#a sweet gift from my even sweeter girlfriend
crystallizabethine · 2 years
My girlfriend loves me so much...
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I'm totally not going to bury this in the backyard and light the very ground on fire...
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Hello 👋
Could you please do 'dating him includes' for Taehoon and Seongjoon?
Thank you so much 🥰
Black Anon 🖤🖤
Hey Black anon! Thanks for the ask and so sorry this has taken so long. I feel like all I'm doing is apologising because everything is taking me friggin AGES. There's also a few boyfriend HC for Taehoon in my masterlist, but I've expanded this to all my HTF faves! Yes I'm a ho
HTF Boys - Boyfriend/Dating hc
Seong Taehoon, Baek Seongjun, Ji Yeonwoo, Han Wangguk, Kim Munseong (WHERE IS HE I MISS HIM)
Seong Taehoon
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Man. The girlfriend privileges are severely lacking with this one. He's a little sweeter on you, a little gentler. But he sees no issues being a menace to you.
Absolutely loves getting you all wound up, murmuring obscene comments during the most inopportune times, or a little light spanking when no-one is looking. Sure Taehoon intends to make good on his words and actions later, but there is nothing like seeing your face redden or hearing a squeak escaping your lips right now.
It's even worth the filthy looks you throw his way, or any subsequent silent treatment. He knows you can never stay mad at him anyway.
Taehoon's physical affection is more on the end of physical rather than affection. There's nothing like a little bite or a headlock or just pinning your arms by your side as he holds you to show how much he cares.
Surprisingly amicable to being dragged all over the place with you. Yes he would prefer the arcade or practicing Taekwondo, but even if he is completely reluctant - seeing your face light up is its own special reward. And of course that would be too cringe for him to ever admit outloud.
Baek Seongjun
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Prefers flings and short encounters rather than a relationship. He comes with a lot of trauma and history that he is unwilling to share. Show him kindness though without any ulterior motive, then you're guaranteed to stay on his mind.
Has a lot of experience sexually, but not with relationships. Cherishes experiencing a lot of first milestones with you (regardless of your own experience). Celebrates them all: anniversaries, 100 days, Valentine's etc.
Difficult to publicly date due to his NewTuber fame. He's well recognised by a surprising amount of people, so any dates tend to be on the chilled and private side.
And of course cooking for you is one of his favourite things to do. More so if you join him in the kitchen, and you cook together. You both flowing together as one, moving in harmony. It makes Seongjun think of how well you can fit in other ways too (no, not just sexually - that's already well established that you do). But with the rest of your lives too.
Values cold hard cash as power, and therefore has gift-giving as one of his main love languages. You will be showered with tasteful, lavish gifts. A tender kiss and appreciative thanks from you is all he needs, and is enough to balance out the scales.
Ji Yeonwoo
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Only admired you from afar before he finally broke the chains from his dad and had much more freedom.
Again, not one with any experience though Yeonwoo is honest and forthright. Doesn't shy away from asking you out, and is full of sincerity. However, doesn't give much thought to what happens next - he wanted to tell you how he felt more than anything. You saying yes? Unfortunately that broke his brain.
Dating Yeonwoo means you improving your physical fitness somewhat. Completely on accident, but he spends so much time honing his kyokushin karate skills that you thought you would try and join. More often than not, it's just you watching in awe or him piggybacking you on his runs uphill.
Honestly, being with him helps a lot for your own self improvement. Your grades also improves by a ton as a byproduct. Yeonwoo actually makes studying fun and has limitless patience even as you make him explain something for the fifth time.
Unbelievably sweet and gentle through and through. Not that you would, but one complaint from you about anything and he will happily put that right. More attention? More kisses? Less time training? Done, done, and done.
Han Wangguk
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A natural caretaker, always anticipating your needs before you even knew yourself. Here's a snack for you, here's that book you wanted, here's a coffee because you said you were tired today.
Goes without saying that he prefers small and thoughtful gestures to big, grand ones. Show him how much you care by remembering the little details: asking about the things he mentioned offhandedly or buying that tiny thing he wanted, and he will be forever wrapped around your thumb.
Extremely selfless and not one to put himself first. Repay his thoughtfulness and kindness by helping him to prioritise his own needs and you will always hold a piece of his heart.
Never too far from his camera, either his actual equipment or phone, and all the better to capture pictures of you. You posing is nice, but there's nothing quite like snapping a moment when you don't expect it. When you're completely candid and natural, before any consciousness of knowing a lens is there.
Of course with Wangguk comes Gyeoul. She's an absolute terror and will bound to clash at first with any partner. She's not used to sharing. But the little smiles Wangguk now always wears? The way he has even started whistling? Fine, Gyeoul can tolerate you she supposes. Honestly though? Another older sibling to dote on and spoil her? She'll love you in the end too.
Kim Munseong
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Silent and stoic. He's a man of very few words, and to be honest, you didn't even realise he liked you until you found him always hanging around you and you confronted him yourself.
Shy and inexperienced, with very little game. If anything, it only makes Munseong even more charming and endearing. You'll be the one making a lot of the first moves until he is comfortable enough to take your lead.
Juggles a lot of the time between MMA and training, and you. It's to be expected, he's got a lot of eyes on his fighting career. Please keep supporting him, he feels a lot of guilt that he's not able to be at your constant beck and call, which is frankly a little ridicuous anyway.
Nothing perks him up more than seeing you watch him during a spar or an actual match. Finding your face in the crowd, even if completely unexpected, flicks on a little power-up for him. He wants to make you proud, and it pretty much guarantees a win.
Munseong has always been praised for his strength. Showering him with praise and compliments for literally any other aspect will guarantee him blushing furiously.
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I would go legally insane if I got cute texts at random times of the day from Sevika
I’m a lil tipsy so sorry in advance
This was kind of difficult because yes omg Sevika would love to have a way to check in with you at random points of the day.
She would be such a dry fucking texter. And she’d probably hate it. So here’s how I think it’d go.
As previously stated, Sevika would find relief in the fact that she can simply pick up her phone and make sure your dumbass is still breathing. That being said, she wouldn’t be much of a conversationalist. Her fingers are too big for the buttons on the Piltover technology you gifted her for her birthday. A brick wall would hold a better conversation.
She still uses it to check in, but that’s all she does. She’ll send you a ‘Hey’ and all she needs is a text back to make sure your alive. Any inquiries or convo starters you bring up with be left on read
Is a fan of the knife, gun, cigarette, chains, fists, and blood emoji only. Sums up her day perfectly in just a few little pictures. Neat.
Also is a fan of this one ‘😐’
You would ask how her day is going, so ecstatic to talk to your girlfriend at work instead of waiting all day. Little did you know she would rarely respond and would fail to ask you the same. Not because she doesn’t care, but she deems the phone as emergency use only.
That being said, it’s funny how quickly she responds when you ask her what she wants for dinner tonight.
She’d respond to any kind of nude with an accidental thumbs up (she meant to put ‘nice’)
It’ll take a while for her to catch on that this device doesn’t have any limitations when it comes to messages, that she doesn’t need to ration her texts to avoid costing you more money.
Some of her sweeter messages would include:
‘Morning, sweet thing. Left u some breakfast on the stove’
‘U ate yet’
‘Did u like it’
Sevika loving to cook for you and hearing your praise (even if it isn’t praise-worthy)>>
‘Meeting is boring. Be naked when I get home ?’
‘Grab dinner 🐟’
‘Love u’ ‘tolerate u just barely’
‘Silco fuckin sucks’
‘jinx nearly blew me up again’
‘We’re never having kids right’
Also accusing Sevika of cheating when she doesn’t text back in .5 seconds >> (in jest)
And her calling you just to make sure you’re not serious
‘What position do you have her in now’
The wood of her desk creaks underneath your boots as you await her response. Yes, she has a job to do. Yes, it’s high profile and time-consuming. And yes, you still expect all of her attention to find you in a timely manner.
Her profile picture flashes across the screen as your phone begins to vibrate in your hands. Your laughter cuts through the boring silence you were held prisoner in, the obviously-vexed, beautiful face of your peeved girlfriend popping up on screen when you accept the call.
“Are you going to get your scrawny ass out here and work instead?”
“I am working. For my sugar mommy.” A breath of air crackles through the speaker. She never did quite learn the intricacies of technology or how you didn’t have to shout into the mic to make yourself heard. You wince and tilt your head away from the phone.
“You’re doing my paperwork when I get back.”
“‘Kay. Yes ma’am.”
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rosethorn-248 · 2 years
✦ :: A few FE3H characters and their scents
@supershiny-raven and I decided to come up with some ideas on how a handful of characters would potentially smell/wear as perfume or cologne.
These are only fun little thoughts we made. Whether you disagree or agree is up to you. If you want to share more, feel free reblog.
✧ :: Sylvain Jose Gautier
I feel like he’d definitely have a musky yet lavishing aroma. Like it’s masculine but very inviting, at the same time. In my head, I figured something such as orange blossoms and cedarwood (with maybe a hint of coconut) I like to hc that he’s got fluffy and loose locks, so most products would be coconut scented (modern-wise, at least) He’s obviously an erotic/flirtatious character. The more bitter/citrus part of his scent would complement that, and the sweeter bits would feel like a trance almost. It fits his character well, I think. He pleasantly draws people in with a lovingly, overwhelming aroma.
✧ :: Felix Hugo Fraldarius
I was a bit stuck on this because of the fact that he’d mostly smell like the training grounds, whetstones, or even weaponry; however, aside from those aspects, he might give off a spicy aroma. There’s probably a nature/airy base or something, but for the most part, he’d smell like a rosy bonfire. Like scandalwood, birchwood, amber, and moss. Perhaps cedarwood like Sylvain. I’d probably say scandalwood and birchwood though. Felix just feels like he’d have a bitter/spicy scent. Something that immediately grabs your attention, but not in an odd way. Its simply striking and sharp smelling. Exactly how he likes to keep his blades, along with his outer attitude too.
✧ :: Claude Von Riegan
I’m not sure why, but he was pretty hard to think of a scent for. I figured he’d smell spicy yet musky/mossy. Not legitimately spicy like Felix, but something with a kick to it, at least. My guess for this was apple spice, bergamot, and amber. I was also trying to take into consideration Almyra for his scent, but apple spice seemed to match the particular spiciness I was looking for. I wouldn’t doubt that there’s definitely a better substitute for him; however, I think this combination fits well. Its complex just like him.
✧ :: Byleth Eisner (Female)
Ray came up with this scent for Byleth. They felt like something clean/fresh yet sweet (such as fruity/floral) would fit her best. Perhaps a zen garden with a bit of a berry aroma (and even peonies) She seems like she’d smell like the monastery, honestly. Like her dorm is basically how she smells 24/7. With all of her students always gifting her lovely flowers, it makes complete sense for Byleth to give off a floral freshness or berry bliss.
✧ :: Edelgard Von Hresvelg
This was another one that was a tad difficult because of her pairings. I immediately wanted to give her a perfume that she might wear while out with a girlfriend or partner, in general, but I mostly considered her, for the most part. Because of that, I feel like she’d have a citrus scent with a bubbly sweetness to it. I was thinking something with lemon and lavender (maybe a few berries) Edelgard seems like she’d have a crisp yet bitter citrus smell to her, blended together with a floral/berry sweetness. She’s fierce yet cute all in one.
✧ :: Ferdinand Von Aegir
Okay, listen, here me out…but Ferdinand is definitely someone who’s ordering a pumpkin spice latte during the fall. I’m not sure what else to say aside from that about him because he’d absolutely smell like pumpkin spice with a nice bergamot and cedarwood accent. He’d have a sweet spicy smell to him. Like a peaceful tea time or something. He’d just smell very noblest/elegant. Because he’s Ferdinand Von Aegir, of course.
✧ :: Dorothea Arnault
I made her scent similar to Sylvain’s with the whole flirty/lovely aromas, but unlike Sylvain, Dorothea doesn’t need to entice people with her beauty. The people come to her initially. Like a love spell or entrancement. She’d smell downright luxurious and sweet (with floral hints for sure) Dorothea gives off blossoms and orchids aromas. She smells like an entire bouquet, basically, and everyone is just drawn to the flowery scent. She is the pique definition of beauty.
✧ :: Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
Ray made this one too. They were mostly thinking of his post-war designs/life as the King of Faerghus. It was concluded that Dimitri would probably smell more mature perhaps. Similar to Byleth, he’d just smell like his palace mostly, which seems welcoming yet classy. Like warm leather, vanilla, and blackberry. I can picture him wearing colors such as the ones in his post-timeskip designs with a pleasant warm aroma. It’s refreshing into a new beginning for Faerghus.
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thenovelartist · 3 years
The Drunken Vow - Tears of Themis
Number 3 in the "Drunk Wedding" series, here's Marius.
Wow. The hammer smashing repeatedly into his head was a real pain.
Marius didn’t want to so much as move despite knowing he had to. It took him a hot minute to realize the reason he felt like he’d been hit by a truck was because he was hungover to high heaven and back. He cursed himself. Normally, he was far better at pacing himself so he doesn’t get trashed like this, and yet, here he was. Must have made a drinking exception last night for his graduation party.
When the bright idea lingered in his head that maybe he should go grab some aspirin, he took hold of it. Though, it did take him another minute to get up.
And when he did, he realized he wasn’t the only person in bed. His heart stopped.
What did he dooooo?
He didn’t want to look. He so did not want to look at the woman he brought home with him. What in the hell was he thinking?
Had he been thinking?
Probably not.
But still, he wouldn’t do that! At least, he thought he would never stoop that low. Besides he was in love with Rosa. He wouldn’t chose any other girl beside her.
With a groan, he fell back on his pillow, shutting his eyes and cursing himself for the second time this morning. He was a total piece of trash. Either that, or he was drunk enough to be swayed by some girl who took advantage of his inebriated state to get with him. There were a lot of those types of girls; another reason he tried to limit his drinks.
He rubbed his eyes, only to feel something metallic slide across his face. He barely registered it, but it was enough to make him look at his hands. When he caught sight of a ring on his left hand, he narrowed his eyes down at the unfamiliar band. He didn’t recall wearing any last night. So why…
Um… does the wedding ring go on the left hand? It was the left, right? Or was it the right?
He couldn’t think straight.
Steeling himself, he decided that he not only had to see just who was beside him in bed, but whether she was wearing a ring or not. Because if she was…
He didn’t want to think about it.
He turned his head, looking at the girl. Her back was to him; her nearly bare back, he realized. The covers had sunk down her shoulders to reveal the fact he could only see her in her underwear. Which started up a whole new round of blushing for Marius. How far did they go last night? Because for the life of him, he honestly could not remember.
After taking a breath, he forced himself up on his elbow so as to get a better look at the petite brunette beside him. As he pulled the sheet back up over her shoulders to preserve her modesty, he took a look at her face—
And dropped the sheet.
That was his beloved Rosa…
Oh, shhhh—
Frozen in place, his mind had come to a screeching halt. Rosa was in bed with him, they were both nearly naked, and yes, they both had rings. Plain gold bands, but there was no denying that they weren’t matching wedding rings.
Meaning they got married last night?
How could that have even happened? While Marius may have called it a graduation party, it was hardly anything of the sort: a couple of his college friends, their girlfriends, and Rosa, who he’d begged to come with him. They were all being responsible, right?
For the life of him he could not remember.
With a sigh, he rolled back onto his back and stared blankly up at the ceiling. Lifting up his hand, he stared at the ring, and a wave of disappointment hit him like a truck. He’d wanted this. He’d really wanted this, being married to Rosa. But not like this. He had been still trying to convince her to go out with him in the first place. Whether or not last night could be classified as their “first date” when it was really just a “fake date to dissuade any ribbing from his not-single friends” was still up for debate. He had been so close to asking her out for real, but just as he always did, he somehow chickened out and put up that too-flirty persona before cursing himself for it.
He let his hand drop, his arm now covering his face as he let loose a tired groan. Geez, he was an idiot.
The sweet voice rang from beside him had him tensing up again. He lifted his arm from his head, squinting at the sudden reintroduction of light to his eyes as he looked over at Rosa who was now looking over at him with wide eyes.
He wanted to flirt, to do something, anything, to loosen the intense tension between them. But this was the one time he really couldn’t string anything together. He blamed it on the hangover. “Er… hi?”
Was she blushing? He was pretty sure she was blushing as she clutched the sheets against her chest and turned over to face him. “H-hey.”
Wow, this was so awkward. “Umm…” he started stupidly. “Uh… I think… did we get married last night?”
Rosa’s eyes could rival saucers with how wide they got. “What?”
This time, Marius forced a smile while he raised his left hand and pointed to the ring on it. “You’re in one, too.”
Her wide eyes shot down to her left hand. She blinked once. Twice.
“Holy cats, I’m Mrs. Von Hagen!”
Fifteen minutes later, they had gotten dressed and were now in the kitchen, staring at the marriage certificate Marius had found crumpled in the back of his discarded pants pocket. The smell of coffee that Rosa had started permeated the kitchen, and frankly, Marius was dying for a cup. Between the hangover and the headache from his drunk marriage, he really needed the caffeine. And maybe an aspirin.
Beside him, also staring at the offending document, Rosa was standing in clothes she’d stolen from his closet and somehow looked better in than he ever could. Marius, on the other hand, had barely enough wits about him to throw on a pair of comfortable pants and plain tee shirt.
“This… it’s legal, isn’t it?” Marius asked despite all ready knowing the answer.
She nodded. “Yeah. It means we’re legally married.”
Guilt wracked him even more. This wasn’t how he wanted to go about things. At the very least, he actually wanted to remember getting married. Best he could recall was his graduation party had gotten very out of hand and he’d allowed himself far too many drinks. Rosa then recalled leaving with him in a taxi, and she was pretty sure she remembered kissing him—which had sent Marius into a blushing panic because why couldn’t he remember THAT sweet memory?—but that was the extent of it. What had happened after that was something neither Rosa nor Marius could recall.
“I’m shocked at you.”
Marius glanced over to the girl giving him a confused look. “What?”
“You haven’t cracked one inappropriate joke yet.”
Though stunned for a second, he let out a self-depreciating chuckle before shooting her a forced smile. “Sorry, Miss Attorney. Or should I say Mrs. Attorney. Guess the shock of being married to you has really gotten to my head.”
“There we go,” she said with a wink.
She was going to kill him, but he would at least go down smiling albeit hopelessly embarrassed. “I’m more concerned for what we’re going to do about… this.” He pushed the paper over to her.
She giggled as she straightened the paper out in front of her. “I’m surprised you didn’t even suggest ‘hey, let’s just stay married’.”
He huffed, running a hand through is messy hair. “Like you’d go for that.”
“I totally would.”
He froze. Wait… what?
Looking over at Rosa, who was smiling at him with a feisty twinkle in her eye that he loved more than anything, Marius’ heart began to beat wildly. “You serious?”
“What do you think?”
He thought that if she was serious, he would die of happiness. He’d been trying to figure out how to best ask her out, seeing as all his previous attempts had been thwarted. There may or may not have been a painting he’d been working on as a gift to present to her that may or may not have just been an excuse to avoid figuring out just how to sincerely ask her out. Because he really didn’t want to mess it up.
But now… Now it felt like all that work flew straight out the window because…
“Earth to Marius.”
He blinked a couple times. “Huh?”
“I asked you a question.”
He gaped like a fish as his mind scrambled back to what she’d asked. “Do… you mean it?”
She grinned. “Geez, normally you’re the one who’s all cocky, but look at you now. Apparently, I just have to suggest I might want to stay married to—whaaa!!”
He didn’t let her finish. He swooped her up and set her back on the kitchen counter, trapping her in with his arms. “No, really. Do you mean it?”
“Do I mean what?” she asked, clearly a little dazed at their position.
But he didn’t really care, for once. Instead, he was inwardly freaking out over the possibility that she actually did care for him as much as he did her. “That you’d want to stay married?”
She blinked up at him a couple times before a smile crossed her face. “I do.”
That was all he needed to hear. In a second, he wrapped her up in a hug, garnering a squeak from her as he pushed her back and pinned her fully against the kitchen counter. “You really mean it?” he asked again, desperate to make sure. Because if she really did, he was never going to let her go.
His racing heart somehow settled when she wrapped her arms over his shoulders. “Yeah,” she said, voice sweeter than any dessert he’d ever eaten in his life. “I do. I mean, I didn’t think it would go like this, but—”
“Doesn’t matter,” he cut in, squeezing her tighter. “That’s all I needed to know.”
She giggled, saying nothing and just holding him tighter.
“Wait!” he realized, his foggy mind making it extremely difficult to string his thoughts together. “This means I can kiss you now!”
She blinked up at him before bursting into laughter. “Yes, it does, Mr. Von Ha—mphfff!”
He didn’t give her a chance to finish. He wanted to kiss her, and seeing as she was his wife—his wife!—now, he could do that.
This was really exciting. So exciting that not even the beep of the coffee machine announcing the coffee was finished could pull him away. He had a better drug now than caffeine, anyway.
She pulled away first, and he pouted at the loss.
“Much as I’d love to continue,” she said. “Can it be somewhere more comfortable than the granite countertop?”
Oh… “Sorry,” he said, a bit of guilt slipping in as he picked her up and set her back down on the floor. Or, tried to, anyway. She seemed more than happy to wrap her legs around his waist and cling to him for dear life.
“This is okay,” she murmured into his shoulder.
Yes, he thought, happily tightening his hold on her as he made his way to the couch. Yes, it was.
By noon, Marius was freaking out again. For totally valid reasons, he believed, so he really hoped Rosa would stop laughing at him.
“I’m serious!” he cried, pouting. “Do you want a real wedding or not?”
“Marius, calm down, will you? You just spent the last ten minutes obsessing over getting me a new ring—”
“Because you deserve it! I don’t even remember buying you that one, and I didn’t even get you an engagement ring, so can’t I do that?”
“I’ll let you, but not today,” she said, grabbing his phone from him.
“Mr. Von Hagan,” she said, shooting him a stern look. “As your wife, it is my job to—”
“Wait! You’re my wife now!”
She leveled him with a tired look.
“Do you want to take my last name! Because then we have to get the paperwork for that. And we’ll also have to turn in the certificate, right? And wait a minute! You’ll have to move in! We’ll have to get movers and pack all your stuff and—”
She slammed her hands down on the armrests of the chair he was sitting in, glaring at him with a look he knew full well meant “stop it.” “Calm down,” she said. “One step at a time, right? You don’t have to fix everything now, okay?”
He wasn’t convinced.
She sighed, hanging her head in exhaustion. “Ugh, I liked it better when you were annoyingly flirty,” she grumbled. When she lifted her head, her stern expression had faded into something softer. “Can’t we just enjoy today and figure things out as we go?”
He supposed they could, but he also didn’t want things to take forever. If she was going to be his wife, he wanted her here with him. Furthermore, he wanted everyone to know she was his…
He shot into a panic for the umpteenth time that morning. “The media! I’ll have to call Vincent right now and tell him to pressure the news to tamp this down!”
“Unless they caught wind of it already,” Rosa grumbled.
But clearly she hadn’t even been aware of what came out of her own mouth because it took both of them approximately ten seconds to realize just what had been said.
And how likely it was.
With a new weight on his shoulders, Marius sank back into his chair with a groan. His first day of being married, and he couldn’t even enjoy it.
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moonlight-prose · 3 years
For your 1k celebration could you do a soft Yelena fic where her and her girlfriend celebrate their one year anniversary?
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a/n: it's short, but i seriously am in love with how soft this came out. thank you for requesting! i hope you enjoy it!! also yes it is named after a hozier song. i feel like it fits yelena in a way - or at least fits the relationship between these two.
edited slightly, but if there are mistakes my apologies!
summary: one year together went by quickly, but you couldn't deny how your love grew for her every day you were together.
word count: 1.3k
pairing: yelena belova x fem!reader
warnings: none. extraordinary amounts of fluff.
There’s something to be said for all those months you’ve spent being loved by her - all the months she spent being cherished by you. Days, weeks, months, all melding together to create an infatuation so potent that it tasted sweeter than honey on your tongue. One year passed faster than even you anticipated and suddenly you were being woken up to the smell of coffee. Music playing lowly in the background, drifting through the apartment that she insisted you go half and half on.
A feeling of absolute contentment had never been the first thing to wash over you when you first woke up. Before her you woke up in terror. Anxiety driven to start your day with no true definition of the word peace, because moments like that were few and far between. Mornings were not meant to be spent lazily fighting back the drowsiness in the arms of the one you loved. They were rushed - unforgiving.
And yet there you were, sitting up slowly as she brought two cups of steaming coffee in your direction. Her hair tied up in what could only be described as a messy Yelena updo. Or at least that’s what she liked to call it. The smile on her face brought life into your veins - giving you the energy to reach out for the mug and take a sip. Brewed strong with a hint of sweetness. Just like her.
“Good morning,” she whispered, carefully crawling back under the covers whilst holding tightly onto her cup.
Matching hers and hers mugs were a gag gift from her sister, but you realized that they were used far more than any other cups in the house. Perhaps she found it funny to use them and you didn’t mind it. Especially not at a time like this; the sunlight streamed in through the curtains as her music continued to echo from the kitchen.
“Morning,” you replied, shifting until you were practically facing her. “You know what today is?”
She nodded, already reaching for her phone that had been left haphazardly on the nightstand. “I asked you on a date one year ago today.”
Time flew faster than you expected it too, because you could vividly remember that day. How she nearly sprinted away from you from the sheer anxiety that coursed through her body - the nerves clear in her expression as she said the words that would define your future. Would you like to go out with me? A question that you didn’t hear at first, because you were far too busy trying to avoid looking like an idiot in front of her.
Yet there you were - having moved into a new apartment - your sleep riddled smile matching hers, as you drank coffee to start your day. It was a moment you wished you could take a photo of. Just to keep it with you at all times; to remember what this feeling felt like. What being loved by her felt like. Something you couldn’t imagine yourself trading for anything in the world, because it was far too precious to you.
The love you held wasn’t perfect - no love truly was - but it was yours. Both of yours.
There were no plans for the day; nothing fancy to celebrate your year together, but you wondered if she had done something anyways. Nothing extravagant, or over the top. Yet still big enough to have you fall harder than before - another moment to hold onto tightly. It’s when she took your coffee and pressed a quick kiss to your lips - claiming that she had to work - did you realize that she had something planned.
What it was, you didn’t know. And you were content to remain that way in order to keep the surprise safe. Even if it was simply for the fact that you knew she loved to surprise you with things. So, you said goodbye and held your tongue with a smile, knowing whatever she had planned was going to make you happy. Regardless of what it was.
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Two hours later you were in the back of a car with a driver you didn’t know, wearing a dress you had found delivered at the front door. You knew it was from her when you glanced at the handwriting on the note, asking for you to wear it. And who were you to deny the love of your life? How could you when she went to all this trouble?
Lights caught your attention as you glanced out the window and soon came to realize this is where you were stopping. At the small diner she had taken you to all those months ago; only this time she had decorated it. Made sure to make it an oasis for the night and you couldn’t stop the sting of tears that came forth the longer you stared at it. Remembering the night she had opened herself up to you; all the nights you spent in this one single place, learning one another for the first time.
She stepped out in a black dress with red heels that you had bought for her on her birthday. A smile on her face and flowers in her hands, because you had always loved flowers - placing them around the apartment in order to brighten up the place. It was your way of saying you loved her, you loved the place you were in, and you didn’t intend on going anywhere.
You didn’t bother with walking slowly up to her. Choosing instead to run as best you could in the heels she had left for you; arms going around her instantly as a few tears fell down your cheeks. The word beautiful didn’t do this surprise justice, didn’t explain how much you loved it. How you couldn’t believe she had done this to celebrate being in love with you for one year. And suddenly you understood - all those times she had trouble getting the three little words out. Every moment she wanted to explain her love to you but couldn’t.
You saw it now.
“I can’t believe you did this,” you whispered, pulling away only for her to brush the tears from your face.
She smiled. “Of course I did. You’re...everything to me.”
“Yelena.” Pressing your lips to hers you dragged her closer, wanting to show that you loved it, that you loved her. “You’re everything to me too.”
“Let’s go.” She led you through the doors that were covered with strands of lights, right to the table that had become yours. The sight of flowers placed everywhere simply added to the atmosphere of beauty that had your heart speeding up in your chest.
Sitting you smiled when she reached out her hand for yours, bringing it to her lips as a waiter came with the food. You nearly choked on your laugh at seeing James Barnes in a tuxedo, holding a tray in one hand. Natasha directly behind him holding the champagne. She really had gotten everyone in on this, and it only made you adore her more.
“She paid me for this,” he whispered, setting the plate in front of you.
“Don’t lie,” Natasha called behind him. “He wanted to be here.”
You smiled, thanking them for the food and turning back to the woman who seemed to emit light. A soft glow of love that had you shifting closer until you could be wrapped in it - encompassed in her feelings. No words had to be said, no constant conversation was necessary, because you understood her through the looks she gave you. Through the smile she offered and the expression on her face.
She loved you. Entirely, wholeheartedly, until the very end of her days and you felt exactly the same. You would cherish her for as long as you managed to have her in your life. A constant light of a woman who unknowingly changed your life for the better.
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tender-rosiey · 3 years
Hello Hello ! Can I request something ? Could you write something about the Inarizaki boys confessing to their cool, laid-back senpai but getting rejected ?
It can be headcannons, whatever you feel suits best.
It's okay if you don't want to or don't feel inspired ! Take care of yourself and have a nice day/evening !
❥ Inarizaki getting rejected by their senpai
Includes Atsumu, Osamu and Suna
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ᴀ/ɴ: hey dear! i hope you like this, and about the characters since you said that they are confessing to a senpai i thought that you are excluding the third-years; i hope i understood correctly and if not then please forgive me, i do not like suna’s part so sorry for doing him so dirty 😔
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Atsumu Miya:
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First of all
I wanna give him a hug
Now onto the actual headcanon cause no one wants to just hear me fangirl 24/7 about every single setter in haikyuu
“You must have hit your head so hard that you are delusional enough to think y/n-senpai would date you.”
Is what osamu told him when he told him about thinking to confess to you
But he was hopeful and prideful
Plus maybe while yes you had a somewhat nonchalant exterior, you might indeed like someone or him specifically (he hopes) but just act like this to avoid being hurt or giving them hints of liking them
And while he was aware of his reputation for being somewhat mean to his fangirls at times, like that one time at the game against karasuno
But maybe you liked tough guys, ya know?
Honestly, he wasn’t much as tough and more like a overgrown baby who is very passionate about volleyball
Whatever may the result be, he chose to take his shot
Contrary to most belief but Atsumu was a mess while confessing
Credits goes to your cool presence that made him forget about all the BULLCRAP he practiced for
...no response?
Did you hear his heart shattering?
But yeah it basically went like how kiyoko rejected tanaka
So yes he stayed down for a couple of days
So he kept asking you every three days (yes I am being specific fight me) and of course trying to woo you to increase his chances
This wasn’t very depressing because I wanted to prepare you for the coming ones because one of them will SURELY suffer I promise
I don’t wanna make them all angst in case you don’t want that
He won’t give up until you straight out tell him that you genuinely don’t and won’t feel anything towards him
Once you do he will feel a little wounded in his ego and will probably avoid your gaze starting from then
Cause it’s embarrassing to be rejected by someone so causally especially when they are a really cool person like yourself
Osamu Miya:
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God I love the Miya twins
Anyways as I was gonna say
He knows he is in trouble, I mean come on
you have practically rejected everyone who approached you while still managing to look cool
But he knew, he had to tell you sooner or later so he can get over it and not hang onto a thread of hope for nothing
Plus Atsumu kept provoking him and calling him a pussy so yeah
In your face you piss hair child
Now his approach was rather—adorable and calm
He wrote a letter unlike someone who depended on the charm of his looks
And he also made you onigiri cause who doesn’t love a treat?
“Um- Y/N-senpai I am sure there isn’t a high percentage of you accepting this but I just needed to get it off my chest so yeah; I like you.”
You checked the letter and it was sweeter than the chocolate he got you as well
You also tasted the onigiri while he just watched intently waiting for your answer
The onigiri was wonderful too
But you weren’t looking for a relationship and you had to reject him nicely
After all, he had the courage to come up to you and confess and even got you gifts
“Look Osamu, you are a nice guy, but I am not looking for a relationship, right now; sorry.”
And he was thankful that was the only thing he got and it was a nice rejection
Did it stop him from seeing you as a wonderful and gorgeous queen?
Nope, it just made him respect you more cause you didn’t shut him down harshly and without putting his confession into consideration
Not like how you did with the others
He will try to get over liking you and he will act normally
But there is probably a little lingering feeling of like towards you even after being rejected
He is okay with just being friends if he gets to be with you and not on your bad side
Suna Rintarou:
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*looks at the ball then you guys* you wish that was you, huh?
Look at this handsome and talented young man, how enchanting
I genuinely want him to teach me how tf does he widen the range of his spike like that
So honestly I believe suna would fall for someone cool in a sense in general maybe a little sweet
His relationship with you is quite interesting
He gives you blackmail of people he manages to get some of
Basically trading embarrassing moments of people cause y’all are just evil and cool like that 🙄
And eventually he developed a crush on you cause of course after spending lots of time with you, it’s practically impossible not to catch feelings
Suna was not even expecting or didn’t want it too much, your acceptance that is
He just wants to make you know and help himself get over it once he makes sure you truly don’t like him
This is getting similar to osamu’s one but I am running out of ideas
I was even planning to write for ginjima my sweet baby, but my ideas said no
Anyways so he just basically says as bluntly as possible
In the most random time
“I like you.”
Straight to the point
I think Suna would be one to just rant about how much he loves you and everything he loves about you deeper in into the relationship , idk why
Anyways so long story short he got rejected and just nodded
He was a little down, but yeah he knew it would’ve happened
and if it didn’t then god wouldn’t that have been his luckiest moment
He just continues on his merry way and does things to get his mind off it and slowly you both go back to your former interactions
“I got more blackmail, senpai.”
“That’s great, rin.”
And you both end up bullying the twins together at the times
Maybe sometimes he remembers the rejection and gets a little dejected but hey
At least you guys are alright and not awkward, right?
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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Meeting and Dating Mike Damone
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- Mikes pretty infamous at your school. Pretty much the entire student body knows who he is; mainly because they’ve bought tickets off of him at one point or another.
- Everyone knows Mike and Mike knows everyone so it’s no surprise that you’d encounter him at some point; even if your initial meeting was a memorable half a second of him checking you out while you both walked to your separate classes.
- When Mike first sees you, he honestly doesn’t think twice about you. He sees you, he processes that you’re decent looking, and then he moves on. He only starts to take real notice of you when you seem completely disinterested in his existence.
- That sounds pretty harsh but it’s the truth. Later that day, he sees you at your locker and he approaches you, introducing himself and making his usual charming conversation. And while you’re arguably incredibly polite, you’re just not into him.
- And for some reason that bothers the hell out of him.
- If it were anyone else, it would have never mattered, and he sincerely does not understand why you’re any different. But the more he thinks about it, the more it bothers him and the more he wants you. Which leads to his pursuit of you.
- Mike likes to act like he doesn’t care; he really does, and he’s gotten pretty good at playing the part, so he always seems pretty nonchalant whenever he approaches you and tries to start a conversation; no matter how little time of day you’ll give him.
- But inside, he is losing his mind. His smile always drops whenever you aren’t looking at him and he lays in bed at night thinking about every tiny amount of attention you give him. He wants to hate you, and maybe he does, but more than that …he thinks he loves you.
- Your usual “avoidance” of him leads to him feeling like a kid on Christmas when you finally talk to him on your own accord; though it’s definitely just to try and purchase tickets. He gives you a ridiculously good deal and is on his best behavior the entire time, trying to charm you as much as he can while you’re actually paying attention to him.
- And to an extent, it does work. He was really sweet and did you a big favor so you felt a little more obligated to play nice. So instead of completely blowing him off, you made an effort to greet him in the halls, sometimes willingly talking with him for a few minutes or giving him a compliment every now and again.
- He’ll talk a big game around other people; mainly Mark, telling him that he’s got you in the bag or somewhat jokingly saying that you’re all over him, but it’s just to save face and keep up his overly confident façade.
- Regardless, you finally agree to let him take you out around a year or so after the two of you first meet. He’d probably asked you out or tried to hint at the two of you potentially hanging out dozens of times but this was the only one you actually accepted which made him do an internal double take.
- There was nothing different about his approach, he played suave, he told you what he was planning on doing that Friday night and then he invited you to join him. But this time you actually agreed, as though it were totally normal, he was compelled to ask if you were feeling all right.
- For your first date, he takes you to the mall and you spend the afternoon/evening going into different stores, grabbing a bite to eat at the food court and so on and so forth.
- You didn’t expect it but the two of you actually hit it off pretty well once you gave him a chance and kept an open mind. He was frustratingly smooth most of the time but he was also sweet and made you laugh.
- And he was on cloud nine; especially when you absentmindedly grabbed his hand while leading him somewhere or walking through a crowd. He enjoyed your company so much that trying to kiss you completely slipped his mind until after you were already back inside your house later that night.
- You share your first kiss after he walks you home from school one day; maybe after the two of you go on a few more dates. You’re standing at your front door and you’re trying to say goodbye when you sort of just look at each other and begin to lean in.
- After a minute or so, you pull away and when you do, you invite him in for a drink; an offer he eagerly takes. So he comes in, you get him his drink and the two of you spend the next half hour making out on your bed; but that’s besides the point.
- You kissed him and now you’re gonna see if you’ll regret it.
- There’s a lot of Pda in your relationship but a good amount of it is sexually charged or the sort of affection that fits his cool guy attitude. He’s proud of you and wants to be touching you at all times but he doesn’t want to look like a wuss while he does it.
- He puts his arm around your shoulders a lot. He’d probably try to do it even before the two of you started dating so it barely even phases you at this point.
- Neck and jaw kisses.
-  Soft, sometimes sort of clumsy kisses. Mike acts like a ladies man but he’s been with very few girls so he doesn’t have a whole lot of kissing experience under his belt.
- You definitely have the capability to make him drunk with your kisses. You put him in a daze and get him wrapped around your little finger the minute your lips touch his.
- Making out a lot. It’s pretty much his favorite thing to do; though he secretly really likes all your innocent and doting affection.
- Sitting in his lap.
- He doesn’t use a ton of pet names but he does throw a couple of them at you from time to time, namely babe, sweetheart or princess.
- He likes to pretend that he doesn’t care for cuddling but he isn’t convincing anybody with his halfhearted complaining and nonexistent resistance while you pull him in. When you do cuddle, you’ll usually lay facing each other with your head tucked under his chin; or occasionally with his tucked under yours.
- He’s definitely a lot sweeter and softer with you when the two of you are alone together. He feels the need to keep up a reputation while you’re out in public so you only get to see his real, loving personality when you’re by yourselves.
- Su casa es mi casa. After his first visit to your home, you might as well consider him a roommate because he sure as shit acts like it’s his house.
- He’s usually too shy or embarrassed to tell you that he legitimately missed you and just wanted to see you so whenever he drops by, he’ll make up some excuse for him to be there; even though it would be perfectly in his right to answer “what are you doing here” with “I just wanted to see you”.
- He knows how to appear cool; whether it’s a conscious effort for him or not, so he usually has little trouble when trying to impress you. Either way, you’re pretty proud to have him for a boyfriend and your praise consistently makes him wanna to act up.
- He definitely tries to act like people he think you’d find impressive are his friends; even though you probably already know he’s bullshitting you. You just halfheartedly let him believe he’s fooled you.
- Sitting around sorta bored while he tries to swindle people. You get interrupted by his business quite a lot.
- Getting walked home from school.
- If you’ve got a car then you’ll usually pick him up and drive him to or from school; or wherever else, because fun fact: that wasn’t his car that Linda spray painted, it was his moms!
- He has a habit of “fixing you”. He’s always plucking things from your hair or clothes, adjusting your shirt, smoothing out your jacket, etc. Sometimes he pretends like he’s doing something just to annoy you or have an excuse to touch you.
- Consistently looking at your ass.
- Whenever you ask him for a favor, he’ll always tell you that you owe him before begrudgingly doing whatever it is. That being said, after he does it, he’ll usually “forget” that you owe him or tell you to forget about it; or settle for a kiss as payment.
- No ones allowed to know but he’s legitimately whipped for you. It might not seem like it but behind the scenes, he’s bending over backwards to make sure that you’re happy.
- Mall dates. It’s your #1 hangout spot. He’s the boyfriend who shamefully holds your hand as you drag him from one girly shop to the next.
- Concert dates.
- Renting vhs tapes and watching them together.
- Mike has a full on bar area in his room so if you’re down to drink, he has the liquor. Although, to be honest, I think he’d secretly be one of those guys who wouldn’t let you get drunk because you’re his girlfriend and he cares about you. He’d teasingly refuse to give you any before allowing you to have a tiny glass.
- I feel like his parents aren’t home a lot during weekdays; because of work or what have you, so you’ll probably hang out more at his house than yours; unless your parents also usually aren’t home.
- He usually ends up eating dinner by himself and spending most days at home alone so he’ll oftentimes call you up and have you come over. You mostly just end up hanging out and eating in his bedroom while watching television together.
- He lowkey likes stupid old tv shows so the two of you marathon them whenever they’re on tv.
- Going to his house to listen to your favorite music because it’s the 80s and he’s got a whole fucking music station set up in his room. He’s also got more albums than anyone you know.
- Occasionally, he’ll fiddle around with his keyboard while you’re at his place and you’ll convince him to teach you a few little jingles while he’s at it.
- I think that every now and again he’d surprise you with a little gift, oftentimes nonchalantly telling you not to mention it or not to worry about it. He’d probably say something like “how did that get there” and teasingly pretending like it wasn’t him, secretly reveling in the smile on your face and the way you kiss his cheek.
- Him stealing your food.
- Trying to hold back your laughter as he jokingly serenades you.
- Stealing and wearing his sunglasses.
- Ratner third wheeling. The boy gets to see a whole new side of his friend; a side that makes him seem much more down to earth, because even though Mike will pretend like he’s the same playboy, it’s easy to see that he really loves you.
- Giving Ratner advice when he needs a different approach to girls or anything else in life.
- Motivational talks. He might not be the most eloquent but he’s definitely the most supportive when it comes to people he cares about.
- Lots of teasing. It’s his favorite thing to do besides make money.
- He loves messing with you so expect to be annoyed with him quite a lot: whether it be because he threw you in the pool, shocked you, or pretended like you had something on you.
- Defending him when people insult him. Quite a few people don’t understand why you’re with him so expect a few comments from your friends, family, or just random people you know.
- He tries to act nonchalant whenever he’s jealous but it rarely ever works. He usually ends up either having a smug look on his face; because he knows you have no interest in them, or he’ll try to get information out of you about them, maybe making fun of them a little while he’s at it.
- Mike isn’t incredibly protective, he’ll usually leave you to solve things on your own, but if the problem is serious enough, he’ll get involved. He’ll try to walk away with you, maybe say something snide to the other person or about the situation, but he isn’t scared to throw hands if need be.
- Mike is pretty good at keeping his composure but certain situations just make him lose it so sometimes he’ll say something he doesn’t mean in the heat of the moment and regret it later.
- He tends to avoid his problems rather than try and fix them which might lead to him avoiding you after a fight. That being said, he isn’t above apologizing and will always do so is he knows he did something wrong or made you upset.
- He’s a bit embarrassed to tell you that he loves you so he’ll usually only say it after you say it to him.
- Mike certainly isn’t the best boyfriend, he definitely has some maturing to do, so it’s up to you to decide if you want to stick around and wait for it to happen. Just know that he likes you a lot; even if he doesn’t always act the greatest.
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Be a Good Girl
Summary: After Dean finds out that you drank the last of his good whiskey, your boyfriend Sam decides he knows just how you can make it up to his brother.
Dean x Reader, slight/implied Sam x Reader (no wincest)
2215 words
Tags: NSFW, smut, kinda looks like dub-con, oral sex (male receiving), bondage, language, mild degradation, mild praise kink
A/N: I have so many more ideas for this, so please let me know if you’d like more/a sequel. <3
My Masterlist
You knew you shouldn't drink Dean's nice whiskey, even after the way it called to you. However, with the brutally long day you'd had and the boys asleep, it just looked so inviting. Admittedly, it probably had something to do with the way Dean had warned that anyone other than him who'd touched it would "seriously friggin' regret it." You knew being his brother's girlfriend allowed you some freedom from consequence but certainly not all, and part of you wondered if you could get away with it. Maybe you'd even wondered what would happen if you did get caught.
As Sam crawled under the table in the library to check the knots holding you in place, you thought to yourself that while you’d expected some sort of punishment or having to make it up to Dean, you were a bit surprised at the situation you’d found yourself in. This wasn’t the first time Sam had tied you up (and it definitely wouldn’t be the last), but the way his rope work had you spread eagle on the library table was very new. Sam emerged from under the table, satisfied that his knots would hold you in place, and stood to admire his work. Despite the chilly air, heat blossomed within you with the way he raked his eyes over your wholly exposed body. 
“You’ll be a good girl, won’t you?” Sam asked as he lightly ran his finger down the center of your chest and to your navel, leaving goosebumps in its wake.
“Yes, sir,” you answered. Before stripping you bare and positioning you as a work of art in the library, Sam had hinted at what would be happening. He’d mentioned that Dean was upset about the whiskey and that you’d be making it up to him somehow. You’d thought maybe you’d buy him a new bottle, or wash Baby, or something like that, but Sam had something much more exciting in mind. You felt yourself getting aroused at the thought, just anticipating what would happen when Dean got back.
To put the final touches on his masterpiece, Sam stuck a bow and a gift tag to your lower belly, just above your ever-so-inviting pussy. ‘Dean, take what you want. - Sam’ the tag read. Sam nudged your thighs further apart and placed the brand new bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue Label on the table between them. He smirked and pressed it firmly against you, rubbing it slowly between your lips and over your clit before he pulled it away and positioned it for display. You lifted your hips, seeking more pressure against your now-aching clit, and let out a small whine.
Sam tsked disapprovingly, reminding you that you were to be seen and not heard. “Be a good girl, Y/N,” Sam warned. “Remember that Dean’s in charge. He knows your safe words and that you’re just desperate to make it up to him for finishing his whiskey. Be good.” He placed a chaste kiss on your lips before slipping the black satin blindfold over your eyes. You groaned internally -- you wouldn’t dare do it out loud -- knowing that not being able to see would only increase your anticipation and drive you crazy.
You heard the large metal door of the bunker slam closed and your body tensed. While the likelihood that it was Dean was incredibly high, you hated not being able to see what was around you. Footsteps echoed through the library as they approached.
“Well, well, well, what have we here?” Dean’s voice asked directly behind you. Some of the nervous tension in your body relaxed, leaving only the tension of excitement and anticipation. You felt a tiny gust of air on your face and you guessed that Dean was waving his hand over you to test if you could see through the blindfold. When you didn’t react at all, there was a quiet chuckle just inches away from your right ear.
“Looks like Sammy left me quite the gift, didn’t he?” Dean continued. You knew you weren’t supposed to talk -- you were just a fuck toy today -- so you didn’t answer. You heard him approach the opposite end of the table, feeling his eyes on you as he moved. When he picked up the gift tag, you felt his warm and calloused, but somehow soft, fingertip ghost across the exposed flesh below your belly button.
“‘Take what you want’? Oh, sweetheart, you shouldn’t have.” His laugh was a bit dark and, though you couldn’t see him, you could sense his arousal. Your own excitement began to really bloom and you felt yourself getting wetter by the moment. When he picked up the bottle of whiskey between your thighs, you wondered if he could see how soaked you were, just imagining what he might do to you. You heard him open the bottle and take a couple swigs. “That’s the good stuff,” he sighed. “I wonder how well it pairs with this sweet pussy of yours, princess.” He ran his finger along the inside of your thigh before gliding it through your slick folds. You writhed in your bonds, wishing desperately that you could get more, or even just touch him, but you knew it was no use. Sam knew how to tie a knot and you weren’t going anywhere until he or Dean decided to free you.
You heard the wet ‘pop’ as he pulled his finger out of his mouth and groaned. “Shit, Y/N, that’s divine. You’re sweeter than a 15-year single malt.” You could hear the smile in his voice and fuck, you wanted him. Talent for the art of teasing must run in the family. He moved to the head of the table and you couldn’t help the pleading look you gave him when he removed the blindfold. He slid his hand gently down the side of your face and pushed your hair away so he could get a better look at you. Though you bit your lip to keep yourself from making a sound, a small devious smile made its way across your face. Dean mirrored the expression before pressing his lips against yours. It started gentle, maybe a little tentative, but didn’t take even a moment for the kiss to escalate to rough and full of want. You kissed him back hard, lifting your head off the table as much as your position would allow, and Dean slid his hand under the back of your head. Using his grip, he pressed his mouth against yours like it was the only thing he’d ever wanted. He licked into your mouth and sucked and bit your lips with such fervor that you were sure you were dripping on the table.
He pulled away with that devilish grin back on his lips. For just a moment, he paused to drag his eyes over the sight before him. Your pleading eyes staring up at him, your ruddy kiss-swollen lips, your gorgeous hard nipples… He groaned, knowing that everything before him was his for the taking. You let your eyes wander from his face down his body where you could see his erection absolutely straining against the denim containing it. You thought it looked so desperate to be freed, to be touched, that maybe it was almost as desperate as you were. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath to try to calm the lustful need bubbling up through every fiber of your being, but it didn’t do much good. 
Dean dropped his red plaid flannel to the floor and tore his t-shirt over his head. When he pulled his belt through the belt loops of his jeans, you couldn’t stop the low, desperate groan from escaping your throat. 
“What? You want this cock, sweetheart?” Dean chuckled. He dropped the belt and undid the button on his jeans, and every move he made to lower the zipper and push his pants and boxer briefs over his hips was so slow and deliberate that you tried with everything in you to press your thighs together. 
“Yes, sir. Please,” you whined, knowing any punishment for talking would be worth it at this point. You needed him and you needed him to know that. Luckily, Dean seemed to enjoy when his fuck toy replied, because he bit his lip and smirked. He dropped his jeans and underwear to the floor and stepped out of them. He wrapped one large, perfect hand over the hard, thick object of your desire and took deliberate, purposeful steps to approach you again.
“Open up, princess.” You obeyed immediately, opening your mouth and letting your jaw muscles slacken. He grinned and teased the tip of his cock around your lips, and your tongue reached out to taste him. Your tongue caressed the needy red head of his cock and lapped up the bead of precum leaking from his slit. Dean let out a low groan that came more from his chest than his throat and reached up to stroke your cheek. “Be a good girl for me,” he whispered before he thrust his hips forward to shove all of himself between your lips. Once the briefest moment of surprise passed, you greedily took him in, engulfing his throbbing cock with your wet, hot mouth. 
You hollowed your cheeks, sucking him down and running your tongue along the underside of him as he found a rhythm. It didn’t take long for him to begin truly fucking your face and you wished so much that your hands were free so you could touch yourself while he did so. With every thrust, you felt him hit the back of your throat and you couldn’t help but think how good it’d feel to have him pounding your pussy like that. Your clit throbbed and your pussy clenched around nothing, both so eager and needing to be touched. 
His grunts were sinful and you swore you could feel them in your core. He held the side of your face in place as he used you, used your mouth like he deserved to. Your mouth had been what disobeyed him, giving in to the temptation of taking something that didn’t belong to you. In return, he got to take something that didn’t belong to him. You were the prize that Sam Winchester had to offer, and you loved it. Tears escaped your eyes as Dean slammed into your throat, sliding hard and fast between your soft lips. You gagged a bit when he went deeper and you felt his rhythm falter. You hummed around him, and only you knew that it was a sound of disappointment, as you’d been wishing, despite how well he was fucking your face, that he’d slide his beautiful, throbbing, delicious cock into your pussy and thrust into you with every bit of force he could muster. 
“Just like that, baby,” Dean grunted when you hummed, “Such a good girl.” You hummed again, only this time the praise swept over you and you wanted to make him cum by any means necessary. You could be a good girl and you’d show him. You let your jaw hang slack as he slammed into your mouth, as the subtle vibrations of your humming threw him over the ledge into his climax. With one hard thrust sending him impossibly deeper into your throat, he came. His gentle hold on your face was no longer gentle as he pushed you toward him, keeping your head in place as thick ropes of his sweet release spurted down your eager throat. When he finished, he loosened his grip on you and pulled his softening cock out of your mouth slowly, like despite the post-orgasm sensitivity, he never wanted to leave the perfect warm cavern beyond your lips.
He sighed, taking a deep breath to bring himself back to Earth, and you licked your lips to get the stray cum that had smeared there when he pulled out of your mouth. He grinned and you grinned back at him. 
“Sam was right,” he started, “You really are an even better fuck toy than you are a hunter. I didn’t know that was possible.” You blushed, but couldn’t take your eyes off of him. He may have gotten his release but you were still aching and needy for yours. However, you knew that this was about making your transgressions up to Dean, so you wouldn’t say anything. This would make incredible fodder for the next time you played with yourself, or you’d think back to it when Sam took you to bed and reclaimed you later like he did after every time he’d shared you.
“Mmm,” you hummed, “Glad I could be of service. Did it make up for stealing and finishing your good whiskey?” 
“Oh we’re nowhere near finished, princess. I haven’t even gotten to feel that tight, pretty pussy squeezing around me.” He smirked and your cunt clenched, pulsing with arousal, excitement, and anticipation. 
“Are you gonna fuck me good and hard, Dean?” you asked, your expression a combination of puppy dog eyes and a sly grin. Dean ran his fingers through his hair and groaned.
“You have no idea, sweetheart. I’m gonna fuck you til you’re not sure you can cum anymore and you can’t remember your name. We’re just getting started.”
tags: @hobby27 @akshi8278 (Wanna be tagged?)
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softlyjiminie · 5 years
oh kitten! | p.j.m
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⇢ pairing(s): park jimin x cat hybrid!reader, mentions of panther hybrid!jeon jungkook x cat hybrid!reader.
⇢ word count: 2.4K
⇢ genre: smut, fluff, hybrid!au.
⇢ summary: no one expected park jimin to come home with a hybrid, let alone a female cat hybrid. innocent as can be, sweeter than sugar, she was the apple of jimin’s eye, but little did they know, how good she could be.
⇢ warning(s): please read! heavy smut, pwp, dom!jiimin, sub!reader, oral sex (female receiving.), fingering, male masturbation, light exhibitionism,  master kink, corruption kink, degredation kink, god kink if you squint,  mentions of pet play, light choking, spanking, cum play, breeding kink, unprotected sex - please wear protection!
⇢ author’s note(s): happy new year friends! it is i, your favourite jimin luvr back with a very special gift for miss @fantasybangtan​, gia hit me with this very wonderful and steamy gift, so in my new years haze I managed to throw this little steamy one-shot together! please enjoy this very smutty fic hehe.
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no one expected park jimin to come home with a hybrid, let alone a female cat hybrid. jimin already had plenty of girls wrapped around his finger before her, so why did he need a hybrid? the short answer was that he was lonely, looking for someone to take care of and fill the empty space between work, college and parties. but jimin had seen the look of happiness on yoongi’s face that one time,upon seeing his girlfriend  bring in their excitable german shepard hybrid; taehyung  (of course with the permission of their boss seokjin, some establishments didn’t allow hybrids on the premises.)
namjoon, his old roommate had moved out after getting his own cat hybrid, jungkook. the panther hybrid had many lazy tendencies, sometimes aggressive and possessive which had ultimately led namjoon to leave. in other words, jungkook was lazy and mean as fuck. however, he did have his adorable moments. then there was, hoseok who frequently volunteered in a shelter for hybrids. it had been him, the jubilant man,  who helped jimin to find the right hybrid for his home, but the older male would have never suspected his blue haired ‘bad boy’ friend to go for the most innocent little short hair he’d ever seen. 
oh kitty, if hoseok knew how innocent and good she really was. 
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YN’s back was arched, dark fluffy tail wrapped around her thigh as she held her ass up high for jimin to see. with dark eyes, jimin nudged her thighs apart with his own, just so he could get a view of her pretty, creamy little pussy. her ears were flat with submission too, making heat crawl down his spine. “look at you kitten,” jimin cooed lowly, crescent moon eyes heavy with seduction. “all spread out for me, like a good little girl.” 
he hummed in satisfaction, watching her tail twitch and ears flicker to place his movement. YN knew he was right behind her, her modified hybrid DNA meant her keen sense of smell could detect his growing arousal and the denim that prevented it from filling her up. she let out a quiet mix between a whimper and a purr, burying her face into the fresh cotton sheets as she wiggled her hips in an attempt to get jimin’s attention. 
hands on her waist stilled the motion, causing YN to glance back over her shoulder to gauge his reaction. jimin smirked, shuffling down the bed with her ass still firmly in grip. the tattooed man yanked at her hips with bruising force,  bringing her sopping heat closer to his face once his knees hit the floor. nose just inches away from her swollen nub, jimin’s  hot breath fanned over YN’s throbbing core and sent her senses into overdrive. “tell me kitten, what was it that you did so wrong? tell master so he can give you what you need baby.”
his voice dripped with mockery, testing all of her self control. jimin had her trained well, to be a good pet, not only when but if he desired it. he loved to see YN on her knees when he came home from a busy day, mouth open and ready to take his fingers spiralled with tattoos. he loved it. she adored it.
“i t-touched myself,” she mewled after jimin pressed his plush lips against her core in a sloppy kiss. he hummed, as if asking her to continue, causing her fingers to grip the sheets. “because the heat, m-my heat was too much!” 
the tattooed man licked a stripe along the length of her dripping cunt, the overflow of her arousal sweet on his tongue. jimin was addicted, senses overflowing with all of her. “what else sweetheart? elaborate for me.” 
“’called taehyungie ‘n hoseok t-to help with my heat-, oh my god!” she squealed when jimin’s skilled tongue slipped past her entrance, feasting on the heavenly nectar that gathered there. YN was sinful, without even trying, her innocence turning the man on beyond compare. corrupting her, tainting his little angel.  jimin moaned into her core, loving how she desperately cried out his name. letting a inked hand run through his teal tinted locks, jimin lifted himself off of his knees and begun to  sooth her whimpers, smoothing over the curve of her ass. “they said- oh my - they said no so i called kookoo to he-help! jimin!” 
the tattooed man growled into her cunt, possessively at the other hybrid’s name. memories only driving him to push his tongue into her pulsing hole, he smirked against her, drawing patterns on her desperate cunt as she cried out. before adopting YN, jimin knew next to nothing about owning and taking care of a hybrid, let alone about their reproductive cycles. so when his kitten fell into her first heat with him,  jimin panicked and immediately took to calling namjoon for advice. 
jimin remembered his face being bright with a red when his little, sweet, innocent kitty begged him to fill her up with his cum. because, sure, park jimin had been with girls before but this was YN and YN was his precious little baby. jimin had never seen her in such a state before, tears pooling in her beautiful, doe eyes like she was in pain. desperately needing something, someone to take the edge off.
namjoon offered up jungkook to help take care of jimin’s darling kitten and of course, he was sceptical. jungkook wasn’t gentle, he couldn’t take care of a little thing like YN. 
but oh how jimin was wrong. 
never in his life, in his time with YN had he heard her scream such filthy words, begging for jungkook to stuff her full of his load and breed her till his heart content. of course the panther obliged, groaning and barking orders into YN’s ear as their skin slapped against each other. 
and so it became a regular occurrence from then on, jimin making a home on the living room couch as jungkook took her round after round after round. YN’s moans  like a sweet melody filling the void of the apartment, causing jimin’s cock to harden in his sweatpants. he should have felt bad, bad for touching himself to orgasm whilst listening to YN being pounded away. it wasn’t until recently, when jimin had confessed his feelings (and jealousy), that he started helping her through the heats. making his name, jimin , the name that she chanted like a mantra.
“minnie, it hurts,” YN gasped, a slur in her words after he’d neglected her cunt for too long. with a teasing smile, jimin withdrew his face from her heat, replacing his tongue with a finger, slowly pumping it knuckle deep within her red hot walls. jimin grinned cockily in delight, feeling her walls take him in like a glove, pushing her (or rather his) sweater over her ass and up to her chest. 
kissing a trail up her back, jimin smiled against the expanse of her skin, reaching her neck and biting down just hard enough to form a love bite. he wanted YN’s skin to shine with his work, painting blue and purple hues across her skin like the night sky. “i know angel,” he murmured softly, millimetres away from her sensitive cat ears. “i’ll take care of you baby, i’ll fill you up so good, fuck you raw and then feed your tight little pussy my cum, would you like that kitten?” jimin’s voice was raspy in her ear, making YN’s chest heave at the thought of jimin inside her spasming walls. a fresh set of tears watered in the cat hybrid’s eyes as jimin’s finger curled, bringing her closer to the edge. stars formed behind cat-like irises as she teetered over the brink of orgasm, the knot in her stomach desperate to uncoil.
but just as quickly as it came, it stopped. “or would you rather kookoo?”
jimin’s whisper was hot against her kitty ears, causing them to twitch as she almost sobbed into the pillow with a shake of her head, moaning out for something, anything. “what about him, kitten? would you prefer if he fucked you like this? tossed you around and filled you up with his seed? hmm?“ jimin spoke harshly, landing a spank to YN’s ass. “i bet you would, all you can think about is being filled with cock and cum, bet you’d take anyone in that filthy cunt of yours.” 
“no, no, no!” YN cried, grinding her ass back into jimin’s jeans, leaving a wet patch at his crotch once she realised he had moved there. “i-i want you, i want you minnie please! don’t want him, don’t want koo, only you...”
the blue haired boy smirked lightly and sat back on his knees, slowly manoeuvring to unbuckle his belt. the clink of metal clanking on metal made the kitty moan in wonton as her ears swivelled at the sound. “say it again.” Jimin commanded, stripping off the rest of his clothes, the scent of his arousal filling his kitten’s nose. “beg for master, darling.”
“please, please i need you, m-master please- ” she didn’t need to say much before he was swiping the swollen, burning red head of his cock along her soaked slit. jimin shuddered above her, easing his thick cock between her folds as he encased the kitten between his arms. his bare chest moulded perfectly with the slope of her back, her ass resting comfortably at his hip. “hmmm minnie...”
in return, jimin gave an experimental thrust of his hips, whimpering into YN’s hair when she clenched around him. “fuck kitten, alway s’fuckin tight for me.” he moaned, thrusting in again, just to hear her little mewl’s of pleasure. the head of jimin’s cock caught on her wet walls, dragging against them as he repeatedly pushed in and out of her hole, abusing the sensitive area by rolling his hips into her constantly.
jimin lifted himself from her back, hands settling on her hips as he pulled her as back onto his cock, watching her cheeks jiggle with every movement. YN’s face was pressed deep into the pillows as she cried out his name, grinding back onto him like her life depended on it. “m-minnie please...” 
“please what kitten?” jimin panted, kissing up her spine again but never slowing the pace of his hips. “what is it that you want, hm? is my cock not enough for you?, greedy girl. want me to go faster? harder?” 
the blue haired male punctuated his words with swirls of his hips, his bright red tip prodding at her g-spot, eliciting a series of purrs from her kitten lips. he ravished the back of her neck once more, pausing his movements to let her roll back onto him feverishly, her cunt clenching right around him as her orgasm drew near. “h-h minnie, oh!” her purrs grew louder, moans reduced to mumbling his name and sighing once the weight of his body was on top of her again.
jimin’s thrusts became erratic, the force behind them more powerful. YN squeezed around his cock, purring for him and sending the vibrations going straight to his dick. “you gonna cum kitten?” he groaned into her hair, caging her in underneath him as he focused on thrusting deep. thick fingers fumbled to flick at her swollen clit with one hand, the other pressed lightly on her neck, forcing his thumb into her hot, wet mouth. “gonna make a mess of my cock?”
“yes! ’m so close,” she slurred, biting into the fabric of the pillow to control herself.
jimin nipped at her ear. “cum for me baby.” he growled, squeezing his eyes shut when she contracted around him one final time, arching her back to rut against him. jimin helped YN ride out her high as she milked his length for all he had, the tightness of her heat becoming too much for him. “where do you want me?”
“c-cum inside me, fill me with your kittens. breed me.” she purred, breathless as she swivelled her hips over his cock, the man above her practically sobbed as he gave a final two thrusts, filling his baby up with his thick hot seed.
jimin felt his arms give out as he collapsed to the side, not daring to crush his precious angel with his body wait. closing his whiskey eyes, jimin stilled to let his breathing calm, only cracking an eye open when YN moved over to give his inked arm appreciative kitten licks. “good? you’re okay, right princess?” he hummed in concern. 
“mhm! thank you jiminie, i think it’s settled for now. could i have some water please?” YN smiles shyly, the dimples in her cheeks returning. jimin chuckled, the switch of her personality reminding him of how innocent she could be and if he wasn’t so tired he knew his cock would have stirred again. with a shake of his blue hair out of his eyes, jimin nodded and sat up, leaning over to grab a bottle of water from the emergency supply under the bed. “thank you!” 
after the first few heats that he’d helped YN with, jimin quickly realised that both she and he would need replenishments if YN were to stay healthy and he were to keep up his stamina to satisfy her. it was a good thing that he could never get enough of her. the inked man watched with tired eyes as YN gulped down the water, trickles falling down the corner of her mouth and dripping onto her bare chest as she swallowed it down easily. 
wonder what else she could swallow like that, jimin thought. a small cough caused him to shift is gaze from his hybrid’s chest and up to her, innocent eyes. “you’re staring, minnie.” YN whined, with a pout on her lips. 
“you’re beautiful, is staring a crime?” he countered, moving to press a kiss where the water lay and followed to trail back up to the corner of her mouth. YN shifted on her knees, gasping quietly at the soft touch. jimin grinned widely against her supple cheek, biting it softly as he sensed another hot rush flooding through her. YN was so responsive to him, and only him. 
it was a privilege that he loved.
“no, but if i didn’t know any better, i would think you were the hybrid in heat...” she gasped, eyes rolling back as jimin moved his hands to cup her breasts. 
“whaddya say baby, another round?” 
“please, master.” she nodded, already moving to straddle jimin’s lap, ready for another round in the sheets. 
oh, what a good kitten she was. 
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enjennie · 4 years
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Sweeter than Sugar | Na Jaemin
summary: wherein Jaemin goes through hell and back to bake a cake for you on your 3rd anniversary.
genre: fluff / boyfriend au
warnings: none
word count: 1.3k
[3:48 pm]
It looked as if a hurricane had swept over the kitchen as condiments, various baking tools along with spilled ingredients that managed to miss the massive bowl Na Jaemin was baking in cluttered the usually spotless counter that you and your boyfriend obsessively kept at its cleanest. Today, Jaemin couldn’t give a damn about being tidy, as he whisked the eggs vigorously with one hand, and tried to simultaneously sift the flour into a bowl with the other.
“Mom, mom! Please repeat what you said after beating the eggs,” Jaemin called over to his mom, who he’d speed dialed and put on loud speaker once the idea of baking came to him.
“Pour it into the dry ingredients then mix! Ah, why didn’t you get boxed cake mix instead?” His mother nagged. It did cross his mind, but Jaemin didn’t want to take the easy route. He never does. Not for his girlfriend, never. He’d go the extra mile for you.
“Did you preheat the oven?” His mother asked through the phone. Jaemin looked behind him to check. He’d randomly turned the knob when his mom told him to 15 minutes ago. “Yeah? It’s heated,”
“Okay, well after this you can put it into the cake tin then pop it into the oven for up to 30 minutes,” his mother instructed. “You could’ve just bought something special. Girls like that,”
Jaemin couldn’t help but smile. “You know Y/N isn’t like other girls,” He tells his mom. He knew for a fact you’re a sucker for handmade gifts, freshly baked goods and handwritten letters.
“Anyway, mom. Thanks for the help, I’ll send you a photo once I finish,” he reaches for his phone to end the call.
“Alright, goodluck! I love you!”
 With that, Jaemin gets to work on his own. He places the cake into the oven and starts coloring the icing he had prepared to decorate the cake with. Originally, you both had agreed to spend the whole day together as a celebration. But, due to your busy schedule and requirements that seemed to have chosen this day specifically, you’d apologized to Jaemin and promised a date night instead. A date night was all you prepared yourself for, but Na Jaemin had some tricks up his sleeve.
He quickly shot you a text, asking how you were. This wasn’t unusual, as he regularly liked to check up on you and asked if you needed anything. So, you replied without any suspicion.
@ the campus library, getting some articles for our thesis
Sigh. I’m sorry, honey. Will make it up to you l8r! xo
Jaemin chuckled, finding it cute how guilty you were even if he didn’t mind. He always wanted you to focus on your studies.
 [Aug 2019]
“I can wait, your future won’t so focus on it for now,”  Jaemin caressed your cheek lightly, brushing the hair out of your face and watching as the sunset hues reflected in your eyes as you both stood by the terrace of your shared apartment, watching the sun die down.
“You’re my future,” you mutter stubbornly to him. You watch as the corners of his mouth stretch into the gorgeous smile you’ve fallen in love with.
“I’m serious, Y/N. Do well or I’ll have to tickle you,” Jaemin poked at your side and you jolt as a reaction. A laugh escaped his pretty lips as he pulls you in closer and began to tickle you everywhere. “Na Jaemin!” You screamed his name, trying to free yourself from his hold but the man was strong with the softest touch, making him seem like a buff teddy bear. Or a bubble wrap for that matter.
Jaemin turned you to face him, pressing his head against yours.
“Put yourself first, and I swear I’ll always be right beside you,”
And that’s how it’s always been between you and him. You focusing on your studies, knowing you had a supportive boyfriend to go home to who’d recharge you and understand your struggles. Someone who’d wipe your tears away, motivate you and refill your coffee mug at 3 in the morning when the 5000 worded essay just wouldn’t write itself.
Nothing was sweeter than Jaemin, not even the most decedent of cakes, or the most sugary cupcake.
 [4:21 pm]
The oven had sounded, letting the boy know the cake was done. He rushes to see and to his delight, it looked normal. He pulls it out with oven mitts and places it on the counter to cool.
Jaemin popped a candy into his mouth, getting excited as things were turning out perfectly.
 [6:08 pm]
“Jaemin?” You called into the dark hallway of your apartment as you come in through the front door. The house was usually lit when you came home at this hour, so you wondered if maybe Jaemin had fallen asleep, or left to go somewhere. So, you walk in and switch the lights on yourself to reveal an empty house.
At the end of the hall where you stood, you noticed a little card stuck to the entrance which led to the living room. You flip it open and it read, ‘Welcome home! Meet me at the terrace?’ A smile instantly shows up in your face as you excitedly pocket the card. Of course it wouldn’t just be an ordinary date night, you’re dating Na Jaemin. You’d be a fool to expect anything less.
You make a quick stop to your shared bedroom, throw your bag to the floor and quickly pick something to wear. The pink dress you’d reserved for special occasions catches your eye and you take it off the rack, knowing your boyfriend was a sucker for the color.
After a little while, you finally make your way to the terrace, which he’d drawn the curtain over so you wouldn’t see. You push it out of the way, and find a panicked Na Jaemin huddled over a cake with its candles nearly touching the surface of the cake, almost ruining the design.
“Quickly, quickly!” he calls for you and lifts the cake. Without even being able to register and appreciate the perfectly set up dinner, or the sunset that stretched in the horizon, you ran to Jaemin, which was always the most beautiful in your eyes anyway. “On three, make a wish and blow,” he lifts the cake between you two and smiles.
With closed eyes, you sent your wishes to the sky and blew. You didn’t even notice he had kept his eyes open, and let you do it alone, with nothing but a smile on his face. Once you opened your eyes once again, you see the writings on the cake.
Always beside you.
 Jaemin sets the cake aside and wraps his arms around you. “What took you so long? The candles almost burnt out,”
“Sorry,” you couldn’t help but laugh. “I wanted to look good for you at least,”
He chuckles, “You’re something else, Y/N,”
“Hmm, what am I then?”
“Everything I’ve ever asked for and more,”
Jaemin didn’t waste a second more, and pressed his lips against yours, as each second that passed without your lips on his was a second wasted. He tasted sweet, both in a non literal and literal sense. Your boyfriend loved sweets, after all. Each kiss was enough to give you a sugar rush.
 As you both pulled away from the exhilarating kiss, you found yourself licking your lips, craving for the sweet taste he’d left.
“Happy anniversary,” he gives you another peck. Your eyes land on the table he’d set up for the two of you and the sight almost brought you to tears. The sun had died down while you were busy with each other, which left you under the dim lighting that the string lights Jaemin had hung up provided. You realize it looked extremely similar to your first date. Like Jaemin had tried to replicate the one at the restaurant he’d taken you to, three years ago. “You didn’t-,” your voice came out unstable as you were getting emotional and extremely nostalgic.
He grinned and pulls a seat out for you, “C’mon, the roasted chicken is getting cold,”
“Na Jaemin, I’m gonna marry you one day,” you walk over to him and pinched his cheeks before sitting.
You hear him chuckle, and nothing in your life could have ever prepared you for the next thing Jaemin does.
“Why not now?” He asked, getting down on one knee and opening up a red box, revealing the prettiest ring you’ve ever laid your eyes on.
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softrozene · 4 years
“Fancy seeing you here.” Ft. Law
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@lazybutsmexy​ requested: Hii!! I'd love to participate in your valentine's event! I'd like a fluff scenario for Law x female reader, with #3 from the dialogues list(said by the reader) Some extra detail: Law is busy all the time so his SO didn't expect him to actually make free time for valentine's, hence the comment hehehe Thanks!!
CUTE! I love it- I hope I wrote it to your liking! I hope you had a lovely Valentine’s Day!
Valentine’s Day Masterlist
Category: Dialogue
Number 3: “Fancy seeing you here.”
Trafalgar Law x Female Reader
Warnings: Pure heart-warming fluff, modern!au (I don’t know why I make Law sleep-deprived but I am digging it lol)
Words: 456
You originally were not going to make a big deal about today- Though as you walked through the town your heart was just a tad sad from seeing all the couples and red heart-shaped balloons. Yeah, you understand Law being busy all the time. He is a med-student and all so you did not take it personally when he could not even text you.
You only worry about him and how stressed he has been.
So, the least you can do for him (and really for yourself) is to get some sweets from your favorite bakery! It is a pretty busy and well-known bakery, so you were not surprised when you saw the place filled for today. Though the second you walked in- You were a bit stunned to see Law there. Confusion wracked your mind until you heard him speak.
“Yeah- (Name). That is the spelling.”
Your heart fluttered as you realize he had the same thought as you- To get you (and him) something.
You walk up to him and in an amused tone say, “Fancy seeing you here.”
The poor exhausted man did a double-take upon seeing you. A scowl forms on his lips for being caught and ruining the gift he had planned for you before he smiles.
“Yeah- Had to take the rest of today off to see you,” He mumbles.
You can hear the tiredness in his voice, and it makes the action he did all the much sweeter. He could have gone home and get some much-needed rest but instead, he went to go get you a gift.
“What did you get me?” You ask as you lean into him.
He wraps an arm around just as the baker hands him a small bag. Law leads you outside before opening so you can peer into the bag. It is a small cake that has your name and multiple hearts on it. Then cookies iced for Valentine’s Day.
Your heart is melting, and you want to scream.
“You didn’t have to get me anything,” You murmur.
Law’s smile turns into a smirk as he teases, “Who said this was for you? I got these for me to eat in front of you.”
You nudge him and he chuckles before saying, “Of course. I will always make the effort for you (Name). My sweet girlfriend. All I want in return is you to let me use your lap as a pillow.”
“Well- What are we waiting for then? Let’s go put on some rom-coms, eat, and sleep!” You say excitedly as you lace your fingers with his free hand.
He hums and you are so happy that you ran into him, catching him in the moment of doing something sweet.
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
Chiaki gets into a friendly competition with her S/O
·       Sometimes things go as planned. Sometimes even when you want to be with someone you can’t because of distance or conflicting schedules. That had happened on Chiaki’s birthday. She was a bit disappointed none of her high school friends and even her partner couldn’t see her in person, but she at least wanted some contact with them.
·       Thankfully her job allowed her to do such. “Okay everybody. In two minuets I will be starting the twenty-four-hour birthday live stream!” Chiaki rather liked playing video games with others watching. It was fun to let people enjoy games they may not have access too or are simply not skilled enough to get far in. She also liked seeing what conversations wee popping up in chat, often a new inside joke amongst her fans being created from something funny happing in the game. Even if her friends could only pop in for a moment, or even if she missed it, at least they could still be together and celebrating in a way. Like this everybody could just stop by whenever it was convenient for them.
·       Since it was so early in the morning and she was rather tired so she decided to play a more relaxing game. “Hmm. Ah, no we’re not playing that today. Y/N’s still in the war and their contract doesn’t end for another month. I don’t want to play it without them.” Though you were a mercenary, often off traveling around the world you were like her co-star. Whenever you were around, you’d play couch co-op games. The audience loved you, you being so charming the charismatic. You usually used your charms to get work, but it was fun to play it up for the camera.
·       Though being a mercenary and having no real loyalties other than to whoever paid you the most, your friends and girlfriend, you so highly valued teamwork. You needed to be able to work well with anyone at any time and get on their good side quickly, so you rather liked co-op games.
·       “They’re doing just fine. OH! That reminds me!” She so brightly smiled, a light blush on her cheeks. “They actually knew I’d be doing this starting at midnight, so they sent my gift to the neighbors to give it to me, I got it just before I started streaming. They also had cake and a few other things sent to me as well. And a letter as well. It’s so sweet.”
·       Quickly most of the chat was demanding she read the letter aloud, but one particular message and username caught her eye. ‘Perhaps not. Those words were written for my player 1 alone.’ “Aw, you’re here, but it’s unlike you to be so shy Y/N.” ‘Do as you with I just don’t want you to feel pressured.’ “And you’re embarrassed by it.” ‘Am not!’ It was not true, you were not the shy type… around strangers, but when it came to people who you valued however… hearing any sort of praise from them always turned you into putty in their hands. Though chat always ooed and awed at your flirtatious comments or complimented how kind or good looking you were you didn’t care and just politely took it, unlike when it was any positive word of you from friends, a simple thank you for Chiaki could earn a blush from you or hearing one of your high school buddies call you their friend would draw a beaming smile from your lips. Even if the little affection could fluster you, she knew you loved it.
·       “You are. I know you. And it’s cute.” ‘You may fine me cute, but I certainly can’t compare to you and your blush right now! So soft and gentle. I can’t wait for this job to finish so I can come running back to you! Cuddling sounds so nice right now.’ “Y/N you’re just the best. Thank you so much for all the birthday surprises, I didn’t expect any of it.” ‘You WEREN’T!? Then I better step up, you should expect nothing less from your partner, even if they weren’t me!’ “I don’t know about that. You can be a bit extra sometimes.” ‘EXTRA!? I just do the bare minimum when I’m away! I just try my best, none of it is EXTRA!’ “Honey. Yes, you’re extra.” ‘WHAT’S WITH THAT LOOK!?’ A giggle bubbled up from her seeing how you were reacting and how flustered you must have been behind your screen. ‘Enough talk about me, today is about you!’ “And I want to talk about you, and how great you are.”
·       You didn’t respond right away, likely her last comment sending you over the edge of embarrassment and joy and you needed a moment to cool off. Though you soon responded. ‘Challenge!’ “Oh, you want a challenge?” ‘YES! You can’t keep complimenting me if I beat your butt at a game!’ Sometimes people would drop into Chiaki’s stream, challenging her to take her title of queen gamer, but clearly you weren’t after her title. “Okay, you’re on. And when we’re done I’ll tell you how well you did.” ‘YOU CAN’T DO THAT IF I FAIL MISERABLY!’ “…” Chiaki simply shook her head. “I love you.” ‘I LOVE YOU TOO! NOW OFF TO BATTLE!’
·       Certainly, how silly you could get was one of Chiaki’s favorite charms about you. Even when apart, you made her birthday all the sweeter.
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hannigramficrecs · 4 years
Sugar Daddy
Spoiled by everybreathagift [words: 1,895]
Hannibal likes buying Will stuff. Will isn't exactly complaining.
Strawberries and Champagne by stratumgermanitivum, whiskeyandspite [words: 17,569]
The man looked him up and down, then stepped back to get a better look at the car. “For twenty bucks, I’ll take a peek under your hood,” he finally said, “And we’ll talk about the extras as they come along.” “Look, I really -” “I’m being serious. Literal. Both.” The young man held his hands up in placation, his smile still wide. “My dad owned a shop back in the day, I used to watch him fixing engines.” A Pretty Woman AU.
The God of My Idolatry by KareliaSweet [words: 1,002]
Hannibal enjoys overindulging Will. Will enjoys being indulged. A small exploration of the post-fall dynamic.
He's Walking Back to Me by KareliaSweet [words: 3,408]
Two small snippets of the most famous scenes from Pretty Woman with a Hannigram twist.
Consenting to Dream by emungere [words: 32,188]
A seduction through physical objects. It starts with a scarf loaned to Will on a cold day, but Hannibal, as usual, isn't satisfied with anything small.
First Impressions by the_heart_and_the_brain [words: 3,933]
Will is a new college student who's out late with his classmates and happens to mention that he lives nearby. When they declare that "hey it's time to turn in, let's all crash at yours!" he wonders if he's had enough to drink to handle both introducing his friends to his middle-aged sugar daddy and telling Hannibal that he'll be hosting a drunk mass sleepover... (who would have known it would work out splendidly?)
Love In The Time of Cannibals by ToxicWitchling [words: 62,237]
Franklyn has noticed Dr Lecter's favoritism with another patient. It started small; frequent appointments, hushed conversations and light touches. However, Franklyn draws the line at the recent extravagant gifts the Doctor seems to be bestowing on a scruffy fisherman from Wolf Trap. He realizes he may be more interested in the good Doctor than he first knew and begins to find out as much as possible about this Will Graham, if not to stop him toying with the Doctor's affections, then to learn where the attractions lies and steal it for himself.
Screwed Up and Brilliant by orphan_account [words: 26,470]
“You never get anything you want by not asking for it, Will.” “Well, if I knew all I had to do was ask." Will smiled, a devious thing as he let the next words drip honey-sweet from his tongue. "Be my bad decision?” Hannibal leaned in then, pressing him back into the wall, his breath smelled of scotch and smoke, and Will was dizzy with it. “Such a lovely little thing.” Hannibal's thumb ran across his lower lip. “How could I deny you when you ask so sweetly?”
Blush by berlynn_wohl [words: 3,125]
Hannibal doesn't want Will to be a girl. He just wants Will to enjoy all the nice things he buys for him to wear.
Say That Again by chronicopheliac [words: 2,624]
Will and Hannibal are out doing some shopping, when Will kind of accidentally stumbles upon a kink he didn't know Hannibal had.
They’re The Kind of Jokes That Are Only Funny If You Tell Them Right by pensee [words: 11,538]
“I love that your father is so doting. Very tactile,” a woman in mink says, her hand on Will’s arm. At least she’s wearing gloves, he thinks, feeling slimy as he tries to pull away. Ex-fucking-scuse me?
Sugar Daddy by chronicopheliac [words: 1,457]
Will accuses (teases) Hannibal of being his sugar daddy. Hannibal's still annoyed that he didn't get laid, so he decides to turn it against Will.
The Back Foot by spqr [words: 8,468]
When Hannibal finds out that the hooker he’s spent the last month romancing up and down the isle of Manhattan is also the author of the NYT’s monthly Dark Minds column, he reacts much the same way Will expects a normal man would react upon finding out his new girlfriend could deep throat.
A Lot of Things by orphan_account [words: 3,883]
It's rare that Hannibal makes a demand, or even a suggestion, so Will's pretty surprised one evening when Hannibal sets a plate of dinner in front of him and says, "I will buy you a suit."
Ball Toss by raiast [words: 22,307]
The carnival AU no one asked for. Hannibal accompanies Alana to a carnival and meets one Will Graham, whose game booth is less than above board. Hannibal does not approve.
Indulgence by humanveil [words: 2,160]
Will knows Hannibal wants it, but he also knows Hannibal won't ask for it.
Oh Sweet Boy, Let Me Spoil You by kipsi [words: 1,865] 
Hannibal loves to buy Will gifts, especially those that make him moan.
Sweeter Bitter by wormsin [words: 89,503]
Will is an awkward student and Hannibal an intrigued mentor.
Teenage Wildlife by writtenbyizzy [words: 10,163] 
While reluctantly prowling Grindr for a sugar daddy to pay for his dog Bean's vet bills Will comes across Hannibal, and gets far more than he bargained for.
Karoliai by slashyrogue [words: 4,577] 
Will works at a jewelry store. He has worked there for three months and sold less than any other person there. His boss tells him to sell something by the end of the day or he may not have a job tomorrow. If there was one thing Will hated more than having to talk people into buying jewelry they didn’t need, it was trying to do it two days before Valentine’s Day.
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smoochi-dazai · 4 years
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✿ “ The Colour Of Honey ” ✿
—> Bungo Stray Dogs, Dazai Osamu | reader / @i-am-a-bastard​
—> Sweet | Gift
—> Description | Actions proven to be sweeter than honey. Just softness smh
✿ ( 1.7k words )
✿ Due to my dear friend taking my idea for a gift, I decided to rewrite this for her. *cough* *cough* Instead of taking place during the early morning, I’ll make mine at night.  Honestly reading your gift for me was heart touching, I wish I could write as beautifully as you. Either way it comes from the heart, so here we go !!
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As a member of the armed detective agency, life wasn’t the purest. You had a ‘luxury’ to see the earth at its true form, full of people who enjoy tainting its soil through means of violence. Day after day people were working hard for justice, but what is justice? What is good and what is bad? The idea of each varies from person to person and how far their level of morality goes. Often, justice will be seen as a tool for good, yet villains too, use this method to create their world.
Hands in each pocket of his trench coat, Dazai made his way home. The pace of his slow strut quickened as the sun began to set. Beautiful displays of colour painted throughout the sky became hard to resist, thankfully the bandaged little devil himself wouldn't allow this to halt his journey forward any longer. It was long past curfew for Dazai to return home.
The detective knew there was no avoiding a worried belladonna waiting for him at this point. Who could blame her? His job was dangerous, especially for him. Each day he’d come late opening the door, his beautiful girlfriend would pounce on him only to start spewing out apologies back to back full of embarrassment. Even if he didn’t admit it, moments like those were cute.
Finally reaching his destination, Dazai let out a long exhale, preparing for a body to come crashing into his. Unlocking the door, Dazai pressed a hand against its surface, gently pushing it forward cautiously. Something felt off, however. Shutting the door behind him, Dazai looked around their small home from his current position. His belladonna was nowhere in sight.
By now, the girl would’ve tripped over her own feet in an attempt to greet him.
“I’m home!~ ” Dazai said enthusiastically, clearing his throat before stepping forward into the partial mess of a living room. “Belladonna?” he called out once more, only to be followed with silence.
Nothing in the house looked out of the ordinary, leaving Dazai to walk through the home in search of his lover. Door after door the man couldn’t help the negative thoughts invading his mind, if something happened to her all because of his late arrival he would not be capable of forgiving himself.
Dazai was stuck in an endless silence, his footsteps echo in the hall until his ears pick up on a familiar sound. The faint sound of falling water, this faint sound floods his heart in sweet relief. He was such a fool, she was just in the shower. Scratching his cheek, Dazai allowed an embarrassed chuckle to escape his lips. Speaking out loud to himself.
“ I guess it wouldn’t hurt to still check in on her “ The mischief in his tone was evident, shrugging off his coat and kicking his shoes to the side. Dazai made his way towards the faint sound coming from their washroom. At this point, he could hear the individual droplet of water splash onto the tiles. Gentle hums met his ears as he cautiously pushed open the door, just a smidge to peak in. By the time it opened enough to reveal anything, a voice could be heard.
“ I swear if you move that door an extra inch, you’ll regret it. “ (Y/N) threatens.
That all too familiar voice echoed throughout the washroom, a heavenly sound which triggered Dazai’s heart to flutter. He knew what she said was an empty threat, but respected her privacy anyways.
Dazai smirked before it changed to a more genuine smile, chuckling lowly before shutting the door behind him. So much for getting a quick peek, he thought to himself, waiting outside for her.
It had only been around ten minutes before the door opened, revealing his Belladonna with a towel wrapped around her figure. Meeting her eyes with his own, he invites her with a welcoming smile. She only pouts in return, holding up her towel.
“ For someone who claims to be a gentleman, you aren't fazed by invading my privacy in the slightest, Osa. “
Gasping dramatically while placing a hand over his heart, Dazai acted as if he found that offensive, “ I was only checking to make sure my dear belladonna was safe! “
“ Uh-huh. “
Walking past the now moping Dazai, (Y/N) kept a hand grasping her towel in order to secure it around her curves. Smiling sheepishly, the girl made her way to the bedroom she shared with Dazai. His footsteps follow suit behind hers.
Reaching her bedroom, (Y/N) heads towards their closet. Ripping clothes off the hangers, she could still feel Dazais intense stare. Observing her every move. Feeling her towel slip, (Y/N) quickly caught it before revealing anything. It is not the first time she'd be entirely exposed to Dazai, but it still felt incredibly embarrassing. Being vulnerable wasn't easy, yet a single touch from Dazais handy work then she'd melt.
Like a candle, she would light up his world. Failing to accomplish her mission was uncommon, (Y/N) never once regretted falling for Dazai. That warm smile whenever they had been alone, made the flame in her heart flicker.
A mysterious boy wrapped up in not only bandages but himself- was always hidden behind a façade, something she broke within a mere year.
" Can you please refrain from watching me change, Osa? It's embarrassing. " (Y/N) mutters, slowly stripping the towel off while changing into a more light and comfortable fit for bed. Two arms slither their way around her waist, feeling a warm chest against her back. Dazai began to whisper in her ear, sending shivers down her spine.
" I can't seem to ever take these eyes off you, Belladonna. Can you really blame me? " Dazai was dangerously close to a flame, her cheeks grow warmer as the flame within her heart fails to compute. 
Dazai’s hands roam her bare body, the towel held up between her and his bodies, the slightest movement could make it fall. Subconsciously (Y/N) sinks back into his chest, sealing her eyes shut. The girl found herself to accept the warmth of his delicate touch.
" Please? I need to change Dazai. " (Y/N) comes back to her senses, carefully prying Dazai’s hands from her frame, " It won't take long, promise. "
Pouting in defeat, Dazai turns around and heads for their bed. It was difficult to convince Dazai regularly, except when it came to his Belladonna he couldn't evade complying.
Hearing the sound of her towel drop to the floor, Dazai huffed and kept his gaze to the other side of their room. Hopping out of their bed, Dazai slipped off his previous pants and wore some Pajama pants in replacement. Stripping his shirt off carefully and throwing it aside, Dazai threw himself back entirely on the bed. His bandaged up torso left exposed.
Normally there would be food waiting for him around this time, but neither of them really cared for that at the moment. He ate lunch at the Agency, which was enough to satisfy him for the day. Dazai just wanted to make up the time he missed with his (Y/N).
" You can turn around now, I'm changed. " (Y/N) announced, flicking a switch she shut off their bedroom light. Walking to their bed, (Y/N) sat herself down. There was a moment of silence, moonlight trickled through their window. Pale white light sunk into their forms, a gentle gesture both of them could appreciate.
Pulling a blanket over themselves, (Y/N) was the first to wrap her arms around Dazai. Being the big spoon was her go-to position between them, often pulling Dazai into her chest. A hand finding itself in his soft chocolate locks. Sighing in content, Dazai rested his head on (Y/N)s chest. Feeling her breasts to be some sort of pillow in his mind. Sighing in content, Dazai smiles. He was so incredibly exhausted from work.
" Big day at work? " (Y/N) whispered, inquiring how his day has been. It was apparent as too how fatigued he was. The frequent sighs, and the way he weakly threw an arm over her form.
Dazai nods his head, melting beneath the feeling of (Y/N)s fingernails against his scalp. Messing up his coffee-coloured hair.   " Port mafia doing their usual, there's been a bounty placed on Atsushis head. "
" Oh dear, that does sound rather tedious huh? I'm sure Atsushi is plenty safe with you around. Try not to stress so much, Dear. " (Y/N)s comfort reached Dazais ears like a serene melody, thanking her below his breath while leaning up to leave a gentle kiss on her neck. Finding a new home within the crook of her neck, Dazai remains right there.
The couple rested there happily within the comfort of lovers' warmth. Dazais bandaged chest had some blood stains and dirt, too lazy to change those bandages anytime soon.
Legs tangled, pairs of arms wrapped around each other. Lazily sprawled out across the bed mattress. By now their blanket was thrown off of them, dangling off the bed while the couple solely embraces one other.
Eyes closed on either party, Dazai felt (Y/N) stop combing his hair with her fingers. Pouting, Dazai opens his eyes and checks on her. The even breaths that escape her mouth already told him she fell asleep, deciding to leave her be. Dazai changes their position slowly in order to not wake his love.
Fast asleep, (Y/N) began to curl up in the boyfriend's embrace. Facing each other, now she was in his shoes. Head resting against his chest, Dazai nestles his nose into her hair. The fresh smell of shampoo gave a pleasant scent, entering his nose. Strands of hair tickle his face, forcing him to brush it behind her ear. Muttering to her, even though he was aware it had been pointless.
" I love you, Belladonna. More then you could ever understand. " His grasp around her form became more firm, afraid if he were to let go then she'd be taken away from him soon too.
"Everything I've ever cared for seems to be taken away from me, I swear I won't let anything happen to you too. Not ever again..." Dazai weakly smiles, memories of old friends of the past flash. Deciding to brush those memories to the side,
" I don't know what I'd do without you Belladonna, You've done the impossible. " Dazai kissed the girl in his arms on the top of the head. Smiling genuinely before resting his head on top of hers. Finding the lull of sleep envelope him.
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neverthesamelove · 3 years
The Detective and the Dessert
The cadet held the box gingerly in his hands. He looked down at the huge slice of colorful cheesecake topped with a mountain of sprinkles and he furrowed his brows.
It was the 5th day in a row.
They were always different, always elaborate. Once it had been a slice of pie, once a piece of coffee cake, once a cinnamon roll cake, and once a chocolate cake that was so large it needed to be in 2 boxes taped together.
It was the cadets last work day for the week and he wondered as he brought the colorful box to the detective's office if there would be another one tomorrow. It was eating away at him a little bit. He almost volunteered for an extra shift just to be here so he would see if another one came.
He needed to do his studies.
And they had to be from someone he knew, and someone that Ebba knew, because Ebba would never have accepted them if they weren't. There was a very strict policy about gifts for officers and detectives.
So as he got the detective's door, he took a deep breath, screwing up the courage to ask him who they were from.
But his courage left him as soon as he saw the blond man's stoic face.
Detective Martinsson was very serious, and extremely private. He was not going to share any information with a cadet whose name he didn't even know.
There were rumors that he had a girlfriend and a few of the cadets had seen a fashionable blonde woman picking him up one day, but they had to be just rumors. Detective Martinsson was a workaholic, a man married to his job, there was no way he would have time to find a hot girlfriend...
"Just put it on the desk," Martinsson said without looking up.
The cadet froze, looking between the detective and the dessert.
Martinsson looked up from his computer, his eyebrows raised.
"Is there a problem?" he asked in his most authoritative voice, which, in spite of the way he was in his personal life, was very convincing.
"N-no, sir, no. I just- I was just wondering..."
Martinsson shot the cadet a warning look.
"Right, sure, of course..." the cadet stammered.
"On the desk."
The cadet slunk into the office, making himself as small as he possibly could. He placed the plastic box on the desk and backed out of the room.
"Have a nice evening...d-do you have any shifts this weekend?" the cadet asked awkwardly.
Detective Martinsson kept his eyes on the younger man. He wasn't that much younger, maybe 5 or 6 years, but he seemed like a child to Magnus.
"No, this is my last shift for the week."
The cadet shifted on his feet.
"Ja, me too. I'm going to be doing some school work, I have an exam coming up and I was hoping to go out for a few beers with my friends..."
Detective Martinsson crossed his arms across his chest and leaned forward on the desk, his eyes firmly on the nervous cadet.
When the cadet stopped talking, Magnus forced a smile.
"Well, good luck with that. I don't miss those days, work and school and attempting to have a social life. It's a pain in the ass."
The cadet laughed a little too loudly and then took a step back, his arms flailing. Detective Martinsson was not going to be giving out any information today.
"Try to get some rest too," Magnus said and then he went back to his computer, dismissing the younger man in a more polite way that he probably deserved.
But Magnus just needed the cadet to leave because he was so weary from having to NOT smile at the 5th dessert, for the 5th day in a row, and he just wanted to call her and smile at her through the phone and plan their weekend, just the two of them.
The cadet nodded and looked down.
"Ja, you-you too," he said as he turned and hurried away from the detective's office, defeated.
Magnus stood up and dialed his phone as he closed the door to his office. He perched on the edge of his desk, facing away from the door, his long legs spread wide apart.
"Hej," he paused, a wide smile spreading across his face. "Thank you for the dessert, but I don't think I'll be needing it tonight."
"Are you sure about that?," the woman's voice came through the phone.
Magnus chuckled and crossed his arm over his chest.
"I am very sure, Ms. Lindahl. Very, very sure."
There was hushed laughter and whispered words and a promise to pick him up as soon as his shift was over.
And that evening, when the cadet was leaving for the week, he caught sight of Detective Martinsson grabbing a blonde woman and lifting her off her feet in a embrace. The cadet looked away as the Detective lifted his hands to the woman's face and held it as he kissed her deeply.
"Hmmm, the cadet whispered to himself as he got to his car.
And when he looked back, Detective Martinsson had picked up the woman and she was holding onto him and her laugh was tinkling off the precinct, and for the first time, the cadet thought he heard The Stoic Detective Martinsson laugh along with her.
"Still sweeter than all those desserts!" the detective said as he whisked her to her car.
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