#a queda dos mutantes
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comicswithimperfectblacks · 4 months ago
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E se eu lhe dissesse que esse é um dos meus trajes favoritos da Tempestade?
Uma página de "X-Men #39" (Abril, 1992), incluindo uma história originalmente publicada em "Uncanny X-Men #224" (Marvel, 1987). Arte por Marc Silvestri.
What if I told you that this is one of favorite Storm outfits?
A page from "X-Men #39" (Abril, 1992), featuring a storyline originally published in "Uncanny X-Men #224" (Marvel, 1987). Art by Marc Silvestri.
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coelhogeek · 2 years ago
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toxicsquad · 29 days ago
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Happy first Saturday of February!
It's getting closer every day until we can give you an official date for the new chapter! In the meantime, let's keep testing your knowledge….
One of our human protagonists has developed a more special relationship with the mutants, do you remember who?
As a small spoiler we bring you forward that, specifically, Anjali has become quite close to the character we are referring to. Can you imagine what kind of relationship it could be? 👀
Leave us your answers in the comments! And stay tuned to our networks for more news, coming soon.
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¡Feliz primer sábado de Febrero!
¡Cada día queda menos para que os podamos dar una fecha oficial del nuevo capítulo! Mientras tanto, vamos a seguir poniendo a pruebas vuestros conocimientos...
Uno de nuestros protagonistas humanos ha desarrollado una relación más especial con los mutantes, ¿recordáis quién?
Como pequeño spoiler os adelantamos que, en concreto, Anjali se ha convertido en alguien bastante cercano para el personaje al que nos referimos. ¿Os imagináis que tipo de relación puede ser? 👀
¡Dejadnos vuestras respuestas en los comentarios! Y seguid atentos a nuestras redes para más noticias, muy pronto.
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kisaki-yazmin-motou · 1 year ago
¿Y si por culpa de los habitantes de West Side Island es que el miedo de Tails a los truenos y rayos es horrible?
Ya sabemos que los habitantes de ahi estan mal de la cabeza.
Mi cabeza no deja de pensar que, por ser un lugar medio alejado del mundo, a veces la situacion se ponia un poco complicada y cuando parecia que las cosas mejoraban, nace Miles Prower.
En sus cabezas el naciemiento de ese mutante es la razon de sus desgracias.
Quisieron ser venebolentes y dejaron al bebé en un barco en direccion a Cocoa Island, creyendo que no sobreviviria bajo ninguna cirscuntancia, mejor desgracias a otros que a ellos.
Se enteran de la guerra contra el Imperio Kukku y creen que sus predicciones fueron ciertas, pero no se preocupan demasiado, es imposible que ese monstruo sobreviva a una guerra al estar completamente solo.
Pasan unos años y pasa lo que creyeron imposible, ven al raro de dos colas en las orillas del pueblo.
Si ese maldito ser no muere por la buenas, ellos se encargaran.
Los estupidos de esa isla pensaban que cuando habia tormenta era el mejor momento para acabar con la aberracion de su hogar, así que salian armados y comenzaban una caceria contra el niño.
Dicho niño se esconderia y correria cuando estuvieran demasiado cerca, recuerda los gritos de ira hacia el mezclandose con los ruidos producidos por la tormenta.
Los truenos y rayos siempre estaban presentes en las noches donde casi logran su cometido, pero gracias a algun Dios lograba escapar.
Por degracia para el niño, esas cacerias no siempre terminaban con saldo blanco. En mas de una ocacion un habitante de la isla perdia la vida a causa de la tormenta, por caminar donde no debia o algun accidente ocasionado por el agua de la lluvia. Los habitantes siempre terminaban culpando al zorrito de todo, que si ya no estuviera vivo, nada malo sucederia.
Asi pasa el tiempo hasta que conoce a cierto erizo azul.
Sonic solo necesita cinco minutos en la aldea para saber que todos estan mal de la cabeza, escucha algunas cosas pero no se queda lo suficiente para que esos locos le expliquen sus razones.
Conoce al niño, odia mas a esos estupidos y no se lo piensa cuando le ofrece al menor irse con él.
No le sorprende que acepte.
Es hasta su primera tormenta juntos que el menor muestra un terror absoulto a los truenos y rayos, es entre lagrimas que el zorrito cuenta lo que ha pasado en la seguridad de los brazos del mayor, siendo consolado con tanto cariño por primera vez en su vida que solo lo hace derramar mas lagrimas.
Sonic escucha, solo puede escuchar todo lo que ha pasado el menor y agradecer que haya superado todo.
Se promete que el menor no volvera a pasar ninguna tormeta solo, no si el tiene algo que decir al respecto.
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nekoannie-chan · 1 year ago
La trampa perfecta parte I
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Pareja: Brock Rumlow X Lectora mutante alterada X Jack Rollins, Steve Rogers X Lectora mutante alterada (platónico).
Palabras: 1060 palabras.
Sinopsis: La lectora está en una relación con Brock y Jack, a ella le dieron la tarea de introducir a Steve al mundo actual, algo que obviamente no le gusta a ninguno de los dos, pero no les queda de otra.
Advertencias: Relación poliamorosa, la lectora es agente de HYDRA, menciones de Smut.
N/A:  Esta es un pedido de @azulatodoryuga. ¡FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS!
También lo puedes leer en Wattpad y Ao3.
         Si te gusto por favor vota, comenta y rebloguea.
No doy ningún permiso para que mis fics sean publicados en otra plataforma o idioma (yo traduzco mi propio trabajo) o el uso de mis gráficos (mis separadores de texto también están incluidos), los cuales hice exclusivamente para mis fics, por favor respeta mi trabajo y no lo robes. Aquí en la plataforma hay personas que hacen separadores de texto para que cualquiera los pueda usar, los míos no son públicos, por favor busca los de dichas personas. La única excepción serían los regalos que he hecho ya que ahora pertenecen a alguien más. Si encuentras alguno de mis trabajos en una plataforma diferente y no es alguna de mis cuentas, por favor avísame. Los reblogs y comentarios están bien.
DISCLAIMER: Los personajes de Marvel no me pertenecen (desafortunadamente), exceptuando por los personajes originales y la historia.
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Otros lugares donde publico: Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @black23 @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad
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—¿Ya se pusieron de acuerdo de a donde iremos de vacaciones? —les preguntaste a tus novios mientras terminabas de acomodarte el sostén.
Estaban ocupados cuando les llegó el mensaje de S.H.I.E.L.D., en el cual les indicaban que requería de su presencia de forma inmediata en las instalaciones, tuvieron que vestirse rápidamente.
—T/N, no hay tiempo para eso, debemos de llegar cuanto antes y ver que nada de eso interfiera con nuestros planes —Jack te regañó.
Volteaste indignada a verlo. —¿Qué dijiste?
—Jack, déjala, mejor tú apúrate, ya sabes que si la haces enojar, no te dejará que le hagas eso que tanto te gusta —Brock intervino, provocando que Jack saliera de la habitación refunfuñando.
—¿Qué será lo que ocurre? Son las cuatro de la mañana —comentaste rompiendo el silencio en el carro.
—Algo demasiado importante, de otra manera no nos habrían llamado, pero no somos los únicos, entonces es algo muy grande —Brock dijo mientras conducía.
—Esto no me gusta.
—¿Acaso viste algo? —Jack preguntó.
—No tengo visiones, solo muevo cosas y bueno, ya sabes… —hiciste una señal para indicar que podías matar a alguien usando tus poderes—. Pero tengo un mal presentimiento,
—¿Creen que nos hayan descubierto? —la voz de Jack sonaba nerviosa, eso no era nada normal en él.
—Si fuera así, tendríamos a varios equipos irrumpiendo en la casa para atraparnos, en vez de que nos llamaran. Es algo más —Brock aclaró.
—Espero que no tengamos que usar al Soldado —expresaste.
—¿Acaso la pequeña e inocente T/N quiere repetir lo de la otra vez? Creo que tenemos una adicta al sexo —Jack se burló de ti.
—Jack, cállate, tú eres el adicto al sexo —te defendiste.
—Brock —Jack esperaba que el otro le diera la razón.
—Lo siento, pero T/N tiene la razón, comienzo a creer que es en lo único que piensas —Brock te apoyó.
—Los odio.
—Mientes, nos amas, o quieres que te recuerde lo que estábamos haciendo antes de ser interrumpidos —ahora tú te burlaste.
Jack hizo una mueca, sabía que había perdido la batalla.
—¿Por qué llegaron juntos? —Natasha te preguntó cuando te sentaste a su lado. Iba a ser muy obvio si los tres se sentaban juntos.
—Le hablé a Rumlow que vive cerca de mi casa, mi auto se descompuso y no tenía forma de llegar —respondiste, usualmente inventaban excusas, no querían que nadie supiera de la relación que tenían, para evitar poner a los otros en peligro—. ¿Sabes para qué nos llamaron? —con agilidad cambiaste de tema, sabías que ella seguiría interrogándote si no lo hacías.
—Encontraron a alguien —ella respondió.
—¿A alguien? ¿A quién?
—Aún no están seguros, pero dicen que al Capitán Rogers.
—¿Capitán Rogers? Te refieres a… a Steve Rogers, o sea al Capitán América —no podías creer lo que acababas de escuchar, debías de avisarle a Jack y Brock lo más pronto posible.
Te las ingeniaste para enviarles un mensaje de texto, ellos hicieron un gran esfuerzo para evitar que su reacción fuera obvia. Lo que ocurría quedó confirmado con aquella reunión, donde les explicaron
Ninguno de los tres sabía exactamente el significado de lo que estaba ocurriendo, pero comenzaban a imaginarse las consecuencias que traería. Evidentemente Pierce no estaría nada contento y sobre todo, en pocos días también juntaría a los agentes que estaban en la misión de intervenir a S.H.I.E.L.D.
Te sobresaltaste cuando Fury te nombró al final de la junta, requería tu presencia en su oficina, Brock y Jack intercambiaron miradas, un tanto aterrados, en medida de lo posible se mantuvieron cerca de la oficina de Nick, estaban muy preocupados.
—¿Para qué me necesita, Director? —preguntaste haciendo todo lo posible para parecer tranquila.
—Te encargarás de Rogers, necesito que lo ayudes a que se integre a nuestra época, eres de las mejores agentes que tenemos —Nick ordenó.
—¿Ya despertó? —estabas intentando obtener la mayor información que pudieses. Tú, Brock y Jack debían de trazar un plan con rapidez.
—Esta mañana, pero necesito que se mantenga en secreto aún —él te contestó.
Asentiste, él te siguió dando instrucciones, ahora te esforzabas por evitar sonreír, tal vez no todo era una mala noticia, eso podría significarse que tal vez podrían subir de rango en HYDRA.
Cuando saliste de la oficina, le hiciste señas a ellos para que te siguieran, debían de hablar en un lugar privado, donde nadie los pudiera escuchar.
La idea no les gustó del todo, no les agradaba para nada que tuvieras que compartir tu tiempo con el enemigo, ni de lo que podía pasar, NO QUERÍAN COMPARTIRTE CON NADIE MÁS EN NINGÚN SENTIDO, SOLO ERAS DE ELLOS.
—¿Cuándo vas a empezar con eso? —Brock cuestionó.
—En tres días.
—No me gusta la idea —Brock no quería imaginar lo que podría pasar, el solo hecho de pensarlo, lo ponía furioso.
—Lo sé, Brock, pero si lo vemos por el lado bueno podríamos obtener mucha información valiosa, eso haría que Pierce estuviera muy contento —dijiste.
—T/N tiene razón, pero aun así estaremos cerca y si se atreve a sobrepasarse…
—¿Acaso el grandullón está celoso? —interrumpiste a Jack.
—Pierce quiere que nos reunamos, bueno, todo STRIKE con él mañana —Brock interrumpió al ver el mensaje que había llegado.
—Entonces supongo que tenemos que aprovechar el tiempo, no sabemos cuándo podríamos volver a tener algún tiempo a solas juntos —propusiste pícaramente.
Obviamente, no desperdiciaron esa noche, tanto así que al día siguiente no podías ni caminar, pero no negabas que lo habías disfrutado.
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Día D
Sabías que debías llevar a cabo tu misión a la perfección, aunque ahora que Pierce se había enterado de lo de Steve, sentías más presión.
—Ya sabes que puedes llamarnos cuando nos necesites —Brock dijo, luego te dio un beso y una cajita con un collar que te había comprado.
—Te estaremos esperando, todo será muy aburrido sin ti —Jack te besó.
Nunca habían estado separados por más de un mes, pero de alguna manera iban a conseguir que Steve formara parte de HYDRA, de alguna forma tú lo convencerías sin que se diera cuenta.
Teniendo al Soldado y al Capitán de su lado, el mundo sería de HYDRA.
Tomaste un poco de aire antes de tocar la puerta, la abriste lentamente cuando escuchaste que podías pasar.
—Capitán Rogers, soy la agente T/N T/A, me encargaré de ayudarlo a integrarse a nuestra época, encantada de conocerlo.
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evelyngarciatirado-blog · 7 months ago
“Criaturas asombrosas” en el 28 Festival de Cine de Lima PUCP
De: Evelyn García Tirado
“Criaturas asombrosas” (2023), del director Thomas Cailley, es una película dramática y de aventuras, ciertamente sorprendente. Trata de un grupo de humanos que sufren una extraña mutación, convirtiéndose, poco a poco, en diversas criaturas del reino animal, a consecuencia de una pandemia. Estos individuos están impedidos de caminar libremente por la vía pública y son recluidos por el Estado en un centro médico en el sur de Francia, en el Parque Natural Regional de las Landas de Gascuña (un lugar lleno de lagunas y de densas zonas boscosas). Si escapan en algún momento, son perseguidos rigurosamente por la policía. En medio de esta situación caótica, vemos a un muchacho de dieciséis años, llamado Émile (interpretado por el fascinante Paul Kircher), cuya madre, Lana (Florence Deretz), ha sido llevada al centro médico de Gascuña, pues se ha convertido en una especie de mamífero. Es entonces que el chico se queda viviendo bajo las estrictas normas de su padre, François (encarnado por el premiado Romain Duris). Ambos tienen una relación complicada y discuten con frecuencia, pero se demuestran, a pesar de todo, un cariño muy grande. Las actuaciones tanto de Kircher como de Duris son frescas y convincentes. Kircher posee cierto toque de inocencia y al mismo tiempo demuestra una fuerza interna arrolladora (sobre todo, cuando descubre cómo él también se va convirtiendo en un feroz mutante). Por momentos, su presencia llega a ser hipnótica, gracias al atractivo que se desprende del personaje que ha creado.
El ritmo de la película es trepidante y las dos horas del film se vuelven nada, ante el buen manejo del guion. Las escenas truculentas en las que los personajes trasformados en criaturas comen o se hieren, a veces son birladas a la cámara por el director para permitirle al público imaginar, más que ver de manera directa. Los personajes que han mutado, más que sentir horror por su apariencia, se preocupan por ser aceptados por sus seres queridos, porque sin ese apoyo emocional se derrumban.
El director se ha inspirado en “Encuentros cercanos del tercer tipo” de Steven Spielberg, en la formidable “Sexto sentido” de M. Night Shyamalan, en las obras del maestro Hayao Miyazaki donde se presenta la relación entre la humanidad y la naturaleza, en “The Host” el film de terror del surcoreano Bong Joon-ho y en “Un mundo perfecto” de Clint Eastwood para moldear la figura paterna de su película, que es autoritaria y sobreprotectora, pero, al mismo tiempo, tierna.
“Criaturas asombrosas” se proyectará el sábado 10 de agosto, a las 4 y 30 p. m. en el Cine Lumière, de la Alianza Francesa de Lima (Av. Arequipa 4595). Entradas en Joinnus.
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denilsonsancho · 1 year ago
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Escute só,
isto é muito sério.
Anda, escuta que isso é sério!
O mundo está tremendamente esquisito.
Há dez anos atrás o Leon me disse
que existe uma rachadura em tudo
e que é assim que a luz entra,
não sei se entendi.
Você percebe alguma coisa
da mistura entre falhas e iluminação?
Aliás, me diga,
você percebe alguma coisa de carpintaria?
Você sabe por que foi que
meteram um boi naquele estábulo
ao invés de um pequeno rinoceronte?
Deve ter tido alguma coisa a ver com a geografia.
Ou com os felizmente
insolucionáveis mistérios
que só podem vir do misticismo asiático.
Um boi é um bicho tão … inexplicável.
Ainda bem!
O amor é um animal tão mutante,
com tantas divisões possíveis.
Lembra daqueles termômetros
que usávamos na boca
quando éramos pequenininhos?
Lembra da queda deles no chão?
Acho que o amor quando aparece
é em tudo semelhante
à forma física do mercúrio no mundo.
Quando o vidro do termômetro se quebra,
o elemento químico se espalha
e então ele fica se dividindo
pelos salões de todas as festas.
Mercúrio se multiplicando.
Acho que deve ser isso
uma das cinco mil explicações possíveis
para o amor.
Ah é! Eu gosto de você!
A luz entrou torta
por nós a dentro, mas, olha,
eu gosto de você!
A luz do verão passado
quebrou o vidro da melancolia
e agora ela fica se expandindo
pelas ruas todas,
desde aquele outro lado do Sol
até esse tremendo agora.
Hoje ainda faz bastante frio.
As cinzas ainda não aterraram
sobre as cabeças disfarçadas.
Tem gente batucando
suor e cerveja
pelas ruas da nossa cidade sul.
E na cidade norte,
há ondas de sete metros
tentando acertar no terceiro olho
dos rapazinhos disfarçados de cowboys.
O mestre ainda não veio
decretar o começo da abstenção
e ... olha,
a luz ainda está conosco.
o mundo está absurdamente esquisito.
Já ninguém confia
nas imposições dos perfeitos.
A esta hora na terra é um tanto carnaval,
um tanto conspiração,
um tanto medo.
Metade fé,
metade folia,
metade desespero.
E, provavelmente,
a esta hora,
uma metade do mundo está vencendo
e a outra metade dormindo.
Há ainda outra metade
limpando as armas,
outra limpando o pó das flores.
Mas, por causa do que me ensinou o místico,
eu acredito que agora exista alguém
profundamente acordado.
Alguém que esteja vivendo
entre o intervalo tênue
entre o sonho e a agilidade.
Suponho que ele saiba perfeitamente
que este começo de século
será nosso batismo do voo
para nossa persistência no amor.
João molhou a testa de Emanoel.
Os gritos das ruas
molham as testas de nossos corações.
De que lado você está,
eu não me importo!
De que garfo você come?
de que copo você bebe?
que posto certo você escolhe?
qual é seu orixá?
seu partido?
sua altura?
de qual de suas cicatrizes você cuida?
que pássaro você prefere?
quem é seu pai?
qual é seu samba?
Pinot noir ou Chardonay?
que protetor você usa?
qual é sua pele?
seu perfume?
qual político?
quantos amores você sonha?
em que Fernando?
em que Ofélia?
em que cinema?
em que bandeira?
em que cabelo você mora?
Qual dos túneis de Copacabana?
Reze para seus santos quando atravessar.
É… é impossível
viver no país de Deus.
Isso eu te dou de barato.
Mas, atravessar o gramado de Deus em bicicleta,
isso não é impossível, não.
Escuta, isso é sério!
Andamos crescendo juntos,
As árvores crescem conosco.
Nossa pele se estende,
nosso entendimento teso, também!
O século cresce conosco.
O amor pelas ventas da cara do mundo,
Quanto a um pra um
entre nós dois,
isso logo se vê.
Não sei nada sobre a paixão,
suspeito que você também não.
Mas, começo a entender
que o compasso da fé
está mudando a passos largos.
Dois pra lá e dois pra cá.
Portanto, escute.
Isto é muito serio!
Isto é uma proposta aos trinta anos.
Agora que o mercúrio
assumiu sua posição certa,
vem comigo achar
o meu trono mágico
entre a folhagem.
E, no caminho até lá,
vem dançar comigo, vem!
Matilde Campilho*
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cinzanohq · 2 years ago
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NOME COMPLETO: Ambrosia “Bambi” Lygnac.
CODINOME: Pâtisserie.
IDENTIDADE DE GÊNERO E PRONOMES: Mulher cisgênero, ela/dela.
DATA DE NASCIMENTO E IDADE: 12/06/1991 (32 anos).
NACIONALIDADE E ETNIA: Francesa, caucasiana.
FACECLAIM: Capsule Bunny (modelo).
OCUPAÇÃO: Psicóloga na Enfermaria e Estudante.
EXTRACURRICULARES: Balé e Gastronomia.
MORADA: Haiyang.
CONTA: bambiczn
OOC: +18
SUGAR RUSH — Trata-se da habilidade de utilizar tipos de açúcares, doces e sobremesas para ataque e defesa, atribuindo-os variadas características mágicas e surreais. Apesar disto, seus doces continuam sendo, obviamente, doces, portanto podem ser comidos (eles são deliciosos!). Mais do que isso, a habilidade depende muito do nível de açúcar no sangue de Ambrosia, indicado pela coloração de seu cabelo. Quanto mais utiliza, mais o açúcar em seu sangue baixa, causando sintomas como fome, sudorese, tremores, fadiga, fraqueza e incapacidade de pensar claramente, dentre outros.
Ambrosia "Bambi" Lygnac nasceu e cresceu em Paris, França. Desde cedo, ela mostrou um amor e fascínio por doces, passando horas na cozinha de sua mãe, experimentando e criando deliciosas iguarias. No entanto, algo peculiar acontecia quando Bambi estava envolvida com os doces: eles pareciam se mover e se transformar ao seu comando.
Aos 13 anos, durante uma festa de aniversário, Bambi percebeu que podia manipular doces de maneiras extraordinárias. Ela fechou os olhos e concentrou-se em um bolo de chocolate na mesa. Para surpresa de todos, o bolo flutuou no ar e se transformou em várias miniaturas perfeitamente decoradas. Foi nesse momento que ela percebeu que possuía poderes mutantes.
Intrigada e um pouco assustada com sua nova habilidade, Bambi manteve seu segredo escondido de todos com ajuda de sua família, até que uma pessoa notou suas manipulações doces. Um agente do Instituto Cinzano, uma organização que buscava e treinava mutantes para proteger o mundo, viu potencial em Bambi e procurou recrutá-la para a instituição.
Aos 16 anos, Bambi ingressou no Instituto Cinzano, onde começou a treinar e aprimorar suas habilidades com doces. Ela descobriu que podia não apenas manipular a forma e a textura dos doces, mas também transformá-los em armas temporárias, criando chicotes de caramelo, projéteis de açúcar e escudos de chocolate.
Enquanto Bambi se desenvolvia como mutante, também percebeu sua afinidade natural com a psicologia. Ela descobriu que podia usar sua habilidade para entender e influenciar as emoções das pessoas, especialmente quando associadas aos sabores dos doces. Bambi percebeu que seu talento não era apenas para manipular doces fisicamente, mas também para manipular as emoções das pessoas através de sabores específicos.
Combinando sua habilidade mutante com seu talento psicológico, Bambi se formou em psicologia e tornou-se uma psicóloga no Instituto Cinzano. Ela dedicou-se a ajudar outros mutantes a lidar com seus poderes e traumas emocionais, usando seus conhecimentos e seus doces manipulados para criar ambientes acolhedores e terapias únicas.
01. BUBBLEGUM BITCH — Torna-se capaz de produzir uma substância com propriedades parecidas às de goma de mascar, como viscosidade, elasticidade e maleabilidade, mas aumentadas. Consegue esticar e contrair a goma à vontade. O material ainda é extremamente frágil ao frio. Nesse nível, gera uma pequena quantidade de chiclete, que pode soprar e transformar em uma bola enorme para reduzir suas quedas.
02. SACAROSE — Consegue modelar e manipular açúcar, que é o nome generalizado para uma classe de substâncias com sabor doce quimicamente relacionadas, a maioria das quais é usada como alimento. Existem variados tipos de açúcar de diferentes fontes, muitos encontrados em tecidos da maioria das plantas, mas apenas presentes em concentração suficiente para extração eficaz na cana de açúcar e beterraba. O elemento continua sendo extremamente vulnerável à água e altamente inflamável. Ainda não consegue criar a substância, mas pode manipular o açúcar já existente. Embora não possa criar estruturas, consegue atrair formigas e outras criaturas que necessitam de amplas fontes de energia. Ela não as controla, apenas faz com que um alvo seja favorecido pelas mesmas.
03. QUEBRA-QUEIXO — Tem a capacidade de conjurar doces pequenos e medianos, os quais têm o gosto tradicional e influenciam a ter cáries. Ele pode ser criativo em como usar os doces criados, como gerar grande quantidade de chicletes no chão para desequilibrar seu adversário, recarregar arminhas de doce para disparar balas de açúcar explosivo, ou usar varinhas de alcaçuz para golpear inimigos e rebater projéteis na sua direção, porém dependendo da velocidade pode estourá-los e espalhar açúcar pelo cenário. 
04. GOSTINHO DE INFÂNCIA — Bambi consegue usar sua habilidade para entender e influenciar as emoções das pessoas, especialmente quando associadas aos sabores dos doces. Seu talento não permite que manipule doces apenas fisicamente, mas também induzindo emoções, sentimentos e sensações em outrem por meio de sabores específicos, que mudam de pessoa para pessoa e têm de ser descobertos ao longo do tempo. Se dividir um doce com alguém, consegue sentir os sentimentos da pessoa durante a última mordida.
05. METAMORFOSE — Não só pode conjurar doces, como pode fazer com que objetos pequenos e médios se tornem doce, não alterando a sua forma, mas sim o aspecto natural, o que faz com que tais coisas se tornem comestíveis. Com um movimento de mãos é capaz de conjurar gelatina, a qual é usada tanto para envolver um determinado inimigo [2 turnos] ou até três pessoas que estejam próximas [1 turno], ou para criar soldadinhos feitos de gelatina (máximo 2 de 30 metros cada). Esses soldados se enfiam na boca ou se batem contra o inimigo, numa tentativa de envolvê-los e atrapalhá-los, reduzindo a velocidade de movimento deles ou de concentração em batalha [se desfazem após 3 turnos].
06. BISCOITO DE GENGIBRE — Consegue criar açúcar a partir do nada, criando construtos de açúcar e grandes cristais. Suas construções duram cerca de 3 turnos, caso não sejam atingidas por água ou fogo antes. Consegue endurecê-las também, podendo utilizar como garras, por exemplo.
07. CORANTE NATURAL — Agora seu chiclete pode formar uma camada extremamente fina cuja apar��ncia e cor pode ser modificada de acordo com o desejo de Bambi. A habilidade permite, por exemplo, modificar o que está escrito em um papel sem maiores problemas. Todavia, caso alguém toque na superfície, irá imediatamente perceber a diferença de textura e a ilusão irá se desfazer. Agora, suas criações aguentam 5 golpes até serem destruídas.
08. RAIOS — Altera a densidade e estado de doces ao seu bel prazer, tornando-os duros como concreto ou macios como purê, além de alterar entre líquidos, gasosos, sólidos e até mesmo plasmáticos. Através desse poder, pode disparar raios congelantes feitos de sorvete, com efeitos resfriantes, e contaminar qualquer superfície de água ao transformá-la em refrigerante ou suco.
09. GLICOSE — Agora pode manipular o sangue na corrente sanguínea de seus inimigos ou amigos, permitindo que regule os níveis. Pode diminuir o açúcar para causar confusão e baixa energia, ou aumentar para causar diabetes e até mesmo coma.
10. O CHÃO É LAVA — Pode agora alterar o tamanho dos doces que cria (até 2m), permitindo-o controlar itens feitos de açúcar de forma cinética com um movimento de mãos, o que lhe capacita a criar construtos feitos de doces, mesclando-os ou com um específico, lhe dando controle criativo sobre suas criações. Pode conjurar agora lava, mas não lava comum: chocolate. Assim, com um movimento de mãos, pode moldar o solo embaixo de um inimigo, fazendo-o começar a ter aspecto de lama, até que se torne uma cauda espessa e grossa de chocolate profunda, começando a puxar o alvo para baixo [3 turnos]. Ótimo para fazer armadilhas.
11. OLHINHO QUE TUDO VÊ — Seu corpo torna-se chiclete. Com textura pegajosa e elástica, Bambi utiliza os chicletes como chicotes, alcançando o alvo em até 3m de distância, podendo puxá-lo para si. Além disso, pode separar pequenas porções da goma e colar em algum lugar ou alguém, junto de alguma parte do próprio corpo como orelha ou olho, além de utilizar como munição para armas. Agora, suas criações aguentam 7 golpes até serem destruídas. Caso a parte do corpo utilizada para espionagem seja destruída, demora até 6 meses para se recuperar.
12. PUXA PUXA — Consegue esticar o corpo, parcial ou totalmente, e torcê-lo de formas assustadoras, como se fosse feito de chiclete e não tivesse nenhum osso. Como um chiclete perde o gosto rápido, Bambi pode fazer isso apenas enquanto estiver mastigando um chiclete, e quando ele perder o gosto, ela não conseguirá mais esticar o corpo e permanecerá na forma que está, sofrendo todos os possíveis danos.
13. MELÍFLUA — Devido aos inúmeros benefícios que o mel traz à saúde, Bambi consegue potencializar tais vantagens, produzindo uma substância com propriedades de fato curativas que pode ser ingerida ou aplicada em ferimentos. Ainda assim, a substância deve ser consumida por parcimônia, visto que pode gerar desregulação dos níveis de açúcar no sangue e ganho de peso. De forma alternativa, pode adicionar as propriedades do chamado “mad honey” ou “mel bravo”, um mel infectado com grayanotoxina por ter sido produzido através de flores ericáceas e lauráceas. Esse mel pode causar uma rara condição caracterizada por vertigem ou desmaio, fraqueza, sudorese, salivação, náusea e vômitos logo após a ingestão. Em alvos mais fracos, pode ainda causar hipotensão ou choque, bradicardia, extra sístoles, taquicardia ventricular e Síndrome de Wolff-Parkinson-White, exigindo-se até marca-passo temporário. Em alvos que aja por muito tempo (+5 turnos), causa parestesias de extremidades, fraqueza muscular, convulsões e outros sintomas neurológicos em função da junção da toxina aos canais de sódio. Os efeitos necessitam de atendimento médico urgente.
14. CRISTALIZAÇÃO — Ao expirar mel em alguém, acelera e aumenta o processo de cristalização da substância, fazendo com que a pessoa se torne basicamente uma estátua de mel cristalizado. O efeito pode ser facilmente revertido pelo frio, mas fica mais intenso com o calor, que pode ser absorvido pela “prisão”, tornando-a insuportavelmente quente. Fora disso, a prisão dura por até 3 turnos antes de desaparecer.
15. WILLY WONKA — Sua última habilidade consiste na capacidade de alterar as probabilidades presentes num cenário, criando a realidade dos doces, a qual é capaz de transformar toda uma área em doce, pelo menos tudo o que é inorgânico. Isso lhe permite ter domínio cinético completo sobre os doces e a capacidade de dar propriedades a itens grandes, como bazucas que enviam bombas doces que podem machucar gravemente, apesar de deliciosas. Além disso, pode causar o fenômeno conhecido como “chuvarada de canela”, uma poderosa chuva feita de balas de canela, duras e poderosas, que podem fazer buracos em telhados e causar estragos em aparelhos metálicos como se fossem pedras. É capaz de direcionar essa chuva em uma determinada direção [fica ativa por 2 turnos].
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ennmaximof4 · 2 years ago
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Christopher Nord
• Absorção Cinética: O poder mutante primário de Nord é a capacidade de absorver a energia causada por um impacto cinético. Embora esse poder tenha limites, Nord pode sobreviver a uma queda de 10 andares e ser atingido por uma força sobre-humana sem sofrer ferimentos graves.
• Fator de Cura Regenerativo: Ao ingressar no Time X, Nord recebeu artificialmente um leve fator de cura pelo projeto semelhante aos possuídos por Wolverine e Dentes de Sabre, embora muito inferior ao deles. Como resultado, ele pode se curar completamente de ferimentos leves a moderados mais rápido e mais extensivamente do que um ser humano normal. Esse fator de cura também o torna altamente resistente, se não imune, à maioria das doenças e toxinas. Também suprime bastante o processo natural de envelhecimento de Nord, fazendo com que ele envelheça muito devagar.
Mesmo sem seus poderes mutantes, Zero é um excelente combatente corpo a corpo, um atirador de precisão e um especialista em operações secretas e demolições. Ele também tem uma vasta experiência com computadores e equipamentos de comunicação.
Nascido na antiga Alemanha Oriental, Christoph Nord era um idealista que lutou contra o regime comunista como um lutador pela liberdade da célula seis da Alemanha Ocidental. O irmão de Nord, Andreas, lutou pelos alemães orientais e, quando os dois se enfrentaram na batalha, Nord foi forçado a matá-lo a sangue frio.
Mais tarde, após um encontro com o assassino, o Confessor, Nord estava se recuperando em um hospital alemão onde se apaixonou pela enfermeira Ginetta Barsalini. Os dois se casaram e ela logo engravidou, mas depois ele soube que ela era uma agente dupla e foi forçado a matá-la depois que ela o atacou. A culpa e a dor o levaram ainda mais em seu trabalho mercenário, e ele finalmente aceitou uma oferta para se juntar ao Programa Arma X da Agência Central de Inteligência. Nord juntou-se à unidade de operações secretas do Programa, Team X, mudou seu nome para David North e assumiu o codinome Maverick.
Barrington mais tarde enviou Maverick para recuperar documentos conhecidos como Arquivos Xavier, em homenagem ao pai do fundador telepático dos X-Men, Professor Charles Xavier. Os arquivos estavam na posse de um ex-colega do pai de Xavier, Doutor Alexander Ryking, que estava sob a proteção do mercenário sobre-humano Warhawk. Durante o confronto que se seguiu, Warhawk explodiu, matando Ryking e aparentemente destruindo os arquivos.
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Em um encontro posterior com Hammer and Sickle, o olho esquerdo de Maverick foi arrancado por Sickle, e ele foi deixado para morrer nos Alpes Suíços. Forçado a cauterizar a ferida para parar de sangrar até a morte, Maverick sobreviveu e mais tarde ressurgiu para ajudar Wolverine contra um Programa Arma X revivido. Este novo programa enviou Dentes de Sabre para recrutar tanto Maverick quanto o ex-aluno do Time X, John Wraith. Nenhum dos dois aceitou a oferta, então Dentes de Sabre matou Wraith e feriu gravemente Maverick. Trazido para o Programa com apenas alguns minutos de vida, Maverick relutantemente se juntou para sobreviver e foi geneticamente modificado para se tornar o Agente Zero.
Embora um operativo eficiente, Zero odiava o que havia se tornado e frequentemente considerava o suicídio. Suas missões iniciais incluíam matar um traficante colombiano, matar um informante do governo e acabar com uma organização terrorista. Mais tarde, ele foi designado para matar Wolverine, mas o Agente Zero falhou propositalmente no assassinato, sabendo que não poderia tentar matar um velho amigo. O Diretor puniu Zero por seu fracasso, mas ele sabia que Zero falharia - a atribuição foi dada apenas para quebrar ainda mais a vontade do Agente Zero.
Após uma mudança na liderança do Programa, Zero foi designado para rastrear o grupo terrorista anti-humano Gene Nation, que havia sido revivido pela ex-agente da Arma X, Marrow. Confrontando-a, Zero descobriu que seu último recruta, um homem usando sua antiga identidade de Maverick, havia sido enviado para atacar a Grand Central Station de Nova York. Confrontando o impostor, Zero infligiu um ferimento fatal nele apenas para descobrir que era seu amigo, Chris. Zero então começou a tarefa de acabar com Gene Nation com novo zelo, embora ele se recusasse a fazer de Marrow um mártir.
Nord perdeu seus poderes durante o Dia M. Ele se mudou para um escritório no Queens lidando com vários mutantes sem poderes. Wolverine o procurou para obter informações sobre Carbonadium, reunindo os dois e Jubileu. No entanto, Omega Red logo atacou o prédio, procurando o Carbonadium Synthesizer com Nord ferido no ataque e forçado a colocar Omega Red na trilha do Sintetizador.
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Mais tarde, Nord roubou os arquivos da Arma X e os vendeu no mercado negro. Em um esforço para encobrir seu envolvimento no início do programa Strikeforce X de Wolverine, ele o ajudou a derrubar o Strikeforce X e matou o homem para quem vendeu os arquivos.
Após o evento cataclísmico em que uma estação espacial lunar destinada a limpar as perigosas emissões de CO2 da atmosfera da Terra foi destrutivamente sabotada por uma milícia armada voando com as cores da Latvéria, Nord, tendo retornado ao trabalho mercenário, foi encarregado pela Interpol de prender o provável suspeito, morto ou vivo, e fazê-lo com extremo preconceito. Embora terrivelmente superado em todas as contagens, o ditador rendeu-se voluntariamente às autoridades competentes sem muita luta. O Agente Zero, entre outros, ficou de olho em Victor durante a transferência do prisioneiro.
Com o surgimento de uma nova nação mutante conhecida como Krakoa, Nord ignorou a convocação para vir para uma nova casa para, em vez disso, satisfazer seu antigo estilo de vida mercenário mais uma vez. Em algum lugar ao longo da linha, enquanto trabalhava em um emprego, ele acabou capturado e a mente limpa por um leilão clandestino para o superpoderoso mercado negro, eventualmente sendo colocado à venda como uma ferramenta para todos os fins a serviço de qualquer empreendimento clandestino que um comprador disposto poderia pensar.
Nord acabou sendo salvo por seu antigo amigo de guerra Wolverine, que se infiltrou em Madripoor, onde a venda estava sendo realizada, mas se recusou a vir para a nova nação apenas para mutantes porque não confiava na maneira como eles faziam as coisas. Em vez disso, depois de executar uma missão de bolsa preta com seu irmão de armas pelos velhos tempos, Nord voltou ao trabalho independente, eventualmente sendo contratado por um dos atendentes na gala de memorabilia da qual ele fazia parte, oferecendo-lhe uma nova missão enquanto jantava em um cafeteria em Nova York.
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-> MCU:
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miedkha · 3 years ago
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Há dez anos atrás o Leon me disse que existe uma rachadura em tudo e que é assim que a luz entra, não sei se entendi. Você percebe alguma coisa da mistura entre falhas e iluminação?
O amor é um animal tão mutante, com tantas divisões possíveis.
Lembra daqueles termômetros que usávamos na boca quando éramos pequeninos? Lembra da queda deles no chão? 
Então, acho que o amor quando aparece é em tudo semelhante à forma física do mercúrio no mundo. Quando o vidro do termômetro se quebra, o elemento químico se espalha e então ele fica se dividindo pelos salões de todas as festas. Mercúrio se multiplicando. Acho que deve ser isso uma das cinco mil explicações possíveis para o amor.
Ah é! Eu gosto de você. A luz entrou torta por nós a dentro, mas, olha, eu gosto de você! A luz do verão passado quebrou o vidro da melancolia e agora ela fica se expandindo pelas ruas todas. Desde aquele outro lado do Sol até esse tremendo agora.
Matilde Campilho, Fevereiro
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brianna2729 · 2 years ago
Eternal Soulmates Ch.3
Summary: Brianna turns 25 years old and Leo surprised her with a love song while she was sleeping and made breakfast for her but things turn around when Leo gets jealous that her parents are gonna invite her ex-boyfriend from high school and they argue about it and they stop talking for a week... After a week Leo looks for Brianna and he finds out she’s in Nicaragua her native country and they reconsider their relationship... In the second week, Brianna finds out she’s pregnant...
Warning: 🔞 No minors under 18 allowed! Contains Explicit Sexual Content between two consenting adults, minors dni 🔞 Other mature content alcohol consumption and mild profanity 
Brianna Finds Out She's Expecting
Chapter 3
June 2024
Friday, June 5th
Brianna's 25 Birthday
On a Friday morning, Leo sneaks into Brianna's apartment to surprise her with a morning breakfast and some love songs he found special for her birthday... As he connects his phone to her Bluetooth speakers in her room the music played through the speakers causing Brianna to slowly open her eyes... Leo was watching her waking up as he hide a bouquet of pink roses behind him... Brianna smiled as she saw her boyfriend looking at her and was happy to know that he remembered her birthday... "Good morning honey!" Brianna said as she sat up rubbing her eyes and yawning cutely as she stretched and she scoots closer to him... "Good morning princess! Happy Birthday my love and I'm honored to be here with you on your special day I look forward to celebrating with you in the upcoming years.." Leo said as he hands over the bouquet of pink roses to his soon-to-be wife... Brianna's heart swooned with his sweet words and the way he woke her up with a love song... Brianna grabbed her favorite roses from his hand, threw herself into his arms, and pecked his lips softly... "Awe thanks, honey! How sweet of you that you remembered my birthday... This is the best surprise ever!" Brianna said as she placed the bouquet on her lap, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him all over his face... "Your welcome babe and I'll do anything for you to make you happy! You are very special to me and you know you mean a lot to me..." Leo said chuckling as his fiance kissed him all over his face... Brianna's phone started to ring as an incoming Video call from her grandmother in Nicaragua was calling her... Brianna answered with joy and smiled at her grandmother...
"Hola mi niña! Feliz cumpleaños mi Cielo Que cumplas muchos años más... Adelina said over the video call... "Gracias Abuelita!! Tan linda que se acordó de mi cumpleaños! La extraño mucho y tengo mucho tiempo que no he ido por ahí a verla... A ver cuando me doy una vuelta por ahi... O viene usted acá con nosotros y se queda conmigo en el tercer cuarto que tengo..." Brianna said in her utmost Nicaraguan accent and Leo sat next to her listening talk in Spanish in her Nicaraguan accent... Adelina noticed Leo and she was shocked at how handsome he looked...
{"Hello my Girl! Happy birthday, my heaven, may you have many more years to come..." Adelina said over the video call... "Thank you, granny!! So cute that you remembered my birthday! I miss you a lot and I haven't been there to see you for a long time... I'll see when I can go on a trip there... Or you come here with us and stay with me in the third room I have... Brianna said in her utmost Nicaraguan accent and Leo sat next to her listening to talk in Spanish...}
"Oye mi hijita ese muchacho mutante tan guapo es tu novio?" Adelina said looking at Leo and then at her granddaughter... Leo smiles at Adelina kindly and waves at her... "Si abuelita! Le presento a Leonardo Hamato es mi novio y mi prometido... Hace unos días me propuso Matrimonio así que pronto va aver boda aver si puede venir a Nuestra boda..." Brianna said over the phone to her grandmother... "Que bien por ti mi hijita hacen una linda pareja y hasta los bebés que tengan van a salir preciosos... Felicidades a los dos! Mucho gusto Leonardo y que bello nombre tiene tu novio y hasta le luce..." Adelina said to Brianna and Leo... "Hola mucho gusto! Tiene una nieta tan especial y la amo mucho con todo mi corazón y ella para mi es una chica muy especial y muy different a las que yo he conocido..." Leo said in Spanish as he learned some words from Señor Hueso when he used to go to the Yokai underworld, he learned some online and from Brianna...
{"Hey my daughter, is that handsome mutant boy your boyfriend?" Adelina said looking at Leo and then at her granddaughter... Leo smiles at Adeline kindly and waves at her... "Yes, grandma! This is Leonardo Hamato, he is my boyfriend and my fiancé... A few days ago he proposed to me, so we are going to have a wedding soon, let's see if you can come to our wedding..." Brianna said over the phone to her grandmother... "Good for you my little girl! You two make a beautiful couple and even the babies you have are going to be beautiful like you if its girls and if its boys they are going to be handsome like their father... Congratulations to both of you! Nice to meet you Leonardo and what a beautiful name your boyfriend has and that name suits him well..." Adelina said to Brianna and Leo... "Hello, very nice to meet you! You have such a special granddaughter and I love her very much with all my heart she is a very special girl for me and very different from the ones I have known..." Leo said in Spanish as he learned some words from Señor Hueso when he used to go the Yokai underworld, he learned some online and from Brianna...}
"Mucho gusto Hijo y que lindo nombre tienes... Gracias por cuidar a mi nieta y que bueno que si la amas de verdad y me da mucha alegría que se van a casar pronto y muy pronto te voy a conocer en persona..." Adelina said to Leo... "El gusto es el mío abuelita! Gracias mi papa me puso ese nombre cuando era un bebé... De nada y ella le dio color a mi vida y me hace sentir lo que es el verdadero amor y por muchas razones la amo mucho... A mi sería un honor de tenerla en nuestra boda y de conocerla en persona..." Leo said in Spanish to Adelina and Brianna smiled as she listen to her fiancé talk in Spanish...
{"Nice to meet you son and what a nice name you have... Thank you for taking care of my granddaughter it's good that you love her and she gives me a lot of joy that you two are going to get married soon and very soon I will meet you in person..." Adelina said to Leo ... "The very pleased to meet you, granny! Thank you, my dad gave me that name when I was a baby... You're welcome! She gave color to my life and makes me feel what true love is and for many reasons I love her very much... It would be an honor to have her at our wedding and meet you in person..." Leo said in Spanish to Adelina and Brianna smiled as she listen to her fiancé talk in Spanish...}
"Me da mucho gusto y si muy pronto nos vamos a ver... Que bien hablas el español mi hijito! En que trabajas y se te puede preguntar?" Adelina said to Leo...
{"I am very pleased and yes we are going to see each other very soon... You speak Spanish so well, my son! What do you work for and if I can I ask you?" Adelina said to Leo...}
"Yo soy detective y trabajo para la policía de la cuidad de Nueva York... Es mi primer año como detective pero si trabajé con ellos como policía hace 4 años y al siguiente año me dieron el título como detective... Aprendí hablar en español por medio de un viejo amigo y una palabras en una clase en línea y lo que me cuesta entender los he aprendido por Brianna... Leo said to Adelina...
{"I am a detective and I work for the New York City Police... It is my first year as a detective but I did work with them as a police officer 4 years ago and the following year they gave me the title of detective... I learned to speak Spanish through an old friend and learned some words in an online class and what I find difficult to understand I have learned from Brianna... Leo said to Adelina...}
"Bueno mi hijita ya me tengo que ir... Ya, es hora de ir a abrir la tienda que tengo aquí en la casa y nos seguimos en comunicación y hay me avisas cuando va hacer la boda de usted dos... Muchas felicitaciones a los dos por un gran paso y se ve que de verdad se aman el uno al otro... Hasta tu has cambiado mi hijita te vez más radiante y se te nota que si eres feliz con el... Que bueno que dejaste a Adrián el no me caía bien y no me gustaba como te trataba ese muchacho y no vea el futuro que ahora veo en tu ti con Leonardo... Cuídense mucho los dos y no pelen tanto..." Adelina said...
{"Well, my little daughter, I have to go... It's time to go open the little store I have here at home and we keep in touch let me know when you two are going to have your wedding... Congratulations to both of you for a great step and I can see that you two love each other... Even though you have changed my little daughter you look more radiant and it shows that you are happy with him... It is good that you left Adrián I did not like him and I did not I like how that boy treated you and I didn't see the future that I now see in you with Leonardo... Take care of yourselves and don't fight so much..." Adelina said...}
"Bueno abuelita que tenga un lindo día y que venda mucho en su tienda y nos seguimos en comunicación y hay le aviso la fecha de la boda... Leo y yo es raro que now peliemos... El es bien tranquilo y bien cariñoso hay lo va conocer como es el cuando venga a nuestra boda... Gracias usted también cuídese... Brianna said over the phone and waved at her grandma... "Adios abuelita! Mucho gusto en conocerla..." Leo said smiling at Adelina...
{"Well, granny, have a nice day and sell a lot in your store and we keep in touch and I will let you know the date of the wedding... Leo and I don't fight so much... He is very calm and very affectionate, you are going to know how he is when you come to our wedding... Thank you, take care of yourself too... Brianna said over the phone and waved at her grandma... "Goodbye, grandma! Nice to meet you..." Leo said smiling at Adelina...
The call was hung up on both sides and Brianna reverts her attention to her boyfriend... "My Abuelita liked you a lot, which it's a good sign she never liked my ex-boyfriend, and the way he treated me sometimes made her very upset..." Brianna said to Leo and he held her closer to him... "I'm so glad she likes me and she seems very nice, I can't wait to meet her soon!" Leo said as he leaned in to kiss her head and nuzzles it... "I know I can't wait for you to meet her honey and she's very bubbly and humble..." Brianna said and her tummy grumbled with hunger she blushed as it was loud enough for her and Leo to hear it... Leo burst out laughing so hard as he can hear how funny her tummy grumbled... Brianna blushed even more as her boyfriend is laughing so hard... "Hey, I can't help it! I'm hungry honey... It's not funny..." Brianna pouted as she crossed her arms and she huffs... Leo stopped laughing and he noticed Brianna pouting madly he leaned in as he placed his chin on her shoulder and wrap his arms around her waist... "Don't be mad at me babe I wasn't laughing at you at all... I was laughing at how funny your tummy sounded babe... I'm sorry I didn't mean to laugh like that babe... Can you forgive me for laughing like that babe? Can I get a kiss?" Leo pleaded to Brianna with puppy eyes, Brianna looks at him and smiles at him, and kisses him on his lips... "I forgive you honey and can you please make me one of your favorites... I'm craving blueberry pancakes can you make their honey?" Brianna said to Leo as he smiles at her request and he leaned in to kiss her lips softly, let go of her as he stood up... "I'll make those right now babe just stay here and I'll let you know when it's ready..." Leo said and he walks away towards the kitchen...
Brianna got a call from her parents and she answers the call... Brianna smiles as she hears her parents on the other end of the line... Brianna chit chat with her parents for a little while and as she was talking with her parents she could smell the breakfast her boyfriend was working on... "You guys are throwing a party for me today? Let me talk to my boyfriend about it and I'll let you guys know if he wants to come with me..." Brianna said over the phone and she hang up the call with her parents... Brianna's phone rang again and this time it was a call from her younger sister... Brianna chitchatted with her younger for a bit and after they hang up the call she goes out of the room as the lingering scent of blueberry pancakes was making her crazily hungry... Brianna sneaks behind her boyfriend and hugs him from behind and kissed his shoulder... "Those pancakes smell so delicious honey! It's making my mouth so watery and you made it so quickly..." Brianna said after the kiss... I'm glad you do babe and I made them delicious just for you princess... I'm almost done so we can eat together..." Leo said as he flips two pancakes and looks over his shoulder at his fiance... "Great and my parents called a few minutes ago..." Brianna said to her fiance and she looks at him cooking... "That's a great babe and what did they say?" Leo asked her... "They said that they are throwing a party for me today and it's gonna be at their house later today... It's gonna be fun honey and having you there with me is gonna be even more fun..." Brianna said as she looks at her boyfriend finishing the last pancake... "That's wonderful babe and you will have a blast at your party tonight I thought we were going out tonight to celebrate your birthday..." Leo said feeling a little disappointed that their plans were ruined...
"Yes it is honey and it's gonna be this afternoon because they don't like late-night parties... We are still going out tonight honey and that hasn't changed at all... Come with me to my birthday party and after the party, we can go clubbing... Being there without you won't be fun at all... Please come with me, honey..." Brianna said as she clings to his arm she saw him getting a little upset... Leo's eyes brighten as he heard his girlfriend say that and he gave her a sweet smile... "Fine I'll come with you babe and I don't want to miss it... That sounds like a plan!" Leo said to his girlfriend... After a few moments, the couple sat at the table to eat breakfast... The couple chit-chatted as they ate breakfast... "Donnie was telling me that they are getting married by the end of the month... It's gonna be on a Saturday... So I might have to come to get you early morning we can leave together babe..." Leo said to Brianna and takes a sip of his drink... "That's great I'm sure he must be excited about it... That's fine honey I'll be ready by the time you come over to pick me up..." Brianna said to her fiancé... "Good babe I'm so glad you understood my point..."Leo said as he cut a piece of his pancake with a fork... Brianna smiles and took a sip of her drink... "I just want to let you know that my parents invited some of my friends from high school and one of my friends is a girl from a band we formed 2 years before graduation and they are going to be there at my birthday party... I was the second lead singer in the band..." Brianna explained to her boyfriend and he listens as he chews... "That's a great babe but why are you telling me now? Why didn't you tell me before... I thought you had trust in me to tell me all those things when we started dating... What else are you gonna say now?!" Leo said as he was getting upset with Brianna for not telling him that part of her life...
"I'm very sorry for not telling you this before darling... I was just waiting for the right moment to tell you all this I just didn't want to bore you with that part of my life... I was only a teenager when I started to sing in a girl's band... When we started college we got separated and since then we haven't talked at all... My parents also invited one of my ex-boyfriends that I dated back in high school and they told me that he was gonna be there..." Brianna said to her boyfriend and she looks at him to see his facial expression...Leo rolled his eyes as by now he was upset with Brianna and he crossed his arms... "Now I understand why they are throwing that party for you and they want to hook you up with your ex-boyfriend again, I'm sure he must be rich or he must be CEO of his father's company... I'm just a simple NYPD detective and I'm not as rich as your ex-boyfriend... Your parents are having second thoughts about me and now they want you to date your ex-boyfriend again..." Leo said looking at Brianna very seriously and having so many mixed emotions...
"Honey please don't say that! It's nothing like that you're just having second doubts about our relationship my parents do like you a lot and they would never separate us like that... Don't think that way because your wrong I would never change you at all..." Brianna said as she had tears in her eyes... "Whatever! Do what you want with your life! It's over between us! You don't trust me at all! I don't want to see you ever again!! Goodbye Brianna! Have a nice life!" Leo said as he stood up as he closed the chair he was sitting on and walked to the door... Brianna stands up and she goes after him...“Leo, please don't do this to me... I need you more than anything in this world... Don't leave me please I'm begging you!!" Brianna said sobbing uncontrollably... "Back off!! I don't believe you, Brianna!! Let me go!! I don't want to hurt you!" Leo said before walking out the door... "Leo please forgive me! I'm sorry honey!" Brianna said as Leo closed the door behind him Brianna broke down to cry and she kneel to the floor sobbing uncontrollably... Leo heard her cry uncontrollably but his ego was too strong that he won't go back and Apologize...
After a few hours Brianna went to her birthday party at her parent's house and when she arrived all her friends from high school were there she even saw her ex-boyfriend Fernando Gonzalez and she meet his wife Adrianna Gonzalez both real estate entrepreneurs... Brianna and Adrianna clicked right away and they started chitchatting... After chitchatting for a bit she went looking for her old teammates from the girl's band... "Hey, girl! Long time no see!! How have you been?" Alysha said to Brianna... "Hey, Alysha! I'm so happy to see you... I've been doing good and busy with my studies as a veterinarian doctor and busy working at the vet clinic... Where are the rest of the girls?" Brianna said to Alysha... "Well I tried to tell them but they were too busy they told me that we should hang out sometime... Just give me your number and I'll tell you when we are hanging out... That's great and how is your love life? Are you dating someone right now?" Alysha asked Brianna... Brianna hesitated to talk about Leo... "Yes I'm dating someone who is a mutant like me but unfortunately he couldn't come with me today because he had a family emergency.." Brianna said and someone approached her from behind and covered her eyes... Brianna touched the hands that covered her eyes and she could recognize them very much... "Valentina!! Is that you?!" Brianna said to her little sister...
"Ding! Ding!! That's correct it's me big sis!!" Valentina said and she removed her hands from Brianna's face... Brianna turn around to face her little sister and both girls hugged right away... "Happy birthday Bri!! I finally get to see you after all these years and I have a present for you..." Valentina said as she hugs her tightly and then she let go to reach for the big box with holes in it... "When did you get here little sis? What a pleasant surprise to see you here at my birthday party..." Brianna said as she watched Valentina grab the big box it seems that something was moving inside..."I arrived this morning on the early train and dad was around the area when I arrived so he swung by to pick me up I bought this little one inside this box this morning... I hope you like it!" Valentina said as she hands over the box to Brianna... "Awe thanks, Tina! That's so sweet of you!" Brianna said as she opens the box right away and once she opens it her heart melts right away as a cute Shiba Inu puppy was wagging its tail at its new owner... "Oh my gosh!! What a cute puppy!! It's so small and it's so adorable!! Thank you so much, Tina!!" Brianna said as she takes the puppy in her arms as it soothe the pain of the argument she had with Leo this morning... She has hopes that he will return once he's ready to apologize and she's gonna give him two weeks... "Your welcome Bri! I'm so glad you love it!! By the way, where is your boyfriend?" Valentina asked her older sister... Brianna sighs sadly as she held back her tears...
"We had an argument this morning and he broke up with me temporarily I have hope that he will come back to me later on when he realizes the big mistake he has done... I still love him no matter how much we argue and he's been so good to me all this time since we started as friends then we fell for each other after 3 weeks... A few days ago he proposed to me and we were planning to get married soon because we had sex with no protection and there is a chance that he impregnated me... There is a possibility that my pregnancy has started because I've been feeling so tired lately and I've been getting these weird cravings... Since I'm a mutant my pregnancy cycle could be different from a normal female human pregnancy..." Brianna said to her younger sister... "I'm so sorry to hear that sis and I am sure he will regret what he did and he will come looking for you once he realizes the mistake he has done... If he loves you he will beg for your forgiveness..." Valentina said to her older sister...
Lucia was nearby and heard their conversation and she approached them feeling upset about what Leo did to Brianna... "Leo got you pregnant and broke up with you this morning... Here I was thinking that he loved you!" Lucia said to her older daughter... "Mom we argued he was miss understanding that you and dad didn't like him... He said you guys set up this birthday party to hook me up with one of my ex-boyfriends from high school... Also because he's not rich enough like Fernando and he got mad when I told him that I was part of a girl's band in high school... He got mad because I hide that part of my life from him... The reason I started singing was for my little brother Brandon who tragically died while we were playing outside the house we had in Nicaragua... He was only 4 years old and I was 10 years old when I saw him get hit by a bus that drove by so fast it was traumatizing for me to see him fly up in the air and his little body falls deadly on the floor... I haven't told him that because I get depressed when I bring back those memories of that tragic day... I'm just gonna give him some space for him to think what he said to me..." Brianna said with tears in her eyes... "I'm sorry to hear that sweetheart and I'm sure he will be back with you soon and he realizes that he's losing a precious jewel-like you... Once you tell him the reason why you started to sing in the girls' band and if he truly loves you he will return to you just give him some time..." Lucia said to her older daughter...
Later in the evening, Brianna arrives home along with the puppy and Valentina follows her sister carrying her stuff... Once inside Valentina settles down in her room... Brianna puts down the puppy so it can get used to its surroundings and explore the living room and Brianna goes back to her car to get all the stuff she bought for the female puppy... Brianna felt so empty inside and she was missing Leo so much she felt lost without him...
One week later
Meanwhile in the Hamato Residence Stephanie was helping Master Splinter clean the basement and Donnie had his lab in there... Stephanie got curious as she saw a canister with ooze in it and she touched the substance and she played with it for a long time thinking it was some kind of slime Donnie made she hears Master Splinter's voice she drops the canister and she was now in a paddle of mutagen... Soon enough she felt her body hot and tingly as she felt the transformation starting right away... Stephanie screamed in pain as her limbs started taking a new form and soon enough she transformed into a beautiful female lizard with luscious dark green skin with some black markings that started from her back to the tip of her tail... Her hips become a bit wider and her legs were thick and toned... Her breast becomes bigger and her waist remains the same... Stephanie looks around at herself around and noticed she had transformed, she screams again when she saw her tail... Master Splinter rushed down the stairs when he heard Stephanie scream... "My child, what happened to you? Why are you screaming about?!" Master Splinter said to Stephanie... "I got curious when I saw the canister and I accidentally spill it on me and I transformed into this hideous mutant! Donnie is not gonna love me no more once he sees me and besides my wedding dress is not gonna fit no more!!" Stephanie said with tears... 
"Oh dear please don't say that and I'm sure Donnie will accept your new form... Just try to talk to him before he gets home so he's prepared to see you in your new form..." Master Splinter said as he helps Stephanie get up... "Thanks for your advice father and I'm sure he will be amazed at how I look..." Stephanie as she stands up on her feet and starts to walk... Splinter helps his daughter-in-law walk without falling and Stephanie found balance in her feet so that it was easy for her to go up the stairs... Stephanie goes to her and Donnie's room to grab her phone as she saw one missed call from him she returns the call... After a few rings, Donnie's voice was heard at the other end of the line... "Hey beautiful I'm so happy you returned my call just in time for my lunch break... Do you want to go eat somewhere with me on my lunch break?" Donnie said to his soon-to-be wife... "I would love to darling but while I was cleaning the basement I had an accident with a canister full of mutagen and it spilled all over me... I transformed into this hideous mutant lizard..." Stephanie said as she turns on the camera during the phone call and Donnie was amazed that he had to run to the restroom as he saw her naked body... "Wow, babe!! You don't look hideous at all!! You look even more beautiful!! I love it and I can't wait to make love to you tonight in your new form..." Donnie said as drooled when he saw how big her boobs were... "Awe thanks love I'm so glad to hear that and your right I don't look so bad at all... I might have to get my wedding dress readjusted or I can get a new one..." Stephanie said as she smiles at her soon-to-be husband... "Great I'll see you soon and be ready when I'm there!" Donnie said with joy and the couple hang up the call... Stephanie rushed to get ready to eat lunch with her fiance...
Meanwhile, at the NYPD headquarters, Donnie bumped into Leo and noticed his sad face... "Hey, Leo! Are you ok?! You seemed kinda sad... Did you argue with Brianna?" Donnie asked Leo... "Yes I did and it's because she didn't tell me a part of her life when she was a teenager she didn't tell me that she used to be the second lead singer in a girl's band in high school... I got mad more that one of her ex-boyfriends from high school was gonna be at her birthday party and her parents invited him over just to make her break up with me... In part, it's my fault... I overreacted when she told me that and I thought that was the reason why her parents throw her the birthday party just to hook her up with her ex-boyfriend from high school I got jealous about it... I even broke up with her temporarily because of our argument..." Leo said looking down sadly and looking up at Donnie holding his tears...
"Leo, why did you do that? Don't push poor Brianna to tell you everything that happens in her teenage years... Eventually, she was gonna tell you about it slowly as she spends more time with you... You just missed understood her and maybe that's not the reason why her parents throw her a birthday party... Just try to look for her and apologize and maybe if she still loves you she will forgive you..." Donnie said to Leo... "Thanks for your advice Donne I appreciate it and yes I will go look for her after work... So where are going, Donnie?" Leo said to Donnie...
"Good I'm glad you listen to my advice, Leo... I'm gonna go have lunch with Stephanie she had an incident in the basement as she was cleaning she grabbed a canister full of ooze and when dad called her name she dropped the canister and some spilled on her... So she got mutated in the basement and I just saw her through a video call and she looks beautiful just how I dreamed of..." Donnie said to his brother... "That's great bro! I'm sure she must look beautiful just like Brianna... Have a good lunch bro enjoy it with Stephanie..." Leo said to Donnie... "Thanks, Leo, and I can't wait to see her right now... See you later!" Donnie said and he walks away anxious to see her... Leo went back to his office and once he was inside he calls Brianna's home phone and he waits for his call to be answered... "Hello!" Valentina said over the phone... "Is Brianna home? I need to talk to her... Are you Valentina her younger sister?" Leo said over the phone... "Yes, it's me! Are you Leo? Her boyfriend?" Valentina said over the phone... "Yes, it's me... Please tell me she's there I miss her so much..." Leo said as he was about to cry... "I'm sorry Leo but she's not here at all... She left 4 days ago for Nicaragua and she will return once she's ready but she left a note for you of the location where grandma lives and she will tell you the exact location of where she gonna stay at..." Valentina said to Leo over the phone...
"Great I'll stop by after work so I can plan a one-week trip to Nicaragua... Thank you so much for the info Valentina I appreciate that and I've been feeling guilty for the way I reacted on her birthday and the way I split it up with her is killing me the most... I miss her so much.." Leo said with tears in his eyes as he let his heart speak for him... 
"Wonderful I'll be here and I'll be waiting for you to come over so I can give you the letter and a CD... Brianna has been crying for days missing you and that's why she decided to take this trip to relax and unwind... The way you broke up with her broke her heart even though it's just temporary but still, it hurt her a lot... Brianna loves you a lot...She even cried when she left..." Valentina said to Leo... "I feel bad for everything I said to her and I regret everything I said to her... I know I accidentally broke her heart and that pains me the most... I miss everything about her and not having her here with me I feel lost and very empty... She gives meaning to my life and she showed true love... I promise that I won't hurt her emotionally anymore..." Leo said to Valentina and she listens to every word that Leo told her... " I understand how you feel and she also feels the same way and she misses you like crazy... I wish you good luck with my sister and I'm sure she will forgive you... She talks about you a lot and how quickly you two clicked... "Valentina said to Leo over the phone... "That's so sweet of her and I can't wait to see her again... Anyways I'll see you later and I'll stop by to get her letter and that CD..." Leo said to Valentina and both hang up at the end of their conversation...
At the Hamato residence, Donnie arrived and he was waiting for Stephanie to come out as she was doing the final touch to her look and even her hair was a little longer... After a few moments, Stephanie comes out slowly wearing a purple tank top with black tight jeans along with her favorite sneakers... "I'm ready honey! How do I look?" Stephanie said to her soon-to-be husband... "Wow! Babe, you look gorgeous, I'm speechless and you look stunning just like in my dreams..." Donnie said to his soon-to-be wife as he takes her in his arms and his hands roamed all over her body... "Awe thanks love I'm so happy you love it! I thought you were gonna reject me since we met when I was a human... I'm so happy to know you dreamed of seeing me in my new form... It means a lot to me... Let's get going love I don't want you to be late to work..." Stephanie said as she hugs Donnie tightly and leaned in to kiss his lips... Donnie kissed her back and nuzzles her head as he inhales her luring perfume... "Yes. babe let's get going now..." Donnie said as he let her go the young couple exited the house holding hands and Master Splinter watch them walk away... After a few moments, the couple arrived at a fast food restaurant and Stephanie wanted to eat at Chipotle... After the couple order their food they went to sit at a nearby table... "So babe have you decided to get your wedding dress fixed or do you want to get another one?" Donnie asked his soon-to-be wife... "Well I was thinking to get a new one then and we might postpone the wedding to the first Saturday of July..." Stephanie said as she takes a sip of her drink as they wait for their food... "Good and if your gonna get a new one we better postponed the wedding babe... That's a great plan babe everything will go smoothly at our wedding and we will avoid many headaches..." Donne said next... Once the food was ready the young couple ate their food... After they finished eating Donnie took Stephanie home and once he drops her off he goes back to work...
Somewhere in Bismuna Tara Nicaragua Brianna was looking at some properties the mutant village was big enough as it had beautiful houses and it had small stores and a clinic for the village citizens... The village looked like a tropical paradise close to Bismuna Lagoon next to the Caribbean sea... Brianna loved how magical the village was it would be perfect for her and Leo to come for a getaway and relax to unwind from the noise of New York City... Brianna looked at some properties before doing the purchase of the house she was hoping to find the right price and she doesn't mind paying for a dream house... After looking she found the most beautiful house in the village and it was a 6 bedroom estate and large enough to enjoy with a beautiful view of the Lagoon... Brianna paid 1 million Nicaraguan cordobas and the mansion already came furnished which was a plus for Brianna and all her earnings went for the purchase of the house... After she does the transaction Brianna settles in the big house and Yuna runs around the mansion happily enjoying the big space in the house the backyard has a big pool and a luscious grass area perfect for the pup to run around... Brianna felt at peace at her house and she was thinking about Leo as she looks through her phone at all the pictures they have taken together she cried uncontrollably as she missed hearing his voice, his touch, and his lips on hers... The way he made love to her was so magical to her and she missed the way he made her feel every time they had steamy sex... Brianna missed everything from him and the way he kissed her was always amazing to her and make her heart skip a beat every time they kissed... Brianna was hesitating to call him just to hear his voice and after a few moments she gathers her courage to call him and she waits for him to answer her call... After a few rings her call was answered by the voice she missed the most and she broke to cry as she sobbed listening to Leo's voice...
"Hello! Who is this? Please speak up?!" Leo said at the other end of the line... Brianna takes a deep breath and manages to gather her courage and talk with him... "Hey, Leo! It's me, Brianna... This is my phone number here in Nicaragua... I can't stop thinking about you and I miss you like crazy being without I feel lost and empty... This whole week has been so difficult for me to live without you and I hope we can reconsider our relationship... " Brianna said with tears in her eyes and she sobbed softly... "Babe! I'm so happy you call me it brings me great joy to hear your voice again and I also missed you so much love and you don't have any idea how much I want to kiss you right now and hug you close to me... I want to hug you so much that I refuse to let you go... Babe, please forgive me for what I said that morning on your birthday and since then nothing has been the same for me... I've been feeling guilty about the way I treated you that morning and for breaking up like that which I don't want to do ever again I promise that it's not gonna happen again... It was my fault I overreacted that morning and I shouldn't say that I'm sorry for pushing you to tell me everything that happened in your teenage years and I'm sorry for the way I walk away that day..." Leo said as he was in a mess of tears and luckily he was inside his car ready to drive away home...
"I forgive you my love and I hope we can see each other soon I miss you like crazy already I feel so lonely without you... I haven't stopped loving you at all! I still love you no matter how much we can argue in the future and my love for you will never change at all... I can't wait to see you again and slowly I will tell you about what happened in my teenage years and some in my childhood and I will tell you why I joined the girl's band at that time... But first, you have to read the letter I left with Valentina and listen to the CD with songs I reprise myself in my home studio before I left... I'll see you here when you find me and I just purchase a beautiful for us to enjoy and soon we will have kids running around the house and bathing in the backyard and it's beautiful here so peaceful..." Brianna said over the phone... "I can't wait to see you either babe and having your forgiveness is enough for me... That's great I can imagine it must be beautiful there and I can't wait to see it with my own eyes... All right deal I'll swing by your place and pick that up right now and I can't wait to hear your voice singing the songs you have reprised in that CD... I gotta go babe I'll call you right after I listen to your CD..." Leo said over the phone... "Yes it's so magical here and you will see when you get here... I'm anxious to see you, honey... I hope you like the songs I reprise there and I'll be waiting for your call my love... I love you so much, Leo! I feel so complete now hearing your voice..." Brianna said over the phone as he smiles with tears in her eyes... The young couple hang up the call and Leo drove away toward Brianna's apartment in NYC... Brianna lays down on the couch as she had a flashback to the wonderful moments she spend with Leo...
After a 20-minute drive, Leo arrived at Brianna's apartment he goes in as he has the keys with him once he goes in Valentina came out from her room and she smiles at him kindly... "Hi, Leo it's great to meet you in person and such a great honor to meet my future brother-in-law..." Valentina said to Leo... "It's nice to meet Tina... That's nice of you and I already talk to your sister and she finally forgives me for what I said and I can't wait to see her soon!" Leo said smiling kindly at Valentina... "Great I'm so happy for the both of you that you two already talk it out..." Valentina said to Leo as she goes inside Brianna's room to get the letter and the CD... After a few moments, Valentina returns with a letter-size envelope and the CD... "Here you go, Leo! Brianna put so much effort to reprise the songs on this CD..." Valentina said as she hands over the stuff to Leo... "Thanks, Tina! I'm sure I will enjoy it very much listening to her sweet voice..." Leo said and he left right away as he was anxious to listen to the songs she reprise... After he arrived home he went straight to his room to listen to her CD on the stereo inside his room... Once he pressed play he froze when he heard Brianna's voice as she began to sing the first song... The song that began to play was "Without you" and Leo began to shed tears right away as he was touched by the way she sang the song... Leo never cried the way he cried as he hears her first song and he was sobbing so very much that he couldn't control himself...
After the first one ended a second starts to play and it was called Bleeding love that one shocked Leo so much that he couldn't stop crying his heart started to ache as he missed Brianna very much... He listened to the whole CD that he missed dinner and he sobbed as he replayed the one he liked a lot the song he loved a lot is called "trust you and miss you by Yuna Ito and it was reprised by Brianna in English... Leo grabbed his phone and called Brianna and he waits for her to answer his call... Finally, a sweet feminine voice was heard at the other end of the line... "Hello, my love! Did you listen to the songs I reprise for you?" Brianna said to her boyfriend... "Yes, babe and you sound like an angel so beautiful I love it and it makes me cry like a baby I couldn't stop crying while I was listening to your voice..." Leo said over the phone as he sobbed and tried to calm down and finally he manage to calm down... "Awe honey I'm so glad you liked it and I hope you read my letter love..." Brianna said to her boyfriend who was in a mess of tears... "I'll read it and after I read it I'll book a flight to Nicaragua to go spend time with you, babe... I'll show you how much I miss you and we will make love the whole night..." Leo said with tears in his eyes... After the couple chitchat, they hang up the call at the same time... After Leo read the letter he booked a flight to Nicaragua and he was departing in two days... Leo make a quick call to his captain in NYPD and asked for a whole week off and Captain David Cameron approved his one week off... After the call, Leo looked for his luggage and starts packing for his trip in two days he felt happy in his heart that soon he was going to reunite with Brianna after being one week away from each other...
2 days later
Leo Arrives at Managua Nicaragua international airport... He was excited to be there for the first time and he was anxious to see Brianna as he missed holding her so much and kissing her lips was the most he missed... Once he exits the airplane he goes straight to customs and he waits in line to get cleared by one of the agents... The line was moving fast and it was his turn... "Hello there! What brings you here?" The immigration agent asked Leo... "I came to see my girlfriend and I have come to take her home with me..." Leo said as he hands over his passport to the agent he looks at his info and scans Leo's passport... "How long are you planning to stay with your girlfriend here?" The agent asked Leo as he stamped a sheet of his passport... "Just one week and we go back to New York together..." Leo said as he watched the agent stamp his passport... "Welcome to Nicaragua son enjoy your stay here with your girlfriend..." The agent said to Leo and he thanked him and walks out of the airport and headed to where a bunch of taxis are waiting for customers... "Hola! Buenos días! Me puede llevar a esta dirección por favor..." { "Hello! Good morning! Can you take me to this address please..."} Leo said to the taxi driver... "Claro que si lo puedo llevar muchacho..." {"Yes of course I can take you young man..."} The older guy said to Leo... "Gracias señor!" {"Thank you, sir!} Leo said as he goes inside the vehicle and buckled up... 
The taxi driver took off towards Adelina's house... After a 15-minute drive, the taxi driver drops off Leo at Adelina's house he thanks the taxi driver in Spanish and walks up to the front door, and waits for Adelina to answer... Adelina froze when she saw how handsome Leo looked in person and how tall he was... "Hello son we finally meet in person and it's just a great honor to meet the future husband of my granddaughter I can tell why she loves you so much... When she arrived here she was devasted that you broke up with her temporarily and she cried so much for you... I was so heartbroken when I heard her cry during bedtime..." Adelina said to Leo... "I know and after I left her side I felt so terrible for doing that to her and I missed her like crazy for a whole week and I can't wait to see her and hold her in my arms again... This whole week has been like hell for me not having her by my side..." Leo said as he takes a seat on the couch... "I'm sure she will be happy to see you again and that will truly show how strong the love between you and Brianna... I have the address of the village where she's at and also I have the home address of the house she recently bought..." Adelina said as she grabs the piece of paper and writes Brianna's home address... After chitchatting for a while it was time for Leo to leave and go to Brianna's house...
Leo got a rented vehicle before leaving for Brianna's place and he know that it was at least 2 hours away from where he was at... After he paid for the rental he drove away following the GPS on the SUV... Leo had so many mixed emotions as he drove through the highway and he was anxious to see Brianna after one week of being apart... After 1 hr and a 30-minute drive, Leo arrived in Bismuna Tara the mutant town where only mutants live... Leo drove through the small town looking for Brianna's address and after a few minutes he found it and he parked through the driveway of the mansion and parked behind his girlfriend's SUV... He got off the vehicle and closed the door behind him... Once he locks it he walks up to the door and he was nervous and excited to see her... Leo stand behind the big door that had a blurry glass window on the door... He knocks on the door first and then he pressed the button for the doorbell... A bark of a small dog was heard and Leo smiles as he hears the tiny dog's bark then the lock on the door unlocked and the door opened wide Brianna came into view of Leo's eyes he shed tears when he saw her in front of him...
Brianna stand there staring at him her heart was beating so fast to have him in front of her and she also tears up... "Leo! You finally came looking for me! I thought you were not gonna come at all!" Brianna said as she broke out crying uncontrollably... 
"I'm here as I promise that I would be and I'm sorry for all the things I said that day and I feel terrible! I'm so sorry babe and please forgive me for that... It's been like hell not having you next to me and I felt so lost without you and my heart felt so empty not having your love..." Leo said as he took her in his arms and hugs her tightly he cried uncontrollably as he hide his face in her shoulder and inhales her scent and hugged her tightly close to him and kissed her shoulder softly as he went up to her neck...
Brianna sobbed uncontrollably on his shoulder and she inhales his scent as his cologne lingers in her nose... Brianna held tightly to him and her heart felt complete now that she has him in her arms... "You know I love you so very much and I will always forgive you, my love, no matter how much we argue sometimes and I won't stop loving you at all honey..." Brianna said as she kissed his neck softly as she goes up to his jawline and she nuzzles his cheek with her snout... Leo gave her a tight embrace and he let her go for a bit and gazed into her beautiful green hazel eyes and cupped her cheek with one hand... "Thank you babe and your forgiveness means a lot to me and I don't want to argue with you no more and I'm sorry for the way I treated you while we ate breakfast... I missed you so much, hun and I won't stop loving you either..." Leo said as he leaned in closer to meet her lips with his and he rubs his lips on hers... Brianna rubs hers against him and he seals the moment with a passionate yet affectionate kiss... Brianna walked backward with him without breaking the kiss and Leo close the door with his foot before she landed on the couch Leo picked her up in his arms... She wrapped her legs around his torso and locks her arms loosely around his neck... Leo lands on the couch first and he held her in his arms as they kiss...
Brianna staddles him enjoying the kiss and she was so hungry for him... "I missed being with you like this my love and I want you so bad right now honey!" Brianna said as she bucked her hips softly as straddled him... "I miss it too babe and now that we are back together I want to show you how much I miss you and I want you so very badly hun!" Leo said between kisses and his hands roam all over her body they slide up to her big mounds and he squeeze them softly... Brianna moaned blissfully with his touch which caused her to violently bucked her hips faster as she wants to feel his hard member against her slit... "Let's go to your room babe! I want to show you how much I love and how much I missed you..." Leo said as he leaned in to kiss one of her boobs and sucked one of her nipples through her reptilian skin... "It's our room honey and this house is for both of us and what is mine it's yours too love..." Brianna said to her soon-to-be husband and Leo smiles at her as he kissed her other boob... "That's so sweet of you babe! Thank you so much hun and you do have good taste..." Leo said to his soon-to-be wife as he got up and head upstairs with Brianna in his arms... Yunie follows the couple upstairs and she didn't even bark at Leo at all since she can smell his scent and that he means no harm and he's special to Brianna's life... 
Once Leo goes into their room he closed the door behind him and the Shiba Inu pup lay by the door waiting for the couple to come out... Leo walks with Brianna to their bed he placed her on the bed softly and he hovers over her as he kissed her more passionately Brianna moaned in his mouth as she can feel his member poking her... Brianna snakes her hands inside his shirt and hands roam all over his chiseled chest covered with his plastron he groans as she touched this sensitive part of his chest she loved how broad it was and she was getting turned on by the way he was kissing her... Leo helped his girlfriend undress and she helped him remove all the garments on his body... Leo carefully lays on top of her careful not to crush her with his weight and he continued to kiss her lips... After kissing for a long time the couple parted away slowly gazing into their eyes... "I love you babe and you don't have an idea of how much l missed you, hun... I feel complete now that I have you between my arms and back in my life..." Leo said gazing into her eyes and pecked her lips softly and his kisses trail over her neck... Brianna's tail twitched as she was kissed on the neck by her beloved boyfriend...
"Leo! I love you so very much and I missed very much but I had you in my dreams every night and when I woke up I realize it was just a dream as I saw your empty spot in my bed... I cried every night for you wishing you to be next to me and now that you are here with I feel complete and you are the missing piece of my heart..." Brianna said as she gazed deeply into his eyes... Leo smiles kindly at her and he leaned in to kiss her forehead softly... "I'm here to stay with you forever babe and you are also a missing piece to my heart... I cried a river when I heard your voice on the CD I got from your sister and the songs you reprised touched my heart you have such an amazing voice babe... I love all the songs you reprise in that CD for me babe!" Leo said between kisses and his kiss trailed down her neck till he reached her chest... "I'm so glad you love it, honey!" Brianna said blissfully... Leo spend more time on her boobs and kissed them softly and he sucked on her nipple making them look all perky... Brianna moan blissfully as he sucked her nipples and watched the way he teased her... 
After a little while, he went down trailing kisses down her tummy and took his time kissing her here and there... Brianna watched everything he did to her and she whimpered enjoying his kisses... Leo reached between her legs and kissed her thighs she can see her slit is soaking wet and bites his lips as he has missed so much and he runs a finger between her folds rubbing her pearl... Brianna did a surprised gasp as she felt his finger touching her lubricated petals... "Fuck me, baby!! Brianna purred blissfully... Leo looks up at her to see her facial expressions and he smirks as she was loving it and he inserted one thick finger first and he groaned as he can feel his member throbbing hungrily to fill her up... Brianna went over the edge as she bucked her hips slowly and moaned blissfully whispering her lover's name... Leo trusts two of his thick fingers in her canal and Brianna went wild and she bucked her hips wildly faster...
"Fuck! Babe your slit is so very wet love and it's ready for me now!" Leo growled blissfully as he can feel her wetness and he leaned in to eat her up for a bit... Brianna's body was spasming with the pure pleasure she was getting from her boyfriend and she went over the edge as she was close to climax... "Oh fuck yes Papi!! That feels so good mi amor!!" Brianna moaned blissfully at the way he was eating her and fucking her with his two fingers... "Cum for me babe! I want to fuck you good I missed you so much! Leo said as he growled lowly as he looks up at Brianna... "Oh shit yes!! Oh!! my!! gosh!! Leo!!" Brianna purred as she squirt a fountain Leo drink some of it and he was amazed at how much she has squirted... After a little, while he position himself between her legs and guided his member into her slit he began to thrust slowly in a teasing way, and then he brings it in and out... "How I missed this tight little pussy of yours, babe! Oh, fuck! you're still as tight as the first time we did it and it feels amazing how your walls are sucking me on!" Leo groaned with pure pleasure as he speeds up a little... "I love your juicy dick inside me, Papi!! I missed it so much and I love the way you always fuck!!" Brianna moaned seductively enjoying his member inside her... After a passionate moment, the young couple fell asleep embraced in each other's arms and Brianna lays on top of him with her head on his broad chest... Yunie waits for the couple by the door...
After a few moments later Leo woke up and his face softens when he saw Brianna sleeping between his arms and on top of him... He watched her sleep and he smiles lovingly at Brianna and he's admiring her beauty as she sleeps... Leo reached to caress her face softly and he loved her soft reptilian skin his other hand rubs her back softly and leaned in to kiss her forehead carefully so as not to wake her up... Brianna mumbled in her sleep as she snuggles closer to her boyfriend and she nuzzles his chiseled chest softly... After a few moments, Brianna woke up slowly and she moved in her lover's arms as she stretched carefully not to hit Leo... "Good morning love! It feels so good to wake up like this with your honey... I missed waking up like this between your arms love..." Brianna said gazing into her boyfriend's eyes and her tail twitched with joy... "Good morning beautiful! I know it feels amazing to have you like this in my arms... I missed you every night in my room wishing you were there with me..." Leo said looking at his girlfriend... "Awe same here love and I'm so complete now that I have you here with me and I had hope that you were gonna return to me and I'm so happy you did love..." Brianna said as she was close to his face and leaned in to kiss his lips softly... Leo smiles at her statement and responds to her kiss... 
"I love you so much, babe!" Leo said between kisses... "I love you more honey!" Brianna said as she nuzzles him and the moment was interrupted when a growling sound came from Leo's stomach... Brianna heard the growling from his stomach and she burst out laughing... Leo blushed and he burst out laughing with his soon-to-be wife... "It's past noon! You must be hungry love?" Brianna asked her soon-to-be husband... "I'm curious to eat a national Nicaraguan dish babe..." Leo said to his soon-to-be wife... "Well there is this plate called Gallo pinto it's the national dish of Nicaragua... I can make it if you've wanted to try that as your first dish mi amor..." Brianna said to her soon-to-be husband... "That sounds great babe and I would love to try it if it's made from you..." Leo said smiling at his girlfriend... "Great honey I'll get to work on it and then we can go in the pool for a swim..." Brianna said as she pecked his lips and gets up to put on something fresh as her favorite thing to wear is a pair of cheeky shorts and a sports bra... Leo watched her get dressed and he gets a glimpse of her beauty... Once Brianna was done she heads out of the room and when she passed by Yuna she baby-talked to her puppy...
Yuna wags her tail and runs inside the couple's room she goes up to Leo to sniff him and interact with him... Leo saw the pup and he smiles at Yuna... "Hey, there you little cutie! You're such a sweet pup!" Leo said as he put his hand in front of her muzzle for her to sniff it... Yuna wags her tail with joy as she licks his hand and then she jumps on the bed to greet him with more licks... Yuna goes up to his face and licks him all over his face... Leo laughs as her tongue tickles him and he talks to the pup in Japanese... The female pup curls next to him as Leo looked through his phone and saw a missed call from Donnie... Leo dials his phone number and waits for his brother to answer... "Hey, Leo!! I'm so glad you called... Dad is worried about you since you're in an unfamiliar country he thought you got lost in it... How is everything over there in Nicaragua?" Donnie asked Leo over the phone...
"Hey, Dee! Sorry, I was busy with Brianna and I finally found her bro! Tell father that I'm fine and I didn't get lost at all... Things are good here and Nicaragua is a beautiful country just like my girl! I'm currently at a mutant town here in Nicaragua and it's called Bismuna Tara is up northeast close to the Caribbean Sea... It's a beautiful town and Brianna bought a huge house out here... Leo said to Donnie over the phone... "I'm so happy for you bro and I'm glad to hear you working out things with Brianna... No way!, that's great I gotta go see this town with Stephanie and I'm sure she's gonna love it there..." Donnie said smiling over the phone... After a little while of chitchatting, the two brothers hang up the call... Leo got off from bed as he can smell Brianna's cooking coming from the kitchen he put on his boxers and headed downstairs to meet up with his soon-to-be wife... Yuna gets up and follows Leo... Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Brianna was brewing some coffee as she was almost done with the last part of the dish... Leo explored the house and he was amazed at the decor and how big it was... Finally, he reached the kitchen and he goes up to Brianna to surprise her from behind... Brianna was lost in thought as she finished cooking... 
When she goes to the cupboard she felt two arms wrapped around her and she squeals jumping a little startled... "Oh, my gosh honey your up now! I thought you were sleeping..." Brianna said as she turns around and wrapped her arms around his neck she smiles looking up at him... "No babe I was talking with Donnie and he would love to come here with Stephanie and see this town he was amazed that there's is a town just for us here..." Leo said looking at Brianna and he leaned in to kiss her forehead... "That's great honey! Tell him that he's welcome here any time he wants to come over with Stephanie... Let's do a holiday trip here and spend Christmas Eve, stay for an entire month... I'm sure they will love the idea!" Brianna said as she kissed his jawline... Leo smiles sweetly at her and he looks at the way she kissed him... "That sounds wonderful babe and I'm sure they will once I tell them about it!" Leo said as he hugs her tightly and nuzzles her... "Food is ready now and let's eat I'm so hungry..." Brianna said smiling at her boyfriend... "It smells so good it's making my mouth so watery..." Leo said as he let go of his fiancé... Brianna grabbed the two plates from the cabinet and Leo grabbed two mugs from the other side of the cabinet and he filled them with coffee...
"How you want your coffee babe?" Leo asked his soon-to-be wife... Brianna smiles at him as she placed the plates on the small kitchen table... "Not too sweet honey but I do like my coffee kinda creamy..." Brianna said as she gets the utensils next... "Cafe con leche coming right up for my princess!" Leo said as he grabbed the sugar container and then gets milk from the fridge... Once he was done he give the mug to his girlfriend... "Here you go, babe! Careful it's hot..." Leo said as he takes his seat next to her... "Thanks, mi amor that's so sweet of you!" Brianna said as she watched him sit next to her and once he settles in she leaned in to kiss his cheek... "I hope you like it honey and I made it with love..." Brianna said as she sit straight and grabs her fork and began to eat as she began to eat... "It does look so appetizing! I have never seen anything like this and it's different from all the foods I have eaten before..." Leo said grabbing his fork and beginning to eat his food... Once he ate he did a satisfying sound and kept eating as he loved the taste... "Wow, this is the best dish I have ever tasted babe!" Leo said as he swallows his second chew... Brianna smiles as she takes a sip of her coffee... 
"I'm so glad you liked it, honey!" Brianna said with joy and she continued to eat her food... Once the couple was done eating Leo helped his fiancé with the dishes and Brianna fed Yuna and cleaned the stove next to the countertops... After that the young couple chill in the back yard laying on the hammock together... Brianna lays on top of Leo and he embraced her close to him... "How I missed holding you like this babe! I love you!"Leo said as he leaned in to kiss her head... "I missed it more honey and you know I love laying like this with you! I love you even more!" Brianna said looking up at him and she kissed his chin and nuzzles it... After a little while, they went in the pool for a swim and since they were the only ones in the house the couple were all naked swimming around the pool... Leo was being playful with Brianna and she was giggling as she was being chased by her boyfriend around the pool water... After bathing in the pool the young couple went to take a shower before bedtime... Leo and Brianna head to the living to watch a movie together... After the movie, they got in the mood to have another steamy moment...
Week 2
On the first day of the second week, Brianna woke up first and she felt something she hasn't felt before... She looks over her shoulder and noticed Leo sleeping next to her... Then she gaged with her mouth closed and almost throw up on the bed she got up quickly to go to the bathroom to throw up... Brianna kneels next to the toilet and held too dear life as she keeps puking a lot... Since she puke too much she passed out on the floor... Leo woke up with a pure feeling that Brianna wasn't next to him and he sat up worried looking for Brianna... "Babe where are you?! Are you ok Brianna?! Come out hun this is not funny I'm not playing hide and seek with you... Please babe come out!" Leo said worried as he exit the room and looks around the hallway she doesn't reply he goes back inside the room... His instincts kicked in and he goes to the bathroom to look for her there... Once Leo goes into the bathroom he froze when he saw Brianna pass out on the floor. He felt that his life left his body when he saw his precious angel passed out on the floor...
"Brianna!! Babe!! Oh my gosh!! No!!" Leo said as he takes Brianna in his arms shaking her softly and checked her pulse at the end... He stand up with her in his arms and noticed the toil full of her vomit and he flushed it right away... Leo had tears in his eyes and he was worried about Brianna not responding... Once he placed her on the bed and checked her pulse and it was a little weak and that got him worried even more... Leo grabbed his phone and called Donnie as he sobbed uncontrollably as he waits for Donnie to answer his call... "Hey Leo, Is everything ok?" Donnie asked over the phone... "It's Brianna... I found her passed out on the floor she not waking up at all and her pulse is weak... I also noticed the toil full of her vomit and why did she puke so much... What is wrong with my princess?!" Leo said with tears in his eyes as he sobbed on the phone...
"Leo calm down don't worry it's nothing bad she's fine... The same thing happened to Stephanie this morning she's pregnant and she's in her first week... Brianna could be pregnant too... Just take her to the clinic and you will find out if she's pregnant..." Donnie said to Leo over the phone... "Thanks for the info Donnie I was worried and she may be because we've been having sex with no protection at all... The first time we did it I didn't use a condom at all... That's great Dee! Congratulations bro I'm happy for you!" Leo said drying up his tears... After the call ended Leo reverts his attention to Brianna and watched her still unconscious... After a few moments, Brianna starts to move she opens her eyes and her vision got focused on Leo... "Honey?! What happened?! Owe my head I feel so dizzy... Brianna sits up slowly... "Oh my god, I'm so glad you've woken up babe I was so worried about you!" Leo with joy as he takes Brianna in his arms carefully...
"Why do I feel nauseous honey?! What's wrong with me why do I feel dizzy today?!" Brianna said holding her head and she looks at her boyfriend... "Calm down love! I was talking to Donnie while you were unconscious babe and he told me that there is the possibility that you're pregnant it's barely starting right now... I might have to take you to the clinic just to be sure that you are hun and that way I have to move in with you when we get back to New York to help you around the house..." Leo said to his soon-to-be wife... "Yes let's go honey because lately I've been feeling so hungry and getting these crazy cravings I have never experienced before... Can you please bring me a sprite from the fridge darling? I still feel nauseous..." Brianna said to her soon-to-be husband... "Great let's get ready babe and that way we can start planning my move into your place... Of course princess! Anything for you my precious babe!" Leo said as he nuzzles her softly he got up from bed and goes downstairs to the kitchen to grab the soda from the fridge and once he does he goes back upstairs... Brianna looked through her phone and she smiles when she got a text from her grandmother... Leo enters the room with the lemon soda in his hand... Brianna saw her boyfriend come in and she smiles at him... "Here you go beautiful!" Leo said to Brianna... "Thanks, honey! Grandma just texted me about her dream she has last night..." Brianna said to her fiancé... "Your welcome babe! She did hun! What was the dream about love?!" Leo said to his girlfriend... "In her dream, grandma saw me holding 2 beautiful mutant babies and she saw you next to me holding the other 2 mutant babies... She said that all four had a red mark across their eyes and they were 2 boys and 2 girls. The two girls looked like me and the two boys looked just like you.." Brianna said to her boyfriend seeing the surprised look on his face... "No way! For real she said that babe?!" Leo said with joy and he was happy about it... "Yes, honey that's right she said that for real!" Brianna said smiling sweetly at her fiancé...
The couple exited the house and headed toward Leo's rental SUV... Once inside the vehicle, Leo drove away toward the clinic which was a few blocks away from Brianna's estate... After a 7-minute drive, the couple arrived at the clinic... Leo helped his girlfriend step out of the vehicle and after she was out of the SUV he locks it right away... The young couple walks inside the clinic and once they go in Brianna signs up on the waiting list of the walk-in patients... After she signed in, Leo and Brianna took their seats to wait for their turn... After a 20 min wait, a nurse called Brianna to come in next for her check-up... Brianna was nervous as she follows the nurse to a scale for her weight and then she assigned Brianna's room to get her all checked up by one of the doctors on duty...
After a 5 min wait, a female doctor greets Brianna as she goes into the room and closed the door behind her... Doctor Vega began examining Brianna and she draw out some blood to run the tests... "So you woke up feeling nauseous miss Brianna?" Doctor Vega asked Brianna in Spanish... "Yes I did and also my fiancé said that after vomiting a lot in the toilet he found me laying unconscious on the floor... He also said that I was unconscious for 10 min... Is that normal doctor?" Brianna said to Dr. Vega... "Yes, it's normal mostly in all cases like yours and many other women... But just keep in mind that your pregnancy cycle is different from normal female humans... In other words, mutant pregnancy only lasts less than 9 months... Some last only 5 or 6 months... But what I'm feeling right now as I massage your tummy it looks like your gonna have 4 babies..." Dr. Vega said to Brianna and she was shocked hearing what her grandmother told her... "You're like the second person telling me this and my grandmother told me the same thing this morning... I understand what you mean doctor..." Brianna said and watched the doctor stop examining her... "I'm so glad you do and I'm gonna run the blood tests now, it should be ready in less than 2 hours and once it's ready we will call you right away..." Dr. Vega said to Brianna...
"Thanks, doctor I appreciate that because I and my fiancé are anxious to know about it..." Brianna said to Dr. Vega... "You're very welcome and it's gonna be ready soon don't worry everything is going to be all right!" Dr. Vega said to Brianna and she walks out of the room Brianna follows suit... Brianna goes up to her boyfriend and Leo stood up from his chair as he saw her approaching him... "Babe, how did it go? What did the doctor tell?" Leo asked Brianna as he takes her in his arms... "It went good honey and the doctor told me that mutant pregnancy cycles only last 5-6 months and I will be due sometime in November or December... As she massage my tummy she confirmed that I'll be having 4 babies and also she told me that the results of the test are gonna be ready in less than 2 hours..." Brianna said to her boyfriend... "Wow! That's great babe I can't wait to meet the little ones in person... I guess grandma Adelina is right about her dream... Well, let's wait and get something to eat love I'm getting hungry..." Leo said to his girlfriend and leaned in to kiss her forehead...
"There is a small restaurant 2 blocks down the street where they sell breakfast and lunch let's go eat there!" Brianna said with joy as she too was very hungry... After 5 minutes the couple arrived at the restaurant and they go in... The waitress acknowledged the couple and greets them... Then she assigned their table and the couple follow the waitress... Once at the table, the table Leo and Brianna took their seats and ordered their drinks first... Brianna ordered horchata and Leo, curious how it tastes, ordered the same as his girlfriend... As the waitress came to their table with their drinks she took their orders... "Can I have one Nica breakfast please and can you just put one tortilla aside with my dish... Brianna said to the waitress... "Great I took note of that... How about you young man?" The waitress said and reverts her attention to Leo... "I want the same as my girlfriend's plate but two tortillas..." Leo said to the waitress and she nods as she jot it down... Then she dismissed herself and takes the menus with her... The couple chitchat as they wait for their food... After a 20-minute wait, the couple got their orders and they ate right away... Leo began eating first and Brianna ate at the same time as her boyfriend... Leo grabs a tortilla and was amazed at how thick it was... "Wow, these are thicker than Mexican tortillas!" Leo said as he tear it in half, takes a bite, and continues to eat the rest of the food... "Nicaraguan tortillas are very different from Mexican tortillas and both are made differently... They also taste differently too!" Brianna said and she continued to eat...
2 hours later
Brianna and Leo went to a nearby park to kill some time and they walk holding hands... "By the way, Donnie told me that Stephanie is now a mutant! She got mutated in the basement while helping father clean it up..." Leo said to his girlfriend and he smiled at her lovingly... "That's great honey and I'm sure she and Donnie must be happy about it! I can't wait to see how she looks in person..." Brianna said with joy... "She looks very pretty and Donnie is crazy in love with her now!" Leo said to his girlfriend that Brianna felt a little jealous at how he commented on Stephanie's new look... "Oh, so you're saying that she's prettier than me then and she might even look better than me!" Brianna said as she huffed crossing her arms and they stand under a tree...
No babe I didn't mean it like that at all... Please don't say that hun... Your Beauty is different and it doesn't compare to anyone like them... In my eyes, you are far prettier than her and any human or mutant girl I've ever met in my life... You are my special and sweet princess I would never change you for anything in this world! Your beauty is like the goddess in my dreams and now I have you by my side forever! Soon you will be my wife for an eternity..." Leo said as he cupped Brianna's face with his hands... Brianna smiles at him as she got touched by his words and tears built up in her eyes... "Aww, honey that's so sweet of you, and that brings me great joy to my heart to hear you say that... I'm sorry that I took it the wrong way, my love.." Brianna said as she gazed deeply into his eyes... "Don't be sorry about it babe it's ok! I still love you no matter what..." Leo said as he leaned in to rub his lips on hers Brianna responded to his kiss and the couple stand there kissing affectionately... Soon the moment was interrupted by a call on Brianna's phone and the couple quickly parted away and Brianna grabbed her phone answering it right away... "Good afternoon! Am I speaking with Brianna Menjivar?" The clinic receptionist said over the phone to Brianna... "Yes, it's me! Are the results of the test ready?" Brianna said over the phone… 
"Yes, that's the reason why I'm calling to come to the clinic to do it..." The receptionist said over the phone... "Great we will be there soon!" Brianna said smiling with joy... "Wonderful babe! Let's get going!" Leo said excitedly as he speeds walks with his girlfriend back to the clinic... As soon as the couple arrived at the clinic they go to the counter to get the results... Once Brianna has it in her hands she opens it slowly and Leo watched her open it... Leo was anxious to know about it too... Finally, she reads the letter about her pregnancy results... Brianna reads it and she gasped covering her mouth with joy as she reads the words... "Oh my god!! I'm pregnant!! Honey we are going to be parents soon!! Brianna said as she hugs him tightly and shows him the letter... "Oh my gosh, babe!! You're right you're pregnant!!! This is the best day ever! We are going to be parents soon I can't wait to meet the little ones!!" Leo said with joy as he hugs her close to him and the couple exited the clinic... "Let's go home and rest and celebrate that soon we will be parents!!" Leo said with joy as he kisses her entire face... "Yes let's go my love and it's time to celebrate that I'm pregnant!!" Brianna said with joy as she hugs her boyfriend tightly...
After a joyful moment, the couple went back home and they continue to celebrate as soon as they settle up in the living room drinking and dancing but Brianna only drink non-alcoholic apple cider and Leo drink some azúcar de Caña Rum and he was happy to know that his soon to be wife is gonna give him the most beautiful gift in the whole universe...
To be continue
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comicswithimperfectblacks · 13 days ago
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Blecaute em Nova York, caos nas ruas.
Uma página de "Superaventuras Marvel #82" (Abril, 1989), incluindo uma história originalmente publicada em "Daredevil #252" (Marvel, 1987). Arte por John Romita Jr. e Al Williamson.
(Uma curiosidade: Apesar desta história ser parte do evento "A Queda dos Mutantes, todas as referências à nave de Apocalipse causando destruição em Nova York foram removidas e painéis foram modificados porque está edição de Superaventuras Marvel foi publicada antes do evento ter, de fato, acontecido. Isso se deve a vários motivos, como o fato de grande parte das histórias do Demolidor escritas por Ann Nocenti terem sido puladas e permanecerem inéditas no Brasil até alguns anos atrás. Contudo, apesar destas mudanças, está história mostra como as pessoas reagem às grandes coisas que acontecem no Universo Marvel.)
Blackout in New York, chaos on the streets.
A page from "Superaventuras Marvel #82" (Abril, 1989), featuring a storyline originally published in "Daredevil #252" (Marvel, 1987). Art by John Romita Jr. and Al Williamson.
(Fun fact: Althought this story is part of the "Fall of the Mutants" event, all of the references to Apocalypse's ship wreaking havoc in New York were removed and panels were changed because this issue of Superaventuras Marvel was published before the event actually took place. This is due to various reasons, such as the fact that many of the Daredevil stories written by Ann Nocenti were skipped and remained unpublished in Brazil until a few years ago. However, despite these changes, this story shows how people react to the big stuff that happens in the Marvel Universe.
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pyxiskrp · 4 years ago
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NOME: Byun Dongwoo
DATA DE NASCIMENTO: 25/02/1996 - 25 anos
HABILIDADE: Simbiótico
MUTAÇÃO: Tem uma mutação que funciona como um simbionte que é capaz de estender livremente sua biomassa em tentáculos e gavinhas, e geralmente manifesta uma boca com presas e grandes olhos brancos. Ele pode se transformar para imitar qualquer tipo de roupa, bem como misturar Yang com o ambiente, tornando-o invisível. O simbionte aumentou todas as habilidades físicas de seu hospedeiro para níveis sobre-humanos. Em contraponto, o simbionte tem uma personalidade própria e ele "empresta" os poderes ao mutante, para seu uso total é necessário que os dois estejam em sintonia.
Habilidades Físicas Sobre-Humanas - Sua durabilidade, força, velocidade, regeneração e outras características são melhoradas a nível sobre humano. 
Extensão de Biomassa - pode extender a biomassa de seu simbionte pra fazer tentáculos. 
Camuflagem - Pode mudar a aparência de sua biomassa de qualquer forma, inclusive de adaptando ao ambiente e ficando invisivel. 
Grudar na Parede - É capaz de grudar na parede e andar nela sem qualquer problema. 
Habilidade Extra-sensorial - Consegue detectar perigo vindo de qualquer direção e reagir de acordo com seus reflexos aumentados. 
Presas venenosas - Quando as presas de Yang mordem alguém são capazes de liberar um forte veneno, mortal pra quase todas as formas de vida em contato.
Woo é extremamente covarde e preguiçoso, pouco faz pra si mesmo ou pelos outros, a única exceção disso sendo seu filho Haneul. Por ele Woo seria capaz de fazer qualquer coisa e basicamente é a força agente de sua vida. Mesmo sendo incapaz de fazer algo realmente altruista por sempre pensar em si e no filho primeiro, Woo é extremamente doce e meigo com as pessoas ao seu redor e tem uma paciência quase infinita, raramente perdendo a calma. Desde que voltou a ter contato com a voz de Yang, tem tido problemas com seu humor já que seu simbionte é muito mais estressado do que ele. É muito mais responsivo do que ativo, raramente sendo a pessoa que toma uma atitude com algo e sendo mais a pessoa que lida com as consequências das atitudes tomadas contra si.
Dongwoo nunca chegou a conhecer sua mãe. Foi criado pelo pai, um ex-militar linha dura que tinha uma academia de boxe, e pela tia, a irmã doce dele que sempre mimava o sobrinho. Foi na academia de boxe que cresceu e aprendeu a se defender desde pequeno. Não era muito disposto a lutas, tinha pego mais o temperamento da tia do que do pai, e gostava mais de ficar na cama dormindo ou jogando algo no video-game do que brigando contra as crianças da escola. Mas Woo se lembrava da única grande briga que teve na escola, tinha socado um de seus colegas até ficar inconsciente por chamá-lo de louco. 
Quando ele tinha 9 anos ele já estava acostumado com Yang, o considerava um amigo imaginário, um pouco agressivo e bruto, mas um amigo. Tinha nomeado ele assim desde os 4 anos de idade, e aos 9 ainda falava com ele em voz alta quando estavam sozinhos. E foi num desses dias, enquanto estava se trocando depois da educação física e conversando com Yang sobre como tinha sido a aula, que uma das crianças o viu. Eles já eram grandes o suficiente pra entender que conversar sozinho não era algo de pessoas sãs então aquele garoto começou na escola um boato, o boato de que Dongwoo era maluco. Demorou um pouco até Woo encher o saco e ainda mais um pouco até decidir enfrentá-lo. Veja bem, Woo não era dado a brigas, mas Yang era. E foi Yang que decidiu socar a criança até ser tirado de cima dela.
Desde então, Woo não lembrava de uma vez sequer ter brigado fora do ringue. Não lembrava também de ter falado com Yang em voz alta, independente de estarem sozinhos ou não, o que só fez a voz em sua cabeça ficar cada vez mais irritada e reticente com o passar dos anos. Aos 24 anos, quando seu pai morreu e teve de assumir a academia de boxe, Woo tinha certeza de que tinha sido uma criança esquizofrênica mas que estava curado agora, era um adulto em plena consciência e sem vozes na sua cabeça. E esperava que seu filho de 3 anos de idade não passasse pelo mesmo.
Até hoje não entende bem o que o levou a aceitar a proposta do amigo.Já havia visto vídeos daquilo, de homens pulando do telhado de um prédio pra outro no meio de uma grande cidade, não parecia tão difícil assim. Foi com essa mentalidade que ele foi com o amigo fazer uma dessas aventuras, e no começo ele se saiu muito bem. Pulou entre os prédios com facilidade, riu com os amigos, tava sendo tudo diversão, até um belo momento em que Woo não conseguiu completar o pulo. 
No caminho da queda muitos pensamentos passaram por sua cabeça, mas o principal era "MERDA!!". E entre os gritos de merda que Woo dava em sua própria mente enquanto caia pra sua morte certa, ele ouviu a voz de Yang pela primeira vez em 10 anos, ouviu claramente ele dizendo "Esse idiota vai acabar nos matando". Antes que Woo pudesse entender realmente o que estava acontecendo uma matéria preta cobriu seus braços e pernas e o grudou no prédio mais próximo. E foi assim que Dongwoo descobriu que talvez não fosse louco e sim que era um mutante, e que estava muito fodido. A próxima coisa que ele lembra é de estar fazendo as malas e carregando o filho pra Singapura a fim de encontrar a Pyxis.
Se mudou pra Singapura e procurou o instituto, mais por preocupação com seu filho do que consigo mesmo.
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brilhantineybag · 4 years ago
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"Logan, você realmente precisa fumar lá dentro?" o professor perguntou irritado
“Sim” Logan respondeu soltando uma baforada de fumaça enquanto falava apenas para irritar ainda mais o homem.
"Eu pensei que Scott tivesse levado todos os seus isqueiros?" Jean perguntou entrando na sala. Scott não está muito atrás.
"Eu fiz." Scott afirmou cruzando os braços em aborrecimento.
Todos se viraram para olhar para o portador do fogo na sala. John balançou a cabeça levantando as mãos. “Não olhe para mim. Eu não emprestei a minha para ele. " Todos eles ainda o encaravam, então Pyro acrescentou. "E eu não acendi para ele com meus poderes também."
"Então como você acendeu?" o professor perguntou menos irritado agora e mais curioso.
"Isso seria eu." uma adolescente sentada ao lado de Logan levantou a mão enquanto falava, olhando entre os mutantes na sala.
"Quem é Você?" Scott perguntou confuso e irritado por eles ainda estarem no mesmo assunto.
“Isso é S / n. Ela ... viaja comigo. ” Logan afirmou recostando-se no sofá.
Y / n sorriu para o grupo de pessoas ao seu redor. "Eu sou amigo dele, ele simplesmente não gosta dessa palavra com A."
"Haha." Logan rosnou de volta para ela impressionado.
“Como você acendeu para ele? Você não tem nada com você". ”Scott apontou depois de observá-la.
"Ele é sempre tão rude?" S / n perguntou a Logan enquanto apontava para Scott. Logan sorriu, o que ele poderia dizer que ela é muito parecida com ele. “Se você quer saber, eu sou um mutante. Um Pyro diferente de lá, não preciso de isqueiro. ” Ela sorriu.
“Então sua mutação é fogo?” Jean perguntou baixinho depois de colocar a mão nas costas de Scott para impedi-lo de dizer mais.
"Bem, eu posso fazer gelo, mas eu uso mais o fogo." S / n sorriu para a mulher. Não admira que Logan tenha uma queda por ela, ela é legal e ele poderia usar isso, ela pensou.
"Pra que isso?" Charles perguntou entrando mais para dentro da sala.
"Porque eu sou seu isqueiro pessoal." Y / n riu. Ninguém mais entende, mas até Logan deu uma risada. Era uma piada interna sobre a mutação dela e seu mau hábito.
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secretinvasionsrol · 4 years ago
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Había perdido la cuenta de los días que llevaba allí; semanas, meses. No importaba. Para Arthur, encerrado en el habitáculo de cristal, habían dejado de existir los días y las noches con sus horas.
Desde que perdió a su familia en Polonia, no había tenido tiempo para regodearse en la pérdida. Ahora, sin nada que hacer, sus demonios le atacaban de golpe. Nina azotaba sus pensamientos una y otra y otra vez. Su pequeña. 
Pero aquel día todo dio un giro de 180 grados para Magneto.
De pronto la puerta de entrada a la sala se abrió. Como siempre, el visitante no llevaba nada de metal encima.
—Señor Lehsnerr, le veo bien.
Arthur frunció el ceño. La burla en las palabras contrarias no fueron un disimulo.
—He tenido días peores —se limitó a responder.
—Mucho me temo que eso se acabó.
Se puso en pie y se acercó hasta el cristal que lo rodeaba, brazo apoyado sobre el mismo. Un gesto desafiante se apoderó de él, rozando la soberbia. No les daría el gusto de verlo romperse.
—¿Y a qué se debe tal afirmación? ¿Acaso os queda algo más que quitarme?
—Sí. La esperanza. La voluntad. Las ganas de luchar.
Un nudo se instaló en su estómago, a pesar de que su expresión no varió. Por un segundo temió que le anunciaran la muerte de Kenzie o Brandon.
—Nos consta que tuvo una hija, ¿cómo era? Ah, sí, Nina Lehsherr. Perdone mi memoria. —El hombre se dio un toque sobre la frente, haciendo alusión a su comentario—. Murió, ¿no es así? En Polonia, cuando era una niña. Solo porque usted era mutante. Corríjame si me confundo.
Magneto contuvo la respiración, con la sangre helada. No sabía a razón de qué mencionaba a su hija fallecida.
—¿Nada? ¿Ni una corrección? Entonces es cierto. Se estará preguntando cómo sabemos de ella. Paciencia. Ahora se lo explicaré. Seré el primero en darle la noticia. 
La cólera de Arthur no tardó en hacer acto de presencia, golpeando el cristal a puño cerrado con tanta fuerza que tembló.
—Ahorre fuerzas, ya le he dicho que todavía quedan más sorpresas. Quizás le convenga esperar hasta el final.
Abrió el expediente que tenía en la mano y lo pegó contra el cristal, tres fotografías. Una mujer, un hombre y un niño; no conocía a ninguno de ellos.
—¿Recuerda los años en el centro de experimentación? Seguro que sí, es algo difícil de olvidar. Tranquilo, ni sus padres ni su melliza están vivos. No que sepamos. Pero algo interesante surgió de ahí… ¿Los ve? Pietro y Wanda Maximoff. Desconocemos el nombre del tercero. Probablemente muerto. Enhorabuena, señor Lehnsherr, fue usted padre de trillizos. Extrajeron muestras de su ADN y formó una preciosa familia de la que nunca tuvo constancia. Pietro y Wanda quedaron huérfanos, sin familia, solos. El tercero desapareció durante los bombardeos de Sokovia. De ahí la sospecha de su muerte. Piénselo. Muerto. Al igual que Nina.
Durante los siguientes segundos, lo único que Arthur pudo escuchar fue su corazón bombearle con fuerza las sienes. Acelerado. Un sudor frío bañó su cuerpo. Tres hijos. Uno de ellos muertos. Tanta información hizo flaquear sus piernas.
—Tiene usted un ADN poderoso, nada que nos sorprenda de un mutante de rango Alpha. Pero parece que viene junto con una maldición familiar. Y esa no es tan siquiera la peor parte. No vaya a pensar, ni por un solo segundo, que les quedó el consuelo de permanecer juntos. ¿Conoce Hydra? ¿Y a los Vengadores? Estoy seguro de que sí. Los dos hermanos, separados y utilizados. Admito que Wanda corrió mejor suerte, fue acogida por Los Vengadores. Pero Pietro… Supongo que la locura también viene explícita en el ADN de los Lehnsherr. Una lástima. En su último avistamiento se apreciaba en él al lunático retorcido que Hydra siempre buscó entre sus filas. ¿Cómo se siente, Magneto? ¿Cómo se siente al saber que todos estos años ha luchado por los derechos mutantes cuando la verdadera lucha llevaba su sangre y apellido? Debió quedarse ahí para protegerlos. Falló. Falló estrepitosamente como padre.
Aquel golpe dejó al alemán hundido, en cuestión de segundos. No conocía a ninguno de ellos tres, pero eran sus hijos. Sus pequeños. Y los había condenado a la miseria sin sospecha alguna. Todos sus hijos, desprotegidos, cuando él siempre tuvo en sus manos el poder de regalarles cientos de oportunidades de una vida mejor.
—¿Qué queréis de mí?
—Ya se lo he dicho. Quitarle la voluntad. La fuerza. Las ganas de luchar. Tranquilo, le dejo a solas con sus pensamientos. Entiendo que tiene mucho sobre lo que meditar. —El hombre se dirigió hacia la puerta para salir, sin embargo, se detuvo y se giró hacia él—. Por cierto, casi lo olvido. Ya se lo he dicho. La memoria. Recuerdos de Alec Hunter.
Wanda Maximoff; @lullabysxng
Pietro Maximoff; @freezrbvrn​​
Trillizo desaparecido; xxxx
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diariosdoedificiobaxter · 4 years ago
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Essa é a terceira página da história "Deadly Genesis!", escrita por Len Wein, desenhada por Dave Cockrum e publicada em Giant-Size X-Men #1, de 1975. A imagem, na verdade, não é da edição original, mas da reimpressão publicada como extra em X-Men: Grand Design - Second Genesis, de 2018, segunda parte da série em que Ed Piskor reconta a história do grupo desde suas origens até o início dos anos 90.
Giant-Size X-Men #1 é uma revista fundamental na história dos mutantes. A revista X-Men, lançada em 1963, vinha bem mal das pernas. Nem mesmo os traços finíssimos de artistas do naipe de Neal Adams e Jim Steranko conseguiram tirar o gibi do atoleiro. A edição #66, de março de 1970, havia sido a última com páginas originais em muitos anos. Por conta das baixíssimas vendas, a Marvel decidiu manter o título, mas sem criar histórias originais: todas as histórias publicadas entre os números 67 e 93 já haviam sido vistas em edições anteriores. Passados cinco anos sem uma história original sequer, era preciso fazer algo com o grupo ou enterrá-lo de vez.
Giant-Size X-Men #1 ressuscitou os moribundos X-Men em grande estilo. De um só golpe, Len Wein e Dave Cockrum criaram os personagens Tempestade, Colossus, Noturno, e Pássaro Trovejante; convocaram para o grupo os personagens já existentes Wolverine, Banshee e Solaris; e logo tirariam de cena a imensa maioria da formação original do grupo (Ciclope, Garota Marvel, Fera, Anjo e Homem de Gelo). Apenas Ciclope e o Professor X sobrariam da formação original.
Poucas passagens de bastão nos quadrinhos foram mais radicais – e mais bem sucedidas. Os X-Men passaram a ser o grupo mais geograficamente diversificado dos quadrinhos. Tempestade era queniana; Colossus era russo; Noturno era alemão; Pássaro Trovejante era um nativo norte-americano, da nação apache; Wolverine era canadense; Banshee era irlandês; e Solaris era japonês. A revista X-Men foi retomada com as histórias dessa segunda encarnação do grupo mutante a partir da edição #94. Logo se constatou que o problema das vendas estava resolvido.
Dave Cockrum, conhecido no meio como uma espécie de máquina de criar uniformes pra heróis (na DC, ele havia renovado o guarda-roupas da Legião dos Super-Heróis), deu aos novos X-Men um visual mais moderno, que destacou o grupo entre as publicações da Marvel. Sua habilidade como storyteller não ficava aquém de seu lado estilista, como podemos constatar a seguir.
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Aqui, Noturno tem sua primeira aparição nos quadrinhos. É perseguido como monstro pelos moradores de Winzeldorf, cidade fictícia situada na Alemanha. Cercado num telhado, Noturno é atacado com tochas, que Cockrum desenha dando a impressão de que ricocheteiam de um quadro a outro, numa parábola que segue o movimento dos nossos olhos pela página. Do terceiro quadro, Noturno se lança no ar com a intenção de contra-atacar seus perseguidores, e sua queda atravessa a página em uma direção também naturalmente coincidente com o movimento dos nossos olhos.
Os quadros na parte superior da página se passam no telhado, e os quadros da parte inferior, no chão, o que dá à página uma qualidade quase lógica, na falta de palavra melhor. Percebam também como a "câmera" de Cockrum tem um movimento fluido, como se uma grua guiasse a câmera de um ponto superior, às costas de Noturno, descendo pro seu nível, descendo mais ainda para registrar seu salto, e já no chão estamos no meio da ação, fazemos parte da bagunça, até que a câmera se afasta no último quadro pra dar a dimensão dos apuros em que o mutante se meteu. O quinto quadro, espremido entre o quarto e o sexto, transmite com perfeição a sensação de enclausuramento experimentada pelo nosso malfadado herói (não se preocupem, ele é salvo pelo Professor Xavier na página seguinte).
As habilidades narrativas de Dave Cockrum, juntamente com o texto enxuto e sem firulas de Len Wein, ajudaram a colocar os X-Men sob os holofotes até Chris Claremont e John Byrne assumirem o timão e lançarem o grupo mutante ao estrelato supremo.
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