#a three headed dragon who guards the underworld
tylermileslockett · 15 days
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Theseus #8 "The Abduction of Persephone" For many years Theseus reigns in prosperity over Athens and has many more adventures. He battles against the centaurs at Perithous’ wedding; the battle known as the Centauromachy, and joins the many heroes in the hunt for the Calydonian boar. In these years, King Theseus meets and marries the Amazon warrior Antiope, or some say it was her sister, Hippolyta. Some say she was abducted, others, that she betrayed her matriarchal clan, and went willingly. With Hercules also having stolen the Amazon Queens Hippolyta’s magic girdle for his ninth labor, the Amazon warriors cross the Aegean and invade Athens, resulting in the Attic war.
Years later, With the true audacity of a demigod, Theseus assists his friend Perithous, into the underworld, some say to rescue, others to abduct, Persephone, wife of Hades. But they are caught by the God of the underworld and imprisoned upon the “chairs of forgetfulness”. Here they meet the ghost of Meleager, the hero of the Calydonian boar hunt, who admonished them for such a foolish plan. Luckily for Theseus, Hercules, on his twelfth labor to kidnap the guard dog Cerberus, comes upon his cousin and, imploring Hades for mercy, is able to frees Theseus. Unfortunately, Perithous is left behind, or, as some say, he was brutally ravaged by the hound of Hades; Cerberus.
Cerberus purpose was to guard the exit gates of Hades, to prevent anyone from scaping the underworld. According to Hesiod, the hound had fifty heads and was the offspring of the titaness Echidna, the “mother of all monsters” a half snake-half woman creature who drove enemies crazy with her venom, and Typhon, a hundred dragon headed creature who was defeated in battle by Zeus. It’s later that playwrights like Sophocles and Euripedes describe the hound as having three heads.
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bestiarium · 1 year
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The Akhekh [Egyptian mythology]
Frequently called a griffon or a dragon in modern times, Akhekh is a creature with 4 legs and 2 additional wings. It has the body of an antelope with the head of a hawk. Three cobras sit on its head at all times, though I noticed modern illustrations often tend to forgo many of these details in favour of a more traditional griffon or dragon design.
In Egyptian mythology, Akhekh is heavily associated with the god Set. This creature is also connected with darkness and evil in particular, so it seems to have a decidedly negative connotation. Since the name ‘Akhekh’ is often translated directly to ‘griffon’, I take this to mean Akhekh was the name of a species with multiple individuals rather than a singular creature, though I am not entirely certain about this. 
In the New Kingdom of Egypt (16th – 11th century BC), the Akhekh was said to make a loud, booming roar. It was also incredibly fast. Also note that during this period, the Akhekh had the head of a vulture rather than an eagle.
The Akhekh is not to be confused with Akhekhi, a being from ancient Egyptian mythology who guards the twelfth gate of the underworld alongside Pai.
Sources: Lefébure, E., 1903, La vertu du sacrifice funéraire (ancient et moyen Empire égyptien), I: La Barque, le Griffon, L’offrande, Sphinx: revue critique embrassant le domaine entire de l’égyptologie, 7, pp. 185-209. Remler, P., 2010, Egyptian Mythology from A to Z, Infobase Publishing, 233 pp. Brown, R., 1883, Remarks on the Gryphon, Heraldic and Mythological, Archaeologia, 48(2): pp. 355-378. Hincks, E., 1847, An attempt to ascertain the number, names, and powers, of the letters of the hieroglyphic or ancient Egyptian alphabet, M. H. Gill, 103 pp. Leibovitch, J., 1958, Le Griffon d’Erez et le sens mythologique de Némésis, Israel Exploration Journal, 8(3): pp. 141-148. (image source: Tapaz Drachen)
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princessmeepa · 3 months
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Can you tell the difference game from mine version or LO/RS ver
Note that I do not own the characters from the Greek Myth, I was doing this for fun.
(Fan fact he is based on Helltaker’s Cerberus, except gender-bend and he can turn into human form and dog form)
My Cerberus, he is the son of two powerful and fearful monsters Echinda (half-woman, half-serpent) and Typhon (a fire-breathing giant covered with dragons and serpents), he is the brother of of three other multi-headed monsters, the multi-snake-headed Lernaean Hydra; Orthrus, the two-headed dog that guarded the Cattle of Geryon; and the Chimera, who had three heads: that of a lion, a goat, and a snake. He became the pet/adoptive son of Hades and Persephone.
Likes: his new family, peanut butter, bones, meats, his chewing toys, playtime and head pats.
Dislikes: his old family, Zeus, people hurting his love ones and losing his love ones.
Friends/Allies: Hades, Persephone, Macaria, Melinoe, Zagreus, Hermes, Dionysus, Demeter, Ariadne, the Furies sisters and all the gods from the underworld.
Enemies: his parents and his old family.
Personality: he is a same personality and behavior as a dog, he is very cheerful, carefree and a happy go lucky guy. He is very intelligent and he is very loyal to his new family and he deeply loves his family. He has a strong hatred though his old family and it is very unclear is to why.
LO Cerberus
He looks like the type of dog that Scooby do will beat him all up for eating all of his sweet Scooby snakes in a Dragon Ball z style and he is just Christen blue and Pink RS’ pet with no personality that was it.
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agentrouka-blog · 1 year
Do you think Cerberus has inspiration on Targs dragons? A three headed Hound who guard the gates of Hell and Targ sigil is a three headed dragon. Hades(god of death) and his hound Cereberus is similar to Dany(daughter of death) and her dragons. There were statues of hellhounds at dragonstone. Also House Clegane's sigil is three black hounds. Thoughts?
There are definitely parallels in the imagery of the Clegane sigil and the Targaryen sigil, which I would attribute to the Cleganes fulfilling the role of the dragons for the Lannisters in their role as pseudo-Targaryens. Gregor in particular parallels Drogon when he becomes Cersei's sworn sword (named after her dead abusive husband) as Ser Robert Strong, while Sandor is a lesser and vaguely more conflicted copy of his brother, forever pitted against him the way the dragons are destined to fight each other.
The fact that both "hellhound" Clegane brothers are currently some version of "undead" is certainly another association with the underworld.
Given the underwordly connections to the ancestral seats of both Houses (the mines of Casterly Rock, the... entirety of Dragonstone), the Cerberus/dragon imagery certainly is another mark against the idea of either House being associated with, say, life, spring, the future, positivity, and more along the lines of death, darkness, the end of things, monstrosity.
The dragon's long scaled neck stretched toward her. When his mouth opened, she could see bits of broken bone and charred flesh between his black teeth. His eyes were molten. I am looking into hell, but I dare not look away.  (ADWD, Daenerys IX)
But my knowledge on the particulars of Cerberus is unfortunately not up to the job of making good connections. This seems like the kind of ask that would be better placed in the inbox of an expert like @reginarubie who is known for her lovely metas on the subject of mythological figures.
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ruin-iii · 2 years
Her eyes of the Underworld take the damned into their fold. She is an archangel in funerary attire, heralding the dead with a greatsword that could rend the rift between the corporeal and aetherial with the severity of its edge alone.
At least, this is what Signe appears to be. Others come to mourn over Witchdrop in a similar fashion, but for all the comparisons one could draw between the veena and the Reaper, she’s more of a tomb raider herself. 
Witchdrop is a breeding ground for relics history has swept under the rug, deeming them too damnable for remembrance. It’s not the people her heart yearns for, no, it’s their material imprints.
What artefacts could be retrieved from the bottom of Witchdrop? One’s first instinct immediately hearkens to ancient draconic rosaries and bottles of dried blood fashioned to the tune of wyrm architecture. But there could be else yet, anything found on one mistaken for a heretic: an arcane implement of Mhachi design, a Thavnarian statue honouring the sisters three, or — dare she get her hopes up — the meagre belongings of a former dark knight.
Only until recently, this chasm would have been the closely guarded property of the Inquisition whose trespassers would eventually be able to spend as much time in it as they’d possibly want and then some. Dead, of course. Now, it’s an abandoned outpost of the Holy See. An unerasable blight preceding peace between man and dragon. 
She will pilfer it for all it’s worth, regardless of the memorials that line the cliff’s edge.
Fearless, she trudges down into the winding gorge with her weapon hovering just above the stone, carving a shallow line into her snow-trodden footsteps behind. 
Her trek draws the attention of the hungered beasts who relied on the executed for scraps — voidsent and mites alike reside here, starved for aether. Obsidian-clad, she’s an expensively packaged meal. The cowardly creatures seek to intercept her journey when she least expects it, and these are no Ishgardian duels. 
A mite wriggles out from a crag in the side of the slope, its pincers bouncing off her pauldron — then dismembered with a single swing of her sword, close to decapitating her assailant entirely. A deathgaze swoops over her from the other side of the canyon, which she drives away with a single swing of her sword of immensely dense aether, enough to deem its wielder a threat. A younger Signe Ymir would be fascinated to study these creatures of the abyss, but this has become typical of her forays into Eorzean depths. It is nothing but a formality. 
At the bottom, she searches — interrupted, but such distractions are quickly dispatched — for at least one of the myriad treasures she seeks. No corner goes unturned. The precipices cast such deep shadows after all. But the snow is tall and frigid, difficult to rifle through for its density that rivals the ground.
Finally, she sees it. The end of a greatsword’s blade not dissimilar to her own, distinct against the hue of the crags as something steeled or silvered. She navigates the narrow pass with great haste, allowing her weapon to unceremoniously clang against the wall at one point — much to Brand’s audible chagrin in her head. It matters not, for amid all this tediousness, there is a prize at the end—...
It is half of a shield wielded by a house knight, the insignia worn by time. It must be at least a hundred years old, but what does it matter — it’s the generic make they’ve continued to produce, rusted to inscrutability otherwise. She can barely lift it without worrying it’ll break into pieces, and so she leaves it beside the skeleton she stepped over in its pursuit.
Perhaps there is a story here. Perhaps a valiant knight sought the body of his pledge and died trying to retrieve it, or an accused man refused to abandon his armour and insignia even in trial. 
She doesn’t care. The things that used to excite her, she’s learning, are useless in the eyes of academic authorities. To that end, the stories of regular everyday people are just that — a bore. 
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our-lord-satanas · 3 months
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Cerberus, often referred to as the hound of Hades, is a mythical three-headed dog. In Greek mythology, Hades was the God of the underworld and the dead, and Cerberus was his faithful servant who guarded the entry to the underworld to prevent the living from entering and the dead from escaping. Cerberus was a powerful guardian and was feared for his ferocity and strength. In Satanism, Cerberus is sometimes seen as a symbol of protection, commitment, and devotion to the deity Hades. Sometimes Cerberus can also represent the underworld itself or the connection between life and death.
Appearance: In Greek mythology, Cerberus is typically described as a three-headed dog-like creature with a serpent-like tail. He is often depicted with a black or dark-coloured body, and he typically has sharp fangs and eyes. Cerberus is often described as being extremely aggressive and fierce.
Personality: Cerberus is often described as being fierce, aggressive, and extremely protective of the gates of Hades. In mythology and folklore, he is often depicted as being loyal and faithful to Hades, but also as being quick to anger. He is said to always be alert and on guard, with a strong sense of duty and protection. He is also said to be a wise and powerful being, with immense strength and ferocity.
Symbols: three-headed dog, Bident of Hades, keys, cauldrons, chains and binding, Gates of Hades, fire, and torches
Guardian of: the Gates of Hades
Culture: Greek
Plants and trees: wolfs-bane, yarrow, mint, cyclamen, nightshade, lilies, mullein flowers, black oak tree, mistletoe, and cedar trees
Crystals: black obsidian, black tourmaline, black onyx, black rose quartz, black labradorite, black kyanite, and black stone
Animals: dogs, wolves, black snakes, and goats
Incense: dragon’s blood, frankincense, black musk, patchouli, myrrh, sandalwood, and vetiver
Colours: black, white, red, green, and purple
Numbers: 3 and 7
Zodiacs: Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Pisces (not official)
Tarot: Death
Planets: Mars, Saturn, and Pluto
Days: Tuesday, Saturday, Monday, Cerberalia, Hades Festival, Halloween, and New Year
Parents: Echidna and Typhon
Siblings: Orthos, Lernaean Hydra, and Chimera
Partner: none known
Companions: Hades and Zagreus
Children: none known
• Triple head: Cerberus' most prominent symbol is his three heads, which symbolizes his triad of ferocity, devotion, and intellect. The three heads also represent Cerberus' connection to the trinity and the cycle of life and death.
• Chains: Cerberus is often depicted as being bound by a chain, which represents his role as a guardian and a protecter to the underworld. The chain can also represent his connection to the underworld and darkness.
• Dogs: Cerberus is described as a dog-like creature, representing his loyalty and loyalty.
• Snake: Cerberus is often depicted as having a snake-like form, with three heads and a snake body.
• Fire: Cerberus is often associated with fire and intense, fiery energy, due to his role as a guardian of the underworld.
• Keys: Cerberus is often depicted with a key or a pair of keys, which represents his role as a guardian of the underworld and its gate.
• Name: Cerberus is named after the Greek word kerberos, which means "spotted."
• Role: it is said that Cerberus guards the Underworld gates, waiting at the river of Acheron to stop all who try to enter the Underworld.
• Description: a three-headed dog made up of lion, snake, and dog body parts, with flaming breath and sharp claws.
• History: he has been a part of Greek mythology since the earliest times, and has been seen as a symbol of protection, rebirth, and the protection of the soul.
• Lore: in some stories, Cerberus' three heads are said to represent past, present, and future, and his flaming breath represents the cycle of life and death.
• Relationships: Cerberus is believed to be the offspring of Typhon and Echidna, but is also said to be the child of Hades and Persephone.
• Abilities: he is said to have the ability to breathe flames, chew through metal, and see in the dark.
Start by addressing Cerberus with a respectful greeting, such as 
"Great Cerberus, guardian of the underworld, I am here to worship and honor you." Make an offering to Cerberus. There are many different types of offerings you can make, such as food, drinks, herbs, crystals, flowers, incense, or other small treasures.Sit quietly and meditate on your connection with Cerberus. This could include imagining an image of Cerberus, visualizing yourself in his presence, or engaging in prayer or conversation with him. 
Show your devotion and respect to Cerberus by performing an act of service or helping others in some way in his honor.
End the worship session by giving a final offering and farewell and expressing gratitude for the experience and any blessings that were received during the session.
“Great Cerberus, three-headed guardian of the underworld, I call upon you now to aid me in this time of need. I seek your protection and guidance as I traverse this treacherous journey. Please grant me your strength and wisdom and aid Me in navigating the twists and turns of the dark path I walk. I offer you this prayer as a sign of my devotion and respect. Hear my plea and lend me your power now.”
“Great Cerberus, I give thanks to you, who has granted me your protection and guidance. I am grateful for your strength and wisdom and the guidance you have offered me. I bid you Farewell for now, and look forward to meeting you again, Hail Cerberus!”
• Sudden and intense connection or fascination with him or his symbol.
• A strong feeling of warmth or comfort when you think about him.
• You have recurring dreams about him or his symbol.
• Noticing that you are drawn to research, study, or contemplate his domain.
• You start to see his symbol everywhere you go or in places where you don't normally expect it.
• Vivid or lucid dreams about Cerberus.
• Recurring thoughts and images of Cerberus during your waking hours.
• You feel a deep sense of connection and affinity with Cerberus, even without having had prior contact with him.
• You find yourself drawn to learning more about Cerberus's symbolism and mythology.
• You experience unusual coincidences or synchronicities involving Cerberus.
• Herbs and plants.
• Meat.
• Water.
• Flowers and incense.
• Bones and other relics associated with the Underworld and death.
• Homemade goods.
• Things that are precious to you, such as jewelry, clothing, or other special items.
• Money.
• Gold or silver.
• Chocolate or other desserts.
• Honey or nectars.
• Beer and other alcoholic beverages.
• Depictions of dogs, three-headed dogs, and wolves.
• Dog toys, food/treats, collars, and/or leashes.
• Caring for animals: as the guardian of the underworld, Cerberus is associated with animal life and protecting innocent creatures from harm. By providing protection and compassion for animals, you are mirroring the energy of Cerberus and honoring his role as a guardian.
• Protecting nature: Cerberus is a guardian of nature and the underworld, so doing acts to protect and preserve natural environments aligns with his divine energy. This could include planting trees, picking up litter, caring for gardens or parks, and exploring ways to reduce pollution and environmental damage.
• Meditation and prayer: taking the time to meditate and pray to Cerberus is always a great way to express devotion and connection. Sit quietly and focus your attention on him, imagine his presence and image, or engage in conversation with him.
• Rituals and ceremonies: creating your own rituals and ceremonies to honor Cerberus and his power is another meaningful way to show devotion and respect. Consider creating an altar to him or performing a spell to petition him for guidance or assistance in your life.
• Learning about dogs that are household protectors.
• Learning about wolves
• Playing with dogs.
• Making dog treats.
• Training/learning how to train dogs.
• Taking your dogs to the vet.
Consuming offerings given to Cerberus is not recommended because he is a powerful gate keeper of the Underworld and a guardian of the dead. His energies are also incompatible with human consumption, as he is not aligned with the human energy of life and death but rather the energy of protection and power over the Underworld. Consuming offerings given to Cerberus may disrupt the connection with the deity and cause an imbalance in energy. It is always better to avoid consuming offerings given to Cerberus.
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ijfmpy2 · 3 months
Character Research: Cerebus
I have decided to go with Cerebus for my next character as I just think he's unique and cool but will also be a challenge anatomically to make because of the three heads extending from the same neck. Cerebus is known in Greek mythology as the monstrous guard dog of the Underworld. His backstory is that he was born from the monsters Echidna (half-woman, half-snake) and Typhon (serpent/dragon giant) and is the 'Hound of Hades' - preventing living souls from entering the Underworld and dead souls from leaving.
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tylermileslockett · 2 years
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Theseus series #8 "The Abduction of Persephone" illustrated by me
For many years Theseus reigns in prosperity over Athens and has many more adventures. He battles against the centaurs at Perithous’ wedding; the battle known as the Centauromachy, and joins the many heroes in the hunt for the Calydonian boar. In these years, King Theseus meets and marries the Amazon warrior Antiope, or some say it was her sister, Hippolyta. Some say she was abducted, others, that she betrayed her matriarchal clan, and went willingly. With Hercules also having stolen the Amazon Queens Hippolyta’s magic girdle for his ninth labor, the Amazon warriors cross the Aegean and invade Athens, resulting in the Attic war.
Years later, With the true audacity of a demigod, Theseus assists his friend Perithous, into the underworld, some say to rescue, others to abduct, Persephone, wife of Hades. But they are caught by the God of the underworld and imprisoned upon the “chairs of forgetfulness”. Here they meet the ghost of Meleager, the hero of the Calydonian boar hunt, who admonished them for such a foolish plan. Luckily for Theseus, Hercules, on his twelfth labor to kidnap the guard dog Cerberus, comes upon his cousin and, imploring Hades for mercy, is able to frees Theseus. Unfortunately, Perithous is left behind, or, as some say, he was brutally ravaged by the hound of Hades; Cerberus.
Cerberus purpose was to guard the exit gates of Hades, to prevent anyone from scaping the underworld. According to Hesiod, the hound had fifty heads and was the offspring of the titaness Echidna, the “mother of all monsters” a half snake-half woman creature who drove enemies crazy with her venom, and Typhon, a hundred dragon headed creature who was defeated in battle by Zeus. It’s later that playwrights like Sophocles and Euripedes describe the hound as having three heads. Cerberus appears in a few other scenes in notable myths. As mentioned, he is retrieved by Hercules for his 12th labor, with Persephone providing assistance. When Orpheus enters the underworld searching for his lost love Eurydice, the musician lulls the hound to sleep on his lyre, allowing him to enter. And in the Roman poet Virgil’s Aeneid, Aeneus and the Sibyl throw the hound bread laced with honey and herbs, inducing slumber, and allowing them to pass.
DId i miss any important information about this part of Theseus tale? Or Cerberus? please let me know below. :)
Thanks for looking! to see more of my greek illustrations, click my linktree: https://linktr.ee/tylermileslockett
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Word count: 1,662
Tw: Blood, violence, talk of death, body horror?
Made this in English class and I might post some older variants of these characters to show how they've evolved. Also yes the title is meant to be spelled as such.
The Hybrds
Christopher Choldis wandered through the small city of Panshaw. Chris handed out some of the books people had bought from his close friend. Henry Krystal was a reaper who could see into the future and lives in between the realm of the dead and the living. He writes everything he sees in his visions, hears from the spirits, and then he’ll sell a few of them. Though most are kept secret. Some even from Chris. Because Henry was a reaper he was often mistaken to be some sort of dark and wicked figure. Though, he was well known for being a kind and caring man all throughout his time. As long as you responded with the same or if you were Chris.
Both Chris and Henry have what is called a dragon heart crystal. Only two can be made by dragonborn like Chris. The purpose of the crystal is to connect two separate beings. If one of them were to die the other would slowly decay, if one of them got hurt the other had the possibility to acquire the same injuries, they gain the ability to communicate telepathically, and they can track each other with it.
Chris strolled into the library with confidence, “Hey sweets!”
“Hello Chris,” Henry said, not looking up from the book he was writing in, “I’m a bit busy but did you need something?”
“I want to make a deal with you. How about it, sweets?”
Henry snapped his attention towards Chris, “A deal?” He questioned.
Chris grinned, not hiding his blade-like teeth. He began striding in Henry’s direction and offered his hand. The red pupils in his eyes almost glowed against his black sclera. The other man looked hesitant.
“I want you to join me Henry,” Chris spoke softly.
Henry turned away and walked to his desk. He sighed, “Chris. You know very well I would never join you in hurting others,” Henry explained, “I’ve seen what it has done to the underworld. But I won’t prevent you from doing that.”
Chris snarled while turning away. Henry eyed him as he opened the door and trudged out of the building. Unfortunately for Henry, Chris knew who would be willing to join him.
Everyone jumped when Chris came bursting into the Prison of Souls, “Good Stalal! Chris what in the world?” Peony shouted while stumbling back.
Spirit, Peony, and Fae were the members of C.R.O.W. and were known to be a fairly calm family of the deer monster Fae, the forest dweller Peony, and the vampire Spirit. Heather, a water ghost and Alice, a naga were elite members of The Guard. Hugo was head of The Guard and he would report about the prison’s status to Henry, who was considered the boss.
“Are you guys up for some fun?” Chris asked with a smirk and a chortle.
The members of C.R.O.W. glanced at each other and smiled as they had joined him a few times already in secret. The Guards on the other hand, looked hesitant. Every single one of them worked under Henry. Slowly one by one, they all agreed to join Christopher as long as their names didn’t get out.
The group became feared by any small village whether it was inside or outside of the border. People were killed and towns burnt to ashes. Chris watched as people screamed, ran, and died. Nobody survived long enough to report the criminals. He loved the feeling of power over humans.
Blood covered his white outfit and his hands. Three young children were huddled in a corner. Two were twin brothers of African descent. The girl was of Asian descent and looked to be about 2 years older than the twins. Chris slashed at the girl.
It went through her. The three smiled and Chris knew who he had just tried to kill. These were Shades and Shines. Mirror ones like the head of the prison guards, Hugo.
They were already dead.
They vanished for a second and before he had time to react they stood in the distance. They were tall black and white entities. One was half white, half black, had four arms, and four eyes. The other was taller. She had eight wings, dark sclera with a faded white for pupils, and her dress and hair were shadowy.
“You must be the Crows, The Guards, and The Dragonborn. We are the underworld’s guardians. Our eldest brother is not very pleased,” The two creatures said in unison, not moving their mouths.
Another figure appeared. She was a bit shorter than the others though she had similar features. Her eyes were cogs, there was no visible mouth on her face, and her limbs weren’t attached but rather floating, “My name is Cog! These are the twins Ping and Pong. The pretty lady is named Little! We’re all in our mid-90s age wise. Who are you?”
Chris was extremely confused about the sudden change of mood Cog had made, “I knew who most of you are already. Though I haven’t seen you yet Cog,” Chris stated,” I expect you are newer to the prison?”
“Yes I’m a bit newer! We’re looking for a dragonborn named Christoper!” Cog said with excitement. Ping and Pong separated into two smaller forms and stared at each other before looking at Cog. Little went into her smaller form and muttered something under her breath.
One final entity walked in from an invisible barrier. It wasn’t a Shade or a Shine. It looked like a tall, brown, slender creature with the skull of a goat as its head. But the skull had three eyes instead of two. Six arms held books, quills, and inkwells. The four backed up and let it go past them.
“Henry!” Chris shouted with a sick smile, “I haven’t seen you in a minute. Finally came to join the party?”
“No. I believe you know exactly why I’m here.” Henry responded.
“You said you wouldn’t intervene Henry.” Christopher’s gleeful smile quickly turned to a frown.
“But Chris,” Henry began, holding up a book, “It was always in the scriptures.”
The front cover said The Betrayals.
Chris stepped back slowly. Henry had already foreseen these events centuries ago. He remembered Henry writing about it in high school during lunch. Never once did Chris think it was an actual vision because he just thought it was a story or something of that sort.
The Guards and C.R.O.W. stood behind him, clearly alarmed. None of them had ever known what Henry looked like or that there were guards of the underworld and the prison. There was also the fact this meant they had been caught.
But Chris stood his ground. He would not let some wretched reaper beat him. Chris shifted in his dragon form, ready to fight. He was colossal compared to Henry. Though apparently Henry still had some tricks up his sleeve.
“Chris,” Henry chuckled, “I was a dragon hunter. Did you forget?”
“You hunted small dragons. You couldn’t do a thing to me, worm!” Chris snapped, “I want your blood on my claws. Not any of your disgusting assistant's blood.”
Henry shrugged. The sky went black and cloudless. The surrounding area turned a pure white. As Chris studied the environment he realized he was alone. Except for Henry.
He snapped his attention back towards him and was met by an enormous version of Henry’s reaper form. His body looked like it was rotting. His fur was a dark gray. The exposed bones were black and broken. The cracks on his body glowed a soft silver color.
“This is what we reapers call ‘the nightmare plane’. Not a realm life nor death. To be honest it’s not a dream realm either,” Henry continued, “If you want to fight you should have chosen to fight one of the guardians. You probably could have won since they don’t know this place exists.”
Henry was far stronger here than he was in the overworld. Yet not as strong as he could have been in the underworld. Was it the lack of people or was this the only place he could use his full form? Chris wasn’t sure and he didn’t really want to find out. Slowly, he bowed his head to Henry, the way the dragonborn surrendered to a battle.
The world flickered back to life. Everything looked exactly the same as when they had left it. Both teams look stunned on how he and Henry were suddenly in their humanoid form. Henry also seemed to notice the confused look on Chris.
“Time doesn’t pass in the nightmare,” He stated. Suddenly he exclaimed, “Please escort all assailants to their cells.”
Multiple ghosts, shades, and shines grabbed the seven of them. Abruptly they were teleported into the Prison of Souls.
Cog was assigned to the other six since they weren’t considered to be the most dangerous. Only Hugo had a bit higher security measures on him. As he was a former superintendent.
Christoper on the other hand was held in a larger and well guarded cell with no other prisoners. Henry made sure Chris was never out of his sight. If he was busy with another job he would assign Ping and Pong to watch him if they were free. Little watched over the outside of the prison disguised as a raven. She kept note of everyone who went in and out of the prison.
Henry walked into Christopher's cell and crouched down in front of him, "Want to make a deal?"
"What sort of deal?" Chris asked, stunned.
"The one where I let you and your buddies out while you behave yourselves." He held out his hand.
Chris took his hand. If losing meant he could get out of this torturous prison. Henry made a soft smile at the action of Chris. The one he would make whenever they saw each other. Maybe he would actually keep his side of the deal this time.
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badlucksav · 3 years
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Day 6: Greek Mythology for @zkmythicalcreaturesweek
I was hoping to write a fic to pair with it, but alas, that didn’t happen, but I hope you enjoy the art. Obsessed with these two as Hades and Persephone.
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[image ID under the cut]
[image ID: digital art shows full-body side profiles of Zuko and Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender stylized as Hades and Persephone. Katara stands on the left hand side of the frame wearing a blue dress with a corset and flowing pale blue sleeves. Her hair is down with a pale pink flower crown wrapped around her head. She’s gazing softly at Zuko, who is holding her hands.
Zuko stands on the right hand side of the frame facing Katara. He wears black armor with gold trim similar to his armor from the show, as well as a black cloak. His hair is half up in a topknot with the rest down. He wears a crown with two dragons horns at the front of his head.
The background shows Katara standing in an out of focus forest with shades of green, yellow, and orange. Zuko’s side is a dark gray background with a black-grey tree without leaves. There is a beam of sunshine shining from Katara’s side of the background and partially illuminating Zuko. End image ID].
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goatchulu · 3 years
jealous! lucifer x gender neutral! reader
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Genre: fluff, ig? slight smut in the end.
Fandom: obey me!
Prompt: you find yourself in a fake relationship, and now you're introducing your "boyfriend" to the demom brothers. they don't take it so well, especially lucifer.
Warnings: mentions of drinking, mentions of harassment and stalking, they make out in the end, reader's gender is unmentioned for your imagination (and inclusion).
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lucifer takes another swig of his whisky, a slight burning sensation lingering on his throat. no matter the amount of alcohol he consumed that night, he couldn't escape the bitter feeling that was left inside his chest.
the two of you have been hitting it off pretty well for the past few weeks, if he could say so himself. the harmless complimenting and the subtle glancing had turned into ardent flirting and shows of affection overtime. you two were finally going somewhere with your mutual pinning, or so he thought.
lucifer didn't think his small (not so small) crush on you would lead anywhere, really. nor did he think you would reciprocate his infatuation. but with all the friendly interactions you had of late, anyone would assume you two were together in a romantic light.
now look, lucifer prides himself as a person. he was assertive, efficient, productive, level-headed and the voice of reason when stress is most prominent. but as a lover? lucifer wasn't so sure. he assumed you'd like someone more jolly and eccentric like mammon or someone more confident and charismatic like asmodeus. he didn't expect for you to even spare him a second glance when it came to the dating game. lucifer was a busy man after all, and he wasn't the most expressive when it came to emotions; not very ideal for a lover.
but what lucifer also did not expect was for you to bring home a common demon boy and introduce him as your significant other.
let's just say that all the built up tension and courting were all ruined by a single dinner party.
you had gathered all the demon brothers earlier that morning, claiming you had an important announcement to make. you went as far as inviting diavolo and his loyal butler, barbatos, to spend the evening over for dinner. they thanked you for the invitation, but they unfortunately, could not attend because of their hectic schedules.
lucifer, on the other hand, was more than happy to accept your invitation (though he was quick to cover up the smile he held when you came up to him). seeing as he already lives under the same roof as you, anways. his happiness would soon be diminished and grinded into dirty, pathetic, dust, though.
lucifer's eyes narrow as mammon's loud laughter bounces off the walls of the dining room. lucienne, your "boyfriend", had managed to crack the demon up with one of his silly stories about a strange elderly wizard that sold expensive medication made out of fairy wings that turned out to just be bedazzled dragon fly wings. he worked wonders with the avatar of greed, considering the fact that just a moment ago, mammon was cursing in jealousy and resentment as you sat with your newly introduced boyfriend.
luficer would've told mammon to shut up, but he feared saying something far more vulgar out of anger. the previous tension was already eased into a more domesticated athmosphere (credits to lucienne's charm and humor), lucifer didn't want to ruin dinner for his brothers, and especially not for you.
i mean, lucifer felt betrayed, he felt used and-- and played. how could you lead him on like this? but deep inside, he knew there was something else. he felt disappointed, he felt defeated, he felt crushed, he wished he'd done something sooner before this lucienne stole you away from him.
but anyways, back to the dinner party.
"you seem unusually quiet, lucy." asmo teases from across lucifer's seat. the phrase seems to capture everyone's attention, all eyes now on the grimacing and glaring lucifer.
"asmo's right, you haven't uttered a word since lucienne arrived, lucifer. is something wrong?" you chime in, causing lucifer to perk up. the thought of you worrying about his state sent sparks into his heart, but they were quick to disappear when lucienne asks him the same question.
"i'm fine." he replies to your concern, unable to hide the venom that strung on to his words. this only causes asmodeus to snicker, and leviathan to sink deeper into his seat. everyone else watches in concern as lucifer downs another glass of demom whiskey. you're about to ask him again, unsure about his reply, but he stops you before you could even form a word.
"i said i'm fine."
the air is tense, until eventually, mammon gasps out of nowhere. "don't tell me! lucifer is jealous!!~" he repeats in a sing song manner, only irking lucifer even further. no one else speaks up, the whole situation akward enough.
after a while, though, lucienne speaks up. he gestures at mammon, especially. hoping to stop the demon from escalating the situation. "hey mammon, wanna hear about that one time i accidentally professed my love for my eight grade math teacher?" mammon only settles back into his seat, ready for another laughing fit. the avatar of pride snaps at this, slamming his fists down the table before abruptly excusing himself with a "i have something to do."
he spares you one last glance. his heart aching with guilt from the way you had lowered your head in shame. lucifer didn't want to make you feel like he owned you, or that you weren't allowed to be with someone else... he just, he has enough reason to justify his anger right now and he really wants to dwell in it. he turns his head away from you, biting his lip to contain the guilt and pain that was threatening to seep out. he doesn't turn to look back as he walks away from the dining room in long and rushed strides.
lucifer walks down the dark hallways of lamentation, familiar with every nook and cranny the mansion had. he sighs in relief as his palm reaches out for a familiar door. it creaks as lucifer walks into his room, sounding just as glum as lucifer is.
he heads straight to his paperwork, silently hoping that they would provide him some sort of comfort. he tries to focus on anything but the thought of you or your unavailability, his mind barely processing any of the words that were printed out in front of him. he groans, his hands pulling on his jet black hair in frustration.
i mean, he should've expected this. lucienne was everything lucifer thought you would love. funny outgoing, caring, expressive, charismatic, a smooth talker and he looked at you with utmost respect and admiration. i mean, who in their right mind would choose old-schooled lucifer over the flawless lucienne?
you deserve lucienne and although lucifer thinks that no one in the three realms could ever deserve to call you theirs, he still thinks that lucienne is more deserving of you than lucifer could ever be. what were you doing to the poor demon? he was never one to admit defeat like this, and he especially wasn't the type of person that'd lower themself like this.
his rollercoaster of thoughts are interrupted by a gentle knock on the door. his ears already familiar with this particular knocking pattern. he can't help but straighten himself up, suddenly aware of the way his hair is all sprawled out. he slicks it down with saliva, muttering a small "enter" soon after he finshes checking on his appearance.
his mood lightens just a little bit at the sight of your face. as much as lucifer wants to hate you right now, he couldn't possibly feel that way towards you. never, not in a quadrillion light years.
you sit down in front of him, a genuine look of concern on your face. this makes lucifer visibly frown, catching you a bit off guard. "i wanted to talk to you about something, lucifer." his eyes grow curious and a bit hopeful, wishing it were about something that would distract him from the current situation or give him even the tiniest bit of closure.
"it's about lucienne." and once again, you manage to crush all his hope with only a few words. lucifer swears that if he hears that name one more time, he would personally shove your lovely boyfriend down the deepest depths of the underworld.
you watch his brows furrow and his fist tighten on his quill. lucifer looks far from happy to hear you talk about your significant other right now. "look, i know you'd rather not hear about lucienne again, but it's really really important and i want you to just hear me out. just this once, please?"
lucifer couldn't stand the pleading look you were giving him. your puppy eyes were a weapon that you used on him often, and they always managed to work. a tired sigh leaves his lips, if it meant getting it over with then he'd listen. "fine," he snaps, not before rubbing at his temple in obvious distress. he's said fine, but his body language told you otherwise.
"someone's kind of harassing lucienne at the moment. stalking him, giving him unwanted gifts and constantly professing their love for him when he's told them multiple times that it made him uncomfortable. they're an admirer of some sorts. i'm posing as lucienne's lover in hopes that they'd back off for a while, but i wanted to see if you and diavolo could do some actual help. it's worrisome, really. and it's been stressing lucienne out for the past couple of weeks. pretending to be his significant other is the most i can do for him, i hope you understand."
lucifer only freezes in shock, guilt washing over him all so suddenly. you call out for him, effectively snapping him out of his short daze. of course you'd offer to help lucienne out, you've always been a kind person. in lucifer's eyes, atleast. he coughs into his hand, avoiding eye contact with you as he degrades himself for his previous selfishness.
"of course, i'll do my best to make sure this harasser is punished. the school and i will ensure that lucienne won't be seeing this stalker anytime soon. just keep supporting him like this, i suppose. tell him he can sleep here for the night. thank you for informing me about this." you smile at lucifer's response, relief overwhelming your senses. if this meant that lucienne was finally going to be safe and unbothered, you were overjoyed.
you jump at lucifer, thanking him, all the while, squeezing the life out of him. his heart races impossibly fast at the gesture, and you can't help but smirk at the red that tainted his cheeks. "just so you know, i still like you. and only you, lucy."
his breath comes to a halt. he was no longer able to contain the butterflies that crowded his stomach; shock and well, pure bliss apparent on his face. "does this mean i can kiss you?"
"do anything as you please."
lucifer lunges at you. capturing your lips into a hungry and impatient kiss. his hands roam all over your torso, looking for anything he could hold onto. he settles for your waist and you drape your hands over his shoulders. heaven knows how long he's been waiting for this moment.
he manages to stumble through his room, leading you two to his bed. you part as he pushes you down to sit at the end of his king sized bed. he grins at the sight of you, disheveled and thirsty for more. the avatar of pride couldn't help but be excited for the faces you'll make in the unholy endeavors he's planning for you. he'll devour you, tear apart every innocent limb you have in your body. his imagination runs wild as he thinks of the many ways he'd mark you as his, exhibit you to the world and spread you wide open for his contenders to see. for them to know just how pathetic and needy lucifer could make you in an instant.
he bends down to kiss you again, pushing against your tounge with his own. he squeezes your thighs, digging his nails deep into the skin under the cloth still covering you. groans and grunts leave your lips as he countinues to caress your plush thighs.
as you two part, panting, a newfound possessiveness overtakes lucifer's eyes.
"you're mine."
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hekateanwitchcraft · 4 years
An Introduction to Worshipping Medeia
As a Hellenic witch, the worship of Medeia is an important part of my practice. She was a witch and priestess of Hekate, possessing nearly unparalleled knowledge of magic and poisons. I wanted to write this post to give some background on who Medeia is, her role as a witch and a priestess, and how I have come to honor her in my practice.
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Who is Medeia?
Medeia (Μήδεια) is given mainly two parentages, either Aeetes, son of Helios, and Eidyia, daughter of Oceanus, or Hekate and Aeetes. Hesiod offers us a description of the first, writing:
“To the tireless Sun the renowned Oceanid Perseïs bore Circe and King Aeetes. Aeetes, son of the Sun who makes light for mortals, married by the gods’ design another daughter of Oceanus the unending river, fair-cheeked Idyia; and she bore him the trim-ankled Medea, surrendering in intimacy through golden Aphrodite” (Hesiod 31)
Alternatively, Diodorus names Hekate and Aeetes as her parents, explaining:
“Perses had a daughter, Hecate, and she excelled her father in her brazen lawlessness...She was a keen contriver of mixtures of deadly drugs [pharmaka], and she discovered the so-called aconite. She tested the powers of each drug by mixing it into the food given to strangers...After this she married Aeetes and gave birth to two daughters, Circe and Medea, and also a son Aigialeus” (qtd. in Ogden 78)
Either of these parentages could make sense, but I personally observe the first.
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(Art: Medea by Frederick Sandys)
Medeia as the Witch Priestess of Hekate
One of Medeia’s most important roles in literature and myth is that she is a priestess of Hekate and a witch, being called “Medea of the many spells” (Apollonius of Rhodes 109). In most literature there is no way to separate these roles. 
She was extremely devoted to Hekate, Apollonius of Rhodes stating that “as a rule she did not spend her time at home, but was busy all day in the temple of Hecate, of whom she was priestess” (116). Euripides also writes that Medea says “I swear it by her, my mistress, whom most I honor and have chosen as partner, Hecate, who dwells in the recesses of my hearth” (Euripides 13). Clearly, the relationship between her and Hekate was very close, and it was said on occasion that she even learned magic from Hekate, Herself. Apollonius of Rhodes writes that “[t]here is a girl living in Aeetes’ palace whom the goddess Hecate has taught to handle with extraordinary skill all the magic herbs that grow on dry land or in running water” (123). Diodorus also claims this, but adds an interesting addendum that attributes to the character of Medeia:
“They report that Medea learned all the powers of drugs from her mother [Hekate] and her sister [Kirke], but her own inclination was the opposite. For she continually saved the strangers that put in from dangers” (qtd. in Ogden 79)
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(Art: Medea the Sorceress by Valentine Cameron Prinsep)
Regardless of the origins of her powers, they were no doubt incredible. Apollonius of Rhodes explains that “she can put out a raging fire, she can stop rivers as they roar in spate, arrest a star, and check the movement of the sacred moon” (123). In one instance Apollonius states that “the beautiful Medea spell through the palace, and for her the very doors responding to her hasty incantations swung open of their own accord...From there she meant to reach the temple. She knew the road well enough, having often roamed in that direction searching for corpses and noxious roots, as witches do” (148). This is clearly an indicator that her powers are incredible, but what is even more awe-inspiring is what Apollonius says happens next:
“Rising from the distant east, the Lady Moon [Selene], Titanian goddess, saw the girl wandering distraught, and in wicked glee said to herself: ’So I am not the only one to go astray for love, I that burn for beautiful Endymion and seek him in the Latmian cave. How many times, when I was bent on love, have you disorbed me with your incantations, making the night moonless so that you may practice your beloved witchcraft undisturbed!” (148).
Medeia is said to be able to actually banish the moon Herself from the sky, an unimaginable feat. This is indicative of the degree of power she possesses, having sway over nature itself.
She is most known to have used her knowledge and powers repeatedly to help Jason, her husband, on his quest for the Golden Fleece. The first instance of this was that she made Jason an ointment which would make him invincible. Apollonius describes this in length, writing that:
“She had twelve maids, young as herself and all unmarried...She called them now and told them to yoke the mules to her carriage at once, as she wished them to drive to the spending Temple of Hecate; and while they were getting the carriage ready she took a magic ointment form her box. This salve was named after Prometheus. A man had only to smear it on his body, after procreating the only-begotten Maiden [Hekate] with a midnight offering, to become invulnerable by sword or fire” (131-2)
He continues, detailing the ritual of how she obtained the plant she used to make this ointment:
“Medea, clothed in black, in the gloom of night, had drawn off this juice in a Caspian shell after bathing in seven perennial streams and calling seven times on Brimo, nurse of youth, Brimo, night-wanderer of the underworld, Queen of the dead. The dark earth shook and rumbled underneath the Titan root when it was cute, and Prometheus himself groaned in the anguish of his soul” (132). 
Here we see a process that is depicted often, the bathing of Medeia and her ritualistic harvesting of herbs. We also see her here call on Brimo (Βριμω), an epithet of Hekate, in Her role as nurse of the young (Kourotrophos/Κουροτρόφος), night-wanderer (Νυκτιπολος/Nyktipolos), of the Underworld (Χθονιη/Kthonia), and Queen of the Dead (Ανασσα ενεροι/Anassa Eneroi), indicating the importance of Hekate to her witchcraft. 
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(Art: Jason and Medea by John William Waterhouse)
A similar harvesting of herbs and roots is seen in fragments of Sophocles’ play The Root-Cutters. What we have of the play states that “She [Medea] covers her eyes with her hand and collects up the white-clouded juice that drips from the cut in bronze jars...the covered chests conceal the roots, which this woman reaped, naked, with bronze sickles, while crying out and howling” (qtd. in Ogden 83). Hekate is then said to be “crowned with oak branches and snakes” (qtd. in Ogden 83). Then the women chant “Lord of the sun and holy fire [Helios], sword of Hecate of the roads, which she carries over Olympus as she attends and as she traverses the sacred crossroads of the land, crowned with oak and the woven coils of snakes, falling on her shoulders” (qtd. in Ogden 83). In this short but incredible fragment we see that Medeia calls on both Hekate and Helios, her grandfather, to bless their ritual. We also see a repeat of incantations to harvest magical herbs, and an introduction of her association with bronze. 
Another one of Medea’s feats was charming the snake that guarded the Golden Fleece into a slumber. In the Argonautica, Apollonius of Rhodes writes:
“The monster in his sheath of horny scares rolled forward his interminable coils, like the eddies of black smoke that spring from smoldering logs...But as he writhed he saw the maiden take her stand, and heard her in sweet voices invoking Sleep [Hypnos], the conqueror of the gods, to charm him. She also called on the night-wandering queen of the world below [Hekate] to countenance her efforts...the giant snake, enchanted by her song, was soon relaxing the whole length of his serrated spine and smoothing out his multitudinous undulations...Yet his grim head still hovered over them and the cruel jaws threatened to snap them up. But Medea, chanting a spell, dipped a fresh sprig of juniper in her brew and sprinkled his eyes with her most potent drugs and as the all-pervading magic scent spread around his head, sleep fell on him.” (150-1). 
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(Medea and the Dragon by Maxwell Ashby Armfield)
She was also said to have killed the giant Talos, a gift given to Zeus from Hephaistos, with her witchcraft, specifically the Evil Eye. In this more horrifying passage, it is said that:
“[W]ith incantations, she invoked the Sprits of Death [Keres], the swift hounds of Hades who feed on souls and haunt the lower air to pounce on living men. She sank to her knees and called upon them three times in song, three times with spoken prayers. She steeled herself with their malignity and bewitched the eyes of Talos with the evil in her own. She flung at him the full force of her malevolence, and in an ecstasy of rage she plied him with images of death” (Apollonius of Rhodes 192). 
In this passage, she calls on the Keres, and with them is able to use the evil eye to bring immediate death to a direct creation of the gods. This is a horrifying feat, not only for the power it must require, but for her ability to kill in an instant. 
Finally, she also is said to have rejuvenated Jason’s father Aeson. In Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Jason pleads with Medea to take years of his own life to give more to his father, but she rejects him saying that Hekate will not allow such a thing to take place. Instead, she offers that through her witchcraft, instead, if Hekate is willing to help her, she may rejuvenate him. Under the full moon, Medeia performs the ritual. She calls on Hekate, Night, the Moon, and Helios to aid her in her task (126-7). A chariot drawn by dragons appears to her and she takes it to gather herbs harvested with her bronze scythe. After nine days and nights, she returns to Jason to perform the ritual. The ritual is extensive and is essentially repeated in full. She builds two altars, one to Hecate and one to Hebe. She also digs two ditches on sacrifices a black sheep into the ditches, also pouring wine and milk into them. She also calls on the “deities of the earth” which may mean deities of the land or chthonic deities, and Hades. Once she appeases these gods and goddesses, she spells Aeson to sleep on a bed of herbs and tells Jason to leave her to perform her magic. She then dips sticks into pools of blood and lights them with the flames on the altars, then purifying the man once with fire, three times with water, and three times with sulfur. 
She then adds many herbs, roots, and flowers to her bronze cauldron as well as “hoar frost gathered under the full moon, the wings of the uncanny screech owl with the flesh as well, and the entrails of a werewolf which has the power of changing its wild-beast features into a man’s. There also in the pot is the scaly skin of a slender Cinyphian water-snake, the liver of a long-lived stag, to which she also adds eggs and the head of a crow nine generations old” (Ovid 129). Then, she slits the throat of Aeson and replaced his blood with her potion, finally rejuvenating him. 
There is more descriptions of Medeia’s magical feats throughout literature, but these are simply some of the most detailed and famous. She is clearly a very powerful witch and a significant figure within the history of Hekate worship. With her bronze cauldron and chariot of dragons, she is quite awe-inspiring.
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(Art: The Sorceress by R. Willis Maddox)
Medeia’s Character
One of the issues we run into with Medeia’s mythos is her defamation and portrayal as a child-murdering and vengeful woman. She is indeed vengeful against Jason, and rightfully so, for he bade her to leave her homeland, murder her brother, and constantly had her aid him with her witchcraft, only to abandon her for another. However, Euripides’ tale of her brutally murdering her children has some criticisms from scholars who note that there are other versions of the tale. 
One such tale is that from Apollodorus who writes that “Another tradition is that on her flight she left behind her children, who were still infants, setting them as suppliants on the altar of Hera of the Height; but the Corinthians removed them and wounded them to death” (1.9.28). In the modern era, a scholar named Sarah Illes Johnston, author of Restless Dead and Hekate Soteira, also writes that Medea prays to Hera Akraia to make her children immortal, and Hera either declines or breaks her promise to fulfill this task, leaving the children to die (62-3). Johnston denies the implication of Medea in her children’s death, instead attributing it to circumstances outside her control or by the hand of another.
These different tellings of Medeia’s story fits with the Colchian princess who aids Jason in a much more believable way than the suddenly spiteful women who murders her children. This variation is less popular, the other being popularized perhaps to demonize magic and women of power.
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(Art: Medea by Eve De Morgan)
Worshipping Medeia
Now that Medeia’s character and mythological status has been discussed, I think it’s important to talk about how I actually go about worshipping Medeia. I worship Medeia in both divine and ancestral ways, which I suppose could be attributed to methods of hero worship in Ancient Greece. Worshipping Medeia can be done alongside Hekate and/or Helios, as well as alongside Kirke. If you observe the Mighty Dead or Witch Ancestors, she could also be worshipped alongside them.
Offerings for Medeia can include wine, frankincense, milk, honey, food, poisons, sacred plants, bronze artifacts, candles, snake parts or figurines and dragon figurines, artifacts of witchcraft, and even Hekate iconography. One could also offer her blood, but that is up to your personal discretion. 
Names and Epithets
Names/epithets I call Medeia include ‘Of the Many Spells,’ ‘Vengeful Maiden,’ ‘Witch Priestess of Hekate,’ ‘Medea of Poisons,’ ’She Who Knows All Herbs,’ ‘Giant-Slayer,’ one that could also be said of Hekate, ‘Princess of Colchis,’ ‘Granddaughter of Helios,’ ’Daughter of Sun and Moon,’ one I use to indicate her relationship to Helios and her devotion to Hekate, and Medea Pharmakeia, or Medeia of Witchcraft/Magic. 
Sacred Objects
Sacred plants of Medeia could include any poisons, juniper, olive, and aconite specifically. Sacred animals include dragons and snakes. Bronze is also sacred to Medea, as are cauldrons of any kind. 
Medeia can be called upon for justice and vengeance, especially for spells of justice and vengeance, witchcraft of any kind, to bless herbs, for gardening, for aid in Hekate worship, for the downfall of your enemies, for protection from harm, for protection from snakes, and for guidance in magic.
Prayers to Medeia
Prayer for Medea’s Aid in Witchcraft
Prayer to Medea for Vengeance
In conclusion, while Medeia may not be a part of the usual canon of hero worship, or worship in general, if you are a devotee of Hekate or Helios, worshipping Medeia might be right for you. Likewise, any witch who observes the Hellenic pantheon should give serious thought to venerating Medeia in their practice. 
Works Cited:
Medea by Euripides
Magic, Witchcraft, and Ghosts in the Ancient Greek and Roman Worlds by Daniel Ogden
The Voyage of Argo by Apollonius of Rhodes
Theogony by Hesiod
The Library by Apollodorus
The Metamorphoses by Ovid
“Corinthian Medea and the Cult of Hera Akraia” by Sarah Illes Johnston
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(Art: Medea Casting Spells by Henry Ferguson)
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linktheacehero · 2 years
God of Death?? 👀 very intrigued 👀
ok so I had this idea of a what if he had the Persephone and Hades story (the one where she stumbles upon the door of the Underworld) but make it zelink.
thus this was born
I've been exploring with the worldbuilding and lore for it cause Hyrule has no death deity or anything referencing the afterlife so this has been fun.
I have Link as the Death god who is similar to Hades in the aspect of being in charge of organizing the souls and making sure everything is in order (he's also in the Fierce Deity style with the markings, hair and lv. of power) but he also sometimes collects the souls, not all the time though.
Midna is here as the Goddess of magic and Twilight and her kingdom is in the Realm of the Dead and helps Link with her people being reapers, judges, guides, etc for the souls. They also provide punishment for the dammed and make sure demons don't escape to the mortal realm.
Zelda is a powerful demigod, daughter of the goddess of life. Her real name is Hylia but she likes to be called Zelda. Her dad and Impa, a sage, raise her.
and then there's Faydraal, the three headed dragon who guards the gates of the Underworld and Link's pet.
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quazartranslates · 3 years
Welcome to the Nightmare Game II - CH52
**This is an edited machine translation. For more information, please [click here]**
[<<< Previous Chapter | Table of Contents | Next Chapter >>>]
Chapter 52: Purgatory Reunion (IV)
[Player Qi Leren has arrived in Purgatory and started the task: Sacrifice of the Devil King]
[Task background: Three years ago, the Devil of Slaughter provoked the Devil of Power, and was suppressed by the Devil of Power and the Devil of Fraud in Purgatory’s lake of fire. However, he did not die nor give up, but silently waited for an opportunity. Three years later, the seal was accidentally loosened, and the Devil of Slaughter’s consciousness broke free from the seal and began to look for a way to resurrect...]
[Task requirements: Destroy the Devil of Slaughter and gain one third of the authority of the Devil of Destruction.]
[Data synchronization countdown, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, synchronization completed.]
"Oh? So, this martial law is the order of the Devil of Power herself?" a person in leather boots whispered in a sexy, soft voice. If they didn't pay attention, the voice would be covered by the wind passing through the underground passage.
But who dared to not listen carefully? The lower demon secretly glanced at the succubus, facing his smiling yet cold eyes. He looked at him as if he was a maggot crawling on the ground, which scared him, and said in a trembling voice: "I don't know... I just heard..."
"Heard?" The succubus repeated the word, his tone full of deep dissatisfaction.
"No no no, sir, the rumors are likely to be true! There was an abnormality in Purgatory’s lake of fire before, that is, the lake of fire that suppressed the Devil of Slaughter... I think that there may be a problem with the seal on the Devil of Slaughter! That’s it!" the lower demon quickly explained, fearing that the succubus would kill him in annoyance.
"Hehe." The succubus chuckled inexplicably and stopped.
Ahead was a huge underground space, which was too high for the top of the cave to be seen. The fluorescent plants and fluorescent moths covered this pure darkness from their perches on the rock walls, which made it seem as though the cave walls of this bottomless underground nest were dotted with starry light.
They were standing in an underground valley at this time, opposite to another underground valley, and between the two cliffs was a moat-like abyss, with churning red magma flowing under their feet, like a rushing river rushing toward the deeper lake of fire.
"Sir, do you want to pass? The patrol is very strict on the other side, I'm afraid that if you’re found..." The lower demon carefully raised his head and observed the succubus.
The mysterious succubus was studying a crystal in his hand, and the lower demon recognized that it was a life crystal. The original clear crystal has overflowed with black smoke, and there were fine cracks on the crystal’s surface.
It seemed that the owner of this crystal was in a bad situation, no wonder he was in such a hurry…
However, whose life crystal was this? What did it have to do with this succubus?
The succubus was aware of the other’s snooping gaze, and tilted his head to glance at the lower demon behind him. The ruby-like eyes flowed with the innate charm of succubuses, but they were as cold as ice: "Is there a more hidden path?"
The lower demon did not dare to look at him again. He bowed his head to suppress his rapid heartbeat, but he still saw the succubus’ long legs that were wrapped in leather pants so tight he may as well have been naked. After mentally rehearsing ten times, he said cautiously: "There is indeed one."
Magma ran rapidly through the canyon, and the succubus’ smile as he stood on the cliff deepened, murmuring in a dreamy way: "That's great."
It seemed that he had saved his small life, and the lower demon breathed a sigh of relief. Since he had been caught by this mysterious succubus an hour ago and forced him to "sell" a slew of intelligence, he was always in awe. As a well-known information broker near Purgatory, he was cautious in his daily life, rarely came forward himself, and lived a very low profile. So when he woke up this time and found a succubus sitting on the bay window opposite the bed, smiling as he twirled a dagger in his hand, he was really scared.
Comfortable days had passed for so long that he’d almost forgotten the terror of being on the edge of life and death.
Now, he coaxed the shadowy boss in a desperation to keep him pleased, and helped him hurry to the lake of fire. Anyway, he wasn’t curious... Well, there was still a little curiosity. Who was this succubus working for? What was his purpose for coming to Purgatory at this delicate moment? He definitely wasn’t with the Devil of Power or the Devil of Fraud, otherwise he wouldn’t need to be so careful.
Was he an old follower of the Devil of Slaughter? Or..... was he simply a follower of the fallen Lord of Destruction...
The lower demon did not dare to think about it any more. He lost 10% of his caution. He took the succubus around the patrol line, crossed the magma river in the underground valley, and finally came to the strictest area.
"This is it. Go from here and pass through the warning zone to reach the lake of fire. However, the area around the lake of fire has been completely blocked. I heard that a large-scale conflict broke out last night. Right now, entrance and exit from the lake has been barred. I can only take you this far. Next..." The lower demon rubbed his hands and smiled in a professional manner, fearing that the succubus would turn on him at any moment.
The succubus stood outside the warning zone, and the channels extended in all directions in front of him seemed like an ant's nest. He was afraid that the demons patrolling in the cave would cause a chain reaction.
Qi Leren sighed in his heart. He’d never thought that he would encounter so many difficulties after entering the Underground Ant City.
If it wasn't for the fact that the Court had given him a lot of resources and help, even if he spent ten days or half a month alone, he couldn't so much as touch the right way, let alone find the den of an underground information broker, and even coax and scare him into leading the way.
But even under such efficiency, there was not much time left for him.
There was only less than an hour's journey left to reach the lake, but this journey required vigilance. Qi Leren, who hadn't slept a wink for more than a day, had passed the point of exhaustion, but now was both energetic and filled with anxiety.
He was too afraid that it was too late.
"The conflict last night, tell me in detail," the succubus said lightly.
"This... is suspected to be caused by the old Devil of Destruction’s people. Specifically... I didn't go to work because I was with you so early this morning. The detailed information can be presented to you immediately when I go back and sort it out!"
The succubus hissed, and his red eyes showed deep contempt and murderous intent: "Do you still need to tidy up?"
"No no no no, I mean... I only have hearsay, I haven't tried to verify it, I'm afraid it’s not reliable."
"Let's hear it."
"Okay, sir. About a month ago, the lake of fire began to behave strangely, and died down after an underground volcanic eruption, but two days ago, several big demons from the underworld appeared near Purgatory. All of them were the old staff of the Lord of Destruction, and they seemed to explore something near the lake of fire. Since the fall of the Destroyer, they seldom come out, and this time they suspiciously appeared together. That is, in these two days, a low-level demon disappeared and was killed near the lake of fire. This kind of thing is very common, and we did not pay attention until last night..."
The lower devil's face showed a complex expression of fear and reverence. He lowered his voice and excitedly told the secret: "Last night, someone saw the body of a high-level demon in the canyon downstream of the lake of fire, soaked in lava, and flowing down along the magma... There were as many ants, which were crushed by the dark pressure. Then the whole of Purgatory went under martial law, and the lake of fire area became particularly strict. If you try to enter carelessly, you’ll be killed!"
"Who did it?" asked the succubus.
"We don't know that, but there is a clue. Last night, a demon heard a dragon roaring near the lake of fire. At that time, the whole canyon around the lake of fire was shaking, like an earthquake. The stones collapsed and fell everywhere. He ran quickly but saw nothing else."
"A dragon roaring..." the succubus whispered thoughtfully.
Getting the map of this area, he let the hapless demon information broker go. Qi Leren took off the "costume" he had used while undercover with the Slaughter Secret Society, changed into clothes more convenient for movement, and threw the fancy leather boots covered with sequins and silver chains on his feet back into the item bar, then hurriedly walked into the cave.
The dragon roaring last night was probably Ning Zhou awakening to the power of Destruction and transforming into a magic dragon. Was the big fight last night related to Ning Zhou's final death? Qi Leren couldn't be sure. Right now, he couldn't wait to fly to him when he thought of how close Ning Zhou was.
He had to catch up, and he would catch up. Qi Leren shook his fist, equipped the necessary skill cards, and touched the Prophet's Heart item hanging on his chest. He wanted to pass this area of the martial law’s warning zone. In addition to relying on maps and hidden technology, he had to rely on Secretly Observing. If it was really impossible...
Even with the Prophet’s Heart, he would have to forcibly cross the warning zone into the lake of fire.
He couldn't wait any longer.
Prepared psychologically, Qi Leren took a deep breath and strode forward.
The last guard post was already ahead, and [Secretly Observing] has also entered cooldown. Qi Leren’s body was tightly pressed to the rock wall, listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer. The patrolling demons held torches, which lit up the dark environment.
It seemed to be just a few ordinary demons, otherwise they wouldn't need torches to see.
Below this cliff was a huge "lake", with smoke rising above the brightly burning lava, making this cold underground like a burning hell. This was the lake of fire. Ning Zhou was here.
Qi Leren closed his eyes and calculated the most likely way to break through.
The patrolling demons were in groups of two. It would be very difficult for him to kill two demons silently at the same time. Once he failed, the demons on the guard post nearby would set off a chain reaction... If there’s a storm ahead, take a detour...
There was a loud bang, and the demons on patrol stopped and whispered, "What happened? Is it going crazy again? "
"Who knows. Be careful, don't be too lazy. Many people died yesterday."
The ground suddenly shook, as if an earthquake had broken out!
Loose rocks on the rock wall fell down in pieces, causing a lot of turmoil. Qi Leren, who was waiting for an opportunity, took this opportunity to rush out. When the two patrolling demons panicked, he took care of them sharply and neatly. Rather than dealing with the bodies, he went through the last sentry post as the rocks continued falling and rushed to the cliff ahead without looking back.
It was as if a window had been opened in the huge rock wall. Qi Leren stood at this window and looked down.
As far as he could see, the world was a vast red, bigger and more cruel than the scene in his dream. The air was so hot that he couldn't breathe, his mouth only seeming to suck the hot flames into his lungs and ignite his body.
The terrible height and heat made Qi Leren dizzy. It was difficult to imagine a glacier here, because the glacier would quickly melt in his mind.
This hot land made up of hot magma was like being placed in a high-pressure boiler, extremely hot. Even if there was a distance of more than 100 meters from the magma beneath his feet, the heat was like a red soldering iron pressed against his skin.
It wasn’t just hot, it was a painful torment. Just standing here was like a desperate slug on an asphalt road, dried by the hot August sun.
Qi Leren gawked at the sight beneath his feet. This scarlet lake of fire was burning, and a few black rocky islands were baked in it... No, it wasn't all rocks.
One of the black, half-submerged shadows in lava was...
This scene overlapped with his dying dream—the black dragon slowly sank into the lake of fire, never to exist again.
Was it too late? Was he already too late?
Qi Leren's legs went soft and he knelt on the ground, his mind going blank.
There was another loud noise, and the magma spewing out of the lake set off a surging wave in the lake of fire, lapping against the black dragon's body. The dragon that had been lying quietly in the lake of fire moved, and Qi Leren also moved at the sight of it.
The black dragon raised its head and looked at the thick domed ceiling. Its claws extended from under the lave, slapped hard on the lake of fire’s surface, and then roared. In a flash, the whole underground lake shook crazily, and the whole world seemed to be turned upside down. The magma gathered into a tsunami and washed in all directions. The surrounding rock walls dropped stones that crashed into the lava, and the rock wall above them...
The dome of the underground cave, the top of which couldn’t be seen, seemed to be torn apart by the terrible power. Suddenly huge stones were falling, pouring down in a heavy rain that made the surface of this flaming lake more and more turbulent. It turned into a horrible hell where fire fell like rain!
The black dragon stood in the lake of fire, and the overwhelming burning stones lit up the dark underground world. It was angry, sad, and desperate, and countless negative emotions gathered in it, making it roar at the invisible sky—
The dome cracked, and the top of the underground cave was torn open by the violent force, so that a beam of light pierced the earth and fell into Purgatory.
It was light, not the burning flames of sulfur and magma.
Just after the light fell, a familiar call crossed the distance between life and death and came to its ears:
"Ning Zhou—!!!”
Maybe it was because of the light, or maybe it was because of this voice, but the furious black dragon suddenly quieted down. It stood quietly in the lake of fire, looking at the distant hole in the rock wall, which was brighter than the sun.
Amidst the bright holy light, a silvery white light like fine gauze slowly stretched out, just like a huge lotus flower in full bloom. In that light, there is a mirage of paradise at dusk, and countless hymns were played there, washing away one’s inner pain.
In this light, a holy angel with white wings fell from the cliff and fell from Heaven toward Purgatory’s lake of fire without hesitation.
The holy and elegant white wings fluttered gently. The warm and quiet power extinguished the raging flames burning on the lake of fire along the way, and the terrible suffocating heat dissipated with them, turning into a paradise in the light. The reflection of Heaven appeared on the lake of fire wherever he passed.
The holy angel landed on a black rock in the lake of fire, just in front of the dragon.
And the light falling from the broken dome just happened to fall on him.
The earth shaking world had subsided, the downpour of fiery rain had subsided, and the scarred black dragon had also subsided.
They stared at each other as if they were staring at their own souls. One was full of cracks that were on the verge of breaking, and the other was about to be pulled by despair into the abyss of Destruction.
It was at this moment that they were all redeemed by gentleness.
The author has something to say:
PS: They finally meet again! This scene is ranked as the no.2 scene that I wanted to write in the second part. It should be more beautiful in my brain... I accidentally burst the word count OTZ, First explain the cause and effect clearly, and then start a sweet love ^_^
By the way, everyone should have guessed how Ning Zhou died before, right?
Editor’s Notes: Double update today because I think this and the next chapter are best read side by side. Please continue on~
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astronomy-posts · 3 years
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In mythology, the constellation Hercules is usually associated with the penultimate labour of Heracles, which involved defeating the dragon Ladon, who guarded the garden of the Hesperides. The dragon is represented by the constellation Draco. Hercules constellation was first catalogued by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century.
Heracles was the son of Zeus and Alcmene, a mortal woman. When he was an infant, Zeus laid him at Hera’s breast while she slept. Having suckled her milk, Heracles became immortal. Hera was enraged by this and made Heracles’ life difficult at every turn. She cast a spell that made him lose his mind and turn against his children. Once he regained his senses and realized what he had done, he visited the Oracle at Delphi to see how he could atone for his deed. The Oracle sent him to serve Eurystheus, king of Mycenae, for a period of 12 years. It was then that he got the name Heracles, which means “the glory of Hera.” His given name at birth was Alcides, Alcaeus, or Palaemon according to different sources.
King Eurystheus gave Heracles a series of tasks, known as the Labours of Heracles. The first was to defeated the Nemean lion, a beast with an impenetrable skin. The Nemean lion is represented by the constellation Leo.
The second task was to destroy the Hydra, represented by Hydra constellation, a monster with multiple heads. As he fought with the beast, Hera sent a crab to distract him. Heracles did away with the crab, and Hera placed it in the sky as the constellation Cancer.
The ninth was to bring the king the belt of Hippolyte, the queen of the Amazons. The tenth labour was to steal the cattle of Geryon, a monster that lived on the island of Erytheia. On his way back, he was confronted by local forces that outnumbered and nearly overcame him. He sank to his knees and prayed to Zeus. The god helped him by sending rocks, which Heracles threw at his adversaries. This is the event that, according to Aeschylus, was commemorated by the constellation Engonasin (the kneeler).
Even though Eurystheus and Heracles had originally agreed on ten tasks, when Heracles came back, the king refused to release him from his service and set two additional tasks. The first was to steal the golden apples from Hera’s garden on Mount Atlas. The garden was guarded by the Hesperides, daughters of the titan Atlas, and the Hesperides were guarded by the dragon Ladon, whose task was to make sure that they did not steal any of the apples. The dragon is represented by the constellation Draco. Hera herself placed the dragon in the sky after Heracles had slain it.
The final labour was the most difficult one. Heracles was sent to the gates of the Underworld to fetch Cerberus, the dog that had three heads and was tasked with guarding the entrance and making sure those who had crossed the river Styx did not try to escape. Heracles used his pelt to protect himself and dragged the dog to Eurystheus. The king, who had not expected to see Heracles again, had no choice but to release him.
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Dig a Grave to Dig Out a Ghost - Chapter 27
Original Title: 挖坟挖出鬼
Genres: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Supernatural, Yaoi
This translation is based on multiple MTLs and my own limited knowledge of Chinese characters. If I have made any egregious mistakes, please let me know.
Chapter Index
Chapter 27 - Soul-Catcher
Enemies and friends were actually pretty interchangeable. For example, Lin Yan had to be on his guard with this ghost before, but when a new enemy appeared, it was the first time that he truly felt he and Xiao Yu were on the same side. Lin Yan glanced at the dimly lit hut, his head resting on Xiao Yu's chest. His slightly cool body temperature made him think an inexplicable thought; that he actually felt safe because of the presence of this ghost that never left him alone.
"What happened?" Xiao Yu held the back of Lin Yan's head.
"It's. . . it's nothing" Lin Yan blushed. He broke out from Xiao Yu's arms, hiding his head down and looking at the photo that the old man had given him. He had such a dull expression that it looked like the black and white picture had been taken after he had died. As he took a closer look, the place where the girl in the red coat had been standing wasn't completely empty. Lin Yan aggressively wiped the picture. A thin cloud of gray mist hovered around his legs. If he wasn't actively looking for it, he would've chalked it up to the old quality of the picture.
"Pea cakes, hawthorn jelly, fruitcakes, water chestnut cake, rolling donkeys, glutinous rice cakes." The vendor pushing the cart selling treats noticed Lin Yan standing by himself. He picked up a rag and wiped the glass window of the cart, shouting more enthusiastically. "Would you like to try some?"
The dry, dazzling sunlight shone down. The vendor's voice seemed like it was coming from another world, too distant to be clearly distinguished.
Things were moving in an unpredictable direction. Lin Yan shook his head and dragged Xiao Yu forward aimlessly, wracking through his brain. The first time he saw the little girl was in the hallway of his apartment building. There had been a problem with the elevator that day and he climbed the stairs to the twelfth floor. At the corner of the third-floor hallway, he saw the little girl climbing onto the handrail to play. Later, he would meet her downstairs almost every time he went home. Once Lin Yan arrived home just when the kids had just gotten out of school and large groups of students were playing football in the yard. He hadn't paid attention to the little girl sitting on her own. Now that he thought about it, he had never seen her talk to anyone.
It seemed like it had been a while since he last saw the little girl.
When did this start? Lin Yan walked with his head down, kicking a small stone as he walked. The corner of his eyes flicked across Xiao Yu's embellished hem, a bright white fabric decorated with a greenish emerald dragon spread out underneath the moire belt hanging down, swaying as he stepped. Lin Yan hesitantly cast his gaze towards the ghost next to him. The memory of Xiao Yu appearing on that rainy night resurfaced. When Lin Yan rushed out of his apartment in terror, he saw the little girl standing in the rain, sucking on her thumb and looking at him. If he hadn't been threatened by a ghost, he would've asked why she was standing alone outside on a rainy day.
From that day on, Lin Yan's life completely changed. He thought silently, ever since Xiao Yu had started following him, the girl in the red coat hadn't shown up again.
A thought jolted across his mind. Lin Yan almost couldn't stand still. He shook as he took his phone out of his pocket and dialled Yin Zhou's number.
'Beep. . . beep. . .' Pick up the phone, pick up the phone, Lin Yan silently urged.
". . . Lin Yan?" After ringing seven times, Yin Zhou's tired voice came from the phone: ". . . I'm sleeping. I'm hanging up if this isn't important."
Lin Yan breathed a sigh of relief. He clamped the phone between his ear and shoulder while pulling out his car keys and asked; "A-Zhou, do you remember what Second Immortal Gu told us the last time we asked her to drive away a ghost?"
"The old lady was just trying to scam a few bucks off us. . ." Yin Zhou reluctantly grumbled: "I think she said there was a little girl who didn't have any clothes or money to pay to get to the underworld, and then she poured water all over you. Complete bullshit."
Lin Yan's heart dropped: "Then Second Immortal Gu died and her time of death was deliberately changed."
"Yeah." Yin Zhou yawned: "Did you find something?"
Lin Yan dragged Xiao Yu towards the parking lot and harshly slammed the car door: "She wasn't talking bullshit. There really was a little girl in red following me. I took a picture with her but the developed picture didn't have her in it."
"Holy shit!" Yin Zhou was completely awake and bounced off the bed: "Are you kidding me? Another ghost?!"
"I'm not sure yet." Lin Yan turned the key to start the car, staring at the windshield, "That hand, it slapped the windshield when we went to see Second Immortal Gu and we almost got into a car accident. It didn't seem right to me when it happened, but it disappeared so fast, I couldn't see it."
"Now that I think about it, the hand was too small. It's not the ghost that lives in my house at all." Lin Yan glanced at Xiao Yu. "I also saw the little girl the day I went to meet you in the bar. At that time, I thought she was alive. I think she was the reason I was stuck in that loop on the road and she was the one behind Second Immortal Gu's death."
"I'll go ask A-Yan later on. Keep an eye out for anything."
Yin Zhou was silent for a while: ". . . Stay safe."
Lin Yan hung up the phone and carefully backed the car out of the parking space. The market in Shenjiyuan closed early. A group of vendors surged out from the entrance with the earnings from the day like a school of fish swimming by Lin Yan's car window. The jade shop by the side of the road screeched by on its grinding wheels. Lin Yan sighed and clutched the steering wheel, waiting for the crowd in front of them to disperse. When he turned to look at Xiao Yu, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty.
"It's always been you, hasn't it?" Lin Yan whispered.
"The night I first met you, I drove around the overpass for three hours and didn't find the exit until I saw you."
The patter of light rain, the lonely figure standing under the streetlamp like they were waiting for a promise that could never be fulfilled.
"At that time, I thought I was lost because of you. I didn't think that you were the one to help me get out of there." Lin Yan recalled how he had been circling around the overpass like a headless fly. He found it all kind of funny now. The ghost that scared him half to death now shared his house, shared his passenger seat and even shared his occasional uncontrollable sexual desires.
Xiao Yu rubbed his fingers against his temple, trying to remember. A-Yan said that ghosts who had just returned to the human world were in a state of confusion. They would keep searching for the reason why they were stuck in the human world with very few memories of their previous lives. Some of them were able to remember and reincarnate easily while others weren't successful, their resentment growing stronger and stronger. Lin Yan grabbed his hand and held it, feeling a little depressed, and murmured: "Forget it, don't worry about it."
He couldn't help but chuckle bitterly: "You've got your hands full now. Someone's trying to kill me before you get to."
". . . You're mine." Xiao Yu said slowly, pulling his hand back.
"I'm not." Lin Yan said. He didn't know why he was so stubborn every time this topic came up: "Even now, I'm not sure who you are or where you want to take me. A month ago I was a complete atheist, but now I've now more ghosts than people. My life is already a mess and today I ran into a little girl that almost killed me on a highway."
Lin Yan started getting choked up. He sniffed. For some reason, he felt a strong feeling of outrage: "Who did I provoke? Why won't they just let me live my life?"
Xiao Yu held Lin Yan's shoulders and rubbed his chin against his forehead. Lin Yan gritted his teeth and the stinging in his eyes grew more intense.
"I'm going to ask A-Yan about the little girl later. Xiao Yu, don't move. Let me rest for a minute." Lin Yan wrapped his arms around his waist and curled into Xiao Yu's arms. "I'm exhausted. "
Long, slender fingers stroked through his hair. They were cold but the gesture was very gentle: "Don't worry, I'm here."
"I know." Lin Yan played with the crimson silk belt around Xiao Yu's waist and let out a chuckle: "Save me for yourself. Don't let someone else kill me."
Lin Yan buried his face in Xiao Yu's chest. If he had heard that a month ago, he would've thought he was out of his mind, but now he said it sincerely as if he meant it when he tried to reassure him. He instinctively felt that what had happened recently was much more than a simple coincidence. It was as if a well-prepared lasso had been placed on the ground long ago, waiting for him to walk ignorantly into the center of the rope loop only for it to be violently tightened by an invisible giant hand. The staring little girl, the dead old lady, the pre-determined internship and obsessive ghosts. The crowd outside the car window slowly dispersed. Lin Yan held Xiao Yu's waist and couldn't help but think that even if he really fell into some unpredictable conspiracy, there was always something to hold on to.
He knew that there was something between them that couldn't be resolved or reconciled. He cautiously avoided thinking about it. The ghost made the first move. Lin Yan let out a long sigh. He struggled to sit up straight, turning and driving the car out of the parking lot.
There's still time. Think about it later, Lin Yan thought to himself.
The alleyway where A-Yan lived was as dark as the first time. The spider web he saw when he came last time had grown bigger. A round gray spider was hanging underneath and climbing with its eight hairy legs. The broken bicycle beneath the spider web was gone, replaced by a pile of large cardboard boxes covered in advertisements for weight loss tea.
A-Yan didn't have a candle lit like he were a ghost this time. The living room was lit, and after making a cup of kuding tea for Lin Yan, A-Yan looked at the black-and-white photo carefully with the light, his face growing serious.
"I can't sense anything. Even the weakest ghosts have dark energy, but I can't see anything like what you said." A-Yan looked at the air around Lin Yan strangely, and then lowered his head to study the photo.
"I haven't seen her since Xiao Yu showed up. Today was the first time." Lin Yan pointed to the ghost behind him, embarrassed: "His name is Xiao Yu. I don't think I mentioned that."
He didn't know why it made him flustered to mention his name in front of others, so Lin Yan coughed quickly to cover up his embarrassment.
"X-Xiao Yu, I'll remember that." The little Daoist muttered to himself. He opened the cabinet and took out the large red lacquer pen and a glass bottle filled with cinnabar that he used to exorcise ghosts earlier. He unscrewed the bottle and paused: "Was he also there when you met the little girl you mentioned?"
"No." Lin Yan recalled: "There was a talisman hanging on the door to ward off evil spirits and he couldn't get in."
"If there was a talisman to ward off evil spirits, then that means there must have been a ghost. What did the talisman look like?"
Lin Yan drew a crooked pattern on his phone's whiteboard based on what he remembered, like gossip that was fed down the grapevine. Dancing lines of symbols and patterns were encompassed by a large black box. The little Daoist frowned while he studied it and said with certainty: "T-This is made specifically to repel ghosts. Sticking this on a door will prevent even the most powerful ghosts from getting in." A-Yan's slender fingers pointed to the cloud of gray mist near Lin Yan's feet in the photo: "Like I thought. It's not a ghost, it's a curse."
"Curse?" Lin Yan clutched the cup, bewildered: "Like in the movies?"
A-Yan took out the yellow paper from under the table. He dipped the pen in the cinnabar and haphazardly scribbled a Daoist talisman. He lit it with a lighter and moved it across Lin Yan's shoulders and head. He frowned and said: "N-No, this kind of talisman is an evil art used in practices like Nanyang Black Magic and Miaojiang compulsion techniques. They use insects, ants, dolls, and even ghosts to injure and harm people. It's different from Daoism. Daoism only targets ghosts while curses target people."
The flame of the yellow paper increased immensely when it passed over Lin Yan’s shoulders, making a small crackling sound. The little Daoist flicked the yellow paper to put out the flame and wondered: “It's impossible for a gray shadow to appear when trying to take pictures of ghosts that appeared naturally. The little girl had to be imprisoned somehow to make this kind of curse. I'll help you to get rid of it. I-It's such bad luck to run into this kind of thing."
"Lin Yan, who did you offend recently? Why did someone put a curse on you?"
Lin Yan took a sip of tea and sank into the sofa, shaking his head with a bitter smile on his face. Something that Second Immortal Gu said popped into his head. The little girl had been locked up with deep resentment. At that time, he thought she was talking nonsense. It's a pity that this person was already dead and gone.
Gone? Lin Yan looked back at Xiao Yu in surprise. If a person's soul still exists after they die. . .
"A-Yan." Lin Yan grabbed the little Taoist's thin wrist and said in a low voice: "Can people still talk after they die?"
The little Daoist priest was dumbfounded. A smirk danced on his lips. He stared at the ceiling for a minute and whispered: "N-Not necessarily. Some that died recently still can, but not for very long."
"Less than a month." Lin Yan roughly slammed the teacup on the table, water splashing into small round spots on the yellow paper. "I want to attract a person's soul."
The little Daoist thoughtfully stroked the cinnabar-coated pen and hesitated: "I-I'll try. A month might not be enough time."
The lights in the living room were dim and the whole room smelt like traditional medicinal herbs. After staying for a while, it felt like he was drifting farther and farther away from the normal world. Lin Yan took out his phone and stared at the bright screen, trying to bring himself back to reality. He scrolled through the people in his contacts. A text message suddenly popped up.
"I have some news. I'll ask the secretary to double-check and I'll get back to you tomorrow."
The one who sent it was the man who gave the lecture on Monday, Professor File Folder.
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