#a very nothing one. i mostly just wanted to write about the jesse mccartney song
uranian-umbreon · 2 months
i was at a small indoor concert of some sort. a woman was singing jesse mccartney's "right where you want me" (mostly the chorus because my brain doesnt remember any other part of that song). there were some cubes that could be turned inside out and all sorts of directions, like a rubix cube but in like 4 dimensions or whatever, and for whatever reason me and the singer and the members of the band were all trying to flip these colored cubes to be black or something by the end of the song. i traveled around the whole area (which almost looked like an indoor gymnasium or something), sliding the cube and myself across the floor to one guy who was the sound mixer or something i cant remember at this point. i think i was talking to him at one point, and the cubes werent done by the time the female singer belted out the last "right where you want me" . people still cheered anyway but i also remember the gym suddenly being very empty and tearing down the concert stuff very quickly. i think the guy who was in charge of the cubes at the end, the one i had been talking to, blamed me for not being able to finish the cube in time, but the singer stuck up for me. sometime later i was in a locker room
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tenacityreturns · 3 years
aokaga fic alert!
plot: in which kagami and aomine talk about beautiful soul by jesse mccartney and also accidentally injure each other ♥  rating: sfw, very domestic, it’s just them being stupid idiots. also i wrote this in one sitting without taking breaks or reading over it so.... haha.... word count: 2098
it all started with two guys, chilling on the sofa, going through each other’s phones. or more specifically, the music apps (and kagami’s photo reel, but don’t tell anyone because aomine had only gone in looking for something of nigou!). whenever kagami encounters a song title that interests him, he’ll click on it and let about ten seconds play before he changes song again. he gets the idea. 
aomine, meanwhile, will let the songs he finds play in full. not because he respects the skip button and doesn’t want to overuse it, but because he doesn’t understand english and it becomes background noise. he’s just chilling now. legs stretched out over the couch and on top of kagami’s knees, his back leans on the armrest and he thinks about dinner instead. how cheeky he’s feeling with directly impact how extravagant his dining requests will be.
“i just took a screenshot,” kagami says blankly, with a light frown on his face.
“i wanted to remember this song, it’s kinda cool.”
“but you’re using my---”
“yeah i know that, i forgot.”
aomine half smiles, returning to the screen. dummy. “i’ll send it to you later.”
he decides to lightly hack his boyfriend and dives onto his instagram. looks up his own page, saves a recent selfie, uploads it from kagami’s account. first, he thinks about captioning it something like sexy, or why is this guy so hot??? but decides against it and instead writes ‘i’ll never be as cool as him :(’ haha. good, harmless prank. who’s this girl that liked it immediately, huh! well, they follow each other, but aomine doesn’t like how snooping around like this is making him feel. his blue eyes will raise, taking in the sight of kagami tapping his hand against aomine’s shin in time with the song. his lips are moving, then his shoulders.
is he... sort of singing along? but to which song? he can’t hear the music from his own phone well enough with kagami’s so nearby, but then... he doesn’t recognise this american music... hm. aomine’s fond smile is forced into a smirk for dignity’s sake.
“what are you doing?”
“huh?” kagami blinks, and the tapping stops. “i used to love this song.”
“used to? it’s on your recently heard playlist, dude.”
“it’s a classic.”
“is it? i never heard of it.”
“me and niji sing it all the time, y’know, just around.”
“okay,” this emotion, unlike the snooping guilt, is straight up jealousy. shut up about nijimura already! we get it! you’re friends! “what’s it about?”
“uh,” cogs turn. his lips move again, maybe in time with the song’s lyrics? aomine isn’t sure. “like, he’s singing about not caring about looks. just... you know, wanting the person’s beautiful soul. that’s what it’s called.”
“sappy,” what a loser. this sounds like the kind of thing satsuki would be interested in for sure. aomine gets an instagram notification from kise and ignores it, then remembers his prank and that this is kagami’s phone! he opens the app again and that blond bastard has written a comment: 
‘looks like you need a new password kagamicchi!’ 
and seen right through the prank! dumb luck. except--- here’s tetsu commenting: 
‘you should never leave your phone with untrustworthy people, kagami-kun.’ 
shut the hell up!
but his oblivious rival distracts the on-coming fury by starting to sing. the tapping against his shin has started again, and he’s still scrolling through the playlist and changing songs, but singing this beautiful soul song. in english. show off! ah, he’s got a nice voice though. and he looks real cute sitting there like that. aomine doesn’t suspect kagami of snooping through the photo reel or posting to instagram, in fact: the thought hadn’t even crossed his mind. aomine’s head rocks to lean against the back cushions of the sofa. his fond smile returns.
“you singing about me, bakagami?”
of course he’ll find a way to ruin a perfectly nice moment, and a fleeting glimpse of serenity in his boyfriend. kagami doesn’t look away from his phone, but says something in english that sounded like a comeback. aomine presses his heel into kagami’s thigh, but it incites a more genuine flinch that he’d been expecting and both legs are instantly retracted.
“sorry,” aomine blurts, “i forgot about your leg.”
“what about it?” kagami replies breezily in japanese again ( that is, as breezily as possible through gritted teeth ).
hello again, guilt! aomine rests his knees against the couch, peering around them to watch kagami recover. if he doesn’t in five seconds, aomine will--- no, he can’t last that long. he sits up.
“ah, man, can i get you something?”
“i’m fine, it’s just cramping from sitting so long,”
this guy! they’d not been sitting for half an hour yet! he’s just saying that so aomine won’t feel bad... the bastard... of course he’s going to feel bad!
“wipe that look off your face!” kagami exclaims, “now get outta my way so i can lie down.”
he doesn’t look pissed off, or in pain anymore, which is something. god, wouldn’t it just be easier if kagami could tell him when his half-hearted grumpy statements are genuine or when they’re just him speaking and sounding angry because it’s how he talks? 
aomine rolls himself off the sofa. “is your leg okay?” 
“don’t worry about it,” the redhead returns to aomine’s phone but extends his arm off the sofa. an invitation to join him? but can’t he just say that he isn’t mad right now? ah, look! now he’s glaring at him! “daiki. are you gonna make me say it?”
“say what?”
kagami crunches forward and the arm, still extended, reaches for aomine’s hand. of course he’ll accept the gesture. one second, they’re holding hands ( safe, comfortable, in understanding ), and the next, aomine is falling onto the couch and acutely aware of making sure he doesn’t land on the bad leg.
“be careful!” he scolds, arms bracing against the back of the couch, knees safely avoiding kagami’s limbs. “sheesh!”
“i said don’t worry, didn’t i?”
“i dunno, you talk a lot of shit,” how come aomine’s pissed off at him now!
“what!” kagami launches forward and wraps one of his arms around aomine’s waist, dragging him back as he lies down again.
“taiga!” aomine’s still more concerned about the injury.
“shut up about my fuckin’ leg or i’ll snap you like a toothpick!”
ugh! fine, alright. he’ll give in. aomine definitely sends kagami a look. it’s short-lived, though, and he finds a teasing smile. his hand rests on kagami’s massive bicep. “with these muscles? good luck with a real toothpick, buddy.”
“shut the fuck up, i’ll show you!”
there’s no doubt that kagami hadn’t actually intended to show him, but aomine’s back lasts a total of two seconds of a too-tight hug before it cracks. loudly. it didn’t hurt. caught him off guard, yes, makes him have to pause and stretch his back for a second, sure, but it didn’t hurt. kagami’s staring, aomine notices. not immediately apologising despite the sound, he sees! red eyes are wide, lips tightly turned downwards. he’s waiting to check the damage before damage control kicks in.
“you good?”
“is that all you got?”
“sorry about your back,”
aomine lowers down to lie chest-to-chest. he adjusts so that it’s comfortable to lie with his head on kagami��s shoulder. “yep.”
“does it hurt?”
“good,” and just like that, an arm drapes around aomine’s shoulders and they’re lying in almost silence again. kagami’s phone is somewhere on the other end of the sofa, still playing that muffled song. how long does it go on for?! that beautiful whatever conversation feels like it happened hours ago! of course, it had been the singing that started the teasing which sparked the retort which justified a prod, which had hurt and begun this mess. aomine exhales. kagami starts humming along to what aomine has guessed is the chorus.
“what sorta sappy shit is he saying now?” he closes his eyes.
“uh,” kagami begins to translate the lyrics disjointedly, really having to think about it before he says it in japanese.
I don't want another pretty face I don't want just anyone to hold I don't want my love to go to waste I want you and your beautiful soul
“it sounds better in english,” he then explains, “and when jesse sings it.”
“what do you mean nah?”
oops. well, yeah! alright. so aomine likes kagami’s voice better than this jesse person’s! big whoop! “nothing. so you were definitely singing about me, then.”
“yeah, i got sick of dating hot people and decided to settle.”
“shut the fuck up,” aomine’s smiling, knowing full well that kagami’s not dated anybody before. cheeky little shit!
“all the d-cup supermodels in america, you know.”
“i thought i told you to zip it?” he lifts his head. the stare-off doesn’t last long before kagami just straight up kisses him on the cheek! “hey!”
“can i have my phone back?”
he deliberates being difficult. deliberates telling kagami to get it himself, that he doesn’t know where it is, or just no. for fun, mostly. but then, that kiss had been really cute... and kagami had been kind of nice just now, before the bullshit, about translating and stuff... fine. this once, kagami’s off the hook. saved, even. aomine pushes ( carefully! ) up, finds the phone precariously close to the edge of the sofa, and returns to his place. once comfortable, he’ll hand it over. ah! the prank! he’d forgotten about that. kagami gives aomine his phone too and they are once again silent.
huh. that sure is a lot of facebook likes. his last picture wasn’t even that interesting. or was it? aomine opens the app, trying to recall what it could be about. did he get notifications for likes on things he’d shared? aomine rarely shared anything. oh, to be fair, he did share a video of nigou yesterday saying “he’s the only member of seirin i respect”... was it... that?
a picture aomine absolutely did not post is at the top of his own feed. it’s the seirin team picture, but, naturally, aomine had first seen only tetsu and kagami ( the others are definitely there, but not as interesting or important to look at, you know? ). posted twenty minutes ago. captioned: “i apologise for my last post about seirin, i’m a big idiot. they are really cool”
“hey!” aomine lifts his head up again, though this time, with an expression full of accusation. it meets kagami’s equally offended gaze.
“you posted to my instagram!”
“you posted to facebook! that’s worse!”
“no way!”
“yeah way!”
“everyone knew i got hacked, though,” he grins, “you ain’t slick at all.”
“as if i would ever call myself a big idiot, ever. they would instantly know you posted that to facebook. who else thinks seirin is cool?”
“everyone with brains!”
aomine set his head down again. so much for trustworthy boyfriend, kagami taiga! though... isn’t it kind of funny that they both, separately, decided to post to each other’s social media? he’s trying hard to be pissed off about it, but the smile is too strong and, once again, he’s smiling over something kagami has done. satsuki comments under that hacked facebook post:
‘two sides of the same coin.’
which, to the unaware, means nothing. in reality, it makes him think of that thing he’s still accidentally in the habit of saying sometimes. the only one who can beat me is me. maybe kagami really is similar to himself after all? however, it’s hard to imagine that they’re that similar. aomine really likes kagami, after all.
“hey, taiga?”
maybe aomine will tell him he loves him again. does it cheapen it if he’d said it yesterday as well?
“what’s for dinner?”
“chicken, i think.”
aomine blinks. that was almost spooky.
“still here,”
“love you.”
“pfff,” it’s a scoff! “lame.” insulting!”
aomine pinches him gently in the side. it makes him laugh, even if kagami isn’t that ticklish.
“alright! love you too, obviously. i kissed you, didn’t i?”
“yeah, yeah, yeah. chicken sounds good.”
“are you gonna tell me you love chicken, too? who’s the sap now?”
someone explain why such an irritating response would make aomine’s chest swell as much as that kiss on the cheek? yeah, he’s dead sure if he hadn’t been before. he loves you, kagami taiga, you dumbass, so much. of course he does. they’re two sides of the same coin.
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levelstory · 4 years
Music Reflection II, Early 2000s' was a Trip
Well, it has been a hot minute since I wrote a music reflection post. Last time, I talked about various songs from my childhood from the likes of Britney Spears to Stevie Brock. Now I am back to tackle some more music from my most formative years that will make you question how my music taste ever escaped cringy pop music from the Top 40. Coincidentally, all of these tracks are from the early 2000s’ so no 90s’ music here today. Here we go…
Miracles Happen by Myra
This song is the anthem ofThe Princess Diaries. That movie was one of my most watched VHS tapes next to the first Harry Potter film. It is the movie that sparked my interest in film soundtracks, and one of the most recognizable and memorable songs from the album was easily Myra's Miracles Happen. 
It can be easy to forget how much work was once put into acquiring music in an age where most music is available instantaneously. As a kid, my ear was always turned toward the music in any given film and when I got to an age (around 9-10) when I realized these tracks were sold in one package known as the film soundtrack, I made a point to get my hands on a copy. The Princess Diaries is the first soundtrack I remember owning outside of soundtracks from Disney films. 
My most stark memories with this soundtrack are playing it in my bedroom at my old house. Toward the end of our time living there, my family painted my bedroom a light pink and I got a desk that had a CD rack built-in (this was a big feature at the time). My boombox sat on the large desktop against the wall and I can remember listening to The Princess Diaries soundtrack on repeat. There are a lot of great tracks on the album but Miracles Happen is the true star and the true representation of the movie. 
Before I talk about the track further, I just want to point out that this movie is great. We could talk about its problems, which it has many, but it remains funny, heartwarming, and a joy to watch from start to finish. This movie introduced me to Anne Hathaway and she just shines. Plus, Julie Andrews is in the movie and she steals the show! I know my opinion is partially influenced by nostalgia goggles but hey...just let me have this!
Back to Miracles Happen. What is easily the strongest aspect of the song is the chorus. It is so catchy and fun to listen to. The verses are enjoyable enough, but they feel a bit detached from what makes the song so good. The bridge is pretty lackluster. As discussed a bit in my first reflection, way too many songs struggle with their bridges. Look, I get it...but still. The only shining light is that the bridge at least transitions into a tune that sounds similar to the chorus which is pretty great. 
The lyrics are fairly generic which is par for the course. They say a bunch of random things like "we found the missing pieces" and "nothing should ever bring you down", lyrics that have little to no emotional attachment to anything beyond it is a thing people say in this context. But all things considered, it is still a really fun song to listen to.
It Happens Every Time by Dream Street
Dream Street is one of those boy bands that flew pretty far beneath the radar for most people. Their first album released in 2000 and I distinctly remember the marketing campaign on television playing over and over again so that they were drilled into our brains. I guess it worked because I really wanted this album as a ten-year-old.
My friends and I loved Dream Street. I had their poster hanging on my bedroom wall (their album booklet unfolded into the poster). We made up dance routines to their songs. We even blasted the music through my friend’s house and somehow her parents never became angry with us. My most shameful confession about Dream Street is that we used to try and find their phone numbers to call them. Unaware that phone books are limited to local numbers, we would call random numbers to see if Chris or Jesse were home to talk. They weren't, and people were annoyed by our calls. 
One thing people probably don't know is that Jesse McCartney's music career began with Dream Street. I'm proud to say that he was my favorite from the group at the time, and vocally he is the strongest of the group. His voice had not matured yet so it is always fun listening to his performance with his young voice!
It Happens Every Time was their big single and the song most used in TV adverts, accompanied by the music video. What got me thinking about the song and the group recently is due to some unfortunate events. I learned back in July that one of the members, Chris, died in June due to complications with COVID-19. He would have been 35 this year. Chris was often looked at as the Justin Timberlake of Dream Street. He had the fancy frost tipped hair and swagger to him that the other members couldn't compete with. After the group disbanded, he never found success in the same way he did with Dream Street. He died too young and too soon. After his death, I started relistening to Dream Street and it was this relisten that encouraged me to write another Music Reflection. 
As with Stevie Brock from the first installment of Music Reflections, Dream Street's songs mostly center on their lust for girls in a way that is pretty uncomfortable looking back. These boys range in age from 11-13 if I am not mistaken, and their songs deal with mature themes that predate their young years. Not to mention that society has young boys singing about these ideas that they can't help their actions when they lust for a girl or they can't control themselves because a girl has them wrapped around her finger. Our culture normalizes this idea that men are vulnerable to female woes and that they can't help themselves. It is always a bit gross hearing young boys sing about it, especially before they’ve even hit puberty (i.e. Justin Bieber).*
It Happens Every Time is a song about...a song. It follows a boy who hears a "silly little love song" every time he sees this girl or thinks of her. This plane of existence, a magic place where angels sing all around them, is known as Dream Street (name drop!). Admittedly, this song is probably the tamest when it comes to the themes I mentioned in the previous paragraph. 
Now I won't lie, this song is a bop. I'm still unsure if that is the nostalgia talking or not...I will have to dig deeper some other time. But damn I'd be lying if I said I don't enjoy this song. It is so catchy. The boys sing really well for their age. I am a sucker for listening to little Jesse McCartney belt his heart out. Jesse is the highlight of this song, getting a nice solo line toward the end of the second chorus followed by the entire bridge and some overlapping vocals in the final chorus before ending the song. He just sounds so good and I will admit to feeling a small sense of pride listening to him. I was there before his solo career and entry into Radio Disney hits and commercials all over ABC Family. Sometimes it feels like Dream Street is still so unknown that I can keep my memories of them all to myself. Though their time was short-lived, they stayed with me and so has this song.
Ordinary Day by Vanessa Carlton
Earlier, I talked about how difficult it was to acquire music before the internet. In the case of a song in a movie, there was a good chance that the song you liked would be on the soundtrack, provided a soundtrack was even released. Songs on the radio were difficult because you had to buy an entire album when you just liked one song, or make sure you had a blank tape ready to record when the song came on. Then there were songs you heard while out and about with no context. Those were the worst because you had to try and memorize the song and hope you found it somewhere, someday. That was kind of what happened to me with Vanessa Carlton.
It was her song A Thousand Miles that really gripped me as a 12-year-old. I loved it so much and heard it everywhere I went but never knew who sang the song or where I could get a copy. Eventually, I heard the song on the radio and bought her album...and ended up only listening to the three tracks I liked. One of the tracks, and my favorite of those three, is Ordinary Day. 
If my memory is correct, this song was never as popular as A Thousand Miles on the radio, but it was super popular on the internet. This album came out around the time I first started using the internet and discovered movie montages. I don't mean montages used in movies but montages made by fans on Windows Movie Maker, cut together with a somewhat fitting song. If you were a teenager obsessing over Disney or Harry Potter or...something, you know the songs that people generally gravitated towards with these videos (the band Trading Yesterday were a staple of these montages). Ordinary Day was a movie montage song (every time I listen to this song it reminds me of an Aladdin montage it played over (which I sadly can't find)). 
I decided to watch the music video for this song as I was writing this and boy is it a product of the early 2000s. Can we all just agree that the early 2000s were equivalent to that awkward stage of everyone's lives that we try not to think about? This music video is so clumsy and confusing. There are so many close up shots on Carlton and strange shots of people making out. Who thought this was a good idea?
But back to the song. One thing I appreciate about this song is how it builds itself up. The beginning piano is very nice but then it builds up with orchestration and I love it. I'm sorry I can't talk about it more but I won't embarrass myself with lack of musical instrumental lingo and knowledge.
The lyrics of the song are...ehh? The song is basically about seeing more in the ordinary and how the narrator is shown from an "ordinary boy." It isn't terrible but like the music video, a product of the early 2000s. 
I unapologetically love this song. Yes it is corny and it isn't as musically sophisticated as I would like, but it always makes me smile when I listen to it. I can remember listening to the song on my headphones on long car rides and with friends. It is just a song that makes me feel happy and gives me no reason to feel otherwise. 
All I Can Do by Jump5
Well...I'm surprised it took me this long to arrive at Jump5. What is there to say about this Christian pop sensation? Quite a bit actually. I was only obsessed with them for a good chunk of my early teens. Reflecting on that time of my life is strange because in hindsight, it was such a short period but it always feels like it lasted much longer. 
Everyone has that one band that they really connect with as a teenager that basically shapes their entire life and...well, yeah, that band for me is Jump5. I'm not kidding, I could write an entire book about how this band shaped my entire life (and believe me, I am working on it!). As much as I'd like to talk about all of that, we only have a short amount of time so let's talk about this song. 
As with Ordinary Day, this song reeks of the early 2000s. However, unlike Ordinary Day, the music video is much more successful in its execution. I couldn't believe myself when rewatching it...it is actually pretty darn good as far as music videos tend to be. 
Choosing what Jump5 song to talk about was pretty difficult because there are so many in their arsenal that I can talk about for long periods of time and connect to life experiences. But All I Can Do seems to be a special one because I'm almost certain it was the first track I ever heard from the group. As with Dream Street, Jump5 had a big TV marketing campaign for their second album, All the Time in the World (in which All I Can Do is the first track). It was their TV advert that put them on the radar for me. I vividly remember seeing the commercial at Christmas time. It was the first Christmas spent at our new house and I can remember watching the TV with my gifts and snow falling outside. At this point, seeing pop bands advertised on TV was nothing new. There were always new groups trying to make it big as other pop acts had before them. But other than my memory of seeing this commercial, it otherwise didn't leave a big impact on me. I wouldn't start listening to Jump5 until a few months later after getting into Radio Disney. And even after I got into Jump5, All I Can Do was never one of their songs that I gravitated towards. 
I wanted to talk about this song because of how well it represents Jump5 as a group. All I Can Do is their quintessential track, packed with energy and fun lyrics. But the track is also a representation of the group's core aesthetic of disguising "Christian values" as a pop song about a crush. For anyone who grew up on a Christian media diet (as I did voluntarily as a teenager), this is nothing out of the ordinary for this type of entertainment. In fact, it is basically a meme at this point. All I Can Do may be the least overt example of this from Jump5's library, but it is still an example nonetheless.
“It's like I got nothing to do but think about you,” (you being God), "I've got all the time in the world," (implying that time does not matter because in God you have everlasting life), "if you look at my heart, you'll know from the start," (meaning God knows your true heart and He knows from the start). I could go on but I think you see my point. There isn't anything inherently bad about this example and it is fairly harmless, but this isn't always the case when it comes to Christian entertainment.
Another trend from the late 90s' and early 2000s' was a pop group being a mix of both guys and girls but the guys rarely sang (A*Teens is another example that might come to mind). This song is dominated by the girls who share most of the song equally. The guys are hardly ever heard at all except when Chris gets his time to shine echoing the song's title over and over. It is easy to forget about them but alas, they are there.
Jump5 were known for their dance routines that they performed alongside their songs. They would often do cartwheels, flips, and very technical dance routines that blew many other pop acts out of the water. They also performed these routines live on tour, not just in their music videos. This dance routine is a really memorable one, showing the group doing a train-like dance which I remember performing with a friend. It is a lot of fun and I won't let anyone tell me otherwise! It was a lot of fun revisiting this track.
Is It Saturday Yet? by Nick Carter
Well here we are, at the final song, and boy is this choice...let's go with interesting. Nick Carter, known for his Backstreet Boy fame, recorded his own solo album after the group disbanded. What we got was Now or Never which is only ever remembered by the song Help Me, and even that is pretty forgettable. All that said, I owned this album and listened to it quite a bit as a tween. My most specific memory with the album is listening to it on a long car ride to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Is It Saturday Yet? is the seventh track on the album and out of the five tracks I liked, this was probably at the bottom. 
So why talk about it if it was my least favorite track? Well friends, this track is so bizarre that I question its existence on a frequent basis. It is insane how often this song gets stuck in my head and won't leave. 
The song seems to be about a disengaged teenager being raised by Jerry Springer and video games (video games got a low blow for warping kids brains back in the day. They still get blamed today but it isn't to the same extent) who just can't wait for Saturday to come so he can be rid of his responsibilities. The lyrics are...dumb. They are clearly trying to make a point but the song is so ridiculous that it is white noise. And why is it that Nick and Aaron Carter always have to reference each other in their songs? It was cute at first when Aaron did it in his classic track Oh Aaron, but now it is just old. 
"Is it Saturday yet? Cause I wanna get up. Is it Saturday yet? It just feels like a Saturday. Maybe it's a Saturday." Those are the lyrics in the chorus. It is a song so devoid of meaning and so lazy to its very core. It contains lazy rhymes and brutal instrumentals. This song is the reason so many people describe pop music as empty trash. Like, don't get me wrong, a lot of music on the radio is pop trash and is clearly put together by big corporate higher-ups to make a quick buck on teenage stars locked in a contract. But some of that music is meaningful and deserves to be recognized. This song, however, deserves to die a painful death. It is just terrible. 
And yet, despite all of this, the song somehow still appeals to me. I still listen to it. I still find joy out of it even though it is just awful in every possible way. I think that speaks to the whole point of these reflections on the music I listened to when I was younger. 
Is It Saturday Yet? may be the worst of the bunch, but a lot of music cranked out back in the day was mindless entertainment. As much as it bothers me, I won't lie and say there is no place for music like this because there is. Sometimes when I am driving, I get so sick of the music I normally listen to ("good" music) and I just want music from my childhood that won't make me think but will just allow me to bake in nostalgic goodness. 
Revisiting these songs was fun, but I know there are more I want to talk about in the future! Stay tuned! What are some songs you listened to in the early 2000s’ that make you feel super nostalgic today? Let me know in the comments!
* It should also be noted that the band broke up because of a lawsuit in which the majority of the parents of the band alleged that the underage band members were "exposed to booze, women, and pornography."
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patronsaintofbooks · 6 years
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Book Review 3: History is You Left Me by Adam Silvera
“History is nothing. It can be recycled or thrown away completely. It isn’t this sacred treasure chest I mistook it to be. We were something, but history isn’t enough to keep something alive forever.” -History is All You Left Me
Once again, this book has so many amazing quotes, and it’s so hard trying to find just one that remotely does it justice. But now let me tell youuu, I just can’t even. I went through all my posts about books and my thoughts and favorite quotes from them from earlier in the summer, and apparently, I neglected to write about the first book that just really broke my heart this summer. I read all 3 of Adam Silvera’s books, and he does not know how to be happy. This was the last one I read, and it was my favorite out of the 3. They were all amazing, but this one really made me feel, so of course, I hate it. Lol.
I really don’t even know where to begin with this story. Every time I think of this book, I get excited. It’s been on my mind almost as much as A Little Life, for really similar reasons. Whenever I see a quote or post about the story, I immediately want to reach for the book even though I don’t own a copy, and then I start really thinking of the book. At first, I think of the book very fondly, and then I’ll start thinking about how I want to reread it. I start thinking more about the story, and then I come back to the realization that I also hate this book. I may hate this book more than A Little Life. I love it just so much, but it hurt to read it so much. I could literally feel Griffin’s grief of losing Theo, before and after Theo’s death. I could put myself in his shoes, and feel his pain. I could even slightly relate to his compulsions, especially having to do things in evens because I prefer things in evens. I can relate strongly to his destructive tendencies, and yet I still can’t truly fathom how he must’ve felt.
I struggle with releasing my emotions, especially crying even when my eyes are watering. But this book? It made my chest hurt so much from the emotions it made me feel. From how I could feel and relate to Griffin’s pain. My eyes would water, and I’d be so close to crying, closer than I ever was with A Little Life, and yet the tears wouldn’t come, but when I got halfway through the book, ‘Blue Ain’t Your Color by Keith Urban’ started playing on my speaker, and I sobbed. This book made me sob. That’s how powerful it is, and so I absolutely love this book, and I absolutely hate it. I also hate Jackson, but that’s mostly because of my bias to the main character, Griffin. I wholeheartedly recommend this book, All of Adam Silvera’s books, but especially this one, especially if you just need to feel. There are so many songs that could go well with this book, especially if you really need to let out those tears, that I wouldn’t even know where to start. Maybe ‘The Good Side’ by Troye Sivan or ‘Leave Your Lover’ by Sam Smith. You know what? I’m just going to put some songs down, some are sort of close to what would go well with the book just a little, mostly little things or scene/emotions.
If I Had a Heart by Call Me Karizma (Griffin to Theo)
Leave Your Lover by Sam Smith (Griffin to Theo)
Naked by James Arthur (Griffin to Theo)
The Good Side by Troye Sivan (Theo to Griffin)
When Did You Stop Loving Me by Hunter Hayes (Griffin to Theo)
True Love by Dove Cameron (Griffin to Theo)
This is My Version by Conor Maynard (Griffin to Theo, a couple lines)
Blue Ain’t Your Color (Wade to Griffin)
Better than Me by Hinder (Griffin about Theo, just a little)
Suicide by James Arthur (a couple lines: Griffin to Theo)
Lead Me Out of the Dark by Crown the Empire
End by Jeremy Zucker
Clumsy by Sam Tsui (little Theo to Griffin/Griffin to Wade/Wade to Griff)
What Hurts the Most by Rascal Flatts
Wasted by MKTO (Griffin thinking of his possible relationship to Wade)
Unhinged by Nick Jonas (Griff about Wade)
Talk Me Down by Troye Sivan (Griff to Theo/Wade to Griff)
Life of Regrets by Chester See (Griff)
Better With You by Jesse McCartney (Griff to Wade in the end)
Blue by Troye Sivan (Wade to Griff)
Dreaming with a Broken Heart by John Mayer
I Can’t Make You Love Me by Shane Filan (Wade to Griff)
Turn Right by Jonas Brothers
Fools by Troye Sivan
Too Young by Sabrina Carpenter
Lovely by Bllie Ellish and Khalid
Skinny Love by Birdy
Jealous by Chester See (Griff to Theo)
Stone Cold by Demi Lovato (Griff to Theo)
Our Time Together by Ivan B
If by Chance by Ruth B
Last Love Song by ZZ Ward
Almost Lover by A Fine Frenzy
Songs I Can’t Listen To by Neon Trees
I really just pulled up one of my depression playlists and went for it. Here is the spotify playlist link:
-Cabria Sha-Nae’
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toogoodmusic · 3 years
THE TOO GOOD TEN with Hand Made House
Los Angeles pop band Hand Made House - made up of life-long friends Tucker Click (lead vocals) and Josh Nardine (drums) with Maison Thomas-Eudy (guitar/vocals) and Amin Mortada (guitar/vocals) - celebrate the release of their latest single, “Like The Weather” which follows up the seven song project Honestly, Honesty that released late last year. “Like The Weather” gives fans a taste of an edgier side of pop for the four-piece band and one that they’re excited to explore. Get to know know about the new song and the guys of Hand Made House by checking out their Too Good Ten interview below:
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1. Hand Made House was originally started and created while pursuing degrees at Berklee College of Music. What aspects/techniques/advice from your time there do you still implement in your music or personal lives?
TUCKER: I think we learned to time manage well. We were working, going to school, and trying to start a band from the ground up. I personally took a lot of inspiration out of being surrounded by such talented people all the time as well. I had some professors that really believed in me and the band and I think that set me on fire with direction and drive.
JOSH: Obviously many of us have direct skill sets that we learned from being at Berklee whether that be production, songwriting, or music business. But one of the best things I feel we learned at Berklee was how to be in a band. Berklee gave us the opportunity to mess up and learn as we go without major consequence. We learned how to build our business and write with people. I attribute a lot of our growth to that community whether we knew it or not.
2. Hand Made House is such an interesting and cool name for a band. What’s the story behind it?
TUCKER: I was writing a song about my friend who was going through a really difficult time and was feeling very alone. The last verse of the song had the lines:
“If hand made house / And heart makes home / You’ve got what it takes / To build one of your very own”
I felt like we had built a home within our band and it felt like we had built it from the ground up. I remember telling the other guys I wanted that to be our “thing” we bring to the music industry. I want our fans to want to feel like a community when they come to ours shows. So, we pulled that line and named the band!
3. Being in a band can feel more like being in a family which can have its benefits and challenges. What’s each member’s strongest contribution to the band? How do you guys normally sort out creative differences?
MAISON: Yeah, I feel like we can identify as a family more than most since most of us live together and have lived together for years. We always talk about just how crazy it is that it just works. I mean, we obviously have our moments but we usually sort everything out when it comes up. I don’t think we ever leave a room still dwelling on a problem - we always just talk it out until everyone is back to messing around again. As far as strengths, I think Tucker and Josh have a really good sense of organization. They are the ones to make sure projects get done. Tucker always pushes people to be their best selves and do everything they need to. Josh is always right there with him doing the fun nitty gritty behind the scenes stuff. Amin is the most creatively driven, he always wants to write new stuff and sends new ideas to our group chat every week. I’ll throw my strengths to comic relief.
AMIN: Generally, all our songs are collaborations within the entire band. Usually, Josh and I are heavily involved in the early stages of a song. We’ll workshop an instrumental track a few times before its picked up by Tucker and Maison to be developed even further. When it comes to dealing with creative differences I take the approach of thinking about what’s best for the song rather than what I think is right for me. I think it’s important to separate your emotional attachment from an idea and look at the bigger picture. Generally when the band is running things that way we come to an agreement/compromise much faster.
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4. Congrats on the release of “Like The Weather” which you guys have described as your “edgy comeback” after last year’s pop-driven EP, Honestly, Honesty. What was the inspiration behind this one? Why did you feel inclined to comeback “edgy” than straight pop-focused?
TUCKER: I remember writing this on our drive to LA, while we were still releasing Honestly, Honesty. I think I had a lot of bitterness from being stuck inside due to quarantine and was generally upset with the direction of the music industry at the time. I also had a conversation with Amin and Josh about how I was getting serious imposter syndrome about our last EP, because they’re generally happy songs, and I simply wasn’t happy. I feel like “Like the Weather” is my first touch on a slightly different lyrical style I’ve always wanted to do, and pushes us in a direction I’ve always wanted to try.
JOSH: You know, for the most part we all come from Rock/Punk backgrounds. It’s what we all grew up on and pulling from that felt right for us. About a year ago we had a pretty strong realization while writing Honestly, Honesty about what our identity and sound as a band would be and could be. Back then we struggled to know what the right move was when we were writing those “pop” songs that made it on that EP. We didn’t know how we could possibly transition to that sound and It was a bit of an identity crisis for us as a band. I think we all realized the nature of modern music is very Genre-Fluid and that’s been the approach we’ve taken ever since. “Like The Weather” I feel is the culmination of all those things. I think it’s the beginning of Hand Made House working to create music without restraint.
5. One of the lyrics in "Like The Weather” is “I get drunk / I go and get tattoos” What’s every members go-to drink order when out at a bar? Have you guys drunkenly gotten tattoos before?
TUCKER: It depends on the bar, but I have to say - I love a margarita. And funny enough, the first month of quarantine I gave myself a stick and poke tattoo at like 5 AM after a night of multiple spicy margaritas. It turned out surprisingly good.
MAISON: Well, I’m definitely allergic to alcohol. So, probably water. However, I do wish I could drunkenly get tattoos. One time I had a dream I got a tattoo, and I still want that tattoo.
AMIN: If it’s the afternoon, definitely a Bloody Mary. Night time, I’ll take a nice IPA. Yup...I don’t wanna talk about it.
JOSH: I’m not a big drinker, in fact I barely ever. However margaritas are really wonderful mostly for the salt rim.
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6. You guys recently played the Music Lives 2021 Live Stream festival. What was the experience like? What’s one of the biggest learnings from putting together a performance for a massive live stream like that?
AMIN: Honestly, it was just like any rehearsal. You guys got a sneak peak of what rehearsal looks like during that show. It was super fun and its a great feeling being part of such a great line up.
JOSH: It was a ton of fun! I think it was cathartic for all of us knowing we haven’t played a show in over a year. Playing that set was one of the first times in a while I felt like I was really performing for someone even though it was over a computer screen.
7. How was it finding out your single “In Bloom” had gained traction without much promotion? Does it make you rethink promotion strategies each release?
TUCKER: It was really interesting to see “In Bloom” grow the way it did. “Through You” had been our biggest song for over a year, and “In Bloom” slowly grew until it popped up to our #1 spot. I think it goes to show that - even if we promote a song a ton, the people will always listen to what they want to listen to. Especially with indie artists like us who don’t have the means to promote a song like major label artists do.
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8. What’s one piece of advice or quote – related to career or life – that you wish you would’ve known sooner?
TUCKER: Success is all a mentality. I know there are people who wish they could be in my shoes, just as much as I wish I could be in other people’s. I think it’s important to realize where you’re at currently, respect that spot and continue to try and grow.
MAISON: As far as career advise, growing up with family in the industry and spending so much time with people working at the top of their career paths. I’ve learned that just being a good person and fun to be with will get you far. Other than that, my dad told me once, “be better” not meaning that I was doing bad or that I wasn’t “reaching expectations”. He just wanted me to be better than my own expectations or limitations that I put on myself. As small and simple as it was, I think about it everyday.
9. For each member, if you could only listen to (5) artists for the rest of your life who would they be?
Kings of Leon
Young The Giant
Nothing But Thieves
Foo Fighters
Nothing But Thieves
Lil Peep
Phoebe Bridgers
The 1975
Frank Ocean
A Tribe Called Quest
Stevie Wonder
Children of Bodom
Steel Pulse
Iron Maiden
Elton John
Jesse McCartney
Frank Sinatra
The Fray
James Taylor
10. What’s the rest of 2021 look like for Hand Made House?
TUCKER: It’s hard to tell for sure with the state of everything that’s going on, but I think we’ll start playing shows again once we feel it’s responsible. I think we’ll be releasing new music that’s outside the box for us, and continue doing what we do best - playing shows and writing music!
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Stay up to date with everything Hand Made House and be on the look out for new music releases and possible tour dates by following along below:
The Too Good Ten interview series is dedicated to giving you a quick glimpse at some of the freshest voices in music. Ten Questions. One Artist. Too Good. Let’s go.
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I need more batman media but I don't know what to watch or where to watch it and Netflix took off Young Justice and Justice League :(:( do you have any fic recs or fun facts
A.  Blogsto follow if you haven’t already followed them, the first three write FREAKINGAMAZING fanfic and the fourth creates THE BEST fanart I have literally sat and scrolled through these blogs for hours
@camsthisky (good GOSH I love her she writes so much about Dick Grayson)
B.  RandomFics to Read (and honestly there are so many more, I just can’t think of themat the moment):
1. TheAcrobat Series 
by fishfingersandjellybabies http://archiveofourown.org/works/4079917
Look anytime anyone talks about how much Dick loveshis family they’ve won my heart and soul. I especially like the Kori section.
2.  Mori Shej 
bydickiegayson  https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12298375/1/Mori-Shej
OH MY GOSH.  Ilove this story so freaking much.  Ok,imagine if Jason Todd, after coming back from the dead and going through allthat stuff with the Lazarus Pit and training, goes after Dick Grayson to gethis revenge on Bruce.  Except when heshows up at Dick’s apartment, ready to kill the Golden Son, he finds somethingcompletely unexpected.  Jason has a lotof issues, Dick has a lot of issues (courtesy of the Blockbuster incident).  I have read and reread this story countlesstimes, and I can never not cry because I love my broken sons so much.  There is a lot of anger, some cursing, muchregret, and brothers being brothers.  And Dick is the sweetest most protective [redacted because spoiler] and Jason has a mushy heart after all.  Itcan stand as complete but I think the author is writing more?  Also, either before or after, or both, go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqeNxdyp5CEand listen to the song.  It is my newfavorite song and CAN YOU IMAGINE DICK SINGING IT OH MY GOSH
3.  the roadwill only be wide (the rain will never stop falling) 
by weird_bird (2weird4) http://archiveofourown.org/works/8610391/chapters/19743343
A collection of Dick and Damian moments.  So very beautiful.
4.  The RobinsUnited Series, first story is Bird by Bird 
by laceymcbain  http://archiveofourown.org/works/2656487/chapters/5936243
…some hurt/comfort, Jason doesn’t know what the hellto do with his family, and they all insist on calling him brother.  *shrugs* family feels are my drug of choice
5.  Penny Lane 
by @jerseydevious  http://archiveofourown.org/works/11757690
Damian wants a horse, and drat I’m crying?  (tbh I cry very easily over my sons…but still)
6.  Sun Spot 
byDawn’sEternalLight (@preciousthingsareprecious) http://archiveofourown.org/works/11748606
This fic is a quiet moment of beauty and rest for Dickand Damian.  Damian draws, and Dickwatches his talented little bro.  Thereis sunlight.  You skin will clear andyour crops will grow and any heartache you have ever had will be healed likemagic!
C.  Abunch of fics by Kieron_O’Duibhir
1.  TheTill-Then From the Ever-Since http://archiveofourown.org/works/3506603/chapters/7707866  
There is a problem in the Batcave, as in, youngerversions of the Batfam keep turning up. It’s absolutely fantastic, and one of my favorite things is youngerJason being SO done with his older self and calling him out on stuff and being all protective of his brothers.  It gets better and better with every chapter.
2.  But a Walking Shadow http://archiveofourown.org/works/4259511/chapters/9641367
 Sothis story is not finished yet and the author takes waaay long to post updateson it but she has promised not to abandon it soo…It is Nightwing-centric, witha whole mess of comic Teen Titans making appearances.  The author has written a lot of stories abouta world where Dick became a Talon, and in this tale Talon-on-the-run winds upon Earth-1 and Nightwing is trying to figure out who this apparent clone of hisis.  Talon Dick has always intrigued me,and it is interesting seeing him and Nightwing face off.
3.  All the Roofs of Uncertainty http://archiveofourown.org/works/2273208/chapters/4994631
HOLY HECK this is one of my favorite Jason Todd fanfics EVER.  I love the description by the author “The onewhere Dick bleeds a lot and Jason argues with everybody.”  Jason is in the wrong spot at the wrong time,ie. He finds Dick bleeding to death and is forced to save him.  Tim and Damian make appearances.  Jason has anger issues.  That doesn’t stop him from caring.  Bruce and Jason hash things out in the mostbeautiful (painful) way.
4.  Wheel and Blade 
 Inwhich Dick confronts Damian about his practice of taking weapons to school, andalso gets slightly distracted by the idea of living in a vardo.  I love this story because it shows the bestway to parent Damian—not by telling him no “because I said so” but byexplaining and debating things like he is smart and capable.  
5.  I Pass the Night Watchman on His Beat http://archiveofourown.org/works/2326226
Thisis a cool one-shot of Dick and Amy, his partner on the Bludhaven police force.  I freaking love Dick being a cop.
D.  Okay now if you want something towatch:
 1.     Nightwing—TheSeries 
by ismahawk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o297A1wmys0
This is THE BEST Nightwing fan film I haveever seen.  I love the Dick Grayson in it—he’sgot acrobatics, sounds like Jesse McCartney (Robin/Nightwing’s VA in YJ), and is quite handsome.  He fights, gets the stuffing beat out of himand keeps getting back up, has a bit of a temper, loves Barbara—perfection.  Watch it, you won’t regret it.  (Also Jason is there yay!  I will take him in any capacity I can get. And I kinda really like the actor for Bruce?)
2.     RedHood: The Series—Episode One “Homecoming” 
by tenshunn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BdVSgshgFA&t=136s
My favorite Jason Toddfanfilm!!!  Heavily featuring TimDrake!  Look this adaption is fab, I lovethe actors and the dialogue and the fight between Jason and Tim (spoiler?)  As far as I know they are trying to puttogether a second episode.  Watch thevideo where Jason Todd tries to get people to donate money for it, itsHILARIOUS
3.      Batman The Animated Series is on Netflix tillSeptember 1st.  I’m in thesecond season and love it a lot…Alfred is so freaking sassy!  
4.     DamianWayne: Robins Fly at Night
 It’s just five minutesand doesn’t have any dialogue, and it doesn’t come close to deserving an Oscar, but dang it it’s hard to find Damian stuff…and also seeing a littlekid running around in the Robin costume made me realize that there is nothing Iwant more than to see Damian Wayne on the big screen, being all angry assassinkid, and Dick Grayson capturing him in a hug…
5. Gotham on Netflix
I am pretty sure you already watch this? But if not, DO!  It is AMAZING.  I love it so much, especially Bruce and Alfred and Selina Kyle
E.  Some things from Batman: Dark Victory
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Okay I know he is a talented young acrobat and all but how the FUDGE did Dick get up on that chandelier?!  the kid can truly fly (yeah yeah, the stairs probably lead up to a hallway floor/balcony that Dick leapt off of but still) I wonder how many grey hairs the kid gave Alfred in those first weeks alone
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On dark days I like to remember the time bby birb Dick Grayson caved in the Joker’s cheek with a well-placed kick.  My nine or ten year old son then proceeded to smash in the Joker’s teeth with a stick a few minutes later and it was amazing
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You think I lied??  Nah my son Dick Grayson was cracking teeth and bones and witty puns from Day 1.  Go Robin!!!
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Okay so just look at this picture.  Bby Dick is SO FREAKING TINY!!!  also very intense. OMG Batman’s fists are as big as his first son’s head!  *cue a very many feels in my heart*
F.  Random things I am including because I feel like it, and they all revolve around Dick Grayson mostly because he is my fave so…
1. Apparently some official websites say that Nightwing’s martial arts specialty is Aikido.  I do not think that word means what they think it means
2. “I close my eyes now for a few moments and I can see my parents riding the air current with me. Forever young. Forever strong. Their faces wide with excitement, big smiles on their faces, enjoying the adrenaline surge even more than I do. And there is one thing I am sure of … my parents would be proud of my life.” (Nightwing, Nightwing #141, 2008)  
3.  [Talking about Blüdhaven] “It’s a hopeless case. A lost cause. A town so mired in corruption and sin that it’s drowning … When Batman sent me here, I thought I’d solve one case and book. But then I realized … if I could make a difference here – well, that’d be something. This filthy old town needs me…. Surrounded by a dozen of my worst enemies. No way out. Nowhere to hide. The little brat was right. I do love it. (Nightwing, Nightwing Secret Files #1, 1999)
4.  There once was a dumb writer who thought killing Nightwing for real would be a good idea, and he tried writing toward that end, but everybody else was like hahahaha NO
5.  I used to hate when fic writers would shorten Damian’s name to Dami (kind of like how I majorly dislike when people shorten Sirius Black’s name to Siri, he is not an iPhone gosh).  But then I read a post on tumblr that said something about Dami actually meaning something in Arabic, something like blood or life-blood or heart blood…I can’t exactly remember what and maybe it isn’t even true but I choose to believe it is and that Dick knows exactly what it means and he calls Damian Dami as a way to show how special he is, how much Dick loves him.  Because Damian is his little brother/son and means the absolute world to Dick.  And Damian, though he pretends to despise all nicknames, absolutely LOVES that Dick calls him this
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