#a villain: *finds his notebook* now i will have the power of deku’s quirk analysis!
cosmicpandaaa · 2 years
ok but like… izuku’s notebook being as indecipherable just like his mumbling
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izzy-writes-bnha · 4 years
Higeki and Kigeki Pt.1
AN: So it’s been hella forever since I’ve posted fanfiction of any kind. All my other works (that I write on other sites) and any other works I’ve got have kinda lost my attention. I’ve fallen into the MHA/BNHA hole and hard and haven’t been able to focus on anything else. That being said I have so many stories started for this fandom it’s not funny, but none are anywhere near finished or even posted. SO, I’ve decided to throw the one intro I do have done for a story to try my luck. So here it is I guess. BTW this story is no where near finished and my inspiration to write likes to flip flop.
Warnings: Uhh, maybe a bit of gore? I like to write pretty morbid stuff
Pairings: Shigaraki/OC  Izuku/Toga
Tags: Villain!OC, Villain!Deku, AUish I guess
Word Count:  3043
Summary: Izuku didn’t grow up an only child. He had an older sister, but she disappeared some years ago. After tragedy strikes the Midoriya family his sister has no choice but to return to Izuku.
I’m sorry son, but you’ll never have a quirk, it’s just not in your genes.
Quirkless Deku!
I’m so sorry Izuku.
Maybe you can get a quirk in your next life so do us all a favour and jump off a building.
I’m sorry Izuku Midoriya, but without a quirk you can’t become a hero.
So many negative thoughts raced through his mind. Things he had been told from a young age up to the berating he had just received from the pro heroes after trying to save Kaachan from that slime monster. All he wanted was to be a hero, but it seemed as if the whole world was against him from the start. After all, he was just some quirkless kid. 
Messy green hair hung low over his eyes, casting them in a shadow.  His hands tightened on his backpack straps. All his life Izuku just wanted to be a hero, quirk or no. But now...even that seemed impossible. Even his favourite hero, the one person who he has always looked up to and admired, told him it was impossible. So where did that leave him?  Izuku’s dreams were all but shattered in that moment. A few tears began to leak from his eyes. Were they right, after all this time? Was he just Quirkless Deku? 
So caught up in his inner turmoil, Izuku did not notice the man that was following him. Nor did he notice the man he was about to bump into. “I’m so sorry I-” His green eyes looked up to see who he had run into, only to widen in fear. The man’s eyes were...off. His whole demeanor was off. 
“Well well, what’s a kid like you walking around these streets by himself?” Even his voice was off.
“I-” Izuku could only stutter.
“Wouldn’t it be such a shame, if something were to happen to ya?” Izuku took a step back as he trembled, only to find another man standing behind him as well. “Now, be a good little boy and come along quietly.” 
Two days later
The room was dark. The shadows seemingly swallowing everything in sight. A lone light shown down in the middle, showing a lone man tied to a chair. His hands were bound behind the chair. Various cuts littered his body. The man’s breathing was ragged as he fought the urge to scream in pain. Faint footsteps echoed in the dark room. Weakly the man raised his head.
“Are you ready to tell me what I want to know now?” A smooth, feminine voice filled the room. A woman stood in front of him. Red eyes met his own black ones. Shaggy, seaweed green hair fell down to her shoulders. The bottom of her face was covered up by a face mask, showing a wicked looking frown. 
The man remained silent, eyes narrowing. It was hard to get any sort of tell on the woman without seeing the rest of her face. Not that it would help as even her eyes gave out no emotions. The man grit his teeth. A thin line of blood fell from the corner of his mouth. After a few more moments of silence, it was broken by the sound of a switchblade knife. Black eyes drifted down to her gloved hands, to the knife she now held. Heeled boots clicked against the concrete floor as the woman took a few steps closer to the man. She now stood behind him, the knife pressed against his throat. “Tell me. Or this little guy,” the knife lightly tapped against his skin. “Will be going all the way across your throat.” She gently moved the knife across his throat, making a mock cut.
“Tch! You psycho bitch!”
“Nope sorry, that’s not what I want to hear.” She moved the knife closer to the man’s skin. The knife nicked his skin and a thin line of blood fell down his neck. The woman moved to cut deeper but was cut off by a soft ringing sound. “Hm?” With her other hand the woman moved a hand into one of her pants pockets, pulling out a cellphone. She flipped it open, not speaking a word.
“K-Kizumi? I really hope that’s you. I- … Izuku he’s not come home in two days. Please, I don’t know what else to do! The police haven’t been able to find out anything and I- please! Please bring Izuku home!” A woman’s voice came through the phone. She was sobbing and more than likely in tears. 
“I understand. You don’t have to worry about anything.” 
“Thank you! Thank you so much Kizumi!”
The woman, Kizumi, closed the phone, ending the call. “Well then, it’s your lucky day.” Her head was bent down, mouth beside the man’s ear. “Seems like I have other places to be.”
“What-” He did not get to finish as she brought the knife across his throat in one swift notion. Blood quickly leaked down from his throat, soaking his clothing. He tried to speak, but his words only came out in gurgles. Kizumi stood in front of him, watching the life leave his eyes before turning to leave. 
“Don’t worry little brother, big sister is on the way.”
Kizumi made her way quietly through the shadows of the alleyway. Even though she had kept herself away from her family, Kizumi did keep tabs on them. This is how she knew Izuku’s usual route to and from school. She knew how long he had been missing. Kizumi had seen the news. Two days ago was when that slime villain attacked Izuku’s classmate, when she witnessed Izuku run in to save him while the heroes could do nothing but watch. Luckily, All Might showed up and saved both of the kids. 
With knowing what had been happening prior to him going missing, the fact that he had been gone for two days, she just needed something else to find out where he was now. As powerful sounding as her quirk was it still required a few other things for it. Three things it seemed. Three facts to be able to know everything. Kizumi doubted her brother ran away, that just was not something he would do. At Least not without telling their mother. Something in her told Kizumi it was something else, something not of his choosing. Meaning he was probably taken. 
That was a double no no in her book. This was her territory, but most of all they took her brother.  To mess with her family was a personal offence to Kizumi. She took a turn down a dark street, one she knew Izuku used often. Red eyes scanned the empty street. There, sticking out from a bush. Gloved hands reached down and pulled out a worn looking notebook. ‘Hero Analysis’ was written on the front. This had to have been the area Izuku went missing. Kizumi tucked the notebook underneath one of the knife holsters on her legs. Her eyes closed as she took a deep breath. There, she could see it in her mind now. Human traffickers had taken her brother. A mistake she would not be letting them make twice. Kizumi’s lips turned upwards into a smile underneath her facemask. She would enjoy this.
Tears streamed down from green eyes. Izuku’s teeth clamped down on the cloth in his mouth as his body trembled.  His hands were bound behind his back. A dozen other kids around his age and younger were sitting on the floor with him. From what he had overheard from the men that had taken them all, the men were traffickers. The men had not fed any of the kids, keeping them all too weak to fight back or run. Izuku was not sure just how long he had been held captive, let alone the rest of the kids. He knew it had to have been at least a day, maybe two but he was not entirely sure. 
Izuku continued to watch the men. At this point he could only hope some heroes or even the police force got news of what was happening. Surely someone would come to their rescue. A thin line of light began to come through one of the blocked windows. A new day. Was it the third or the fourth day then? Maybe today someone would come for them. His eyes started to close. Izuku was tired, exhausted even. Without having food his body did not have enough energy to even stay awake. His head tipped over as he fell asleep, his body remaining in a sitting position. 
He was not sure how long he slept. Izuku’s mind seemed to drift in nothingness.  Faint thoughts of his mother invaded his mind. She had to be worried sick by now. Izuku could feel himself waking up. Someone was messing with his hands. No, not his hands, the bindings on his hands.
“Mmf-?” He turned his head trying to see who was behind him. 
“Quiet now little Izuku. We don’t need those bad men to notice I’m here just yet. And don’t move around so much, I don’t want to nick you with my knife.” His body stilled and he felt the cold metal of her knife as she worked to cut off the bindings. As soon as Izuku felt the ropes leave his wrist he took the cloth off from around his head.
“Kizu.” He whispered as he turned around to meet her gaze. 
“Long time no see Izu. Here.” Kizumu pressed the knife into Izuku’s hand. “Go free the others, quietly and quickly.”
“Right.” Izuku quietly crawled over to the other kids, one by one cutting off their bindings while making sure they all stayed quiet. Kizumi continued to kneel down amongst the kids, waiting for her moment to strike. One of the kids started to whimper upon being woke up. Though the sound was mostly muffled by the cloth gag, it still seemed to be loud enough to garner the attention of some of the men.
“Hey, shut up over there!”
“Wait, what’s going on? How’d they come untied?”
“Shut up and get them back under control.”
Both men stood and headed over to the group of children. Some of the other kids began to whimper and cry even louder. Kizumi took the chance to strike. Her body shot forward. She headbutted one of the men while kicking another in the head. 
“Listen up kids, you need to get out now. The path is clear; no one will stop you. Those of you who can walk help those who can’t. The authorities will be here soon.” Kizumi ordered the children. None of them moved, continuing instead to gawk at the woman. “Get out of here now! You’re free!” That got the kids moving. Kizumi kept her eyes on the two men, watching from her peripherals as the group of children ran out of the dark room. 
“What are you still doing here Izu, leave with the rest of them.”
“B-but you’ll be here by yourself with those guys!” Her brother was worried about her dealing with two men. How endearing of him. Seems like her brother had not really changed since she last met him. “What about the other men though?”
“I took care of them. And now I need to take care of these last two. So I need you to leave.”
“I don’t want you to see what I’m about to do, Izu.” Her voice was quiet. “I don’t want you to see what your dear sister has become.”
“I’m not leaving you alone.” Izuku spoke firmly. He refused to leave. Kizumi turned to look at her brother. Her red eyes staring into his own green ones. After a few moments she broke eye contact, letting out a small chuckle.
“As stubborn as ever.” Kizumi turned her attention back to the two remaining men as they started to get back onto their feet. “I’m going to need you to stand back then. I don’t want you to get anymore hurt than you already are.”
“Alright..” Izuku moved away, his back hitting the wall where the group of children had previously huddled against. 
The two men weakly stood, groaning loudly. “What the hell?”
“Who the hell is this bitch?”
“This bitch is the one who’s going to end your pathetic lives. Encroaching on my turf is one thing. But you hurt someone you shouldn’t have.” Kizumi took out two knives. 
The two men shot forward at her. One of them with his fingernails lengthening into daggers while the other man’s face contorted to where his mouth seemed to take up most of his head, sharp teeth jutting out. Kizumi side stepped their first charge, her knife slicing into the knife finger’s arm. Before they could turn around and retaliate, she charged the knife man. Twin knives sliced expertly at the man. Several thin cuts soon appeared all over his body as she slid around his side, moving back around the front of the two men. Teeth tried to bite at her, head jutting forward. 
Kizumi shoved one of her knives into his head from the bottom of his jaw. The blade kept his jaw closed shut. The man tried to grab at the knife to pull it out of his head. Before one of his hands could reach the knife Kizumi kicked high, sending the knife further into the man’s head. The teeth man collapsed as blood poured from his head. 
The last man tried to swipe at her with his hands. Kizumi dodged his attacks for a few moments, waiting for her chance. One of his hands swiped low at her, nearly hitting the floor. Kizumi’s arm shot out with the knife, pinning his hand to the floor. With one foot on the top of the knife hilt, the other shot out to the man’s head giving him swift kick. The force of the kick sent the man flying backwards. The pinned hand was ripped back with him, tearing his hand in half. The man’s mouth opened up to let out a scream, but was stopped by Kizumi’s hand being pressed into his face. The force of her hand pushed the man’s head into the floor. A cracking sound could be heard from the impact.  His body lay still as blood began to pour from his head as well. 
Kizumi withdrew both of her knives, the one stuck in the floor and the other stuck in the man’s skull. Siren’s could be faintly heard in the distance. “Izuku.”
The green haired boy continued to stare at the two bodies on the floor. His sister did that. She held her own against his kidnappers and more than likely took out the others that were in the building too. Had she killed all of them? How did she even get to this point? Was this why she left home? A gentle hand on his shoulder brought Izuku out of his thoughts. “Izuku we need to leave. Izuku!”
“Huh? R-right.” Kizumi placed an arm around his shoulder, turning his body away  from the two dead men, as she led the two of them out the back door of the building. The duo slipped out of the building, staying in the shadows as the police swarmed the building searching for the traffickers. 
After rounding a few different streets they ended up coming out at the main street just a couple of blocks down from the building. Kizumi held her arm out, stopping Izuku from stepping out the rest of the way onto the street. The girl peaked her head around the corner of the nearby building to watch the nearby police. Izuku leaned over her arm to look down the street as well. 
The rest of the kids were crowding together.  The police still outside were trying to gently question the kids. Someone was calling for an ambulance, another officer was taking note of how many bodies were being reported from within the building. Satisfied seeing the other kids were safe Kizumi turned around and went back into the alley. Izuku stumbled along behind her, running to catch up to her side.
“What’s going to happen now?”
“I’m going to make sure you make it home. Mom is worried sick about you.”
“She called me, told me you had been missing. So I found you.”
“I’m sorry Kizu.”
The girl stopped walking, taken aback by her brother’s words. Izuku noticed she was not by his side after a few more steps and stopped, turning to face her. “Izu, why would you be sorry? It wasn’t your fault.”
“I just...maybe if I was stronger I wouldn’t have gotten taken...If I could’ve fought back. But then...all those other kids, would the police have gotten to them in time? Maybe it was for the best that I got caught…” His head was drooped down and arms down at his side in fists. 
Kizumi walked over to Izuku. She pulled his head down onto her shoulder and both arms went around him in an embrace.  Did her brother really think so lowly of himself that he thought of his kidnapping as a good thing? “Izu what happened wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t anyone’s fault but those bad men. Never blame yourself for such things ever again do you hear me?”
Hot tears rolled down Izuku’s face. Slowly, he brought up his own arms and weakly wrapped them around Kizumi. He wanted to sob, to let it all out, but at this point he was running on fumes. It was all he could do to even wrap his arms around her. Izuku could feel his legs start to give out, his body having run through all the adrenaline. Kizumi felt the sudden change in his body and caught him before he hit the ground. “Easy there tiger. You haven’t eaten for three days now.”
“Three days huh, is that how long it was?” Kizumi moved one of her arms around his midsection while bringing one of Izuku’s arms around her shoulder.
The rest of the walk back home was quiet. Izuku had run out of most of his energy while Kizumi watched their surroundings, searching for anyone suspicious.
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draco-kasai · 4 years
Alatreon Ch. 1
~BNHA x Avatar the Last Airbender Crossover~
Izuku was clueless about abnormalities around him and grew up believing he was quirkless. After a long, emotional day he comes to discover his quirk. He's behind everyone else so he starts to find ways to train himself and his quirk. Meeting new people, learning new skills Izuku begins to learn how to control his quirk.
TLDR: Basically, Izuku has elemental manipulation of the four elements. He wasn't spatially aware as he grew up thus didn't realize it before. Avatar characters will appear slowly but surely. 
My friend challenged me to not say the word “bending” since I got the story idea from ATLA
Story also being posted on AO3 of the same title 
“Why are you being so mean? You’re making him cry Kacchan!” A young boy with curly green hair sobbed as he stood in front of a sobbing boy his age.  His hands tightened around the hem of his shirt for a moment before coming up to form small fists.  He took a shaky stance to prepare to fight.  “I- I can’t let you hurt him anymore!”
A small boy with blond messy hair stared at the boy before him.  His lips quirked up into a sinister smirk, “Heh, You want to pretend to be a hero?” He smashed a fist into his open palm, a small explosion going off, “You don’t stand a chance without a quirk,  Deku!” The two boys behind him smirked evilly as they activated their powers.  One with dragon wings and the other with long fingers.  The long-fingered male grabbed the small sobbing boy to hold him down, the blond grabbed his shirt and punched him in the face.  The boy with wings cheered as he looked around making sure no adults came by. 
Nobody had noticed how the earth cracked and slightly trembled under their feet when the helpless boy fell to the ground.
Not all men are created equal, this is a sad truth.  A reality that Izuku Midoriya had come to realize at the age of four.
An older Izuku ran through the streets, a large smile on his face as he ran, weaving expertly through people walking by, a small gust of wind following behind him as he passed by.
The moment he’d arrived at his destination his smile only grew as he looked up, his hands tightening on the straps of his yellow bag.  A few yards away from him a giant, monstrous-looking man with distorted features stood atop the Tatooin Station fighting off a man made of wood.
Around him, people either talked happily about the fight or were in the middle of phone calls with their bosses informing them that they would be late.  A hero in a facsimile of a firefighter's outfit manipulated water to keep the citizens from getting closer to the ongoing battle.  Another hero, tall and sturdy, caught falling debris to keep the people safe.  The green-haired teen gently weaved his way through the crowd until he arrived at the front.  Looking up he smiled brightly.
“Wha~ It’s Kamui Woods!” He cheered in awe watching the action intently.  The man next to him snickered heartedly at his obvious excitement.
“I see you’re a fanboy!” He remarked.  The boy blushed slightly as he looked away, a small smile on his face.
“Um, yeah…! you can say that” he responded turning back up at the battle.  He watched the two exchange blows and a few words before a rush of excitement filled him in seeing the hero prepare his finishing move.  Before Kamui even had a chance to finish, however, a vaunt woman appeared out of nowhere kicking the villain off the top of the station.
With long platinum hair, horns that hitter out the top of her head, and a skintight bodysuit she flamboyantly introduced herself to the crowd as Mt. Lady.  Izuku brought his bag around to quickly fish out a notebook as the hero wrapped things up with the police.  The media was quick to take pictures of the debiting hero, fishing for more information about her.  The teen started muttering softly to himself as he quickly wrote into his journal.  A new hero making their debt was always an exciting event for him since he has someone new to analyze.
“What’s that fanboy? Are you taking notes over there?  You want to be a hero too huh!?  Well, Good luck kid!” The man said encouragingly as he held a thumbs up.  Izuku stopped and turned to look at the man with a wide smile on his face.
“Yes! Thank you, sir! I’ll do my best!” he grinned widely.  Once he had wrapped it up he quickly made his way to his school bidding the man a farewell.
 “C’mon class! You’re middle school seniors!!  It’s time to start thinking seriously about your futures!!” Izuku’s teacher shouted as he waved around a pile of papers in his hand, “I could pass the career aptitude test out,  but why bother?” He throws the papers up, scattering them around, “Haha!  I know you all want to become heroes!” The students cheered in response, each and every one of them showing off their quirks.
Izuku watched as he was slumped down on his desk, a hand holding his pencil for when he wrote things down on his notebook.  He slumped down further to protect his things as his classmates showed off their quirks proudly, neglectful of those around them.  “Yes, yes, you all have very impressive quirks but remember there is no power usage at school so get a hold of yourselves” The teacher chided half-heartedly as he picked the papers back up.  A scoff was heard that made the class fall silent and turn to the source.
“Don’t lump me in with these bunch of losers.  I’m the real deal, they’ll be lucky to even become sidekicks to some poor sap.” A blond with messy hair smirked as his legs relaxed on his table and he leaned back into his seat.  The class became angry at this and began to yell in response.
“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean Katsuki?!”
“You sure have a big mouth Bakugo!”
“Why are you such an asshole dude?!”
“Don’t be rude!”
“Let’s go! I’ll take you all on!” Katsuki Bakugo shouted with a mock grin.
“Hm~ Well you do have impressive test results.” The teacher began as he looked at his clipboard, setting the papers down on the podium,  “Maybe you will get into Yuuei High.” The students gasped and began chattering in shock.
“What? He’s going to try for the national school?”
“That school has a .2% acceptance rate!”
“It’s impossible to get into Yuuei.”
“That’s exactly why it’s the only place worthy of me!” Katsuki stated before jumping on top of his desk proudly, “I’ve aced all of the mock tests!  I’m the only one who stands a chance!  I’ll be even more powerful than All Might himself!  I’ll be the richest hero of all time!  People all across the world will know who I am and it all starts with Yuuei high!!”
“Oh yeah… now that it's mentioned, Midoriya didn’t you want to go to Yuuei too?” The teacher asks with a mock grin as he stares down at the clipboard in his hand.  Everyone fell completely silent at this information and turned to look at the boy who flinched under their stares.  A brief moment of stunned silence passes before everyone laughed loudly.
“Midoriya?! There’s no way!”
“What wishful thinking!”
“You don’t even have a quirk!”
“That’s so sad!”
“They won’t accept you! You’re quirkless!”
Izuku sat up straight at the last comment, “Well actually they got rid of that rule!  I- I can be the first one!” He tried to protest but nobody listened.  Their laughter and insults practically drowning out his voice.  Katsuki let out an angered shout as he slammed his hand onto the table with an explosion going off on his palms.
“Listen up DEKU, your even worse than these rejects you, quirkless wannabe!  You really think they’ll take someone like you when they can have me?” Katsuki insulted as he backed the boy onto a wall.
“Ha!? N-no wait! You’ve got it all wrong!  I wouldn’t compete with you! I would never!  I-it’s just that…” He curled into himself slightly looking at anything but the boy before him, “I’ve wanted to be a hero s-since I was little and… you never know till you try…” his voice drifted off.
“Ha! ‘You never know till you try’!?  You’ll never be able to hang with the best of the best!  You’d die in the exams!!” Izuku frowned at Katski’s words and looked down to stare at his shoes as everyone continued to insult him. 
Eventually, the teacher finally had the class settle down and the day continued.  Once class’ had ended, Izuku pulled out his phone to look at the news, his mood came back a little brighter again as he scrolled through the articles.
“Man, the event from this morning is all over the news.” He happily put his phone away and picked up his notebook,  “I better get home if I want to write down my notes before I forget.” he went to put the book away only for it to be taken from his hand.  Looking up he flinched back at seeing Katsuki.
“We’re not done yet Deku.” He spoke cooly
“Whatcha got there? His diary?” A male with medium length brown hair asked as he walked over with another male.  Katsuki showed them the notebook.
“‘Hero analysis for the future’?  Haha for real?! Damn Midoriya!” Another male with an undercut laughed.
“Give that back! It’s mine Kaachan!” Izuku nervously said as he turned to Katsuki only for him to slam it in between his open palms and set off a small explosion.
“Ah! That’s so mean…” Izuku frowned as he looked at the booklet now covered in scorch marks and slightly ripped up.  Katsuki paid the boy no mind as he tossed the notebook out an open window. Izuku watched it drop with wide disappointed eyes.
“Hmph, 'Most first string heroes show potential early on,  people look at them and just know that they’re destined for greatness.' When I’m the only student from this garbage junior high to get into Yuuei people will start talking about me like that.  They’ll realize I’m legit, the next big thing.  That’s not ego talking, I just know I’m good.” Katsuki smirked before placing a smoking hand on Izuku’s shaking shoulder.  His hand flinching in anticipation for another explosion.
“Here’s a little word of advice nerd.” Katsuki flashes him an ominous smile, “Don’t even think about applying, or else.” Izuku attempts to say something, anything but he can’t find the words.  Feeling pleased with himself Katsuki lets go of him and makes his way for the door, the two lackeys following close behind him.
“That’s just sad, I’d thought you’d at least have some fight in you.” the male with the undercut commented as they walked off.
“I’m sure he finally gets it.” The brunette with the long hair added, “He’ll never be a hero, better to find out now instead of later I guess.”
“You know, if you really want to be a hero, there might actually be another way.” Katsuki chimes as he stops at the door, “Just pray you’ll be born with a quirk in your next life,  and take a swan dive off the roof of the building.”
Izuku flinched at the words and clenched his jaw in anger.  Turning around he was quickly stopped by the sound of multiple explosions going off in Katsuki’s hand.  “Something wrong?” He asked. Izuku stood silently as they walked out of the class.  Once they were gone he stood there for a few minutes before grabbing his bag and walking out, the opposite direction, quickly making his way down to the courtyard.
‘You can’t go around telling people to kill themselves!’ Izuku thought to himself angrily as he walked around looking for his notebook, ‘What if I really jumped?!  What would he do then!? Think before you speak!!’ he came to a stop as his eyes landed on the small pond that held koi fish.  He watched as the fish nibbled on his notebook, ‘my dreams have turned into fish food…’ he let out a small sigh.
“That’s not food you dumb fish…” He spoke as he reached and grabbed his notebook causing the fish to quickly swim away.  “Damn it…” He frowned as he looked down at the notebook.  Turning on his heels he let out an angry huff, he heard the water from the pond splash angrily as he did so.  Assuming it’s just the fish he quickly walked away as his anger continued to build up.
 “Mom hurry!!” A small Izuku shouted as he ran out of his mother’s bedroom.  Running up to her he held an All Might figure in his hands as he jumped around excitedly at his mother’s feet, “It’s computer tiiiime!”
“Already?” She asked with a smile.  She let out a small chuckle as she turned off the sink, the water suddenly flowing heavier than it was before, “Alright, alright,  common.” She began to walk for her room only for the excited child to rush past her and climb into the chair.  He happily rushed his mother as she turned the computer on and made her way to YouTube, “geez,  I’m sure the only reason this video has a thousand views is that you keep refreshing the page Izuku.” His mother joked as she pressed play on the video.
Izuku leaned forward excitedly as the footage began to play.  It was an old one of a disaster that took place a very long time ago.  The debt of the greatest hero the world had ever known.  The small boy watched as a man emerged from the rubble.  His large smile grew wider as the large man carrying many people emerged and laughed.  With every word he spoke Izku’s eyes sparkled brighter.  “FOR I AM HERE!” the boy practically squealed with excitement at the words.
“He’s the coolest in the universe!  When I get my quirk I’m gonna be just like him!!  AAAHAHAHAHA!!” He began laughing in imitation of All Might.  His mother watched him with a small smile before looking away worried.
 “I’m sorry Mrs. Midoriya but we don’t understand why Izuku has yet to show his quirk.” Izuku froze at the doctor’s words.  The All Might toy he carries around falling to the floor.
“Oh, dear… So you really think there’s something wrong then?” Inko asked as she placed a reassuring hand on her son's back, “most of the other kindergarteners have begun to show signs already…”
“My records say you are a fourth-generation quirk user.  What powers do you and the boy’s father have?” the doctor asked as he leaned back into his seat.
“Nothing too special… I can float small objects towards me.” she explained as she gently waved her hand to pick up her son’s toy, “and my husband breaths fire.  They’re useful enough I suppose.”
“Izuku should have already manifested a quirk or a combination of both and after viewing his X-rays he truly should have,  I believe.” He turns to the light board holding the child’s X-rays along with another.  "When superpowers first began appearing there were many research studies conducted to try and understand them and doctors found a link between a person's foot and the likelihood of them developing a  quirk."
He got to his feet and tapped at Izuku's X-ray, "People with a quirk have only one joint in their pinky toes.  Their bodies have evolved into a more streamlined version of the human form." He directed their attention to the other X-ray for comparison,  "you can see here this person has two joints in their pinky, like roughly 20% of the population these days." He turned and frowned at Inko.
"Based on the research we have he should develop a quirk or at least show signs.  It is quite possible that he has an invisible quirk, however, there are people who never find out what theirs is because of that.  We have already run all the tests we have available and have turned up with nothing.  I apologize Mrs. Midoriya but there isn't anything we can do."
Young Izuku could hear the pitter-patter of the rain as it fell outside his window.  He glared determinedly at the spoon he'd set across the table.  His hands resting under his chin as he did his best to concentrate.  Inko watched her son worryingly as she went to wash her hands to start dinner. 
Izuku has been trying to figure out his quirk since they got home from the doctors.  He reached his hand out towards the utensil as she turned on the sink.  A rush of water startled Inko causing her to turn off the sink with a small sigh.  Maybe she should call the manager, the sink along with the stove had started acting up a few days ago.
As Inko cooked she noticed her son had given up on the spoon and was now trying to breathe fire like his father.  He took a deep breath and blew only for nothing to happen.  He continued to do this time and time again.  Taking a deep breath he exhaled again only to stop midway as he seemed to choke on his own spit and start coughing.  Inko was quick to be at her son's side rubbing soothing circles on his back.  “It burns-!” the small boy complained.  His mother frowned and got him a cup of water to cool off his sore throat.
Once he finally stopped coughing she turned back to the stove only to see the fire lit high and the miso beginning to boil.  She was quick to rush over and completely turn off the stove and let out a sigh of relief when she saw the soup was fine.  Tomorrow, she'll call the landlord tomorrow morning.
Her son was silent during dinner.  He mindlessly moved his food about with downcast eyes.  Inko lightly lectured him and encouraged him to eat.  When he finished he silently left the table and went to his room.  The moment Inko had finished washing the dishes she felt a light tug of her shirt.
"Mom… can you turn on the video?" He asked, his voice just above a whisper.  Reluctantly his mother agreed and they made their way to her bedroom.  He didn't rush her this time as she turned on the computer, he didn't excitedly dance in his seat as she searched up the video and pressed play.  She made her way for the door to leave her son but stopped to turn back, casting worried eyes towards her son's direction.
"You see that mom?" The small boy asked suddenly "there's always a smile on his face,  no matter how bad things get… even when things seem impossible he never gives up..." He turned the chair so he could look at his mother.  Tears threatened to fall as a weak and forced smile graced his lips, he pointed at the screen.  Tears began to form in his mother's eyes as her heart broke.
"Do you think… I can be a hero too?"
His mother stumbled over quickly to her son, wrapping her arms around his small form, tears falling from her eyes, "I'm sorry Izuku… I wish things were different." She sobbed out. Tears began falling from Izuku's eyes as he silently began to cry.  That wasn't what he needed to hear.  Especially since his world was crumbling before him.
 Izuku let out a sigh at the memory as he came to a stop at the entrance of the underpass.  He never did learn what his quirk could be, leaving him no choice but to register as quirkless.  He and his parents slowly had drifted apart, no longer as close as before.  That day, he made a silent promise, a promise to keep smiling like his hero did and to believe in himself even when others didn't.
The boy clenched his fists in anger, not even Kacchan can bring him down.  He won't let him. His mind wandered back to what the explosive blond had said to him not too long ago making him clench his jaw in anger.
"That asshole!" He shouted as he began stomping through the underpass, "He's seriously instigating suicide now!?" He waved his hands around in anger as he ranted.  Eyes focused on the concrete floor ahead of him.  "What the hell Kacchan?!" He asked as he stomped his foot in anger, not noticing the crack and slight shift it created on the ground below him.  Walking over the sewer he waved his arms, "You want to be a hero don't you?!  Then what makes you think that's something you should ever say to anybody?!" the faint sounds of the water furiously splash about softly echoed through the underpass.
He hardly took notice as the wind around him picked up from a gentle breeze to more of a small weak push, "Like seriously Kacchan!  Think before you speak!!" Crackles of fire sparked after his hands as he waved them up and about over his head.  He was so caught up in his anger he didn't notice the sludge that crawled out of the small holes of the sewer lid.
"Hey, kid!" The slimy creature called.  Caught up in his anger Izuku waved his hand behind him in the sludge direction, a gust of wind waving past his fingertips quickly followed by the sound of water splashing,  and turned around with an angry “What?!” Only to find he was alone in the underpass.
That's strange, hadn't someone just called him?  Oh god, he hopes not. His response was incredibly rude!  Taking a few deep breaths he attempts to calm his anger.  The sound of the sewer lid flying off and hitting the roof of the underpass made him jump in surprise.
"Fear not! I am here!" The figure that crawled out states.  Izuku's eyes grew wide in shock as he stares at the one and only All Might.  The most amazing man in the world, the one and only is standing before him.  He watches in awe as the hero looks around in confusion before settling his gaze on Izuku making him jump.
"Excuse me young man but have you seen a large slime villain anywhere around here?" He asks as he walks over to the boy.  Izuku quickly shakes his head, you'd think he'd notice a giant slime.
"Hmmm it must have gotten away then." All Might states to himself as he places his hands on his hips.  Finally snapping out of his shock Izuku held out his notebook to the hero.
"C-c-can you sign this?!" He asked.  All Might looked down and smiled wider.
"But of course!" He replied as he took the notebook and pulled a pen of his own from his cargo pants.  Handing the notebook back to Izuku he couldn't help but stare at it in awe.  He actually got a signature! From All Might!  The greatest hero ever! He looked up to say something only to see the hero make his way to the end of the underpass to leave.
"Ah- w-wait!" Izuku called out rushing after him.  He still has lots of questions.  He needs to ask him-!
"Sorry young man but I must find that villain before it can cause anymore chaos!" All Might replied as he looked around the area outside the underpass.  Realizing that it’s not there he crouched down to leave, “Now stand back, I’m taking off.” he warned before he took a giant leap forward,  eyes trained on the ground before realizing the boy had gripped onto his pants and was now screaming in fear and shock.
"Hey! Hey! I love my fans but this is too much!  Let go!" All might frowned
"No way!! We’re flying, if I let go I'll die!!" Izuku responded, his voice distorted as the air blew on his face aggressively.
"Ah… good point." All might respond
"Please!! I still have so many questions to ask you personally!  You're my all-time favorite hero!!" Izuku begged.
"Okay, okay just close your eyes and mouth!" All Might instructed so that the boy doesn't get dry eyes or hurt himself, he follows the instructions without question.  The blond hero let out a sigh as he placed a gentle hand on the boys head and looked around for a place to land, letting out a few coughs.
Once they landed Izuku took long deep breaths to calm his nerves.  His tongue moved around his mouth wildly desperately trying to bring back saliva and blinked his eyes aggressively to keep them wet, "my whole life just flashed before my eyes…" He mumbles.
"That wasn't very smart of you.  Knock on the door if it's locked, they'll eventually let you in.  Now I really must be going, catch you on the flip side." All Might said as he turned on his heel and began making his way to the rails.
"Wha- no wait I have to ask you something!" He reaches out his hand desperately.
"I'm sorry kid but I need to capture this villain."
"But I have to know!" He brings his outstretched hand down to his side as the hurtful words said to him flow through his head.  He's silent for a moment, his hands clenched into fists, "Is it possible to become a hero even if I don't have a quirk?!" All Might stops,  "I'm a normal kid without any powers...could I ever hope to be someone like you?!"
"Without a quirk?" Izuku responded to the question by going off on a small tangent, he began trying to explain himself as he looked at anything but the hero before him.  When he turned to look at him again he was met with clearing smoke and a skeleton of a man.
As the man attempted to speak blood flooded out of his mouth making the boy scream in shock.  What's happening? Why is All Might suddenly a skeleton?  Izuku tried his best to make sense of what the man was telling him.  He flinched as he saw the wound when he lifted his shirt.  Gruesome and painful just looking at it, he felt his side sting in phantom pain just staring at it and even more so as All Might began to explain.
Only three hours? Wait, five years ago?  Was it Toxic Chainsaw? An unknown villain fight?  To go to such lengths to keep a fight like that under wraps.  Izuku wondered just how strong they were to have hurt All Might so much.  The thought sent shivers down his spine.
"So I honestly don't think you can become a hero" Izuku flinched at those words.
"I see…" He responded plainly as he tried to ignore the pain in his chest.
"If you want to help people there are plenty of other ways to do it.  You could be a police officer, they get crap because the hero's capture most of the villains but it's a fine profession." He spoke as he walked for the door.  He stopped as he opened it, "It's not bad to have a dream young man.  Just… make sure those dreams are attainable.  Realistic. Understand?" He finished as he walked through and closed the door behind him leaving a broken boy behind.
The sound of an explosion far off brought the boy back to reality.  "A villain? I wonder what hero will-" He stopped in his tracks.  The words All Might had told him floating through his head.  He frowned and began his slow walk home.
As he walked he stared down at his charred notebook, idly flipping through the pages, reading through the information he'd long since memorized.  reaching the last page with the signature he slammed the notebook shut.  'Even all Might had said it. A hero needs a quirk.  Damn it, don't cry, you already knew this deep down!  You've just been avoiding reality.  That's why you were trying so desperately to prove yourself wrong.'
He sniffled as he did his best to keep his eyes dry.  An explosion is heard once again but closer this time.  He looks at the direction of the smoke and frowns.  The fight is still happening?  Did his feet seriously carry him here subconsciously?  Izuku let out a shaky breath as he crossed the street numbly to get a closer look.  He might as well, one last time, for old times sake.
Izuku could see a giant sludge monster running rampant.  Ah, isn't that the villain All Might was looking for?  Izuku frowned, how did it even get all the way out here?  Shouldn't it be closer to the location of the underpass?
"Why aren't the hero's doing anything?" the boy turned to the two men conversing
"I guess the hero's met their match, plus the villain captured a kid."
Ah, a hostage situation? He wondered how long the kid had been in there.  Hopefully not long, just looking at the scene from afar it must be a terrifying experience.  Izuku frowned as he turned to try and get a better look.  He could make out a figure that the slime is holding someone but he can’t quite make out who it is.
"Wait, isn't that the villain All Might was chasing down earlier?" Someone asked
"What? All Might? No way he lost, where is he?"
"Can't someone call him?"
"Seriously! Why hasn’t he shown up to help the heroes?"
Izuku frowned at this as he hugs himself.  This is his fault. If he hadn't distracted All Might from looking for the villain, they would have been captured by now!  How could he be so reckless and selfish?  Izuku continued to chastise himself as he watched the battle before him.  The kid turned their face and looked towards the crowd with pleading eyes.
Izuku felt his heart stop at the pleading helpless look in their eyes.  He felt his breath hitch once he realized who the child in danger was.  His limbs started moving suddenly, weaving around the crowd, leaving a soft gust of wind behind him as he charged forward.  Ignoring the calls of the hero's he ran as fast as he could, and somehow, he felt like he was running on air.
"It's you!!!" The villain called out angrily.  Izuku doesn't understand why the villain is all the angrier to see him, he doesn't understand why it seems to recognize him.  He just knew that his body was moving on its own, that he wanted to save Kacchan.  Thinking back to page 25 of his notebook, ‘obscure the villains vision and quickly use the opportunity to bind them,’ he grabbed the straps of his bag.
Quickly he shrugged it off his shoulders.  Turning on his feet he used the momentum of the spin to throw his bag at the monster's eyes.  As he let go he felt a gush of wind follow and the bag hit the monster's eyes with more force Izuku thought possible, making it recoil.
Katsuki gasped for air once the villain let go, color returning to his face.  He questioned Izuku as the boy desperately tried to claw the slime off of him.  Izuku smiled in response, it wavered and trembled in fear but he forced himself to keep it, "Kacchan, I couldn't just stand there and watch you die!"
Once the slime villain recovered he turned angrily to the green-haired boy.  As it prepared to attack a large gush of wind followed by an explosion made Izuku close his eyes.  Once he opened them he could see All Might standing before him blocking the attack.  He spoke, but Izuku could barely hear him as he watched on in awe.
The hero grabbed both his and Kacchan's arm and threw a powerful punch forward.  Izuku shut his eyes as he and the blond were practically being thrown about in the air like ragdolls only held down by the hero's hold on them.  At some point, the teens found themselves unconscious.
When they came to the police were already putting trash bags filled with slime into a van.  Izuku found himself getting lectured by hero's while Kacchan got praised for his bravery.  Once he was let go Izuku found himself speed walking home.
He didn't feel like taking his time on the walk.  He felt dirty, and the day had taken a lot of energy out of him.   His head hurt from landing on the concrete after the air had stopped.  Once he was a few streets away from home he found himself running.
Izuku didn't see Kacchan as he turned the corner and saw him.  The blond prepared to run after him but stopped himself when he realized he was too far, he decided it wasn't worth the chase. 
 He didn't see All Might, as he rushed past an intersection.  The hero speed-walked down the sidewalk, his eyes wandering around in search of the green-haired boy. 
No, he focused on getting home as fast as possible.  His eyes were focused on the path before him as he blinked back tears.  He wanted a bath. He wanted to eat his mother's cooking.  He wanted to cry over his broken and shattered dream alone in his room.  To sleep for as long as he could before he had to get up and wonder where to go from here.
So he ran.
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theyellmanfan · 5 years
not as much a hc as a scenario, but: one night Aizawa finds Midoriya’s hero analysis notebook left out in the common room or kitchen or something. normally he’s more careful with it but maybe he was extra tired that day or something. anyway. Aizawa is curious what Problem Child has been working on with that big brain of his and decides to read through it. not only is he impressed, but he finds a page where he analyzes his own quirk, and as a result finds out about One for All. Hijinks ensues.
Toshinori was enjoying a nice warm cup of tea when the door to the teacher's lounge slid open with a crash and a disheveled looking Aizawa stood in the doorway.
"Oh! Aizawa, how are you this evening?" Toshi asks with a smile. Aizawa does not return it, instead marching over to the table Toshi was sitting at and slaps the book down in front of him.
"What is this?" he demanded.
Toshinori examines the notebook curiously, then gingerly flips it open to reveal Midoriya's scrabbling handwriting and depictions of heroes on each page with a break down of their powers. He knew the child was studious but this was incredible. Then he flipped another page to find a break down of his own power and his quirk's descriptions. A cold feeling settled in his stomach as he quickly devoured the pages contents searching for any mention of the One For All. And there it was, sitting in the scribbled notes, a mention of the name of the power but not much detail as the page was already full of so many other notes.
"It appears to be Midoriya's notes on heroes," he replied. He lets out a small almost inperceptible breath of relief, until Aizawa turns a few pages more to find a page on Deku himself, then slaps a hand on the notebook.
"And this?!" Aizawa demands. A cough catches in Toshinori's throat as he catches sight of a break down of the All For One power and the theories behind it. How it was transferred, how it worked, how he could feel those who had weilded it's power in the past pushing him forward in a crisis and helping him. And more. So much more than Toshinori had thought possible.
"I can explain," Toshinori coughed weakly.
"That you chose a child without the strength to weild your power to be your successor?" Aizawa cut him off. "Have you lost your mind? Do you know how many bones this kid has broken trying to live up to your legacy?"
"I um," Toshinori stammered, sweating profusely. The last person he expected or wanted to find out about this was Aizawa. As big as Toshinori was, he was still terrified of the man before him, especially when it came to jeopardizing the safety of the kids under his watch.
"Irresponsible! That's what this is!" Aizawa answered the original question for him. "So help me if anything happens to that Problem Child under your watch or mine, I'm coming straight for you, do you understand?"
Toshinori gulped and merely nodded.
"Good. Now give this back to your protege before anyone else finds it and tell him to be more careful with information he leave lying around. If a traitor or a villain got a hold of this they'd have everything they needed to take you and plenty of other heroes down," Aizawa said with a hiss. Toshinori nodded firmly, beads of sweat refusing to stop falling down his face.
Aizawa left the room and Toshinori sighed in relief. Oh god. If he got a lecture, just imagine what the poor Midoriya boy was going to get when Aizawa found him.
If he hadn't already.
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razzle-zazzle · 6 years
Self-indulgent BNHA AUs
...that I'm confident enough to post.
Wildcard AU
Izuku Midoriya--or Deku, as he's been known for a while--has All for One. How he got it is murky at best, but he has it. And every other quirk he's ever had in AO3, from seeing ghosts to having plasma in his stomach to actual magic. He's a complete wildcard, with no known backstory. He's a cryptid that only a few people have seen.
And then he finds out about UA. Intrigued, he starts to visit the school, and observe. He messes with the students, sometimes being their friends, sometimes throwing every obstacle he can think of at them. The main focus of the storyline of this AU would be Deku's interactions with the other characters, and how those interactions shape his worldview as he begins growing a moral compass.
In other words Deku is an all-powerful super OP cryptid looking for something fun to do.
Seeing/Hearing/Touching Ghosts
Living Nightmare
Reversing time (up to 15 seconds)
Disassociating from his body
There's more but I'll add it later
Streamer/Social Media AU
Midoriya Izuku gets into Yuuei and gets OfA and all that razzle-dazzle; the difference is that he's also semi-famous internet personality Deku, known for his careful and thorough analysis of heroes and quirks and villains. His two lives are kept separate until the students are moved into the dorms and Bakugou barges in on him mid-stream.
In other words, more Dekubowl, but with social media shenanigans.
What can I say I'm thirsty for Dekubowl content
Emotions AU
There's a villain going around, known as [insert name here]. Their quirk divides a person into 3-5 different personalities, each based on an emotion (or two) key to that person. When this villain's quirk affects Midoriya, then Bakugou, Todoroki, possibly Kirishima, maybe Uraraka, Iida?, etc., Class 1/2-A (because I can't decide) become even closer.
The emoticons? Emotional manifestations? Follow a certain set of rules.
While every emotion is mentally the same age as the personality they spawn from, their physical age depends on the emotion in question. The outfit they're in when they manifest is also important to the emotion, though they can change their clothes.
Midoriya splits into
Happiness/Innocence. Physically four years old, mentally sixteen. Happiness is the biggest hero otaku, having all his notebooks memorized. First manifests in an All-Might onesie. Can't pronounce "Katsuki," so he opts to say "Kacchan." Wields a blinding smile.
Sadness/Solitude. Physically fourteen, mentally sixteen. Sadness rarely smiles. First manifests in his middle school uniform. I contemplated having Fear and Sadness as one, but decided against it.
Selfless/Compassion. Physically sixteen, mentally sixteen. Ask Selfless to do something, and he'll happily go to hell and back just to get it done.
Fear/Timidity. Physically fourteen, mentally sixteen. A skittish insomniac, Fear avoids... a lot of things.
Determination/Anger. Physically fifteen, mentally sixteen. Often pairs up with Selfless because they both like to get things done. First manifests in a U.A. sports uniform.
Yeah and that's what I've got for now.
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italicwatches · 6 years
[legacy content] My Hero Academia - Episode 01
I am a bundle of nerves. And not just in the literal “I have so damn many nerve endings in my body right now” sense. …Anyways, let’s try to fight the nerves back with a new show. This is another one where I’m playing to the crowd, to build up for doing something that’s really just for me. So it’s My Hero Academia time! Here’s what I know: Superheroes. People like it a lot. The manga’s of the next gen now that the Big Three are a thing of an age ago. Let’s see how it turns out, in My Hero Academia, episode 01! Here we GO!
-I…Okay, Hulu has literally decided it no longer wants to work on my tablet. It worked literally perfectly the last time I watched something on it. …Okay. Funimation app it is.
-We begin, with…Oh my god did you seriously just start the ads over because I switched to Japanese audio. Oh my god this is awful. Oh my god this is the worst. How long is their free trial, again?
-Okay, we’re back. We begin, with a young boy, defending a crying friend. And he’s terrified…But he’s willing to fight…Okay. Okay the fucking captions aren’t lining up. I can’t WORK LIKE THIS.
-Got Hulu working. Little baby protagonist, scared. HEY THE SUBS WORK RIGHT. He’s gonna fight! But the bullies have superpowers! Stretchy parts, and wings, and fire, and our hero kid Deku…Does not. So he gets the shit kicked out of him, because at the age of four, he learned that all men are not created equal…
-But he made a fuckin’ choice. He could’ve let himself remain lesser, or he could pull himself up, and claw up every scrap he could from this world. And as we come into the now, Deku, real name Izuku Midoriya, is a spry, athletic youth who doesn’t shy away from the conflicts of supers, from engaging his fan-boyish joy in these broad displays…
-Opening! No subs, of course. Will that be fixed? Look, I’m just hoping I can actually watch the show.
-And we get some history. It began in China. A baby was born that gave off a constant source of light…And then, all around the world, others were born with powers, extraordinary abilities. Some of them from birth, some finding them in puberty…The supernatural, the extraordinary, became ordinary. 80% of the population now has some kind of power, some unique thing. It’s a place of chaos, but as in all times, one can look for the helpers. The good souls, the warriors of justice…
-The superheroes.
-And as the huge villain that Deku’s watching kicks an entire electrical line and its tower down, another man races in, catching it! The hero Death Arms, with overwhelming physical strength, holds the entire structure upright…As a water controller, Backdraft, quickly creates a safety line! It seems this crook’s a glorified bag snatcher, but lost control and went monstrous. And that’s when fangirl favorite Kamui leaps in for the actual restraint, as Deku gets his way up to the front of the safety line to watch…Kamui Woods, the rising star! One of the other guys watching can recognize such an eager fan of the local heroes, as our barked hero is flung back…But he doesn’t even flinch, sprouting branches from his arms, to unleash the PRE-EMPTIVE, BINDING, LACQUERED CHAIN PRISON!
-Except CANYON CANNON! A giantess leaps in from the side, and kicks the monster-man right in the side of the fuckin’ head, making her big hero debut! Mt. Lady is here, ands is nowhere near above showing off her ass to the fanboys and oglers in the audience if it gets her attention. As we see, there’s an explosion in crime, but also an explosion in those who war against that crime. With the efforts to adjust the laws, the police and the system to deal with all of this slow in coming, the people had to take efforts themselves…Until heroes became an accepted standard, a way of life.
-It’s since become an official position, a government job with serious paychecks and some real perks…And Deku, not even noticing the whole fan service angle, is busy jotting down his analysis of her actual combat and her macro power. Which is very impressive, but means she could cause real damage to the city, so she’s probably going to be of limited use and only called in for the biggest threats, unless she can control how big she gets…
-Episode 01! Izuku Midoriya: Origin
-Then it’s to Aldera Junior High, where in class, the question of what to do is a thing. Many students in their future are, of course, intending to be heroes…With Katsuki Bakugo, one smug motherfucker, intending to get up to the top. To not just be some small-town local hero, but to be the big deal. He’s even passed the mock tests, and intends to be even better than the top hero, All Might himself! And he’s going to get there by going to the top school in the nation for supers, the best of the best…
-Oh and our protagonist also wants to go there. Despite his lack of powers. And then people are laughing at him and he’s getting a bit freaked out…And what are you gonna do, man?
-Which is when, at 12:02 PM, a slime monster is fleeing, another bag-snatcher type who took a bunch of cash, and yet all the local heroes are filling out paperwork back at the office…When one man chooses to bulk up, and step in to get involved…
-Commercial break!
-And we are back! The school day is over, and our humble protagonist is ready to head home…When Katsuki steals his notebook right out of his hand. This is…Right, look, I’m gonna level with you, I’m having a hard time get through these scenes. So you know what, we’re cutting through the detailed analysis. Katsuki is a piece of shit, burns the notebook, I want to see him broken, and the only reason I am willing to push through is because it is necessary.
-And on our protagonist’s way home, we cut to young Izuku watching an old video as a child…All Might’s debut, a hellish crash scene, the man who dove in and hauled people out by the dozen…Who became a symbol. Not the first hero, but the one who changed the world…Who made people believe in the real might of heroism. In the idea that one could do great things…
-And then, the doctor’s visit. The one where Izuku’s Quirk seems to simply not exist. His mother has powers of physical attraction(as in, she can force objects to come to her hands), and his father can breathe fire…Izuku should have shown one of these, or else something unique…As we see a, well, quirk. A telltale sign. Whatever process started the powers developing, it also rejected a few unnecessary parts of baseline humans…The simplest one to check? An extra joint in your pinky toe. Your average super has a single joint there; Izuku, has two. Like you or I.
-And he went from watching those videos with giddy joy, with desire to save others as the man he so idolized…To watching them in despair, in depression, in the vain and futile hope that something would change…Why the fuck did I commit to this. Why, the fuck, did I do this to myself. As young Izuku’s mother fell into sobs, at the despair of her boy…
-And back in the now, Izuku tries to fire himself up, tries to hold on, as he cuts through a tunnel. He made a fucking choice. He chose to keep pushing forward. There’s only one way to show a guy like Katsuki, and it’s to prove him wrong the hard way…!
-But as he passes through…The slime creature rises up, choosing to try and take him over and use his body as a shell with which to escape! Izuku struggles, fighting, trying to save himself, as the thing drowns him in its own muck…His notebook falls, and he sees childhood designs of his own theoretical costume…Will this be his last sight…?!
-No. Because All Might has chased this thing down right here. He dodges a vicious whipping blow from the slime, and unleashes, a single blow…The TEXAS SMASH, whose mere hellish pressure slams through the slime’s entire body, knocking it to pieces and freeing our young hero! He falls to the ground, losing consciousness, but alive…
-And when Izuku comes back to…It’s with fuckin’ All Might himself staring over him, trying to make sure he’s okay! All Might, who apologizes to the young man for getting caught up in things, but there’s nothing to fear! And he’s caught the slime creature safely, by emptying some soda bottles and putting the thing-that-was-once-a-man in them! Hahahahaha!
-And Izuku freaks out a little bit, okay a lot, and oh god think he needs an autograph okay notebook—ALL MIGHT ALREADY SIGNED IT FOR HIM HOLY SHIIIIIT
-So All Might has to get going…And good luck and good day, young man! But as he prepares to get going, Izuku is caught up, still feeling like he needs to ask something…When All Might realizes, a bit belatedly as he leaps into the sky, that this young fan is still clinging to his leg. Well this is a problem. But okay! You have questions, then just hold on tight, he’ll make a safe landing somewhere better…And then All Might has to hold back a cough. One that’s…a bit bloody…
-So the duo end up landing on a rooftop, where Izuku is barely able to stand, but he made it. And now All Might has to really get going…But Izuku, Izuku, who’s idolized this man for his entire life, who…Who feels so inadequate before his hero…Who…Can’t get the questions, the yearning, the overwhelming desire for a single scrap of encouragement, past his lips…
-Until finally, he has to squeeze his eyes shut, has to clench his fists, and beg to know. Can a man without a Quirk, become a great hero? Could a nobody like him, hope to be someone like you, All Might?!
-And that gets the hero to stop. To look back, and really see young Izuku for the first time. Not as just another fan, or a bystander in a battle…But a young man who truly needs a hero…
Well, that had some heavy, tough moments, to be sure. But we’re through the first episode, and now things will hopefully change. Not least, I’m hoping one of these fucking apps actually works correctly. Seriously, how is it so hard to do subbed anime correctly…
Ahem. Anyways, look forward to more content next time, in episode TWO of My Hero Academia! Wait for it!
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