#a soft heart in a cruel world.  (  NACRE.  )
variantia · 4 months
@alastgoodnight / lyric starter !
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“ What is life WORTH LIVING if you don’t dance to anything ? ”
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swordarkeereon · 7 years
Guest Post: T.M Lakomy #darkfantasy
What was the most difficult part of writing your most recent book?
Leaving it at the current ending, I wanted to continue with the character’s journey but I knew that was the perfect place to end. In a way, I wanted the reader to know what lay beyond the final chapter as it is a bewildering end. But then, I would have got carried away and ended up combining two novels in one. But the temptation was strong, I itched to show the results of the end chapter.
What was the first book you ever had published? How much time did it take from writing your first book to having it published?
This is my debut novel and I wrote it three years ago, I shelved it for a long time before considering taking it further. I believe it took me between 6/8 months to write it.
When you create characters, do you base them on real people?
Yes, I base them on people around me, not necessarily people I know very well. I look for a certain character streak, mannerism or affectation and I take it and build on it. Sometimes it’s just the look in the eyes or the tone of the voice or the gait, and I add layers of complexity to it and a backstory that fits. I amplify virtues and vices and I am always on the lookout for interesting people. I study people, it’s a form of anthropology for me.
How would you describe yourself if you were “speed dating” your readers?
I am a very eccentric woman who has a deeply philosophical streak and a penchant for the occult and mysticism.
What’s something fans would find fascinating about you?
That through my archaeological studies I became fascinated with the occult practices of indigenous people and from studying the Siberian shamans, I ended up getting to know the spiritual and mystical aspect of some east African tribes through my work.
How do your family and/or friends feel about your book or writing venture in general?
They are very supportive, they are happy I took the step to publish my writing. I have toyed with the idea of becoming a writer for years and never fully committed till now. I am glad they encouraged me.
Do you have any pets?
Yes two cats, mother and son, delightful little furballs
If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you travel?
China, I would love to discover the culture there and immerse myself.
Do you have siblings? What was it like growing up with them?
I have half sisters… let’s say it wasn’t easy
Do you have a favorite beverage that you drink when you write?
White wine or a home made passion fruit martini.
Please tell us 5 miscellaneous facts about yourself.
My favourite colour is black, then grey, then green, then yellow, I have remained a goth at heart.
I am actually quite shy while simultaneously having a rapier wit
My favourite season is winter, I don’t like the heat that much but I do like to sunbathe
I love horror films, anything to spook myself out
I hate tall buildings
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedFernManor
Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15558568.T_M_Lakomy
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/Shadow_Crucible
Book trailer:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Shadow-Crucible-Blind-God/dp/1590794141
Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-shadow-crucible-t-m-lakomy/1124245404?ean=9781590794142
I am T. M Lakomy (Tamara Lakomy).  I was born in London, but grew up as a tribal girl in a North African repressive regime. I spent my childhood between the slums of Mellasine and the affluent neighbourhoods in Tunis.
I studied archaeology and became enamoured with the shamanistic practices of indigenous people.
I am an author and poet who seeks to challenge our notions of reality, and see life with a different perspective.
I work in East Africa with indigenous tribes studying the origins of mankind and the salient golden thread in the tapestry of humanity’s beliefs.
In a world where angels, demons, and gods fight over the possession of mortal souls, two conflicted pawns are ensnared in a cruel game. The enigmatic seer Estella finds herself thrown together with Count Mikhail, a dogmatic Templar dedicated to subjugating her kind. But when a corrupted cardinal and puppet king begin a systematic genocide of her people, the two become unlikely allies.
Taking humanity back to their primordial beliefs and fears, Estella confronts Mikhail’s faith by revealing the true horror of the lucrative trade in human souls. All organized religions are shops orchestrated to consume mankind. Every deity, religion, and spiritual guide has been corrupted, and each claims to have the monopoly on truth and salvation.
In a perilous game where the truth is distorted and meddling ancient deities converge to partake of the unseen battle, Estella unwittingly finds herself hunted by Lucifer. Traversing the edge of hell’s precipice, Estella and Mikhail are reduced to mere instruments. Their only means to overcome is through courting the Threefold Death, the ancient ritual of apotheosis—of man becoming God.
“I want to liberate you from your thralldom,” he said. “I have watched over you all, my tender flock. I am Lucifer, the morning star, the first to greet you with my love into this life, and the last to claim you on my dark stallion of death. I have come to free you.” His persuasive voice was soothing and nurturing, like a gentle river rippling mildly over soft bedrock.
The cardinal found himself in a daze of awe, and within him woke his longing for power and lust for dominion. “Come to me, let me free you, and we shall destroy the Twilit world that has robbed you of the gifts that you so deserved.”
The fatherly voice of the angel was indignant yet gentle, and he beamed at the cardinal who nodded back eagerly. “Let me into your heart, then. Lead me into your house, in this false edifice erected in the name of God, and let us together find the lost sheep in the house of God. I am his true son, after all, prince of the world.” He glided towards the cardinal, his numerous nacre wings extending into the chamber. They shed their own pearly light, and it seemed he floated like a silver vision. The angel knelt beside the cardinal, gazing into his watery eyes.
“Let me into his house.” The voice was slightly more pressing now.
The cardinal, dazed, nodded in agreement. With a satisfied smile, the angel touched the cardinal’s chest with a slender finger, right at his heart, and breathed over him. The cardinal groaned, falling instantly asleep.
The angel then shifted like a blurring image, colors melting and running, twisting like molten glass into a murky mess of shadow and dirt-colored fumes. The gleaming wings fell to the ground, losing their feathers and rotting instantly. Now instead of the radiant angel, there stood a hooded and cloaked figure, emanating death. Like a black hole, it sucked in all the light around him, exerting a fearsome pull. The light from the candles swirled and were drawn into him, as though he were a gasping sinkhole.
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variantia · 4 months
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@starfoam said : QUESTION: Would the Pearls throw a wedding for Nacre and Mohra and if so how much of it do they pull off in secret before somebody catches them / NACRE.
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“ Aah, well, I hate to break it to you, dear … but they are already planning and I have known since the start. Do you think they can hide anything from their mother ? ”
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“ … Oh ! Oh, but please DO NOT TELL THEM that I know. They want to help as much as possible, I do not want to take that joy away from them. And Mohra, well … he is happy with almost anything. So we will be glad to have them plan everything for us if that is what they want to do. ”
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variantia · 5 months
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Anonymous said : (for Nacre) AITA if I just... don't bring this Pearl back to Homeworld for recycling? She likes weaving and playing the lyre and the rest of the Of- the rest of the team is attached to her. I don't think we'll be bringing her back. / NACRE.
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" Completely on the record, I must insist you bring her back to me. If she has been slated for RECYCLING, there is a reason. "
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" ... Off the record, you are absolutely not the ... asshole, is that the term ? Just ... TAKE CARE OF HER. "
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variantia · 2 years
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          “   Well, Mohra would like me to announce that he and I are now TAKING SUGGESTIONS for our first dance song ... with the caveat of human music only.   Mainly due to the fact that the two of us cannot manage to agree on a single piece of either Gem or Yautja music and we are running out of time.   ”
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          “   ... What can I say ??   We are NOT PERFECT ... thank the stars, haha !   But we are quite frustrating each other, so we decided this would be a good compromise to avoid a bigger fight than the small ones we have had over this issue.   It is simply not worth the stress, and why not let our closest friends decide which song we will begin the rest of our lives to ?   ”
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variantia · 3 years
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          “   Blue Diamond’s pool is very nice, but I have a grand WATERFALL in my room.   In my worry for my Mohra and his young ones, I decided to stand under it, bathe, and swim for a few hours.   My stress is mostly gone, and I am now in my river, cleaning and polishing some of the gifts he has given me over the years.   He does not look it, but he is very sweet and considerate.   ”
   Of course, most of the gifts are knives, Xenomorph skulls, and jewelry made from various alien teeth, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t considerate gifts.
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variantia · 3 years
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          “   Mohra left late last night, and he will be away for several weeks ... he has to take a group of Young Bloods on THEIR LAST HUNT to become full Blooded warriors.   Ah, I trust his strength and mind ... but ... I still hope that he and his proteges will be alright.   I always worry when he goes off on a Hunt.   Maybe I should pray to the Moon Goddess ...   ”
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variantia · 3 years
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there’s something about someone who’s been through the flame I can see it ‘cause it’s written on your face you broke and you mended your story has not ended YOU’RE STRONGER BECAUSE OF THE PAIN you have the kind of soul, you have the kind of eyes that I want looking into mine I want looking into mine you don’t even have to speak I hear what you’re telling me THE BROKEN CAN BE BEAUTIFUL AGAIN.
BELLUM.   so ...
not perfect but better than I thought it was gonna turn out !   what even is anatomy but like
this is one of the most ‘polished’ pieces I feel like I’ve done in a while like I could actually imagine this in like a zine or something, not really professional but like ... it pays to use references y’all that’s all I’ll say   xD
I’m so proud of this piece aaaaaaa when I was doing the lines I was unsure but THIS THING SLAPS !!!
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variantia · 3 years
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I wish someone would’ve told me that this darkness comes and goes people will pretend, BUT BABY GIRL, nobody knows and even I can’t teach you how to fly but I can show you how to live like your life is on the line you throw your head back and you spit in the wind let the walls crack ‘cause it lets the light in let ‘em DRAG YOU THROUGH HELL they can’t tell you to change who you are that’s all I know so far and when the storm’s out, you run in the rain put your SWORD down ; dive right into the pain stay unfiltered and loud you’ll be proud of that skin full of scars THAT’S ALL I KNOW SO FAR.
BELLUM.   @petalsxfallen   ... Ally ???   xD
I’m still having feelings and my hands were hurting a bit too much to hold my drawing pen for long enough to fully color this but I still think the broad colors came out looking really nice
anyways feels is reals and Nacre loves her baby girl and fuck what anyone else says her daughter is wonderful !!   <3
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variantia · 3 years
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all you’ve seen is BEAUTY well, this is the ugly this is the UGLY TRUTH.
BELLUM.   oh it’s been too long since I’ve drawn Nacre ... this doesn’t look exactly how I pictured in my head but like, you know what, I did some experimenting and it worked out pretty nice
I always draw her looking so poised and elegant and that’s how everyone in-universe views her, it’s easy to forget she’s just as much a mess as everyone else is
I mean she’s still pretty here but sHUSH,,,
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variantia · 4 years
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@yellowserve​ said : "Mom....? Can I move in with you everyone is going crazy and I don't like it"   /   NACRE.
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          “   ... You may come and stay with myself and your sisters if you wish, but ... what do you MEAN, everyone is going crazy ??   ”
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variantia · 4 years
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@partcfyouruniverse​ said : "I said I'm fine!" steven for nacre   /   NACRE.
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          “   First of all, Steven Universe, I promise you, you do not want to TAKE THAT TONE with me again.   I know you must be frustrated, but I would appreciate if you did not snap at me like that.   ”    She pauses, in order to let herself soften once more so she doesn’t make him think he’s not in a safe place right now.           “   You are doing the same things I once did.   I am not going to hurt you, or think less of you, or judge you for feeling things.   Now, be honest with me ; and with yourself.   You are NOT FINE, are you ?   ”
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variantia · 4 years
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isn’t it strange knowing one day the people we become are going to FADE ? but what we create will survive when we are gone so even if I just make a fraction of a difference I’m almost certain it will have been WORTH IT.
BELLUM.   I was uh thinking about Nacre a little today and decided I wanted to do some lineless drawing because I haven’t in a while
I’m still over in other places but I wanted to pop in real quick to post this !
she’s so pretty and amazing I’m going to cry oK SEE YA NERDS
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variantia · 4 years
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Anonymous / @petalsxfallen​ said : “I regret nothing!” Petalsxfallen for nacre   /   NACRE.
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          “   Petal, my dear, only FOOLS have no regrets.   Even I have regrets.   Regrets mean mindfulness of your behavior ... and room to grow.   Do not beat yourself up, but do not rob yourself of that.   ”
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variantia · 4 years
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Iridescent Nacre just posted a video — “UNBREAKABLE” (COVER)
   After several months of no new content, this video begins on a black screen.   When the first few notes hit, an image of Nacre, reflected in a mirror, fades onto the screen. There are cracks over her fingers, which are set against the mirror, and a melancholy look on her face.
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          “   ♫   There’s always gonna be someone trying to tear you down                          mocking you for your mistakes, ohhhh                          there’s always gonna be someone messing your head around                          watching you to see you BREAK, so ...   ♫   ”
   The image changes, as do the vocals.   Nacre’s children appear in the mirror behind her, one by one, and their voices join her in singing.   Her expression changes, slowly, into a smile.
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          “   ♫    Don’t you let them call you out                           brush away the shame and doubt                           remember what you’re all about, and then—   ♫   ”
   A gentle flash fills the screen and a background of seascape appears.   Nacre begins to walk and dance ; as she does, she passes her children, and takes their hands to pull them into her dance.
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          “   ♫   Show ‘em who you are, show ‘em that you’re strong                          show ‘em that you know where you BELONG                          open up their eyes, force ‘em all to see                          let ‘em know you are and you’ll always be                          unbreakable !   unbreakable !   unbreakable !                          UNBREAKABLE ... !   ♫   ”
   The background swirls around them, melting away into a vision of Homeworld.   Many  Pearls of varying appearance, coupled with a Baddeleyite, a pink Spinel, and a fusion Garnet, march confidently beside and behind Nacre through the streets.   As they go, a group of Off Colors that includes a human join them, one after another.
   If any of Homeworld’s other residents bat an eye, it isn’t shown onscreen.
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          “   ♫   There’s always gonna be someone saying you’re something less                          let ‘em talk ; you know your heart, ohhhh                          there’s always gonna be someone calling you second best                          shut ‘em down, don’t fall apart, no !   ♫   ”
Slowly, as they walk past every one of Homeworld’s Matrons, they turn heads.   Even if they show an initial surprise, eventually each Gem matriarch’s face splits into a smile.   They all fall into step beside Nacre and the others.
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          “   ♫   Don’t you let ‘em in your head                          doesn’t matter what they said                          get up on your feet instead, and then—   ♫   ”
A grand symphony of voices blend together, Gems and humans, all different, making up an incredible, diverse, crazy, beautiful harmony.   More than anything else, it sounds inspiring and accepting, full of self-love, an anthem both Homeworld and Earth need right now.
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          “   ♫   Show ‘em who you are, show ‘em that you’re strong                         show ‘em they’ve been seeing you ALL WRONG                         open up their minds, throw away the key                         tell ‘em that you are and you’ll always be                         unbreakable !                         UNBREAKABLE !   ♫   ”
Nacre and her band of children, friends, and siblings slam open the door to Homeworld’s palace ballroom.   There‘s already a crowd, and the group walks boldly inside, weaving among everyone else.
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          “   ♫   You define yourself                         Y O U, and no one else !   ♫   ”
They all begin to break off, some with each other and some with other Gems and humans inside the ballroom, asserting their rights to be here, to exist, to love themselves.   The music swells, and the room is filled, for once, with people who are all happy.
They are all imperfect and so, so beautiful.
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          “   ♫   Show ‘em who you are, show ‘em that you’re strong                         show ‘em that you’ve KNOWN IT all along                         open every door, own your destiny                         live as if you are what you were and you’ve been                         and you’ll always be                         unbreakable !   unbreakable !   unbreakable !   unbreakable !   ♫   ”
The scene of the dance plays for a moment more, then the camera suddenly pans up to the ceiling as the song ends in a sharp, proud staccato.   One word is displayed across the screen.
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          “   ♫   U N B R E A K A B L E !   ♫   ”
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variantia · 4 years
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Anonymous / @petalsxfallen​ said : "Mommy hold me! My friend's gone!" petalsxfallen for nacre   //   NACRE.
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          “   I am so sorry, my dear !!   Can you contact him at all ?   ”
   If not, Nacre ... actually has STEVEN’S PHONE NUMBER.   She can make her daughter happy again !!!
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