).
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Above is the false color image compared to the true color image, while below is true color Neptune compared to true color Uranus [IDs in alt]
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anyways I hoped you enjoyed this session of cursed space news with jupiter! smash that like button and subscribe for more *awkward thumbs up*
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apod · 5 months
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2024 May 3
Temperatures on Exoplanet WASP-43b Illustration Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, Ralf Crawford (STScI) Science: Taylor Bell (BAERI), Joanna Barstow (The Open University), Michael Roman (University of Leicester)
Explanation: A mere 280 light-years from Earth, tidally locked, Jupiter-sized exoplanet WASP-43b orbits its parent star once every 0.8 Earth days. That puts it about 2 million kilometers (less than 1/25th the orbital distance of Mercury) from a small, cool sun. Still, on a dayside always facing its parent star, temperatures approach a torrid 2,500 degrees F as measured at infrared wavelengths by the MIRI instrument on board the James Webb Space Telescope. In this illustration of the hot exoplanet's orbit, Webb measurements also show nightside temperatures remain above 1,000 degrees F. That suggests that strong equatorial winds circulate the dayside atmospheric gases to the nightside before they can completely cool off. Exoplanet WASP-43b is now formally known as Astrolábos, and its K-type parent star has been christened Gnomon. Webb's infrared spectra indicate water vapor is present on the nightside as well as the dayside of the planet, providing information about cloud cover on Astrolábos.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240503.html
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With the addition of Saturn, the James Webb Space Telescope has finally captured all four of our Solar System's giant worlds.
JWST's observations of the ringed planet, taken on 25 June 2023, have been cleaned up and processed, giving us a spectacular view of Saturn's glorious rings, shining golden in the darkness.
By contrast, the disk of Saturn is quite dark in the new image, lacking its characteristic bands of cloud, appearing a relatively featureless dim brown.
This is because of the wavelengths in which JWST sees the Universe – near- and mid-infrared.
These wavelengths of light are usually invisible to the naked human eye, but they can reveal a lot.
For example, thermal emission – associated with heat – is dominated by infrared wavelengths.
When you're trying to learn about what's going on inside a planet wrapped in thick, opaque clouds, studying its temperature is a valuable way to go about it.
Some elements and chemical processes emit infrared light, too. Seeing the planets of the Solar System in wavelengths outside the narrow range admitted by our vision can tell us a lot more about what they have going on.
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As we saw last week, when we clapped eyes on the raw JWST Saturn images, the observations involved filters that dimmed the light of the planet, while allowing light from the rings and moons to shine brightly.
This is so a team led by planetary scientist Leigh Fletcher of the University of Leicester in the UK can study the rings and moons of Saturn in more detail.
They hope to identify new ring structures and, potentially, even new moons orbiting the gas giant.
The image above shows three of Saturn's moons, Dione, Enceladus and Tethys, to the left of the planet.
Although dim, the disk of the planet also reveals information about Saturn's seasonal changes.
The northern hemisphere is reaching the end of its 7-year summer, but the polar region is dark. An unknown aerosol process could be responsible.
Meanwhile, the atmosphere around the edges of the disk appears bright, which could be the result of methane fluorescence, or the glow of trihydrogen, or both. Further analysis could tell us which.
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Jupiter was the first of the giant planets to get the JWST treatment, with images dropping in August of last year – and boy howdy were they stunning.
The spectacular detail seen in the planet's turbulent clouds and storms was perhaps not entirely surprising.
However, we also got treated to some rarely seen features: the permanent aurorae that shimmer at Jupiter's poles, invisible in optical wavelengths, and Jupiter's tenuous rings.
We also saw two of the planet's smaller, lesser-known moons, Amalthea and Adrastea, with fuzzy blobs of distant galaxies in the background.
"This one image sums up the science of our Jupiter system program, which studies the dynamics and chemistry of Jupiter itself, its rings, and its satellite system," said astronomer Thierry Fouchet of Paris Observatory in France, who co-led the observations.
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Observations of Neptune arrived in the latter half of September 2022.
Because Neptune is so very far away, it tends to get a little neglected; you're probably used to seeing, if anything, the images taken by Voyager 2 when it flew past in 1989.
JWST's observations gave us, for the first time in more than 30 years, a new look at the ice giant's dainty rings – and the first ever in infrared.
It also revealed seven of Neptune's 14 known moons, and bright spots in its atmosphere.
Most of those are storm activity, but if you look closely, you'll see a bright band circling the planet's equator.
This had never been seen before and could be, scientists say, a signature of Neptune's global atmospheric circulation.
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Uranus is also pretty far away, but it's also a huge weirdo. Although very similar to Neptune, the two planets are slightly different hues, which is something of a mystery.
Uranus is also tipped sideways, which is challenging to explain too.
JWST's observations, released in April 2023, aren't solving these conundrums.
However, they have revealed 11 of the 13 structures of the incredible Uranian ring system and an unexplained atmospheric brightening over the planet's polar cap.
JWST has a lot to say about the early Universe; but it's opening up space science close to home, too.
As its first year of operations comes to an end, we can't help but speculate what new wonders will be to come in the years ahead.
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Top: Jupiter - Neptune / Bottom: Uranus - Saturn
Credit: NASA
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year
Some Astrological Things
Your chart :
Upper half- having the majority of planets here suggests orientation twards the outside world and public life.
Lower half- having the majority of planets here suggests a life away from limelight in a more private life.
East- having the majority of planets here suggests a focus on the self.
West- having the majority of planets here suggests focus on relationships.
🫧Unaspected planets plays a key role too. It represents an inner drive that the person may find difficult to connect to or feel in control of. Aspect patterns reflect a complex inner pattern.
☀️☁️Neptune opposite Sun might reflect a sence of loss in connection to father and therefore a longing for masculine power.
🏝️Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus transits take at least one year from first to last "hit". They bring the most profound events and changes. Jupiter, Saturn, and Chiron transits can also have deep impact but are shorter.
🥑Transit aspect: Venus - Uranus, it can give the feeling that we have fallen in love with someone but we don't know why. Because it happens in such a strange and unpredictable way. But when we fall in love under the transit of Venus - Pluto, we feel love very deeply and in a way that we have never experienced before - which can mean that the feelings last forever. Pluto transits is almost always very deep and then many times we come to some realization and transformation that changes our life.
If you have planets in Taurus, feeling rushed can bring anxiety, if planets in Sagittarius, stress comes from having to fit yourself into a pre-set plan.
💫Fire -Of the four elements, fire is the most naturally attuned to the idea of belief and the more planets you have in fire signs the more you might be comfortable with believing in something you cannot see. Air -On the other hand, air tends to be the cynic, needing a logical argument and trying to apply rationality to matters of faith. Earth is the pragmatist, perhaps more given I to living life in the here-and-now - or perhaps God is to be found in nature rather than floating on a cloud. Water is usually content with the unanswered questions that abound in religion; for a watery person, it does not need to be neatly worked out, as long as it makes sense inside.
🎸🍦The Sun and Jupiter - both have a celebratory feel to them - or at least, whatever signs and houses they occupy in your chart will say something about what, or who, brings out a sense of good will, generosity, and playfulness in you. Because these two planets are most inclined to where you find fun and light.
With the Sun in the 7th for instance, you can make other people feel special and golden. Sun in 4th house your family can give you a lot of support and light. Jupiter in Sagittarius or Leo might naturally lean towards joviality and good cheer - Jupiter in Capricorn or Virgo might be more circumspect but are more likely to keep the party budget under control.
Fire and air signs will show energy more outwardly and will be more ready to party. Water and earth signs tend to be more introverted.
🩷Childhood and Memories⛵️🧸
Water and fire signs are most connected to memories and to always renewing or remembering them. There is also a lot of connection with childhood. Most of the time, Leos are looking for childish energy and doing teenage things. They never really grow inside. Cancers often still like cartoons or toys that are related to their childhood.
7th & 8th house -These are the relationship houses, reflecting how you feel about emotional commitment. The 7th suggests a contract and a part of you encountered through the partners you choose. The 8th takes you into emotional entanglement on a soul level. If you have pluto here means you will always feel like you want to be in control of the relationship. With moon here you may feel that your emotions depend on your partner or you may quickly become attached to him
🍓Venus, which represents the relationships we have, also influences us by showing what we value most and what creates a problem in the relationship. Venus in Sagittarius wants a partner with a sense of adventure, passion, life, optimism. Venus in Capricorn values commitment. Venus in Pisces appreciates someone who expresses emotions, is spiritual. Venus in Gemini appreciate someone who talks a lot and has spontaneous energy.
🫧Astrology suggests we have choices - no matter how "fated" or beyond our control a situation may seem, it suggests we can alter our reality through a change of perspective, using imagination to re-vision our approach. Symbols do not tell us precisely what to do; instead they open our creative awareness and invite participation as co-creators of our own destiny.
✨Ig- bekylibra✨
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livingforstars · 2 months
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Galileo, Cassini, and the Great Red Spot - August 2nd, 1996.
"Imagine a hurricane that lasted for 300 years! Jupiter's Great Red Spot indeed seems to be a giant hurricane-like storm system rotating with the Jovian clouds. Observed in 1655 by Italian-French astronomer Jean-Dominique Cassini, it is seen here over 300 years later - still going strong - in a mosaic of Galileo spacecraft images. The Great Red Spot is a cold, high pressure area 2-3 times wider than planet Earth. Its outer edge rotates in a counter-clockwise direction about once every six days. Jupiter's own rapid rotation period is a brief 10 hours."
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jungkookschin · 7 months
demigod trials: icarus falls | three
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synopsis: you met jungkook at camp half-blood when you were 10 years old. since then, your fates have been infinitely intertwined.
word count: 7k
pairing: son of ares!jungkook x daughter of hephaestus!reader
genre: camp half blood au, percy jackson au, demigod au, childhood friends to lovers, exes to lovers , enemies to lovers, jungkook is sooo in love
warnings: multiple mentions of deaths, dangerous quests, QUESTS TO TARTARUS, violence, killing, monsters, ANGST, this chapter is fluffy tho, nct mark as a son of hephaestus, enhypen jungwon as son of ares, broken friendships
demigod trials masterlist
chapter one | chapter two | chapter three | chapter 3.5 | chapter four
With a gulp, Jennie addresses the assembly through the microphone. “Hades, my father, has lost his reign over the Underworld. The primordial god Tartarus has plunged the Underworld into chaos and is plotting to ascend to the surface, aiming to annihilate both demigods and gods.”
Her gaze shifts towards you and Jungkook. "He has somehow taken control of my body, sending me vivid and disturbing dreams. He's furious and demands a sacrifice – a sacrifice of the demigods who once intruded into Tartarus six years ago. If we don't comply, he threatens to rise to Earth through the surface of Camp Jupiter, annihilating Camp Jupiter completely upon his return."
Every single eye in the room flickers towards you and Jungkook.
At that moment, incomprehensible dread permeates your system. Like a broken cassette player, memories of your little vacation to Tartarus rewind in your head: drinking from the river of fire, the child eating demon Lamia, Damasen the friendly giant, and so much sheer terror you wouldn’t have survived without Jungkook’s protection.
However, the anxiety, the dread- it’s bearable.
Your window of tolerance has extended to Mount Olympus after narrowly escaping the clutches of death multiple times.
“So what?” Jungkook responds, “You gathered the whole assembly here to announce that you’re sacrificing Y/N and I? A heads up would’ve been nice,” His features are hardened, and the glare he sends Mina and Mingyu, the Praetors of the Roman Legion, is terrifying, resembling his father Ares.
“Jungkook,” Mina seethes, “Do you know how many people live here in Camp Jupiter? There are thousands of children, elderly, and innocent people who live on these grounds. We must publicize the threat and ensure that it is taken care of, for the safety of the camp.”
“And how do you think Camp Half-Blood will feel?” Namjoon intervenes, “You think they’re going to be happy that you sacrificed two of their head counselors? I guarantee you. You don’t want to fuck with us.”
Mina narrows her eyes at Namjoon. “Is that a threat?”
“It’s a warning,” Taehyung immediately steps in, rigidly serious aura clouding his eyes, “We’re not letting you touch Y/N or Jungkook. Camp Half-Blood will go to war over this.”
“Okay everyone chill,” Mingyu arbitrates, his booming voice echoing off the walls, “If there’s a way we can resolve this without sacrificing Y/N and Jungkook, we’ll take that way. 1000%. That’s why we’ve gathered: to discuss.”
Eunwoo, son of the Roman god Mars, clears his throat. “My wife is pregnant. We need to do everything we can to negate this threat. Look, I’m not comfortable putting lives on the line so what about evacuation? We can evacuate the entire city and rebuild somewhere else.”
“No,” Jennie cuts in, a tremor running through her body. “He’ll follow us- wherever we go- he’ll ascend to the surface and kill us all.”
Mina tilts her head, “Any other ideas?”
“Oh fuck you,” Rose scoffs, “You’ve lost yourself. Completely. Being Praetor doesn’t mean rejecting all your morals. You called an entire assembly here to announce you were going to kill two of your best friends? You sure Venus is your parent and not Narcissus?” Rose cocks her head to the left, raising her eyebrows in anticipation for Mina’s response.
Mina doesn’t get a word in because Jennie’s body falls onto the concrete with a thud. Immediately, her eyes and mouth emit a red glow. The glow rapidly intensifies, transforming into a blazing red glow from her eyes and mouth.
Like a possessed spirit she ascends into the air and to middle of the Senate House. Her mouth begins to move, and Tartarus himself begins speaking through Jennie.
“Demigods, behold," the resounding voice sends shivers down your spine.
"I have at last arisen from my slumber, seizing dominion over the Underworld," an ominous cackle reverberates through the walls. "The offspring of Hades have been severely weakened, now feeble and enfeebled. You are next. Offer the children of Ares and Hephaestus, who dared encroach upon my realm, as sacrifices, and I shall spare your lives, permitting you to become my slaves after I claim dominion over the world. Refuse, and face your demise."
The red glow disappears from Jennie’s face and she plummets back to the ground before Mingyu catches her.
Mina’s features harden. “Jungkook, Y/N! You have the rest of the day to bid goodbye to your families and friends. At midnight, we will personally arrest you to prepare a sacrifice to Tartarus. That is the best we can do for now. Meeting dismissed!” She roars, before marching out the Senate House.
Mingyu shoots you an empathetic look before following Mina’s lead.
Annd to think, you didn’t get one word in before it was decided that you were to be thrown on the altar as a sacrifice.
Immediately proceeding the meeting, you take the portal from Camp Jupiter to Camp Half-Blood.
You, Taehyung, Namjoon, Rose, and Jungkook skirt through the sides of strawberry fields, past the pegasi stables, until you reach the cabins. The sun sets beyond the horizon and the sky is arrayed with hues of purple, orange, and pink.
Your fingers are intertwined with Rose’s, and she is seething in disdain over Mina’s behavior. You’re the one who wields fire manipulation, but you’re a little scared she’ll burst into flames.
“Gods, when did she turn into such a bitch?” Rose seethes, squeezing your hand hard enough for your bones to crack.
“Rosie, it’s okay,” you offer, “I died once. Who cares if I die again, right?”
At that, the three men in front of you stop in their tracks, whirling around to blink at you incredulously.
“Y/N, you’re not funny,” Taehyung frowns.
“I’m not trying to be funny,” you deadpan in return, “Isn’t it true? It’s not like I’m going to the Fields of Punishment. I’ll be in Elysium and we’ll eventually reunite there-“
“Okay,” Jungkook intervenes, “Then kill yourself right now.”
“If your life doesn’t matter, then kill yourself right now,” Jungkook repeats, unsheathing his Celestial Bronze knife- the very knife you forged when you were ten- before offering it to you.
You remain still, and Jungkook re-sheathes his knife. “Exactly.” His voice is stern, but delicately infused with the right amount of warmth. “Y/N, there are people who love you. There are people who need you here, so don’t take your life so lightly. Okay?” His features soften and he turns back around, “Now let’s head to the Hades cabin.”
Jungkook surges forward and Rosie has to tug you in his direction to get your feet moving.
She side eyes you, verbal communication not necessary when her eyes tell all, full of pure skepticism. You shake your head, following Jungkook’s lead towards the Hades cabin.
Upon arrival, Namjoon knocks on the door to no avail. The Hades cabin has an eerie and somber appearance, constructed completely from dark stone. Skulls adorn the door frame, and an even larger skull embellishes the cabin above the entrance.
After its initial construction, the cabin’s somber presence sent chills down your spine. Now, everyone seems largely unfazed as Namjoon persistently bangs on the entrance, impervious to its eerie aura.
“Okay, fuck it,” Namjoon grumbles before kicking down the door. You and Rosie yelp, flinching at the thud before entering the cabin.
To your surprise, an eerie emptiness greets you — not a single soul is there.
The cabin’s interior directly mirrors its exterior. It’s characterized by dim lighting, dark décor, and symbols associated with the Underworld.
While the Hades cabin is one of the least populated cabins in Camp Half-Blood, it’s unusual for none of the members to be present.
The five of you conduct a thorough investigation of the cabin, flipping over mattresses, looking under shelves- just to realize that there are no traces of anybody ever living in it. It’s like a ghost cabin.
You repeat the process with the 18+ Hades cabin to no avail. Both cabins are completely inhabited.
Taehyung settles on one of the mattresses and rests his head in his hands. “Fuck guys- these are kids we’re talking about- where did they go?”
As far as you know, there are only six kids in the Hades cabin: two in the 18+ cabin and four in the cabin for minors. Jennie and Soobin are the only adults, whereas Hyein, Ni-ki, Danielle, and Ricky inhabit the cabin for minors.
Tartarus said it himself: “The offspring of Hades have been severely weakened, now feeble and enfeebled”
Where could they possibly be? Without a shred of doubt, you know that there must be a quest: a quest to locate the children of Hades. Jennie’s current state- deteriorating weakness that rendered her unable to stand or exist without exasperating herself- was already a bad sign.
It hurts to think about what may have happened to the others.
The five of you exchange ominous looks before breaking to the Big House to discuss the present situation with Chiron.
“Chiron,” Taehyung cuts in, “Mina and Mingyu didn’t have any qualms about sacrificing Y/N and Jungkook. I think that’s enough to cut ties.”
You shrug, “I don’t know. Mingyu looked like he kinda felt bad.”
All eyes in the room flicker towards you incredulously. “Y/N. This is serious,” Namjoon scolds. “We lost you once and we’re not about to lose you again. Chiron, we must employ every defense mechanism to keep Y/N and Jungkook safe,” he implores.
“What matters more is finding those kids!” Rose interrupts, “How old is Hyein? She’s like 13. It’s our responsibility as older demigods to look out for them. We have to do whatever we can to find them.”
“Even if that means sacrificing Y/N and Jungkook?” Taehyung questions, “We have to find the sweet spot: saving the kids, preserving Camp Jupiter, and keeping Jungkook and Y/N safe,” he enunciates.
“Which is why we need to employ defense mechanisms,” Namjoon argues, “to at least buy us time so we can figure out where the Hades kids are. Then we can spring into action.”
“But that’ll just lead us to war,” you argue, “For the first time in a millenia, the Greeks and Romans have peaceful relations. We can’t do anything to jeopardize that-”
“Yea, well I care about you more,” Taehyung intercedes, “I care about you more than the Romans and more than the Hades kids, so I choose you. Fuck everybody else,” he shrugs, and you meet eyes with Namjoon, turning red at Taehyung’s words.
Greek heroes were known to have fatal flaws: a fundamental imperfection , vulnerability, or moral weakness that, despite the hero’s strength, ultimately contributed to their tragic fate. Jungkook already confessed to you that his fatal flaw is love.
With Taehyung, you already knew. His fatal flaw is his blind loyalty to his friends. He’d watch the world burn if it meant keeping his friends safe.
“While the chivalry is appreciated,” Chiron adds, “It is imperative to do the right thing, objectively. Ask yourself, is it moral to declare war on the Romans? Is it moral to abandon the children of Hades? Is it moral to sacrifice Y/N and Jungkook? Child of Apollo, what do you think? You are of Roman descent and are able to offer a unique perspective.”
All eyes flicker towards Rose, who accepts the challenge. “We can’t declare war on the Romans,” she argues, “Y/N is right. We all know what happens when Greeks and Romans go to war. People will die and the world will probably go up in flames. But that doesn’t mean we can’t trick the Romans,” a mischievous smile creeps onto her face and she bites her lip.
Jungkook speaks up. “I have a plan.”
You tilt your head at Jungkook. His features are hardened- rigidly serious at the prospect of what could be going on.
His brows are furrowed in angry little Nike swooshes and all you wanna do is run your thumb over his brow to ease its arch.
He turns his head to you, his right hand man, and his features soften, like he’s signaling to you that everything will be okay.
WIth a deep breath, he explains the plan definitively. The way he speaks, the way he commands the attention and obedience of everyone in the room makes it seem like you don’t have a choice but to follow this plan.
At that moment, Jungkook’s little brother Jungwon and your little brother Mark step into the Big House.
Within the past year, Jungwon seems to have skyrocketed in height. He looks so big, for lack of a better word- nearly the same stature and height as Jungkook.
Mark grins at you, his cute features beaming with a sense of readiness- to accept any and every challenge. “Hey sis, welcome back. How was Olympus?”
He envelopes you in a hug, and as happy as you are to see your brother, you can’t help but eye him with a hint of skepticism.
Suddenly you connect the dots and your face falls. “No,” you express grimly.
“Yes,” Jungwon cheekily responds, throwing an arm around you.
The kid is lightyears taller than you now, and you hate it.
What Jungkook proposed- you also hate it. It’s the worst plan in the history of the universe and you want to sew his pretty lips shut so he’ll never speak again.
Jungkook’s plan involves offering a sacrifice to Tartarus- and it won’t be either you or Jungkook.
He professes to sacrifice decoys- and at first you’re on board because you’re confident that you can engineer mechanical versions of yourselves- but when Mark and Jungwon make their entrance, the gears in your brain begin churning.
“Does it make sense for us to send our siblings as sacrifices? We ourselves might as well go to Tartarus. What difference does it make?” you argue, frowning deeply and glaring spathas into Jungkook’s face.
When it comes to you, Jungkook’s mind always automatically masks your anger in a dewy haze. All he sees is a pretty girl pouting at him, and he has to choke a smirk back so you don’t actually stab him with a spatha.
Jungwon smirks, “It makes all the difference. We all know that you and my brother are the best duo Camp Half-Blood’s seen. We need you to figure shit out while Mark and I distract Tartarus.”
Your jaw drops. There was no way the sweet, kind, polite Jungwon just cursed in front of Chiron.
You whip your head towards Mark. “I don’t feel comfortable with that,” you state, “I’m not sacrificing my little brother so I can be free. That’s pure cowardice.”
Mark shakes his head.
“It’s not,” he declares, “I wouldn’t be willing to sacrifice myself like this if I wasn’t capable of being a good distraction.”
With that, he fishes for something in his pocket before pulling out a remote. He presses a bright red button, causing mechanical wings to erect from his backpack as Mark starts flying around the Big House.
“See? I’m a pretty good distraction! And I’ve got plenty of tricks up my sleeve!” he grins.
Jungwon points to a flying Mark before shrugging smugly. “So Y/N, what do you think?”
“Guys, this isn’t a fucking joke,” you scold, turning more rigid by the second. “Tartarus.. it’s a horrifying place. And quite frankly, I don’t think either of you are capable of surviving his domain.”
Mark lands on the ground next to Jungwon, expression now shrouded with concern.
“Y/N,” Mark argues, “We’re prepared,” he claims.
“Since you came back from the dead- like Jesus or something- I’ve been studying your journals on Tartarus, and Y/N, we’re prepared. Jungwon is the strongest warrior of our generation- he and I are a good team. We can do it,” he finishes his declaration with a sweet smile, but you still shake your head.
“Y/N, what did you say to me when you first handed me this sword?” Jungwon asks, partially unsheathing Cataclysm. “You said I was the only demigod from my generation you deemed capable of wielding an enchanted weapon- and didn’t I prove myself? I soul linked with my weapon in days and slaughtered so many giants with this baby,” he animatedly offers, patting the scabbard of his sword.
You soften a bit but still shake your head.
“I just- look- I-” you trail off, rubbing your bicep as you shift your gaze apprehensively, “I strongly believe that Jungkook and I only survived Tartarus for a single reason,” you inhale deeply, momentarily shifting your gaze towards Jungkook who is observing you with furrowed brows. You inhale. “Love.”
“If he didn’t love me or if I didn’t love him, I really don’t think we would have made it,” you elaborate, “I mean- Tartarus sucks the soul out of you.”
You redirect your gaze towards Jungkook, whose jaw is clenched whilst he leans against the ping pong table. “Jungkook… what do you think?”
Your declaration is bold, and you can’t help but think you might be crossing the line- but it’s true. Simply being in Tartarus drains one’s celestial energy, and the only reason you and Jungkook survived was because you desperately wanted the other to live.
“You’re right,” he offers, lifting his gaze from the ground. “But that’s the thing: we were the first to do it and now we can share our knowledge with the next generation- so they can do it without love,” he explains, motioning towards Mark and Jungon.
“You and I, we need to figure things out above Tartarus. And we can only do that with love,” he smiles, and it sparks a flint hope within your system. You soften infinitely at his proclamation.
He looks at you with soft eyes, their warmth mirrored in the tender curve of his lips. In that moment, it feels as if the fates have conspired to weave this moment into their tapestries. The outside seems to fade into the background, leaving just the two of you in your own little world.
“Besides,” Taehyung cuts in, “It’s not like these two don’t have a bromance going on, right?” At that, Jungwon and Mark fist bump each other.
Namjoon intervenes, pushing up his glasses. “Y/N, this plan makes sense. Jungwon and Jungkook emit the same energy. So do you and Mark. We can fool Tartarus with this,” he claims.
“I just- I don’t know I feel comfortable with sending my little brothers down there,” you sigh, rubbing your biceps like you can still feel Cheimarrhus’s frigid winds freezing you to the death..
“Oh? Am I a little brother too?” Jungwon teases, pulling you in for a side hug.
“We’ll be alright, sis. We can handle it. Just worry about figuring out how we’re going to kill another primordial god,” Mark offers, tweaking with the little remote in his hands.
Jungwon and Mark are like sunshine, and suddenly you’re warm.
“Okay.. fine,” you acquiesce “But that doesn’t mean that suddenly you look exactly like me,” you point out, “I mean- Jungkook and Jungwon look kinda similar, but Mina will know that it’s clearly not me,” you state, gesturing towards Mark.
Rose smiles, stepping in. Between her palms, specks of magical energy whirl from her fingertips, emitting a celestial pink glow.
So as it turns out, Rose has developed the ability to alter the Mist.
Mist is a magical veil that conceals the true nature of the world from mortal eyes. It is a form of magical manipulation that alters the perception of regular humans, making them see things differently from what they truly are.
A minotaur wreaking havoc downtown? The mortals will see a wild giraffe on the loose.
That’s the power of the Mist- and sometimes, if the wielder is powerful enough, it can coerce gods and demigods into perceiving illusions rather than reality.
And that’s what exactly Rose does. With a snap of her fingers, Mark and Jungwon turn into identical replications of you and Jungkook, perfectly resembling your features, statures, and movements.
The transformation is uncanny, making it nearly impossible to distinguish Mark and Jungwon from you and Jungkook
“Hi?” Mark giggles (mocking you), twirling a strand of hair around his pointer finger.
You blink at your brother Mark, who looks and sounds exactly like you. It’s like looking in a mirror.
Taehyung shakes his head. “No, you gotta do more of a-“ He pouts his lips into a duck face, theatrically tucking a strand of hair behind his hair.
You smack his arm before you hear Jugkook’s voice.
“That’s fucking crazy,” Jungkook murmurs in awe.
Jungwon and Jungkook stand side by side, and it’s like there’s a pair of identical twins standing together.
“Okay, now practice trying to be them,” Rose muses, and after a brief moment of silence, Mark and Jungwon pull out all the acting cards.
“Oh, Jungkook, kiss me!” Mark mocks in a high pitched voice (which wasn’t necessary because he already adopted your voice), facing Jungwon and jumping on him.
“Oh Y/N!” Jungwon mocks back, making his voice obnoxiously deep and baritone. “I still love you! I’m just too emotionally constipated to express my feelings!”
After pretending to make out with each other, Mark (you) pulls himself from Jungwon (Jungkook). He clears his throat.
“And scene.”
“That was perfect!” Rose squeals, clapping her hands as she jumps up and down in excitement.
Jungkook smiles to himself, shaking his head in disbelief while he rubs his palms over his face- but you certainly don’t miss the way his ears turn red.
You feel the same way, unable to control the crimson spreading through your cheeks.
After establishing that Mark and Jungwon would be sacrificed to Tartarus as decoys, you gather everyone at the 18+ Hephaestus cabin for further preparations.
As the cabin doors gracefully slide open, Mark steps inside, greeted by the hum of machinery. The automated system, recognizing him through a full-body scan, seamlessly grants access to the demigod.
The Hephaestus cabin is reminiscent of a palace, where celestial bronze embellishes every architectural detail, providing extra protection against monsters.Each room is the epitome of celestial innovation, featuring amenities catering to yours and Mark’s individual preferences.
The training arena, for example, has a chamber of fire, adjustable at temperatures above 300 degrees.
You sometimes just sit in there and build up your immunity to heat. It’s like your personal sauna.
You and your friends whiz past the lounge/entertainment area, which is equipped with the comfiest red sofa that can morph into a loveseat, lounge chair, or bed.
With a scan of your finger, a 127-inch flat screen TV can unfold from the walls, running entirely on celestial wi-fi.If you or Mark weren’t in the mood to watch TV, the holographic displays can project immersive gaming environments that respond to the player’s movements and actions.
Your robot on wheels, Reginald, whirs past your friends, holding champagne and water on a tray.
Taehyung and Namjoon stare at Reginald in awe, eyes following him as he rolls around and occasionally tidies up the cabin.
“Would you care for a drink?” Reginald asks, to which Jungkook (Jungwon), attempts to grab a glass of champagne.
You swat his hand. “Jungwon! You’re not of age.”
“How’d you know it was me and not Jungkook?” Jungwon questions in return.
You purse your lips, not answering his question. You know Jungkook so well that you can just tell- but some things don’t need to be verbally expressed.
“So when I asked for a pool in my cabin, you bitched about it for weeks-“ Taehyung begins.
Namjoon continues looking around the cabin. “Gods, this is crazy. Leave it to you guys to make your two-person cabin the most luxurious in camp.”
Mark shrugs, “It’s what we deserve after building all your cabins.”
It’s so weird watching Mark talk. He looks and talks exactly like you. A smile graces your lips as you walk past the arcade room, moving on to scan your finger on a fingerprint sensor.
The bookshelf rotates 180 degrees, unveiling an elevator as it completes a full 360-degree turn.
"Come on in, everyone," you invite, pressing the down button on the elevator.
As the elevator descends, the sound of muzak plays through space. Namjoon shoots you a glance that seems to question the necessity of the muzak. You shrug.
The elevator doors part, revealing Bunker 9, a secretive location known only to you and Mark.
Upon entry, dim lighting unveils a colossal workshop adorned with celestial bronze schematics and intricate blueprints. Automated crafting stations hum with activity, surrounded by shelves of rare materials and celestial artifacts.
Holographic displays flicker to life, projecting encrypted messages and strategic maps. The bunker features a secure communication hub, allowing demigods to coordinate covert missions and exchange vital information without detection.
“Welcome to Bunker 9,” Mark muses.
“Gods,” Rose expresses with awe, “Do you guys even need all this space? This place is huge.”
Mark shrugs, “Yea, but here’s where we do all our top secret Hephaestus kid work. We need space.”
From the end of the bunker, a mechanical murmur fills the air.
"Pulchra!" you exclaim joyfully, hurrying over to affectionately nuzzle your forehead against your mechanical dragon. She responds with a comforting purr, clearly missing you during your year on Mount Olympus.
Jungkook joins in, offering the dragon a warm hug as she continues to purr and emit contented mewls. “How’ve you been girl?” Jungkook teases, to which Pulchra mewls affectionately.
Namjoon toys with a gaming controller directly connected to a holographic display of Camp Half-Blood. Mark approaches him from behind.
"This," Mark explains, "controls a simulation for various emergency scenarios. Chimera attacks, minotaur invasions, even war with a god— it replicates the emergency plans we'd need to implement."
As Namjoon maneuvers the controller, the holographic display responds in real-time, projecting dynamic scenarios that demand strategic thinking and swift decision-making. “You guys should have called me down here years ago,” he expresses, “We could have accomplished so much together.”
In the lull that follows, you delve into an industrial cabinet, rummaging for something before retrieving two rings.
Hurrying to join the rest of the crew, you share, "These rings are equipped with sensors— not ordinary ones. They use a new prototype technology Mark and I are working on,” you exchange a somewhat embarrassed glance with Mark before continuing.
“We call it WhisperTech. They'll capture every sound in your vicinity and transmit it to us in text format. The rings use a discreet audio-sensing system that captures and transmits environmental sounds in text form while monitoring physiological indicators such as heart rate and nerve levels. Make sure to keep them on."
You slide the rings onto the fingers of Mark and Jungwon.
“Let’s test it out,” Mark suggests.
On the holographic display in front of you, Mark’s dialogue appears on the screen.
Let's try it out.
Biometric Analysis:
Heart Rate: 78 bpm
Mood: Eager
Thoughts: “I’m hungry”
Stress Levels: Low
Location Data:
Current Location: Bunker 9
Longitude: 155.789° E
Latitude: 36.432° N
Environmental Analysis:
Ambient Temperature: 22°C
Oxygen Levels: Normal
Light Intensity: Dim
Activity Insights:
System Status:WhisperSyncRings: Online
Connectivity: Stable
Encryption Level: Secure
Continue monitoring for real-time data.
Encourage interaction to gauge response.
Await further commands or inquiries.
“Holy Hera,” Jungkook muses, “There’s no way- so this thing can read someone’s mind?”
On cue, the ring catches onto the dialogue and updates in real time
Jungkook: Holy Hera! There's no way—so this thing can read someone's mind!
Mark's Thoughts: I'm hungry
Biometric Analysis:
Heart Rate: 82 bpm
Moods: Intrigued
Thoughts: Curious about the technology
Stress Levels: Moderate
Location Data:
Current Location: Bunker 9
Longitude: 155.789° E
Latitude: 36.432° N
Environmental Analysis:
Ambient Temperature: 22°C
Oxygen Levels: Normal
Light Intensity: Dim
Activity Insights:
Recent Movement: Stationary (within Bunker 9)
System Status:
WhisperSync Rings: Online
Connectivity: Stable
Encryption Level: Secure
Continue monitoring for real-time data.
Address Mark's hunger to maintain optimal conditions.
Anticipate further inquiries or commands.
Namjoon tilts his head. “I wonder what the location data will read from Tartarus.”
“As long as I’ve programmed it right, it should read Tartarus as the location. I’m not sure about longitude and latitude, though.”
Taehyung reads the screen. “Address Mark’s hunger to maintain optimal conditions- that’s funny,” he laughs, to which you nod.
“See? The rings will be helpful. We’ll know everything that’s going on, and if something happens, we’ll run in after you,” you exclaim.
Jungwon cocks his head, somewhat unsure. “I’m not sure I’m comfortable with you guys knowing my thoughts all the time.”
“Yea,” Namjoon concurs, “but what if you guys are in a situation where you can’t speak or talk? We need to know what’s going on somehow.”
“Swear we won’t tell anyone all your little secrets,” Taehyung jokes.
Rose places a comforting hand on Jungwon’s shoulder and you nod your head, “I swear we won’t pry into your personal life. I can design an algorithm to immediately delete all your personal thoughts and keep records of thoughts related to the quest,.”
Jungwon seems more assured. “If it’s for the mission, it’s fine. It’s not like I have any explicit thoughts anyway.”
You meet eyes with Jungwon, and you kinda wish that you didn’t because he seems unreasonably paranoid.
“Y/N, make an extra one for me,” Taehyung asserts, “If I ever get married I’m gonna put one on my wife’s finger to make sure she’s not thinking about any other men.”
Namjoon scoffs amusedly at that, “I’ll be praying for her in advance.”
You pout at Taehyung and give him an oh so platonic pat on the back. “You’ll find her soon.”
Taehyung smiles. “Thanks inferno princess,” he teases, using Jungkook’s nickname for you, “Just make sure you take of your inferno prince for me.”
Jungkook lifts his head and wraps an arm around you, giving you a side squeeze. “Yea inferno princess, take care of me.”
After bidding goodbye to your friends at the portal to Camp Jupiter, Jungkook suggests that you indulge in something you both rarely have time to do: sleep.
The anxiety of sending Mark and Jungwon as your decoys is killing you, and you can’t help but to pace around Bunker 9 while Jungkook blinks at you from the sofa.
“Y/N, it’ll be okay,” he offers but you shake your head in disbelief.
The dim lighting of the bunker shines eerily above you, and you don’t even realize where you’re going until you walk right into an industrial filing cabinet.
“Ow!” you yelp, to which Jungkook sighs.
He gets up from his seat on the couch and wraps his arms around your waist, resting his head in the crook of your neck. “Inferno princess, calm down. Everything will be fine. Just look at the screen,” he offers, pointing to the holographic display project Mark and Jungwon’s thoughts.
Taehyung: I’m thinking of going for a swim after they sacrifice you two.
Mark: Gee, thanks. That’s super comforting
Mark’s thoughts: I need to pee
“See?” Jungkook offers, “There’s nothing wrong. The kid needs to take a piss is all.”
You laugh, your shoulders relaxing a bit as you wrap your palms around Jungkook’s wrists. You stand there for a moment, reveling in the safety of Jungkook’s embrace.
Jungkook is your calm before the storm. He’s always there before you go on a potentially life ending quest , comforting you to reassure you that things will be okay.
“How long has it been since you’ve slept?” he whispers into your ear.
“Don’t know. ‘s been a while,” you mutter.
“Think you need to rest first. A nice long ten hours of rest before we do anything else,” he offers.
You hate the prospect of sleeping while your little brothers plummet into Tartarus because of you, but Jungkook’s right. You’re exhausted.
You wiggle out of his embrace and face him, placing your hands on his shoulders. Your eyes glaze over his face before you impulsively ask him a question. His eyes, nose, mouth- there’s a scar on his left cheek acquired during the two years where you were dead. You never had the chance to ask him what happened.
It’s been six years since your fiery dalliance, and the flame of your affections refuses to be extinguished.
You purse your lips.
“Jungkook, what are we?” you ask, features morphing into confusion as your eyes scan over his face.
He looks taken aback at that revelation. His pretty brown eyes widen, coupled with a slight parting of his lips. He doesn’t say anything so you take the chance to elaborate.
“Why are you wrapping your arms around me? Why are you entertaining our friends’ teasing? Are we- are we back again?”
A fleeting pause ensues- like a suspension in time- before he gathers his thoughts to respond.
“Y/N, you know how I feel about you,” is all he says, and his voice wraps around you like a familiar embrace, offering a comfort that no other sound can match. It's so familiar, and the sweetest things he says to you create a flutter of butterflies in your chest.
Warmth spreads through your veins and you suddenly feel like Icarus- the same Icarus who got high on the intoxication of flying and flew too close to the sun, plummeting to his demise when the sun’s rays melted the glue on his feathers.
Jungkook’s kinda like the sun. Last time you flew too close, you literally died.
Luckily, you’re immune to fire.
Jungkook continues, toying with his lip ring. “I’ve been holding back all this time, y’know. But if we’re going to die, do I really have to hold back? I want to be with you, Y/N.”
You face crumbles into disappointment before you actually laugh at the irony. The fates are cruel. “So is that how our stories go? We only get together when facing impending death?”
Jungkook says nothing.
This time, you’ll take the initiative.
Your features morph into desperation. “Jungkook, if we survive this, marry me. If we get rid of Tartarus for good and everything is okay, marry me. I’m sick of pretending that this isn’t real, like I don’t still love you. I want you, and I want you forever.”
Jungkook says nothing, just presses his lips against yours for a sweet and brief kiss- the first kiss you’ve shared since you were 19.
He withdraws, fingers playing with a bolt he had picked up from a nearby shelf. Then, lowering himself to one knee, he presents you with the bolt. “It’s whatever you want, inferno princess. Marry me.”
He slides the bolt on your ring finger before rising, strong arms around your waist before he kisses you again- for the second time in six years. You snake your arms around his neck, letting him take the lead as you literally have not kissed anyone since kissing Jungkook before you died.
In the trenches of your heart, you hate knowing that Jungkook has been with other people besides you. Nonetheless, you like letting him take the lead so you can be his pliant little inferno princess.
He pulls back a bit, his tattooed hand creeping up to smush your cheeks so your lips pout out. He laughs. “Gods, you’re cute. Now let’s get some rest, baby. We have more gods to kill.”
Finger intertwined and full of unnecessary giggles, Jungkook leads you to none other than the Hypnos cabin.
Hypnos is the god of sleep, a gentle and soothing presence in the realm of Greek mythology.He holds the unique responsibility of overseeing the tranquil moments when both gods and mortals find respite in the embrace of slumber.
Jungkook raps on the door several times, his fingers securely interlaced with yours as you both patiently wait.
No response.
Jungkook knocks again, and you can faintly hear the sounds of the locks turning before a very sleepy Sana opens the door.
Sana is the daughter of Hypnos and the head counselor of the Hypnos cabin. She rubs at her eyes, eyes barely open.
“Hello? Mommy?”
Jungkook purses his lips. “No Sana, it’s me and Y/N.”
At that, she forces one eye open. “Oh! Jungkook and Y/N! Long time no see! How was Olympus?” Though extremely groggy, she gets her words out before sleepily pulling you in for a hug.
You smile and return the hug. “It was great Sana. Is it okay if Jungkook and I come in to get some sleep?”
At that moment, a sudden surge of energy seems to rejuvenate Sana, and she perks up with newfound vitality. “Oh wow! You guys have never asked me to help you sleep! Come right in!”
You walk into the Hypnos cabin, where you’re greeted by two dozen more Hypnos kids dozing off in their beds.
Cabin #15 is often occupied by demigods with the ability to manipulate dreams and induce sleep. It’s a quiet place with dreamy, soothing colors.
The walls are adorned with calming murals depicting various dreamscapes. The beds are comfortable, and there’s a subtle scent of lavender in the air to enhance relaxation.
Sana leads you to a pair of guest beds before rumbling in a mini fridge for Hyponos’ Sleepy Milk. It’s a unique concoction made by the cabin members to help everyone relax and ease into a peaceful sleep.
She throws you and Jungkook baby bottles of milk. “This will put you right to sleep. I’m so happy you two finally came for a visit!”
“Thanks Sana,” Jungkook smiles, before trailing off, rubbing his bicep, “but could we actually share one larger bed?”
Sana beams at that. “Oh absolutely! There’s the couple’s suite down the hall and to the right. Does that finally mean you two are together?-“ Sana cuts herself off, collapsing onto a nearby bed and drifting into a deep sleep the moment her head hits the pillow.
You and Jungkook look at each other, shrugging before going down the hall and to the right where the couples suite resides.
The couples' suite in the Hypnos cabin has a more intimate setting within the tranquil atmosphere. The color scheme includes soft hues like lavender and indigo, creating a soothing and romantic ambiance.
The bed is larger and adorned with dream-themed decor, such as elegant drapes and dreamcatchers. Subtle lighting in the form of fairy lights and dim lamps add to the dreamy atmosphere.
A large, cozy white comforter adorns the bed, and Jungkook pulls it over, throwing his shirt off and at you.
It hits you in the face.
“Aren’t those jeans tight? Just take off your clothes and wear my shirt. It’ll be more comfortable that way,” he suggests, sliding into the bed.
You owlishly blink at Jungkook.
Gods, there’s no way this man is real and that he chose you.
Jungkook is the epitome of a Greek god. The lines of his eight-pack are so clearly defined, and you instinctively turn away, mentally and physically weak.
And Jungkook- the man has the audacity to laugh. “What, inferno princess? Never seen a shirtless man before?” A teasing lip graces his lips.
Your mood does a complete 180, and your features morph into pure petulance and displeasure.
“Just because you’re used to being naked around women doesn’t mean that I am,” you enunciate, pointing your finger in his face before you whirl around, blazing into the restroom.
“Oh c’mon Y/N, it’s not like that,” you hear Jungkook’s unserious voice reverberate through the wooden door.
You know it’s irrational to suddenly care about Jungkook’s activities after asking him to marry you- but peering into the mirror, you realize that your eyes are glossy.
It's not that Jungkook explicitly shared everything he was up to during your time apart; rather, you only became privy to the truth when Taehyung inadvertently spilled the beans during a drunken night.
His hookups, one night stands, friends with benefits- you’re aware of it all.
That evening, you joined in the laughter, feigning nonchalance. But an overwhelming sense of dread seeped into your system whenever the thought of Jungkook with another woman crossed your mind. It’s nearly unfathomable.
You hurriedly wipe your eyes, undressing yourself before sloppily throwing on Jungkook’s shirt.
You swing the door open to find Jungkook propped up on his elbow, lying on his side, patiently awaiting your return to bed. He raises his brows inquisitively at you. “Jealous, inferno princess?”
He’s such an ass.
You scoff at him, casually settling your left knee on the bed. “Jeon Jungkook, you’re a slut,” you seethe through your teeth.
Jungkook shrugs. “I’ve heard worse, now come lay with me, baby.”
Your features harden, and you stoically grab a pillow before placing it in between you and Jungkook.
Your father Hephaestus crafted an actual net to physically catch his wife Aphrodite and her lover in the act. Of course you’re petty enough to pull the makeshift pillow barrier move.
“Oh c’mon Y/N,” Jungkook scoffs in amusement.
You narrow your eyes at him, sliding under the covers and turning on your side with your back facing Jungkook.
Slyly, Jungkook removes the pillow barrier and closes in on you, enveloping you in his arms. He sighs into your hair.
“Since we were ten, you’ve owned me,” he confesses, “every part of me belongs to you. No other woman will ever compare.”
A heaviness settles in your heart. You and Jungkook have endured so much, suffered through so much. Jungkook has done well.
Sensing your body slightly tremble and hearing a sniffle, he tenderly cups your cheeks and gently cranes your head towards him. “Got it?” he confirms,a smile playing on his lips as he notices the tip of your nose turning pink.
You exhale, and he uses his large palms to force a nod out of you. “Got it,” you respond softly, “It’s just- I haven’t been with anybody but you. I guess it makes me insecure knowing how many women you’ve been with.”
Jungkook’s eyes soften, and his eyes become so clear that you can perceive your reflection in his irises. “That’s my fault, baby. I guess I did anything I could to fill the void,” he explains, “But being here with you, our first time- nothing compares.”
You pout, lifting your gaze towards him. “Do you mean it?”
He places a kiss on your nose. “I’ve been in love with you this entire time. Of course I mean it.”
You soften, fluttering your eyes shut as you revel in the feeling of Jungkook peppering kisses all over your face.
“See how natural it is with us?” he continues, “The gods made you for me.”
You pout, throwing your arm around his torso as he pulls you closer. He lets you rest your head on his bicep, and you look into his eyes.
“Is there anything I can do to make you feel more secure with me, baby?” he offers with a kiss to your eyelid.
To Jungkook, it’s like your mind has gone blank, observing the contemplative pause as you search for an answer to his question.
“Hmmm… maybe just tell me you love me from time to time?” you suggest, to which Jungkook bursts into laughter at how adorable he thinks you are.
“Alright, I’ll do that,” he instantly agrees, entertaining your suggestions.
“What’s funny?” you ask, to which Jungkook dismisses it with a nonchalant wave.
He raises the arm that you're resting on, causing your head to gently nestle into the crook of his armpit. “Drink up,” he offers, placing the baby bottle of Hypnos Milk to your lips.
Pliantly, you sip on the bottle and seconds later, you’re out like a light.
That night, you don’t have any unusual dreams, granting you the best fourteen hours of sleep you've ever experienced. When you wake up, a sense of rejuvenation washes over you, but a quick scan of the room reveals that your man is not beside you. Your eyes rapidly dart around the room in search of his presence.
At that moment, Jungkook walks out of the restroom with a toothbrush in his mouth.
His eyes glaze over you, admiring how you look in his shirt, still beautiful with boogers in your eyes. He casually saunters over to you, extending a hand with an invitation card gracefully held between his fingers.
You are invited to our 2000th year anniversary party in Mount Olympus!
A +H
author’s note: aphrodite and hephaestus are a and h
ALSO TJE NEXT CHAPTER WILL BE A DRABBLE FOR EITHER jungwon x reader or mark x reader,
and the fourth chapter will be a son of poseidon!taehyung x reader 😌😌 jk and y/n’s story will resume in chapter five when they go to aphrodite and hephaestus’s anniversary party
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mysticstronomy · 3 months
Wednesday, June 26th, 2024.
Welcome back,
Countless generations have looked up at the night sky to observe its twinkling stars and dancing lights. In dark and remote places, before the advent of today's modern metropolises, the shimmering night sky must have looked truly alive.
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Early days (and nights)
Indigenous cultures around the world have long performed astronomical observation with the naked eye, frequently spotting stars, planets, and other celestial phenomena.
These communities often used their knowledge of astronomy for:
Agricultural planning
Spiritual and religious practices
A closer look at the heavens
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Ancient astronomers from around the world made many early observations and predictions. Historical records include many star charts, which reveal clear efforts to map the night sky and learn more about the mechanics of our universe.
Some examples of early discoveries include:
Planets versus stars
Babylonian astronomers in the first and second millennia BCE tracked five points of light in the night sky that moved differently than the other stars did. They concluded that something fundamentally different existed: these five points of light were not stars at all. Historians and astronomers now believe the Babylonians were among the first to recognize the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, which become visible to the naked eye at different times of the year.
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A spherical Earth
As early as the 6th century BCE, ancient Greek philosophers documented evidence that Earth was a sphere. They noted that the night sky looked different when seen from various locations on Earth, hinting at our planet's curved surface. They also observed the round shadow of Earth on the Moon during lunar eclipses. These philosophers were even able to calculate the circumference of Earth quite accurately. They did this by measuring the length of the shadow cast by an object at exactly the same time, in two different locations. Taking into account the distance between those two locations and the difference in the lengths of the shadows, they calculated that Earth's circumference was about 46,250 kilometres. That is very close to the real value of 40,075 kilometres!
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Bright supernovae
In the year 185, Chinese astronomers became the first to document a supernova. Several supernova explosions have been observed since then, including a particularly bright one in the year 1054, which (at its peak) was four times brighter than planet Venus, one of the brightest objects in the night sky. Some supernovae are even bright enough to be visible during the day!
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Cloudy galaxies
The notion that our own galaxy – the Milky Way – is but one of trillions of other galaxies in the universe only dates back about a century. Before then, nearby galaxies were thought to be cloudy regions of the Milky Way. The first documented observation of the neighbouring Andromeda Galaxy was in the year 964 by a Persian astronomer who described it as a "nebulous smear." For centuries, it was simply known in star charts as the "Little Cloud."
Originally published on www.asc-csa.gc.ca
(Saturday, June 29th, 2024)
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spaceadvances · 1 year
Big storms are different on Jupiter. On Earth, huge hurricanes and colossal cyclones are centered on regions of low pressure, but on Jupiter, it is the high-pressure, anti-cyclone storms that are the largest. On Earth, large storms can last weeks, but on Jupiter they can last years.
On Earth, large storms can be as large as a country, but on Jupiter, large storms can be as large as planet Earth. Both types of storms are known to exhibit lightning.
The featured image of Jupiter's clouds was composed from images and data captured by the robotic Juno spacecraft as it swooped close to the massive planet in August 2020. A swirling white oval is visible nearby, while numerous smaller cloud swirls extend into the distance.
On Jupiter, light-colored clouds are usually higher up than dark clouds. Despite their differences, studying storm clouds on distant Jupiter provides insights into storms and other weather patterns on familiar Earth.
📷: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS; Processing & License: Kevin M. Gill
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mindblowingscience · 4 months
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has performed a weather report for a distant planet. The powerful space telescope forecasts extreme wind speeds, blisteringly hot temperatures and blankets of rock clouds for the world, named Wasp-43b. As such, the extrasolar planet, or "exoplanet," demonstrates just how strange alien planets outside the solar system can be. WASP-43b orbits a star located around 283 light-years from Earth; it sits so close to its star, in fact, that it completes an orbit in just around 19 Earth hours. This proximity, equal to around just 1.3 million miles (2.1 million kilometers), means the planet, with a mass around 1.8 times that of Jupiter and a width 0.9 times that of the gas giant, is tidally locked to its star, WASP-43. 
Continue Reading.
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blacklegsanjiii · 5 months
LSL Week Day 2: Gear 5
Sanji remembers waking up during the raid of Onigashima to Luffy awakening his fruit. To the Sun God Nika inhabiting his captain’s body. The sheer warmth and freedom in the haki surrounding Sanji like calm days when the Baratie was closed for repairs when he was smaller. He feels the utter pride when Kaido goes down and then the relief and thankfulness. Then Luffy falls asleep.
For a week.
Sanji is there when his captain awakes. With food and water and juice because Chopper isn’t going to let him drink yet. He helps Luffy sit up enough to eat while Law and Chopper look him over. Doing an in depth check up on the nineteen year old who died four times in one night, awakened his fruit, and then promptly slept a week.
The next time Sanji feels Gear 5 is on Vegapunk’s island when he’s fighting Lucci from Enies Lobby. It doesn’t take him out near as long as the first time did and he ends up using it later against Kizaru and Saint Jupiter. Sanji right next to him as the fight goes on for hours and once they’re safe on the Sunny and escaping Sanji plops himself down next to the galley door on deck and lights a cigarette. He’s exhausted as is everyone else but they’re safe, for now. As safe as they can be after what happened. The deck is relatively empty as almost everyone is exhausted from the battle. Sanji should be resting as well but food needs to be made and he wants to remember the warmth on his skin. 
The warmth and joy and freedom he felt next to Luffy during their fight against the leaders of the world. It felt like standing on the deck of the Orbit shortly after fleeing Germa the first time. The thought that he could make it and live. Find the All Blue. The first time in a long time he had hope. That he would never long for anything again. He was wrong, of course.
He longed to stay in the bath of haki his captain had for forever.
Which wasn’t right, really. Tying Luffy down like that when he was freedom embodied. Sanji was just tired, he supposed. Just as Sanji lit his second cigarette a mop of black hair appeared in his eyeline and a hefty weight on his legs.
“I can’t cook if you’re on me, shitty god.” Sanji said as he looked at Luffy.
“You can make me something in a few minutes.” Luffy responded as he instead tucked his head under Sanji’s chin and wrapped his arms around him.
“What’s wrong?” Sanji asked as he wrapped his left arm loosely around Luffy.
“You feel weird.” Luffy answered. Sanji hummed as he smoked his cigarette and looked at the snow and the clouds. “What’s wrong?” Luffy asked as he burrowed deeper into the cook.
“Nothing’s wrong, I was just thinking.” Sanji answered.
“You think too much.” Luffy grumbled.
“Well some of us have too.” Sanji shot back as he took a hefty drag of his cigarette.
“You’re bad at it though, you get stuck on dumb stuff that doesn’t matter.” Luffy said and Sanji laughed. 
“You don’t even know what I was thinking about.” Sanji laughed as Luffy pulled back enough to make eye contact.
“So tell me.” Luffy ordered.
“I was thinking about how good it felt to be in your haki, when you’re in Gear 5.” Sanji complied.
“That wouldn’t make you feel weird. So what made you feel weird?” Luffy pushed.
“I don’t want to tie you down, that’d be unfair.” Sanji answered as he looked back up at the snow.
“You’d never tie me down, no one can make me do anything.” Luffy pointed out.
“That’s true,” Sanji acquiesced, “I guess the better way to put it is that I wouldn’t want to stop you from what you love.”
“You wouldn’t.” Luffy said confidently. “I love you too, and I know you love me so you wouldn’t hurt me.”
“I wouldn’t.” Sanji agreed, focused on the last part of what was said. Then black hair turned white as Luffy went Gear 5 and held Sanji’s face which made their eyes meet.
“Mine. My Sanji, my cook, if he wants my haki like this he can have it.” Luffy promised.
“I just need you.” Sanji promised back and Luffy tucked into him as he went back to normal, his haki shined just as bright and warm. “Just like this you’re perfect.” Sanji said as he held his captain.
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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The planets are set to improve in the latter half of 2024. Here's our month-by-month guide for the whole year July 2024
All month: Possibility of noctilucent cloud displays
1 July: Mars lies near the waning crescent Moon (am)
6 July: Ceres reaches opposition
15 & 16 July: Mars and Uranus in conjunction (am)
30 July: Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and crescent Moon in Taurus (am)
Evening planet, not optimally placed. Best mid-month.
Evening planet, not easily visible at present.
Morning planet near Jupiter. In close conjunction with Uranus on 15 July.
The end of July 2024 sees a morning gathering of the Moon and planets.
The end of July 2024 sees a morning gathering of the Moon and planets.
Improving morning planet. Impressive scenes towards end of July with Jupiter close to Mars and crescent Moon, against the stars of Taurus.
Morning planet, best visibility occurs at the end of the month.
Morning planet in conjunction with Mars on 15 July.
Improving morning planet, best seen at end of July.
Art: 'God' By Rodrigo Garbini
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yesterdays-xkcd · 4 days
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Interestingly, on a true vertical log plot, I think the Eiffel Tower's sides would really be straight lines.
Height [Explained]
Caption: Top of observable universe.
[Black Hat is standing on top, throwing a black kitty down.] Black Cat: Mrowl!
[Map of the universe from observable universe to Earth. Each area of item is labeled. Labels left to right, up to down:]
(46 billion light years up) Hubble Deep Field Objects One billion light years: Great Attractor. Antennae Galaxies (colliding). Andromeda.
Holy crap lots of space.
One million light years: Magellanic Clouds. Edge of galaxy. Galactic center. Crab Nebula. Orion Nebula. Horsehead Nebula. Romulan neutral zone. The Pleiades, duh!. Rigel. Betelgeuse. Ford Prefect.
[Three arrows are pointing up above three lines labelled “expanding shell of radio transmissions”.] Edge of federation sector 0-0-1.
Pollux. Arcturus. Missing WMDs. Sirius. Barnard's Star. Alpha Centauri.
One parsec:
One light year: Oort Cloud (?). Bupkis. Comet which will destroy Earth in late 2063. Pioneer 10. Voyager I. Eris (All hail Discordia!). Pluto. (Not a planet. Neener neener.) Neptune. Uranus. Saturn. [Two arrows labelled “life” point to two moons, one next to Saturn and the other Jupiter.] Jupiter. Asteroids. Mars. Venus. Sun. Mercury. Spaceship Planet Express: Hey, a heaping bowl of salt! Spaceship Discovery One: Open the fridge door, Hal. Moon. Human altitude record (Apollo 13). 2nd place: Snoop Dogg. Space elevator - One of these days, promise! Geosynchronous Orbit. GPS satellites. Lunar lander: In retrospect, they shouldn't have sent a poet. I have no idea how to land. International Space Station. Space junk.
Official edge of space (100 km): Meteors.
1/10 ATM: High altitude balloons. Airliners. Shuttle Columbia lost.
1/2 ATM: Cory Doctrow [In an hot air balloon]. Everest. Helicopters (6000 m). Cueball: Woo Python!
[A vertical scale is drawn along the right side of the picture, starting at 1 km and getting progressively smaller and smaller.]
1 km. 800 m: Burj Dubai (~800 m). 500. 400. Eiffel Tower (325 m). 200. Kites. Great Pyramid (140 m). Pop fly. Redwood (115 m).
100m. Oak (20 m). A person in the oak: Hey squirrels! Tallest stilts. Brachiosaur (13 m). Giraffe (8 m).
[Megan and Cueball holding the kite are labeled:] Folks.
Title: The observable universe, from top to bottom: on a log scale.
Caption: Sizes are not to scale, but heights above the Earth's surface are accurate on a log scale. (That is, each step up is double the height.)
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