#a very sanuso christmas
beanghostprincess · 10 months
A very Sanuso Christmas #2
"Past Christmases, future gifts"
Sanji and Usopp aren't fond of Christmas at first. It's nothing against the holiday, really, it's just a bit personal for both so they don't bring it up when Nami and Franky go all the way to make it the best Christmas they've ever had, now that they can spend one together. They had things planned for Christmas two years prior but... Sabaody things happened.
The Vinsmokes didn't celebrate Christmas. Well, they did, just in their own fucked up way in which presents are new updates for their core system or weapons or, y'know, selfish and messed up stuff Sanji refuses to remember. It was the time of the year in which Judge gave the siblings one single thing they wanted the most. Sanji never got anything because Judge always said he had to earn it first. But he didn't care (liar). It wasn't like Christmas was a thing between them. He always ended up beaten up and bruised like any other day... Just a bit worse, since his brothers were in a very excited mood... However, Sanji still has good memories of it. His holidays were spending the night with his mother at the hospital, counting stars, and gifting her his (pretty much burnt) cakes and sweets. She always managed to get one of the people from the staff to bring her cookbooks or new cooking supplies because it was the only thing she could do from where she was. And it wasn't the best, but for little Sanji? Those books were his whole world. So Christmas wasn't that bad. He loved his mom and her simple smiles were the best gift he could ask for. But then she died and then he ended up locked up and- Well. Whatever. Then he meets Zeff and Christmas actually becomes a real thing, but not quite. The Baratie always had Christmas decorations because it attracted more people and the crew always asked Zeff for it, but the man was only excited for the Christmas cooking so... He let them do whatever as long as they kept working. Sanji never expected something there. He didn't expect presents for the first Christmas they spent together. No presents. No Christmas spirit. No family bonding the way other families did. And it's okay, because Zeff wasn't his dad after all. But then he saw one single gift, poorly wrapped up in his bed... And he had never been happier. Those gifts became more recurrent with the passage of time, turning into more gifts and, not only magically appearing on his bed, but being gifted by Zeff himself. One Christmas morning, when Sanji was around fifteen, he woke up to find his usual gift. But this time it was signed with "From: Dad / To: Eggplant" instead of whatever bullshit the old man decided to use to sign before. So, yeah, Sanji does have good memories about Christmas but he doesn't take anything for granted because he had to, somehow, earn Zeff's respect and love in some way too and his past still haunts him anyway. So he doesn't think he deserves to enjoy Christmas around the ship like everybody else. Even if he does like Christmas now, it's a little overwhelming. All the memories at once and the new experiences quickly happening around him. He's happy just- It's just too much.
Usopp is basically the same when it comes to Christmas. He has good memories of it, his mother always making the most of the Holidays and the village always celebrating together. He received little handmade gifts from his mother that were never much, but enough to make him the happiest kid in the world, and she always got precious drawings from him that she always kept close to her heart. Then he ended up climbing the tree next to Kaya's window to give her flowers or anything he could manage to get. Old books... Perfumes he had worked hard to buy... Handmade necklaces... And those weren't like those expensive gifts she always got, but his best friend loved them. Kaya always gave him new art supplies. Good ones. He almost teared up every time. So, really good Christmas memories, right? Except that he always saw kids playing around and spending time with their fathers... And he knew, even when he was a kid, that Yasopp would come back. That he didn't have to mourn any loss because they'd be able to spend Christmas with his mom someday! And then she died. Kaya's parents did too. And it was never the same. He wanted to try and go back to celebrating Christmas once he formed his little crew, but those kids had families aside from him. He couldn't really force them to be with him. But he is an adventurer! A pirate! Christmas isn't really that big of a deal. So he moves on and doesn't expect the crew to actually want to do something for this time of the year. Heck, he didn't even expect Luffy to have celebrated Christmas before. He sort of seemed like the type of kid to not know about these things, but whatever. It's still very overwhelming.
They throw this big party on the ship, and they've never been so fucking loud. Not even on Birthdays. Brook is playing Christmas carols, Sanji is cooking nonstop, Nami is giving everyone gifts (there are a lot from her to herself, too, not surprising at all), Zoro is already drunk, Luffy wears a Christmas hat on top of the Strawhat... Etc, etc, etc. And they're all full of love and overflowing joy. So much they could cry (Franky does). But, you know, it gets a bit overwhelming for Usopp and Sanji, whose Christmas celebrations were quiet and peaceful and not this loud. Usopp sees Sanji walking to the Aquarium, and he follows his boyfriend instantly.
They end up sitting silently next to each other on the couch, watching the fish and saying nothing for a long time while Sanji smokes (trying not to bother Usopp). Somehow they end up tangled up there, one of the cook's legs on top of Usopp's lap and the sniper's hand caressing his thigh. They don't say anything, but Sanji knows Usopp is overthinking something by the way he's gripping his leg.
"Spit it out." He takes another drag of his cigarette.
Usopp frowns and chuckles as if he didn't know what he meant. "What do you mean spit it out?"
The cook rolls his eyes, and brings Usopp closer with his leg. "There's something bothering you. I'm not stupid, mon trésor."
The sniper has a hard time putting the words together, but manages to speak up after a few seconds of his trembling voice betraying him. "I didn't get you anything."
And then Sanji does something Usopp never expected him to do: He shrugs his shoulders, lets the smoke fill the room, and fixates his eyes on a fish in front of them. "Me neither. Didn't even know we were doing this."
"I didn't either!" He exclaims, overhyped by someone finally understanding his situation. "Nami was so excited yesterday and, like, girl, give me time to think, will ya? I didn't even celebrate these things when I was a kid."
That catches Sanji by surprise. "You didn't?"
Usopp shakes his head and refuses to look Sanji in the eyes. "We used to do it when mom was around and then I think I just stopped caring much about it with nobody to do celebrate with. Kaya was always busy around that time after her parents passed, too, so... Yeah. I guess having all of this party is just a bit-"
"Too much?" The sniper turns his head around, and they can't help but laugh when their eyes meet. "Yeah, I get it. My Holidays weren't exactly the best when my mother passed and my old man wasn't one for big parties like this, so... Feels a bit odd."
When Sanji seems to be done with his cigarette, throwing it on an empty glass of wine he had around, Usopp doesn't hesitate to hold his hand. Sanji caresses his hand back. Nobody says a thing for a long while until Usopp rests his head on top of the cook's shoulder. "I will get you something next time."
Sanji hums, his other hand stroking Usopp's hair. "I'll get you something this year the second we find a nice village."
Usopp can only roll his eyes at that. "Why do you always have to be like this? Stop trying to be more romantic than me!"
"I am more romantic than you, though." He places a kiss on top of Usopp's head, and keeps his face buried there. "I'll make a nice, special breakfast for you tomorrow."
The sniper wants to complain, but who is he to reject one of Sanji's special dishes cooked with all the love in the world? So he just smiles, nods, and accepts his fate like that.
They can only hear the muttered music and screams from outside for a long time, enjoying each other's presence as their most precious gift of the night.
"Mom said we'd be able to spend Christmas as a family one day." He cuddles closer to Sanji. "She isn't here, but I guess she was right."
Sanji holds back the urge to fill Usopp's face with unstoppable kisses for the sake of the moment. "Reiju said something like that once, too." And after a few seconds of meditating and drowning in Usopp's scent, Sanji speaks, maybe a little bit too tipsy for this conversation now. "You know, Christmas will be even better once we have kids-"
"We're so not having this conversation again right now."
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ This is basically just me posting different Sanuso headcanons every day during all of December because I thought it would be something sweet to make for them!!! If you have any cute Christmas (or just Winter related too! New Year! Whatever you think could fit) Sanuso headcanons just send them to me and I will make a post like this about them (tagging you ofc, unless you want to be anon!).
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maryroses · 10 months
tag game: nine (9) people you'd like to get to know better (tagged by @ellieellieoxenfree)
Last Song: some Lofi while workin
Currently Watching:  As I'm sure you can tell, the beast that is ONE PIECE!!!! which I am having lots of fun doing. I want to read it as well. Lots of fun fanart and stuff for OP on tumblr!!! Also rewatching Star Trek DS9 with @ellieellieoxenfree and @arsmillionbeard which is funnnnn.
Three Ships: Chika x Satowa from KOT, Kyoru (Kyo and Tohru) from FB, and the more recent Sanuso (Sanji and Usopp) from OP. Bonus: Quodo (Quark and Odo) from DS9
Favorite Color: Pink
Currently Consuming: Nothing, but about to get something to snack on
First Ship: idk probably something I don't care about anymore.
Relationship Status: Single
Last Movie: Muppet Christmas Carol
Currently working on: A Halloween cross stitch project that I started the week of Halloween lol. Trying to get my brain to continue on it until the very end before starting something else (brain is mad I'm taking so long on it). I'm almost there!!
Tagging: idk very many people on here tbh.
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For the ship game can I have my OTP SanUso pleaaaase
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• Gives nose/forehead kisses Sanji is always kissing Usopp’s nose, he likes to reassure Usopp his nose is cute and he loves it. Usopp gives lots of forehead kisses, always on Sanji’s curly brow to let him know how much he adores it.
• Gets jealous the most Sanji, which is ironic since Sanji is the one that always like to flirt with other people but as soon as it looks like Usopp is being hit on Sanji is there to give them a look and pull Usopp close against him.
• Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive Usopp, and he has to deal with the entire repeated performance piece that is Sanji gushing about how much he loves him, the tears when he asks Usopp out and Usopp jokes he’s taken.
• Takes care of on sick days Both are very good at this in different ways. Usopp will sit with Sanji stroking his hair and telling him how handsome he still is despite all the snot and messy hair. Sanji will bring Usopp the best soups and teas.
• Drags the other person out into the water on beach day They both love the beach, both love swimming but it’s often Sanji who has to drag Usopp because he has more self esteem issues about being seen in just swimming shorts.
• Gives unprompted massages Sanji, he see’s how Usopp hunches over his work projects, how he sits with his sketch book on his lap. He likes to just gently touch his partner.
• Drives/rides shotgun Usopp is a better driver simply because he doesn’t have the road rage Sanji does, ever since that time someone honked their horn and Sanji got out at a red light and kicked the side of the mans door he’s not allowed to drive.
• Brings the other lunch at work SANJI he will always make packed lunches before he leaves for the day. He’ll make sure Usopp eats, brings him snacks, tea, lunch, everything.
• Has the better parental relationship Sanji, he might fight with his dad a lot but it’s a good relationship.
• Embarrassingly drunk dancer Yes, both, in different ways. Usopp looks like a straight white man at a wedding and Sanji thinks he has an ass to twerk with.
• Still cries watching Titanic Sanji, he’s a big soppy romantic and cries like a bitch at certain scenes, and his tears often cause Usopp to join in.
• Firmly believes in couples costumes USOPP and it takes so much effort to get Sanji to play along but with enough pouting and batting eyelashes Sanji caves.
• Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas Sanji, he makes good money and likes to buy Usopp things where as Usopp is more of a handmade gift kinda guy.
• Makes the other eat breakfast Sanji, he will hound Usopp until he’s eaten.
• Remembers anniversaries Both are… actually really good at this, Sanji is the type to hold a forgotten anniversary over someone’s head though.
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mondfahrt · 4 years
A, B, G (for Dunkelrot), N, and T for the writer ask meme :D
A: Of the fanfic you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?
Don’t make me choose between my children! But if I have to, right this moment it’s maybe „Christmas Lights (Oh, What A Sight)“, a very short Gaara/Lee (Naruto) fanfic with a Christmas market setting because I set out to write it, did exactly what I wanted to write, and got to think about Christmas markets while doing it. Also, the person I wrote it for liked it <3
B:  What was the first fandom you read fic in?  Which was the first you wrote fic for?
This may sound weird but „Charmed“ for both of these, when I was.... maybe 13 or so? I discovered this Charmed fan forum (no idea what it was called) and wrote fanfic directly on the site (on our family computer even because I didn’t have one back then), so everything is lost since I have no idea where I posted these anymore. I doubt that they were good though lol.
G: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?
Funny that you ask about Dunkelrot since I kinda think of most of my DWH fanfics being in that universe... But okay, specifically a sequel would probably center around Melanie and Willi going out and doing drag together. Or just going out and Willi discovering crossdressing or something. OR (and I have been thinking about writing this): a fanfic focusing on Steve and her coming out as trans, since I hc that that moment in the tree house is her realizing something for the first time. It’d explore her relationship with the Pygmäen and the Hühner a bit more and would include eerily accurate tarot readings.
N: Any fic ideas brewing that you’d care to share?
Is that even fair since you know what I’m writing right now? Anyway... some of my WIPs:
A GaaLee (Naruto) alternate universes (yes plural) AU (yes that too). A SanUso (One Piece) fake dating after having broken up AU. A FredxMaik (DWH) getting together, cottage core, angry pining.... Thing. And... well. A TortexWilli (DWH) friends with benefits to lovers fic that’s getting ridiculously long.
There’s probably 10 more but these are the ones I’m thinking about the most these days.
T: Any fanfic tropes you can’t stand?
Hmmmm. I don’t like Amnesia fics. Is that a trope? Anyway, I don’t like those. Other than that you could probably convince to read a lot of things if it’s done well.
Thanks for asking, these were fun <3
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
A very Sanuso Christmas #1
"Shooting Mistletoe"
Sanji sees Franky and Robin kissing under the mistletoe and lets himself wonder how it would be to kiss Usopp like that. And he realizes that he has the chance to know, now, because Sunny's all decorated with Christmas stuff! So he constantly tries to meet with his boyfriend under mistletoes all the damn time, but it never works out. Usopp moves away before Sanji can mention the plant above them, most of the time he doesn't even get Usopp to stand beside him, once he ends up with Mosshead (don't- Please don't. Never ask Sanji about that experience)... And so, it never ends up happening. And he can't just ask because, even if they're dating, the fun of it all relies on it being a surprise! And Sanji tries and tries but it never goes well for him.
One day, though, Usopp realizes what's going on after seeing his boyfriend sigh defeatedly while he stares at Franky and Robin once again. Usopp finds this endearing and can't help but think how stupid his cook is. So once they're alone on deck (Sanji sitting on the grass and smoking while Usopp is working on his own inventions) the sniper calls out for his boyfriend to catch his attention: "Hey, Sanji!"
Sanji looks up from his cigarette, his eyes instantly lighting up due to his boyfriend's voice. "Yes, mon trésor?"
Usopp laughs to himself before getting his slingshot ready. "Can I try one of my new babies with you?" But he's scared of how that might have sounded, so he tries to fix it right away. "I promise it doesn't hurt!"
"Are you sure it's a good idea, dear? The last time it didn't end up well." Sanji frowns at the thought, but more than refusing he's just questioning it. Usopp knows he would do it right away if he asked him twice.
But the sniper at least tries to reassure him. "If it does, then I can promise you I will protect you from any harm!" Sanji smiles, but still looks a bit concerned for his own safety. "When have I let anything hurt you before?"
And, well, Sanji thinks that Usopp is not wrong on that one. So they make a silent agreement, and Usopp grins to himself at what's about to come.
Usopp throws some sort of ball Sanji cannot see properly from where he's at, and it ends up landing right in front of him and covering his vision with smoke completely, adding more to the one already produced by his cigarette. Everything happens rather quickly, and Sanji doesn't have time to think because he suddenly sees Usopp kneeling in front of him and cradling his face with one hand, the other taking the cigarette off his lips.
Sanji is hypnotized. His face is all red and if Usopp doesn't do something soon he knows his boyfriend will faint before anything he has planned happens. The cook can barely mutter a word, but he manages to clear his throat after a while. "Isn't this just- Just your normal smoke bombs, mon coeur?"
The sniper shakes his head with a mischievous smile decorating his face. "Nope! It's holiday-themed! Look up for me?"
When Sanji does as his boyfriend tells him, his eyes find mistletoe on top of them, growing from a branch beside their bodies. He's speechless when he lowers his gaze to Usopp again, a fond look and teary, excited eyes on his face.
Usopp grins proudly, and even if he tries to sound flirty, he only sounds happy and nervously full of joy. "Merry Christmas." He moves Sanji's face closer, pulling gently from his chin.
The cook can't help but roll his eyes. "It's barely December, dumbass."
"Oh, but you loved this." Their lips are almost touching now.
Sanji can just giggle at that, his hand moving to the back of Usopp's neck to pull him closer into a kiss. "I love you."
They're eventually banned from having mistletoe on the ship because they won't stop making out publicly and Nami is so fucking done with them-
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ This is basically just me posting different Sanuso headcanons every day during all of December because I thought it would be something sweet to make for them!!! If you have any cute Christmas (or just Winter related too! New Year! Whatever you think could fit) Sanuso headcanons just send them to me and I will make a post like this about them (tagging you ofc, unless you want to be anon!).
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
A very Sanuso Christmas #11
Small Christmas concept: Modern Sanuso AU in which they spend their first Christmas together and Usopp keeps saying he knows how to ice skate when Sanji asks him to go out with him one Christmas night to do it, but he has never done it before and is praying to every god he knows that Sanji will change plans. But he doesn't. And Sanji ends up teaching him and falling over and over again with Usopp. Sanji is not a patient teacher, tbh, he gets stressed easily. But he helps Usopp out all the time nevertheless, and when Usopp finally gets to skate through the whole rink, Sanji can't help but kiss his freezing lips until they're warm again.
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
A very Sanuso Christmas #10
"What's in a dress"
-> Transfem Sanuso
It's her first Christmas being seen as a woman. It's her first Christmas actually wearing an elegant dress and it's the first Christmas Usopp spends being Sanji's girlfriend. There are a lot of first times happening at the same time, and the poor girl couldn't be more stressed. She isn't one for dresses, first of all. She has always been more fond of comfortable clothes (her overalls or just jeans, always wondering why Zoro is allowed to go shirtless and she isn't) and she isn't one for makeup either because it's too much effort and she keeps saying she doesn't really need it (in reality is that she's deeply scared she might not look like she expects).
The Christmas party the crew wants to throw (and by "crew" is basically that Bartolomeo called and said to meet with Luffy's followers to throw a party that he gladly accepted because, you know, food) is about to happen in a few days and she doesn't have any dress to wear or any idea what to do. Because she knows they're gonna go elegant. For fuck's sake, even Nami has managed to convince Zoro and Luffy to wear suits. So, yeah, the day keeps getting closer and she has no idea what to do.
Sanji isn't cooking (for once) when Usopp enters the kitchen. She's just sitting on one of the chairs smoking, and perhaps just enjoying her alone time. Her back is facing the kitchen so she doesn't see it's Usopp the one to open the door, but if she doesn't say a word it's because she probably already knows it's her. Usopp reaches out to her and hugs her from behind, her arms around her shoulders and her chin resting on top of her head. She presses her girlfriend closer and sighs.
The cook takes a drag of her cigarette and proceeds to intertwine one of her hands with Usopp's. "What's wrong, mon trésor?"
Usopp buries her face on Sanji's undone hair. "I don't have any dresses for the party."
The sniper has to step away a little when Sanji looks up at her, frowning. "But you never wear dresses."
"Yeah." Usopp scoffs. "That's the reason why I don't have one for the party."
Sanji smiles softly, her eyes instantly brightening up when she sees her girlfriend. "But you will look good no matter-"
"Save it." The sniper sighs, and grips Sanji's shoulder tighter. "I want to wear a dress."
Usopp is not exactly sure why she's doing all of this. Perhaps she just wants to feel feminine for once. She doesn't want to prove anything to anybody, if that's what Sanji's thinking. She just... She just really wants to feel like an average girl. Like she's- Like she's a normal girl.
She knows Sanji would kill her if she heard that. Usopp hates that concept too. Regrets even thinking about it. It's stupid.
Sanji doesn't speak for a few minutes, almost finishing her cigarette right there as time passes by and Usopp starts getting more and more anxious about her girlfriend's reply.
"I'm buying you a dress the moment we step into this island." She says it like there's no way Usopp will change her mind.
But the mere thought of wearing a brand new dress makes her insides ache, so she just hugs Sanji tighter. "I don't- Please, don't." Because maybe she isn't ready yet to own anything like that. It doesn't feel- "Safe. I- I would feel safer. Better. If you just let me borrow one of yours?"
Sanji sighs loudly, but she can't help but smile at Usopp's words. She quickly moves her girlfriend around swiftly to make her sit on her lap, and Usopp barely has time to react when Sanji hugs her closer and buries her face in the crook of her neck. "How could I say no to my gorgeous girlfriend wearing one of my dresses?" She starts kissing her all over her neck and face and hands and every part of her body she can reach until Usopp is laughing and trying to push her away, her hands landing on top of Sanji's shoulders again. The cook keeps their foreheads together for a few seconds. "But for the record, mon amour, I'm wearing a suit. And the second you feel uncomfortable we're getting you something else to wear, alright? You are a girl, you don't need any stupid clothes to prove it."
Usopp melts at Sanji's concern and kisses her nose before replying. "Could you help me with my makeup too?"
And that's when she definitely breaks her girlfriend because Sanji can just hug her waist closer and place her head on her chest trying hard not to lose it. "You're spoiling me."
The sniper just laughs at that. "Early Merry Christmas, I guess."
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
A very Sanuso Christmas #8
"Christmas shopping"
-> Transfem!Sanji / Pining Sanuso
The crew goes to a winter island that's completely Christmas-themed and they decide to stay to celebrate their first Holidays together, now that they finally can do it peacefully. Sanji and Usopp decide to go do some Christmas shopping together, always enjoying their time with each other. They're not dating, but damn they wish they were. Usopp thinks it's a great opportunity to confess to Sanji! He's been waiting for a long time to tell her about his feelings, but he's never brave enough to actually do so... Christmas is so romantic, though! Perhaps this time it'll work out.
They spend the whole day together until nighttime, enjoying the cold breeze and walking through the village's stores together. Sanji holds his hand a lot of times, and perhaps it's not in a conscious way, but it makes Usopp go stupid. She drags him around and talks about all the new recipes she has for Christmas, while Usopp also makes her go with him to toy stores that he finds.
Usopp even gives her his jacket, because she won't stop complaining about the cold and he wants to be a gentleman, even if he ends up freezing too. Sanji holds his hand again, this time for good, staring at him in the eyes. They witness their first Christmas snow together. They watch the Christmas lights, enjoying each other's warmth. And Usopp is dying to kiss her... But he can't. She just looks so happy he doesn't want to ruin it if she doesn't like it. She's dying to kiss him too, but she's equally stupid.
Sanji says something about a dress. A very expensive dress she would love to wear at the party they have planned. But she can't afford it, sadly, especially after exceeding the budget Nami gave him to buy ingredients.
When they go back to the ship, Usopp quickly sneaks out without saying anything to anyone (if Zoro sees, he doesn't say anything either).
And if that dress ends up under their tree (it's one of Nami's, btw) with Sanji's name written over the bag and no sign of who gifted it to her, nobody says anything. Even if they all know what's going on. Sanji calls it a Christmas miracle, even if she knows it's much, much more.
And if Sanji kisses Usopp's cheek while they're partying, in a corner where nobody else can see... She'll just say it's her gift.
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ This is basically just me posting different Sanuso headcanons every day during all of December because I thought it would be something sweet to make for them!!! If you have any cute Christmas (or just Winter related too! New Year! Whatever you think could fit) Sanuso headcanons just send them to me and I will make a post like this about them (tagging you ofc, unless you want to be anon!).
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
A very Sanuso Christmas #7
I forgot to post this yesterday, but it's fine, nobody noticed. Just a few hours of difference, it's okay-
Instead of a quick and short written headcanon, I wanted to use this post to say that I need transfem!Sanji to wear this on Christmas and make Usopp go insane.
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ This is basically just me posting different Sanuso headcanons every day during all of December because I thought it would be something sweet to make for them!!! If you have any cute Christmas (or just Winter related too! New Year! Whatever you think could fit) Sanuso headcanons just send them to me and I will make a post like this about them (tagging you ofc, unless you want to be anon!).
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
A very Sanuso Christmas #6
"Cold days, warm embraces"
The ship ends up being covered by snow, which is weird because supposedly they were not going to a winter island. Nami doesn't have a good explanation for the unexpected weather, so she just suggests them to deal with it until it passes or she can find a solution. The thing is, you know, they are idiots. Zoro is an idiot. He said it wasn't that cold when the snowing started, and now that he's fucking freezing he keeps walking around without a shirt on because he's just that proud about it and doesn't want to give Nami the right to laugh at him.
Usopp sees this and does the same because he can see how Sanji is looking at the swordsman. It's not that he has any right to complain about it, they are not dating. They are not anything, even. Sanji has no idea about Usopp's feelings for him. But Usopp notices the attraction Sanji feels towards Zoro right now, whether it's because of his masculinity or his bare chest it doesn't matter. The point is, Usopp is stupid enough to take his coat and shirt off and follow Zoro on his whole 'it isn't that cold' bullshit.
Nami is just too done with them to tell them anything, so if they're going to die from the cold, so be it.
The sniper is shaking. Shivering. He's sitting on the deck, because he just has the luck to be on watching duty tonight, and he has to handle the cold like the man he is. Even if Sanji isn't looking, he could be. And- It really isn't just about Sanji, isn't it? So he keeps being an idiot and lets the snow cover him completely (not really, but damn it, it could end up happening).
All of a sudden, a sweater lands on his face and before he can open his eyes again, somebody is sitting next to him. Sanji is wrapped in a blanket and he's covered in a very long coat and a scarf, sitting so close to Usopp that their legs and shoulders are touching. Usopp wants to fall into his embrace so badly... But he can't let himself do it!!!
"Put the sweater on, idiot." Sanji doesn't look at him when he says that, staring at the snow falling over them instead. "You have nobody to impress."
Usopp wants to tell him that's not true. That he has somebody he wants to impress. But he can't just do that, so he just laughs loud enough for his voice to fill the ship. "I, the great captain Usopp, don't need any-"
Sanji rolls his eyes and bumps his shoulder. "The great captain Usopp can also die from hypothermia." Usopp stares at the sweater for a few seconds before he decides to put him on, not handling the cold anymore. "Besides, I would miss him a lot of he did. So- Just cover your abs, dumbass, there are no girls around."
When he's all warm, Sanji covers them both with the blanket, letting his arm rest on Usopp's shoulders. Neither of them says anything. "But Zoro-"
"Zoro is on night guard too on the other side of the ship and I've seen him sneak out to drink hot chocolate." Sanji brings him closer. "And Luffy can't keep his hands to himself, I'm sure they're both very warm."
That sounds like jealousy, almost, and it breaks Usopp's heart a little bit but says nothing about it since Sanji keeps rubbing his shoulder up and down, giving him warmth and comfort. Usopp lets his head rest on the cook's shoulder. They let the snow fall silently for a long while before Usopp buries his head in the crook of Sanji's neck.
"It's cold as fuck." He groans.
Sanji can just laugh at him, not even with him. "That's your own fault." He seems to hesitate when he pronounces his next words. "Is this- Did you do this bullshit just to show off or is there a reason behind it? I mean- Someone behind it?"
Usopp can't see the way Sanji's blushing. He doesn't know anything about it or his rapid beating heart. He can't even notice the way his voice falters. And Sanji is thankful for that, but wishes he could catch a hint already.
The sniper shrugs his shoulders. "Could be." But he thinks about it better. "But I think it's just a me thing, at this point."
Sanji hums in understanding. "If it makes you feel any better, I think you look gorgeous with my sweater on."
Usopp thinks he's misinterpreting his words, and almost chokes when he speaks up again. "Uh- Thanks, Sanji."
The cook's hand ends up stroking his hair. "You're more of a man than mosshead will ever be in a million years. Consider me impressed, even if I was not the one you wanted to do this for."
And Usopp doesn't say anything. He just nods, buries his head on Sanji's warmth, and lets the snow fall over them, only focusing on the white covering the ship and Sanji's heartbeat against his ear.
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ This is basically just me posting different Sanuso headcanons every day during all of December because I thought it would be something sweet to make for them!!! If you have any cute Christmas (or just Winter related too! New Year! Whatever you think could fit) Sanuso headcanons just send them to me and I will make a post like this about them (tagging you ofc, unless you want to be anon!).
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
A very Sanuso Christmas #5
"First Christmas married"
30 y/o Sanuso spending Christmas with Kaya at Syrup Village and going to the Baratie for New Year's! It's their first Christmas together as a married couple and they're so excited to do it with their families!!!
Sanji is not worried in the slightest when they get to the village. He helps Kaya with dinner (he does most of the cooking, though) while Usopp gives the kids (not really kids anymore) little presents and tells them stories about their adventures. It's such a domestic picture Sanji could even cry. Everything goes perfectly and Kaya lets him sleep in one of the guest rooms. The morning after, they exchange even more gifts and Sanji wakes up earlier than usual to make a Christmas-themed breakfast. He visits Usopp's mom's grave, too, holding his husband's hand and letting him tell his mom all of about their lives. It's freezing cold, but Sanji just holds Usopp's shaking hand tighter.
On the other hand, things go a bit tense at first when New Year's comes. Zeff is... Zeff is hard to understand sometimes, and Usopp would say he's the scariest man he has ever seen but he would be lying. Exaggerating. He's still scared, though, even if they have seen each other before. He spends the whole night knowing Zeff is watching them closely. Now that they're married he's become a little bit overprotective of Sanji. Sanji says it's just his usual self, but Usopp is afraid he might end up starting the year dead. The New Year starts. They kiss (Sanji kisses him. Passionately) and Usopp thinks he's a dead man if Zeff has seen that. But Zeff doesn't say anything at all and just smiles at Usopp from the other side of the restaurant. And it's not much, but it's enough for Usopp to start the year like the happiest married man in the world.
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ This is basically just me posting different Sanuso headcanons every day during all of December because I thought it would be something sweet to make for them!!! If you have any cute Christmas (or just Winter related too! New Year! Whatever you think could fit) Sanuso headcanons just send them to me and I will make a post like this about them (tagging you ofc, unless you want to be anon!).
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
A very Sanuso Christmas #4
"The science of Christmas cooking"
Sanji never is stressed when it comes to food. Cooking is his territory. The kitchen is his palace and he's the king or whatever. He knows what to do in every moment and he manages to do everything, not by the book, exactly, but by his standards. And it always turns out great. However, he didn't expect Christmas to be so overwhelming when it comes to cooking. Whenever Christmas time was near when he worked at the Baratie it was... Well, the restaurant was more crowded than most days, but still, Sanji had other people to help him.
Now he's alone and his crew eats like a thousand men, Luffy counting as 991 people. So it's pretty much accurate to assume that Sanji is losing his mind right now with how much he has to cook. Especially having in mind that Sabo might appear because the guy can't spend a festivity without his brother, and Bartolomeo and the others might show up too because- Well, they don't have anything better to do with their own crews than to bother theirs. Whatever. Sanji can't handle this.
But Sanji can't handle it. He's all over the walls trying to cook as fast as he can and there are just so many recipes he wants to try for their first Christmas together that he doesn't get out of the kitchen in a long, long while. Usually, he spends his days there too, but they force him to take breaks every once in a while.
He's lost in his cooking when the kitchen door suddenly opens and closes with a subtle sound, not caring much about who's there this time. If it's Luffy he might as well do whatever at this point because Sanji refuses to let his current recipe go to waste by being distracted. But all of a sudden, he notices two hands on his waist. Two hands he knows all too well. And of course, he has to stop what he's doing for him.
Before Sanji can protest or even say anything, Usopp rests his head on the cook's back. "You should take a break. Or at least let me help."
Sanji scoffs, because that's just stupid. He's fine. "I'm fine." He swears he's fine. "Seriously I- I just need to finish the cake and I'll be done, mon amour. Don't worry about me."
He doesn't have to turn around to know Usopp is rolling his eyes. The sniper turns him around so they're looking at each other, Sanji's back pressed against the kitchen and Usopp between his legs. The sniper takes his cheeks with his hands and pulls hard, frowning and a bit angrier than usual. "Idiot. You're gonna be so tired by tonight that you won't be enjoying your own food!"
His face hurts, but he manages to talk. "But that's fine. Dear, I do this for all of yo-"
"You should be able to enjoy Christmas too, you workaholic dumbass." It's such a simple sentence, but it makes Sanji's whole world shift in an instant. Usopp quickly moves away from him to stand next to him and the kitchen, starting to check the ingredients in front of them, lost in his thoughts. "I'm not the best cook, but food is sort of like science, isn't it? It can't be that hard."
Sanji wants to scoff and tell him not to underestimate the effort that is the art of cooking, but also, he's not so far from the truth. Cooking is kind of like science, and Usopp does these things every damn day. Besides, his boyfriend is already putting on an apron and reading the recipe out loud, and Sanji never thought he'd be able to fall even more in love with him. The cook gets lost in Usopp's movements. How he looks so sure and confident for once as if he had done this before.
Usually, Sanji is the only one able to understand the magic that is this passion. The only one able to enter this palace. Usopp has, now, gently made his way inside. Perhaps a little bit of help during Christmas isn't so bad, after all.
"You look good like this." It escapes Sanji's mouth before he can think about it.
Usopp seems confused at first, but laughs loudly and overconfidently for a few seconds. "Of course I do! Everything looks good on me, even aprons!"
And Sanji nods, but that isn't exactly what he meant.
You look good like this. In my kitchen. With me. Forever.
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ This is basically just me posting different Sanuso headcanons every day during all of December because I thought it would be something sweet to make for them!!! If you have any cute Christmas (or just Winter related too! New Year! Whatever you think could fit) Sanuso headcanons just send them to me and I will make a post like this about them (tagging you ofc, unless you want to be anon!).
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
A very Sanuso Christmas #3
"Merry Maybe Christmas"
They're in the middle of Christmas time. Well, December. Well, they don't actually know very well. They're supposedly around that time, because the crew somehow has ended up on a very strange part of the sea, where they can't tell when it's daytime by how dark it is, and the passage of time starts to get a little blurry when more than a day passes by without them making any progress on their way out of there. Nami is trying hard to find a way with Robin and Jinbe's help, but it doesn't seem to be enough for now. The thing is, Sanji was excited about Christmas. They all were. It's the first time in a long time that most of them do this sort of thing, especially with people they actually love and care about. But not knowing what day is it when they were so close to that special date? It makes Sanji frustrated and sad. Perhaps it's just the whole darkness thing. It makes him go all negative.
Anyway, that isn't the thing that bothers him the most. He wants to stargaze with Usopp on Christmas Eve because that's something he used to do with his mom and he knows how much Usopp likes stars too. He had this whole date planned out, with new dishes he wanted to try, a new suit, and even a present he managed to get a long time ago. But with the whole 'getting lost in the middle of the dark for days' thing, it's a bit hard.
They live peacefully, more or less, while the other three try to make a plan. Somehow, Luffy hasn't drowned yet trying to look for a way to escape. He almost does a few times, but he hasn't yet. So that's something.
Usopp notices how negative Sanji is being lately, and how much clingier he's acting. He is not fond of the dark in the slightest, and Usopp knows this perfectly. He keeps clinging onto his boyfriend and wanting to keep an eye on him, fearing Usopp might just disappear. And if you mix that fear with the disappointment of his ruined Christmas date... Then everything is crumbling down for Sanji.
However, Usopp ends up doing something to brighten up his mood and his day. To see the spark in his eyes again. If Sanji doesn't like the dark, then Usopp will just have to give him a bit of light.
They're all on the deck resting and talking about everything and nothing, but Usopp and Sanji are just a lil bit farther from the others, cuddling in a corner while still talking to them. When Usopp notices Sanji's eyebags, he knows it's the perfect time to do this.
So he sets off some fireworks. Blue ones. Yellow ones. The colors Sanji is very fond of lighting up the sky (more or less. It's basically the only thing there besides darkness). It doesn't last long, but it's beautiful and it's the only thing they've seen in a long time. And Sanji smiles so widely it makes Usopp's heart melt completely even in the middle of such a cold night. He looks exactly the same way he does when he talks about his mom. Or the All Blue. Or new recipes.
Sanji does think about his mom at that very moment, and how proud and happy she'd be right now if she saw him.
Usopp pokes him on the cheek with his finger to catch his attention, and Sanji is still smiling when he turns around. "You did this?"
Usopp places his arms around Sanji's shoulders, holding him closer. "I just happen to know a very cool and creative sniper king who loves you even the same amount as me."
"Wow, the same amount?" Sanji asks jokingly, pressing a kiss on Usopp's cheek. "That's a lot, huh?"
The sniper smiles proudly, confidence taking over him. "I'd say I love you more, though."
Sanji hums while he keeps kissing Usopp's face. "Yeah. Of course, Sogeking."
Usopp takes Sanji's face in his hands and kisses his forehead for a second before closing the space between their lips. "Merry Christmas. Maybe. I don't know. Merry Maybe Christmas."
The cook can only shake his head and kiss him back. "Merry Maybe Christmas."
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ This is basically just me posting different Sanuso headcanons every day during all of December because I thought it would be something sweet to make for them!!! If you have any cute Christmas (or just Winter related too! New Year! Whatever you think could fit) Sanuso headcanons just send them to me and I will make a post like this about them (tagging you ofc, unless you want to be anon!).
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
A very Sanuso Christmas #9
Mini Christmas Sanuso idea because I just came back from a con and I am exhausted but I wanted to post the Christmas thing on time:
I think the first time Sanji and Usopp dance together (in front of everyone else, they've done it in secret before) would be in the middle of a Christmas party. Brook is playing his music and everyone's too excited or drunk to say anything about them dancing together. If Sanji kisses Usopp quickly and somebody sees, nobody says anything about it.
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