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Three Houses 100% Completion: Refining Those Spreadsheets
To my utter surprise, @symsykins has expressed interest in trying out my long and convoluted idea for a 100% NG+ run of FE16. Far be it from me to stifle the ambitions of a fellow completionist, but as I've made a fair number of updates to the methodology of that post in the months since I wrote it I would be remiss if I didn't publish those changes for the benefit of him or anyone else who wants to try their hand at this absurdity. Sometimes playtesting this stuff can be more entertaining than actually carrying it out....
Additional Parameters
It occurred to me that for "true" 100% completion you also need to complete those things tied to your Switch account rather than individual files. This means filling out the support log, event gallery (Goddess Tower events), and music library. Fun fact: there are exactly 29 Goddess Tower events if the same-sex ones are counted twice as the game does, so provided you plan them out ahead of time you shouldn't have to save scum to get them all.
As mentioned in the earlier post most of this is trivial to complete. The easiest way to raise support points between an active unit and a classroom unit is to have the latter serve as an adjunct during battle. They don't need to have an equipped weapon or be in a class other than noble/commoner, but just having them there will rapidly build supports. Still, it's best to plan out and stagger the number of supports your units take on each run so they're not overloaded. Cross-house supports are one of only two reasons to ever do cross-house recruiting, and they should also be staggered accordingly.
There's also the matter of building up your battalion guild. There are 127 unique battalions to obtain, discounting the Essar Research Group which requires the game's online features and a Switch Online subscription to access. Your guild can fit 200 total battalions in it, so there's ample room to acquire and max out one of each battalion as well as duplicates for the better ones. This is also the only other reason to recruit across houses: to get the three Part 2 paralogues that require it (Ferdinand/Lysithea, Linhardt/Leonie, and Caspar/Mercedes) and so unlock their associated battalions. As with recruiting for cross-house supports, you should only bother doing these once.
One-Time Renown Purchases
You can and should buy all the Renown purchases in Abyss and most of the saint statue bonuses during your first run, using the 10000 Renown bonus from CS and all incidental Renown gained during the run to do so as you can't spend it on anything else. Note that the last bonus for each statue, a boost to units' max stats, is functionally useless for the purposes of this project and so can be left for the second run - a full 10000 Renown you won't have to worry about spending right away. At any rate, however, you'll have amassed enough Renown to complete the saint statues during your second run.
On Monastery Activities
Previously I'd discounted the greenhouse as an unnecessary time sink like fishing and tea time, only to be completed when a quest is involved. However, I find that in non-CF runs you'll quickly start running out of dining hall resources in Part 2 without planting crops, which forces you into the less efficient alternative of running around and throwing gifts at your active units to max out their motivation each week. Therefore I recommend planting vegetables and fruit in the greenhouse throughout Part 1, at which point you can stop because by then you should have accumulated enough resources to cover the rest of the game. Additionally, there are certain glowing blue spots along a typical exploration run route that are guaranteed to drop fish or edible crops - at the stall in front of the fishing pond and on the stalls in the corner of the marketplace where the special merchants gather, namely - which you should check out each month.
Byleth's Level
When Byleth is not an active unit don't bother raising their level higher than 15. This is good enough to recruit all the level-dependent characters (most of the church units), and the only meaningful benefit to going up to 20 is to attempt the proper conduct tournament. However, early on Byleth is unlikely to be able to win the tournament even at 20 without an appropriate class or abilities, and the Renown and brave weapon frankly are not worth the waste of time and space in having them be an adjunct for those five extra levels. Save the tournament for runs where you're actually using Byleth.
Classroom Unit Ranks
A quick correction here. I previously said that Authority should be every character's first priority as a classroom unit, but I no longer believe this is true. With standardized class sets (see further down) it's more important that characters look ahead to the runs they'll be doing in the near future and work on skills relevant to those runs. This especially holds true for banes; a classroom unit can easily take a bane skill as high as B or even A from base over the course of a run, which will help significantly with future certification requirements. Classroom units can work on Authority, but I'd save that for those that have free availability in most or all runs like Anna and the Wolves. The regular students and to a lesser extent non-student characters that join late will want to prioritize their problem skills and build Authority mostly during combat in their active runs.
Route Distribution
I had previously suggested that CF should have the most runs to compensate for Jeritza being awful...but screw that. My current 29 run setup:
6 runs of SS
10 runs of AM
9 runs of VW
4 runs of CF
Notably, this works out to 9 or 10 runs per house which is overall more significant given the advantages in-house units enjoy. The choice to give AM an extra run over VW came down to AM having more exclusive units; VW's one extra week isn't that much of an advantage, not when the Deer lack a Part 2 exclusive and also include Lysithea. But, you ask, can you get away with running CF that little?
Playtesting suggests yes, provided those runs follow some strict parameters: five units only, with three of them being the CF exclusives and the remaining two slots covered by a rotation of the other Eagles. SS runs should precede CF runs whenever possible, to give Edelgard, Hubert, and the rest of their house more classroom time to make up for having to share runs of the shortest route in the game with Jeritza. Jeritza should always hold one of the Knowledge Gems during Part 2, with Edelgard and Hubert sharing the other. The other Eagles can lean on their active use in SS runs to make up for the deficit, and even Edelgard and Hubert can prep for their active runs or finish up skill ranks in SS. Jeritza though....
Number-Crunching Jeritza
To illustrate why I complain about Jeritza as much as I do (from a unit perspective, that is - it's been well-established why I hate him as a character), let's take a particular trouble spot of his as an example. Jeritza has an Authority bane, which means that even with Mastermind and a Knowledge Gem equipped he'll gain no more than 3 points of it during each combat encounter, or 6 if he uses a gambit (not to be relied on given how limited in use per map gambits are). He doesn't have access to any classes that boost Authority, so this is the best it gets. Starting at B Authority means it'll take him 2920 total points to reach S+. Assuming no classroom instruction (because he's got ten other skills to work on, you know) and no gambit use, that works out to him needing about 974 total combat encounters or an average of 244 encounters in each of his four runs.
Is that feasible? If you follow my method of exploring on weekends before instruction weeks and battling on other weekends (and assuming your first run is not CF which...no) there are (3 battles per weekend x 5 calendar months) + 6 chapter maps = 21 battles that Jeritza will fight. Obviously those battles vary in length, but that comes to an average of 12 combat encounters per battle. That's admittedly a bit steep, especially earlier on when few of your other units will have maxed Authority and can be used as adjuncts, but remember that gambits count as two combat encounters and that, more significantly, the other units will eventually max out Authority and allow you to field only three frontline units at a time. It does help that both Edelgard and Hubert have Authority boons, so they should be backline-ready no later than their second active run.
Unfortunately there is one little hiccup to this. CF's first calendar month consists of just one free weekend and the chapter map. As annoying as it is the journal can only be accessed while exploring, which means that on each CF run after the first you'll have to choose between skipping three battles that month or updating Jeritza's skill ranks. You should always choose to battle, because it will help out your other units (who already end up screwed out of a few battles thanks to what choosing CF does to the end of Part 1) and also allow Jeritza to start working on ranks he hadn't touched in earlier runs. The wasted Authority growth is a shame, but at least Jeritza has the base ranks to certify for any beginner class right out the gate so he can pick up a sword/lance/axe/gauntlet/Thunder and still make use of the training time. CF Chapter 13 is also unusually short and will be finished in only a few turns, so it's not a great loss either.
And all that was just for one rank! Hopefully that proves my point about Jeritza sucking, even if mercifully his class masteries and other skill ranks are less of a pain. Even faith can be worked around with bishop and holy knight offering 6 points per combat encounter, although he'll probably want to save his monk run until he can be an adjunct so he's less hobbled by his tiny spell lists.
Standardized Class Sets
Probably the part of this update I'm most proud of, as I put a lot of thought into simplifying one of the more needlessly complex elements of my original setup. Crafting individualized class sets for each character may sound fun on paper, but it's a hassle to keep track of when actually playing the game and doesn't have any substantial benefit. Characters can patch up their banes through classroom training, and furthermore class certification requires nothing higher than A which is a major reason that mastering classes is more of a rote structural element of individual runs than something that requires intricate plotting.
As such, have some standardized sets. These come in male and female versions to account for genderlock and similar considerations, and they apply to all characters except Byleth and the house leaders who have to be handled a bit differently. Noble and commoner are not listed as they're trivial to master; just make sure that non-student characters go back and do so at some point, like when they're being used as adjuncts for supports.
Below each set is a list of the skills needed to guarantee certification in all of the set's classes. This was a useful metric for determining which classes went best where.
Dancer (if available)
Death Knight (Jeritza only)
Mortal Savant
A Swords C Axes C Bows B+ Reason B Faith
Dancer (if available)
War Cleric
Mortal Savant
A Swords B+ Brawling A Reason A Faith
There are a lot of sword-based classes, more so than any other weapon or magic type, and that combined with the rarity of sword banes - only Bernadetta and Mercedes - means that often even characters neutral in the skill will max out swords during the course of their myrmidon run.
This run has the distinction of being the only one to not require any of the movement type ranks, which is one reason why gremory is here. The other is that female characters have eight regular master classes as opposed to males' seven, so while when divided across four runs males get a free space here (which Jeritza takes advantage of), females do not. Unfortunately mortal savant is the only master class that proceeds naturally from all the earlier sword classes, but if you'll notice from the male set's requirements there are fairly high reason and faith requirements here even without gremory.
The other oddity is war cleric, which takes the place of assassin (see below) but stands awkwardly as female characters' only serious brawling class. The secondary faith requirement slots easily into a run that also includes trickster, but as I explained in the first post brawling is going to be a problem skill for female characters no matter what you do.
One more note: it's important to consider certain things when deciding which active units will go in which run. Myrmidon runs require the most scrutiny as this is where characters will be dancers, and of course you can only have one of those per run. These runs also require the limited availability Abyssian Exam Passes, one for males and two for females, so keep that in mind as well.
Armored Knight
Fortress Knight
Great Knight
Bow Knight
A Lances B+ Axes A Bows A Heavy Armor A Riding
Pegasus Knight
Falcon Knight
Bow Knight
B Swords A Lances A Bows A Riding B+ Flying
Here we see the major influence of genderlocked classes. Female characters have more obvious lance options thanks to the pegasus classes, whereas males have to take the heavy armor classes instead. This balances out in the fighter runs, but for now it's worth pointing out that characters will only be using lances and bows in these runs. Swords (females) or axes (males) will be trained entirely in the classroom, with females running assassin as a bow class and males running the heavy armor classes with lances. Hey, great knight does have Lancefaire, and more importantly all the classes mentioned also boost those weapon types.
Wyvern Rider
War Monk
Wyvern Lord
War Master
C Lances A Axes A Brawling C+ Faith A Flying
Armored Knight
Fortress Knight
Wyvern Rider
Wyvern Lord
Great Knight
C Lances A Axes A Heavy Armor B+ Riding A Flying
This is the inverse of soldier, with male characters taking a quartet of brawling classes while females go mono-axes with the heavy armor classes and others. The female set also has one fewer class than all the others here, a consequence of there being one fewer female-exclusive class than male. As with the master class free space in male myrmidon, keep that in mind for later. The singular axe focus and smaller number of classes compensate for female fighters needing to train all three movement types here, which is annoying but necessary. I tried numerous combinations of classes in the soldier and fighter runs, but incredibly this is the one that's least demanding on overall ranks. What can you do?
Male fighters require an Abyssian Exam Pass - just pointing that out.
Dark Mage
Dark Bishop
Dark Knight
Holy Knight
C Lances A Reason A Faith A Riding
Dark Flier
Dark Knight
Holy Knight
C Lances A Reason A Faith A Riding C Flying
With the understanding that gremory is covered in the myrmidon run, there's little to mention here. Rank requirements are almost identical with females only needing to work on flying a bit. These runs are the most demanding on limited seals though, with males needing two Dark Seals and females two Abyssian Exam Passes. Make sure you plan accordingly.
Also, these runs make it clear that if you're going to equip these characters with a weapon for when they run out of spells (as might well happen during earlygame), make it a lance.
From the standard sets:
Add lord to myrmidon
Add armored lord and emperor to fighter
Because female fighters are already one class short Edelgard can add two classes there and still come out as even as possible. She's the only character other than Byleth with more than eight master classes, meaning she'll have to do three of them in one run, but with her it's no trouble aside from emperor having the worst availability of any class in the game that is. Her unique classes slot well into fighter as it is.
Dimitri and Claude
From the standard sets:
Add lord to soldier
Move hero from myrmidon to fighter
Add high lord and great lord/wyvern master and barbarossa to myrmidon
The guys, meanwhile, don't fare as well. They take advantage of the same free space for a master class that Jeritza does, but to make the rest of this happen things have to get a bit messy. They'll have to have a certain sword rank for their soldier and fighter runs now, but as they both have sword boons that's not too tall of an order. They can also run hero as an axe class and lord as a lance class to match those runs' themes, which also helps each of them a bit in a different way - Dimitri with his axe bane, Claude with his lance bane. Dimitri's unique classes fit well with myrmidon as they also boost swords, but the best you could say about Claude's unique classes in myrmidon is that he won't have to train up bows for assassin when he can just switch to using them in wyvern master.
The Avatar’s special gender-variable self needs class sets built from the ground up to accommodate their ability to access all of the genderlocked classes. As follows:
Myrmidon (male)
Dark Mage
Dark Bishop
Enlightened One
Mortal Savant
Soldier (female)
Pegasus Knight
Wyvern Rider
Falcon Knight
Wyvern Lord
Bow Knight
Fighter (male)
Armored Knight
Fortress Knight
War Monk
Great Knight
War Master
Monk (female)
Dark Flier
Dark Knight
Holy Knight
Apart from the two female runs having three master classes apiece - unfortunate but necessary, as with Edelgard - the biggest surprise here should be dark mage/bishop in myrmidon. They need to be in a male run though, and there are more magical female-exclusive classes so that's not going to be monk. Alongside the standard mortal savant it's not much of a stretch in terms of skills (something Byleth never struggles with anyway because faculty training is a thing), but the required two Dark Seals should be considered.
I think that's just about everything for now? I could be really over the top and map out exact routes for exploration, efficient paralogue choices, and more nitpicky stuff, but even I've got my limit. Part of the fun of 100% is being able to adapt your strategies anyway, so I'm not sure that being that precise would be the best way to approach hypothetically helping someone else do something like this.
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Launch Your OnlyFans Account with a Bang

With most things in life, starting on the right track will make things easier down the line. Whilst mistakes and wrong directions can be valuable life lessons, wouldn’t it be great if you could launch your OnlyFans account with a bang and ride on that train of success? Here are some ways to do that.
Prepare, prepare
Yes, you do hear stories of people starting an OnlyFans on a whim and doing really well. However, for most, the secret to success is planning. Use our calculator to get an estimate on how much you could earn on OnlyFans and then think about how much time and resources you are willing to put into this. As an influencer, you are probably used to thinking of yourself as a business. Whilst spontaneous content can be wonderful, it’s probably a good idea to plan out most of your content in advance, at least to begin with. Try different types of content and different posting patterns and keep records of what works well, until you find your OnlyFans routine.
Know your audience
We often see between 1% and 5% of a creator’s followers on their free socials sign-up to OnlyFans. The people you’re catering to are likely to be your most dedicated fans, who want to interact with you and your content on a deeper level. Consider how you can sell your OnlyFans to these people.
One entrepreneurial mid-level creator did a poll on her Instagram asking her followers whether she should get an OnlyFans account. As well as planting the idea into the heads of everyone who watches her Instagram followers, many people responded to the story letting her know how much they would love to pay for exclusive content on OnlyFans. When this creator launched her account she messaged these people and they became her core subscribers and highest tippers.
The easiest way is through to promote your OnlyFans is online. We recommend you place your OnlyFans profile link in the “About” fields of your social media profiles, share posts via Twitter or advertise your OnlyFans page anywhere you have followers. You can also get creative about promoting your OnlyFans offline – if you’re a performer you could hold a launch party to spread the word in the physical world. Many of our creators also find success launching OnlyFans with an introductory rate and then raising their price when they get more comfortable with the system.
Start with great content
A great way to launch your OnlyFans account with a bang is to use some exceptional content for its debut. If there’s a wonderful idea you’ve been sitting on for a while, now is the time. Let all your followers on your free platform know that this amazing piece of content is on your OnlyFans to create a sense of FOMO and encourage them to sign up.
Be Bamboo
Like most entrepreneurial endeavours, success on OnlyFans requires you to be like bamboo; strong and flexible. This might seem in contrast to point one, but it’s not. It’s good to have a plan, but realistically there are unexpected factors that will come into play when you actually start your OnlyFans, and you need to be able to roll with the punches. For example, some creators have problems choosing an appropriate subscription price. If you’re not getting as many subscribers as you expected, you might want to consider lowering your price. If you’ve had a lot of people sign up and you can’t keep up with your inbox, maybe consider raising it. Ultimately, pay attention to what’s working and what’s not, be willing to adapt and enjoy the ride.
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Best VPNs in 2020 for PC, Mac, & Phone – a hundred% SECURE
Best VPNs in 2020 for PC, Mac, & Phone – a hundred% SECURE

Finding the first-class VPN to maintain you secure on-line feels not possible. There are loads of VPNs out there, and every one claims it’s the great.
Our experts have spent months cautiously testing over three hundred services to decide which of them do what they promise—and do it nicely. We linked to these VPNs from everywhere in the international, with what is a vpn researchers jogging exams in internet-confined international locations, including China and Russia, testing their safety, their reliability, and the speed of their connections.
We even made a few calls to Google and PayPal to analyze rumors surrounding some VPNs. We additionally delisted numerous shady VPNs: While they hadn’t but been caught sharing consumer information, we’re involved that quickly, they'll.
Our honest, comprehensive evaluations will help you choose the proper VPN for you, whether you need to stream Netflix, get around government censorship, or stay completely anonymous on line.
It’s no longer all about size—some smaller VPNs outperformed a number of the largest manufacturers, despite the fact that they lack the advertising finances. And, whilst we placed them to the check, we discovered that some of the popular VPNs had been essentially nugatory—a few even dangerous!
We can genuinely say that once our rigorous trying out and reviewing, our top 10 VPNs will hold you secure, shield your records, and provide you with lightning-rapid streaming speeds.
The Best VPNs – Full Analysis (Updated October 2020) Our group is spread throughout more than forty nations round the world, and we conducted masses of exams over numerous months to discover which VPNs presented the excellent speeds, protection, and reliability. We browsed, downloaded, streamed, and torrented for weeks on end to convey you those confirmed consequences.
1. NordVPN – Great Balance of Price and Performance
Dedicated torrenting profile: Yes, P2P distinctiveness servers available Works with: Netflix (a couple of libraries), Hulu, BBC iPlayer, Vudu, Amazon Prime Video, SkyTV, Disney+, and plenty of others Available on: Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, and routers Data logging: Strict no-logs coverage Money-again guarantee: 30 days NordVPN is our #1 VPN recommendation. It provides splendid all-round cost, with exquisite capabilities and overall performance at a charge few can beat.
AES-256 encryption and help for OpenVPN and IKEv2/IPSec protocols hold your visitors comfortable and hidden. Since it’s registered in Panama, NordVPN is likewise some distance faraway from 14 Eyes surveillance and troubling information retention laws. This permits it to accumulate zero sensitive consumer logs—first-rate news for the privacy-conscious.
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The massive NordVPN network has over 5390 servers in over 55 countries, with ordinary new additions. It offers uniqueness servers for P2P, double encryption, and devoted IPs. This offers this VPN the flexibility to get round geoblocks, get servers tailored to any use case, and have better speeds. We examined it in 12 areas against the restrictions of Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, and numerous other services; it broke every block.
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Secure streaming and torrenting are one-click on tasks with NordVPN. Thanks to proprietary SmartPlay DNS settings, the NordVPN patron robotically provides reliable get entry to and rapid speeds while you open Netflix and different streaming services. Best yet, it can unblock over 400 exclusive offerings—no different VPN comes near.
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Don’t Use If:
You need to pay with PayPal. It does that to shield your privacy, however a few humans nonetheless like PayPal.
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ExpressVPN helps P2P connections on all servers, so you don’t need a torrenting profile. The app’s Smart Location feature chooses the pleasant server for you. It took me just 15 mins to torrent a movie, so it became rapid and easy manner.
ExpressVPN offers 256-bit encryption and OpenVPN aid throughout all systems, offering strong protection. Additionally, you get DNS leak protection and a Network Lock placing—in different words, a kill transfer to your connection.
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We turned to our researchers in Asia once more to check out ExpressVPN’s ability to bypass censorship. We’re happy to report that it continuously bypassed the Great Firewall of China, so it’s a pinnacle select for areas with heavy censorship, too.
Customer provider is also on factor, with helpful 24/7 stay chat support and specific setup guides for the various supported platforms. Every time I tested the stay chat function, I changed into talking to a beneficial consultant in under mins.
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What To Prepare to China?
China, the most populous country in the world at 1.436 billion people (approximately 44 times of Malaysia’s population of 32.15 million people) and also the third or fourth largest country in the world (approximately 29 times the size of Malaysia). We have definitely heard a thing or two about China, with most notable “Made in China” in majority of your items. Production cost is one of the lowest in the world, hence why it is known as the world’s factory.
You might be planning to go to China, and so happened to stumble upon this blog as you are finding for some information on what to prepare before heading there. Otherwise, you could be my friend who read this because you saw me posting, or you just happened to see this for whatever reason. Not to worry. For my first ever travel blog, I will be sharing based on my experience on what you should prepare before heading to China and some things to keep in mind. I will be writing this from a Malaysian’s perspective (I’m a proud Malaysian), but I will try my utmost best to be as international-friendly as possible. Ya know… need to reach out to more readers! Anyways, hope you enjoy!
1) Let’s talk Visa.
No, I’m not talking about the credit card Visa. I’m talking about your permission to travel into the country visa. As of 26 December 2019, all Malaysians are required to apply for a visa before entering into the People’s Republic of China. You may use Passport Index to check if your passport requires a visa before entering to China. The link is right here!
However, the process of applying a visa is incredibly simple. All you need to do is to go to this website. shown below!
Just follow the process. It’s a very quick process and shouldn’t take more than a week. However, it’s always good to apply at least one month before your trip.
2) Cashless Society Is Real
You might or might not heard about it, but China is currently in a transition to a cashless society. By “transition” I meant like it’s probably 95% complete. You can literally pay anything and everything with the two e-wallets in China, which is WeChat Pay and Alipay. Even small shops, roadside vendors, and markets have their own QR codes which you can scan and pay. There is a higher chance that you are not able to pay with cash than e-wallet.
WeChat Pay
As of 23 December 2019, a foreigner is still unable to use WeChat Pay in China as WeChat Pay in Mainland China requires you to have a local phone number and a Chinese bank account to be able to use. Well, no cashless society for foreigners then.
Alipay has just very recently launched a Tour Pass which enables foreigners to join in the cool Chinese gang and pay with your mobile phone. Just download the Alipay app, register yourself as an international user, follow the steps to register and you will be able to use Alipay e-wallet in China for 90 days. How it works is that you will receive a virtual prepaid card issued by the Bank of Shanghai. Don’t worry at all, any remaining balance in the wallet will be refunded back to your registered card once the 90 days has ended. Alexander Wong from Soya Cincau wrote a simple article on this. Tap this link below to read more about it.
In a nutshell, as foreigners, just set up Alipay and you will be able to pay with your phone everywhere.
Malaysians, if you have not gotten BigPay, you are missing out big times. BigPay is basically a credit/debit card based on a Mastercard prepaid introduced by AirAsia. You can use it to make payments at over 30 million Mastercard merchants worldwide as it functions like a normal credit/debit card that is managed by the BigPay app. Just install the app, sign up, top up some cash into it and you are ready to use the card. While there are countless of benefits on using BigPay, I will highlight two big reasons to get this card.
i) BigPay offers the best exchange rate when you purchase an item with BigPay card when you travel overseas. In other words, by using BigPay and purchase items using the BigPay card in another country, BigPay offers the best rate and pays to the merchant at the current exchange rate. To elaborate further, the money that you change at your local money changer will have a higher rate due to many hidden fees, but BigPay does not have any hidden fees.
ii) If you are a frequent AirAsia flyer, use BigPay and enjoy zero processing fee while buying any flight tickets from AirAsia. Not only that, spend with BigPay and you can collect BIG points which can be used to redeem flight tickets.
**I am not promoting BigPay but it’ll be good if they can pay me for writing about them. It’s a real life saver for travels.
***But if you are going to get BigPay, why not use my referral code to sign up? You get RM10, I get RM10. It’s a win-win. My referral code is ZW1PKS7ATN.
So what is the bottom line from this long segment? I’ve topped up the Alipay app using the BigPay card, which I get the best rates while able to use Alipay to make purchase in China conveniently.
3) The Great Firewall of China
Took a nice photo and wanted to post it on Instagram? How about posting a status about how you are having a good time so far on Facebook? Want to make a video call with your friend using WhatsApp? Sorry, you can’t do it in China.
Yes, if you still do not know about this, China bans many, many websites that we access on a daily basis. Some top notable sites are:
Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit
Messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Telegram, and Line
Anything from Google, including your Gmail, YouTube, and even Google Play Store
For a more complete list, I have attached a website here which you can take a look.
Unless you are fine with WeChat, which is the only messaging app I can think of that is able to use in China, you will need a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to bypass the firewall.
My own experience to get by this problem is by getting a portable WiFi from Klook to bring over to China. Be sure to read the reviews stating that it can access the firewall. I got it from this website below!
I also downloaded at least 3 to 4 of free VPNs from Google Play Store before heading to China with hopes that some of them work. China has been actively cracking down these VPNs, so not all VPN works. If you are able to afford a proper VPN, you can subscribe to a legitimate VPN service which will be much better. I have not subscribed to a VPN service before this trip, but now I have.
I personally subscribed to Nord VPN about a week ago and it is working charms so far. I managed to get a great deal of only paying RM230 for a 3-year subscription! PM me to know how or wait a while as I will post a new blog on how I got such a good deal!
Be sure to download and prepare the VPNs before heading to China as you won’t be able to access to the Google Play Store once you are using China’s internet.
So with so many apps unable to be used, what do you use? That brings me to my next point.
4) Baidu Maps, WeChat, and Didi as your replacement
If you are able to read Chinese, then Baidu Maps is your alternative to Google Maps. It is basically China version Google Maps. Baidu is basically China’s Google.
Baidu Maps helped me to determine if it was worth walking, taking the public transport or driving to a destination. For public transport, it showed me the exact route to take, the exact bus number or train line to take, and even the total fare of the trip. As there is no access to Google in China, it is quite unreliable to use Google Maps in China even with VPN access as it does not tell you as much as Baidu Maps does. However, do take note again that it is only in Chinese, so for my fellow friends who can’t read Chinese, you can still download and try to work your way around the app.
WeChat is your replacement for WhatsApp, and why I would suggest to get a WeChat account is so that you can communicate should you need to communicate urgently. There was once that I was separated from my group, and thankfully I was able to find a café with WiFi and used WeChat to communicate. Sometimes, VPN can fail you, so it’s always better to get an app that allows direct communication.
Didi is your replacement for Uber. Sometimes, you need a taxi ride but perhaps you are too used to the e-hailing lifestyle. Didi is the app for you. Works just like Uber, except it is China version.
5) Bicycle apps
Now this was one of the things that I regretted not doing on my previous trip to China. The city of Chengdu has an excellent bicycle rental service and it’s literally so easy to cycle around the city. Sometimes, cycling is the fastest way to get to one point to another, and the rental is cheap.
The most notable bike sharing application that I’ve observed in Chengdu are OFO and Mobike. I did not do this process, but my guess it that the steps are:
1) Set up your Alipay account and top in money as told in the previous point. Make sure you sign up under the tour pass.
2) Download OFO or Mobike or both and complete the set up. Use the Alipay account to link it together.
3) Fly to China and enjoy using the service.
Again, make sure to do any downloading and signing up BEFORE heading to China.
6) Bin your toilet papers
Malaysia is blessed with an awesome sewage system, at least awesome enough that we can flush our soiled toilet papers into the toilet bowl and flush everything away. However, not everywhere is like this, and China is one of the countries that bins their soiled toilet papers instead of flushing it down. As habits are hard to break so soon, we might sometimes throw into the toilet bowl by accident or intentionally because it might be too unacceptable to bin it as it might smell or it is just pure disgusting thinking about it.
I’ve learned this the hard way in my trip, as one of my travel mate forgotten to bin his used toilet paper, and the result was that the whole toilet was clogged. By the time we managed to clear the clog, half of our day was gone and we had to throw some of our plans away due to a lack of time.
It’s real guys, you just got to bin it. It’s much more disgusting to see a clogged toilet bowl than a soiled toilet paper. Speaking about toilets.
7) Yeah, it’s paper.
China has no bidets. So for #TeamWater, you can either shower in your accommodation, or bring wet tissue out in case the production happens outside.
8) Plug outlet
It’s different. Malaysia uses the Type G as we were once under British influence.


[Type G plug used in Malaysia]
China uses the Type A plug, so be sure to bring a universal adapter to the trip. My little hack is that I also bring an extension wire along to plug into the universal adapter so that I can have more plugs to charge more devices.

[Type A plug used in China]
Be sure to always check for the plug outlet before visiting any countries. It’s a good investment to get a universal adapter.
9) Mala (麻辣) everywhere
At least for Chongqing and Chengdu, they take their mala very seriously. It’s hard to run away from their distinct mala taste in most of the food there. They even placed the Sichuan pepper into their stir-fried vegetables.
So if you are not a fan of mala or the numbing sensation from the mala, try to
bring some local food
from your country to compensate. Hard for me to suggest, as I’m usually very curious about the cuisines of each countries and will just try no matter how weird it is.
In a nutshell:
I hope that some of these tips can help you to prepare before heading to China. I hope that you enjoyed my blog, and do share it with those who might need it. It is a big country with too many things to offer, but some fundamental preparation will be great. I am sure after visiting ones, you will know better on some hacks. Do share it with me too! I would love to hear them!
Pack your bags, and let’s get travelling!
Just kidding, not now. Stay at home now as we are in a middle of Covid-19 pandemic.
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Wholesale Gym Equipment, Exercises to Lose Weight Fast

If you're one of the approximately 67% of Americans that are wired into the internet, there‘s’ a good chance that sometime in the last 24 hours you're received at least one spam email promoting the latest and greatest diet pill or weight loss program.
These diet products promise fast weight loss results, often without any effort or exercise. The never-ending promise of a weight loss pill that actually works keeps us hoping for eventual success.
At the same time, we're continually inundated with news of the most recent diet and how this time it‘s’ really going to work for us.
The South Beach Diet, the Zone Diet, the Atkins Diet, the Low Carb Diet, the Cabbage Soup Diet, the Mediterranean Diet, the LA Weight Loss Diet, the Weight Watchers Diet, the Diabetic Diet, the Low Cholesterol Diet, the Prescription Pill Diet, the 3 Day Diet, the Low Fat Diet, the High Protein Diet, the Maker Diet, the Liquid Diet, the Grapefruit Diet, the Fad Diet, the Blood Type Diet, the GI Diet, the Vegetarian Diet, the Vegan Diet, the Detox Diet, the Dash Diet, the Candida Diet, the Gluten Free Diet, the Hollywood Diet, the Negative Calorie Diet, the 1200 Calorie Diet, the Raw Food Diet, the Phentermine Diet, the High Fiber Diet, the Macrobiotic Diet, the Science Diet, the Lemonade Diet, the Scarsdale Diet, the Diverticulitis Diet and the Fat Flush Diet are all examples of diet plans that promise to help us achieve quick weight loss.

Crash diets, weight loss pills and get-thin-quick gimmicks are more prevalent than ever, yet two-thirds of our population is still overweight. Even more startling is the fact that approximately one-third of the people in our country are clinically obese.
With all of these solutions?available to us, why is it that obesity trends have been alarming enough to prompt the Centers For Disease Control (CDC) to label obesity a national epidemic? Why are we still, as a nation, getting fatter? It‘s’ certainly not because we're not trying.
On the contrary, as a nation, we're trying harder than ever to lose fat through diet and other weight loss products. As reported by CNN on 1-14-05 揂mericans were expected to spend more than $40 billion in 2004 on weight control pills, gym memberships, diet plans, and related foods estimate Marketdata Enterprises, which studies the weight loss industry.? Furthermore, statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that 80 percent of overweight individuals and almost 87 percent of obese individuals are trying to lose or maintain their weight.
As reported by mygoals.com, 80 percent of Americans made a New Year‘s’ resolution in 2005. A whopping 26 percent of those resolutions were to improve overall health and fitness, making this the top category for self-improvement. This year was no anomaly, either, according to Amy O'Connor, deputy editor of Prevention magazine: "Fifty-nine million people every year resolve to lose weight."

So, is there a healthy diet product out there that will actually work? More than likely, the answer is yes. Although there is quite a bit of fraudulent weight-loss merchandise on the market today, there is also (somewhere out there) a diet program and weight loss plan that will work for us. The challenge is to find that diet product or diet plan.
-> Repeat Business
The diet and weight loss industry is a huge money-making machine. According to Marketdata Enterprises, the annual revenue for the diet industry was over $30 billion dollars in 1990. A 2005 report by Stanford University documents that the consumer diet industry is now approximately $44 billion and growing. With all this money flowing around, haven's we as a country spent enough to fix the obesity problem once and for all?
How can the diet industry keep making more and more money, year after year? After all, $44 billion dollars is a lot of cash! The answer to that question is simple: repeat business. ?8% of today‘s’ dieters gain the weight back in 5 years. 90% of those individuals end up gaining back more than they lost originally, due to the body‘s’ panic and efforts to stabilize metabolic rates over the long term? (Source: Stanford University; stanford.edu).

How do the diet-promoters get all that repeat business? The diet industry is a very unique enterprise in that, when it fails someone, they rarely blame the product. We are hard-pressed to find another business where, if the product doesn's work, we blame ourselves. All too often, after giving up on yet another diet program, we find ourselves thinking well, I guess it’s just not a good enough dieter.?The tendency is for us to believe that we failed the diet rather than the other way around. Weight Loss Exercise, Wholesale Gym Equipment & Wholesale Fitness Equipment https://www.fitness-china.com/wholesale-gym-equipment
Apply this same logic to the automotive industry, and it soon becomes clear just how faulty this line of reasoning really is. What would happen if we take our car in to the mechanic for repairs and when we returned to pick it up he told us that although we still had to pay the bill, he was unable to fix the problem? Would we willing pay the bill anyway and just say h well, I guess it‘s’ just a bad car??Of course not! That would be ridiculous! But that‘s’ exactly what we do when it comes to diets.
-> One Size Does Not Fit All
What we need to realize is that there is probably a weight loss product or weight loss plan out there that will work for us, but it may not be the same one our friends or co-workers used. To find the best weight loss program for us, we absolutely must realize that one size does not fit all. What worked for our sibling or spouse may not work for us, and what works for us may not work for them. It‘s’ probably safe to say that any diet supplement has helped somebody, but it‘s’ also true that no weight loss drug or plan has helped everybody. Each person has a unique metabolism and very individual nutritional needs, so no single plan will work for everyone.

-> How To Find The Right Weight Loss Diet
Some fat burner products on the market today do indeed work. Others are a complete rip-off. How do you tell the difference? Where do you go for accurate and reliable weight loss information?
First and foremost, talk with your doctor. Your own personal physician is likely to be honest with you and provide you with the facts. In addition, he or she can help you decide which weight loss supplement may be right for your personal situation. There are also quite a few reputable organizations that provide accurate information on fat loss. Some of the better resources include:
American Cancer Society - www.cancer.org
Get a subscription for Wholesale Gym Equipment Men’s Fitness Magazine
Centers for Disease Control - www.cdc.gov
Diet Scam Watch - www.dietscam.org
Calories Per Hour - www.caloriesperhour.com
Harvard Medical School - www.health.harvard.edu
Mayo Clinic - www.mayoclinic.org
Shape Up America - www.shapeup.org
Calorie Control Council - www.caloriecontrol.org
President‘s’ Council On Physical Fitness - www.fitness.gov
When seeking a healthy weight loss plan, it‘s’ important that no food be strictly forbidden. There should not be any (or many) foods that we avoid completely 100% of the time. Why? Because that sets us up for failure! For example, if fudge is one of our favorites and we force ourselves to NOT eat fudge at the holiday party, then for many of us what we've done is set ourselves up for a binge fudge-festival.
Avoiding our favorite foods entirely is too much self-deprivation for most people, and this sets us up for binge-eating. That's a recipe for disaster! A much better approach is to enjoy foods in moderation. Watch those serving sizes! Enjoy and savor one piece of fudge! It's better to enjoy one piece of fudge and then stop than attempt to deprive ourselves entirely, only to end up eating the whole pan.
A good diet and nutrition program will also help us keep in mind the cost of the foods we eat. We're not talking about dollars and cents here, but the FITNESS cost of the food. When picking up that fudge, keep in mind what it will cost to enjoy it. When picking up a plate at the buffet table, let's take a moment to pause and think to ourselves: "The cost of this fudge will be an extra _____ minutes of exercise.....is that worth it to me?" Maybe. Maybe not. That's for each of us to decide on our own.
Wholesale Gym Equipment and Keep Exercise and Physical Fitness
The point is that we should be conscious of our food decisions. No foods are forbidden entirely, but we do need to watch our portion sizes and carefully consider the cost of each food. Any good weight management program will incorporate these concepts and also will be approved by your doctor. One such plan is the Running Start weight loss program offered by Pick Up The Pace. This nutrition program has six 12-week uses. You can use them all yourself, one after another, or share with a friend. The program has weekly updates, menus you can personalize, and printouts. The menu selector counts calories, protein, carbs and fat. The foods list is among the most comprehensive on the market.
This Running Start Nutrition Counseling software is simple to use and will help keep you accountable. The program retails for only $49.99, which translates to less than 70 per week. The software includes:
Printable 25 page manual titled finally, The Truth About Weight Management?
The printable 31-page manual is full of facts about vitamins & supplements!
Printable 28-page software user guide!
72 weeks of personalized menu creation!
Use all 72 weeks yourself, or share with up to 5 friends!
Choose your dietary preference! This software lets you choose the foods you like!
Not another set?- but a real nutrition education!
-> How To Find The Right Weight Loss Supplement
Perhaps even more so than with weight-loss diets, when searching for weight loss supplements it is critical to rely on the advice of your physician. The careful and supervised use of weight loss diet pills, combined with a sensible diet and regular exercise, can lead to quick weight loss and even easy weight loss (or at least easier than you expected).
Beware, however, the supplement scams on the market. It seems that every time we turn around we are blasted and bombarded with the latest, greatest, new and improved treatment for obesity. The gimmicks just keep coming. The sad truth is that few of these products work. Even fewer will result in real, permanent and lasting fat loss. A very few of the weight loss gimmicks on the market today are not only a consumer rip-off, but they are also quite dangerous.....even deadly.
Wholesale Fitness Equipment Optimize Your Health and Weight Loss
As an example, consider the prescription diet drug Meridia. Does it help you lose weight? For some people, the answer is yes. For others, the answer is no. Can it kill you? The answer to this question seems to be a nervous 'maybe'. "The consumer group Public Citizen had petitioned the Food and Drug Administration for a ban, citing Meridia users who died of heart problems as young as their 20s and 30s. Even before Meridia was approved for sale, the FDA knew it could increase users' blood pressure, the group contended." (Source: cnn.com) This week the FDA again refused to ban Meridia, even though whistleblower David Graham (an FDA drug safety officer) testified to Congress last fall that his agency was allowing five unsafe medicines to stay on the market, including Meridia.
Wholesale Fitness Equipment and Keep Health fitness
Yes, ephedra will help some people lose weight. Yes, ephedra is safe for some people in low doses. But there is that little nagging fact that people have DIED and that their deaths have been attributed to ephedra use.....
Yet another example of a dangerous diet drug is steroids. For whatever reason, some people have decided that anabolic steroids are the best way to lose weight. Despite the well-documented and serious side-effects of steroid use, the lure of easy weight loss has caused many to throw caution to the wind. Perhaps the most concerning trend is steroid use among our teenage population: "Teens also listed steroids, growth hormone, amino acids and other potentially unhealthful products among those they'd tried in the previous year." (Source: cnn.com)
There do exist, however, some diet supplements that work and are also quite safe. Again, it is never a good idea to begin any supplementation program without first seeking the advice and approval of your doctor.
Three popular and dependable fat loss products designed to help you lose weight fast are ChromeMate, Lipotropic Plus, and Super L-Carnitine. Chromium helps insulin metabolize fat, turn protein into muscle and convert sugar into energy. ChromeMate, a unique form of niacin-bound chromium, is designed to optimize energy output. It accomplishes this by increasing the amount of glucose available for energy production nearly twenty-fold.
It also is the "master" nutrient for controlling blood sugar, which in turn curbs sugar cravings. What‘s’ more, a study at Auburn University showed that ChromeMate reduced LDL cholesterol by an average of 14%. In fact, ChromeMate has been awarded a patent for lowering cholesterol.
Without it, fat is unable to penetrate the walls of the mitochondria of the muscle cells. Carnitine is the shuttle that carries fat into your body‘s’ furnaces (muscles) to be burned for energy. Super L-Carnitine increases the rate of fat utilization for fuel.
-> Wholesale Gym Equipment & Wholesale Fitness Equipment, Weight Loss Exercise
In this article, we've been discussing weight-loss diets and weight loss supplements. At this point, it is essential that we add the third and most important component of overall health and fitness: exercise. Exercise is one weight loss method that has never been banned, has never led to an investigation, and has never been listed on a 'whistleblower' fraud report. Exercise is the only path to health and fitness that virtually every doctor in the world agrees upon. Exercise is safe, effective, and brings many more benefits to our lives than diets or drugs ever will alone.
Exercise is fun, invigorating, motivating and the single most powerful way to improve our life and well-being! Yes, it‘s’ quite possible to lose weight without participating in regular exercise. However, diet and exercise combined will help us burn fat faster than we thought possible! Weight loss achieved by regular exercise and diet will be healthy weight loss because of all the benefits we obtain from regular exercise:
Strengthens muscles Strengthens bone Strengthens ligaments Strengthens tendons Strengthens immune system Improves muscle tone Improves endurance Improves strength Improves self esteem Improves confidence Improves balance Improves physical appearance Improves physical performance Improves glucose tolerance Improves circulation Improves memory Lower risk of heart disease Lower risk of diabetes Lower risk of cancer Lower blood pressure Lower cholesterol Lower risk of stroke Lower risk of osteoporosis Lower risk of osteoarthritis Lower requirements for medication Lower risk of injury Lower body fat Helps with sleep disorders Reduces post-operative complications Reduces frequency of illness Prevent Alzheimer‘s’ disease Prevents muscle loss Increases metabolism Eases symptoms of menopause Healthier pregnancy Fewer problems with childbirth Reduces ovulation problems Prevents heartburn
Reaching your ideal weight via a healthy and active lifestyle has been found to lower health risks and medical problems in 90 percent of overweight patients. In addition to the exercise benefits listed above, fit people are eight times less likely to die from cancer than the unfit, and 53 percent less likely to die from other diseases.
Fit people are also eight times less likely to die from heart disease. Without a doubt, regular exercise is the most important piece of the puzzle and the best way to achieve rapid weight loss. Exercise is the safest way to achieve permanent fat loss, and when combined with a sound diet and nutrition program the body is turned into a virtual fat-burning furnace!

-> Conclusion
Fast weight loss is possible if we, under the supervision and approval of our doctor, combine a sensible diet with a diet pill or weight loss pill that is safe and effective. When we combine these three fat-burning strategies it is almost guaranteed that we will experience quick weight loss results.
Of course, there is a staggering amount of information about health, exercise and fitness that still needs to be understood before this topic of rapid weight loss are complete. Several excellent e-books on this subject can be found by going to www.letspickupthepace.com and clicking on the Pick Up The Pace Store? and then fitness Education? links.
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2018 Fic Roundup
Tagged by NO ONE, YOU SONS OF BITCHES! j/k @emilyjunk (not @mostgirls like I just tagged because I always mix you up due to your Hailee icons) posted this and I just really wanted to see what my stats were and it was super fun!
Total 2018 Word Count: 227,047 - ooookay then.
Total 2018 Hits: 126,452 on AO3; no clue about FFnet since their story stats are presently offline. (AO3 seemed to group all of FH & Remix’s lifelong hits into 2018′s stats so that is literally double what I think it should be.)
Other 2018 AO3 Stats: Kudos (5742), Comment Threads (1227), Bookmarks (1034), Subscriptions (1149).
Links & Titles to 2018 Works: Apparently there are 22 of them so behind the Read More we go...
Everything Happens for a Reason (11,910 words) Beca/Chloe Paired up by a dating program that puts an expiration date on relationships, Beca and Chloe begin to question the system's logic. Yes, this is an AU of Black Mirror's "Hang the DJ." Rated M
The Sandwich Discourse (708 words) Beca/Chloe Prompt: “You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!” - Chloe trying to banish Beca from their bed after she said something stupid. Rated T
The Greatest (19,433 words) Beca/Chloe With nothing in common but their dream of reaching the Olympics, Beca and Chloe are each other's last resort. Reluctantly, they join forces, but it's not long before the barbs - and sparks - start flying. Yup, you read that right. This AU is for The Cutting Edge. Rated T
Earned It, Worth It, Deserve It (15,677 words) Beca/Chloe Prompt: Beca gets roped into giving Chloe a lapdance. Chloe's brain gets broken (like wtf) because surprisingly Beca is really good at the lapdance and not awkward. Not being able to stop thinking about it all evening, she later goes to Beca. The rest is up to you. Rated M
First Time for Everything (3349 words) Beca/Chloe Summary: Inspired by this amazing story; I read it and HAD to write it. Rated M
The Kissing Booth (19,952 words) Beca/Chloe When Beca Mitchell, a late-bloomer who's never-been-kissed, decides to run a kissing booth at her high school's Spring Carnival, she unexpectedly finds herself locking lips with her secret crush - and best friend's sister - Chloe Beale. Rated T
The One with All the Kissing (1688 words) Beca/Chloe Summary: Written for Bechloe Week 2018 - Day 1: Accidental Kiss. Who doesn't love a nice "Friends" homage? Rated T
Whats-His-Name (2003 words) Beca/Chloe Summary: Written for Bechloe Week 2018 - Day 2: Jealousy Rated T
Symrise (547 words) Beca/Chloe Summary: Written for Bechloe Week 2018 - Day 3: Drunk Texting Rated G
Just Friends (1755 words) Beca/Chloe Summary: Written for Bechloe Week 2018 - Day 4: Why? Rated T
That's So Cliché (600 words) Beca/Chloe Summary: Written for Bechloe Week 2018 - Day 5: Road Trip Rated T
A Bubble (419 words) Beca/Chloe Summary: Written for Bechloe Week 2018 - Day 6: Good Luck Charm Rated G
Body Shop (8707 words) Beca/Chloe Summary: Beca's car breaks down on the freeway. Luckily, a local mechanic can give her a ride. Inspired by Madonna’s song “Body Shop.” Rated M
Finding Harmony (43,804 words in 2018) Beca/Chloe Summary: A confessed regret. A rejection. A conversation that was meant to be private - overheard by the one person Chloe never wanted to hear it. Where will the future lead Beca and Chloe? Only time will tell. Rated M
36 Questions (19,774 words) Beca/Chloe A psychological study was conducted to determine whether two people could be made to fall in love. These 36 questions were the result. Rated M
Not A Serial Killer (1459 words) Emily/Aubrey Summary: Emily needs to ask Aubrey a question. Rated G
Silence Is Golden (387 words) Jessica/Ashley Summary: It’s easy to sneak around. Rated G
Fade Into You (29,441 words) Beca/Chloe Tip for newlyweds: send a wedding invite to every billionaire whose address you can find because it's a 50/50 chance their assistants just send you a perfunctory gift without ever wondering who the hell you are. Or: Beca had a really good terrible idea when she got tired of being broke in New York. Rated T
Baby (37,128 words & counting) Stephanie Smothers/Emily Nelson That tearful kiss shared between Stephanie and Emily wasn't their first—and it certainly wasn't their last. Rated E
Baby, It’s Cold Outside (8306 words) Beca/Chloe Maybe venturing into the woods during questionable winter weather wasn't one of Chloe's best ideas. But even if she could go back in time, she wouldn't change it for the world. Rated T
Favorite Fic: It feels like I’m cheating on Finding Harmony to say Fade Into You and Baby are tied for my favorite works of 2018, but...
Hardest Fic: Figuring out how to end Finding Harmony. 100%.
Do you plan on taking prompts in 2019? Ehh sure? I don’t complete prompts very often and encourage people who really want to see their prompts come to fruition to ask someone else, but sometimes I can find inspiration in someone else’s idea.
What was the best thing about 2018? Completing Finding Harmony and no longer feeling guilty about working on other stories. lol
What was the worst thing about 2018? In my personal fic world? I can’t think of anything specific!
Any last thoughts for 2018? Well, I’m a day late and a dollar short now, but I think 2018 was my biggest personal growth as a writer.
Goals for 2019:
Try more pairings; it’s been fun to ~experiment with characters I don’t usually write.
Make sure I finish Baby so it doesn’t turn into a 3-year-long saga.
Be more encouraging of other writers (which includes making sure I acknowledge in some way that I read their work with a like, kudos, comment, etc).
Maybe start thinking about a totally original story idea or something that could be like an actual book? idk idk
And I know 2018 is over but guess what? I’m going to tag people anyway. @isthemusictoblame @icarli @lets-talk-appellax
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6 beginners made $10000+ each in a week with affiliate marketing after watching this
End this article, I am going to tell you how method 6 beginners made $10000+ each in a week and earn a high amount in month with affiliate marketing
Now, read this article carefully
I would like to start the writing by mentioning a simple study carried out by Forrester Consulting. This study shows that in the US alone, affiliate marketing reached 4.8 billion dollars in 2016; outperforming the Belize economy twice over – and this affiliate market has been predicted to reach nearly seven billion by 2020.
Practical studies like these show that affiliate marketing is in a solid-state and most importantly it’s continuously evolving and thriving.
But the question arises …
What is that all about?
Let’s first put it simply: what is affiliate marketing and how does it work?
What is Affiliate Marketing?
If I simplify the definition of affiliate marketing, it stands for a performance-based business in which revenue is generated by marketers who are called affiliates and they earn a fixed amount of commission paid only when sales are made or a qualified action takes place.
so, if you’d like to attend live training about affiliate marketing (recommended)
>>> Click Here to Sign Up for His FREE LIVE Training
Why Adopt Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing could be a great source of passive earnings. Around 9 out of 10 publishers acknowledge that affiliate programs are extremely valuable to their overall marketing strategy and it works as an efficient source of revenue, which accounts for almost 20% of their annual revenue on an average.
On the other hand, affiliate programs help to increase orders, conversion rate, and ROI as a whole. There are some successful people who have been earning a 70% higher ROI, thanks to their effective affiliate strategy.
so, if you’d like to attend live training about affiliate marketing (recommended)
>>> Click Here to Sign Up for His FREE LIVE Training
How to Become an Affiliate?
It’s pretty simple to be an affiliate for any affiliate program. What you need is to promote the respective products or services. You can do such independently for any kind of affiliate program. You will become basically an independent promoter of the respective products or services.
In each affiliate marketing, each affiliate has a unique ID added as a parameter to the links he/she shares. Using these links, conversion tracking can be done and you will get paid according to the periodicity and percentage on the agreed sale happened by your referred links.
Like all other businesses, however, affiliate marketing has its merits and demerits. Today, in this article, I will demonstrate the ally or foes of affiliate marketing. Let’s explore each good and bad part of affiliate marketing while engaging in the world of affiliate marketing.
so, if you’d like to attend live training about affiliate marketing (recommended)
>>> Click Here to Sign Up for His FREE LIVE Training
Pros of Affiliate Marketing
To begin with, we can start with the pros of affiliate marketing and they are as follows:
1. Zero/Minimal Investment
In affiliate marketing, you can run your business almost with zero costings. You just need to promote products and you can do that in various ways. You can start writing free of cost using different free blogging sites. Most importantly, you don’t need to invest in creating and developing products.
You also can start with a minimal cost of the domain, hosting, and purchasing your own website. Most of the affiliate companies follow that process and also offer a free starter package that lets you start the affiliate programs. They also offer premium subscription services with more resources and assistance.
2. Easy to Start
This is probably the most reasonable factor for choosing this platform. All the amenities of affiliate marketing show that this is the easiest way to start your business. You just need to perform some basic steps to complete the whole process while starting with the platform.
3. Billion-Dollar Business
I already started by stating that affiliate marketing is a billion-dollar industry that is growing rapidly with enormous opportunities. The only question that remains is, what chunk of this multi-billion dollar industry can you exploit? Don’t overthink, just jump in!
4. Learning through Earning
You can learn through any kind of profession while you deal with the respective responsibility. But in affiliate marketing, you can get more opportunities than any other profession.
5. Flexibility
In the case of the publisher, the affiliate program lures diversity. These are some of the most common REWARD TYPES if you go for affiliate marketing.
Pay-Per-Sale: This one is a policy where you have to pay a minimum percentage of the sale price for every purchase made by a customer using affiliate marketing.
Pay-Per-Click: In this case, regardless of whether a sale is made or not, you have to pay for the number of users that are directed to your website.
Pay-Per-Lead: In this part, affiliates are rewarded once visitors fill out the contact form leaving their personal information.
These are some common REWARD TYPES in affiliate marketing that can leverage for each affiliate marketer.
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6. Market-Ready Audience
In affiliate marketing, as you are getting a wider place to sell other’s products and services, that will results in more customers, ultimately more sales. Moreover, if you will find different products of different popular brands who have market-ready audiences that will help you to promote those products.
7. High Income Potential
Although it seems that affiliate marketers get a small portion of revenue from each sale but still it has enough potential to generate more sales. If you can generate a high volume of sales overall, you will find something unbelievable.
For instance, if you create and sell web templates, you can promote web hosting services as an affiliate. This could be the source of extra income stream. Moreover, only one article could be the source of your extra income.
8. Extensive Products & Marketplace
This is one of the most astounding advantages of being an affiliate in the affiliate marketing arena. You will get a lot of products and services all through the marketplace. From there, you can hit your expected target audiences that could facilitate your affiliate income.
In addition to this, you can choose and focus on those products that pay the highest amount of commission. The more popular products you chose the wider marketplace you can have.
9. Promoting Complimentary Products
In affiliate marketing, as an affiliate, you could have chances to promote complementary products apart from the main products. This also increases your opportunity to extend your earnings.
10. Do What You Love Most
There are a lot of affiliate marketing programs that can be followed. Most importantly you can have enough options to choose from according to your interest. It can be said that you are probably more likely to find your most favorite niche.
11. Work From Anywhere As a Digital Nomad
One of the most important aspects of affiliate marketing is you run your business staying from anywhere in the world. You just need to have a laptop and internet connection to run the operation.
It means you can lead a nomadic life with a solid income stream staying here and there. This will also allow you enormous flexibility and an enhanced capacity to build an income stream.
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Cons of Affiliate Marketing
Like any other platform, affiliate marketing has its weak points too. Before jumping into this marketing field make sure of all the demerits that you might face in the future. Let’s have a look at them:
1. Commission Based Payment
Unlike the maximum internet marketing companies which typically pay for each person who clicks on the ads, affiliate programs mostly work on a sales commission model. Though there are still ads for the visitors to click on, affiliate programs usually only pay when a purchase takes place.
In this case, ads use a temporary browser cookie to track what the person buys.
2. Need A Lot Of Patience and Hard Work
Initially, it needs lots of struggle while starting with affiliate marketing to take you up to the label. It’s not like a fairy tale where everything will happen with a little effort. Yes, there are a few exceptions, but exceptions can never be examples.
In affiliate marketing, usually, it takes lots of effort and dedication to stand out from the crowd. You need to adopt a set of different strategies and policies while affiliating different sorts of products.
3. No Control Over the Competition
Literally, as an affiliate, you don’t have a legal right to own affiliate marketing programs. That’s why you have obeyed all the rules and regulations set by the product owners or service providers. You just need to adjust to their ecosystem.
In terms of competition, affiliate marketing provides solid benefits with minimal risks so that people voluntarily engage with the industry.
4. Uncertainty
Opportunities come up with risks and the same thing happens for affiliate marketing. There is no promise that your income will hit a certain figure (if not sound and well-planned strategies are set and followed). You have to give your best to extract the maximum output but you can’t ensure that your income will be a definite figure.
Your affiliate income can fluctuate every now and then. If you can grow a wide range of audiences, it can be said that you can expect an average income flow.
5. High Competition
It is a highly challenging task to promote any product in this competitive marketplace. If you choose any product to promote using your website, it has a high chance that there are many others who already are doing the same as you are preparing for.
So, it’s very much difficult to get or achieve the attention of the right people.
6. Choosing the Right Product
When it comes to choosing the right product from a ton of products, it’s always a difficult task to make it happen. In affiliate marketing, you will have a ton of products on the field. So make sure to do proper homework before choosing the right product that may fit for you.
7. Working as a Third-party
As an affiliate, you just work as a third-party who is promoting and getting paid by the merchant. That’s it! There is no direct relationship with consumers. That means you are helping only the merchant who is building his buyer list.
So, you are only getting paid for each sale, and once a consumer buys something using your link, he/she may not buy the same thing using the same link rather he/she may buy things directly from the merchant. That’s how the merchants are getting more potential customers.
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Final Thoughts
Starting an online business is getting easy these days but maintaining and making the most of it is very challenging. Though affiliate marketing has its drawbacks, at the end of the day it will provide you with a decent way of earning but you should learn about affiliate marketing
So, before getting started with affiliate marketing, study the platform properly, its pros, its cons, and then make your decision. If everything carries out properly, you can give it a try.
I hope this article helped you much by describing the pros and cons of affiliate marketing but need affiliate marketing training.
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If you still have any queries, you can let me know by leaving a comment below.
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4% (29,753 divided by 96k instead of 186k). But putting these accounting shenanigans aside, let�s see what the more conservative calculation of a 16. 4% return means. If I had invested my $186,000 into the S&P500 last July, I would have gained 5% ($9,300) as that�s the amount the index was up over that period. Just a month earlier, that number would have been in negative territory as the index was lower. In contrast, I locked in my revenue after each options trade was closed. I love that my profit is a real number added to the cash portion in my brokerage account rather than an abstraction based on the market trending higher. Another point to note regarding the capital at risk is that it doesn�t need to be sitting in your account in the form of cash. It will absolutely provide peace of mind if that�s the case, but you can invest it as you like to boost your returns. When I started this a year ago, my broker was paying me 1. 9% for idle USD in the account, so I was quite happy leaving it.
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However, options trading isn�t for the faint of heart. Just as you can make astronomical gains, you can also take on heavy losses if you don�t invest with the right approach. Success in options trading is a combination of skill and luck. Skill puts you in the position for massive gains and luck allows those massive gains to materialize under your timeline. In this article, I�ll talk about some of the trades I did, what to do, and what to avoid. Selling Covered Calls Is The Best Way To Get StartedFor a while, I resisted buying options because I saw it as gambling. And yes, you can buy options in a way that makes it pure gambling, but that doesn�t apply to all bought options (we�ll talk about buying options later). My introduction to options was selling them. When you sell options, you collect a premium rather than you paying up to buy the option. You become the seller rather than the buyer and get paid accordingly. Selling covered calls and cash secured puts has allowed me to earn returns that crush what I used to make back in my dividend investing days.
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Excluding those two months, my average return on capital at risk was 1. 6% for a total annual return of 16. 4%What�s worth noting is, even though my average capital at risk was $186,000/month, my trade duration was, on average less than two weeks. Meaning I only had $96k of capital at risk at any one time, rather than $186k. I would close the existing trades before entering the new trades, and thus, recycle the same capital. Why is that important?Because it doubles my return to 32. 8% instead of 16. 4% (29,753 divided by 96k instead of 186k). But putting these accounting shenanigans aside, let�s see what the more conservative calculation of a 16. 4% return means. If I had invested my $186,000 into the S&P500 last July, I would have gained 5% ($9,300) as that�s the amount the index was up over that period. Just a month earlier, that number would have been in negative territory as the index was lower. In contrast, I locked in my revenue after each options trade was closed. I love that my profit is a real number added to the cash portion in my brokerage account rather than an abstraction based on the market trending higher. Another point to note regarding the capital at risk is that it doesn�t need to be sitting in your account in the form of cash. It will absolutely provide peace of mind if that�s the case, but you can invest it as you like to boost your returns. When I started this a year ago, my broker was paying me 1. 9% for idle USD in the account, so I was quite happy leaving it. However, that�s obviously not the case anymore, with interest rates at zero. But I could allocate that money into some safe dividend stocks and boost my returns that way. Which is somewhat the approach I�m taking. My Path ForwardTrading options may sound sexy, but it�s pretty tedious. I�ve entered over a thousand executions into my spreadsheet this past year, which is something I LOVE doing. I used to have to make manual trade confirmations at work. Now I do it to record my profits!I feel like a kid counting pennies added to his piggy bank. Except this one pays to feed my family!That said, the more you learn, the more you realize how little you know.
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The closer the strike price is to the current price, the more you�ll earn in premiums. Setting out a further expiration date also increases your premiums. The only catch is that you cap your short-term gains. While you can�t lose money with this strategy unless the value of the underlying stock decreases (same scenario as someone who buys and holds without selling covered calls), you do cap your upside. If you set a strike price of $20 and the stock goes up to $25, you have to sell your shares at $20 each rather than at $25 each. If you bought at $15, you still get some considerable upside, but you can miss out on additional gains. There isn�t a chance of losing all of your money with a covered call strategy if you use the strategy on good stocks. That�s why I recommend starting here. Covered calls give you a deeper perspective of what can happen to the value of options. In a single day, a call or put can go down over 80%. Similarly, they can quintuple in a single day depending on what happens to the company. An index fund will never go down by 80% in a single day, but it will also never quintuple in a single day. And an option�s value can swing wildly within a few minutes depending on the price movement of the underlying stock. Nibble With Your Options BuysThe first time I bought options, I was extremely conservative. I bought a single Nikola put contract which did well. My logic for buying the put was that more evidence around Nikola�s fraudulent practices were emerging. I followed this stock for weeks before finally deciding to get started. I still buy Nikola puts to this day and will likely continue buying puts until the stock gets delisted. Due to Nikola�s premiums being higher than the average stock, I buy puts set to expire in 5�8 days. For stocks with lower premiums, I�ll buy options with further out expiration dates. The further your expiration date, the more time you have for the stock to move in your direction.
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There are a variety of risky options trading strategies such as buying an option on its expiration date that can quickly deplete your money. If you want to give the stock additional time to move in your direction, buy a closer to the money option with a further out expiration date. You�ll pay more for it, but the extra time is worth it. For a guide on what to not do with options, check out the article below. The Riskiest Way To Invest In StocksThis strategy is entertaining to watch but extremely stressful to implementProtect Your Portfolio From Downside With PutsOne of the best ways to buy options is through hedging. If you own shares of a company and are nervous about the short-term outlook, you can buy a put to cap your losses. This strategy is great for a few key reasons:#1: You don�t panic sell or end up selling a stock you wish you held onto. This has happened to me a few times before buying options. #2: If the stock goes down, you can hold onto the shares and eventually sell the put. The put will shield you from most of your losses. #3: If the stock goes up, your put will lose value and eventually expire worthless, but it took off a lot of stress from your shoulders.
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If you�re unsure of which way the stock will move, but think there�ll be a decent move in either direction, there are strategies for that.
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Unfortunately, when you work at a bank, the compliance department attempts to prevent you from doing anything meaningful with your life, including trading options.
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StrangleA strangle options strategy is similar to a straddle, but it uses the simultaneous purchase of call options and put options at different strike prices. This spread in the strike prices means that the underlying security needs to move more substantially for one of the options to be in the money, but the premium cost for purchasing the options is lower in the case of a strangle because the options are purchased out of the money. An option trader will use the strangle options strategy when they believe that the upcoming price change will be significant, but they are unsure of the direction. This situation occurs in the same sort of events as are popular for the straddle strategy, but the trader is more confident that the change in price will be extreme. The strangle can expire worthless, unlike a straddle, but the lower initial outlay on premiums means that a strangle may actually cost loss in the event of a loss than a straddle will with only a small change in price. The strangle also has a much stronger upside potential due to the lower initial premium cost and the greater potential value increase for options that were purchased out of the money. ButterflyThe butterfly options strategy involves the sale of call or put options at a given strike price, usually at the current price, matched by an equal number of purchased call or put options equidistant from the strike price. For example, if a trader sold 2 call options at $40, they would buy one call option at $45 and another at $35 to match the 2 written options sold. In this example, the loss from the trade would be maximized at either $35 or $45, while the trade would be profitable somewhere between the $35 to $45 range. The profit from the butterfly position would be maximized at $40. Options traders use the butterfly option strategy when they wish to bet on little or no upcoming price change.
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How can a B2B company design a win back email campaign successfully?
As a marketer, if you seek a clean and responsive email campaign, then the best strategy is to pick the lost deals first. There are certain hacks with which you can bring back lost clients and make your win back email campaign more substantial and result-driven.
You defiantly need to create a basic structure on which your campaign will run. Having said that, you must look for constructive client data that can be a part of your win back email series. The cycle of emails should neither be too long nor too small as the audience should have enough time to engage with you back again and sync along.
To have a clean email list, you must well-segment wisely on the basis of different grounds. Also, each email should be different from the previous one. Thereby, sending a set of four or five win back emails will work amazingly. This, too, has a cause as it is believed any win back email campaign that a B2B company launches should be based on four components that will build up your campaign in the longer run.
Firstly, the reminder and greeting mail!
Yes, you cannot begin simply selling your product directly. It would be best to initiate a conversation first by sharing a friendly hello with you subscriber to read their interest and mindset. People are busy with work and life, and there's not much time for them to listen to your business pitch. But people usually take out time for the greetings. So first, begin with a reminder email of telling them you are still counting them important.
Image Source: http://www.tapmail.info/winback-campaigns-examples-strategies-and-bestpractices/
Secondly, the perks and bonus mail!
In case your reminder email didn't make much difference to your subscribers, then you must twist your strategy a bit to add spice. You can start with a small giveaway in the form of an ethical bribe, also known as the process of lead magnets. You can give them a comeback coupon, which will bring up some interest in them to think of reviving the old business bond.
Thirdly, the last shot mail!
This step will have an email that allows you to have another chance and hope to engage with your audience before they finally make up their mind whether to do business with you or not. You can probably offer some perk or coupon again, but the twist is you must set a time frame under which they must redeem the offer. This creates a sense of urgency, thereby checking if there is any hope of interest lying beneath.
Lastly, the goodbye mail!
The goodbye mail is the last attempt to re-unite or win back the lost business deals. You can probably inform them that they may get removed from your database due to inactivity and lose the opportunity to get worthy offers frequently. The last approach will declare if you have a scope with them or not.
Image Source: https://www.omnisend.com/blog/win-back-email/
Please make sure to have a click-through link in all emails, as they should never have to wait or reach anywhere else to communicate further with you. The comeback or win back process should always be easy and smooth for the audience.
Another essential part is to ask your clients as to how you can improve the customer services, products, and other parts of the business that are related to the client base for bettering their overall experience.
Well, if all of this doesn't fetch you good results, then you may know it is the right time to remove or rather append your email list as you surely don't want any contacts that don't serve you a purpose. But what is email appending exactly?
In the layman's language, we can say email appending is the process under which your email list is given a makeover altogether. Yes, you heard it right. The quality of the email list is upgraded by adding robust leads and removing the unwanted ones. Having a bunch of unwanted or inactive users may be trouble or a barrier on the way to success. They simply add your brand name to the spam folder and deviate the whole purpose.
Therefore, some key elements should be kept in mind while strategizing your win back email campaign. Such as:
1. Pick the schedule wisely: The schedule you set for the campaign holds a lot of importance. For instance, your first email must be planned to be sent between the first to third months since the user has not been active. Once you send the first email, you must send the future emails in a series post one or two weeks till they finally reach the goodbye funnel. You must keep some points in mind while sending these bunch of emails for the win back campaign, such as:
- Do not overload your subscribers with emails flooding their inbox. They may spam you!
- Be creative in styling the email as you surely don't want to miss the last chance to win them back
- Be very particular about the timing as this may help you break the deal finally
- And, make sure the email is in a personalized voice, which helps you get the attention of the subscriber at all times
You can set a schedule like:
Three emails in 5 days, where each email has different content to talk about. Do not stick around the win back mission as this may worsen the situation in your case.
2. Use a provocative Call-to-Action message: In case your subscribers are not responding well to your brand promotions in the first place, then the scope of them reading your emails may seem negligible. Keep your emails short and crisp. They must have a provocative tone to lead the subscriber to the call-to-action link directly.
Image Source: https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2014/10/20/call-to-action-examples
3. Be catchy and unique with the subject line: You may not realize what difference it can bring, but subject lines play a great role in leading subscribers to open the email and later read it. To get a good open rate, be sure of a good subject line. Most importantly, your business decides the subject line for you. Yes, if you are into a serious business like healthcare, then you must refrain from too much flashy subject line. However, suppose you are into the business of architecture. In that case, you have the scope to expand the creativity by talking through emoji's or text that develops an interest in the reader as well as lead them to look into your site for making the purchase. The subject line must be:
- Brief and unique
- Be of limited words
- Can be in the question form to trigger interest
These elements will surely help you in launching your win back email campaign.
Let's look into some of the prime examples of the companies that took up win back email campaign to retrieve the losses.
- Starbucks, an American coffeehouse company, held a simple yet appealing message with a great incentive.
- Netflix reminds subscribers to upgrade their package, boldly show recommendations, and create significant interest in the campaign.
- Grammarly came up with an easily accessible call-to-action reminder email for its subscribers.
- Costco created a sense of urgency with a last call-to-action reminder email.
Basically, a good campaign has to be equipped with a good strategy, a wise schedule, amazing content, and motivated team players. Making an inactive user come back to life and make a purchase is an achievement on its very own. But once you get that, what's next?
Did you win back campaign worked? What's next?
There are times when your win back campaign received a response faster than expected. So what will be the upcoming steps?
The next step can be to bring them back onto your website and lead them through the sales funnel. Your sales funnel can only be successful if it is backed by an engaging, informative, and comprehensive website. When the subscriber lands on your site, they look for reliability, to say the least, apart from the products and services, of course. One thing that you need as a marketer is a conversion tool that helps you communicate a lead into the client for a long period of time. There are many conversion tools available in the marketer which handles the site visitors and make sure they make a purchase before leaving the site. But how do they do that?
Well, there are many ways to do that, such as:
- Innovation of Popup Box: when any site visitor is about to exit from your site, they get a popup box on display that aims to draw their attention to your product and services that may be of their interest.
- Fashion of Floating Bars: The fashion of a floating bar helps you make some instant profits. It keeps floating on the same so that the users or site visitors can quickly land into the sales stage and buy a product or service. If not purchase, they at least sign up for your email subscription.
- Systematic Scroll Triggers: Once the site visitor has scrolled or gone through the site, you can display a popup box on the screen to lead them to purchase a product or service. This will enable you to understand the interest of the leads and convert them successfully.
Concluding Note:
We hope these details will bring you maximum response to your win back email campaign. We look for effective re-engagement with inactive users, and therefore, a robust campaign strategy is the need of the hour. With email appending at disposal, we are certain the win back campaign will work in the best form and dig out some real potential leads out.
0 notes
Another Writers’ Meme
I saw another blog do this last week and decided it looked like fun. And I love talking about myself.
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
I made this name so long ago. Like 10+ years. I made it in Middle School to a reference about Zelda (the character Saria) and it became a joke with a friend of mine (Saria’s Princy) and it stuck. I don’t know why.
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/favourites, follows/subscriptions, visitor hits, kudos)
Nightmare in Red has to most reviews
Code Seventy-Seven has the most views
But I believe Within the Messages and Cold Case are a long standing favorite.
3. What is your FFnNet/AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
It’s Itachi. And it’s because I like Itachi and Surfacage ha
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
Yes! That would be @la-moonlight-lily @zutaras-where-its-at @nips-out-for-itachi @crimsonriley @heymessyjessie
On FF, there’s Key, parsimonia, WhiskeyBlair (so many names I recognize in the reviews)
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
Everything written by Cynchick.
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
Honestly I am so lazy with reading fic. I usually forget unless it comes across my dash.
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
On fanfiction, I’m on the favorites of 1124 and the alert of 951. Quite the number going! Thanks for the love!
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are 😨 of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
Dirty smut? ha
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
Writing complex plots without a whole bunch of plot holes.
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
ItaSaku is pretty popular I feel like. And MadaSaku is now becoming popular?? (at least in my circle). Does TobiSaku count as a rarepair? Cause that’s a new fav!
12. How many stories have you posted on FFNet/AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
Twenty-four. I deleted a lot of them when I disappeared for 4 years.
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
Don’t even ask....I have about two dozen half-written ideas on Google Docs alone. I have no idea about Word. Has to be in the 100s. Many of which I will not write.
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
If it’s something I think I’ll come back to I write it down. If it’s a passing fantasy, I enjoy and let it go.
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
@beyondthemoor oh my darling. We’ve done a couple: Round Robin - ItaSakuShisui (Rated M) Gas Station - KisaIno (Fluff Friday)
16. How did you discover FFNet/AO3?
I joined FF in 2007. I have no idea about AO3. I think I googled a rarepair I came across the glory that is AO3
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on FFNet/AO3?
When I first started, no. But so many authors have left the fandom that I sometimes feel like I’m one of the only ones still writing ItaSaku ha.
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
Whores. Just kidding! Sorta.
Nah, I mostly call my reviewers wonderful people, cause for the most part, they are.
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
I get inspired more by ideas. Silverfootsteps wrote a wonderful story called Eastern Suns that I am still raving about. That one inspired me. I do like to bounce ideas off a few other tumblrs, but my inspiration usually comes from every day things: grocery shopping, working out, out at dinner, etc.
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
Read, read, read. The best way to learn how to write is to read other’s writers’ work like a writer. Try to see what you like about their writing style, what you don’t like. Then incorporate that into your own.
When I don’t know how to write something so it’s smooth and easy to follow (ie fight scenes, kissing, smut, etc) I read a handful of other people’s writing to see what worked for them and perhaps didn’t work. Then apply that towards my own work.
Plus it gives you time to step away from your own writing if you feel stuck.
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
Both. It usually starts out with writing as I go. But then I get ideas of scenes I would like to add later so I throw them into a document so I can go back and reference.
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
One I remember was someone commenting on a MadaSaku story saying they “preferred NaruSaku”. Like okay?? Why are you here? Hahah.
I’ve also gotten a visit from g.o.d., which I found more funny than offensive. Usually I just ignore hate though. I’ve been writing long enough that I know when my work is good or not. Just shrug it off.
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
FLUFF. I don’t know why. I hate cliches in writing. It makes me gag. So trying to write fluff that isn’t like that is difficult all the time sometimes.
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
See my previous post for this answer ha.
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
I usually try not to because then I get excited to just move on. But usually I plan on taking a break after completing a long story but before I even finish, I get another multi-chap fic idea and I’m like nooooo - let’s do it!
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
I used to just write as I felt like doing it, but then I would sometimes go two weeks without writing. So recently, I started a goal of writing at least one sentence a day (if not more). I even have an alarm set at 6pm every day, asking if I’ve written yet.
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
Hell yes. Omg, my first fics are horrible. Physically painful to write, dear lord.
28. What is your favorite story(s) that you’ve written?
Ink was a lot of fun, I’m Sorry for What I said... was not a favorite but it is growing on me now. Where it Happened because I feel like there are soooo few medical AUs.
29. What is your least favorite story(s) that you’ve written?
Within the Messages/Cold Case. Neither one is very accurate. They make me cringe. The only reason they’re still up is because so many people seem to enjoy them.
30. Where do you 👀 yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
Still trash.
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
Imagining story ideas.
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
33. Why do you write?
Because even after all the writing, rewriting, editing, cringing and rewriting, it’s still amazing to be able to share what you’ve created. And to hear how people enjoyed what you made feels good. Plus there is a deep sense of accomplishment when you finally write that final word: end
Tagging: @crimsonriley @la-moonlight-lily @littlebirdrobin and anyone else who wants to!!!
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HBO Max review: Great TV and theatrical movies, but not the best streaming value
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HBO Max review: Great TV and theatrical movies, but not the best streaming value
Sarah Tew/CNET
HBO Max, HBO’s entry into the streaming wars, is a slick app chock-full of popular TV shows and movies. It’s got HBO’s entire catalog, along with favorites such as Friends, Rick and Morty, Sesame Street, the Lord of the Rings movies and almost every Studio Ghibli film. It’s also the only service to debut first-run movies, including in 2021 Godzilla vs. Kong, Dune and Matrix 4, the same day they’re available in theaters for no extra charge. And HBO Max has a solid streaming collection for children too, with the ability to control ratings on kids’ profiles better than most other services.
Large, varied content catalog that includes all of HBO
New theatrical releases from Warner Bros. Studios
Simple, easy-to-navigate interface
Lots of children’s shows and customizable rating settings
Don’t Like
High price
Few original series beyond standard HBO
Can’t import watch history or personalized recommendations
If you already subscribe to HBO, HBO Max is a no-brainer upgrade that gives you a shiny new interface and loads more content for the same $15 per month. But if you’re a brand-new subscriber, that price is at the high end — especially if you already pay for Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus or all of the above.
At launch HBO Max lacked compatibility with the popular Roku and Amazon Fire TV devices and 4K HDR streaming, but now apps for Roku and Amazon are now easily available and the 2021 Warner Bros. theatrical slate is premiering on the platform in 4K HDR (as are other titles, such as Zack Snyder’s Justice League).
Read more: Everything you need to know about HBO Max
Aside from HBO’s original series, the Max slate of exclusives remains relatively thin, especially with the delay of the highly anticipated Friends reunion special and no breakout hit such as Disney Plus’ The Mandalorian and WandaVision. That shortcoming will likely change over time, but for now, it remains the service’s biggest disadvantage.
If you’re a big fan of HBO, Elmo or Friends, or are simply running out of good stuff to watch during lockdown, HBO Max is probably worth your money. But if you’re looking to save money on streaming, its high monthly fee makes it easier to cut than many of its tough competitors.
Streaming compared
HBO Max Netflix Disney Plus Hulu Monthly price $15 Starts at $9 $7 Basic $6 with ads, Ad-free for $12, Live TV for $65 Ads No No No Yes, with basic tier Top titles Entire HBO catalog, Studio Ghibli films, DC films Stranger Things, The Crown, Breaking Bad, The Queen’s Gambit The Mandalorian, WandaVision, Avengers Endgame, Toy Story, The Simpsons Handmaid’s Tale, Catch-22, Lost, Bob’s Burgers Mobile downloads Yes Yes Yes Yes (on Ad-free plan only) 4K available Yes Yes (on Premium plan) Yes Yes HDR available Yes Yes (on Premium plan) Yes No Number of streams 3 1 (2 for Standard, 4 on Premium) 4 2 (Unlimited with Live TV and a $10 add-on)
A high price ripe for sharing
HBO Max costs $15 a month, the same as HBO’s traditional channel when you get it through most pay-TV providers. At some point HBO says the service will expand to include another tier that includes advertising. We don’t know anything about when that would happen or what it would look like, but it would likely be cheaper, or even free.
Some people who already have a regular HBO subscription or HBO Now will get Max for no extra cost — but not everyone. It’s confusing, but you can check out our full HBO Max FAQ for more information on how it all works.
Sarah Tew/CNET
Despite the large catalog of movies and shows, HBO Max is at the expensive end of streaming services — Netflix’s basic plan costs $9 a month, Hulu’s plan with ads is $6 a month and Disney Plus costs $7 a month (soon to be $8 per month). Lots of people I know share account access with friends or family members and HBO Max executive Tony Goncalves told CNET that it will take a “fairly balanced approach” to this issue.
With HBO Max you can have up to three simultaneous streams going at the same time. Plus, the addition of up to five user profiles, a feature not available on the HBO Now or HBO Go apps, makes it easier to share an account.
HBO Max is available on Apple devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Apple TV). It’s also on gear that runs Google’s Android operating system for phones and tablets, as well as Android TV devices, Chromebooks, Google Chromecast and Chromecast built-in devices like Vizio TVs. Xbox and PlayStation consoles and recent Samsung smart TVs are also on board. As mentioned, Amazon Fire TV and Roku apps are now available.
A strong stable of shows and movies
HBO Max’s biggest strength is its large, varied TV and movie catalog, with content for adults and kids. At launch, it had 10,000 hours of content to stream, including everything on HBO, plus a selection of high-profile TV shows like Friends, The Big Bang Theory, Rick and Morty and South Park.
HBO Max currently has just a handful Max Originals and the biggest are probably the romantic series Love Life starring Anna Kendrick and dark comedy The Flight Attendant starring Kaley Cuoco. Even a year after launch, nothing has stuck out or made the same pop-culture impact as Netflix’s The Queen’s Gambit or Disney Plus’s WandaVision. And unlike Netflix, it will typically drop its originals once per week, the way regular cable HBO does. A number of originals — including the Friends reunion special, a spinoff of The Suicide Squad with John Cena called Peacemaker, a reboot of Gossip Girl and a revival of Sex and the City — are among the many titles in the works, so there should be more to choose from later in the year or in early 2022.
HBO Max has six original series at launch — but the highly anticipated Friends reunion special has been delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Sarah Tew/CNET
In the meantime, there are lots of movies, some new and many older. HBO Max has the full sets of The Matrix and The Lord of the Rings trilogies (though only two of The Hobbits), DC movies like Joker and Wonder Woman, classic films like The Wizard of Oz and Casablanca, and newer hits like A Star is Born and Crazy Rich Asians. Not to mention almost the entire catalog of Studio Ghibli anime films that have never been released for streaming in the US before. And if you’ve been clamoring for more of 2017’s Justice League, HBO Max will be the home of director Zach Snyder’s cut on March 18.
Though HBO is known for its adult content, Max has a lot to offer kids too, including new Looney Tunes cartoons and Sesame Street episodes, and the Cartoon Network catalog. It’s also home to Doctor Who and the Lego movies.
Parental controls are robust. You can customize kids’ profiles to decide which rating levels they can access, and create a passcode that locks them into their account, so they can’t jump over to their parents’ to watch anything inappropriate. (Your kid might be savvy enough to figure that passcode out, but it’s something.)
Studio Ghibli films are available to stream in the US for the first time on the platform.
Sarah Tew/CNET
A visually appealing interface…
Scrolling through HBO Max is similar to the experience on Netflix, Hulu and other streaming services. When you open your profile, you’ll find Continue Watching and My List at the top of the page, followed by topics like Featured Series, Featured Movies and HBO Series: Editors’ Picks.
I like the look of the menus better than many other streaming services. It has a dark purple and black theme that allows the text and images to pop, and shows fewer tiles on the screen at once with more breaks between them, to give your eye a rest. One downside, however, is that it can be tough to figure out at first what text is highlighted in the menus so you can make selections.
In the middle of the page you’ll see a mini hub where you can access movies and shows from each of its properties: HBO, DC, Sesame Workshop, Turner Classic Movies, Studio Ghibli, Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, CrunchyRoll and Looney Tunes. It looks kind of like Disney Plus’s hub at the top of its page, but with less familiar names than Disney’s Star Wars and Marvel.
The HBO Max mini hub, where you can access content from different networks and studios.
Sarah Tew/CNET
You’ll also find curated collections of movies around a theme sprinkled through your homepage, like rom-com favorites and blockbuster franchises. Hit Browse at the top left corner and you’ll have the option to search by categories such as Series, Movies, Originals, Just Added, Last Chance and Coming Soon, along with genres like Action, Comedy, Crime and Documentaries. You’ll also find the mini hubs in this panel, too.
Unlike on Netflix, you can easily see what’s coming and going on the platform and watch accordingly. Mobile downloads are also available, and the app’s format is largely the same across TVs, phones and tablets.
When it comes to searching, HBO Max lets you use abbreviations (like “GOT” instead of “Game of Thrones”). On my Apple TV, voice search worked pretty well — when I said, “Watch Rick and Morty,” HBO Max opened the series landing page, giving me the option to choose which episode I want. After starting an episode of Game of Thrones and closing out, when I said, “Watch GOT,” it jumped me back into the episode where I had left off. When I said, “Watch Jaws,” the Apple TV opened all of the different options across other streaming platforms at the bottom of the screen as well.
Selecting a show will take you to its landing page, where you can find every episode available in a clean format, and have the ability to add it to your list. When you start a show, the rating appears in the upper left corner.
…but human recommendations are still MIA
One of HBO Max’s promises was that instead of solely using a recommendation engine to surface new content for users, it would also have curated content from celebrities, to bring a more human touch. These recommendations are still not available, however. It does curate content in ways that can be helpful — for example, highlighting the episodes of Friends that track Ross and Rachel’s relationship so you don’t have to go digging for them.
You’ll find every HBO show on HBO Max — but you can’t yet stream them in 4K HDR.
Sarah Tew/CNET
Should you get HBO Max?
If you already subscribe to HBO Now (or, you know, have someone else’s login), the automatic free upgrade to HBO Now is a no-brainer — it’s lots more content for the same monthly price. Plus, you can make your own profiles now, which you couldn’t do on HBO Go or HBO Now.
For brand-new subscribers, HBO Max is at the pricey end of the streaming service spectrum. But if you have $15 a month to burn and want to binge Friends, Game of Thrones or all of the Studio Ghibli movies, you’ll have plenty to choose from.
Here’s what HBO Max looks like on TVs, phones and tablets
See all photos
First published May 29, 2020.
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I spent a few months reading up on it to understand some basic concepts. Once I felt I knew just enough to ask some not completely retarded questions, I emailed Suzy. For the next two years, I read through some pretty heavy and dry material while taking extensive notes. Colleagues at work would ask about the �Options Trading For Dummies� book I had on my desk. Although I started to understand some of the theories, I had trouble picturing them in action. Suzy admitted in our email exchanges how it�s one of those things that only makes sense once you start doing it. Unfortunately, when you work at a bank, the compliance department attempts to prevent you from doing anything meaningful with your life, including trading options. Yes, I may sound cynical, but I�m calling it how it is. Although I was dying to put some trades on, I had to wait until I quit my job. Which leads me to�The Joy of Pushing Buttons For MyselfTwo years after my catch-up with Suzy, I was officially unemployed. YESSSSSSSSSSSS!For the first time since I started in finance, I was free to log in to my brokerage account and trade whatever the hell I wanted. �Damn it feels good to be a gangsta�Geto BoysIt was now time to grow a pair and start trading options. I had signed up for a newsletter that Suzy suggested, which provides regular trade ideas. That was perfect as it provided a framework to follow. Man, was it was exciting. Despite my career in trading stocks, options trading was completely new. Everything about it looked different. If stocks are two dimensional with just a simple bid and offer, trading options was like entering the fourth dimension. There were bids and offers for each specific price point, each at varying expiration dates. Like most things in life, it�s daunting at first, but then you get the hang of it. And it even becomes fun. What surprised me was how much I loved hitting the freakin buttons again! And making money from home was surreal after being shackled to an office for the last decade. Grasping Options TradingOptions trading makes me think of the magnetic toy blocks my kids play with. You can arrange them in any which way, depending on what you�re trying to achieve. What I mean is, there are endless combinations of strategies you can set up depending on your view of the market. If you think the market is trending higher, you�ll use one set of strategies.
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Although I was dying to put some trades on, I had to wait until I quit my job. Which leads me to�The Joy of Pushing Buttons For MyselfTwo years after my catch-up with Suzy, I was officially unemployed. YESSSSSSSSSSSS!For the first time since I started in finance, I was free to log in to my brokerage account and trade whatever the hell I wanted. �Damn it feels good to be a gangsta�Geto BoysIt was now time to grow a pair and start trading options. I had signed up for a newsletter that Suzy suggested, which provides regular trade ideas. That was perfect as it provided a framework to follow. Man, was it was exciting. Despite my career in trading stocks, options trading was completely new. Everything about it looked different. If stocks are two dimensional with just a simple bid and offer, trading options was like entering the fourth dimension. There were bids and offers for each specific price point, each at varying expiration dates. Like most things in life, it�s daunting at first, but then you get the hang of it. And it even becomes fun. What surprised me was how much I loved hitting the freakin buttons again! And making money from home was surreal after being shackled to an office for the last decade. Grasping Options TradingOptions trading makes me think of the magnetic toy blocks my kids play with. You can arrange them in any which way, depending on what you�re trying to achieve. What I mean is, there are endless combinations of strategies you can set up depending on your view of the market. If you think the market is trending higher, you�ll use one set of strategies. If you�re unsure of which way the stock will move, but think there�ll be a decent move in either direction, there are strategies for that. And if you think the market is in a downtrend, just use those strategies! And these strategies have some pretty cool names: iron condor, bull call spread, calendar straddle, and iron butterfly. Okay, so that all sounds fancy pancy, but what is an actual stock option?�Simply put, a stock option contract gives the holder the right to buy or sell a set number of shares for a pre-determined price over a defined time frame. �Investopedia. comIt�s pretty straight forward. You can think of it as an insurance policy. If you�re a portfolio manager, managing someone�s retirement money, then you may think its a good idea to protect your portfolio against a significant drop. If the S&P 500 is trading at around 3,000, then perhaps you�ll want to protect against a decline of more than 20%.
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6% for a total annual return of 16. 4%What�s worth noting is, even though my average capital at risk was $186,000/month, my trade duration was, on average less than two weeks. Meaning I only had $96k of capital at risk at any one time, rather than $186k. I would close the existing trades before entering the new trades, and thus, recycle the same capital. Why is that important?Because it doubles my return to 32. 8% instead of 16. 4% (29,753 divided by 96k instead of 186k). But putting these accounting shenanigans aside, let�s see what the more conservative calculation of a 16. 4% return means. If I had invested my $186,000 into the S&P500 last July, I would have gained 5% ($9,300) as that�s the amount the index was up over that period. Just a month earlier, that number would have been in negative territory as the index was lower. In contrast, I locked in my revenue after each options trade was closed. I love that my profit is a real number added to the cash portion in my brokerage account rather than an abstraction based on the market trending higher. Another point to note regarding the capital at risk is that it doesn�t need to be sitting in your account in the form of cash. It will absolutely provide peace of mind if that�s the case, but you can invest it as you like to boost your returns. When I started this a year ago, my broker was paying me 1. 9% for idle USD in the account, so I was quite happy leaving it. However, that�s obviously not the case anymore, with interest rates at zero. But I could allocate that money into some safe dividend stocks and boost my returns that way. Which is somewhat the approach I�m taking. My Path ForwardTrading options may sound sexy, but it�s pretty tedious. I�ve entered over a thousand executions into my spreadsheet this past year, which is something I LOVE doing. I used to have to make manual trade confirmations at work. Now I do it to record my profits!I feel like a kid counting pennies added to his piggy bank. Except this one pays to feed my family!That said, the more you learn, the more you realize how little you know. And that�s how I feel right now. Rather than patting myself on the back for profiting this past year, I feel hesitant to be proud. I realize how little I know and that I�m merely scratching the surface of the knowledge I need to feel fully confident in trading options for a living. And also how much more I need to hit the books. In terms of specific actions I need to take, they mainly involve expanding my arsenal of trading strategies. Before the market crash, I was exploring a couple that I would love to have in my rotation.
online course in options trading Arkansas The downside in a bull call spread is protected when both options expire worthless, but the premium gained from the written options helps to reduce the loss from the premium paid for the purchased options.
And then I went back to my button-pushing existence the next day. But this thing about options trading kept tugging at me in the back of my mind. I spent a few months reading up on it to understand some basic concepts. Once I felt I knew just enough to ask some not completely retarded questions, I emailed Suzy. For the next two years, I read through some pretty heavy and dry material while taking extensive notes. Colleagues at work would ask about the �Options Trading For Dummies� book I had on my desk. Although I started to understand some of the theories, I had trouble picturing them in action. Suzy admitted in our email exchanges how it�s one of those things that only makes sense once you start doing it. Unfortunately, when you work at a bank, the compliance department attempts to prevent you from doing anything meaningful with your life, including trading options. Yes, I may sound cynical, but I�m calling it how it is. Although I was dying to put some trades on, I had to wait until I quit my job. Which leads me to�The Joy of Pushing Buttons For MyselfTwo years after my catch-up with Suzy, I was officially unemployed. YESSSSSSSSSSSS!For the first time since I started in finance, I was free to log in to my brokerage account and trade whatever the hell I wanted. �Damn it feels good to be a gangsta�Geto BoysIt was now time to grow a pair and start trading options. I had signed up for a newsletter that Suzy suggested, which provides regular trade ideas. That was perfect as it provided a framework to follow. Man, was it was exciting. Despite my career in trading stocks, options trading was completely new. Everything about it looked different. If stocks are two dimensional with just a simple bid and offer, trading options was like entering the fourth dimension. There were bids and offers for each specific price point, each at varying expiration dates.
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For example, if the option trader owns shares of company A, they can write call options at a higher strike price for a matching number of shares.
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And it even becomes fun. What surprised me was how much I loved hitting the freakin buttons again! And making money from home was surreal after being shackled to an office for the last decade. Grasping Options TradingOptions trading makes me think of the magnetic toy blocks my kids play with. You can arrange them in any which way, depending on what you�re trying to achieve. What I mean is, there are endless combinations of strategies you can set up depending on your view of the market. If you think the market is trending higher, you�ll use one set of strategies. If you�re unsure of which way the stock will move, but think there�ll be a decent move in either direction, there are strategies for that. And if you think the market is in a downtrend, just use those strategies! And these strategies have some pretty cool names: iron condor, bull call spread, calendar straddle, and iron butterfly. Okay, so that all sounds fancy pancy, but what is an actual stock option?�Simply put, a stock option contract gives the holder the right to buy or sell a set number of shares for a pre-determined price over a defined time frame. �Investopedia. comIt�s pretty straight forward.
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48/share, I only lost $7. 66/share because of the protective put. In past scenarios I�d likely panic and sell a bunch of my shares, but the protective put allows me to reduce risk without selling shares. The risk with selling shares is that the stock price can surge and you�ll miss out on the ride. Options Income Is Not ConsistentYou can maintain a consistent range selling covered calls and cash secured puts, but you�ll never make consistent income through buying options. Sometimes you can strike it big with one of your options while at other times most of them can expire worthless. If you continue to do your research, you will spot additional opportunities. That�s the skill part. Luck eventually follows hard work, but make sure you only nibble on options so your losses don�t have a disastrous affect on your portfolio. 7 Option Trading Strategies Every Trader Should KnowTrading options has exploded in popularity over the last couple of decades, and option trading in particular has become a major force in contemporary finance. The ability to create sophisticated and nuanced trading positions using options and other derivatives is incomparable when contrasted with traditional securities trading. Out of the many advanced trading techniques used by option traders, there are 7 strategies that stand out above the rest:Long Call and PutsBull Call SpreadBear Put SpreadStraddleStrangleButterflyCovered CallThese top 7 option strategies should be a mainstay of every option trader�s playbook, and they should understand their application intimately. Long Call and Long Put Option StrategiesLong calls and long puts are simply positions taken in an underlying security using options instead of the actual security. A long call uses call options to bet on an increase in the price of the underlying security, while a long put uses put options to bet on a decrease in the price of the underlying security. Option traders use these simple strategies when they are confident in the direction and intensity of an upcoming price change. Because options cost only a small premium compared to the potential increase in their value as a result of large changes in the price of the underlying security, the long calls and puts are the best technique for maximizing profits in the relatively rare cases where a trader has such confidence in forecasting upcoming price changes. The risk of long calls and long puts is that the price fails to move far enough in the right direction, and the options expire worthless or fail to cover the full cost of the premiums, resulting in a trading loss on the position. Bull Call SpreadA bull call spread involves the purchase of call options at one strike price and the writing of the same number of call options with the same expiration date but a moderately higher strike price. The profit from a bull call spread is maximized when the price of the security reaches slightly under the strike price of the written options, so that the written options expire worthless while the purchased options can be exercised for the maximum value within the window of the written options expiring worthless. The downside in a bull call spread is protected when both options expire worthless, but the premium gained from the written options helps to reduce the loss from the premium paid for the purchased options. Bull call spreads are used when a trader has confidence in the direction of an upcoming price change, but not in its intensity. If a trader foresees only a small increase in the price of a security, then they can capitalize on that small increase by purchasing call options while also limiting any potential downside and reducing the cost of the premiums paid by writing options at a higher strike price that is unlikely to be reached. The downside to the bull call spread is, of course, that any potential upside beyond the projected price increase is limited due to the corresponding increase in the cost to cover the written call options. Bear Put SpreadA bear put spread is the exact opposite of a bull call spread, where the trader purchases put options and also sells the same number of put options with the same expiry date but a moderately lower strike price. The profit from a bear put spread is maximized when the price of the underlying security reaches slightly above the strike price of the written put options, which means that the written options expire worthless while the value of the purchased options is maximized within the window of the written options expiring without value. The downside to a bear put spread is limited to the premium paid for the purchased options less the premium gained from the written options, which occurs when both of the options expire worthless.
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EPF Withdrawal For Purchasing A Site Or Flat
There are various demands from our conscience or even loved ones. We make big deals in our whole lifetime. The purchase of a site or flat is one of such a huge investment for which we need proper investigation. It requires huge capital as well. We can go for loans from banks or borrow from our acquaintance. To make the process easier, EPFO has proposed the withdrawal for the purchase of the site or flat. In this article, we’ll look forward to how you can easily go for the EPF withdrawal for purchasing a site or flat.
Why Should You Go For EPF Withdrawal For Purchasing A Site Or Flat?
Employee’s Provident Fund(EPF) is a part of your basic wage that gets deducted each month to promote your retirement saving habits. The amount contributed is based on a fixed rate. Employees earn interest on their EPF balance.
One can withdraw from EPF account balance, subject to certain conditions and within certain limits. 75% of the EPF balance can get withdrawn if a person remains unemployed for one month. Complete 100% of EPF balance withdrawal gets allowed if you remain jobless for more than 2 months. Partial withdrawal is also allowed under Employee’s Provident Fund scheme,1952. Under it, we’ve EPF withdrawal for purchasing of a site or plot.
The EPF Scheme is a part of the government agenda of housing for all. The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna also provides up to 2.2 lakh rupees interest subsidy. Yet, it’s provided to the people with annual income less than a specified amount. Added to that, they must not own any house in the name of any family member anywhere in the country.
Let’s know more about why should you go for EPF withdrawal for purchasing a site or plot-
Features Under EPF Withdrawal For Purchasing A Site Or Flat
i. The withdrawal process you filed for is delivered to you may or may not be in direct form. It may get delivered to the government agency or your bank account or your flat society head.
ii. In case you cancel the deal of buying the property, the amount you withdrew, get refunded to your EPF account. This procedure gets completed within about 15 days.
iii. In case you got the fund from ‘total expenditure of the construction,’ there’s another rule for it. You’ve to return it to your account within a max of 30 days.
iv. Under this cause, you can get either in one or more than one installment.
v. You won’t get permitted for the withdrawal procedure if the property is in the name of anyone else. That is, it’s mandatory for you or your wife or both to be the legal owner of the property. Otherwise, you would get expelled from the request of withdrawal made.
Eligibility Criteria Of The EPF Withdrawal
According to the latest norms of the PF withdrawal, you must meet the following criteria-
a. You must be an active member of the EPFO for a min of five years.
b. The total amount in your PF account(or together with your wife) must be a minimum of Rs. 20,000.
c. You can avail of this opportunity only once. It means you can go for the EPF withdrawal for the purchase of a plot or flat once in your lifetime.
Rules And Regulations Of EPF Withdrawal For Purchasing A Site Or Flat
There are some protocols that you must abide by to withdraw your EPF money for purchasing of a plot or site-
A. In Case Of Purchase Of Plot-
i. You must have rendered at least 3 service years to your company or organization.
ii. Your share must be more than 1000 rupees as a contribution to your fund.
iii. The limit of money that can get withdrawn is 90% of your total amount in your PF account.
iv. Withdrawal is not allowed if the property is to get purchased jointly with anyone, except the spouse. In this case, both, i.e., you and your wife must be an active subscriber of EPFO.
v. The investigation and survey regarding the plot must get over within a max of 6 months.
vi. Withdrawal can be made in one or more installments.
B. In Case Of Construction Or Purchase Of House/Flat-
i. You must bear at least three years of subscription in EPFO.
ii. Your share must be more than 1000 rupees as a contribution to your fund.
iii. The limit of money that can be withdrawn is 90% of your total amount in your PF account.
iv. Withdrawal is not allowed if the construction of the house is to be on-site owned jointly with anyone, except your wife. In this case, both must be a subscriber of EPFO.
v. Withdrawal can be made in one or more installments.
vi. In case you’re withdrawing for the building of your house, you must begin it within a max of 6 months of withdrawal of the first installment. Then, you must get it completed within 12 months of withdrawal of the final installment.
vii. You have to be a member of the co-operative or housing society. Apart from that, this society must bear at least 10 members.
viii. You can also make monthly premiums for your PF balance against any outstanding loan. It can be in your name or your spouse. However, to name it in your wife’s name, it’s required for her to be an EPFO member as well.
ix. The contributions made to EPFA over the past 3 months are considered by banks. Bank uses it to calculate EMI through your EPFA.
Documents Required For EPF Withdrawal
The form for this cause is Form-31. Thus, first, you need to fill the form and submit it. You can do it either online or offline. The online mode is relatively easier, contains less paperwork, and requires much lesser time than the offline method. In the online mode, you can get your amounts transferred within a max of 7 days. On the other hand, the offline procedure takes a longer duration.
With all that, you’ve to tie-up a declaration form.
Amount You Can Avail From EPF Withdrawal
Since the article involves the purchase of a site or a flat, it has two sub-divisions. So, the amount you can avail of depends on which division you’re in.
1. If you’re purchasing a site for building your house, you’ll get an amount equal to-
Your 2- year salary, including the Dearness Allowed. For example, you earn Rs. 50,000 per month. Counting up to a total of it in 24 months yields an amount of Rs. 12 lakh.
2. If you’re withdrawing for the construction of your house, you’ll get an amount equal to-
Your 3-year salary added up with the DA. For example, you earn Rs. 60,000 per month. Counting up to a total of it in 36 months yields an amount of Rs. 21,60,000.
In this criteria, you’ll get an amount that is less than the rest. These get judged from several other bases as well. These are mentioned below-
Total expenditure of the construction. For this, you must make a rough calculation of the total processes and the cost under each. This can either yield up an amount greater than the required or less.
You and your manager’s share to your EPF fund with the accrued interest to it.
Thus, the three options get into the EPFO officer’s consideration. Finally, you get an amount that counts to be the least.
The mode of remittance may be in the form of-
Physical cash
Postal order
Directly to your bank account
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How can I withdraw my PF for buying a flat without my employer’s assistance?
Earlier, dealing with your employer for these things was a matter of hesitation for a few employees. Especially if your employer is a grumpy one, that posed a great problem to your procedure. They would make excuses or make you lick their shoes to get your work done. Due to this, the EPFO has clarified that you need not please your grumpy employer all the time. There can be other methods that can add to your ease. Thus, as per the latest improvisation, you can carry out the procedure without the aid of your boss. Let’s see how-
i. Visit your UAN portal by logging in with your requisite ID and password. Check if your Aadhar card is updated. If not, then update it. ii. Recheck it with the information on your employer’s list. Then tie-up your Aadhar number with your UAN portal. iii. There you’ll find an online EPF withdrawal handout. Provide your relevant details to it. iv. Finally provide the details in the hands of the EPFO officer of your area. After a few days, you can get the amount.
2. Can I withdraw PF for buying land?
Yes, certainly you can go for an EPF withdrawal for buying a plot or a site. However, to avail of it, you must satisfy certain regulations. You must have rendered at least 5 years of your service to your organization. The amount you wish to withdraw must be either less or the exact amount of the plot. Yet, if the amount in your account is less than the amount required. You’ll get the lesser amount.
For instance, if the land costs Rs. 15 lakh and the amount you’ve in your bank is Rs. 12 lakh. You’ll get the lesser amount, i.e., Rs. 12 lakh.
3. Is employer approval required for PF withdrawal?
As I’ve already mentioned above, it may or may not be a requisite factor in your withdrawal process. Some good employers go in good terms with their employees. However, for the grumpy employers, the improvisation was enforced. That is, you need not impress them all the time to get your work done. There are other ways out there to serve you.
Thus, if your employer agrees to get your work done in a short period, go for him. Otherwise, politely look for the other way out, as mentioned above.
4. How many days it will take to withdraw EPF online?
The online procedure involves no paperwork, and only the laptop or computer clicks. Okay, you can take a few print outs even. Yet, the tediousness in the offline method is much more than online. So, in the online procedure, your work can get done within a max of about 2-3 days. In the worst case, it takes a week.
At the other hand, in the offline method, it takes about 15-20 days. So, if you still didn’t get your required amount even after a week or so, file a complaint. You can get a talk with the assigned EPFO officer regarding the delay caused.
5. Can EPF be drawn anytime?
Yes, you’re free to withdraw EPF anytime. However, just like everything else, there lie certain regulations to it as well. You must satisfy certain specific terms and conditions to avail of it. The most important regulation is the retirement period or age. The minimum age that you’re now must be at least 54 or more. Apart from that, you must have served for about 10 years or more in the same organization.
In the other cases, you’ve to take permission from the EPFO officer whether you’ll be able to withdraw or not.
6. Can I take a loan against PF?
As I’ve already said, when all the gates are closed, EPF is the only gate that opens. Thus, in this, the loan also profound. That is, you can avail of the loan facilities from your EPF account. However, there lies certain terms and conditions for it. You can file for an EPF loan only for constructing or buying a house.
Since the interest rate varies with time, it can change after a few months. However, in the present scenario, it’s stuck at 8.5%. Although you’re free to withdraw in the times of need. Yet, you’re advised not to go for EPF in the first hand itself. Since it deals with your old age financial aids, you must preserve a sound lumpsum for that.
Bottom Line
Now that you’ve gone through this article, you must know how to deal with things better. I hope I could enlighten your thoughts with my words on EPF withdrawal for purchasing a site or flat. Cheers!
source http://invested.in/epf-withdrawal-for-purchasing-site-or-flat/
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In short, yes. Developing a strong email marketing strategy can help you attract and connect with your target audience in a personalized way, and increase sales at an affordable cost. Just as other platforms and media have changed, Email Marketing Tools make it easier than ever for your business to reach customers.
Here Are My 9 Reasons Why Email Marketing Is Important And How They Can Help Your Business:
1. Keep In Touch With The Audience
Email has the ability to keep your customers informed. Consumers can check their emails at their convenience. It can make them feel that you are thinking about them. This email can simply say: "Hi, you are in our minds, this is a special price!" or "Here are the latest updates in the last few weeks." Those who have signed up to your email list have promised to receive These notes. Therefore, they are likely to like these emails (as long as you provide them with something worth reading), which will increase interaction with customers.
2. Attract Customers In Real Time
According to Litmus, 54% of all emails are opened on mobile devices. This is important and should play a role when planning any marketing strategy. More and more consumers are using their mobile devices to access email, but also to access all other types of media and information. Not only that, but a well-designed email has a higher conversion rate on mobile devices than any other medium. Click ’em anytime, anywhere!
3. People Interact With Email
For a long time, actually for more than 40 years, email has been a form of communication. Over time, email has quickly become one of our main choices for communication. All of us are ready to respond to emails in some way. Whether it's replying, forwarding, clicking into other content embedded in the email, deleting or buying or signing. We tend to process emails. Knowing this, you can use email to draw people to your website, answer calls and make calls or any other call to action. In fact, more than 25% of sales last year were attributed to email marketing.
4. Email Marketing Is Easy To Measure
Most email marketing tools provide features to track what happens after the email campaign is sent. You can track delivery rate, bounce rate, unsubscribe rate, click-through rate and incomplete rate. This allows you to better understand how email campaigns work, campaigns that need to be adjusted or campaigns to get rid of completely. These indicators should not be ignored. They are an important part of the entire Internet marketing activities. Although there are various studies and surveys that show the "best" target number, it all depends on your industry and target audience. If your customers not only want but also want to receive emails every day, it is best to provide them. However, if you send too many emails to consumers who don’t want to send multiple times a week, your unsubscribe rate will increase. All this is to understand your customers and provide valuable content.
5. Reasonable Price
Yes, we know that you are waiting for us to resolve this issue. You can attract a large number of consumers for less than a few cents per message. The cost of each (possibly) conversion of email marketing is so low that I can't believe that every company will not participate or participate more frequently.
Email marketing services (such as sendgrid) cost $0.0006 cents per message at their platinum marketing email level. Mail Chimp allows you to send up to 12,000 emails per month for free. They also offer larger monthly plans for growing businesses with up to 600,000 subscribers, and a large-volume sender plan for anything beyond this number. Vertical Response, another email marketing company, offers free email marketing with up to 4,000 emails and 1,000 email contacts per month. They also provide subscription services for bulk senders.
So yes, although it does provide a good return on investment, it might be a wise idea to hire someone to manage these tasks. According to Shout It Out Designs, out of 15,000 email databases, your company will spend approximately 152 hours per year on managing advertising campaigns. This will include writing, drafting, scheduling, sending emails, etc., answering any questions about quotes, lost coupons or other questions, and database maintenance: adding and removing members, updating information, and other tasks.
6. Allow Directed Messaging
Now, let’s talk about the importance of e-mail marketing in cultivating potential customers, sometimes called e-mail prospect marketing. The main idea here is that your potential customers are at different stages of the buying cycle. Some may be in the consideration stage, while others may be in the research and comparison stage, and even others in the preparation stage. Creating buyer personas can help you determine what kind of content to create for each step.
7. Improve Brand Awareness
No, social media is not the only platform to increase company brand awareness. It's one thing to have an email address of a customer or potential customer: they show a certain interest in your business. Email marketing enables you to stay focused at all times, thereby increasing the level of interest and brand awareness.
This does not mean that four emails are sent to every customer every day. This is actually a great way to attract customers to hate you. Instead, try some email marketing to increase your motivation in the local community. The company tried to buy and sell through email marketing, selling its products too many times, and completely ignored the brand awareness factor. In this way, they also prohibit building customer trust and add a sexy ultimate possibility to their brand.
8. Timely
Speaking of selling, selling, selling...
Yes, if you use the product in the right way, one of the benefits of email marketing is that you can sell your product. Be sure to use all customer data and information. Sending customers birthday special offers, or letting them know that their favorite dishes have been halved, is much more effective than simply sending them a menu.
This email marketing strategy can also incorporate seasonal offers, allowing you to promote holiday specials or annual promotions. Make sure to have a sense of urgency for any offer-when the transaction is about to end, customers are more likely to buy.
9. Everyone (Almost) Uses Email
A Hubspot survey pointed out that 91% of consumers use email. This alone is enough to convince you to explore the tool. Unless your industry accounts for the remaining 9% (hint: no), email will provide you with a great opportunity to reach customers. Not only can you provide them with discounts, specials, new products, etc., they can also share and forward these emails to anyone they want. A good email marketing strategy is to encourage customers to share as many quotes as possible. Remember brand awareness?
E-mail is particularly large in the B2B world, because it accounts for 73% of enterprises' main communication form.
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28 Crucial airbnb house rules - the Ultimate Guide
Airbnb house rules are your first line of defense to guard against parties, unauthorized guests and many other problems airbnb issues today. Use these samples rules to protect yourself and your property from headache.
We will explain in depth what the crucial house rules are and why we chose them. If you're looking for the version we give to guest: 28 House rules in PDF here. We may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story.
What are Airbnb House rules?
Airbnb house rules are a set of rules that you can post on your listing and share with your guests to set expectations, what to do and what not to do. Ex: limit smoking, limit visitors. Guests must agree to your house rules before they book. Once the reservation is confirmed, your airbnb house rules are also sent to guests. Your airbnb house rules need to complied with airbnb terms and conditions as well as local laws and regulations. If guests break one of the house rules you set, you can choose to cancel the reservation. This is different from a House Manual. House manual is where you can explain to guests where things are in your home. To add or edit House Rules after you’ve listed your space: Go to Your listings on airbnb.comClick Manage listing on the listing you want to editClick Booking settings at the top of the pageNext to House rules, click EditSelect your expectations and rules for guests, then click Save
28 Sample airbnb house rules
We have put together 28 house rules any airbnb host should have. You can use all 28 of them or a combination of them. Below we will explain why we choose these house rules. 1. AC / FANS / LIGHTS / HOT WATER/ COOKTOP Utilities can cost you an arm and a leg if you don't manage these well. You might think that if the unit is not occupied then you will have low utility bills. Guests can leave your AC on high and blasting all day in a hot summer month while they are not even in the unit or when they check out already but your cleaner won't come later in the evening or the next day. Ask guests to turn these off when not in use. You can mention there will be additional fee if someone has to enter the unit and turn those off. It's common to have hot water tank and cooktop to have a switch that you turn on or off. Leaving the hot water tank (the types you find in Asia) will keep it running all day and waste a lot of electricity. If you're the US, you don't need to mention this. Tips: consider installing devices that would save you money like a Nest thermostat if you've central air. Not only that it will save you money in electricity bill, you can also remote control it. If you don't have central air, Cuby Smart might be your solution. It took me 3 months searching for solutions before I came by this one. Now I can control split ACs in our rental remotely. 2. PARKING To avoid confusion and dispute, ask guest to park in designated parking spot(s) only (if your unit has one) and abide by all street signs when utilizing street parking. The last thing you want is for guest to block neighbor mailbox or cause upset in your neighborhood.

Tips: beside giving clear direction to guests where to park, investing in some parking signs on the property. 3. PETS We are pet-lovers ourselves but for a vacation rental, pets can add additional cleaning time and additional wear and tears. We generally don't allow pets on these rentals.

We had guests brought pets into our units without telling us at all. Cleaner had to roll so much dog hairs on the blankets and deep clean the whole place, instead of the usually turn-over cleaning. The urine smell on our carpet was the worst. We had to use OdoBan for 2 weeks straight to get rid of the smell. You want to state clearly that No pets are allowed on premises. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in additional cleaning fees to be assessed, as well as eviction from property. No refunds will be given. Tips: You can choose to allow pet and charge a higher rate and set a higher cleaning fee. You might get more bookings at a higher rate. Many travelers prefer to bring their pets with them, especially on road trip to stay close to their furry friends and also to save on pet-sitting. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "false"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "hilivingbnb-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Must have if you allow pets"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "25efd741bac4990875d60a3905882e72"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B07CMM6JVF,B07VZ324J5,B079K9B4XV,B06XXQNRYC"; We use the carpet roller a lot even for units that are not allowed pets. We found that if we roll the hair off before washing, we don't have to worry about hair afterward. 4. NO PARTIES Parties are the biggest headache for hosts. Did I tell you we had a unit damage for over $25K due to a party last December (2019)? The question for hosts is not if it will happen to you, but WHEN it will happen. Absolutely no parties allowed! Make it very clear in your house rules that no parties is allowed. Tips: ask for ID for verification purpose. Once we started asking for ID for our unit in downtown Dallas, we don't have party yet so far. Guests are also more inclined to treat the property better. Verbage: Please provide a picture ID after booking, the name on the ID needs to match the name on the reservation for verification. 5. VISITORS
airbnb 1-4 visitors during the day that are not staying overnight might be ok. But if you charge additional guest fees after a certain guest count, you will want to make sure no unauthorized guests are allowed to stay overnight. We also note in our house rules that inaccurate guest count will result in additional fees and might lead to eviction. Tips: Install security cameras or video doorbell help tremendously to protect yourself against unwanted guests. You can set notifications to be sent to your phone. We once stopped a party from happening by calling the guests as we started seeing cars and people start coming in from the driveway. Blink camera: I like this the most as they are affordable and best of all, I don't have to pay for monthly subscription of the videos.Ring doorbell: If you live in an apartment complex that you're not allowed by the condo board to put up cameras on the outside wall, you can use a ring doorbell on your door. There are 2 versions, one you can wire into an existing electronic doorbell, one you can just use batteries that charge it from time to time. 6. SMOKING Our units are 100% non-smoking. We find it's easier to clean and keeping it healthy for all guests (yes, including smokers). But we do strike to establish a spot outside the unit they can smoke. To deter smoking indoor, we put signs in the living room and in the bedrooms to remind guests not to smoke. 7. QUIET HOURS "This is a residential area- quiet hours are from 9pm-8am" is that we usually post in the units and in our house rules. You can choose what time works best for your neighborhood. Sometime our neighbors would let us know it's too noisy at night. Having this house rule in place, all we need to do is to remind our dear guests about the quiet hours. 8. CANDLES We used to have candle holders are decoration but due to fire hazard, we don't allow candles anymore. But we do provide flashlights just in case there is an power outage. 9. FURNITURES No moving of furniture! Believe it or not, guests have moved furnitures around to make an arrangement works for them; it's fine as long as they move it back. We have a heavy baby crib in the master bedroom. By the time the guest checked out, the crib was in the other bedroom. With just one cleaner came for that day, it put us way behind schedule to get someone else to came since we needed two people to move the crib back to its original location. Since we had this rule in place, we were able to send the guest photo the the misplaced crib and charged for the additional time needed to turn the unit over. 10. REMOTES & OTHER ITEMS Verbage: No moving of remotes and other items. When you checkout, be sure to leave items where you originally found them. Missing remote controls and other items will be billed to you. We even label the location of the remote with a label maker. This will save your cleaner a lot of time not have to search around and put things back where they should be. Thus, this tip alone will save you money in cleaning fee over time. Even with the best cleaners, when they go through their days cleaning different houses with different setups, all the details might not be perfect all the time. The last thing you want is the next guest coming in and can't find the remote. As you scale up, you might have a reservation coordinator or work with a hosting company that manage guest communication for you. If you have a clear system in place with items being labeled and are in their designated spots, your reservation coordinator can tell guest exactly where the remote is without having to double check with the last cleaner or you. 11. CHECK-OUT On Airbnb, you can specify the checkout time in the listing (under Availability). It doesn't hurt to emphasize this again in the house rules. Delay in checking out can delay your cleaning screw's schedule, you don't want that to happen. And when it does happen, you want to be in a position that you get compensated for it. 12. DAMAGE We ask guests to report any breakages or damages to us as soon as they happen. Unreported damages will be charged to the guest. Tips: Post a list of inventory of all the items in your rentals on the fridge. When things go missing, you have a list ready on hand to proceed to next step to file a airbnb damage claim or vrbo damage claim. Your guests can be another set of eyes for you and let you know if anything that needs to be replaced. Ideally the cleaners should be the person to spot it but sometime they miss it. 13. TRASH If you've multiple single family houses that are scattered across town, it's not cost effective to have someone driving around and bringing your trash bins and recycle bins out and in all week long. In these cases, we ask the guests to bring the bins out and in. The longer the stay, the more the guests will be willing to do it. At the beginning, we thought we might get a lot of complaints. Surprisingly, there have been no complaints at all so far. If you think this is too much to ask your guests, of course, you can manage this yourself or pay extra for your cleaner to take care of this. Verbage: Guests are responsible for removing all waste from the unit and placing it in the appropriate bins outside (this includes removing all open food items from the refrigerator and cabinets, trash, recycle). Additional cleaning fees will be assessed to guests if trash is left in the unit after checkout. Please take the bins out to the curb to be serviced as posted inside your unit. 14. DISHES Washing pile and pile of dishes would turn your turnover cleaning into a forever cleaning. If the unit has a dishwasher, we ask guests to rinse the dirty dishes and run the washer before they checkout. For other units, we ask dishes to be washed before checking out. You can specify how much you want to charge (depending on how much it costs you) to handle dirty dishes in your airbnb house rules. For us, we just wrap it up into the additional cleaning fee rate. 15. SUPPLIES There is no amount or type of supplies can delight all guests. At the minimum, we provide the basic supplies airbnb requires like salt and pepper, etc. We then go above and beyond with larger quantity of basic stuff like trash bags, paper towels and plenty of toilet paper and even a welcome gift. Setting expectation is key. Our rule of thumb is "under promise, over deliver." In our room rental rules and regulations, we listed that supplies will be a small start up even though we do stock more. Once the startup supply runs out, guests are on their own to purchase additional supplies if needed. This way, when guests want more of a certain item, instead of asking us (where we would have to pay the cleaner an additional shopping fee to buy and deliver the item) or complaining and giving us a bad review, they understand they need to get their own supplies. 16. LOCK In our sample house rules for guests, we ask them to always lock all doors/windows when leaving the premise. This also means locking the lockbox right after they use it. Leaving the lockbox open will expose the property to risk of theft (with lockbox, the combination code can be seen when the lockbox is open). 17. PEST CONTROL Even with diligent pest control, properties will tend to have a modicum of bugs, ants and geckos. We listed in our room rental rules and regulations that contacting with a pest inside or outside of property is not a reason for terminating the rental agreement, nor is it a reason for a refund of monies. The property interiors and exteriors are treated regularly for pests. Guests are encouraged to report any pest problems so follow up professional treatment can be scheduled as soon as possible. We do schedule quarterly pest control with Terminix. Prevention is the best course of action. 18. SHOES In Hawaii or in asia, where it's customary to remove shoes before entering the house, we leave a "Please remove your shoes" sign to ask guests to do so and provide a shoes rack. It keeps the unit cleaner and better especially if you have carpet. We also try this for our units in Dallas; however, we provide Finleoo Lightweight slippers in addition to shoes rack. Most guests complied with no question or concern. We love these rubber slipper since they last long and when they are dirty, we can rinse them outside and then wash them in the dishwasher, they come out nice and clean. 19. DRAIN Have ocean front property or rental in a beachtown? Sand will be your concern. Beautiful beaches are great for your guests but not so much for your drain. We always state in our airbnb house rules pdf to remove sand before they enter the house. If there is an outside water hose, we point it out to renters. Also mention clearly in room rental rules and regulations that there will be charge if they clog your drain. To combat hair clog, we use these 2.7 inch sink strainer drainers and they work wonder. 20. LAUNDRY

If multiple units share the same laundry area, you will want to have some clear guideline like laundry hours, what to do when someone leave their clothes inside the machine for an extended time, etc. At the very least, provide instructions on how to use the machines. If you have international guests, this will help them tremendously. 21. KEY Common issues with keys and lockbox: Keys can be lost.Guests forget to put the key back into the lockbox when they check out (usually they left the key inside the unit). Cleaner can't come in because there is no key in the lockbox.Guests don't close the lockbox after taking out the key; therefore, they expose the lockbox code to any passerby. For these reasons, for units that have keys/lockbox, we make sure to include in our airbnb house rules: Place the key back into the lockbox as soon as they open the door, and leave it there when they don't need the key.Always close and lock the lockbox itself. Charge a fee for key replacement and a fee to deliver a new key if they get locked out.We keep another set of spare key (in another lockbox) and hide it somewhere. Tips: The best way is to get an electronic lock, especially one that you can control remotely and change the code remotely. The best setup that we love so far is Schlage with Samsung SmartThings hub. The smart app we use to control the lock remotely is Lock User Management by RBoy SmartThings Apps. We only paid $39 (one time fee only, but per hub, so expect each rental to use 1 hub) to control it remotely (lock, unlock, change user code, etc.). If you want to have it automatically sends a unicode for each stay directly to the guest, you can do that too for a $99 lifetime subscription. 22. MAIL/PACKAGE

Handling guest's packages can be another logistic operation by itself. Packages can arrive early or late, outside the timeframe of the guest stay. Your cleaner or someone will need to locate the package, secure it and mail it to the guests (if the package arrives after the guest has left). Squatters can establish their tenancy by receiving their mails at your rental among other tactics. For this legal concern, if you can avoid allowing mailing of packages, that's better. A solution for this is not to let guests mail their packages to your rental but let them know about USPS General Delivery, where they can mail the package to their name and address it to a local USPS location that offer general delivery service. They can pick up the package at the USPS store. 23. MAINTENANCE Letting guests know you or your maintenance crew might need to enter the unit for the purpose of general maintenance, bug spray, etc. in your airbnb house rules so you will not startle your guests when you do need to come in. When guests review their stay, airbnb asks the a question on whether or not there were unexpect people there. Review question: There were unexpected people on site Answer choices: Yes, No, Not sure Airbnb questions to guests when they review their stay






Managing expectation is everything here. 24. VIOLATION OF HOUSE RULES
Here you want to mention what the consequences of violating your house rules will be. In our sample house rules for guests, we clarify that violation of airbnb house rules may result in a fine and/or eviction. Per airbnb, if guests violate your house rules, you can cancel the reservation, and usually that means you should be able to keep the money for the reservation. 25. LINENS / TOWELS

AIrbnb: https://airbnb.com/h/seascapecottage Little items can add up in cost quickly. If you lose 1-2 towels, it doesn't seem like a lot. But if you have 20 units, 40 units, constantly replacing towels can affect your profitability. "If linens or towels are rented from Owner or supplied with Rental Property, Guest is responsible for lost or damaged items at the cost of two (2) times the published standard rental price for such damaged or lost linens or towels." This is what we stated in our airbnb house rules template download. 26. REFUND Setting clear refund policy will help you and your guests deal with unpleasant situation when something goes wrong. In our sample house rules for guests: No refunds will be provided due to inoperable appliances, pools, hot tubs, elevators, etc. The Owner will make every reasonable effort to assure that such appliances will be and remain in good working order. No refunds will be given due to power blackouts, water shortage, flooding, snow, construction at adjacent properties, or mandatory evacuations of the area by county officials due to hurricanes or other potentially dangerous situations arising from acts of god or nature. 27. COMPLIMENT ITEMS

Providing beach gears or recreational toys for guests is fun. Getting sued when something wrong happens is not. Make sure you put language into your airbnb house rules and ask guests to sign a waiver. Consult with your favorite lawyer for specific language for your state. 28. PORTABLE AC (if applicable to your unit) Last but not least, portable AC usually requires draining the inside reservoir from time to time. If you have a long stay, guests might have to empty it. Anticipate something like this and put them into your airbnb house rules, will help you when you need to ask your guests to do something.
When setting your airbnb house rules, it's all about setting the right expectations and preventing surpries when something goes wrong. Definitely having a refund policy in place and no parties rules is a must. These two alone will save you a ton of money and headache. Which of these rules will you implement right away? These airbnb house rules worn you out? Why Not Listing Your Properties with HI LIVING Hospitality and let us do all the work for you? Check out our service: https://hilivingbnb.com/services/ Disclaimer: These house rules are for sample only. We make no guarantee about the validity and enforcement ability of these samples. Please consult with your real estate expert or lawyer. Read the full article
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