#a series' ***** and ***** ** *** **** over and over again. knowing that its going to happen. I dunno I think itd get stale and Im saying
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dapperrokyuu · 1 year ago
My feelings on VnC and PH being connected have fluctuated, but currently, Id be hype to have an allusion/reference to PH but Id dislike an establishment that every Mochijun series will then have to fit into the structure PH created.
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rex101111 · 6 months ago
Ratchet and Clank size matters got added to the PSN store and I got a a major nostalgia pang so I went "eh, why not" and quickly played through it. And I do mean quickly, I know it was a PSP title but dang, last time I finished a R&C game this quick i played Nexus. Anyway, the thing that struck me about this game is that Ratchet is...a bit of an asshole here. And that struck me as odd because for the last few entries...he isn't.
Like this is still early series Ratchet, still on the PS2/PSP, released just before the first PS3 title, which was in retrospect a bit of an incredibly soft reboot. In the newer games, Ratchet is a fairly straight forward protag, nice, willing to help, only a little bit sarcastic if he's really strapped for time or dealing with someone especially annoying. Early Ratchet? Early Ratchet was a jackass, a dick, a selfish, quick tempered loner that only went on this quest because there was a tangible, direct benefit to him specifically. Seriously, in the first game Ratchet couldn't go two sentences without insulting somebody, and that's when he's in a good mood. In act 2 he's even worse, gnashing his teeth at everyone he talks to and threatening to sell Clank for scrap. It takes hours of in game time and half a dozen levels before Ratchet finally chills out, and a few more levels before he actually resolves to act like any sort of hero, and even that only happens after something he personally cares about gets threatened. Ratchet could give a damn, he can be convinced to help people, but he's still a selfish person who needs the situation rubbed in his nose before he realizes how dire it is. Clank having faith in him, throughout the entire game, even when he's being a dick, even when Clank himself is furious with him, meant something. When in the penultimate level he says "that's the Ratchet I always knew was there" and Ratchet brushes him off, you buy it, that beneath this sharp outside there's someone with the capacity to be a hero, an actual hero, a hero who isn't selfless, but one capable of overcoming his selfishness when it matters most.
Back when the first game came out, people complained about this, about their platformer mascot protag being a huge dick, and even the very next game addressed this by toning him down a smidge, but Ratchet in the PS2 trilogy is still very much not a perfect sunshine person. He's very sarcastic, pretty cynical, is very quick to call other people on their bullshit, and still has a very short temper. (Plasma city, anyone?) Ratchet had texture to him, he bounced off the much more straightforwardly nice Clank in a lot of ways, their friendship felt like it had weight and meant something because these two had so many differences between them that the fact they did get along so well and cared about each other so much showed that their friendship was genuine. I like the newer Ratchet and Clank games, played every one of them, but I've never been really happy with the direction they took with Ratchet. Each game made him nicer, friendlier, smoothing down his edges. And the reboot game had it the worst, they retold the first story, where Ratchet was at his worst and a major thread of the plot was him learning to get over his bullshit, but had the sanded down kitty cat of the later games instead of having confidence in their early work. Dickhead Ratchet worked, he had a place and it gave him a place to grow, while still maintaining his inherit sharpness. Ratchet should get to be an asshole again, just for a bit, let him get angry, properly. Sure, he's a hero who's saved two galaxies three times over and then some, but he did that while being a sarcastic little shit who made a joke about a plumber's ass crack showing and fired rockets at people while complaining about how high the prices are everywhere he went.
I dunno, maybe its a bit too late in the game to say this, but something got lost in the shuffle a while back, and getting a reminder of what was simply put it into perspective for me.
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david-talks-sw · 1 year ago
When 'Star Wars' dilutes the impact of a "Kurosawa samurai standoff"...
It's no secret that one of the major inspirations for Star Wars was Akira Kurosawa movies. The Hidden Fortress influenced the basic structure of the first film, was a basis for Lucas' character archetypes and his use of narrative POVs.
But, really, all of Kurosawa's films were an influence on the making of Star Wars. Including the duels seen in his and other samurai films from the 60s.
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Dunno if you've seen a kendo fight, but they're pretty similar.
The duelists size each other up, and there's a lot of mind games going on before the strike actually happens.
If you hold your sword this way, the other guy adjusts his stance.
You move your foot that way, the adversary responds accordingly.
Cinematically, this process allows you to play with a whole treasure trove of elements to build up the drama and suspense. We see this slow-yet-tense approach to dueling reflected all over the Original Trilogy. And we've seen it again in recent Disney-released content.
The perfect and first real example of this in Star Wars is the fight between Ben Kenobi and Maul, in Rebels.
The tension increases more...
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... and more until the two fighters move, the music swells...
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... and then it reaches its climax.
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Beautifully executed.
Dave Filoni's done his homework, it shows, and while it's an awesome homage, narratively it also holds weight. There's a reason why this fight is so quick:
This time, Obi-Wan isn't fighting to avenge the death of his master, he's not fighting to save his own life... he's fighting to protect Luke's. And that means there's no time to fuck about. He'll end the conflict swiftly and decisively, he won't let it come to a prolonged acrobatic fight. So he lures Maul in by making him think he's taking Qui-Gon's form, and strikes true when Maul, increasingly consumed by his own rage to the point of blindness, falls for it.
Again: a wonderful fight and an excellent homage.
Then we get to Luke's stand-off with Kylo on Crait, in The Last Jedi.
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An interesting take on the trope, also with meaningful narrative impact. As Rian Johnson writes in the TLJ screenplay:
"This is not like a saber fight. This like an old-fashioned samurai duel."
Here too, the tension gets built up...
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... and every time we're close to getting that climax, Luke dodges.
It leaves a feeling of dissatisfaction, which is exactly what Kylo is feeling as he boils with rage.
Suddenly, we do get the climax...
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... and a twist. Luke was never actually there. Boom. Those inserts during the build-up phase? If you look at them again they're clues (Luke doesn't leave a mark on the ground, salt doesn't land on his clothes, etc). Luke wasn't engaging because he wasn't actually there, he was buying time for the Resistance to escape.
Okay. Cool.
Next time we see a "Kurosawa" duel... it's here, in The Mandalorian.
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Again, a lot of posing, slow movements and patience, as is expected from the trope.
But we know nothing about the opponent Ahsoka is fighting other than her name is Morgan... so no emotional impact, there.
At some point, Ahsoka loses a lightsaber. The apprentice to the Chosen One is struggling against some rando.
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We find out later on that Morgan is a Nightsister from Dathomir, and that's cool... but we already know how Jedi-trained folks fare against the Dathomiri.
If you ask me, it feels like manufactured stakes. But that's beside the point. In fact, y'know what? It's fine.
Though the impact of this duel isn't as great as its predecessors, the whole episode is filled with visual homages to Kurosawa's work.
It makes sense that the duel would be too. Also it's the first time we're seeing Ahsoka in live action, in a lightsaber duel, the hype is real. Let's cut 'em some slack.
So we come to the series Ahsoka... where almost every duel in the the show has the Kurosawa posturing and tip-toeing and... I dunno. I was bored?
Like, the primary purpose of this approach to duels is that it's meant to be suspenseful and intense... and now it's not.
Because we know Ahsoka is gonna beat the crap outta these droids...
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... so why even bother faking some semblance of "what's her next move gonna be?" suspense? There's a hole right behind her, gee, I truly wonder.
Oh, you think putting her against an Inquisitor's gonna make us fear for her life, wonder if she's gonna get outta this situation unscathed?
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She was wiping the floor with two of them at the same time, a decade prior. At 17, she was killing Inquisitors while disarmed.
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Do you really expect your audience to fear for her life in a fight against Marrok?
So we get to the fight with Baylan, and the posturing and studying opponent's next move would be welcome here (two Order 66 survivors, knew Anakin, both well-trained former Jedi)...
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... if we hadn't literally seen that same dynamic with Marrok who, again, we knew was gonna die.
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No tension was built in either moment, the only thing it achieved was me pressing >> on my keyboard.
It's not captivating anymore, it's just slow and un-dynamic.
Bottom line:
Tributes to Kurosawa are nice. They're part of what makes Star Wars what it is. But c'mon, we get it already.
Lightsaber duelists don't need to tiptoe around each other and change poses at every fight. Because when the actually meaningful duels come up (like the one with Baylan), the impact will be lessened.
The "Kurosawa samurai duel" is artistic and interesting, but it should be used sparingly in order to maintain its charm and not get old and trope-y. AKA too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing.
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onskepa · 1 month ago
Also most forgot you asked me to make this a request!
Lu'tsunwi idea!
Lu'tsunwi with a human in a queerplatonic relationship!
Okay! I remember a certain headcanon one shot you made with Tonowari once! And I loved that!... what about a human who is almost like... sleepy spoken, their very kind and adore animals and plants. Maybe they get incredibly lost and distracted easily? For example:
"Oh my... I wasn't expecting this.."
"Oooohh, what's that- opp... I'm being carried again... guess a quick air nap won't hurt.~"
Lu'tsunwi is gonna have multiple heart attacks but God if he doesn't adore his human friend to bits. I can even see a scene where the human just... nonchalantly gives him cheek kisses out of nowhere out of affection and his brain is just on... rebooting mode!
I dunno... I think it be a cute dynamic!
Its been a hot minute since syawn got a new chapter. So here we go! Hope you all like this one!
Syawn series
Syawn: Yare'o
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Lu’law is loud and rambunctious, Lu’lafyon is loud and bold. 
Loud and over stressed. 
But not for his siblings, more than half of the time he is also part of whatever bullshit they get themselves into. If anything, Lu’tstunwi would most likely laugh at his siblings' stunts or make fun of them. 
So why over stressed? Well that is reserved for one person, and one person only. 
His childhood friend, the world record breaking clumsy, dutsy girl, Yare’o. 
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Yare’o by all means is a sweet, caring and very laid back girl. Part of the second generation humans live permanently in pandora. You think that living in a planet where anything and everything can kill you, humans would be constantly worried and be extra careful, to make sure they live another day. 
Yare’o on the other hand literally lets fate decide where she goes. 
Which is nice and all. But its an absolute nightmare to poor lu’tstunwi who cares for her overall well being.
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“Its not that bad, dont worry about it” yare’o dismisses with a goofy smile. 
Lu’tstunwi held in his internal screams, “not that bad?! My sister at heart, you WERE BEING CARRIED BY A THANATOR IN ITS MOUTH!”
His dearest friend merely shrugged. 
“And? It got curious of me, and you know what? He looked so cute and cuddly” 
Oh dear eywa, may she take him now. 
Lu’tstunwi sighs tiredly, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“Thats it, from here until I say so, you are grounded! You are to not leave this human base until you learn your lesson! And to make sure of it, Im putting you right here!” he declares as he puts yare’o on a rubbery platform. 
Yare’o weight was light compared to na’vi strength, so it was easy for lu’tstunwi to carried her anywhere. 
“Learn my lesson? Lu, it just happens ya know? Just go with the flooooow~” 
Not buying it, lu’tstunwi turns around to look for tape, but as he does he fails to notice a green blinking light. 
“And to be extra sure, I'm taping you to the-where did you go?” 
Yare’o was gone, and so was the table that he sat her on.
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“Waaaaaa~! How fun!” yare’o smiles to herself and claps in glee. She clearly has no idea where she is going but wonders what happens next. 
The trails that connected to the table she was sitting on were moving in odd directions. Left, right, right, straight, left. 
“Oooooohh!! Hello!” yare’o waves at some stingbats that cling onto the outside windows. She never understood why the humans fear them, they are simply misunderstood creatures. 
Quickly the girl looks up at the windows, she sees lu’tstunwi following her while shooing away the stingbats. 
He looks clearly panicked and trying to keep up at the speed of the movements. 
“Its going to be ok! I'm going to get you out!” he shouts as he quickly runs to reach the end of the trail. 
“Take your time!” yare’o shouts back. 
“Hm, getting a bit hungry though, teylu roasts with nuts and yerik kebabs sounds good right about now…” 
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Norm was getting too damn old for this, and his hairs are already grey and thinned out. He does not need another anxiety inducing problem. Too bad yare’o exists. 
“In my defense grandpappy, he put me there” yare’o was quick to point fingers at her dear friend. 
Lu’tstunwi stood stunned, while, yes it technically is true he put her on the moving table, “but I didn't know it was still operating!” He defended himself. 
Norm rolled his eyes, “its barely the afternoon, please go outside or something” he pleaded. 
Yare’o was all too happy to leave, wanting to enjoy some fresh air-oop there she goes. 
“YARE’O!!!” norm and lu’tstunwi shouts as they just witnessed the girl be taken from a wild ikran. 
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The winds were delightful in the afternoon. Perfect time to ride ikrans. And so that is what lu’lafyon and lu’law along with their mother and uncle lo’ak did. 
“Alright one more time!” lo’ak shouts, lu’lafyon nodding. 
They align their ikrans parallel to each other, very carefully they support each other to stand up. To make it look like they are wind surfing. 
“BE CAREFUL!” syawn shouts worryingly. 
“DO A FLIP!!” lu’law encourages. 
Lo’ak and lu’lafyon almost had it until a wild ikran was flying above them. While holding something in its claws. 
It was yare’o hanging upside down while smiling down at them. 
“How’s it hanging?” she said so calmly. 
The four stared at her shocked. 
“Do you need help?” lo’ak asks, quickly recognizing her as his other nephew's friend. Yare’o shook her head. 
“Nope, I'm fine. Tell lu’tstunwi I will be home late!” she shouts before the wild ikran takes a turn. 
Li’law and syawn were dumbfounded at what they just saw. 
“You guys saw that too, right?” lo’ak asks, hoping he wasn't hallucinating. Everyone saw. How to even process it was another thing entirely. 
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The ikran flew for awhile before it hit some branches, making it let go of yare’o. She falls down to a nice patch of moss, softening her blow. 
“Well, that was fuuuuuun~” 
Calming her hair down after being blown for a long time, she makes her way around the forest. Not bothering with how far she is to the village or how long it will take. 
“Oooh, pretty flowers-oh wait, what a cute bug-is that a banshee’s tail???” 
So many things have captured her wonder and attention, its hard to keep track at all.
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“So you saw her, and it didn't cross your mind TO HELP HER!?” lu’tstunwi scolded his siblings as his voice cracked a bit. He has been searching all over for her, only to be given some information by his oh so helpful siblings, of where yare’o went. 
Lu’law and lu’layfon shared a look, their eyes hinting a bit of regret. 
“She said she was fine” lu’law said. 
“And that she would be back late” lu’lafyon answered. 
Lu’tstunwi only groaned in frustration. 
The other two looked at him in great surprise. He should get used to how wild and easily distracted his dear friend is. Yare’o lets life take her wherever it chooses. Yes there has been plenty of close calls but never anything that is certain death. 
“Maybe just wait…? Trust in her bro, she will come back in some form or another” lu’lafyon tries to calm his brother. 
Lu’law nods, “yeah, if she says she is coming back late, then she is coming back late. You can scold her then” 
Lu’tstunwi wants to argue back but he knew they have a point. Only if that was easy. 
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“Oh my that was a good dinner” yare’o huffs out with her tummy full. She arrives at the village in great timing. It wasnt so late, she can see a few na’vi still walking about. No doubt she missed dinner time but she didnt walk all this way on an empty stomach either. 
“Now to head ho-” 
There he is. 
“Aaah, lu’tstunwi, guess what, I saw-” 
“Share it later! I am very upset with you!” lu’tstunwi interrupted her with his anger still visible. 
“Lu, if you continue to stress like that, you will start to age faster than your siblings” she points out. 
“Stress isnt good for you, try to relaaaaaaaaaax~” 
Lu’tstunwi wasnt going to relax. 
“Relax?! How!? Im always worried whats happening to you, if you are ok, or if you are in any form of danger! And you let stuff happen! ‘Go with the flow’ my ass! Am I the only one that cares for your well being! Because its starting to look li-” 
In the midst of his rant, he felt warm lips on his hand, he looks down to see yare’o pull away from her soft kiss. She looks up at him and smiles. 
“You are so tall I cant reach your cheeks” was her reason. 
Lu’tstunwi lightly blushed and looked away. 
“Let's get you home, and I'm asking norm to put a tracking device on you” he grabs his friends small hand and leads her to the human base. 
“Okaaaaaaay~ Hey, wanna stay overnight? I like sleeping on your chest” yare’o asks while looks at the pretty atokirina flying over her. 
“Of course! Have to make sure you are not taken in your sleep” lu’tstunwi replies. 
Yare’o doesn't doubt that.
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Aaaaaaaaaand that is it for this one! I hope you all enjoyed it! What do you guys think of yare'o? leme know your thoughts! Until next time! see ya!
Ya = air
re'o = head
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starqueensthings · 7 months ago
Ficlets inspired by Song Lyrics:
Crazy Girl, Don’t You Know That I Love You?
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Song: “Crazy Girl” by Eli Young Band (country)
Rating/Warnings: 16+ for mildly suggestive themes | CW: anxiety, somewhat irrational fears of death.
POV/WC: 2nd | 1500ish.
A/N: something weird has come over me!! I’ve somehow managed to keep this to a one shot and not develop 300 pages of unnecessary lore!! Brevity?! Is that you?! I don’t think we’ve ever met before! Hi I’m Holly!
“Crazy girl, don’t you know that I love you? I wouldn’t dream of going nowhere. Silly woman, come here and let me hold you. Have I told you lately, I love you like crazy, girl?”
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Other Written Works Here
“Ugh, I should get up.”
Sentiments leaving those lips in little more than a contemptuous growl, he’d uttered that necessity nearly a dozen times now while the chrono continued to tick the future ever closer. Though, as if waiting for some unseen, divine force to grasp his shoulders and simply heave him upward from the ineffable warmth and comfort of that squashy, blanket-laden bed, the only muscle spared that lassitude were the few required to drape his arm across your hips and tug you backward until your curves matched those of his chiseled form.
But his repeated probes for motivation acted as only merciless reminders of yet another imminent absence, and further intensified the plaguing sense of foreboding that had you either unwilling or unable to turn and face him; the near-painful constriction in your chest brought on by his incipient departure ensuring your thoughts remained only that, as voicing a response to that sleepy room – that dawdling soldier – threatened instead to escape your lips as little more than a sob.
“Kriff, I really need to get moving…”
The resolve to maintain any semblance of composed pride vanished as, instead of lifting his body from that white cotton sanctuary, he leant forward slightly and gifted the slope of your neck a series of chaste kisses; hearty sniffle instantly exposing your hidden turmoil as his unexpected display of adoration sent you careening into the harrowing pit of anxiety you’d desperately attempted to shirk.
It took even less than a breath for that newly-stubbled chin to cease its ministrations atop your skin. “Are you upset?” he asked you, the heat of his breath departing your neck as he tipped back to survey your seemingly unexpected demeanor. “What’s wrong?”
“M’fine,” you choked back at him, hurrying to dispel that wetness from your cheeks with a gruff swipe from the back of your hand.
“Nice try,” he argued, chin sinking only slightly as he glared through those dark lashes in your direction. “Roll over. Tell me what’s going on.”
For a moment you considered simply ignoring that polite command, as watching those mismatched eyes absorb the fear neath your features only promised to swaddle you with an embarrassment equi-paralyzing as your present anguish… but more powerful was the realization that those same eyes would be entirely absent for the foreseeable future, and neglecting the opportunity further memorize every inch of that slender, olive skinned face would present as nothing more than your deepest regret should you never see it again.
With a laden sigh, you shifted your weight and rolled over, perching your head atop a bent arm while your free hand traced thoughtless lines atop the small section of uninhabited sheet between your bare bodies.
“I’m just… Well I feel kinda… I dunno,” you started, nearly cringing at how juvenile those words sounded whilst spilling so meekly from your lips. “I just get scared sometimes… Ever since what happened on the Triumphant… Ever since all those men…”
“What if that happens again?”
”I’m an infantry Commander now, Mes—”
”Okay then what if it’s a bomb that drops out of nowhere? A bunch of droids you didn’t see? Bad intel from stale recon?”
“Or what if you do something brash on your next mission because someone’s gone and pissed you off, and it ends up being your demise because you were too busy scowling to watch for an ambush? What happens then? Am I just supposed to go on living without you like that’s even possible?”
Cursing the way your chin quivered atop the divulgence of your fears, you paused for a breath, gaze refusing to depart the mindless squiggles your fingertip still insisted on embossing into the soft sheet between you. But that astute Commander, your loving boyfriend, refused to entertain any degree of distraction in that moment, hurrying to place a calloused hand atop your own to cease the relentless attempts at placating the exposed anxieties of its owner.
Finally meeting his gaze, you spluttered, “I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you. Every time you leave, it just feels like you’re not coming home.”
That soft hitch between dark brows released the tension they’d adopted whilst attempting to follow your desultory reasoning, eyes softening in earnest as they danced to and fro from the contours of your still-trembling chin to the small cataract of tears now escaping the corner of your eye and landing with muted thuds atop the bed next your elbow. But no sooner had that softness emerged was it replaced by an unprecedented levity… the corners of his mouth perking upward as he fought to repress the smirk vying to erupt across those lips.
“Why are you smiling?!” you demanded upon watching his eyes narrow neath crinkled lids, suddenly aghast at the gallish mirth doming his cheeks. “What the kriff is so funny?”
“Nothing,” he defended, only barely repressing the chortle nestled in his throat. “Nothing is funny. I’d tell you not to worry, but you’re not going to bel—”
“Ugh! Just forget it!”
Turmoil suddenly banished by a burgeoning indignation, you sat bolt upright atop that now unwelcoming bed, tossing the sheet from your form and burying your toes into the soft carpet. Ignoring his objection, you snatched your robe from its discarded perch on the floor and stuffed your arms impetuously into each sleeve, nose tipping ever higher into the air as your frustration grew amid every snickering objection still spilling from his lips.
“Ey!” he eventually called as your hand reached for the door of your bedroom, the sudden banishment of all humour neath his tone capturing your attention only enough to still your movements. “Come over here.”
Again, the urge to ignore him presented itself strongly, defiance flaring in your chest in the echoing wake of his amusement, narrowed eyes glaring fiercely at the otherwise austere wood door still barring your exit.
“Cyare,” he warned as your failure to accede his demand continued.
You peeked over your shoulder, that ire quickly dissipating upon first sight of his miraculous figure suddenly exposed and near-glowing amid the budding light of a quickly materializing dawn; that perfectly contoured chest heaving gently amid the deep breaths that had fuelled his shift in posture, the rolling hills of muscle neath his shoulders put on display by their perch atop equally as muscular thighs, one elbow sitting near impatiently on his knee.
Upon the return of your gaze, he clicked his tongue, free hand jabbing a pointed finger toward the floor directly in front of his seat atop the side of that bed, and, infuriatingly so, there wasn’t a force anywhere in the galaxy strong enough to keep your feet still once he’d resorted to non-verbal commands.
Gaze dropping to your hands, you returned to that bedside, standing between his knees and permitting a poignant sigh to blast past your scowling lips.
“I’m sorry I laughed,” he whispered, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you as close as the edge of the mattress would permit, and watching him gently perch his chin just above your navel and gaze lovingly up into your eyes had your stomach lurching, as if the floor below your feet had utterly vanished the moment his eyes locked upon yours. “And you know it kills me that you feel like that… but I need you to trust me.”
Swallowing the reemergence of the lump in your throat, you placed your hands atop his shoulders and nodded faintly.
“Trust that I’m good at what I do…” he continued, tightening the wreath of his arms around your body, seemingly preparing for the chance his words may see you hurtling from the room again. “Damn good. And you need to trust that everything I do, every decision I make while I'm out there, is to make sure I get back to you. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, not permanently anyways. This… you… mean too much to me. Okay?”
Though you offered him another gentle nod, speech having been utterly stripped from your cognizance by his own heart-felt admission, he clicked his tongue again. “Say it,” he requested in little more than a whisper. “Say you understand and that you trust me.”
Desperate to commit that softened pleading look upon his face to memory, you stole a selfish moment just to gaze down into those asymmetric eyes, lips pursing as they threatened to release another unwanted sob.
“I trust you,” you breathed, guiding your hands to cup either side of that angular jaw, thumbs brushing softly across those supple cheeks. “And I love you.”
“Good,” he answered immediately, hands shifting to firmly clutch your ribs while he planted a kiss where his chin had just lain. “Now put those tears away and let’s get a nice hot shower before I have to go.”
“Ouuuu,” you cooed instantly, letting your eyelids flutter flirtatiously as he released you from his arms. “I’d love that. And if you hadn’t just laughed me out of the bed, I'd consider letting you join me.”
“Your inner brat doesn’t scare me, you know that,” Wolffe cautioned, darkened gaze now dancing hungrily across your semi-clothed form. “Now, get going before I put that mouth to another use.”
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albertasunrise · 2 years ago
Oops Baby - Juggling Act
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Summary: Being best friends with Frankie meant movie nights, drinks with the guys and a shoulder to cry on when you got your hear broken. He is head over heels for you but you don’t feel the same… yet a drunken mistake will tie your lives together forever!
Relationships: Frankie Morales x Reader
Warnings: Like AO3 I choose to give none. Read at own risk. 18+ (So... I know this took a while. Just been so unmotivated lately so been struggling to write. Hopefully with this is worth the wait. I'll be introducing a new plot twist this chapter to look out for that 🙊)
Series Masterlist - Part 1
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Two months had passed since you'd told Frankie that you were pregnant. He had been a little slow to forgive what had happened that night. You had hurt him. Taken advantage of his attraction to you and it was something that you'd never forgive yourself for.
The rest of the group had also been slow to forgive your transgressions. You hurt one of them. You hurt all of them. But as the weeks went by, you did your best to prove to all of them how truly sorry you were.
Ben had been your biggest supporter.
"So how are things?" Ben asked as he sipped at his black coffee "You and Frankie getting on better?"
"They're better." You replied as you placed your mug on its saucer "He's been helping me with a few things. Started looking at prams and cribs."
"That's positive." Ben gave you a warm smile as he leaned over to give your hand a friendly squeeze.
"Yeah." You conceded, nodding as you fiddled with the rim of your drink.
"But?" Ben pushed and you looked at him like a deer in headlights.
"There's clearly something that you're not telling me." The blonde scoffed and you let out a long sigh as you leaned back in your chair and rubbed your bump.
"He uh… Well, he suggested that he move in with me after the baby was born." You stated, "To help with the baby and stuff."
"So… What if his feelings for me start to cause issues?" You questioned "I want to have feelings for him… I mean he's what every woman dreams of but I dunno… Just don't feel the same way he does." You finished with a shrug.
"Frankie's a big boy." Ben chuckled as he downed the last of his coffee and motioned for the waitress to top him up "I'm sure he can handle himself."
"I guess." You replied, sighing as you leaned forward to take another sip of your own beverage "Just don't want to lose him again."
"Then don't fuck him again." Ben snorted and you glared at him as you flipped him off.
"Smart ass."
Frankie opened your front door with the key you'd had cut for him as he carefully balanced the takeout. He noted you were nowhere to be seen when he stepped inside so he called out to you whilst placing the takeout down on the table.
"In here." You replied from your office.
Frank placed the last container down before going in search of you. He could hear commotion coming from inside the spare room you had turned into an office a few years back so pushed the door open to you dismantling furniture.
"What the hell are you doing?" Frankie shrieked as he stepped further into the room.
"I wanted to get a head start on the nursery." You replied with a shrug.
"So you thought you would start dismantling heavy furniture on your own?" He growled, grabbing your attention.
"I'm pregnant Frankie… Not disabled."
"You shouldn't be doing this sort of thing on your own." He snapped "What if you hurt fell?"
"I'm just… I don't want you to do stuff that will risk the baby."
"Why would I risk the baby?" You scoffed and Frankie practically growled your name out as he replied.
"I get you are used to living alone and being independent but you are four months pregnant with our baby." He continued "If you would just read that book I got, you'd know that you shouldn't be lifting heavy shit like furniture."
You felt a pang of guilt at this statement. You deliberately ignored the book Frank had gifted you. You thought he was just being a know it all but now, seeing how he was pleading for you to listen to him, you realised that he was just trying to help.
"You're right." You sighed as you pushed yourself to your feet "I'm sorry."
"I got us take-out." He stated, changing the subject and you practically growled in delight.
"Thank god… I'm starved." Sprinted to the table, sighing in delight at the smells that greeted you.
"Got you your favourite." He piped up as he pushed the container towards you with some cutlery resting on top.
"Thank you, Frank."
The two of you then sat and ate as you showed each other different ideas for the nursery. You had found an all-in-one crib, the changing station at the end with drawers beneath it and the crib. Frankie showed you a chair he could that he felt would be great for you when you breastfed and a few dials he liked also.
"Helicopters?" You chuckled "What if we have a girl?"
"What… Girls can't like them too?"
You rolled your eyes at his statement but grinned when he stuck his tongue out at you in response. You loved how things were finally starting to ment. That you were starting to get the old Francisco back.
"You thought any more about me moving in here for a bit when the baby's born?" He asked between mouthfuls.
"I have." You replied simply.
"And I just had one concern." Frank's brows pulled together in confusion as he looked up at you.
"Which is?"
"You have feelings for me Frankie." He went to say something but you stopped him in his tracks " I just… I don't want things to get weird between us."
"It won't be a problem." Frankie replied as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.
"How can you be sure?"
"Because I'm seeing someone." He replied plainly.
"Oh." You replied, a little shocked at his this news affected you.
"Yeah, I uh… Well, I met her a few days after you told us about the baby." He elaborated as a love-sick smile filled his features "I uh… Well, I didn't tell anyone cus it's still new but… Well, things are starting to get a little more serious so-"
"And she's okay with you moving in with the random chick you knocked up?" You scoff.
"She knows the situation and respects the fact I want to be involved… Want to help… Also, you're not some random chick!"
"How heroic." You grumbled, taking Frank by surprise.
"Sorry… Nothing, just the hormones." You grumbled, trying to swallow past the lump in your throat.
"Are you jealous?" Frankie scoffed and you snorted.
"No, I'm not." You snapped "Just surprised you started dating when you're expecting a baby is all."
"Well, it's not like anything's ever going to happen between us." He stated as he forked more food into his mouth "I need to move on so that's what I'm doing."
"Right…" You trailed off, feeling tears sting at your eyes as you finished the last of your food in silence.
When the plates were washed and cleared away, you answered Frank's question. You knew you were going to need help when the baby came.
"Yes." You said as you opened the door for him as he went to leave "I would appreciate it if you moved in for a bit after the baby comes."
"Great." Frankie replied as he beamed at you and kissed your cheek "It's gonna be great."
You watched him practically skip to his truck. Your fingers touched where he'd kissed you just moments before. You were so confused by these feelings you were suddenly feeling for a man that four months ago, you'd slept with and rejected. You blamed the hormones.
You couldn't suddenly have developed feelings for him surely?
In the month that followed that evening, you and Frankie managed to clear out the office and start to paint it ready for the baby. You had your 20-month scan and after endless arm twisting and puppy-dog eyes from Frank, you agreed to learn the sex.
You were laying on the examination table, staring at the ceiling as the examiner prepped the machine for the procedure. You weren't exactly sure why you were so nervous. The baby had been active all morning, much to your chagrin and everything had been perfect on your last scan. Yet you couldn't help but worry that something might pop up.
"So, we ready to see how baby's getting on?" The doctor asked as she squeezed the gel onto your swollen tummy.
"Definitely!" Frankie replied. He was practically vibrating with excitement.
The doctor got to work looking for your little miracle. Finding them quickly and turning the screen so that you and Frankie could see the life you'd created together.
"Looking good mummy and daddy." Said the doctor sweetly as she grinned at you both "Did we want to learn the sex today?"
"Yes." Frank rushed out and you smirked at him, knowing how desperately he wanted to know.
"Let's have a look then." She said as she started to move the probe around, taking measurements as she went.
"Please be a girl. Please be a girl. Please be a girl." Frankie uttered under his breath, his hands enveloping yours as he stared at the screen awaiting the verdict.
"Well. She's measuring perfectly." The examiner stated and your heads shot up like Meerkats.
"She?" You asked and the doctor nodded.
"It's a girl?" Frankie squeaked and the doctor grinned.
"I can say with 90 per cent certainty that you are having a healthy baby girl."
Frankie choked back the sob that threatened to escape him at the news that he was going to have a daughter. He'd hoped from the moment that you'd told him you were pregnant that it was going to be a girl and his wish had been granted.
"Happy?" You asked, pulling his attention away from the screen and to you.
The doctor printed some pictures for you and sent you on your way with more tips for the last leg of your pregnancy. Frankie couldn't stop staring at the pictures as you left the building and made your way back to his truck, narrowly missing a lampost as he walked.
"Eye's up Morales." You teased as you guided the man to the car.
"I just… Just look at her." He gushed. His eyes were the size of saucers as he studied the pictures in his hands.
You smiled as you walked up beside him, resting your head on his arm as you both admired the pictures together. She was so clear. Her hands waving in front of her and her legs kicking. The first scan had been emotional but this one had just brought it all into focus. In four more months, you were going to be a mum.
"Can't wait to show everyone at the bar tonight." Frank said, pulling you from your thoughts "Ben's going to be stoked."
After a few more moments of wonderous staring, Frank finally helped you clamber into the car before getting in himself. You had loved the fact your appointment had fallen on drinks night so when you had suggested to Frankie that you surprise them with the news that night, he'd leapt at the chance. You had come up with a plan for how you were going to tell them. You just needed to set it up when they were out of earshot.
Frank dropped you home before making his way back to work and so then, with the rest of the afternoon off, you started to put your plan in motion. Come 6 it was time to leave. All three of the boys had offered to pick you up but you had declined. Wasn't like you could drink anyway.
Arriving at the bar, you managed to avoid the Miller brother's gaze as you snuck over to Fish who was standing waiting for you. With a quick hug and a peck on the cheek, you relayed your plan to him, smiling when he then passed that onto the barman whose attention he shortly grabbed. Then, when everything was in place, you walked with Frank as he carried the tray of drinks over.
"Ahhhhhh, that's what we want." Ben cooed as he helped Frank unload the tray before pouring everyone a glass.
"Who's the extra glass for?" Will asked. Something you hadn't noticed until he had pointed it out.
"That would be for me." Piped up an unfamiliar voice and you turned your head to seek it who owned it.
The was a pretty woman. Medium height with dirty blonde waves and striking eyes. She smiled shyly at you all as Frankie stood to throw his arm around her shoulders.
"Everyone, I'd like you to meet Mary." He said proudly "Mary this is everyone." He chuckled "The blonde Labrador over there is Benny… The more reserved blonde there is Ironhead-"
"Will is fine." The older Miller interjected.
"And this lovely lady here is Titch." He finished with a smile.
You gave her a wave, trying your best to hide the turmoil you were feeling with a smile. At first glance, she seemed nice. A little on the shy side but pretty in a girl-next-door kinda way. She wasn't stick thin. On the curvier side but her dress sense did nothing but accentuate her best features in all the right ways.
"So this is mummy to be." She piped up and she held her hand out for you to shake "I'm so happy to meet you. Frankie's told me all about you."
"All good I hope?" You joked and she grinned and nodded.
"Of course."
"Here, sit with me, baby." He purred as he pulled a chair up next to him, smiling sweetly when she popped herself down and leaned in to kiss him.
"So why are we only meeting this lovely lady now?" Ben pushed, his eyes glancing at you and noting how uncomfortable you looked.
"Well, Frank wanted to make sure this was something serious before introducing me to you all." She teased "Y'all obviously very important to him."
"Damn right." Will piped up, grinning at the look he got from Fish.
The table erupted into twenty questions for the next half an hour. Everyone but yourself wanted to know everything there was to know about Mary. Glancing at his watch, Frank noted it was time so coughing to grab your attention, he changed the direction of the conversation.
"Well, I think Mary's had enough interrogating for one evening." He joked, noting that the barman was preparing their surprise "Don't you guys wanna know how the scan went."
"Oooooh!… I do I do I do!" Ben answered as he positively bounced in his chair "How was it? Everything okay?"
"Everything is perfect." You replied with a smile. Glad to be off the subject of Mary for a while.
"We actually have a little surprise for you all." Frank piped up when he spotted the barman walking towards them.
"What is it?" Will asked excitedly.
"Is it twins?"
"No, it's not twins." You chuckled "We would have known that months ago if it was."
"What is it then?"
"Special order for ya." Said the server as he placed three cocktails down on the table.
"There's gotta be a mistake." Ben started "We wouldn't order pink coc…" The younger Miller trailed off as he shared a look with his brother before looking up at you and Frank "Really?" He squeaked and you nodded.
"Someone mind clueing me in here?" Will piped up and you chuckled wetly.
"They're having a girl." Ben replied, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Shit, that's awesome!" Will cheered as he stood up to hug you both "Congratulations."
"This is great news baby." Mary cooed as she kissed Frankie sweetly "I knew that's what you wanted."
For some reason. The fact she knew he wanted a girl before you made you want to scream. This was supposed to be your journey to share with him. Yet you knew you had no right to be jealous of her.
Frank had offered himself to you and you had rejected him.
You didn't even feel like that for him.
"Ugh… This little princess is using my bladder as a trampoline." You pipped up as you pushed yourself to your feet "Back in a few."
With that, you made your momentary escape. Desperate to get away from the happy couple for a while. After relieving yourself, you snuck outside for a moment. Needing another few minutes before rejoining your party. You breathed in the crisp evening air and willed the tears that threatened to spill.
Frankie's voice made you jump and your hand grasped your chest as you willed your heart to slow.
"Jesus Frank." You grumbled, "Nearly gave me a heart attack."
"Sorry." He replied, "You okay?"
"Mhmm." You nodded, not trusting yourself to speak.
"Titch… What's wrong."
"Nothing I just…" You sniffed as you tried to pull yourself together "I just wasn't expecting you to bring her tonight of all nights."
"Why are you crying?" You growled at his question, not wanting to answer it but knowing he wouldn't drop it if you didn't "Titch?"
"Seeing her with you hurts!" You growled "There! Ya, happy? Seeing you with her has made me sad and I don't understand why."
"I just hate the idea of you being together… This is supposed to be our journey and then I learn that she knew you wanted a girl before I did and…"
"You had your chance to share this journey with me Titch." He stated plainly and you nodded, knocking the traitorous tears loose.
"I know that." You growled "I just… I don't understand what I'm feeling right now."
"Come inside." You nodded, following him in wordlessly and rejoining the rest of the party.
"Everything okay Titch?" Ben asked when he noticed your eyes were red.
"Yeah… Just these damn baby hormones getting the better of me." You chuckled, leaning into him in a way you hoped would be reassuring.
"Man, those steaks look incredible." Will piped up as he eyes the food that had been delivered to the table across from yours.
"Fuck I miss steak." Frankie grumbled.
"Can't have it at all?" Ben asked, his voice taking on a sympathetic tone.
"Doc said to avoid it. I guess a steak once in a while won't kill me." Fish shrugged "I guess that's what you get for fucking up your heart with drugs." He joked, trying to lighten the tone.
"We all turned to shitty methods to cope man." Will said, remembering his own poor choices after he'd gotten out "Maybe save the steak treat for your birthday though."
"Sounds like a plan!" Mary agreed and she wrapped her arm around his and pulled him close "Your heart may be delicate baby… but you aren't where it counts." She finished with a wink, grinning at the growl this elicited from her boyfriend.
"Gross." Ben groaned, earning himself the finger from the happy couple.
"I should get going." You said suddenly, rubbing your belly and feigning a yawn "Baby is draining me, body and soul."
"Awe." Ben pouted, earning a kiss on the cheek from you.
"Night everyone."
You said your goodbyes and left. Glad to escape. You didn't understand why seeing Frankie and Mary together hurt so much. You should be happy that he found someone. He deserved to be happy and yet you found you couldn't be.
Then it dawned on you as you put your car in park.
"I have feelings for Frank!"
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coca-colas-truck-driver · 7 months ago
Stanford Era!! they arent related in this one, and im mentioning that because obviously some people arent here for that. but dean and jess are siblings instead, sams her boyfriend, he’s staying with them for the summer, its cute.
Stanford Sam again, so cute, my smile DROPPED at the end, 10/10 loved it. dean drives up to go see him while he works at a medieval fair type thing.
basically a coming of age movie 😭 but soso good (its by an orphan account tho so thats kinda rude) and the summary because nothing i say is gonna do it justice sadly
“Sam chuckled and let his chin rest against the top of her head. “It’s weird,” he said. “The kind of shit you can admit to strangers. We barely know each other, but I could never say this stuff to Dean.”
She lifted her head and looked him in the eyes. “It’s because we’re strangers, Sam. When we leave, it’ll be like none of this ever happened.”
“Yeah,” he said. “I dunno if that’s a comfort or a tragedy.”
She rolled her eyes at him and looked back out over the town. “Both, probably,” she said.”
“They didn’t need words. Dean understood him just fine by the expressions that melted across Sam’s face.” you’d already made the list but my goodness i felt like 40 yo lady on booktok for a minute 😔 /pos. They’re mostly at summer camp, and Sammy makes a friendddd (the end made me wanna like walk around my room in a circle tho with one eye twitching like a detective stuck on a cold case he cant quite figure out even after he’s been laid off the force over his fixation bc why would you do that to me.)
lana del rey title so you instantly already won a little bit, and then it was pretty accurately characterized for how dean and sam would act during a first kiss so you just won sadly. its roughly 900 words, but the 4th of july
part of a series, but its so good and you need to at least read this one. they’re squatting while john’s on a hunt, and thats what mostly caught my eye because i love abandoned places (especially houses) and was actively on the way to one when i found this one.
Sam needs to make the decision of if he’s gonna stay at home or not, featuring picnic activities in a lavender field.
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also-fours · 9 months ago
the hi-fi rush situation really bums me out.
we had this game that looked super unique, everybody loved it, it won tons of awards
and then it barely got any marketing, feels like it only got as popular as it did thanks to word of mouth and the initial shadow drop, was deemed a "failure" despite selling what many companies would consider a success back in the day, (because it didnt sell call of duty numbers, probably.) and then its studio got shut down
the studio was just starting to spread its wings, start making shit that could inspire their peers, other devs, to start making different things and experiment
and they fucking killed them
it's gone
i mean, maybe they'll make their own studio, i've heard something like that's happened a couple times with the yooka-laylee devs and sonic mania's dev team
but i dunno
as much as i love games like spider-man and god of war (and i mean literally just those two, like, anything else sony does aside from ratchet and clank im not into) i wish they didnt worry so much about modelling photorealism
the obsession with stuff like that is what's made game development so expensive and unsustainable at this rate
i know this is tumblr so the first reaction im gonna get to saying something like "i like spider-man and god of war" at least in my circle is "GOOD GLAD THAT IT'S BECOMING UNSUSTAINABLE FUCK THEM" but like. i actually like what these games had to say and what they brought to the table.
"spider-man had nothing to say it's just a stupid marvel game cash grab and god of war is a generic over the shoulder game"
if you're going to tell me something like that, kindly, please don't interact with this post
like, please?
thank you
anyway, i want games like that that...don't have to upgrade their graphics every time and. waste everyone's time.
genuinely with how they both looked in 2018 i'd be happy with them just. not changing the graphics at all
but uh. sadly sony knows their audience, haha
there'd be hell to pay if they did that
(i hate mainstream gamers)
and as for everything else that xbox and playstation are doing right now, i still want them to do something different
and microsoft killed off the developer that could've inspired others to do that
soooooooo fuck. what now. are we just gonna be stuck in this position forever.
probably not, i mean, again, with how expensive games like spider-man 2 have gotten to produce and the amount of people in and out of the industry screaming that you gotta CHILL THE FUCK OUT, we won't stay like this forever
it might get better
maybe when we get a new series of spider-man games they can have a visual style similar to spider-verse, wouldn't that be rad?
...i mean. judging by the leaks, they might already be experimenting with that...
or something like shattered dimensions have y'all seen that game? looks fantastic, go look it up, they made four different dimensions of spidey and all of 'em have their own unique visual style inspired by their books
sorry im getting off topic
im juat rambling at this point
i just hope people learn the right lessons from hi-fi rush.
and that the people who made it find a way through and can still make great things
thats what i hope for at least
...anyway at least we still have fortnite and its really fun art style--
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thehypnone · 1 year ago
hello im the same anon as the eds regressing rain ask and im also interested in maybe little rain having a pots thing happen? i don’t know a lot about pots but maybe they pass out while regressing and freak out a bit, or maybe another ghoul is also regressed and they’re hanging out and rain passes out and that spooks the other ghoul? really go how you will with that idea. again feel free to not do it if youre not interested in it i just think its an interesting idea
sorry it took so long :(
"think 'm hungwy," Rain mumbled, as he put down the block they had in their hands. Phantom nodded at him and hummed around the tip of his tail that ended up on his mouth some time earlier.
There wasn't anyone else with them, it started out with Rain taking care of little Phantom, but his own brain couldn't help joining the quintessence ghoul in his regression. No other ghoul was around so they were on their own.
Before Rain even stood up fully he paused, a quiet "oh" escaping their lips. Phantom perked up at the sound with a curious noise of his own.
"T- tommy-" and they tumbled to the floor.
Phantom panicked, Rain just... he just passed out and Phantom was too little, he didn't know what to do. His friend was hurt and he didn't know what to do.
He whined as he crawled closer to the water ghoul sprawled out on the carpet, tears were already gathering in his eyes.
"Rainyyy," Phantom pawed weakly at their chest letting out a series of distressed noises, subconsciously calling for help, "Rainy, wake up!"
"Phantom? What happened?" he heard someone and they... they sounded angry.
"I- I didn', dunno what- I didn' do 'nything," the quintessence ghoul sobbed, still holding onto Rain and weakly shaking him.
"Shhh, I know you didn't, it's not your fault," it was Dew, he realised as he came closer. His warm hands rested on Phantom's back, rubbing it with an intention to soothe. "It happenes to Rain sometimes, you know that. It's okay, I'll take care of them, okay?"
"Mhmmm, Dewy, pwease, f- fix 'em," he whined, looking up at Dewdrop with wet, red rimmed eyes, pleading. The fire ghoul leaned down to place a kiss on the distressed ghoul's forehead and got up again. "N- no, c'me back, fix 'em!"
"I will, kiddo, don't worry. I gotta get something," Dew assured before disappearing into the kitchen. Phantom sobbed again but the fire ghoul was fast and was back by him and Rain in a flash.
"Okay, take this," he handed Phantom a toy hand fan, the type that works on batteries and all it needs to work is its button pressed down. The quintessence ghoul's brows furrowed as he took the toy. "Turn it on and fan Rain's face, okay? Can you do that?"
A task.
Phantom got a task and it was supposed to help Rain. Of course he would do it. He took a deep breath, and turned the fan on. Its funny buzz made him giggle through the tears still flowing down his cheeks. He was a very emotionally sensitive ghoul, that's all.
"Very good, yeah, like that," Dewdrop praised as Phantom focused to keep his hands steady, to keep the cold air on Rain's face. He bit his bottom lip in concentration.
It took just a moment for Rain to stir. He never passed out for long, anyway, he hardly ever fully lost consciousness, "R- Rainy?"
"Mhmmm," they hummed, blinking slowly.
"Welcome back, fish boy," Dew chuckled, moving a strand of hair from their forehead. "Little, aren't you?"
Rain just whined and pouted, and that told Dew enough.
"Rainy... awe you fine?" Phantom asked, finally sparing a second to wipe the tears from his face with his sleeve. Rain looked over at him and nodded. He then spotted the toy still clutched tightly in one of the quintessence ghoul's hands and smiled before diving in to bury their face in Phantom's belly.
He was too little for words, now, but they understood well enough that Phantom had helped them, and they wanted to thank him. Hugging him tightly and chirping happily turned out to be his best idea at the moment.
And Phantom most definitely got the intention, bending down to wrap his own arms around the ghoul in his lap as he started purring.
"I'll go get some snacks," Dew sighed, smiling at the two.
Just a disclaimer, most folks with POTS don't fully pass out, usually its just ultra dizziness and feeling like you are going to pass out, and even if it is a full black out its not for long, few seconds usually. I made Rain fully loose consciousness for a longer bit to, idk, make the situation more "dramatic" lmao
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radioactivepeasant · 10 months ago
Unscheduled Dark Jak Wednesday!
The little gremlin wanted to cause a little chaos, so behold: the first in a series of crack snippets I wrote for the Demon Baby au!
(Warnings for blood mention, reference to slight body horror, and implied violence. Because this is still Dark Jak)
The dark eco of The Chair was measured carefully. 50% blue, 20% yellow, 30% red. The same ratios, every single time -- Jak thankfully would never know that they'd worked out that ratio after four different subjects melted in their cells after the wrong mixture. And when he'd first transformed, snapping the restraints when for the first time hope arrived in the form of Daxter, Jak had been the embodiment of that recipe. Built for speed and power. And he siphoned every drop of dark eco he could out of that machine as he slid off the Chair, so that they could never use it again.
But outside the lab, dark eco wasn't measured and precise. It was as chaotic in its makeup as it was in its behavior.
In hindsight, Jak wondered if that's why it felt different.
When the KG approached -- oh, how does it feel to be in front of me without bars to protect you? Without me in cuffs? Are you afraid yet? You're going to be--- that toxic cocktail from the injector was still burning painfully in his veins. It was too easy to lose his grip, to be dragged under by that rage even as he felt panic rising in his lungs.
This isn't me-! What's happening to me?! Help me!
Through the hungry, hate-filled thing's eyes, the KG weren't his tormentors. They were nothing but prey. Livestock to be butchered. And butcher them he did. For every beating in the common cells they'd pointed and laughed at, he returned it tenfold.
And then the eco ran out.
Shaking with adrenaline and nausea, Jak stumbled. His boots squelched in a pool of blood, and eco rose out of it and spun into his body. He was breaking down the corpses and- and feeding off their eco.
He wished he could feel horrified by that. He wished he didn't feel like it was justified.
But dark eco made by drawing disparate ecos from decomposition was far more random in its makeup. And when it built up like rising pressure in his chest, even as Jak screamed inside, he changed again.
It was fast, at least. But it hurt, it hurt almost as much as the Chair.
And then-
Why was the world so big? Why did the prey grow larger?
Jak stumbled, tripping on oversized boots. His clothes pooled around him like blankets, and he couldn't even see his hands when he looked down. Why?
Stuck. Don't like that. No! No traps! Get it off getitoffgetitoff!
Snarling, he flailed to get his arms free and something fell over his eyes, blinding him.
"What the ever-loving, snot-flicking, abso-flipping heck?!"
Oh. Friend! Da- D- Dax-ter. Daxter!
Daxter came into view, at eye level.
"Jak? Is...that's still you, right?"
Jak nodded and the things fell off his eyes. Oh. Goggles.
The little boy hiding behind the old man peeked out, and his mouth made a little "o".
"Hi?" he signed.
"Hi??" Jak signed back, or tried to with floppy sleeves.
"Dax help. Eco wrong? Can't...control flow. Not okayokay."
Daxter sucked on his teeth. "H'ohboy. I dunno how to help, pal. But uh...last time you changed back after slicing up a bunch of guards, right? Maybe thats whatcha need to stop being...Demon Baby."
The old man stared down at Jak with eyes so wide he thought they'd fall out altogether.
"That's...interesting," he said faintly, as if in shock, "...that's very interesting."
Jak scowled and wriggled out of the pants. The tunic hung down to his calves now. He needed to be able to move! He shook off the gauntlets and growled. It was high pitched and quiet. He didn't notice.
Fight them fight them not hurt Daxter not hurt friend!
Two guards at the end of the street saw their comrades' empty armor lying in pools of blood. With shouts of alarm, they ran towards them, guns drawn.
"What the hell is that?!" One of them yelled, pointing at Jak.
Jak spread his claws and leaped.
Yes. Hell. Got out of hell. Gonna send you there.
(More chaos to follow later)
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anonymityisfunwriter · 1 year ago
The Twin Flame - Chapter 38: "It's Time To Go"
"That old familiar body ache, the snaps from the same little breaks in your soul, you know when it's time to go…"
Pairing: Sunshine!Reader x Grumpy!Bucky Barnes Part of The Grumpy x Sunshine Series
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That’s the first sensation you register after it all went dark. You’re cold. Not a shivering cold. It doesn’t hurt. You don’t seek warmth.
You’re just… cold.
There's a peace in the feeling. There's no one in need of saving. No danger lurking around the corner. For the first time in your life, there's no fight. No battle to be won.
You don't have to keep clawing your way to the surface. You're just adrift, floating in a vast, unending void.
There's just nothing.
You can't bring yourself to open your eyes. It's like a sleep you know you won't wake up from.
The second sensation you register is a slight warmth, like a light dancing over your skin, warming you from the inside out.
The warmth laps at you, cascading over you until you’re finally warm again. It doesn’t stop there.
The light burns brighter.
Even when you think it can’t get any brighter, it does.
But it never hurts. It doesn't sting.
You don't feel like an Icarus, flying too close to the Sun.
You feel like you're being pulled back into the sunlight after being lost in the depths of a raging sea.
Your eyelids feel cemented shut. The light seeps through your eyelids until your curiosity gets the best of you.
You creak a bleary eye open, readying yourself for the pain that will inevitably come when you attempt to sit up.
Only, it doesn't.
You feel better than you have in years. The unbearable ache of grief is gone. The searing pain is gone. You gasp for air and it doesn't hurt. Your broken heart almost feels mended.
You sit up to find yourself back in the Compound, the common room, just like it was when it stood tall.
You frantically look around, sitting on the hardwood floor.
A familiar silhouette in your peripheral catches your eye, “Tony?”
Tony slowly turns, his eyes grazing over the common room of the Avengers Compound, hands crossed over his chest and lips pursed in distaste, “Are you kidding me? Out of all the places your conscious could’ve dreamt up, you picked here?”
"I'm just saying, you could've been a little more creative." He shakes his head, rolling his eyes before walking over to you. He extends a hand to you, helping you stand up off the floor, “What are you doing here, Pinkie Pie?”
Your eyebrows pull together as you try to recall the events that led you back here.
It all gets blurry after Sam found you bleeding out. It feels hazy. Like little flashes of your life slipping away. Sam scooping you up. Bucky crouching down beside you. A tear streaming down his cheek. Sirens. You remember sirens. Lots of them. Blaring. Screeching in the background. You can't help but wonder what happened afterward.
You slightly shrug your shoulders, your face falling as you realize being here with Tony can't mean anything good. It hits you that you've left Bucky and Sam. They aren't here.
You've left them behind.
That familiar ache slowly creeps its way back to your heart, winding up your arm, through your ribcage, to the place where your heart resides.
You shakily inhale, panic creeping up your spine, “I dunno, I- I lost a fight, I think.”
Tony dismissively waves his hand, “That doesn’t sound like you.”
“I was trying to save a kid, Karli. She’s like me.”
His head lolls slightly, "Now, that sounds like you.”
Your eyes rake over the common room. It's just like you remember it. Before. When things were still okay. “How are we here right now? The Compound was destroyed.”
“I don’t know," Tony admits with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders, "In fact, you’re the first not dead person that’s come to visit me. What a bunch of assholes.”
“So if you’re…” you trail off, not wanting to offend your friend with insensitivity.
“Dead?” Tony finishes for you.
“Yeah, if you’re dead, why do you still have your arc reactor? And why is it still on?” you point out, looking at the arc reactor still glowing in the center of his chest.
Tony snickers, looking down at the little blue light emanating through his shirt, “I thought it looked cool. This one is purely decorative.”
He looks up, “Yeah?”
You gulp. “Am I dead?”
“Have you seen any movie ever?" he guffaws, rolling his eyes in the exact way that he used to. Every thing about Tony Stark is just like you remember. The memory tugs at your heart. This was the Tony that was your friend. This was the Tony before the fight. This Tony didn't hate you yet. At least, you hoped this Tony didn't hate you. "No, you’re not dead.”
You frown, “Oh.”
“Just how bad did you lose that fight?” Tony wonders.
Your mouth twists with remorse, “Bad.”
“How bad?”
You look down where the wound was only moments ago, only to find nothing there. No wound. Your lucky shirt untainted. No pain radiating through your body. It's like it never happened. “Like there’s a gaping hole in my stomach bad.”
He dramatically winces, “Ouch.”
“Well, it’s gone now, so I guess that’s good," you halfheartedly joke. "Gotta look at the bright side and everything, you know?”
You ignore the worry building in Tony's expression. You remember that look on his face. You saw it many times and it never led to anything good.
You want to remember Tony like he was before, you don't want the worry to taint the man that stands before you. This Tony was your friend. This Tony would never have shot at you. You just want to keep it that way. You turn away from him, padding around the common room, "Hey, have you seen Steve up here? He came up here too.”
Tony ambles behind you, eyes trailing over every detail of the common room. It's all there. Just like you both remembered it. Steve's journal strewn on the coffee table. Sam's movie collection. Wanda's magazines. Natasha's books. It's your home. It's everything you missed, all pieced back together. You would be content to stay in this space forever. It had everything you knew and loved right here. All you were missing was Sam and Bucky. Two of the most vital pieces of your puzzle. 
“Capiscle? He’s been around.”
You look back at him over your shoulder, “Can I see him?”
“It’s your conscious, do what you want.”
"Really?" you hopefully ask, still looking back at Tony.
"Really." Tony juts his chin over your shoulder.
“Hi, Sunshine.” The familiar sound of Steve’s voice is enough to shatter your heart and break any resolve you had to stay calm.
You turn around, and there he is, standing before you. A choked sob catching in your throat at the sight of Steve, standing there as you once knew him. Bright blue eyes, young smile, kind, patient eyes, it’s the friend you so desperately missed. “Steve? Are you- is this real?”
He smiles, that warm signature Steve Rogers smile. Just like you remember. “It’s real, Sunshine.”
Just behind him, Natasha appears.
Her hands fold over her chest, with her signature smirk and a sarcastic glint in her eye, “You know, you’ve got a real knack for showing up in places you’re not supposed to be.”
“Sorry,” you chuckle through tears. “Force of habit. It- It’s good to see you guys.”
“Oh, God, Sunshine,” Steve envelopes you in a warm embrace, he whispers into the hair at the crown of your head, “What are you doing here? You’re too early. It’s too soon for you.”
“I lost tonight, Steve.” You swallow the knot lodged in your throat, “I failed."
Steve immediately pulls away from you, shaking his head again and again, "I don't believe that, not for one second."
"You should.” You pull out of Steve’s embrace, fervently shaking your head over and over again. There’s a part of you that doesn’t want him to know you like this. That doesn’t want him to know the person you became once everything was said and done. You want him to keep believing in you the way you used to believe in yourself. You want to be the person he knew all those years ago. But you're not. And that's the sad truth you have to tell your friend. That girl is gone. She was broken far beyond repair. “You would - you would be so disappointed in me. If you could see me now, I don’t even recognize myself anymore. I'm not anything like the person you knew.”
Steve looks down and sighs at you, "You've always been so hard on yourself."
“No, Steve, I'm not. I ran away - the second things got hard, I couldn’t take it anymore. I ran. And- And I hurt James. I hurt Sam. I just keep hurting them. Everyone. And tonight- tonight - I couldn’t save anyone. I didn’t save anyone. Sharon got away. Karli watched me bleed out. I didn’t - Sam and Bucky, oh God, I promised them, I promised them I would come back. I failed everyone tonight.”
“You changed her mind tonight," Nat pipes in. "You single-handedly changed Karli’s mind. You changed her story's ending.”
Your head twists, unsure if you heard her right, “What?”
“And those hostages," Steve adds. "The ones in the truck.”
“Or the ones that were seconds away from being flattened onto the pavement,” Tony continues.
“How do you guys know about that?”
“You’ve always got someone looking out for you, Sunshine,” Steve promises, a hopeful smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Always."
“We actually have to take shifts between the three of you, you’re sort of a handful,” Tony sarcastically remarks.
“Tony,” Steve sharply admonishes, shooting a quick glare at him. “You know they're doing their best - but yes, you are a handful.”
Nat guffaws, "Like you two were any better."
"What are you talking about?" Tony scoffs. "We were the epitome of professional. We set the standard for professionalism."
“I’m glad you have them." Nat continues, ignoring Tony entirely. "You make a good team."
"I never got to see you again," you brokenly whisper. Nat sadly smiles, but she doesn't say anything. She just pulls you into the tight embrace that she knows you desperately need. "I miss you, Nat. I miss you so much."
"You're gonna be okay."
You mutter into her shoulder, "Will I?"
"Yeah. You will," she promises.
Steve looks on as you pull away from Natasha, wiping away the stray tears.
He sucks in a breath, shaking his head despondently, "I never meant to hurt you. Never."
You smile at him, "I know."
"But I did, didn't I?"
You don't answer his question. The answer lingers somewhere in the long silence. You don't have to tell him that you were hurt by his absence. You can tell by the look on his face that he knows he did. His little ripple in time caused a typhoon of chaos that almost drowned those left behind. You don't need to tell him that. Instead, you tell him, "We all wanted you to be happy. You deserved that much."
"You deserve that too."
Steve's words strike a chord deep within you. It's always hard to hear. You don't truly believe you do deserve that. You don't know that you'll ever really believe that. You want to, though. You really want to.
"Hey, Nick's not -" You have to swallow the fear that comes along with that question, but you knew there was always a chance that he might just be gone too. Years had gone by without a trace of him. That was the harsh reality of your life. Even if you were angry with him, even if he was really the person that Sharon told you he was, he still was the closest thing to a father that you knew. "He's not here, is he?"
"No. Nick's not here."
You softly breath a sigh of relief, "Oh."
"He cared about you," Steve unexpectedly says. "In his own, Nick Fury way, he really did."
You don't know what to say to that. You don't even really know what that means. You're just glad he's not gone too.
In the beat of silence, a faint noise catches your attention.
An incessant beeping slowly crescendos in the background, barely audible to your ears at first. It creeps up suddenly, then it's impossible to ignore. It's loud, flooding your eardrums. It swells to the point that you can't hear anything else.
And then, just one long monotone beep.
A flatline, you realize.
A chill runs down your spine. That cold feeling finds you again. And you almost swear that the bright, sunny day outside the Compound windows gets just a little too bright.
They're losing you.
The feeling hits you like a ton of bricks. You don't know how you know that, but you do. You feel it. You feel yourself drifting to an unreachable place.
You shake your head, reaching to cover your ears.
That's when you hear it.
A voice faintly shouts, their voice laced with panic, "We can't find a pulse."
"Charging," a different voice calls over the chaos. "Clear!"
“What is that?” you ask, wincing as you hear the sound of the defibrillator charging again.
Steve gently rests his hand on your shoulder. Just like that, the panicked sounds are only background noise again. He softly smiles down at you, “That’s your cue, Sunshine. Sam and Bucky are waiting for you. They need you.”
“What if I’m not ready to go back?” you timidly question.
You feel like a coward asking that. You feel like a coward for not being ready to go back to the world that awaited you. Bucky. Sam. You couldn't leave them. You just didn't see how you could possibly stay anymore.
Tony sidles up to the other side of you. He apologetically shrugs, like he knows that the world you'll be going back to is not the world as they left it. “It’s not your time yet, Pinkie.”
You rest your head against Tony's shoulder, a tear slips from your eyes, “I’m tired, Tony. I’m so tired.”
“So rest," he tells you. "And then you get back up. You get back and you keep going.”
“What if I don’t want to get back up anymore?”
Steve chortles, shrugging his shoulders, “Then we wouldn’t be here, would we?”
You turn back to Tony once more, desperate to get the final goodbye you'd carried for years your off your chest. Finally, you'd get to say goodbye. You'd get to apologize. You could tell him that you never wanted to hurt him. “Tony, I-“
He stops you. He shakes his head, smiling with the fondness you thought was long gone, “I never hated you. I could never hate you.”
You shakily inhale, “You promise?”
“Yeah, Pinkie. I promise.”
You turn to Natasha next. She smiles, jutting her head in the other direction, "Go. Those two wouldn't last five minutes by themselves."
“Get back up, Sunshine," Steve encourages you one last time. "The world isn’t ready to be without you yet.”
You turn back to them one last time. You just want one more glimpse of your friends as they used to be. Another tear slips down your cheek, you wipe it away with a sad smile, “I miss you guys.”
“We’ll be waiting for you when it is your time.”
Steve smiles at you and encouragingly nods. For the first time in a long time, you feel like you're actually going to be okay. Your past will remain here. Perfectly preserved. A proud relic of a time long gone. You had to leave it behind all over again, say goodbye one more time. 
But you've got you. You've got Bucky. You've got Sam. And that meant it was time to go. 
The Twin Flame Chapter List AnonymityIsFun Masterlist
Next Chapter
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inevitably-johnlocked · 1 year ago
Loki S2 Pre-E6 Thoughts
So I know that this is totally random content to give to y'all this morning, but I wanted to post up my thoughts about the series before its final episode airs tomorrow. I have, in the past, talked about my thoughts on S1 and how I really did like it until the last 5 minutes of Episode 6 and how out-of-nowhere-forced the Sylvie/Loki kiss felt (I was physically cringing about it).
Given how S1 ended, I was a bit wary about S2, but decided to watch it anyway, and holy hell I think Season Two is KNOCKING it out of the park. I'm loving it as much as I loved Moon Knight, and it's right up there now in my top 5. The episodes are SO cinematically beautiful, well written and flow nicely, the characters are all so charming, and the Mobius/Loki relationship is being built up so much that it COULD lead to more or canonization in the final episode. During the past 5 weeks, I've been lurking on the meta spaces for Loki on Twitter and Tumblr, and wow the nostalgia I feel for it, it SO reminds me of the hey-day of my Johnlock meta-ing before S4.
I think my only gripe right now with this season is that they wasted Sophia DiMartino... her character Sylvie feels like such a... filler character (like they just put her in there because she was in the first season and they didn't know what to do with her this season)? But I think ALSO she's meant to be a counter-mirror to Loki, to show that he ISN'T like her anymore, that he grew and changed for the better with the positive influences in his life, and unlike her he doesn't WANT to be alone and such. And they're REALLY making her so unlikeable this season for me... I'm glad that it's looking like they're pretty much not going the Sylvie/Loki route (and I honestly don't see how people who ship it think it will canonically turn around at this point), but the showrunners are having her have every interaction between her and Loki rather hostile, demoralizing, or toxic. And rather that, they're countering it by showing a more positive alternative for Loki with Mobius as his potential romantic partner. Which is fantastic because I've shipped Lokius since Mobius came on the screen in S1, LOL. I just think they could have done that in S2 without making Sylvie an unlikeable character (like have her be a cheerleader for them instead?) I dunno. It's a shame because I did like her in S1. Don't like her at all in S2. She's so MEAN to EVERYONE. To Mobius especially, like CHILL girl, let a man stress-eat, JEEZ.
And here's the rant I actually wanted to write this post about because I didn't want to clutter up other people's threads with it: So, every week, I usually watch breakdowns and review videos so I can understand the characters and their comic counter parts a bit better, and usually the breakdowns are really good because they show the nods to comic-canon things and such. But OMG these past two weeks, I had to stop watching the reviews because LITERALLY all of them ship Sylvie/Loki and are trying SO hard to prove that it's canon when the past few weeks it's only been more and more likely that it's not happening.
NONE of Big Name Reviewers (NRS and SC specifically, if ya know you know) acknowledged AT ALL the RIDICULOUS amount of romantic tropes and dopey staring that Episodes 4 and 5 had (Loki watches Mobius through a window the first time he finds him, and the second time before going to talk to Mobius again Loki LITERALLY groomed himself and then stutters like a lovesick teenager. It was very rom-com; and they're skirting around the fact that all the empty places in the TVA that Loki kept slipping to were ALL places that Loki tshared time with Mobius in... I CAN GO ON FOREVER HERE, AND AND AND that Loki is constantly panicking if he can't find Mobius). LIKE. NONE OF THE REVIEWERS, who literally break down all the episodes and point out shit like All That for het-ships, just won't acknowledge any of it!! They glossed over both Loki's and Sylvie's bisexuality confirmations in S1, and only briefly mentioned their genderfluidity in the comics and in actual mythology. I usually watch the breakdowns because I'm not familiar with comic lore so I find it interesting to learn about those backstories, as well as little details they find, but they've been dropping the ball ALL season, and EVERY one of them mention EVERY single breakdown that Loki just wants to get back to "his one true love Sylvie!!", like what are you smoking?!?!? I was getting SO FRUSTRATED because they skipped over LARGE chunks of E5, especially, just pointing out the surface level stuff instead. I literally turned it off after all that.
THAT ALL SAID, since episode one it's been clear that Sylvie wants NOTHING to do with Loki – she just wants to live a quiet simple life. Then when shit goes bad, she blames Loki for all the problems SHE caused, shits on Mobius every chance she gets, and then in that bar scene when Loki's bearing his soul to her, telling her that he wants his friends back and DOESN'T want to be alone, she basically is like "tough titties" and leaves him ALONE, showing she's not a friend at all.
But the reviewers literally just gloss over all of this. ANYWAY.
Ugh, sorry about that, that's been eating at me for like 3 weeks and last week's reviews finally just pissed me off so much because even casually watching the show I could see all this shit. I only REALLY started believing Lokius could happen after Episode 4 aired, and then Episode 5 had me reeling.
I am DYING to write meta about every episode as it comes out... I just feel that other people are writing better stuff than I could, and much faster than I have time for, and really it's nice to be on the reader side of things for a change. I just... don't want to add in my own two cents to their posts because I'd feel I'm intruding, is all.
I have lots of hope about where Episode 6 will go... like I'm feeling pretty good about them canonizing Lokius... However... I'm not gonna be disappointed if it doesn't get canonized simply because this is Disney and I am REALLY not thinking they're going to explore Loki's comic-canon genderfluidity and sexuality on a surface level.
Good thing I eat subtext for breakfast LOL. I lived through BBC Sherlock, hahah. BUT... can I get a third ship canonized in one year??? Is it wishful thinking? Oh, for sure. I hope so. I would be so happy if Disney even ACKNOWLEDGED that they love each other But I'm not expecting it. I'll be happy with another hug at least, or a forehead touch or hand holding. I'm a simple gal.
Honestly though, I do inevitably want the last episode to have Loki as the ruler with his friends, because they built up to this for 12 episodes, I DON'T want an unhappy ending for the sake of a twist or whatever. Truly let him be the Loki Who Remains (a callback to Episode One) as the Keeper of Time with Bea, O.B., Casey, and Mobius at his side <3
I LOVE the character development of Loki in this series, too. I legit didn't really care for Loki all that much in the MCU, but this series did the same to him for me that FatWS did to Bucky for me: Make me want to see MORE of them and their adventures with their new friends.
Anyway, thanks for reading and indulging me, I mostly just needed to get that rant out about reviewers and wtf people still think Sy!ki is happening. Feel free to discuss in the notes, I plan on posting a reblog with final thoughts after it airs on Thursday <3
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aheckinmess · 5 months ago
Hide and Seek -> Pt. 1 [Hawks] (Fluff)
(One-shot 25/? in a collection of My Hero Academia one-shots posted regularly on Saturdays - and sometimes Sundays.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Keigo Takami, Takami Keigo, Hawks, Original Female Character(s), Ichijiku Aoki, Tigress, Fluff, Angsty Fluff, There's a Little of Both Okay, It's Bittersweet, Pining Hawks, Childhood Friends to Lovers, It's Actually So Cute, Takami - Keigo's Father Mentioned, Tomie Takami Mentioned, Bookstore is Mentioned, OC Works at a Bookshop, She Lives in Kamino Ward, The Bad Part of Town, Hawks Gets Protective, Pinky Promise, I'm Bad at Tagging, But I Blame That on the Fact that You Kinda Need to Read the Prompt Itself to Understand, What Else Do You Want from Me?
Word Count: 3,137 words
Summary: Hawks' childhood was not unlike that of Ichijiku Aoki, and she would know because she was his best friend. Ten long years after leaving her to train and be a hero, Hawks suddenly pops up in Ichijiku's life again.
Author's Note: This one-shot is a little different. Normally when I write multiple parts of a one-shot, I just include it in a separate series. However, this one just happened to run a little longer, so I decided breaking it into chunks would be helpful. I may end up deciding to make it its own series anyway, who can say? For now, you get part 1/2 of this tasty delicious prompt!
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Ichijiku (Tigress)
Mommy doesn’t like emotional brats. That’s why when she and Daddy fall asleep, I sneak out the back door and start running down the trail behind our house. I make it to the broken tree before I see a blurry house. 
I step closer, the house getting clearer until it’s obvious it’s more of a shack, wooden and decrepit. It looks like the perfect place to play House, or Superheroes, or even Tea Party! Looking over my shoulder, I crawl beneath a lonely window and peek in. 
A little boy with red feathers looks back at me and I crouch as my heartbeat makes it hard to hear. I look up after a moment to find him when his shadow hangs out of the window above me.
“What are you doing here? You have to go before you get in trouble!” He whispers, turning over his shoulder. “My dad will be really angry if he sees you.”
“My mommy can’t find me, or she’ll whoop me good.” I hiss back.
We stare at each other for a minute before his pretty red feathers swirl around me. My face slips into a smile as I reach for it.
“This your quirk? What are they for?”
“I can move them around and hear things with them, but…Mom and Dad say they’re pretty useless.”
“Can you fly?”
“I dunno. Never tried.” He shrugs. “They don’t let me leave our house.”
“You should see if you can–” A limb snaps and both of us freeze, eyes snapping towards the sound.
I wave at him before hopping into the closest hidey hole I see: a barrel. The loud voice inside reminds me of Mommy. I expect the yelling and the smack! that follows, as well as the sharp scolding about being respectful and listening to adults.
I’m not expecting the silence that follows to be tainted with soft sobs from the sassy little boy from the window.
It makes me sad.
I peek out of my barrel and climb out, before looking into the broken window. The boy - Keigo? - faces away from me with shaky wings. He sniffles every few seconds as I listen for footsteps, eyes latched onto the woman sleeping on a mat beside him.
When I climb through and pad over to him, I pat his shoulder and pull on his arm. He pulls back and shakes his head.
“You have to go–”
“Who are you?” A tired voice asks.
I whip my head around to find a lady and two extra eyes watching me. Those two eyes float and circle around me, coaxing me to move closer to Keigo. I swallow thickly and hide my trembling hands behind my back.
“I-I’m sorry. I’m Keigo’s friend.”
“I asked who you are, Keigo’s friend. What’s your name?”
“Ichijiku.” I answer, looking at the floating eyes. “What are those for?”
“None of your business, kid.” Dark circles line her eyes as she glares at me. “Why are you here? How do you know Keigo?”
“I just met him. I was playing Hide and Seek outside when I found this house.” I explain carefully, glancing away. 
“Well, you’re not welcome here, kid. Keigo doesn’t have any friends. And if you don’t move your ass, my husband will kick you out personally.”
“Can I come visit Keigo another time if I promise not to bring nobody?” I plead.
“Tch. You can certainly try, kid.”
“Okay!” I lock her pinky with mine. “I pinky promise I won’t bring no one next time. See you later, Keigo!” 
. . . . .
The next time I see Keigo, I make extra sure I don’t see any eyes as I sneak in. No one else is in the house as I tiptoe over the wooden floorboards. Keigo’s still curled up in the same spot he was before, red feathers fanned out behind his back.
“Hi, Keigo.” I whisper.
“Huh?” He turns over and his eyes widen as he jolts to a standing position. “Ichijiku?”
“What are you doing here?!” He hisses, squeezing a plushie against his chest. “I told you, my dad will kill you if he sees you here!” 
“He won’t see me.” I assure him. “Besides, you’re my friend! Do you wanna go play Hide and Seek outside?”
“I’m not allowed to go outside, ever.” He frowns.
“Oh.” I rub the back of my neck as I look around. “Well, do you wanna play Superheroes in here, instead?”
“What if my parents come back and you’re still here?”
“We can listen to hear when they’re coming and then I’ll go hide!” I say quickly, before I gasp and point at his feathers. “You said you can hear stuff with your feathers, right? Maybe you can listen for them?”
Keigo looks around the house one time, before he turns back to me with a smile.
“Let’s do it!”
It becomes our ritual to see each other at least once a week playing as the world’s greatest superheroes: Tiger and Birdie! Since Keigo can’t go outside and find me, I make the trek every Thursday to go visit.
Until one day I find the dilapidated shack empty.
My shoulders slump. My little legs scour the surrounding area and all over the house with no luck. No floating eyeballs. No loud, red-haired man. No Keigo. 
I return to my house feeling more lonely and worried than ever. Did he leave because he got in trouble? Did I get him in trouble? Will he ever come back? A few weeks pass and answer my question. As the little shack remains vacant, it becomes clear he's not coming back.
Mommy and I are waiting for the train when I spot it.
A small, red feather.
“What the hell are you looking at? Hurry up!” Mommy jerks me forward. “Pay attention so we’re not late!”
I see Keigo huddled up against the wall with his mom and my face smiles so wide it hurts! I look up at Mommy, scrolling on her phone, and get an idea.
When the train doors open and we make it to the platform, I duck and squirm between the people behind us to wiggle back into the train station. I dart over to Keigo as soon as the train doors close.
“Keigo-kun!” I call, sliding to a stop on my knees in front of him. “I found you!”
“Ichan?” His head lifts and his eyes sparkle.
I yank him into my arms, hugging him so tight. I don’t want to let him go. I want to take him home with Mommy so that he can stay with us forever!
“Where did you go?” I whisper, pulling back and wiping my face. “Your house is empty!”
“Endeavor saved us from my dad, Ichan! Endeavor’s real! Like…really real!” Keigo exclaims, holding out his Endeavor doll. “He helped us get away from Dad!”
“Yeah, and now we’re homeless, Keigo.” His mother scoffs, turning her head away. “We have nothing. Nothing to eat, nowhere to stay. Why do you have those feathers if you’re not gonna use them?”
 Keigo and I look between each other and then his mom. We remain silent. I turn back to the train to make sure my mom hasn’t come back for me yet. 
She’s going to be so angry.
“Where’s your mom, Ichan?”
“I hid from her so I could say hi.” I admit, rocking back and forth on my feet. “Is this where you’re staying?”
“For now, yeah. We move around Fukuoka to find places to stay warm or get food.” He pauses to look behind me before he adds. “You’re not gonna get in trouble are you?”
“Probably. But it’s okay. Maybe…maybe if I talk to my mommy you could stay with us! And then you wouldn’t have to look for food or blankets!” I offer.
“No way, kid.” Keigo’s mom snaps. “I’m not staying somewhere with another brat to take care of and a stranger. Get lost.”
I open my mouth to disagree, but Keigo’s eyes widen and he shakes his head. He uses a feather to turn me around.
“Ichijiku Aoki!” My mom snatches me by the front of my shirt as I flinch back with scrunched eyes. “What on earth did you think you were doing? What if I hadn’t found you? Now those bastards are looking into the custody case on the grounds that I’m not a competent parent. Get your ass back on that train!”
The following pop on my butt burns, but not as much as it burns to wave goodbye to Keigo.
. . . . .
“Pardon me, ma’am. Is your daughter home?”
“My daughter? What is this about? I’ve been getting her packed to move in with her father, you bastards. Why are you here?”
I peek around the corner of the dining table as I see men in black suits talking with Mommy. My stuffed tiger stays squished against my chest as I watch them.
“Ma’am, I’m afraid you’re mistaken. We’re not here to take your daughter. We’re here because a friend of hers would like to say goodbye.”
When Keigo comes into view, I gasp and pop out of my hiding spot, running over to him. This time, he’s the one that pulls me against his chest.
“Did you come over to play, Keigo? I’ve got–”
“I’m sorry, young lady, but he’s not here to play. He’s here to tell you goodbye. He won’t be speaking to you anymore.” A man behind him says.
Keigo stands there with his feathers looking sad. They drag on the ground as he tilts his head down.
“He…” I look at Keigo. “I won’t get to see you again? Never ever?” 
“Not never ever!” He says confidently, lifting his head. “Just…not for a long time. It’s like Hide and Seek. But this time, I’ll be the one to find you.”
“You pinky promise?” I ask, holding out a small digit while my eyes burn. Sticky tears dry on my face before he ever leaves, before he ever links his finger with mine.
“Pinky promise.”
. . . . .
“That was years ago, Sacchan, I doubt he remembers who I am.” I whisper to her over a crowd of fawning girls.
Years following Keigo’s abrupt removal from my life, I’ve walked the streets every day hoping for a glimpse of red feathers. By the time Hawks made his debut, I’d all but given up hope in ever seeing him again.
But now? Seeing the familiar floating feathers and the swarm of fangirls on a morning stroll with Sayuri could only mean one thing.
“There’s no way he’d forget you, Ichan! It sounds like you were his only friend as a kid. You don’t just forget that.” She presses, urging me forward against the claustrophobic hoard of warm bodies. “At least say hi. Don’t pass up the opportunity to meet #3!” 
At her insistence, I worm my way through the crowd; people scream his name and reach for his feathers. I know I have no shot, but I still raise my hand to get his attention when he looks in my direction.
Immediately, our eyes lock.
“Ichan!” His eyes widen and he surges forward, rendering me frozen. “Hey! Ichijiku, yeah?”
“Y-Yes. You…remember me?”
“Definitely! I told you I’d find you again, didn’t I? I’d know your face anywhere.” He smirks, red feathers circling around me. “Remember these?” How do I tell him that my every waking moment has been filled with the hope of seeing them again? That every thought in my mind has been tainted with his promise, with his smile?
“I do.” I grin, giggling as they tickle my face. “Did you ever figure out if you could fly?” I taunt.
“Haha! Sure did! Turns out you had the right idea.” His laughter settles in my bones and heals every ache. When he leans in close to me, the smell of springtime and cologne invades my nostrils as he whispers in my ear. “Meet me on the roof of this building in two hours.”
“Okay.” I breathe, exhibiting maximum self-control to keep from reaching for him when he pulls back.
“We’ve gotta catch up sometime!” He beams.
“For sure.” I nod.
As I’m shoved back into Sayuri’s side by the thronging mob, she gives me a knowing smirk while I pinch myself to see if I’m stuck in a dream.
“Told you he’d remember.”
“Shut up.” I flush. “We need to finish shopping quickly; I’m busy in 2 hours.”
. . . . .
Between my attention span and restless limbs, I simply can’t wait. I’m reclining on the roof well before the time I’m supposed to show up. For one lonely hour, I bond with the sky, voicing my insecurities and long-lost desires to the clouds as I gaze over the streets of Japan. 
“Breathtaking.” Keigo’s voice ricochets through every muscle.
“Y-Yeah.” I squeak, hopping onto my feet and rubbing the back of my neck. “I don’t often get a view of the city from this high up.”
He chuckles, warm and inviting, as he steps within arm’s reach of me. “I wasn’t talking about the city, Ichan.”
I don’t have time for this. I can’t have time for this. The feeling of home that saturates every limb with this bittersweet reunion clashes with the reminder that a year ago I’d given up hope. I’d given up hope and decided to try and move past my age-old crush on a childhood friend that I’d never see again.
Now, here he is.
And the man waiting for me at home is not Keigo.
Yet, here I am. I am on top of a building looking out over Japan with Keigo. He thinks I’m breathtaking. And even though I know Akuma should be getting off work in a few minutes and heading to the apartment, my temperature skyrockets as I laugh off the giddy feelings building in my bones. 
“You grew into a charmer, I see.” I nudge him. “At any rate, it’s really good to see you again, Keigo.”
“Hawks, please. At least in public. My real name has been scrubbed from existence.” He stuffs his hands in his pockets. “I’ve been looking for you since I became a hero, you know? I promised I’d find you, and I never forgot about you.”
“I never forgot you either, Birdie.” With every inhale, I get minutely closer to him until our arms touch. “I’ve missed you. I was starting to worry I’d never see you again.”
He envelops me in his arms and holds me against his chest. The warmth of his aviator’s jacket mingles with the heat of longing I’ve smothered over the years. 
“How have you been?” I ask.
“Busy.” Keigo loses a bit of his smile as he pulls back. “Being #3 calls for a lot of work. It’s exhausting.”
“I can imagine.” I peer up at him and focus hard so I don’t get lost in him. His smile. His eyes. His broad wings surrounding the two of us in our own little bubble. “You do an amazing job, for what it’s worth. I’m grateful for all the hard work you put in for everyone.”
“Heart of gold, just like I remember.” He pauses. “What have you been up to, then, Tiger?”
“Ugh…I’d hoped you’d forget that nickname.”
“Aw, come on! I’d never forget our first hero names. Tiger and Birdie fight for justice, remember?”
“Yeah.” I reminisce. “But I’m working at a local bookshop now. I’ve always enjoyed books. Being surrounded by them all day brings me a sense of peace that I’ve only ever found with you.” I turn away from him, facing the bustling view of the city.
“Nice! Following your dreams, yeah? Which bookshop do you work at? Which part of town?”
I stiffen and his feathers vibrate. 
“Honshiro, it’s a second-hand bookstore in downtown Kamino Ward.” I try to evade. “I’m also–”
“Woah, wait. You live over there?!” His wings stretch wide, large and captivating. “But it’s so dangerous over there! Why are you staying there, of all places? Why not further east where the neighborhood is safer? Isn’t there a Honshiro there, too?”
“Well, yeah. But, I mean, ideally we would have stayed in Fukuoka, but Akuma had a better work deal downtown.”
“Akuma?” Keigo’s feathers twitch and his eyes glow. “Who’s he?”
I look down, feeling my world crashing around me. What if I’d just waited? What if I had held out hope that Keigo would come back for me? Would I be living better than I am now? Would I be happier?
Would Keigo be mine?
“Akuma is my boyfriend.”
“Oh…” I don’t miss the way his wings droop. “Right. But, well, you can’t stay there. That place is crawling with villains. Fukuoka is my agency’s base of operations. You’d be safest there. I mean, even Kumamoto would have you in Ms. Joke’s territory.”
“I know, Birdie, but I can’t.” I sigh. “Akuma’s on the brink of a really big promotion. We’ll only be in Kamino Ward for a couple months tops. I’ll ask him what his position will be and if we can go somewhere safer, okay?”
“A couple of months?” He frowns before it melts into a little smile. “Well, I guess that’s better than nothing. But do me a favor and talk with him about it sooner rather than later…please? See if he can afford to move somewhere else.” “Hawks…” I sigh. “I really want to, but Akuma has a really good proposition there.”
“Is it a good proposition for you, though?” “Why does it matter so much to you, Birdie?” The distance between us suffocates me.
Silence stretches between us as he extends a gloved hand out to me. His lips part to say something before he clenches his hand into a fist and drops it to his side.
I deserve the pit. I deserve the lowest circle of hell. Because at that moment, I would do anything to make him reach out again and tell me he loves me.
“We both lived through similar childhoods. I was given an opportunity to be freed of it. I just want the same for you.”
“I know. I appreciate that you still care about me after all this time.” I look up at him, begging him with my expression to be mine even though I shouldn’t. He’s busy looking over the city, the collar of his jacket hiding his expression. “Can we keep in touch, then? If you give me your number, I can at least promise to call you anytime I think I’m in trouble.”
“Deal.” He taps his phone against mine and our contact information is swapped. “Promise me you’ll call me the second you’re in trouble.”
I hold out my pinky for him as a grin twitches on my lips. “Pinky promise.”
And with a crooked grin, he links his pinky in mine.
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Want More Hawks? Try: Elysium
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desultory-novice · 1 year ago
Okay, back where we were left off at the Magoland Branch AU Magolor only had his sight partially restored, but in the crossover between the Apologies AU and the Magoland Branch AU his sight was fully restored. So how did that happen anyways?
Also, how long did it take between the conclusion of the Magoland Branch AU and the crossover between the Apologies AU and the Magoland Branch​ AU?
(Double question because I want lore.)
(Also, how long will it be till my other ask is done? I'm not rushing it or anything, (Take your time Dess! (^v^)​) I'm just curious about how long will it take.)
>How long did it take?
It took... X amount of time! XD ...I dunno! Noir SHOULD have been in hell since almost the beginning, since he was the first or second to die also his life has just been hell since the day his parents died....
Like Noir, who acted as "dead" as possible in the hopes of actually dying, the deceased probably stuck to their own personal purgatories and never really did much positive interacting, outside of people who formed odd connections all on their own, like Joronia and Max, who quickly bonded over their love of rich, fancy things. >w<
Max: "01001101 01110101 01110011 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100011 01101111 01100110 01100110 01100101 01100101 00100000 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100001 01101100 01110111 01100001 01111001 01110011 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01100010 01110101 01110010 01101110 01110100 00111111"
Joronia: "Oooh, do not even get me started on tea in this place!"(1)
("How does Joronia know binary? Why, she's the smartest, strongest, most beautiful queen ever! Of course she knows binary!" - Taranza)
The paradigm changed when Marx found Magolor's tormented soul and convinced the Crown to give Magolor control of his body back. Magolor, trapped in a series of troubled and confusing hallucinations due to how horrific and constant the pain of having a large, wrathful tree feeding off of and growing inside him was, blindly used the crown's limitless power to create an actual theme park.
"Timeline-wise" I'd say once Elfilin and Adeleine started interacting more, Fecty probably said some off-handed remark to "the human girl" (ie: "...your eyes are the exact same color as that boy in hell...") that clued X-over Adeleine into the location/existence of her X-over brother and they had a big, tearful reunion and here we are!
(1) PS: "Hell" here is not full of demons and pitchforks, but it is uncomfortably *bright* (the sun is ever-burning and the sky goes through a cycle of golden hour-orange to fever-dream dark with shades of electric pink at night) and also, there is a larger than average amount of fire. A whole lake made of it, in fact!
>Why does Magolor have both eyes?
That was an accident on my part because I drew him from memory for the first Apologies x-over, forgetting he’s only supposed to have one eye due to still being half rooted to the crown.
I kept up with it after because, eh~ the souls are supposed to be healing slowly after "A Perfect Circle," so maybe his other eye came back on its own to show he’s reclaiming more of himself...?
(Kind wish I hadn’t made that mistake though because I was weirdly attached to one-eyed Mago Soul’s design. But he can’t just go and lose it again now for no reason. ^^)
Speaking of the first crossover and “continuity errors,” Noir wore his scarf more like an actual scarf in that one to dress in the style of the Hell branch (aka, a mix of alive and dead) but he is back to looking like regular Swordsman in “Again.” That was because I purposefully wanted the first image to fool people as to where/when this was happening, and also make it work as a legitimate visual introduction to the script portion of “Again.” Which it does, btw. That first page fairly accurately fits Noir’s experiences in DL3. ^^
I know it's shallow reasoning, but let's just go with it! If I ever return to the x-over plotline, I’ll try to indicate that properly by giving him the wrapped scarf again. ...While I’m being grilled on Hell-Branch Lore, I’m debating whether Max and Joronia are still around. I’m tempted to say “yes” and they are just healed like Magolor. (Mostly because I don’t have that many characters to work with and I think Max would be ALL IN on the “Hell is a Business Hotspot” storyline(?) we’re in.)
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animebw · 10 months ago
Okay, three episodes into Nijigasaki, I've pinned down what's going wrong. This is very clearly trying to be a break from what Love Live has been up until now; I guess they figured after two series that were very similar tonally, it was time for a shake-up, with someone other than Juuki Hanada in the writer's chair, even. And since School Idol Project and Sunshine were both bombastic farcical melodramas, they decided to go in the complete opposite direction and see what happens if you make Love Live... subdued? Realistic? Grounded? What if instead of going over the top, we instead went, I dunno, under the bottom, I guess?
Which, honestly? Not a bad idea in concept. Any series as long-running as this should be able to re-invent itself to keep from going stale, and as much as I enjoyed Sunshine, there was a definite feeling of Not Measuring Up to its very similar parent series. If Love Live just kept being that over and over again, it would very quickly lose its charm and become a hollow shell of past glories. So I support this effort to see what happens when you take things in a more naturalistic direction. We know what Love Live looks like when it's going big and operating, with huge emotions spilling across the pavement, but if Nijigasaki could push this franchise's emotional range into something a bit more contemplative and closer to reality, it would forever expand what this series is capable of for years to come.
The problem is, just shaking up your established formula isn't enough if you don't also execute the new formula well.
And hoo boy, is that not the case here.
See, it doesn't feel like the new writer carefully crafted a new kind of naturalism for Love Live to inhabit with Nijigasaki. It feels like he just took away all the bombast and melodrama that used to define it and then... didn't replace it with anything. He stripped this series down to its skeleton and walked off without building new muscles and skin upon the bones he laid bare, and the result is a fucking void of a show. It is painfully, agonizingly basic, in presentation, in dialogue, in pacing, in theming. Everything that used to make this show great is gone, and all that's left is boring conversations that overexplain every emotional beat and go on way too long, limp platitudes preached with all the conviction of a kid forced to go to Sunday school by their strict parents, and the most lifeless direction this franchise has ever had. Like, Jesus, I complained about Sunshine's direction, but that still had life and energy, you know? Not this completely flat pasteboard of boring shots edited together with no thought or passion (genuinely why the fuck did we skip the scene of the old idol club girls meeting Ayumu and Yu) and barely any actual animation outside the performances.
Like... naturalism is not a template, people! It's not the blank slate of writing upon which all other tones and genres are built! It's a complex, fully realized method of storytelling all on its own, and it requires just as much thought and effort as the more outlandish mode that Love Live usually operates in. You can't just take away what's made this series great and think what's left can stand on its own without putting in the effort to build something new on top of it! Especially since the few times it does try to carry over the series' madcap farcical energy, like with Kasumi, the direction is so incapable of living up to that energy that it just devolves into an embarrassing slog of painfully slow body movements set to cringe-inducing "wacky" music that only highlights how little wackiness can be found here. Doesn't help that it also carries on Sunshine's awkward music direction with BGM tracks ill-suited to the scene they're backing, further confusing any sense of tone... Christ.
I don't like not liking Love Live, guys.
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theclearblue · 4 days ago
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hi chen comign at you right after cfinshed ep 706 and my eyes hurt becuase ive cried i think 4 or 5 seperate times today from one piecea dn ive rubbed my eyes too much. good news first im over 700 episodes, i know what laws backstory is now. i think that all. heres some discord screen shots (i liveblogged my reactions to ness) to really highlight my thoughts on laws backstory episodes
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i think that gets the point across
I will probably send you a more coherent analysin and thoughts about law and doflamingo backstory and the paralles and all the things but right now my brain is SOUP and I am SAD. IF I HAD A NICKEL FOR EVERY CHARACRER I LOVED WHO I KNEW WOULD DIE ID HAVE 2 NICKELS AND I WANT TO STOP COLLECTING NICKELS CHEN. Fucking law he he went through so much an dhes so small he SO SMALL. His town his family his sister he had to climb through the bodies of people he probably knew to live and he calculated his own death using his dead fatehrs notes. He was jsut 10 he should be being a stupid littl ekid. And and when cora is crying over him chen i cried os much they mean so much to me. If law hadn't run into vergo if cora hadnt gotten so injured if a million different hadnt happened hed be here theyd be happy and itd be fine but itsnt and i like i dunno man oda really got me with this one which is wild becuase iw as spoiled for some of this but like HHHHHH. I am going to watch some nice fun youtube videos after this of i dunno cats playing or something this gave physical and emotinal distress Im going to be ill i dont even know if im writing coherently but like GOD man like what fuck its fucked upp.
This is really the only response I've seen to Corazon's backstory ever ha ha :') No literalllyyyyyy u already know but I was literally sobbing ugly crying if u will at this part so uhhhhhhh this being as coherent as it is is honestly very impressive aklfdjglsjgl
And it's like. It's fucking crazy they only knew each other for like half a year. But you understand why Law just imprints EVERYTHING with Corazon. His tattoos his clothes his ship HIS PIRATE CREW. The kind of love that they have for each other is so powerful and like that sounds so fuckin cheesy but it's true aflkjdgldgjl. Law would have ended up like Doflamingo if it wasn't for Cora, he would be dead if it wasn't for Cora, but he also gave so much to Cora by just existing and by loving each other AHHHHHHHH ok I'm good I'm cool everything's fine! And the fact Cora hung onto life long enough for his sound barrier to stay on Law so he could escape but also grieve in that moment. It's just. That gives you such chills.
One Piece had been going on for almost 20 years at this point. How the FUCK does Oda go above and beyond time and time again this far into a series. This series should have declined literally years ago and yet it just. Gets better all the time. Did you know I love One Piece haha guys I think I love One Piece
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