#a part of me wants my break from college to extend so I could finish everything before the deadlines
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mortifying-macaroni · 14 days ago
Finally home after another long, but also pretty relaxing day of hanging out w some peeps. Now time for art!
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chiefduckgarden · 2 years ago
Definitely, Jim and Pam
Summary: Part two of this thing is feeling like Jim and Pam
A/N: It took a long time to finish, but it's finally here. Thanks to all the peole who kept asking about this part two. And sorry for the waiting. This is about 10k+ words so, enjoy!
Remember this is inspired in Jim and Pam from The Office!
Los Angeles was nice.
It's been a month since you started college and you could say you had blended in pretty well.
The classes were exhausting but everything else was new and exciting for you. You felt like it was your chance for a new beginning, and you definitely needed one.
After that terrible prom night you isolated yourself for two entire weeks. No social media, no calls, no messages, no visits. You only bothered to send your application letter for college.
When you finally decided to turn on your phone again you realized some of your friends tried to reach out to you. You answered every single message, letting everyone know that you were okay. But your heart broke a little when you realized that none of those messages or missed calls were from Wanda.
And that was your breaking point. You understood that you really screwed up things with her. She wasn't even concerned about your absence, if anything you thought she was relieved that you didn't tried to talk her anymore.
For the next months you avoided anything related to Wanda. Before blocking her number you sent her one last text apologizing and explaining your reasons to go zero contact with her.
You didn't expect her to answer anyway.
Although Pietro did call you to know about how you were doing, the moment he mentioned Wanda you stopped him right away.
"Please let's not talk about her, it still hurts too much". That's what you said.
He sighed but changed the subject immediately. That's when you found out he got into a foreign university in Switzerland and that he was moving out of the country.
You smiled happily and extended your congratulations to him.
Some time later you found yourself moving to Los Angeles and starting your first year of college.
Some of your friends ended up with you there, like Kate, Peter and MJ. It was awesome to have old friends with you, but meeting new people was also exciting.
You heard from a random conversation between MJ and Peter that Wanda and Vision ended up together in NYU.
Your felt your stomach flinch at the reminder of Vision stealing your college dream with Wanda. And you hated yourself for it. By that moment you should've been over Wanda, she didn't love you, there was no reason to grieve a love that never existed in the first place.
But you excused yourself to your friends and ran into the nearest bathroom to cry your heart out. You knew you shouldn't, but you couldn't help it.
After washing your face to prevent anyone to notice your were crying, you looked at yourself in the mirror. You couldn't keep going like that. You felt like you were a ghost: lifeless.
Wanda really hit different but you needed to change, to take control of your life again.
You knew what you needed to do.
You needed to move on from Wanda.
I know Pietro, she's great but, she's my best friend - Wanda said to her brother, tears dried all over her cheeks - I just never thought she would feel the same way. I didn't know what to say, I just wanted to run. Now I think it's all messed up, it's too late. There's nothing left to do. She probably hates me. But... I think I'm still in love with her.
Wanda had really screw things up with you.
She knew it.
She couldn't help it though, the moment you told her about your feelings she froze. She never expected that those words would ever came out from your mouth.
You loved her.
You really loved her.
How did she never notice it before?
And why did you never say anything?
She had so many questions running trough her mind.
It was prom night, she was about to leave with Vision, she wanted to stay a little longer but they were already late, you were there with Kate, she didn't even know you liked Kate, did you really like her? Why did you never mentioned it to her before? Why was she so mad when she found out?. You loved her. You loved her.
You loved her.
Maybe it was a joke.
She looked at you expecting for you to laugh and tell her it was all a joke.
But you didn't.
- Y/N... Why are you doing this? You know I... I can't, he's there and...
Vision and his parents were waiting for her. She just started walking as you kept apologizing. She felt numb through the rest of the night.
Her boyfriend and his family did the most of the talking during the dinner.
She couldn't focus on anything that wasn't you. She had just left you. Alone. You had poured you heart out for her and she left.
You probably were devastated.
But what was she supposed to do?
She really was clueless. Everything happened so fast. And for some reason she felt like she needed to stand up for Vision. But she probably got too defensive.
Oh god it was really a mess.
He was always right.
They used to have recurrent fights or disscusions because Vision felt like you liked Wanda more than just as a friend. But she always defend you from the accusations saying you were her best friend, nothing more. Maybe she tried so hard because she wanted to convince herself too.
That night she came home exhausted. She felt her body drained from any energy or motivation.
Her brother was still awake and when he heard she was back he walked to her room to ask about how her night went.
She tried to put on a brave face but the moment Pietro flashed her a warm smile she broke down in his arms crying.
She vent to her brother all night long, letting him know everything that had happened at prom with you.
He didn't seem too surprised when she mentioned your love for her. Instead he only hugged her harder.
Pietro had been there for his sister since forever, their twin bond was something sacred for them, they were each other's best friends and obviously, each other's best confident.
He could still remember when a little 10 year old Wanda confessed to him that she wanted to kiss you. Some kids at her school had have their first kiss at recess that day and Wanda wanted to have her first kiss. With you.
That conversation followed so many others about her little, pure and innocent attraction towards you.
As she grew older those confessions ceased but Pietro remained as the front row witness of your undeniable love for each other.
- What am I supposed to do Pietro? I'm just really confused.
The white-haired boy smiled kindly at her.
- What do you feel like doing? Wanda we both know very well that you used to have feelings for Y/N, let's not fool ourselves.
Her brother was right, Wanda was well aware of her old feelings for you. Although she had worked so hard to buried them in the deepest place of her heart and mind, she could still remember how it was.
Who could blame her? She thought that forget those feelings was the best decision in order to protect your friendship. She never expected that some day you would feel the same way.
But there she was. Crying in her prom dress, secured in the safety of her brother's embrace, regretting every single second of that night.
- I truly don't know what to do Pietro... I feel like such an idiot and a bad friend.
- No Wanda, you're a human, there isn't a correct way to react to this kind of situation, you act out of impulse and natural reaction, there's nothing wrong with that.
- But I feel so bad... Y/N didn't deserve that... What do I do Pietro? Tell me...
- No sestra - her brother told her with a soft voice - I know, guilt it's a tricky feeling, but you need to figure out how to solve this problem, you can take your time and think about it but in the end it's gonna be up to you... Not me, Vision or Y/N... It's your decision Wanda.
Pietro gently kissed her sister's forehead and walked back to his room.
Wanda barely slept that night, too busy thinking in every possibility.
The next morning she received a text from Vision asking how she was doing and letting her know that he was gonna post a picture of the both of them from last night. She quickly understood the not so discrete hint and also posted a picture. She didn't feel like writing any caption so she just limited herself to type a red heart emoji.
The days passed and she used any possible excuse to avoid seeing Vision. She felt so bad for him too, he was oblivious of the situation, it wasn't fair for him either that his girlfriend was having doubts about her love for him and their relationship. It wasn't fair for him that all Wanda could think about was you.
A week later she got a text message from you. The first text you had send her since prom.
She doubt about opening it or not. What if it was a letter telling her how much you hated her now, asking her to never come close to you again, that your friendship was over and from that moment on Wanda had no place in your life.
After twenty minutes of debating with herself she opened the text.
It wasn't what she expected.
The text was long, as she expected, but there wasn't any hate on it. It made her cry, the way you expressed yourself and the way you perfectly described your feelings. She felt terrible when you apologized for making her feel uncomfortable. You could never.
She would never let anyone know the content of the letter, it was something she decided to keep for herself. A secret between you and her for only your hearts to know, hence she never mentioned your text to anyone. Not even Pietro. The letter becoming the first secret between the Maximoff twins.
Wanda's life froze for days, she didn't isolate herself like you, she just felt dead-walking everywhere she went. She was physically there but her mind was somewhere else. She was thinking about you.
But your text was clear. You needed time and space away from her. It hurt like hell but she respected you decision. Even when she wasn't sure if she wanted for you to forget her.
She got accepted into NYU, just like Vision. Her family threw a party for her and for the very first time in years you weren't present in one of her celebrations. Not that Irina Maximoff didn't call you, but mostly because you politely declined her invitation making up some lame excuse, thanking her though.
Some time later she was packing her entire life in a set of gray suitcases, ready to take a flight to New York and start her new life at college with her boyfriend by her side. It sounded like a dream if you hear it that way.
But for Wanda everything was like a nightmare. NYU was her college dream just because she always thought you would be with her. She wasn't even sure of the path she was following, she didn't know if she really wanted to study there anymore.
Her relationship with Vision was fragile. Since prom night Wanda drastically changed her affection towards him. She didn't kiss him anymore, they only had been in a few two or three dates after and the PDA was completely gone.
Vision wasn't a stupid guy. He noticed this changes since the very first day, but decided to keep silence. For some reason he thought that Wanda would come around again once they were in college together.
But during the first weeks in NYU everything went downhill. They both had classes all day and different schedules, so they didn't had too much time left to spent together besides the weekends. But even those days Wanda always had an excuse to avoid any plan: homework, an exam to study for, books she had to read, etc.
Vision grew tired of it by the end of the fifth week, after Wanda had canceled him for the third time in a row. Not caring about the fact that the girl told him she needed to finish a report for one of her classes he walked straight to her dorm and knocked on her door.
- What are you doing here? Vision I told you...
- I know, I know what you said, but I'm tired of it - he interrupted her - Weeks Wanda, it's been weeks since the last time we had a date, weeks since the last time we spent time together, I don't know what's happening but I demand an explanation now...
Wanda stared at him.
- I don't know what are you talking about Vis, I have so many things to do and...
- No! - he interrupted again - This isn't something that started just now. I felt it since a long time ago - he paused for a few seconds, stepping in completely in the room closing the door for privacy -  Something happened at prom night, something changed that night... I don't know what it is but... Just tell me what is happening to us...
Wanda, who was now sat at the edge of her bed looked at him with teary eyes. She knew this had to happen at some point.
- I'm just tired Vision, I'm exhausted... - she said with trembling voice and some tears already falling on her cheeks - I'm going through so many changes in my life right now, I had this huge fight with my best friend and now we're not even talking anymore... Now I'm here in New York and I'm not even happy about it, I don't like the way my life is going right now... I'm not sure if NYU is what I really want and I'm questioning every decision I've made since the moment I decided to leave my prom party to go with you and your parents for dinner...
Vision didn't know what to respond to that. When he walked to her dorm that night he wasn't expecting this outcome.
- You wanted to stay? - he asked cautiously.
Wanda nodded.
- Why didn't you say anything then? We could've done something...
- I just thought that if told you I would've dissapoint you and your family. You are my boyfriend Vision, sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the relationship... And at some point I felt like I needed to make you happy...
- But were you happy? In our relationship?
- In the beginning, yes, I was delighted with the idea of us, of you... You made me really happy Vision... But then we started having all this problems and I always felt like a was giving too much without getting anything back.
- And why did you never say anything? - he said exasperated.
Vision wasn't one of those boys who are bad boyfriends and are aware of it. He truly didn't saw any of this coming.
He listened to Wanda attentive, letting her express every single thing she had to say. And as the girl talked he realized how trash of a boyfriend he was. He was respectful and never treated her bad, but he took Wanda for granted, not being the same boyfriend she fell for at the beginning. He understood the girl's disappointment on him, and as much as he wanted there was no way to turn back time.
After forthy minutes of talking, he stood for up from his seat in her bed, hugged her one last time and started walking out of the room.
- I'm sorry I wasn't a better boyfriend, you deserve so much better, I'm sorry this didn't work out - those were his last words for her before closing the door.
Wanda remained in her place for some seconds before start crying. She called her brother, although she knew it was probably and odd time in Switzerland she didn't know what else to do or who else to call for comfort. Vision was her boyfriend after all, they had been together for almost three years and it was impossible for her not to feel a hole in her heart. That night she cried her heart out, and did not attend her classes the next day, too energy drained to take a step out of her room.
Eventually she got better. After three weeks she bounce back from the break up. Although she still had a lot of issues to deal with, she felt relieved. For some reason it felt like someone had taken away some of the weight on her shoulders. She felt lighter.
Los Angeles
You were doing a lot better. Two months after your last break down you were happier than in the earliest months of college.
You decided to focus your attention on anything else but Wanda. You started to study a lot harder, focusing more on your notes and classes, and also got yourself into a hobbie: tennis.
Kate was in the tennis team since the beginning of the year, and when you told her you were looking for extra curricular classes she suggested her club.
You used to occasionally visit her during her trainings, you already knew the coaches and the rest of the team, so you figured it wouldn't be so hard to fit in.
The coaches were happy to welcome you and a few days later after filling your proper application you were officially in. The only condition was to do some extra training for some weeks until you could keep up with the pace of some of the other new girls. You promised to train after hours until you were as good as them.
That's how you met Sharon Carter.
The first day you stayed after hours to train you noticed immediately a blond, beautiful girl who arrived at the practice court about ten minutes after the other girls left.
You didn't recognized her, she wasn't part of the team, or anyone you've seen before.
She was also surprised to see anyone staying later in the tennis court after the usual practice.
- Oh hey, hi - you said approaching to her with a kind smile.
- Hello, uhmm I'm Sharon, Sharon Carter...
- I'm Y/N, Y/N Y/LN, a pleasure... Are you new here?
She laughed a little, denying with her head.
- No, I don't study here, I'm coach Peggy's niece, she allows me to use the court sometimes after her team's practice.
- Ohh, well it's a pleasure... I'm new in the team and I need to practice more hours to keep up with the rest... So I guess you'll see me around here more often
She smiled kindly.
- That's great, it will be good to have some company.
You smiled kindly and nodded.
A month after your first encounter Sharon became one of closest friends. You two had so much in common, you liked the same kind of music and most of your favorite sitcoms were also her favorites, so naturally you spent a lot of time together, getting to know each other deeper.
She told you about her sabbatical year and how she was still thinking about what college she would go to.
Eventually you became a better tennis player, but even when the coaches told you there was no need for you keep staying after hours, you kept doing it to spend time with her. And she would visit your dorm on a daily bases after classes
When Peter, MJ and Kate got to know her they didn't hesitate to start to tease you, referring to Sharon from that moment on, as your girlfriend. You just smiled shyly denying whth your head. Of course, Sharon was beautiful, but you couldn't say you were something more than just good friends.
You wouldn't even thought of that possibility until some weeks later when she suddenly asked you out. It wasn't that explicit, but the invitation was kind of obvious.
- Do you want to do something tomorrow? Like go to see a movie or have dinner? - she asked you nervously one afternoon while you were doing homework at your dorm.
- Sure - you answered without thinking too much - Where do you wanna go?
She paused for a second and you looked at her intrigued.
- Sharon?
She looked back at you smiling shyly.
- Well, I was thinking on going to have dinner at a nice restaurant, you know I have a reservation and everything...
- Oh - you said surprised but smiling too - Like a date?
She nodded nervously.
- Yes... Like a date... Would you like to go in a date with me?
Long story short, that date was the first out of so many others that followed it right after. You had a great time with her, and the affection felt almost natural between you.
Sharon never mentioned and label for the two of you, she would only say you were dating. She probably didn't want to push you, and you were thankful for it.
But she did used to hold your hand, kiss you, take you out, wait for you after classes and open all the doors for you. And you of course, reciprocated every kind action to her. You two were basically a couple without the label.
The first vacation came sooner than you thought and you found yourself saying goodbye to Sharon with your luggage ready on your cab to take you to the airport.
- You know, you can visit me anytime - you said kissing her on the lips - If you need anything just call me okay?
She nodded and promised to visit you during your break, she would stay in Los Angeles for a while.
You knew it was a weird situation for you. Sharon was beautiful, kind, funny and you could definitely say you had feelings for her.
But deep down you knew Wanda was going to be back in town too, and you were well aware of the possibilities of you two finding each other at some places. It was impossible not to considering it was a three month break from college.
You felt you were doing a good job keeping her away from your mind. But you didn't know how it would affect your progress seeing her again. You weren't sure if she would speak to you, or if she would just pretend you didn't exist.
Being back at home was good. You had missed your parents more than you would admit, and you definitely missed your mom's meals, finally getting to eat homemade food for the first time in months.
Your first week back was calm. You stayed at home most of the time hanging wi your parents and called Shaeron every night before going to bed.
It was the very first day of your second week when everything took a turn. You were talking with your mom about college and your classes when she mentioned Wanda.
- She left college after her first three months, she's been home since then and looking for a new option.
You were surprised to hear the news. NYU was Wanda's dream since forever, and you couldn't understand why she would drop it.
- She didn't tell you? - your mom asked at your astonishment.
She never heard the story of why you and Wanda stopped talking. In fact, she didn't even know you two weren't friends anymore.
- No, we've been distant since prom, we had a fight and we just... We're not friends.
- Oh I'm sorry honey, but maybe you can talk it out with her and fix things up, you two have been best friends for so long... Don't let this ruin all those years of friendship...
You smiled sadly nodding your head, not wanting to keep discussing about it.
On wednesday you, Kate, MJ and Peter went to the theater to watch the new terror movie. They mentioned some of your old high school friends were tagging along but you never expected to see Wanda. Ever since she dated Vision she stopped going out with your group of friends.
But she was there. It felt like slow motion for you. You were already inside the the theater when she stepped in. She looked at you shyly while greeting all of your other friends, never breaking eye contact with you.
When she was in front of you she hugged you tightly.
- Hi Y/N
You reciprocated the affection dumbly.
- Hi Wanda
- How are you doing? - she asked.
- I'm good - you answered shortly, awkwardly smiling - How are you doing?... My mom told me about NYU... I'm sorry it didn't work out.
She sighed.
- Yeah well, I'm better now, I realized it wasn't what I needed or wanted and I just dropped it...
You nodded.
- I hope you find something soon, you're brilliant, any school will be lucky to have you.
She smiled.
-Thank you Y/N...
Peter said the movie was about to start and you two followed him inside.
Wanda sat two spots from you, Kate and MJ in the middle and Peter on your other side. Some of your other friends sat next to Peter.
The rest of the group probably didn't notice it, but there was a certain tension between you and Wanda through the whole movie.
She was nervous.
From the moment Kate told her you were gonna be there she imagined a thousand of different scenarios of how it would be like.
Just like you, she wasn't sure if you would speak to her. After your last message to her she didn't have any contact with you. Not even when she wanted to tell you about her situation with college.
She knew she hurt in the past, but she missed your friendship more than anything. Even though she had deeper feelings for you, she would be happy if you wanted to be her friend again.
You, on the other hand, were really confused about how you felt. You thought that you would feel anger the moment you saw her, but you just felt awkward around her. Even after she broke your heart in a thousand pieces you didn't feel mad. Maybe those months of healing really made progress in you.
When the movie finished everybody said goodbye and walked to their respective car. When you were about to leave you saw Wanda texting on her phone and walking to sit on a bench.
You wanted to just ignored her and go back home but you just couldn't. So, against any common sense you walked straight to her.
- Hey, are you going home now?
She looked at you a bit confused.
- Yeah, well I'm texting Pietro to see if he's on his way, he told me he would pick me up...
You nodded.
- Oh sure, I forgot Pietro was home too... How is he doing? - you asked.
- He's fine, he told me he's doing great at college and at the athlete team... Ohh and that he met a girl, I think her name is Monica... They've been dating for a while now..
You smiled.
- Wow, I would never imagined Pietro finally settling down... That's fantastic.
- I know, he's really happy.
There was a moment of silence interrupted by a ding on her phone.
- Dang it... - she said after reading the text.
- What's wrong?
- Pietro forgot to pick me up... He's leaving the house just now....
You looked at her texting. You knew you would probably regret your next comment but you couldn't just leave her there at a parking lot.
- Tell him not to worry, I'll take you home - you said.
She looked at you surprised.
- Really?
You smiled kindly.
- Yeah, just like the old times, let me drive you home Wanda.
She accepted and the two of you walked to your car.
You turned the music on and drove to her house. But even with the noise from the radio, it felt like there was a dead silence in the car.
After the first three minutes she finally got the courage to speak.
- So, are you doing well? How is it like living in Los Angeles?
- It's been great so far, college has been fun and I really like the city, it's amazing.
- That's great to hear Y/N, I'm really happy for you.
- Thanks.
Another moment of silence. You decided to be the one to speak this time.
- I know I said this before but I'm sorry about NYU, it must have been really difficult to take a decision like that...
Wanda sighed nodding.
- Yes, it was, but at the same time it was easy for me to understand that it wasn't something I liked, it just never felt right... The hardest part was telling my parents... That was scary.
- Yeah, I can imagine... But your parents love you, I bet they understood...
- Yes they did, although they asked me like a million times if I was sure... They even made me doubt sometimes...
You both laughed.
- Oh missed this - she said smiling.
Your laugh died and you swallowed nervously.
- What? - you asked.
She looked at you.
- Us. I miss you Y/N, so much... I miss our friendship.
You weren't expecting that answer. You didn't know what to say, although it was obvious you had miss those moments too. And it only made you feel guilty.
- Wanda... I'm sorry I ruined everything for us... I shouldn't have tell you anything that night...
You didn't look back at her, but she did look at you.
- Y/N, you didn't ruin anything... That night it was me the one that screwed up.
- No - you answered - You had a boyfriend and I was your best friend, I wasn't supposed to feel anything other than a friendship... And even if I did I should never tell you just because you were happy with Vision... I should've respected that.
Another silence.
- Can we please drive somewhere else to talk? - she asked.
-To talk? - you asked unsure of what it meant.
- Yes, I feel we need to sort this out, I really miss you Y/N... I wanna try to restore our old friendship... If you want it too, of course.
You thought about it before answering. After some seconds you changed the car direction.
- Yeah, let's talk.
You drove to a nearly park. It was getting kind of late and the place it was almost empty, just a few people walking by. Wanda found a bench for the two of you.
- I don't know what to say - you admitted nervously.
She looked at you.
- Well, first of all, I want you to know that you didn't ruin anything... I understand the reasons why you choose to cut contact with me, if anything I was the one to ruin our friendship, the way I reacted wasn't the best... I'm sorry for making you feel bad.
- Wanda...
- Let me finish - she interrupted you - I know you feel bad because you said you love me, but I want you to understand that I could have had a better reaction... Leave you alone in the hallway was the worst thing I've done.
- It's fine Wanda, you were respecting your relationship and Vision...
- I just wanted to say sorry Y/N, i wish I would had a better reaction.
You nodded.
- I appreciate your apology, but don't worry about it anymore ... I already forgive everything.
- You did? - she asked curious.
- Yes, I realized you were shocked with my confession... There was no way you would've react differently...
- Maybe it was... But there's no way to turn back time right? At least I finally got it out of my system, I wanted to apologize a long time ago.
You smiled kindly. The two of you stared at the sky in silence.
- Your text, the letter you sent me... I think I understood better after reading it... - Wanda said - Thanks for saying all of the nice stuff about me, you really are a goof friend...
- All I said was true Wanda, we've been best friends for so long I couldn't get myself to hate you.. I mean I probably felt like hating you back then, but that was probably more sadness than hate... But all the things I wrote were completely true.
She smiled and hugged you. The affection surprised you, but you just smiled and reciprocated the hug.
- So it's all good between us? - you asked - I want my best friend back.
- Yes! - she answered excited - Yes, everything is fine. 
You smiled at her.
- I'm glad.
She was bouncing her feet happily.
- Now tell everything about UCLA, how you've been doing there?
You told her everything about college, your classes, your friends, about your tennis games and everything than ran through your mind in that moment.
You mentioned Sharon briefly, not paying too much attention to the details of your relationship with her.
And the she dropped the bomb: she told you she broke up with Vision.
She explained to you her reasons to end up the relationship and you did nothing but listen.
And when she cried, telling you about her breakdown in college and the moment she decided to leave, you hold her. For a moment it truly felt like you went back in time.
You drove Wanda to her home, and she told you she would call you to make plans for the rest of the summer.
Pietro said hi from his window and you smiled at the sight of your friend.
On the way back home you smiled to yourself. You had a warm feeling on your chest and felt butterflies in your stomach.
Everything was perfect for some days. You and Wanda spent more time together, you even helped her send her application letter to different universities, including UCLA. She wasn't sure at first, but you talked wonders about the college and about how amazing it would be to have her at campus until she finally accepted. It was only a matter of time to hear back from the universities.
But the following week you noticed Peter and Kate get suspicious and secretive around you. At the beginning you thought it was a little bit odd, but then they started to laugh everytime you walked into a room.
It got to a point where the situation became unbearable.
- Okay what is happening? - you finally asked them one day before getting into the movies.
Kate looked at you nervously.
- What....What do you mean? Nothing is happening...
You looked at Peter.
- You will tell me what is happening Peter Parker... Everytime I walk into a room you two laugh and  you've been too secretive lately.
They looked at each other.
- Let's tell her Peter, she will have too know anyways - Kate said.
- Tell me what? - you asked confused - I'm not mad or anything I just want to know...
Peter sighed.
- We planned a surprise with Sharon... She's coming to visit in three days.
It ttok you a second to react, and when your brain finally understood what they just said you couldn't help but smile.
- Really? She's coming?
- Yes - Kate answered happily.
- Why didn't you tell me before? I could have help her... Does she have a flight yet? Or do you want me to...
Peter interrupted you, giggling at your excitement.
- Hey Y/N, don't worry, everything is fine and ready, she'll be here in three days, her flight lands on Saturday at noon...
You smiled again and thank them both for their help.
Wanda arrived later that afternoon. Neither of you mentioned Sharon through the whole movie, it was just when you were driving Wanda home when she noticed you were happier than other days. Peter and Kate were in the car with you too cause you asked them to go to house to arrange everything for Saturday.
- You look pretty happy today Y/N - she told you.
- Well, I feel really happy Wanda - you answered with a smile.
- Can I know why? - she asked happily too.
That's the moment it dawned to you. You never told Wanda about your relationship with Sharon. And as you were thinking of this realization, Peter was faster than you to answer to her.
- She's happy because her girlfriend is coming to visit her on Saturday - he explained.
- What?! Your girlfriend?! - she asked confused.
Wanda was shocked to say the least. You never mentioned a girlfriend on the days before, and the news hit her like a bucket of ice water. She didn't know how to feel about it.
You two were recently fixing your friendship. She didn't know if you were still having feelings for her cause she never asked you in order to not jeopardize what you had. But a girlfriend was a factor she didn't consider.
- Yes! Her name is Sharon, we've been planning this surprise for days - Kate explained.
That's when you interfiered.
- She's not my girlfriend - you said nervously looking through the mirror to see your friends - Sharon is my friend, I think I mentioned her before...
Wanda tried to remember and she slightly nodded. She remembered that name.
- So... she's not your girlfriend? - Wanda asked.
You looked at her unsure of what to say.
- Well... It's complicated, we've been dating for a few months now, but we haven't... You know... Make it official
She nodded again as she swallowed dry.
- Maybe it's time Y/N - Kate interrupted - You could ask her now that she's coming... We can help you!
Peter second Kate on the idea and they started rambling about it.
But you noticed a change in Wanda's behavior. She wasn't laughing anymore. Suddenly she got quiet.
You bumped her shoulder to caught her attention.
- Hey, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my relationship with Sharon, and it's not because I didn't want to... I just forget about it to be honest, and as I said, Sharon and I... We're not officially together yet, we're just... - before you could finish your sentence she interrupted.
- Hey Y/N, it's fine, don't freak out about it... It's just it took me by surprise, but I'm happy to see you happy...
She gave you a reassuring little smile.
- Thanks for understand Wanda... It's been difficult for me to open myself to this feelings... I think it's the first time I I say I'm dating Sharon out loud.
_ I get it, it can be complicated, but don't worry Y/N, if you and Sharon are comfortable with what you have, you don't need to rush it.
You smiled and her.
_ Thank you - you said.
It looked like the conversation about Sharon died right there, but the moment Wanda stepped in her house, she walked straight to her brother's room.
- I just don't know how to feel Pietro... I'm really confuse. I know it might sound selfish to say but I can't believe she didn't tell me before about this girl.... Everything would have been different
- What would've been different? - he asked
- Well, you know, the approach with her... You know I like her Pietro, since we were little, and now that i broke up with Vision... I thought she was single... You know what I mean.
Pietro analyzed her sister's expression.
- You were expecting to date her?
She sighed.
- Well, not straighly date her but... I was expecting some sort of awakening for us... The start of something more.
Pietro looked at her worried.
- Wanda, don't joke around this... You know she loved you, but now with this new information maybe it would be better if you move cautiously... I wouldn't want for you to get hurt.
Wanda buried her head in her hands desesperatly.
- I truly believed this would be our chance... We could be something more...
- You can daydream all you want Wanda, but the truth is, she has a girlfriend now and you have to accept it. And let me be honest with you, I don't think it was correct from you to go close to her with those ulterior motives, if you wanted to date her you should have told her before offer a friendship.
- No, I truly want  to fix up our friendship, it is the most important thing for me to save. I just thought it would be nice if something else happened...
Pietro sighed.
- Well, I wish you good luck sestra, when this Sharon girl arrives  you're gonna need to find the strength to see her fooling around with Y/N, and I can tell you, it's not gonna be nice...
Wanda barely slept that night. She imaged how would it be with Sharon around. And she thought that it was probably what you felt when she started dating Vision, you had to see her with another person, basically being replaced.
Ohh, only if she knew back then about your feelings. For sure everything would be different.
And she wasn't wrong.
From the moment you picked up Sharon at the airport you two became inseparable, although she was stying at Kate's house cause she basically lived in the Bishop's mansion, so there was more than enough room for her.
Wanda told you to enjoy the first days with her alone. She said you could show her the town and explore the place together, she would tag along later.
You thought it was a good idea. But you also noticed a changed in Wanda's behavior since Peter and Kate mentioned Sharon was your girlfriend. You didn't want to speculate around her feelings, but you couldn't help but ask if she was feeling left out, or replaced. You two were recently getting close again and you didn't want anything to jinx the progress.
But no, Wanda said she wanted to be your friend again. Nothing more.
Sharon was being a delight, as always. Being with her was easy, you never had to think too much about it. And that was probably what you liked more. But now, with her in town you felt tlike something was missing. Sharon made you happy, and she was a good company, but something felt odd at the thought of being more than just... that.
However, you took her to all the fun and interesting places around, telling her a little about the local stories. Peter and Kate sometimes would go with you, but they left you alone as much as possible, totally rooting for you two.
It was on her fifth day there when you planned to visit the amusement park with Sharon, Kate, Peter, Wanda and some other friends.
Wanda was a nervous wreck to say the least. She was wondering how this new dynamic would be. She knew you would spend more time with your girlfriend, she knew you would kiss her and hols her hand and make her laugh. So she prepared herself to control any sort of jealousy reaction she could have.
But the reality hit her as soon as you parked in front of her house to pick her up. She naturally walked to the copilot seat, only to find a blonde girl already sitting there.
- Hey Wanda, this is Sharon Carter, my friend from college. Sharon this Wanda, my best friend - you made the introductions, and the two girls smiled, saying how pleasure was to meet each other.
- I guess you're having a backseat today Maximoff - Kate said, opening the door for her.
- Yeah, I guess today I will be third-wheeling you and Peter back there - Wanda replied, laughing at the guy's reaction.
You laughed at the joke too. Luckily for her you didn't noticed that the  passive aggressive answer to Kate was because she felt uncomfortable with the situation.
The rest of the days didn't turn easier for her. You would spent most of your time with Sharon, making silly jokes and fooling around.
Wanda undoubtedly felt jealous. She couldn't help it. And she hated herself for making you feel the same way when she was with Vision.
At some point she just stopped showing up for your get-togethers. She knew she was being selfish, but seeing you with Sharon was driving her mad. Everytime she tried to spend time with you, Sharon had to be there.
But her breaking point reached her on Kate's birthday party. In the middle of the reunion, Sharon's parents called her and she walked up stairs to attend the call.
Wanda found you sitting alone in the sofa and she decided to go talk to you. She was finally having your attention all to herself, you were telling her some dumb joke about ballons, a little bit flushed because of the drinks you had that night, your hair alredy a mess after dancing... She thought you looked beautiful. She tucked a hair behind your ear and you smiled sweetly at her...
It was a very cute moment, just you two talking, so close from each other. Until a pair of arms suround you from behind, you looked up from your seat on the couch and smiled at Sharon.
- Hey! Did you finished the call with your parents? - you asked her.
- Yeah... They just wanted to know about my week but a cut the call soon to be back... Did i miss anything? - she asked, looking at Wanda and you.
- No, i was just telling some jokes, and Wanda was the lucky one to hear them - you said.
Sharon hugged you tighly and Wanda wanted nothing more but dissapear.
- Oh well, i hope Wanda doesn't mind but i need to steal you for a second... there is something i wanna tell you.
Wanda denied with her head.
- Oh no, it´s alright, i was about to leave anyways... Pietro is in his way to take me home so... I should be getting ready.
You said goodbye to Wanda and followed Sharon out to the garden. Wanda remained in place, looking at your hands intertwined with Sharon as you walked out. She left the house as soon as you were out of her sight.
Sharon Carter was a very intelligent girl. Her aunt Peggy taught her to be perceptive, to pay attention to the little details, so it was no surprise to know that she almost immediately noticed the tension between you and Wanda.
She wasn't aware of the full story, she only knew that you and Wanda had a fight before leaving for the university, but it was fixed almost immediately as soon as you had the opportunity to talk about it.
But she had a feeling that there was something more than just "friendship" problems. And that feeling sting her harder the moment she saw you and Wanda talking on the couch. She was too close to your face, and the smile you were giving to her... She needed to do something.
That is the reason why, that night, she asked you to be her girlfriend. You were a bit tipsy, and the euphoria of the moment made you say yes to her right away.
It was just the next morning, when you woke up a little hangover when you realized what had happened last night. You wanted to feel happy, but something just didn't feel right.
Sharon was a great a person, and you knew she would be an amazing girlfriend but now that you were official, something felt off to you.
Perhaps it was because it took you so long to be an actual couple. However, you couldn't just go and tell her you weren't sure about being her girlfriend. You felt some sort of responsibility towards her, like you needed to respond to her feelings. You couldn't just ask her to go back to just date again.
So you got use to the idea of being girlfriends. It couldn't be that bad. At the end, you liked her, she liked you. It could actually work.
Wanda found out about your, now official, relationship a few days later. She noticed how Sharon started to use pet names with you "Babe this... Babe that". She also started to be more affectioned towards you, increasing the PDA at a hundred percent.
She cried once you confirmed it to her. Not in front of you, of course, but at the safety of her room.
She knew she didn't have any right to feel that way, but she couldn't help it. She wish it was easier to let you go.
You still tried to make time for her though, not wanting to jeopardize your just restored friendship. But Sharon always wanted to tag along in your plans. One day Wanda just stopped going out with you, avoiding any uncomfortable moment between your girlfriend and her.
You noticed this change in her behaviour, and when you expressed this concerns with Sharon, she just brush it off saying: Well, perhaps it's for the best, that way we can make more plans for the both of us.
You were confused at her answer, but you just let it go. You'll make plans with Wanda later to talk to her alone. Sharon, in the other hand, made her goal to keep you as away from Wanda as possible.
In the latest days of summer your friends planned a weekend getaway to go camping. Wanda didn't want to go, but everyone told her it would be fun. She turned down every invitation until you were the one to ask her to go. When you knocked on her door that night she didn't find the strength to say no to you. It would be just one night though.
So, there she was, walking next to Kate and Peter looking for a good place to establish the camp. You were walking some steps ahead of them with Sharon by your side, and Wanda was already regretting going.
You had planned spend time with her during the camp. That's why, the moment you found the right place, you asked Wanda to help you set up the tents, meanwhile, Kate asked Sharon to help her take out from the cars all the food they brought.
Sharon walked away, not without giving you a last glance. All she saw was Wanda smiling at you while you read the instructions for the tent.
At night, Sharon asked to talk to you in private. You had spend all the day bounding with Wanda, laughing and making jokes, and you could tell Sharon wasn't happy at all.
- I just don't understand why are you so determined on spending time with her... I'm your gilfriend and i'm here, you should be spending more time with me - she said.
- Sharon, i'm sorry if you felt left out, but Wanda is my best friend... we've been distant lately and i wanted to spend more time with her before the summer ends.. you and me, we alredy spent a lot of time together...
She sighed.
- I know baby, but she needs to understand you have a girlfriend now, that she is not your main priority anymore... Now, please, let's just go to eat some smores and have a fun night.
You just nodded and she kissed you.
You were mad at her. For some reason. Deep down in you, a tiny voice was trying to scream. And that voice was saying that Wanda would always be your main priority.
Later at night, when you found yourself unable to sleep, you sneaked out of the tent you shared with Sharon. You were surprise to find Wanda sitting next to the campfire.
- Hey... Can't sleep? - you asked to caught her attention.
She turned to look at you.
- Yeah, something like that... Kate snores - she said smiling.
- Ohh really? - you laughed - That's quite funny... So you can't sleep because of her snores?
She nodded.
- Yep, i'm kind of a light sleeper, any sound can keep me awake all night.
- Well, then i'll be glad to stay awake all night with you - you said taking a seat next to her.
- Are you sure you want to do that? - she asked- I kind of noticed that Sharon...
You interrumpted her.
- I know, but i don't care. Wanda you're my best friend, if i wanna spend time with you i will spend time with you... I'll deal with Sharon later.
Wanda felt nostalgic at your words.
- What's wrong? - you asked.
She looked at you.
- It's just that... your a better friend than i am. You have a girlfriend and still try to make time for me... i never did that back when i was with Vision.
You smiled at her words.
- Wanda... we are kind of adults now, if i kept acting like when i was in high school i would have a problem. I'm more mature now, i guess i can have a girlfriend and a best friend. You were younger and he was your first boyfriend, i now understand why you acted like that.
- This is what i'm talking about, you're a better person than me Y/N, i don't deserve you.
- Hey don't say that. You are one of the best persons i know Wanda, you can't keep punishing yourself for things you did when you were 16. Like i said the other day at the park, i forgive you, i did it a long time ago.
She looked at the sky.
- I just wish things were different. If only i could turn back time... - she said desperate.
- Wanda please stop, let's just enjoy this moment, okay?
You offered her a hug that she replied immediately. Then you just chill under the stars.
- I got into UCLA - she said out of nowhere after some minutes.
- What? - you asked excited - Are you serious?
She nodded her head smiling.
- Yes, the letter came in this morning... I got in.
- Wanda that is amazing... we will be together in college, like we always dreamed about!
You kept celebrating her for some more minutes and then you just went on talking about the campus and the city.
Wanda watched you in awe, how your eyes sparkled when you talked, the way you smiled and expressed. And she fell deeper for you. When she heard you talk about your future plans with her she couldn't help but daydream about a life by your side.
She daydreamed about living with you, being your girlfriend, marrying you, having kids with you... God, she wanted you bad.
That's why, immersed in the euphoria of the moment, the next words came out of her mouth.
- I love you so much...
And your whole world stopped right there. You stopped your explanation of why your dorm hall was the best in the campus to look at her straight in the eyes.
- What?
Wanda knew there was no turning back. She said it, and she decided to stand to her words.
- I love you so much Y/N, you really don't have and idea of how much. I love your eyes, your voice, your personality; i love your stupid jokes about life... I love how you talk, how you move, how you walk. I love how you treat me, how you protect me. I love how, despite everything i've done, you're still by my side... I think i just love everything about you.
You hear her speak and your heart beat at hundred times per second. The words you always wanted to hear, she was finally saying them.
- Wanda, what are you talking about? - you asked, still in disbelief.
The girl's heart was about to explode. But she needed to keep talking, she couldn't stopped just then.
- Y/N I don't expect you to reciprocate my feelings, not after everything I put you through... But i just need to come clean, can i be honest with you?
You nodded dumbly. You had so many questions, but you knew nothing would come out of your mouth. So you let her talk.
- Y/n i drop out off college because of you, and before you blame yourself, it was mostly because i missed you... You and i had a dream, going to NYU together was our thing, and it shouldn't have been with Vision... I guess, not only the college thing but everyhting, it was never Vision. It was you all along. You were my first love Y/N, i shouldn't have give up on you... on us. Yes, our friendship is the most important thing for me, but if we could be something more... Ughh, now things are just weird between us, and that sucks... and i miss you - she knew she was rambling, but she needed to get everything out - and now you're with someone else, and that's fine but, i just wish it was me... Because even when i made mistakes, it was always you.
When she finished talking you were loss for words. Your heart, your mind, nothing was working correctly. It was like the whole world faded because Wanda told you she loved you.
That's all your mind registered: she loved you.
- Wanda... i don't know what to say to be honest - you said.
She was a mess, her heart was beating like crazy, she was all flustered because of the nerves and her whole body was shaking. She wanted to hear your answer, but she was also afraid of what she might hear.
- I wish things were different too... - you said looking at her - You know, i'm really confuse right now. Sharon... she's someone special to me, i wouldn't want to hurt her, i guess now i understand what you felt about Vision. But, i want to be honest with you too... I don't want to lose you again, you're even more special to me... I want you to be in my life forever. It truly seems like timing never work for us, right? - you joked, making her smile a little - We can be friends Wanda, i'm really excited to be in college with you, if you want that too... I just don't want to lose you.
She started to cry.
- Oh Y/N, i would love to be in your life forever, even if you're not with me, i don't want to lose you either... Thanks for giving me a second chance.
You hugged her even tighter than before, now crying as well. You two stood there for some minutes, melting in each other's embrace. When you broke the hug you noticed it was almost 2 am, so you decided to go back to your tent, wishing her good luck with Kate's snores.
You didn't have much sleep that night though. Your mind kept you up all night.
Wanda told you she love you. She confessed her feelings for you and now it was up to you to take the chance. You looked to your side and found Sharon sleeping soundly. You knew it was unfair for her that you felt that way, but you couldn't deny your feelings: deep down you knew it was Wanda, cause it had always been Wanda.
The next morning you and your friends left the camp and went back home. Sharon noticed you were a little bit quite, but when she asked you about it you just said it was because you hadn't sleep well. Wich wasn't completely a lie.
You spent two days more with her before she flied back to Los Angeles. She was excited cause she got her acceptance letter from Princeton. You were happy for her too, but the situation made you wonder about your future with her. She wouldn't be around UCLA anymore, and that would change your whole dynamic.
She told you not to worry, kissed you one last time and went back home.
In the remaining days you prepared your luggage to return to the university.
Wanda was in some sort of trance. After you told her to be just friends she felt happy cause you would still be in her life, but she also was sad because it wasn't in the way she wanted.
When she told everything to Pietro he told her it was brave to come clean with you, but he was also worried for her sister's feelings.
- I know Y/N well enough to know she won't hurt you, but i'm worried you two are making a mistake. This whole thing of "let's just be friends" can be risky for the both of you.
She just replied:
- We're still friends and that's all that matters, we'll live our college dream together and everything will be fine.
You flied back to Los Angeles, now with Wanda and her parents.
Pietro flied back to Switzerland.
And Sharon flied to New Jersey.
The first weeks of the course went normal. Wanda loved the campus and was thrilling because you were there with her. You showed to her all of your favorite spots and you two settle a schedule to spend time together, mostly studying.
Wanda immediately felt the change from NYU. She was genuinely excited for her classes, she genuinely loved the school, she didn't have to pretend cause she felt happier.
You were happier with her there too. Although something was still feeling out of place.
You thought it was because Sharon wasn't there anymore. You used to call her every night to tell her about your day. She told you all about her campus and her program. You listened to her attentive, but she knew something was off. She could feel it too.
But both of you were too afraid to mention it.
The days passed, and everything felt like a roller coaster for you: in the day everything was exciting and brilliant because you spent it with Wanda. But at night, when you talked to Sharon over the phone, everything felt wrong. Every night you went to sleep with a pit in your stomach wondering why you couldn't be happy with Sharon, but why you felt so complete with Wanda.
Sharon Carter was a very intelligent girl. From the moment you told her Wanda was going to be with you at UCLA she knew you two were doomed. She didn't have to know your complete history with Wanda to know she was someone special for you. Someone who she couldn't compete with, cause she'll always lose to Wanda if it was up to you.
But as intelligent and perceptive as she was, she was firstly, a girl in love. So, leaving behind any insecurity, she was hoping you would chose her. That's why she tried to make things work for the two of you, for as long as she could. A month was enough to completely wear out your relationship.
As intense as her love was, she knew she couldn't alter the course of fate. She recognized that you had alredy found your way with another person, and Sharon understood that she had to let you go, accepting that this time, she couldn't change the destiny of your love.
Sharon called you, like every night. But this time there wasn't any softness in her voice. You knew, from the moment she said you needed to talk, what was the night was heading to.
The conversation was long, tired, and full of regretness. She regretted meeting you. You regretted taking it too far. Both of you regretted making each other so unhappy.
Needless to say, it wasn't an amicable breakup. She cried and you didn't stop asking for forgiveness until she said goodbye and hang up the phone.
You spent your night alone. You cried, but when the sadness left your body completely, you felt lighter. As if the crying had washed away the guilt and the weight from your soul.
The next day you told Wanda about your break up with Sharon. She asked you if you were okay and you mindelessly said yes.
- C'mon Y/N, you know you can be vulnerable with me, there's no need to put on a brave face.
You insisted that everything was fine, and after a few more attempts, she dropped the subject to avoid making you uncomfortable.
She was surprised to hear the news. Sharon seemed like a nice girl, and even when she knew she wasn't veey comfortable with your frienship, she wanted for you to be happy.
She tried to avoid having any inappropriate thoughts, but she couldn't stop herself to wonder about you and her. She knew you had just come out of a relationship, everything was still too fresh, but deep down, a flicker of hope had ignited in her.
You on the other hand was confused with yourself. You wanted to feel bad, to be sad, to grieve your relationship with Sharon. You felt like a complete idiot for not feeling bad. God, your girlfriend had broken up with you, and it had mostly been your fault, but you couldn't feel sad. After crying that first night when you broke up, you never cried again. Now what you felt was guilt for feeling nothing.
Some days later Wanda asked Pietro to call you. She was worried about you cause she thought you were keeping all your pain to yourself. So she decided to call in the big guns.
When you saw Pietro's name on the phone you were excited but a little confused. He made small talk for a while and told you about Switzerland and his girlfriend. When he finally dropped the bomb on why he called you, you couldn't say you were surprised.
- She's just worried about you Y/N.
You sighed.
- I know, but there's no need to be worried, i'm fine.
- Y/N, i'm on the other side of the world and i can tell you're not fine, i can hear ir in your voice. Wanda thinks you're keeping it all to yourself and she just wants you to have someone to talk.
You knew there was no use in trying to denied anymore. Pietro was a close friend. You grew up together as well. He was like a brother to you. That's why you decided to finally speak to him.
- It's just that... I have nothing to talk about Pietro.
You told him all your concerns about your break up with Sharon and you vent with him.
He listened to you carefully, not saying anything at first.
- Why do I feel like crap? - you asked when you finished - I really wanted this relationship to work, i felt something for Sharon, without a doubt. But when things fell apart i felt almost relived that it was over... I'm such a jerk.
- No, you're not, everyone has a way to cope, and just because you're not miserable and sulking doesn't mean you're bad, please don't torture yourself over it. You truly believed you wanted to be with her, you gave your best effort in that relatioship but you can't force yourself to love someone. Sharon was special, but maybe you tried too hard to love her. But why?
You felt your heart racing at his question. You knew damn well why.
- I think i was afraid of what could happen if i wasn't with Sharon.
- So you used her... and don't get me wrong, it can be really fun as a distraction, but when it's over, you think about the girl you really like, the one that broke your heart. Maybe that's why you feel nothing but freedom. Now you can make your own decisions Y/N.
You ended the call a minutes later.
For some days you thought about what Pietro said. You were experiencing so many emotions that you asked Wanda to suspend you study sessions together for a few days.
Wanda thought you were taking time apart from her because of your break up. Maybe you wanted time for yourself without her.
It sucked for her cause she believed you were best friends again. But even if you weren't her best friend, she knew you would always be friends.
It was almost ironic. You two never got the timing right. She shot you down and then you did the same to her and now...
She needed to focus her attention on something else.
She sent you a text letting you know she would be at the volleyball tryouts, so if you needed anything you'll knew where to find her.
You texted her back a thumb up emoji and a happy face, wishing her good luck.
You were alone in your room when suddenly Pietro's words rang in your head: Now you can make your own decisions Y/N.
A power took over your body and you walked out of the dorm hall to go to the volleyball court. You were nervious, but you had something to do.
Wanda was talking to the volleyball coach in her office, answering some medical questions fro the formal papers, when you suddenly opened the door.
- Y/N, what are you doing here? - she asked confused.
- Hey, emm i'm sorry coach, i just have to say something...- the coach nodded at you and you looked back at Wanda - Um, are you free for dinner tonight?
- Yes - Wanda said shocked.
- All right, then it's a date... - you said smiling and closing the door to leave.
Wanda smiled like never before. She felt on cloud 9. Her face was all red and her body shaking in excitement. She looked at the coach, rememebering where she was.
- I'm sorry, what was the question? - she asked nervously.
Taglist: @justyourwritter69 @dark-hunter16 @the-mute1 @julirey06 @dupleshcpi @wizardofstories @katherinelesso @targaryenwomenshoe @snowdrop1026 @lissaaaa145 @shortyyy193 @randomnessbecausewhynot @simone8210 @newawakening9 @chasethemoon @natashamaximoff69 @justgotlizzied @cd-4848 @bluedragonlove @agentqwake @esposadejoyhuerta @nikkinss
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sugar-omi · 10 months ago
honestly all that was sooo what i needed to hear rn bc a girls been STRESSED so thank you <3 😭
i'm gonna major in biotechnology! i went to a votech and that was my trade there and i loved it so i wanna continue studying it. not totally sure what job i want yet so i don't know how much schooling i'll do but yeah! :D
BIOTECH??? THAT SOUNDS SO COOL N SO COMPLICATED please i literally had to google that shit bc idk what it entails but this is some big brain shit, n all i gotta say is good luck n i am cheering you ON!!🎉🫶🫶
although i think you got this in the bag already. anyone with the balls to do something so advanced. is a very smart n strong person. from what im reading on google this is some really cool shit, no matter what direction you go with it. n you have your work cut out for you, but i know you got this!!
so don't doubt yourself!! you got this!!! your brain is huge n you are powerful!!!!
n of course!!! i figured saying something like that would help with anyones anxiety, because really, its the pressure (even if they're not actually pressuring you) and the overwhelm of questions and expectations that make the future so stressfullll
*ramble utc because i... cannot help yapping i guess LOL and while i'd usually be embarrassed and delete my ramble n word vomit, but i figure someone else readding this may appreciate the relatability of what i have to say about my fams reaction to my plan after hs, and find some comfort in my word, if thats not to presumptuous
because i decided to take a gap year (it's been a year since i graduated, for reference), and everyone freaked out. my mom n uncles first reaction was "yeah well, you won't go if you do..." before they came around n agreed with my reasoning. and my dad was all "if i had it my way, you'd go full time--" (mind u, he likes to brag that he worked n went to school full time AND partied.... he did not finish college LMAO) and when i graduated, said to me a MONTH. AFTER MY GRADUATION. "if you're not going to college any time soon, go into the air force."
and when my extended family would ask my plans, and i only had a short "i'm just gonna take a break right now, figure some things out, work... and by then i'll have come to a decision." because i was tossing around the thought of art school, and then i thought abt getting an english degree to be either a teacher or go into writing/editing, journaling or whatever... but was also tossing around the thought of psychology and even real estate. my ideas for my future were absolutely jumbled, and i was torn between what would make money, what i loved, and what i was interested in that i thought could be a career.
it's tough. especially depending on your financial situation yknow, so your thought process always leads towards something profitable but also wanting to do something you enjoy, maybe even love, but not wanting to burn out and tarnish your beloved hobby/hobbies.
like while i did have people who supported me upfront, and never doubted my plan, it's the small things too yknow. because for months my dad's words haunted me, i felt like i wasn't doing enough. or when i met family, and they asked how it was going, or what i was doing now, i felt disappointed that my answer was always "i haven't been doing anything. just been sleeping, drawing, writing..." or eventually that and "practiced driving.. n that's about it."
or when i'd talk to close family members, and i admitted i was going through a hard time, my mental state finally falling on me now that i didn't have to be strong n power through school. i even got sick a couple times, because my body was finally feeling the stress. even now, i feel a mental lag, a fog. but i feel clearer, a bit.
but yknow, the looks and the "you said that last time" or "i think you're lying" is tough.
but at the end of the day, if not working for the summer, or not going to college for a semester, or 2, or 3, or a whole year. or if going part time, or whatever you're doing... and it benefits you, and it benefits your mental health. then do it, don't listen too much, don't feel too guilty.
because if you need it, just like i needed the time to rejuvenate, then don't listen to anyone else. don't force yourself to do anything. because if you have the ability to take a break now, do it. you're not doing this because you're lazy, or selfish, or unambitious. or anything like that. you're taking that break, you're taking this break right now, for future you.
because if you don't take it now, when will you take it? and when you do take a break... will it be at the cost of your health? will it be at the cost of something greater? when the break comes, will it come when you're being handed the gold medal you've been fighting for.. and then it slips out of your hand just like that.
anyway.. do whats best for you. what you need. don't worry about figuring things out too fast either, because in fact, i've been plotting this moment of my life for about 10 years, genuinely, and i still had to revise it. still had to come to a conclusion because even with all that plotting, it doesn't plan for the hard times. or the 'you' you are right now. you will be someone else next week. and you will be someone entirely different 2 months from now.
take your time. because if you jump into something, and are unsatisfied, or "waste" time doing something other than what you "should be doing", the time still passes.
if you "waste time" anyway, waste it on yourself. not others expectations. or wishes. or their dreams.
and once enough time passes as well, no matter what you do by then. the questions do stop coming. the weight of the future, once you get there, is suddenly not so... big. intimidating.
you do not need a grandiose plan. if you are content with the future in your mind, that is enough. because at the end of your life, who will sit in that chair and ponder the life you lived, and weight it's satisfaction, if not you?
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sapphosweirdkid · 2 months ago
HOLY SHIT that was such a stressful sitiuation
This week has been pretty fun but also SO stressful and I'm going to talk about it
Monday was fine, English is easy
Tuesday wasn't bad but it's where the trouble started. We were practicing filming/filming our stop-motion films in class and I was helping my friend with his and he often gets really stressed out so I was kinda of stressed out too. Then when I left I also had to carry loads of camera kit.
Wednesday morning I went out charity shopping and when I got back my stop-motion set wasn't done so I frantically finished most of it, and my camera battery was low. I quickly read a poem for English tutoring went to my music club with my friends which was a lot of fun but I have been feeling like I either brag or complain and then I came home and said goodbye to my mum and ate dinner while doing my English lesson and then I filmed until my camera died
Thursday was ahhhh so first my little brother who we have to take to school in the mornings refused to leave so I was like 45 minutes late to maths class which was going pretty well until break time when I'm sitting on a bench calling my friend and my classmate comes up to me and says that I have an exam in the other building right the fuck now so I run off (still on the phone) but the guy says that I'm late so I go back to maths class and the teacher apologises and luckily the exam got rescheduled to Friday. The exam is important because if I pass then I can go on the course I want to take next year. Also istg my classmates were talking about me when I came in but I am convinced they all hate me so I could be wrong. The rest of class goes well, I listen to Siouxsie and the Banshees, extend my kit return deadline from 3 to 4. When I get home I have a quick lunch and finish filming apart from the scenes that need the part of the set I haven't finished. Thanks to my hotel glue gun and my father I managed to get the shots I needed and then we took the kit and got in the car with my little brother because he wanted to come. While in the car I realised I didn't have my lanyard so when I get there I have to rush to get a temporary one, carry four large pieces of kit up to the second floor of the building, convinced the kit room will be closed, but luckily my ex friend/hopefully future friend was also dropping his kit back so I made it on time. Then I came home and did as little as possible until I had to get ready for my mum to pick me up so I got changed. She took me to a Buffy the Vampire Slayer comedy one-man show which was a lot of fun but I take after her so we were also late and we got a meal deal for dinner which was pretty ok and I think my sandwich had mayo in it but I ate the whole thing which I'm proud of because I have issues with food and I love my mum so it was great. In the car on the way home I tried to explain the plot of Dear Evan Hansen to her which went pretty well considering I've only watched Jenny Nicholson's video on it. Then I went to sleep which was awesome.
Then the grand finale, Friday. I didn't go back to sleep after my alarm and my brother didn't scream so that was good and I got dressed and went to college and took my maths exam. I was very scared but I think it went well and my friend sent me good luck from the performing arts course. Then I went to my normal class but I forgot my memory card so I just looked for assets. As I was walking in I found out that one of my classmates just didn't know my name? The class only has like 14 people and I talk quite a bit but whatever. When I came home I was very tired and determined to do nothing which went well. Then I ate dinner and my dad drove me to my old school to see my friend in the school play. Walking in was so weird and also I was, naturally, kinda late. When the show started it was good and it was great to see my friend and then I see the ensemble and there's some old school friends which was weird but also fun because it's an unnamed ensemble member and I'm like "she dressed up as Courtney from TDI two Halloweens ago" or "she thought that Fester was her best friend but that was not reciprocated" and that's what's fun about school plays which I have seen 5 of, plus a couple other junior shows. After the show I TALKED to some of my old friends which was so awkward but I think it went okay and then I saw my friend which was really nice and then my mum picked me up and now I'm home.
Arghhhhhh this was a good week
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jezabatlovesbats · 9 months ago
Going off of this post, I started brainstorming ideas for what a musical adaptation of Monsters Inc. would actually look like because I'm stupid.
Of course, none of this would actually happen! These are all just thoughts!
Also, I should warn you that, whenever I try to do things like this, what I say never makes sense.
I saw this person's idea, but from what I've seen, musical adaptations of movies often change more than just a few things.
For starters, I don't agree with the idea of using puppets to play the characters. Personally, I see the monsters' actors wearing SpongeBob Musical-ish costumes representing their characters, but with more non-human aspects, like the additions of horns and wings and stuff.
I totally agree with having the curtain call be the cast singing an extended version of Put That Thing Back Where It Came From Or So Help Me! But, I would keep the part where Mike sings it to distract the coworkers. That way, the curtain call would be a nice payoff, with Mike leading everyone in the song.
I also agree with having the door to the Himalayas go right to the Abominable Snowman's cave. It would help with the pacing. Also, yes- remove the sledding scene.
Now, for how I would change up the actual plot, because that person seemed to just be copy-pasting the movie for the most part...
Maybe the opening scene can be Mike and Sulley doing their little scare floor exercises while getting ready for their day. Like, the first thing we see is a kid sleeping in bed, and Sulley steps out from the closet to scare it, but then the lights come on, and Mike comes out from under the covers, revealing that he was holding a dummy. Then, we get our opening number, which establishes how the monster world works and the scream shortage problem and also how dangerous kids are. It ends with Sulley, Mike and the other monsters arriving at the factory.
After the opener is when we start hearing about the all-time scare record. And, maybe during the early scenes of Act I is where the parts about Mr. Bile/Phlegm and the new scare recruits can go. Like, before or after the scare floor scene, we could see Mr. Waternoose coaching Phlegm, and then he comes over to ask Sulley about showing him how it's done and all that.
I imagine the scare floor sequence being an entire song, where each monster gets a chance to show off what they're good at. It would end abruptly; Charlie cuts everyone off with his, "23-19!" He could also do a fourth wall break and shout, "WAIT! STOP THE MUSIC! 23-19!"
I also imagine this adaptation touching upon the characters' backstories more. Like, Mike and Sulley could have lines about their time at Monsters University (yes, I am making references to it).
Randall could, too. He could probably lament to Fungus about how he and Mike used to be buddies in college, but then he was humiliated, leading him to resent Sulley and Mike. And, just like I said in my earlier post, I would want Randall to have a solo number. That could be his solo.
If I Didn't Have You has to be one of the songs! I would put it in a scene where Mike and Sulley reconcile after their argument.
I would swap out the climactic chase in the big vault of doors for something more stage-friendly, but I don't know what.
I don't want the scene where Mike shows Sulley Boo's fixed door to come after the final number, like that person implied. During a vamp or an interlude in the finale, Mike can take Sulley aside to show him that he fixed her door. Sulley opens it to see her behind it, and then everybody comes out for the big finish.
That's all I've got. I should never be a playwright or director.
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mangodestroyer · 2 years ago
June 16th marks the two year anniversary of when I started working at my current job.
And holy shit, I can't believe how much my physical and mental health suffered for it. Along with other things that had been happening in my life, I am 90% convinced that I developed a form of social anxiety as a trauma response (something I may have already been suffering from to a mild extent). I used to love getting out of the house to go shopping and whatnot. Now I much prefer to order online or pre-order on apps so I can swoop in and pick it up. And the idea of going out and socializing is just... bleh!
My physical health is just not what it used to be either. I've been getting so many cysts. Most of which are on my joints from overuse. I used to love going for walks and hikes, but now it hurts to walk and I'm too tired to do those things. Not to mention, the sciatica I had mostly recovered from, which I got from my last retail job, has kind of made a comeback. Also, my feet used to never hurt. I used to be a very limber, athletic individual before working retail. I didn't really have body pains. Now I feel like I need to rest for two days to make the majority of the pains go away (weed, heated blankets, and ice help). And today, I had to work a lot more slowly because my entire shoulder area would sometimes get sharp pains that would make me nauseated. I've never had shoulder pain like that until a couple months ago. It extends all the way to my elbow and into the center of my chest and my back.
Also, I had to take a long break from school because I literally could not muster up the mental energy to get through my classes and need to save up some money so that I don't have to work while going to college. One of the reasons I'm even going to college is to get away from this kind of work (which I've come to find does not end up being the case for everyone, but look, I made it so far into my degree so I might as well get it finished so that I have a chance).
Not to mention, the lack of respect. The erratic scheduling and requests to cover shifts has just destroyed my sleep schedule. And today alone, I had to hold so many customer's hands as they ask for so many things while I stress over getting my tasks done. I need to ask management permission to do certain parts of my job and they drag their feet and forget to do so. So I have to remind them twice. I literally avoid getting them involved as much as possible because it's a headache and I just want the job to get done. And then there's the condescending, "What did you do this time?" attitude. And sometimes... sometimes it is me (sorry I don't remember to do everything perfectly in a fast paced, stressful environment) and sometimes technology will literally start pulling the stupidest shit. I'm not even kidding. I don't ever want to touch the service desk at this point because somehow I always find a way to break it. I should become a debugger or something. This never happens with my home computer tho.
And here's something existentially horrifying: some people work jobs like this 60+ hours a week. Just to barely cover rent, bills, and food. If they even are managing that. I'm only doing this 20 hours a week, with the occasional full time week... I'd literally rather rough it in the woods than do this 60+ hours a week.
Hopefully I end up getting somewhere with my side gig, in the mean time. I'm not asking to make a fortune off of it. I just want a little extra cash to help me get by, maybe even have some spending money. Thank God my dad happens to be really into the project and is pushing me to do it/wants to help out. Doubt I would have been able to do this without his expertise.
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cherrycola27 · 2 years ago
Strawberry Wine
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Summary: You came back to your family ranch on summer break from school. You never expected to fall head over heels for the new ranch hand. When time and circumstances took you away from each other you never truly got over it. A decade later, the passing of your father brings you back home once again. This time you are in need of a new hand who can help out. You never expect that it would be him.
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Warnings: Eventual Language, minor character death, allusion to sex. Minor DNI. 18+
Part 2: So We Meet Again
You spent the summer in Jake arms. Sneaking away to hay lofts, his truck, or your car anytime you got the chance. One night in mid July as you two lay on a blanket by the river he told he loved you and you confessed the same.
You both knew that like the summer, the time you had was fleeting, but the love you felt deep down for each other was hotter than the Texas sun.
Then dreaded day in September came. You were going back to North Carolina and he was going to California. Over three thousand would separate the two of you. And while you wanted to cling to the hope that you two could make long distance work, you both knew it was a silly idea.
Life has a way of throwing you off your center, just when you think you're okay.
You had never had to worry about money for school, but then your father got sick, and you used your college fund to pay for his medical bills, you needed a way to finish your degree, and like a sign from God one day, a Navy recruiter was on campus. You joined on the spot.
You told yourself it was to pay for school, but deep down you hoped it might bring one Mr. Jake Seresin across your path again.
With the help of the Navy you were able to realize your dream of becoming a surgeon, and good one at that. You were successfully working in a hospital on base when you got the call.
You're father had passed, and he'd left the ranch to you, his only child. After getting an extended leave approved, you headed back to Texas to mourn your loss, and to hire some extra help.
You knew you couldn't run a ranch by yourself. And while several of your father's hands agreeded to stay and work for you, there was a handful who refused to work for a women.
This left you in need of a few good ranch hands.
You did the only thing you could think of and put an ad out, hoping some down on their luck cowboy or cowgirl in need of a job would grace you.
You tried several of them, but nothing worked out. They were either too cocky, didn't get along with you or the others, or didn't know what they were doing.
You had almost given up hope.
You sat at the kitchen table staring at your glass of tea. Why was it so hard to find some decent help?
"Doc." Your dad's ...well now your ranch boss Rhett called to your snapping you out of your thoughts.
"Yeah Rhett? Everything okay.?" You ask him.
"Yes Ma'am. When I was in town earlier I ran into an old buddy of mine and his son. The son is home on leave from the... um army I think he said for a while and was looking for some work. He said he used to be a hand for you dad a few summers ago. I told him to swing by and talk to you if that's alright." Rhett explained.
"Oh that's great Rhett. Do you remember his name?"
"No, but I remember the kid. He was pretty good when he helped out. I think he would be a good hand but I didn't want to hire him without checking with you first boss lady." Rhett chuckles as you crinkled your nose. It's strange for a man who has known you most of your life to call you his boss.
"Well once he comes by, if he seems pretty good I'll hire him." You say.
"Sounds good Ma'am. I best be getting back to the fields now." Rhett tips his hat to walk away.
"Rhett. Please stop calling me Ma'am. You've know me my whole life. Doc or Y/N... please." You say before he walks out the door.
About two hours later there is a knock on the door.
You walked to the door hoping the person on the other side would be a decent ranch hand.
Sure you had done the work before but you needed someone reliable and so far everyone else had been a let down. You sigh before opening the door.
You know Rhett had always been a good judge of character and he said this guy had worked for your father before. You wondered who it was.
You gripped the door know and plastered a smile on your face.
You opened your mouth to greet them only to have your words catch in your throat as you met the most beautiful green eyes that you hadn't seen in over a decade.
The eyes that have haunted you since that faithful summer.
"Jake?" You breath out, almost too stunned to speak.
"Hi there Y/N. Heard you were looking for a ranch hand." He smiles at you.
"I... I am... come in" you say ushering him in.
He follows you to the kitchen where you both take a seat.
"What are you doing back here?" You ask him bewildered.
"Just got back from a top secret mission. It was pretty dangerous. I actually saved the life of two of my teammates. The Navy gave us a nice long leave as a thank you." He states. "I heard about your Pa. I'm sorry." He says.
"Thanks. The Navy gave me a nice long leave too. My commanding officers loves me so." You reply.
"You joined the Navy?" It's his turn to looked bewildered.
"When Dad got sick, we used my college fund to pay for his medical bills, I needed a way to pay for school and one day a recruiter came to campus and I joined. Finished my medical degree and I have been a surgeon in Lemoore for a few years now. But when I go back I'm being stationed in Miramar. There's a surgical position coming open there and I requested to be moved closer to the beach." You explained to him
"You're going to Miramar? Like where Top Gun is?" Jake asks with wide eyes.
"Yes?" You raise your eyebrows at him.
"Well it looks like we will be seeing a lot more of each other then Ma'am." He grins at you slyly.
"Why do you say that? And what did I tell you years ago about calling me Ma'am. It's Y/N or if you want to be technical it's doctor or Lieutenant." You shoot back.
"The squad I was in on this last mission, instead of sending us back to our other bases, they are stationing us permanently at Top Gun. Looks like we will be on the same base, maybe I'll see you around. He explains with a twinkle in his eye.
"I don't think you wife would be too happy if you are seeing me because that means you're seriously injured or dying." You tell him.
"I don't have a wife sweets. Still haven't found the right girl. Now tell me is it Dr. L/N or..." he trails off.
"L/N" you confirm "no one has been able to put up with me for long enough" You tell him.
There is a beat of comfortable silence as you two look at each other. You can't believe that after ten years Jake is still single. You wonder if he is still interested in you. If his feelings never died. You know yours didn't.
"Well, if you want the job, it's yours." You tell him before he can say anything else.
"Can you start tomorrow?" You ask.
"Sure can." He responds.
"Great. Can you be here around 6am so I can get some info and get you on the payroll?"
"Absolutely. I appreciate it. Thank you" He smiles at you.
"No Jake, thank you. You're saving my ass here because it has been a nightmare trying to get some decent help." You tell him.
You both get up and you walk him to the door.
"Well, I'll see you tomorrow bright and early." You say to him as he walks onto the porch. "Goodbye"
"Bye Y/N. See you tomorrow." He waves before climbing into his truck.
Once he is out of sight you close the door and press your back too it. "Well, this is going interesting." You think before heading upstairs to figure out just what in the hell you've gotten yourself into.
Tag List: @dreamingathighaltitude @shanimallina87 @luckyladycreator2 @mak-32 @katieshook02 @samhapner6 @rosiahills22 @thedroneranger @roosterforme @blue-aconite
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years ago
Wreck My Plans.
Mob!Bucky x Reader AU
Run-through: Taking time off work, you come back to your hometown for the holiday season, and you decide to go clubbing with a few friends. There, in the middle of the dark, loud room your eyes meet with a pair of familiar blue ones. Ones which you never thought you’d see again after so many years. There he was, your ex-boyfriend; Bucky Barnes. 
Themes: mob!bucky, smut, fluff, 
a/n: i missed my Sin Army. Happy evermore day. And to my Marvel fam, how we doin’ after those trailers?!
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Time stopped. 
One minute the music was deafening and the next, you couldn’t even hear it. All you could focus on was your current, erratic heartbeat as you stared into a pair of stormy, blue eyes. They looked darker and much more mesmerizing than you remember. 
His name echoed in your head as a smile formed on your face. Bucky. 
The smile on his face mimicked yours as he walked over to you at the bar, crossing the ocean of drunk people swaying to the music. Amongst the crowd he crossed, were some of your friends who ditched you just minutes ago to go have fun with a pair of dudes they met just upon entering the club. 
You could join them, but rubbing your body against a stranger’s sweaty body was not what you intended to do tonight so you stayed back at the bar. 
Good thing you did so, else you wouldn’t have noticed Bucky on the other side of the room. 
You smiled a little brighter once he stood in front of you. Very, very well dressed in his dark suit. 
“Is it really you?” he spoke, teasing you right away. Just like he used to. 
You smiled and rolled your eyes at him, mainly to hide your nervousness as you realized how much deeper his voice had gotten. Or how much more attractive he was. He had always been a hottie, now even more so. Muscular and tall, even with the suit on you could tell he had a body to die for. 
You and Bucky broke up right after graduating high school. You moved for uni while he stayed behind and joined his family business. It wasn’t a messy break up, just two 18-year-olds deciding to end a relationship and focus on their futures. 
You finished college a few years later then moved again, for your dream job. And now, almost 7 years later, you were back in your hometown for the holidays for the first time in a long time. 
“It is. How have you been, Buck?” 
He smiled and took the seat right beside you. “Great.” he wasn’t lying. “You?” 
You let out a little laugh. “Are we seriously gonna do the whole work and the weather thing?” you asked, and he laughed. 
Oh how you had missed his laugh. It’s been years since you saw him, but everything about him was so familiar it hurt. The way his eyes closed when he smiled or laughed too hard. The blue in his eyes, the crinkles by them. The perfect shape of his nose which you always teased him for. 
Everything about him reminded you of a simpler, happier time of your life. 
He stared into your eyes for a few seconds, then smiled in nostalgia. “You’re just as pretty.” 
You rolled your eyes again, casually ignoring the sparks which flew in between you two. 
“Oh please. Enough about me, what about you? You’re quite the talk of the town I heard.” It was true, they were saying all sorts of things about him ever since you came home. No one knew where he lived, whether he was in town currently or no - he was, you just confirmed it a few minutes ago. 
“Yeah? What have you heard so far?” he spoke with a smirk on. Words didn’t affect him anymore. 
You raised an eyebrow. “So the rumors are true?” 
He chuckled, and signaled the bartender to bring him a drink. You watched each of his actions cautiously. Everything about him screamed power. His stance, his movements, his poise. You had heard around that his dad’s business was doing poorly years ago and he turned to some shady stuff. And he dragged his son along. Something about mob, gangs and illegal stuff. You had trouble believing it at first, because you knew him. You knew Bucky and you couldn’t imagine someone as gentle as him being associated with this side of life. 
But the smirk he gave you proved all those rumors and theories to be true. 
“Oh,” you wondered why you didn’t feel the slightest bit afraid. “Well, it suits you.” You scanned him quickly and wondered where you got the confidence to do that. 
You were right, it did suit him. The power, the mean yet magnetic demeanor, the way he could get absolutely everyone to stare at him in awe and fear - truly, it did suit him. 
He smiled and took a sip of his drink, then placed his glass down. “You should be running for the hills, not complimenting me. Is that what your strict, conservative father taught you?” The last part was an inside joke so he couldn’t hide his smile. 
You shook your head. Bucky and your dad never gelled well. Ever. “Leave dad out of this, he still hates you by the way.” your words made him chuckle at some memories. “So now what, you have gangs and guns and stuff?” you asked. 
“Yeah I’m kind of the bad guy around here.” 
You laughed. He stared at you in complete awe and he couldn’t help but smile. He felt it too, the pull or sparks or whatever it was that was preventing him from looking away. Like as though something had tied him to you and he couldn’t get away and he definitely didn’t want to. 
“You’re here with someone?” he asked, looking around and hoping you’d say no because he hated the thought of you being here with another man. Which was weird because he was meeting you for the first time in years, yet he was already feeling so protective. 
And that skin-tight coral dress you were wearing wasn’t helping either. 
“With some girl friends,” you replied and he quietly let out a sigh of relief, “But it seems they’re nowhere to be found.” You looked around and couldn’t see them. They were wild party animals anyways. 
Bucky smiled and got up from his seat, extending his arm out for you to take. “Come on then, let’s get out of here.” 
You took the last sip of your wine and took his hand. You let him guide you to the back of the club. “You know the owners?” you asked, seeing he was so comfortable in the space. He chuckled. 
“I am the owner, doll.” he answered in that cocky, velvety voice of his. And that nickname, that damn nickname brought back so many memories; they came flooding back in like it was no one’s business. 
The first time he kissed you. Prom. That road trip you took together. All the ones you planned but couldn’t take. All the times you snuck out of the house to hang out at his place. The one time you got caught and how your dad almost lost his shit completely. The time you had your biggest fight and didn’t talk for two whole days. How he apologized first for that one. 
You remembered everything. 
He held the door open for you as you slid into the passenger seat of his slick, black car. He was quiet when he got into the driver’s seat. But the silence was comfortable, like the kind you have around your closest friends and family; where you’re just happy with sharing space and air, just knowing the other is here and not having the need to fill the silence with useless talks. The kind of silence which spoke louder than words ever could. Comforting, and warm. 
He pulled into the entrance of a private property and your eyes widened for a brief moment. “You live here? This is your home?” you asked, a little surprised at the grandeur of the mansion in front of you, which grew bigger and bigger as you approached it. 
“One of my houses, yes.” he replied, cocky as always. 
You playfully scoffed. “Showoff.” you muttered, loud enough for him to hear and laugh at. 
He got out of the car and walked around to open the door for you. You rolled your eyes at his antics, “You don’t have to do all that, you know?” you teased. 
He chuckled and casually reached down to hold your hand in his as he guided you over to the front door. It was chilly out, so he walked a little faster. “Oh come on, I know I’m the bad guy now but I'm chivalrous enough to treat my ex-girlfriend right.” he played along, knowing exactly which word would get a reaction out of you. 
“Ouch.” you pretended to be hurt. He laughed as he ushered you into his home. 
The first thing you noticed were the guards. Then the extravagant foyer which led to the equally extravagant living room. The color theme, the lovely smell of the house, there was something about it which was so familiar, yet you couldn’t place a finger on it. 
“You have a beautiful home, Buck.” you looked around and noticed that the guards had left. 
He smiled and let go of your hand, letting you walk around his personal space for a bit. He could get used to this, the thought popped into his head out of nowhere. He could get used to seeing you in his home. 
“Come on up, you’ll love the library.” he spoke and extended his arm out again. You took his hand and he led you up the large, fancy wooden stairs. 
He was right. You did immediately fall in love with his library/study room. It was everything one dreams of. Spacious, yet cosy. Modern, but with a vintage twist. The right amount of light, but not too much. It was beautiful. 
You walked a few steps further and started noticing the little things; like the mini bar, the unused typewriter on the desk, the scattered papers next to it, the chandelier which made the room look magical. 
“This is beautiful.” you commented as you lazily skimmed through the books on the shelves. You heard him move around glasses in the background. 
“Thank you.” he paused, pouring himself a drink. “You want a drink?” 
You turned to face him for a brief moment. He had taken off his coat, leaving him in his very expensive looking black shirt. “Sure.” you answered, then you turned back around to check out the books and you could feel him staring at your back. You smirked as not so holy thoughts filled your head. 
How would tonight end? You wondered. 
You walked over to his desk and plopped down on his large seat. He walked over as well, placing your glass down and leaning against the edge of the table, staring down at you with a smirk on and a look in his eyes which you couldn’t quite understand. 
“What?” you laughed as you took a sip of the liquor. It was smooth, and sweet and left an amazing aftertaste in your mouth as it slid down your throat, burning just a little. It tasted expensive. 
“Nothing.” He replied, softly as he eyed you carefully. “I just can’t believe you’re here, after all this time.” 
You smiled and looked up at him. “Things changed, haven’t they? I mean, the Bucky I knew hated whiskey and brandy. He liked cheap beers and vodka.” you pointed out. 
Bucky smiled and rolled his eyes, shoving a hand in his pocket out of habit. Suddenly he looked much younger and very boyish. “He changed, Y/N.” 
This was the first time he used your name tonight and you felt funny inside. The good kind of funny. 
“Mhmm.” you agreed. “He got meaner.” you teased and stood up from the seat, and looked past him. Right by the couches, was a small coffee table upon which something shiny caught your attention. And being the curious being you are, you walked right over without a second thought. 
“You think?” he sounded playful as he watched you walk over to the coffee table where his guns were kept. He doesn’t usually leave them out in the open like this but he was cleaning them earlier so he left them there. 
Bucky watched how you picked one up and examined it. 
“Yeah,” you spoke up without taking your eyes off the hand gun. “He got dangerous.” You weirdly liked how it felt in your hands. A little heavier than you thought it would be. 
He was surprised at how comfortable you were with this side of him. Another woman would turn the other way and would run. But not you. “Be careful with that, doll.” he warned you softly. “They’re all loaded.” 
You smirked as you placed the gun down and picked up another. And you sensed him tensing up where he stood. 
“Don’t touch that one.” he said calmly. You frowned. 
“Why not?” you asked. 
He placed his glass down and walked over to you. “I’ve done bad things with that one. I’ve hurt bad people.” 
You knew your way around a gun. Your father used to hunt as a hobby so you knew the gun was locked. But just for the hell of it, you aimed it at him and smirked. “Yeah? I think I like this new Bucky a lot better.” 
He smirked, loving the fact that the city didn’t diminish your spunk. He realized then that you were still the same girl he fell for in highschool. “Careful.” he warned again, giving you a soft smile. Seeing you like this made him want to do bad things to you. He felt hot as he watched you aim a gun at him. He didn’t know why. 
“Scared?” you teased, loving the reaction you got out of him. The buzz of the wine earlier and the whiskey just now amplified your confidence and you loved it. 
Oh fuck you looked hot. It made it hard for him to focus on anything else. “Put it down, Y/N.” he kept his devilishly handsome smirk on. You held your ground and it made him groan and roll his eyes. He approached you and you giggled. He carefully took the gun from you and placed it back down on the table, then without another word said, he circled his arm around you and pulled you closer. “Good girls don’t play with those. You used to be so obedient, what happened?” he teased. 
You smirked, finding his body heat really comforting. “I’ve changed.” you purposely repeated his own words, then added, “Maybe I’m not such a good girl anymore.” you purred. He clenched his jaw and exhaled loudly. 
“Don’t tease me baby girl. I’m not as nice as I used to be.” his words made you all hot and bothered. 
You smirked. “Prove it.” 
And just like that, with one look of his, you were under his spell. He smirked and leaned in, purposely avoiding your lips as he gently kissed his way along your jaw. You shivered when his lips touched your neck; leaving soft kisses along the side of your throat while his hand wrapped tighter around your waist. 
He made you whimper and whine, you could feel him smirk against your skin. He pulled away after a while, and held your chin in between his forefinger and his thumb, and he looked into your eyes with an intensity which made your body tingle. His thumb soon moved up to touch your soft lips gently. He traced the shape of your mouth and spoke, “I’ve missed you.” he looked down at you softly. 
Your lips parted as he trailed his fingers down your chin, down your neck before he gently wrapped his fingers around your throat, applying just a bit of pressure there. You smirked as you looked up at him. “Not so sassy now, are we?” he sounded cocky and in control, just how you liked him. 
And suddenly all those years which had gone by didn’t mean a thing. You picked up right where you left off. The spark was still there. 
“Buck… please,” you whined under your breath. Oh how he had missed this… 
He chuckled. “Come here, baby girl.” he walked a few steps backwards and plopped down on the couch, pulling you onto his lap where you fit perfectly. A soft, unexpected moan left your lips as he slipped his hand under your dress and inched higher and higher up your leg, and caressed your inner thigh as he went. 
He smirked when you moaned and kept going. He leaned in to kiss your jaw and down your neck; his stubble brushing against your skin gently. His lips warm and soft as they peppered your skin with kisses, making you instinctively tilt your neck to give him easier access. He chuckled when you visibly trembled as his knuckles brushed against the front of the flimsy thong you were wearing. He couldn’t wait to tear it off your body. 
His need to have you grew with each passing moment. Hot, fiery, burning desire. Bucky slipped his hand past your underwear and touched your wet folds, his two fingers circling around your clit, “You’re dripping, doll.” He chuckled as you moaned when he slowly pushed a finger past your entrance. Then another and started gently pumping them in and out of you.
Your body throbbed. You whined, throwing your head back and letting him do whatever he wanted with your body. 
Bucky looked up at you in pure adoration as he placed his thumb on your throbbing clit and brushed it occasionally while he finger-fucked you; your wetness dripping and smearing all over his hand; his fingers touched you in all the right places; curling just right and massaging your walls perfectly. His other hand gently wrapped around your neck; not squeezing yet but just holding you firmly. 
You got a little louder as he sped up; his fingers slipping in and out of you with ease and eliciting sounds which turned you on even more. Seeing you were whining and whimpering already, Bucky moved his hand from your throat and pushed two fingers into your mouth; slowly pumped those two as well; an obscene attempt to keep you quiet. 
Your mouth immediately wrapped around his fingers. And he swore under his breath again at the sight of you so salacious and open; his fingers buried in your wet core, slipping in and out of you rapidly while his other two fingers were buried into your warm mouth. The sounds you made alone were enough to make his pants feel tighter; and make him want to devour you even more. You moaned when he sped up again; his fingers stroking your walls perfectly and increasing the sweet, almost agonizing pressure forming in between your hips. You felt a rush and a warmth washing over you; intensified by his tight grip at your throat.
“Are you gonna cum for me, doll?” he asked, leaning in to just bite your lip; not kissing you properly but just biting down and nibbling on your lower lip and making you go crazy. You whined in pleasure and nodded. He sped up again; and you rolled your hips against his hand in a haze – chasing your orgasm; moaning and whimpering. “Cum for me, come on, babygirl.” He encouraged you and tightened his grip around your throat just a little bit more.
You let the familiar waves of pleasure wash over you as you came all over his fingers; crying out loud in pleasure. Gushing out all over his hand as he kept pumping them in and out of you, getting everything he could out of you. Once satisfied, he removed his hand from your underwear and pulled his hand back from your throat and wrapped both his arms around you and pulled you closer to him, causing your sensitive core to brush against his crotch. And you could feel his erection. 
“You have no idea how bad I’ve missed you, baby girl.” He whispered against your parted lips. “I searched for you, but I couldn’t find a way to get to you.” 
“Buck…” your hands reached up to cup his face and you pulled away just a little to look down at him. “I’m here.” you whispered, breathless still. 
He wasted no time in pressing his lips to yours. He finally pressed his lips to yours and kissed you like there’s no tomorrow; there was nothing gentle or innocent about the kiss, just hunger and passion and pure craving. His soft lips moved perfectly against yours through the messy kiss. He moaned through the kiss when you slid your hands into his hair and tugged on it gently. His hands rested on the curve of your ass; holding you close to him as he gently pulled away from the kiss and stared into your eyes. 
He gripped your waist and pressed your cloth core onto his, making you grind against him; causing you to feel his hard on through his pants. You almost moaned at how big and firm he felt. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, and your body shuddered as a wave of pleasure washed over you while you shamelessly rocked your hips ever so gently against his clothed hard on. He smirked at your involuntary actions. 
“Fuck… I need to have you. Now.” he growled before pushing you down on the couch and hovering on top of you. He purposely pressed his crotch down in between your parted legs, making you moan at how fucking big he felt. “You feel that?” he breathed into your ear and made you shiver at how deep his voice sounded. You could almost feel the lust in his voice. “You did that, babygirl.” He pulled away from your face a little to look at you, smirking. 
He kissed his way down your body, sliding your dress down your body while at it. You felt his mouth in between your thighs. Your back arched off the surface of the couch as his tongue slowly circled your throbbing clit and licked down, parting your wet folds with ease. 
Your taste drove him wild, so did your soft whimpers. Your hand flew to his hair and you tugged on it gently as he flicked his tongue over your clit over and over again. His stubble rubbed against your sensitive skin incessantly, and the friction burned a little but it was the kind of pain you kept wanting more of.
His deep blue eyes watched you in awe and how you lost control under his touch; legs shaking as he teased your entrance with the tip of his tongue. His hands wrapped around your thighs, securing you in his grip as he pushed his face further into you, making you cry out loud. You came violently all over Bucky’s tongue, body shuddering and shaking while you moaned his name out loud. It gave him a pleasant rush when he heard your strained voice moan out his name. 
He kissed your inner thighs, licking you clean before kissing his way up your body and finding your lips again. He kissed you with ardor; eager to just be inside you already and make you squirm and shake under him, but he also wanted to cherish each moment and worship your body. You felt his tongue stroke the top of your mouth, and his hands touched you wherever he could; your breasts, your waist – leaving trails of goosebumps wherever his fingers touched your skin.
He pulled away for a bit and grabbed both your wrists and pinned them down on the couch above your head. “Keep your hands there for me, baby girl.” He mumbled under his breath and lifted his hips to align his erected cock to your entrance. You instinctively spread your legs apart to give him more room. His hand reached down and he pumped his cock, rubbing it all over your dripping core in the process. You squirmed and moaned when he did so; the tip of his cock rubbing up and down your wet lips, parting them as he circled your clit gently. You shuddered under him; whining in need. Your body begging him to just take you already. 
“Look at me.” He almost moaned as he whispered a little breathlessly, looking intensely into your eyes. The dimmed lights made his eyes look darker than usual, and his face looked dangerously handsome. His voice was deep – which caused the butterflies in your stomach to go crazy. With a slow, steady push, he inserted his length into you. You shuddered as you felt all of him. You heard his ragged breaths as he removed himself out and pushed himself back into you again.
You moaned out loud, unable to hold back the sound which escaped your lips. “Fuck…” was all you were able to mutter under your breath as he pulled out of you completely, then pushed back into you again; filling you up entirely.
He sped up just a little, rocking his hips against yours and his hand reached up to wrap around your neck gently. He stared into your eyes, speeding up into you again. He leaned in to kiss your open mouth, shamelessly shoving his tongue past your parted lips and stroking the inside of your mouth. You could only nod senselessly, overwhelmed by how good he felt deep inside you. His lips left your mouth and kissed down your face. You let out a moan as he found your sweet spot, and felt him smirk against your skin. You moaned again as he bit and licked the skin beneath your jaw, all while slamming into you relentlessly; stretching you out and pounding into you like his life depended on it.
You could no longer keep your hands off him so you reached out and held onto his shoulders; your nails digging into his skin as you felt a pressure forming around your lower region. Bucky quickened his pace and pounded into you harder than before; the sounds of your skin slapping one another resonated around the room. 
The dim light made his eyes look even more piercing than usual. Your legs trembled as you wrapped them around his waist. The new position was much more pleasurable for the two of you; the tip of his cock touched your most sensitive spots and your back arched off the couch – your chest pressing against his partially unbuttoned shirt; his body heat radiating through the fabric.
You moaned out loud and he very gently tightened his grip around your throat. His voice cracked as he whimpered in your ear. He somehow sounded needy but in control at the same time, and it drove you crazy. You felt your walls clench around him, and tighten around his thick member; making him swear out loud.
“Cum for me, babygirl. Come on.” he panted against your cheek, kissing the side of your face and gripping your jaw with his hand. He didn’t slow down as you felt your orgasm wash over you, he kept pounding into you as your eyes rolled back and you moaned out his name as you came – hard.
You whimpered at how he kept slamming into you even after you came, and your face burned as you felt the knot forming again right at your core. Bucky fucked you relentlessly; not even stopping for a second. He panted and groaned at how good you felt and shamelessly told you about it; whispering against your skin about how perfect you felt around him – wet and warm all for him. You moaned as you felt your second release approaching while the first was still fading. Your legs were numb, and your body moved along with his like a rag doll; yet, you wanted more of what he had to give. You craved him.
A rush coursed through your veins as you felt your mind clouding with lust again. His large frame hovering above you as he tightened his grip around your throat just a little more. “Cum for me again, come on.” He growled, his lips dangerously close to yours as you whined and whimpered under him.
A series of cuss words left your lips as you came for the second time in a row, walls tightening around his length. He bit down on your lip as you lifted your hips to meet his thrust; chasing your release. Your body trembled under him as you came again; gushing out around his cock while he still pounded relentlessly into you before slowing down again.
He kissed you again, while you tried to steady your breathing and calm your racing heart. He chuckled when he pulled away to look at how disheveled and messy you were all because of him. His hand left his throat and his thumb traced your lips again, he was mesmerized by how much of a whimpering, tear-stained mess you were. 
“It’s okay doll, I’m right here.” 
You woke up in his bed. 
And the flashbacks of the time spent there hit you immediately. 
You felt his arms around you as you peaked from under the blanket to try and reorient yourself. The room was brighter. You checked the time and it was around ten in the morning. 
Well, there goes that family breakfast you promised your parents. 
You felt Bucky stir in his sleep behind you. He peeled one eye open and smiled at the sight of you still in his bed. 
“Morning baby girl,” he said in a deep, groggy morning voice which made your heart flip. 
“I have plans with my family, you know? You’re just, shamelessly wrecking them.” You teased and watched how his smirk grew. His arm tightened around your body, under the covers. His touch was warm and gentle as he tugged you closer to his equally warm body. 
Your bare chest pressed against his and you looked up and stared into his blue eyes. They were so dreamy you still couldn’t believe they were real. 
“Oh please. Admit it, you like it better here with me rather than being confined in that old man’s house.” He rolled his eyes as he mentioned your dad. 
You giggled. Him and your dad always hated each other. 
“Imagine what he’d say once he finds out I’ve been hanging out with the bad guy. Again.” You played along. 
Bucky laughed and leaned in to kiss your forehead. “I’ll deal with him. I’d do anything for you.” he whispered softly, the last part even more so. 
Your heart did that thing where it felt like it was bursting into a millions little pieces in the best ways. The butterflies in your stomach went wild at the sound of his morning voice. You looked up at him and then leaned in to kiss his neck softly. 
“I missed you, you know?” 
“Hmm, I know.” 
You giggled and hugged him tighter. “What now?” you asked, thinking about what would happen two weeks from now, when you’d have to get back to the city. 
His chest rose and fell as he took a deep breath. “I was planning on expanding my… business to another city. How is it over there?” he asked, a smirk forming on his face as he waited for your reaction. 
Your eyes widened as you quickly pulled away and sat up on his bed with a shocked look on your face. “You’re moving?” 
He smiled at you. “I’ll go wherever you go at this point. I just got you back, I'm not giving up on us this time.” 
“Are you sure about this? Our lives… they’re so different.” you looked down at your lap as you spoke. “Will we make it?” 
He sat up and leaned against the headboard, pulling you onto his lap, caging you in his arms. “Oh we will.” Then he looked past you for a brief moment, out the floor-to-ceiling windows. He noticed the snow falling delicately. It was truly beautiful, but nothing matched how pretty you looked - messy hair, swollen lips, love bites all over your skin. 
He leaned in to kiss you, then whispered against your lips. “We will make it doll, don’t you worry. Just trust me.” 
a/n: ily.
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apricotgojo · 4 years ago
hello love! Can I please request a somewhat spicy sub!chat noir x reader? Maybe where the reader is kinda feeling him up and leaving him hickeys and he’s a purring and moaning mess? Maybe he’s begging her to keep going and who is she to say no to such a sweet baby kitty? If that’s not too much of course😌 tysm
Hello bb ! I hope that this satisfied your sub! Chat needs hehe (i know it satisfied mine so) I really love how this came out and maybe i’m willing on continuing another part from here) Thank you so much for this request ! <3
Pairing: Chat Noir X Reader
Warnings: NSFW, characters are aged up in college here :), swearing.
Tags: Sub!chat, Dry humping, begging.
This is how it all went down. He saved you from an akumatized villain. He flirted. You flirted back. Then you guys started hooking up.
You didn’t understand why Chat Noir would do this with a civilian but like every other person on this planet, he has his needs. He would knock in a pattern on your window so you knew it was him and you would let him in, you’d talk for a bit, ask each other about your day until one of you breaks and pushes the other on the bed or against the wall. He was good in bed. Very good. You knew you’d never grow tired of this affair. To top it all off after you both finished you’d sit in bed and talk about all sorts of things. Aliens, Conspiracy theories about the media, gossip about people and sometimes he’d even play Mario Kart with you.
There were no strings attached. You both made it clear from day one. There couldn’t be. You both didn’t have the time for a relationship, you both didn’t have the energy for one so you simply stuck to the title ‘fuck buddies’ until one of you decides to back out. This night was different though. A smile didn’t appear on your face when you hear the familiar knock on your window because you were stuck cussing at your computer screen and rubbing your head in frustration. You had an essay to explain Shakespeare and his works but for some reason you kept deleting all that you’ve typed because you couldn’t put your thoughts into words.
He knocked again, quickly this time. “I know you’re there, beautiful.” His voice was muffled through the glass.
You huffed and put your laptop on the bed before stomping to the window. You opened it and were met by the hero grinning at you. You, on the other hand, didn’t have a pleased look on your face.
“I’m not in the mood Chat.” You state and were about to close the window again but he held it to stop you from closing it.
“Ma Belle, did I do something wrong?” He asks, a frown on his face.
You shake your head. “No, I just have this stupid essay that I’ve been trying to type out for the past four hours.” You sigh and make your way back to your bed, rubbing your temples.
He follows you inside and closes the window behind him.
“Maybe I can ease your stress for a little bit.” He says, a smirk on his face.
You simply shoot him a glare and he chuckles nervously, putting his hands up in defense.
“Okay. No sex. Got it.” He sits beside you and looks at what you’re typing.
“You know you can leave right? If you’re horny you can go to your other side bitches.” You say as you type away, your eyes glued onto your screen.
Chat purses his lips, like he held himself back from saying something and shook his head.
“Maybe I came here for some company.” He says.
You snort and chuckle. “Yeah right.” You say sarcastically and look at him, but he wasn’t smiling. You gulp and your smile fades away. Did he seriously come over because he feels lonely?
His face was leaning closer to your and you were leaning closer too. No. You had to finish this stupid essay.
“Stop distracting me kitty.” You whisper and kiss his nose quickly before looking back at the screen.
He groans and falls back on the bed, playing with the pillow.
“I can help you if you’re writing about Shakespear, I wro-“ He stops himself from talking and you turn around, quirking your eyebrow at him.
“You wrote an essay like this?” you questioned.
He visibly gulps and shakes his head.
“Do you go to college?” You question further.
He chuckles nervously. “You know I can’t tell you that mon ange.”
You stare at him for a moment before looking back at your screen. You decided not to pry further, he seemed uncomfortable talking about his personal life and you decided to respect his wishes.
Your phone started to ring and you see that it’s your friend from college Marinette. You pick it up.
“Hey Mari.” You say as you type.
“The deadline has been changed to next week!” She exclaims happily.
You were filled with rage.
“what?” You deadpanned.
“Yeah apparently some students asked to change it because they were having difficulties so he changed it to next week instead of tomorrow morning.”
“I literally asked him to extend the deadline three days ago and he refused. I swear to god I want to kill this son of a bitch” You groan and clutch your fist in anger.
She sighs, “I know girl, but hey at least you’ve got more time on your hands!”
Marinette always tried to be positive when she could and you appreciated that but honestly you needed to vent. “Yeah, thanks for letting me know Mari.”
“No problem! Bonne nuit.”
“Bonne nuit.” You sigh out before you end the call.
You groan out in frustration and shut your laptop.
“What happened?” Chat asks.
You get out of your bed and start to pace around.
“I have been working on this essay for the past four days, knowing very well how stupid it was that the deadline was only five days for a two thousand word essay on fucking Shakespeare and when I ask to extend the deadline, the son of a bitch replies with an angry email saying theres enough time and that im just lazy.” You finally breathe and chat was about to say something but you cut him off.
“But when his privileged French pupil ask him to extend the deadline of course he agrees and you know what, I think it was Adrien fucking Agreste who asked him because hes the fucking pretty model boy who has everybody on their knees for him just because of his high status.” You sit down and without realising you start talking about a different subject.
“Yeah, I get it, everybody wants to fuck the pretty blond guy with money, I would too but at least I don’t look like a thirsty bitch every time he talks to me, some girls in my damn college have literally no chill and I swear to god one day I want to make him my bitch, make him weak for me to show those bitches what i’m capable of.” You were breathing heavily at this point and your face was flushed red.
You always thought Adrien was attractive, everyone did but whenever he talked to you, you responded normally to him unlike other people who constantly laughed at everything he said to try and get in his pants. He was a good guy but he was too well known for his own good and it made you uninterested in him. You thought he was out of your league, that’s what those french bitches told you at least. They belittled you just because you’re foreign - you knew they were just jealous that Adrien was always the one to come up to talk to you unlike them.
That was enough ranting for now. You look at Chat who was staring at you wide eyed, his cheeks glowing red.
“You don’t need to say anything, it’s just-“ You look down at his body and notice something. “Chat..why are you hard?”
He crosses his legs over the other awkwardly to try and hide it. “W-What are you talking about?”
You stand up and walk over to him and he walks back until he’s pressed against the wall.
“What? You get hard thinking about me making someone weak?” You whisper to him and he looks away from you. “You want me to do the same to you kitty?” You kiss his ear and he shudders, nodding slowly. Your hand moves down from his chest to his belly and your lips move from his ear to his jaw. Chat tilts his head back and a frenzy of purrs emerge from his parted lips. He was aroused, in a state of euphoria even with your small, light touches. Your hand moved lower until it reached down to the tent he had in his suit. It was painfully tight for him. Your fingertips lightly brushed over the bulge and he cussed under his breath.
“Fuck.” He whispered while you continued to touch his clothed erection and lick up his neck. He kept purring and moaning at the same time. You loved seeing him worked up like this. Your lips latched on to a certain spot on his neck and you sucked on it harshly, nibbling at it when you got the chance and putting more pressure with your hand against him.
He was a mess, grinding against your hand and breathing heavily.
“Ma Belle – merde,” he couldn’t even speak without stuttering. “I want more, please.” He begs and you look up at him, noticing the red mark on his neck and feeling very pleased with yourself.
“More what, kitty?” You whisper and remove your hand from where it was.
He groans in frustration.
“More – I-I want you to touch me more.” He pleads. “Please.”
You smirk at him and pull him to your bed, pushing him back on the bed and getting on his lap. Before he could react you put your lips on his and start to grind on top of him.
He moans against your lips and throws his head back, holding onto your hips for support. You could tell that he wanted to take his clothes off but you wanted him to come right then and there.
Your hips move against his, the friction pleasing you the same, causing you to moan but grin at the worked up blond beneath you.
“Shit, shit I’m close.” He whimpers and closes his eyes, moving his own hips with yours to get more pleasure.
It felt so good but you knew you couldn’t finish with him, maybe you could continue after but your hopes disappeared when you heard the beeping coming from his ring.
“Mon Ange I-“
“Shut up and come for me kitty.” You groan out and quicken your movements causing him to part his lips and hold onto you.
His body shakes and he spews out cuss words in French while he comes undone, thrusting his hips up and whimpering.
You’re both breathing heavily, looking at each other both dazed and tired. You were about to lean in for another kiss but his ring starts beeping furiously.
You hop off of his lap and watch as he groans while he gets up, uncomfortably moving because of the mess he made between his legs.
“I’m sorry I cant finish you off.” He says, pouting at you.
“It’s okay Chat, I think you’ve done enough today.” You wink at him and he chuckles bashfully.
“Until next time Mon ange!” He says and opens the window.
“Bye Kitty.” You blow him a kiss and with that he’s off.
Maybe you could actually finish yourself off to the thought of him being a mess for you but before you could even do anything, your phone beeps and you see a notification from Adrien Agreste.
 “Did you hear that they moved the deadline for the Shakespeare essay? Pissed me off tbh.”
It was like he knew you accused him of something and to top it all off this was the first time he’s ever really texted you. It was weird but maybe you shouldn’t think much of it. Right?
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drei-mrssvechii · 3 years ago
i'll be home for christmas - quinn hughes
pairing: quinn hughes x reader
word count: 2.2k+
warnings: economic problems talk (not detailed, very brief), the reader doesn't spend christmas with family, jerk employer, not christmas themes but happens in christmas and nothing more i can think of!!
summary: what happens when economic problems get in your way? a plane ticket is something you can’t afford these Holidays, but spending Christmas alone in college campus isn’t exactly what you planned; without much thinking an overnight convenience store shift is in your schedule. well, at least this Christmas won’t be very lonely…
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If someone would ask you to describe this year in a word it would be an easy peasy task. Stressful, that was all, no more words needed. You had started the second year of college while working part time in different jobs sorted out through the week. The stuff in school was a lot, your hours in work had been extended several times and you had to go through all of it alone.
It was hard and with Holidays approaching things were getting more complicated. As a scholarship student, the hours of rest you could afford weren’t that much, everything had to be perfect and carefully planned, after all you couldn’t take a risk of losing your scholarship. Definitely not.
So here you are, finishing the last assignments for the semester while entering in a huge break down by all the news crashing into you. Christmas was coming which meant family time and a rest from your cruel school reality, however, this year was the exception. Holidays were totally ruined.
You wished economic problems weren’t your business but unfortunately this was your sad reality and a plane ticket back to your city was something you couldn’t afford. At least not this year.
With crushed feelings and exhaustion, you started picking your stuff on the library’s table to return back to the dorm. The awful reminder was present while you envisioned how Christmas alone would go, maybe it wasn’t a big deal as you made it seem but all you ever knew was being surrounded by your dearest ones on those dates. Most people on campus would leave and so did few friends, so what were you supposed to do?
You thought about it and convinced yourself it wasn’t bad at all, maybe you could use this alone time to reflect on yourself a.k.a crying all night, eating ice cream and watching netflix. But then it really got bad. It was the last week of the semester and you were staying behind, on top of that, some expenses were doubling it’s amount and to cover them all you had to work a little bit more
So without much meditation on it, you accepted a shift on Christmas Eve’s Night after seeing the announcement of a convenience store near your campus. As a plan, you had the idea of studying and completing some extra work during the Holidays, maybe treating yourself to a nice dinner or a gift with the little earnings you still had saved and using work as your distraction for the night.
The days passed by and Christmas approached sooner than you would’ve liked, there it was again the nostalgic feeling of missing home, feeling that was quickly wiped away with the monotonous voice of the man in front of you.
“So, as you already know your shift starts about 9 p.m. and probably will be working till our next worker arrives, which we haven’t define nor find it but- ”
“I’ll be working until another worker arrives? My shift is overnight but what if the other worker never arrives?”
“I mean yeah that could happen, we're in a lack of people-” The way he was just looking straight into the papers in his hands without paying any attention to you and talking with the most boring voice made you want to just leave, you we’re pretty sure he won’t mind.
“I’m sorry, I can’t work more than what I’ve planned. As I said, my overnight shift is all I can work for” Defending yourself had always been your strongest suit but maybe with jerks like him it didn’t work.
“Please let me talk, thank you” Even though you had known him for less than 10 minutes you already hated him, and it felt like the feeling was mutual. Well, mostly like he hated every single existing thing “It’s Christmas, people won’t even visit the store but you’re just there in case anything happens. Your hours could be extended, but I’ll make sure to find someone.” In fact, he was being sarcastic, and you felt like this speech was the one he told every single worker before being overworked. “Did you understand? Any questions or things I can help you with?”
You furrowed your brows at his straight and emotionless face. He definitely had memorized the whole speech and kindness wasn’t his strongest suit. A quick note for a future you: Don’t ever work for fun in a convenience store, they suck.
“No, it’s all unders-”
“Then see you Friday, have a very good day ” And with that he was gone leaving you irritated and wanting to throw up at his manners.
Ready to start complaining about this with your friend, you took your things quickly and left the so called “office” which looked rather like a garbage deposit.
“Whatever” Was the only thing you said before leaving.
“Y/N, look at the bright side” She smiled sweetly while opening her arms to the air. Sometimes her enthusiasm made you sick.
“And the bright side is??” Oh and that was you, a negative person wasn’t something you could call yourself, realistic was all.
“I mean, I wouldn’t feel so happy about working on Christmas and not being able to spend it with my family…” Yeah, a reminder wasn’t necessary.
“Kara, straight to the point, please”
“Something positive is… You will get money?” At this point she was just throwing random ideas in the air in hopes of convincing you it wasn’t that bad, but obviously you were there to contradict everything
“From a boss who wants to overwork me and obviously is a complete jerk, yes what a bright side”
“Ok, stop it. Maybe some lonely nice grannies will visit you to talk about their amazing children who are out of the country, some may even leave gifts”
“Why would an old lady come to a store to talk about their kids?” Kara plopped down in her bed groaning heavily
“Well, uhm” She fiddled with her fingers “They need someone to talk perhaps, or they are lost and casually find the store and start rambling with–”
“I’m begging you to stop, please and thank you. You should go and prepare your clothes”
“Are your sure you don’t want to come with my family and spend this Christmas, the tickets won’t be any problem, I can pa-” As sweet as she was, Kara had offered to pay for a ticket back home to your city or to take you with her, you appreciated her intentions but at the same time that was something you couldn’t accept.
“No, I’ll be alright. Don't worry” God, you prayed all night everything would be ok
“Of course they come regularly, how dare you say my own sons won’t visit their mother?”
“I’m sorry, that was what you just said”
“Oh… Did I? You know my sons? Probably they told you that, or they… they sent you to spy on me?!” With her hand placed on her chest she pointed at you with her index finger reproachingly.
“Ma’am, I honestly have zero clue-” A deep sigh was heard which irritated you even more than you already were. Without intention of being rude -even though it came out as rude- you stomped your hand in the cashier causing both of the clients in front of you to jump slightly.
“So that is it! He is also spying on me?” The old lady’s eyes changed, looking as if she had joined all the pieces in the puzzle, in this case discovering who was “spying” on her. Maybe this was the bright side Kara was talking about?
“I- sorry what?”
“Please, if you excuse me, you already bought all you needed right, ma’am?” The man in front joined the conversation, amusement clear in his face.
For seconds she looked confused, moving her eyes between you and the other stranger; desperation was already entering your body waiting for her to talk.
“I didn’t come to buy anything” Her eyes looked lost, and for a moment you felt pity for the old lady of being alone in the streets in her current state and even worse in the Holidays. So you did your work to help her.
“Yes you did. Here’s your bag, you should go home and rest, have a nice Christmas”
“But-” Again she looked clueless but took the bag anyway.
“Look, I really have to buy this real quick, if both of you helped it would be great. You can talk later but just let me pay for my things” Silently the old lady left the store and another deep sigh left your mouth. Your eyes traveled towards the annoying boy in front of you waiting to pay.
“Didn’t have to scare out my clients just to buy a couple of stuff” You muttered.
“I scared them out? Come on, I actually helped, you should thank me”
“I’m sorry?? I could’ve used her company and no, you didn’t help” He scoffed and a sarcastic smile appeared on your face.
“Aren’t you supposed to finish with customers so you can close faster that way? I’m doing you a favor”
“Yeah, smart boy. Convenience stores don’t work that way. In case you don’t know how to read outside says 24/7, which if you don’t know what that means, it shows that we’re open the whole day, even if you leave and no other single human comes, I will still have to be here”
“So funny” He laughed ironically and you looked skeptically at him “Must suck that your boss put you in a shift exactly today”
“Ha, I was the one who decided to work today” As soon as you clarified that fact, his face changed as if he had heard his long-time pet was dead.
“Ok? The more you talk the weirder I find you, why would you work on Christmas?”
“Don’t worry, you haven’t even introduced yourself and I can already tell you’re a jerk” The boy smirked and moved his hand encouraging you to continue “Well, I’m not able to travel back home and poor so, what better option than working to not feel alone in the comfort of my dorm?”
“Wow, you talk with no filters, eh. I’m Quinn by the way” You chuckled softly, the now called “Quinn” raised his eyebrow and both of you started a who blinks first fight.
“Are you expecting me to tell you my name?”
“It wouldn’t be a bother if you did actually” He said while tilting his head. In hopes of evading the question you took what he was going to buy and did your work.
“So, Y/N. Wait I think I’ve seen you before” You tightened your jaw at the reminder of your name in the stupid tag. This was the last thing you needed today so you cut him right up.
“Look, Quinn. I’ve got no time for this, you pay the 6 dollars and then leave”
“Don’t we have the whole night? It’s not like you can leave otherwise” For the tenth time in the day you sighed thinking of a way to just get rid of him. “Maybe you’re from college right? You definitely look like a student”
Frustration clouded your vision and without apparent reason you wanted to sit down and cry yet kept quiet in order to bore him so he could already leave; a few minutes later he picked his bag but went back to pick some other things from the store.
“Those are for you, I’ll pay for them” He moved the snacks over and you looked at him like are you serious right now? Almost as if he had read your thoughts he talked again “It’s a Christmas gift, you can’t deny it”
A small smile appeared on your face and you just mumbled a quick thanks but not giving him enough credit for what he just did.
“I brightened up your day, didn’t I?” The self satisfaction showed all over his face.
“Ah, you’re acting all cocky all of a sudden, you should leave” You both laughed and he stood closer to you. With all the nerves running through your body, you stood as stiff as a stick with eyes opening bigger than they were.
“I’ve definitely seen you around campus”
“Yeahhh, can… can you get a little bit away from me? You’re making me uncomfy” He showed a cute smirk which caused a slight blush on your cheek. Quinn licked his lips but glanced away quickly, getting off you to pick up his bags.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get going” After a cringy and poor try of a wink he walked over the store’s door, stopping just in front of it. “Would it be too much to ask for a date someday?”
You hesitated for a second, would it be too crazy of an idea to accept? Actually it was, you barely knew the guy but wasn’t making random decisions what you we’re best at? No, not really but it was Christmas so fuck it.
“Maybe I would accept… You don’t have my number though”
“I’ll take care of that. Merry Christmas Y/N”
“Merry Christmas Quinn” The words left your mouth when he was already out and with all mixed feelings rushing through your body you couldn’t help but smile.
The rest of the night wasn’t that bad, some other clients entered the store but it wasn’t until a couple of hours later when your phone rang with a notification from an unknown number that you truly felt like, as Kara said, there was a bright side.
Maybe that night and the upcoming days were auspicious as well, except that this will be a story for another day.
taglist: @stars-canucks @ssebastianaho @beauvertime @hockey-racing-fubol (join here!)
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nctsworld · 4 years ago
fire alarm
✩ mark x reader | college au | fluff | 1.7k 
SUMMARY ⇾ when your dorm building’s fire alarm goes off in the middle of the night and everyone’s outside, you offer to share your blanket with your shivering, cute neighbour. WARNINGS ⇾ fluff, couple of swear words RATING ⇾ teen+ 
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⇾ gif created by me, please don’t repost or share without credit!
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You started to drift into deep sleep when the sudden blares of the dorm’s fire alarm stirs you awake. 
Your groans are muffled in your pillow, frustrated that this is probably another false alarm like usual. With heavy eyes, you rush to grab your phone and keys, stuff your feet into your shoes, and waddle among the crowd of students, departing the building with your blanket over your shoulders as a make-shift jacket.   
The moment you reach the front of the building where everyone safely coalesces, you glance at your phone as you tug at the ends of your blanket around your chest. 3:08am glows back at you, along with a couple other notifications. You barely get the chance to check them since the blatant chattering of teeth nearby catches your attention instead. 
Your gaze rests on the familiar figure a few steps beside you, rubbing his arms up and down while his legs tremble. Peering around, you realize you’re one of the few who brought more than a jacket for extra warmth during this chill, autumn night. On the other hand, he’s one of the few who hardly had any layers, solely wearing a baggy red t-shirt and a pair of boxers. 
His face swivels side to side, searching the crowd, and it dawns on you that it’s none other than your next door neighbour, Mark. 
His dorm room was to the left of yours. You’ve only interacted with him in passing, regularly acknowledging each other with casual nods and smiles. His sweet smile never failed to make your heart race and to make the corners of your mouth widen further. You didn’t know much about him, except for the fact he played guitar since you occasionally heard him play late at night. 
You always wanted to get to know him, but neither of you shared the same classes nor were you in the same clubs. To make matters worse, the only time you saw one another was when either of you were coming or going.
Perhaps now was the time to finally make a move. 
Lifting your blanket off the pavement, you shuffle your way towards him. As you near him, it clicks in your head that you didn’t initially recognize him because, besides the lack of clothes and the slightly messy hair, he’s wearing glasses to boot. 
“Hey, neighbour.”  
Mark stops his searching and his focus lands on you. The handsome individual steps closer to shorten the space between you, displaying his signature smile. You grip onto your blanket tighter and the weight of your shoulders droop, allowing your face to shyly sink into the sea of fabric covering you. 
The shivering man says your name and replies with a cool, “Hey.” 
“Do you want to share the blanket with me?” 
“Oh, no. It’s okay, I’m all right,” he stammers with a shake of his head, continuing to rub his arms.  
You perk an eyebrow and open one of your arms out, offering him the promise of warmth. 
Beaming, you say, “There’s enough room for another.”
His mouth twists to one side of his face, the gears in his head obviously turning. 
“Are you sure?”       
A hum, nod, and a grin answer his uncertainty. Mark swiftly grasps onto the end of the blanket and wraps himself over his shoulder. Although the heat from the front of your body flees due to the partial sacrifice of your cover, you’re now having an extra source of heat from being right next to Mark, touching shoulder to shoulder. 
“Thanks,” he bobs his head. “I appreciate it. I just bolted out of bed and didn’t think of even bringing a jacket.” 
“That’s okay, that’s why you have me,” you joke, swaying and pressing your shoulder lightly against his. 
Both of you chuckle softly. There’s something else to add to the list of things that are keeping you warm—the prickling rising from your chest to your cheeks. 
You then comment, “I’ve never seen you with glasses before. I almost didn’t recognize you.” 
“Ah, yeah, I wear contacts during the day. Depending on stuff, I sometimes wear my glasses, but not as often.” 
“Well, I think you look good either way.” 
Your eyes practically fall and roll away from your head, cognizant of the words that just escaped your mouth. 
“I mean—” You snap your eyes shut for an extended beat, not wanting to see the look on your next door crush’s face. “You know what, let’s just pretend I didn’t say that out loud.” 
Exhaling a lengthy sigh, you turn to face the opposite direction, now regretting your offer to share your blanket with him. 
Your regret leads you to miss the way his face lights up. 
“Hey, no, thanks for the compliment.” 
Under the blanket, his fingers gingerly graze over yours for a fleeting moment, which causes you to shift your head towards him again. The tips of your noses are almost touching. His twinkling eyes are locked on you, but yours are veering everywhere else except on him. 
“If it makes you feel any better, I think you look good too.” 
With that, your gaze finally lands on Mark.  
You want to continue the conversation, you really do, but you’re at a loss of words and are too busy getting lost in the galaxy of his eyes from up-close. From the way he’s not tearing his eyes away either, a little part of you wonders if he harbours an infatuation with you as well. He couldn’t possibly, right? 
Despite being practically strangers, the silent, intense aura blooms as time passes. Your respective breaths brush against each other’s lips and it’d be so easy to just lean in to meet the other’s—
Suddenly, the tension is cut short as everyone begins to sluggishly amble their way back into the building. 
Although nothing really transpired, you break apart simultaneously like someone caught you two doing something you shouldn’t. Mark lets you have your blanket all to yourself once more and both of you head back side by side in comfortable silence.  
After walking up the flight of stairs, trailing behind all the other residents of the building, you finally reach your respective doors. 
“It was nice to see you,” you say, pulling your keys out and inserting the fitting one into your lock. 
“Yeah, thanks for sharing your blanket with me. I really appreciate it.” 
“Anytime, neighbour,” you glance up at him from your hand. His whole body faces you and his mouth is agape like he’s itching to say something. On second thought, he presses his lips together and feels around his body for his keys. Realization hits him in the face. 
“Shit,” he bangs his forehead against the door, deterring you from entering your home abode. “I forgot my keys inside.” 
Mark turns to you with a scrunched face. Even in a state of frustration, how could someone be so cute? “Sorry to ask, but can I borrow your phone?” 
“Oh, yeah. Of course.” You don’t hesitate to scramble and hand it over to him. 
He mumbles a quick thanks, rubbing the back of his head. When he finishes entering a number to dial-in, he holds the phone against his ear and leans the side of head against his door, still facing you. You stand there awkwardly, eyes wavering between the adorable phone borrower and the handful of people in the hallway trickling back into their dorms. 
After the third unanswered ring, a bold offer impulsively escapes your lips.  
“You know, you can stay at my place overnight if you need to.” 
Oh, no. Shit. Why brain, why?
You don’t register your brazenness until the fifth ring, when Mark’s jaw is hanging and his eyebrows are glued to the ceiling. Okay, maybe you can save the moment by saying it was a joke or—
“Hello?” you overhear a muffled grumble on the other end. 
The shock dissolves away from his face. “Oh, hey. Sorry to wake you, Johnny. It’s Mark…” 
Utter embarrassment. This time, you can’t save yourself from your impetuous words. Millions of possibilities run through your mind, including abandoning your phone for him to keep and then moving to another building. No, moving to another college. Actually, Mars sounds like an even better idea. 
You’re so deep in your overdramatic thoughts, your face in a pinch behind your blanket, that you don’t even realize Mark’s already done with his call. 
“Thanks.” His voice breaks you away from your thoughts, eyelids shooting open. He must’ve stepped closer while you weren’t looking because he’s now in front of you, dangling your device from his fingertips. You gently grasp the phone, jointly holding it with him. 
“And about your offer…” You cringe, ready for him to ignore your existence until the end of time. You officially ruined everything, and nothing has even happened yet. 
“How about we go on a date first?” 
Your head shoots up at his proposition. Did you hear that right? 
“Then, maybe when the fire alarm goes off again next time and I forget my keys, I’ll take you up on it.”
It could be because it’s almost 4am and you’re teetering on sleep, or you’re purely stricken, but all you could do is nod mindlessly and squeak, “Sure.”    
A heartstopping smile rolls over his face. “I was hoping you’d say that. I took the liberty of adding myself to your contacts and sent a text to my phone.” 
Mark releases your phone from his grip and begins to walk backwards towards the stairs, suppressing his desire to stay with you for a little while more. But, it’s late and it’s not like this was the last time he’d see you. You are neighbours after all. 
Waving, he whisper-shouts in the hallway, “I’ll text you back first thing when I can. Have a good night!” 
You subtly wave back, still huddling your blanket over your shoulders. When he disappears from your line of sight, you enter your room and flop onto your bed with a jubilant sigh. 
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Following knocks at his door, a slit-eyed Johnny is welcomed by a vivacious friend. Too vivacious for 4am. 
“Dude, you won’t believe what just happened. Remember that cute neighbour I’ve been telling you about?...” 
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Maybe (and thankfully) there wasn’t an actual fire, but another one was certainly beginning to kindle. 
And neither of you had the intention of extinguishing it any time soon. 
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you-did-well-moon · 4 years ago
Werewolf!Yunho meeting his mate
Type: Werewolf au, angst, fluff
Pairing: Werewolf!Yunho x HumanFemale!reader
Word count:  2,994
A/n: I know this took a long time, trust me, it felt like a long time for me too. With how I view Yunho, I expected this to be happier than it is. I was having a hard time while writing this, and it reflected on the story. Anyways please enjoy and stay safe!
TW: toxic relationship, financial struggle, deadlines, stressed reader, emotional and verbal pain, toxic masculinity, if I missed anything please tell me.
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You sat at the foot of your bed, still not made, staring at the mirror resting against your dull colored wall with lifeless blank eyes. Your posture slouched as you finished tying the laces of your running shoes huffing and letting your arms flop to the ground. Looking at the mirror, you tried smiling, but it was meak and disappeared as soon as it appeared. 
You hadn’t smiled a real smile in so long, you forgot what it felt like. To smile. To be happy. The forgotten emotion was one you took for granted when it was easy to to bask in the warmth of it. Now it's just cold. Cold and empty. 
You looked away from the mirror with a tight feeling coiling in the base of your chest not being able to bear looking at the stranger staring back at you any longer. Your gaze fell to the laptop, abandoned, due to frustration on your desk in the forgotten corner of the room. The thought of unfinished drafts and incomplete sentences shook violently in your mind. Disappointment in yourself pooling in your gut remembering your editor’s words. 
“If you can’t give us at least a first draft by the end of the month, we’ll have to unfortunately let you and your novel go.”
How pathetic was it that you couldn’t even come up with a simple sentence. A description, dialogue, a metaphor. Nothing. Anytime you sat yourself in front of the desk, your mind went blank. The cursor blinking at the top of the page mocked you with the possibility of millions of words. Not one ever made its way onto the page.  
The end of the month was in two weeks. 
You felt tears of hopelessness stinging the corner of your eyes, and you abruptly stood up grabbing your wireless earbuds, phone, and bag. Making your way into the kitchen you grabbed the water in the fridge and placed it inside your back, nothing but a numb feeling alienating you from reality and its broken expectations. You heard the front door of your little apartment open and slam close shaking the thin walls of the building. 
Your heart lurched as you winced immediately feeling like you were walking on eggshells. You were usually quick enough to leave before he got home from work, but you had been a tad bit late this one time. You gripped the strap of your bag tightly hoping for it to ground you through whatever vile words came from the one person you should have been able to trust with your ugliest feelings. 
Trying to walk past your boyfriend, eyes trained on the chipped wood of the front door did no good when he kissed his teeth and huffed as soon as he caught sight of you.
“You’re never home when I get home from work, and the one time you are here, you run away not even saying hi to me? Not even a “hey honey how was work today” or maybe a “hi love what would you like for dinner?” and never a “you’ve worked hard would you like a massage?” It's the same shit every day. You treat me like nothing when I'm the reason you even have a roof over your head woman.”
You kept your mouth the whole time he rambled on trying to ignore the clear stench of beer being able to reach you even with all the distance separating you, and the feeling of disgust mixed with desperation pooling at the bottom of your gut at yourself for not speaking up for yourself. Opening your mouth instead of letting your voice be taken from you. A long time ago, you would always say you would rather die than be without your voice. In a sense, you had died a long time ago. 
Around three months after you had started dating. That had been two years ago. 
Your English degree really did you no good. Not having enough time to be an intern in college really screwed you over when no job would take a bright eyed girl with the same passion in her heart for writing as a Karen’s passion for business that wasn’t hers, but with no experience. Even if the apartment was under your name, you’d probably be kicked out in weeks time.
You hated all of it. Everything that made up both the small and big parts of your life, you hated it. You hated his greasy hair and beady eyes, the nasty rough stubble covering the lower part of his face as a result of his laziness. You hated the hesitation in leaving him because of the fear of the stack of bills piling up next to the fridge. You hated the editors who couldn’t find it in some part of their greedy selves to extend your deadline. You hated the empty drafts sitting in your laptop collecting what could only be dead dreams and despair. You hated the cold emptiness that was always present in the confines of your chest. 
You recoiled at the way he said “woman” the same way someone would talk about a bug. Small and insignificant. Patronizing and confident in the worst way. You set your mouth in a tight line not even being able to look at him. Shifting your feet, you crossed your arms and looked up to the sky as if calling out to some unknown being to get you out of this pathetic corner you were trapped in. You cursed under your breath looking at the dying flowers on the coffee table with distaste as they wilted towards you mocking you. 
“What was that?” His voice got rougher with the menacing edge of fanned masculinity and control. Something that could put you in a dangerous place in a very fast amount of time. You looked at him with dull eyes poking your cheek with your tongue as a cold feeling settled in your gut. 
Your hands fell limply to your side and you chuckled humorlessly. 
“Fuck you”.
Those two words were enough to set him off as you slowly blinked and looked at the ground feeling your heart falter when he abruptly got up. You tried to stand your ground, but the surge of confidence was quickly withering away with fear taking its place. 
Ethan was bigger than you. Even if he wasn’t that much taller than you, there was a noticeable difference in his frame and yours. Weirdly enough, you didn’t regret your curse at him. The words still burned brilliantly on the tip of your tongue. 
It was bittersweet of course. His nose flared, and his eyes bulged as he took large strides over to you knocking the coffee table over on his path to you.
“What did you say to me you-” his words were said through gritted teeth, brash and loud in the silent apartment.
 Maybe he was bigger and stronger than you, but you were faster.
You inhaled sharply reacting fast as your hand reached behind you, turning the knob and slipping around it slamming the door close. Your bag bumped against your back while you bolted to the door with the word “stairs” painted in big bold letters across it. You were already at the door when you heard your apartment door open and Ethan angrily called your name. Threatening to break your laptop if you didn’t go back right this instant. 
You couldn’t help but snicker at the weak attempt. It’s not like there were much but empty pages anyways. 
A heavy feeling soon settled on your chest as you went down the stairs. Your apartment was on the 4th floor, and the stairs weren’t the most taken care of, but it’s not like you had much of a choice anyways. It seemed these days you were always wanting to run away from something. 
Your heart felt a little lighter when the warm rays of sun met your skin and the fresh air outside flooded your senses. Your walk to the park went as usual. Cars racing to get where they needed to, people chattered about everything and nothing, and your thoughts wandered to a world far away from this one. 
A world that wasn’t as dark as this one. At the same time your mind became your executioner, it became your safe place. The sick contrast making a nasty feeling flood your chest.
You arrived at the park with a small smile. The normalcy of the day bringing a little comfort to your still racing heart. Kids ran around, laughter ringing in the air around them as their parents watched on benches gossiping among themselves. People raced fast either by foot, bicycle, or skateboard, a visible sheen on their necks. You looked for the kind old man who always looked after your bag while you ran. 
He owned a music store a few blocks away, and he always sat on the bench closest to the pond with his cute corgi and habitually feeding the ducks peas and lettuce leaves when finished  with a certain chapter of his book. You walked up to him with a small smile as he looked up and took the sight of you in with fatherly worry.  
“You look a little pale kid, everything alright?” 
You did your best to liven up and gave your best customer service smile which the older man immediately saw through.
“Of course Mr.Jung. Why wouldn’t it be? I’m just a little tired from the editors. They’re on my back more than usual”, you laughed nervously as he hummed in understanding.
“I hope that boy of yours isn’t giving you any problems. Hey kid, have you ever heard of the term “break up?” he looked so serious you had to compose your shocked face. 
You waved your hands rapidly “I promise Mr.Jung everything is fine there is...I...oh my” you took a shaky breath as he simply shrugged his shoulders and pet his smaller companion who was having a very serious stare down with a duck. 
You wiped your sweaty palms on your yoga pants while you looked around at the tacky named paths trying to decide which one to run today. 
“The Pupper Runner path looks particularly nice today,” he suggested. You looked at the path pursing your lips in thought. The path wasn’t one you ran frequently. Since it was one of the wider and flatter paths, there were more people such as families or people walking their dogs. You also didn’t like having run-ins with the cyclists who were grouchier around this time of day for some odd reason.
After contemplating it, you shrugged and decided why not. Getting run over by a ticking time bomb on wheels wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen today. With a small smile sent in Mr.Jungs way, you checked your shoe laces before starting out with a light jog making your way down the specific path.
There was nothing really different about today’s run than others. Just having to dodge the wheel demons and kids happily running ahead of their worried mothers. You were grateful for the distraction. It kept you from straying too far into your head. It was just you running. Running like you always did these days, your shoes slapping on the concrete path and Got7 blaring in your ears. 
The heat of the sun shone on your skin, but oddly you still felt cold. It was always cold these days. A light breeze fresh to your burning skin as desperate eyes caught yours, and you were once again bought out of your stupor. 
A small boy was kneeled down fingers clutching his untied shoelaces not far from his dad who was trying to calm a crying baby. You didn’t really have a strong adoration for kids, but his panicked pinched face compelled you to come to a slow stop in front of him. Your chest heaved as you bent down to his level sitting on your heels and wrapped your arms around your legs.
“Hey bud, you need some help there?”
The kid made a distraught sound as he nodded his face shaking his hair out of his eyes. He looked dumb founded as he stared at his shoe laces in search of answers they would never give.
“Mama said to make a bunny, but this looks more like my aunt Carol’s dog” he sadly told you.
You snorted reaching out gently to tie his laces with a double knot.
With a grin you looked up at him ruffling his hair and giving him a thumbs up which he happily returned with a toothy smile.
“It’s alright kid, you’ll eventually get it. Just keep trying yeah? Don’t settle or you might catch yourself tripping next time you go on a walk. You’ll get hurt. Wouldn’t want that would we”, you said, lips still stretched kindly upwards, but something in your words struck stingingly deep in your chest. 
As the kid nodded happily with a carefree laugh you were about to get up when you heard the air being split and a strained voice yelling “watch out!!”. 
You looked up, panicked, only to see a frisbee racing right in your direction with alarming speed. With the goal of protecting the small child, you quickly turned your body. Your shoes making a rough sound against the concrete as a startled light cry left the younger boy’s mouth.
With your hands ready, you easily caught the frisbee gasping at the shock of the situation. You quickly shook it off as you gripped the frisbee turning back to the child who profusely thanked you, his small hands shaking as they clutched onto the hem of your shirt. 
You simply smiled reassuringly tapping his shoe and ushering him back to his father who has begun to successfully calm the fussing baby down. 
With shaking knees you tried to get up only to wince and slightly waver at the sharp sting that hit your ankle area. You clenched your jaw feeling more than annoyed at the current situation in hand. 
You stood up grumbling under your breath as a tall figure jogged over to you. While he made his way toward you, your narrowed eyes met his wide, apologetic ones. 
You felt the world shift around you as a calming warmth shot through your body melding with the confusion and panic pooling in your gut, and his eyes widened impossibly as he stumbled managing to stabilize himself right in time in front of you. His figure standing just inches away from you as his hands trembled, and his lips slightly parted.
You got a slight whiff of cologne and mint, but more than anything, the weird feeling in your gut was making a way for the dreadful panic clouding around your heart. 
You felt warm. 
After feelings of feeling nothing but the hollow cold licking at your veins, there was a nice warmth settling in your chest. 
You were scared of it. 
With a heavy chest you slightly inched back left somewhat immobile due to the aching pain in your ankle. “What the hell?”, you immediately set off on questioning him leading him to shake his head frantically at you. 
“I’m so sorry, i really am.” He put his hand on his chest as if trying to prove his sincerity to you, but you breathlessly took a step back stunned by the intense feelings taking over your heart and mind. 
You tried shaking it off, but the warmth lingered. 
You weren’t sure you wanted it to go away. 
“There’s kids here”, you were so distracted by all the emotions circling your mind you couldn’t possibly put any effort into arguing with the young man. His lips parted to make way for his lips as he nodded his head in understanding. “I know, I'll be more careful next time. I promise.”
Somehow, you knew he was being truthful. You went to say something, possibly something dangerous, but you shook your head and waved your hand. 
You tried taking a step but lightly hissed at the sharp pain that shot from your ankle up your leg. The man instantly dove forward steadying you with a heavy hand between your shoulder blades, and the other hovering in worry near your collarbone. 
With wide eyes you looked at him as he realized his un-asked for touch and immediately went to back away. 
He couldn’t.  
Your hand was clutching the cloth of his shirt near his shoulder blades. Hands slowly uncurling, you smiled awkwardly, but he kept his hand where it was. At his touch, the warmth licking the insides of your body became all the more distracting. 
“Um, I don’t think you can go all the way back home like this”, he cleared his throat looking at you shily under his bangs. Flustered, you smiled at the ground before looking back up and timidly asking “I can't. Mind helping me out?”.
At your question he let out a beaming grin nodding eagerly. He went to stand in front of you, and he crouched down looking at you over his shoulder with soft brown eyes. You did a small jump, and were caught by his hands slightly gripping under your thighs. 
He gave a low chuckle that somehow was felt from where your chest was pressed up against his shoulder blades. “So...what’s your name?”. You let a light giggle escape, “Y/n, yours?”. You saw his jaw move with the syllables of your name whispering it to himself. 
“Yunho”, you smiled also sounding out the name on your own mouth. You gave a shuddering exhale, and you laid your head on his shoulder letting yourself really rest for what seemed like the first time in forever. 
That night you walked right past Ethan who was quick to begin yelling at you, and you tucked yourself under the safety of your blankets feeling the warmth still encasing your heart, so comforting and alive.  
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thatmultifandomhoe · 4 years ago
Otherworldly Lovin’
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Pairing: Alien Taehyung and Human Reader
Word Count: 6,319
Genre/Rating: NSFW - Alien AU - Friends to Lovers AU - Smut - PWP - Fluff - Rated R
Overview: Not only did he crash land into your yard, but he also crashed right into your heart...among other places.
Warning: oh boy. Alien sex - masturbation - tentacles - light bondage(?) - throat fucking - breast and nipple play - oral sex (fem and tentacle receiving) - Taehyung has the ability to extend his tongue - size kink - Taehyung can change his dick to any size - there’s slime from said tentacles - multiple orgasms - multiple penetration - breeding kink - cream pie - tiddie fucking(it’s a tentacle mushed between boobs having the time of its life if that counts?) - unrealistic sex - hentai, it’s basically hentai - swearing - dirty talk - maybe some sub (fem) and dom (Tae) undertones if you squint - cum play - talk of pregnancy.
Main Master List:
Wish Upon a Star Collaboration Master List
Tagging: @thedarkwinterrose​​ @thatlongspringnight​ @ggukcangetit​ @ezralia-writes​ @hidinginmycupboard @ifntelyinspirit​
©thatmultifandomhoe 2021. Do not repost, translate, or use my stories without permission.
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The breeze felt like chilly kisses along your skin during the late-night walk home. It had been fun to see your friends, but as the house party grew in numbers and space became limited, that was your cue to head out before there had been a visit from the men in blue to break it up.  It wasn’t Cara’s first time throwing a party that climbed into the triple digits, and despite being on a first name basis with law enforcement in regards to her wild parties, it wouldn’t be her last party.
Kicking at the gravel, you gathered up the hair off the back of your neck with both hands, leaning back your head to look up at the night sky while still walking. The stars were bright, brighter than diamonds, and not for the first time you found yourself grateful that you had made the decision to move to the outskirts of Arizona. Was it hot? Of course. Were people behind the wheel absolutely insane? Fuck yes. Was it risky living on your own, in the desert, in an area where crime was going up again? Extremely. Maybe it was childish and stupid, but between the sunsets and mother nature’s natural landscape, it was all worth it in your eyes.
By the time you reached the front door, you barely glanced at the ten-foot ditch that was only a few feet from the side of your house as you went inside. The ditch hadn’t always been there, and as you turned the three set of locks behind you, a cooling sensation wrapped around your calf to begin its ascent up your bare leg.
“How was the party?” it asked.
You raised an eyebrow, unphased with having a conversation with the green blob.
“Alright,” you said, holding out a hand for it to jump on to like it usually did. This time, it simply shook its little nub of a head. “I mean, it was nice to hang out with her and have a few drinks, but her house filled up fast.”
“And it’s not good for humans to be surrounded by so many people?”
The corner of your mouth lifted as you walked to the kitchen, feeling him climb up to your knee this time. “I mean, it can be dangerous when there are over a hundred people partying in a small house while intoxicated, a lot of people don’t care though.”
“But you care.”
“I do.”
Opening the cabinet, you pulled out a glass and went to the water cooler to fill it up, dropping in a few ice cubes for that extra chill, trying not to think about how cooling and enticing it felt to have the little alien crawling up your bare leg, nearly reaching your thigh. He was a slow mover but he got around.
It was this little green blob, no taller than a hand, who had been the one to create that lovely ditch in your yard, and had succeeded in scaring the absolute shit out of you at four in the morning when it happened. The last thing you ever expected in the world was for aliens to be real – yes, you had been one of the many who was a non-believer – but Taehyung had been the one to convert you quite quickly.
“You don’t look like an alien,” you said, watching as the green, see-through blob slid around on the kitchen table.
“And what does an alien look like?” it asked.
“A crap ton taller,” you immediately answered, rubbing your eyes to try and see just how it was able to talk, let alone have a voice. You could see the wooden chair that was behind it, and there was nothing inside of it. It was just a blob about the size of a softball, from space.
Apparently, that offended the creature, as it suddenly formed two small nubs – what you assumed to be arms, which were promptly placed on its side - and a nub on top for its head. “Excuse me, I don’t know what it’s like here, but where I come from, it’s extremely rude to point out someone’s size. And I’ll have you know; On my home planet I am quite larger than this.”
You blinked.
Maybe it was because you were still wondering if you were insane to be talking to a green blob claiming to be an alien, but a sudden pang went through your chest at having hurt the little guy. Sighing, your footsteps papped against the tile floor as you pulled out one of the chairs at the table to sit down.
“I’m sorry,” you said softly, leaning your cheek in the palm of your left hand to look at it. “You’re right, it was rude of me. Let’s start over. What’s your name?”
It stared up at you. At least, you assumed it was as it turned its body to face you. For a moment, the green blob stood there until finally taking a few steps towards you.
These last few months had been an unforgettable experience, but it would be a lie to say that it hadn’t made life more interesting. The ship he had been flying in was a small metal contraption that could have easily been mistaken as a toy drone. At his request, you had brought it in the house that next morning, and after inspecting it, Taehyung announced it to be completely damaged, but not unfixable. Since then, there had been several times where you stumbled upon him trying to form the arms that he needed to try to patch it up himself, but the crash had forced him into his smaller form for protection, and made it impossible to expand himself the way he needed to.
Only a few days into his stay, you learned that his people – the Flubbers – were similar to that in regards to human height and features. Unlike measly humans, they were able to turn their bodies into this green blob at will, but mostly it was used as a defensive measure to protect themselves or when they were traveling in their small ships. As a result of the crash, Taehyung had trouble returning back to his regular form and with nowhere else to go, he became your new roommate.
But as he began to crawl underneath the fabric of your shorts, the coolness of his body was enticing in more ways than one. Your breath turned shaky as you hurried to reach down and remove him from your thigh.
“How was your night?” You suddenly asked, not wanting him to question why you removed him.
He tilted his body, but settled down in your palms. “I watched more of those shows on your Netflix account.”
“Which ones?”
“Black Butler.”
You gasped, narrowing your eyes at him as you carried him back to your room. “Come on, we were supposed to finish that together.”
“But you were gone, and I wanted to watch it,” Taehyung only remained still for a few more seconds before stretching out himself to begin crawling up your arm.
It was perhaps the weirdest sensation in the world, but it reminded you of the end result of making slime when you were back in college and your roommates dragged you out to the craft events put on by campus. Taehyung was sturdier, more solid, and less gooey. Okay, he wasn’t gooey at all. But as he crawled his way around your arm and shoulder, you were suddenly awfully aware of the fact that you were only wearing a skimpy black tank top with spaghetti straps, allowing him to feel every inch and curve of your body and soak in your body heat. He was naturally cool but he usually warmed up after crawling on your arm for a while.
The fact that he was crawling up to you wasn’t unusual. Tonight however, it was like he was attached to your body and trying to feel every single part of you.
“That’s not nice,” you murmured, shakily inhaling as he slid a tendril-like arm across your neck, his body slinking across your chest. You kicked off your shoes and glanced at your reflection in the full-length mirror. Cheeks flushed, throat bobbing as you swallowed, and you could see that he was forming another limb, stretching it out to wrap around your bicep.
“You said I could watch whatever I wanted. And I wanted to watch Black Butler.” Taehyung said.
In the mirror, you could see his small head glance down, his body suddenly pausing at the discovery that there was something underneath your shirt. He was an alien. Since his arrival, you made sure to get dressed in the bathroom so that he didn’t see certain things.
In addition to that, you hadn’t been entirely sure if he slept or not, so you had created a small bed for him on the floor of your bedroom out of a box you had and thrown in a bunch of soft towels to make it comfortable for him. He seemed to enjoy it since he slid to his bed every night, even tucking himself underneath some of the towels. So not only had you been sharing a room with an alien, but these last few months had been incredibly, touch starving, especially since you were single. It wasn’t like you could suddenly make yourself feel good when Taehyung was right there and would probably ask what you were doing and why.
And now…now you were feeling incredibly horny.
You watched him create another limb, only to close your eyes to feel it softly slide down your sternum, heart racing as it followed the curve of your breast, your pussy clenching around nothing. A second – or was it a third? Maybe a fourth? - limb slipped underneath the shirt to encircle your other breast, but this one was more curious, feeling the size and tightening around the boob when it suddenly ran over your nipple. You stumbled back against the foot-board of the bed until you sat on it, accidentally pressing yourself against the frame and hitting your clit, resulting in an audible gasp.
His limbs suddenly retracted at the sound and before you could stop yourself, you whined at the loss of them only to realize what you had done. He was an alien. You were a human.
“Did I hurt you?” Taehyung asked.
You shook your head, opening your eyes to remove him from where he had wrapped himself around your neck and set him on the bed. Not once did you glance at the mirror, already knowing how flustered you looked. “No, I’m fine.”
“Then what was that sound?”
Damn him for being so curious. “Don’t worry about it. Why don’t you go to bed? I’m going to get dressed.”
Before he could ask another question, you grabbed the spare bed and hurried to the bathroom, taking several deep breaths when certain that you were, in-fact, alone. Not once during these last few months had he touched you like that, and now that he had, you found yourself craving more. It reminded you too much of those hentai videos you occasional stumbled upon while on the hub, and as you hurriedly kicked off your shorts to slip your own hand underneath your panties, you softly moaned when you felt how wet your panties were.
He had created those limbs like it was nothing. Easily curling and wrapping himself around you like second nature, and as you ran your own finger over your clit to take care of yourself, you couldn’t help but imagine what he would have done had you let him crawl up your shorts like he had started to do. Taehyung typically kept himself in the shape of a blob, but you were certain that he would have no issue in filling you up completely.
You pressed yourself further against the wall, another soft moan escaping you. Eyes closed, you were so focused on getting off, that you missed how underneath the doorway, a flat green blob slid its way underneath the door. A limb shaped itself, watching your general direction like it was absorbing your reactions, only to disappear the same way it came when you were satisfied.
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A few nights later, you sighed as you shifted under the blankets once again. The fan had done its job and made the bedroom chilly, but you still couldn’t fall asleep. You tried warm milk, listening to instrumental music, counting sheep. Nothing seemed to work.
“You’re not sleeping?” Taehyung asked.
You glanced at the box on the floor, seeing his towels shift as he moved around. He hadn’t spoken about what happened the other night and neither had you, and for that, you were grateful. He was a friend. The last thing you wanted to do was ruin the only friendship he had while he stayed until his ship was fixed.
“Just having a hard time,” you softly answered.
He was quiet for a moment. “Would you like to talk about it?”
A soft chuckle slipped out of your lips and you rolled over, holding a hand out over the edge. In seconds he was wrapping himself around the limb and crawling on to the empty space next to you.
“Do you miss it?” You asked, slipping an arm underneath your head. “Your home? Your friends and family must miss you a lot.”
“Parts of it,” Taehyung admitted. For being a small green blob – or a small green Flubber – he had a deep baritone voice, and when he spoke softly, there was a calming effect that washed over you. It was the type of voice that not only promised protection, but had the power to be absolutely sinful. “There’s my family and friends that I do miss, but it was a strict place. We’re not a species that was intended to survive you see. A long time ago, the very first of my kind had been created here on your planet by someone…a doctor Jacob, Philip, or Robin, someone at least made a mistake, and from that the first Flubber was born. Over the decades we’ve evolved and managed to repopulate ourselves, but even I can’t remember how we managed to leave this planet and end up on our own. Some poor Flubber had probably been somewhere he shouldn’t have been.”
He shifted and for some reason, if he had facial features right at that moment, you could imagine him lifting an eyebrow with the smallest of smirks. “That’s why our society is strict. We were a mistake yes, but we quite like being alive and would rather keep it that way Flubbers are expected to do as they’re told and I wanted to explore. To see other worlds and galaxies. Granted, crash landing in your back yard was not at all part of the plan, or ruining my ship, but things have had an unexpected way of working out. After all, I did go off in search of the unexpected.”
Gently smiling at him, you nodded in agreement, wetting your lips. “Do you think you’ll go back? Once you fix your ship and explore for a while?”
“Good question. Maybe. I’m not entirely sure. The human race is, well…you people are certainly the most complex creatures I have ever met. I could spend a century here and still be trying to understand everything.”
You rolled on to your back with a laugh, feeling him slide his way up onto your stomach, the sensation sending shivers running through your body since the night shirt rose up at some point. Glancing down, Taehyung stretched a limb out, running it along your waist.
“Humans are very complex,” Taehyung repeated, his voice turning husky as if this was affecting him as well. “Complex, but perhaps, the most fascinating of all creatures to exist.”
No words came from you. Once again, your breath was stuck as he extended his other limb and you watched it crawl its way underneath the shirt, this time rubbing itself right over the nipple. Like he had memorized your reaction to it last time. You shakily gasped again, but you didn’t stop him. You could barely think, unable to look away as his body shifted, expanding itself to a larger version of himself.
“I’ve been practicing to regain my normal form,” he said. “It’s been hard, but I believe I can finally go back and stay in it permanently again.”
The two short nubs he had for legs elongated and thickened with his body. No longer was he a small blob, but he was taking on a new shape. One that was leaner, taller than you, and for the first time, he was gaining features that individualized him. The more he changed, the less green and see through he was. Instead, it turned into a very dark green tint on sun kissed skin, with dark brown eyes delicately painted with streaks of green. Looking down at you - like you imagined - a smirk had found its way home on his face while at the same time, a thumb harshly squeezed and rubbed against your nipple again. You moaned and leaned back into the pillow, wanting him, wanting more.
“Like I said before, us Flubbers are very similar to you humans, only we have…something extra.”
“And what’s that?” You forced out; eyes closed as another moan slipped out when his hands grabbed both breasts. He didn’t need to answer though, because as he played with your chest, something wrapped around your leg. It was similar to his limbs that he normally curled along your body, just as cool and thick to the touch. The thing making its way up your thigh was nearly forgotten about when Taehyung suddenly yanked off the shirt you were wearing, not wasting a second to kiss and suck at your breasts.
Chest heaving, it was impossible to think straight. Parts of your body had chills running across them while others felt hotter than the desert. He wasn’t letting up. Once satisfied, Taehyung gave his complete attention to the other, determined to leave behind a purple and wet path of where he had been. Every now and then there was sharp pain, but he was quick to quiet your whimpers by running his tongue over the marks and leaving a sweet kiss. The thing that had been crawling along your leg was at mid-thigh when it tightened, drawing your attention to its existence when suddenly, something else was sliding inside of your shorts.
Your eyes immediately opened and when you looked down, common sense went out the window as you swallowed the saliva building up in your mouth, pussy clenching. The limbs that you were used to seeing were back. One was coming out of the middle of Taehyung’s back, another appeared to be coming from his side, and as you watched, two more were forming and extending themselves. Unlike the rest of his form, they were completely green, nearly see through.
“We call them Extenders,” Taehyung murmured as he left thick kisses on your skin. “Extra limbs to help carry items and with everyday tasks.”
He lifted his head, eyes searching yours as his eyebrow quirked at you. “But I believe the term that you’re more with, is, tentacles.”
Oh. Oh, you were absolutely fucked.
A soft whimper slipped out when the tentacle that had been sneaking its way underneath your shorts purposely rubbed hard over your underwear. Taehyung must have heard it because his grin widened, and his Extenders were moving your legs to cage him against you.
“Usually I’m not like this,” he continued. “I think my body is still adjusting to this planet but thinks I’m back home. During this time of year, this is normally our season when we mate. That’s something you humans don’t have here, do you?”
Despite how much you wanted the tentacle to slip underneath the underwear, it stayed right where it was, content with teasing you. “We do that whenever we want,” you finally answered. Your gaze met Taehyung’s just in time to see his eyes light up in curiosity.
An ache was growing the longer you remained empty, and if the Extender underneath your shorts continued rubbing the way it was, you weren’t going to be lasting much longer. So, without caring about the consequences, you cupped Taehyung’s face and kissed him deeply. The sudden action allowed the tentacles around your legs to loosen just enough for you to wrap them around his hips, pulling him closer to you. Something thick pressed against your pussy, much larger than the other Extenders growing out of him, made both of you groan at the sudden pressure.
“Mate me,” you breathed out in-between kisses. His form was solid like a human, and his hair was soft when you ran your fingers through the locks. “Please Taehyung, please mate with me. I’m begging you.”
For a moment, Taehyung just stared down at you. Even the tentacles that had been sliding along your body paused at your words. It only lasted for that one moment. The corner of his lips curled upwards and the green streaks in his eyes darkened before he kissed you again, pressing himself completely against you.
Taehyung’s normal form may have appeared human, and besides the tentacles that moved on their own and were currently crawling their way up your sides and arms, it seemed that he was able to extend not just them, but every part of his body. The kiss was a frenzy from the start, and when the tentacle finally slipped underneath the underwear like you wanted and began to rub your clit earnestly, butterflies swarmed as your lower belly tightened, the orgasm that had been building was now forced from you.
He abruptly broke the kiss and pushed himself up, his hungry gaze running down the length of your body as you gasped in the fresh air. There was no break for you because he ripped away the remaining clothing and threw your legs over his shoulder to lick at your pussy. You lost track of how many tentacles were wrapping along your body, barely noticing that it wasn’t Taehyung holding you open as he ate like a starved man. Tears pooled at the corner of your eyes from over-stimulation, but when he suckled at your clit and something long entered your pussy, you cried out in pleasure at finally being filled. It was different from the tentacles caressing your body, more tapered and thinner, and when your walls squeezed around it, Taehyung groaned and every vibration sent your nerves into overdrive.
Glancing down at him, you realized that what was inside you was not another tentacle. There were two green Extenders holding your legs in place, and one currently held your wrists together bound above your head as numbers four and five slid along your body. One of them curled around your chest, leaving behind a slippery green slime in its path that felt cool to the touch as the other made its way closer to your face. You dropped your head back down on the pillow and tried to lift your hips to grind against Taehyung’s face, but a harsh suck made you gasp and stop all movement.
The tentacle reached your face, lazily poking your cheek until you rewarded it with undivided attention. Its movements were gentle as it traced the shape of your lips, the slime it left behind smearing across your face elicited a moan from the alien that was on the receiving end of you being turned on. This was one wet dream that you had never thought would become a reality, and now that it was happening, you didn’t want it to stop. Relaxing against the bed, you wet your lips out of habit before opening your mouth. Like you hoped, the tentacle went in to inspect this new place.
It was slippery as you ran your tongue against the tentacle, discovering it had some weight to it, and the slime that it oozed was sweet like the honey you used in teas. Out of curiosity you swallowed around the limb. A strangled groan came from Taehyung, and it twitched within its confines but didn’t try to remove itself. The more you sucked, the more it appeared to lubricate itself, forcing you to alternate every so often.
“Fucking hell,” Taehyung moaned. Sitting on his knees, he gazed down at you with eyes dark enough to appear black, those green streaks bright enough to glow in the dark. He was finally able to see what his tentacles had gotten themselves up to while he had been busy having his own meal, his chin wet as his tongue shrunk back to normal size.
Taehyung stared at you as the tentacle went further in your mouth, his chest heaving when you relaxed yourself to take it even further. All of the tentacles tightened at your actions, but his gaze went to your chest where one Extender had succeeded in wrapping itself around your breasts to squeeze them together and was currently rubbing itself between the small space, creating a slippery mess that made your skin tingle until it was numb.
“Look at you,” Tae murmured, lowering himself back down to your lower half. “You’re a mess darling.” He kissed your hip sweetly, quite the contradiction to everything else as one of his tentacles was in the midst of thrusting itself down your throat. Butterflies fluttered when he kissed his way across your belly, following the path of slime that had been left behind until his lower half was firmly pressed against yours, his hips grinding against yours so his cock rubbed along your lips.
“An absolute, fucking mess.”
You were so used to the jokes and pleasantries from Taehyung that to hear him swear, to call you darling as he rubbed himself against you, to have him use you as he wanted, it made your head spin until there was nothing but pure desire and need on your mind. He had already gotten you to orgasm twice without cumming himself and you still felt empty. He had yet to give you what you really wanted.
He went higher, not stopping until he was leaving wet kisses on your throat. “Such a beautiful, fucking, mess, and we’re not even done. Think you can keep up with me and my friend’s darling?”
The tentacle pulled out of your mouth then, allowing you to sharply inhale as Taehyung wiped away the string of saliva connecting you to it. He was patient as you caught your breath, amusing himself by continuing his kisses up to the back of your ear. Strands of hair were plastered to your forehead and despite everything, you felt more alive than you ever had.
 “More,” you softly whispered, throat a bit sore.
Taehyung softly hummed. Palms trailed up your sides, smearing the slime all over and up on your breasts, not caring that there was a tentacle obsessed with loving them.
“I don’t think you know what you’re asking for,” Taehyung taunted. There was a shift in his hips and this time, the head of his cock was now pressing against your pussy.
You tilted your head, capturing his lips in an open mouth kiss. Out of habit you tried to wrap your arms around his shoulders, but the Extenders tightened around your wrists. He didn’t even try to coax his tongue in your mouth. He slipped in with ease and you groaned when you realized that you tasted yourself on him. His hands settled on your hips and this time, to your pleasure, he pushed his cock in. The stretch stung but after finally having him in like you wanted all along, it satisfied the ache of being empty that had been growing since this all started a few nights ago.
“Fuck,” Taehyung groaned, knuckles turning white from his grip on your hips. “So different. You’re so warm.”
His cock moved but his hips remained pressed and still against yours, drawing your curiosity to look down. Taehyung had pushed himself balls deep, but you felt his dick changing within you. It was growing thicker, longer, and when he pulled back to thrust back in, you gasped as the new ridges that were along his shaft. He was accommodating himself to fit you perfectly. A one true fit that was made just for you.
The green in his eyes flashed, the tentacles still wrapped around your body tightened to hold you in place as Taehyung’s pace picked up, the ridges rubbing against your inner walls with each stroke became more prominent. You closed your eyes as you pressed back against the pillow, and when there was an eager poke at your lips, your mouth simply opened for the tentacle to slip inside. You were just as eager; the honey flavored slime was addicting to the taste. It was only when there was new wiggling pressure on your clit that you looked down, past the tentacle that was fucking your tits with a newfound passion as it tightened around them to make the space smaller, to see that there was a new Extender rubbing itself on your clit. The pressure was enough to make you moan, legs shaking even in Tae’s grip, but as you watched, it appeared that it didn’t plan to stay there very long. With every thrust from Taehyung, your pussy grew slicker, allowing this appendage to nudge its way into your pussy alongside his dick, all while still rubbing against your clit with each thrust.
Your cry was muffled, the stretch almost becoming overwhelming when more tentacles appeared to cover your body in an attempt to soothe and draw your focus away from the pain. Two more latched themselves on your nipples and by some magic he was able to shape them into mouths that pinched and sucked the same way Taehyung had done earlier. Another two appeared in the palms of your hands with similar ridges to his cock, and not wanting you to be too empty, a thinner tentacle slipped inside your mouth as well. You were completely and utterly stuffed, and had lost count of how many of them there were now with all senses on haywire as your nerves felt like lava with his every touch and yet, somehow, something was still missing.
The headboard thumped against the wall as Taehyung went faster, almost erratic as he chased his own high that he had been holding back from. In the darkness of the bedroom, a green light radiated from Taehyung and the Extenders that were wrapped around you, and when his gaze locked on yours, even his eyes took on the faintest glow. It was otherworldly. For a brief moment, everything slowed around the two of you as the tentacles in your mouth suddenly removed themselves. He swooped down to replace his lips where they had been, his kiss sweet and gentle as he cupped the back of your neck.
A chill racked through your body as the tentacles hugged your body, but your mind was focused on the softness of Taehyung’s lips, and how they made your heart flutter. For a split second, he pulled back to press his forehead against yours while murmuring a foreign word. Despite not knowing what he said, you softly hummed and brushed your nose against his, making him smile. He tried to kiss you again but kept breaking out into a smile that you found yourself unable to resist.
It was when he recaptured your lips in a kiss that the glowing grew brighter, lighting up the room completely. A tingling sensation ran through your body, the temperature skyrocketing as beads of sweat dotted along your skin. Taehyung thrusted one last time, his hips hilting against yours as he reached his release filling you with a green tinted substance that also spurted out of the tentacles, coating your body in goo. You would have been grossed out, but the cum that oozed out of his tentacles along with the slime from earlier was cooling to your feverish skin.
You moaned into the kiss, the Extenders that had curled and twisted around your arms suddenly dropped down to the pillows spent and exhausted. Now free, you were able to tangle your fingers through his hair. Neither of you cared how the goo dripped down your wrists or matted itself in his locks when he leaned down to leave several kisses on your cheek among the sweet words of endearment that he whispered along your skin. This gentle and tenderness was reminiscent of the Taehyung you had known while he was still in his blob form.
All of his Extenders had released you from their grip, simply resting themselves on your bodies before Taehyung called them back. You had gone to kiss him once more when his hips pressed further against yours, his dick still inside you as some of his cum spilled out from around him and down your thigh.
“Shit,” Taehyung murmured, glancing down at where the two of you were still connected.
You softly chuckled. “Is mating season usually this messy?”
He looked back up at you, a boxy smile appearing. “Sorry about that. It’s meant to ensure a successful mating, which entails with the female being pregnant by the end of the season. But it’s never been this pleasurable before.”
Even though you had never met a female Flubber in your life, a sense of pride flashed through you. You weren’t his first apparently, but you were the first to make it feel good at least. “Does that mean you have kids back home?”
“No,” he shifted his weight, lifting an arm to shove his fingers through his hair and off his forehead. “I had only come of age five winters ago, and it’s expected that Flubbers who participate for the first time are not likely to have a successful mating. This would have been my sixth attempt.”
“Sixth attempt?” You asked, leaning your head back against the pillow.
Taehyung carefully sat up. He was mindful this time of his dick keeping his cum inside you, the last thing he wanted to do was risk losing another drop. “When there is a successful mating, the two Flubbers then join in unity until their deaths. If they can produce children the first time, then they’ll be able to have another successful pregnancy next season.”
“So, if I get pregnant, you’ll stay?”
The room fell silent. The glow that had been emanating from Taehyung dimmed now that he was no longer caught up in the moment of his orgasm, but you could still see the way he pressed his lips together. One of the tentacles curled around your arm once more, slightly squeezing you in a gentle manner that reminded you of a hug.
You didn’t want Taehyung to go. Even before tonight, you had enjoyed his company greatly, and if he were to leave, who were you going to finish watching Black Butler with? There wouldn’t be anyone who would spend hours asking about what it was like to be human, who offered help around the house, or would tell you stories about what it was like where he was from. Even going to bed wouldn’t be the same without his check ins, wondering if you had enough blankets, a glass of water on the nightstand, and not so casually reminding you that if you scrolled through your phone until three in the morning again, you’d be cranky when having to go to work the next day.
It wouldn’t be home without Taehyung.
“Actually…” his fingers dug into the fleshy bits of your thighs, his thumb moving in circles as it rubbed some of his cum into the skin. “I was hoping that I could stay. Even if you never got pregnant. If…if that’s okay with you of course.”
Not able to really move, you stroked the length of one of the tentacles still on you, watching Taehyung’s body shiver at the touch. “Nothing would make me happier than that Tae.”
His thumb stopped moving, the green streaks in his eyes once again brightening as he leaned down to capture your lips in a kiss. The Extenders came back to life then, each one slipping underneath your body in a tight hug as Taehyung lifted you off the bed when he stood. Your legs squeezed his waist but he merely laughed.
“What are you doing?” You asked when he carried you to the bathroom. With the help of one of his tentacles, the light flickered on.
He lightly nipped at your collarbone. “If you hadn’t noticed yet darling, I am still lodged inside you, and we are covered in various liquids. We are in desperate need of cleaning ourselves.”
Glancing in the mirror behind Taehyung, you were finally able to see the result of tonight’s love fest. The slime had left a clear green tint that had dried down to your skin, and the release of his cum had even gotten in your hair. Tae had not been lucky either and was fairly covered in the goo himself.
“Besides,” he murmured, recapturing your attention as the water from the shower head suddenly turned on. You however, were focused on the way his eyes darkened and his smile curled into a sneaky grin that sent your heart racing. “Like I said earlier, my body is still adjusting and thinks that it’s mating season here. This is not a one-night occurrence my darling.”
One of his tentacles roamed over your chest, paying particular attention to your breasts as Taehyung stepped into the shower, the hot water only seeming to help his Extenders in their movements. At least with a shower, the result of this round of love making would be easier to clean than your stained and ruined bed sheets.
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the7thcrow · 4 years ago
indulgence | part two
pairing: felix x (fem) vampire!reader
summary: an indulgence grows to become dangerous, as the society of hampden college takes note of y/n’s new blood bag.
series masterlist.
Tumblr media
word count: 5.8 k
genre: forbidden love. angst, extreme fluff, suggestive.
warnings: blood, suggestive content (sex is discussed but not described), strong language, alcohol and vampires ofc.
rating: 16+
a/n: hi everyone! thank you to anyone who read part one, and liked it enough to continue with part two hehe. the plot really picks up here, and i’m quite excited about it. once again, i love hearing feedback, so don’t be shy in leaving me an ask or message :)
previous chapter.
You were careful. In the beginning, at least. For the first few weeks of carrying your secret, you only met Felix after hours, and only at your home. You’d leave at different times, and you both never spoke a word of what you were doing to anyone.
It was a safe play. A smart one. But as time went on you became sloppy. It started on the day Felix’s roommates would be gone for the entire weekend.
You were both lying in your bed, the rainy Sunday morning having trickled by in a lazy, melancholic fashion. These were your favourite days, the ones in which he’d arrive just before dawn and leave near dusk. 
You’d gotten used to his presence around your apartment, his absence painfully noticeable during the days you found yourself cooped up there alone. You liked when he was there, even when you weren’t talking, lounging on the couch in silence with your feet intertwined as you caught up on your required reading. Or when sometimes he’d cook for you, baking you sweets as you were stressed out over a paper that’s due date was much closer than you’d realized. Him simply being around granted you comfort, a sense of companionship, something you hadn’t felt for a long time.
You couldn’t deny that Felix Lee had nestled himself into your life, and you’d be a liar to say you weren’t enjoying it. Being with him made you love the creature you were, seeing the way your feeding affected him, the way it set the two of you on fire. Forgetting for a moment how restrictive your life truly was, how exhausting and lonely it often happened to be. 
Looking back, perhaps that was the entire problem itself. That wasn’t something you should so easily forget, no matter how tempting it may be.
“Come on,” Felix whined, tracing shapes along the bare of your back with his finger. “They won’t be there all weekend, it won’t be any different then when we’re here.”
He was trying to convince you to come spend the following weekend at his apartment, as his roommates were leaving on a ski trip and wouldn’t be back until Monday morning.
“Well, if it won’t be any different then why should we bother risking it?” You returned. In truth, you really did want to go spend time at his place. It felt like the next step in your relationship, however strange and complicated it may be. You weren’t sure if “relationship” was even the right term for whatever you two were, but you didn’t want to overthink things too much. For now, all you wanted was to enjoy this while it lasted, as deep down you knew it couldn’t be forever. 
“Because,” he mumbled, rolling you over to face him. This wasn’t going to help your willpower, you’d come to find you just couldn’t say no to those dark, curious eyes. “I feel like I’ve really gotten to know you these last few weeks. I mean, I’ve seen your life. Your room, your book and record collections, what you keep stocked in your refrigerator. I guess I just want to share my space with you too.”
You groaned, shifting downwards to bury your face in his chest. “Well that’s not fair. How am I supposed to say no to that?”
“Exactly, you can’t,” he laughed.
“You’re the worst.”
“I know. Sorry.”
You sighed. “Fine. I’ll head over Friday night then.”
“See, I knew you’d come around,” he smiled, his voice light with enthusiasm. However, you couldn’t ignore the weight of anxiousness bubbling in your chest. You looked up at Felix, and you knew that he could see it written on your face.
“Don’t worry,” he said softly, methodically running his fingers through your hair, something he’d learned would help calm you down whenever you were stressed. “I’ll make it worth your time.”
Felix did, in fact, make it worth your time. When you arrived at his doorstep the following weekend, you were surprised to find the door unlocked. Carefully, you twisted the knob, peeking inside.
It was safe to say you were surprised.
The apartment was entirely candlelit, the smell of rose scented candles mixing with that of whatever Felix was presently cooking in the kitchen. The table was done up in a way that reminded you of a cheesy Italian restaurant, with a checkered red tablecloth, two glasses for wine, and a rose stationed in the middle.
Felix emerged from the kitchen, a wide, toothy grin on his face. He was wearing an apron, patterned with an alarming amount of cartoon kittens, over what appeared to be a rather expensive suit.
“I feel like I’m underdressed,” you stated, unable to mask the pure awe in your voice. Nobody, not even Chan, had done anything like this for you. Not to mention the fact that you and Felix weren’t even dating… 
Were you? This seemed like an awful lot of effort to put in for someone you were only hooking up with.
“Nah, you look great. Don’t worry about it,” Felix said. “Now if you don’t mind, I’ll take your jacket Mademoiselle.”
You laughed, taking off your overcoat and handing it to him. “That’s French. I thought you were going for Italian,” you joked, attempting to hide the warmth flooding to your cheeks.
“Shhh,” he said, setting your jacket down on the couch before putting his hands on your shoulders. “Just let me have this one. Okay?”
“Okay,” you said quietly, giving him a kiss on the cheek. You felt oddly shy, surrounded by such a scene. 
“Well if you’ll take a seat, I can show you what I’ve been making in the kitchen,” he said, moving towards the table and pulling out the chair. You complied, sitting down and shifting your focus to the wonderful smell wafting in from the kitchen. 
Felix disappeared before appearing with two plates, setting one down in front of you. “Shrimp Scampi,” he clarified. You glanced up at him and you could tell he was slightly nervous. Knowing Felix, he was probably worried you wouldn’t like it.
How someone could possibly not appreciate all of this, was entirely beyond you.
You decided to reassure him. “It looks amazing, Felix. All of this,” you said, gesturing to the room around you. “This is incredible. I can’t believe you did this, it's so… unbelievably sweet.”
“Well,” he said shyly, removing the apron and setting it down on the kitchen counter. “I knew you were worried about coming over here. So, I guess I just wanted to make it the best I could. Less terrifying and more something you’d really enjoy. You know?”
If your cheeks weren’t red before, they certainly were now. It took everything in you not to lean over the table and kiss him right then and there.
He grabbed a bottle of wine from the liquor cabinet behind him, pouring the liquid into your glass. “White wine?” You questioned with a smirk. “I thought you would have gone with red.”
He chuckled, beginning to fill his own. “I thought about it, but it felt a little too cliche. Besides,” he said, corking the bottle and setting it back down on the table. “White goes better with seafood.”
You picked up your glass, taking a small sip. “Pinot grigio?”
He raised his eyebrows, smirking. “A bit of a wine connoisseur, are we?” 
You laughed. “Something like that.” 
Truth be told, you weren’t. Frankly, you’d always much preferred scotch. However, Chan was big on wine. From the two years you’d spent together, you’d managed to pick up a thing or two.
The rest of the dinner passed smoothly. The food was delicious, the wine smooth, the conversation breezy. You’d calmed down from the initial shock of it all, and had settled back into the comfortable atmosphere you and Felix had developed over the past few weeks.
After you’d both finished your meals, he rose to his feet, setting your plates down on the kitchen counter before disappearing around the corner, into the living room. You were wondering if you should follow him, when suddenly classical music started to fill your ears.
You rose to your feet, peering around the corner to see Felix stationed beside a record player. He smiled, before extending a hand out towards you. “Come on, dance with me.”
“You sure are cheesy today, huh?” You laughed, taking his hand anyway. You laid your head against his chest, the two of you swaying gently, a sorry attempt at a Waltz. 
The music from the record filled the room, the notes dancing along with the two of you, a symphony of affection. You quickly recognized the piece as The Four Seasons.
“Vivaldi is my favourite composer,” you mumbled into his chest.
“I know, you told me a while ago,” he spoke quietly.
“Ah,” you said, smiling to yourself over the fact he remembered. “I’m surprised you have a record of him, I know you aren’t the classical type.”
“You’re right, I’m not,” he laughed. “It’s actually one of my roommates.” 
“I see. What are they like?” Even with all the time you’d spent together, you and Felix had never talked about the people in your personal lives. 
“Hmm,” Felix hummed. Although he didn’t say anything, you could tell he was happy that you asked. That you were slowly breaking the barrier you’d put around yourself. 
“Well, Han- that’s whose record this is- he’s... well he’s loud, but I think you’d really like him. He’s studying music theory, wants to be something of a composer himself. He’s a bit messy, but if you harp on him enough he’ll keep his shit clean.” 
“He sounds nice,” you offered kindly. “What about your other one?”
“Ah, yeah. Changbin. His name is Changbin,” Felix said, but you could tell there was something off about his tone.
“What about him?”
“He’s… he’s going through a lot right now. But normally he’s the coolest. He’s also in music theory, so he and Han help eachother out a lot. He’s the type to bring you food when you’ve been working on a paper all day, because he knows you’ve forgotten to eat. Always there for you, you know?”
“Yeah, I get it,” you said. Talking about Changbin seemed to make Felix nervous, based on the way he wouldn’t meet your eye and the apprehension in his voice. You could bet it had to do with whatever Changbin was going through at the moment, but despite your curiousness you decided to drop it. It wasn’t any of your business.
The two of you swayed in silence for a few moments. There was nothing left to say on the matter.
“You know,” you said suddenly. “You said you wanted to show me your space, but I still haven’t seen your bedroom.”
Felix smirked. “Ah, I guess you haven’t. Why, you impatient for something?”
You laughed, looking up at him. “Get your head out of the gutter, Lix. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Mhm. Yeah, sure you don’t,” he returned, taking your hand and leading you down the hallway to your left. He stopped, turning to open a door that was currently covered in a rather elaborate arrangement of animal stickers. You raised your eyebrows at him.
“Oh right, the stickers,” Felix said, smacking his forehead with his palm. “Han thought it would be funny, but now I can’t get them off.” 
You smiled. Felix was right, you and Han would probably get along. 
The inside of Felix's room was oddly exactly how you had imagined it. Books were stacked neatly on the desk in the corner, ranging from academic texts to various manga. Posters hung on the walls, representing different music artists, some you recognized and others you did not. He had a nintendo switch tossed on his night stand, and plants hanging in the window. The room, while packed, was clean and well in order. An organized sort of chaos.
You laid down on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. You felt the mattress sink slightly as he laid beside you.
“Do you like it?” He whispered.
“I do. It’s very you.”
He hummed in acknowledgment, rolling onto his side to face you. His fingers wandered in the air for a moment, before finding themselves placed against your cheek. Gently he stroked his thumb back and forth along your jawbone. 
You smiled, leaning into his touch, placing your own hand in his hair. “I feel like dessert,” you stated.
Felix’s cheeks warmed. “I made brownies,” he mumbled, his gaze deepening. “But something tells me that’s not what you have in mind.”
It was not what you had in mind, and you’d gone far beyond merely explaining that to Felix. The two of you were tangled together beneath his sheets, his head resting on your chest. The room was dark, preventing you from seeing the details of his face, only the shadows and the curve of his jaw visible in the moonlight. 
“Felix?” You whispered, wondering if he was awake.
“Mmm?” He mumbled, clearly only half-conscious. 
“You know I can’t give you more than this, right? We’ll always have to sneak around, keep us a secret. It’ll never be easy.”
“I know.”
“And you’re really okay with that?”
He reached for your hand, allowing your fingers to intertwine. “If it means I have you, I’ll manage.” 
A moment of silence passed by, as you were unsure of what to say, but something inside of you stirred. Something deep and warm, coming back to life.
“Y/N?” He asked suddenly, breaking the quiet. 
“Do I have you?”
“Of course, Lix,” you smiled, finally allowing your eyes to close, putting your mind to rest. “I’m all yours.”
The following morning you awoke to the sound of rain pattering against the window, Felix still sleeping soundly against your chest. Carefully, you moved his head to the pillow, sliding out from under him and emerging into the hallway.
The apartment felt eerily quiet. You never found yourself in an unfamiliar place in the mornings, and the urge to evacuate and run back to your apartment was more tempting than you would’ve liked to admit. You wouldn’t, of course. Felix had put in the effort to make you feel comfortable, to feel at home. You would honour that, no matter how slightly terrifying it might be.
You wandered into the kitchen, noticing a container full of brownies set on the counter. You smiled, those were supposed to be eaten yesterday, before, well… 
You opened the package taking a bite of the sweet, before spitting it out in shock.
The apartment door swung open wildly, a boy with brown hair and chubby cheeks storming inside, a thick cast around his wrist. He threw his backpack onto the couch, letting the ski’s he was carrying clatter against the wall.
“Felix, you will not believe how bad the hill was. There was hardly even any snow, and the amount of rocks? It was like they wanted me to break my arm! Believe me, you made the right call opting out, it was not worth the drive-”
The boy stopped, his eyes bulging as he finally realized you were in the room. His silence made you quickly realize that you were only sporting one of Felix’s shirts, and while it covered you fine, it told an obvious tale. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. Hi!” He said, his mind finally catching up on the situation. 
Alright, this was it. Clearly you and Felix weren’t a secret anymore, at least not with his roommates. Now you had to decide how you were going to play this out. Your mind was buzzing. You knew this was a bad idea. You knew this was dangerous. You fucked up. It was over for you. You were screwed. 
Attempting to settle your racing mind, you decided to make an effort at being friendly for now. 
“Hi,” you smiled, moving behind the kitchen table to cover your legs. “I’m assuming you’re Han?” 
“Yeah, how’d you know?” He laughed.
“Felix mentioned you were a tad… charismatic.” 
Han chuckled. “Did he now? I’ll have to pay him back for that. I’m sorry, but I didn’t catch your name-”
Felix burst out of the hallway, his hair a disheveled mess and shirt only half buttoned. “Han! You’re back early!” 
He looked at you, and while you wanted to be furious at him, planned to make him regret getting you to come here, the look of guilt in his eyes stopped you before you could even begin. It were as if the words “I’m Sorry” were branded to his forehead, his features solemn with remorse.
“We have to get out of here,” you thought. “We have to talk about this, figure out what the hell to do.”
“Wait, what did you do to your arm?” Felix asked, just noticing the thick cast.
“Ah,” Han said shyly, rubbing the back of his neck with his good arm. “I wiped out. Like I said, the hill was bad. Not enough snow and too much ice. I slid into a rock and, well… Doctor said I have to keep this on for the next 5 weeks, which blows, obviously,” he motioned to the cast, shrugging his shoulder helplessly. 
Before you could get a word in, he continued. “Oh, have you guys eaten yet? Changbin’s just grabbing-”
Felix quickly cut him off. “We were actually just about to go get something to eat.”
Han raised an eyebrow, glancing from Felix, who looked like he just stumbled out of a 2 year coma, to yourself, who was certainly in no position to walk out the door.  “You were?”
“Yeah!” You exclaimed, perhaps a little too loudly. “I’m just going to, uh, get changed, and then we’ll be out of your hair,” you said, rushing past them and into Felix’s bedroom.
You shut the door behind you, leaning up against the frame before taking a deep breath. Okay, you could do this. You’d make a quick exit, then you and Felix could sort out what to do next. Maybe he could tell them you were just a hookup. But would that look too suspicious? Did they notice he’d been sneaking out almost every night? If they did that would only cause more problems. 
God, this was a fucking mess. You shouldn’t have come, you shouldn’t have come, you shouldn't have come- 
“Y/N?” Felix called, knocking on the door. “Are you almost ready?”
“Y-yeah!” You called back, cringing at the waver in your voice. You had to get yourself together. You threw on your jeans from the following day, tucking in Felix’s button up and bounded towards the door.
“Alright, I’m ready,” you said, bouncing back into the living room. However, you were surprised to be greeted by someone new. The boy was standing beside Felix and Han, whispering in a rushed, as well as undeniably angry tone. 
More surprising yet, and perhaps unsettling as well, he was glaring at you. No, glaring wasn’t the right word. His eyes screamed bloody murder, his jaw locked, entire body was rigid with a stiffness only produced by vile distaste. It was that look of hatred, that familiar spiteful glaze, which immediately made you recognize him.
“I’ve seen you at the library before,” you stated, taking note of how his eyes widened slightly at the sound of your voice.
The boy cleared his throat. “I don’t think so,” he stated, which was an obvious lie. He’d visited the library several times during the dead of the night, always with that same angry, loathsome stare. You’d always found it unsettling, and always left soon after he arrived, even if you still had work to do.
“Yes, you-” you began, but Felix quickly cut you off. 
“Sorry, Changbin. We were just leaving, I’ll catch you guys later.” He said, taking your arm and quickly ushering you out the entry. You saw Han attempt to call out in protest, but Felix quickly shut the door behind him, blocking whatever it was he had to say.
You turned to Felix. “What the hell was that?”
“What, I figured you’d want to get out of there?” He shrugged, not meeting your eye as he walked ahead of you, making his way down the complex stairs. 
You scowled, chasing after him. “Not that, why was Changbin - or whatever his name is - staring at me like that?”
“That’s just the way Changbin has been lately,” Felix said, although you couldn’t shake the feeling there was something more to it. Pulling your arm away, you pushed passed him. If Felix was going to be so frustrating, there was no way you were going to be the one trailing him like a puppy.
“Well, I know for a fact he’s seen me at the library, so why would he lie about that?” You continued, opening the main doors and storming onto the street. 
Felix jogged after you. “I don’t know?” He shot back, his voice sharp. “Maybe he just forgot?”
You scoffed, turning a corner onto the main walking path, heading off campus and towards your own apartment. You needed to sort this out, and the last thing you needed was to cause a scene in the middle of a busy street.
“Whatever,” you grumbled, still keeping yourself a few steps ahead. “We’ll figure it out when we get back to my place.”
“It’s the middle of the day, I thought that was against your precious rules,” he sniped. You knew he was just angry, blowing off steam, but the jab hurt. He was fully aware that you hated the way things were, the way things had to be. It was a low blow, and it only made your annoyance spike. 
“Fine, Lix. You don’t have to come, go back home so you don’t have to be a burden to my ‘precious rules.’”
“Shit, no. Wait, Y/N!” He babbled, running to put himself in front of you. “I’m sorry, that was uncalled for, I didn’t mean that. Please, let’s figure this out. I want to, seriously.”
You stared at him for a moment, before walking past him, a sigh trailing from your lips. “Fine, come on.”
He let out a relieved breath before catching up, placing himself at your side. 
“We need to determine what the hell we’re going to tell your roommates,” you start. “Because as of now, we’ve gotten ourselves into a load of shit-”
You didn’t see the man in front of you as you collided into his chest, falling to the ground, rubbing your nose from the immediate shock of pain. 
“Woah, I’m sorry! I didn’t see you there,” the voice said, and your entire body froze. You knew that voice. You knew that voice well. It was a voice you hadn’t heard in months, the voice of the worst possible person you could stumble into at the moment.
“Hold on, Y/N?” Chan asked. You looked up to meet his gaze, petrified by the familiar look of pain in his eyes. The same hurt from the last time you saw him, or in better terms, left him.
“Hey, Chan,” you replied, your voice coming out more shaky than you wanted it to. Chan extended a hand, lifting you to your feet. “It’s been a while.”
“Yeah,” he laughed quietly, scratching the back of his neck. “It sure has.”
Then, to your complete and utter despair, his gaze shifted to Felix. It was alarming, how quickly his gaze hardened, the way any sense of past affection drifted from his eyes. “Who’s this?” He asked, his voice cold. 
“That’s Felix. He’s uh, from class, we got assigned for a partner project. We have to explain how without divine intervention, the events in The Iliad may have transpired differently,” you said. If you were going to lie, you had to at least try to make it sound believable. 
“Ah, I see,” Chan said, an edge to his voice. “Where are you guys heading?”
“Just a cafe,” you replied, keeping your voice level.
“Off campus?” He asked, his eyes narrowing, you felt your heart leap into your throat.
“Yeah,” Felix answered without missing a beat. “Figured it would be less busy, you know?”
“Hm,” Chan said, before giving the boy a smile. To Felix, it probably seemed nice, but you knew Chan. Which meant you also knew there wasn’t an ounce of genuine kindness in that expression. 
“Alright, well I’ll let you guys get to it then,” he shook Felix’s hand, his grip slightly too firm. “It was nice meeting you.”
He took a step to make his exit, and for a moment you thought you’d gotten away with it. You thought that somehow, you’d manage to evade this inevitable disaster. Foolish.
Chan stopped beside you, putting a hand on your shoulder. Turning to Felix, he smiled, his eyes glinting. “And hey, you might want to fix your collar.”
Felix’s eyebrows furrowed, a confused expression on his face as he adjusted the collar of his button-up. That’s when you noticed it. The bite marks just peeked out, visibly fresh from the following night.
Chan leaned in, his breath warm against your neck, lips brushing your ear. Your body froze, heart stopping at his words.
“You’ve got his scent all over you.”
You and Felix spent the next few hours deciding your best course of action. In a matter of a day, your entire arrangement had been flipped on its head.
The first issue revolved around Felix’s roommates, the biggest worry being what exactly he was going to tell them. After much thought, as well as a bit of arguing, you decided to have Felix say that the two of you were casually seeing each other. This way, they shouldn’t get suspicious that there was more going on, but they also wouldn’t expect to necessarily see you around their apartment either.
There was still risk in it - of course, there always was - as there was the remaining fear that one of them might mention the two of you to the wrong person, and you’d be doomed. As much as having this as a risk pained you, there wasn’t much you could do about it, at least for the moment. For now, you had to trust that if Felix told them to keep it a secret, they would.
This was difficult, as you truthfully didn’t have faith in either of them. Han seemed nice, of course. But it was clear he liked to talk, and it wouldn’t be shocking if something managed to slip from his lips. 
Changbin... Well, he seemed to hate you, for whatever reason that might be. You tried to talk to Felix about this, but he simply brushed it off, blaming it on whatever Changbin happened to be going through at the moment. Begrudgingly, you decided to drop it, but that didn’t mean you wouldn’t store the worry in the back of your mind. Keep a watchful eye out.
The bigger problem was Chan. He knew. He knew everything. The feeding, the fucking. That Felix was something more than just an acquaintance. He could single-handedly unravel your relationship, all it would take was a quick chat with The Council, and you would be ruined. There would be nothing you could do to stop them. You didn’t know what The Council would do to you, but you knew at the very least they would force you to end your arrangement with Felix.
You wanted to believe that Chan wouldn’t do that. You really did, but you knew that might not be the case. If he saw telling The Council as a way of protecting you, to keep you away from humans that could be out to hurt you, or use you, there was no doubt in your mind that that’s exactly what he would do.
For now, all you could do was wait, and keep as low of a profile as you possibly could at the moment. It was for this purpose that you said the following words:
“I think we need to distance ourselves from each other, for at least a little while,” you said to Felix. He currently was sitting on your couch, elbows resting on his knees, head buried in his hands.
Slowly, he glanced up at you. He looked tired. “Do we have to?” He asked, his voice flooded with defeat. The last few hours hadn't been easy. There were sacrifices to make, ones that neither of you wanted to adhere to. But this was not as simple as what you did and didn’t want.
“Yeah,” you sighed, dropping down on the couch beside him, resting your head on his shoulder. “We have to. I think we could have dealt with your roommates, but Chan is a far bigger issue.”
Felix frowned, and you knew exactly how he felt.
 This sucked. 
Over the past month, you’d really come to like Felix. You genuinely enjoyed his company, his cooking, his sense of humour. The way he brightened up a room. Most of all, he made you feel less alone. Together you were a part of something. A relationship of sorts. You mattered. And while you would do what you could to make sure this farewell wasn’t forever, in the end it was still a goodbye.
And goodbye’s were always hard, no matter what lay behind them.
“Alright,” he murmured, taking your hand in his, gently brushing his thumb against your knuckles. “When should I expect to hear from you again?”
“I’ll give you a call by the end of the week. I might try talking to Chan, just to see where he’s at with all this. Try to make him understand before he decides to throw me under the bus.”
Felix hums in response, before twisting his neck so that his chin rests on top of your head. “I’m going to miss you,” he states simply. 
You smile sadly, planting a soft kiss at the nape of his neck. “I’ll miss you too,” you say, “but this will only be temporary. I’ll make sure of it.”
You didn’t get the chance to talk to Chan, as not even a full day after Felix left your apartment, a letter slid under your door. Carefully, you arose from your spot on your couch, setting your laptop down on the coffee table. You approached the envelope slowly, as if you were to move too fast, it might combust.
You picked up the letter, turning it over to reveal the seal. Your heart sunk in your chest.
There it was. The red wax seal. The letter was from The Society. 
You frantically ripped off the seal, releasing the note inside with shaky hands.
Dear Ms. L/N,
We have recently been informed that you have been participating in actions that violate the terms of our Society agreement. This information has been provided to us by a source of whom wishes to remain anonymous for the time being.
However, these claims remain a serious issue. We would like to give you the chance to explain yourself, as well as clear up what may be a possible misunderstanding or simply a false accusation. If these actions happen to be true, then we will deal with matters accordingly.
You are called to attend this meeting at 1:00pm tomorrow, at the councilroom of our head district.
We appreciate your compliance. 
Our regards,
The Council.
It’s almost funny, looking back on how hopeful you’d been. That despite everything working against you, you’d somehow thought you could best them. Somehow thought that you were more powerful than the unbeatable. More powerful than The Council.
That’s where you found yourself now, seated before the three all-powerful vampires, surrounded by endless more. You thought you’d be more terrified, more horrified of what they might choose to do to you. 
But you aren’t. You’re tired of this. Tired of it all. So let them do whatever they wanted, you would take it. You didn’t regret any of what you did.
Not a damn thing. 
“Ms. L/N,” the head councilmen repeats, voice dead of emotion. “Do you know why you’re here today?”
Of course you do. He knows damn well that you know exactly why you’re here, you can see it in the smirk playing at the corner of his lips.The question is mockery. 
So you say nothing. 
“Cooperation will make this much easier, Ms. L/N,” another member of The Council speaks from beside him. She looks far younger than he is, although they are probably around the same age. Which is to say, hundreds of years old.
As your silence continues, the head councilman sighs, rubbing the space between his eyes in frustration. “Fine. Let me explain, shall I? We have reason to suspect you’ve been… coercing with a human boy. Felix Lee.”
Your heart jumps slightly. They know his name? You weren’t expecting that, but then again this was The Council. Digging up identities was the least they were capable of.
“Is this true, Ms. L/N?”
You stare at the councilman. There’s no point in lying. He knows. This meeting was not to defend your innocence, but to determine your punishment. You can see it in his eyes. Those hollow, sunken eyes, that seem farther from humanity than you could’ve dreamed possible.
“Yes,” you state. Your eyes drift to the corner of the room, landing on Chan, who’s gaze remains firm. You want to slap him. Or yell at him. Maybe both. 
“Hm, well at least you’re honest,” the councilman murmurs, a light buzz of laughter vibrating throughout the room. This is funny to them, a joke. Irritation itches under your skin, you don’t quite see the humour here.
“Well,” the councilmen starts, a glint in his eye. “In order to reward your honesty, I suppose we won’t punish you.”
You blink. “What?” You say, your voice coming out a croak. You glance at Chan again, who looks equally confused. His eyes are wide, chest heaving as his breathing rate increases. No, he’s not confused, he’s alarmed.
Something is wrong. You glance back at the councilman, and there it is again, that glint of something awful in his eyes. Something evil.
“You heard me correctly, Ms. L/N. We will not punish you,” the last word drips from his tongue, and you come to understand the weight of his words.
“Fuck. No. No, no, no,” you can hardly hear yourself think over the ringing in your ears, your thoughts a jumbled mess of panic and pure terror.
The councilmen clears his throat, a grin spreading across his lips, fangs almost shining in the dim light of the councilroom. 
“No, Felix Lee will be the one to pay this price. Kill him, and the damage you’ve caused will be forgiven.”
next chapter.
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mxchellesworld · 4 years ago
Spencer Reid x Reader 
Synopsis; You and Spencer have always been at each others throats, what happens when you both finally snap?
Warnings; smut, unprotected sex, degradation, choking, hair pulling, impact play, slight exhibitionism 
a/n; this is a product of my obsession with early season spencer having a dirty side no one knows about and you can’t change my mind 
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You loved your job. You really did. Growing up you knew you wanted to go into a job which would let you help others. That was just who you were, always selfless and ready to spring into action to be there to comfort anyone in need. This made you fit in perfectly with the rest of the team. They were all a family who welcomed you with open arms.
Well all of them except Spencer fucking Reid. 
No one on the team knew why there was so much animosity between you two. Being the youngest ones there they figured you’d end up being two peas in a pod. Yeah that didn’t happen. Penelope describes the first time you met being like two cats fighting. 
It was the way he always had to be right which just rubbed you the wrong way. Yeah you liked to prove points and make powerful statements but you didn’t make that your whole personality. It was like he lived to cut you off mid sentence just to see you practically blow steam out of your ears. 
However being one to never back down, you had to match his energy and mess with him back. It started off simple with little office nuisances like hiding his pens or taking out all the staples in his stapler. But as he caught on, the snarky remarks on his side increased. And you couldn’t let that slide. So you had to up the antics, anything to wipe the stupid smirk off his face. 
Everyday you woke up with a mental list on how to piss him off. Sometimes you’d help JJ pass out the files for the day and right when you’d get to Spencer you would lick you thumb to sort out the individual paper knowing about his germaphobic ways. You’d sit in your seat smirking to yourself as he scowled trying not to touch the contaminated edge. 
Petty tactics soon turned into heated arguments about the smallest things. Like who was able to call shotgun to drive with Morgan, which usually ended with Hotch making you both sit in the backseat like grounded teenagers. You felt bad for the increasing lines on his forehead you knew the both of you caused. But it was never your fault, Spencer started it so you had to finish it. 
Today was no different. You had flown out to a case in California. During the flight the younger members sat in the four seats facing each other with Spencer sitting on the couch in front of it, while Hotch and Rossi sat in the seats towards the back discussing Jack’s soccer team. 
“Last time I was in L.A. was for spring break in college. I met a pretty girl, had some fun. I wonder what she’s up to,” Emily said casually. 
Morgan extended his fist for her to bump then spoke out, “Pretty Ricky over here had some lovin the last time we were here too,” he said ruffling Spencer’s hair. He scrunched his nose trying to tame the brown locks which now reached his shoulders. 
JJ spoke up from digging into her bag of cheetos, “Yeah, Lila right? Did anything ever happen after?”
Spencer cleared his throat before speaking up, “N-nothing happened after we kissed. I saw her again and that’s it.”
You picked up your head from resting on Emily’s shoulder, “What couldn’t get it up genius?” you snickered. The girls made noises of disgust while you and Morgan laughed. 
“For someone so hot that was certainly cold mama,” he said shaking his head. 
You looked over to see Spencer glaring at you, his brown eyes turned into little slits, to which you smiled and closed your eyes sleeping on Emily’s shoulder for the remainder of the flight. 
It had been three days since the case had started. You were dealing with someone who was killing older women, obviously surrogates for a maternal figure or lack of. With Penelope’s expertise you were able to find who it was but now you needed the reason behind it. The rest of the team was out searching his house and job, which he hasn’t visited for the past month. Hotch had made you and Spencer stay back to look at victimology and dig deeper with Garcia to find something about his life. 
Safe to say you guys were not seeing eye to eye about the unsubs motive. While you believed he was killing them because of his mother’s absence in his childhood, Spencer came to the conclusion that it was because she was too controlling over his life and manipulated him. You had both approached Hotch and he sided with Spencer on this. You couldn’t help but shoulder check him as you walked out of the conference room. 
After that, the last part was to catch the unsub which you were all involved in the take down. Luckily it went by smooth as Derek was able to deescalate the situation. It was late at night and the team decided to wait and fly back in the morning. Having one last night in the hotel you decided to get a few snacks from the tiny pantry that was in a room around the corner from yours and watch a movie before bed. 
While you were bent over picking out some chips you heard the door open and footsteps approaching. You quickly got up and started apologizing for being in the way until you saw who it was. 
“Oh it’s just you,” you said rolling your eyes and looking back at the snacks. 
He scoffed before responding, “Listen Y/n I know you’re mad Hotch sided with me instead of you but at least be a little mature.”
You stood up pointing your finger at chest, “Listen Spencer,” you said mocking his words, “I know you’re a submissive little bitch who lives for approval, so why don’t you go suck Hotch’s dick some more and leave me alone.” 
You were about to turn around again when his hand grabbed you by the wrist you had pointing at him. He pulled you to his chest, leaning down so your faces were inches apart. 
“I dare you to say that again.” 
You gulped as he spoke. You had never been this close to him. You could feel his breath on your face as you inhaled the scent of his sweater. Peppermint. Your eyes trailed from his wet pink lips up to his caramel eyes which were boring into yours. You didn’t know how much time passed until he spoke again. 
“Who’s the submissive little bitch now,” he said emphasizing by switching his grip. His hand let your arm go and instead found its place in the back of your head, cocking you back by your hair to strain your neck to look up at him. You let out a whimper at the pain cursing in your scalp. 
You looked up at him with wide eyes. Your breathing was getting heavy and he wasn’t even doing anything. Of course he noticed much to your dismay. 
“Oh don’t tell me this is turning you on,” he cooed lowly. 
You sucked in a breath, trying to rub your thighs together in search of friction. He looked down and saw you shifting your weight on your feet, an evil smile on his face. 
“I bet you’re just soaking through those little pajama shorts,” he said leaning to whisper in your ear. His unoccupied hand drifted down between your legs, rubbing on your clothed heat. You nodded as you huffed out a sigh. 
“Tell me what you want.” 
You could feel your face get hotter than it already was. Your throat was dry from the anticipation building up, “I want you Spencer.”
“I know you can do better than that sweetheart.” 
You almost moaned at the name. It took everything in you to muster up the courage to ask him such a lewd request. 
“I want you to fuck me Spencer,” you all but whined, “I want it so bad. Please! Make it hurt sir.” 
With that he let go of your hair and stepped away as if nothing happened. He looked you up and down, taking in how disheveled you looked. 
“Go to your room and wait for me at the edge of the bed with nothing on. Leave the door open so I can get in. You have 5 minutes.” With that he turned on his heel and left. 
You were gaping like a fish for a while until his words sunk in you dropped the snacks in your hands and speed walked into your room. You chucked off your slippers in a corner and peeled off your sweater and shorts. You were about to remove your bra when he walked in and closed the door, making sure the ‘do not disturb’ sign was on the handle.
He strode over to where you were you kneeling. He grabbed your jaw in his hand while the other went to his belt. 
“I thought I told you I didn’t want to see a single fucking piece of clothing on you.”
“I’m sorry sir,” you tried to whimper out. 
“Sorry isn’t gonna cut it. You wanted me to make you hurt? I’ll make it hurt princess.” You knew he was a man of his word. And that was a promise he was going to make sure he followed through on. 
“Bend over the bed.” 
You got up quickly not trying to further anger him. You debated turning around to look back at him. The sound of clothes dropping to the floor had you shaking in anticipation. 
He approached you placing one hand in the center of your back, making you instinctively arch it, your clearly soaked panties on display for him to see. He had his belt in his other hand which he trailed on your behind. You weren’t ready for the blow. The surprise impact made you let out a moan.
“Fuck Spencer,” you mewled. 
You heard the belt whizz in the air before you felt the impact, “Who?”
“Sir! Please fuck me already,” you basically sobbed out.
He dropped the belt and hooked his fingers into your panties, tugging them down hastily, “Yeah say it louder. Let the whole floor know who makes you such a fucking mess. Who’s slut are you?” 
His hands dipped into your folds gathering you dripping essence before spreading it around and teasing your entrance with his finger. 
“You, sir! I’m your slutty mess,” you could feel the tears starting to slip past your eyes and he had barley spanked you. 
You let out a whine of dissatisfaction when he removed his fingers. However just ask quickly you felt his throbbing cock line up with your soaking cunt. You could feel inch by inch as he slid in slowly. You hissed at the stretch and he let out a groan and silent curse. That was the only peace he have you before he started fucking you with a quick pace. 
The moans were slipping out of your mouth but you tried to hide them by biting on the cotton sheets. Spencer was having none of it. He pulled your head up by your hair, using it as leverage as he rammed into you from behind.
“Such a greedy fucking cunt. Take my cock like the perfect fucking whore you are,” he gritted out. His harsh words lit you aflame. You swore you could cum from them alone. 
“Harder sir fuck! I need it,” you were moaning in between sobs. He was hitting a spot you never knew you had inside you. You knew no matter how hard you tried to replicate it later, nothing could compare. 
Without slowing his pace he lifted one of your legs onto the bed. Your knee was digging into the sheets as he kept his bruising pace. You wanted faster so he complied. You could feel the marks forming on your hip where he was holding onto you. 
You knew there would be a noise complaint sent to your room. The sound of skin slapping and your desperate moans bounced off the walls. However Spencer wasn’t quiet himself, the groans he let out behind you were driving you mad. 
He could feel your walls clenching on his cock. The hand on your hair shifted to your throat as he started to add pressure. Broken moans were having a hard time slipping out of your lips. 
“That’s it princess. You wanna cum for me?” 
You tried nodding the best you could letting out a broken “Please”. He let up the pressure on your throat, letting you take in air. 
“Please,” he mocked how desperate you sounded and laughed, “be my good little slut and cum all over my cock.”
His hand slipped down to your aching clit rubbing quick circles. With a few more thrusts of his length perfectly hitting your cervix you came. The breath was taken out of your lungs. You trembled as he continued to search for his release, stars prickling behind your eyes. He never let up on your clit. The overstimulation quickly building up a second orgasm. 
“Sir I ca-can’t take it,” your hand reaching back to try and stop his thrusts. You knew you could. You were drowning in the waves of pleasure crashing over you. 
“You can and you will,” he said pinning your hand behind your back. You trembled as you came for a second time. You let out moans of his name and curses, which triggered his release. 
He stilled his movements, spilling his warm seed inside your aching cunt. He stayed there for a minute as you both caught your breathes. You sighed at the loss as he pulled out. You could feel your mixed release dripping down your thighs. 
He reached down to grab his boxers and pulled them up. You felt him walk away for a minute then return with a damp towel to clean you up. 
“Can you stand?” he asked and you nodded pushing yourself up to avoid adding pressure on your surely red behind. 
While he helped you pull on a tshirt you heard a knock on the door. 
“We will talk about this tomorrow agents.” 
Fuck. You shared a look of wide eyes before groaning. That was going to be an interesting conversation. 
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choiwrites · 4 years ago
kth | the day after valentine’s (m.)
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Words: 4.5k Synopsis: Taehyung, your best friend, had asked you to come over to help him arrange his furniture after moving for the hundredth time. It’s the day after Valentine’s and all the getting laid stuff is over, right? Not for Taehyung. Also, who the hell buys condoms after Valentine’s day? Rating: 18+ Author’s Note: This is a messy drabble that I have no intention cleaning or editing. I wrote this at liek 2am so a lot of typo’s ahead y’all.
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When you agreed to come over Taehyung's apartment, you thought he needed help with arranging the stuff that came from his moving van today. But no, your best friend's not the most truthful person you know.
He spreads across his dirty old couch, one he'd kept from his college dorm, wearing nothing but his basketball shorts that holds tight against his waist. Seven years since meeting him, he's done nothing to change his lifestyle. Every month, it's the same old scenario of him moving to another place after getting evicted for God knows how many times, and you watching him play a mobile game while you beg him to please start unpacking before a landlord sends him on his ass again.
"Let me finish this level, I'm so close." He looks for a second to study your reaction, annoyance painted clearly on your face.
You shrug, and your eyes dart over the cigarette pack that almost hides in one of his Goodwill boxes.
"I though you quit?"
Confused, Taehyung follows your eyes and he regrets in an instant bringing you here.
"I haven't had one in two months. I'm stressed lately."
Sighing, you try to understand. Taehyung's been on and off with cigars, he'd buy one in secret but sooner or later, you'd always find a lighter in his laundry when coming over. You advice him to keep his hand busy, and you'd even given him a bracelet that chimes. He removed it three months later and you never asked where he threw it away.
"Fuck," his finger swipes his screen as if he wanted to break it, "I almost got it!" he yelled.
He switches off his phone, now staring back at you. Your eyes fall, he's always intimidating. You couldn't blame him, you were always intimidated.
"What?" you croaked.
"What do you mean what? What's your plan?"
"My plan? Why do I have to make the plans?" Your fingers find the hem of your thin baby blue shirt.
"Because you're the smarter one. How do I arrange all my shit? You got any idea?"
"Taehyung, we've been doing this for ages. How come you still depend on me? There will come a day that I won't be here anymore and the only person you could depend on is yourself." Was it seeing the cigarettes that raised your voice, or remembering that he threw your handmade bracelet? You couldn't care less.
He was quiet. Then he opens his mouth, and he's quiet again.
"You sound like my mom," he says, meaning to tease you as if he hadn't used that for the hundredth time. "Was your date last night that bad? I told you you should come with Hoseok and I on Valentine's, we had an amazing night at Jungkook's crib."
There he goes again, ignorant of your troubles. Classic selfish Tae, the exact same one who stood you up on homecoming because he spent it having sex with Tilly Janes in his car. You're still upset about it, he didn't even think of going inside to give you at least a minute to dance with somebody on the dance floor.
"Mind telling me what happened? Did you get laid?"
"Do you ever think of maybe you shouldn't ask such inappropriate questions to someone?"
"Fine," almost tired in his tone.
And you spend a few more minutes in silence, guessing each other's thoughts with the way both your gaze lands on the floor. He clears his throat and forgets what he's about to say. You wish you didn't cancel your nail appointment today just to be with your best friend who still, in no surprise, doesn't have a single plan in his life.
Taehyung suggests he buys a stock from the grocery first, and when he says stock he means an awful lot of Oreo cookies and Lays. You agreed with him and he gets dressed, though the soles of your feet still hurt from walking in heels for three hours straight last night. If only you knew that Hyungwon would be bringing you to a walking spree, you wouldn't have worn a formal attire.
Taehyung spends his time choosing between peanut butter and double stuff. You tell him to pick the peanut butter one because you've never seen him finish the double stuff, he always throws the leftovers saying it was too sweet. He ignores your opinion and chooses the double stuff over the peanut butter.
He asks you again whether he should buy milk or pineapple juice instead, and you tell him to pick milk because whoever drinks pineapple is a monster. He nods in affirmation, commenting about how pineapple has a really weird aftertaste. And he brings the milk back to the shelf, putting the pineapple juice in the cart.
"You should dress like that." He points at a mannequin dressed in sportswear.
"You don't tell me what to wear, young man. I don't even jog."
"I'm just saying you'd look hotter." He scans you head to toe and your knees weaken a little.
He takes a route to the meat section, you already know why. He just wants to brag about being a vegan. Jungkook had convinced him last month to finally turn vegan, and he's been talking about it non-stop.
"I can't stand the smell of meat anymore, it's disgusting." He pinches his nose, wrinkles forming on his face.
"Okay, Mr. Vegan. We get it." You rolled your eyes.
"No, really. It's making me vomit," he says, nasally.
"Just make sure that once I cook chicken alfredo, your mouth wouldn't water."
Upon reaching the counter, Taehyung approaches the magazines and candy bars, leaving you in line.
What does he need this time?
And when you're up next in line, he comes back with a tight fist, hiding an item as he crosses his arms.
He thought he was sleek, but when he throws the condoms next to the Oreos, you couldn't help but laugh.
"You're buying condoms after Valentine's Day?" You throw your hand to your mouth, suppressing an uncontrollable laughter. "Did you run out last night or you're only getting laid today?" you added.
"Do you ever think of maybe you shouldn't ask such inappropriate questions to someone?"
You sighed. "But seriously, I know you wanna answer that question."
In the mood, you poke at his waist and he flinches like a worm. Taehyung was cocky, but he can be cute sometimes in ways he doesn't intend to.
"I ran out last night. Lucky you who don't need to buy another one since none of your dates ever pass your standards."
You couldn't point it out in what he said that made your heart throb, it felt a little offensive. Taehyung knows so much about you, it can get scary when he opens his mouth. What's he thinking right now? Cute little y/n, no one's ever good enough for her fragile heart. Cute little y/n, always finds a mistake in every part.
"That's not true, you know? I just don't settle that easily."
The corners of his lips lift, eyes rolling in disbelief. He was skinning you alive with that gaze, annoyed. He has a sarcastic smile sprawled all over his face, you just wanna punch it away.
On the way home, you thought about what he said for a second... For a while. You thought about it for a while. Was Taehyung right? Was his perception of you correct? Whatever it was, it did hurt. All you ever did for Taehyung was to be a good friend, and he gave nothing in return. You weren't expecting anything, but deep inside you knew Taehyung loves you just as much as you love him. But like every other person, insecurity gets in the way in relationships.
Maybe Taehyung doesn't even treat you as a friend.
No, you argued inside your head.
Sure, you've seen him in his most vulnerable moments. You've seen him break and you've seen him fall, you've seen him lose the inner parts of his soul. You've seen Taehyung happy, and you will always remember that specific laugh he lets out whenever he pretends something is funny. You know that he blinks when he curses because his body rejects it. He told you about his broken dream of becoming an astrologist, and you daydreamed together about the stars and the way they collide like magical dusts.
Maybe Taehyung doesn't know you like you know him.
Before the thought gets answered, Taehyung was already groaning as he puts the bags down to his counter. You had forgotten you arrived.
"We should start with your room. I'll place your clothes in your closet and you go arrange your miscellaneous."
He doesn't nod. Why won't he nod?  God, please, Taehyung, just agree with me once.
He remains standing with both his hands on either sides of his waist and he does nothing else. Still standing feet away from you, just knitted brows and a stern expression that you couldn't read. What is it this time?
"How was it?" His arms cross on the buff his chest, waiting for a response as he tries to read your reaction the same way you're reading where he's coming from.
"How was what?"
"The sex, y/n. Was it so bad you're in a bad mood today?" A laugh pauses in his throat, replaced by a rise of the corner of his lips.
It was a tug, or maybe a push, in your stomach that made your minds do wonders of spins. Such an unpredictable person Taehyung is.
There was nothing to deliberate inside your mind, nothing happened last night. Hyungwon went home without a kiss on his lips, and you're limbs gave out due to the amount of walking.
"There's no sex. We didn't have sex."
"Let me guess, he insulted your outfit? If not, he probably split the check." His index finger extends, eyes wrinkling to get out any more ideas from his dirty little head.
"Can you just- Ugh! What's with you and your insults?"
"How was that an insult? I was guessing which of what he did didn't pass your golden standard."
"If I had a better standard, maybe you wouldn't be my friend." Ouch. It wasn't directed to you but sometimes you just want to dissolve after saying something.
"I'm your friend because you have a high standard." He wasn't offended, not a single bit from what you have said. Was Taehyung that oblivious of how miserable he is? "If we weren't friends, I'm pretty sure I could get inside your pants."
You hoped he regret what he said, just as much as you wanted to dissipate earlier.
"I'm sorry, Taehyung. But my 'golden standard' would never, and I can't stress this enough, let you get in my pants, in an alternate universe where we aren't friends."
"Lies. Lies. Lies. I could easily get you swooning for me in just a matter of seconds, y/n. Stop, and I can't stress this enough, lying."
"Sure, Taehyung. Whatever you want me to fucking say." You turned your back on him to get a grip of yourself. You grunt, you shudder, and you sighed.
Cocky. Bastard. You could join those words together and it would still perfectly describe Taehyung. Perhaps you have a list of two words that could go either independently or together they'd still describe Taehyung well.
Arrogant. Pervert. Overconfident. Asshole. Striking. Idiot. Son. Of. A. Bitch. I. Just. Want. To. Punch. Him.
He places a grip on your arm to spin you to him. "I want you to say it," with a guttural voice coming from the pits of somewhere within his diaphragm, it's crazy how smooth it escaped from his lips.
"Saywhat?" as opposed to yours that escaped with so much tremble and crisp, thinner than air.
"Consent," he began. "I'm pretty sure I can reach your standard."
It was probably a bad idea. And a bad idea is followed by a spontaneous drive to try it, that's how it's done in movies. You'd probably regret it, right? But you'd regret it more if you don't get a chance to prove Taehyung wrong.
Fine. He needs a wake up call. He needs to wake up from that delusion he'd built inside his towering cocky arrogant head, no pun intended, that he's not every girl's cup of tea.
"You know what? Sure. What do you want me to do? Ride you? Then give you a blowjob after not finding the clit-"
He pulls you, hand reaching your lower back to push his groin toward your front. You were far behind than he was, Taehyung was already hard and eager. His lips were hot, warm around the tip of your tongue that vividly tastes the mint and smoke he had had earlier this morning. It was evident in the sloppiness of his kiss, swiftness of his wandering hands, and blazing fire underneath the lust of his eyes, Taehyung isn't exactly as what you have thought him to be.
The men you've slept with before, they were a floating fish in the sea. But Taehyung brings you sea deep into the weakness of your knees, the floor may have shaken 'cause you find yourself falling on his body and he catches you just perfectly, bodies molding with each other on the floor. Taehyung grips your thigh, to the north his hand traveled, his thumb harshly caressing your slit.
The position made it hard for him to move, he was struggling to reach every part of your body as he would have wanted so he pushed your body, and you look him in the eyes with question, both hands resting on his chest as he continues to play with your clit. He earns a sly grunt from you and he'd do anything to hear it again.
Then he was standing, carrying your body to the nearest stool he could find, desperate and quick. With one sharp thrust to lock you in position, he inhales the moan that went from your lips to his throat. Then he stops. He stopped.
"Moaning already, are we?" He lifts his brow, a crease forming on his forehead.
"Can you just get to it?"
He laughs. "That's not exactly how I always do it. I like to take my time."
You punch his shoulder, a questioning look taking over his features. Embarrassment flows through you. "This was a mistake."
He kisses you again, eating whatever insult was about to come out of your mouth. He wants to whisper it, that thing he have always wanted to tell you, in between kisses. Because now that he's got you under his touch, his tongue is burning just to say it. To distract himself, he digs into your waist deeper, sinking those three little words under your skin hoping you'd realize it.
You pull away, pushing him away from you. "Something wrong?" His nails have left their mark before you could figure out.
"No, no. Nothing's wrong."
There is though. You're not a stranger to not know the look on Taehyung's face. You recognize this one, it happened before. The trembling lips and crimson cheeks. They bring you back the day after prom, the day after Tilly Janes took his innocence.
"What happened last night?" you asked him, arms crossed against your chest.
"I'm so sorry I didn't come-"
"You came Tae. You came hard, didn't you? I can't believe you convinced me to go to prom just so you can leave me in there alone."
"I didn't want to. Listen, okay, I realized something last night."
"I don't need your apology, Taehyung. I don't need it. Jimin took me home last night."
"What? Why?"
"Why? Because some asshole left me without a ride. That's why!"
"I was looking for you last-"
"Shut it. He asked me on a date. So thank God, I'm at least in a good mood today to not flame on you."
"He asked you on a date? Are you going?"
Trembling lips and crimson cheeks. He gulped so hard you heard it.
"I am. Hey, are you okay?"
"I just can't believe someone would even ask you out. I'll be going, forget I came."
It's the same face, the same gulp. You put your hand on his cheek, like what a mom would do to an injured child, and he holds it so you won't ever let go of his face.
"We can stop. I know. This was a bad idea. We shouldn't have done it."
He shakes his head, his other hand creeping behind you. He latches his lips onto yours again, pulling your shirt up to reveal your stomach. The kiss was different, a touch of hunger for affection. A slow open one, mostly the breaths clashing in a soft whisper.
"I want you, y/n. I want you," he whispered to your mouth. You push him to the couch, straddling him and he groans in satisfaction. He pulls you closer, enough for his chin to land on your chest and he looks up in pure admiration of you.
There was more behind the words he said, but with the heat pooling in between your thighs, you couldn't care less as of now. It's something you'll resolve after. He tucks a strand of your hair as he makes thrusts underneath you, the thick cotton of his sweats didn't do anything to conceal his cock aching for you.
You remove his shirt, not being able to take your eyes away from his body. Sweet and honey under your gaze, he tenses them and you couldn't help but laugh at this. Kissing every inch of his exposed skin, you kneel as your knees approach the floor, not breaking eye contact with Taehyung while untying his sweats. His hand fails to fall steady on your arm and his Adam's apple bob in anticipation.
There's warmth that spreads across your stomach, different from the one in between you thighs. It's like electricity that continuously ignites a fire inside you when you notice his excitement, eager to have your mouth around him. A sign of reciprocation that he wants this just as much as you do no matter how hard you try to deny it, a catching fire of the thought that maybe he looks at you the way you look at him throughout all these years. Even now that you're not looking in his eyes, the continuous ignition of sparks inside you still teases.
You reach for his length, softly wrapping it in your hand and his breath quickens along with your heartbeat. Studying every detail, even the cold tones of the veins that spreads like tree roots. In usual occasions, giving head never takes your time. You suck it and finish it, no more and no less, nothing special really. But it's Taehyung, and his difference from others makes you uncomfortable in a way it shouldn't be possible. Trying to forget these unnecessary emotions, your thumb circles the head of his cock and he couldn't help but make his lip bleed, the agony of it keeping him awake to not fall into your dreamy touch.
His shorts reaches the floor and you made it quick to to kiss the base of his glistening length. Your index finger making lines on his thigh while the other keeps his cock steady as your lips move upward. You've never imagined how he would taste, but you were always sure he tastes exactly like he tastes now. Bittersweet. He throbs at the heat of your breath, thighs almost jumping when your fingers find his balls. He emits a groan that strengthens the force you're putting in your thighs to keep your core intact.
Down you go, the head of his cock deepening in your throat just like his grunts, getting lower and lower until he thrusts upwards making you gag and he releases a high-pitched whimper of your name. Tears blur your vision and a moan sends minimal vibration to his cock.
"I don't think... y/n, fuck, I'm not gonna last long," he confessed, and you finally look up to see him without removing him from your mouth.
You tongue swirling still and he has gone rabid trying to control himself, clenching your hair as he lets himself go maniac against your throat. He stares at you with mad eyes, his mouth failing in keeping him quiet. Only his groans, his throat-fucking, and your whimpers that you can no longer suppress. You're a little scared maybe he'll get too confident and tease you on your gagging, calling himself so big he made you cry.
He pulls your hair and he tries to get a hold of himself, catching his breath to gain stability. Before you can wipe the corners of your lips, he was standing up and taking your shirt off. He frames his chin with his index finger and his thumb, making you grow conscious of your own body. He had no reason to be looking so long, he'd seen you in a two piece more than one occasion. And he's going behind you, putting a finger at the waist of your shorts, bringing it down slowly until it lands by itself. He wraps your hair in a pony as the other grips your ass, a throaty growl escaping from his body.
He rotates you to the other side, an empty blank wall where you can see the fool you made of yourself. The argument ends here. The argument has ended since he had kissed you like no one had kissed you. You shouldn't have underestimated Taehyung, because he's now biting your shoulder as he slowly descends you to the wall. He hums, this close he can hear the tiny whimpers you try to keep to yourself, your fragile voice that can break once you open your mouth to say something. He can hear them all and he's aware of the power he has over you.
A hand holds both of yours behind your back, and once he has successfully taken your white underwear off, he's positioning the fat head of his cock right in your entrance.
"Make it easier for the both of us and just say it, y/n," he commands, his breath echoing in your ear sending voltage in your spine. He bites your ear and he whispers again, "Baby, please."
Taehyung laughs at your adorable cluelessness. He doesn't answer. The next thing you hear was the expansion of his breaths, getting heavier and heavier it's almost a hum as he slides himself inside you.
"Taehyung," you say in a falsetto, "god, Tae, fuck!"
"Hmm, fucking tight. You're so fucking tight, y/n. Your pussy's taking my cock so fucking well," his knees bend to enter you deeply, this sharp thrust hitting a spot in you you never knew you'd feel, "maybe now you'd let me fuck you often, huh? You're gonna take my cock anytime you want, I'll fuck your brains out, ruin you and your cunt."
You respond with a soft murmur of you're not entirely sure what, because Taehyung was already fucking your brains out and you had no other thoughts but the feeling of his cock that slips in out of you so easily. He'd hit that one spot and you're going to release yet another cry and he'd enjoy every note of it. You're a mess with strands of your hair sticking to your face as the sweat trickle down your temples.
"Tell me what you want, y/n. Want it fast, baby?" He speeds up his thrusts, your ah's getting louder as he almost sends you to your high. "Or you want to cherish every inch of my cock?" He slows down which brings you wailing, whimpering his name over and over until you're no longer sure if it's even coming out right. His free hand lands on your ass and you gasp as if inhaling after suffocation. "Answer me," he speeds up his pace again, "answer me, y/n."
But you couldn't, there's nothing in your body that you trust right now especially your voice. He growls, unsatisfied with your silence which leads him to pulling your hair and pushing your back to the wall. You're almost embarrassed to see his eyes once more in the state you're in, overpowered by the despair of wanting nothing but to have Taehyung take you to your climax. Your eyes are begging for him, hell there were tears coming from them as he enters you again.
He cries out, "I want to fuck you all day long, would you let me do that?" He continues to carry you upward the wall and your weight would go down whenever he pulls himself from you. You nod and as he sees this, his head moves back to watch your body crumble before him, giving him no more than satisfaction. "Look at you desperate for my cock, such a fucking whore for me, aren't ya?"
In every "hm" he makes, he enters you harder and rougher, makes you want to stay silent. You bite your lip, feeling yourself come to a close. Your thighs pulling together like magnets, wrapping his waist while it shakes and he doesn't take one second to land your body on the couch, watching your orgasm hit you with spasms traveling your whole body. Taehyung wraps his cock in his hand, moving toward your mouth as he jerks himself off to his own orgasm. You take the spurts of his fluid landing on your tongue, his waist twitching while he groans for each drop of cum.
He sighs, falling onto the couch where your legs are still apart. He smiles at your nakedness, not giving a second thought as his middle finger enters you once more. Your body  sits straight, only to land on the sofa's arm. "You're so fucking pretty," he commented, his body hovering over yours again. He kisses you.
"I can't handle," you say before Taehyung cuts you off with another kiss, and another, and another, his finger in and out of you which as the minute grows only turns from pain into pleasure again.
"You're going to," he whispers and he kisses you again, until you're crying his name and he just studies the way you react to his slender finger. "So pretty, so, so," he curves his finger resulting to your second orgasm, "pretty." He makes sure you see his savoring your juices in his mouth, and once he was done lapping up his finger he puts them inside your lips, tasting nothing but his saliva.
"Do you get it now, y/n?" He unclasps your bra, and from then on he ignores your eyes. "This is why I run out of condoms."
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