#a really shippy star wars fic
phoenixkaptain · 2 years
“Din got to his feet. He patted Boba on the shoulder affectionately.
“You should watch the recording of Skywalker fighting the death troopers,” he said, then pressed a kiss to Boba’s cheek and told Grogu to stop eating his blocks.
Boba watched the recording. He was pretty sure he would never be the same again. He was positive that he never wanted to meet Skywalker ever again.”
Boba Fett falls for Luke Skywalker. It isn’t the funnest thing he’s ever done.
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obimaulartfire · 1 year
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When Maul and Obiwan touch foreheads in a piece of writing, my lifespan increases.
This was partly based on a scene in @nicolabarth's fic, Rage and Hope. Go check it out if you haven't already :)
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captainmazzic · 5 months
May the Fourth is tomorrow and once again I have nothing creative to show for it despite *really really* wanting to do something.
But in light of SWTOR being on life support and the impending fear that it'll be pulled without them providing some sort of offline support, I started playing through each class again and recording them for posterity so I can look back on it and remember plotlines and characters without having to worry. So I guess that's something.
I did manage to create a (really) old SW OC pretty faithfully in the character generator, so now my personal canon Consular is this guy:
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His name is Ilkirr and I think I've drawn him like twice ages ago and I hate both drawings lol. But yeah! He's been an OC of mine for a looong time but I never really posted much about him because. Jedi are kind of boring. Pretty, but boring. Ahem.
Anyway he was supposed to show up in Opening Dialogue later on (way later), but I haven't been able to write in forever so who KNOWS when that'll happen. I had a mini-rp ages ago with an old friend between Ilkirr and Darth Mordeo, which ended up pretty shippy and cute - and since Mordeo is gonna be my Inquisitor, that's just *chef's kiss*. Maybe I can write a mini-fic and draw them again. ;v;
Happy Star Wars day and all
Dear god I need to write or draw or SOMETHING fjdsklghsdl
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featheredmoonwings · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (except me because obvs I have done it). Spread the self-love ❤
This is a lovely ask thank you!
Now let's see. 5 of my favorite fics I've written, hmmm.
I know no one asked for explanations but I'll give them anyway XD Here they are (these probably change depending on my mood), in no particular order even though they're numbered:
Lonely Stars Drifting In The Black (gen) Why is it fav? I of course CANNNOT go without mentioning this fic. My first, properly long fic that I finished. I remain so proud of what I achieved here and my commitment to writing it all out and FINISHING it. That used to be something so hard for me to do and I'm so proud of how I managed to write these complex relationships without sacrificing the character's morals. I-m still working on the series that sprouted out of it and I'm STILL so happy about the stories coming out of it. Fandom: Star Wars: Prequels Characters: Jango Fett & Obi-wan Kenobi Summary: It's an easy job, go in, get some information, and then Jango Fett can be on his merry way out of the disgusting Death Watch camp which he has nothing but contempt for. It WOULD be an easy job, that is if it weren't for the chained kid they've got, tied up like an animal… Jango sees red and nothing more. He'll make them regret the day they dared to lay hands on a child.
Of The Old Things Hidden In The World (gen) Why is it fav? I consider this one of my most self indulgent projects and I love it for this XD. It's a crossover but I take myself very seriously with it and that's one of the things I like so much about it. Could be silly but I don't let it be. I took a concept that I really liked (Merlin turning Aithusa human) and then I just REALLY ran with that idea. When I would usually hate miscommunication, this story is filled with it but it's purposeful and no one is being stupid about it. Fandom: Merlin BBC x Avengers MCU Characters: Aithusa, Merlin, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff & Clint Barton Summary: Merlin and Aithusa have weathered this world together since the long gone age of Camelot. But now Merlin is in grave trouble and there's nothing Aithusa can do to help him. Merlin has commanded him not to follow, not to help. If Aithusa keeps doing nothing at all, it'll soon break his heart, surely. But… this new age has heroes, perhaps they might help. After all, Hydra IS their problem, isn't it? The should be the ones to deal with it.
A Crime Of Passion (gen, but can definitely be read as shippy) Why is it fav? This story gave me SO much grief but since the MOMENT I conceived this story I've loved the idea and at the end (despite all the problems) I keep loving the result I got from it. I got some good narrative out of it and TENSION. Characters being forced to do something they don't want to my beloved. Fandom: Twilight Characters: Carlisle Cullen & Aro Summary: For the life of Edward, Carlisle Cullen must make a bargain with the devil of Volterra himself, the bargain though, is not at all what the Doctor thought it would be. (Canon Divergence from the end of New Moon)
After The Mist (pre-ship but SUPER gen vibes) Why is it fav? This ones OLD and you can see a lot of mistakes in the writing but I LOVE the interactions that I wrote and the relationship I was crafting. I like it so much, love the idea of the story, that I STILL want to finish it and give it the love it deserves. Fandom: Frozen ll Characters: Agnarr & Iduna Summary: After young Agnarr returns to Arendell that faithful day in the forest, there's a grief too deep inside his chest he cannot begin to comprehend it. But there's no time to dwell on it, he's a king now and he must act as such. Still, he is drowning, he's drowning all the time. But there's someone out there who might just understand what this profound pain is doing to him. "My name's Iduna."
Drizzle By The Sea (Gen) Why is it fav? Another VERY old work which I'm still very fond off. It captures one of the things I love writing the most and it's this little pleasures like walking in the woods or getting soaked by the rain. I find the feeling it produced beautiful and it makes me happy so, yeah. The execution is maybe a bit clumsy but I know what old me wanted to transmit. I keep coming back to this sort of writing and I hope I never stop cause it makes me feel alive and like the world is magic. Fandom: Teen Titans (cartoon) Characters: Robin & Jericho Summary: Jericho is a bit... weird. Robin can see in the way the sea captures his attention that there's a natural feeling and a sense of delight that he carries with him. It's contagious.
Thank you so much for the ask @cilil it made me very happy and I did want to answer something like this today. I'm glad for that emotional boost, so thanks again <3
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branmer · 5 months
by request i have put together a little key of all my b5 stories and ocs that i talk about on here plus some other info about worldbuilding stuff (@impossibletimemachinestarlight tagging you in this since you requested it! i hope this will prove helpful and not just confuse things even more)
first, the fics!!! most of these feature the same characters, but that doesn't mean they take place within the same verse
bmwf or the blood of stars - wip, currently published on ao3. a longfic intended to tell the story of the warrior caste and explore minbari politics from before the em war up until after the civil war. pretty grand in scope and i am currently stuck in the earliest pre-war section, which takes place during branmer's adolescent years. i really want to finish this fic but i've lost steam recently
bla/branmer lives au/and not to yield - wip, not on ao3 yet but sometimes i post snippets here. it's basically an alternate universe where branmer lives and takes part in the shadow war and drastically alters events relating to the minbari as a result. heavy on the warrior and worker caste. if you see me talking about neroon and branmer having a big falling out/break up, i'm probably talking about this fic lol.
b/n fic or i joy in my disgrace - wip, available on ao3. a lighter, shippy fic taking place a decade or so before the em-war during a warrior caste tournament that was really just an excuse to write branmer/neroon. may end up serving as the backstory for their meeting in bla, but totally disconnected from blood of stars (though it shares many of the same characters). i've stalled a bit on this one even though chapter 2 is almost done because i've been quite depressed and struggling to write through it
mlm fic - a silly little au where both marcus and neroon survive and neroon recruits him to help investigate a religious caste grifter who is recruiting humans to a pyramid scheme/cult. eventual neroon/marcus. i've only really written the very start of this one tbh
m/n fic/damnsel fic - intended as a gift for a friend <3 i haven't posted much about this one because i'm trying to keep it on the down low lol. but it's an action adventure romance marcus/neroon fic. i'm about half-way through writing this one and hoping to have it done by the end of 2024
neroon is the bridge - a very silly au where delenn accepts leadership of the grey council and punishes neroon by forcing him to undergo the transformation instead of her. currently working on the grey 17 is missing episode in this au haha
cursed nye fic - a truly terrible joke fic featuring, yes, mpreg. currently unavailable online because im editing it to repost
the warrior caste clans as they appear in my fic (names taken from canon but the rest is mostly me making stuff up/taking from fanon):
star rider - neroon's clan. the oldest and most powerful clan, they control the warrior caste capital, tinarel, plus a good third of the warrior caste fleet.
moon shields - the wealthiest of the clans. they have close ties with the star riders and the two often work together. the moon shield fleet is largely responsible for the immediate defense of minbar and the home system and often gets referred to as the shield of minbar
night walker - the most numerous of the clans, they actually consist of hundreds of sub-clans who allied together to defend themselves against other more powerful clans (like the star riders). infamously quarrelsome, they are the most democratically structured of the clans and fiercely independent. they have the second smallest fleet, but make up the majority of the castes ground forces and night walker regiments are spread out among the other clan fleets. as a result they bore the brunt of the most intense fighting of the em-war and had the heaviest losses. they are very bitter about this
fire wing - the first clan to use aircraft in war, the fire wings still boast the best fighter pilots in the warrior caste. they have medium sized fleet, but there are fire wing squadrons spread throughout the other clan fleets, similar to the night walkers.
wind swords - the smallest and most militant clan. they also have the smallest fleet. despite the relative size of their clan they are surprisingly influential and wealthy, and benefit from controlling resource rich territory that allows them a degree of independence from the rest of the caste. they have a long history of rivalry with the star riders and resent their power over the caste
dark knives - an ancient clan who defected to the shadows during the first great war. nothing has been heard of them in a thousand years but they remain a presence in warrior caste horror stories and folk tales. they feature in bla where they return to cause trouble and do evil things >:)
re warrior caste leadership and such. some people go for there being a shai alyt for each clan or make it a rank similar to captain. for my own fic i have the shai alyt being the commander in chief of the warrior caste (it just made sense to me that the warrior caste would need a chief general who they all answer to in times of war who can act with the grey council's authority), while each of the clans have their own leadership who handle the administration of the clan and its internal running. basically the clan heirarchy/administration is seperate from the military administration and you can be very powerful in the caste as a whole while still being subject to your clan leader/elders. see branmer's dad, kedrunn, who is a very high ranking war leader and serves as an advisor to two shai alyts, but is often in a very precarious position within his own clan because he keeps pissing off his clan leaders :') the balance between the shai alyt and the clan leaders is a Big Deal in warrior caste politics and it's one of the things that makes being shai alyt a really really difficult role. the warrior caste also choose their shai alyt (something the grey council hates and is always trying to influence) through something called the convocation of clans
religious orders/fanes
sanaya - branmer's birth fane/order, a contemplative order based in tuzenor and famous mostly for their religious music. very conservative and proud. were never happy about his mother marrying a warrior
fikeranla/the star seers - the order branmer leaves sanaya to join in bmwf and ultimately the order he serves in most of my fic. a spacefaring order with connections to the warrior caste (particularly the star riders) that has a history of liasing between the warrior and religious caste on contentious issues. dedicated to the study of the stars
my ocs
kedrunn - branmer's father, warrior caste and a star rider like neroon. serves as a sech in most of these fics, but has held extremely high rank in the warrior caste. also very musical! appears in pretty much all my fics except neroon is the bridge and mlm fic (so far), but most prominent in bmwf, bla and b/n fic
eiyamer - branmer's mother, religious caste. a professional musician and honoured shaal. again appears in most of my fics except neroon is the bridge and mlm fic, but generally has a smaller role than kedrunn. most prominent in bmwf, bla and b/n fic
nerzhan - neroon's mother, star rider. rarely appears mostly just gets mentioned. usually dead long before the em war
rashal - neroon's dad, fire wing who married into the star riders. also usually just mentioned but doesn't appear. features most prominently in bla where he is actually alive for once (but might as well be dead if you ask neroon)
kazjek - neroon's ward, star rider. only features in one fic (the m/n one) so far! around 13 at the time of the story and a massive fucking brat. i love her a lot and will likely insert her into other fics if i get the chance (very tempted to put her in bla haha)
morreal - a childhood friend of branmer's, warrior caste and a wind sword. related by marriage to shakiri (who he hates, like really really fucking hates). often serves as the character who highlights the contradictions of warrior caste honour. the wind sword neroon basically. features in all my fic except neroon is the bridge and the cursed nye fic
aiashon - neroon's cousin on his father's side, fire wings clan. aiashon has a prominent role in bmwf (in the very end section post civil war she's actually the protagonist), bla and mlm fic. will likely feature in some small way in b/n fic, m/n fic and neroon-is-the-bridge. aiashon is the character often left holding the bag when everything goes to shit. the opposite of neroon in many ways, she's overly cautious when she should act and learns to be more decisive and bold in the latter half of bmwf
zakat - neroon's childhood best friend, originally warrior caste he converted to the worker caste and became a prominent starship engineer. features most prominently in bmwf and bla but gets some kind of a mention in other fics
rekshival - branmer's mentor and a high priestess of the star seers. features heavily in bmwf, mostly only gets small mentions in other fics which is a shame because she's one of my faves tbh
hyavel - morreal's girlfriend. worker caste, guild of engineers. features most prominently in bmwf and bla but gets an important cameo in m/n fic and will probably feature in mlm fic and b/n fic. hasn't yet appeared in any of my published fics
sashain - a priestess of the star seers and a childhood friend of branmer's. headstrong and aggressive and prone to angry outbursts. she becomes high priestess in branmer's stead when he joins the warrior caste. plays an important role in bmwf, bla and b/n fic. might feature her in mlm fic because i like her a lot
dushenn - aiashon's wife, warrior caste and from the nightwalker clan. not a super prominent character but appears in bmwf, bla and probably mlm fic. im hoping to expand her role a bit in bla and get her doing more stuff
verann - (fuck i cannot believe i forgot verann until now) warrior caste and a fire wing like aiashon. has a cute little triune thing going on with kedrunn and eiyamer. was at one point a candidate to be shai alyt. very high ranking in the warrior caste. features mostly in bmwf, bla and b/n fic. a bit like neroon if neroon were less of a total cunt.
shakat - warrior caste, night walker. massive cunt to begin with tbh, but experiences considerable growth in bmwf and bla, which are the only two fics he really features much in (might make a cameo in mlm fic maybe?). has a big, embarrasing crush on morreal. morreal can't stand him.
beshaal - warrior caste, moon shield. second in command to the shai alyts who preceeds branmer. features in small roles in bmwf and b/n fic, but is dead by the time most of my fics take place
levak - warrior caste, star rider. the shai alyt when branmer is a teenager. only features in bmwf because he is dead long before the em-war takes place
sekhat - one of branmer's mentors, warrior caste and moon shield. served levak when he was shai alyt. dead by the time most of my fics take place and only really appears in bmwf and possibly in b/n fic
rokesh - one of levak's advisors and a rival to verann, married to sekhat. also a moon shield. potential candidate to be shai alyt after levak. was meant to be a more prominent character but i ended up finding other characters more interesting, poor dude. features in bmwf but also gets a mention in b/n fic
kershan - a former star rider who married into the night walkers, lost most of his family on the black star. becomes friends with neroon in bla. features a little in bmwf but has a more prominent role in bla. doesn't really appear in any other fic tbh and i don't think i've mentioned him by name much at all on here either
there are more (SO MANY) but i think that's all the most important ones. branmer also has a warrior caste aunt and a couple of warrior caste cousins who will appear in b/n but they're not important characters. an overabundance of warrior caste ocs and not nEARLY enough workers rip (tbf there are more worker caste ocs but im not at a point where i have though enough about them to warrent a place on this list)
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batrachised · 11 months
tagged by @professionalfangrrl for a twenty questions, fanfic author game!
1-How many works do you have on AO3?
For lm montgomery, three. For star wars, 38.
2-What's your total AO3 word count?
LMM: 14,467. Star Wars: 376,710 [i might have a problem]
3-What fandoms do you write for?
I'll leave you detective sherlocks to work that out
4-What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I've only written 3 lm montgomery fics, and there the top kudos one is sob of fall and song of forest (fun fact: that title is a line from an E. Paulina Johnson poem, whom I discovered LM Montgomery liked after the fact)
5-Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
sweats nervously listen...listen....let me tell you something! let me tell you something! i'm a good noodle!
after being unsure when i first started writing, i used to respond to comments religiously because I thought it was nice. then, idk what happened, I think i got busy and stopped doing so right away...and then I waited even longer....and then as a result i barely ever responded to comments and now, after compiling over like the course of a year, my ao3 inboxes have a combined unresponded comments of too many comments to deal with😅
6-What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i feel like this is the only fic i ever mention because I've written so few lmm ones, but Violets - fic about Walter's death. i did once write this sad fic that had a very fluffy lead-up, and it always makes me cackle maniacally like an evil scientist when I get comments on the beginning chapters of people being like "omg this is cute :D" and then them reaching the end and proceeding to scream at me in rage via the comments - the happy-sad switch is something I've used in my writing more than once, and I always enjoy it
7-What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A lot of my fics are crack and thereby necessitate happy endings, no one stands out as being more happy than another
8-Do you get hate on fics?
I have like, one time? and it just made me laugh tbh, it was one my first fic and I was like I'VE MADE IT ONLINE! I HAVE HATERS! 😎
9-Do you write smut? If so what kind?
nope, at least not intentionally (yes it's accidentally happened before - never forget). I tend to avoid romance in general (she says, having about 8 different romantic stories) because writing it is not for me. if I do I tend to make it silly/humorous
10-Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
nope, in general I'm not a crossover person. the only fandom where i actually got really into (reading) crossovers was merlin with harry potter, eons ago, all the more funny because I was never a harry potter fan
11-Have you ever had a fic stolen?
yup, although they did credit me. I've written about it before, but one time I had a fic stolen and put up on some website that appeared to be russia's version of ao3. Had a lot of fun translating comments on that one via google translate
12-Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes a couple of times. one time someone asked to translate my fic and I was like sure, just send me the link when you're done! :D and they did and it was short, so I just typed it in instead of copying except I misremembered whether it was a .org or .com and typed the wrong one and accidentally ended up on a porn website that apparently had a nearly identically domain and was like WHY DID THEY DO THIS TO ME D: DID THEY PUT MY FIC HERE D: IT DOESN'T BELONG HERE D: IS THIS A SPAM LINK only to refer back ot the comment and realize my fingers had betrayed me
13-Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
nope, all me and the workings of my incredibly silly mind
14-What's your all-time favourite ship?
don't have one! not a super shippy person anymore, although I used to be! sometimes I read romance fic but it's usually because I feel like reading romance, not because of the ship itself
15-What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
idk man, I've tried abandoning wips before but my brain doesn't let me. one time i abandoned a fic and then months later, i got the answer to the issue i'd been stuck on in a dream (or at least, upon waking in the middle of the night)
16-What are your writing strengths?
not gonna answer this one because (to me) it feels like a job interview question where you have to paste on a fake smile and talk about all the ways you're great while cowering inside. i like my writing and actually rarely experience the whole reading it over and seeing where it could have been better, not because I think my work is just that amazing, but because I don't really have that fine-tuned writer/artist brain that would give me an interesting answer to this question. i do this for fun, and for free, and for me lmao
17-What are your writing weaknesses?
PLOTTING OUT OUTLINES this one I can answer because I never do this enough and then I always end up several chapters into a fic trying to make it go somewhere that makes sense like
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18-Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
nope, i don't know another language well enough. i'm so paranoid that when I make up space names for my star wars fic I always google the fake word to make sure it's not a dirty/offensive word in another language 💀it's saved me before.
19-First fandom you wrote for?
Star Wars, about a year and a half ago! It's been cool to see how different my writing has become in that short period of time!
20-Favorite fic you've ever written?
always the last one published or the ones that got the least attention. i loved them <3
tagging @gogandmagog @no-where-new-hero @kehlana-wolhamonao3 @kingedmundsroyalmurder
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Self-rec time! What are your favorite five fics that you've written and why? After replying to this ask, pass on to five other writers to spread the love. 💗
I wish I could do fancy in-text hyperlinks but I basically only blog on the mobile app 🫣 so bear with me! This is in no particular order.
Since this is my AOT centric blog, I’ll go ahead and rec my three Aruani fics 🥰
1) your captivating words
A short Annie POV one-shot about helping Armin give a speech during their ambassador days. Established relationship- and it really kind of functions as a character study too. I wasn’t sure when I first started writing Aruani if I could capture Annie’s voice or not, so I used this story to find that out :)
2) to save what we have
An Armin POV one-shot, ten years Post-Rumbling. Armin and Annie are married and keeping their unborn baby a secret- and then an assassination attempt occurs and Armin has to come to terms with it. Angsty at first then fluffy at the end. My contribution to the Papamin agenda.
3) on the path that led me to you
On going (but going strong lol) My take on the ‘what if everything in canon was the same- except Armin and Annie were in a secret relationship in their cadet years’. I have enjoyed writing this so much and I think due to length and scope it has really helped me grow as a writer too! I am kind of obsessed with alternating POV fics, I love writing them.
My next two recs are in the Star Wars fandom, but you asked for five so 🤷🏼‍♀️
4) Holding Out for Hope
This was my longest fic ever at the time that I wrote it- and I wanna say it was my first fic on AO3? I was an ff.net girlie back in the day and then got back into writing fic in 2020/2021 (who didn’t honestly?) If you’re a fan of the Clone Wars- it’s basically ‘what if Rex and Ahsoka raised Luke and Leia in the rebellion’ but also some slow burn shippy things. This fic proved to me that I can actually write long chapter fics and finish them 😅 so I’ll always be grateful to it for that. It spawned a whole series of fics from me in the same universe.
5) wait they don’t love you like i love you
This is the only modern high school/college AU I have *ever* written for any fandom. And I was surprised by how fun it was to write bc I’m typically a picky snob about modern AU’s tbh. Like it’s not that I dislike them- I just have very high standards for them 😅 I re-read this the other day in a ‘was this actually any good’ way and I am pleased to say, yeah, it was pretty cute.
I have a whole Star Wars centric side blog (similar to this one) where I post those fics and more- it’s @tanosaurusrex
As far as other fandoms I *would* write for but haven’t yet- Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, JJK, and The Hunger Games are at the top of the list. I have little mental WIP’s for them. But I get so hyper focused on one thing that it’s difficult for me to write everything I want to.
Thanks for the ask! So sweet of you Anna 🥰
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thevalleyisjolly · 10 hours
Thanks so much @jadeandquartzes for tagging me in this super fun tag game!
Rules: Go to your (current/main) AO3 account and find the following:
What ratings do you write most of your fics under?
General and Teen are tied with 5 each! Granted, Contrapuntal Calculus should probably be under Mature, since it features something I can only describe as "divine mystery meets the erotically baffling." Then again, if I'm reevaluating my rating decisions, the manner of things doesn't really warrant a Mature rating, I was just erring on the side of extreme caution since a lot of D20 fans tend to skew younger, so I guess it balances out.
What are your top three fandoms?
I only have 12 fics up on my AO3 spanning five fandoms, so it isn't a huge range. Top fandom is Dimension 20 coming in with 6 fics, and then Critical Role in a distant second with 2 fics. The rest (LOTR, Doctor Who, Agent Carter) have one fic each.
What is the top character you write about?
Cumulous Rocks baby!! Back in my heyday of writing ACOC fic (I'm in a Star Wars/Andor hiatus right now but I pinky promise I have not forgotten about On The Raising Of Chickens), I made a solemn pledge to myself to create the content I feel is lacking in the community. And I have kept that promise and I will continue to keep that promise! Once I finish this other fic about questionable polyamory negotiation practices. And this other fic about the rulership of the Noldor in post-Fourth Age Valinor. And-
What are your top three pairings?
It's very ace of me that I hardly ever write very shippy fics, even though I am a happy crewman of many ships. All my fics are technically tied because I (thus far) haven't written more than one fic per pairing. And some of the tagged pairings aren't heavily focused on in the fic or are just implied, so going chronologically based on pairings that the fic is actually about, I have: Elrond/Thranduil (LOTR), Peggy/Daniel/Jack (Agent Carter), Essek/Caleb (Critical Role), Theo/Cumulous (ACOC), Theo/Lapin (ACOC), and Fifteenth Doctor/Fourteenth Doctor (Doctor Who).
What are the top three additional tags?
Character Study and Canonical Character Death are both tied with 3, and then we have a three-way tie between Grief/Mourning, Additional Warnings in Author's Note, and Implied/Referenced Character Death. ...which is really not a surprise based on my writing interests and favourite media, huh? What can I say, I really like getting into characters' heads and I really really like exploring the impact that death has on a story. My most popular fic, in the face of death's mystery, revolves entirely around the premise of the impact that a character's death has on the narrative and on other characters, and how things are affected if they remain tangibly present in the world.
(Which makes the fic I'm working on right now so much funnier because it's exactly what I often dislike as a fic concept - characters who died in a really poignant and momentous narrative event somehow surviving. But hey, it's important to get out of one's comfort zone and try something new!)
Does any of this surprise you?
I'm surprised that I've written so few stories for specific pairings. As someone who does enjoy shipping most of the time, it feels odd that I don't write more about ships I enjoy. My next fic, if I ever manage to finish it, will balance this out more, as will the next few fic concepts up the pipeline.
I also surprised myself with how few fics for how few fandoms I've actually published. I have so many drafts of fics for many, many fandoms that I keep forgetting no one else has seen. So while from my perspective, I've written quite a lot for multiple different fandoms, what I've actually published is just a fraction of that.
(I've really never talked on here about the 47,000-word Rey Kenobi fic I wrote back in 2017 and never published, have I? Yeah, that was a thing that happened)
Hmm, tagging @daggersandarrows, @domesticatedanimals, @swanmaids, and anyone who'd like to try this out. It's a pretty fun retrospective on your writing, I recommend it!
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mathmusic8 · 1 month
20 Questions for Writers
Thanks for the tag @musewrangler!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 17
2. What's your total AO3 word count?  395,117
3. What fandoms do you write for? 
Aside from random one-shots, mostly Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Star Wars, but I have some Lego Monkie Kid things coming up :D
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Lost and Found – Fives and Kix (Star Wars)
Only Partially Applied (Star Wars)
Wow, What a Coincidence (TMNT)
WWAC Extras (TMNT)
Ice Cream Makes Everything Better (TMNT)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! I have a small pile I’m meaning to get to tho haha
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
At the moment, probably Only Partially Applied, mostly because it’s an angsty fic and I don’t know if I’ll come back to finish it
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably a tie between Lost and Found and WWAC. If I had to choose I’d say Lost and Found, being a Star Wars fix-it/happiness AU and all. WWAC had more of a build-up to the happy ending, though, while Lost and Found it was kind of fun last-second twist
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers?
I have a few crossover once-shots, plus WWAC if you count multiple iterations of tmnt as crossovers.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Don’t think so
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really? Not a fan fic, at least—I collaborated with friends for some original fics when we were kids. Lately I’ll talk through ideas and have a couple of shared AUs with a few select people, but those haven’t been fully written or shared yet.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I’m not a super shippy person. Some ships are done well, but it’s not generally what I look for when I’m reading or writing. The last shippy stuff I read and liked was Zelda and Link (Twilight Princess, Breath of the Wild, and Tears of the Kingdom), but I’m not a die-hard on any of them.
For example, probably my favorite romcom fic I’ve ever read was TP Link and Zelda, but I’d love to see TP Link with Ilia in a healthy relationship that doesn’t end in tragedy (not sure why the fandom keeps doing that to them). I haven’t found a fic like that yet, though, and I don’t care enough to write my own.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ahhh Only Partially Applied my poor child. You deserved better. Also the Lost and Found sequel. There wasn’t a ton of plot, but I had a few concepts I’d hoped to put out there (like a little Omega/Cal Kestis action).
16. What are your writing strengths?
Convoluted plots. Also maintaining a character’s individual voice and motivations. I want to say dialog, but it really depends on the day for me.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Exposition. Filler scenes and stuff that helps a fic feel more like a full and complete story when it’s done right. Some of my favorite fics to read are slowburns that do this extremely well, but I tend to get impatient and rush things when I write.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I used to be all over it when I was a kid, but after seeing it from others, I realized it’s not my favorite thing to read unless it’s handled a certain way, like including certain words for multi-lingual characters to add to realism, or entire sentences to show that the main character (and audience) aren’t expected to recognize what a certain character is saying. Things like that. As a writer I personally avoid it now.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
On AO3? Undertale. First ever? My Little Pony, I guess? I hadn’t even seen the show, just played with the toys and started writing stories about them, if that counts.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Ooo probably Lost and Found. It was my first long fic, and written in a frenzy of inspiration without a super firm plan beforehand. I was super burned out by the end, but it was a ton of fun and I gained a lot of friends along the way.
Have to give WWAC a shoutout, though. It was longer, actually planned out, and had a Dracula-Daily style posting schedule that made last-minute chapters super rushed, but it was an absolute joy to write, and I hope to continue the story a bit further.
If you read this far, consider yourself tagged!
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kcrabb88 · 11 months
Fic Writer 20 Questions
Tagged by the lovely @foreverchangingfandomsao3!
1.) How many works do you have on ao3?
2.) What's your ao3 word count? 
3.) What fandoms do you write for? 
I've written for Les Mis, Phantom of the Opera, Black Sails, Captain America, Hadestown, and Star Wars.
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos?
Shoulder the Sky: My RoTS fix-it AU and the first installment in the series of the same name! Obi-Wan figures Palpatine out and gets stabbed and put on trial for his trouble. Anakin has to sort his way out of Palpatine's manipulations.
Les Hommes de la Misericorde: My first long fic in the Les Mis fandom, which is very dear to my heart! It established many long lasting friendships as well as my brand of "Valjean saves some or all of the Amis after the barricade"
Whispers From the Dead: The sequel to Shoulder the Sky, featuring undead Sith, lots of QuinObi, Obi-Wan whump, Anakin being the Jedi master he always could have been, really cute Skywalker twins, and Padme finally getting to be chancellor.
Conjuring Miracles: My OWK what-if, where Vader gets his hands on Obi-Wan at the end of episode 3.
Between the Soul and the Star: My Les Mis fic where I attempt to save ALL the Amis and put Javert through his paces :D
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I like to! I don't always get to every one, but I do try and answer as often as I can, especially long comments--I like to thank people for that effort! Plus, I've made friends by talking in comments!
6.) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think that one goes to By Force of Friendship, my Les Mis Barricade Day fic where Enjolras watches each of his friends die one by one, until he reaches his end. I mean, blame canon for that! But still, it hurt.
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I dunno if I can pick one? I've written a lot of fix-it fics for various fandoms, although my Hadestown fix-it, As If it Might Turn Out This Time, might be the winner .
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
Hmm I got flames like everyone else back in the 'ole ff.net days, but the only hate I ever got was on my Les Mis pirate AU (long taken down and turned into my series of novels) and I wouldn't even call it hate so much as weird and aggressive.
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do! I used to do almost entirely closed door/implied smut, but over the last few years, between my girl Raoul Phantom of the Opera AU and QuinObi fic for Star Wars, I write it a lot more! And I've really enjoyed writing it, too. Lot of character work that can happen!
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I wrote a Criminal Minds/House MD cross years and years ago, pre-Ao3!
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
A couple of Les Mis ones, yes! Into Chinese.
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Wayyyyy back in the day, pre-Ao3, but not since then.
14.) What's your all time favorite ship?
I write a lot of gen fic, but as far as romantic ships go, it's a tie between QuinObi and Raoul/Christine, both of which I'm feral over and have written the most shippy content for.
15.) What's a WIP you'd like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Don't currently have any unfinished ones! Well, WFTD, but it's almost done and will definitely be finished.
16.) What are your writing strengths?
I think character-depth and character arcs are probably my biggest strength? It's what's most important to me as a reader, so that's where I tend to focus the most.
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
God, blocking!!! Not even in action scenes, that I can do, but when people are just sitting in a room! Constantly have problems with that.
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Sometimes I do! I've used French in Les Mis here and there.
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
Rurouni Kenshin, back when I was a tiny baby on Media Miner.
20.) Favorite fic you've ever written?
This is like picking a favorite child??? I can't pick, but I will say that I'm proud of how I've expanded my horizons and written new things in Whispers From the Dead!
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auniverseforgotten · 5 months
12 & 21 for the ask game
12. What's the funniest or craziest AU idea you've ever come up with?
Ooooo I'm torn on this one honestly? I have a lot of AUs in my head not down on paper, some that are just. So far from the original source material that they're practically their own media just with borrowed faces oops XD
But I guess right now it's probably the fate AU where magic is a thing but Most of the characters are just Normal, with the Main fic being a teachers/teaching AU because -slaps head- you can fit so much salt about academia in this bad boy. I started it like...yesterday with the usual brainrot focused on Salieri and my brain has already veered completely into making a oneshot in the same universe focusing on another character's encounter with a supernatural cult leader SO IT'S REALLY GOING. I do also enjoy my Alter Ego Salieri AU.
21. Go onto your AO3. Which ship have you written for the most? The least? Does this correspond to who you consider your "favourite?"
Well, by virtue of works on AO3 it's a bit of a tossup. I have a multi-chapter fic in one fandom but a lot of the entries in it are platonic or can be read both ways so I don't really count it? So then it goes to next most written which is Morwen/Telemain from The Enchanted Forest Chronicles and Padme/Anakin from Star Wars, both with a grand total of two fics each. x'D
Padme/Anakin is a ship I'm neutral about, but since it was basically just a fix-it series that...is a lil abandoned right now, they're together because I haven't decided if they stay together or break it off to just be friends and coparents. Since rn they're both still in a lot of trauma and danger they're just clinging to each other. But I also don't know if I'll ever work on it again because there is SO MUCH LORE I have to remember and Star Wars fans are scary if you get lore wrong. XD But also for them to still be a ship in canon/fix-it they would need. SO MANY TALKS AND THERAPY.
Morwen/Telemain meanwhile is a ship I do hold fairly close to my heart; Telemain is a character I just love, he annoys the hell out of everyone with all his technical magical talk and I feel so seen by it because same, friend, same. I'd like to write more with them eventually, and I did start a multichapter back in 2020 that I'd like to get back to if my brain cooperates. I'd really like to explore Morwen and Telemain both diving into technical magical talk because I feel like she enjoys it too, just tends to remind him to speak a little more plainly when others who aren't as steeped in magical theory are around. And I also have a really feelsy WIP on the effects of the war on Morwen somewhere deep in my docs that also has some shippy vibes, but I've not worked on it for ages because it feels very self indulgent.
And if you look at my WIPs it's all Salieri/Mozart from Fate Grand Order, I have like. Nine in my docs right now, save me x'D and only one up on my AO3.
EDIT: I FORGOT the ask game is: here for anyone who wants it themselves/wants to ask uwu
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fixaidea · 8 months
Shipper tag game
I was tagged by @dual-domination :D
What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore? Completely obsessed is a bit strong, but I was really into Grindelwald/Dumbledore. It's probably easy to guess what turned me off the whole series in general.
Which ship would you consider your first one? I think it was Éowyn and Faramír from LotR.
Your first fanfic belonged to which couple? That's actually surprisingly easy to check because I didn't start to write shippy fic until my AO3 days - it's Enjolras and Grantaire from Les Mis.
Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over? I have no distinct memory of it, but it had to be something Harry Potter related, because my fandom life started on some forum dedicated to that.
Did you ever get into ship discourse? Not personally, but I did sit on the sideline with a bucket of popcorn. That, or going on and on about how and why I dislike certain ships, but I can't recall actually fighting anyone over them. (Most noteworthy are the Great Enjonine war of 2013 and the whole Reylo thing.)
Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently? Reylo was part of the reason why I backed away from SW, it was bloody everywhere. Weirdly enough, Enjolras/Grantaire. Yes I ship it. No, not like that. The level of weird mischaracterisation these two suffered in fandom was off the charts, like, you had to seriously dig to even get some canon-era fic, everything else was modern AU with OCs that incidentally shared the name of the characters you wanted to read about.
Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read? Wu Xie and Zhang Qiling. ...Or possibly Wu Xie and Shen Wei, I can't remember which one I read last.
Currently, do you have any OTPs? The one I'm currently most obsessed over is PingXie.
Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together? Honestly? Rey and Finn from Star Wars. They started out on such a great note! Like you coud actually feel that these two LIKED each other! ...Don't get me started on this one, I'll descend into a frothing diatribe against the Sequel Trilogy in 0,5 seconds flat. Disgraceful.
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting? I can't think of any.
Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over? ...Maybe if I still enthusiastically shipped Grindeldore? My ships are usually either pretty vanilla or intentionally dark.
What was your favorite crack ship? This is a difficult question, because I usually take my weird crossovers more seriously than crack, but Enjolras and Captain America probably qualify?
Who is the couple you read more fanfics off? Huhh... that probably comes down to a draw between Enjolras and Grantaire from Les Misérables and Xie Lian and Hua Cheng from Heaven Official's Blessing.
What most of your ships usually have in common? There's often a 'two against the world' element. This applies across all sorts of genres from Maurice/Alec (Maurice) all the way to HuaLian.
What you absolutely hate in a ship? Negging and emotional abuse sold as '''banter'''. Plain old abuse sold as #relationshipgoals. Like if you're writing a dark ship that's all fine and well but don't ask me to pretend it's cute.
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wipbigbang · 1 year
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This is Round Two of the Artist Claims for the 2023 round of WIPBB. You may claim up to three fics this round. If you want only one fic, please fill out the form once with your top choices. If you want two fics, fill out the form twice with your first choice in the first form submission with one unique ID and the second choice in another submission with a different unique ID.
The synopses are located at https://wipbigbang.dreamwidth.org/172201.html
The form is located at https://forms.gle/ES2D3d2mTG1nU4Pk6.
Round two of the art claims will go on until July 1st.
Star Trek: Discovery
Title: how we remember
Pairing/Characters: Keyla Detmer, Joann Owosekun, Airiam, Sylvia Tilly, Keyla Detmer & Joann Owosekun (can be read as shippy but they don't actually get together in the fic), Airiam & Keyla Detmer, Keyla Detmer & Sylvia Tilly, Joann Owosekun & Sylvia Tilly, Airiam & Joann Owosekun, Airiam & Sylvia Tilly
Rating Teen | T
Warnings/Tags: Chooses not to use Warnings, none of the archive warnings really apply, though there is a fair amount of discussion of violence and death, none of the story's major characters die and the deaths of minor characters are either OCs or deaths that happen in canon. Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Family, Cybernetics, Season 1, mild self-harm; discussion of trauma/mental health issues, physical injury, war, death/grief, bad/complicated relationships with family; references to alcoholism
Summary: Keyla Detmer, still reeling from the destruction of the Shenzhou and her own life-changing injury, has returned to service as helm officer aboard the Discovery, a ship unlike anything she's seen before. At war, she thinks, there's no time or space for silly things like feelings - and maybe that's for the best.
Joann Owosekun, raised in a community that believed technological advancement only ever led humanity astray, now serves on a starship on the front lines of a war. The things she sees make her question the choices that led her there, whether joining Starfleet was a huge mistake - and never more so than when someone from her past unexpectedly reappears in her life.
Airiam's body is so heavily altered by cybernetics that those around her sometimes forget her humanity. In times of war, it's more important than ever to remember just that - remembering being yet another thing which is different for her now than it is for just about anybody else.
(The story of these three characters' experience during the Klingon War.)
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mylittleredgirl · 2 years
Who are your Star Trek Parents? Like, who would you choose to be your parents in the ST world? Any combo.
this question is so fun!! thank you anon!
sisko, because he is the greatest space dad 💕, and i think deanna, because she has that capacity for boundless understanding and the professional skills to help a young teen figure themselves out.
bonus content, because i remembered these during my deliberation process:
when i was an Actual Child watching tng, i imprinted on crusher and riker (in some kind of non-shippy, co-parenting dynamic). i probably picked these two in particular either because riker had the biggest hand in raising wesley when beverly wasn't around in season two, or because i look a lot like them. as imaginary parents they were very loving and protective, and i got bonus deanna because she loves both of them. very glad that star trek picard gave us the ultimate dad!riker we all deserve.
when i was a young teen going through a Bad Time, i wrote a sprawling multi-story epic with a self-insert as captain janeway's daughter (who didn't??). in a sci-fi way, the Legally Distinct Little Red had been kidnapped from janeway's pre-voyager life as a baby by a duplicitous alien father and then showed up sometime in season one as a war survivor, conveniently now my age. interestingly enough, for an escapist fantasy, janeway never really wanted the kid (as a baby or teen), kept her at a distance, and struggled with feelings of resentment over her presence. there were occasional hard-earned moments of closeness, when my character would try and prove herself through acts of self-sacrifice (pretty on-brand for a janeway). voyager was brand new when my fic started, so i'm not sure if i wrote her more like picard than janeway, or if it was a longer emotional arc toward a healthy parent/child relationship that i just don't remember!
with adult perspective, i think janeway would indeed prefer not to have a kid and would resent having her focus divided if one was forced on her, but she would find joy in it and would never be as emotionally absent as i wrote her. her relationship with seven is obviously much more complicated than the parent/surprise teenager analogy i read into it as a (then older) teen, but there are some parallels there with seven's early rebellious process of self-actualization -- and the messier that got, the more attached janeway got to her. regardless, my ultimate choice would be not to put either of us through a parent/child relationship. :)
so, sisko and deanna!
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lidoshka · 2 years
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I don’t even go to this fandom but I started reading fanfics about Final Fantasy VII and I wanna share some of the ones i liked most:
Refuge by Esama Cloud goes out looking for an UFO. (Final Fantasy VII / Star Wars: Clone Wars)
Salt of Midgar by calysto1395 "Does Zack know you're here?" He asked. Cloud gave a half-hearted shrug, then shook his head. "He's gonna worry." Barret said. "He's always worried." Cloud replied and frowned, looking straight ahead. Barret almost startled, hearing his voice. "I'm... difficult." Cloud added after a moment of silence. You and me both, Barret thought.
Doppelganger by RainingColours Cloud slips into a parallel universe where Shinra still reigns, and nobody is dead, except for himself. And things get complicated when a not dead General is apparently the dead Cloud's soulmate. Cloud definitely shouldn't have left Seventh Heaven this morning. A Soulmate!au with a twist.
The Strength of a Thousand by ToastedCatBread Cloud Strife was older than most of the typical cadets, but his blue eyes burned with the strength of a thousand men. The Firsts (and Zack) find out exactly how strong he really was.
For Better or Worse by Mad_Zazzy When the Lifestream throws Cloud back into the past with the vague mission to 'save the world, but better this time', he is left at a loss for what to do. With no allies in sight and Shinra returned to their full power. Could help come from an unlikely source, and is an alliance with his old nemesis even possible? Will Cloud be able to make it back to his friends, stop Sephiroth from losing his mind and make enough of an impact to reshape the future? Well, if it stops him from becoming a mass murderer with a serious God complex, then what's the harm in trying, hey? An unexpected bromance ensues, while Shinra fights to regain their strongest asset. A comedic, somewhat-serious take on 'time travel fix it', playing on a bunch of shippy tropes, which focuses more on action, cosmic horror and maybe even saving the world.
The Completely Inept Courtship of the One-Winged Angel's Cloud by Anonymous Cloud is not happy to find himself a trainee/infantryman again and the other Firsts and upper management cannot for the life of them figure out why the "Great Sephiroth" is stalking the blond and acting like a bratty, bullying seven year old with his first crush.
I have a few other fics in my “to read” page, but if you have a favourite fanfic that has Cloud as a main protagonist (cause he’s the only one whose bio I finished reading so far) please lemme know!
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catboygirling · 2 years
Damian's Fic Recs - Whumptober Time!
[October 2022]
welcome back, folks, for another issue of Damian's Fic Recs! in honor of my beloved Whumptober (and as penance for not writing much for it this year), we're in for a list full of whumps! not all written for Whumptober, but all with that generally depressing vibe.
this is the first list I've done for multiple fandoms at a time, so here's all the ones I'll be covering today:
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Ace Attorney
Persona 5
DC Comics
each fandom is grouped together, in that order! though most of them are Fire Emblem, because... yeah <5
because of some... heavier material this time around, there's two new additions to my rating system, those being Graphic Depictions of Violence (🩸) and Major Character Death (☠️). stay safe, and happy reading!
Ratings Guide:
🌹 - Shippy
🌷 - Hints/mentions of ships, but not the main focus
🌻 - Purely Platonic
💚 - General Audiences
💛 - Teen
🧡 - Mature
🩸 - Graphic Depictions of Violence
☠️ - Major Character Death
✅ - Complete
❌- In-progress
Fire Emblem: Three Houses
🌻💛✅🩸☠️ God Slayer by Elluia
Word Count: 1.9k Chapters: 1/1
Published: October 6th, 2022
Sothis was murdered in her sleep, or so they believe. Whumptober 2022, Prompt No.6: Proof of life
[Notes: barely any dialogue, mostly the most brutal death you've ever read in your life. excellent prose and imagery, especially if you like the combo of dragons and stars.]
🌻💛❌ His Sweat and Blood by Elluia
Word Count: 2.7k Chapters: 1/2
First Published: October 11th, 2022
From war orphan to prisoner of war, Cyril is just trying to survive. Whumptober 2022, Prompt No.11: sloppy bandages + self-done first aid
[Notes: I included two Elluia fics on pure accident, haha. this one is backstory for Cyril, one of the most underrated characters in the game, in my opinion. not as gruesome as the last one, but Elluia's wonderful prose is still present!]
🌹💛✅ love is a thing with thorns by miyatini
Word Count: 3.2k Chapters: 1/1
Published: October 5th, 2022
Honeysuckle signifies devoted affection, Sylvain learns. He wonders how even his body has become Felix’s in its destruction. - sylvain is a lover, destroyed over and over again
[Notes: unrequited hanahaki! where the other person isn't portrayed as completely in the wrong! woo!! I mean, it still has a sad ending, so maybe the woo isn't entirely appropriate, I've just read too much arophobic hanahaki takes to not celebrate.]
🌻💛❌ All the Time in the World by Cinnabunni
Word Count: 5k Chapters: 1/?
First Published: June 23rd, 2022
The man’s eye immediately softened when he looked at the Archbishop. “Byleth…” he spoke in a low tone. “...is he real?” The Archbishop–Byleth–gave a firm nod. “He’s very much real, Dimitri. But right now, he needs to rest-”  “But how do we know if it’s him?” the man pressed. “How do we know it’s really him? How do we not know it’s the same people who assumed the role of Monica and Tomas? How do we know that he won’t stab us in the back and kill us all?” The man focused back onto Glenn. “I say we strike now, before he has the chance to heal and get back to full strength. Destroy the seeds of tragedy and despair before they get the chance to sprout.”  Glenn, if it was any other circumstance, would’ve gotten angry, and reply with his own remark. Maybe even fight if he was physically able to. But one detail made his mind spin, made his whole world pause and destroy everything that he thought he knew or understood.   “Dimitri…?” ~~~ In which Glenn is thrown through time, and no one is happy about the situation.
[Notes: hiii Cinna I'm recommending one of your fics <5 because you deserve it <5]
🌹💛✅ Save Me (Get Me the Hell Out of Here) by LucRambles
Word Count: 7k Chapters: 1/1
Published: December 25th, 2021
“Don’t move,” Felix says before pressing his hands to either side of the slashed flesh and pushing them closer together, channeling his minor healing spell. Sylvain hisses in pain but stays still as Felix desperately tries to get the flesh to knit back together. But healing was never his strong suit and he feels it fizzle out, the cooling sensation replaced by the warmth of Sylvain’s blood. “Leave me here,” Sylvain says. “The battle is still going on, you need—” “You need to shut up,” Felix snaps, practically snarls. “I am not leaving you.” “Don’t get yourself killed,” Sylvain says, like the insufferable hypocrite he is. Felix has lived this day before. Sylvain keeps dying. And he can't let that happen.
[Notes: timeloop fics my beloved!! not officially tagged for violence, but the loop is caused by being killed in battle... so don't expect a picnic.]
Ace Attorney
🌻💚✅ Down For the Count by Hextoons
Word Count: 3k Chapters: 1/1
Published: September 20th, 2022
When Phoenix, quite literally falls ill, Franziska takes it upon herself to care for him. This will totally not go terribly. Sicktember 2022 Day 20: Cold Sweat
[Notes: definitely one of the tenser sickfics I've ever read. if Franziska having to take care of Phoenix doesn't sound bad enough, it's the middle of aa2. yeah.]
🌻💚✅ True North by BillyRayCyrus
Word Count: 354 Chapters: 1/1
Published: September 5th, 2021
Phoenix and Miles continue their journey.
[Notes: zombie au! zombie au! really short, but still a punch to the gut.]
Persona 5
🌻💛✅ nothing to celebrate by Setio
Word Count: 2.4k
Chapters: 1/1
Published: October 15th, 2022
“What do you want to eat tomorrow?” Sojiro asked. Akira’s head tilted a little further. “You always make curry?” he asked, brow furrowing together in confusion. Sojiro coughed lightly. “Well, yes. But I would have thought you would have wanted something a little bit different tomorrow. It is a special day.” The confusion only deepened. “A special day?” Akira asked. Sojiro gave him a puzzled look. “Your birthday?” he said. Oh. Right. His birthday.
DC Comics
🌻💛✅ Whumptober 2021 by dizarys
Word Count: 42k
Chapters: 30/30
First Published: October 1st, 2021
Finished: November 1st, 2021
Jason tried to tighten his hold but blood made Dick's gauntlet too slick. His hand slipped free. A wordless, desperate sound clawed its way out of Jason's throat as Dick tumbled towards the murky water. Without hesitation Jason let go, plummeting after him. -- All of my completed 2021 Whumptober prompts (plus some extra!)
[Notes: an absolute BEAST of a read if you want to tackle the whole thing, but the individual chapters aren't too long, and they aren't connected. you can easily just read whichever ones stick out to you and ignore the rest, if you want to. this one isn't tagged for violence, but it is pretty brutal at parts, and even if the violence isn't always explicit the subject matter can get pretty heavy. batfam-centric.]
🌻💛✅ Under & Over by Batshit_Bogs
Word Count: 3.5k Chapters: 1/1
Published: October 3rd, 2021
Duke sees it happen. He sees the stone crumble, the lenses in Damian’s mask widen, Damian reaches out - and Duke watches him disappear over the side of the bridge. - Or: Duke and Damian go for a mid-mission swim. It's not as fun as it sounds
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