#a senstive topic if there ever was one
midnightinwales · 4 months
it makes me want to invent a time machine just to go back in time and scream at robert for not taking care of his voice even more than usual
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anilovie · 6 months
i feel like ani would give great back rubs :) do you have any thoughts on this topic??
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Yes yes yes I do!!
CW: just fluff
WC: 500
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I feel like his hand automatically goes to the nape of your neck if you're ever just chilling together. Like if you're watching something, or working on something, or even just laying in bed ready for sleep, his arm would go around you and find the back of your neck and just squeeze all gentle, over n over n over, slow and rhythmic. It's a bit of a possessive touch, but also relaxing cause he likes how your shoulders droop a little and you shiver if he scratches the base of your skull.
One day your neck just hurts extra bad for some reason, must have slept on it wrong or tweaked it somehow. So when he starts rubbing your neck that night, you turn to him and so seriously, say, "That feels really good, Anakin."
He's a bit taken aback because 1) you looked right in his eyes when you said it, 2) you used his full name, and 3) you're usually not so bold telling him how you feel.
It makes him laugh, all soft and breathy, and respond, "Yeah?"
"Uh-huh. Think I pulled a muscle or something, feels better when you do that though."
His brows furrow. "How'd you do that?"
"Dunno," your cheek is squished against his thigh, book propped up on his knee. You flip the page. "Probably slept on it weird or something."
"You do move around a lot. Swear you're trying to run away sometimes."
You turn and bite his leg through his pants.
"Violent," he murmurs, completely unbothered as his hand drifts to your shoulders. "Does it hurt right here?"
"Mhm. Everywhere," you breathe sleepily.
He answers with a hum and stows his datapad on the bedside table, grabbing his glove and buckling it over his arm so he can return both hands to your shoulders. You wince a little as he works out the knots, cheeks going a little hot at the slow, tender way he's touching you. It's strangely intimate, and you try not to move as he digs his thumbs into a particularly senstive spot.
"Relax. You're so tense," he tells you.
You decide to close your book and turn so that you're more draped over his lap, giving his hands more access to your back. He takes the invitation, rubbing circles down your spine, which oddly tickles.
"I said relax," he chastises as you squirm and giggle.
"Can't help it! Stop tickling me," your voice is muffled by the material of pants.
Rather than responding, he doubles his efforts working up and down your back, and once you're lulled into pliancy, he returns to your shoulders and neck.
You swear he's got magic hands. Every inch of your skin is covered in goosebumps, waves of pleasure making you shiver every time he squeezes and rubs your muscles just right. Somehow, he's doing a good job of keeping the pressure equal on both sides, despite one hand being flesh and the other metal. And he works the tensity out of your muscles like it's his personal mission, squeezing and rubbing and kneading with loving tenderness.
"Feel good, baby?" he murmurs after a while, and you can only manage a low noise.
"Yeah... feels a lot better, Ani. Gonna make me fall asleep."
You can picture him smiling down at you, gentling his touch as he returns to thumb at your nape, scratching your scalp in just the right way that makes you tremble with pleasure.
"Shoot," you nearly moan. "G'night."
You did warn him, but he's still surprised when your whole body goes limp a moment later, dead weight on his lap as you breathe deep and even.
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Anyways, I also think he does just rub your back up and down a lot, like if you're stressed or ill or just not feeling well in any way. Or if he’s stressed, he finds the rhythmic motion and feeling the curve of your back soothing under his palm.
He's the type to lead you around crowded places with a hand to the small of your back, and rest his hand between your shoulder blades to announce his presence when coming up behind you, and throw his arm over your shoulders to drag you into his chest all man-handley and possessive.
It's an innocent enough touch to grant in public, so yes. He loves to rub your back and he does it so good.
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thanks for the message ava!! 💖
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ravensliterature · 2 years
Mission Failed Successfully?
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A/N: Hehe I posted again
pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
warnings: Violence, description of wound
w/c: 2743
Prompt: You and Obi-Wan go on a mission but things don’t really go according to plan. Will you make it out in one piece? 
You did not want to go on this mission with Obi-Wan. It wasn't that you didn't like him, you actually did a lot. It could even be said that you liked your fellow Jedi too much to the point of concern. You had no idea if he felt the same way and you never were going to ask. You knew it was wrong and were content with his company. 
The mission was supposed to be simple enough. There were slavers Tatooine who were raiding villages and taking the villagers as slaves and captives. They were also apparently forced senstive according to some reports. Your job was to stop their activities and free the captives. 
Currently, you were on your ship sailing to Tatooine. The ship was on autopilot as you and Obi-Wan talked in the cockpit. 
"So what are you thinking about Y/N?" Obi asked, breaking the silence.
"Oh um nothing really," you replied awkwardly. Your face heating up. Damn Obi for being perceptive.
Obi looked at you skeptically and raised his eyebrows. "I think I know better."
Your cheeks grew hotter and you couldn't say anything else before Obi turned to look ahead again. Your hands clenched around your knees and your lips pursed together in annoyance and embarrassment. Obi would find out anyway since it was impossible to hide something from Obi. You hated when he did this. He would always figure out everything so it's better not to bother trying to keep secrets.
"You've been spacing out a lot lately, are you nervous about the mission?" He questioned. His eyes were still forward on the ship.
"No," you lied. Well, you weren't sure exactly what to say. Maybe you should tell him the truth? No that wouldn't make sense either, why lie now? You sighed defeatedly. "Fine fine," you groaned, looking down in defeat. "I guess my heart is beating really fast because of anxiety or something." That sounded believable enough to Obi.
"Do you have any problems you need help with, Y/N?" He asked, still not turning to look at you. You shook your head.
"No, but can we talk about something else?" You asked, your voice soft and barely above a whisper.
He glanced at you before returning his attention forward to the stars. "Sure, just don't feel pressured to speak about anything, Y/N." He assured. Your mouth slightly parted before you snapped it shut again. "What do you want to talk about?" He continued. He wanted to change the topic so he could get to know you more. 
"Uh well," you started. "Have you ever seen a holofilm called Love Actually?" You asked.
Obi laughed a little before replying. "Actually yes I have." This caused you to turn to look at him in surprise.
A few weeks ago during one of the missions, there was an incident in a cantina on Tatooine where a gang was fighting over the women in the bar. The weird thing is that he would not stop talking about an old holofilm called Love Actually. You an Obi-Wan after that mission vowed that you both needed to watch this film. 
"What did you think?"
" You asked. Obi shrugged before answering you.
"It's pretty good," he answered honestly.
"Really?" You exclaimed in disbelief. "I never pegged you as a Jedi interested in romance films!" 
"They're just a genre.  Besides, I'm quite fond of them." He explained while grinning. His smile seemed contagious and you found yourself smiling too. "There is something about them... They just make you wonder..." 
 He trailed off before shaking his head, dismissing his musings and wants. 
"Wonder what?" You pressed curiously.
"Nothing important, Y/N." He answered shortly.
"You're such a bad liar." You retorted playfully. Obi chuckled softly under his breath, a small smirk making its way onto his lips.
"You always can tell."  He stated before returning back to gazing at the stars. The silence lingered between the two of you and neither of you dared to break it. Eventually, Obi broke the silence by saying, "So you haven't watched it yet have you?"
You chuckled. "Not yet," you confessed. "But now I have to with your glowing review!" You joked. Obi glared playfully at you but eventually gave in a smile, laughing along with you. "Well if you're really that curious, we should watch it together sometime." You said matter of factly.
"Okay," Obi answered without hesitation.
You both joked and laughed discussing various movies that you decided you need to watch together. You ended up telling him all about your favorite movies and how you thought they were better than others. In exchange, he told you all about movies like Titanic which he enjoyed greatly. As usual, your conversation quickly drifted away from the film and towards each other.
"Can I ask you something?" You questioned hesitantly. You had a feeling that you'll regret asking, but this was Obi so you probably had to continue anyways.
"Hmm?" Obi hummed inquisitively, glancing up at you.
"Do you ever wonder about what life would be like if you weren't a Jedi? " You questioned quietly.
Obi looked surprised.
"Like what would your job be? Where would you live? Who would you be with?"
" You asked, knowing full well the answer. But you felt like you needed to hear him say it anyways.
Your breath caught in your throat when Obi looked at you, his eyes searching for something you did not know.  You waited patiently, hoping for a response.
"…I would have been very happy with someone like you." He answered quietly. It seemed like he was struggling to say it.
"Someone like me?" You repeated, your heart skipping a beat. Did you read him wrong?
"Yes. Someone… special."
His eyes searched yours for a sign of uncertainty or doubt. Finding none, he continued speaking. "For years you inspired me to do more as a Jedi. You helped to give me purpose." His words warmed your heart. Even though you knew he meant well, you still didn't feel like he fully realized the extent of his feelings toward you. "You showed me how wonderful living could be." He added before leaning in closer to you.
You closed your eyes and held your breath, unsure whether or not you should respond.
"But... We are Jedi." You were finally forced out.
You opened your eyes and saw Obi staring right at you, waiting for you to continue.
"We fight evil, we save people. We are nothing more than a soldier." You concluded. A tear slipped down your cheek as a single word echoed in your mind.
Silence loomed once again in the cockpit until you saw Tatooine in your sight.  
"This is it," you mumbled to yourself. 
You and Obi-Wan were on the perimeter of the town, seeing where your best advantage is. The slavers had all their captives huddle together guns pointing to their heads. They were also force sensitive so that was nice for you both. You had to be extra cautious. 
Obi took out his lightsaber, holding it against his palm as he approached a group of the men with his head tilted slightly upward. You followed behind closely, staying in the shadows and ready to attack when necessary.
Apparently, Obi-Wan was not as stealthy because when they saw him they immediately started firing. Obi ducked out of the way to avoid being hit by the bullets. He grabbed the captive closest to him, pulling them out of harm's way with him to safety. You went to attack the next target but Obi shot you a look, signaling you to stay put.
You stood where you were but didn't move. You watched as Obi ran up to another group of the slavers and fought them with ease. His movements looked natural. You wondered what kind of training he received to be this graceful.
As you observed the battle going on, you heard a loud scream coming from one of the captives, causing you to snap out of your observation.
You jumped forward, using your force push to jump over the bodies of the fallen slavers who tried to shoot you. Once you landed on the ground you scanned the area, desperately looking for the victim you came here for.
 When you saw her lying unconscious on the ground you instantly rushed over to her side. She was clearly injured judging by the large bleeding gash across her forehead and the dried blood caked across her face. You checked her pulse and breathing, relieved to find that they were both stable although weak. 
You crouched beside her body as you reached into your belt pocket for some bandages and disinfectant. You used the disinfectant on the wound first and then proceeded to wrap some medical tape around her arms to protect them from further damage. She should be fine for now. 
You quickly looked around to survey the area and saw that there were about five slavers left and that they were surrounding Obi-Wan.
 You gritted your teeth and pulled out your lightsaber, trying to save Obi-Wan from the remaining slavers.  You charged at one and slashed him across his abdomen, earning you a cry of pain from the man. When he fell to the ground, the rest of the men started shooting at you.
You dodged every bullet that flew by and slashed and cut at whoever was nearest to you.
That was until you felt a main in your abdomen. With a yell of pain, you fell to the ground with your saber clutched in your hand. Before anyone else got close to you, you ignited your blade and cut through the attacker. 
Obi-Wan rushed to your side and tried to support you but your feet were beginning to fail to keep you up.  You grunted loudly as you tried to stand upright once again. Your breathing was heavy, and beads of sweat began forming on your brow.
"Y/N..." Obi whispered worriedly. You smiled at your friend despite your current condition.
"Don't worry; I've fine." You reassured him. 
"Well, you don't look fine," Obi stated while examining your injury. He glanced at one of his fallen enemies and kicked him harshly in the stomach. After kicking him once again for good measure, he turned his attention back to you. "Let's get you back to the ship. Can you stay conscious for me?"
You nodded. He picked you up bridal style with little effort and carried you towards the ship. He sat down on one of the medical tables in the small medical room. You winced slightly when Obi touched the gash on your abdomen, causing you to wince even more. The laser caused the wound to cauterize but it was deep. Very deep. 
"I'm calling for the medic bot, okay?" He said while caressing your cheek gently with his thumb. Your gaze flickered over to him, a gentle smile tugging at the corner of your lips.
"Yeah." You breathed. He placed a tender kiss on your forehead.
"You remember the movie Love Actually?" You asked but your voice was rough. 
He chuckled lightly as he recalled the holofilm. "Of course I do."
You grinned, your eyes crinkling at the edges, and his heart melted at that moment.
"Promise me that we will watch it. If not now, somewhere else."  You requested. He smiled softly.
"If that is your wish then I'll grant it." He hated saying stuff like that. You were going to be fine.  You couldn't die. He wouldn't let you. There was no way. Not after everything that happened.
Your eyelids began to start to feel heavy.  You leaned against him with a sigh of relief. You wanted to tell him that you loved him. That you always will love him. To tell him that you loved him. But you weren't sure if you were strong enough to make that statement yet. Right now you just wanted to sleep.
"Hey, you gotta keep those eyes open for me, Y/N,"   Obi spoke softly, a sad smile plastered onto his face. Your heart swelled at his words as he brushed his thumbs over your cheeks comfortingly.  "Please."
The last thing you remembered before you passed out was the sound of Obi's soft voice telling you to hold on.
It was definitely too bright. You groaned loudly when you awoke to the blinding light above you. Everything hurt. Your whole body ached. And even more, your abdomen hurt. The only thought that came to mind was that the last thing you remembered was getting shot and then passing out. You opened your eyes slowly and blinked a few times. The brightness of the lights made you grimace and squeeze your eyes shut again.
Suddenly you heard voices, muffled and unfamiliar. Opening your eyes again, you squinted to see if the light would help but you still could barely see anything due to how blurry it was.
"How is she?" A familiar voice asked.
"She'll be fine, Obi-Wan. She just needs some rest." 
"Fine? She's been unconscious for three days!" 
"Again, she just needs rest. I'll check on her again to see if her vitals change but she will recover completely." 
The door could be heard opening with swift footsteps slowly becoming further and further away. You thought that they had both left until some of the footsteps appeared to be coming closer to you.
A warm touch rested on top of your hand. You blinked once to try and focus on your vision.  As soon as your eyes were able to focus, you saw two blue orbs staring back at you. 
"Obi." You choked out, reaching up to cup his face. You pulled him down to lean your foreheads against each other.
You closed your eyes, taking a shuddering breath. You missed his warmth.
"Are you alright?" His voice was laced with concern and his eyes searched yours intensely.
"I'm...fine...Just..." You trailed off, clearing your throat. You opened your mouth to speak again but paused, he was very close.  You closed your eyes again, leaning your forehead against his and enjoying his presence. You inhaled his intoxicating scent deeply, trying to memorize every detail.
You slowly lifted your head and gave him a sweet smile. "Thank you. For saving my life. I...wasn't sure that I was going make it..."
His expression softened at your words. "You're safe now."
You shook your head and sighed tiredly. "Obi-Wan, I was so scared... I need to tell you something..."
His eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "Y/N, Tell me what?"
You began to glance at his lips. 
"Obi..." You trailed off before placing your fingers lightly on his jawline, closing the gap between you, and pressed your lips to his softly. 
You knew exactly what your decision meant. You were hoping that he would return your feelings.
However, Obi wasn't moving at all as he continued to stare at you. He had frozen completely in place as he watched your lips on his. This didn't mean that he didn't want this, he did. It was just that he was shocked. 
"Y/N, you do know what this means. We are Jedi. If we do this..."  He trailed off as he swallowed nervously.
You nodded slowly, knowing exactly where he was going with this.
"I want to. I want to live I life that I know when I die, I can say it was worth it."  You said, gazing intently into his eyes.
Obi gazed down at you, studying your beautiful features closely. He noticed that your pupils were dilated and your skin was glowing faintly with health and strength that he was scared wouldn't come back.
"If we get found out, we'll have to leave the order."  He stated firmly.  
"For you, it is a risk I am willing to take." You replied. His face lit up at your words and he leaned down to place a small kiss on your forehead.  You felt the tingle in your chest that accompanied the feeling.
"Then I shall follow your lead, Y/N.  Together we shall bring balance to the Force."
You leaned up to capture his lips again, savoring the taste of him. He reciprocated immediately as the kiss deepened.
Eventually, you broke apart, resting your hands on his shoulders as he cupped your face with his hands.
"What now?" You questioned.
"Now...let's go home."
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bluiex · 2 years
😬 I’m kinda cringing at that one ask that said Grian could be trans and produce an heir for Scar like 🤢🤮 eww that is gross and honestly, kinda transphobic thinking like ?????? Wtf no. I am ftm trans and if anyone said that about me I would absolutely hate it
Your feelings toward what was said is completely valid! I'm so sorry that it made you uncomfortable! I will make sure to keep certain stuff like that tagged, so if you want you can block the tag "trans pregnancy" if it is ever mentioned again! Again I'm super sorry! I know that FTM pregnancy stuff is a sensitive subject for a lot of trans people. and I know that some people are totally fine with it, some people are not. The wording of what was said could have been said differently given the circumstance.
I'm not going to breach this topic further than this ask simply because I am not trans myself. I have no say in what is or isn't cool to say or do with the trans head canons. (If you feel so inclined to educate me if I say anything wrong here, send me an ask- I will read it, and I thank you for informing, i do not wish to upset anybody.)
I personally don't think it is transphobic, it was not said or thought of with ill intent to the trans community, therefore not really transphobic. That said. THIS IS A VERY SENSTIVE SUBJECT AND CAN WE KEEP THIS TO JUST THIS ASK PLEASE. I am only sharing this because we're giving our silly block men, silly little ideas and head canons. Do not take anything said to heart.
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liaromancewriter · 2 years
Did Ethan and Cassie ever go to couples counseling/therapy for any reason(s)? How about Max and Sienna?
Thank you for this ask! It's a senstive topic and I hope I did it justice.
Ethan & Cassie:
Ethan and Cassie haven't been to couples therapy as they're both very good at talking to each other. It took practice, especially after Louise, but they were both committed to making it work.
Cassie went to therapy after the poison attack. She also has a degree in Psychology, and had once considered that as a career. So understands the benefits of therapy. Cassie can be incredibly patient, and she knew that recriminations wasn't the way to go with Ethan. It was hard for him at first, but he let her in because he could be vulnerable with her. And she never made him feel like he was being judged.
I hc that Ethan has been to therapy a few times since Louise came back into his life. In my fic, Too Late for Regrets, he and Cassie discuss therapy briefly as part of Louise's treatment. These events led him to start seeing someone professional for a time, to come to grips with his feelings.
He starts therapy again when Louise relapses again a year or so later. That helps him finally understand that he's not to blame for her actions, but is responsible for how it affects his life. And he cuts Louise off. Cassie participated in some of those sessions, and that helped immensely because she was his support system outside those sessions.
I see Ethan as someone that tries to handle things on his own, but eventually he starts to recognize the signs when he needs help. Sometimes it's just about talking things through with Cassie, and other times with someone professional. He would much rather talk with Cassie though; this is especially when he starts spiralling due to impending fatherhood.
Max & Sienna:
They haven't attended couples therapy and never felt the need to. The core of their relationship is their deep and abiding friendship. Even before things changed between them, they could share a more private part of themselves with each other. They've always been comfortable talking things out, including disagreements.
When they came together as a couple, one of the promises they made to each other was that they would always be friends: open and honest no matter the situation. And they've abided by that. It's what makes them stronger together. The one time they didn't, they both felt the impact and renewed their promise to each other.
Max had broached the idea of therapy for Sienna, particularly after his accident. He felt that Sienna needed to talk to someone professional about the losses she suffered: Danny, her patients, etc.
She resisted for a while, but when she was pregnant with Noah she made the decision to try it. She didn't want her issues to affect her family. She found that it did help her come to grips with everything she went through during residency and especially after the poison attack.
Character Asks: @jerzwriter @coffeeheartaddict2 @quixoticdreamer16 @dorisz @lucy-268 @queencarb @crazy-loca-blog @peonierose @openheartforeverinmyheart @bluebelle08
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Hey we all know bakugou’s a little shit aslways messing with his s/o, but what do you think would happen if they took it personally? You think he could ever be compatible with someone more sensitive?
eee so on the topic of what happens when his s/o takes it personally,, tbh i think he’d apologize. eventually. after a long time
the relationship’s only ever gonna survive if u weren’t that mad in the first place tho, bc his apology isn’t great. it never is. but if ur content by just seeing him recognize that he crossed a line, instead of still being rlly hurt, then y’all will be just fine
on the topic of having a senstive s/o tho
..... um,, complete full honesty??? he probably wouldn’t. or if at all, not at least until a lot later in life. he’d need to do a bunch of growing up first
and tbh i just don’t see him as someone who could ever be that soft?? like, even after growing up a bit,, i still see him as somebody who would 10/10 times choose playfully bickering with his s/o over any sort of loving pillow talk.
plus, i also just don’t rlly think he’d want to change that much for anybody. like,, one of the most defining things about him is how confident he is in his own skin,,, so i rlly don’t see him sticking around for somebody he would have to change so much for. like, bakugou isn’t dumb, he knows full well that he’s a forest fire in the middle of a tornado,, but the concept of trying to put out his own flames for somebody else would just seem insulting to him. i cant rlly see him ever doing it
and like, idk,, ik there’s the whole opposites attract thing, but i just dont see bakugou as ever rlly being a guy that you could ‘calm down’. like, his anger/passion is an integral part of him that is pretty much un-negotiable and unavoidable. with him i feel like he’d respond much better to a “you wanna try that again? bc i’ll be just as mean” from his s/o than a “relax, it’s just me” spiel.
oo and respect is a big thing for him,,, u cannot tell me that if you looked at him and said “calm down” n tried to touch his arm/hug him while he was mad, he wouldn’t just blow up further. he would. he’d be offended and see ur actions as patronizing even if they’re actually caring. he’ll only relent if you step to him instead of expecting him to bow to you. so u def need to have thick skin/a pretty sturdy backbone for that.
that being said,, he 100% would recognize quiet strength!!! like, he’d be totally compatable with someone who’s less combative/reactive, but that’s entirely different from being sensitive. i just rlly can’t see him doing well with somebody who’s super sensitive
tysm for the ask!!! i love answering them sm
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xmalereader · 4 years
Kylo Ren X Modern! Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Summary: Reader lives on earth and is force senstive. Kylo Ren lives far away from earth and doesn’t know how to get there, the two communicate through a force bond and get to know each other.
Warning: Fluff, singing, light sabers, Pets, history learning.
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“What’s it like?”
“What’s what like?
“The galaxy?”
“It’s a large place to rule.”
The other snorts and rolls his eyes. He was laying on the grass with his back to it, staring up at the clouds with a small smile while Kylo Ren sat next to him. Now he wasn’t exactly there In person, he was mainly in his head but he could see him. Ever since he was a child he had this strange ability that he had kept hidden from his parents he didn’t want them to freak out and send him away to some strange place, so as he grew and matured he find out ways to keep it in control on his own.
During those years he started hearing a voice, suddenly calling out to him. It didn’t take him long to notice Kylo the first few couple of times that he visited, the two grew fond of each other and spoke everyday whenever y/n was Available. He would sometimes go outside, far away from home and lay on a grassy field as he spoke to Kylo, he didn’t want his parents to think that he was talking to hismelf in a weird manner if he were to do it at home. So instead he did it far away in an open field where he could see someone coming to him.
The two learned about each other’s history and how Kylo Ren wasn’t anywhere located on earth, instead he lived far away into space. Galaxies and galaxies away from earth where no other human being could reach. Kylo also learned about y/n’s world and how cruel it was but also how beautiful it was at the right moments.
“Come on, give me details!” Y/n sat up and sits cross legged in front of Kylo, smiling widely. Kylo would stare at his expression and sigh, adjusting his own sitting position as he began to explain the galaxy to y/n.
“Like I said it’s big, bigger than anyone can imagine.” He began to say as y/n bites his lip and listens. “How far have earthlings gone into space?” He suddenly asks as y/n sighs. “The farthest that we’ve gotten would be up to mars but nothing else from there.” He shrugs.
Kylo hums. “The galaxy is bigger than what your people know, I’ve been to several plants and there are many life forms too. Different kinds of species live in different planets and they each have their own purpose. There are some plants that are just peaceful and others dangerous; some are full of rich and snotty people while other contain the poor.”
Y/n at frowns at that, it all sounded unfair to him. How each planet was titled that way but it also brought him curiosity of wanting to learn more. “Is there one full of green trees and grass?” He mumbled shyly as he curls his legs up to his chest and smiled as Kylo chuckled and nods. “There is, but the most beautiful one would have to be Naboo.”
“Naboo?” Y/n tilts his head to the side and laughs. “Screw that I want to go see that planet full of green life form!!” He says and laughs out loudly. Kylo shakes his head as he watched the others excitement, “Maybe one day we can go. That’s if I’ll ever be able to locate your planet.” His smile slowly falls. “Wherever you are, I’ll find you and take you away from this place.”
Y/n grins at him. “You make it sound like your my knight in shinning armor.” He teases and reached up to poke at kylos cheek with his index finger. A childish manner that he still contained. Even though Kylo wasn’t there physically they still had the ability to touch for short periods of time which he sometimes enjoyed.
The two turn around to see y/n’s mother approaching him, a glare on her face as the other male groans and stands up. “What is it this time?” He asks as he dusts off the dead dry grass that stuck to his pants, Kylo stood next to him as he examined his bonds mother.
“Titus won’t stop screaming and your father and I are leaving, we don’t want him to be alone and cause havoc.” She says.
Titus was y/n’s Fox, he rescued him from a fire and took care of him until he healed up. He tried to relase him back into the wild but Titus refused and stayed next to y/n’s side causing him to move out into the country side where Titus could roam freely. He wasn’t exactly a pet but a roommate.
“Thanks mom, hope you and dad drive back home safe.” Y/n had given his mother a kiss on the head as he escorts her towards the car. His father waiting for his wife and son.
Y/n got along well with his mother but him and his father had some issues. When he first came out to his parents he had his mother’s full support but of course his father loathed him, he’s forced him into dating women before but y/n always refused the dates causing a huge fight to break off between the two. Their was shouting and hitting which caused y/n to move out in an early age, he lived with his friends parents for a short period of time until he finally found a place of his own and moved away from the city.
He was happy now, and having this new ability that Kylo called “the force” only brought him closer to happiness. With Kylo around he laughs able to learn so many new things that not many people knew.
“Dad.” Y/n says softly as he gets a small nod and huff in return before his father gets inside the car. Slamming the door shut as his mother frowns at her own husband. Y/n was used to this treatment so it didn’t affect him at all.
“Nice family.” He hears Kylo say.
“Not really.” The other responds back and makes his way inside the house to see Titus sitting on the couch, licking his muzzle as he looks out the window. “Hello little one.” He cooed out and gently pats his head and turns to the kitchen to see a huge mess. “I’m guessing that you caused this mess to drive my parents away, huh?” He questions.
The Adult fox lets out a small squeak, answering his question as y/n laughs and began to clean up the mess. He noticed that Kylo had disappeared which meant that he had cut off their force timing together which gave y/n some alone time to clean his own mess and blast some music. Mouthing the words to the songs he sweeps up the kitchen and counters, making sure that everything was inside a trash bag and thrown out immediately before Titus would dig through it and cause another mess.
Washing his hands he grabs a dry rag to dry them off. He sighs deeply and checks the time, Y/n usually worked during during the mornings but since his parents were visiting he had to change his timing and come in at a later time. “Okay Titus, I’m going out so don’t cause any trouble and please stay out of the kitchen.” He tells the fox and bends down to scratch it under its chin. It purrs softly and nuzzled his hand which amused him a little since Titus usually avoided afffection.
“Tell me more about earth.”
He suddenly hears kylo say as he stands behind him, y/n was working a late night shift at work. He was working at a bar and usually worked as a bartender but since it was the last night shift he was in charge of counting up the bottles of alcohol and making sure that they have enough for the next day.
“You really like scaring me don’t you?” He raised a brow and laughs.
Kylo leans agaisnt the wall as he watched y/n wpork, “Maybe.”
He held a clipboard and wrote down the different bottles that they had left. “What do you want know about earth? There isnt much about it.” He answers back and sighs, glancing over to kylo as he thinks of a topic or a question about y/n’s kind. “Your people, what are they like?”
“That depends really.” Y/n bends down to move some things around. “Everyone is different here, some are mean other are happy while some wish the world would just burn and get it over with.”
“I can do that—“
“You aren’t blowing it up.” Y/n glares at him while kylo smirked at him evilly which only caused y/n to chuckle a little. He’s learned a thing or two about the first order and what they do. He didnt like the idea of Kylo blowing up planets full of innocent people and proving a point that he was powerful than others. He remembers telling kylo that what he was doing wasn’t right but yet again, it wasn’t his problem. This is how Kylo’s world worked and he had his own to worry about.
“Earth has done nothing do you and your people Kylo so if I notice you try and blow up this planet then I wont hesitate to kill you myself.” He half joked out before standing up from his postion.
“anything else you want to know?”
“No, I think I’m fine for now.” Said kylo, he reached out to gently brush his fingers against y/n’s cheek. Smiling a little as he speaks, “I can’t destroy it if you’re still on it.” He whispered out as y/n blushed deeply and looks away. “Cheesy.” He mumbled out and chuckled, once kylo removed his hand from his cheek and lowered it back down.
“You and I have a bond y/n, the force brought me to you...I still don’t know why.” He finally says. Y/n’s lips press together into a thin line as he looks down a little, “I wish I knew too.”
“You can’t do that!!”
“Why not?”
The two force users were dueling, kylo had given y/n his own light saber awhile back during their first few times together. Y/n has practice to use it on his own, learning a few tricks here and there. Every time they practice it felt like kylo was actually here, he could feel their sabers clash against each other, feeling the force vibrate between the two as they fought. Right now y/n was winning the duel, smirking at kylo.
When the two were fighting he managed to brush his hand against Kylo’s whiched caused him to lose concentration and get pinned down by y/n. Kylo didn’t hate y/n’s touch he just couldn’t function well whenever they other made physical contact, which caused him to get angry. Y/n wasnt afraid of Kylo’s anger anymore since he’s gotten used to it, he actually found it adorable each time he got anger.
“you make me lose focus!!”
Kylo growls and charged towards y/n, swinging his saber as y/n used his own to block it. Grunting as he steps forward to back him up, he could feel kylo adding more strength into his hold which causes y/n to panic, darting his eyes around he looks down at Kylo’s legs and reacts quickly. He gave a harsh shove and crouched down to swing his leg on Kylo’s, causing him to fall back and grunt in pain.
“Oh god.” Y/n mumbled out and turns off his saber as he approached Kylo. “Kylo? Are you okay? I’m sorry I didnt mean to do that, you just suddenly acted and I just did what my instincts were suddenly telling me and I—“
Kylo sits up and rubs the back of his head, he landed pretty hard on his back but his head had also made contact with the ground. But it wasnt bad enough to knock him out. He was impressed by the others tactics, usually he would fight with his saber since it made him stronger but of course y/n was different. He was stilll learning on how to use his own saber and the only way to defend himself is by using the rest of hsi body parts, just like he did with kylo. He had swung his leg hard enough to knock down kylo, maybe bruising him a little.
“Its fine.” Kylo suddenly blurts out as y/n stares at him in shock. The last time he was this nice was around the first few days they met but after that he went back to his cold self which y/n was okay with. “You sure?” He asks again and tries to help him up. Kylo reached up to take y/n’s hand but gasps as it suddenly went through, heh looks up to see y/n with wide eyes. Usually they are able to touch but somehow it wasn’t allowing them now.
Y/n looks at kylo and bites his lip. “What’s happening?” He suddenly asks.
Kylo reaches out again to try and grab him again bit fails too, his eyes widen as he noticed y/n slowly fading away from him. “Y/n!” He shouts, “Kylo!” He hears y/n and watches him disappear. Kylo pants heavily as he tries to connect back to him but doesn’t feel anything, he can’t feel y/n’s force not anymore.
Rage suddenly fills kylo as he throws his saber agaisnt the training room wall, storming out he passes by several stormtroopers and generals until he reaches the bridge. “I need a course to earth, now!” He shouts at the others and sees Hux approaching him. “Ren, earth is not in our system. Its not found anywhere.”
Kylo stands in front of Hux and hissed out. “Find us a way to get there.” His once was full of venom as he storms out of the bridge. “I want a report back on earth.” He adds once he leaves.
Y/n couldn’t feel kylo anymore, he was panicking and was trying hard not to break down. He clips his saber back onto his belt and begins to head back home, maybe he can try and mediate like Kylo taught him, try and relax. He nods to hismelf at the reminder, entering his home he sets the saber on the couch and sits in the middle of the living room, sitting Indian style as he tries to concentrate. He closes his eyes and lets out a deep breath that he was suddenly holding in. He’s trying to reach Kylo but nothing seems to appear which causes panic to rise in y/n.
His eyes snap open as he pants and slowly stands up. “Why can’t I reach you?” He whispered out and turns to Titus who was able to sense his emotions, walking over to him as he cuddled up his side. Y/n wraps his arms around the fox and gently ran its fingers through his fur as he tries to keep himself calm. “It’ll be okay, he’s gonna come back right?” He questions hismelf and pulls away from the animal in front of him.
He stares at the animal for a few seconds, hoping to get a response but of course he got nothing in return. Biting his lip nervously he leans his head against Titus forehead and breaths softly. “Kylo...” he whispered out in hopes of him hearing.
A familiar faint voice was heard as y/n gasps and looks up. “Kylo?” He says again and looks around his room. Not spotting Kylo anywhere. “Kylo?” He Said again and began to circle around the room in panic, he couldn’t hear him anymore and he was scared.
He feels a sudden like feather touch against his hand, gasping he pulls his hand away from whatever was touching him and looks around. He grips his hand close and feels the earth moving, was their an earthquake?!
Y/n stands back on his feet and looks out the window, expecting to see the trees shaking and the sky becoming cloudy but he doesn’t see any of that, instead he sees a large ship landing close to his house. He steps away from the window and quickly grabs his own lightsaber, he makes sure that Titus was inside before he steps out into his balcony. “Stay inside.” He instructs the creature as he hears it growl behind him. Titus was growling at the stranger that was approaching them, Y/n glanced over to Titus before turning his gaze back to the ship to see a dark figure approaching them.
Without thinking y/n turns on his light saber, glaring at the man that was approaching them. He felt something dark in the stranger but also light at the same time. As he moves closer towards the field he squints his eyes to try and get a better look.
Y/n grips the light saber closer, his eyes widen as he sees Kylo approaching him. He didnt know how to react or what to do so instead he stared at him, gaped that he was seeing him in the flesh. He didnt know if he was dreaming or not. “Kylo, is this real? Are you really here?” He whispers and turns off his saber.
Kylo was standing in front of Y/n, he looked a little taller everytime they used the force to connect but now that he was here in person he noticed that he was actually a bit shorter than he expected. Hearing y/n ask that question he frowns, “Of course I’m here.” He reached out to take his hand into his letting him feel his hand as y/n takes it all in. Y/n holds Kylo’s hand and shakes his head, “I thought you couldn’t locate earth?”
“I forced my people to search for you—once our connection broke I panicked.” he admits and looks away from y/n. “I did too.” He hears Y/n say with a small sad smile. Kylo couldn’t help but chuckle as he pulls y/n into a hug who quickly wraps his arms around him. The two remained hugging for a while, taking in everything.
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tododorkies · 6 years
What Happened to Touya? 1st Idea
Idea #1: Todoroki Touya Attempted (and Failed) Suicide
I don’t get into anything senstive until under the cut, so you’re safe to read the point summary if this is a topic that bothers you.
Probably not a unique idea, but I still wanted to share my thoughts on the theory. With that, I’m going to bullet point the key points we have surronding Touya and Dabi.
None of the Todorokis have outwardly expressed that they recognize Dabi as their brother
Natsuo has just dropped the name of the eldest Todoroki child, Touya
He said “and Touya…” in the Korean version, and “what happened to Touya…” in the MS version, alluding to something specifically happening to Touya
We have yet to meet Touya or even seen his face- in every memory of him we have seen, his face is hidden
Dabi’s body is covered in burn-like scars and surgical staples
Shouto was very separated from the rest of his siblings. More separate than we may have though- Natsuo didn’t even know his favorite food.
Touya is one of the children in the following picture- probably the smallest one who’s face we can’t see. It can be assumed that these are the left behind children, AKA Touya was also left behind.
Tumblr media
Due to the nature of this idea’s subject in particular, the rest will be under the cut.
Idea #1: Todoroki Touya Attempted (and Failed) Suicide Point Summary
There are dozens of reasons and feelings that may have resulted in this based on what we know of the Todoroki family
I will explain this more in my 2nd idea, but Touya is very thin and frail compared to his siblings, perhaps making him feel even more useless
He most likely did so via burning himself alive with his own quirk. This could explain the symmetrical location of Dabi’s scarring and the potential reference to them resembling Endeavor’s flames
The Todoroki family believes Touya was successful
This is why they don’t connect the dots between Dabi and Touya- they think Touya is dead
I know people argue them not recognizing him is fine because of appearance change, but I really think there is more to it than that
Natsuo never explicitly states what happened to Touya. “Mothers screams, Shouto’s crying, and Touya...”
What ever happened seems to be something that no one wants to actually address
My issue with this idea? Shouto does not seem to pay much attention to the mention of Touya. It doesn’t look like Shouto holds Endeavor accountable for whatever happened, unlike his feelings towards his mother- he holds Endeavor responsible for everything. If Touya was dead because of something that Endeavor did, why does Shouto show little of a reaction and never mention it when explaining his hatred for his father? Some ideas in defense against this would be…
It happened when Shouto was very young
Endeavor may have controlled the flow of information to Shouto and kept this detail from him
He had no contact with his other siblings; Horikoshi made a point to let us all know that with the favorite food mention
It would affect his training progress
Shouto already had the trauma of being scalded by his mother and then separated from her
Endeavor said something after the burn incident that this time was vital for Shouto’s development
Or, perhaps Shouto’s only real concern is his mother
I don’t recall him showing much if any hatred towards Endeavor for neglecting his siblings despite how much it clearly did hurt them
Or, perhaps he knew Touya so poorly due to the age gap and separation, he didn’t have enough knowledge to blame it on Endeavor
Some other reason
Also a side note: I don’t think this concept is too dark for Jump. Death Note was in SJ, as well as series like The Promised Neverland. This is borderline, but it has been seen in Jump series before. 
This is just one idea of several I hope to get to. It’s a little shaky, but I thought it was worth posting. I’ll try to post another one in the next few days. Thanks for reading!
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notyobabygirl · 2 years
hi gorgeous! 💘 have you ever gone to a therapist before? (if that’s too personal to answer no worries!) but i never in my life thought i’d feel the need for therapy- i had a really good childhood, i have a great family, nothing traumatic had ever happened to me before, and i never had any mental health concerns… up until the last year. so the other day i started looking at therapists in my area and i have no clue where to start or how to pick one. they all have little bios and say what they specialize in, but i feel like that’s not enough for me to pick who do dump all my trauma onto lol. especially with how much therapy can cost, i don’t want to waste a ton of money trying out different ones. but ik that might be inevitable if i want to end up with someone i connect with and feel completely comfortable opening up to. because i’ve never really talked to anyone about what i’ve been going through recently, so i know it will be really emotional and hard for me. especially since i’m still very close and living through the main thing that has caused me so much trauma and is the main reason my mental health has plummeted so bad lately. because in 2019 i was the happiest and healthiest i’ve ever been, like i was at the best point in my life. and rn i’d say i am definitely at my lowest dealing with things i never have before and it’s changed who i am completely (in a bad way). so yeah if you have ever seen someone and have any tips on how to pick the right one or how to open up to strangers easier please help a girl out!! thank you! and thank you for everything you do for your followers💘
hi love!! yes i have gone to therapy before and about to start again! i know its a senstive topic and some people dont like talking about it but if you know any of your friends that go to therapy then ask them for recs. it seems a little silly asking people for therapists recs but thats how i found mine! if you dont want to do that or know anyone to ask then do intense research. see if you can find reviews, what they specialize in, how they operate, call them and see if you can do a test run maybe and see if you are a good candiate for that therapist. opening up to a stranger can be hard but i also think its liberating. they are a complete stranger who wont judge you and will only help you with professional advice, i look at that being amazing! also want to say im so extremely proud of you for going to therapy!!! therapy will only help you in the end <333 love you so much!
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madelinecoffee · 7 years
The Right People: Ch. 1
Summary: Its Junior Year of college and after the break-up with her ex-girlfriend Riley Matthews wants to focus on school and her friends, most especially her new friendship with Lucas. She’s hoping that with the right people this year will be a great one.  Fancast: x A/N: This is a bisexual Riley Matthews, so if you don’t like that you don't have to read. This will deal with topics and instances of emotional abuse(TW) so if you are senstive to that proceed with causation. But I am very excited to write this story! I don’t know where it will lead, but I hope you enjoy it none the less. If you want to be tagged in future posts let me know and let me know your tag. ENJOY!  Word Count: 2,205
Lucas and Zay were excited to be back on campus for their junior year. The two had spent the summer in Texas where they grew up and well they had fun with their friends from high school they were dying to see the tight group they had created last year once again. They had already seen Farkle briefly when they moved in but where anxious to see the rest. They had all agreed to meet at the local café on campus to catch up before classes the next day.
Lucas had met Farkle in a science class of his and had enjoyed the genius’ wit. Zay had met Maya in an art class and the two had it off as art friends. It wasn’t long before they were all hanging out in a group that also included Farkle’s girlfriend Isadora Smackle. The one person that was missing from their group almost always was Riley. Zay had met her once, but then she had to leave to go see her girlfriend and he didn’t get to talk to her much. Zay and Lucas knew that no one liked Riley’s girlfriend, they often talked about how she didn’t treat Riley right. But Riley saw the good in her and stayed. Despite this the others assured the boys they would love Riley.  Lucas especially, Maya just felt they had a lot in common personality wise.
The boys found their four friends at a booth. Giving hugs all around. Lucas was the first to ask about Riley, he had really been looking forward to meeting her.
“Hey guys isn’t Riley supposed to be here? I was looking forward to meeting her, she isn’t hanging out with her girlfriend right?” That was the usual reason Riley gave for not being able to meet up with them, but he immediately regretted asking that way when he was the fire in Maya’s eyes.
“She better not be anywhere near that awful bitch. God.” Maya shook her head and softened her look at Lucas, “They broke up over the summer for not the best reasons. It’s Riley’s story to tell, but lets just say her girlfriend did a real number on her. So if she’s not the bright sunshine we told you about, that’s why. She’s here I promise she just had…a moment and went to the bathroom. Look there she is now!” Maya waved over at one of the prettiest girls Lucas had ever seen. She had long legs and a shy expression on her soft face. Her brown hair was just above her shoulders with the ends of it dyed purple. She sat in between Maya and Lucas offering him her hand with a small smile.
“Hi, I’m assuming you’re Lucas. I’m Riley. I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you got here, its really my fault I-“ She was cut off by Maya who gave her a firm “Honey.” With a hard look and Riley quickly quit her ramble.
“It’s really nice to meet you Riley. I really like your hair.” He commented, he couldn’t help but want to reach out and touch it but he thought that might be weird.
“Really? You like it?” Riley asked surprise evident in her tone, “Maya helped me dye it. I’ve wanted to dye it and cut it for a while but Paula said I wasn’t allowed to.” Riley replied with a shrug
“Who’s Paula?” Lucas asked with a frown, he didn’t think anyone should be telling Riley what to do with her appearance.
“Oh….my ex-girlfriend.” Riley answered softly
“You mean the devil?” Maya asked earning a look from Riley, who gave it to her right back. “Paula was a royal bitch Honey. I’m going to keep saying it until you understand that.”
“She wasn’t that bad. I mean like I could do any better than her anyway. She was right about that.” Riley replied
“JAR!” Maya, Smackle and Farkle shouted at Riley. Riley sighed as she pulled her backpack onto the table. Lucas noticed a variety of buttons on it but before he could get a good look she opened it to pull out a little mason jar with scraps of paper.
As she did this Farkle spoke up, “Since Riley will be spending more time with us all, you guys should know about the jar. Whenever she says something self-depreciating about herself she has to counter it with the jar. We all wrote good things about her, we take turns reading it to her.”
“Its to build her back up when she tears herself down. Much like when building a house you must go brick by brick. We go phrase by phrase.” Smackle tacked on.
Riley sighed, “Who’s turn is it this time?”
“I can read it Sugar if you want.” Zay offered, Riley nodded and handed him the paper
“ From Maya, you’re the best person I know. Let the Rileytown flag wave.” Zay read. Lucas noticed an obvious cringe at the term “Rileytown” from Riley.
He changed the subject, “So what did y’all do this summer?”
“Really Huckleberry? Y’all?” Maya asked with a teasing tone.
The conversation continued on like normal. The group all shared classes they had and it turned out Riley and Lucas had English together. They made plans to walk to class together the next day. Lucas couldn’t help but get caught up in the brunette’s eyes when they talked. At one point Riley excused herself to go back to her dorm, she was rooming with Maya and Smackle this year. Farkle and Smackle were leaving too, so they told Riley they’d walk her. Smackle was going back to Farkle’s place. He, Lucas and Zay lived together as well.
“Peaches you stay, I’m just going to take a nap anyway.” She gave Maya a hug and waved goodbye to everyone. Lucas watched her go with a saddened expression; he wanted to keep talking to her. She seemed sad, he couldn’t help but want to make her smile or lift the weight that seemed to be on her shoulders.
Maya noticed this and gave Zay a look, he had noticed to. “Wow Huckleberry you met her once and you’re already in love with her?” Maya teased him with a smirk
“Whhhaat I’m not in love with her I just met her. She just looks so sad I just want to help. Anyway isn’t she just into girls?”
Zay and Maya laughed at him, “Sundance did you not see her backpack? She had like four bi-pride pins. Are you that dense? Do I need to re-come out to you and explain what bi means again?” Maya asked as she nudged him
“What…No. I was just didn’t catch them. Do…do you think she’d be interested in me? I mean.. not that I’m going to ask her out…I mean maybe…but didn’t she just break up with her girlfriend? Doesn’t she need time?” Lucas asked directing his question at Maya. He knew their story, the two had been best friends forever. He was sure Maya knew her better than anyone. Maya sighed deeply.
“They broke up at the very end of the school year and she’s had all summer. Like I said it did a number on her. But she told me she’s open to the idea of dating again, but she’s not going to seek it out. Just…try to be her friend first. She could use someone as good as you in her life right now. She’s going to have a hard semester. She’s an English major ya know? And besides that personal narrative class you’re taking together, she’s taking poetry and then gen-eds. Its going to be a lot of writing about her feelings and she’s still working on all that. Just like…don’t push her. And both of you remember the jar. And if you have any little notes like that, you can give some to me and I’ll shove them in there for her.”
Lucas nodded his head. Zay piped up, “Of course. I’m just curious where did the jar idea come from? That’s a really cool way to help.” Zay asked
Maya gave a soft smile, “It was her idea, and she’s always said it always mattered more to her what people say about her than what she says about herself. That’s why Paula was so bad for her. She believed everything that ho-bag said. So now we’re trying to build her back up.”
Lucas decided right then and there that he was going to do just that; he was going to help build Riley back up.
Riley had already had her gen-ed classes in the morning and now she was packing her backpack for the English class she was going to with Lucas. Lucas, his name made her heart flutter. There was just something about him that drew her to him, sure he was handsome he was around 6 ft tall with dirty blonde hair and don’t even get her started on his eyes. But there was something more than just his appearance that drew her in, she couldn’t explain it. She was glad when a knock on her door pulled her out of her thoughts.
She grabbed her bag and opened it so see Lucas who gave her a wide smile.
“Wow Riley you look great! You ready to go” Riley nodded her head unable to respond verbally after such a nice compliment. She was worried about dressing for the first day so she had opted for her Jesus sandals a jean shirt and a white shirt with colored designs on the sleeves. They chatted about their days so far and it felt so easy to talk to Lucas. He smiled and nodded as she talked and looked genuinely interested. Today was going to be a good day Maya was right! Riley entered the English building with a newfound sense of hope for the year.
There was still a class in the room their class was meeting in so they stood off to the side continuing to chat. It was going great until Riley spotted her and felt her body run cold. Paula. Of course she still looked gorgeous, she hadn’t seen Riley yet but Riley couldn’t help but feel her fight or flight kick in. She didn’t want Paula to see her; she wasn’t ready to talk to her. But she couldn’t miss class, her panic was slowly rising. That was until she felt Lucas grab her hand.
Lucas wasn’t sure what had caused it but one second Riley was smiling and chatting with him the next she was looking over at someone and then she went limp. He could sense the panic in her eyes and she looked she was going to bolt any second. So he did the only thing he could think of, he intertwined his fingers with hers. It seemed to calm her down, and he had to admit her tiny palm against his sent tingles up his arm. He saw Riley take a few deep breathes before she turned her attention back to him.
“Thank you.” Riley gave his hand a squeeze; she was terrified he would remove it from her grasp. When he held her hand a wave of calm swept through her, she needed the calm he provided. Lucas just nodded and gripped her hand tighter.
The class before them got out and they waited for the students to trickle out before they went in. Riley thought she heard her name being called so she turned her head around and was wished she hadn’t. Paula saw her and Lucas holding hands, and although she didn’t see who Lucas was she saw Riley holding someone else’s hand. Paula gave a disgusted look before Lucas pulled Riley into the classroom.
Riley held onto to Lucas’ hand as they found their seats and even once they sat down. It worked because she had Lucas’ right hand and her had her left. Lucas was a lefty and Riley was right handed. She gave him a small smile as they adjusted as they waited for their teacher.
Their teacher went through their syllabus with them. Telling them important dates and when they wouldn’t have class, giving them general guidelines for class. She then told them to look at the person next to them. Riley and Lucas quickly looked at each other.
“This person will be your partner for the semester. You two will share your writing giving feedback to one another as much as you wish outside of class. But for the purpose of this class they’re you’re partners.” After explaining what they would do next class she dismissed the class.
Lucas gave Riley a smile as they got their stuff and walked out, still holding hands.
“Looks like you’ll be seeing a lot of me this semester.” Lucas told Riley as they got to her door. She giggled at him releasing his hand
“That I will I’m excited. I think we’re all meeting up for diner later? So I’ll see you then?” She asked Lucas shyly biting her lip.
“Of course, I’ll see you there Riley”
With that the two parted ways, Riley walked in smiling but already missing the warmth of his palm against hers. Maybe things were looking up.
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It’s funny how “white cis males/women” are the enemy over at CeleBITCHY, yet Kaiser writes a thread dedicated  to picking at Kate Middleton’s accent and not even being clever about it, because they ALL HAVE SUBTITLES.
So you hate this woman so much or you love hate clicks so much that you have to make two posts a day just to trash her for no reason.
I love all the skinny shaming in the comments about KM (by Lainey no less) and I kept imagining, “if someone were overweight, would they allow anyone to talk about how unhealthy they are? That’s rude and wrong right?’
So why do they do it so freely to skinny women? As a overweight women myself I would never comment on another woman’s weight, because it’s a senstive topic.
I wouldn’t comment on anyone’s weight tbh.
I swear CeleBITCHY is one of the most backwards hypothetical websites I have ever been on.Writers who call themselves Feminist, but more often then not are more racists,sexist and judgemental than the people that are  the so called enemy.
As a black woman, I find CeleBITCHY as a whole to be a negative counterproductive place.
On every level.
They are casually racists, sexist, shaming and often accuse men of being gay in a discriminatory way.
It is clear that Kate Middleton is a pure click-bait. Just like Tom Hiddleston.  The only difference is that Tom Hiddleston is a click-bait for his fans and Kate Middleton is a click-bait for people who love to demean her and I am actually not sure what they find in it. 
I am against the monarchy myself. But that is what I would talk about. Not the color of Kate’s shoes. 
No, these women derive some sick pleasure in ripping someone apart. And I guess they don’t feel guilty about doing it to Kate Middleton because she is privileged.  Privileged or not, it is still very wrong. She is still a human being. Not to mention that everyone in the royal family is privileged but Celebitchy only loves to hate Kate.
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nymphastral · 7 years
A Sunday Tag
I was tagged by @sehn-sucht​, thank you dear! (this is my first time)
1) Are you named after someone?
My names -I’ve got two names- are very rare and a bit unusual in my country. I know a singer who has my name and she was famous during my mom & dad’s era, and then there’s that a very, very distant and old relative and I remember my mom once told me, she was talking with that relative and when she heard her name she thought ‘oh, what a pretty name’ and that’s the story.
2) When was the last time you cried?
Two weeks ago, during a maths class. I was overwhelmed by that day. It was a panic attack.
3) Do you like your handwriting?
Yes, definitely (even if some of my teachers can’t read it on my essays because it’s a handwriting that you can see on a period drama)
4) What is your favorite lunch meat?
I just googled “lunch meat”. Sausages, maybe?
5) If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?
No. I sometimes can be very irritating because I’m stubborn, selfish, vain, dishonest and moody and those are all the personal features I hate. I’d think that person had problems with herself, because hey, I do have.
6) Do you use sarcasm?
Since I’m a writer (kind of) I think I should use, but when it comes to introvert people just like me, I find it a bit humiliating because I know how it feels when someone treats you like you were an unimportant, not worthy to respect person. Of course, I do use, but I am extremely careful about it as I said. I have bad memories from my childhood and I’m just senstive about that topic.
7) Do you still have your tonsils?
8) Would you bungee jump?
No, I don’t think so. I’m not into extreme sports.
9) What is your favorite kind of cereal?
We don’t eat cereals at breakfast but I like the ones with sugar, and I’m into everything that has vanillia and chocolate.
10) Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
Yes, always. When I want to wear them again, how will I know I won’t be on a rush?
11) Do you think you’re a strong person?
I have lack of self confidence and it restricts me from generally everything that includes talking to people. Apart from that, I think when it comes to that more thinking part, yes. I am self-conscious and I know what I’m capable of and not, I’m decisive and I defend myself if I’m right about something.
12) What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Mint chocolate and pistachio.
13) What is the first thing you notice about people?
Their body language and the way they look at other people.
14) What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself?
My nose and when I wear tight jeans, my hips.  
15) What color pants and shoes are you wearing now?
Brown tights and -surprise- no shoes, but black socks.
16) What are you listening to right now?
Noora Noor - Forget What I Said.
17) If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
18) Favorite smell?
Musk and vanillia.
19) Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?
A close friend of mine. 
20) Favorite sport to watch?
Swimming and basketball.
21) Hair Color?
What do you say… chocolate brown?
22) Eye Color?
Light brown
23) Do you wear contacts?
Yes. I’m fed up with glasses. I only wear them when I’m doing things on my laptop.
24) Favorite food to eat?
I can’t choose. Desserts, cakes, and pizza. I love the apple pie my grandma makes.
25) Scary movies or Comedy?
26) Last movie you watched?
Amadeus, directed by Miloš Forman
27) What color of shirt are you wearing?
Dark brown.
28) Summer or winter?
A hot and full-of-museums-to-see summer. And also because I was born in summer.
29) Hugs or kisses?
30) What book are you currently reading?
Only Ever Yours by Louise O’Neill. I’m very close to finish it and I know it’s going to wreck me from head to toe.
31) Who do you miss right now?
My cousin. We haven’t seen each other for years, and she was my best friend during my childhood. Her dad and mom got divorced and her mom’s a… very hard person. She refuses to let her contact our side of family except my uncle.
32) What is on your mouse pad?
I don’t have any.
33) What is the last TV program you watched?
Bingee watching of Mr. Robot.
34) What is the best sound?
Elvis Presley.
35) Rolling Stones or the Beatles?
The Rolling Stones.
36) What is the furthest you have ever traveled?
37) Do you have a special talent?
I’m really good at drawing, playing the piano (even if I’m a bit rusty), and writing, as my Turkish teacher said. 
38) Where were you born?
I’m tagging @therepublicofletters , @softest-blush , @gracefulbeauty , @queenofboleyn and @stanzi-manzi
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