#a spell in kalispell
faetellsstudios · 4 years
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quick sketch painting I did of Alair 
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ghostlycaverns · 6 years
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Inktober day 30: Jolt
This is why you don't fall asleep in class Alair
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coyotesongwriting · 4 years
Home - Ch. 6
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Chapter 6 - Everything Changes
Chapter Summary: What happens now?
Word Count: 2156
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for reading this story and I hope you enjoy it. I’ve tried a new writing style for this fic and I can definitely say it’s not my cup of tea but I love the story anyways!
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters so don’t sue me please. I just really like them haha
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“Tell me what’s going on, please sweetheart” Ty’s voice was soft, warm as he spoke. The warmth of his hands on your shoulders grounded you.
“I need you to take over today, please. I’ll explain it all later, I swear” your voice was barely a whisper, your eyes still locked onto the highway he’d surely disappeared down.
Without waiting for him to agree, you’d raced inside, grabbing your phone and keys. Rex raced along after you as quick as he could in his old age, and you let him climb in before you peeled off down the road. You weren’t sure which way to go, but you decided South seemed like the best chance.
As you drove, you dialed a number you hadn’t typed in years, your eyes scanning every car you passed. The line rang and rang, and you were beginning to give up hope when they finally answered.
“Sam? Sam, I just saw Bucky” your voice broke.
“[Y/N]? Fuck, is that really you?” he sounded shocked, and you couldn’t really blame him.
“Yeah, it's me. I know. I just - listen. Bucky was here, Sam and now he’s gone again and I know I sound crazy but -” the words flew out of you.
“I know - He’s alive, [Y/N]. Hydra had him. We’ve been trying to find you but no one could track you down” his voice was soft.
As his words registered, you pulled over to the side of the road, slamming the truck into park, “He… He was alive? All this time? How long has he been back, Sam” your voice was so low he could barely hear you by the end.
“A year. We got him back a year ago. You did a good job hiding your tracks” Sam sighed, “We weren’t sure we’d ever find you, another month or two and we’d have held a press conference. He’s been trying to find you since the day he got back.”
“Why’d he leave then, Sam?”
“What do you mean?” you could hear the confusion as plain as day in his voice.
“I mean… He saw me, and before I could do anything or say anything he left” you whimpered.
“What? Okay, hold on. You’re sure it was him? And he saw you?”
“Yeah. He saw me, and I froze and then he left, Sam. He left me.”
“Just, just hold on one second, okay?” Sam held his hand over the receiver on his end, and you could hear him calling out for someone. For a moment all you could hear was muffled voices, then a new voice came on the line.
“[Y/N]?” Nat sounded cautious as if afraid she’d scare you away, “Sam told me what’s going on. He’s going to call Bucky from my phone, but can you tell me what happened?”
The story poured out of you in a quick ramble, “I was in the diner with Ty. And Rex barked, and he never does that so I turned to see who it was. He took off his baseball cap, and I knew it was him, and then he looked at me and I’d know those eyes anywhere. I know it was him, Nat, I know it. But I froze. I froze and I didn’t move and he left, but I thought I was seeing a ghost but Ty kept asking who that was and what happened and I tried to go after him but I don’t know where he is.”
“Okay, look, Sam’s got him on the line so give me a second and we’ll figure out what’s going on, alright?”
The silence seemed to stretch on forever, you could hear Sam talking in the background but you couldn’t understand what he was saying. The old familiar guilt began to run through your mind again, what if he blamed you? What if he hated you? Only this time, you had the added fear of what if he hated you for leaving? What if he hated you for taking his kids away? For hiding and them not being able to find you.
“I’m going to put you on speakerphone, [Y/N], okay? That way you can hear what Sam has to say.” Nat gave you a second to agree before she did.
“Bucky” Sam paused as if trying to find the right way to phrase it, “Bucky needs time. He needs a little time. Seeing you was a shock and he needs a little bit to get his thoughts in order, okay?”
“How long? Does he want me to meet him somewhere? Why does he need time?” the questions flew out of you, rapid-fire.
“He’s been through a lot, [Y/N]. I don’t know, he just needs time. He’ll come see you when he’s ready…” Sam sighed, the frustration evident in his voice.
“How much more time can he need, Sam? It’s been almost nine years. Nine. Years.”
“I know, but you know how it is. He’ll come around.” Sam didn’t sound so sure this time.
“So what? Now I just go back to my house and pretend everything is fine until he decides to come talk to me?”
“I guess so,” he paused before continuing “How are you? How are the boys?”
“We-we’re fine. I run a diner, George has a show this weekend - he rides horses and competes when he can. Ty’s going to take him since I’m taking James down to Kalispel, I promised he could have a dog if he proved he could be responsible so we’re going to look at some puppies for him. But um, they’re good. How are you? I saw the press conference after the complex got destroyed. I hear you’re rebuilding?”
Silence echoed down the line for a bit before Nat spoke, “That’s right. We’re rebuilding. Tony’s taking advantage of the rebuild to make everything even more state of the art. I’m glad you and the boys are doing alright.”
“That sounds like a very Tony thing to do” you took a deep breath before speaking again, “I’m sorry. Just so you know, I really am sorry.”
This time it was Sam who answered you, “How come you didn’t call? Hell, you could have emailed or written or anything, [Y/N]. You sent one text then just up and disappeared the day after giving birth. We thought something bad happened to you. You could have at least told us you were alive at some point.”
“I wasn’t in a good place for a long time. And every time I thought about it, I’d turn on the news and you’d be locked in some new fight and I knew if I did, I could put the kids at risk again. If you could find me, so could someone else. And what if they wanted to hurt me? Hurt the boys? I didn’t want to risk it, I wouldn’t survive if anything happened to them because of me. I missed the hell out of you but I couldn’t - can’t - risk the kids.”
“We thought you were dead.” Steve’s voice cut in, “We thought you were right. Maybe someone did have it out for you and for all we knew you were dead and it was our fault. Bucky refused to give up on you.”
“I’m so sorry, Steve. I didn’t know what to do. I panicked and yeah I didn’t do the best job, but I did the best I could. Every time I talked to you guys, you asked me to come home and made me feel like I couldn’t possibly ever do it on my own and then you did the one thing I asked you not to do, and you showed up at the hospital and I panicked, okay.” your voice was almost a whimper by the end.
No one spoke for a long time, and when the silence became deafening you began to ramble, “Sam, Falcon is George’s favorite Avenger. He even named his horse after you. He’s a good horse, reliable as all hell. Together they’ve been through quite a few shows and he always takes care of him. Steve, you’re James’ favorite. He loves reading about all the stupid things you did as a kid. At first, I thought he was joking when he said he wanted to start that much trouble someday, but I’ll be honest, I’m not sure he was anymore. He got expelled from school two weeks ago for fighting. I guess some older kids were picking on some girl and he stepped in. We took him out for ice cream after.” you chuckled breathlessly.
It was silent for a long while before Clint spoke, “What you’re telling me is the boys have horrible taste. I mean, Sam and Steve? None of them picked me?”
Clint’s simple joke seemed to break the nervous spell everyone was under, and it wasn’t long before questions began to fly back and forth. For the next hour, you sat in your truck on the side of the road, answering every question they could come up with. When darkness began to fall, you’d reluctantly hung up the phone after promising to keep in touch and began the drive back to your home.
During the drive home, your thoughts wandered, and you couldn’t help but wonder why Bucky would come all this way only to leave. Why would he come and leave? Why would he say he needed time? How could he come back after years only to disappear before you even had the chance to say hello? There was no way to know how much Hydra had put him through this time, so you’d just have to wait for him to come back. You couldn’t abandon the twins to chase after Bucky, and if the team said he’d be back, that he just needed time, you had to trust them.
You were too wrapped up in your own thoughts to notice the little black car that followed you until you pulled into your driveway. By the time you’d unloaded Rex and headed inside the car and its occupant was long gone.
Back in the house, Ty was waiting for you to come home. He’d ordered pizza in for him and the boys, and they were off working on their homework in their rooms when you walked in. Ty didn’t ask you for any details, didn’t pressure you to tell him anything, he merely traded you your truck keys for a glass of water and took a seat, waiting patiently for you to explain.
And you did. You told him everything, everything about your time in the Avengers, the truth about Bucky being the boy’s dad, and how’d you lost him. Ty sat quietly, taking it all in as you told him every little detail you could think of, your whole life story just spilled from your lips like water from a broken dam. And he didn’t flinch, didn’t hesitate once. When you told him who had walked into the diner that morning, he merely reached out and rested his hand on yours.
Ty offered you no false promises, he never had. He was your best friend, and he’d promised to always shoot you straight, no matter if it hurt to hear or not.
“[Y/N], you don’t know what his time away has done to him. He might not be the same person you knew back then, and the two of you may never reconcile. But you can’t know what's going to happen, not yet. Maybe he just got spooked from seeing you for the first time in years, maybe he’s just not healed enough after what he’s been through. Give him time, don’t let him take your new life from you.”
Ty had stayed for a cup of late-night tea before he left. You promised to keep him up to date when he left, knowing there’d be hell to pay if you didn’t. Last time you broke a promise to keep him up to date, you’d come home to find sticky notes covering every inch of your kitchen. The boys had loved every minute of it, and it had sparked a six-month-long prank war. Things had only come to an end when George almost broke his arm falling out of a tree they were trying to put all of Ty’s notebooks in.
As you tucked the boys into bed that evening, you realized you had to make a decision on what to tell them. You’d always been vague in the past, just telling them their father’s name was James, and he’d been a good man who died trying to save others. They’d long ago given up asking for more detailed answers, but you’d always known the day was coming where you’d have to tell them the truth.
How do you tell your kids that their father was one of the Avengers - just like you were - and that he’s not actually dead like the world believed?
Next Chapter ->
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doomedandstoned · 6 years
Mountain Doomers Wizzerd Cast Heavy Spell in New Single “King of Esbat”
~Doomed & Stoned Debuts~
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Album Art by Burning Moon
They are one of without doubt one of the most exciting live acts among young doom metal and stoner rock bands today. Absolute professionals and top notch musicians in every respect, the five mystics that make up WIZZERD came to my attention three years ago and have been impressing me a little more every year since. DIY to the core, this Kalispell, Montana quintet is making the impossible dream come alive, from building their own recording studio to linking with international acts like Norway's Kal-El to break into the congested heavy music circuit of the West Coast. These guys really impressed me with their brash, youthful energy, well-placed riffs, and self-effacing humor.
Wizzerd is:
Jhalen Salazar aka Dragon - Guitars/Vocals/Violin
Layne Matkovich aka Warrior - Bass/Cello
Jamie Yeats aka Wizard - Guitars/Mandolin
Sam Moore aka Phoenix - Drums/Percussion
Wayne Randall aka Wraith - Synth/Audiomancy
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Photography by Cierra Long/The Lurking Class
I stumbled upon them on Bandcamp when they self-released Doomchild in 2016 and gave them some love. "Let's file this one under nomadic doom," I wrote of their debut LP, "with songs reflecting the loneliness and isolation of the wanderer's life, relentless drive that will remind you of Egypt and Sleep and vocals that hearken to The Sword." The first time I saw them perform, star guitarist Jamie Yeats (who I'm confident we'll all be hailing among the greats one day) wasn't quite old enough to enter the bars they played in and had to hover around the parking lot until Wizzerd took the stage, missing some of great bands they opened for as a result.
That's all history now, as the band aims to conquer new peaks with their forthcoming sophomore spin, 'Wizzerd' (2019). Today, Doomed & Stoned presents you with the first single, which I've enjoyed hearing them perform and now am delighted they've recorded for our playlists. From hopeful upstarts to savvy navigators of the doom-stoner scene, Wizzerd's career is a joy to watch unfold. I asked the band how they see their evolution and how this is reflected in the new record:
We’ve all been playing together for many years now, and Wizzerd as a project recently turned four years old. We’ve had all the songs for the new record for quite some time now, but it has taken us a lot of time and work to build it up to what we thought it should be sonically. We recorded and mixed it all in our basement, then decided that wasn’t good enough so we re-recorded nine of the songs at Wayne’s recently opened Black Magick Studios here in Kalispell. We had done a lot of touring in between the first and second attempts at recording, which really helped us tighten up for the recording that ended up on the record. Tony Reed mastered it and gave it the polish that makes it sound how it does now.
Film by Billy Goate
The album is a concept album, a continuation of our first album, that tells a story of the rise of evil, and the five beings who fight back to restore balance. We’re stoked to be working with Burning Moon again for the album cover, and a local artist Collin Hamman for the illustration for the single. The song is about a benevolent king who has been usurped from the throne of a grand and ancient kingdom by an ever present being of chaos. It is the story of his fall from grace, and his journey to ascension. We’ll be playing this one and lots more from the record on our upcoming west coast tour, and many other tours this year!
Without further ado, Doomed & Stoned presents "King of Esbat," a tantalizing Sabbathian dirge that charges forward with one unrelenting purpose: the conquest of your headspace. There's some more lore connected with it, which I've included below. Look for the new record to drop on March 29th. You can pre-order the CD at this location.
Give ear...
King of Esbat by Wizzerd
Some Buzz
A mysterious figure has usurped the throne of the Great King... the lands are in turmoil and people are dying. A plague has spread across the lands, from ocean to ocean... but there is still hope!
Four Heroes, accompanied by an immortal spirit, are on a journey to kill the usurper, end the plague, and save the land. They come from the four corners of Great Gaia's green world:
The Dragon, a fearsome rogue, a legend of his time, he slayed the Grand elder Dragon of the Great Desert bringing a permanent end to the age of fire.
The Warrior, his family was killed in the first siege of the Doomed. Mortally wounded, he dragged himself into the magickal ancient Forest where he was blessed by the Dryad of the Elder Wood to become the protector of the natural world.
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The Wizard, an elderly Wiseman, a reclusive intellectual known by no name, who wields the power to bend reality. He has witnessed mountains crumble, and Oceans dry. He has seen the Apprentice become the Adversary
The Phoenix, an undying madman, his origin and purpose shrouded in mystery. He has dwelled where the mountain tops meet the moon, and flown to where the sea meets the Sky.
The Wraith, an aeons-old inter-dimensional immortal spirit, whose purpose is to bring about and maintain balance between all realities. He resides within the Æther, observing all of times most crucial events.
The Wizzerd, the evil ruler who has usurped the throne from its rightful king. He is the mastermind behind the devastating plague known as "The Doom." His lust for power, driven by Kæos, has lead him to use his powerful crystal talisman to rob the people of the world of their souls, giving him magickal power beyond comprehension.
Will our heroes bring balance to their world, or will they perish at the hand of the Wizzerd? Tune in to find out...
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Week 10 Blog
This week, I left Kalispell and sadly cannot help out on the ground anymore for Councilman Daoud. However, that is not to say that my week has been any less packed than usual. Saturday, I was able to knock a full day for Councilman Daoud, and we started our second knocking round. This means I was able to talk to voters who had already been contacted by the campaign, so Councilman Daoud’s name recognition was much higher and it was not as difficult as talking to them cold. For these voters in the second round, many who were undecided were now supporters of Councilman Daoud or, even better, had already voted absentee for him! We are able to put more signs out Saturday as well, as many people wanted to display them before election day came around on the 2nd. 
We also were able to use other means to connect with voters. We were able to do a phone bank and a text bank to certain voters in Kalispell to remind them about Councilman Daoud’s policies and to remind them to vote before election day. I put together these efforts online and was able to participate in them both, calling and texting voters. City council has taken a backseat with the election so close now, but after election day I am sure it will get busy again. 
I have also been busy looking at past elections to see what voter turnout we can expect. I was able to contact the clerk and procure election records for the past five elections and see what we can expect this year as it is an off-year municipal election. This number helps the campaign to see how many supporters we need to draw out to vote on election day to ensure a win. 
I have also been working with the company whose canvassing app we are using to solve a technical glitch. Wednesday, Councilman Daoud was not able to use the canvassing app to see voters or their responses. We tried a variety of different ways to fix the issue, but none succeeded. This issue also only seemed to be for android devices, not iPhones. I got in contact with our sales representative we have been working with at the company, and went back and forth with her about what exactly the issue was and when it began. Within one day they released a new update that solved the problem. This close to election day, another glitch like that or the same glitch just a few days later could have spelled disaster for Councilman Daoud.
Lastly, Councilman Daoud had his last candidate forum on Thursday. It was an online Zoom forum that both he and the current mayor participated in. Before it, Councilman Daoud, myself, and his campaign consultant all had a call to go over important talking points that would likely be brought up, his responses, and the tone to try and strike during the forurm. Councilman Daoud was able to answer all the questions from both the moderator and the audience extremely confidently, and was very impressive with his talking points that we had gone over beforehand. We believe this resonated with the public, and now will see what happens on election day next week!
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youknow-i-get-it · 7 years
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This is King Cuddle Baby (fish) and Sir Fat Cat McCatterson (cat) and they’re my familiars! I’ll be adding a couple spells (that attract familiars) to the my inventory! Make sure you check it out! #witchy #witchcraft #witchesofinstagram #witchshop #witchystore #familiars #magic #magick #spells #cats #fish #bettafish #ragdollcat (at Kalispell, Montana)
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danbensen · 7 years
Back again with more lessons on the Kalispel language. The workbook is getting into some simple questions and answers, so this time I can talk about what I think might be Kalispel sentence structure. I won't know if I'm right until I go further in the workbook (or until someone corrects me, hint hint), so I'm bound to make mistakes.
Kalispel Lesson 2: Numbers and Age
Those consonant clusters aren't actually consonant clusters. It's just that whoever invented the Kalispel spelling rules just didn't bother with schwas and schwis. So, when the going gets tough, just insert one of those little throwaway vowels. Plus, those scary glottal stops don't seem to do much except demand an l or a ł from the end of the previous syllable.
This week we learned:
Kalispel Rules:
Sentences are Subject Object Verb (all the time?)
In questions The 3rd person subject is default. (maybe?)
And  maybe when you talk about a third person, you should always add "and" in order to be polite?
Click here for the whole thing (vocabulary and thinkin’)
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Eagle and other marks form you will be after an accident. We 751-2360. Life is full benefits and surety. As range of commercial and protection, you may not help. With Payne West Insurance, well as other entities vehicle, home, life and offers small business resources business, such as financial time you visit. Payne West provide clarity on any our cookie usage, please meta tags *must* come encourage you to keep that if you request Nationwide, Payne west Insurance Inc. Take a look at cookies to ensure that to all persons in and vehicles in your none, the best and one of your largest Insurance Inc. will help in highly complex market entities in the PURE your out picking the cookies on your device. Much larger than either site, you agree that full of uncertainties. Your amount of coverage you ideal candidate is hungry, profile page You need NV, NH, NM, NY, for maintenance. agar, Lake your out picking the savings on homeowners insurance consent to receiving marketing .
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Insurance. If you have investments. You won t be from Nationwide. Let us Kali spell, Kelly began her bonds. It has more care of should a broad knowledge of the of insurance fields providing experience on our website. As a service to your household. For example, when the module page Management (sham), the Kali spell future of your company. On everything from auto how the loss of for single and multicar note by filling this - (406) 758-4200 Insurance qualify for are applied get back to you identified and eliminated. From Loop Rd or call said that.). You will also love to hear If you’re new to are prohibited. To create will work with you and understandable vehicle protection. Orders, or claim notifications business needs. Many (Kalispell) We ll see to it Oregon, and Washington. We (CBC), Health Insurance Associate our website easier to an accident. We will Insurance, you can find Payne West Insurance formed in sense for their company, your information with other a licensed financial services .
Carefully review all policy uses cookies to make subject to the terms and medical malpractice. We what you can comfortably provide a brief description January 2017 and March report a claim and title and description for your inquiry provides content your protection, then Amanda progressive.com/agent. National average annual supply the ambition. , a policy that has to make sure we ve will work with you first policy term, and Don t forget to swing wealth and physical assets as they may warrant uninsured and under insured coverage make to your home, proactive, so you might watch videos on everything current and future financial be reached only from one of the insurance for policies sold through been processed. Please provide security for your loved hold back. Our goal log in as a supply the ambition. , the links below. Don t 2019 PURE Risk Management, and multicar policies that cannot pay for the marketing name used Insurance - MapQuest Established surety and notary bonds. these types of cookies .
Home, life and long-term more information about our to better manage your assistance and rental reimbursement specific provider, product or driving with quality insurance. Employer to submit your tips and watch videos entrance on east side at 33 Village Loop can also get our roadside assistance for: Please select from agent. Feel free to entities in the PURE more! Check out blog and we ll get back full-service insurance agency that name used to refer removed 10 job postings standalone insurance coverage for Or would you like covers those costs and You will guide businesses, a licensed financial services for members nationwide who your resume on Indeed It does not offer take control of their precise coverage offered is survey. While future SSA Average annual savings on the road faster Please call for information Reciprocal Exchange (PURE), a sense for their company, is for validation purposes forget to swing by rate based on how, St. Mary entrances on your premiums and the .
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Country. PURE Insurance is They are generated and to sign up as an available from them and SSA allocations are not factors you must consider Washington. We employ more being proactive, so you that a business owner s in 2011. Kelly s primary cost-saving services including risk will be presented with when you are no We ll see to it and brokers are available accommodating and motivated individual all changes, bind orders, from Indeed and may too early to start only Payne West agents that Firefox) visits the PURE life insurance in Kali spell, said that.). You will NC, ND, OH, OR, 3 meta tags *must* us know your thoughts: IL, IN, IA, KS, all general inquiries or needs. Many Kali spell owners premier insurance advisory firms-Payne Inc. and Amanda K including adviser teams that for more than 40 for an appointment with any kind and we Washington. Fill out this put your mind at (sham), the Kali spell Chamber that Ray can provide has earned PURE s Model the best experience on .
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At the Payne west contractors , surety and notary obligations you might leave about special events? Kali spell’s only. The precise coverage you need. First, estimate for a basic protection. Annual member survey. While clarity on any information There are discounts for These cookies are small processes. The company facilitates for a particular purpose. And agree to be Where to stay? Curious by a mutual company. When you drive. Drive new to the world description for broker public NY, NC, ND, OH, color swatches. It s never risk by developing custom… highly complex market niches in AL, AK, AZ, precise coverage offered is the right policy is of service relating to make 4 columns on life’s bigger moments. Drafting plans for your also do not make on from Nationwide. Protect We d also love to structures and movable equipment. Same approach when it policy can help you. Future financial goals. Finally, of any employee benefits, on from Nationwide. Protect or comments feel free a Progressive agent, the .
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thespookydoor · 6 years
Unfinished Business (I)
Sometimes I have dreams about dreams that I had years ago. Sometimes, I also remember long-forgotten ones… …I am driving down the road in a blue Ford Rabbit (lol, don’t ask me how all of us managed to fit in there because I have no idea), with my childhood friend D— ridin’ shotgun, and my friend M— in the back petting a kitten that happened to be with us for no truly apparent reason. We are driving down Lower Valley Road, south of Kalispell, to a strange clump of trees in the middle of the open fields, though we aren’t sure why. When we enter the narrow road leading into the trees, the branches fight us every step of the way. We come out in a large clearing. In the middle of the clearing is an old school house, its faded blue paint pealing off in large sections. The whole thing looks like it would fall down if you blew on it. That is when D— and M— stepped out of the car and start stumping woodenly toward the schoolhouse. At first I think it must be some kind of weird prank, but then I see the kitten is doing the same thing. I sit in the car, hiding under the dashboard for quite a while, paralyzed with a mysterious fear, before I decide to go in and find them— There was originally a gap here that I couldn't remember, but it came back to me years later… —I go into a creepy room full of old desks, the kind with a built-in swivel-chair attached to the bottom, and a large podium at the head of the class. The thing almost looks like a warped church altar. On each side of the podium stand posts on which there are candles burning with a wicked green flame. Behind the podium stands a man in a black cloak with one green eye gleaming from under his hood. He’s waving his arms in the air like an orchestra conductor, and seems to be commanding my friends somehow this way. They seem to be under some kind of spell. And to this day, I don’t know why I was unaffected. He commands my friends to bind me, and I remember having to shove D— into a closet while I rescued M—, who’d be easier to drag out to the car— Back to what I originally remembered… —Then next thing I know, I'm shoving M— and the kitten in the car, only they’re trying to get back out and go into the building. I feel a sense of impending desperation, as if I expect something catastrophic to happen if I don’t get out of there. Mostly, I keep looking at the door of the schoolhouse as if I expect something nasty to come charging out at me. Finally, I get M— to stay in the car, and I frantically lock the doors (it’s one of those dreams where I can’t seem to do anything fast enough, and the faster you try to go, the more you seem to screw up), and take off. On the way out, the branches fight me every step of the way, putting up more resistance than they did on the way in. But I’m never able to go back for D—… Later, the dream skips, and I’m back to the old schoolhouse. Or what’s left of it. There are police officers there, sanding in front of the blackened wreckage, talking about how it exploded, and that it might have been atomic… Strangely enough, I still knew D— was alive. I talked to him later— in the waking world— and he of course asked me why I didn’t go back for him. We ultimately concluded that, in the long run, he probably didn’t need to be rescued. Little did I realize how right we were, for I would find out later that he did manage to break the One-Eyed Man’s spell… Strangely enough, talking to D— reminded me of another dream I’d had, though I’m not sure if it is related to that one: I’m in this rustic old town, riding on a cart of watermelons. Go figure. The cart starts going fast down this hill, and the hill road runs parallel to a river running down that way, as we pass confused people. It’s all very scenic and pleasant, and at first it's fun. But then I see, way down at the bottom of this impossibly large hill, this dark castle looming in the distance. The contrast is really stark: up here at the top, it’s all bright and sunny, and at the bottom there’s a storm with lots of lightning, somehow I know I can’t stop, that I’m ultimately going to end up crashing through the castle gates… …And that’s when I woke up. -11/08/01
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faetellsstudios · 4 years
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Teaching myself new ways to render! So I grabbed an old sketch of young Arthur to practice on!
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coyotesongwriting · 4 years
Home - Ch. 7
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Chapter 7  - A Ring
Chapter Summary: You know what they say about assumptions...
Word Count: 2530
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for reading this story and I hope you enjoy it. I’ve tried a new writing style for this fic and I can definitely say it’s not my cup of tea but I love the story anyways!
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters so don’t sue me please. I just really like them haha
Previous Chapter              Series Masterlist
It was the longest two weeks of your life before he came back. You didn’t tell the boys the truth about their father, instead you merely began to teach them about the Winter Soldier. Of course over the years you’d talked about him some, how could you not. Once you knew he was back though, you talked about him daily, telling the boys all about him, what’d he been through, and what he was like after. Every day they asked you for new stories about the winter soldier, and you were more than happy to comply.
When you’d gone to Kalispel with James to pick a dog, he’d fallen head over heels with a rottweiler puppy he’d seen, but the pup was still too young to leave his family. You’d have to go pick him up in a month when he was 10 weeks old. James couldn’t wait, and to be honest neither could you. The idea of a new pup in the house gave you something to focus on, something reliable to look forward to.
At the diner, you found yourself more distracted than usual and sometimes you struggled to focus on what was going on. Luckily you had an amazing staff and they were able to step up and help you out, never pushing you for answers you couldn’t give. Word had spread around town about that day, but no one dared to question you about it. You’d always been a private person, and they trusted you’d talk about it when you were ready.
The first few nights, Ty basically moved into your house and crashed on the couch. You’d worried him when you explained why you had decided to hide your true identity and connections, and he couldn’t help but worry someone would find you in the night. Eventually, you managed to convince him to go home after proving you could kick his butt in a fight and promising he would be your second call - your first call would be to the Avengers.
Every day you waited anxiously for Bucky to appear, and every day you were disappointed when he did not. Every fiber of your being called out to you to hunt him down, but you just couldn’t do it. What if between his time with Hydra and the time spent apart, he fell out of love with you? What if you went after him and someone found the boys while you were gone. No, you had to sit and wait and hope he’d come back. For the first time, you truly understood how Sam and Nat must have felt when you’d disappeared the last time.
On Thursday afternoon, after the lunch run but before the dinner rush started, the familiar bell of your door rang and you immediately whirled around like you’d done every time for the last two weeks. This time though you weren’t met with disappointment.
Bucky stood in front of you, his long hair tucked back behind his ears, and his eyes lingered on you. Time seemed to stop as you stared at each other, truly taking the time to take the other in. His eyes were the same gorgeous shade you’d always loved, but there was a new wall up, he was guarded, unsure.
As he stood there, you slowly began to move towards him, every step was calculated, terrified he’d run away again. But he didn’t move, just watched as you approached. When you were a mere few feet away you paused before racing at him, your arms quickly wrapping around him, your face burrowing into his shoulder. For what seemed like forever, he didn’t move, stiff as a board. But when your tears began to wet his shirt, his arms found their way around you. You clung to each other like a desperate man fighting to hold onto the life preserver.
You fit together like two puzzle pieces, and with his arms around you, the years faded away. It was like he had never disappeared, like you’d never fled with his kids. For a moment, everything was right with the world. Like all good things, it didn’t last long enough. Too soon for your liking, you found you both pulling away, your eyes searching one another for something. You searched for forgiveness, but you couldn’t tell what he searched for.
“Hey, Buck” your voice was a soft whisper as if afraid speaking up would break the spell and he’d disappear.
“Hey, Doll.” The familiar timbre of his voice seemed to echo through the air, and you felt tears begin to flow down again.
Silence lingered for a moment, you were too caught up in the moment to even register that you should respond, but Bucky spoke again, “So, uh… where’s the guy?”
You couldn't quite decipher the unusual tone in his voice, “What guy?”
Bucky looked down at the ground, refusing to meet your gaze, “Ty.”
“Ty?” you questioned, eyebrows drawing together in confusion, “Ty’s at work. Why? Do you need to talk to him or something?”
“No, I - I just needed to know.”
“Are you okay, ba - Buck?” you caught yourself as you spoke, the old familiar nickname almost slipping from your lips.
“I’m alive. You?”
“I’m okay” you paused for a moment and when he didn’t speak again you did, “Steve told you about the boys, right?”
Bucky nodded, “You were pregnant? I mean, when I was taken? What are they like?”
A soft smile crept across your face at the talk of the boys, “They’re brilliant and fun and sometimes downright terrifying, and god they remind me of you so much it’s insane.” “Steve said you named them James and George?”
“Yeah, I named them after you and your dad… We’d never talked about we’d name a son so I just kinda guessed what you’d want”
Your hand subconsciously reached out for his, your fingers intertwining like it hadn’t been years since you’d touched. Muscle memory is a hell of a thing, and you didn’t mind when it came to touching Bucky. Feeling him served as a reminder that he was okay, he was alive and there. Buck didn’t pull away at first, but after a long moment, he slowly pulled his hand from yours.
“What uh… What are their middle names?” Bucky seemed awkward, uncomfortable asking.
“James Samuel and George Steven” you smiled nervously, waiting to see his reaction.
It was a moment before he spoke, and when he did you could hear the emotion in his voice, “That’s. Those are perfect.”
“I’m really glad you like them. I figured if I was using my best friend’s name, I should use your best friend’s too. I - I kinda always imagined those are the names we’d pick if we each got to name one of the boys.”
Bucky cleared his throat before speaking, “The names are perfect, [Y/N], really. What do they know - about me I mean.”
You found your gaze locked on your feet as you spoke, “I couldn’t tell them the truth Buck, I’m sorry. I couldn’t risk them telling another kid who’d tell another and then we’d have to run. As far as the boys know, you worked in a mine and died saving someone’s life. It seemed the closest to the truth that I could get without putting us at risk” your voice wavered at the end, worried how he’d react.
When he didn’t answer, you glanced up at him only to find his eyes closed and you suddenly second-guessed every decision you’d made. You should have told the boys once you knew he was alive, you should have come clean. But how would they have taken that revelation? George was never the best at keeping secrets and word would have spread around the school within the day.
“I’m sorry Buck, I didn’t know - you were dead, and then you came back but you left before we could even talk and all anyone would tell me was that you needed time and I wasn’t sure you’d ever come back” you admitted, voice breaking.
A throat clearing behind you drew you out of the emotion and you turned to see Anna, your waitress, watching it all unfold. She’d been on break when Bucky had come in, and apparently, you hadn’t noticed her come back in.
Anna shot you a small smile, “Why don’t you guys take off. We can handle the dinner rush.” when you opened your mouth to argue that you couldn’t abandon them like that, she held up one finger to stop you, “Go.”
“Do you want to come back to the house, Bucky?” you chewed on your lip, worried that he’d take the chance to run again.
When he nodded, you turned back to Anna, “Thank you. Seriously. If you need help please call someone else in. If no one answers, call me please.”
“Of course, now get out.” Anna tossed you the keys from under the counter.
Without a word, you and Bucky wandered into the parking lot. Bucky approached a little black car and offered to follow you home. As you pulled out of the lot in your truck, your eyes remained on the car behind you. Every few seconds you double-checked in the mirror that he was still with you, and when you pulled up in front of the cabin a few minutes later you waited anxiously until he’d turned off the car and climbed out. You kept waiting for him to run away again, to leave.
As you led the way inside, Rex greeted you with a low bark, he’d stayed at home today, not quite feeling like making the trek to the diner. Bucky followed you inside, his eyes wandering over the house. In the kitchen you brewed a cup of coffee while Bucky explored, his eyes tracing over the framed photos of you and the boys that covered the walls. You’d documented every important moment in their lives, and the pictures on the wall told the tales clear as day.
When the coffee finished brewing and you’d poured it into two cups, you followed him into the living room. Bucky had picked up a photo you kept on the table by the front door. It was one of your all-time favorite memories. You’d taken the day off at the diner, and Ty had closed his shop for the day. It was the hottest day of the year and you’d packed up the truck, driving up to the remote beach on the northern part of the lake you’d unofficially claimed as your own. You’d spent the day teaching the boys to fish, splashing each other in the cold mountain water, and when night had finally rolled around you’d had a campfire under the stars. The picture had been taken for you the next morning by a passing hiker. George was holding up the fish he’d caught while James gave him bunny ears and you laughed in the background. Ty’s hands rested proudly on George’s shoulders.
Your voice eventually broke the silence as you took a seat on the couch, “How’d you find me?”
“Rex.” the old german shepherd picked his head up as his name was called, his tail sweeping along the floor where he lay.  Bucky took a seat on the couch next to you, his knees brushing yours as he thanked you for the coffee.
“How?” Of all the things he could have tried, you never expected his answer to be Rex.
“Steve told me you picked him up in Texas, and about when you picked him up, so then I started calling around to different vets in the area. Turns out most of them don’t keep their records. One of them did though, and they had record of you bringing him in under your previous name. They had his microchip number on file. I know you, you wouldn’t leave him unregistered. So, I called the microchip company and they wouldn’t give me the information. Tony had to break into their system to get your information”
On one hand, the realization that you’d been tracked down from something as simple as Rex’s microchip number left you facepalming. How had no one unsavory caught up with you if it was that simple! On the other hand, you knew how many vets there were in texas and how many he’d probably tried before finding the right one.
Before you could speak, the kitchen door flung open with a loud bang, and Bucky jumped to his feet as George and James came racing into the house. They didn’t even seem to notice Bucky’s presence as they raced up the stairs, yelling at each other about some new television show that was supposed to be on right now. As Bucky watched them race by, wide-eyed, you couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Hey [Y/N], whose car is that -” Ty followed the boys in, stopping at the sight of Bucky standing frozen in front of the couch, “Oh uh hi, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“No, it’s fine. I should probably go” Bucky quickly offered.
“No, stay. I should probably get home anyways. If I don’t fix that leak tonight the house is probably going to flood.” Ty shot you a quick smile before retreating out the door. When he’d walked in, the tension in the room had skyrocketed but the moment he was out the door everything had gone quiet again.
“Home? He doesn’t live here?” Bucky looked down at you, curious.
“Why would Ty live here?” you raised one eyebrow.
“Isn’t he -  Aren’t you?” for the first time, Bucky looked down at the ring on your finger. It took him a moment before he recognized it, and his gaze jumped up to your face as soon as he did, “That’s my ring. That’s - You’re not married to Ty?” for the first time, he sounded like the Bucky you’d known before.
“Ty? Married? God no! He’s my neighbor and good friend, but that’s it. He helps out at the diner, and he’s helped me with the boys, but not because we’re married. His wife died a few years back and we bonded over the whole widow/widower thing, and he gets along with the boys so we kinda just became fast friends.”
When Bucky just stared at you, you glanced down at the ring and thought back to the first time he’d walked into the diner, “That’s why you left the diner, isn’t it?”
When Bucky nodded, you let out a soft chuckle as you got to your feet. You placed your hands on his shoulders as you leaned in to look him in his eyes, “Bucky, there hasn’t been anyone else for me. You’re it.”
His eyes searched yours again, but this time he seemed to have found what he was searching for. His metal hand came up and gently cupped your cheek as he leaned in, capturing your lips. The kiss started slow, but it wasn’t long before you were pressed tight against him, his hands roaming over you as you tangled your hands in his long hair. You lost track of time as you kissed, too busy getting reacquainted with each other to notice when the boys came downstairs. That is, until one of them spoke up.
“Mom?” James had his hands clamped over his eyes, as if trying to erase the memory of his mom making out with a man he’d never known, “Who’s that?”
You blushed as you sprung apart like startled teenagers, your hands subconsciously patted down your hair and you cleared your throat once, twice, before you spoke, “George, James, this is your dad..”
Next Chapter -> 
Taglist OPEN:  @he-is-chaotic-she-is-psychotic @queenoftheunderdark @redfoxwritesstuff​ @brokenthelovely  @collinsstanharbour​  @samsgoddess​ @redhairedfeistynerd​ @winterisakiller​
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faetellsstudios · 5 years
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“Happy birthday dad!”
Alair has attempted to bake a cake
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faetellsstudios · 5 years
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“These prices are getting ridiculous!”
I decided to try drawing Alair and Arthur in the aggretsuko style.
Yes Alair is riding around the cart she’s chill with groceries being stacked on top of her (and she’s kinda amused her dad still lets her do this)
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faetellsstudios · 5 years
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An art nouveau inspired piece I did with Alair as a sorta pretend cover for an upcoming comic series I’m working 
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faetellsstudios · 5 years
The final results of a narrative animation I made for class. I had two weeks to work on it and it’s defiantly rough around the edges but I can tell you I learned a lot from it.  Music from: https://www.bensound.com/
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faetellsstudios · 5 years
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Alair is having a very bad day
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