uranian-umbreon · 1 month
I had a dream I was coming to see a couple of discord friends in Arizona
I was driving through an area that had all the typical Arizona landscape like the red rocks and these bushes with purple flowers on them, and it was this big open area in the mountains with a road that kinda curved around, but then I turned left onto the road and then very suddenly it morphed into what I would almost call like. Idk Kansas looking territory with flat grass plains and something about selling crosses, and also by this point I was no longer driving but flying with nothing but holding my arms out. then it became this area with all these green trees, not pine trees like actual leafy green trees. And I remember having a thought like “Damn my friends weren’t kidding Arizona looks a lot more varied with the landscapes than I thought”. And then I kept flying and I would just use my hands tilting them back and forth to get more altitude or turn or something but I had like a backpack on And my purse slung across my chest which was kind of encumbering me
I remember looking down and idly thinking about how bad it would be if I started falling with how high up I was and I wondered whether anyone would be able to catch me. But then all of a sudden I WAS falling- I think I had been thinking about doing that trick where you free fall and then pull yourself up at the last second, but it didnt work. but I was able to slow my fall enough that I didn’t get hurt thankfully
I talked to a couple people there about something and then started jumping to try and start flying again, which was kind of funny like I jumped once and then jumped again where I jumped a bit higher and then started almost kind of swimming with a breast stroke vertically in the air. thats around where i woke up
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uranian-umbreon · 2 months
i only remember fragments of this one. at one point i was in a museum collection again, and there were several boxes of attack on titan figurines- some of the boxes were empty but i think one of the boxes had a figure of hange zoe, which the former collections manager had acquisitioned herself.
i was also supposed to collect. ashes? ashes from these monks in a small little temple? i dont remember why or whether the ash was cremated remains or not, nor do i have any idea why this featured in my dream. all i remember is holding a little nautilus shell that was holding a little pile of ashes in it.
as i was holding this shell full of ashes i started coughing badly, to the point where i had to kneel down on the ground because i was having such deep heavy coughs. i coughed up some black goopy, oozing substance- i remember feeling vaguely worried recalling something about how coughing up anything that looked like coffee grounds was really bad (what i coughed up didnt look red like blood though, it was pure black an ooze-like substance). shortly after coughing up the black ooze was when i woke up
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uranian-umbreon · 2 months
i was at a small indoor concert of some sort. a woman was singing jesse mccartney's "right where you want me" (mostly the chorus because my brain doesnt remember any other part of that song). there were some cubes that could be turned inside out and all sorts of directions, like a rubix cube but in like 4 dimensions or whatever, and for whatever reason me and the singer and the members of the band were all trying to flip these colored cubes to be black or something by the end of the song. i traveled around the whole area (which almost looked like an indoor gymnasium or something), sliding the cube and myself across the floor to one guy who was the sound mixer or something i cant remember at this point. i think i was talking to him at one point, and the cubes werent done by the time the female singer belted out the last "right where you want me" . people still cheered anyway but i also remember the gym suddenly being very empty and tearing down the concert stuff very quickly. i think the guy who was in charge of the cubes at the end, the one i had been talking to, blamed me for not being able to finish the cube in time, but the singer stuck up for me. sometime later i was in a locker room
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uranian-umbreon · 2 months
i was in a school, though it didnt look like any of the schools ive ever attended. someone came through a door in front of me, though they were a fair ways away to the point where i couldnt entirely make out their face. they were holding something black that hung down from their hands, which turned out to be a gun, and they started shooting. everyone started running and screaming, i first ran to the side to a corner of a brick wall. i started flying, and lifted myself up flying around repeating over and over again to evacuate the building,run, someone has a gun and is shooting. i dont remember exactly how i worded it. i dont remember very much after that, not enough to put into words, though i do seem to remember thinking that a building (the school, or perhaps another building that came after it, or the building that the school morphed into as i traveled through the dream) looked like a castle.
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uranian-umbreon · 3 months
i dreamt that my bedroom was right next door to the collection at the local historical society. i found a large yellowjacket in my room, and then ended up finding a second one that looked different (or at least smaller). the collections manager and i were walking around my bedroom and the bonus room trying to figure out where the yellowjackets might be coming from.
all of a sudden i look over in my bedroom and one corner by the windowsill, which is usually covered by wooden cubbies, had been ripped out exposing inside the drywall, which the contractors/repairmen had done without telling me. instead of being filled with fiberglass insulation it was a relatively empty, spacious sort of space. there were several structures hanging down from the low "ceiling" in that space inside the drywall. one looked like an upside down sand castle, and another i recognized in the dream as being a wasp nest. the rest of the dream involved trying to figure out where i might sleep for the night until they could remove the wasp nest.
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uranian-umbreon · 4 months
i was working somewhere (possibly the volunteering ive been doing the past few weeks, but it didn't look like where i volunteer at all, more like a big warehouse or the outside of a mall or something). i had been there for a couple of hours before i realized i had forgotten to put money in the meter for parking. i went out to check on my car. at first i saw a black pickup truck like a ford where i thought i had parked, so at first i was like "wait where did my car go??". this black pickup truck had a large pink ticket on the side which freaked me out at first until i realized it wasnt my car. i walked a little further down and actually found my car, which also had a pink ticket on it
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uranian-umbreon · 4 months
had a couple of dreams again this morning but unfortunately forgot to write them down until just now so pretty much all of the memory is gone
i think at one point i was eating cereal except then suddenly there were a bunch of bees or hornets or something in the milk
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uranian-umbreon · 4 months
all i remember of the one this morning is kinda vague but i think it was a bit of a murder mystery but also in kind of a. historical fantasy setting? idk a castle was involved,, but i remember talking with someone (maybe a queen?) sailing on a gondola together, with the canal going into the castle, and i was assigned someone to guard me/investigate with me i think
and we were walking through this castle (which suddenly had a bit of a museum setting maybe?) and the guard saw a couple of people disguised as knights who were stealing a couple of swords or smth, so he ran after them chase scene style and caught them and confiscated the swords, except as soon as he caught those two then a couple Other ppl were seen also stealing swords, so then he ran after them and caught them, and then a Third set of people were also stealing a couple swords so then i walk down this set of stairs where the guard has just been putting all of these almost-stolen swords (very big fuckoff swords, and also like six of them by this point). as im standing by all these swords someone with blond hair (who in the dream is someone i apparently knew and trusted) walks by me with a scary looking guy. scary looking guy makes like hes going to run over and kill me, like a "youve seen me now we have to kill you to keep you quiet lest you ruin our plants" sort of situation, but then blond guy who i recognize is like "dont, we're only here for the sunshine king" or whatever the kings (or maybe a prince?) title was
so then im like "oh shit theyre gonna kill the prince" and start running out into the big open room (not quite a ballroom, maybe more like a great hall) next to me and up a different set of stairs trying to find the prince or the guard or whoever else to try and help and i dont remember anything else
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uranian-umbreon · 5 months
i had two dreams this morning.
first dream i dont remember as well. there was a love square going on between me, another girl, and two guys. the two guys started fighting outside, on the deck outside by the kitchen window, over who was going to date who, and the other girl obviously started getting very upset seeing these two guys she cared about punching each other and slamming one into the side of the house. the guys could see inside the window and froze when they saw we could see them, but they didnt completely stop and pull apart from each other until i ran out onto the deck and asked them what the hell they were doing. the wooden deck was stained purple for some reason. i chased someone, possibly someone completely different than anyone in the previous part of the dream, through the trees into the neighbors yard. i dont remember this part very well, but it was something along the lines of "you said that you would turn me back if i" sort of dialogue. i started choking someone. it was very quiet outside, and there was snow on the ground. someone i know from high school was suddenly there in the neighbors yard watching, and commented on how deathly silent it was outside in the snowy cold weather. they walked away- i was still holding this faceless, random person in a chokehold. i remember that there started being less resistance and my grip tightening as their body had less air in it, as though they were a deflating balloon and not a human being with muscles and bones and a life being snuffed out by my own hands. i thought about whether i should let them go, feeling guilt over what i was about to do, but i didnt. right as they started to gasp and kick and flail from oxygen deprivation is when i woke up.
the second dream disturbs me a lot less. i was acting in a school play but i was clearly a last minute addition, as a background character with only a few lines, because wardrobe was giving me a costume as the play was actively going on. i was given a waistcoat, suit jacket and pants made out of shiny red and black fabric like a brocade. the sleeves were too long. the wardrobe manager was clearly used to working with kids and told me to be careful with the suit ensemble because it was over $100 altogether. at the same time i was given this $100+ outfit i had to put on a fake beard, and the fake beard i ended up selecting was made out of white felt, and did not go all the way around my head (bc made for children), so i had to take some clear tape and make some little rolled pieces of tape to stick a terrible white felt beard onto my face. because i had been busy in wardrobe i had no idea where we were in the play or where i was supposed to enter, or even entirely what my lines were. i was wandering around backstage holding my script, but the stage was organized in a very weird way and i found myself walking around a corner and being able to see the audience in folding chairs- i think people i knew from elementary school. i went back around the corner and kept sifting through the script to try and see where my lines might be or whether i had missed them already.
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uranian-umbreon · 6 months
my dad had dropped me off at the high school for something in his old (from 2000) car. i wasnt a student at the high school anymore but he still dropped me off there for some reason. then when i was in the school he had, for whatever reason, walked back home without the car, got in his other car, and driven somewhere else to do shopping. i figured this out after leaving the school and calling him, but i didnt feel like waiting for him to be done, so i got in the older car to drive it home. whats noteworthy here is the old car is a manual transmission which i have no idea how to drive. there was a lot of traffic because school was letting out, but instead of driving down the busier street and trying to make a left turn and going 35 mph on this road in a car i dont know how to drive, i decided to go through the neighborhoods the back way instead. i remember being very proud of myself for not stalling the car out, but because even dream me does not remember how manual cars work entirely, i kept confusing the gas and brake pedals, and i did not go above the first gear the entire way home [which my dad later informed me would actually mean not going over like 10 mph]
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uranian-umbreon · 6 months
I don’t remember most of the dream, but right before I woke up I know I was looking at a needlepoint square framed and mounted on the wall. It was beautiful with white ground yarns (although some looked kind of brown like linen?) and really thick pink wool yarn for the design, which was a bunch of flowers/roses, but it had a Lot of damage. In quite a few areas both the pink and the white was completely gone due to insect damage or something. I was trying to write about its awful condition but I kept turning myself around on whether proper left and proper right should be used for flat textiles too, since PR/PL usually refers to sides of the garment on the body and you wouldn’t be wearing a flat textile. I think I was talking to my friend about it and was going to ask my professor before I woke up
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uranian-umbreon · 7 months
There was more before this, including building houses for 20 people after some kind of destruction that was somehow my and the people I was withs fault, but I don’t remember enough to talk about more than that.
I was in an airplane that had to pull over to the side of the runway, somehow I ended up outside of the airplane and then they were going to try to circle back around for me? I sprinted across a highway with a giant block of trucks coming up to try and get closer to the airport
Then suddenly I was chasing after a bus and was flying above all these cars and crane vehicles trying to get a box; someone had picked up a box with the Mexican flag on it, which I was able to wrestle out of their car when I got to the bus, but I missed the next box they had picked up. Then I didn’t know where the car that dropped me off had gone (even though I had actually flown myself there with superpowers somehow), but I knew it was going towards an airport, so then both me and the guy I was chasing were asking how to get to the airport in Spanish. I ended up in this little field where it was a one person airplane basically powered by pulling levers back and forth, clearly not meant for long distance flight but somehow I was going to try to fly from Mexico to Guatemala with this thing. As I sat down and strapped in the guy arrived so I took off.
Then there was kind of a montage showing I had flown all over the world with this tiny hand powered one person airplane, but I also was texting all my friends and even calling them from up in the air. Apparently being up in the air for so long had been damaging my hearing and my skin because of the radiation but I’d been having a fun time and wanted to keep going but also stop soon at the same time. I think some of my friends (who may or may not have been people like haru from persona 5 and aki from chainsaw man?) had planned some special/meaningful final destinations for me to fly to but then I woke up
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uranian-umbreon · 7 months
Yknow how ppl go to those Victorian balls the costuming community holds, and yknow how sometimes there’s spare fabrics that ppl wanna give away so they have fabric swaps or whatever?
Bc I had a long extended dream about a bunch of things but it ended with one woman wanting to pick up some fabric but she was bored with the dress she had made or didn’t have enough room to take it with her or whatever
So in this dream, instead of giving her dress to anyone else or taking it home or even just throwing it away, this imaginary woman’s solution was apparently to stuff the dress in a garbage bag and flush it down the toilet
And it was doubly weird and hilarious bc there was all this hand stitching and couching and stuff on it but nah fam just Flush it
Which of course did not wanna flush down the toilet in the slightest and massively pissed off everybody and made the host of the ball institute a bunch of new rules and shit
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uranian-umbreon · 7 months
one of my grad school professors, for whatever reason, had decided to take in a Canadian goose as a pet, gave it a little purple sweater and everything. And then it cut to us being by like a lake or something and then one of my friends from grad school, who was also her TA in this dream [but not in real life] was like “Uh you can’t fucking do that” and then picked up the goose and threw it over the dock or boat or wherever we were and it immediately flew away. It hadn’t been tied up or anything, it was just like “ oh right I can just leave” and then ofc the professor was pissed and threatened to withhold a present she had been about to give my friend or something
Also at a different point I bought a fishbowl filled with little crochet fish and aquatic life and shit but then I think I set it down for a few minutes to use the bathroom and then I came back and it had gotten stolen and the guy had just been like giving them away for free for some reason, even though they were already way cheaper than any handmade object should be, so they were disappearing super fast
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uranian-umbreon · 7 months
i had an interview for a job position, and i had gone out of the house to pick something up or go do something. i wasnt properly dressed for an interview, so i went back to my house to change and ended up falling asleep, only to wake up and discover that i was an hour late to my interview
i head over there on the off chance i can still do the interview, and im in a room of over 20 people all interviewing just me. at the end of the interview one of them asks me about pearls, and this should be a question i can answer since its what my thesis was on, but the question more had to do with chemical compositions of pearls so i didnt really know the answer and had to say that that information would be more in the documents i referenced in my research than the actual experiments i did.
once the interview got out i walked into this foyer like an open convention center space, and down a hallway some people were painting different tiny sections of one wall in a bunch of pastel colors. i was about to join them for some stress relief before i woke up [to then have to go and do an ACTUAL job interview]
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uranian-umbreon · 7 months
For whatever reason some people were swimming in a pool filled with sharks I think but we were supposed to get rid of the sharks because they were an invasive species?? And there was a great white shark in the pool for some reason (not an invasive species, also should not be killing sharks in general, but dream logic) and then the shark bit a little girls hands off so I took her out of the water. and we were trying to do first aid but then the lady doing first aid told me to do something I had no idea what she meant and she hit me with the “that’s basic knowledge :/“ and had to tell me where to find gauze wrap or whatever as she was working on this girl
And then much later there was like a submarine (we weren’t underwater) and a worker said he was feeling really sleepy and someone else was like “oh that’s a symptom of this one very mild strain of tuberculosis” so then we pulled out this machine that could somehow scan the air in the submarine to detect tuberculosis and it turned out one of the captains did have it, and then it was like “well shit I’m gonna have to quarantine myself from my parents aren’t I” and then I think I woke up
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uranian-umbreon · 7 months
I didn’t write it down right away so I don’t remember as much this time, but I think the guy running the antique store said something like “Yknow what if you buy these 1-2 things then I’ll let you take everything else you were looking at in those display cases” so naturally I bought the couple of things and then was walking out of there with like Mountains of free stuff, like jewelry and other pretty sparkly things, including a desk (which had a little glass compartment on the side with some stuff in it) and a Wholeass entire wooden grand piano
And then ofc we needed to figure out where the fuck this giant desk and grand piano were gonna go
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