#a trip to edom
flipperbrain-awakes · 6 months
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Shadowhunters 3.10
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spacehero-23 · 2 years
I liked this book. i really did. but i’m not gonna pretned it didn’t have some major problems.
So here’s some of my suggestions on how to fix some of them. feel free to add your own!
1) drop the love triangle. no one asked for it. this series did not need a love triangle. and the fact that it dragged for over 300 pages? and for what?
maybe have james tell matthew and cordelia about the bracelet IN PARIS, but ask them not to tell anyone else because he’s not ready for that yet.
and things can still be awkward between them when they come back because james will feel guilty for ruining their trip, cordelia will feel guilty for thinking james would ever cheat and matthew would feel guilty because he saw that something was wrong but never said anything.
have the herondaisy confession happen before the christmas party so matthew would still be pushed to drink (because he sees how happy they are but he’s still in love with cordelia) and boom! so many annoying scenes are gone.
2) write the scene where herondaisy give each other the second runes. It feels wrong that we didn't get that since cassie made such a big deal about it in ChoI.
and then when tatiana crashes the party she could say that their marriage was a sham and cordelia could ask the people who believe tatiana if they want to see her marriage runes or are they done listening to the lady with a knife to a child’s throat. 
3) split the second part of the book between London, Edom and Idris. The fact that we didn’t get to see the parents' reaction to their kids being dead, kidnapped by a prince of hell and trapped with vicious killing machines is beyond me. and the trial? charles finally stepping up and defending his family? bridgestock being fired? I think we deserve to see those moments, not just hear that they happened. 
4) that secrets scene with lucie and cordelia…why? I mean why this late in the book? It was so unnecessary. If she really wanted to test their friendship she could’ve sent them to Edon BEFORE they made up.
Imagine, they have this huge fight about keeping secrets, they don’t talk to each other for a while, but then they have to work together to save james and matthew and just when they think their friendship is going to be ok, the secret demon shows up. but this time cordelia’s secret is that she knew about the bracelet before james told everyone else (because her actual secret was stupid)
5) have one more chapter before the epilogue!!! where we see the character finally grief. sure they didn’t really have time to do that before because of Belial and the Watchers, but once the dust settles they have this moment of “oh, Christopher is dead” and give him a FUNERAL!!!
(the fact that he didn’t get one feels so wrong)
and end the chapter on a solemn note and THEN give us six months later when we see them finally moving on. And you know…give us Will and Tessa finding out about the bracelet!!! (that one is personal)
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hello! Because you've brought up the idea a few times...
Prompt: magnus gouges someone's eye(s) out
(Typing this made me realize that this may be too dark, if so please ignore!)
here we go, uh. this has a very obvious and specific kind of violence so like. please proceed with caution anyone who reads.
spoils of war verse!
also anon this was absolutely fine!
“And who said—” Magnus asks calmly as he rests the pointed metal of his clawed ring delicately against the whites of the seelie’s eye, “that you could look so closely at my boy?”
Alexander is still and quiet on the other side of Magnus and he’s watching Magnus intently, which means he’s trying to figure out how exactly Magnus views him.
If Magnus lets this go, it could take months for Alexander to accept that Magnus actually values him and what kind of husband would Magnus be, to let such an insult go.
“He’s just a pawn, your Highness.” The seelie whispers, “I wasn’t looking at him. I was admiring the cloak he isn’t fit to wear.”
Magnus chuckles and motions for Alexander to come closer to him and he does, obedient but wary.
There’s a distrust in his eyes, as if he thinks this is the moment when Magnus decides he’s had his fun and is done keeping his boy close and protected.
Magnus nearly coos at him, but instead he crooks his free fingers, and the cloak moves from Alexander’s shoulders to instead fall into a heap on the ground. One walks through this path barefoot and Magnus smirks at the knight who was supposed to be their guide, the claw of his ring tapping delicately against the seelie’s sclera.
“Your feet seem cold, Alexander. Come stand by me, the feathers will keep you warm.”
There is disbelief in the seelie’s face and a pause before Alexander steps even closer and stands once again within Magnus’ reach, feet covered by the cloak.
“It does not matter why you looked at him.” Magnus tells the knight with a cruel, vengeful smirk. “It only matters that you did. I warned you, to keep your eyes to yourself lest you lose them.”
Magnus uses magic to hold the seelie still, the flames of Edom rising up around him and disintegrating the plants that try to protect the knight. Alexander is still beside him, and Magnus can feel how he tenses, how his body moves automatically into a defensive stance.
Magnus wishes he could see Alexander but instead, he’s dealing with someone not worthy of living.
It’s with disdain that Magnus digs the point of his ring into the curve of the eye, and he hooks into it with magic, pulling it free with a loud, violent pop. It’s audible even over the seelie’s screams and Magnus sighs and pats the seelie’s cheek with his soaked hand after he crushes the orb in his hand.
“If only you hadn’t looked at him.” Magnus murmurs to the incoherent, wailing man, “you could have lived.”
Magic claims the second eye, pulling it free from the socket with a wet grind and since it’s intact, Magnus flicks it to his laboratory.  Perhaps he will make Alexander a present with it, as an apology for such an unsightly display for his boy’s first trip to the seelie world as Magnus’ consort and husband.
It’s almost an afterthought, to use magic to pluck the seelie’s heart from his chest and even before he throws up a magical barrier, feathers are blocking Magnus from the gore of his kill. For a moment he thinks Alexander’s used the cloak, before he realizes it’s Alexander’s wings.
They’re gorgeous and Magnus regrets not insisting on seeing them the first time he claimed his boy.
“Alexander, you shouldn’t have.” He chides gently and he uses magic to clean away the mess and he reaches out, running his fingers over the closest feathers and chuckling when they flutter against his touch. “You didn’t need to get dirty.”
Magnus has never touched a nephilim’s wings with anything other than violence and, with Alexander’s feet kept warm by the trophies of a thousand corpses, Magnus keeps his movements soft. He’s indescribably tender as he gently pets his fingers over Alexander’s gorgeous plumage.
“How can I ever take you anywhere?” Magnus asks absently, “I’ll have to leave massacres in our wake and then where will we be?”
Alexander gives him a pleased, endeared look and shifts closer, his wings brushing up against Magnus. They’re delightfully soft and deceptively strong and Magnus carefully burrows his fingers through the thick, soft feathers at the base.
“You didn’t need to kill him.” Alexander tells him with a sigh as he looks at the remains of their guide. “It’s nothing I didn’t expect.”
“The queen’s pride and joy of a knight shouldn’t have been so insulting.” Magnus reminds him, “why should I suffer my treasured consort to be demeaned? Why should you expect to be insulted, Alexander. Does a king not protect his consort?”
Alexander sends him a searching, curious glance but he stays silent and for now Magnus allows it.  
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dreaming-marchling · 6 months
⭐  Because I couldn't choose which fic I most wanted a director's cut from. :D
I'll go with Across the Lonely Decades :)
Some BTS Tidbits:
"In the center of the mess was his newly re-made warlock. Magnus’ magic had been restored to him eight weeks ago and seeing him with his old confidence back had been a relief to Alec. Worth the trip to Edom and the literal hell he and Jace had gone through to make it right."
Imagine my deep shock when the show went in a totally different direction with this, lol. I was so sure that Jace was going to be a big driver in helping Alec get Magnus back, like nearly as intense about it as he was in getting Clary back. After Magnus and Alec sacrificed for him and with Alec's pain which Jace knew so well having just lost Clary I really thought we were going to see battle parabatai in Edom doing their damnedest because they BOTH were determined to get Magnus back. Super let down that they didn't go that route although obviously there are great aspects to what they picked. I left this bit in even after that aired just as an ode to what I wanted that arc to be.
This is one of the main ambience videos I used to help myself get into the Victorian mood.
“I don’t know much about parabatai I’ll be honest.” Ragnor said
Ragnor is not being honest. He's trying to get Alec to talk about it.
In answer, the warlock hurriedly handed him a… scimitar? Not his favorite and kind of a random choice but he’d take it.
I was getting into The Old Guard and Joe uses a scimitar so I threw this in for the unexpected blade Alec is given. I also picked Ragnor using Yusuf as the first Joseph iteration when he was sharing his revelation about Jozef's identity for the same reason.
The whole thongs conversation got added after I started posting the story because I felt like we needed another nice Bane scene of him trying after readers were even more upset about his behavior than I had anticipated.
“Shh,” Jozef shushed him gently. “I’m Joseph and Lottie is getting Magnus. That’s what matters, all right? I won’t let anyone hurt you, I promise. Dymphna won’t come back.”
Magnus’ frantic voice called for him.
Alec blinked slowly.
“Stay awake, Alec.” Jozef urged him. When had he learned Alec’s name? He hadn’t known it before when he had been sending Alec through time. He hadn’t been kind then either.
I wasn't super clear in the story and it confused some readers so I'll say it clearly here - Joseph only uses Alec's name here after Magnus calls it. He doesn't know it before that, he was using it after to try to keep Alec awake. I also initially had Joseph call Alec "child" before I decided that was too much and switched it to boy. I wanted Joseph to be really kind and tender to Alec to highlight the person he used to be. Also, I forever live for the idea that Alec is very obviously not centuries old to actual centuries old beings lol
Alec felt like he was floating.
I added this whole section to further break hearts right before the chapter was posted.
I pre-write all my stories before I start posting and while I'm editing as the story is posting I have added little bits to stories but I have never added so many scenes as I did to Across the Lonely Decades. I was having so much fun with this one and had so many feels and this was one of my favorite experiences with readers, I just wanted to give more and more.
A reader was sad that I didn't include Magnus' POV of Alec getting glamoured for their morning bread date so I wrote them this in a reply comment, in case anyone here has never seen it:
Magnus didn't go into this with plans for how he would change Alec. If he was going to take his 21st century boy out for as many different 19th century experiences as he could, he would likely be magically disguising him enough times that a great deal of fun could be had through the month. Right now, he had plans that needed them out the door quickly so he was just going to play a game of opposites top to bottom.
First, hair. Lengthen it and lighten it. He sent a pulse of magic at Alec and his hair grew rapidly, going from his usual short style into...
Oh that was...
Alec leaned into the mirror to inspect his new hair, “What are you doing?”
Every moment of every day Alec was beautiful, Magnus was agonizingly aware of all the ways, but this...
It was like a Greek statue had come to life. Lush and lovely, made for worship. Tousled curls framed Alec's face, somehow highlighting his hazel eyes and making them glow. He looked like a Romantic poet, like he was about to whisper sonnets into Magnus' ear, like they were...
“Magnus?” Alec asked sort of cautiously.
Alec's voice broke the spell abruptly. “Apologies, darling, that hit me harder than I anticipated.”
To Alec’s surprised, Cat gave him a brisk rub of her hands over his arms, ��I’m joining Eula and Kaira at the pantomime. Send me a fire message if he keels over but otherwise, have a lovely time and I’ll rejoin you tonight.”
Eula and Kaira are from Hybrid. Kaira more prominently as one of the warlocks who comes to help Magnus get the collar off and Eula is one of the warlocks who were killed to give Alec magic, Valentine calls her a bore when she argues with him.
But her eyes were the same. The pleased smile was the same. Martha stood in front of him.
“Hello, pretty boy.”
I didn't end up getting into their reunion conversation but Martha had been keeping an eye on Magnus for decades waiting for Alec to start appearing at his side. Technically she could have gone to Magnus while they were freaking out trying to find Alec and explaining but that would possibly ruin getting Alec home so she didn't. She was pretty pleased to get the call inviting her over knowing now was the time. Now that she doesn't have to stay away she and Alec become buddies :)
Thank you for asking!
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daisymylove · 2 years
 Right, I may get some heat for this, but here we go. MAJOR SPOILERS OF CHOT AHEAD, READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION
As someone who had been waiting for this book for TWO YEARS, my main take away is that Chain of thorns ended being an utter disappointment. As a former fan of Game of thrones, and other fans will get my meaning, I say this book gives me season 8 vibes: a ludicrous and incomplete conclusion to something that could’ve been epic, marinated on wasted potential.The thing is, we KNOW everything will turn out alright with the world at the end and the villains will fail, after all, this is a prequel on a ya series.We know that many of those characters are the ancestors of the TMI and TDA gangs, BUT that does not mean it couldn’t have been a very enjoyable story that leaves you at the edge of your seat, for we would get to see HOW things came to be
What bothers me the most is how Daisy’s protagonism was stolen, and that’s a first for a cc lead.
Its hinted several times in TDA that Cordelia was a hero whose name shadowhunter history would never forget.She was the sword that stood between evil and the world, saving it from doom on a byegone era... but she kinda didn’t? I shit you not, Cordelia’s greatest features on this book were to kill Tatiana (seriously?) and bang james on a tub.And that’s all.And if anyone had to kill tatiana at all, that person should be grace, it would be a great end to her arc of abuse, but that’s beside the point here
All the build up of “we must get cordelia in there so she can vanquish belial and end this’’ was for literally NOTHING.
After so many people either doubting her, or saying she was their only hope, after spending most of the book not fighting and staying on the sidelines because of the paladin busyness (and making some unhinged decisions along the way), she doesn’t fight Belial AT ALL. WHAT? If she had stabbed james, would it be cohf 2.0? well yes, but it still would’ve been better than james going “time for suicide mission lololol” and driving cortana to his chest.And the healing blade? where did that come from? That was such a cheap way for him to not die
The trip to Edom was for literally nothing.Sure, it brought her and lucie closer after the strain on their friendship,but that doesn’t require a trip to Edom, they could’ve just talked and sorted out their shit
Kit’s death was ridiculous and UNmourned. Tatiana, who has no training whatsoever, killed him throwing a poisoned dagger on his shoulder. Nevermind that In book one this boy survived an also poisoned gash that ripped his torso open. Who remembers that anyway? Its not absurd at all.
Point being that if youre going to kill him, do it with dignity and give weight to it.We don’t see his funeral, we don’t see the adults finding it out, nor his parents and henry mourning, we barely see the tlh gang mourning.Jem was throughly mourned, AND HE DIDN’T EVEN DIE.Kit’s death was the literary equivalent of the Loki meme “yes very sad, anyway”  
On the topics of things we didn’t see, I’m livid that there was so much page time wasted on that senseless love triangle THAT EVERYBODY KNEW WOULD AMOUNT TO PRECIOUS NOTHING, and many important things were either told, or left open.I just wish this love triangle had never happened and Cordelia and matt had remained platonic friends. Give matthew another love interest or none at all, he and james already had enough problems to work through as it was 
 They could’ve left for france together as just friends you know. They could’ve even kissed on the basis of “why the fuck not? we are both pining and everything already went to shit anyway”, but then realized it was a mistake and let’s leave it at that.Also it came to a point where the romantic stalling of the minor couples was just too much, it felt like page filler instead of the true conflict resolution they needed to set things right and be together.I was reading all that and wondering “all right, but where’s the actual plot?” 
the explanation for the family tree was ridiculous.I would prefer some “when the city of bones fell, we lost an awful lot of data, and thats why all the documentation of the period is messed up”
The whole conflict of the clave finding out about Jesse’s identity was resolved too easily at the end
Matthew coming clean to his parents and charlotte being pregnant again was such a big and anticipated moment, and yet all we get is Cordelia telling us what james told her
Charles comes out in front of everyone and we dont see that 
Will and tessa cry thinking their kids are gonna die and we dont see that
Thomas’ come out was a bit better, but it was still telling rather than showing
dont get me started on the plot holes.Im pretty sure cc said we would see james get more powers, but all we got was the as old as time cliche of protagonists losing their powers, and that didnt make a slight of sense.They automatically lose their powers after belial “dies”, while tessa remains very much a warlock and a shapeshifter? Make it make sense. Those powers come first and foremost from Tessa, Belial dying doesnt alter the demonic blood on their veins
The cherry on the top of a long list of absurdities, to me, are the watchers. Anyone can correct me if Im wrong, but how in the world there were so many dead silent brothers and iron sisters? it doesnt add up, there should be some of them, but not enough to flood dozens of shadowhunters on their own.The nephilim only have a thousand years of existence, (magnus said more than once that he has met warlocks who had been born before the first shadowhunter was created) and those folks not only live absurdly long lives, but tend to die of natural causes.Jem lived for over a century as a silent brother and aged only two years.It doesnt add up
also am I missing something, or how matthew, thomas and alastair escaped the massive statues was completely brushed over? 
The two truths and a lie was total bullshit.It was also said that there would be political marriage, the gang would go to idris and camille and wolsey would make come backs,but none of that happened.
thats it, thats my rant that probably no one will read bc of how fucking long it is
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khaleesiofalicante · 11 months
You can't imagine how happy and excited I am about this tlnd story! I really didn't expect it and it definitely made my day, if not my entire year! I missed this universe so so much and I love how you showed all the character dynamics! Alec is just the best and I love him! As someone who has watched basically no Disney in her entire life, I am as lost as Alec is when it comes to all the characters xD I can't wait to see what Magnus is wearing - and maybe another bathroom trip? ;) I love that you mentioned that they already rectified the first bathroom disaster with a second, more pleasant one!
Thank you so much!
Thank you. I'm so glad to hear that 🥺
Here is some context for you since you're unfamiliar with Disney 🙊. I looked up a lot of cosplayers to get inspiration for this!
Here are the outfits - courtesy of Edom, of course.
Alec and Minnie (didn't want to post a pic of a kid so have an adult but with a similar costume - but with cute lime green tights)
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Max and David
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Rafael and Anjali
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malec-ao3feed · 6 months
To the Heart of the Storm
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Wzsye1G by Sandylee007 SEQUEL TO ‘Butterflies in a Typhoon’   Five months later Alec and Magnus have both recovered. At least physically. And Alec works hard to learn to use his new powers safely. As far as they know the secret of how much a trip to Edom changed Alec is safe with them. Then an unfortunate incident leads to security camera’s footage ending up to the wrong hands. Suddenly Alec’s very life is on the line. Magnus is willing to do anything to save him. Will it be enough? And if Magnus succeeds, what will it cost?   PROMPT BY @SAspihesi ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF CHAPTERS MAY CHANGE Words: 2101, Chapters: 1/8, Language: English Series: Part 2 of I'd Go to Heaven or Hell for You Fandoms: Shadowhunters (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, Catarina Loss, Isabelle Lightwood, Jace Wayland Relationships: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood Additional Tags: Drama, Angst, Romance, Love, Alec Lightwood Has Magic, The Clave Being an Asshole (Shadowhunter Chronicles), Canon-Typical Violence, Rescue Missions, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Alec Lightwood, Hurt Magnus Bane read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Wzsye1G
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sandylee007 · 6 months
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'To the Heart of the Storm' chapter 1 is now out.
SEQUEL TO ‘Butterflies in a Typhoon’
Five months later Alec and Magnus have both recovered. At least physically. And Alec works hard to learn to use his new powers safely. As far as they know the secret of how much a trip to Edom changed Alec is safe with them.
Then an unfortunate incident leads to security camera’s footage ending up to the wrong hands. Suddenly Alec’s very life is on the line. Magnus is willing to do anything to save him. Will it be enough? And if Magnus succeeds, what will it cost?
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jordanandegypt · 5 days
Exploring Amman
September 14, 2024
Today the 8 of us under the leadership of our of fine trip leader, Nader, set out to discover Amman, a city of 5 million people that has been constantly inhabited for the last 10,000 years.  No easy task - but luckily we had all day.  So much to learn, to understand and to explore.   Of course I’m being facitious as it would take years to just study of history of this city - but we will try to get what we can with the time we have.
Amman is a city of hills - 7 to be exact.  Amman, Jordan is the world’s oldest constantly inhabited city, and if historical records are anything to go by, there have been people living in the region since 7250 BCE.  We drove around a tiny bit of this huge city and headed to the Citadel.  WOWZA!!   Most of the structures still visible at the site are from the Roman, Byzantine, and Umayyad periods.  The major remains at the site are the Temple of Hercules, a Byzantine church, and the Umayyad Palace.  
Behold the Roman Temple of Hercules.
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I’m not going to lie here - I never heard of the Umayyad period - so it took some time for me to put this into my brain.
From Britannica:
Umayyad dynasty, (661–750) First great Muslim dynasty. It was founded by Muʿāwiyah I, who triumphed over the Prophet Muhammad’s son-in-law, ʿAlī, to become the fifth caliph. He moved the capital from Medina to Damascus and used the Syrian army to extend the Arab empire. The Umayyads’ greatest period was under Abd al-Malik (r. 685–705), when their empire extended from Spain to Central Asia and India. Their decline began with a defeat by the Byzantine Empire in 717
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The roof is new - really new 1998!
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The Byzantine church
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As we have witnessed around the world, the conquering group destroys the conquered's most sacred building and rebuilds atop the ruins.  Nothing new here and we could see the different “level” in the work that is on-going on the Citadel.  Most of of the damage that we saw on The Citadel was from a major earthquake in 749 CE.
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The Citadel has a wonderful very small museum and I enjoyed it greatly.  The following info is really for me - because this museum laid out by “ages.”  It was no surprise to see lots of artifacts from every “age."
These are the archaeological ages generally cited, particularly as they pertain to human history in the Middle/Near East:
Stone Age—2,000,000 to 3300 b.c.e.
Palaeolithic—2,000,000 to 10,000
Neolithic—10,000 to 5000
Chalcolithic/Copper Age—5000 to 3300
Bronze Age—3300 to 1200 b.c.e.
Early Bronze—3300 to 2200
Middle Bronze—2200 to 1550
Late Bronze—1550 to 1200
Iron Age—1200 to 586 b.c.e.
Iron i—1200 to 1000
Iron iia—1000 to 925
Iron iib—925 to 586
As I mentioned people have been in this area a VERY long time.
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This little guy is from 6500 BCE!
BUT before I go on it is necessary for us to understand the following terms and how these “terms" plays into the history of Jordan.
The Lavent - literally meaning the lands east of the Mediterranean Sea - including Crypus.  Dark green in the picture below.
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The Fertile Crescent
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The Ottoman Empire
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OK - so what is up with the maps?  All of these maps are the land mass “Jordan” but the country of Jordan with its current day borders are new -  1946.
I lifted the info below from Wiki and I’m leaving in some of the links.  The reason I added this is to give you an idea of the long and complex history of this region.
Modern-day Jordan has been inhabited by humans since the Paleolithic period. Three kingdoms emerged in Transjordan at the end of the Bronze Age: Ammon, Moab and Edom. In the third century BC, the Arab Nabataeans established their kingdom centered in Petra. Later rulers of the Transjordan region include the Assyrian, Babylonian, Roman, Byzantine, Rashidun, Umayyad, Abbasid, and the Ottoman empires. After the 1916 Great Arab Revolt against the Ottomans during World War I, the Greater Syria region was partitioned, leading to the establishment of the Emirate of Transjordan in 1921, which became a British protectorate. In 1946, the country gained independence and became officially known as the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
The entire concept of “nationalism” is also new.  Prior to the establishment of “borders” - something the people in the region had little to do with - there was no such things as a “Jordanian.”  Nader told us that while his generation embraces being “Jordanian” his grandparents had no such belief.  
The Flag
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The flag explained: 
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Remember the official name is The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan - but the “region” that became Jordan was part of several caliphates over the years.  More maps…
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The flag honors the history of the “Jordanians”. The 7 pointed star is for the 7 hills of Ammon and the 7 verses of Al-Fatah - the first chapter of the Quran.  Nad told us the verses and their meaning and it is about being a good human, humble, serving others  and asking for God’s guidance.  (Of course that is my take away and I mean no disrespect if I have left out things.)
So - on to the next thing - lunch.
We were welcomed with a small cup of coffee with cardamon  - delicious.
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Then lots of bread and dips.  The hummus is out of this world!!!
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We finished with barbecued lamb, chicken and kabobs.
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Next we headed back to the hotel for some down time.  On the way we talked about water.  It is scare and very expensive.  All the buildings have water tanks.
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The water tanks are filled by the city/region/municipalities on a certain schedule - usually one week, but where Nad lives it is every 3 weeks.  The tanks are metered and depending on the area and height of the building an additional water pump might be necessary to get the water to the tanks.  The plumbing for the water fill is internal. Water pressure remains a problem that prohibits the water from being free flowing. Water charges vary depending on usage and sometimes it is necessary to buy water from a water truck at a much higher rate.  The amount of tanks you get depends on the size of the family living in the home.  In Michigan, we take unlimited access of clean water for granted - no doubt -  and being in a region where water is so limited makes me appreciate that luxury.
Mark and I opted for naps during our downtime and then a short walk to around the hotel grounds and pool.  
At 18:00 we headed down to old town to experience the market and do a little people watching.  LOVE IT!
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My conclusion:  Lots of smokers!!  Nad told us about 25% of women smoke and 50% of men.  I never saw a woman smoking during our walk.  Smoking - FYI - is allowed in restaurants!  🤮.   Variations on clothing range from supper conservative - to western ware but still quite modest.  We saw woman wearing niqab, chador and hijab head coverings - but most often it was the hijab.  
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They come in lots of beautiful colors and prints.  We also saw plenty of women wearing no head covering.  
Men - just looked like men, wearing whatever they wished although we did see a few men wearing a Thobe.
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All were shopping and seemingly enjoying theirselves. Again - I see we have more alike than different
We saw a Mosque that has been in use for centuries and we were lucky enough to be standing right in front of it as call to prayer was announced.
We finished the evening in a little restaurant that specialized in falafel.  Let me just say YUM - and although I can’t have any of the bread options, I am not going hungry and trying to deal with my hatred toward my fellow travelers who are mopping up all the wonderful side dishes with their wonderfully smelling bread. (Just kidding - kinda)
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I’m not sure when we got home - but we were tired.  I did some research of things I had experienced during the day - then went to bed.  Our first full day in Jordan was spectacular!!
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Real Jew Jews Israel Israelites Royal Royalty Holy Family Children Jewelry Jewels Feast Blacks Hispanics and Native Americans KJV1611 AV81 James 1:1 | Fake Esau Idumean Edom Amalek Amalekites Jewish Israeli Israelis Caucasian Caucasus Mountains
RED KJV1611 AV81 Genesis 25:25, 25:30
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Real Jew Jews Israel Israelites Royal Royalty Holy Family Children Jewelry Jewels Feast Blacks Hispanics and Native Americans KJV1611 AV81 James 1:1 | Fake Esau Idumean Edom Amalek Amalekites Jewish Israeli Israelis Caucasian Caucasus Mountains
RED KJV1611 AV81 Genesis 25:25, 25:30
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ancestorsofjudah · 11 months
1 Kings 22: 41-50. "The Provincial Governor."
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Ahab dies, and becomes a "lesson learned." Now his son Ahaziah, "To take possession of" succeeds him. The etymology of the term contains a large variety of references:
The verb אחז (ahaz), meaning to take hold of, seize or grasp, is used in pretty much any sense in which two naturally disconnected entities become firmly united.
Beams connect walls (or not - 1 Kings 6:6), cords hold curtains (Esther 1:6), and a footstool is attached to Solomon's throne (2 Chronicles 9:18). Jacob holds on to Esau's heel (Genesis 25:26), Ruth holds on to her cloak (Ruth 3:15), and men keep swords on their hips (Song of Solomon 3:8).
God holds people to shake them to pieces (Job 16:12) or to guide them (Psalm 73:23, 139:10). Pain or fear seizes people (Exodus 15:14, 2 Samuel 1:9).
The righteous holds on to his way (Job 17:9). One in every fifty is selected (Numbers 31:30), or taken by lot (1 Chronicles 24:6).
This verb's sole derivative is the feminine noun אחזה (ahuzza), meaning possession, or that what is held, seized (Genesis 36:43, Numbers 27:7, Psalm 2:8).
The journey from Ahab to Ahaz in search of God continues, meaning what was once just subject matter must eventually become the object of direct experience or one's religious opus is just a waste of time. Explaining sex to a virgin is impossible, though we agonize over it anyway. The same is true for the Direct Experience of Ha Shem which must be seized through constant study of the Tanakh.
The Melachim adds to the process of discovery by explaining how the parallel lines of succession across other Jewish Royal Families add dimensions:
Jehoshaphat King of Judah
41 Jehoshaphat son of Asa became king of Judah in the fourth year of Ahab king of Israel. 
42 Jehoshaphat was thirty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem twenty-five years. His mother’s name was Azubah daughter of Shilhi. 
43 In everything he followed the ways of his father Asa and did not stray from them; he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. The high places, however, were not removed, and the people continued to offer sacrifices and burn incense there.[c] 
44 Jehoshaphat was also at peace with the king of Israel.
45 As for the other events of Jehoshaphat’s reign, the things he achieved and his military exploits, are they not written in the book of the annals of the kings of Judah? 
46 He rid the land of the rest of the male shrine prostitutes who remained there even after the reign of his father Asa. 
47 There was then no king in Edom; a provincial governor ruled.
48 Now Jehoshaphat built a fleet of trading ships[d] to go to Ophir for gold, but they never set sail—they were wrecked at Ezion Geber. 
49 At that time Ahaziah son of Ahab said to Jehoshaphat, “Let my men sail with yours,” but Jehoshaphat refused.
50 Then Jehoshaphat rested with his ancestors and was buried with them in the city of David his father. And Jehoram his son succeeded him as king.
This section explains Direct Experience but it does so in a criminally indirect way. To sail a trading ship in search of gold is to meditate in search of proof of the Torah.
Moses went up the Mountain to fetch the Torah, but an ordinary Jew must set sail deep within the mind in search of the essence of his faith, the place where the Ophir gold ore of his Jewishness, his belief Moses gave us the Torah on Sinai for express purposes, is exposed.
If one is born within a genuinely Jewish body or is woven in by real Jews, then one knows of the importance of risking this trip across the Black Sea to the Gilligan's Island of faith.
Ophir gold is likened to the ash of doubt and delusion produced once beholds the Divine Glories of Ha Shem. Like having sex, a man can emphasize or evangelize the properties of Ha Shem, but as the scripture says, this is a profoundly personal journey that requires the vetting of one's personal problems and issues that lay between the shore and the farthest reaches of Ha Shem found at Ezion Geber.
Ezion Geber is Hebrew for what is called Samadhi "deep inner peace" in Sanskrit:
Verb עצם ('asam) speaks of a skeletal structure that (a) lies hidden beneath an obvious surface, and (b) provides the invisible inner strength that keeps the whole in shape. Noun עצם ('osem) means might or skeleton.
Noun עצמה ('osma) means strength. Noun עצם ('esem) means bone but may also be used to refer to one's whole body. Adjective עצום ('asum) means mighty or numerous. Noun תעצמה (ta'asuma) is a plural and intensive form meaning might but a whole lot of it.
Our verb may also mean to shut or close, predominantly of eyes, and presumably in order to review one's inner mental structures. Noun עצמות ('asumot) appears to refer to the "bones" of one's reason, the certainties upon which all creativities are grafted.
The verb גבר (gabar) means to be strong or mighty or to prevail. Noun גבר (geber) is one of a few words for man, perhaps comparable to our words "guy" or "dude".
Adjective or noun גבור (gibbor) means mighty or strong or valiant man. Noun גבורה (gebura) means strength or might.
Noun גביר (gebir) refers to an alpha male: a lord or master, and the feminine equivalents are גבירה (gebira) and גברת (geberet), mistress or queen.
Jehoshaphat, who found Ha Shem at Ezion Geber, is one of the few names in the Melachim that are not maligned in some way. He was one of David and Solomon's scribes, and his name, Jehoshaphat, son of Asa and Azubah daughter of Shilhi. 
The entire name means "God governs by healing all sorrows caused by the arrows of the missile branch."
Once again, we discuss the importance of the influencers on the development of fertile young men and women using the Torah.
The process is akin to the way an animal hide is stretched out to cure the hide. Government by God ensures humanity is likewise dried out of all the iniquity caused by disobedience of God in Eden, AKA by following the Torah which is "spread out" cover to cover.
Jehoshaphat's reign is also explained using Gematria:
v. 41: The Number for the Fourth Year of Ahab is 3727, גזבז, "wasted". Ahab spent his time getting his weiner whacked by a horrible dog, his wife, the prostitute Jezebel. Jehoshphat obviously avoided doing such things.
He reigned for 25 years in Jerusalem: The Number is 11450, יאד‎ה אֶפֶס, yada efes, "to know God backwards and forwards." Recall this means Ha Shem is known as Subject, also as Object and as both and also as neither.
To govern oneself after Eden, after the loss of innocence is the beginning of understanding of the mysteries of how Ha Shem governs the creation. But this requires an adult mind, one that is willing to shipwreck on Ezion Geber.
In verse 43, however we see a warning about Jews that want to burn incense in the high places and follow scripture without reverence for the possible existence of a Jewish soul. To burn incense in the high places, to fog the mind up with but literal understanding of the Religion is a sin of which one must be acquitted through a Sin Offering: any action that is deliberately taken but does not yield happiness as promised is a sin for which one must perform a sacrifice.
This portion of the Tanakh refers to the Kings and Princes of Israel, AKA the government. Governments must be the first to sacrifice strategies that do not contribute to the happiness of the people. Happiness can be measured and observed, it's not that difficult to police the happiness of the people.
Verse 44 and 45 refer to peace with Israel due to military exploits:
The Values are 9143, טאדג, tadge, "the place where fertile news is grown."
The feminine noun γη (ge) means earth (hence our English prefix "geo-") but predominantly as fertile and producing ground. In translations our noun may be interpreted as earth, land or ground but always with the underlying idea of being fertile and bringing forth.
When our word is juxtaposed with ουρανος (ouranos) or "heaven", it should not be understood to denote our planet in space, but rather as the dry land that had risen from the seas and now brings forth produce, and has clouds over it and water exchanging between all of them (see for more about the hydrological cycle in the Bible our article on the Hebrew equivalent of our word, namely ארץ, 'eres, meaning earth).
When our word denotes the arena in which something like news propagates, it denotes basic humanity as the fertile field in which culture sprouts and grows (the actual world-wide human civilization is most often referred to with the familiar word κοσμος, kosmos).
Military exploits refer to efforts that are conscripted, they are duties and they cannot be neglected or refused. They are generally associated with the Decrees, but any action that is pregnant with good sense falls into the annal of a military exploit. They give birth to other meritorious acts in others as the details above explain.
The chain of events is likened to a "male hydrological cycle" which as we learned begins in early adolescence, when a boy joins the "military". Steps should obviously be taken to ensure the barracks do not include persons who are devious or ritually impure (v. 46).
The value is 5050, ןן, nah, which means "Please!"
The particle נא (na') is the common Hebrew particle of entreaty: please! At times it's also used admonishingly or even exhortatory.
This particle shows up tied to all kinds of verbs:
אמרי־נא (amari-na'), literally meaning speak please, or simply: say! (Genesis 12:13).
שא־נא (sa'na'), meaning lift please (your eyes; look! - Genesis 13:14).
השמרי־נא (hashmari-na), meaning watch out please!
v. 47 refers to a King of Edom, "the King of Commitment", whose position was filled by a governor. The Value is 3930, גטגאֶפֶס‎, getgapes, "The winepress of vision, the cycle of the winepress, which removes all fear is Pesach."
The Passover is the greatest of the Edoms as this is the time and the process by which the Jew, taking his name and heritage upon himself throws off the chains of delusion and circles the world in search of ways to perform Jehoram, the harvest of the fruits, to make it more prosperous.
How this is meant to take place depends on the duty God reveals during one's acquisition of Ha Shem. For a Jew this will manifest in certain ways, a Muslim in others, for a Buddhist in the manners of a Buddhist. Realization always takes place according to the raft one rides to the distant shore. The raft of the Jew of course, is the Torah.
Regardless of the nature of the raft, all must culminate in a single form of obligation called Shabbat. How we approach this, whether through the worship of Yah, Allah, Hanuman or Communion with the Christ is immaterial provided everyone on the planet partakes of Shabbat. And this would first depend on global understanding of the essence of Passover. Always, always it comes down to the realization of the Jew and the Passover.
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Wednesday prompt: I regret having you as a parabatai
Hey anon, this is not what I thought I’d write when I read your lovely prompt but then I started writing and oops.
Mention of aftercare and almost subdrop
Alec glowers at the floor where his phone is angrily buzzing. It’s been ringing nonstop, enough that its scooted itself off the nightstand.
He groans from where he’s being soothed in Magnus’ lap.
“Whos’it?” He asks, because it might be an emergency.
Magnus pauses from where his magically cool hands are soothingly petting over him. A snap of fingers and he knows the phone is in Magnus’ hands. There’s a pause and then a sigh.
“It’s Jace.” Magnus finally says, a sour note of displeasure in his voice.
Alec sighs and sinks deeper into Magnus’ body heat. “K.”
He lets it go until Magnus makes a disgusted click of his tongue. “If I answer this, it will be on speakerphone. I’ll deal with it unless absolutely, understood?”
Alec nods and hums immediately. Jace is not in a great place with Clary gone and having forgotten him. Which means Alec’s been protecting his ass and throwing him in isolation when orders and guilt-tripping aren't enough.
It’s been exhausting and Alec is finally, finally relaxed. Also he can’t risk a drop right now, not when Magnus hasn’t said the aftercare is done.
So no, Alec is not risking subdrop.
Magnus sighs and nails scratch his scalp, sending a pleasant tingle through him that makes him turn his head, so he can smile dopily at Magnus.
They both get so distracted that Magnus almost drops the phone when it stops and then starts buzzing again.
With a sigh, Magnus accepts the call and as soon as it connects, before he can say anything, Jace is speaking.
“Alec, brother—“ Jace slurs through the phone, “I regret having you as parabatai.”
Alec stiffens; the shock of the words hitting him and he can feel Magnus tensing, no doubt about to unleash fury upon Jace.
“I was try’ng to find Clary.” Jace admits, like its new information. “Tapp’d into bond. Now can’t think. Sup’r floaty. Bad parabatai, no drugs. Or sex mag’c.”
Alec wants to relax in relief but the shock still going through him is turning him clammy and cold and Magnus gives an aggravated sigh, hanging up on Jace.
Alec wants to help, to know what’s going on, but the only thing keeping him sane is Magnus’ nails in his hair.
“Isabelle.” Magnus says with a clipped tone above him. “Kindly go and retrieve Alexander’s parabatai before I send him back to Edom.”
“Edom was destroyed.” Izzy laughs over the speaker, like she thinks Magnhs is joking.
“Exactly my point.” Magnus tells her tightly, voice cold and Izzy sighs.
“Alright, can I ask what he’s done now?”
“No.” Magnus says and hangs up, tossing the phone away.
Alec wriggles closer, hoping that now Magnus will put both hands on him.
“I am going to take care of you, darling.” Magnus promises him, voice smooth and warm like sun-soaked honey.
As Alec relaxes back into Magnus’ touch, he hears a low, darker, “and then I’m going to truly teach your parabatai a lesson.”
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cassandraclare · 3 years
Chain of Iron: various questions
olivialj said: Hey Cassie. Being the wonderful person you are I was hoping that maybe you could give us an indication as to whether Matthew...
 will fall for someone who reciprocates those feelings. Also is there any chance that in the future when things have cleared up that you will make a trip to wales or england for an event of some kind? Thanks.
Usually flattery will get you everywhere, but — that is a really big spoiler! So I cannot share the answer – I’m much better with “why” and “how” questions than “will this happen” ones, especially when it comes to last books in a series. I can say that as soon as they have book events again, the Hay festival in Wales is top of my list.
miahuy said: Hi! I LOVED Chain of Iron, and I can't wait for Chain of Thorns! My question is: does Alastair at the end know everything about Belial since Thomas mentioned it to him, or does he only know what James told the rest of the Enclave?
By the end of Chain of Iron, though we don’t see it, Alastair basically knows what Cordelia et al know about Belial, though not because Thomas told him — Thomas would not consider it his secret to tell, no matter how much he likes Alastair. :)
iloveshadowhuntersaskbox said: I know that Tatiana is not well, however I can’t help myself from laughing every time her dress and hat are mentioned. Now that she is free will she go back to her old clothes? pliz, at least the hat! ... ps: i read great expectations because of her, and i loved it! my english teacher would thank you for this.
I think we can all hope for a return to a few crazed hats, though technically Tatiana is on the run. Do they have hat shops in Edom? Stay tuned.
grace--blackthorn said: Did Rupert have any siblings, or cousins, etc etc? Just to find out if it's possible that other Blackthorns exist, in TLH, maybe?
Other Blackthorns do exist.
peraltiagos-paper-rings said: Hi Cassie!! Will we get to see Matthew and Cordelia in Paris in Chain of Thorns?
Of course. Did you know there was a nightclub in Paris in the Belle Epoque called Le Cabaret de l’Enfer — the Hell Cabaret? 
herongrystairs said: chain of thorns will the last book in this generation of shadowhunters and we’re going to mix the characters so much! Can we expect more will, jem, and tessa scenes in it as this will most likely be the last time we see them together?
I’m sure we’ll see Will, Jem and Tessa in it. And we will continue to see Jem and Tessa in the Wicked Powers, since they’re Kit’s parents! (And Mina’s, but she’s a bit young for adventuring.)
We will certainly all miss Historical Shadowhunter World, I certainly will!
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
They could take a road trip in Edom. It's not like Mallory could get there if Magnus seal the realm for outsiders 🤷‍♀️
David: I'm going to Edom
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hmmdelicioussoup · 3 years
So I just finished The Lost Book of the White and I really want to talk about Simon.
I’d tried reading this book sometime last year but didn’t really get into. Then after listening to the TMI audiobooks and TFSA I was motivated to try again since I knew it took place after Simon lost George. Second time round I absolutely loved it, Malec, baby Max, Magnus x Ragnor x Catarina friendship, all so good. But Sizzy! My god so so good. Getting to see them finally be together as a couple honestly made me so happy. But despite the happy moments, it’s also occurring during a time when Simon is grieving, and that grief is very fresh. TLBOTW takes place only 4 months after Angels Twice Descending.
So, throughout the whole book I was waiting for Simon to crack. From his first scene in the book it’s mentioned how different he seems.
Magnus says upon the TMI gang arriving at his apartment about Simon:
“…it was obvious [Simon] wasn’t doing well” pg 36
From the start I was strapping myself in for some pain. Even just a couple of pages later Magnus notes that Simon is acting ‘very unlike himself’ pg 39.
Simon has gone through a lot, they all have, but I think it’s different for Simon. Just on the basis that he kind of got dragged into the shadow world. He wasn’t raised in it like Jace, Alec, and Isabelle. It wasn’t his birthright to be a part of it like Clary. He’s had to fight stay beside Clary, to earn the respect of the Shadowhunters who even though they would eventually become his friends, didn’t think much, if anything of him, when they first met him. He had to really fight to show he was worthy of their respect. And he did. He fought beside them, lost beside them, sacrificed himself for them and all the while maintain his morals. I’m not saying he never changed, on the contrary, he developed significantly throughout the series and throughout it all always managed to be the optimistic one. Magnus says of him,
“Through all of it, Magnus had grown impressed with his morale, his willingness to persevere and keep a brave face even when the situation seemed worse than impossible” pg 40
Even knowing all Simon has been through, even Magnus who kind of seemed the least invested in Simon during TMI, expects him to have the same attitude he has always had. They’ve legit been to hell twice now and all seem pretty chill about it. They’re all making jokes, Magnus and Alec get it on basically every time they’re alone lol. I think they feel almost invulnerable. There’s very much this energy of well we’ve survived one hell dimension before, surely we can survive another. But they seem to be forgetting that they very nearly almost didn’t survive Edom. They only got out because of Simon. And I think Simon is painfully aware of this. He’s not one to brag about saving them but he understands maybe better than anyone the risk of having to make sacrifices.
Simon’s truly at his tipping point throughout TLBOTW. Despite all he went through in TMI, mainly with him losing half his memories and as a result losing important pieces of himself, he’s able to find himself again throughout TFSA or at the very least gain some idea of the type of Shadowhunter and person he wants to be. But then he loses George, once again he’s faced with unbearable loss. One as well that didn’t come from noble sacrifice or dying in battle protecting the people you love. George died drinking from the mortal cup and even though he was a good person, even though he was more than worthy, more worthy than Simon according to him, the cup didn’t want him.
“[George] was no different to me. No less worthy of Ascension. If anything, he was more worthy than me.” pg. 283
So when they all travel to Diyu and Simon is taken and tortured by Sammael, and Magnus has been stabbed by Svefnthorn and Isabelle gives herself up to demons, it’s all just reinforcing Simon’s worries about loss and how easy it is to lose what you love. Honestly I am so glad to have content where Simon is appreciated and allowed to show how much he cares and be more than just comic relief.
When they are in the Cathedral and Simons calm finally wavers I was so keen for it. And boi was I not disappointed. We get to really see how Simon is coping, how the loss that made him stronger is now what’s making him fall apart. Everyone else is so shocked and confused by his reaction:
“[Clary] looked wary…“This isn’t like you,”” pg. 282
“….“This isn’t even your first trip to a hell dimension,” Jace pointed out” pg. 282
It really shows how no one expected Simon of all people to be the one to break. It gives the others the chance to crumble a bit too. Isabelle who has always been very noble, always ready to fight, doesn’t know how to answer Simon when he asks how they all keep risking their and their loved ones lives. Before this book we never really got to see how they coped with the trauma they gained from TMI. We saw them in TDA but that was about four (I think?) years later, in the midst of someone else’s story and another fight. (As someone who very much prefers character over plot being able to read moments like this with some of my all time favourite characters really is my favourite thing. Like yes it’s sad as hell but oh isn’t it the best kind?)
Simon needs this moment. They all do. The desperation in Simon’s voice, everyone else’s inability to give him an answer. Because he has a point.
“How do you risk yourself and everyone you love, over and over again?” pg. 284
The Shadowhunter motto is just as much ‘we often die young’, as it is ‘facilus descensus averno’ and George’s death made this painfully clear to Simon. I think that Simon is definitely prepared to risk his own life, we’ve seen him do so many times before, but it’s the risk to the lives of the people he loves that he cannot deal with. The others kind of accept it, they definitely don’t love the idea of it but they know it’s a dangerous job. Both Jace and Alec literally say so.
It’s a moment that makes everyone grateful for their love.
- Clary tells Simon and Isabelle she loves them.
- Jace wraps his arms around her ‘drawing her close’.
- Alec reflects on the choice to love someone.
Writing this is really making me realise that maybe that’s what the whole story is about. Love. They’ve all found their epic loves, their families, they should all be happy. And they are, you don’t go through what they went through and not come out of it happy to still have the people you care about. But with the presence of love now it’s apparent, especially for Simon, that fear of losing it. And while it’s a hard thing to cope with, as Alec and Simon put it:
“That’s being a Shadowhunter,” said Alec.
Simon shook his head, “No, that’s being a person,”
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